#let’s keep it cute y’all I said it before and I’ll say it again - Messi could be on the bench for the rest of the season and he’ll still win
getting-messi · 2 years
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I don’t care how many goals Haaland scores or how many records he breaks, that child is not winning the ballon d’or so city fans need to KEEP IT DOWN🤨
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choiwrites · 4 years
kth | the day after valentine’s (m.)
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Words: 4.5k Synopsis: Taehyung, your best friend, had asked you to come over to help him arrange his furniture after moving for the hundredth time. It’s the day after Valentine’s and all the getting laid stuff is over, right? Not for Taehyung. Also, who the hell buys condoms after Valentine’s day? Rating: 18+ Author’s Note: This is a messy drabble that I have no intention cleaning or editing. I wrote this at liek 2am so a lot of typo’s ahead y’all.
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When you agreed to come over Taehyung's apartment, you thought he needed help with arranging the stuff that came from his moving van today. But no, your best friend's not the most truthful person you know.
He spreads across his dirty old couch, one he'd kept from his college dorm, wearing nothing but his basketball shorts that holds tight against his waist. Seven years since meeting him, he's done nothing to change his lifestyle. Every month, it's the same old scenario of him moving to another place after getting evicted for God knows how many times, and you watching him play a mobile game while you beg him to please start unpacking before a landlord sends him on his ass again.
"Let me finish this level, I'm so close." He looks for a second to study your reaction, annoyance painted clearly on your face.
You shrug, and your eyes dart over the cigarette pack that almost hides in one of his Goodwill boxes.
"I though you quit?"
Confused, Taehyung follows your eyes and he regrets in an instant bringing you here.
"I haven't had one in two months. I'm stressed lately."
Sighing, you try to understand. Taehyung's been on and off with cigars, he'd buy one in secret but sooner or later, you'd always find a lighter in his laundry when coming over. You advice him to keep his hand busy, and you'd even given him a bracelet that chimes. He removed it three months later and you never asked where he threw it away.
"Fuck," his finger swipes his screen as if he wanted to break it, "I almost got it!" he yelled.
He switches off his phone, now staring back at you. Your eyes fall, he's always intimidating. You couldn't blame him, you were always intimidated.
"What?" you croaked.
"What do you mean what? What's your plan?"
"My plan? Why do I have to make the plans?" Your fingers find the hem of your thin baby blue shirt.
"Because you're the smarter one. How do I arrange all my shit? You got any idea?"
"Taehyung, we've been doing this for ages. How come you still depend on me? There will come a day that I won't be here anymore and the only person you could depend on is yourself." Was it seeing the cigarettes that raised your voice, or remembering that he threw your handmade bracelet? You couldn't care less.
He was quiet. Then he opens his mouth, and he's quiet again.
"You sound like my mom," he says, meaning to tease you as if he hadn't used that for the hundredth time. "Was your date last night that bad? I told you you should come with Hoseok and I on Valentine's, we had an amazing night at Jungkook's crib."
There he goes again, ignorant of your troubles. Classic selfish Tae, the exact same one who stood you up on homecoming because he spent it having sex with Tilly Janes in his car. You're still upset about it, he didn't even think of going inside to give you at least a minute to dance with somebody on the dance floor.
"Mind telling me what happened? Did you get laid?"
"Do you ever think of maybe you shouldn't ask such inappropriate questions to someone?"
"Fine," almost tired in his tone.
And you spend a few more minutes in silence, guessing each other's thoughts with the way both your gaze lands on the floor. He clears his throat and forgets what he's about to say. You wish you didn't cancel your nail appointment today just to be with your best friend who still, in no surprise, doesn't have a single plan in his life.
Taehyung suggests he buys a stock from the grocery first, and when he says stock he means an awful lot of Oreo cookies and Lays. You agreed with him and he gets dressed, though the soles of your feet still hurt from walking in heels for three hours straight last night. If only you knew that Hyungwon would be bringing you to a walking spree, you wouldn't have worn a formal attire.
Taehyung spends his time choosing between peanut butter and double stuff. You tell him to pick the peanut butter one because you've never seen him finish the double stuff, he always throws the leftovers saying it was too sweet. He ignores your opinion and chooses the double stuff over the peanut butter.
He asks you again whether he should buy milk or pineapple juice instead, and you tell him to pick milk because whoever drinks pineapple is a monster. He nods in affirmation, commenting about how pineapple has a really weird aftertaste. And he brings the milk back to the shelf, putting the pineapple juice in the cart.
"You should dress like that." He points at a mannequin dressed in sportswear.
"You don't tell me what to wear, young man. I don't even jog."
"I'm just saying you'd look hotter." He scans you head to toe and your knees weaken a little.
He takes a route to the meat section, you already know why. He just wants to brag about being a vegan. Jungkook had convinced him last month to finally turn vegan, and he's been talking about it non-stop.
"I can't stand the smell of meat anymore, it's disgusting." He pinches his nose, wrinkles forming on his face.
"Okay, Mr. Vegan. We get it." You rolled your eyes.
"No, really. It's making me vomit," he says, nasally.
"Just make sure that once I cook chicken alfredo, your mouth wouldn't water."
Upon reaching the counter, Taehyung approaches the magazines and candy bars, leaving you in line.
What does he need this time?
And when you're up next in line, he comes back with a tight fist, hiding an item as he crosses his arms.
He thought he was sleek, but when he throws the condoms next to the Oreos, you couldn't help but laugh.
"You're buying condoms after Valentine's Day?" You throw your hand to your mouth, suppressing an uncontrollable laughter. "Did you run out last night or you're only getting laid today?" you added.
"Do you ever think of maybe you shouldn't ask such inappropriate questions to someone?"
You sighed. "But seriously, I know you wanna answer that question."
In the mood, you poke at his waist and he flinches like a worm. Taehyung was cocky, but he can be cute sometimes in ways he doesn't intend to.
"I ran out last night. Lucky you who don't need to buy another one since none of your dates ever pass your standards."
You couldn't point it out in what he said that made your heart throb, it felt a little offensive. Taehyung knows so much about you, it can get scary when he opens his mouth. What's he thinking right now? Cute little y/n, no one's ever good enough for her fragile heart. Cute little y/n, always finds a mistake in every part.
"That's not true, you know? I just don't settle that easily."
The corners of his lips lift, eyes rolling in disbelief. He was skinning you alive with that gaze, annoyed. He has a sarcastic smile sprawled all over his face, you just wanna punch it away.
On the way home, you thought about what he said for a second... For a while. You thought about it for a while. Was Taehyung right? Was his perception of you correct? Whatever it was, it did hurt. All you ever did for Taehyung was to be a good friend, and he gave nothing in return. You weren't expecting anything, but deep inside you knew Taehyung loves you just as much as you love him. But like every other person, insecurity gets in the way in relationships.
Maybe Taehyung doesn't even treat you as a friend.
No, you argued inside your head.
Sure, you've seen him in his most vulnerable moments. You've seen him break and you've seen him fall, you've seen him lose the inner parts of his soul. You've seen Taehyung happy, and you will always remember that specific laugh he lets out whenever he pretends something is funny. You know that he blinks when he curses because his body rejects it. He told you about his broken dream of becoming an astrologist, and you daydreamed together about the stars and the way they collide like magical dusts.
Maybe Taehyung doesn't know you like you know him.
Before the thought gets answered, Taehyung was already groaning as he puts the bags down to his counter. You had forgotten you arrived.
"We should start with your room. I'll place your clothes in your closet and you go arrange your miscellaneous."
He doesn't nod. Why won't he nod?  God, please, Taehyung, just agree with me once.
He remains standing with both his hands on either sides of his waist and he does nothing else. Still standing feet away from you, just knitted brows and a stern expression that you couldn't read. What is it this time?
"How was it?" His arms cross on the buff his chest, waiting for a response as he tries to read your reaction the same way you're reading where he's coming from.
"How was what?"
"The sex, y/n. Was it so bad you're in a bad mood today?" A laugh pauses in his throat, replaced by a rise of the corner of his lips.
It was a tug, or maybe a push, in your stomach that made your minds do wonders of spins. Such an unpredictable person Taehyung is.
There was nothing to deliberate inside your mind, nothing happened last night. Hyungwon went home without a kiss on his lips, and you're limbs gave out due to the amount of walking.
"There's no sex. We didn't have sex."
"Let me guess, he insulted your outfit? If not, he probably split the check." His index finger extends, eyes wrinkling to get out any more ideas from his dirty little head.
"Can you just- Ugh! What's with you and your insults?"
"How was that an insult? I was guessing which of what he did didn't pass your golden standard."
"If I had a better standard, maybe you wouldn't be my friend." Ouch. It wasn't directed to you but sometimes you just want to dissolve after saying something.
"I'm your friend because you have a high standard." He wasn't offended, not a single bit from what you have said. Was Taehyung that oblivious of how miserable he is? "If we weren't friends, I'm pretty sure I could get inside your pants."
You hoped he regret what he said, just as much as you wanted to dissipate earlier.
"I'm sorry, Taehyung. But my 'golden standard' would never, and I can't stress this enough, let you get in my pants, in an alternate universe where we aren't friends."
"Lies. Lies. Lies. I could easily get you swooning for me in just a matter of seconds, y/n. Stop, and I can't stress this enough, lying."
"Sure, Taehyung. Whatever you want me to fucking say." You turned your back on him to get a grip of yourself. You grunt, you shudder, and you sighed.
Cocky. Bastard. You could join those words together and it would still perfectly describe Taehyung. Perhaps you have a list of two words that could go either independently or together they'd still describe Taehyung well.
Arrogant. Pervert. Overconfident. Asshole. Striking. Idiot. Son. Of. A. Bitch. I. Just. Want. To. Punch. Him.
He places a grip on your arm to spin you to him. "I want you to say it," with a guttural voice coming from the pits of somewhere within his diaphragm, it's crazy how smooth it escaped from his lips.
"Saywhat?" as opposed to yours that escaped with so much tremble and crisp, thinner than air.
"Consent," he began. "I'm pretty sure I can reach your standard."
It was probably a bad idea. And a bad idea is followed by a spontaneous drive to try it, that's how it's done in movies. You'd probably regret it, right? But you'd regret it more if you don't get a chance to prove Taehyung wrong.
Fine. He needs a wake up call. He needs to wake up from that delusion he'd built inside his towering cocky arrogant head, no pun intended, that he's not every girl's cup of tea.
"You know what? Sure. What do you want me to do? Ride you? Then give you a blowjob after not finding the clit-"
He pulls you, hand reaching your lower back to push his groin toward your front. You were far behind than he was, Taehyung was already hard and eager. His lips were hot, warm around the tip of your tongue that vividly tastes the mint and smoke he had had earlier this morning. It was evident in the sloppiness of his kiss, swiftness of his wandering hands, and blazing fire underneath the lust of his eyes, Taehyung isn't exactly as what you have thought him to be.
The men you've slept with before, they were a floating fish in the sea. But Taehyung brings you sea deep into the weakness of your knees, the floor may have shaken 'cause you find yourself falling on his body and he catches you just perfectly, bodies molding with each other on the floor. Taehyung grips your thigh, to the north his hand traveled, his thumb harshly caressing your slit.
The position made it hard for him to move, he was struggling to reach every part of your body as he would have wanted so he pushed your body, and you look him in the eyes with question, both hands resting on his chest as he continues to play with your clit. He earns a sly grunt from you and he'd do anything to hear it again.
Then he was standing, carrying your body to the nearest stool he could find, desperate and quick. With one sharp thrust to lock you in position, he inhales the moan that went from your lips to his throat. Then he stops. He stopped.
"Moaning already, are we?" He lifts his brow, a crease forming on his forehead.
"Can you just get to it?"
He laughs. "That's not exactly how I always do it. I like to take my time."
You punch his shoulder, a questioning look taking over his features. Embarrassment flows through you. "This was a mistake."
He kisses you again, eating whatever insult was about to come out of your mouth. He wants to whisper it, that thing he have always wanted to tell you, in between kisses. Because now that he's got you under his touch, his tongue is burning just to say it. To distract himself, he digs into your waist deeper, sinking those three little words under your skin hoping you'd realize it.
You pull away, pushing him away from you. "Something wrong?" His nails have left their mark before you could figure out.
"No, no. Nothing's wrong."
There is though. You're not a stranger to not know the look on Taehyung's face. You recognize this one, it happened before. The trembling lips and crimson cheeks. They bring you back the day after prom, the day after Tilly Janes took his innocence.
"What happened last night?" you asked him, arms crossed against your chest.
"I'm so sorry I didn't come-"
"You came Tae. You came hard, didn't you? I can't believe you convinced me to go to prom just so you can leave me in there alone."
"I didn't want to. Listen, okay, I realized something last night."
"I don't need your apology, Taehyung. I don't need it. Jimin took me home last night."
"What? Why?"
"Why? Because some asshole left me without a ride. That's why!"
"I was looking for you last-"
"Shut it. He asked me on a date. So thank God, I'm at least in a good mood today to not flame on you."
"He asked you on a date? Are you going?"
Trembling lips and crimson cheeks. He gulped so hard you heard it.
"I am. Hey, are you okay?"
"I just can't believe someone would even ask you out. I'll be going, forget I came."
It's the same face, the same gulp. You put your hand on his cheek, like what a mom would do to an injured child, and he holds it so you won't ever let go of his face.
"We can stop. I know. This was a bad idea. We shouldn't have done it."
He shakes his head, his other hand creeping behind you. He latches his lips onto yours again, pulling your shirt up to reveal your stomach. The kiss was different, a touch of hunger for affection. A slow open one, mostly the breaths clashing in a soft whisper.
"I want you, y/n. I want you," he whispered to your mouth. You push him to the couch, straddling him and he groans in satisfaction. He pulls you closer, enough for his chin to land on your chest and he looks up in pure admiration of you.
There was more behind the words he said, but with the heat pooling in between your thighs, you couldn't care less as of now. It's something you'll resolve after. He tucks a strand of your hair as he makes thrusts underneath you, the thick cotton of his sweats didn't do anything to conceal his cock aching for you.
You remove his shirt, not being able to take your eyes away from his body. Sweet and honey under your gaze, he tenses them and you couldn't help but laugh at this. Kissing every inch of his exposed skin, you kneel as your knees approach the floor, not breaking eye contact with Taehyung while untying his sweats. His hand fails to fall steady on your arm and his Adam's apple bob in anticipation.
There's warmth that spreads across your stomach, different from the one in between you thighs. It's like electricity that continuously ignites a fire inside you when you notice his excitement, eager to have your mouth around him. A sign of reciprocation that he wants this just as much as you do no matter how hard you try to deny it, a catching fire of the thought that maybe he looks at you the way you look at him throughout all these years. Even now that you're not looking in his eyes, the continuous ignition of sparks inside you still teases.
You reach for his length, softly wrapping it in your hand and his breath quickens along with your heartbeat. Studying every detail, even the cold tones of the veins that spreads like tree roots. In usual occasions, giving head never takes your time. You suck it and finish it, no more and no less, nothing special really. But it's Taehyung, and his difference from others makes you uncomfortable in a way it shouldn't be possible. Trying to forget these unnecessary emotions, your thumb circles the head of his cock and he couldn't help but make his lip bleed, the agony of it keeping him awake to not fall into your dreamy touch.
His shorts reaches the floor and you made it quick to to kiss the base of his glistening length. Your index finger making lines on his thigh while the other keeps his cock steady as your lips move upward. You've never imagined how he would taste, but you were always sure he tastes exactly like he tastes now. Bittersweet. He throbs at the heat of your breath, thighs almost jumping when your fingers find his balls. He emits a groan that strengthens the force you're putting in your thighs to keep your core intact.
Down you go, the head of his cock deepening in your throat just like his grunts, getting lower and lower until he thrusts upwards making you gag and he releases a high-pitched whimper of your name. Tears blur your vision and a moan sends minimal vibration to his cock.
"I don't think... y/n, fuck, I'm not gonna last long," he confessed, and you finally look up to see him without removing him from your mouth.
You tongue swirling still and he has gone rabid trying to control himself, clenching your hair as he lets himself go maniac against your throat. He stares at you with mad eyes, his mouth failing in keeping him quiet. Only his groans, his throat-fucking, and your whimpers that you can no longer suppress. You're a little scared maybe he'll get too confident and tease you on your gagging, calling himself so big he made you cry.
He pulls your hair and he tries to get a hold of himself, catching his breath to gain stability. Before you can wipe the corners of your lips, he was standing up and taking your shirt off. He frames his chin with his index finger and his thumb, making you grow conscious of your own body. He had no reason to be looking so long, he'd seen you in a two piece more than one occasion. And he's going behind you, putting a finger at the waist of your shorts, bringing it down slowly until it lands by itself. He wraps your hair in a pony as the other grips your ass, a throaty growl escaping from his body.
He rotates you to the other side, an empty blank wall where you can see the fool you made of yourself. The argument ends here. The argument has ended since he had kissed you like no one had kissed you. You shouldn't have underestimated Taehyung, because he's now biting your shoulder as he slowly descends you to the wall. He hums, this close he can hear the tiny whimpers you try to keep to yourself, your fragile voice that can break once you open your mouth to say something. He can hear them all and he's aware of the power he has over you.
A hand holds both of yours behind your back, and once he has successfully taken your white underwear off, he's positioning the fat head of his cock right in your entrance.
"Make it easier for the both of us and just say it, y/n," he commands, his breath echoing in your ear sending voltage in your spine. He bites your ear and he whispers again, "Baby, please."
Taehyung laughs at your adorable cluelessness. He doesn't answer. The next thing you hear was the expansion of his breaths, getting heavier and heavier it's almost a hum as he slides himself inside you.
"Taehyung," you say in a falsetto, "god, Tae, fuck!"
"Hmm, fucking tight. You're so fucking tight, y/n. Your pussy's taking my cock so fucking well," his knees bend to enter you deeply, this sharp thrust hitting a spot in you you never knew you'd feel, "maybe now you'd let me fuck you often, huh? You're gonna take my cock anytime you want, I'll fuck your brains out, ruin you and your cunt."
You respond with a soft murmur of you're not entirely sure what, because Taehyung was already fucking your brains out and you had no other thoughts but the feeling of his cock that slips in out of you so easily. He'd hit that one spot and you're going to release yet another cry and he'd enjoy every note of it. You're a mess with strands of your hair sticking to your face as the sweat trickle down your temples.
"Tell me what you want, y/n. Want it fast, baby?" He speeds up his thrusts, your ah's getting louder as he almost sends you to your high. "Or you want to cherish every inch of my cock?" He slows down which brings you wailing, whimpering his name over and over until you're no longer sure if it's even coming out right. His free hand lands on your ass and you gasp as if inhaling after suffocation. "Answer me," he speeds up his pace again, "answer me, y/n."
But you couldn't, there's nothing in your body that you trust right now especially your voice. He growls, unsatisfied with your silence which leads him to pulling your hair and pushing your back to the wall. You're almost embarrassed to see his eyes once more in the state you're in, overpowered by the despair of wanting nothing but to have Taehyung take you to your climax. Your eyes are begging for him, hell there were tears coming from them as he enters you again.
He cries out, "I want to fuck you all day long, would you let me do that?" He continues to carry you upward the wall and your weight would go down whenever he pulls himself from you. You nod and as he sees this, his head moves back to watch your body crumble before him, giving him no more than satisfaction. "Look at you desperate for my cock, such a fucking whore for me, aren't ya?"
In every "hm" he makes, he enters you harder and rougher, makes you want to stay silent. You bite your lip, feeling yourself come to a close. Your thighs pulling together like magnets, wrapping his waist while it shakes and he doesn't take one second to land your body on the couch, watching your orgasm hit you with spasms traveling your whole body. Taehyung wraps his cock in his hand, moving toward your mouth as he jerks himself off to his own orgasm. You take the spurts of his fluid landing on your tongue, his waist twitching while he groans for each drop of cum.
He sighs, falling onto the couch where your legs are still apart. He smiles at your nakedness, not giving a second thought as his middle finger enters you once more. Your body  sits straight, only to land on the sofa's arm. "You're so fucking pretty," he commented, his body hovering over yours again. He kisses you.
"I can't handle," you say before Taehyung cuts you off with another kiss, and another, and another, his finger in and out of you which as the minute grows only turns from pain into pleasure again.
"You're going to," he whispers and he kisses you again, until you're crying his name and he just studies the way you react to his slender finger. "So pretty, so, so," he curves his finger resulting to your second orgasm, "pretty." He makes sure you see his savoring your juices in his mouth, and once he was done lapping up his finger he puts them inside your lips, tasting nothing but his saliva.
"Do you get it now, y/n?" He unclasps your bra, and from then on he ignores your eyes. "This is why I run out of condoms."
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heartbreakgrill · 4 years
hi bb! could I get a cute zach x reader fic? you can take this in whichever way you like but I was thinking some fluff like a movie night at Zach's or he teaches the reader to play video games? you can do it either way/come up with something of your own too! xxx
Slow Down; Zach Herron
a/n: hope you like it, queen!! 💘
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You knocked gently on your boyfriend’s front door, feeling insecure in your leggings, your sweatshirt, and sneakers. You’d been to the boy’s house before, but this was still only your second time, and you’d never dressed so casually in front of Zach. Your relationship was still fresh- only 8 dates had happened so far- so you were still holding back parts of yourself you were afraid of him seeing. The lazy, messy part of you that some guys were turned off by.
You wrung the sleeve of your sweatshirt between your fingers. The door opened a moment after you knocked, drawing your eyes from your feet. Jonah, tall as a tree, stared down at you, a sleepy smile growing to his dark features.
“Hey, Y/N, good to see you.” Jonah swept an arm through the air and you walked into it’s path.
The house was noisy, as per usual. Lights were on all over, Corbyn and Jack were shouting over the shooting noises of a video game on the tv, music was streaming from the Bluetooth speakers, Tessa sat at the kitchen island. Daniel was probably out in his studio, and his brothers were strewn around the living room, watching Corbyn and Jack beat each other.
You felt so out of place in the group’s familiar Friday routine. Jonah could tell, harboring the same feeling of social anxiety, and gently touched your elbow.
“I’ll go get him, okay?” You’d been in Zach’s room, he must’ve not have been in there, because Jonah walked outside after you nodded.
You busied yourself with removing your sneakers. You squatted and gently set them beside somebody else’s shoes on the rack. You peaked around at the door and shut it all the way. Somebody finally spoke up when you turned back around.
“Oh, hey, Y/N! Come sit,” Corbyn patted the spot next to him on the couch.
“Shit, sorry, we just completely ignored your existence,” Jack added on, laughing into his headset.
“No worries,” you smiled at everybody, carefully stepping over Christian’s legs to sit next to Corbyn.
“How ya doing, Y/N?” Corbyn glanced at you.
You folded your hands. “I’m okay, thanks. How are you?”
Corbyn went to answer when something happened in the video game and everybody yelled. That’s when you noticed Zach making his way across the room. He pushed Christian’s legs out of the way, earning a playful punch to the thigh. You stood up as he did, giggling at the laughter the two boys exchanged.
Zach threw his arms up when he laughed, one of his cutesy quirks that you had learned yet. His hands landed on you- shoulder and hip. He gently pulled you into his chest, your hands moving to his back.
“Hey,” he laughed in your ear, fingers moving to your back, but landing on your mini backpack.
“Hi,” you leaned away. His fingers slid down your shoulder and gently held your fingers.
He tugged you behind him, guiding the two of you to his room. “Sorry I didn’t answer the door. Daniel was having me record something.”
You shrugged, “No worries. I got a warm welcome from everybody.”
Zach sighed, letting go of you to shut the door. You sat on the edge of his bed. He said, “Yeah, they can be overwhelming at first.”
“No!” You disagreed. “They’re all really great. I like the energy.”
Zach smiled at you as he walked over to you. “You look very cuddly.”
Your anxiety settled in your subconscious, no longer a part of your worries. Instead, a blush painted your face. “We have never cuddled before.”
Zach sat beside you, setting a hand on your knee. “We don’t have to.”
“No, I want to,” you assured him, grabbing said hand and squeezing the knuckles. “I know you’re probably used to moving a little faster, but I’m just nervous. I’m sorry.”
Zach shook his head, carefully studying your eyes. He brushed the hair from your face, behind your ears, “I think I need to slow down anyways. With my career and looking back on my past relationships, I think it’ll keep me grounded. You’ll keep me grounded.”
Your stomach whirled with adoration. You found yourself leaning forward and kissing him. It wasn’t your first kiss- actually, it was your second. But it felt like the first. You hoped that feeling would stay.
Zach cupped your cheek, thumb just barely pushing your chin up into him. Your hands found his jaw, fingers molding between his hair. You kissed for a moment longer, and intended to keep going, but someone knocked at the door.
You jumped back from Zach, laughing from your naive fright at the sound. Zach pecked your lips and went to the door.
“Hello?” He opened it towards him, leaning against the door frame.
That was hot.
Jack waved from his side of the door. “Can y’all go pick up the pizza?”
Zach rolled his eyes, huffing. “Really? There’s, like, 10 other people here. Why can’t they?”
“Thought maybe you wanted alone time with your girl,” Jack shrugged. “Also, Jonah and Tessa just left, Daniel is busy, the rest of us are playing a game. Please?”
Zach obviously wasn’t going to argue with his band mate in front of his girl, as jack had put it. So he agreed.
Zach went to the closet as you waited on the bed, picking out a hoodie. He slung it over his head and sat beside you again to put on his shoes. As he did, you told him about something you did earlier that day. He was a good listener and conversation came so well between you two.
Zach stood up, offering you his hand. He pulled you up, purposefully tugging you close to his chest. He held you by the back and kissed you again. You giggled into his mouth, feeling his fingers squirm against your sweatshirt. He pulled away, to your disappointment, and looked at your sweatshirt with furrowed brows.
“No, this won’t do,” he tugged at the hem of your sweatshirt.
You looked at him with utter confusion, “Huh?”
He walked back to his closet, voice echoing from inside. “If you’re gonna be my girl, you gotta wear my sweatshirt.”
He settled back in front of you, holding out the hoodie.
You carefully grabbed it. “Is that you asking me to be your girlfriend?”
Zach tipped his head at the sweatshirt, “Is that you saying yes?”
You answered by taking off what you had on and replacing it with a hoodie that the The Invitation Tour logo on it. You followed Zach out the living room again and sat down on the floor to put on your sneakers while he found his keys. He helped you off the floor, like in his room, and led you to the garage.
He opened your door for you like a gentleman, passing by with a sweet kiss. You let out a deep breath once you were settled in the seat, feeling a weight of emotions in your stomach.
Zach got in and then you guys were gone. The pizza place was ten minutes away, but they didn’t offer delivery because of COVID. And, of course, you forgot your mask. Zach just shrugged it off while you felt bad he carried two pizzas and a bag of 2 liters to the car. He put it all in the back seat before joining you again.
On the way back, Zach told you to put on music. Meanwhile, his hand sneakily found it’s way to your knee. He didn’t want to automatically place it upon your thigh, genuinely meaning what he had said earlier.
You wrapped your hand around his, letting your intertwined fingers rest in your lap. When you got back to the house, Zach didn’t allow you to carry anything again. As soon as the pizzas hit the kitchen counter, the boys went ravenous. Even Daniel appeared from his cave to get food.
You stood off to the side, feeling rude just diving in. Corbyn noticed you and automatically spoke up over the crowd of men.
“Hey! Guys, we should probably let Y/N go first,” he motioned to you.
Your face flushed and you felt your neck started to clam up. “Oh, I’m okay.”
Zach, who was caught up getting cups for everyone, sighed. “I’m sorry, I should’ve told them to wait.”
“No, it’s no worries, guys. Please, go ahead,” you insisted again.
Daniel shook his head and handed you a plate, “No, Y/N, go ahead.”
You carefully took it and joined the hoard at the island. You took a single slice of cheese pizza and circled back to your spot.
Christian disagreed with your sad plate, “Oh, cmon. Get another slice, and some chips and a drink.”
You began to protest when they all spoke over each other, insisting. Daniel slapped another slice onto your plate, Corbyn held up two bags of chips in your face, and Zach had already poured your favorite soda into a glass. You tapped on the Dorito’s in Corbyn’s right hand and he poured some on your plate.
You had a restless, wide grin on your face the entire time. “Thank you so much.”
Everybody went back to being savages. Zach quickly got in and got out, leading you back to his room. He crawled across the bed and leaned back on his headboard. You carefully sat beside him as he turned on the television.
“You wanna watch that movie you told me about the other day?” He held out the remote to you.
Your mouth fell agape for a moment and then you nodded. “Yeah- uh, yeah.”
How was he such a good listener?
You found the movie on Netflix and put it on. Zach finished his food quickly, but you ate carefully and slowly. Zach simply layed out on the bed, waiting for you to finish. Once you were done, you stood up from the bed.
Zach paused the movie, “You good?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Wanna give me your plate?” You held out your hand.
Zach jumped up suddenly, grabbing his plate and yours before walking out.. You caught up to his long-legged strides with protests.
“Zach!” You called after him, tugging on the back of his sweatshirt.
He finally turned around after he set everything in the sink. “Yes?”
You tried to glare at him, but his smile was so sweet, you broke into a grin. “I was gonna take them!”
Zach shrugged. “I got it, babe.”
You lifted a finger to point in his face, but froze when the pet name registered. Your face went red again.
Zach’s innocent smile turned even cheekier- if possible. He kissed your cheek and left you standing there. You followed him to his room, stopping him in the middle of the hallway. You tugged him around to face him, practically launching yourself into his arms as you cupped his jaw and kissed him. He held the curve of your back, leaning into the kiss.
You broke off, breathless, with matching smiles. “Wanna finish the movie?” You jerked your head in the direction of his room.
Zach nodded in a less than calm manner and followed you inside. He shut the door, splaying back in his spot on the bed. You carefully lay beside him, resting your head on his bicep, which he extended out beside him. His hand clasped around your shoulder and tugged you into his side. You got comfortable over the span of a few minutes, at first slightly stiff. When you were in position, your leg was tossed over his, your hands on his chest.
The movie ended and you began another before your breathing evened and your eyes couldn’t keep themselves open. Zach noticed and carefully shut off the lights and tv with the remote. He pulled the blanket at the end of the bed over you.
“Want me to take you home?” He whispered into your ear.
You hummed a disagreement back, curling further into him. “Is that okay?” You sleepily said.
Zach responded by kissing your forehead and mumbling a goodnight.
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chironshorseass · 4 years
I u want, could u mayhaps write about annabeth seeing percy after a long time apart and realizing his voice grew deeper? I saw a post about it once and I think u would nail it perfectly<3
TIME PASSES SO QUICKLY AHH but here it is! I also got another request of pre-relationship percabeth and let’s just say that y’all read my mind. Also sorry that I can’t seem to write anything under 1k words 😩
read on ao3
“So I heard Percy’s coming today,” Silena said casually, holding a basket against her hip.
Annabeth yanked one of the strawberries so hard that its leaves came along with it.
“He is?”  
She didn’t try to shroud her excitement like she would’ve done, not too long ago.
“Yeah. Charlie told me.”
She felt a twinge of jealousy that Percy hadn’t even mentioned it to her, but she quickly clamped it down. It wasn’t his fault. Not entirely, anyway. They’d IM’d at the beginning of their semester as freshmen, but then it had gotten to the point of him mentioning Rachel all the time, and then the year had gotten busier, and…
Well, they’d lost contact.
Realizing she’d zoned out, she blinked away the fog from her eyes.
“But honestly I wasn’t supposed to tell,” Silena was saying. “He said something about it being a surprise or whatever. I just wanted to see your reaction.”
Annabeth must’ve been doing something strange with her face, because Silena gave her a smug look, raising her eyebrows. She was used to her doing that, so she didn’t mind.
Well, maybe a bit.
But the daughter of Aphrodite already knew everything there was to know about her feelings for Percy. Probably before even Annabeth first realized that she was in love with her best friend. So again, it was pointless to hide from her.
“So.” Silena bumped her gently on the shoulder. “What are you gonna wear?”
Annabeth lifted her sun hat and stared at her for a couple of seconds. The latter looked as perfect as ever, despite the grueling sun. With her pink crop top, mini shorts, perfect makeup, and her dark hair pulled back into a low bun, Annabeth had little doubt that she could help her choose a different outfit other than her torn camp wardrobe. But, still, this was Percy.  
Her best friend.
“Mmm...no, it’s fine. We’ve got to finish the south side of the strawberry fields, so, we can’t lose time, ya know?”
Silena gaped at her, then scoffed.
“What am I going to do with you, Chase?” she muttered, crouching to the ground again and shoving her hands into the foliage. “But whatever—it’s your call. Like, you’re so pretty that you actually look good in that sorry excuse of an outfit.”
Her eyes roved over Annabeth’s shirt and jeans. She felt herself blush at the attention.
“Hey, is that blood?”
“Uh...Maybe—but it’s old! Don’t worry.”
“A lost cause, I tell you.”
It had been too long since she’d caught a glimpse of that tell-tale curve of the shoulders and those raven curls.
Percy was early. Most of the summer campers always came the next week or so from this one, but she wasn’t complaining about his untimely arrival. Not when he looked that cute in his school uniform and with that ridiculously messy hair.
She regarded him from afar as he chatted with Beckendorf by the Big House porch, a bag slumped over his shoulder. Something about him—in the way he laughed or how he suddenly looked taller—made her stomach drop like a volleyball, made every blade of grass seem brighter.
Running up to him, she yelled, “Hey, stranger! Why so early?”
He turned to the sound of her voice, flashing her that crooked grin of his. Gods, she’d missed him.
“Hey yourself!”
When she finally reached the two boys, she skidded to a halt in front of Percy and gave him an exaggerated once-over.
“Why’d you still have your uniform on, Seaweed Brain?”
“Do I?” he gazed down at his white shirt and gray pants. His eyes flicked to her again, smiling sheepishly. “Oh. Kinda forgot I had it on, I guess.”
“Man, I’ve already told you,” Beckendorf said. “Leave the fancy shit home.”
“I forgot, okay? You know I hate this stupid uniform.”
In her honest opinion, the uniform seemed to be quite the opposite of stupid. Really, it should've been a crime to look that good in white and rolled up sleeves.
“Yeah, whatever.” Beckendorf glanced back and forth from Percy to Annabeth. He smirked and patted Percy on the back. “Anyway,  I’ll leave you to it.”
She watched him stroll to the Big House and step inside. He’d probably been here—with Percy—in the first place because of a favor from Chiron.
They stood there, letting the silence build up.
His eyes were warm, green like the shallow sea. Annabeth had always thought that she’d get used to that color, that luminescence. But she never did. Every time she peered up at them, it felt like the first time all over again. She could drown in those eyes and beam up at the fading sky and not beg for breath.
But now, it was worse. It was worse because she could tell that he’d grown. Actually grown. She didn’t quite know how to feel about the fact that his voice had abruptly dropped at least an octave lower than from last summer and that from now on, she’d have to lift her chin to meet his eyes.
“You’ve changed,” she blurted out.
She probably winced a little. Hopefully, she’d sounded casual.
“In what way, exactly?” His mouth twitched into a grin, cheeks dimpling, and her nervousness faded to a quiet buzzing. “That I’m finally taller than you?”
She pushed him away lightly to cover up the flush that was surely painting her cheeks a light pink. This was stupid. He was just being stupid. It was just Percy, for gods’ sake.
“Yeah, taller than me by like, an inch.”
“Admit it, you’re jealous.”
“I hate you.”
That was a lie, and Percy knew it.
“No, you don’t.”
“How am I supposed to keep things out of your reach, now?”
“See, that’s the point. Now I get to pick on you. Shortie.”
Annabeth stuck her tongue out. “You’re such a child.”
He laughed again, giving her whiplash from how different the sound rang in her ears. His laughter had always been a comfort to her, something that made her chest warm and gave her the motivation to try and let it out of him, again and again.
And it still was.
But this new laugh, however, had a richness to it that she felt down to her toes. He threw his head back, eyes crinkling like they always did. And yet, she found new angles to it. Saw a strange glow. He stood under the spotlight of a brand new theater, making everything he did seem like something new and foreign.
It dawned on her that she was staring like an idiot, even after Percy’s smile had faded to a lingering tug of the mouth.
“I’ve missed you,” he said, plain and honest. In many ways, he hadn’t changed. Not really.
“Me too.” Their eyes stayed interlocked for a couple more seconds. She cleared her throat. “Have you, uh...told Chiron you’re here?”
“He already knows.”
“Psh. So am I the only one that didn’t know about you coming here?”
She didn’t mean to sound so accusatory, but there was no backing out, now.
He ducked his head. It was barely recognizable, but she could always tell when he was blushing.
“I...well, you know, wanted to, um—surprise you.”
Another awkward pause.
Percy scratched the back of her head. “Do you, uh...wanna walk with me? To my cabin?”
“You know,” he said. “My mom made you cookies.”
“Are they any good?” she teased.
He turned to give her an incredulous look. “This is my mom we’re talking about. Of course they’re good.”
“Okay...well, what are you waiting for? Hand them over, Seaweed Brain.”
“In a sec. I’m too lazy to open my bag right now, in the middle of camp.”
As they walked, Annabeth noticed how heads turned when the campers got a good look at the two of them together. Most of them just stared at Percy. They passed by some of her siblings carrying spears; she saw Malcolm wink and felt herself blush again.
“Anyway, you wouldn’t have guessed what I got on my finals,” Percy was saying.
She glared pointedly at Malcolm, then whirled her head to look at Percy again. “What’d you get?”
“Oh my gods, Percy. Just tell.”
He smiled and gave her a sideways glance. “You’re no fun.”
But even if he said it casually, the comment dug deeper than she would’ve liked. Did he think Rachel was fun? She decided not to dwell on that.
Annabeth was the one talking to him. Not Rachel.
He glanced at her once, but seemingly decided to fix his gaze forward. His eyes sparkled in a way that she knew meant he was trying to hold back a grin. He’d failed in the attempt, though.
“Okay, I’ll just say it: A ‘B’ plus.”
Her jaw dropped. “Percy!”
“Yeah,” he laughed.
“Oh my gods!”  
Clarisse, standing by the Ares cabin, mimed Annabeth, mouthing her words and making kissy faces. She mostly ignored it, too distracted on what Percy had just said.
Her heart swelled at the thought of all the work he must’ve put himself through.
She grasped his arm. “I’m so proud of you, Perce.”
“Yeah, me too. Paul helped, though. And mom.”
“Give yourself some of the credit.”
He sighed happily. “I guess I can say that I didn’t cheat. Well, maybe a little.”
She tried to shove him, but he danced away.
“Ohh, don’t tell me that you’ve never cheated on anything.”
“Okay.” She rolled her eyes. “Like maybe once or twice.”
“But whatever. You got a ‘B’ and that’s what matters.”
“Yeah. It is.”
They smiled at each other for a second, then, he shouldered his bag and stopped by cabin three. The abalone shell seemed to glow brighter when he stood next to it.
Before she could stop herself, she said, “We should celebrate.”
He lifted one of those thick eyebrows of his and leaned back against the door frame. “What do you mean?”
“You know…” she kicked some of the stray pebbles from the ground, suddenly flustered. “Your grades. It deserves a celebration, don’t you think?”
His face lit up once more. “Oh! Yeah, like a picnic or something? We could eat the cookies Mom made—unless you want them for yourself, which is fine—”
“No!” She bit her lip. “I mean—sharing is cool. I’d like that.”
Annabeth decided it best not to visibly cringe at herself. Who’d even say “sharing” and “cool” at the same time?
Luckily, Percy nodded along with her. “Okay. Cool. Wait—that reminds me…” He unzipped his bag, hands already roaming around inside it. “Ah, here it is.”
He took a take-out like box with red flowers painted around the sides. They looked handmade. She accepted the gift with a smile.
“Who made these?” she asked, examining the paintings closer. “They’re pretty.”
When she saw his smug look, she didn't have to think twice about who had decorated it.
“I did,” he said. Her expression must’ve still been akin to impressed shock, because he chuckled. “What? You think I can’t be artistic?”
She shrugged. It was a simple fact, really. “Since when did you learn?”
“Uh, Rachel taught me.”
He nodded tightly.
Right. While she’d lived on the other side of the country, alone and with a family who still wasn’t that comfortable around her, he’d been off with his new mortal girlfriend. And how much time must it have taken for Rachel to teach him how to do those precise brushstrokes? To combine those colors properly? Days or more, she knew.
They’d been busy.
She pretended not to care, anyway, opening the box to check on the cookies. “They, um...They look good!” She met his eyes so that he could see just how sincere her words were—because they really did look divine. Divine and blue. “Give Sally my thanks. And you must’ve worked really hard on this. So, thanks also.”
Annabeth noticed how he relaxed at the change of subject. Idiot.
“I will. And nah, it was nothing. I just really wanted to, um, to contribute with the gift. I guess. And mom loves you, so…”
“Loves me more than you?”
He snorted. “Probably.”
The edges of her mouth quirked up. “So...when are you up for that celebratory picnic thing?”
“Uh...from what I remember, I think my schedule’s got like, free time at around five. That sound good?”
Her mind buzzed through her list of daily activities, relieved to find something else to think about other than the awkwardness that now lingered in the air.
“Yeah, I think I’m free at five, as well. Tomorrow, right?”
“Sounds good to me.”
It wasn’t the same. That, she could tell.
She bit the inside of her cheek, watching him fight with Clarisse. So they’d go on a picnic together. Big deal.
She’d just barely stepped outside cabin three when Silena had dragged her away, begging for every detail.
Annabeth wasn’t going to lie: she was excited. More so than she’d let on. And yet, she wasn’t sure if he liked her that way.
Not with other girls fanning over him, now. Girls like Rachel.
How could she have let him go so easily? How was this the first time in months since she’d last seen him?
She’d spent the day pretending it was fine. Her heart ached whenever he was near, but it also hurt when he was gone. She couldn't have it both ways.
So yes, everything was fine.
Maybe if she said those words enough, then she'd start to believe it and stop with this feeble act of hers. This pretending that none of the shit they’d been festering against the other mattered. And in the process, also pretend that these new feelings she had for him—that didn’t feel so new—never existed in the first place.
Then again...what was she thinking?
This was her best friend. Her best friend whom she’d tried to kiss about a year ago and who hadn’t even breathed a word about it since. Who talked to her like he was stepping around eggshells. Who was clearly not interested in her in that way if what she suspected about Rachel was true and who had suddenly become one of the most attractive guys in Camp Half-Blood.
She hated this. This sensation of her heart beating faster, her breath coming short. Her brain fading any thought away, leaving it lustrous with the image of Percy. Percy this and Percy that. His stupid smile and his stupid laugh and—
Ice-cold water struck her skin, stopping her thought process short like a shock wave.
“Sorry,” Silena said, not actually sounding sorry. Stray water dripped from her hand. “You were spaced out for a while.”
Their canoe boat rocked back and forth along with the gusts of wind.
“Okay,” Annabeth said, glaring at her friend. She wanted to wipe that cheeky grin off her face. “Now you’re just asking for it.”
With a sharp, practiced tug, she flipped them over. Silena’s screech died when they hit the water.
She resurfaced, spluttering, splashing Annabeth again and again.
“You little shit! I am going to kill you!”
“What?” Annabeth laughed, choking on water. “I thought your makeup’s waterproof!”
Silena threw more water at her.
“Your point?”
And okay, maybe they looked like fools fighting in the middle of the lake, laughing and joking around. But it was fine; no one was there to witness it except perhaps the naiads and the cicadas that roared in the woods along with the rogue monster.
Well...there was one person.
But the girls didn’t have the mind to notice him.
Percy sat on the back of the pier and smiled, shaking his head.
Maybe someday, they could move on from this strange faze. From skipping around each other, then acting like friends all over again.
The sound of the conch horn in the distance brought a reluctant stop to the chirping of the crickets. Dinner time.
He stood up and made his way back, wishing that just maybe, he could be brave enough to tell her how he felt. To unashamedly look at her and no one else as though she were the fading sun, inviting for the naked eye to gape at directly as it caressed the sea and the tree tops while coloring the sky a deep purple. To kiss her in front of all those stupid people and hug her and make her laugh and smile, all golden and beautiful.
Rid himself of the worries, once and for all.
But it couldn’t be.
Maybe, just maybe…
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yesvaldemarharder · 4 years
Being A Cock Warmer For The Males In Arcana
Yeah I ain’t stutter. Also the fact that y’all got 308 notes on the Nsfw Arcana bit I ain’t got 308+ followers hurts me. So cruel. 😤
Anyway let’s get started before I have a mental breakdown haha (<— old edit sorta)
Edit from today (7/25): WE ARE NOW AT 565 FOLLOWERS! (I do believe, I might have to check again) Thanks so much guys! I know I disappear a lot but with witch stuff and spirituality and shit like that I just need to take breaks. I don’t mind y’all asking me how I’m feeling though smh, it might bring me back sooner to know people care about me.
But y’all too scared to even comment on how much y’all like my posts so I know y’all won’t do it.. cowards. 😔🥺
Anyway here’s the cock holder post, I’m actually not sure if these are completely cock holder-ish because of how they turn out but here, have fun rubbing off kiddies uwu. (Please don’t be actual kids tho smh, I ain’t responsible for yo lil ass.. if you get caught rubbing one out)
EDIT 7/27: Finally I’m done, I just want to say thank you to all the followers that’s been waiting for this post! I’ve been in off and on moods these days so yeah..anyway I’ve been holding this post for months and well here ya go! Also if anyone else wants to Roleplay just hit me up! (However I need to see your style of Roleplay before we start anything..short rps and rps with plot or starters aren’t my thing. And I call dating Valdemar uwu, I’ll rp your fav character for you if you rp them for me.)
I feel like some of these are out of character but only a little, please deal with it considering how hard I worked to get this out..also if you read this whole top, you get this: a quick request from me! Request anything you want and I’ll upload it either today, tomorrow or the day after! You have to read all my top tho and I know some of you won’t so for people who do, in your request send me the call out note I put up here!
Honestly it shouldn’t be hard to find..but anyway enjoy!
(Also I might make edits later teehee..)
As yet another costumer walked asking multiple questions about crystals and spiritual awakenings you nearly whimpered to them as an answer to whatever they had just said. Your hand roughly clutching the edge of the greeting desk in front of you.
Asra’s cock nestled in deep inside you like a snug bug in a fucking rug. It pressed against your sweet spot, nudging against the g-spot and he’s carefully rolling his hips shooting pleasure all throughout your body. Your clit is rock hard at this point as his hand grips your naked thigh, your shirt pulled up and panties around your ankles.
Everything is hidden from the people coming in except your face which is trying to hard not to show how hot you’re feeling. You want to stick your tongue out so bad or let your eyes roll but you know that with the right person that’s a dead giveaway. When another comes in Asra greets them with a warm smile seeing you stumble on your words to do so instead. He thrust his hips a little and you hold back from crying out, ducking your head down into your arms to bite your lips. Just like the way he told you to.
‘What a good girl you are.~’ He thinks with a catlike grin. He’s enjoying this quite a bit and you can tell with the twitching that his cock is doing inside you. Asra has patience though, a lot of it..and while you want so desperately to bounce on his cock like a whore in heat he simply won’t let you until he sees fit. Maybe if you beg for it though he’ll simply not give a damn about the customers and will put you up for display, fuck you right on the counter in front of everyone that enters.
When the customer haults themselves mid sentence they take the time to ask if you’re ok. Of course you can’t answer, you can’t even trust your voice to sound somewhat under control. Asra is on it in a flash taking any words from you to speak instead. Maybe not with the words you expected him to say but really you can’t argue right now. Not when he lifts your legs a bit more and sinks deeper into your wet messy pussy. You shake against him letting out a strangled whimper.
“She’s just a bit sick right now, poor thing... I wished for her to sleep but she insisted on helping me today. Isn’t that sweet?”
Insisted on helping daddy work today.~ Oh such a naughty girl you were weren’t you? Don’t worry though, he’d made you squirt all over his cock like the loving daddy he was. What would he be if he didn’t?
After a couple of words between Asra and the customer the customer leaves with whatever they managed to purchase. The shop was quiet now only with the sound of wetness between your thighs and you breathless moans. It was quiet until he pushed you forward. You press firmly against the counter and he follows you pressing right up against your back, your hands find the counter and he chuckled into the skin of your back. “Such a good girl, you did a good job~” he mumbles as your cervix twitched against the slit of his cock and god, he has to cover your mouth as you cry out in pleasure because even though there aren’t anymore customers he still can’t be sure if anyone is still around outside.
You hips bucked against him now in a deep rut. He doesn’t even bother to tell you to stop because he know you won’t, he also knows you can’t help it at this point..your bouncing, tears running down your rosy cheeks. He just watches with a smug smile as his cock disappears each time you push back against him, his hands moving down to grab your hips as you moan and cry for more. Who knew a simple push would make you loose your mind? He did, that’s who knew.
You jerk with a high pitched cry and this time he doesn’t bother to cover your mouth, you’re just too far gone and he’d be a liar if he didn’t want to hear you babblering about how good his cock was. At one point you nearly collapsed but he holds you, lovingly as if you were simply cuddling in bed and not just breeding yourself on his cock.
“Shh, Shh. That’s a good girl, take daddy’s cock baby. It’s okay, I’ll let you cum.”
And oh god when his fingers came to play with your clit magick mixing in and you came so hard.. You were pretty sure you went to the astral plane for a second or some shit because it made you grip the desk for your life. Eyes rolling as he groaned, busting his load within you filling you with pups. You went limp against him, panting tiredly as he nuzzled you as if he didn’t just fuck the shit out of you.
“Such a good girl.”
You’re both flustered. His hands tightly gripping your twitching thighs as his large cock is deeply submerged in you. You’re in public, at the bar matter of fact surrounded by both men and women alike who are either drunk of their asses or are soon to be as such. Either way it’s risky to do this here but it couldn’t have been helped.
When you found your seat in Julian’s lap he turned a deep shade of red from the suddenly weight but simply chuckled lifting a brow, curious to know what you were up to now. “Darling? Careful now, I might ‘pop one’.” He chuckled and you purred, the noise making the glass you held to your lips vibrate a bit. He hugged you, like a baby clinging to a mother until you start to feel something prodding at your butt.
You make a small surprised noise and he freezes on the spot. You look back at him and he’s so flustered all he can do is look back up at you, sweating lightly, he even gives a shy little grin as if to say ‘told ya so’. After a short staring contest you bite your lip and purr once more. Why not take advantage of this, you and Julian we’re into many things so why not try out a little public play? You lift the glass back to your lips to down the rest of whatever you had been drinking in the first and then you shifted in his lap getting a feel of a twitch.
“Julian darling, you seem to have a bit of a surprise for me hm?~” He gives a nervous chuckle but nods. You take the momentary awkwardness as him being a bit shy and you know it’s understandable, even you’re feeling a little anxious with what you are about to do..however Julian was always one to try new things and you could tell he was interested the second his hand carefully cupped your hip.
You bit your lip in anticipation and without too much more hesitation you look around to see if anyone is watching glad to see that they’re not and you stand a little pulling down your pants and panties. He watches, he’s so nervous that you can practically see him gulp but the bulge in his pants is still growing so neither of you can help yourselves.
He fights his pants quickly pulling them down letting his cock bob out. Hard and already glossy with sweet precum already. If it wasn’t for a growing wetness developing between your legs and the group of people around you you’d get down on you knees and take that cock in your mouth. The tip is an angry red and you go to make a joke but shudder as he sneakily runs his thumb down the crack of your soft ass, playfully over your butthole and over your folds to your cute pink clit.
You nearly buck, humping the table but your careful. That’ll cause a scene for sure. Julian is impatient now, forgetting the awkwardness and embarrassment but he’s still cautious.. as much as he wants to beg you to hurry he doesn’t whine, not here, not yet..
You slowly lower yourself on the large, throbbing cock. It stretches you and you hear Julian gasp, his hands grabbing hold to your thighs the second you both connect. It’s hot in your belly, twitching against your fleshy pink walls, making your belly bulge ever so slightly. You’re shaking and he can’t quite literally feel you quivering around him. Biting into your lip you lightly roll your hips, slow to get a good feel of the twitching inside you.
You suddenly let out a muffled cry, your hand coming up just in time to cup your mouth when Julian bucks a bit on instinct. He’s quick to apologize though, sorry he couldn’t keep his body still but oh god...you’re soaking wet and so fucking hot that honestly he feels he might cum already.
You try to calm down, not to cause a scene when he presses his head into the crook of your shoulders, panting on your neck as he wraps his arms around you firmly keeping you in place. You practically whimper as he kissed your neck. “Q-Quickly darling, bounce on it. I’m going to cum soon~” Julian didn’t usually tell you what to do, and that might have been the reason you looked surprised at his words, might have also been the reason you grew wetter..
You felt...flustered, for the first time of being with him because usually you were the one in charge and yet here he was whispering in your ear telling YOU what to do. His lips on your neck, whispers in your ears encouraging you, cock deep inside and kissing your cervix, his taller build pressing so lovingly against your back. He moved his hand down to rub your clit curious to see your reaction as he lifts his head a little to look at your blushing face. He starts off slowly but soon he’s rolling his fingers in rough circles as you gasped and bucked, hips twitching and legs shaking.
“J-Jules, oh shit~ stop...stop I’m going to cum, I’m going to!-“
It was unexpected but he roughly slammed his hips up, cock hitting that sweet spot and he groaned as his cock throbbed before a thick release of cum flooded your insides. He held you tightly as you trembled. His hand tightly over your mouth to keep you quiet because you had been making cute little whines without even noticing. He suddenly was up and moved like a flash as he whisked you off to the bathroom where you squirted, your pussy twitching and spasming around him, eyes rolling because you had just came.
He held you against the wall as you struggled to stand on your own, no one was around now so he freely kissed you, a deep blush on his cheeks as he tried to calm you down. He’d take his time cleaning you up after you came down from your high.. “I’m sorry darling, please forgive me...I couldn’t help myself.” He chuckled lightly against you smiling as you huffed.
You’re completely naked, skin sweaty, head buried in the same pillow where Nadia rest her head. His gauntlet squeezes your ass in a tight grip, voices in the hallway having normal talks. Your cheeks are a blood red.
He’s teasingly slow with each thrust, slow but rough covering your mouth with his other hand each time you let out a squeal at his cock spreading your cervix, the words in your ear he whispers are dirty and vulgar, humiliating but you can’t help the way your pussy squeezes around his thick veiny cock.
Lucio doesn’t seem worried, doesn’t seem like he cares if someone comes in to see him breeding his favorite servant like your just some toy. Maybe every once in a while you’ll hear Nadia’s voice and he’ll growl at how tight you squeeze around him, horny but scared she’ll come in and catch you both.
It’s so hard not to rock back into him, not only because he’s barely leaving any space for you but also because he’s in charge here. There’s a delicious twitch from his pulsating cock and you shake your hips now biting into that pillow snapping your eyes shut. It’s good, he’s good...no, he’s fucking amazing and it feels like you’re melting.
At one point it so good that you beg quietly. Soft whimpers and moans falling from your lips as the hand he had on you mouth moves to your hair, yanking those locks he loved so much.
His cock twitches inside you again and holy fuck you’re crying, you want to cum so bad but he’s keeping you still, stopping you from fucking back against him and so now all you can do is try to keep quiet.
This is torture, you think to yourself but then there’s a snap of his hips, cock burying deep in your womb and you scream, face forced into the pillows to shush you. He chuckles lowly in your ear, mockingly as you tremble violently against him.
“What’s wrong princess? Is something the matter? Use your words kitten~”
He knows you’re weak and he loves using it against you. At this point you really are crying, you want to cum to bad and he’s edging your orgasm at a level he’s never done before and it’s fucking killing you.
Beg, beg to get fucked like a bitch. Beg for him to take mercy. Beg for his cock, he fucking loves that.
And you did. “P-please sir~ please please please...let me cum please..” you sound so desperate it’s pitiful but with a hum he grants your wishes. If you thought the teasing was one thing the strokes he gave your slutty ass was another.
He fucked you so hard into the bed that when you came you couldn’t stop whimpering his name or shaking. You hips trembling seven after he pulled out. Your face pressed so hard into the pillows as his hot cum dripped out of your cunt.
He’d clean you up later but for now he kissed your lower back before giving that bum a nice slap watching as the skin brightened.
“Good girl~”
Muriel’s is a bit shorter because other then Portia I don’t really see him in a ‘LETS FUCK’ kinda way. Just my opinion don’t get mad please smh.
It’s making your stomach bulge so much that you’re shaking, gripping his strong thighs as his large hands carefully settle on your hips.
There’s a twitch and you toss you head back to rest it on his chest, panting, whining like a dog and heat and even though it’s slightly embarrassing for you, looking up with lidded eyes and seeing that deep blush makes you purr. You bite your lip
His hand slides and now it’s on your stomach gently caressing the bulge he finds there. You shudder and then you let out a sweet high pitched moan as one of his thick fingers move to rub you clit.
His movements are slow but firm, he’s careful because he doesn’t want to hurt you but he also loves how your nails dig into his skin and how you buck and clench around him.
Keep doing that and might blow his loud sooner than he thought he would.
It’s just you and him, Inanna (did I spell that right? I don’t know I ain’t played his route like that..) is out, and he feels better that she is. Not hear to watch as the clear juices drip out of your needy cunt.
He hasn’t rolled his hips or thrusted up into you once yet and deep in your mind you feel a bit grateful but that doesn’t mean you can’t rub against him
There’s a shiver and then you wiggle those hips of yours, crying out in bliss as his finger presses against your clit and how you can feel his cock twitch again. The hand on your hips squeezes and then there’s a shaky groan behind you
He slumps a little, big strong chest against your back, lips against your throat in a gentle kiss and he’s shaking. He might just cum but it’s no doubt that you’re going to beat him to it.
When his hips stuttered you arched but now it was too late to stop. You cried his name out before you came hard around that fat cock of his. He gasped at the tightness but quickly wrapped his arms around your waist giving you a gently but firm hug.
His cumming and his cum is thick and stick. You convulse just having it in you and when you’re both done he falls back onto the bed panting with the same tempo as you.
Fuck, you loved this man and when you found your voice again you’d definitely tell him to his face. ❤️
Can I just say that Vlastomil needs more fluff and smut of him??? Like no cap he lowkey makes the pussy wet for me 🥴🥴🥴 his is a bit short but cut me some slack, it’s 1 am in the morning..
You didn’t suggest this, it just kinda sorta happened. When you came into his office to greet him with a kiss you didn’t expect to end up staying for this long but you guessed when lovers are too busy with work the second they had time alone anything will go down.
A simple kiss turned to Vlastomil grabbing your hand carefully to pull you closer. He’s missed you and you’ve missed him too, what could it hurt to spend time together? You smile a little and come closer until you’re in his lap, facing him and that cute dumb grin on his face. His hands moving around your waist to pull you both together and then you’re kissing again.
His tongues are curious to roam your mouth and as you do so you can’t help but moan a little remembering the times those same tongues had been submerged in your pussy making your jerk and cry out for mercy. You’ve missed him more than you thought you did..damn Nadia and those amazing adventures you two seemed to always go on..
He paused upon hearing the sound come from you and as he pulls back there’s a glimpse in his eyes that you both know all too well. Then there’s a slight twitch beneath his robes and you can’t help but shift closer, pressing a hand to his chest to make him lean back a little. His hands are still on you but this time they squeeze a little at your hips to encourage you. “Well, we have the time now correct?” He hums and you purr, nodding a bit as you lean down to kiss his exposed throat which makes him shiver under you.
With a catlike grin you pull back lifting your skirt to show your thighs that’s encased in stockings and lace underwear that has probably five seconds to be dealt with before he rips them off you. His eyes are focused and his cheeks are a bit red but now you too have gotten this far, no need to stop now. Not with the bulge between his legs growing bigger and needier for attention. It doesn’t take long to get him inside you, his fingers have prepared your now wet cunt and now your slit is teasing the head of his cock.
Usually Vlastomil doesn’t mind a bit of playfulness but he really wants you and with out much of a thought he pulls you down, kissing your lips as you go to arch and moan out at the sudden move. He’s throbbing in you, his long cock pulsing happily to finally be surrounded by your hot wet insides. You clutch his clothes, legs twitching a bit and even though you want to keep kissing you can’t help how your head tilts back even more you you to let out a broken moan of his name.
“Vl-Vlast~..” you gasp as he shifts a little to which he hums. “Hush now, don’t be too loud dear~.” Because while he’d love to make you scream the last thing he really wants to hear are rumors from servants who are far too curious about his love life. You shiver and for a while he just holds you allowing you to be the one rolling your hips shakily against him. A quiet groan leaving him each time his cock moves inside you like it might just slip out.
You’re so hot that he buries his head in your shoulder to try and stop himself from pinning you down on his desk. With his movement he presses deeper in you and you whine rolling you hips a bit faster. He’ll allow you to chance your orgasm, until he doesn’t..where he’ll grab your hips in an almost bruising grip to stop you. Then he’ll edge you on till you’re shaking and crying like a bitch, begging for him to stop and just let you come.
Only then would he allow if, for now however, he liked the feeling of those tight walls hugging his cock like a life support.
As you fell apart to your bucking he leaned his head back to whisper in your ear on how you’re doing so well or how good you feel around him. He’s not actively trying to make you cum but oh he’s definitely help tug on the knot inside of you. You hips stutter and with a shout you cum, shaking, twitching, and begging for him to stop with his mistreatments.
When your down, breathless and used he’ll continue to hold you there until he’s cumming so much in you that it starts to overflow. When you could speak again he’d wait for you to say how much you love him, for now however he simply chuckled and placed a lovely kiss on your forehead. Later he’d definitely pin you down and be the one in charge.
Whatever Lucio has been saying definitely didn’t translate to you, not when Valerius had his cock so far up your pussy that you struggled to even breathe evenly.
Not with his hand massaging the inside of your thigh underneath the cloth of the table, not with him pressing a light kiss to your cheek even once in a while and definitely not with his little dirty promises each time Lucio looked away.
Your breath came out shaky after Lucio asked you something about the food and you bit your lip feeling the cock in you twitch.
“It’s d-delicious.” It’s the only thing you can mumble after Lucio speaks on how’s the food, while trying to not bounce on the cock that’s getting squeezed by your cunt. You want to roll your hips so bad, make him fuck you on this table without a care, but at the same time you do care.
You care about what whatever the hell Lucio will say for whatever fucking reason and that leaves you shivering trying to fight off the heavy blush that’s trying to appear on your face.
Valerius leers close, his head finding your neck, his lips moving along your skin. Smooth lips kissing your shoulder, then the base of your neck and moving to your ear. He moves his hips and your hand instinctively comes down to squeeze his thigh. He lets out a low groan into your ear feeling the wetness that you’re pussy is letting off, your heat having him hard as a fucking boulder. It really is hard to not bend you over this table and fuck you like the slut that you are. He could see it now, your nails digging into the table cloth as his fingers yank and pull on your hair, his eyes on your cunt with swallows him oh-so nicely with each thrust.
“I’m going to fuck you darling..” he speaks into your ear and the shiver you let off made him chuckle. Lucio is back talking again now, something about another masquerade and how amazing he is.., it doesn’t matter. Valerius’s hand on your thigh begins to move and you’re so sensitive now that even the slightest touch makes you whimper under your breath. His hand moves to tickle your clit, fingers playfully rubbing against the hard bun and now you do bounce on him.
It’s sudden but it makes you both shudder, there’s a wet sound that’s made when you do it and now Valerius downs the rest of his wine somehow calmly managing to set the empty glass on the table. His eyes are closed and you bite your lip, Lucio perks. “Oh Valerius! Would you like some more wine? I’ll even go get it for you!” And you can’t stop him because he’s already running to the kitchen. There’s silence and then his hand wraps around your throat, it squeezes and you let out a choked moan.
“Do it again.” He hummed and fuck, you listen to daddy when told to. Your hips are quick to studder, you bounce, raising your hips just to slam them back down on him. A broken cry leaving your voice when he takes the lead. Your legs spread over his as he fucks you with vigor. His cock rutting so deep in you with each thrust that you can feel it in you tummy and you can feel yourself chasing your own orgasm.
It’s just you and him and your letting out whimpering and broken moans, babbling to your daddy on how good you’ll be if he lets you cum. He believes every word of course because right now the ball is in his field and he’s in charge of if you actually get to cum in his lap.
Your arching, eyes rolling and you can feel the tightness in your belly. It’s coming, you’re trying to warn him, your hands placed on his knees for some sort of structure. You’re so cute, he whispers lovingly in your ear how wet your cunt is or how much it’s squeezing him and then he comes to a sudden stop.
You almost cry, not a small whine but a pitiful yell. You were so close and yet he stopped..this is torture, you couldn’t help but repeat that in your head. Lucio is coming back and you can tell because who doesn’t know that snazzy silhouette by now. Valerius has his hands on you holding you tightly to stop you from taking from him without permission. You will only cum when he lets you, don’t forget that. 
They’re talking but you’re trying so hard not to really cry right now, your pussy trembling with juices dripping down his balls and down your thighs. He has a hand on your hip that’s squeezing, telling you to keep in your place and even though you’re desperate you know that the prize of waiting is much better than a punishment. Or was it? (Teehee 👅😈💦)
A wine bottle slides towards you and it takes you a second to realize what’s happening. You blink before wrapping your fingers around the barrel without a thought and then there’s another deep thrust. You jerk bitting your lip as your hand tightens around the bottle almost like you wish to crush it. Valerius leans against you with a hum “are you alright? Can you open it?” He spoke lowly and to be honest there’s been multiple times where you wanted to hit him but this one really took the cake.
You nod lightly and then his other hand is over your clit, you gasp as digits violently play with the bundle of nerves and you can’t see at the moment but there’s a wide smirk on Lucio’s face. You completely break and arch in his lap as he presses kisses against your throat. “C-coming!~ D-Daddy I’m coming!~~” you cry and while you try weakly to clutch his arm he bucks lifting your hips with his other hands.
The string breaks inside you and then you go to scream but his hand is quick to cover your mouth from such a blissful sound. You cream all over his cock and there’s a rough groan as he cums inside you, his cum hot and filling you to the brim. You slump against him shaking and shivering before peeking a little.
“WOW! What an amazing show Valerius!” The count chuckles and now your blush is hellishly red. Did Lucio know the whole time? Well it must be expected considering how close the two could be. Valerius had his head in your shoulder as he lightly pet your belly which only added to how tired you were now.. You were definitely going to hit him when you woke back up..
Now, for Valdemar and Vulgora. I KNOW they both go by they/them pronouns. I’m only saying this because someone once didn’t know the difference between a daddy kink and ddlg on my account and the last thing I want is some little fucker being like “bUt BuT bUt!..” Most of my post for Valdemar or Vulgora is them with a tentacle dick but I don’t mind writing them with vaginas either. (Tribbing post coming soon uwu) My point is they’re both capable of forming whatever genitalia they want and plus this is just for fun and horny folk, calm down.
A blood curdling scream cut through the air as blood fell to the dirt ground with a splat, the coliseum was bustling with hunger for violence and the screams of the weak. There were three reasons for coming here, for one, Vulgora loved the coliseum. How could they not, fighting and blood was basically what they were made for. Two, they loved to show you the things that they liked to get closer to you.
The third being that when screams filled the air, the screams of pleasure from your lips couldn’t be distinguished from the ones down below.
They grinned a bit before laying their chin on your shoulder, their strong arms wrapped tightly around your waist to keep the two of you attached. You twitched tossing your head back to rest on their shoulder as you let out hot pants and cooes. It squirmed inside of you, that seeping hot tentacle that stretched your cunt as if that was its job. Their tentacle was white in color other than the tip that grew a lovely pink/red, you bit your lip. Just thinking about it had you opening you legs a bit more.
Vulgora shifted moving their hips and you shake when they do because the way their tip wiggles inside your cervix definitely has you ready to start drooling and have their baby or some shit. Vulgora usually fucks you like your in heat but here, with the screams of death they want to hear you scream for more. It’s a bit sadistic of them in a way but why should they care, it’s only you and them on this row of chairs anyway, everyone else is much closer to the front.
Vulgora’s body is hot against yours and if it wasn’t for their arms wrapping around your midsection you’d probably arch away from the touch. Sometimes their so hot you can’t handle it, and more ways than one. Vulgora suddenly snaps their hips up and it’s so sudden that a scream rips right out of your throat before you can catch it. It mingles in the air mixing with a now dead man down below but now you hand moves to grab their arm.
“V-Vulgora..I can’t..~” you struggle to speak, your toes curling as the tentacle wiggles and squirms inside your belly, your eyes rolling as you bite down on your lip. Vulgora chuckles a mocking chuckle and somehow it makes you even wetter. Their tongue slides out to lick your throat, a gauntlet running up your shirt to expose your breast to the tangy air. “You can if I say you can~.” They mumble against your skin.
Holy fuck, you could cum right now but they’d definitely would turn your bliss into a punishment because did they say you could come yet? No, no they didn’t.
Your clit is so hard at this point and the adrenaline of someone simply turning around and catching you so exposed has you not only scared but squeezing them more. What if someone turned around? The whole stadium would see you taking the Pontifex’s cock like some whore. You started to shake at that thought laying your head back against them because you think you’re about to cum. They hum against your skin because out of all their time of dating you they know what goes on in the filthy little head of yours.
You like this. They grin a little before biting down on your shoulder before making a circle motion with their hips. Oh they way you begged, that’s what they want to hear. They want to hear how much you like it and how much it makes you feel good. Vulgora isn’t one to spend time fucking others so you have such privilege to be getting dicked down by them much less be their actual mate.
They don’t really edge you but you can expect more then one orgasm. When you’re practically crying and begging is when they’ll stop breeding you because now you’re full of cum and boneless against them. You pussy spasms around them and all the can do now is laugh a bit and rub your bloated belly. Even with how rough they can be you can tell they love you. They hands rubbing you carefully as the whisper how good you felt and how impressive you are in your ear.
If anything Vulgora is so in love with you you can proudly say your their addiction. You giggle a little when you finally have to strength to again and they hum lightly at the lovely sound.
Valdemar hasn’t been paying much attention to you but honestly what can you expect from them, you may have gotten them to acknowledge they feel a strong connection for you but when stating how you need their touch or how they should pay more attention to you can still be a bit of a struggle.
You huff seeing their back to you, those talented hands (which your cunt knows all to well at this point, fuck I’m needy now..) working so diligently on the lifeless corpse of some female you didn’t take the time to learn about. You’re in your night cloths having just came out of the shared room that you had been waiting for them in. You’re a bit annoyed to see them still working, it’s not like the body was going anywhere soon..
“Val..are you still working on that...” you sigh lightly and they don’t even bother to look back at you as they speak. “It won’t be for much longer.” They answer without missing a beat. You approached them, naked feet lightly padding against the floor and not much longer your against their back. They pause for a second before moving to look back at you. You give them a look, one of irritation and maybe a bit of an attitude and they don’t say anything as they narrow their gaze a little.
“Are you having more time with her than you are with me?” You mumble childishly against their back as your arms move to close around them and then you hand carefully runs down their chest. They roll their eyes moving to put their utensils down in the bloody tray next to the rotting corpse. “Don’t be absurd darling..” they speak and there’s a bit of a low warning tone behind their mask. Maybe it was the fact that they’d been working for hours when they wanted to join you or perhaps it was you coming out of nowhere with such silly things to say, either way, you could see that this was them telling you to watch yourself.
They noticed that attitude for a couple days now and to say the least they were pretty fed up with it. Fed up with the attitude and/or petty remarks.. You on the other hand scoffed to hide a smug smirk. “Do you like your fingers being in her more than in me?” This time they turned around making you stop and then take a small step back because to be honest you didn’t expect that. They grabbed your wrist holding it up as they got closer, your scent drawing them in.
“What did I just say? Stop the nonsense (y/n) or I’ll punish you.” Oh~ now you shivered a little. You hummed to resist from biting your lip, a punishment huh? Just what you needed. You pressed against their chest looking up at their slim tall figure with an almost challenging look as if you were calling a bluff. You tilted your head “did I strike a nerve? Want some more alone time with your new bitch?”
It happened so fast, them spinning you around and pushing your front down on a newly cleaned table. They pulled your hips up pressing firmly against your back as they leaned down to your ear with a low scoff. “Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear.” They spoke lowly before a hand was lifting your gown over the round of your ass to reveal those lace panties, their gloves hand traced your skin. You shivered under their surprisingly strong build, biting your bit as you wiggles back against them only for one of their hands to sit right in the small of your back keeping you still. “Drop the attitude.” The hissed lightly.
When you let out a small whimper that’s when they knew this was what you wanted. They paused before humming in a sing song-y way. Their other hand snaked up before wrapping around your throat tilting your head back until your eyes connected with theirs. “Oh now~ I think I see what’s happening here..” they spoke with that sharp gaze. You were already getting super wet at this point and you wanted so desperately to push back against them.
“What a naughty little whore you are (y/n)..” they trailed off a little as something slimy ran up your inner thigh to rub over your clothed cunt before pulling your panties aside revealing your needy cunt that trembled for attention. You could feel it behind you, their body shifting a bit to help in this situation..the tentacle sliding over your clit as another managed to free them from their slacks revealing their tentacock which started as the same color as their skin to black half way.
Soon enough they had pushed inside leaving you breathless as they kept that dominating gaze on you, the hand around your throat squeezing a bit as your pussy hugged them. The long and heavy appendage squirmed inside you and you couldn’t help but spread your legs a bit more and cooe at them. Your stomach bulged a bit and you had to keep your hands firmly down to not completely collapse upon them, hell if it wasn’t for them supporting your back you were nearly positive your legs would buckle.
Once they were completely settled they leaned down to give you a kiss, short and sweet before they started a torturously slow pace allowing you to feel all of them and shake with need. Oh no, not this..Valdemar had quite a bit of patience and you knew that when they say they’d punished you they mean it. The last thing you expected was such cruelty like this though. You let out a broken cry “V-Val!..please~..” you choked out letting out a slight gargle as their hand tightened a bit more around your neck, the other moving to clasp around your hip to keep you from fucking back onto them.
They ignored you, their thrust slow but intensely firm, their cock sinking so deep in you you couldn’t help but cry a little from the slight overstimulation.
The room still had the scent of blood that filled your senses as well as the scent of sex and the wet squelching noises coming from you two. Your moans growing louder and your begs growing more desperate each time they pressed against you, your clit so hard that each time one of the other tentacles would flick it you’d jump with a shout. Valdemar never once looked away from you while you on the other hand couldn’t keep your eyes open or stop letting them roll to the back of your head.
They loved this honestly, putting you in your place and watching you fall apart from just a couple actions and they had to admit, while sex isn’t necessarily important to them they liked to see you so red in the face and twitchy with pleasure. You felt like you been there for hours when you finally came shaky violently, closing your eyes tight and letting out a high pitch cry. Your back arched as much as they’d let you and you came so hard it felt like you had died. Valdemar held you through it, letting up on their grip around your throat.
They weren’t done with you of course, they’d still have yet to cum themselves. For now though they’d hold you until you were ready to take more of your punishment.
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Bunny Boy (JJK x Reader)☁️⚠️🔪(💜)🔞 Part 2
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst, Yandere!AU, Stalker!AU, questionable romance, smut, Oneshot
Warnings: (oh boy) Stalking, Obsession, Yandere themes, cute Koo but aggressive, he ready to fight, graphic description of violence, blood, very twisted JK, oblivious! Reader, kinda Stockholm-syndrome Reader?, soft romantic lovemaking, body worship, Dom! Jungkook, Sub! Reader, Handjob (fem. receiving), oral (fem. receiving), protected sex because even with your mind scrambled up in a frying pan we still wrap it before tapping it y’all hear me STDs ain’t cute Susan
Summary: It all started with a hello kitty charm.
A/N:(IMPORTANT) I’d like to note here that I do not condone nor romanticize any of the things depicted in this. This is purely fictional, and only to be seen as a work of art, not as a depiction of real life relationships. For short: if he a creep, kick his balls, don’t kiss. Thank you.
Part 1 || Part 2
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The nurse opened the door, and past her dashed the young man in Question, a total opposite of what he looked like the night he'd found you. His clothing was disheveled, eyes and nose red, his hair a mess as he immediately fell onto your chest, crying so hard his shoulders shook, nurse watching him with sympathizing eyes. This didn't make sense. Why did you feel your body tense up at his touch, when he was so upset?
You shuddered as the memory of his eyes, as cold as the night you'd drove your car into the tree to keep yourself from endangering anyone else on your way suddenly pushed itself in front of you. You couldn't understand it.
What did that mean? Had it been a dream?
Why would your brain make up something so dark about Jungkook?
"Angel? Are you okay? God no, you're not, you're in a hospital, I-" He said, and the nurse softly pushed him aside a bit to look at your vitals, reassuring him that you were fine, apart from a broken leg and a few bruises and scratches. As she left you both alone, he sat down at your bedside, hands gently patting your head with still teary eyes. "I'm so sorry." He whispered, and your eyes widened.
Could it really be?
"I'm sorry I couldn't get to you faster. If I'd known something like that was about to happen.." He said, gaze falling to your hand, needle still stuck into the vein on the back of it to give you medication. His heart genuinely hurt at the sight, but he knew this was a small price to pay for your eternal safety next to him, right at his side. He would keep you safe, he just needed to show you what could happen. This had been necessary. It was a white lie.
Yet he could sense something was off about you. He'd thought you'd be more upset about the event, yet there you were, simply staring at him. Maybe you'd hit your head- maybe he'd miscalculated something and-
"Jungkookie.." You asked, voice hoarse, yet absolute music to his ear. He leaned in closer, humming a reply to urge you to continue.
"Did you.. pull me out of the car?" You asked, and his eyes widened a bit, smile faltering a few seconds.
How did you know that?
There was no way you had been awake when he'd arrived, and even if so, you'd hit your head quite hard on your steering wheel- you weren't supposed to remember anything. He really did miscalculate. Sure, maybe you meant it differently, but he knew you like his own self. He knew what you meant, and he felt himself tense a bit as he suddenly looked at you completely differently.
"J..Jungkoo-" You started, and Jungkook suddenly shifted, leaning over your body with his hands on either side of your head, his own dipping down a bit, eyes never leaving yours. They suddenly teared up again.
"You don't listen." He said, and you looked at him questioningly. "I told you again and again it's dangerous to drive, yet you-!" He said, voice raising a bit, before he forced himself to calm down, eyes closing as he deflated, forehead resting just below your collarbone. "I needed to- I needed to show you how dangerous it could be, I just want to keep you safe angel, I just need to know you'll never get hurt-" He said, hands gripping the fabric of the hospital gown you wore, desperate to hold onto something.
You simply stared ahead.
It felt weird, knowing that he had everything to do with your situation. It explained how calm he'd been at the scene, how fast he'd arrived, how he knew where you were immediately without asking.
"Miss?" A male voice said, making Jungkook raise from your body, eyes suddenly getting an angry glint at the young officer stepping into the room. It was as if he was a cat having claimed its human, now getting angry at the prospect of someone else wanting your attention. Yet he hesitantly sat down again, keeping his hands on yours however, as a sign of ownership, maybe.
You couldn't tell what it was, anymore.
"We have questions regarding the accident. It won't take long, since you're partner right here has already answered most questions." The young man said, standing a bit closer to you as you nodded. "We just want you to clarify some things. Mr.Jeon over here said you were on the phone, telling him the breaks weren't working. Correct?" You nodded, feeling Jungkooks thumb circle over your fingers softly. "He also said you willingly drove into the woods to stop the car. Correct?" Again, you confirmed. "Why?" He asked, and you cleared your throat before answering.
"I.. didn't want to put anyone else in danger, officer." You replied, and he nodded, taking notes.
"Okay. Jeon Also stated that he'd found you inside your car, and broke open the door to get you out." He stated, and you swallowed as Jungkooks thumb stopped. "Have you any recollection of that?" He asked, and you blinked once, twice.
Shaking your head.
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Jungkook visited you every day.
He sometimes smuggled in junk food and other treats you didn't get inside the hospital to lift your mood, and you didn't knew when it happened.
But you started to fall back into place with him.
It was as if nothing major had happened, seeing him happily munch away on his fries while making sure you didn't stain the crisp hospital sheets, making sure not to leave any evidence of the delicious crime he brought into your room every now and then. He was acting completely normal, just like your Jungkook.
Things began to feel normal.
"You know.." He started, as he opened the packaging of the straw belonging to your strawberry shake he'd bought. "I'm glad you understood." He said, and you nodded. Others may didn't, but you had collected so many thoughts and reasons that his actions seemed.. reasonable in your opinion.
He was right after all, you were someone who didn't believe something would hurt you until it did. You always seemed to need actual evidence to believe in bad things, even as a child. Whenever your mother told you not to run, you did it anyways, just to scrape your knee shortly afterwards.
You never ran away from her hand afterwards.
It seemed to be the same with Jungkook now. "I'll drive you wherever you need to go, okay?" He said, giving you your small plastic cup, that you gladly took from him. You nodded, understanding. His heart swelled.
He knew you'd understand.
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The diner was busy, too busy in your opinion.
Ever since getting released from the hospital, Jungkook had agreed on leaving you with your own freedom to go wherever you wanted to; if it was too far however, he insisted that he'd drive you.
You agreed on that.
He was just concerned for your well-being.
“What I’m saying is, not to be rude, but he’s kinda creepy.” Your friend said at the table, munching away on her fries. You looked at her like she was the crazy one, feeling a bit offended at her words. You knew she had a point somewhere, but this was your Jungkookie, he was just a bit more touchy and clingy then others- she just didn’t understand. Maybe she was just still bitter about being dumped by her ex; even though you doubted that, since she’d said before that she was over him. He’d been a douchebag anyways, you’d seen that way before she’d done.
“You don’t know him..” you mumbled, sucking on the straw of your strawberry milkshake until the icy cold drink reached your tongue. She scoffed, before she reached for your hand. You went confused at her touch, suddenly feeling as if you needed to take yours away from her. The feeling got so present that you actually did, slowly distancing yourself as you packed up the leftovers of your fast food dinner with her. “I think I should leave..” you said, until she stopped you by grabbing the hem of your coat. “Please don’t do that-“ you attempted to get her fingers off of the fabric out of instinct.
“I’m worried about you y/n, I feel like he’s not good for you-“ she whined, her face drenched in worry. You knew the words she said were true, but they didn’t hurt any less because of that. Why couldn’t she just let you be happy? He made you happy. He made you feel safe, and comfortable, and loved, why couldn’t she just be glad that you had someone who cared about you? “What if he’s just using you, maybe he just wants se- y/n!” She yelled after you, but you’ve already left the restaurant, tears already knocking behind your eyes to be released. You were so confused. You loved Jungkook. He loved you too.
It had to be that way. He'd been the first one to make you feel genuinely safe, keeping a hold on you that didn't feel suffocating or controlling- his hands were so gentle to you, that you happily let him lead you wherever he wanted. You grabbed your phone out of your pocket, dialing his number. "Jungkookie.. can you pick me up?" You said, and he agreed instantly.
He'd never make you wait.
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"Why can we never hang out at your place Jungkookie?" You answered, your upper body laying on his chest, his hand running through your hair like he was petting a cat, loving glint in his eyes wavering a bit.
"It's messy angel, I don't want you between all that junk." He hummed, making you pout. It was cute, yet he feared that once you saw how he typically spending his time away from you, he could scare you away for good. He'd just barely escaped a disaster at the hospital- he couldn't take chances.
"Hm.." You mumbled, leaning your head to the side a bit, hand playing with the silver necklace around his neck. His eyes closed a bit at the view, as his hand ran lower, now caressing your shoulder. He shuddered at the way your fingers brushed over his neck, now growing hyper aware of your position on him. It would be so easy to just.. take you right now. He knew he could overpower you without much effort- but that wasn't what he craved.
He needed you to need him just as much.
"Jungkookie?" You asked, and he hummed a reply. "Why won't you have sex with me?" You asked, making his eyes rip open as wide as the moon.
He had to think for a moment, unknowing how to answer you. Was there a right answer? It wasn't that he didn't want to- he just.. couldn't. Not yet. "I.. don't want you to do something you don't want to, angel." He said lowly, and you suddenly changed position, straddling him with an innocent face. He could feel himself rise in his pants, unable to control it. How could someone blame him? His soulmate was posing on top of him, her center right above his tip, unconsciously putting pressure on his most sensitive parts. How could he not let himself be swept away?
"It's okay, I want to." You said, although nervous. "I.. you know.. Haven't done it before but.." You began to grow shy, spurring his inner demon on even more. "I trust you." You said, and he groaned, holding your hips in his hands to steady you.
He turned you both over, face leaning close to you, lips almost brushing against each other as he spoke. "It may hurt angel." He said, and you simply nodded, accepting that. "You may bleed." He said, and again, you simply nodded, swallowing as you began to chase his lips, growing frustrated with him escaping you by mere inches. "We don't have protection." He said, and this time you deflated. He was right.
Or was he?
You remembered the last birthday party, where your friend had gifted you a lovetoy and condoms as a joke, a present you never used to this day. Your eyes widened. "I do!" You said, and he leaned his head to the side questioningly. "There's uh.. there's a box, right there on top of my dresser. I got it as a present but.. I never had the need to, you know.." You mumbled, and he got up, walking up to the said dresser and taking down the pink still half wrapped box you told him to.
He opened the lid of the box, and after a bit of searching through some crampled up wrapping paper he found what he'd been looking for.
He could work with that.
Simply putting the box down, and pulling his own shirt over his head, he crawled back over you, your gaze ever so shy. "I'll be gentle, angel." He promised before finally kissing you, hungry lips leaving you breathless as he stole away all of your hesitation like a vampire their unknown victims' blood. Yet he was very much human, even if people would probably deny that if they knew what he'd done.
He did it all for you, and he'd do it all again.
His hands roamed, flat palms simply caressing your body as if he was mapping out what you looked like without his eyes, finally able to touch and feel you underneath him, squirming and moving around impatiently like prey trying escape. He was the wolf devouring you like his last meal on earth, tongue opening your lips for him to explore, soft sighs mixing between the sounds of your lips, and the soft moving of fabric as he pulled the sweater you wore over your head, finally getting a view of your body up close and personal; no interference could break his dream apart now, everything very much real and actually happening.
You whined a bit as he brought his hand underneath the shell of your bra, eagerly getting acquainted with the feel of your mounds underneath his hands, as he worked on the hooks on your back, getting rid of the undergarment as fast as he could. He dipped his head down, kissing the velvety skin, biting teasingly as you gasped, making him smile knowingly.
This was more than he'd ever imagined.
His tongue grazed your nipple, making you mewl deliciously as his other hand made work of your shorts, pulling them down together with your already ruined underwear, making him sit back as he finally saw your center exposed for him, his hands pulling your legs apart to watch how the inside of your thighs already glistened with moisture, making him groan out a bit, his own pants suddenly feeling too tight. He quickly got rid of the fabric restricting him, making you try and close your legs at the view of his length standing proudly as he ran his hand over it a few times to release some of the pressure at least. "Keep them nice and open for me, yeah angel?" He mused, voice unrecognizably rough around the edges, making your spine tingle.
His hand cupped your heat, giving you the chance to pick your own pace as he praised you without breaking eye contact. "You look so divine angel, so beautiful.." He hummed, as he felt you rut into his hand so sinfully he couldn't help but snatch a taste as he instead switched his hand for his own mouth, tongue working relentlessly on your nerves while your legs quivered, depending on his hands to keep them in place. The sounds you made were absolute pleasure to his ears and soul, all just for him and him alone.
He would keep it that way.
He felt your walls flutter as his first two fingers entered you, having to push a bit against your thighs to keep you from moving too much at the foreign feeling, yet he couldn't keep himself from smiling as he moved away from you, snatching your first orgasm away from you just inches away from the edge it seemed.
"You're gonna come on my cock and nothing else angel." He growled, opening the foil package to wrap the protection over his length, slowly entering his tip inside you, making your body move away a bit. "shh, we'll go slow yeah?" He promised as he hovered over you like a demon ready to inhale your soul. His kisses painted the side of your neck as he slowly pushed, feeling you tense up at the unfamiliar feeling. "Relax.. it's only gonna hurt if you fight it angel.." He hushed, and your hands reached for his, making his heart swell as he took your smaller ones into his, interlacing your fingers. "Hmhm, that's it angel, let me inside, yeah?" He hummed against your pulse as he'd finally settled inside you, staying there for a moment before carefully backing out. The first few motions hurt and felt weird, yet the more he moved, the more you could feel the infamous pleasure building up.
Gasping a little you chanted his name under your breath, voice so fragile it was barely present as it escaped you, making him pick up his pace a bit, feeling euphoric as the realization hit him head first. This was truly happening, he was finally making you his, he was the first and only one to ever corrupt you and let you drown in sinful pleasures such as this-
You were finally his.
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His breathing had calmed down as well as yours, as you came back to earth. His hand paced back and forth over the expanse of your arm, as your thoughts stayed empty for the moment, simply accepting the warmth of his body, before you finally caught onto an actual thought.
"Jungkookie?" You asked sleepily, as he looked at you, wrapped in blankets on his chest. "Why can't I visit your place?" You asked again for the second time that day. He hummed, before he replied.
"There are things you aren't yet ready for angel." He said, for once speaking nothing but the truth. "I fear you'll think of me badly if you knew." He said, and his tongue pressed against the inside of his cheek as he fell deep into thoughts. You shook your head. "Hm?" He asked.
"I love you." You said, and his arms pressed you against him a bit tighter at that. It wasn't the first time you'd said that, but hearing it after being so close together made him feel all fuzzy inside. "I could never hate you, Jungkookie." You mumbled, already falling asleep again. He smiled.
Of course you couldn't.
Because even if you did, it was too late to leave him.
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You'd understand.
He knew, because you'd done so in the past as well. This was nothing compared to what he'd done in the past for you, yet it was just as necessary. Looking over the letter you'd received from your parents, his eyes went cold as he took it and placed it into the pocket of his jacket, closing your mailbox, leaving everything else inside. He knew them already, having used past freetime to scout out where they lived, and how they'd treated you during your childhood. The things he'd found out were still making his blood boil.
You were the product of an affair on your mother's side, unwanted, yet born out of pure believe that abortion was against nature. She kept you simply because her husband had forced her to- as a form of punishment for her actions, if you will. She'd treated you just as something alike; a punishment.
Regularly forgetting to pick you up from school or clubs, she was nothing but a complete failure as a mother. Yet you, being the angel you were, still cared deeply for her, enough to accept any half-hearted apology she would throw your way.
It was almost similar to his own upringing, in a way. He had been an unwanted child as well.
Yet his mother had to live through the torture of his own drunk father every day, giving up on protecting him after he'd turned ten years old, leaving him bare to the hands of his intoxicated father, unshielded from the anger or otherwise emotional outbursts of him.
He stopped caring after a while.
Yet when he saw you, so innocent and shy, oblivious to the horrible things going on around you, he felt the need to do a better job his mother had ever done. He needed to protect you from all harm. He couldn't let anything happen to you.
This is why you needed him.
The world around you simply treated you badly because it had the nasty habit of trying to ruin anything that was perfect. And you were absolute perfection, blinding in purity even after his action of deflowering you, sending you to heaven for the blink of a moment just to pull you back down to him again.
Stepping through his door he placed the letter on his kitchen table, adress of them clearly visible.
You'd understand.
You always did.
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780 notes · View notes
Title: Isolation
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 5,224
Warnings: Smidge of Angst, Bit of Pining, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Terrible pickup lines (Thank you Austin Powers), Touch Starvation, More Fluff! Implied Sexy Time. Comfort Fic!!
Summary: When the croatoan virus takes over half the country, you haul ass to the bunker where your two best friends are to keep you safe. Only, one of them you have had feelings for and the other keeps encouraging you to tell him. 
Square Filled: The Bunker ( @spndeanbingo​) Cuddling ( @spnfluffbingo​)
A/N: This one is for Help You Anon, who needs this the most.  I also absolutely loveeee how this one turned out! I hope y’all do too!! Happy Reading!
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Your heart was beating a mile a minute as you raced down the empty open roads of Lebanon Kansas. You were mere minutes away from your destination and you couldn’t have been any happier. You didn’t want to be out in the open anymore. You didn’t want to run the infinitely large risk that came with it.
 You were a hunter and had been since you were old enough to hold a knife. Not that you were allowed in that sense. You came from a long line of hunters. Your dad, his parents before that. It was the Family Business as he told you. Killing evil sons of bitches was the day job, and at times like this, it came with it’s perks. Those perks being the only friends you had.
 Sam and Dean Winchester.
 You and the Winchester’s went way back. Hell, you’ve known them since you were a kid. They were the only two that you could be completely honest with. They knew the life, just like you did. It also helped that you were in the middle of the two of them. Two years younger than Dean and two years older than Sammy. You fit right in with the two of them. You always had.
 You pulled up to the bunker, a place you had been a hundred times. Dean had the garage open for you to park your car inside. You didn’t want to leave it out in the open and attract the wrong kind of people.
 Dean was waiting for you in the garage, leaning against the front of his car with his arms crossed over his body. You smiled at the sight of him. He was in single layers. A dark green henley to be exact, and a pair of jeans with a rip in the knee. His usual hunting boots on and a soft smile playing on his pink plump lips. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight of him.
 You put your car in park before cutting the ignition. You kicked the car door open quickly, moving over to him to engulf him in your arms. The smell of his cologne mixed with whiskey filled your nose. A smell you had come to associate with the older Winchester. God, it was good to see him.
 “Hi sweetheart,” he beamed, squeezing you once more before releasing you.
 “Thank you for letting me stay,” you smiled.
 “Thanks for keeping us informed,” he breathed out. “You know you’re more than welcome here.”
 “I like to call first,” you winked. “Any idea how this could’ve happened?”
 “Sam’s looking into it,” he started. “Is it everywhere?”
 “Yeah pretty much. I passed one car on my way here from Sioux Falls, Dean. Everywhere is a ghost town. It’s kind of scary actually! I didn’t want to be alone,” you admitted. “Not out there.”
 “Well, your room is exactly the way you left it. We’ve got enough supplies to last us,” he assured you. “C’mon, let’s get you inside.”
 Dean helped you carry your bag in from the trunk into the bunker. You protested a little of course, but it was useless when it came to Dean. You followed behind him, shutting the garage door behind you. He led you inside, heading to the library where he knew his brother would be. You brushed the stray piece of hair behind your ear as you got closer to the library. The sight of Sam sitting in his chair made you smile.
 “Hiya Sammy,” you called out. He pulled his attention away from his computer, a wide smile appearing on his features. He got up quickly, rounding the table. You met him halfway, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders, squeezing him tightly.
 “You look amazing, darlin’,” he told you as his arms snaked around your waist. “It’s been too long.”
 “It has,” you agreed. “Lucky for you, you’re stuck with me for awhile.”
 “As long as you’re making those cookies,” he chuckled, releasing you from his hold. He had the softest smile playing on his lips, making you feel right at home.
 “You got it,” you nodded. “I’ll even make Dean my special apple pie.”
 “I knew I said you could stay for a reason,” he let out a laugh. “C’mon sweetheart, let’s get you settled in.”
 You followed Dean through the halls of the bunker, heading straight to the room they had for you. It was right next to Dean’s. You had picked it when they let you stay the first time. You wanted to be close to Dean because you felt safer when he was in close proximity. He had always protected you and made you feel safe. Ever since you were little, it had been that way.
 “Here we are,” he stopped. Door number twelve. You could see your reflection in the two shiny, gold numbers. You gave Dean a warm smile, reaching for the door handle. You stepped inside first, flicking on the light. The room was exactly the way you left it. Even the papers on the desk. It was your space.
 “Thanks for carrying my bag in,” you smiled at him.
 “It’s no problem,” he said, placing your bag down on the bed. “You want to get changed into something comfortable? I’ll grab you a beer and make some popcorn. We can watch a movie?”
 “I’d love to,” you nodded.
 “Good,” he half smiled, turning away to head out of your room.
 “Hey De,” you called out.
 “Yeah sweetheart?”
 “You look good,” you smiled, turning away from him to hide the heat that was rushing to your cheeks.
 “Says you, Y/N,” he told you, slipping out of your room quietly.
 You couldn’t contain your smile as he shut the door behind him. You had always had a thing for Dean Winchester. Ever since you were a kid. He was cute, of course. But it was his protective nature that really reeled you in. The way he kept you safe. The way he made you laugh, and the way he was with you. He was one of the good ones. Only he saw you as his little sister, and not as anything else. You knew that, and you accepted it a long time ago. The flirty banter between the two of you was just a habit. It was the two of you being comfortable with one another. Just like it was when you played with Sam’s hair during down time.
 You pulled out your favourite pair of sweatpants, and an oversized shirt you were sure you stole from Dean years ago. It was something comfortable. You threw your hair up in a messy bun before changing. You couldn’t wait to be hidden in the bunker with your two favourite people.
 You slipped out of your room, making your way through the halls once more. The smell of popcorn filled your nose instantly. You were so ready for a movie night with the Winchester’s. You were back in the library, looking over at Sam still glancing at his computer.
 “Hey,” you greeted him, walking over to the table. You took a seat on the table, your feet on the chair next to him.
 “How are you holdin’ up?” he asked, glancing up at you as he leaned back.
 “I’m calming down now that I’m here,” you answered. “Thanks for asking.”
 “You looked a little overwhelmed when you got here,” he pointed out. “Not that I blame you. It’s everywhere. I just got off the phone with Garth. He said his town is the same. Croatoan virus.”
 “What caused this, Sammy?” you questioned, swallowing hard as you looked down.
 “I wish I knew,” he frowned. “Hell, it could be the angels stirring up trouble again.”
 “Maybe,” you shrugged.
 “Well, you’re safe now. The bunker is warded. You’ve got us,” he smiled. “You and Dean having a movie night?”
 “Yeah,” you giggled. “You joining us?”
 “Nah, not tonight,” he shook his head. “I’m going to go for a run on the treadmill. Clear my head.”
 “You okay?” you furrowed your brows.
 “Yeah,” he nodded, casting his head down. “Just - this whole thing is going to be more than we can handle. All those innocent people. Sometimes this job sucks, you know?”
 “I get that,” you breathed out, reaching your hand over to hold his. “We’ll figure it out. We always do.” You squeezed his hand.
 “You finally going to do something about your crush on Dean,” he changed the subject, giving you a sly smile.
 “No,” you chuckled. “Nice try though.”
 “Well, we are stuck in here for however long. I don’t want the sexual tension to get to be too much,” he joked, squeezing your hand.
 “Whatever,” you rolled your eyes playfully. “Since I’m here, can I braid your hair later?”
 “Sure,” he shook his head with a wide smile. “Go have fun with Dean. We’ll hang out tomorrow.”
 “Will do. You know where to find me if you need me,” you told him. You hopped off the table, circling around him. You leaned down, pressing a kiss to his cheek before taking off to the kitchen. You could see the look of defeat on his face. You hoped that a good run on the treadmill was going to help him.
 You skipped into the kitchen, the smell of the popcorn getting stronger. You saw Dean standing next to the stove with a huge bowl of popcorn next to him. A case of beer was set out, ready for your night to begin.
 “You ready?” you asked with a wide smile.
 “You know it,” he chuckled. “You want to grab the beer. I’ve got the snacks.” You nodded your head, stepping into the kitchen to grab the beer off the counter. Dean had the popcorn bowl in one hand and the chocolate and candy in the other.
 “Lead the way, handsome,” you smiled.
 He gave you a soft smile, walking out of the kitchen to head out. You watched the way his legs moved as he made his way to the Dean cave. He had changed into his comfortable sweats and kept his henley on. You loved it when he was comfortable for movie nights.
 You stepped onto the Dean cave, smiling at the sight before you. It had changed a lot since you were last in it. It still had the kegs and the foosball table. The old chairs were there, but there was now a bigger couch in there now. One with lots of room for you to get comfortable. Blankets were folded at one end. A big pile of them. There were actual pillows, and a coffee table.
 “Look at this place,” you smiled.
 “We changed a few things,” he smiled. “You should’ve seen Sam, Cas and I trying to get the couch in here.”
 “Oh god, that must have been hilarious,” you beamed, taking a seat on one side of the couch. “What do you feel like watching, Winchester?”
 “Uh, what about a classic? I was thinking Austin Powers,” he wiggled his eyebrows.
 “Shall we shag now, or shag later?” you let out a laugh. “You know I’m always for watching that.”
 “Alright,” he nodded, grabbing the remote off the table. The bowl of popcorn was set between you. The candy and chocolate next to it. You reached over, taking two beers out of the case. You opened one up for Dean, handing it over to him before opening your own. You took a good sip of it. You felt yourself calming down as the beer hit your empty stomach. You didn’t know how much you needed it until that first sip.
 The beginning of the movie was silent. You munched away at the popcorn. Your hands meeting the odd time, making you laugh a little. It was nice to just be able to sit there with him and enjoy a good movie.
 Eventually you got tired of the popcorn and it was moved to the table. Dean opened the peanut m&ms and moved a little closer to you. You couldn’t deny that your heart began to race when his thigh pressed to yours.
 “How was your last hunt?” He asked towards the end of the movie.
 “Good,” you shrugged. “Simple salt and burn. Nothing extensive. I welcome the easy ones these days.”
 “Yeah no kidding,” he chuckled. “When was this one?”
 “Yesterday actually. Before everything went all fucky. Sam thinks it has something to do with the angels.”
 “Me too,” he nodded. “Cas is MIA.”
 “Guess we gotta lay low until we know,” you said. “I could definitely do with more movie nights. It’s been awhile.”
 “It has,” he nodded. “You still hunting with what’s his name?”
 “Cory? And no,” you shook your head. “We uh - parted ways a few months back.”
 “Weren’t you two-“
 “Yeah, at one point,” you swallowed hard. “But it didn’t mean anything to him and he continued to screw other people. I couldn’t do it. We split and I’ve been on my own ever since.”
 “You’re hunting solo?” He asked, a hint of anger in his voice.
 “I’m being careful,” you stated.
 “Damnit, Y/N!”
 “I know,” you breathed out, suddenly finding the label on the bottle interesting. “Truth is, I haven’t been hunting that much. I’ve worked maybe four or five cases since we split. One was with Jody. You guys and the demon hunt. The others were salt and burns. I’m not really on a suicide mission. I know the job kills well enough. I’ve been taking breaks here and there. Working in bars. Hustling pool now and again. It’s been quiet.”
 “You could’ve stayed here, you know,” he pointed out.
 “I know,” you nodded. “But you also know that I need some space sometimes. Things with Cory - it didn’t feel right. There was so much trust built with us being hunters. Someone I could actually see myself sharing my life with. But he didn’t want to be tied down and I couldn’t trust him after finding that out. It just sucked to find out the person you were with wasn’t the person you thought they were.”
 “That why you want to stay with us?” He cocked his eyebrow. “Tired of running?”
 “Tired of being alone, Dean,” you admitted. This conversation was getting to be too much for you and you hadn’t had nearly enough to drink to continue it. You didn’t want pity and you didn’t want Dean to find out that you had a big ol’ crush on him either. Some things were better left hidden. This was one of them. “Anyway, I’m glad to be here to watch movies with you, Mr Bigglesworth.”
 “Cute,” he let out a laugh. “For the record, Cory’s an idiot.”
 “Yeah, he is. He’s not a Winchester,” you smiled.
 “No one is as stupid as us,” he joked, nudging you with his shoulder.
 “I wouldn’t say that,” you let out a laugh. “More like dumb.”
 “Yeah whatever,” he smirked. The end credits rolled up on the screen. Dean reached for the remote, turning the movie off. “You feel like watching the second one?”
 “Maybe tomorrow night,” you said as you yawned. “Today was a long day and I’m looking forward to sleeping in a bed that doesn’t have a puke coloured comforter.”
 “Alright, fair enough,” he nodded. “C’mon, I’ll walk you to your room.”
 You got up off the couch first, stretching your sore muscles before starting to walk to the doorway. Dean was right behind you, his hands on your shoulders as if he wasn’t going to be able to keep up somehow. It made you smile. Then again, a lot of things about Dean made you smile.
 You stopped at the number twelve on your door, turning to face Dean. He had a soft smile playing on his lips and his hands were now shoved in the pockets of his sweatpants. He looked a lot happier than you had seen him the last couple of months. His eyes were a little brighter and the bags under his eyes weren’t as bad as they had been. Unless that was the hallway lighting, but even then, it could only do so much.
 “Thanks, Dean,” you half smiled, looking up at him.
 “You know where to find me if you need me, okay?” he assured you, reaching his hand up to cup your cheek. The simple gesture made your heart soar. You didn’t want to give away the fact that it did.
 “Right next to mine,” you breathed out, nodding your head. He moved his hand away, and gave you a half smile before turning to walk back down the hall. There was a part of you that was screaming inside, begging him to come back and stay with you. You didn’t want him to stray too far, and you certainly didn’t want to be on your own again. Not after doing it for the last six months. But Dean was your friend. He wasn’t going to be what Cory was to you. He’s not a warm body to sleep next to, or someone you could have that life with. He was Dean Winchester.  “Hey Dean?”
 “Yeah?” he turned back to look at you. You took a few steps forward, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, engulfing him in a hug. He hugged you back instantly. His arms slipping around your waist, tugging you in close to him. You melted against him this time. There was no rush or pressure to get things moving. You got to enjoy the feeling of being in his arms, and that was exactly what you needed.
 “Night,” you smiled, releasing him from your arms. You knew if you didn’t then, you weren’t going to.
 “Night, sweetheart,” he whispered. You turned back to your room, opening the door without another word.
 You took a deep breath as soon as the door shut. The lingering feeling of Dean’s arms was still coursing through you. A feeling you never wanted to stop. It had been so long since you had that kind of affection. Sure, you hugged Sam earlier, but it wasn’t the same as it was from Dean.  You fit perfectly in Dean’s arms, it seemed.
 You tiptoed your way over to your bed, pulling the comforter back before slipping inside. The sheets were cold against your body at first. The room was a little colder than you were used to. It was that time of year, and it didn’t help that the bunker was underground.
 You glanced at your phone for the first time since you got to the bunker. The first thing you saw was a text from Cory. With the Croatoan virus going on, he was looking for a warm bed and someone to hide out with. He tried his hardest to try and reconnect with you when he was lonely. He was the reason why you were too. The reason why you were so touch starved and craved Dean all the more.
 You turned over, trying to make yourself more comfortable. The light from the hallway was beaming in the bottom vent. You let out a huff, trying to make yourself comfortable on your pillow. You could always get up and sneak into Dean’s room. Claim you had a nightmare and you didn’t want to be alone. That would at least get you in the door. The rest you could figure out. But at the same time, you didn’t want Dean to know about your feelings for him. You could sleep in Sam’s room with him. It wasn’t Dean though.
 You had to suck it up. It was either that, or you were going to run the risk of Dean finding out. You had a choice. You always had a choice. You swallowed hard, throwing the comforter off of you. Your feet hit the cold concrete floor, taking you out of the room and right to the next one.
 You could see that Dean’s light was on from the bottom of the door. You could hear him rummaging around in something, indicating he was still wide awake. You took a deep breath. You had to grow a pair. You couldn’t expect yourself to be happy if you weren’t going to do something to make you happy. You reached your hand up, knocking against the wood.
 The door opened slowly, revealing Dean in his same clothes and a confused look on his face. You gave him a weak smile, placing your hands together in front of you. You had to try and form the words you needed to get him to let you stay.
 “So - uh, turns out I’m not actually that tired,” you said sheepishly. He stepped to the side as a smile spread across his cheeks, opening the door up a little more for you to enter.
 “C’mon,” he nodded.
 You hesitantly walked inside his room, taking a seat at the bottom of his bed. He had one of his drawers open, and a few clothes on his desk. He was folding them up and putting them away. You recognized a lot of his shirts, hell you had worn a few of them.
 “You okay?” he asked you as he folded one of his t-shirts.
 “Yeah,” you breathed out. “Just - I don’t want to be alone tonight.”
 “Tired of being alone?” he questioned.
 “So tired of being alone,” you admitted. “Cory texted me earlier. Asking where I was. With this going on out there, he’s looking for a warm body to sleep next to. I’m not going back to that.”
 “I don’t blame you,” he nodded. “My bed’s always open. First night’s free.”
 “Shut up, Winchester,” you let out a laugh. “My room’s cold.”
 “Right, the heater is broken. I went out and bought one for my room. I forgot about that,” he said sheepishly.
 You moved up the bed, slipping beneath his covers. His room was at least ten degrees warmer than yours. He finished up folding his shirts and put them away as you made yourself comfortable in his bed. His felt softer than yours, and the pillows were nicer. You were definitely going to take advantage of his bed for the night.
 He flicked the light off, leaving the little lamp on before he climbed in the bed to join you. The bed shifted as he positioned himself comfortably. You turned your gaze to him, seeing the soft smile that played on his lips. You could feel his body heat radiating towards you. This was exactly what you needed.
 “Night sweetheart,” he muttered.
 “Night Dean.”
 You gently began to stir hours later. Warmth filled you, followed by the soft thumping sound beneath your head. Every so often, your head would rise and fall. You were pressed against something harder than you expected, but comfortable at the same time.
 Holy shit, you had fallen asleep cuddling Dean. Fuck!
 You smiled to yourself for a moment, actually allowing yourself to relish in the feeling. You were safe, and protected by Dean. He was holding you to him, letting you cuddle him. God, you had no idea how much you needed this kind of touch. The soft, sweet, worry free hold that you had been deprived from for so long. You missed this more than anything.
 “Hey Dean, Jody - shit sorry!” Dean stirred beneath you, effectively waking up to Sam’s voice. You shifted off him instantly, feeling your cheeks heating up at being caught by Sam, and probably by Dean too.
 “Mmmh?” Dean groaned.
 “Jody called and asked about what’s going on,” he informed the two of you. “I have to say, it’s about time you told him. I told you things would work out. You’ve only been flirting since you were kids.”
 “Told me what?” Dean asked gruffly, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes.
 “Sam,” you warned him.
 “I’ll be in the library,” he said sheepishly, leaving the room as fast as he entered it.
 “I’m going to go get some coffee on,” you told him, trying to sound as confident as you could. You didn’t want to make it seem like a big deal, even if Sam had just basically told Dean that you had feelings for him.
 You slipped out of the bedroom, making your way down the hall to the kitchen. Your stomach was growling, and you desperately needed a cup of coffee to wake you up. Sam already had a pot waiting for the two of you, which you were more than thankful for. You poured yours and another one for Dean when he finally made his way to join you.
 You took a seat at the table, taking your first sip of the liquid gold. You took a deep breath, letting the warm drink slide down your throat. Dean sauntered in with his same clothes on from last night. He flashed you a soft smile as he headed straight for his coffee.
 “What was Sam talking about this morning?” he asked as he sat down in front of you, his mug in his hand.
 “Nothing,” you shook your head. “I think he just thought we were together.”
 “Why would he think that?” he chuckled, bringing his mug up to his lips.
 “Because I slept in your bed last night,” you pointed out.
 “And you were cuddling with me,” he wiggled his eyebrows, earning a groan from your lips.
 “What I do in my sleep is not really me, Winchester,” you argued, hoping to ease your way out of this conversation unscaved.
 “Oh yeah?” he let out a laugh. “You know you cuddled me the whole night right? Twenty minutes after you climbed into my bed until this morning.”
 “You didn’t stop me,” you stated. Your heart felt like it was going to pound out of your chest. You had no idea where this was going to go. You didn’t want him to be mad or uncomfortable. Hell, it wasn’t the first time it had happened, but Sam just had to go and say something and now you were on trial.
 “You’re right,” he agreed. “I didn’t. I can see that you’re touch deprived, sweetheart. You’re one of the most affectionate people I know.  If cuddling me means you won’t fall back into bed with Cory or someone else, then I’m gonna do it.”
 “I’m okay, Dean. Really,” you lied.
 “Maybe so, but we all need someone sometime,” he half smiled.
 “Even you?”
 “Even me,” he swallowed hard. “You want some breakfast?”
 “Yeah, that’d be great,” you nodded.
 “Bacon and eggs?” he offered.
 “You know I’d never pass that up.”
 He got up from his seat, leaving his half drunk cup of coffee at the table with you. You watched his bowlegs take him over to the fridge, opening it up to grab what he needed to start breakfast. His words were still ringing in your head. He needed someone too. Maybe that was why he didn’t stop you, or protest. He didn’t seem to be that mad at what Sam said either.
 You got up from your spot at the table, bringing your coffee with you. You tiptoed your way around the counter. He had his back to you as he started making the bacon. You placed your mug on the island before hopping up on it. You watched as his back muscles moved beneath his shirt. You smiled to yourself. Maybe telling him wouldn’t be that bad. After all, he was Dean. You had known him for years. He was a hunter that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.
 “Hey Dean,” you breathed out, trying to hide the smile playing on your lips.
 “Mmh?” he asked, still focused on the task at hand.
 “I kind of lied to you,” you started. “Sam said that this morning because he thought I finally told you how I feel about you.” He turned away from the bacon for this one. His brows were furrowed when he looked at you. He took a few steps towards you, placing his hands on either side of you.
 “Are you saying wha I think you’re saying?” he questioned. “You have feelings for me?”
 “I do,” you nodded, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. “I always have. I feel safest when I’m with you. You make all the bad things seem insignificant. You make my heart race, and my palms sweaty.”
 “This isn’t one of those ‘if we die’ speeches is it?” he cocked his eyebrow.
 “No,” you shook your head. “This is one of those selfish, and probably incredibly stupid moments you and Sam can hold over my head.”
 “Not stupid,” he shook his head. “I always thought you had feelings for Sam.”
 “You kiss his cheek all the time. You braid and play with his hair every time you’re here. You usually text him,” he pointed out.
 “I didn’t want to kiss you on the cheek because I can barely tell you you look good without blushing. Your hair isn’t long enough for me to braid, but I have played with it when you were sleeping,” you told him. “I just don’t want to annoy you, you know?”
 “You’re never annoying me,” he assured you. “Especially when you need me.” His hand came up to your cheek, urging you to look up at him. You gave him a weak smile, meeting his gorgeous green eyes. He leaned into you, brushing his lips gingerly over yours. You smiled against him, kissing him back. You swore your heart skipped a beat. This was everything you wanted. Before you felt safe, now you felt like you were home. You felt like you had a sense of belonging. You were here with him and nothing else in the world mattered more than this moment. Not Cory. Not the Croatoan virus. Nothing but Dean.
 “Is something burning?” Sam’s voice called out.
 “Shit,” Dean muttered, turning away from you to the stove. The bacon was definitely going to be crispy, maybe a little too crispy. You let out a giggled, bringing your hand up to your lips, that were still tingling from the feeling of his.
 “Does this mean I get to sleep in your bed tonight?” you played.
 “Oh sweetheart, you get to do more than sleep in my bed tonight,” he told you.
 “Guess you like me back, huh?” you half teased. Honestly, you just wanted to hear him say that he did. You wanted to know that Dean Winchester had a crush on you too.
 “I’ve liked you since we were seven years old, Y/N,” he stated, turning back around to face you. He took a few steps to you, a soft smile playing on his lips. “You make me feel safe too.”
 “Good,” you nodded.
 “C’mere,” he smirked, reaching his hand to your chin. He pressed his lips to yours, smiling against you. You wrapped your legs around his waist, tugging him into you as you kissed him back. “Sorry it took croatoan to make me do this.”
 “Better now than never,” you giggled. “Shall we shag now or shag later?”
 “Do I make you horny baby?” he quoted with a wide grin.
 “Mmmh very,” you smirked. “Finish up breakfast and we can definitely go back to bed.”
 “Coming right up,” he winked.
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luxekook · 5 years
chapter four.
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⇥ pairing: ot7 x reader
⇥ genre: college au with fluff, smut & angst
⇥ summary: a series in which the reader meets (and falls for) seven members of the Beta Tau Sigma (BTS) fraternity
⇥ word count: 3.3k
⇥ warnings: 18+, cursing, dirty talk, noona kink, general chaotic energy, poly relationships, slight implications of switch!reader and sub!jk, jin being a beautiful mess, make-out sesh with multiple people oops
⇥ beta reader: the lovely @shadowsremedy​
© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
characters | prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine
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Chapter Four
Taehyung’s Room, BTS House – 10:49pm
“Alright. What do you want to know?”
Namjoon’s question fills the room. The boys all stare at me with anticipation, leaning forward with furrowed brows.
I ponder my course of action for all of two seconds before launching into my well-practiced rant, “I want to know what sort of sick prank you think you’re playing, because I am not falling for it. I mean – all of you wanting to date one person? Date me? Seems fake, but okay.”
Some of the boys move to interrupt me, but I thrust up a palm, “No, please let me finish. I know I don’t really have the right to make judgements about you guys, but I have seen some misogynistic behavior from your frat. So, I feel like it’s not that far-fetched for me to think that you’re probably playing me.”
“Messy gymnast behavior? What’s that?” Jungkook whispers to Hoseok who just shrugs, looking equally as baffled.
“Misogynistic, Kook, not messy gymnast,” Namjoon pinches his nose in frustration, “It means prejudiced against women.”
Seokjin and Jimin descend into fits of laughter. Hoseok still looks mildly perplexed, and Yoongi takes a large sip of soju from a bottle he procured from god knows where within the last few minutes.
Covering his face, Jungkook dives behind Jin in hopes of further hiding his embarrassment.
“I think I know what she’s talking about.”
The room quiets at Taehyung’s interjection. He reluctantly sits up from his relaxed position on his bed and explains, “When we met at our party last semester, she found out about our old pledge tradition.”
“Oh, damn,” Jimin sighs, “So that’s why you motioned to remove it from the chapter’s history at the last meeting.”
“Yeah,” Tae looks me in the eyes, “We voted removed it, (y/n) ... A little too late though, it seems.”
Jungkook peeks his head out from behind Jin’s shoulder, “We’re sorry, noona.”
Trying not to internally melt in response at the youngest’s display of classic puppy-dog eyes, I slump against the wall and slide into a sitting position on the floor. “Look, I’m not going to say that ‘it’s okay’ because it’s not. But I do appreciate that you removed it.”
The boys hang their heads, looking properly chastised.
“That’s fair,” Namjoon finally says quietly, “We know as a frat we fucked up. We’re not perfect. We make a lot of mistakes. But we’re trying to get back to being respectable and move on from here.”
“We’re trying to get back your respect,” Yoongi rubs the back of his neck, looking at me with wide eyes and more attentiveness than I’ve ever seen from him.
“But that’s the other thing,” I look away, pulling at a random thread fraying off of the sleeve of my sweatshirt, “Why does it matter so much that I respect you? Why are you all so invested in me all of a sudden? In all honesty, I haven’t said more than two words in conversation to half of you.”
“Yeah, that doesn’t really matter,” Namjoon shrugs, shifting to lean casually against the wall.
My eyes narrow, “How can it not matter?”
“Because we date as a group, (y/n)-noona,” Jimin smiles down at me from his perch on Taehyung’s bed, all squishy cheeks and crinkled eyes, “Tae thought we’d all like you, and then Jungkookie and Joon-hyung agreed and—”
Hoseok excitedly chimes in, arms swinging wildly, “And finding someone who we all like hasn’t happened in so long, and I’m so happy!”
“Yah, Hobi!” Jin reaches over Jungkook to shove the bouncing boy, “We’re supposed to be playing it cool. We have to woo her.” He winks and blows me a kiss.
Instinctively, I swat it away and then giggle at Seokjin’s indignant gasp.
“I take it back! She’s mean!” Launching into a passionate rant complete with head shaking and wild eyes, Jin continues, “Consider that kiss null and void. I have never been so insulted in my entire life, you know!”
Tears stream down my cheeks as I collapse from laughing alongside the rest of the boys. Namjoon’s dimples are out in full force as he drawls, “Hyung, that’s what you said yesterday when I beat you in Overwatch.”
Seokjin splutters over the now-renewed laughter of his younger brothers, “I thought I told you to never speak of that again!”
Trailing off in mumbles of how he needs new friends and how disrespected he is as an elder, Jin resorts to pouting in the corner.
“You’ll have to excuse Seokjin-hyung, (y/n),” Taehyung smirks at me with raised eyebrows, “He’s skated by solely on his looks up until now.”
Seokjin’s pouting intensifies.
“He is handsome,” I instinctively respond, fully focused on the beauty of Jin’s pouty lips. And when those lips break into a huge grin, I cringe at my lapse in judgement for the thousandth time that night.
“My faith in humanity has been restored!” Jin ambles back to his original spot next to Jungkook and thrusts a paper heart that he apparently had been carrying on his person for quite some time in my direction.
“Hyung,” Hoseok eyes Seokjin with a concerned frown, “Where did you even get that from?”
“That’s one secret I’ll never tell.” Jin barely finishes that sentence before a flurry of pillows, water bottles, and other miscellaneous items are thrown at him from all angles.
“I thought we agreed no more quoting Gossip Girl, Jin-hyung!” Jimin cries as he continues to hit Jin with a pillow from Tae’s bed.
Miraculously still even able to speak under the assault from the other boys, Jin replies with complete sincerity, “XOXO.”
Chaos reigns.
Watching all seven of them in - presumably - their most natural state, I sigh in amusement, “Y’all are too much.”
Somehow the boys hear me, because they all turn to face me once more with various expressions of playfulness and mirth. Jin still lies under the pile of them laughing slightly as they slowly shift off of him.
“Nah, I think we might be just enough for you, noona,” Jungkook pipes up as he plops down on the edge of Taehyung’s bed.
“Yeah? And how do you know that?” A sudden thought occurs to me, “Wait, why do you all even date one person anyway? Don’t you realize like half the campus is in love with each of you?”
“You’re included in that half, right?” Taehyung grins and then shrinks under my withering glare, “I mean, it’s a long story?”
“Oh, hold on,” I check my wrist, which noticeably has no watch, “Mhm, that’s right. It’s story time.”
Jimin snorts and then burrows under the covers in mortification.
“Cute,” Hoseok sighs, staring at me, “I want to keep you.”
And there’s something about having Jung Hoseok’s full attention and adoration that brings me to peak devastation. I pull my hood up over my head and burrow into my sweatshirt.
“Aw!” Various yells rebound around the room. I flip them all off.
“Hobi,” Yoongi teases, “I think she likes you.”
I peek out of the safety of my sweatshirt to eviscerate him with my eyes, but Yoongi just raises one brow coolly and calls me out, “Well, am I wrong, jagi?”
All eyes are on me, and the room is suddenly so quiet that all I can hear is the muffled party downstairs and the beating of my heart.
“... I want my lawyer,” I finally declare, re-emerging from the depths of my sweatshirt and crossing my arms.
“Oh, come on, noona!” Jimin shuffles across the room and kneels in front of me, causing me to descend into a panic, “You like Hoseok-hyung, right? Well, what about me? Do you like me?”
Jimin peers down at me, pink hair tussled and eyes shining. How could I ever say no to that beautiful face? That angelic human?
“I’ll answer your question if you answer mine. Why do you all date the same person when each of you could have anyone you want?”
Jimin deflates and sits back on his heels, frowning at my non-answer.
“But we do already date everyone we want,” Hoseok cuts in, giggling, “Well, almost.”
They’re already dating people? My mind wracks through all my knowledge of the seven boys sitting before me, but no evidence of them dating anyone pops up. “Wait, I’m confused. Who are you all dating then?”
I can’t help but feel like I’m on the outside of an inside joke as the boys all exchange looks that are all too smug for my liking.
“Seems like we did a good job, boys,” Namjoon chuckles, “People on this campus are pretty oblivious.”
“Nah,” Yoongi shakes his head, “They just choose not to see it. They want us all to be fully available.”
The lightbulb finally flickers on in my mind.
“Oh my sweet baby Jesus,” I whisper, “You’re all dating each other, aren’t you?”
Various nods answer that question. Jin, of course, being Jin, wipes an imaginary tear from his eye as he dramatically laments, “And she’s smart, too? How did we get so lucky, boys?”
“Yoongi,” I say calmly, “Please pass me that soju before I commit murder in this very room.”
Without a word, Yoongi hands me the bottle before settling down in the space next to me against the wall.
Suddenly hyperaware of my positioning, I realize I’m sitting in between Jimin and Yoongi. Jungkook, Taehyung and Hobi now sit together on Tae’s bed, while Jin remains on the floor surrounded by various pillows and debris.
Namjoon is still leaning against the opposite wall, looking way too intimidating and perfect that I’m forced to look away.
That is, until he starts to speak. “(y/n), the seven of us have always been close. We grew up together; and, somehow, we just work as a unit. We work together. It may seem odd or untraditional. Maybe it is. But, it’s who we are. And it’s how we love.”
Namjoon continues, “We don't want to lose what we have together, this dynamic we've spent so long building. But, we’ve been feeling like something has been missing from our relationship lately. We’ve been looking for someone to help complete us.”
“And you think that person is me?” I suck in a jagged breath, “You really want to share me? Do you know how crazy that sounds?”
"There are crazier things," Yoongi shrugs, taking back the bottle of soju from my grasp, "Like how Namjoon has an IQ of 148 but can't seem to live one day without breaking something."
Namjoon, looking affronted, opens and closes his mouth, but ultimately settles on just smiling bashfully. My heart almost explodes at such a display of cuteness.
"It's really not that crazy, (y/n)," Taehyung interrupts my internal fawning, "You seem like a girl who’s intimidated by no one and nothing. We really, really like that. And we figured since you kissed me and Jungkook that you might be interested.”
Embarrassment washes over me. I steal back the soju from Yoongi, who just smirks knowingly.
“Besides, polyamory is actually more common than you think,” Hobi smiles in that pretty heart-shaped way of his.
He has a valid point. Who am I to be the judge of what love looks like? Who am I to criticize these boys who clearly love each other and just want one more person to love? Who am I to deny myself the opportunity to be loved by seven people?
“Can I think about it?" I ask, still fighting the inevitable for whatever reason, "I'm not saying 'no’. I just need a bit of time to think it over."
"Take all the time you need, baby," Namjoon murmurs, looking like I just handed him the keys to the entire world.
"No,” Jimin groans, burrowing his head in the crook of my shoulder, “Please, please, please don't take all the time you need, (y/n)-noona! I can’t wait that long!”
I reach up to stroke my fingers through his pink hair in an attempt to soothe the poor angel.
“Do we have permission to continue to woo you during this ‘thinking’ period?” Jin inquires, casting a look of jealousy at Jimin who is now nestled even further into me.
“Continue?” I ask, “When did you start?”
“Yah!” Seokjin exclaims, “Why does she keep roasting me?”
“I think it’s hot,” Jungkook grins at me with stars in his eyes.
“That’s because you’re a masochist, Kook,” Taehyung cackles from his perch on the bed.
“Ah, hyung!” Jungkook jumps on Taehyung in an effort to silence him, “She doesn’t need to know that yet!”
“I mean, it is pretty obvious,” I pause dramatically, dropping the pitch of my voice, “Baby boy.”
Jungkook yelps and takes off out of the room.
“Shit, was that too much?” I ask, staring at the door thrown open in Jungkook’s wake.
“No,” Tae replies, still laughing, “I think he just needs a second to calm down. I’ll go see where he went.”
Taehyung gets up from the bed and shuffles out the door in search of Jungkook. The open door allows for more sounds from the party to seep into the room.
Namjoon sighs, “I should probably check on what’s happening down there, shouldn’t I?”
“Good luck, man,” Yoongi tears the soju back out of my hand and lifts it up in cheers to Namjoon. Chuckling, Namjoon ambles over to where Yoongi, Jimin and I are crowded together and grabs the soju.
After taking a long sip, he crouches down in front of me and grasps the hand that remains unoccupied by Jimin. Bringing it to his lips, Namjoon places the lightest kiss on my knuckles. “I’m so happy you showed up tonight, baby. I can only hope that my future holds more of you in any way you choose to give me.”
Pressing his lips to my palm this time, Namjoon smiles in that completely devastating way of his and then saunters out of the room. Still gaping, I realize I never even got to say a word to him in response.
“You are so whipped for him already, jagi,” Yoongi says lowly, lips brushing my ear.
I blink. My senses are on overload. Jimin is still curled into my side, with my hand stroking his hair and his lips accidentally grazing the skin of my collarbone every so often. Now, Yoongi is closer than ever. I can feel his breath against my neck and his stare focused on my lips. Meanwhile, Hobi and Jin are slowly but surely shuffling closer to where the three of us are bunched together.
“So what if I am?” I finally answer, “Aren’t you all whipped for him, too?”
“Oh, you have no idea,” Jimin mumbles into my shoulder.
My mind explodes.
“She’s not ready for that yet, Jiminie,” Jin giggles, “I’m pretty sure she’s still half convinced I worship Satan in the basement.”
“Well, I wasn’t before, but now I am,” I jokingly eye Seokjin up and down with an amused smile.
He grins back at me. I melt. And he knows it.
“Can I kiss you?” Jin asks, the slightest smirk curving his lips, a look of hunger burning in his gaze, like he could just eat me up, “Please?”
I swallow and his eyes latch onto the movement of my throat.
Before I can reconsider, I remove myself from my sitting position against the wall, much to Jimin and Yoongi’s dismay, and straddle Jin’s lap, immediately capturing his lips with my own.
The effect is instantaneous. Various groans echo around me as Jin smiles against my mouth. His hands find their way under my sweatshirt and squeeze my hips, dragging my body even closer against his.
The way Jin kisses is life-ruining in its unhurried, yet passionate deliberateness. He kisses me like he’s claiming me, and the possessiveness of his actions send a ripple of excitement through my body. Releasing my mouth, he works his way down the length of my exposed neck, and I gasp in response.
Suddenly, I feel another pair of hands twine around my body from behind as Hobi pleads into my ear, “Can I kiss you, too, (y/n)?”
I nod wordlessly, wondering what I did in my past life to deserve such affection in this one.
“No fair,” I vaguely hear Jimin pouting, “I want to kiss noona.”
“We’ll have our turn, Jiminie,” Yoongi’s voice causes a shudder of anticipation to race down my spine.
“Oh, she likes that idea,” Jin laughs, obviously having felt the tremor that shot though me in response to Yoongi’s suggestion, “Come get a taste.”
“Only if that’s what she really wants,” Yoongi says, meeting my eyes, “Don’t feel pressured to do anything you don’t feel comfortable with, kitten.”
“Kitten?” I growl, eyes narrowed sharply in his direction.
“Yep,” Yoongi’s answering smirk is slow and antagonizing, “All cute and cuddly with a hint of claws.”
“I’ll show you claws,” I say darkly, getting up, “Stand up.”
Yoongi’s eyebrows raise in surprise, “Why?”
“I won’t ask again,” I move closer to him and Jimin.
Yoongi pulls himself to his feet, acting like it was the most physical activity he’d ever done.
When he’s finally done with the dramatics, I move closer until he’s backed right up against the wall, “Min Yoongi, I’m going to shut you up now.”
His breath stutters as I slowly move my mouth closer to his. “Please do—” I cut him off.
Kissing Yoongi is just as intoxicating as kissing Jin, but in a different way. Yoongi tastes like soju and spearmint. His body melts under my touch, completely fine with letting me lead. An idea springs to mind and I slide my hand into his hair and tug lightly. He jolts with a moan.
Bingo. I smirk before kissing him deeper. My other hand winds around him to scratch my nails down his back. This time, I’m awarded with a small whine.
The fact that I’m wrecking this boy is simultaneously wrecking me. That impact doubles when I feel a small hand begin to wind its way up my calf towards my thigh. Tearing my mouth away from Yoongi, I open my eyes to see Jimin smiling up at me, “Can you kiss me like that, too, (y/n)-noona?”
“Why couldn’t you wait your turn, Jiminie,” Yoongi sulks adorably, sensing that my resolve against any request from Jimin was nonexistent.
“Well, aren’t you supposed to be showing me the perks of dating multiple people?” I joke, “Jin and Hobi just shared. Can’t you two?”
Jimin springs up off the floor faster than anyone I’ve ever seen, “Yes! We can share!”
“Good,” I reply, turning in Yoongi’s arms so that my back is pressed against him. He hisses in a breath. “Come here, Jiminie,” I open my arms to the eager boy who all but leaps into them.
“You’re so beautiful, noona,” Jimin sighs, pupils dilated, tongue darting out to lick his bottom lip.
“So are you, baby,” I sigh, bringing a hand up to brush his cheek fondly, “So are you.”
I kiss Jimin gently, treasuring the feel of his plump lips against my own. I trace the tip of my tongue over his bottom lip and his mouth opens in a silent gasp. I use the chance to slip my tongue inside to twine with his.
Through my thoroughly fucked-out haze, I feel Yoongi’s hands settle onto my hips, grinding me slowly against his crotch. I moan into Jimin as Yoongi’s mouth sucks on the side of my neck, surely for the sole reason of marking me.
“Well, shit, JK,” Taehyung’s voice shatters the bubble of pleasure I had been residing within in the middle of four beautiful men. My eyes flutter open to take in the sight of Taehyung holding a box of pizza and a case of beer, with Jungkook right behind him. “Looks like the party started without us.”
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a/n: oops, another slight cliff-hanger? *laughs evilly*
taglist: @catsandstrawberries​​ @h5naaa​​ @meowmeowyoongles​​​ @leftflowerprunedonut​​ @rjsmochii​​ @athletes-of-god​​ @karissassirak​​ @cage7241​​ @weallhavesecretsinthebestway​​ @cvbachacbitch​​ @bewitch3dforivar​​​ @honeyspillings​​ @xxonyxpearlxx​​ @valiantcollectorofsandwiches​​ @fivesecondsofsarang​​ @oii-f-eli-x2​​ @joonsroses​​ @theevilyouknow​​​ @jooniescupcakes​​ @expensive-grl​​ @i-dont-even-know-fck​​ @doingmybestalltheftime​​ @elraeee​​ @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh​​ @laced-brds​​ @aokay1010​​ @breeeeh17​​ @lpayne612​​ @peachyharmoney​​ @rilakoya​​ @chulchuchi​​ @tabula-rasa0​​ @guccishookv​​ @nomimits7​​ @i-like-puppy-mg​​ @s-noir​​ @anna-sorel​​ @im-a-space-child​​ @yeontanismypresident​​ @drowning-in-oxygen​​ @team-wang-puppy​​ @lvvegood​​ @anongirl007​​ @may114​​ @r-e-d-i-s-h​​ @unatempesta-dipensieri​​ @dragon-rider-with-a-book​​ @blueberrygeniejam​​ @wondrsblog​​ @heterophobez​​ @vi-hoshi​​ @kirbykook​​ @queen-of--roses​​ @blu-butterfly69​​ @katemwatson​​ @kawaiikpoplover268​​ @amsteramyy​​ @sami4life​​ @a-feeling-of-euphoria​​ @the-jackals​​ @bubbletae7​​ @btsenchanting​​ @platinum-grenade​​ @bunnyboyenthusiast​​ @brightly-byun​​ @oofmeintheheadpls​​ @sadboibts​​ @lidda​​ @goldenwidow3​​ @t-mel19​​ 
blogs that wouldn’t let me tag them for some reason: @awkwardhumambean @seablueberry @sunxxxflowers @tardis1967 
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taetaespeaches · 4 years
"You just want to get back to your Zuko fan fiction.”
yoongi x reader (or oc) genre: fluff word count: 3.2K
a/n: Well, in true Liv fashion, this was supposed to be like 1K words and here we are. But like, I kinda actually like this one?? It’s just pure fucking fluff y’all, Yoon and Kid have known each other for two weeks, have seen each other twice before this fic and they’re just so fucking smitten. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy and thank you for reading :)) 
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SNOW blew around outside the café, the faces of people passing by tucked underneath scarfs, buried in hats and mittens as they brusquely made their ways to their destinations.
The edges of the window were getting foggy from the warmth of the indoors as you took a sip of your coffee, looking down at the notebook you were jotting in. It was a slow afternoon. And your mind was taken up by the man who had been texting your phone for the past two weeks.
Two weeks. It was a short amount of time when putting it into perspective. But the days dragged as you anticipated the moment you’d finally be able to see Yoongi again. One date was all it took for you to be hooked on him. The texts were frequent, and the conversations were fun, but it didn’t take care of the desire to see him and be in his presence.
The last message you received from him was about twenty minutes ago. After confirming that you were yet again at this café you frequented, he told you, “I hope you grabbed a heavy coat like I told you to, it’s supposed to snow.” That was the last you heard from him.
The fact that he didn’t know it was already snowing for a couple of hours told you he had been locked inside his studio for most of the day, just like he had been for two weeks. The man had already given you several outs, warning you that his recent hectic schedule wasn’t unusual. Each time you told him to stop, reminding him, “I’m a big girl, I know what I’m doing.”
The truth was that you were so enchanted by the man already that you really didn’t think you could cut things off with him. His schedule was a slight concern, but you knew what you were signing up for, and you were never one to need constant attention anyway.
Taking another sip of your drink, the café door swung open, the whistling of the wind whipping through the interior, a chill hitting your skin. Your eyes slowly found the intruder who had disrupted the otherwise quiet café, your gaze first setting on their hands as they pulled the door shut, the sounds of the wind muting once again. Uninterested, but observing anyway, you noticed his arms were covered in just a sweatshirt, definitely not suited for the wind and snow.
Your eyes lingered on the body for a moment longer as you found the man’s face, delayed shock settling into your features as you realized you were staring at the one and only Min Yoongi, looking adorably disheveled as he shivered in his spot. You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face as you shot him a confused expression. He quickly pointed his gaze to the floor, a small smile forming as he began to walk toward you, tucking his hands into the sleeves of his top. His bleached hair was windblown and slightly damp from the snow, his plush cheeks tinted pink from the chill. He was stunning, and as he neared your table, your heart pounded at the knowledge that he was there for you.
When he appeared in front of you, you stared at him with wide eyes. “Uhh, hi,” you greeted through a small laugh, the confusion still settled into your face. Closing your notebook, you asked, “what are y-”
“Hey Kid,” he mumbled, holding back a grin though you could see his composure slipping. “This seat taken?”
Your elbows on the table, you propped your chin atop your hands, looking up at him amusedly. “Did you practice that line on your way here?” You teased, the shock wearing off, though your grin stayed plastered to your face. At your comment, Yoongi’s lips curved into a gummy grin as he silently chuckled. “Sit down,” you gestured to the seat with your eyes, trying to conceal your giddiness though you were sure you were failing. “What are you doing here?”
Taking a seat, he shrugged, setting his forearms on the table as he peered at you, his eyes scanning your features but not meeting your gaze. “I needed a break,” he said nonchalantly, the small smile lingering on his lips knowingly.
“Oh, a break? So that meant walking how long from the studio to get here?” You asked, your fingers covering your mouth slightly to try to hide the smile that just wouldn’t go away.
“Exercise is good for you,” he told you matter-a-factly with a head nod, avoiding your question.
“Mhmm,” you agreed dismissively, placing your hands on the table. “How long?”
Letting out a sigh, he leaned against the back of the chair. “Only about 15 minutes.”
“In that?” You gestured out the window with a nod of your head. “The audacity of you lecturing me on wearing a coat when you’re walking around in a sweatshirt,” you scolded, Yoongi’s shoulders shaking in silent laughter.
As you shook your head at him, he looked down at the table, tentatively reaching across to take your hand in his. His fingers toyed with your own for a moment before he quietly admitted, “I wanted to see you.”
Your gaze lingered on his hand with yours, the feeling of his skin on yours sending heat throughout your entire body despite the cold temperature of his hand. Letting out a sigh, you smirked. “Do you want a drink?”
Yoongi’s eyes found yours for a moment, shaking his head as he withdrew his hand, placing it around your cup. “I’ll just have some of yours.”
You smiled, raising your eyebrows expectantly. “You’re gonna hate that,” you told him as he brought it to his lips.
As soon as the drink coated his mouth, he cringed on impact. “Shit, that’s sweet,” he complained, you biting your lip to hold back your amusement.
“I told you,” you pointed out with a giggle, reaching out to take the drink from him, bringing it to your own mouth. Setting it down, you both sat in silence for a moment, Yoongi looking around the surroundings of the café as you stared at him, taking in his chilled appearance.
Without a word, you grabbed your wallet off the table and stood up. “What are you doing?” Yoongi asked immediately, looking up at you.
“Getting you a drink,” you told him as you prepared to walk away, though Yoongi reached for your hand stopping you.
He shook his head dismissively. “I’m ok, Kid.”
“Just let me buy you a damn coffee,” you complained, Yoongi smiling at your annoyed expression.
His smile faded, however, as he looked at his hand holding yours. “I only have about twenty minutes before I need to head back though.”
You observed his melancholic expression, his apparent frustration tugging on your heart. A feeling of protectiveness washed over you, and before you could comprehend your actions, you found yourself with your free hand on his shoulder as you leaned toward him. Your lips touched his adorable cheek, pressing a sweet kiss to his soft skin, Yoongi’s hand squeezing yours in response. “You’ll just have to drink it fast then.”
You pulled your hand from his and walked toward the counter, leaving Yoongi sitting at the table, flustered and surprised, the red in his cheeks no longer just caused by the cool weather.
You could feel Yoongi’s gaze on you as you ordered him an Americano, and after paying you leaned against the counter, directing your eyes to the man sitting across the room. He shook his head at you, a smile tugging on his lips, spreading into a full gummy grin when you stuck your tongue out at him.
When neither of you looked away, an impromptu staring contest ensued, Yoongi holding back a grin as he scrunched his nose, feigning determination. His eyes got wider as the air made them drier and when he blinked you giggled. The man squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before opening them and looking at you with a cute smile, shaking his head again.
The barista handed you his coffee and you quickly made your way back to him, setting it on the table in front of him.
Avoiding eye contact, he whispered a quick but sweet, “thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” you told him with a smile, watching him as he took a drink, his eyes directed out the window.
Without looking at you, he nodded his head toward your notebook that sat on the tabletop, pushed to the side. “What do you write in there?”
You feigned a gasp, Yoongi quickly looking at you with widened eyes. “That’s personal,” you teased with a grin, Yoongi hiding his smile behind another drink of the coffee. “I don’t know, a bit of everything,” you told him, placing a hand on top of the journal. “Poems that don’t rhyme, childhood memories, how much I love a good pancake,” Yoongi smiled fondly, a single breathy laugh leaving his mouth, “I jot down my favorite quotes, mostly from movies and books. I have a few song lyrics in here too.”
“Your own?” He asked curiously.
“No, no,” you quickly shook your head. “I can’t rhyme, remember? That’s all you, Min.”
Yoongi chuckled as his eyes found yours. “What were you writing before I interrupted you?”
“A welcomed interruption,” you corrected him. “And just a scholarly article about why Zuko is the best Avatar character.”
“Oh, hands down,” Yoongi told you, almost impassioned, screwing up his face as if to say ‘obviously’.
You sat back, letting out a light gasp as you whispered, “soulmates,” Yoongi chuckling.
He paused a moment, looking back at the journal and keeping his eyes there as you peered at his soft features. You could tell he was trying to work up the courage to ask you something so you decided to save him and try to boost his confidence by showing him something in your journal.  
You grabbed the notebook and flipped through the pages until you found a messy excerpt, smirking to yourself as you turned it toward him and gestured at it with a nod of your head. He raised his eyebrows, unsure if he should actually read it. “Read,” you told him.
He directed his eyes to the page, noticing that the passage was about how grilled cheese is one of the best comfort foods, and he looked up at you with his eyebrows pulled together though he was laughing. “I mean, you’re not wrong.”
“Huh?” You asked in confusion, looking at the page, “Oh, no, this down here,” you giggled, pointing to the bit of writing at the bottom of the page in the corner.
Yoongi looked again, and when he looked up at you, his eyes were wide and so soft, dripping with honey as you smiled bashfully. “Those are mine,” he pointed out, you nodding in response.
The lyrics were from the not even one minute and thirty second song, ‘140503 at Dawn’ off his mixtape, Agust D.
I always prepare two masks Hiding my true self Behind the defensive image I thoroughly hide myself
“The night after we met and I listened to your mixtape,” you told him.
“You actually wrote these down?” He asked rhetorically, mostly out of disbelief.
You smiled softly. “Yeah, I just had a bomb grilled cheese and I was listening to your mixtape and those lyrics jumped out at me. I just wrote them down real quick.”
He paused thoughtfully for a moment, thinking about the lyrics and why those were the ones you chose to write down. “Is that my only appearance in there?” He suddenly asked you shyly, but he looked you in the eyes with a sort of newfound confidence.
“Honest answer?” You asked, Yoongi watching you intently. “No.” He gave you a soft smile with a little nod of his head. “Even more honest answer? You’re probably in here too much,” you admitted as you shut the journal. “And not just your lyrics.”
As you tucked the journal into your bag, you chewed on your lip before looking at him, catching him staring at your face. “You’ve been taking up a lot of my thoughts the past two weeks, Min.”
With that he sighed, dropping his gaze to his cup, placing his hands around the paper container. “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to take you out for a second date.”
“What are you talking about?” You asked, drawing Yoongi’s eyes back to your face. “This is a lovely second date. I got you an Americano,” you smirked before taking a drink of your own coffee.
He chuckled, nodding his head. “It’s great, thank you,” he told you, his mind still focused on his guilt. “I’ve wanted to see you,” he told you. “We got done recording a bit ago and I went back to my studio to work but I just couldn’t focus.” He paused, but you didn’t speak, giving him the time to gather his thoughts and proceed. “You told me you were here again and I just-” he smiled softly. “I just started walking.”
“I’m a distraction,” you joked, Yoongi scoffing immediately. “What?”
“You’re the opposite of a distraction,” he told you, making you tilt your head expectantly, waiting for him to elaborate. “I’ve been writing so many lyrics since meeting you I’m gonna start running out of tracks to put them to,” he smiled shyly.
You tried to hold back the smile that was quickly spreading across your face, placing your hand over your mouth to conceal it. Yoongi let out a small chuckle at himself as he took a drink of his coffee.
“You don’t need to apologize, you know that, right?” You posed, Yoongi looking at you intently. “Like yeah, you’ve been on my mind a lot, but I understand. I know what I’m signing up for with you. And it’s not like I’m waiting by the door for you to take me out. I want you, Yoongi, I don’t need you.”
His mouth hung open slightly as he comprehended your words before sticking his tongue to the corner of his mouth, letting it linger on his bottom lip a moment, his mouth forming into a smirk.
“I know you’re good on your own,” he nodded. “But my time is yours if you want it.”
“I want it,” you assured him with a smirk of your own. He slowly nodded as he took a drink of the coffee. “And ditto,” you told him, his eyebrows raising from behind the cup.
“Ditto,” he snorted. “This is peak romance isn’t it?”
“It is,” you said with a giggle. Yoongi grabbed his phone, turning the screen on to check the time. When he let out a sigh, you asked, “time to go?”
“Yeah,” he frowned.
Looking outside the window, you reached for your coat. “At least it stopped snowing,” you noted before you nodded to the door. “I’ll walk you out.”
Stepping outside the café, you looked up and down his frame, shooting him a pointed glare. “A fucking sweatshirt,” you complained, Yoongi smiling at you, his hair blowing around slightly in the wind. Pulling your black and blue plaid scarf from your coat pocket, you handed it out to him. “Take my scarf.”
Taking a step back he shook his head. “No, you need-
“Take the scarf, Min.”
“No, what about you?” He asked as you stepped closer to him.
“Well I have an annoying honey boy who reminds me to bring coats everywhere I go so I’m good,” you reminded him with a smirk as you reaching up, draping the scarf around his neck. “The issue is my honey boy doesn’t listen to his own advice, so take the damn scarf.”
“You’re bossy,” he smiled, quite enjoying being called your honey boy, peering at you as you wrapped the scarf around him.  
“Get used to it,” you told him, biting back a smile.
“See? Still bossing.” He teased as you secured the scarf in front of his neck.
You smirked. “Well, now you have to see me again. So you can return it,” you told him as you continued to mess with the clothing, fluffing it unnecessarily, using it as an excuse to stay close to him.
Yoongi scoffed, your eyes glancing to his at the sound. “You think I need an excuse to see you again?” He asked with a smirk. “As if I don’t think of you constantly anyway.” You smiled at the comment, and he shook his head. “You have a way of getting under people’s skin, you know that? I couldn’t stay away from you if I tried.”
His comment had you swooning inside, though you couldn’t resist the urge to tease him. “Be cool, Min, damn,” you smirked, Yoongi shooting you a playful glare making you giggle as his hand found your waist, though the touch was barely there through your puffy coat.
“I think the scarf is situated,” he smiled, chuckling at you as if was then your turn to playfully glare.
“Well I’d be able to stop fucking with it if you’d kiss me already,” you sassed, Yoongi’s eyes falling to your lips for a moment.
“Bossy,” he whispered, you smiling amusedly. “Can I?” He asked, his eyes flickering to your lips again.
“Yeah,” you barely spoke out as your own orbs fell to his mouth.
Yoongi allowed his eyes to wander around your face for a moment before bringing his other arm around your waist, smiling as he closed the gap between you, connecting his mouth with yours. While one of your hands clasped the scarf, your other hand slid up to cup his jaw as you melted into the kiss. You opened your mouth against his but neither of you deepened the kiss, simply enjoying the feel of your lips on each other’s.
He slowly pulled his mouth from yours just the tiniest bit, leaving two sweet pecks to your lips before setting his forehead against yours, smirking at you.
“Maybe I don’t have to go back to work,” he said, making you giggle as you lowered your head, Yoongi’s lips connecting with your forehead for a moment before you stood up straight, stepping back a bit from him.
Patting his face gently with your hand you gestured down the sidewalk. “Get back to the studio, Min.”
He took a deep breath, exhaling slowly as his eyes traveled your face once more. “Want to get rid of me, huh?” He teased, removing an arm from your waist and pulling your hand from his face, easily intertwining his fingers with yours.
“Oh shush,” you rolled your eyes. “I know I’ll be seeing you again very soon.”
“Yeah, yeah, you just want to get back to your Zuko fan fiction,” he smiled, you throwing your head back in laughter.
“Maybe so, wanna read it when it’s done?” You posed, Yoongi chuckling.
“Yeah actually, do you think you’ll have it done by tomorrow night?” He asked, running his thumb soothingly along the side of your hand.
“I think I can make tomorrow night work. My place?” Yoongi raised his eyebrows but nodded. “I’ll send you my address.”
“I’ll see you then, Kid,” he told you, reluctantly letting go of your hand as he began backing away, both of your hands falling to your thighs at the release.
“See you then,” you smiled. “Don’t write too many songs about me,” you teased him, Yoongi laughing shyly.
“Yeah, no promises,” he smiled happily before turning around and making his way down the sidewalk. You watched him leave, already counting down the hours until you’d see him again.  
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
Can you do a modern zuko x male reader where they vlog their day or they go on vacation. It’s okay if you can’t
a/n: ahhhh thanksies anonnie! i’ll try my best. zuko and m/n are camera transitions kings, i also have no idea on how airports work bc i’ve never been to one 💀💀, for their hotel room think of it was one of the waikiki resort hotel rooms w/ a balcony, i had fun with this!! lemme know if yall want a part 2!
lets get it yall!
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“Hello, Zuko here. Welcome back to our channel. So tomorrow we’re going to Hawaii and we’re gonna take you guys with us.” Zuko said as he shot finger guns to the camera. “Right now, M/N is in the bathroom packing the last bit of his things. He’s a procrastinator.” Zuko commented. “YOU ACT LIKE YOU DIDN’T WAKE UP AT 5AM TO EVEN START PACKING.” M/N’s voice yelled from the bathroom. “He’s a liar don’t listen to him. He’s hangry.” Zuko said as he smiled.
“I’m hangry?” M/N walked to him. “Hey hey wait.” Zuko said as he turned the camera to record him. “C’mere. Imma teach you a lesson, boy.” M/N said as he rolled up his sleeves. “No wait you don’t haVE TO.” Zuko squealed as M/N threw him over his shoulder. “PUT ME DOWN!” Zuko yelled as he banged his fists on his back. “Nah you can’t talk mess like that and expect me to not attack you.” M/N teased as he walked out of frame. Zuko yelped as M/N dropped him in a chair. He started tickling him. Zuko busted out laughing. “B-Babe no!” Zuko exclaimed as he rolled the chair back. He slid back into frame with M/N tickling his sides. “Shut up and feel my wrath, pretty boy.” M/N cackled as Zuko squirmed around.
“I’m gonna piss my PANTS STOP.” Zuko cried out between laughs. M/N stopped and pressed a kiss to his lips. Zuko hummed with a soft smile. “We’re gonna edit that out?” Zuko asked. “Keep it in. They deserve to see how cute you look when you laugh.” M/N said. Zuko scoffed and slapped his arm. “Shut up. My image will be ruined.” Zuko said dramatically. “What image? You realize our fans have edits of you smiling and laughing?” M/N said as Zuko looked at him. “They do?” He whispered. M/N snorted. “Yeah they do. You’re on Twitter everyday, Zu. What do you think those profile pictures are?” M/N whispered back, amused. M/N watched as Zuko furrowed his eyebrows. He started laughing when Zuko’s face dropped. “Cut the camera, deadass. I’m an idiot, hold on.” Zuko whined as he ran a hand down his face. M/N kneeled down laughing. “It wasn’t that funny stop itttt.” Zuko said as he used his hand to cover his face. He gently kicked M/N’s side, causing him to wheeze.
“I’m turning off the camera. See you guys tomorrow, I’m tired of getting clowned.” Zuko mumbled with a small smile. “It’s just that you looked so fucking confused, I couldn’t handle it.” M/N cried. “Bye.” Zuko said as M/N raised his hand to wave. He covered the camera with his hand.
M/N uncovered the camera with his hand. “And we’re back at the asscrack of dawn. It’s M/N here. Our plane is at 6am and we’re up at 3am. I already hate life.” He said as he wiped his eye. “Same here. Also why are you still wearing that bandana you can put on your durag. Isn’t that better for you?” Zuko commented as he looked at the f/c bandana. “Nigga why you still wearing that shirt you can put on your hoodie. Isn’t that better for you?” M/N said as he looked at Zuko. Zuko scrunched his nose and pushed M/N’s face away. “This is why we don’t speak early in the morning. His mouth is so rude.” Zuko whined. “You fell in love with me because of this mouth, sir.” M/N said. “Shush.” Zuko said as he covered M/N’s mouth. “Kinky.” His muffled voice said. Zuko groaned and wiped his hand off on M/N’s hoodie.
“I hate you.”
“Stop lying to yourself. You love me.”
“Yeah.... Unfortunately.”
“Unfortunately?? Guess I’ll just run away then.”
“Have fun.”
“You’re an asshole.” M/N chuckled. Zuko hummed with a smile. “But please change that bandana you look goofy with it.” Zuko said. “Garsh.” M/N commented as he set the camera down. He ducked out of frame and went to grab his durag. Zuko fixed his messy bun and threw on a hoodie. “Is that mine?” M/N asked from out of frame. “Yeah. Cry about it.” Zuko said, earning a pillow to the face. “Bitch.”
“Oh we’re talking about ourselves now?” M/N said with a false sense of surpise. “Low blow you lil shit.” Zuko grumbled. “I’m leaving you and asking Sokka to come with me instead.” He said. “Tah. You think Sokka’s gonna wake up at 3:30 in the morning on a Saturday? He’d skin you alive.” M/N commented. “Somewhere in the distant he woke up sneezing.” Zuko said dramatically. M/N chuckled. He picked up the camera and adjusted his backpack strap. “Autobots roll out.” He said, making Zuko rolled his eyes. “See yall in the airport, teehee.” M/N said as he held his hand up. “Did you have to say teehee like that.” Zuko said. “Stop shitting on my parade before I fart on your pillow.” M/N said. “You’re disgusting, why do I date you?” Zuko grimaced. “Because you’re stupidly in love with me and you’re whipped for my stupid ass.” M/N sang.
“N. e. ways. Before I was so rudely interrupted by this big baby—”
“I’m NOT a baby.”
“Uh I’m not finished—”
“I’m a grown MAN.”
“Oh my god, can you let me do what I need to do.”
“Go on.”
“Okay damn. As I was sayin—”
“I just think—”
“I’m gonna beat you with a tiki torch, Zuko. Shut UP. Let me do the fucking transition, fireboy.”
Zuko bit his lip to hide his smile. M/N huffed before smiling at the camera. Zuko waved. “See y’all in a few!” M/N said before covering the camera with his hand.
Zuko uncovered the camera. “Well hello there again. We’re in the airport now. It’s too bright in here.” He said quietly. “This tastes like shit. Like it makes me depressed even drinking it but caffeine.” M/N said as he grimaced at the taste. “I told you to not buy that brand. You don’t listen.” Zuko commented as he balanced the camera ontop of his suitcase. “It’s not even brand coffee.” He mumbled. “What is it then?” Zuko asked as he fixed his bun. “You wanna try?” He asked as he handed him the cup. Zuko took a sip and gagged. “That’s gonna give you some type of heart disease what the fuck is that? It tastes horrible!” Zuko exclaimed as he pushed the cup away. “Just a shit ton of caffeine shots and 5 hour energy.” M/N said.
“Jesus fucking christ. How do you drink that crap? Give that to me. I’m getting you actual coffee so you don’t die of high blood pressure before the age of 50.” Zuko said, snatching the cup away. “Zukooooo.” M/N whined. Zuko stood up. “This is basically gasoline. As a matter of fact, no more coffee for you. I’m supposed to be the coffee addict but this here is death in a cup. I’m getting you go gurt or some shit.” He said as he left. “He’s a hater he just took my gasoline.” M/N whined. He sucked his teeth and grimaced. “It was pure fuel. Can you get high off of caffeine? I mean it is an adrenaline.” He said as he fixed his durag.
Soon Zuko came back with a water bottle and a smoothie. He sat down. “Drink some water to wash that god awful mix out.” Zuko said, tossing it to him. “You couldn’t hand it to me?” M/N mumbled as he opened it and drank some, swishing it around his mouth before drinking it. “What flavour’s the smoothie?” He asked. “Piña colada.” Zuko said as he gave it to him. “But aren’t we gonna have that in Hawaii?” He asked again. “Stop complaining before I take it.” Zuko groaned. M/N shook his head before drinking the smoothie. “See you guys soon.” Zuko said, covering the camera.
There was a montage of Zuko and M/N, going through baggage claim and boarding the plane before Zuko turned the camera to face them. They waved at the camera. Zuko covered it again.
M/N uncovered the camera. “Hey girl hey, I’m in a plane.” He said. “That was awful.” Zuko grumbled as he adjusted his seatbelt. “When will you brighten up? Is it because you’re pastey?” M/N asked. “Pastey? I’m not pastey.” Zuko said. “You need some vitamin D? The sun? That good ol melanin? Cuz your panties are in a twist.” M/N teased. Zuko only rolled his eyes.
M/N recorded the plane taking lift off. There was a monatage of the plane getting higher and higher off the ground till clouds started to show. He turned the camera to show him and Zuko. Zuko rubbed his eye and waved. M/N only smiled and pressed a kiss to Zuko’s cheek. Zuko closed his eyes and smiled. He covered the camera.
He uncovered the camera to show Zuko hugging his arm while sleeping. He cooed. “See how cute he is when he sleeps? Lil chubby ass cheeks. Lookin like a dumpling. I can’t even turn on my laptop because he’s hugging my arm. He’s just so....” M/N trailed off to fondly smile at him. He pressed a kiss ontop of Zuko’s head. “Since I’m editing this video before it comes out y’all gonna see some real mushy shit because we are simply two stupid guys in love. I know some of y’all just gon eat this shit up. See y’all in Hawaii.” He said softly before covering the camera.
Zuko uncovered the camera. “We’re in a car and M/N’s out like a light.” He said as he showed M/N’s head on his shoulder. “I like him when he’s quiet sometimes. S’nice. Forgot to mention we’re in Hawaii now.” He said as he showed the scenery that passed them by as they sat in the cab. “I can practically feel the jet lag so we’ll probably stop filming after we show you our hotel room and continue tomorrow.” Zuko said, leaning his cheek ontop of M/N’s head. “We’ll be back.” He said before swiping his hand down the camera.
Zuko’s hand swiped down the camera revealing their shoes walking down the sidewalk. There was a montage of them walking into the hotel, checking in, going up the elevator and walking to their room.
“Time for the big reveal.” M/N said as he held the keycard. Zuko hummed as he swiped the keycard and opened the door. They gasped as they looked at how cute the room was. “Bro... this is...” M/N said as he held the door open for Zuko. He walked inside showing the camera the whole room. “Cute.” Zuko mumbled. “Better than our room.” M/N said as he closed the door. M/N placed his luggage in the corner of the room and plopped down on the bed belly first. “Holy shit, Zu baby come HERE.” His muffled voice said. “Why what happened?” Zuko asked as he went to sit on the bed. “Oh my god.” He said.
“I know. Yeah no we’re gonna sleep and cuddle the rest of the day cut the camera.” M/N said as he turned to lay on his back. He kicked his shoes off and pulled Zuko down. Zuko squealed before he moved his head to lay ontop of M/N’s. He kicked his shoes off. “Welp. We’re gonna knock out. Bye.” Zuko said with a smile. M/N waved and covered the camera.
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thefloorisbalaclava · 4 years
you’ve got a way of lifting me up - part 2
pairing: frankie ‘catfish’ morales x f!reader
warnings: smut - praise kink, blindfolding, facesitting
a/n: so...i promised someone a smutty second part and here it is. i combined it with another request that asked me to go into a little more detail about the blindfold thing i mentioned briefly in the drive-in movie fic. it has some plot but not much. i hope y’all like it.
part one
The night turned out better than you both expected, but he still couldn’t wait to get home. Frankie had never been one for ‘dressing up' and was much happier walking around the house in his boxer briefs. You preferred him that way as well.
He fell onto the bed with an exaggerated groan, letting his legs dangle off the side. You joined him and stared at the ceiling as he stared at you.
“You’re beautiful,” he said.
“You’re handsome,” you responded, turning on your side. “And cute and sexy and mine.” You mussed his hair, making it messy again.
He closed his eyes to your touch. “I never get tired of hearing that.”
“That I’m yours. Makes me wanna take your last name.” He turned and buried his face against your neck and nibbled, making you giggle.
“You are mine, aren’t you?” you asked, loosening his tie which he seemed grateful for.
“Forever babe.” He kissed your lips just as you slid the tie from his collar. You looked down at the silky fabric in your hands than looked back at Frankie. “What are you thinking?”
“You’ll see.” You turned your back to him. “Unzip me.”
“Yes ma’am.” He kissed each inch of skin as it was revealed to him. “Keep it on?”
“Hm?” You turned look over your shoulder at him.
“I want you to keep it on the bottom half.”
“I always forget just how kinky you are, Mr. Morales,” you teased as he finished unzipping your dress.
“You corrupted me,” he joked.
“Is that so?” You turned to face him again, pushing him onto his back and climbing on top of him. His hands immediately went to your thighs as your dress rode up just enough for him to see your panties. He sat up and kissed you hungrily. You pulled away and he pouted. When you held up the tie though, he smiled again. He closed his eyes and let you blindfold him. You pushed him back down and he chuckled.
“Am I allowed to touch you now?” he asked.
“Yes. You know why?”
“Why?” His voice was getting rougher by the minute.
“Because you’re so good.” You leaned down to kiss him then nip at his jaw. “And you make me feel so good.” You kissed up to his ear. “And…you’re mine,” you repeated in a whisper and he groaned lowly. His hands kneaded your thighs and moved around to your ass, squeezing and massaging it gently. “Tell me what you want, Frankie, and I’ll do it. You deserve a reward for getting through tonight.”
He was breathing heavily, focused on touching you. “Can you please get this shirt off me?”
“Of course.” You sat up and unbutton his shirt, pulling it from his slacks so you could get it off completely. He sat up a bit and shrugged it off. “What else, my dear?” His face flushed more than it had already and you tilted your head though he couldn’t see you. “Go on.”
“Can you…take your panties off?”
“I can.” You slid off of him and reached under your dress, sliding your panties down your legs and kicking them away. Back on top of him, you rested your hands on his chest as his found your ass again. “Anything else?”
Instead of saying anything, he began pulling you up his body slowly but surely. You knew what he wanted but he was still a little shy around you even with the blindfold. With a few more gentle pulls, you were hovering over his face and looking down at him. “Please?” he asked quietly. He licked his lips and squeezed your thighs, pleading silently. You pulled your dress up until it was gathered at your waist then lowered yourself onto his face. Right away, you gasped and he moaned at his first taste of you.
You reached down and ran your fingers through his hair before pulling. He grunted and tightened his grip on your thighs.
“Frankie…baby…that’s so good,” you moaned. You moved one hand behind you to put on his chest so you could balance as you leaned back while the other stayed in his hair. He began moving you back and forth on his tongue ever so slightly. “God, that feels so good.” You swore you could feel his mouth curl up into a smile between your legs.
His tongue always seemed to surprise you, dipping inside you one moment then teasing your bundle of nerves the next. Before long, you were coming undone, both hands back in his hair pulling as you rode his face. He made a contented sound against you, placing gentle kisses against your overly sensitive skin. When you lifted yourself off him, he licked his lips then smacked them like you were the greatest thing he’s ever tasted.
“You are the greatest thing I ever tasted,” he said. See? He caught his breath, wiping his moustache and beard clean. “Babe…can you please get these fucking pants off me?” You looked back and noticed how his hips moved against nothing, searching for friction, for relief.
“Okay.” But before you did, you leaned in and kissed him, tasting yourself on his lips. You climbed off him and unbuckled his belt, slipping it out of the belt loops and throwing it on the floor. After unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, you tapped his thigh a few times signaling him to lift his hips so you could slide his pants and underwear off. “Better.”
“Whew…hell yeah.” You admired him quietly, taking in the body you loved more than anything--from the scars to the soft tummy and everything else. “Babe? You still there?”
“I’m here.” You took him into your hand and he gasped. “See?”
“I can’t see but I can definitely feel,” he said, cursing under his breath as you moved your hand on him slowly. He bit his lip and grabbed at the sheets as one of his legs kicked out, making you giggle.
“Feel good?”
“Feels goddamn amazing…shit.”
You played with him until he begged you to stop, not wanting to finish too soon. “Scoot up on the bed so you’re comfortable,” you told him.
“Can I…be on top?” he asked.
“Sure.” He got up on his knees as you laid down and helped guide him between your legs. His hands felt for your breasts, kneading them gently as his thumbs brushed across your nipples. You reached down and took him in hand again, helping him find his way inside you. He moved his hands to your hips as he slid deeper into you, his mouth dropping open more the deeper he went. Once he was fully inside, he held himself up over you by placing his hands on either side of your head. You touched his face, tracing his lips with your thumb just as he found his rhythm. He took your thumb into his mouth and bit down gently—it was something you typically did to him. Whenever you moaned or whimpered beneath him, he picked up his pace.
“Just like that, baby…yeah.” You slowly reached for the tie that had been keeping him from seeing you this whole time. The truth was, you missed those gorgeous brown eyes looking into yours as he made love to you. When you pulled the blindfold off, he blinked then met your eye. “There you are, handsome.”
“Fuck…” he whispered, his hips snapping against you a little harder now. “How does it feel?” he asked, looking down between your bodies.
“You feel incredible. Perfect. So fucking good.”
“Goddamn.” He used one hand to grab one of your thighs and bring it up to an angle that allowed him to move even deeper within you. “You really kept the dress on,” he said, surprised.
“I did.”
“Fuck, I love you.” He lowered himself to kiss you, biting your lip softly.
“I love you too, Francisco.” His hips faltered at the sound of his name and he threw his head back.
“Again.” He took his hand from your thigh and put it between your legs to play with you.
“Yes! Francisco…”
“I’m…fuck…I’m gonna…” He pressed his body against yours, his lips crushing yours in a sloppy kiss. Your fingers tangled in his hair, keeping his forehead against yours as his thrusts became relentless. You hooked one leg around him and after a few more thrusts and a few more firm touches, you came around him—calling for him over and over again. He quickly followed suit, his moans getting louder and rougher with each thrust. He growled your name as he filled you, his entire body going stiff in your arms then trembling as he grew too weak to hold his own weight.
“I’ve got you, Frankie. It’s okay.”
He collapsed on top of you, apologizing profusely against your neck as you held him. “Am I…am I hurting you?” he asked.
“Nope. I’m good.” You rubbed his back then moved up to his hair, massaging his scalp. He whimpered weakly, nuzzling you.
“How was it?” he mumbled.
“Amazing as always, my love.”
“Mm, I’m sleepy.” He pulled out of you carefully and moved most of his weight off you but kept his leg between yours and his face buried in your neck.
“I know. Let’s get some sleep.” A few minutes after you said that, he was snoring softly. You reached for the bedside table to turn off the lamp then made yourself as comfortable as you could with Frankie wrapped around you that way. You kissed his forehead and he mumbled something in his half-asleep half-awake state that you had come to understand after so many years together.
“I love you too, handsome.”
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beamingmaylyn · 4 years
eat ramen with me - jjk || part 29
(text under the pictures)
warnings : swearing, fingering, spanking (ig), oral (f receiving), dirty talk (like very poorly written, its barely there)
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Jeongguk isn’t one to share his clothes, but I would have to guess I’m an exception. Here I was, sitting on his couch in one of his giant hoodies and a pair of my thigh high socks. When he picked me up at the shop and saw that I had spent the night in a dress with bare shoulders, he freaked on the spot. “You’re going to get a cold!” He said before forcing a cup of boiling tea in my hands which were covered by the long sleeves of his hoodie. If it was oversized on him I didn’t even want to know what it looked like on me. Along with the tea, he sat beside me and stuffed dumplings into my mouth.
“You’re so cute…look like a little peach.” His hands were gently squishing my dumpling-filled cheeks. After eating, he took off the blotchy makeup I didn’t manage to last night. After all, all I had was water and cotton pads, and makeup and water don’t work well together.
“I’m not sick, Gguk!” I whined pulling down his palm from my forehead. “Hmm…I don’t know. Let me check your temperature again.” I was being pulled into his lap when his lips pressed a long kiss to my less-than-warm forehead.
Conversation died down as we watched a random Netflix show while cuddling. My head was resting on his shoulder and my face buried in his neck. As soon as my lips touched his neck, his warm hand slipped under my sock and squeezed my thigh. I sucked on his ear lobe and tugged on his earrings, which is what I realized gets him going over the past couple of days.
I found myself, almost subconsciously, gripping the lower part of his shirt, but he took my hand in his and intertwined our fingers. It was the little things, like the stroking of his thumb on my hand, that raised my heartbeat.
My heart didn’t lose its intense pace when he let go of my hand to grip my jaw and bring our lips together. Almost immediately his tongue met mine.
“Mm, the dumplings were good, huh?” “You’re gross.” “Hey! I didn’t even get to try one, let me enjoy this.” Then I kissed him again.
“Can you sit differently peach? My leg is going numb.” If this boy interrupts one more time I swear. “I can sit on the floor if you’d like.” I stood up and leaned down to rest my hands on his knees. What I didn’t expect though, was rejection. “Not today, let me take care of you this time.” Both of us were now standing, and his hands gently held mine. Though the eye contact we held was intense.
Was I ready? Whatever I say next determines the outcome of the situation. I trusted him, so why was this decision so difficult? With the thoughts running through my brain my eyes dropped from his and were now looking at the floor.
“If you’re uncomfortable it’s totally fine. I mean it’s not fine because that means I’m the one that made you uncomfortable and that’s totally not cool of me as a boyfriend and as a friend. I didn’t mean to pressure you, I just thought you wanted it as much as I do because you’ve been making me feel good for the past 2 days and I finally manned up enough and I want to return the favor-“
“Gguk please, you’re rambling.” I brought my hands to his face and gently cupped his cheeks, focusing his big concerned eyes on the smile on my face. “You’ve never made me uncomfortable, of course I want it. I just…It’s really not that big of a deal but, I don’t work out and dance my ass off every day.” I tried to hint at the dumb reason, not wanting to explain myself.
“You don’t have to have a six-pack and big biceps for me to think you’re gorgeous!” He smiled brightly at me before engulfing me in a hug and swaying us around. “Keep the hoodie on and cover my head, it will be like nothing is even happening.”
Minutes later I was lying over Gguk’s lap, biting the sleeves of the hoodie and whining like a desperate bitch. He was knuckles deep with two fingers, not even moving them in and out at this point, but crooking them and pressing on my g-spot. “God, these stockings…You look so fucking good in them.” He groaned and harshly groped my thigh, giving it a gentle smack right on the exposed skin. The smack didn’t even sting, but it still made me clench around his fingers. “Dirty girl.” He commented against my head while giving it a small kiss. All my hair was moved to one side so he could kiss my ear. “Can I eat you out?”
In what world I wouldn’t let Gguk eat me out, I don’t know. So now, my head was buried between my crossed arms while my whiny moans filled the big living room. Gguk was sitting behind me spreading my cheeks and enjoying himself, with a pillow under my hips to give himself leverage. His big hands were rough on my skin, and the reactions his touches and movements provided made me feel and look like a virgin. It felt so good I was almost shaking.
“Feel good, peach?” He mumbled against me, sending electricity down my legs. “Mhmm, feels so good.” I slurred incoherently against the sleeves of his hoodie. I’ve been blabbering utter nonsense for the past 10 minutes, dirtying up the hoodie he so kindly offered with the wetness pooling in my mouth.
“Fuck.” I whined in a high tone when he slipped two fingers in knuckle deep and spread them. He stayed like that for a few seconds, just staring at my sex with admiration. If I learned one thing from this experience, it’s that Jeon Jeongguk is whipped for pussy.
“What a fuckin’ peach.” I barely caught what he said, and smiled into my elbow. It wasn’t meant for me to hear, it was just a mere observation passing through his head. The smile was smacked off my face with a light swat of his hand on my ass. Oh, so that’s the peach he was talking about.
“Come on, I’ve seen the way you smack your hyungs. I’m sure you can hit harder than that.” I taunted him with a wiggle of my hips. Gguk is a competitive guy, we been knew. Whenever I challenge his abilities, even with a mere ‘can you do this baby?’, he steps up and proves his golden status.
“Please don’t bring my hyungs into this.” He whined before landing a harsh smack on my right butt cheek. When he saw the reaction I provided, he landed a few more before softly rubbing and kissing at the red and hot skin. He was taking his sweet ass time, and being the brat I am, I whined and wiggled my hips.
“You’re an impatient girl aren’t you, hm?” His lips were now delicately kissing my folds before he slipped in his tongue. I’m not sure who taught him the shit he was pulling down there, but I couldn’t be more grateful.
A few minutes of attention to my clit brought tears to my eyes and a shakiness to my hips.  “Mm, ‘m close,” I mumbled as the tears began to slowly trickle down my face, and into the sleeves.
Much to my dismay, he stopped and delivered a smack to my ass, making me jolt.
“Sit on my lap.” I finally got a glance at him. His slightly longer-than-usual hair was messy, his pink pouty lips were the pinkest and shiniest I’d ever seen them be, and his dick was setting up camp and pitching a tent under his pants. He was also shirtless. Not sure when that happened but you’ll never catch me complaining.
My back was pressing into his hard chest, and my ass was pressing into his hard cock. What I would do to have him inside…
The gentle grip of his hand on the underside of my knee cut my flow of thoughts. My other leg was bent and resting on his thigh. His hand was slowly caressing its’ way down my body, which suddenly made me hyperaware of his harsh breathing on my neck. His lips were right against my ear, and it immediately turned me into putty. When his fingers finally grazed my clit, my head fell back on his shoulder and I looked up at his desperately.
He smiled down at me teasingly and kissed me. He took the opportunity of me being whipped for his plush lips to push two fingers inside. I clenched my stomach and gently bit down on his lip.
Soon enough he was moaning praises and words of encouragement into my ear, slipping in a few bites, licks, and kisses between the words.
“Does it feel good, peach? You like being played with like this?” He mumbled into my neck while kissing it. It was like my mouth and brain lost contact and all I could do was whine and shake.
“You’re close, huh? I’m gonna have to push you over the edge, aren’t I?” He sucked a small lilac bruise right behind my ear and I barely managed to keep my neck upright.
With the last ounce of energy I had in me, I arched my back and reached behind me to grip his hard cock. When I stroked my hand up and down his pants, he snapped his wrist hard and pushed his fingers even deeper. It was a game-changer when he added a third finger and roughly moved all three in unison. My orgasm finally hit with the grinding of the edge of his palm against my clit.
I firmly gripped his hard-working forearm with one arm, and messily intertwined the fingers of his free hand with my other hand.
“There you go peach, fuck.” He moaned into my ear when I shook against him and helped me slowly ride it out. I expected him to stop, though he was slowly but surely starting to purposely overstimulate me.
“Gguk.” I whined and moved my hips in an attempt to stop him, but he didn’t budge. Our intertwined hands were wrapped around my waist so he could pin me to him. He stopped in panic when he felt the wetness of my tears on his neck.
He slowly pulled his fingers out and looked into my eyes with a worried look in his.
“It’s too much.” I whimpered with my eyebrows furrowed. He caressed the side of my face and kissed my forehead. “But it feels so good.”
With a smirk wide on his lips, his fingers went back to work.
part 29 - i hate it here
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eat ramen with me masterlist
summary : you keep getting texts from a random number and decide not to go against the will of the universe
a/n : i hope y’all were pleased with the smut ajsjadah its not so great🥴,, and im sorry for the wait! i’ll try to hurry with the next part (shoutout to @inangellocumlibello for helping me with this, shes a real one🥳)
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woogurl · 4 years
so i decided to make a short analysis and i say short because i don’t know how short it’ll be. 
this is in regards to the anon who said that kq seems to push woosan too much in choreos/taking pics together/high fives/etc.
don’t get me wrong, i’m not here to prove to you that these moments aren’t fanservice because as i mentioned before, that they often are. however, i do not think kq is always responsible for all these moments. i think they have many subtle moments that make me think otherwise. 
i know when we think of fanservice moments, there’s no doubt that fake love
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and this legendary, sensational ass performance tops them all.
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now before we rid these moments as just fanservice, can we talk about how comfortable they are with doing this kind of stuff. yeh many group ships do fanservice, but understand that MOST do not go this far. Nor do they commit to this degree. even with korea’s culture, there are just some boundaries most of these men do not want to cross. let’s talk about a fanservice moment with nct, and use mark and johnny as an example. there’s a moment where they get very close and intimate during superhuman but they always seem very uncomfortable. at least mark does. he simply does not seem to like this type of intimacy with males. and that’s completely fine.  
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i also want to use nct as a whole as an example there’s many times where the company tries to get them to do fanservice but to no avail. they just laugh and joke around, and that’s because they see each other as brothers. i’m not referring to any specific ships. i simply mean in general. so the company makes them do fanservice but they’re not forced to “enjoy it or do it often”.
now let’s take a very intimate taejin moment didn’t want to do a popular ship for obvious reasons. sorry taejin shippers. 
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the intensity is there on tae’s side, but not jin. it just seems like he’s doing his job and giving the fans a bit of fanservice. there’s also a more intense taejin moment where there seems to be a lot of sexual tension, but i’m not convinced that there is because they’re obviously doing it for the camera. they’re both good actors so. i’m sure they could convince anyone that they have incredible chemistry and sexual tension.
but let’s be real, it’s not convincing when it’s obvious that they’re just giving their fans a show. so i can understand why people are like woosan are doing it for show. esp because unlike any other ship there’s so many woosan moments in their choreos and they just dance together so often. and i’m gonna assume the anon brought this up because there’s woosan moments in their newest song inception and fever. LET’S NOT EVEN MENTION THE LYRICS. now ateez is one of those groups who does a lot of fanservice in choreo’s in general, but they def use woosan to their advantage. why? because it’s such a popular ship, but so is seongjoong as i mentioned before. they could capitalize on seongjoong as well, but their moments are often less organic when they do do fanservice. like i said they don’t pretend to enjoy it. hongjoong is very open about his disgust with skinship. so no i don’t think kq forces woosan to pretend to enjoy it. i think they just genuinely enjoy the fanservice.
so let’s take some subtle moments during woosan choreo’s.  
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now, this iconic moment was during random play dance in budapest and it isn’t actually apart of any choreo, but mind you seonghwa and mingi were supposed to do a couple dance as punishment. but was like fuck fanservice. well they did give us a different type of fanservice hip thrusts. while woosan was basically like...
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can u see the difference in atmosphere, like woosan didn’t have to do anything but they started dancing as if they were really at a club. san was literally eye-fucking woo and biting his lips and shit like damn. lmfao.
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woo of course was like okay, that’s enough and pointed to mingi and seonghwa, u prob can’t see because it’s hard to capture but if u watch the vid u’d see woo was like. “ok, das enough, pay attention to mingi and seonghwa”. san was really feeling it tho. enfen.
next moment was during the expedition tour in lisbon. they were doing a random play dance. 
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first of all i didn’t even know this moment existed. someone pointed it out in a dm. @ 1:48 there was a lot of tension between woo and san. it was just a random moment during the play dance. the way they looked at each other and san flicked woo’s chin. oomph. HONGJOONG WAS NOT HAVING IT and quickly intervened. san was lowkey mad at hj. 
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in the end, woosan ended back up together, despite being separated. 
anyway next moment during Random Dance in Milan (Magazzini Generali). they were dancing to monsta x shoot out and woo wanted him and san to do it together. so he went the opposite way of everyone else.
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at this point woo and san were trying to find a way to properly interact with each other but it was so messy because everything was unplanned. they were so attentive to each other that when jongho came and asked them to do the second verse(?) move they just ignored the poor baby. ‘cause they obv had other plans.
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jongho ended up doing it by himself while woosan continued with their own plans. ooOOP.
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woo wanted to do another song with san, and i guess he wanted them to do the same thing i’m not sure, but san looked just as confused as well. but he did his best in doing what i guess he figured woo wanted him to do. he was up for it tho, he was like what is it? i’ll do it. xD. i know some of y’all are like btch get a youtube channel so we could see the moments better. but idk how to do utubesokey;c
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woo ended up getting shy and embarrassed for some reason and san was quick to comfort him. it was super sweet.
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next moment is the Random Play Dance in Berlin. Where they were both shyly dancing to twice. They didn’t know what to do, or at least was too shy to do it so san just grabbed woo and started dancing with him. It was another cute moment.
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the entire time they were just planning on what they should do together, and san literally waited on woo to see what he wanted to do because woo often takes initiative in general between the two of them. they would just constantly keep touching each other and looking at each other. he was so attentive to woo that he wasn’t paying attention to yunho and seonghwa dancing so jongho and woo both had to point at them so san would turn his attention there. lol. 
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san’s attention was still mostly on woo because he grabbed him to dance with. what i’ve noticed during these random play dance moments during tour is that they absolutely love interacting with each other, touching and keeping their attention on each other. it would be foolish to think they’re forced to act that way 24/7 because of kq. they react this way because they’re naturally close to each other and are okay with psychically being close to one another.
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next moment is the Random Play Dance in Atlanta. 
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yes, it does include the famous fake love woosan dance, but i still think it’s valid because as i’ve said before they’re incredibly comfortable with these types of interactions. also would like to mention how attentive san is to woo once again. for the most part his attention is mainly on woo if you pay attention to him closely.
next the Warsaw ATEEZ My Way SAN focus, san was incredibly attentive to wooyoung. san locks eyes with woo multiple times. i’m just gonna highlight obv moments.
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NEXT. let met just say 181118 was a glorious fansign. 
Pirate King SAN focus the moment at 1:36 during pirate king where san was like, 'c'mere' to woo.
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the moment at 2:22-24 where he was trying to get woo's attention but woo's focus was elsewhere.
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the moment at 2:26 he really wanted woo's attention. crjkc j fjmk. that tongue tho mingi.
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he then decides to use seonghwa to make woo jealous at 2:39.
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he tried to get his attention again at 2:56.
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let's talk about the my way cam too, that was full of subtle woosan as well.
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not subtle, but still includes moments that isn't part of the org choreo.
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once again san is so attentive to woo. if i haven't said this before san is so much more transparent than woo. and u can see that during these moments especially.
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san all up in my man's space. sxdrcfgvbjkl 
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san being relatable. He's so focused on woo that the members have to push him to the correct spot.
anywaY the point is they enjoy these kind of things  because they’re naturally close and intimate irl. so it makes their interactions looks completely natural and organic. so u don’t have to worry about them being ‘forced’ to do fanservice. ‘cause what woosan has is just something u can’t compare to another ship.
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misstyery · 3 years
Hi, congrats for your 100 followers ☺️, can i request for the matchup event, if it cool?
So first of all im gonna say that I'm a demiace with preference to the guys, and for my personality i would say im the type that go from 0 to 100 hundred really quick like if im into something i would do anything related to it and if im not im distancing myself from it. I also a loyal person, especially to my old friends and would do anything for them. So in general, im a cheerful, sometimes air headed, really lazy girl and go with the flow type of person that like to do stuff at home. I like reading, especially fictions, swimming, cooking, listening music for hours and window shopping from time to time, i too also enjoy physical touch, warm hugs and cuddles are just 🥰🥰 for me. I also find myself kinda difficult to stay focused hdhshsh, so it would be amazing to be with someone that could help me with that. I also like to think i am a confident but kinda sensitive person, well more like not caring what people say in general except if it like my loved one then i would probably get insecure lmao but i would do everything that could make me happy. Also im a chubby girl that like to eat, like a lot, especially enoki mushroom and noodles lmao, btw enoki mushroom with black bean sauce are so good 😩. Oohh i also think if there's like a cute scenario with a s/o it probably be like doing skin care together or even grocery shopping together, both of them sounds so domestic it really hit close to the heart 😌. Anyway sorry if this a lot, sounds like im rambling and really messy, once again congrats for your 100 followers and the pic on your event post are really cool, cant wait to see more awesome stuff from you ☺️
❀ i match you with... mirio!
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notes: first matchup done! thanks for all the compliments, you're so sweet <33333. i hope you like you’re matchup!
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you and mirio have the same energy: cheerful, a smidge air headed, and confident, and i think you’re shared traits would make your relationship really fun and joyful
y’all are virtually stuck at the hip, wherever you are, he’s bound to be there too
you two aren’t necessarily clingy (read: yall kinda are 💀) you just like to spend a lot of time together
mirio loves to be around you and spend time with you, and he doesn’t mind participating in your hobbies/things you like to do, as long as he gets to spend time with you
he loves to go swimming with you at the pool, go out to eat with you, cook with you, go shopping with you, etc.
every time you’re with mirio you can bet on it being a fun experience.
and even though academically mirio isn’t the smartest, he still is very disciplined and has. Good work ethic, all which come in hand when helping you keep focus :)
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“damn, mirio you got it in my eye!” you cried out, squinting your eye in pain. “oh, sorry sunshine! “mirio apologized. he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly and watched as you bent over the sink to wash the facial cleanser out of your eye. “maybe trying to apply the cleanser on each other’s faces wasn’t the best idea. “ he said ruefully. you stood back up and turned to face him again, “ it’s alright, babe. let's just move onto the face masks “ you beamed at him and grabbed the face mask packets.
“this time i’ll apply them. you just stand there and look pretty “ you ripped the packet open and gestured for mirio to bend down so you could reach his face. you started to gently smooth the mask onto his face, making sure it fit around his mouth and eyes properly. you then opened the second packet and started applying the mask onto your face, “you gotta remind me to take these off in 20 minutes, okay? cause if they stay on too long our skin will dry out”. mirio beamed at you and sent you a thumbs up, “ you got it, sunshine! “.
after you finished smoothing your mask onto your face, you turned to the mirror. you both wore light blue bathrobes and had fluffy white towels wrapped around your hair. with the face masks completing your spa day fits, you two were the picture-perfect image of relaxation and cleanliness. you grinned and grabbed your phone, pointing it towards the mirror and taking a picture of you and mirio. it was a cute picture, mirio wasn’t even looking at the camera, but cute nonetheless.
“d’you know what time it is now, sunshine, “ mirio asked you in a sing-song voice. before you could answer he yelled out again, “enoki and ramen time!“. he grabbed your hand and pulled you into your dorm room, grabbing the many foam bowls full of ramen and enoki. mirio sat on your bed and patted the space next to him, waiting for you to join him. you quickly joined him on the bed, making sure you were as close to him as possible. he handed you your bowl of enoki and a pair of chopsticks, and the two of you happily started to eat your food.
it only took a couple of minutes after you finished your meals for the two of you to fall asleep, legs entangled with each other and your head pressed into mirio’s chest. and it wasn’t until the early hours of the morning when you woke up, groggy and confused with your bathrobe still on. you struggled out of mirio’s arms and stumbled to the bathroom. you turned the light on and looked at yourself in the mirror. you let out a loud gasp when you saw the face mask from the night before still plastered on your face and quickly ran to wake mirio. you two were sure to have dried, cracked skin the rest of the day.
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fichtner-fics · 4 years
Christmas Miracle (Alex Mahone)
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Warnings: none (besides some spoilers in the context describing, mention about family problems (just a few words)), in contrary TOO MUCH FLUFF AND CUTENESS OMG my heart just can’t take that
Context: So this is a bit out of the PB storyline. Cameron, Alex’s son is alive, but Pam is not in the picture at all. I didn’t exactly clarified, where she is or what has happened to her (she’s not necessarily dead), and from the point of this fic it doesn’t matter. What does matter: Cameron is five (just like in the serie), living with his dad, spending so much time with Y/N (who isn’t from the office, not even working in law-enforcement). And the rest is down there, I just wanted to explain the basics. 😊
A/N: So I thought it would be nice to surprise you with a little Christmassy-Mahone, with so much fluff, cuteness, love, joy, gingerbread and sparkles. This is the end result. ✨  (2298 words??? sorry I was just typing and suddenly it happened) (I’m already visualising a secod part of this, help, things started to get out of my control)
Originally I wanted to post this on the 22nd, BUT I JUST COULDN’T WAIT YOUR REACTIONS so tell me tell me whatever you think about this. 😭😭
I know this is quite early to say, but I want y’all to have yourself a very happy, merry, holy, jolly, fun Christmas, take care yourselves, and rest as much as you can. We all have things to recover from, so let this period be that recovery’s time. Thank you all for making my 2020 whole, giving me some light during these shadowy times. It is such an adventure which started this year. ❤
I know I have 2 requests pending, I’ll start the next year with them. Pinky promise!
[yeah, that’s Carl Hickman on the gif, but as I realized there’s no footage in the wide Internet of Mahone smiling so I had to improvise😆; gif’s from here, thank you!]
Alex and I were friends for such a long time. Though during his marriage we hadn’t seen each other as frequently, our friendship remained. What’s more, since they split up with Pam and he was left alone with his son, I was the first person he came to. I usually cooked them and spent so much time with the little boy. We grew closer and closer – with both of the boys. With Cameron in the sense of a mother-son relationship and with his father… well, I fell in love with him, and I was quite sure that he felt almost the same way. There was nothing on Earth I would enjoy more than our long nights with deep conversations and a cup of tea, which happened pleasantly often. We could talk about anything and everything, he shared with me all his ups and downs, everything at the office, in his (ended) marriage, and vice versa. I didn’t have a failed marriage to talk about, but given my drunk father, I had some things to share about as well. Long story short, basically we would just have to say things out loud to become a couple.
Given Alex had to work late (unfortunately) on the 25th of December, he asked me to look after Cameron, which I took happily. I already planned our whole day during the night before, so I arrived with decided plans at their house.
First things first, we of course bake some gingerbread to build a house. When finally it wasn’t hot, I put everything on the table and called Cameron. While I was gathering some tools missing, he took the plate in front of him.
“We won’t have anything left to build the house if you keep eating all those gingerbreads” I said laughing and messing up little Cameron’s hair. He giggled but kept chewing a gingerbread man’s leg. “And tell me” I asked, sitting on the chair next to him “what did you wrote on your list?”
While I was waiting for him to answer, I started to prepare the frosting and the tubes with coloured icing in them.
“I asked a huge… truck…” he said excitedly. “With a remote controller. And a toolbox for myself, because daddy has his own, and I want to help him repair things. And some Lego!”
“That’s amazing. You will have so much fun with these” I smiled at him. “Give me two sidewalls, please” I said after finishing the preparation of the necessities. It wasn’t the funniest part of making the house for a five-year-old, but I hoped that by involving Cameron in the process would cheer him a bit. I put some frosting on the sides of the gingerbread, then glued two pieces together.
“And I asked a gun, too” he said suddenly, while we were holding the pieces to stick. I laughed in surprise.
“Like daddy’s” I presumed.
“Yes” the little boy chuckled again. “To fight the bad guys, so daddy don’t have to do it alone. And you know what else?” he whispered, leaning close to my ear. His huge, brown eyes sparkled in excitement, and I couldn’t help but smile.
“What else?” I whispered back, pecking his cute cheeks.
“I asked for you to be my mommy” he said out finally, scanning my face just to see my reaction.
At first, I couldn’t find the words. Just in a half second all our shared little tender moments with Alex flew in front of my eyes and suddenly I was aching for his love even stronger. I was so in love with him, I would do anything to know he feels the same. And of course, I was fond of this little boy, too. I already imagined the tree of us being a real, whole family.
“Aww, you’re so sweet, darling” I hugged him finally. He put his little arms around my neck and hugged back tightly. Luckily the frosting between the two gingerbread parts was stiff enough now to stand alone. “That would be my best Christmas present, too” I said quietly.
After our little squeeze-session, Cam helped me piping frosting and icing, pouring sprinkles and gluing sweets on the gingerbread roof with some syrup. Of course, at the end he looked like he was the one who had been decorated, but it was nothing a solid wash wouldn’t fix.
Rest of the day passed by with playing, laughing, and while he had his daytime nap I rested too. When I noticed the snow started to fall, I got so excited for Cam to wake up and see it.
It was around 4pm when I heard some noise from his room, so I went to take a look. He was sitting up in his bed with cute messy hair and sleepy eyes.
“Good morning, my sweetheart” I whispered happily. I sat next to him on the bed, letting him to lay on my lap. I started to play with his soft hair. “Did you sleep well?” I murmured. He was to drowsy yet, but his waggish smile already sparkled on his face.
“Yes. And… I dreamt about stars and reindeers” he said after a yawn. “And you and daddy and I was playing in the snow, really.” 
“I’m so happy you dreamt these nice things” I smiled at him, gently touching his nose. Talking about it reminded me the fact that it was actually snowing outside.
“Hey, you want to see something amazing?” I asked after some minutes, leaving him stretching a bit and playing with his plush rabbit. When he agreed in a quiet, husky little voice, I took him, and we left the room.
Cameron stayed in my arms as we stood in front of the window in the living room. We were watching the silently falling, huge snow-petals. I was surprised that he didn’t change his mind after a few minutes and wanted to play or do anything else – he was unusually cuddly that day. He just leant to my chest with his thumb in mouth, breathing quietly while I was slowly rocking him. There were no lights on in the house besides the light garland’s yellow twinkle on the Christmas tree, which gave such a warmness to the room. It was just the two of us, the snow and the spirit of Christmas around us.
“Are you awake, honey?” I whispered, because I thought he fell back asleep. Feeling him nodding made me smile. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”
“Can we go out for a walk?” he asked in a dreamy voice.
“We should wait for your dad to come home” I suggested. “If he arrives and it’s okay for him, we can go and check the Christmas lights in the street. How does it sound?” I placed a kiss in his hazel brown curls.
It was his first thing to ask when Alex entered the house a few hours later. He said yes of course, so we put on some warm clothes, and left. Cameron ran forward, leaving us slowly mooning behind him.
“Did your day went well?” Mahone asked quietly.
“Yeah” I looked at him. “We built a gingerbread house, which you could see only in its ruins, because Cam pretended to be a shark and… bite the roof off” I laughed. “We played hide and seek, drew some amazing pictures and while he took his nap, I finally finished my book.”
“I’m glad to hear” Alex nodded. As we walked, he suddenly offered me his arm. I glanced at him, and with cheeks turned into rose I accepted the gesture. “Thank you for being here for us” Alex whispered. “I have no idea what I would do without you. Truly.”
I smiled but remained silent, only fixing Cameron standing mesmerized in front of a huge, sparkling snowman statue. His words came up in my mind, and at that moment I decided not to let the moment go.
“Did he tell you what’s he wishing for?” I asked innocently.
“You mean the gun?” Alex burst out in laugh. “Yeah, well, he won’t get that one. Not yet” he shook his head. I refused the temptation of rolling my eyes.
“Mommy look” Cameron shouted when we finally reached where he stood. Timing is perfect, little guy, I thought myself.
“What did you say?” Alex asked immediately, astonished. I remained silent, curiously waiting for what was going to happen. “Since when do you call Y/N mom?”
“It’s a secret, dad” said the little boy. “Only Santa has to know, and mommy has to know” he added, while nodding seriously. Then he took my hand and started to pull me where he saw the thing he wanted to show me. Alex just frowned more, but this time looking at me, waiting for a proper answer.
“It’s on his list” I mouthed while smiling wide at the confused agent. I only hoped this is enough information him to understand the situation. Letting him go, I crouched next to Cameron, to look at a little sheep in a Nativity Scene he was excited about.
“Look at him, he’s so cute” I said kissing the little boy’s rosy, cold cheeks.
“Can we have one at home?” he looked at me. I chuckled and looked towards Mahone who stood a few steps behind us. His face surprised me. He was watching us so tenderly, with sparkling eye, slight smile glued on his lips. I felt my cheeks burn suddenly and I had to fall my eyes.
“I don’t think your dad would approve” I answered to Cam. “Go, have a look at Rudolph” I suggested, pointing towards an at least three metres tall, red reindeer-silhouette. The boy nodded, then he started running immediately.
“Don’t rush, son” Alex tried to calm him, without any effect at all of course. I stood up biting my lips, because I had no idea what the agent will say about what happened earlier. “So, what’s this between you two and Saint Nick?” he laughed as I took his arm again. We walked slow, so he could scan my face as I looked at him almost laughing in embarrassment.
“Cameron wants Santa to make me his mom” I replied shyly. “I think he wants him to be reminded. But as you heard, it’s a secret, so I shouldn’t have told this to you.”
“This means I have to wrap you and place under our tree?” he asked. I heard on his voice that he was playing. If it wasn’t for his arm, I’d fly away by happiness for sure.
“Why, do you think it’s a wish so easy to make come true?” I teased back.
“Well, this is Santa Claus we’re talking about. He can do anything” he looked at me, smiling wide.
Suddenly I felt myself ran out of words. These past three minutes made me fall for Mahone even harder, but I couldn’t imagine what was going to happen. I pulled him closer, and in the same moment he lifted his other hand to fold on mine. When I looked at him in surprise, I found his wondrously blue, sparkly eyes already fixing me. He smiled at me, and I suddenly got sure about the meaning of the word ‘Christmas miracle’.
We remained silent until finally reaching Cameron, who basically looked around in the whole street while we walked slowly after him. When he noticed us, hugged our legs.
“Hey baby” I ran through my fingers in the boy’s hair.
“Aren’t you cold, buddy? Can we go home now, you saw everything?” Alex asked.
“Yes” Cameron nodded looking up at his father, but he suddenly froze. “Look daddy, mistletoe!” he pointed above us. And he was right. We stood right under the huge reindeer, who has a great deal of mistletoe hanging in his neck. I laughed out loud, shaking my head. This only could happen in movies.
“Do you know what it means, Cam?” Alex asked his boy but smirking at me. He shook his head. “We all can wish something” Alex explained, awfully misinterpreting the whole thing. I curiously watched them, my eyes jumping from one to the other, and I couldn’t believe what Mahone was doing. “But we must close our eyes, otherwise it won’t come true” he warned his son. “I count to three, then everybody shuts their eye, okay?”
“Okay, daddy” Cameron replied, then he lifted his hands, ready to place them in front of his face. When Alex counted three and Cam covered his face, we looked at each other, and within a split second he placed his cold lips upon mines. I felt him cupping my cheeks and I pulled him closer by his waist. He let me go after a little while, but before he would completely pull away, he whispered just on my lips:
“I love you.”
“I love you too” I breathed back. Suddenly we heard Cameron bursting out in chuckling. When we looked at him, he stretched up his arms towards me, giving a sign he wants to be taken up.
“And I love you so much too” I squeezed him after lifting him in my arms, making Cam laugh even louder.
“What’s so funny, little man?” Alex asked smiling as well. He stood next to me so close, resting his hand on my waist. I looked aside at him, just to see the joy in his eyes.
“I peeked” Cameron giggled with his little hand in front of his mouth. He was so sweet I almost couldn’t bear.
“You were so fast making your wish” I said pretending some surprise. Alex laughed through his nose.
“Because I knew what I wanted to wish” the little boy rolled his eyes. “But you didn’t wish. I saw” he stated.
“What makes you think we didn’t wish?” his father asked.
“Bec…” he yawned just in the middle of his sentence. “Because you kissed Y/N, so you didn’t have time for… wishing” he grimaced by pulling up his nose impishly.
“Hey, I made one” I said while nodding. “Did you make one?” I looked at Alex.
“Of course, I did. And you know what? It came real immediately” he added, looking straight into my eyes. Cameron gasped in surprise, and Alex pressed a soft kiss on my temple.
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simsadventures · 5 years
Only Mine: Chapter 6: Just For You
Summary: Bucky comes to you with pleas and puppy eyes. There is not much you can do to fight his cuteness.
Warnings: swearing, major fluff
Word Count: 4258
A/N: Mobster  Bucky is giving me os much life, he even brought my imagination from its leave. This one has quite a lot of conversation, but you should be used to that by now. It is also the longest thing I’ve ever written, over 4K words. Crazy! 
Hope you guys will enjoy it and let me know what you want/think will happen in the future chapters. Love y’all.
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Series Masterlist __ Masterlist
< Previous Chapter
It was 8 in the morning, and you were comfortably sleeping in your bed when you heard the buzzer ringing through the apartment. You groaned loudly and threw a pillow over your head, deciding that whoever is ringing at you so early in the morning is an idiot and doesn’t deserve to have the door opened for them. You knew Nat was already in her job, so you had no idea who could it be.
You mind momentarily drifted towards Bucky, but after ignoring all of your calls and the text messages you sent him yesterday, you were pretty sure it couldn’t be him. It was not like you were upset, or anything, because Bucky didn’t pick up. You knew that you didn’t want to be with him, and you just called to tell him that you were much better. He had to obligation whatsoever to pick up your calls or reply to your texts.
You let yourself relax again, feeling your mind drifting away once again, this time to a beautiful slumber when the buzzer sounded again. Your groans turned into swearing really quickly. You were muttering under your breath, as you got up from the warmth your bed was providing, tears almost slipping from your eyes at how much you hated to get up. Your sleeping attire was simple: a big old t-shirt and some cotton panties. You quickly put on some fuzzy socks so that your feet wouldn’t freeze and went to the door.
“Who dares to wake me up?” You grumbled and waited for the reply coming from outside. You hoped the person had a really good excuse to come to you and wake you up.
“If I said Prince Charming, would you let me up?”
You knew instantly who it was, and your heart made an involuntary jump. What was he doing there? You tried to shake off your nervousness which suddenly sat on your chest, but to no avail.
“I wouldn’t believe you, but whatever. What do you want Bucky that it couldn’t wait till I finished my beauty sleep?”
You could hear a low chuckle from the other side of the line. “I bet you’re beautiful anyway, doll. Just please, Y/N, let me up so I can talk to you.”
You wanted to tell him that you were indeed talking but decided against it. You could sass him with a cup of hot coffee that you so desperately yearned. You huffed out a breath and press the button, letting him in your building. You realised that you didn’t tell him which floor, but when you opened your door, you could hear him walking with determination.
When he reached your floor, he looked around until he saw you standing in your doorway, shivering slightly from the cold air coming to you. You could see Bucky taking you all in, and you were suddenly very aware of what you were wearing, or better, how little you were really wearing.
“Gonna stand there whole day?” You asked, trying to hide your nerves. Bucky gave you his notorious smirk and walked towards you. You let him in and left him by the door, scurrying to find your favourite sweater, which would at least reach your mid-thigh. You knew Bucky has already seen you naked, but that was different.
“Coffee?” You asked him when you finally found what you were looking for. He followed you to the kitchen where you stood so that your back was facing him. You were keeping yourself preoccupied with the coffee, and so Bucky had the time to admire you from behind.
You were a sight, and he had to clench his hands into fists so that he wouldn’t reach for you and do all the things he wanted to. He knew it wasn’t his place, not only because you were probably pissed at him for ignoring you, but because of the events of two nights before.
So he just watched you. Your hair was messy from the sleep he so rudely interrupted and chastised himself for not being able to wait a little longer. He wanted truly. But he couldn’t sleep, and when the sun got up, he became restless. He needed to see you, and he couldn’t wait another minute.
The sweater you put on was baggy, something Bucky wasn’t a big fan of. He wanted to put you in something which would show all of your curves. The same curves that occupied his dreams for so long. Your legs were bare, and he wanted to caress them and feel your soft skin on his fingertips. He wanted to slap himself. He was supposed to be the most feared men in the US, and here he was, drooling over your legs. Wow!
“How do you take yours?” You asked, and he was glad for the interruption of his own thoughts. “He looked at the box of coffee in your hand and cringed slightly. No coffee machine.
“Calm down, right boy. It’s drinkable, I promise.”
He smiled. “I’ll have what you’re having.”
You shrugged and continued your work, leaving Bucky to his sinful thoughts once again. The curve of your ass was barely visible under the wool monstrosity, but he could see it faintly, and it was enough to have him imagination reeling. What if he lifted the sweater ever so slightly to have a peak? He would actually kill for that.
You turned in that very moment, Bucky’s head cocked to the side trying to see under your sweater. He felt like a schoolboy again.
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Really, Barnes, really?”
“What can I say, I can’t help myself around you.” He smirked at you, and you just shook your head at his antics. Not that it wasn’t complimenting you and making the hair on your arms stand a little from the excitement of the prospects.
When you sat down on the sofa, you turned to face Bucky, questions written all over your face. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, but what are you really doing here Bucky? I bet you didn’t come for my shitty coffee or my dishevelled looks.”
“I told you, you are beautiful even like this, a few seconds after waking up, so stop fussing about it. I came to apologise.”
You furrowed brows and looked at him quizzically. “Apologise? For what?” You tried to think of something he has done, but he literally saved your life the other day, or at least your pride, modesty and self-consciousness. You were sure that he wasn’t there because of the calls.
“I was being an ass yesterday, and I didn’t want to make you feel like I didn’t give a shit about you and your health and all. I had a terrible day and, ugh, yeah. I don’t know, just felt like I should apologise for that.”
A small smile crept on your lips. You bit your lower lip before it could widen, and even took a sip of coffee to stop from smiling like an idiot. It didn’t mean anything. You were sure of that. But he was so sweet when he was nervous that all you wanted to do was hug him and tell him everything was ok. Which it was.
“It’s alright, Bucky. I thought you were busy or something, and even if you ignored me because you were tired of me, I’d understand. We’ve been on one date, had sex one night and then you save my ass. There is no obligation, you know that, right? And I’m kind of counting on you disappearing from my life soon, I mean, I’m not giving you what all those girls used to give you, and I bet you must miss the hooking up and showcasing your girls like trophies for a month.”
You couldn’t help yourself and have to take a jab at him. He was just too easy of a target not to.
“No, sure I know that there is no obligation I just… I don’t even know, Y/N. And could you stop comparing yourself to the other girls? We both know you’re nothing like any of them, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
“You confuse me, Bucky,” you almost whispered, and if Bucky wasn’t sitting so close to you, he would have probably missed it.
“How so?”
“I don’t know. I feel like there are two positions with you and I’m never sure which one am I gonna get. You’re either the big bad boss, smug motherfucker that doesn’t give a shit and won’t even wait for me to get out of the car when we go on a date. And then there is this sweet guy, who apologises for things he doesn’t have to and who tells me nice things, and I’m just confused.”
Bucky was silent for a second. He knew you were right. There was a game face, which was the most usual with him, being arrogant was part of the job. He was himself only with Steve and Sam, never with a girl, because he learned early in his life that girls liked more the bad boys than the good ones.
“And which one do you prefer?” He asked, his breath a little ragged. He so desperately wanted you to like him for him and not the power and “fame” that came with being with him.
“Is that even a question? This great man who would sit with me on a pavement, and wouldn’t hear anything before he actually drove me to a hospital, and who would text me sweet messages about how I was feeling, versus a guy who seemingly doesn’t give a shit about anything and orders for me in a restaurant. Which one do you think I like better?”
Bucky chuckled and could feel colour raising to his cheeks. You still didn’t know him, he didn’t let you, but you liked it when he wasn’t the mafia boss with you. He knew he could and would never abandon that persona, it was deeply rooted in him.
“Would you like to spend the day with me, then? I promise I’ll try to be as much of the guy you like as I can.”
You smiled, your emotions matching his. “Wait a second. Are you asking me on a second date, Mr Barnes?”
He chuckled and took your hand in his. He brought it to his lips and kiss the top of your hand, sweetly. “Would be my pleasure to do so, m’lady!”
You settled in comfortable silence, just drinking your coffees and stealing glances at each other. You really felt like you were a teenager again and you didn’t understand it one bit. You were disgusted by him at first, just the idea of a mobster was repulsive to you. But when he was like this, shy and nervous, and all that, you just could help the butterflies that erupted in your stomach.
Bucky was the first to break the silence.
“I have a weird request. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I thought I’d try it and, you know, I just wanted to-“
You placed a hand over his mouth to keep him from rambling on. You had a smile on your lips, and after his breathing calmed a little, you put away your hand, waiting for the request. You just hoped he wouldn’t destroy the pleasant atmosphere with something sexual.
“Could you ask me something personal?”
You stared at him, waiting for him to tell you that he was joking and that he wouldn’t tell you shit. But nothing came. His eyes were honest and nervous, and you knew he was 100% sure about this.
“Oh, ok. Uhm, let me think,” you said and tried to think of some personal information that you didn’t know from what you heard. You knew his dad was in the same line of business as him, and that he remarried when Bucky was a teenager. But nothing more.
“Do you have any siblings?” You thought it was a safe question. It was personal, but you wouldn’t scare him with it.
He obviously sighed and smiled at you again. You saw the relief on his brows that he didn’t have the delve into the dark shit.
“I do. I have one younger sister. Her name is Rebecca, and she is now studying to be a surgeon, actually, in the John Hopkins University. She’s doing really great, and I couldn’t be prouder at her.”
You could see that. He was beaming when he was talking about her.
“Well, at least one of you is smart,” you said and earned a jab to your ribs. Both you and Bucky laughed freely, and you watched as his face was suddenly rid of all the harsh edges and he looked much younger. And much more handsome.
“What about you? Any annoying siblings?”
You smirked and nodded. “Oh, yeah. I have younger sisters, twins, actually. Izzie and Gabby. They are 18, and totally out of control. I love them to pieces but, Jesus Christ, I hope puberty will leave soon because if I hear one more comment about how I’m so not hip, and that their lifestyles are all about them looks, I’m gonna explode. But other than that, they are actually super smart. Izzy wants to be a vet, she always loved animals of all sizes, and Gabby aspires to be a translator. She can already speak 4 languages and is learning another one.”
Bucky listened to you, and he was grateful for being able to be there, with you. Your face lit up talking about your little sisters, and even if they obviously pissed you off, you loved them. That much was visible to him.
The rest of the morning went just like this. You both shared simple things from your past, childhood and all, laughing at the stories, especially how one of his men, Steve, which you’ve seen once or twice (and was one of the largest men you’ve ever encountered) used to be this scrawny little shit and Sam and Bucky had to protect him from all the kids in the neighbourhood. Bucky loved the story when you were so sassy with your dad; he lost his patience and threw you into your pool. In your clothes and with your phone in your hand.
Morning slowly turned into an afternoon, and you were getting hungrier by the second. After an especially loud grumble of your stomach (really sexy, you thought), Bucky seemed to have realised that the two of you haven’t eaten anything the whole day. He must have admitted that he was also hungry as hell, but he was especially pissed at himself for not providing for you.
“I totally forgot about lunch, Y/N. I’m sorry. Would you like to go out and grab something?”
But you didn’t, actually. You were feeling great, sitting on your sofa, staring at Bucky and talking as if he wasn’t who he was. The thought occurred to you multiple times throughout the day. He was this big bad mobster, but here he was, sitting with you, sharing little laughs with you.
“Actually, I was thinking more like a take-out? I’m not feeling like leaving this little nest we made here.”
Bucky chuckled and looked between you. You were sharing a huge blanket on top of which was a tray with two mugs, now filled with tea and Lotus biscuits, which he didn’t consider a food worthy of soothing his aching stomach.
“Alright, leave it to me, I know the best pizza place!” He said excitedly. But before he dialled the number, he looked at you. “Wait, is pizza, ok? And what kind of pizza do you like? I mean, we can totally have something else, there is this good Chinese restaurant not far from here and-“
“Bucky, clam down. I love pizza, I could die eating it, and I’d be the happiest person. And I love fungi actually.”
Bucky smiled and nodded before he dialled and ordered for the two of you.
The afternoon went on in the same fashion as your morning, and your belly ached from all the laughing. Conversation with Bucky was easy and carefree, which you didn’t imagine even in your wildest dream. Someone once told you that you’d know your person by the conversation you were having. If it was smooth and you didn’t have to worry about anything in the world, just vibing and feeling good, then it was it. The thought crossed your mind, but you tried not to dwell on it for too long. It couldn’t be possible that Bucky would be your person. You two were too different.
But the little nagging voice in your head disagreed. You could almost hear it snorting at your “differences.” When he was himself, you two were actually very much alike. You both knew what it was like to have annoying younger siblings, which was a fact you two bonded over a lot. You were both obsessed with old movies, which was rare, considering most people nowadays like only the new action/superhero things coming out so often. And there was so much more. You hushed the voice and didn’t let yourself go down that rabbit hole. This was your second date, and you didn’t want to think too much into it, especially with someone like Bucky.
It was getting dark, and Bucky leaned in your space. You thought he was gonna kiss you, but he just rubbed his cheek against yours and whispered to your ear. “Will you let me show you something?” His hot breath fanned over your ear and sent shivers down your body. You couldn’t form a sentence, so you just nodded, and he smiled at that. He carefully got off the couch and stretched his hand towards you. You grabbed it and stood up yourself, gratitude on your tongue.
He dragged you towards the door, but before you could reach it, you stopped. Bucky looked at you, confusion and worry on his face and you smiled reassuringly.
“I need to change. I’m not sure what you want to show me, but whatever and wherever it is, I don’t think this is the right clothing.”
Bucky released a breath of relief and chuckled. “I mean, I’m not complaining about your outfit, but you should probably wear something with pants, at least.”
You swatted his hand away and ran to your bedroom. You didn’t want to give up your comfy sweater, but pulled on some leggings, knowing that it would at least look more appropriate than your bare legs. You quickly put on your favourite sneakers and ran to the hall, where Bucky was waiting, patiently. He gave you a warm smile, telling you that this outfit was alright for where he was taking you.
When you got out of your building, you could see a familiar black SUV standing in front of your building.
“Oh my God! Where they here the whole time? I mean, they must be tired and hungry, and we should’ve ordered some pizzas for them as well.”
Bucky laughed and put a hand on your lower back. “Don’t worry about them, love. They were making sure we were alright. And I can assure you they ate and they were comfortable. This car is a real treat.”
You wouldn’t believe it until you heard from them, however. You both got it the car, and before anyone could say anything, you looked at the driver. The same guy who helped Bucky save you. Peter.
“Hi, Peter, hi, Mr I don’t remember your name! Have you two eaten anything while waiting? Aren’t you tired? Don’t you want me to get you some coffee or tea or something?”
They frowned, looked at each other, and then at you.
“Uhm, we ate and drank plenty, Ms Y/L/N. We’re good, really.” Peter stammered, and you looked at him, not entirely sure if he was telling the truth.
“First of all, no-nonsense like Ms Y/L/N. My name is Y/N, so please, no pleasantries like that. And secondly, if you’re lying to me and you’re starving here, Peter, I’m gonna kick your ass.”
This time, the guy next to Peter laughed out loud. It was the mountain of a man you’ve seen before. But your memory was blank. “I’m Drax, by the way. And we honestly ate and all of that, but thank you for asking, Y/N.” He smirked at you, and you winked back at him.
“Alright, enough of the flirting. Peter, take us to my favourite thinking place.”
“Yes, Sir!” Peter hollered and started the car.
You didn’t know how to act around Bucky when his men were there, so you kept to yourself, staring out of the window, looking as you passed each of the skyscrapers, fiddling with your fingers. You could see Peter was taking a route leaving the city, but you somehow trusted Bucky.
He could sense your weird fidgeting and slipped a hand in yours and squeezed. When you looked his way, he wasn’t looking at you, and it made you smile even more. He didn’t expect anything from you. He was offering you a little comfort and was just glad you were there.
You could see when you entered Jersey city, the whole disposition of the town changing suddenly. It was a few more minutes before Peter stopped the car and Bucky tugged you to his side so that you could get out of the car together. You were in what looked like a small part, right opposite to the Statue of Liberty.
It was a beautiful sight, you always enjoyed it. But from where you were standing, it was even more spectacular. It was just you and Bucky there (and Peter and Drax waiting in the car), and the Statue was as magnificent as ever, lit and standing there like a beacon of hope.
Bucky watched your every move. He hoped you would like it there, even though it was as commercial as it would get. He liked to go there when he had difficult decisions to make, or if he wanted to be alone. The wind blew your hair out of your face, and he could see the smile playing on your lips. You were happy, and just the thought that he finally made you happy and relaxed made him ecstatic.
He stood next to you, his warmth radiation off of him and going right to you. He didn’t touch you, not knowing if it was ok. You took a step sideways bumping into him and laying your head on his shoulder, not letting the panorama out of your sight.
Bucky got the message, and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, keeping you close to him. It was near, damn perfect. When you finally stopped watching what was in front of you, you let your attention go to the other amazing sight. Bucky.
“Thank you so much. Not only for showing me this amazing place but for the whole day. I really enjoyed it, and you were the best company I could have asked for. So thank you, Bucky.”
He smiled and leaned in as if to kiss you, but then he stopped himself and seemed to delve into his thoughts for a second. He then caressed your cheek and whispered.
“Can I have another weird request?”
You giggled like a little girl and nodded.
“James, would you call me James? Just this time, but I need to hear it leaving your lips.”
You looked at him through your lashes marvelling at the sight. He was nervous again, biting his lip, and averting his gaze.
“Thank you, James, for this amazing day. I really enjoyed every second of it, James. I like this version of you, James.”
His movements didn’t halt this time. He leaned in and kissed your lips slowly, kind of expecting you to pull away from him. He wouldn’t push you into anything, but his real name coming out of your perfect mouth… He couldn’t help himself.
But you didn’t stop him, and you were far from doing so. You wanted to do it the whole day, but, at the same time, wanted to see if he was in it for the sex or just because of you. The kiss wasn’t rushed, and you enjoyed every second of it. The feeling of his plump lips on yours, the way his body moulded with yours perfectly into one, the way his hands gripped your hips, pulling you insanely close to him. You never wanted to stop.
He deepened the kiss, but nothing was forced. His tongue asked for permission, circling your lips, waiting for your response. And you let him in happily. It was not a battle. This was pure harmony, two people becoming one.
You let out a little whine when he pulled away to put his forehead against yours. He chuckled lowly and took you all in. Your lips were glistening, still opened a little, and if Bucky wanted, he could dive right in. He licked his lips unconsciously watching you, and you mimicked him.
“Thank you for going with my strange requests. I really appreciate it. And thank you for not giving up on me. I know I can be an ass, and I will always be, to some extent. But if you let me, I want to try and be the good guy for once. For you.”
You looked down and smiled widely. This man was something else.
“I would like that. Very much.”
/ Next Chapter >
Only Mine: @albinotigerpython​ @brownlee-22​ @yennewolf @heywess @bitchwhytho​ @thegirlwhowritesfics​ @eteramfools​ @blonddnamedhandz​ @everything-is-awesomesauce​ @justlovelifeblog​ @scuzmunkie​ @rohaintahquil​ @d-jall​ @cap-just-said-language​ @readermia​ @chubby-dumplin​  @slcvely @thewackywriter​ @mswinterfalcon​ @ieshaa96​ @calwitch​ @everythingisoverrated​ @maggyme13​
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