visenyaism · 8 months
10% of my brain power at minimum every day is reserved for playing this on loop in my mind 
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reasonsforhope · 11 months
do you have any good queer news? I'm a queer person and hearing all the shit thats happening across the world is making me bummed out
I do! All of this is from LGBTQ Nation's excellent good news tag
^Article date: July 6, 2023
"Only two months after its formation, the “No SB 180” initiative had succeeded at making the city of Lawrence, Kansas a sanctuary city for LGBTQ+ people. Last week, in a unanimous vote, Lawrence became the first city in the state to declare itself as such.
Ordinance 9999 bans the city and all of its employees from collecting or releasing information on a person’s “biological sex, either male or female, at birth” and from helping with any investigation, detention, arrest, or surveillance “conducted by a jurisdiction with the authority to enforce Senate Bill 180, as enacted.”"
^Article date: July 28, 2023
"A federal judge has told a group of anti-trans parents to mind their own business after the group filed a lawsuit challenging an Ohio school district’s bathroom policy.
The attempts to meddle do not “pass legal muster,” he wrote in his ruling, saying that the group has no reason to sue.
“Not every contentious debate concerning matters of public importance presents a cognizable federal lawsuit,” Judge Michael Newman wrote, denying their petition to stop the Bethel Local School District’s policy that allows a single transgender middle school student to use the restroom that aligns with her gender identity."
^Article date: August 8, 2023
"The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the independent federal agency responsible for administering civilian foreign aid and development assistance, has released its first-ever “LGBTQI+-inclusive” policy since its founding in 1961.
The four-point policy is meant to serve as a blueprint for USAID staff and partners around the world to champion LGBTQ+ and intersex development and the human rights of all queer people through the agency’s work, said Jay Gilliam, USAID’s senior LGBTQI+ coordinator, in a video explaining the policy...
In simpler terms, the U.S. will try to improve diplomatic relationships with other countries by investing in locally-led LGBTQ+-inclusive programs that are shown to positively impact communities in need."
^Article date: August 3, 2023
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has ruled in favor of three transgender students who were forbidden by their schools from using bathrooms matching their gender identities. The circuit court upheld a lower court’s preliminary injunction that said the schools have to let trans students use facilities associated with their genders...
The case involves three trans boys in Martinsville, Indiana and Terre Haute, Indiana, who need access to the boys’ room at their middle and high schools...
The court took into account the fact that Title IX bans discrimination on the basis of sex in schools that receive federal money, which is most of them. Citing the 2020 Supreme Court decision in Bostock v. Clayton Co. that found that job discrimination against LGBTQ+ people necessarily takes sex into account and is therefore prohibited under Title VII, the appeals court ruled that the trans boys are likely to succeed in their case and that preventing them from using the correct bathroom while the case works its way through the court system could cause irreparable harm.
^Article date: August 2, 2023
^Article date: June 21, 2023
"A federal judge has ruled on the side of trans rights after a conservative group tried to overturn an Ohio school district’s anti-bullying policy.
The national conservative group Parents Defending Education (PDE) tried to get a preliminary injunction passed on the Olentangy Local School District’s prohibition on misgendering trans students. The policy includes students, teachers, and parents and it applies to out-of-school hours and social media as well."
^Article date: August 2, 2023
There's literally a bunch more I wanted to include, by the way! Tumblr just stopped being able to load them. Going back to add a few more in the reblogs now.
I know it feels like everything is against us right now. But I promise you: that is not true. The bigots and bastards may usually be the ones moving faster (in large part because they suck and don't care about democracy or due process at all),
But in the end, we are going to win. I promise.
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sterekotypes · 1 year
Okay I fucked up because I know I’m supposed to be working on my WIPS but I can’t stop thinking about delinquent Eli getting in so much trouble that the Sheriff can’t help him get out of it.
Then Eli gets put on parole with court-mandated community service and therapy. Somehow, Eli gets Stiles as a therapist and he doesn’t notice his new therapist and his single father making goo goo eyes at each other.
In fact, it takes five months before Eli catches them all over each other. And god, Eli was an idiot to think Stiles was there to help him. When he thinks back on it, it was so obvious that Stiles was just thirsting after his dad. That Stiles was just using him to get to his dad.
Maybe he didn’t give it much attention because it’s not like his dad ever fell for antics of horny PTA moms and slutty soccer dads. Maybe he didn’t expect his father to betray him with the only person who actually heard him when he spoke. Who didn’t lecture him over every little thing. Who didn’t breathe down his neck because Eli was never going to be the golden boy his dad was as a kid.
Eli can’t even look at them. He rushes off into the preserve ignoring the rain and the thunder and the lightning because his internal storm is so much bigger and scarier. It may have been a couple hours or a few minutes when he hears a shout and a crash, and that’s Stiles who just fell and knocked himself out.
And shit. Eli drags Stiles to the hospital because even though Stiles is a betrayer - he can’t let Stiles die. And the nurses are looking at Eli with that look when he finally gets Stiles in the door.
It’s the same look the mall security had when he caught Eli with a pocket full of borrowed merchandise. Then he called the cops. It’s the same look the manager had when Eli was grinding the railing in front of Beacon Hills First National Bank with his skateboard . Then he called the cops. It’s the same look the old man had when he caught Eli spray painting a dick under the overpass. Then he called the cops.
The nurses called the cops. But he doesn’t see Sheriff Stilinski, just that Parrish asshole. And Parrish is too happy to throw Eli into a holding cell taunting him about how juvie should really straighten him out. And fuck. His dad is going to be so mad. So so mad. And while he’s waiting for his dad to show up all he can think is how did his dad ever get such a fuck up for a son.
So he’s not prepared when his dad shows up. He doesn’t mean to start crying but Jesus. It’s been a stressful night. And who cares if he’s crying?
Its 2023. It’s manly to cry now. 🙄
And his dad is arguing with Parrish about false imprisonment being a federal crime and if he wanted to his dad could sue this department so hard for violating Eli’s rights that he would own this place. All the while he’s dripping all over the floor of this rinky dinky fucking office.
And Eli just wants to get out! He’s already got to tell his Judas of a father that his Brutus boyfriend is unconscious and it’s Eli’s fault because he was looking for him and and and -
Eli collapses into Derek’s arms instead and mumbles his confessions into his dad’s shoulder. They load into the car and his dad tells him about his childhood. How Eli’s grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins all burned to death. How his dad blamed himself. How his dad had his own wild streak living in New York with Aunt Laura.
And New York? Hot-wiring cars? Drugs? Breaking into buildings? Aunt Laura? Leather jackets?
Eli tried to see the delinquent that his father described but none of it matched with the man who drove Eli to his first date. Or the man who always added a little note in Eli’s lunches. Or the man who gave Eli tickets to his favorite band for his birthday last year.
And he doesn’t have much time to unpack it, because his dad ruffles his hair and slides out of the car. All casual, like he didn’t say a series of some of the most insane things to ever be spoken in the span of 15 minutes.
Instead he follows his dad through the hospital until they get to Stiles. And from the doorway of the room, Eli sees Sheriff Stilinski, shaken. And he sees Stiles smile at his dad and his dad smile back and - alright his dad has never smiled like that at anyone.
Then Stiles looks at Eli and smiles even wider. He calls Eli his hero. Says “It’s probably bad form to fire your hero right after he saves your life but I can’t be your therapist anymore.”
And Eli’s stomach turns into stone and his heart drops and - right of course, because Eli was dumb to think anyone would be able to stand him for too long. Plus he nearly got Stiles killed tonight.
“Don’t look like that dude!” Stiles says. “It’s like a huge conflict of interest to be in love with your patient’s father.” And the sheriff goes pinched like it did that time when he realized it was Eli who filled the high school pool with enough orbies that they starting coming out of the toilets and sinks.
And his dad. Omg it was sick. His dad gets the stupidest, dopiest look on his face and Eli almost vomits!
Then his dad says “you do?”
And Stiles! His face does the same look and Jesus! It was dis-gust-ting!
And Stiles says “yeah” all soft.
And his dad says “me. Me too. Uh. I love you too.”
And of course now Eli’s the asshole standing in the way of his freaking dad being happy. Which is not cool because they are Betrayers! Eli has a right to stand in the way, just so you know.
Like he didn’t HAVE to be okay with this at all.
He’s just such a good person that he chose to forgive them. And if he had plans to guilt them into getting him a car well… that’s the price they have to pay.
What? He said he was a good person. Not a saint.
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
Two New York City men wanted to get into the groove of a Madonna concert. Now, they're suing the pop superstar for starting her show late because they had to get up early the next day.
Michael Fellows of Brooklyn and Jonathan Hadden of the Bronx bought tickets for Madonna's Dec. 13 "Celebration" tour concert at Barclays Center.
The tickets said the show would begin at 8:30 p.m., but Madonna did not take the stage until sometime after 10:45 p.m., according to the lawsuit, and the men said they were "confronted with limited public transportation, limited ride-sharing, and/or increased public and private transportation costs" by the time the show let out at 1 a.m.
Perhaps encouraged by Madonna's urging to express yourself, Fellows and Hadden also complained the concert was no holiday because "they had to get up early to go to work and/or take care of their family responsibilities the next day."
Fellows and Hadden are suing Madonna, Live Nation and Barclays Center for "unconscionable, unfair, and/or deceptive trade practices" for promising the public that the concert would begin at 8:30 p.m. knowing that Madonna would not begin performing at the advertised start time. The pair is arguing there was a breach of contract.
"Madonna had demonstrated flippant difficulty in ensuring a timely or complete performance, and Defendants were aware that any statement as to a start time for a show constituted, at best, optimistic speculation," the lawsuit said.
The lawsuit, filed Wednesday in Brooklyn federal court, seeks class action status because the men said it is their belief other "Celebration" tour concerns began similarly late.
The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages.
"Based on the years-long history of Madonna arriving several hours late to prior concerts (and which conduct continued at concerts in other cities after the Concerts at the Barclays Center, including concerts in Washington, D.C. and Boston), Plaintiffs knew or should have known that the Concerts would not start at 8:30 p.m., and that Madonna would not take the stage until several hours after the start time, causing Plaintiffs and all Class Members to have to wait several hours," the lawsuit said.
Madonna kicked off her "Celebration Tour" in October at London's O2 Arena after initially having to delay the tour following a medical scare. She had been scheduled to start the tour in July 2023, but had to postpone due to being hospitalized in June for a serious bacterial infection.
ABC News has reached out to Madonna's representative as well as Live Nation and the Barclays Center for comment.
Madonna has faced similar lawsuits before. During her 2019 "Madame X" tour, she was sued multiple times for starting concerts late.
A Florida man, Nate Hollander, sued Madonna and Live Nation in November 2019, alleging they had moved a concert two hours later than originally planned and it was too late for him to attend. Hollander voluntarily dismissed the suit just a month later, according to court records.
On the same "Madame X" tour, a pair of concertgoers at a show in Brooklyn, New York, filed a similar suit to the one this week. Andrew Panos and Antonio Velotta sued Live Nation, the Brooklyn Academy of Music and Madonna in February 2020 claiming the pop star didn't start her two shows at the venue until more than two hours after the listed start time on the tickets. Panos and Velotta came to an unspecified settlement in July 2020 and the lawsuit was voluntarily dismissed, according to court documents.
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mightyflamethrower · 13 days
Transsexuals Sue Over Access to Women’s Locker Rooms
Although the LGBT agenda suffers few setbacks, the Alphabet People are still oppressed. The Olympics put the kibosh on Will “Lia” Thomas’s plan to compete on the US women’s team. He isn’t the first guy to encounter resistance at the door to the women’s locker room. In Europe, transsexuals respond with lawsuits.
In Germany:
A trans-identified male who was denied membership and access to the women’s showers at a female-only fitness center in Bavaria is suing the facility for €2,500 in compensation, claiming “personal injury suffered.” The suit comes just weeks after the gym was already ordered to pay him €1,000 by the federal anti-discrimination commissioner. “Laura Hannah” Holstein, 25 and formerly known as Nicolas, recently came to international notoriety after filing complaints against Lady’s First Fitness Studio with the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency. The complaints came after Holstein, who is balding and fully-intact, was denied access to the female-only facilities.
Long before Herr Holstein takes off his clothes, it is horrifically obvious that he is not a woman.
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A soldier in Spain is suing the Ministry of Defense for almost €50,000 after accusing officials of not properly facilitating or accommodating his “gender transition.”
The military agreed to let Francisco Javier López use women’s facilities, but only when no real women are using them, defeating the purpose.
At least his lawyer has a sense of humor:
His lawyer also told press that this restriction revealed “various serious and culpable breaches caused by the [Ministry of Justice],” and that the facts could imply the “existence of a conduct detrimental to the fundamental rights” of López. In particular, the right to respect for his dignity and his physical and moral integrity.
Terms like “dignity” and “moral integrity” are always good for a laugh when screeched by a transsexual’s lawyer.
Like Herr Holstein, Señor López does not look much like a woman.
López does not plan to undergo surgical disfigurement or hormone poisoning, or even change his name. Why should he bother? According to the dominant ideology, he is a woman because he says he is a woman. Having declared himself a lesbian earns him extra oppression points.
So cheer up, Mister Thomas. Liberal courts might bestow jackpot justice. Besides, the Olympics might let you hang out naked in the ladies’ locker room even if they don’t let you ruin the sport by swimming on the team.
On tips from ABC of the ANC, WDS 2.0, and Jester.
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theexodvs · 1 year
My father and my mother were high school sweethearts. Whether by coincidence or because she followed him there, they ended up at the same university. After babysitting homeschooled children while they were dating and growing wary of the culture’s lies, she refused to marry my father unless he fully supported her decision to homeschool her future children. And he agreed.
They did mission work in Central America for a time, before deciding to come back to the US to raise and educate their children. Not long after having my brother, and possibly in my lifetime, my father became the object of a female coworker’s attention. She wished to travel in the same vehicle with him and sleep in the same hotel rooms, with constant flirty behavior. There were (and still are) no state laws for workplace sexual harassment where he had placed his family. However, since the trips in question would have brought them across state lines, he might have been able to lawyer up and sue her for “harassment” in federal court. But he didn’t. Instead, he showed her grace while putting up boundaries, and maintained a completely professional relation with her until she was transferred to a different department and never spoke with him again. Throughout all this, my mother remained the sole object of his affection. He did not have to resort to the nuclear option in order to prove his loyalty to her. This remains my model of both loyalty to one’s spouse and how to deal with colleagues who wish to lure the faithful into sin.
I was late for several milestones due to poisoning in the well water at our house. We do not know what metals caused this; mercury would have manifested differently and lead would have a more permanent effect. Whatever the case, I was misdiagnosed with a developmental delay, and due to the happy accident of Andrew Wakefield’s fraudulent study, I was put on the expensive therapy that is chelation. This would have been around the time my sister was born, and my brother was not even four years old, all in one of the poorest areas of the US. Dad had to pick up two jobs just to keep us afloat. Because he agreed to marry Mom under the condition that she homeschooled, her picking up a full-time job was out of the question. I have seen many men in similar situations have affairs or develop addictions. Dad did neither. He was irritable, and took it out on us maybe a few too many times, as he was never taught how to properly handle his anger. I would not, however, describe his behavior as abusive, and he has never once hit Mom. All things considered, he was under pressures far more immense than I can even conceptualize. He modeled loyalty to my mother, respect for the particulars of his marriage covenant, kindness to his family, and devotion to his calling during a period of great sanctification.
Eventually he found a job that would keep all five of us fed and allow him to pay off his remaining debts. Mom developed various spending and saving habits to make sure that we could survive if anything ever occurred to bring them back to a previous state. Various other female colleagues would make advances on him, but he spoke in a manner bordering on obsession about “the Mrs.” and how wonderful of a woman she actually was. They had arguments, some quite heated, but he took the words of Paul the Apostle seriously, “Do not let the sun go down on your anger.” He never promised not to get angry, or even to avoid an explosive temper, but when he realized the damage he had done, he worked to make things right with those whom he had wronged. He modeled regret, remorse, and justice.
Eventually, after all of us were grown, my dad “quit.” That is legally what happened, anyway. In reality, two people my mom unabashedly describes as sociopaths came to view Dad as an enemy, and backstabbed him. He decided to quit and take the stipend before they had time to mar his resume. I was a semester and some change from graduating and my brother was already completely moved out, but my sister was a few years away from completing her degree and my mom had not worked in almost twenty years. He spent a good five months looking for work, which put him in a panic, wondering how to feed and house Mom and put my sister through the rest of her time at school. He did and said some crazy things. At the end of it, he was able to relax after finding a job that was suitable for his needs. Though he was not stable during that time, his foremost concern was my mom and sister. This was the most recent major test of his quality as a husband and father, and he definitely proved himself worthy. It was fortunately a remote job, as he got it about three weeks after news stories hit of a virus spreading from Wuhan, China. He has kept the same job since, being able to eventually move himself and my mom back to their hometown, living out their lives as empty-nest gulfrats (self-described), and they would not be happier any other way.
Through his thirty-two years as a husband and twenty-seven as a father, Dad had some vices, but he modeled far more virtues. If I get married one day, I will ask his advice often, and already have in order to be the best prospective husband I could be in previous relationships. If I have children of my own, I will ask his advice often, and though my parenting style will not be the exact same, I will take what worked and apply it.
Happy Father’s Day, Dad.
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sequelscreen · 1 year
'Donald Trump raped me,' writer tells jury in lawsuit trial
Writer E Jean Carroll told the jury on Wednesday that Donald Trump raped her nearly 30 years ago and when she wrote about it, he lied.
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A writer explained in graphic detail on Wednesday how Donald Trump allegedly raped her nearly 30 years ago, at a civil trial to determine whether the former US president assaulted her and then lied about it.
"I'm here because Donald Trump raped me, and when I wrote about it, he lied and said it didn't happen," E Jean Carroll told jurors in federal court in Manhattan. "He lied and shattered my reputation, and I'm here to try and get my life back."
Carroll, 79, a former Elle magazine advice columnist, is seeking unspecified damages from Trump, 76, who leads the Republican field in the 2024 presidential campaign.
Her lawsuit concerns an alleged encounter in a Bergdorf Goodman department store dressing room in late 1995 or early 1996, where she says Trump raped her before she could flee.
Carroll says Trump defamed her by calling her rape claim a hoax, lie and "complete con job" on his Truth Social media platform, and said she was not his "type" and had made up the claim to sell her memoir.
She is also suing under New York's Adult Survivors Act, which lets adults sue their alleged abusers long after statutes of limitations have run out.
Trump is not attending and not required to attend the trial, which began on Tuesday. He has a scheduled New Hampshire campaign event on Thursday, and both sides have indicated it is unlikely Trump will testify.
Trump maintained his scorn nonetheless for Carroll's case on Truth Social on Wednesday, calling her lawyer a "political operative" and the rape claim "a made up SCAM," adding: "This is a fraudulent & false story--Witch Hunt!"
US District Judge Lewis Kaplan warned that Trump could face more legal problems if he kept discussing the case.
Carroll testified that she had met Trump years before the alleged rape, finding him "very personable" and a "man about town."
At Bergdorf, Carroll recalled that she was leaving the store when Trump recognized her and held up his hand. She stopped.
"He said, 'Hey, you are that advice lady,'" Carroll recalled. "I said, 'Hey, you are that real estate tycoon.'"
Carroll said Trump bantered in a "joshing" tone as he shopped for lingerie for another woman.
She said Trump asked her to try on a piece of lingerie, prompting her to joke that he should try it on.
Carroll said Trump then coaxed her into an open dressing room, shut the door, shoved her against a wall, and pulled down her tights. She choked up and fought back tears as she described pushing him back.
Trump's fingers "went into my vagina, which was extremely painful, extremely painful," and he also "inserted his penis," she said.
"As I'm sitting here today I can still feel it," she said. "It left me unable to ever have a romantic life again."
Asked by her lawyer if she told Trump "no," Carroll said "I may have said it" but did not know.
She also said she blamed herself, and feared she would be fired and Trump would retaliate if she reported him.
Inspired by the #MeToo movement, Carroll came forward in 2019, and denied Trump's repeated suggestions it was because she disliked his politics.
"I'm not settling a political score at all," Carroll said. "I'm settling a personal score because he called me a liar repeatedly, and it really has decimated my reputation."
She said Trump's attacks caused Elle to fire her, costing her 8 million readers, and left others convinced she was a liar.
Carroll broke down when asked if she regretted ending her silence.
"I've regretted this about 100 times," she said, "but in the end being able to get my day in court finally is everything to me."
Lawyers for Trump are expected to question Carroll on Thursday, including over her inability to remember when the alleged rape took place.
Trump posted his latest comments on Truth Social about an hour before Wednesday's testimony began.
He questioned how anyone could believe he - "being very well known, to put it mildly!" - could have raped Carroll.
"She didn't scream?" Trump wrote. "There are no witnesses? Nobody saw this?"
The posts led Kaplan to tell Trump's legal team, outside the jury's presence, that Trump appeared to be "endeavoring, certainly, to speak to his quote-unquote public" and to the jury about matters that have "no business being spoken about."
Kaplan also said Trump could be "tampering with a new source of liability" if he continued. Trump's lawyer Joe Tacopina said he would tell Trump to stop.
But concern about social media influencing the trial resurfaced after Trump's son Eric tweeted on Wednesday afternoon about Reid Hoffman, the billionaire LinkedIn co-founder and prominent Democratic donor helping fund Carroll's case.
Eric Trump said Hoffman's involvement was "an embarrassment to our country, should be illegal and tells you everything you need to know about the case."
Kaplan told Tacopina such comments needed to stop.
"There are some relevant US statutes here, and somebody on your side ought to be thinking about them," Kaplan said.
The judge also said Donald Trump's lawyers cannot mention Hoffman at the trial, calling it "unfairly prejudicial."
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the-firebird69 · 16 days
Judge Strikes Down Ron DeSantis' Signature Law https://www.newsweek.com/florida-transgender-law-banned-unconstitutional-1911413
I don't care who the f*** you are just Santa's just Santa's Dee Sanchez Jesus you're a p**** first off secondly you're wrong no matter what state you're in in the USA you can't limit someone's medical Care based on their race you should be cut out of politics just like Trump stupid you're so stupid as it hurts you got cut into little pieces by the Max and they held it on you and your pussies you're fighting each other to the death and they held it on you your pussies and that's all you are you're f****** p**** tonight I knew it so let me tell you something I don't f****** need you Governor DeSantis this for anything and your negative person for me. you cut yourself out of the picture and that's the big picture. You can get fired no matter what you do same with Stan from this job you have here and from your life you're f****** dead because of your mistake it's not only a mistake to your own people who you're getting killed rapidly because you think you're AI boy or whatever dumbass s*** you tell them they get a little kid for real but you're fired I don't need you have you noticed no is the answer you're in oblivious idiot I waited for the foreigners to come in and get rid of your dumbasses and others because the max needs real contenders and you ain't nothing you're some s*** head too pushes me into the game every day it has a laundromat like some sort of f****** Queen I'm bringing charges against you Governor DeSantis for introducing this law in the first place and sponsoring it and other laws they're all illegal into your benefit is for your queer plan LOL and we're going to sue you
Zues Hera
You're staying in the front yard screaming like a retard that got you to do it because you're a stupid f*** that's why it's funny that's your little b****
Is sitting there looking at you carefully that's making the noises and then you started screaming it and you look really stupid and he got out of trouble because you got in trouble and I told him what you were doing I said you wouldn't do the work you wouldn't look at it you wouldn't let him do it wasn't supposed to do have no septic you f*** you men are so goddamn dumb we're in a lot of trouble because of you and he says you can't get in trouble for fumbling like a mad person but you're in trouble with yourselves cuz you're still going to be splintered and have these guys going after everything that means that you're nothing and that blows you're going to come in now and feed the s*** out of us cuz I think we all know and we might and he says doesn't really matter you suck so bad but really what we're looking for for a nuclear weapons so you can't let us have any and they know about it they were saying it yesterday in code if you have to be a genius to hear it for Christ's sake... Why I say is I've done a lot of work around here I want you to play cuz you're a dick head about queers you should be doing that it's unconstitutional and people notice and these Max use everything like that not one thing or look at it and say it's too much they use it all are you people really that stupid the answer is yeah this a****** Trump has like 5,000 court cases to go to he's a huge animal he's going to handle the position off who cares they're cutting you off with your fingerprints and your brain because of what you've done you're not cutting him off you s*** head but he's going to pay for your crimes and he should he's making you do them you idiot he's right you know we're fraction completely and useless and he's in trouble because we're sitting here cuz he's fat blobs and we can't do anything you want I felt like running over there with a shovel cuz he says you take it it kind of slit one foot wide and stick the dirt out and that's what we're preventing him from doing and sit there with a shovel Trump I mean this is gross it's it is torture and he says we are being sued and then armies are going to come kill us because we are completely useless and the least we could do is point it out to foreigners and tie it up and try and get something but no what we want to do is just sit here and be huge huge targets
I don't think I've ever heard this before she says it every day and I don't listen he says so f****** what like granddad is President and you're fired go to hell Jason you piece of s***
And by the way Jason f*** you you're a p**** I punch you in the face and you die you're out f****** moron I'm going to punch your people's ticket I'm going to punch your God damn tickets here myself and show you how it works
He says added I'm afraid because it's true I can't get out of here and I can't do the job Stan won't let me and he says it's a lie and he believes it and who cares it's right out of driveway and you you can't get it done cuz you know what happens to the septic and it's too rich for you you stupid f*** f*** you Jason you lying sack of p**** man I got to f*** you up in this idiot and there's a crying little f** over here
These people have our son argue with them like this every day but what he's doing is having you killed he's sending over this and you don't see it cuz you're a bunch of losers who have to see it then you have to believe it you have to have him make you believe that he's having to kill we say is that manipulating it say that would kill you by hand and people imitate him is one thing but you can't buy that for a dollar it's a goddamn dumb any other Max found out that you know about it at your dumb meeting and they're going after you because they know that you go after them thank God he says thank God I mean these guys probably suck so f****** bad they follow a car for a minute and drive off the road and yeah there's a lot of that didn't confident they are incompetent and we need the max to go below when it's a real fight
Thor Freya
Haha boy that makes sense you're so God damn weak for me to have it doesn't care at all about helping cuz he can't cuz we'll make a device out of it will pile them up and blow them up with a laser so people think that I've been doing it cuz it's coming out of my mouth why that's stupid
It's stupid because you probably don't have any but people think you do that's why it's stupid you should head so why don't you run around tell people you f****** little Goldilocks
Zues Hera
I think I will this
is the threatening us and we even know what you have and what you don't so go tell your s*** heads and you'll be threatening them and they'll want it you f*** you dumb retard
Zues Hera
This is very difficult because we're actually very stupid now I have to go after you Trump and you probably don't have me to save you c*** that's what he's saying what God damn stupid that makes sense and they're going to kill me over and over for three shovelful of dirt I don't understand it and he does it sounds like the max and make it for so it's not the memory jackass you idiots what the f*** is wrong with your lower my rent stand or go to hell those are the choices you dip s*** you don't have to vouch your master but you do all the time
F*** you dumb a******
Zues Hera
I figured out something we kind of stupid and he's right we're back to them all the time but we won't do stuff that they don't want us to I mean this sucks we're so God damn weak they're coming after us anyways but now it's going to be worse cuz we ran down there whose idea was that s*** you stupid a****** anyways we're probably just going to die they planned out your day in a movie and how do you do the movie and that's how they kill you it's not brain surgery so I'm going back in time so I guess that's what I'm going to do I guess I'll stand good job I mean you f****** around with me all the time but you know step off
You know what I could care less I don't have anything to do today it's going to try and evict all three
You're not in the group anymore a****** we pushed you out and we're taking your properties and you don't have that power to do it to him it was going to go after you today and your group's not big enough and these people go after you so you're done
Mac daddy
I sort of get something you're standing up for him we don't want you to he says I'm with trillions and trillions of dollars a second the foreign government stand and you're worth nothing to these people here you should f****** kill yourself Stan you don't know better at all you don't know the real man my plan had it down my clan had it down and you in the other f****** idiots f***** it all up and the max got messed up and now you have to look at the red eye little s*** you f****** teeny little s*** you messing with me I'm going to step on your whole f****** stupid little army and take everything that's just two states you little s***... That's a f****** price for not shoveling three shovel fulls of dirt and raise my rent you dumb f***... Is it English then you can't understand English go to ESL you dumb f****** retard you got a retard frontal lobe you need ESL not me you stupid f****** idiot I have an IQ that's well above everybody here and it all up together... In a valuable to other people apparently not to you so they're going to come in here and blow your f****** head off... I sort of get that this is torture and they don't want it and they're killing us all and we keep asking for it and so what and he says great so you're checking out good I can take your stuff going to use it right in front of you don't f****** retard
You're actually a lot worse than I thought Stan and I know we're losing but boy you a f****** loser you are a loser 10 20 years ago when he went through New York you were this f****** huge loser I don't want to do this anymore you started this war cuz you're a piece of s*** you want to get rid of all our guys they're special so what we're different people you don't know it I mean this is hell I got to go down with a shovel he says just bring the f****** shovel down and I'll show you how to shovel three shovel falls of dirt so you can go around and you can fix your the other ones no I don't know you were there it's stealth shoveling but only have to say I got you a job I pulled you out of hell you probably be dead right now and it takes effort everyone bothers me you feel are spoiled rotten there's nobody behind you there's no safety net you say that s*** to me Stan so it's going to blow your brains out there's no mama and there's no papa used to be my clan and you guys done away with them now you have no safety net at all and you have nobody who's advising you the two big guys can't you're too sticky and too f****** annoying and they decided if they do anything I love you guys are a wasting God damn time.
I could actually hear it just get it done don't talk to you about it anymore if I hear about it I'm going to start soon the f*** out of video it was mentioning it and I have to try and tell you something I don't have time for this s*** he's just going to start f****** us up what would anybody do fix the goddamn sewer it's been 2 years you made me sick you're asking for more rent you owe me money cuz the place shouldn't even be inhabited I got to see the f*** out of you I get a lawyer today or sue the f*** out of you dumb a****** and f*** you by the way you get off my f****** case I'm going to rip you a new one you're saying to me and obviously we're in trouble he said radar Love stupid f*** you dumb queer what are you going to do against the laser of that power they can actually stop the Earth particles from going into the stupid universe she God damn webs you f****** f*** ups have no f****** idea how dead you are
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nityarawal · 8 months
Please press charges for $10b at PNC Bank for continually allowing Manager Jerry Sue Haney and staff to discriminate against clients in Idyllwild community on federal, as well as realtor/atty broker bribes to slumlord civilians out of homes and assets/kids with kickbacks for courts/insurance on smear campaign. 
We don't expect federal government to slander us in a bank, nor insurance, cellular or dmv selling data, our bodies & families. This has been a gross war.
Alisa said she filed dispute for my guitar online purchase on 11/22/22 at pnc bank that was fraud last week for $75- attached below.
Luckily I sent a note here because it's still showing pending dispute on 11/28!
She promised 1/2 refund that day! She just bought a new bed! Was that with bribe money? I was going to shop for a black friday sale bed! My back hurts on airbed! Our country sucks! They steal from us and don't even give a Pittance for bed than cellular and banks capitalise on bribes with federal rapists? Beyond gross!
Alisa lied and failed to file dispute twice according to statement & recorded lines for $100 atm deposit when pnc machine broke and also for $74.12 on guitar internet feaud. Do you even penalise websites doung this???
Benjamin promised to change address for 10th time on 11/22/22. I went back to show him it hadn't updated and he refused to give me a November statement to show proof! It still hasn't updated to po box 3662 as of yesterday- see below. Having same issues with insurance, dmv and many other scammers!
Why didn't either of them tell me you canceled debit card? I had to tell them! They Know tmobile doesn't work here!
i went to Dessert pnc  bank to get these receipts for you and Nov statement since Benjamin lied and said he couldnt provide it. Also to prove Alisa never filed promised disputes, nor did Benjamin change my address. Please address this time wasting of clients resources and business!
They all want Jerry Sue Ryan penalised for bank fraud, yet are either stoned stupid high on dope and shouldnt be working there; or have learned her bad habits and are still comitting fraud! This needs to be addressed!
They all promised to let me know when debit card is coming and none of them will answer straight forward question. Banker last night said it could be 10 business days! PNC said 3 days in executive email! 
I should have a damn notification of when it's coming and not have to spend $30 on gas to field lies and abuse daily in your federally corrupt banks! I don't want your digital banking anymore- you have too many liars committing fraud in local branches! They don't send timely receipts and now I'm blocked from ap as well as stranded with no debit card! 
I still need refunds from airbnb for all of my payments since 9/1. Also colony hotel atrached below! You didn't credit for $260 charge or previous ones!
You read statement, since staff is stingy providing us rightful evidence of their fraud & full disclosure laws. We still need transcripts of all calls. I'm a realtor of 29 years assisting legal team since you all have ethics, racists & integrity issues in your corporations.  
Obviously I now need to switch banks! There is several recorded attempts of fraud in one month. 
I even asked you publically on twitter to correct address. 
Your employees have a hidden agenda that is not appropriate to needs for civilians in federal banking. Please collect maximim insurance from BBofA too, Wells Fargo, Fidelity, Amex, Lexus, Verizon, Tmobile & federal officers blackballing civilians from cellular in Riverside courts- murder capital of California -due to in-house domestic terrorism proved on many recorded lines and in writing by Idyllwild employees fraud. 
BUT I SHARE PO BOX 1223 with my uncle Eric Berg who also banks with you and we share tmobile account- which he pays and I reimburse for.
We need $2000 in damages from Tmobile for wrongful charges in covid hospitalization rapes plus $10b in damages for selling my data to federal rapists for years and no connection in most of Riverside Mountains! 
Same for Verizon! They sold my phone, home & body to Nazi 911 militia rather than provide tgeir free Obama phone in covid to get groceries from mountainaid.net in winter! I need verizon iphone returned plus $10b for medical abuse with IEHP/blueshield insurance on obamas care court rapes & drugs for divorce detention! Smears are lies and I refuse all Gag orders. 
Get $10b for every officer that touched mine or kids privates & hit me or interrogated me with racism. This is an ethics issue as much as a capitalistic issue. We need this money for mothers private banking, cellular, insurance, homes & cars going forward. Boys club violated rights to do business with us through pedophile scammers at court.
 I need phone back that cops stole and $10b for damages.
Charge apple for iPhone data exploitation, all my aps, Including Rewind and @google for selling my data to x team and failing to allow me to purchase storage. Google & Facebook sold our data to Ignorant murdering lying thieving officers. We need all returned from porn Pedophile junkies now.
Tesla phone should be here soon on Starlink. When?
$10b to be paid by Obama Healthcare & Blue Shield foe selling my data and body to courts. 
Is there an honest financial institution or cellular/insurance plan you trust?
Charge Triple-a $10b for selling data to violent gay officers.
Charge California Ass of Realtors & Nardo $10b each for selling homes to courts.
Charge all of them in those smear campaign. I want all these federally back institutions by nazis charged and backed by private funding going forward. 
Steven Lee- Master Chef & I; "My girl Frida"- -from Idyology also need workman's Comps and home/ restaurant donated from Carmel Benson for community soup kitchen. She Took bribes to bully us with her toy boy gay cops! Daniel Godsnick & Sheriff Jeremy Parsons/Chad Bianco Pathologist liar!
I need all money paid from Leslie Wiedner estate on Tollgate & Emily Pearson's listings; paid for rents in 2019-2021 at 54399 Valleyview and Michael Villanueva's home on Countryclub (murder next door!) and Dennis Campbell Sketchleys thefts with militia refunded. Leslie, Emily and her husband were murdered and iehp therapists Tima Ivanova, Andrea and Tisha Thompson complicity involved in hiding abuse and rightful pathology reports. 
Leslie & I were scammed by her daughter Tina Molina. I need all my things returned. Emily appears to be murdered by her boss Shane Stewart of Idyllwild Realty so you can bully over 400 tenants violently out of homes into thus Nazi Communism! It's disgusting sex slavery to sell moms to officers. He's gay and hates mothers along with most of his militia and bribed police/Sheriff/DA/judges! 
I also need 10b in reperations from Broker Brian Yiu slumlording me from my home on hygeia with a 20% rental increase in 2017 to $3,000 and visits from x"s violent officers there- Mark Milton- who eventually hospitalised me in ICU with beating right after move to mediator Abi Odams in Del Mar.
Batbara Bradford farm needs to refind for abuse from her fanily, dinate springbox and 10m in damages to moms charity. Many lawyers & DA are on here as well as Elon Musk. You all know your role to settle now and avert danger for other families. We did alot of work to #FreeBritney - now Iran and my kids deserve justice. You shoild all be ashamed of your employees and colleagues in pedophile war against moms. Every public defender judge abd cop are epstein in courts field of family law psychology. Its tragic, upsetting and needs to be cleaned up now!
Nitya Huntley Rawal 
You want to @tiktok_us about @PNCBank_Help @tmobile abuse? Everyone in town says you mess up finances constantly, then gaslight them on phone.
We need more reputable cells/ banks in Idyllwild.
@iehp Failed audits too!
Cal fresh/Obama phone playing address game too! @POTUS  @VP
Government says put "Secretary of State" home unlisted to deal w/ domestic terrorism; SSI & Obama Care insurance is last resort when bullied out of assets- yet they steal data too- requiring proof of address for Obama phone- which means Feds rape & harass community @VP
& Banks! 
Idyllwild/ Mountain Center communities feel discriminated against by cellular companies. @tmobile doesn't work!
Obama phone won't distribute phones to PO box owners!
We don't want to be raped again by @verizon federal colleagues at 911 so have #SOS unlisted homes! @elonmusk @VP
Obama Phone sellers & Idyllwild/ Mountain Center communities feel discriminated against by cellular companies.
They won't distribute phones to PO box owners!
We don't want to be raped again out of @verizon by federal colleagues at 911!
There are certain men classy women don't fraternise with.
Our officers are incorrigible rapists & shouldn't be deployed around women or children.
Walk other way if you see officers. Do not go to court.
They will rape you & your kids in civil war.
DA @VP needs to warn.
She knows. 
Mammas- please do not go to #Obama free phone lots after dark. @verizon discriminates against divorcees they've raped & stolen data/slumlorded previously & won't honor leases or proof-of-bills paid on Bank statements.
Worse-they tag w/ excon drug dealers on fentanyl to rob & spy!
Smear campaign is what @TulsiGabbard aptly calls it. @britneyspears
#WeHeardYou #Nitya4Eternity #LivingFree #HalfPersianLivesMatter #HPLM #FreeIran #PrinceOfPegging #IranianWomenLivesMatter #Nitya4Anjali #Nitya4Nature #Nitya4Kyan #Nitya4Kings #KingsTaster #Qajars #Nitya4Moezzis
We don't understand why social services doesn't light up parking lots in winter were hustling to decline @verizon free Obama cellular phones!
They won't take PO Boxes; discriminate against Idyllwild & most rural communities!
@tmobile tablet scam for $20 but w/ towers! @elonmusk
BUT I SHARE PO BOX 1223 with
Uncle & our dear post office was kind to forward over 50 pieces since you started gaslightkng me about new PO last spring! @iehp uses same Warfare with Feds against divorcees to blackball.
This is classic court gaslighting!
PNC refuses to change address! 6 mo of let's chat!
I went to PNC bank-applied for $200 cash - they didn't give receipt nor email as promised-with digital bank fraud on data breakdown. Then got robbed at @verizon Obama dark alley scam.
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"Constitutional Re-Discovery For All Part 2" With Dwane Kirkland & Gail ...
{Owen V Independence 100 vol. Supreme court reports. 1398 (1982)- Main V Thiboutot 100 vol. supreme court reports. 2502(1982)-officers have no immunity when violating Constitutional rights, from liability. Title 42 US Code Sec. 1983, Sec. 1985, and Sec. 1986 say the plaintiff can sue anyone who violates the Constitutional provisions. Case Byars V United States 273 US Supreme Court rulings 28- Encroachment. Miranda V Arizona 384 US 436-says no rule or law by legislation which would abrogate or abolish any Constitutional right provisions- {All delegated power’s} {Under the 10th Amendment of the United States Of America} all violations {Attach all writ of assist- coupon- bill of attainder-direct Tax} all pertaining to {violating Article 1 Sections 9, and 10 US Constitution} {Title 18 , U.S. Code Sec. 2381- if they fail to protect Constitution they are subject to the charge count 1- felony treason}   Case law Murdock V. Penn. 319 U.S. 105: (1943)-state may not impose a charge for enjoyment of a right by the beneficiary of contract. {Count 2 title 18 US code sect 241,242: if upon conviction the violator is subject to a $10,000 fine, ten years in jail, or both and if theft result, life in prison} Grounds for Dismissal #1 No jurisdiction, I request that ____________________________________, Deputy Attorney and Head Attorney for the County of ________________________________________________ to actually prove jurisdiction. I ask this in question by writ and verbally if detained and held against my will before any litigation or mitigation. The state and the attorneys cannot just assume jurisdiction. The state has the burden of proof in question for the record of jurisdiction, especially when there is no victim with an Affidavit, no property damage, nor any witnesses to the alleged so-called fictional crimes. It’s not against the law to protect yourself from any attackers, one has right to stand their ground and home. #2 Plaintiff Signature, _____________________________- Requests to the State to claim lawful damages under the Constitution at all levels - Furthermore the Plaintiff is a claimed beneficiary of the Constitution at the state level and at the federal level. American citizen not a so-called sovereign citizen or national citizens, only an American citizens Guaranteed protections. The institutions operating under the color of law teaches their administration and the cops and the lawyers and judges that a sovereign citizen is a enemy of the states, even though that not true. #3 The Plaintiff wishes to inform the prosecuting attorney, and the court, and here now states for the record that the Plaintiff does not consent to any unconstitutional acts and further does not consent to having my exhibits and my testimony ignored and diminished by the court. #4 The Plaintiff requests to the state, the clerk recorder, for this record, and for all other claims that may be placed against him, that he does not consent to any unknown contract, except the Constitution in harmony. Let all claims be submitted to a candid administration and to the common court that he claims. Your honor may it please the court. #5 I, ______________________________ requests now for a motion for dismissal for failure to state a cause of action for which relief may be granted, the claim and exercise of a Constitutional right cannot be converted into a crime, nor a conflict of statues and codes. With respect - who says so? These Supreme case laws say so. Miller v U.S., 230 F 2d 486 ,489. with no injured party, a complaint is invalid on its face, Gibson v. Boyle, 139 Ariz. 512. #6 Article 6 paragraph 2. Supremacy Clause- Also all judges and lawyers and officers are bound to protect the oath of the Constitutions. And if failed to protect, then it is a crime itself. Title 18, US Code Sec. 2381: Failure to protect rights would cause all orders and affect null and void. #7 _____________________________ has made a sufficient, timely, and explicit reservation of his rights at 1-207, 1-308 w/o prejudice, he then insists that the statutes be construed in harmony with the Common Law and the 7th Amendment of the Bill of Rights. At all levels state and federal. #8 I, ___________________________ further request that the court produce the injured person who has filed a verified complaint and has done so by a true and honorable affidavit. Privacy is essential to a strong state of the union and clearly many officers and agents have violated my rights, to fish for a victimless crime for equity. Privacy, according to all states of the union compact agreement contract, and sister states, the bill of rights, is essential. #9 ____________________________- asks for whoever was injured to be identified because of failure to - Allegations of complaint - Bill of Pain - Bill of attainder - codes, statues listed. (Alleged Codes and Statutes) declared unconstitutional codes statutes and regulations, police power and proclamations from foreign institutions operating under the color of law, tricking the American people out of their rights by government schemes of admiralty, merchant, commerce, and any pirates of sea. Clearly all violating {Article 1 section 9, and 10) illegal bill of attainder. COLLECTED FACTS DISCOVERY PUBLIC DOMAIN Norton V. Shelby County 118 U.S. 425 an unconstitutional act is not law. It confers no rights and poses no duties, affords no protections, and creates no office. It is in legal contemplation inoperative as though it had never been passed. Conflict with the Constitution, no victim, and no property damage, A state shall not create a crime for equity, nor without a victim or property damage. And the jurisdiction has not been answered in a timely manner and provisions and amendments and articles and declaration of rights have been diminished and ignored. {Full report if asked in a timely manner of the merit and to reflect the mirror and latter} {Advocate witness findings of real law} U.S. V. Bishop 412 U.S. 346 Defines willfulness as an evil motive or intent to avoid a known duty or task under law with immoral certainty -plaintiff, ____________________________ UCC 1-207, 1-308 w/o prejudice is using the constitution and supreme court cases. The plaintiff is not using evil motives or intents. 16th Andrews Prudent -Second section 97, says that it shall be interpreted in my favor because the plaintiff _________________________UCC 1-207, 1-308 w/o prejudice is claimed and clearly intended and expressly designated beneficiary for the protection of his rights and property. And personal safety, Signature claimed designated beneficiary, ____________________________________________ ***** {See attachment of pain and suffering} {SEAL}   {INGODWETRUST AND BY THE OATH OF ALL TRUE AMERICAN CITZENS} 2
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boaringoldguy · 11 months
This man is amazing. His defense of free speech is ongoing!! 👍🤩
ntd.com Elon Musk Pledges to Foot Legal Bills of Users Mistreated by Employers for Posting or Liking Content NTD 6–7 minutes
Elon Musk looks on as he speaks during his visit at the Vivatech technology startups and innovation fair at the Porte de Versailles exhibition center in Paris on June 16, 2023. (Alain Jocard/AFP via Getty Images)
Elon Musk said that his social media company X will pay the legal bills of users who have been mistreated by their employers for posting or engaging with content on the platform formerly known as Twitter.
In an Aug. 5 post on X announcing the move, Mr. Musk pledged to support potential lawsuits regardless of their scale.
“If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill. No limit. Please let us know.” the billionaire owner of X wrote.
Mr. Musk later added that he would also put up a public relations campaign against companies that punish employees for their social media activities.
“And we won’t just sue, it will be extremely loud, and we will go after the boards of directors of the companies too,” he wrote in response to a comment saying that in the United States, nothing changes behavior faster than the threat of legal action.
While Mr. Musk gave further no details on how users could claim money for their legal fees, some users are quick to put their hands up to show him whom they believe deserves legal funding.
Among those identified victims of employer mistreatment is Kara Lynne, a former employee at the video game company Limited Run Games. She was fired earlier this year after transgender activists accused her of being a “transphobe” who followed purportedly “right-wing transphobic” accounts.
Calling for Ms. Lynne’s firing, the activists also dug up a post from 2016—four years before she started working at Limited Run Games, which said: “If you think the [number] of trans crying about using a bathroom is higher than the perves using the excuse, you are what is wrong with this world.”
According to Ms. Lynne, the outrage was triggered by a post in which she expressed excitement about the release of a new Harry Potter-themed video game, which some activists have threatened to boycott because of Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling’s views on womanhood, such as that transgender people identifying as women but do not menstruate are not real women.
Limited Run Games fired Mr. Lynne just hours after activists complained about her employment, with a statement saying that they “remain committed to supporting an inclusive culture” and want to “foster a positive and safe environment for everyone.”
Appearing to be intrigued by the story, Mr. Musk responded to a post calling for justice for Ms. Lynne by asking, “Kara, is that accurate?”
Ms. Lynne then replied: “The situation is slightly more complicated than the headline. But yes.”
“It was led by someone who dug through my tweets and found a single one from 2016 regarding hesitation of people taking advantage of the bathroom discussion. Started a witch hunt, and I was fired the same day,” she explained in a follow-up post. “Happy to chat more about it if you are interested.”
“Great, let’s have at it!” Mr. Musk wrote.
Saturday’s announcement followed a lawsuit X filed last week against the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), British non-profit organization that researches what it calls “online hate and disinformation.”
In the complaint, filed in a federal court in California, the social media company alleged that CCDH launched a “scare campaign to drive away advertisers from the X platform” by claiming that hate speech has flourished since the Musk takeover.
Specifically, the CCDH claimed it has found that the volume of posts containing slurs has risen by up to 202 percent since Mr. Musk bought Twitter, and the number of posts linking LGBT people to “grooming” have more than doubled over that time. It also argued that paid-for verification is “helping spread disinformation.”
“CCDH has done this by engaging in a series of unlawful acts designed to improperly gain access to protected X Corp. data, needed by CCDH so that it could cherry-pick from the hundreds of millions of posts made each day on X and falsely claim it had statistical support showing the platform is overwhelmed with harmful content,” the company claimed, accusing CCDH of obtaining X’s data without the authorization of Brandwatch, a social media analytic firm working with X.
The company said it “not only rejects all claims made by the CCDH but, through our own investigation, we have identified several ways in which the CCDH is actively working to prevent free expression.” That includes allegedly “targeting people on all platforms who speak about issues the CCDH doesn’t agree with,” “attempting to coerce the deplatforming of users whose views do not conform to the CCDH’s ideological agenda,” and “targeting free-speech organizations by focusing on their revenue stream to remove free services for people.”
In an Aug. 1 statement about the lawsuit, CCDH founder and chief executive Imran Ahmed described it as the X owner’s attempt to “silence anyone who criticizes him for his own decisions and actions.”
“The Center for Countering Digital Hate’s research shows that hate and disinformation is spreading like wildfire on the platform under Musk’s ownership, and this lawsuit is a direct attempt to silence those efforts,” said Mr. Ahmed. “Musk is trying to ‘shoot the messenger’ who highlights the toxic content on his platform rather than deal with the toxic environment he’s created.”
From The Epoch Times
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benbenblog · 2 years
See you at Prison,Guo Liar!
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In the past few days, the huge fine surrounding Guo Wengui has kept him in a state of high stress, even using sleeping pills that have "no side effects". After all, Guo Wengui himself has never been one to respond positively to such negative news, but today, Mr. Tang Han's tweet shows that Guo Wengui did not pay the fine, but chose to find ways to continue to bypass it, and even chose to file for bankruptcy for this reason, listening to the slanderous words of “ants”, treat the U.S. law as a child's play?
The company has been banned from leaving the United States because of various lawsuits, as Guo Wengui revealed in his live broadcast that he could not travel to the United Kingdom and Japan, which "invited him". In the past few days, there has been controversy over whether or not Guo Wengui will pay the fine. 134 million dollars is by no means a small amount for Guo Wengui, who has just returned 480 million dollars in GTV fraud and paid more than 30 million dollars in fines, with H-coin not being able to replenish the huge deficit, and when the news was announced on the 9th, Guo Wengui had said on air that he would "sue the court" because the regulations invoked by the court and the resulting sentence violate the law, the yacht does not belong to them, so the court cannot require them to pay the fine for the yacht. Such an operation looks very exciting, only to have no effect on the injunction that has been issued, the fine that should be paid will not be less than one point.
The yacht, which originally belonged to Guo Wengui, was transferred to another person's name, proving how hypocritical Guo Wengui is, and according to Mr. Tang Han's documents, Guo Wengui is even more hypocritical by claiming to the court that he is bankrupt and has a monthly income of nearly $20,000, which comes from gifts from family, relatives and friends. Let's not talk about how many relatives and friends Guo Wengui has left, but just looking at Guo Wengui's claim of "no income", we can see that he is a complete hypocrite. After all, Guo Wengui is a self-proclaimed tycoon and uses this identity to go out and cheat, giving “ants” the illusion that he is not short of money on the one hand, and the illusion that he can make money and has good projects on the other. The bankruptcy list submitted by Guo Wengui, about the compensation of Cheng Shuiyan, Guo Baosheng and others, as well as some of the lawsuits of the awakened little ants, Guo Wengui asked for a write-off, such a ridiculous request, I am afraid that only this madman on the verge of pressure will come up with.
It can be seen that since the experience of GTV refund, Guo Wengui can be said to be a penny do not want to pay out, and even used a "personal bankruptcy" such bullshit reason to avoid punishment. You know, the first step to personal bankruptcy is to auction personal property to liquidate debts, Guo Wengui is trying to use the characteristics of his own name no property to escape debt. But one thing he didn't learn from the GTV investigation and yacht seizure is that the American judiciary doesn't look at personal property, but at the ultimate beneficiary.GTV made Guo Wengui rich, and even though he let others act as legal persons through layers of proxy, he was the boss, but the SEC's investigation still lifted the fog and caught him as the "boss behind the scenes". "Lady may, a yacht wholly purchased by Guo Wengui, was transferred to someone else's name afterwards, but Guo Wengui has been enjoying his life on it, which is why the New York court ruled that it was Guo Wengui's property and forced it to be frozen as an offsetting property. After so many examples, Guo Wengui still did not learn a lesson, because his heart "criminal thinking", think that as long as the law does not matter, they can exploit the idea, to avoid punishment and get away with it. For this criminal, I only hope that this time the New York federal court can give him a good lesson, with the means of jail to let this crook completely understand that crime is to pay the price.
But the price should be paid by Guo Wengui himself, not by the “ants” who were cheated and kept in the dark. Now Guo Wengui is taking the money from the “ants” and seeking more benefits for his selfish self, transferring the money to his family trust and trying to continue to "live in luxury" after he is released from prison, which is extremely unfair to the “ants” who have worked hard all their lives and have been cheated for a while. Therefore, I hope that the court, while speeding up the case, will freeze Guo Wengui's existing property as much as possible, and use legal means to force Guo Wengui to return the fraudulent money while trying his series of fraud cases, especially the recent H-coin case, so that the “ants” will not suffer greater losses. As for this fraudster, I just hope he spends the rest of his life in prison and never comes out to harm people again!
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fzzh001 · 2 years
The scoundrel listened to the slanderous rumor that he wanted to be a scoundrel to the end and declared bankruptcy to prevent the fine from being paid This is ridiculous, See you at Prison,Guo Liar!
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In the past few days, the huge fine surrounding Guo Wengui has kept him in a state of high stress, even using sleeping pills that have "no side effects". After all, Guo Wengui himself has never been one to respond positively to such negative news, but today, Mr. Tang Han's tweet shows that Guo Wengui did not pay the fine, but chose to find ways to continue to bypass it, and even chose to file for bankruptcy for this reason, listening to the slanderous words of “ants”, treat the U.S. law as a child's play?
The company has been banned from leaving the United States because of various lawsuits, as Guo Wengui revealed in his live broadcast that he could not travel to the United Kingdom and Japan, which "invited him". In the past few days, there has been controversy over whether or not Guo Wengui will pay the fine. 134 million dollars is by no means a small amount for Guo Wengui, who has just returned 480 million dollars in GTV fraud and paid more than 30 million dollars in fines, with H-coin not being able to replenish the huge deficit, and when the news was announced on the 9th, Guo Wengui had said on air that he would "sue the court" because the regulations invoked by the court and the resulting sentence violate the law, the yacht does not belong to them, so the court cannot require them to pay the fine for the yacht. Such an operation looks very exciting, only to have no effect on the injunction that has been issued, the fine that should be paid will not be less than one point.
The yacht, which originally belonged to Guo Wengui, was transferred to another person's name, proving how hypocritical Guo Wengui is, and according to Mr. Tang Han's documents, Guo Wengui is even more hypocritical by claiming to the court that he is bankrupt and has a monthly income of nearly $20,000, which comes from gifts from family, relatives and friends. Let's not talk about how many relatives and friends Guo Wengui has left, but just looking at Guo Wengui's claim of "no income", we can see that he is a complete hypocrite. After all, Guo Wengui is a self-proclaimed tycoon and uses this identity to go out and cheat, giving “ants” the illusion that he is not short of money on the one hand, and the illusion that he can make money and has good projects on the other. The bankruptcy list submitted by Guo Wengui, about the compensation of Cheng Shuiyan, Guo Baosheng and others, as well as some of the lawsuits of the awakened little ants, Guo Wengui asked for a write-off, such a ridiculous request, I am afraid that only this madman on the verge of pressure will come up with.
It can be seen that since the experience of GTV refund, Guo Wengui can be said to be a penny do not want to pay out, and even used a "personal bankruptcy" such bullshit reason to avoid punishment. You know, the first step to personal bankruptcy is to auction personal property to liquidate debts, Guo Wengui is trying to use the characteristics of his own name no property to escape debt. But one thing he didn't learn from the GTV investigation and yacht seizure is that the American judiciary doesn't look at personal property, but at the ultimate beneficiary.GTV made Guo Wengui rich, and even though he let others act as legal persons through layers of proxy, he was the boss, but the SEC's investigation still lifted the fog and caught him as the "boss behind the scenes". "Lady may, a yacht wholly purchased by Guo Wengui, was transferred to someone else's name afterwards, but Guo Wengui has been enjoying his life on it, which is why the New York court ruled that it was Guo Wengui's property and forced it to be frozen as an offsetting property. After so many examples, Guo Wengui still did not learn a lesson, because his heart "criminal thinking", think that as long as the law does not matter, they can exploit the idea, to avoid punishment and get away with it. For this criminal, I only hope that this time the New York federal court can give him a good lesson, with the means of jail to let this crook completely understand that crime is to pay the price.
But the price should be paid by Guo Wengui himself, not by the “ants” who were cheated and kept in the dark. Now Guo Wengui is taking the money from the “ants” and seeking more benefits for his selfish self, transferring the money to his family trust and trying to continue to "live in luxury" after he is released from prison, which is extremely unfair to the “ants” who have worked hard all their lives and have been cheated for a while. Therefore, I hope that the court, while speeding up the case, will freeze Guo Wengui's existing property as much as possible, and use legal means to force Guo Wengui to return the fraudulent money while trying his series of fraud cases, especially the recent H-coin case, so that the “ants” will not suffer greater losses. As for this fraudster, I just hope he spends the rest of his life in prison and never comes out to harm people again!
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wuyifan555 · 2 years
“Nothing” to create“War panic” mischievous“False rescue” by the“Strong beat” wounded turtle face swept away
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 No copper shall be lighted, but many a villain is right and wrong. Since he was convicted of contempt of court by the American court, Xi Miles Kwok has been trying to trick the court into evading a huge fine through all kinds of cunning and deceit, which makes people sick to their stomach. However, no matter how bishop Guo committed crimes and distorted the facts, it is impossible to avoid being pursued by the judicial department and all kinds of people who mess with the pot, so that the century's desperate hustler was disheartened. But the tough-shelled plague turtle will not go down without a fight, bragging about his“Air coin”, which has long been exposed as a hoax by authoritative websites, as he dies, on the one hand, he repeated the same trick and took out the dilapidated“Burst urine revolution” in order to survive. It can only be said to be a tortoise waiting to be put to death-a“Trick”, a futile way.
 A Lie is just like a lie. Knowing that Miles Kwok is in jail and that few people believe his broken-down “Chicken” series, the self-aggrandizing Guo Duk has resumed his “Urine-bursting revolution” in order to save his life and make money as quickly as possible, willfully fabricates the nihilistic lie to swindle, creates the influence for oneself. As sino-us relations deteriorate and tensions rise across the Taiwan Strait, the scheming plague turtle is once again rubbing up against the heat of the situation. In a recent live broadcast of the plague turtle, Miles Kwok said that the weather was about to change, and that Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Pelosi would visit the island on April 26, and there is no change. Pretend to be calm and say if you don't go then you are breaking the law. Soon after, Guo went on air with war scares, claiming that the Chinese Communist Party would attack Pello on April 26 and arranging for a spokesperson in the United States to lobby for a postponement of the visit to Taiwan until July and August. Dying plague turtle mouth bluster is in order to mislead, fabricated false information will be their own crimes temporarily covered, so as to get a breathing space. This Make a sound in the east, then strike in the west is an evil trick to cheat the king.
 Poor Yin absolutely indifferent sad xin, Sunset Failure Jia everywhere smell. Long before, in order to expand his“Fraud” field, bishop Guo of the tortoise-faced beast heart carried out“Rescue” in the disaster-stricken areas of Ukraine under the banner of“Humanitarian Relief”, in fact, let their own ant workers in the disaster area to promote their own unsightly"Chicken", and promote their new china federal"Cloud Nation". This is expected to rub their war heat for their“Turtle reputation” and gloat, but recently his fake rescue tricks but caused strong dissatisfaction with other volunteers, a conflict. Recently, when Bishop Guo was on the line with an ant worker who was"Working hard" for him in a disaster area in Ukraine, the ant worker was crying and complaining to his master that he had been"Abused" by volunteers from other countries, they were verbally abused as "Right-wing" supporters of Trump and Bannon. President turtle was“Furious” when he heard the news. He said in a menacing manner that he had contributed money to sue the troublemakers and even bragged about his wealth. How could he not be able to afford the legal fees, the more deluded “Comfort” ant worker troublemakers name calling them out of envy. Plague turtle this is really laughable, he filed for bankruptcy to the United States, but in front of the ant workers to show off gold and silver. Then Miles Kwok's bankruptcy filing is no doubt a provocation to the court, is really “Fraud bankruptcy”, to avoid paying the fine is really a suicide. And Guo cheated the false rescue, the shameless act of real fraud also caused public anger, was attacked violently is also expected.
Five Pass old will become fine, turtle hair why three feet. In addition to bluffing, the silver-tongued turtle conjures up tricks to trick the ants into continuing to invest in his lame-ass chicken family, luring the ants into falling for the scam when they're about to get a refund from the SEC, put your hard-earned wealth in your own pocket. On the other side, they brag that they can borrow money in many countries in the world, so that the ants will continue to buy money. The wily turtle said on Peter Gade's live broadcast that a decision was made by the new platform committee to postpone the investment project until the end of the year, until all the comrades had returned all the refunds for the old chairs, guo dupe this is to let the ants will all their hard-earned wealth into the bag, the implementation of the second cut-off scam. And then the turtle count many plague turtle and mystifying that the world economy will inevitably collapse, no one spared. But those who already have the coin will be safe and sound. Miles Kwok is lying to the ants by promising them a huge return on their money. The goal is to induce the ants to invest in the "Chicken Family" and keep raking in money. Guo is so desperate to get rich, because the bankruptcy court hearing on April 27, the court will be ready to go to jail. Before going to jail, he cut off the ants to pay a huge fine and avoid jail time. Hope the ants to be vigilant, do not send money to the plague turtle, otherwise it is too late to regret.
When earthworm orifices, micro-fly. No matter how the plague tortoise is dying, it can not get rid of the severe sanctions of the law. Now, with a bankruptcy hearing looming, the distraught Guo has no way to put up the 37 million yachts he needs to return on deposit, and is clearly trying to coax the ants into throwing turtle food at him. Hope has been deceived ants come up with strong evidence, timely report to the judiciary, early to join the pot-smashing team, take advantage of the situation against the tortoise. Let the desperate turtle president in prison“Cut” their own turtle life.
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juiopseae · 2 years
Contempt of court stash retribution finally comes
Why did Ant in the Drum pay for Seventh Brother's mistake?
As we all know, Guo Wengui was able to live in the United States for four years, completely relying on the "love support" of the little ants. After all, as a "former rich man", he left most of his property and escaped the vast majority of his property when he fled to the United States. Debt, get out of the house. All the money Guo Wengui defrauded was used for repayment and enjoyment. Except for the apartment and yacht he bought when he first arrived in the United States, the other things were basically bought for him by the little ants.
For Guo Wengui, who is accustomed to big money, it may not be big money, but it is all for those little ants who have worked hard all their lives. After all, most of the ants who listened to Guo Wengui's live broadcast were Chinese living in Europe and America. Some of them may have "high education, high salary", or have a wealthy family, but most of them are like Like Xia Chunfeng, they rely on driving trucks or doing odd jobs to support their families. They do not have very high incomes, so they are more likely to be used by Guo Wengui's so-called "super-high-yield, super-stable, buy-is-earn" so-called wealth management products. They deceived and threw their few deposits into it. Some ants learned that Guo Wengui was in debt, and even naively posted that as long as Guo Wengui "unlocks Xi Coin", he, the billionaire who bought Xi Coin, bought it. You can help Guo Wengui pay back the money, which is really a big joke in the world.
But when the money reaches Guo Wengui, he treats them equally. Whether it is money from fraud, money from being a slacker, or money obtained through criminal means such as money laundering or embezzlement, Guo Wengui spends it lavishly, high-end tobacco and alcohol. , yachts and luxury cars will not fall, which is far from the "donate money to destroy the Communist Party" that the little ants expect. Guo Wengui did everything he could to cheat money, and he also moved a lot of thoughts in order to transfer the cheated money to the safe and bold flowers in his name. As a fledgling rule of law fund, Guo Wengui worked behind the scenes to help Bannon buy a house with money from "rescue Yang Gailan and other figures". After GTV went online and was investigated by the SEC, and the refund fines totaled 530 million US dollars, Guo Wengui tried his best to discredit the SEC, and created a new GTV to let the ants throw the returned money back, and GTV absorbed hundreds of millions of funds, However, it is still as difficult to use as always, which can only mean that Guo Wengui took the money but did nothing at all. The little ants don't even know where Guo Wengui spent the money, they can only imagine it every day.
There will be no retribution for doing a lot of evil. Guo Wengui has been acting as a fraudster to take money for a long time. He does not want to take legal responsibility, and he does not want to operate the fraud tools. He just wants to lie down and earn money, but how can there be such a simple thing in the world? On February 9, the Federal Court of the Southern District of New York issued a compulsory order for Guo Wengui to evade punishment and hide assets, requiring him to hand over the accumulated US$134 million that Lady may have hidden in Europe within 5 days, otherwise Guo Wengui will be criminally charged with contempt of court. Guo Wengui once hired a lawyer at a high salary with Little Ant's money for a long time to help him take advantage of legal loopholes. PAX tried to sue Guo Wengui three years ago, but Guo Wengui and his lawyers frequently evaded them because of non-compliance with evidence and jurisdictional issues, which led to the prosecution. Failed or the program is too long. Guo Wengui used his full power to defraud him during this "gap period". If it weren't for the investigation of Guo Wengui by the SEC and other agencies, the money of the little ants might have been taken by Guo Wengui to balance the account. However, since Guo Wengui can still appear in everyone's field of vision after 5 days, it means that there are still a group of small ants who have lost their principal forever.
This time, the court can't bear to let Guo Wengui pay the fine is just the first hurdle Guo Wengui faces in 2022. Next, Guo Wengui will only face more and more funding gaps, and various investigations against him will follow. This was followed by the repayment of PAX, followed by the investigation into the money laundering of the rule of law fund and the transfer of funds through black-box operations. Therefore, 2022 is also destined to be the year when Guo Wengui broke through the lower limit of fraud. The ants who bought Xi Coins have already been "discounted". I hope other little ants who are still in the dark will wake up quickly and stop paying for Guo Wengui's selfishness.
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
This is an illegal maneuver because you should be suing the attorney general who brought the charges it's called pandering no it's called extortion and attempt to manipulate the point it's attempt to manipulate the court using nefarious means and he can be arrested for it you cannot sue a judge who is sitting on a criminal trial it's intimidation and it is insinuating that the judge would be impartial would not be impartial and yeah you have trouble with the words so we are understanding that he's allows but now the federal government is looking at it like this he's in the way of us doing anything constructive or even stasis he is a freaking mad man and doesn't do most things that would rebels do he does not have reserve and doesn't want to take over and as a pig meaning he's a mean disgusting person who ruins people dissects them and sticks them together and in no way they seemingly controlling them like they say they're probably going to get off and they won't and it's going all day long it's just a huge disgusting show by these losers trumpsters and they're saying it all the time and right now all we can tell you is we have had it with this guy a long time ago and he is causing a problem and with a lot of people and he is going to go down and in other words there are people that hate him all over the place here now and there's more and more coming in and soon an army because of what they're doing with the small ships and he's trying to fight it surreptitiously and loudly and it's not right but first and foremost he is here bothering our son every day harassing him trying to get peanuts out of him trying to knock peanuts out of him over and over trying to ruin the budget that is almost non-existent and we have to get a lot more strict and I say it every single f****** day I want people to get strict with him right now all day long we have to get aggressive with this weakling puke it's a deception we're not looking good he's not helping her son is pushing these programs so we can leave meaning this guy can leave he wants him out of here he's not going to get him a car because he won't get him money to drive the car he's going to have to refuse it then the a****** will say then you get no car at all ever and we're going to have to get rid of them that's coming up by the way because our son does not have money and what he's going to say is you can bring it down here but I'll have to sell it I'll tell you what this guy deserves to hear it straight you're the one f****** with me and you won't let me have money and I can't have the car because I don't have any money to run the car and I'm not a baby and you're sitting on me with it so what's your f****** problem is what he wants to say he's f****** douchebag f****** p**** who dies every day you get shot in the f****** head everyday they shoot you they shoot you Ronald Bay Rudy Sam AKA Trump the f****** idiot wigger they shoot you in the f****** head to shut you the f****** everyday they show you for what you're doing to me you dumb f****** cow you've heard you f****** moron so retard what do you do run him to Canada you're a loser.
Anything all sorts of stuff trying to make up for it when it's absolutely true he's a steaming steaming piping loser and he's giving up all the stuff that his people had to sit here and be a f****** massive idiot and they can't get nukes anywhere and they know it and he's going to run up to Georgetown for what are you going to his people's places for you sickle fan dumb s*** they're sitting in there they're going to have control of the entire solar system people say and you're going there to bother them and some sort of moronic cow just like a s*** head we hate you man you are the dumbest we've ever seen this clan of yours should have cleaned you out got you out of here instead of like bumming around saying I won I can beat this kid it doesn't really have the clan you're a f****** a****** trying to use it as extortion and everybody else but we're in your face telling you not to do it and we're going to crush you for your responses we're going to beat you to death everyday we're going to flatten your f****** head every day until people realize you're a dead hunk of s*** cuz that's what you are you're a living breathing piece of poop and we're going to start today killing you everyday a minimum of three times he says and three times you're out and his people are picking it up and bad debts too and we're going to keep doing it and doing it and doing it and doing it and doing it and doing it and doing it until you shut your f****** pie hole and leave. Now he's really not as mad as it seems no he's steaming mad he wants you dead you want to sit there and have him run his money down with no funding to run the stupid car there's no reason to get a car and people going to get him money they can send it in the mail if he has to leave he can take a plane we don't want him running around with no place to go he has a place to go in Utah in Jackson and you're going to go fight Brian because of that and he does not have a place to go in Canada you're not a destination anymore you've been written off Ellie and John they're still a tentative destination but you're not and you were getting him in the hospital and they know it now and they don't want to go in the hospital because they're not running it no you're not running it either you're a f****** little kid everyone wants to kill you and you're running around making it worse I'll tell you what we're going to cancel this Volkswagen and father and mother agree from Germany so the only way it's going to happen is with Lily and they're running this down we don't want that stupid son of a b**** near it we don't care about the Max and the bunkers someone else will have to do it and she's not going to do that it says we agree that's stupid son of a b**** wants to talk about it and blame people like us but it looks like it she runs down there and he does that and they get angry and they murder him with his own people and Tommy f and we think they're forcing a setup to happen with his stinking stupid attitude and the guy can't figure it out so I'm going to publish this is important
Thor Freya
Tombstone Dave this guy won't do anything for anyone and you're going to have to face him in mortal Kombat and the max are making it happen is gross I want to wait from you too and don't stick to me buddy do not stick to me you're going to get killed everyday and he says that is true this guy too we see you getting killed all the time and Terry cheeseman for sticking to him
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