And so the story ends....
Things were good for the most part. Chandler was older and much wiser now with the wild streak fulfilled. She graduated in the spring with her undergraduate for journalism and took a job with some big name magazine wanting travel stories. Chandler was finally in the place she needed to be- home. With a sigh the brunette proper her fresh painted feet up on the porch railing of her family home. Early fall winds swept through the open space and ruffled her hair, you could almost taste the salty water from the harbor. The street was busy as usual. Ruby and Granny scurried down with a wave, Neal honked as he drove by, even Mr. Gold gave a slight nod and faint “Dearie,” as he passed through. 
Four years ago Chandler was itching to get out of this. She wanted to run and be free, to leave the storybook behind. It had never been for her at the time because she had never been in it. She was not born in the Enchanted Forest but instead she was born in to a place just a magical. She was always on an adventure and being the hero in her own story. 
Her greatest story was about to start off. The Pirate Princess who was born and raised in the small quite town of Storybrooke, Maine has grown. No longer does she run and play when responsibility comes to the door. The Queen has truly arrived, one willing to fight for what is right, to lead others in the correct path, and to only use her magic for good. She had shed her baby face and grown in to a powerful gaze with strong features only a pirate would be proud of. 
Chandler made her way inside the house and settled in to the seat closest to the window. Emma and Killian sat with the new dog they got while she was at college. He wouldn’t admit it but everyone knew Killian was heartbroken over Chandler going all the way to Seattle for school instead of New York like her brothers. She gained so much from the both of them, it would take a lifetime to repay it. Instead she conjured a hot cup of tea and settled down in her chair. 
“Thank you,” She smiled over the steamy cup as her eyes met with her mothers. “Thank you for everything.”
And that.. is the end of Chandler’s Adventure. 
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Palms up, legs crossed, eyes the color of the sea burned into the creamy skin of her hand. She was waiting..patiently. Waiting for anything.
A spark
A flame
Yet nothing happened.
Her whole life had been one long lesson on how to control her powers but had she managed to completely turn them off? After years of sitting with Regina in a small room making flames pop out of no where it was all over?
She closed her eyes, finding a happy place-a person? No. Definitely a place. Green hills, dark blue waters- It was suddenly all gone from the loud knocking from her bedroom door.
She stood up, shoving the books Regina had given her under the bed and opened the locked door.
“Can I help you?”
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Phantom of the Opera sentences pack
"Think of me."
"Make your choice."
"We've past the point of no return."
"I've been there."
"But in his eyes, all the sadness in the world."
"He'll always be there."
"That's all I ask of you."
"Keep your hand at the level of your eye."
"From birth, it seemed."
"Can you even dare to look?"
"Fear can turn to love."
"These things do happen."
"Track down this murder."
"He must be found!"
"You're only saying this to please me."
"Touch me. Trust me."
"Savor each sensation."
"Let your darker side give in."
"This is mad!"
"What answer can I give?"
"Friend, or phantom?"
"Wildly my mind beats against you."
"So lost, so helpless."
"Look at your face in the mirror."
"See why in shadow I hide?"
"I denied you."
"Speak, I listen."
"My soul was weak, forgive me."
"Enter at last, master."
"You will have to pay the bill! Tangle in the winding sheets."
"My salary has not been paid."
"Gossip's worth its weight in gold."
"Where is he?!"
"Where is she?!"
"I want an answer!"
"I take it that you sent me this note."
"What's all this nonsense?"
"Promise never to tell!"
"Hide your face so the world will never find you."
"It's him! I know it, it's him!"
"Remain calm. It was an accident, simply an accident."
"I fought so hard to free you."
"Why make her lie to you to save me?"
"The world showed no compassion to me."
"I love her. Does that mean nothing?"
"Leave me here. Go now, don't wait."
"It's over now, the music of the night!"
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“I left him.” Emma whispered. She knew it would be hard on her. She knew it would be next to impossible for her to understand why she did it. But she had done it. She had to do it. With the threat on Killian, she had to do what the villain wanted. And that was leave him. “I broke up with your father.”
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She had barely made it through the door, bags hitting the hardwood floor of the porch. “What?” How could she just leave? After everything they had done and made. Chandler stepped back out and looked down the quiet street hoping it was a cruel joke for being gone. There was no pirate hiding, the car was gone, he was gone. “How could you?”
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My character vanishes one day. About a year later your character spots them out in public with a baby! How does your character react?
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“I got your message, is everything okay?” she’s starting to panic because no one in the family texts [S O S] unless the town is in danger. 
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@fullofhcart​ starting from {here}
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Chandler tried sneaking in as quietly as possible but since she was out of Storybrooke she couldn't use magic to just appear in a room. She had been out surfing and lounging on the beach trying to soak it all in before she went back home. Usually she was joined by someone but today she was stuck bobbing on the waves. “Hi,” She mumbled against his shoulder. “Whatcha up to?”
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❝  I swear sometimes that man is out to get me! ❞
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Personality Starters
(as requested by anon)
❝Why do you have to be so stubborn?❞ 
❝I know you better than you know yourself.❞
❝You don’t have to be so rude.❞
❝You’re so dynamic, that’s what I love about you.❞
❝You need to learn to put yourself first.❞
❝Fuck love.❞
❝Well that was brutally honest.❞
❝Perfectionism only ends in disappointment.❞
❝I have to be perfect.❞
❝You don’t have to act so tough.❞
❝Why do you pretend not to care?❞
❝Don’t you believe in me?❞
❝I don’t think you’re as apathetic as you think you are.❞
❝I love your zest for life.❞
❝You’re really brave.❞
❝That took a lot of courage. Thanks.❞
❝Life really isn’t as great as you make it out to be.❞
❝Life really isn’t as bad as you make it out to be.❞
❝I don’t understand you.❞
❝You don’t understand me.❞
❝I know you’re only mean because people were mean to you but is this really what you want?❞
❝Your smile is contagious.❞
❝Why are you so self-critical?❞
❝Thanks for trusting me.❞
❝Of course I trust you.❞ 
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                                 Killian grinned, watching from over her shoulder as Chandler steered the ship with the precision that only his child could be gifted with. She had the sea in her veins, just as he did, and while it was rarer these days, Killian never passed up a chance to spend a day with her touring the sea. “That’s up to you, love,” he replied. “You’re Captaining this ship, you chart our course.” He looked around, the light breeze of the summers day caressing his face. “Which way does your instinct take you?” 
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   She let her eyes wander over the water, letting the current pull her further out. She loved having the salty wind tickle her nose, there was a musical quality to the waves pounding against the hull. She missed being out with her father, it was moments like this she kept close. “Aye aye captain,” Another semester of college was approaching and soon the pirates daughter would be gone again. “I think... i think we should go East.” Her hands moved without thinking and turned the Jolly Roger towards where the sky and water met. 
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send one to see how my muse reacts  /  soft edition.
[ trail ] for your muse to start a trail of kisses down my muses neck. 
[ shift ] for your muse to move hair off my muses face.
[ stroke] for your muse to gently stoke my muse’s face.
[ chin ] for your muse to gently grab my muses chin.
[ tuck ] to place a blanket on my muse.
[ wrap ] for your muse to walk into the room and say nothing before wrapping their arms around my muse. 
[ fidget ] for your muse to comfort mine during a bad dream.
[ braid ] for your muse to braid mines hair.
[ sponge ] for your muse to give my muse a sponge bath.
[ drape ] for your muse to help pull off / unzip my muses clothing
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{{someone help me plot something from this song }}
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cuddly / platonic-ish memes
“your feet are cold.”
“movies are made for watching, not for asking questions.”
“you’re hogging the blankets!”
“we should cuddle… for warmth.”
“is that your hand on my leg?”
“scoot over.”
“can we watch something else? this is scary.” 
“are you shivering?” 
“if you start snoring, i won’t be responsible for what happens to you.”
“did you eat all the popcorn?”
“your hair keeps getting in my face.”
“are you even wearing pants??”
“stop kicking me!”
“you’re a good pillow.”
“do i look like a foot-rest to you?”
“do i look like a pillow to you?”
“i’m cold.”
“why can’t you ever just lay still?”
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Send 💗 to pull my muse into a sudden hug and hold them tight, refusing to let go
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“I’ve got to go to the sto- Are you really just now noticing my glasses?   She might’ve ran out of contacts and doesn’t want to call and make an appointment. 
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lacey: cats are just SO MEAN! it cancels the cuteness!! 😣
lacey: besides, they’re not as soft as puppies!!
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chandler: obvs you’ve never met my cat 🤗 chandler: cats have their own take on life tbh 
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So far so good. There wasn’t any laughing or joking about it. Squirt was still gathering things, still not looking at anything except what he was doing. “Stayed out a little later than planned…like three hours later.” He didn’t know his dad was waiting by the phone. He just assumed he slept when he went out. But he didn’t. He waited. “Three hours means no fun for three days.” He would be working in the shop, giving the surf lessons and, if he had time, he’d have to stay in the apartment upstairs.
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“Hold on- you got in trouble for that? That’s kinda unfair, shouldn’t he-” chandler had to stop herself from the rant boiling inside. Obviously parents and Chandler did not mix well. “I’m sure he’ll ease up once he see’s you meant no harm. Besides.. I really don’t want to shell out an extra buck just to hang out with you.”
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