#let us be frugal and environmentally conscious
your-dads-top · 5 months
Lmao, my LG G4 is now officially too old for the latest app updates
Guess I'm celibate until I cave and buy a new phone
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pickpart1 · 5 months
Transforming Vehicles: The Magic of Ford Wreckers
In the realm of automobiles, the cycle of life often ends with a trip to the scrapyard. Yet, within that journey lies an untapped potential for rebirth and renewal. Ford wreckers, often overlooked, hold the key to breathing new life into vehicles that have reached the end of their road. In this blog, we explore how Ford Wreckers Melbourne can bring a fresh lease of life to your vehicle, turning what may seem like the end into a new beginning.
Reviving the Unusable:
Every vehicle has a story, and even those deemed unusable have parts that can be salvaged. Ford wreckers specialise in dismantling vehicles, and meticulously extracting components that are still in prime condition. From engines and transmissions to body panels and interior fittings, these wreckers carefully catalogue and refurbish parts that can be reused. This not only reduces waste but also provides an affordable alternative for those in need of replacement parts for their Ford vehicles.
A Treasure Trove of Spare Parts:
Owning a Ford vehicle often means facing the challenge of finding authentic spare parts, especially for older models. Ford wreckers serve as a treasure trove for enthusiasts and mechanics alike, offering a vast inventory of genuine parts at a fraction of the cost of buying new. Whether it's a rare component for a classic Mustang or a vital part for a modern-day Ford wreckers Melbourne can provide the solution, keeping vehicles on the road for years to come.
Environmental Sustainability:
In an age where environmental concerns are paramount, the role of Ford wreckers extends beyond mere convenience. By salvaging and recycling parts from end-of-life vehicles, these wreckers contribute to reducing the environmental impact of automotive waste. Rather than letting valuable materials languish in landfills, they are repurposed, conserving resources and minimising the carbon footprint associated with manufacturing new parts. Thus, choosing Ford wreckers isn't just a practical choice but also an eco-conscious one.
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Supporting DIY Enthusiasts:
For many car enthusiasts, tinkering with their vehicles is more than just a hobby—it's a passion. Ford wreckers empower these DIY enthusiasts by providing access to affordable parts and components, allowing them to undertake repairs and modifications with confidence. Whether it's restoring a vintage Ford or customising a newer model, the availability of salvaged parts makes it easier for enthusiasts to pursue their automotive dreams without breaking the bank.
A Boon for Budget-Conscious Consumers:
Owning and maintaining a vehicle can be a significant expense, especially when it comes to repairs and replacement parts. Ford wreckers offer a lifeline for budget-conscious consumers, providing an affordable alternative to dealership prices. Whether you're a frugal commuter or a thrifty family looking to keep your vehicle running smoothly, opting for salvaged parts from Ford wreckers can help stretch your automotive budget further without compromising on quality or reliability.
Promoting Circular Economy:
In a world where resources are finite, the concept of a circular economy is gaining traction. Ford wreckers embody this ethos by breathing new life into old vehicles, extending their usefulness and reducing the demand for new manufacturing. By participating in the reuse and recycling of automotive components, consumers can play a role in promoting a more sustainable approach to transportation, where every part finds a second chance at usefulness.
In the world of automobiles, the journey doesn't have to end when the road runs out. Ford wreckers Melbourne stand as a testament to the power of renewal, offering a lifeline for vehicles that have reached the end of their road. From salvaging spare parts to promoting environmental sustainability, these wreckers play a vital role in transforming automotive waste into opportunities for rebirth and renewal. So, the next time your Ford vehicle is in need of repair or replacement, consider the magic of Ford wreckers and discover the potential for a new beginning.
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cheerfulhorizons · 10 months
The power of simple life is a happy life
In a world often defined by complexity, the allure of simplicity beckons as a pathway to true contentment. Unveiling the profound truth that a "simple life is a happy life," we embark on a journey to explore the transformative power inherent in embracing life's uncomplicated joys. Join us in unraveling the beauty that lies in simplicity and its remarkable capacity to nurture enduring happiness.
Simplicity: the key to a happy life
In today's fast-paced and complex world, many people are seeking simplicity as the key to a happy and fulfilling life. The concept of a simple life has gained popularity as individuals realize that material possessions and constant busyness do not necessarily lead to true happiness. Instead, embracing a simple life can bring about a sense of contentment, clarity, and peace.
A simple life is characterized by a focus on what truly matters and a deliberate choice to eliminate unnecessary complexities. By simplifying our lives, we can reduce stress, increase our overall well-being, and find joy in the little things. It involves decluttering our physical and mental spaces, letting go of excessive possessions, and prioritizing experiences and relationships over material wealth.
Living a simple life allows us to appreciate the present moment and find joy in the ordinary. It means slowing down, practicing mindfulness, and being fully present in each aspect of our lives. By simplifying our routines and commitments, we create more time for self-care, meaningful connections, and pursuing activities that bring us true fulfillment.
One of the benefits of a simple life is the reduction of financial burdens. By embracing frugality and minimalism, we can save money, avoid unnecessary debt, and achieve financial stability. Living within our means and being mindful of our spending habits enables us to have greater freedom and peace of mind.
Furthermore, a simple life promotes a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. By consuming less, we reduce our environmental impact and contribute to a greener world. Embracing simplicity encourages us to make conscious choices about the products we consume and the impact they have on the planet. It also encourages us to prioritize our well-being by focusing on healthy habits such as nutritious meals, regular exercise, and quality sleep.
Incorporating the principles of a simple life can lead to a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment. By aligning our actions with our values and focusing on what truly matters, we can create a life that is authentic and meaningful. Letting go of societal expectations and embracing simplicity allows us to define success on our own terms and live a life that brings us genuine happiness.
Remember, a simple life is not about depriving ourselves; it's about finding balance and prioritizing what truly brings us joy and fulfillment. By simplifying our lives, we can cultivate a sense of peace, contentment, and happiness that transcends material possessions and external achievements.
Practical steps to embrace simplicity and cultivate happiness
Amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life, many people are yearning for a simpler, more fulfilling existence. It's no wonder that the concept of a simple life leading to happiness has gained popularity. If you're looking to embrace simplicity and cultivate happiness, here are some practical steps to guide you on your journey.
1. Declutter and Organize
One of the first steps toward a simple life is decluttering your physical and mental space. Start by going through your belongings and getting rid of items you no longer need or use. Donate or sell them to make space for what truly brings you joy. Organize your living spaces, creating a sense of calm and order that will enhance your well-being.
2. Prioritize Your Values
Take a step back and reflect on what truly matters to you. Identify your core values and align your actions with them. By focusing on what's important, you can let go of unnecessary distractions and make more mindful choices that bring you closer to a simple and happy life.
3. Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment, without judgment. By cultivating mindfulness, you can appreciate the simple joys of everyday life. Pay attention to your senses, savoring the taste of a delicious meal, feeling the warmth of sunlight on your skin, or enjoying the beauty of nature around you.
4. Establish Boundaries
In a world filled with constant demands and distractions, setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining a simple and happy life. Learn to say no to activities or commitments that don't align with your values or bring you joy. Protect your time and energy, allowing yourself space for relaxation, self-care, and meaningful connections.
5. Embrace Minimalism
Minimalism is about living with intention and owning only what you need and value. Adopting a minimalist mindset can help you break free from the cycle of consumerism and focus on experiences rather than material possessions. Prioritize quality over quantity, and let go of the need for excess.
6. Cultivate Gratitude
Practicing gratitude is a powerful tool for cultivating happiness and contentment. Take time each day to acknowledge and appreciate the simple pleasures in your life. Keep a gratitude journal or express gratitude to others, fostering a positive mindset and a deeper appreciation for what you have.
A simple life is indeed a happy life. By implementing these practical steps, you can gradually simplify your life, create more space for what brings you joy, and cultivate a greater sense of happiness and fulfillment.
As we navigate the intricate tapestry of existence, the wisdom that a simple life is a happy life resonates. In simplicity, we discover the unassuming magic that brings joy to our everyday moments, affirming that richness lies not in complexity but in the elegance of a life stripped down to its essential, authentic core.
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headspace-hotel · 4 years
that one specific type of person that’s like...educated really environmentally conscious hippie-adjacent liberal who idolizes the idea of Frugality and Simple Living but their idea of simple living is farting around on a 10-acre farm in the countryside and doing yoga and eating organic food and using organic goat milk soap and talking with their educated environmentally conscious hippie adjacent liberal friends about their armchair diagnoses of all of society’s problems and the negative impacts of letting your kids grow up with technology and artificial flavors and tv shows and non-organic soap or whatever and they’ll tell anyone who will listen how much better and less stressful a ~simple lifestyle~ is and how they think we’re meant to be ~connected to nature~ and they think we’re so attached to ~*~possessions~*~ and ~*~money~*~ and we’re so ~*~*~materialistic~*~*~ and they probably always have some special kind of tea or blanket or incense burner or something from their overseas trips where they looked at poor people and learned a valuable lesson about just how fortunate we Americans are and how our real problem is that our wealth and affluence has distracted us from What’s Really Important In Life and we should just L i v e S i m p l y and then they will say something about how fast food is emblematic of our culture’s artificiality and obsession with convenience and if you casually mention like, any packaged or frozen food of any kind that you can prepare in a few steps in a context that implies you have eaten it they will look at you like you told them you eat rats
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zerowasteinitiative · 4 years
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20 Sustainable Living Ideas That Actually Help the Planet
1. Ditch paper towels for clean-up rags In 2017, Americans spent nearly $6 billion on paper towels for their homes. That’s a lot of money to spend on something you use for 10 seconds and then throw in the trash! Even if you compost your paper towels, they still come packaged in single use plastic. Luckily, there’s a dead simple solution to the paper towel conundrum: cloth rags. You don’t need fancy “unpaper towels”, though they certainly look fun and tidy on a roll. Any absorbent cloth will do. Just keep clean rags in a readily accessible place (ours are folded in a pile under the sink), and use a small bin to collect them when they’re soiled. 2. Make your own cleaning products DIY cleaning products are a popular crossover between frugal and sustainable living ideas. It’s amazing what you can do–and how much plastic you can avoid–by mixing a few basic ingredients in a spray bottle! 3. Buy durable, multi-functional home goods There’s a reason that Reduce comes first in Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. By buying fewer things, we create less waste. And one of the best ways to own less stuff is to invest in durable, multi-purpose products. 4. Live in a “right-size” house Owning a large home is a common aspiration. A spacious house is often seen as a status symbol, a sign of financial security. But if you don’t have a large family or a bunch of roommates, what is all that space really for? Big houses have a larger carbon footprint, and not just because of the building materials. It takes more energy to heat and cool a large living space. 5. Upgrade to energy efficient appliances Energy efficient appliances are becoming the new normal. But if you purchased an older home, there’s a good chance your dishwasher, fridge, and washer are sucking up a ton of energy. While Energy Star-rated appliances are nice to have, most newly manufactured models will use substantially less resources thanks to improvements in design and materials. 6. Start composting At first glance, composting seems like a huge pain. There are special bins and matter ratios and wriggly worms… And what are you supposed to do if you live in an apartment? It’s easy to come up with reasons not to compost. But all you need to get started with composting is a lidded container and a freezer. This guide will walk you through the steps of composting at home, including what to do if you don’t have a yard. 7. Eat more plant-based meals It’s no secret that our current meat-eating habits aren’t sustainable. Putting ethics aside, industrial livestock farming has a massive carbon footprint. While some small-scale ranchers have made fantastic strides in sustainable agriculture, we’re a long way off from wide scale reform. Every meatless meal makes a positive impact! 8. Cook with the seasons Fresh berry salads in summer, roasted root vegetables in winter… cooking with the seasons is a delicious way to live more sustainably. Shipping food around the world takes a heavy toll on the environment. By shopping local and purchasing produce that’s in season, you can contribute to your community and avoid the heavy carbon footprint of imported fruits and vegetables. 9. Create a system for leftovers Across the globe, over 1 billion tons of food is thrown away each year. To ensure your leftovers don’t go to waste, come up with a system to use them. It can be as simple as a whiteboard “leftover list” on the front of the fridge, or something more advanced like a color-coded container system indicating what to eat now vs. later. 10. Snack on unpackaged foods Every chip bag, candy wrapper, and cracker sleeve we throw away will sit in a landfill for decades. Most of the snack packaging you toss in the trash will outlast your days on Earth. It’s a chilling yet sobering reality. 11. Swap plastic and foil wrap for reusable materials Some habits are so ingrained in us that even obvious alternatives seem revolutionary. For dishes you can’t cover with dinner plates, try beeswax wraps. They’re thin cloths coated in beeswax, and they’re a great, washable alternative to plastic wrap. 12. Grow your favorite herbs at home Having a pot of fresh herbs readily available is incredibly convenient. You can keep a small pot in a window, or grow a larger variety on your patio or in a garden corner. Simply snip the amount you need off the plant, and it will keep on growing. 13. Switch to products with biodegradable or highly recyclable packaging Since China significantly cut back their recycling processing program in 2018, much of the world’s plastic has been diverted into landfills. There’s a high chance that your plastic soda bottles and shampoo containers are going from the curbside recycling bin to a trash heap in Vietnam. The best way to avoid this scenario is to change the way we shop. Look for products that come in biodegradable packaging like cardboard, or highly recyclable packaging like glass and aluminum. And for products where you can’t find a suitable alternative, buy the largest container you can. 14. Bring your own cups/containers (BYOC) From butcher shops to bakeries, there are a surprising number of places that allow people to bring their own containers. Coffee shops often give a small discount if you BYOC. Some cities even have entire stores dedicated to zero waste shopping, where you can fill your own jars and boxes with bulk goods. 15. Go digital with your hobbies Taking physical hobbies digital is a contentious sustainable lifestyle tip. There’s an undeniably emotional, satisfying element of turning the pages of a book or sliding game pieces across the board. 16. Shop local rather than online Online retailers like Amazon have made shopping so convenient, we order products that we could easily pick up at our local supermarket. But that convenience comes at an environmental price. Choosing to shop local not only helps the planet, but also supports your community. Next time you’re ready to place an online order, do a quick internet search for a local business alternative. 17. Become a single car household This suggestion won’t make sense for everyone, but it has the potential to save a ton of money and energy. Sit down with your partner and map out your daily commutes. If there’s a sensible way to carpool to and from work, test it out for a week and see if it’s manageable. 18. Purchase new items only when necessary Conscious consumers only buy what they truly need. Before you slap down that credit card, ask yourself if what you’re about to buy is necessary, multi-use, and long-lasting. While the “waiting period” rule is usually recommended for expensive items, you can apply it to any non-essential purchase. 19. Repair your stuff instead of replacing it In this era of convenience and cheap goods, we’ve shifted from repairing broken items to trashing them and buying new ones. YouTube is a gold mine of DIY repair videos. And if you can’t tackle the repair yourself, don’t be afraid to call in a professional. If your handiness skills are lacking, look for brands that offer to repair damaged items. 20. Get creative with repurposing and reusing old items Crafty people, this is your time to shine! There are entire websites and social media accounts devoted to breathing new life into old items. With a bit of imagination, you can upcycle everything from chairs to pasta sauce jars. If you’re teaching your kids about sustainability, this is the perfect opportunity to make it fun and interactive. -------- Visit our website: https://zerowasteinitiative.com/ Source: Internet 🌳 Zero Waste Initiative - Less Trash More Life ! 🌏 Let's Save The World While There's Still Time !
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irinaartemis-blog · 5 years
The Ultimate Coffee Banana Bread Recipe
Level: Easy
Time: 75 minutes (1 hour 15 minutes)
Life: 1 week (stored)
A modern twist on an all time baking favourite, our coffee and banana bread is a must try recipe for all avid home-bakers, snack lovers and coffee enthusiasts out there!
Banana bread is a classic bake that’s a great way to afford food waste and put those over-ripe bananas to good, or rather great use. Also it requires no additional wrapping/packaging and can be stored in a reusable tin. We are all about sustainability after all, and we are huge fans of being frugal and environmentally conscious! This coffee and banana bread can be eaten as a hearty breakfast, toasted with butter and fresh slices of banana, as a quick and yummy treat, or can even be served at a home-made afternoon tea
Using our Artemis Concentrate, for guaranteed quality and maximum taste, this beloved family recipe has been infused with a beautifully complimentary coffee flavour that is sure to go down well with friends, family and greedy coworkers. It’s an all-around crowd and palate pleaser.Even if you are not the biggest fan of coffee, this recipe is well-balanced in taste and texture, with the ideal combination of moist and fluffy. But, we are a coffee company after all, so we will try to enhance anything we can with coffee.
This delicious recipe also happens to be vegan friendly! Not only that but other ingredients can be easily swapped to make this suitable for those who need to avoid nuts, gluten and/pr oil, so fortunately nobody has to miss out!
The mixture:
3 ripe Bananas (must be brown and spotted)
1 tsp Apple cider vinegar  
1 tsp Baking powder
1 tsp Bicarbonate of soda
1 and ½ tbsp Finely ground coffee
1 cup of Brown sugar
½ tsp of Sea salt
⅓  cup of Artemis coffee concentrate
½  cup of Milk of your choosing
(We used Soya. Water can be substituted for milk)
½  cup of melted Coconut oil
(Or alternatively Rapeseed oil for allergies/milder taste. You can also use any nut butter and Flax/Chia seed paste to for an oil free and healthier option)
1 cup Rolled oats
1 and ½ cups of All purpose flour
(Swap out plain flour for an alternative gluten-free flour if you are coeliac)
(see below to check out what alternative flours we suggest using for this bake and why).
1 tsp Vanilla extract (strongly recommended)
1  tsp maple syrup (or other liquidised sweetener of your choosing)
½ tsp of Cinnamon
(Recommended Toppings)
Almond flakes
1 Sliced banana
Prep time: 15 minutes (½ hour)
Cooking time: 60 minutes (1 hour)
Begin by preheating your oven to 180°C (use the fan setting is possible) and line an 8’’ loaf tin with non stick parchment/baking paper or grease thoroughly with dairy-free butter.
Slice up the bananas and add to a small bowl. Using a masher or fork, mash the bananas up into it forms a runny texture. (Try to remove as many lumps as you possibly can - adding the (optional) maple syrup to this will help). Then set aside.
Make sure all dry ingredients are sifted thoroughly before beginning this next step.
In another, larger bowl, add in your sifted, dry ingredients one at a time, beginning with the flour. Stir in each new ingredient into the mixture until they are fully combined. (for a smoother bread, you can lightly blend the oats in a food processor until they form a flour-like consistency. We didn’t do this however, as it gives the bread more spring to it).
Retrieve your small bowl with the banana mixture and add all the remaining, wet ingredients, combining thoroughly with a whisk. Whisk until you have reached an even, liquid consistency.
Slowly and carefully add this wet mixture to the dry mixture, stirring well with a wooden spoon, until all clumps have disappeared from the batter completely. The batter will be smooth, but thick. (Runny batter will result in the bread not rising properly or being to cake like)
Pour this batter into the lined or greased loaf tin, smoothing the top off with a spatula. You may add any additional toppings such as sliced banana and flaked almonds. Place them generously on the surface of the batter. Or keep it minimalistic and let the loaf speak for itself).
Place in the oven for around 60-70 minutes (timing will vary slightly with diffeent ovens). The bread will be golden brown and lovely deep cracks will have formed on top. To ensure it is cooked all the way through, pierce the loaf with a toothpick check to see if it comes out clean. If so, it’s ready!
Remove from the oven and let it cool for 10 minutes in the tin. Then you may remove the bread from the tin using the sides of the parchment paper sticking out the sides to lift it upwards.  
Allow the bread to cool completely before slicing. Store in a container at room temperature for up to one week.
For more delicious recipes and mouth-watering pastry pics, follow our instagram and remember to keep checking our blog for more food and coffee themed posts! Why not check out our previous post on our top Indie Coffee Shops in Leeds, all of which serve delectable sweet and savoury treats that are sure to satisfy your cravings.
Additional Information:
Using Alternative flours:
Recommendations for Gluten-free flours: I recommend either using Coconut Flour,  or half Buckwheat flour and half Oat flour for Gluten-free banana bread baking.
Why these flours? Coconut flour is a very popular choice amongst bakers, especially for Banana Bread recipes. I’ve found a lot of recipes that favour this flour. The main reason I don't use it myself is that I cannot get it from the shop down the road. Lazy Baking at its finest. Alternatively, substitute All purpose flour for half Buckwheat flour and half Oat flour. Oat flour tends to make bakes extremely moist and I love that in a Banana Bread. I then recommend using half Buckwheat flour as this usually results in a dryer product, so I find that combining these two fibre-rich flours produces the perfect balance, also without creating an odd taste.
Assuring your flour is Gluten-free: As with many different ingredients, cross contamination is always a possibility, especially when using ingredients from popular/big brands. To ensure that the flour you are using is completely gluten-free and safe for those with Gluten allergies, the packaging will state a certification mark.
Choosing the right flour for you: At the end of the day, it is completely all about preference and accessibility. Different flours have different health benefits and baking properties. The bread’s texture and appearance will of course vary with each different flour, however this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, if you prefer a very moist banana bread, choose oat flour. Do you prefer it more dry and crumbly? Buckwheat flour will suit you. Sweet and flavourful? Coconut flour. Or do you want your banana bread to be more like, well bread, then Brown Rice flour is ideal. The important thing is to do some research, find out what is appealing and available to you, experiment and just have fun with it! For more advice and information visit: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/gluten-free-flours#section7
Flax/Chia seed paste:
What is flax/chia seed paste?  This is a Hydrocolloid mixture created of either Ground Flax or Chia seeds mixed with water to form a gelatinous paste. This mixture is widely used as an egg replacement in many vegan/plant-based/egg-free recipes. Hydrocolloids usually work to either build structure, emulsify and soften mouthfeel; many things that eggs already do in traditional baking applications. For more information on using Flax/chia seed paste as an egg replacer visit:http://www.veganbaking.net/recipes/egg-replacers/flax-seed-egg-replacer
How to make Flax/chia seed paste: The basic ratio is one tablespoon of Flax/Chia seeds and three tablespoons of water to replace one egg. Combine ground Flax or ground Chia seeds with the water to form a wet paste.  Stir and set aside for 5-10 minutes before using, this enables it to form a gel. Try to purchase whole flax/chia seeds and grind them yourself, as pre-ground seeds tend to lose a lot of moisture. You can grind them using a coffee or herb grinder.
Why is Flax/chia seed paste not in the original recipe? I have always used oil as a raising agent and egg replacement in baking since going Vegan and updating my family’s Banana Bread recipe. Using Bicarbonate of soda as well as baking powder also gives the bakes that extra lift that egg would normally offer. I wanted this recipe to be as accessible as possible, from personal experience and discussing this with many other bakers and home-cooks, it was clear that flax/chia meal was not a kitchen cupboard essential for most people, unlike oil. I have tried this recipe with peanut butter and chia paste and it came out pretty much the same, except with a slightly nuttier taste. But for convenience reasons I prefer to use oil.
-Written by Sophie Gregan 
This article was originally posted on www.artemis.coffee/blog/  For more coffee- related content why not check out the link or visit our official Instagram page @artemisbrew
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earthstory · 7 years
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A Personal Earth Day Retrospective
On the first Earth Day, in 1970, I was an idealistic, angst-ridden 7th grader and budding (pun intended) feminist. Which, as you can imagine, made me wildly popular with my peers in Southeast Texas. As I grew older, America’s role in Vietnam ended, and the ‘70’s progressed, I listened more to John Denver than I did to rock and roll and became more and more conscious of the environment. I preached about it to a lot of people. Again, this did not make me popular. There were no local celebrations of Earth Day. Recycling meant taking the glass bottles from soft drinks (sodas, pop, etc.) down to the little store at the end of the street and getting a nickel for each one. Having grown up during the Depression, my parents, like others of their generation, were frugal and didn’t throw much away. Things were either fixed when they were broken, or used until they fell completely apart. With 7 kids in the family, we certainly lived the “reuse” part of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”. Hand-me-downs were a prominent part of our lives. Now that several decades have passed, a lot of what was an oddity to be scoffed at back then (or something that “only those hippies in California” would do), has become embedded in many of our lives.
I did not actually get to participate in Earth Day until I began teaching Environmental Science in the mid-‘80’s and planned activities for the science students where I taught. I was in the pilot group of Texas teachers that were first granted credential endorsements by the state to teach Environmental Science at the high school level. “Save the Rainforest,” was the main environmental focus (and the fashion) in the 1980’s. My students and I built a rainforest (ironically, using a lot of paper) in the hallway outside my classroom, complete with sound effects and green cellophane covering the light fixtures. The bells would ring to signal the end of classes and students would pour out into the halls and walk to class through our forest. We were written about not just in the school newspaper, but also the local papers in Pasadena, Texas that year (that was exciting back then). Guest speakers included a parent who did wildlife rehabilitation and brought along some of the animals she cared for and a U.S. Fish & Wildlife officer who worked, along with U.S. Customs agents, confiscating illegal contraband made from threatened and endangered species. She would bring samples of contraband taken at the Port of Houston or Houston Intercontinental Airport and tell the students and teachers tales of folks who willingly or sometimes unknowingly, brought illegal animal products from abroad. My kids would shake their heads in disbelief at the story of a man who, having had one pair of ostrich skin boots confiscated by Customs, pulled a second pair out of his luggage. He lost that pair too and walked out of the airport in his socks.
Over the years and at other schools, my students built outdoor nature areas, dug ponds, planted marsh grass, did water quality testing, worked with Habitat for Humanity painting walls and planting trees at new properties (the kids weren’t old enough to participate in construction), ran recycling programs, and acted as guides as Earth Day activities expanded to include the entire campus. Our most exciting Earth Day was the year that a representative of the company overseeing our local toxic waste dump came to speak. Her uplifting message of building a park on top of the site (never happened) was followed by the local woman who organized the community to demand it be made a Super Fund cleanup site (It was eventually just sealed and monitored). Fortunately, we managed to not let the two women come into contact with one another. (It would have been fun, but ultimately would have gotten us in trouble with the school district.) That same year, a friend who was part of NASA’s Mars Meteorite Research team, brought a Mars meteorite (if memory serves, it was the Elephant Moraine meteorite), encased in a glass case filled with argon gas, and talked about where and how it was found and how they knew it was from Mars, etc. We thought it was super cool that we had to have a police presence in the room while the rock was on campus.
A lot of Earth Days have come and gone since then. My last year in the classroom, after having taught APES (Advanced Placement Environmental Science) classes for some time, my kids and I ended the year by canoeing down Village Creek, north of Beaumont, Texas. Many of those 90 high school juniors and seniors had never had the experience of being out in nature, away from a city. Some of them thanked me for the best school field trip they had ever been on. From some of their Facebook pages, I know that a number of them have since ventured back out into the natural world and have come to appreciate its beauty even more.
This year, I will spend as much of Earth Day as my orthopedic boot will allow, at our satellite “March for Science" events. So, I will leave you with the same advice that I gave to many, many teenagers through the years: “You may or may not be a John Muir, a Jane Goodall, a Dian Fossey, or a Jacques Cousteau. You might not ever make the national news, but if you work at making your corner of the world a better place and get those around you to do the same, it will spread, and in time, the whole world will be better.” Let's keep that as our goal. CW
For ideas of things of you can do to participate in environmental community service:
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mlmcompanies · 6 years
Wellness products that are good for the environment…
An MLM that doesn’t push recruiting…
A founder who tells distributors not to invest in more product than they can sell…
Is this MLM too good to be true? Or are they really trying to make a difference?
Melaleuca is a health and wellness MLM company founded in Idaho. They skyrocketed years ago, and now, when most other MLMs are losing revenue, they’re still trending up.
Recently they’ve hit the coveted $2 billion mark in sales. The question is whether those sales will translate into a good stream of income for you. Let’s take a look.
1. What does Melaleuca sell? Melaleuca calls themselves the “largest online wellness shopping club,” selling nutrition, personal care, home cleaning, and cosmetics products that are supposed to be safer and more cost-effective than grocery store brands.
2. What are Melaleuca’s most popular products? Renew is the last dry skin therapy Melaleuca believes you’ll ever need. Their Peak Performance vitamin pack contains a collection of supplements separated into convenient morning and evening pill packs. So staying healthy doesn’t have to take a lot of thought. They also have a slew of great cleaning products that are environmentally friendly.
3. How much does it cost to join Melaleuca? It costs $19 per year to become a Melaleuca distributor.
4. Is Melaleuca a scam? No, they’re a real company with real products that health-conscious people will love. As MLMs go, they’re generous. They keep their membership rate low, and they aim to keep their employees long-term and help them retire wealthy. As a money-making opportunity, they probably aren’t your best bet. But honestly, most people join to use the products, not to get rich.
5. What is Melaleuca’s BBB rating? A+
6. How long has Melaleuca been in business? Since 1985
7. What is Melaleuca’s revenue? They boast $2 billion in annual sales.
8. How many Melaleuca distributors are there? 150,000
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In 2017, Truth in Advertising called out Melaleuca for misleading income claims. [1] In 2012, Melaleuca had a restraining order placed on Brian and Angelique Bartholomew to prevent them from recruiting distributors for another MLM. [2] In 2011, Melaleuca sued Max International for recruiting their distributors. Max International settled for $1.2 million, and a judge temporarily barred Max International from recruiting employees at Melaleuca. [3] In 2010, Terry Dorfman sued Melaleuca for breach of contract and defamation. [4] In 2009, Melaleuca filed a lawsuit against Rick and Natalie Foeller for recruiting other Melaleuca distributors for a completing MLM. [5]
10. Comparable companies: Pure Haven Essentials, Max International, Purium
So should you join them?
Product-wise, they’re pretty good.
Income-wise, there are way better ways to make passive income.
Click here for my #1 recommendation
When Melaleuca got started some 30 years ago, they were just a humble little start-up company in a small town in Idaho.
Those days are long gone. They quickly became a multi-billion dollar company with operations in almost 20 countries worldwide. These guys bring in a million shoppers per month, rivaling sales volume of the likes of Amway and Avon.
And in 2015, their annual sales broke the $1 billion mark. That’s HUGE. They did $1.75 billion in 2016, making them one of the top MLMs in the world.
Their tagline is “The Wellness Company”, and they want all of their endeavors to cover four areas of wellness — a more holistic approach, we’ll say. The four aspects are your physical health, your financial well-being, your overall quality of life, and the greater well-being of the environment.
Frank L. Vandersloot started Melaleuca way back in 1985. He’s been a successful salesman his whole life, but as he started to age, he decided that he wanted to start letting someone else do the grunt work for him. So he built up a team of part-time salespeople and started an MLM. Well played, Mr. Vandersloot, well played.
Frank Vandersloot injects Melaleuca with a refreshing dose of humility and frugality when MLM is known for arrogance, over-the-top events, and fancy car bonuses. He’s known for preaching to his employees the value of living within their means, not going into debt, and not buying cars and houses they can’t afford.
He even discourages his distributors from pushing new recruits into a mountain of debt by purchasing tons of inventory and training programs. I can get behind that.
How much does Melaleuca cost? There’s an annual membership fee of $19. You also have to buy about $80 in product each month to keep an active membership and qualify for commission.
Melaleuca health and home products have always been centered around offering environmentally friendly options to everyone. Of course, “environmentally friendly” usually comes with a higher price tag.
The list of Melaleuca products is longer than the line up outside of a Chick-Fil-A drive through at lunchtime. Seriously, the amount of products they sell is ridiculous. Then again, they have been around for over 30 years.
Their catalog can be broken up into the following categories: Nutrition, Medicine Cabinet, Beauty, Household, Bath & Body, and Essential Oils. Your one-stop shop for all the MLM favorites.
Some of their most popular products include Peak Performance Total Health, a nutritional supplement that supports your workouts and is actually clinically tested (congrats), their Renew intensive skin therapy lotion, and their eco-sense laundry products. The only way to see their prices is to log in to a member account.
They offer a membership money-back guarantee that allows you to terminate your membership up to three months after purchasing it and get your money back, and you don’t even have to give them a good reason. So signing up for their shopping membership is worth a try, even if you end up not really digging it.
Compensation Plan
The Melaleuca compensation plan, also known as their “Business Builders Plan”, isn’t half bad. However, it is way WAY more confusing than it needs to be. Smells like MLM.
Don’t worry, I’ll try to parse out the details and break it down easily for you.
The most important stream of income is the purchases your customers and recruits are making. You get a residual income on all of their purchases, so if they shop on the platform regularly, that can add up. You get 7% of their monthly spend.
If you are the Enroller, you can earn 20% on your new customers first 150 product points purchased, and if you’re that person’s Enroller and immediate Marketing Exec, you can earn 27%.
Your 7% in residual commission isn’t huge, but it stays flat straight through your downline. It doesn’t decrease, which is a pretty good deal. You get 7% off of your 1st generation, 2nd generation, 3rd generation, etc. This goes 7 generations deep.
You can also earn bonuses for enrolling Quality Customers. Quality customers are people who enroll, become Preferred Customers, and make the necessary minimum purchases within their first month.
Weekly Melaleuca bonuses are given out to anyone who has kept their Preferred Customers enrolled through the past 5 months. If you’ve managed to retain 75% or more of your Preferred Customers, you can qualify.
Finally, Melaleuca gives out some pretty good Leadership Development Bonuses for those who are building up a solid team of distributors who sell a lot and move up in rank. Each time one of the distributors in your downline gets a rank bonus or sales bonus, you get a bonus that’s equal to 50% of their bonus.
Like I said, the compensation plan is way too convoluted, lol. Usually, when MLMs do that, it makes me wonder what they’re hiding.
The average annual income of their Directors (and many new reps don’t even make it to Director level), is $2,047. These are distributors who have worked at building their business for quite some time and already have 8 customers or more. Many people won’t even make it that far.
Melaleuca has a pretty impressive backstory, especially if you remember back to the early 2000s when they really started to take off. But they haven’t slowed down – hitting $1 billion a couple years ago was their greatest milestone yet.
The company might be doing great, but most of their distributors are not. Sorry folks, but the numbers don’t lie.
Of course, if you’re into their products, it could be a fun gig to do on the side. Just don’t expect it to pay the bills.
If it’s financial freedom you seek and you like automated ways to build passive income, there are better ways.
Click here for my #1 recommendation
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Summer Garden. Winter Prep.
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Whether you are an extreme prepper, passive hobbyist gardener, a homesteader, a person looking to extend their budget and save some money, or someone just trying to be more conscious of the quality of food you’re putting in your body... this post will be beneficial to you. 
Gardens are fantastic for both pinching pennies and taking some control over the food you’re consuming. It also has really positive environmental impacts. One example of this is that if you're grocery shopping in your backyard, you’re not supporting the carbon footprint of food transport.  Also, when optimally utilized, your summer garden can feed you and your family for the entire year! I’m going to tell you how.
Now, preserving the overproduction of your garden is not a new concept. This is something that has been done since the beginning of time and there are multiple methods you can use to do it. 
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My favorite is dehydration and here is why...
Dehydration, unlike canning, for example, uses controlled temperature when done correctly. Why is this important? If you can control the temperature of the air being used to dehydrate your produce, you can preserve and maintain nutrient density. 
Yes, you read that correctly, with dehydration you will retain the nutrients making your food as rich and nutritionally beneficial whether you consume it just off the vine or six months later. 
With canning, another popular option for preservation, you typically process the food by heating it to high temperatures, unfortunately, this severely impacts it’s nutritional integrity. Another drawback of canning is the many various supplies it requires and how time-consuming it is. 
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Dehydration is very fast and easy. Not to mention you need exactly one thing to accomplish it... a dehydrator. 
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Several years ago, after a tremendous amount of research and blowing through many inexpensive dehydrators, I invested in a restaurant quality one for about $200. I decided on the Excalibur 9-Tray Electric Food Dehydrator with Adjustable Thermostat Accurate Temperature Control. It is fast and efficient and also includes a very helpful temperature guide. Bonus, it’s made in the USA! If you don’t anticipate needing nine trays, they make a less expensive four tray option as well. 
Of course, you don’t have to go with this brand. The most important thing is that it has temperature control. Here is an option with great reviews for about half the price of mine at about $100.
As I’m sure you’re aware, you can easily pick up a basic dehydrator for $30 or so. This is actually similar to what I started with all those years ago, unfortunately, in trying to be frugal I actually ended up spending more money. You’d be lucky to make it last a season. What's more, they don’t have a temperature control so you’re not retaining all of the nutrients in the food you’re preserving. Because of these things, I can’t, in good conscience, recommend you go this route if you have the option to go the other. It’s worth saying though, if this is all your budget supports, by all means, purchase it. It will get the job done and help you make the most of your garden yield until you can afford something that will produce a higher quality product.
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Regardless of what dehydrator you choose, the process is very simple!
1. Harvest your ripe produce.
2. Thoroughly wash your produce.
3. Spray or rinse your produce with vinegar. This is an optional step but serves to kill any lingering bacteria that may be living on it.
4. Cut, chop, or slice your produce.
5. Lay your produce flat and even on the dehydrator trays with space for airflow in between. 
6. Dehydrate at the recommended temperature and for the duration explained in the dehydration guide that comes with your unit. 
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Now, I’m going to let you in on a secret. After years of doing this, I rarely, if ever, look at that guide. As a general rule, I dehydrate between 110-125 depending on moisture content. A big ripe juicy tomato for example really needs that 125 temperature to get the job done. 
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As far as duration, it usually goes one of two ways. I almost always start the dehydration process upon waking up in the morning. I then forget about it until I’m about to go to bed. Before bed, I will check and it will either be done then or it will be done when I wake up the following morning. Bananas, for example, are generally done the same day, and tomatoes always take the full 24 hour period. 
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Some things will snap in half with any pressure when they’re done (jalapenos, bell peppers, citrus), while other things will remain pliable (mangoes, bananas, tomatoes).
I know I will get this question so I will be preemptive. Yes, if you bump up the temperature, the process will be much faster. However, when you do that, you sacrifice nutrients. So, the choice is yours. 
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When the dehydration process is finished, I just use glass jars and store in a cool dry place like a cupboard. Many people use vacuum sealing methods but because I try to limit my use of plastic whenever possible, this isn’t an option I would personally choose or promote. I also, honestly, don’t love the idea of packaging my homegrown, organic, high quality, nutrient dense food in chemical laden plastic, but some may think that is a bit radical. 
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Don’t quit with traditional produce, make sure you preserve all the herbs in your outdoor herb garden as well. They are perfect for making custom spice blends and tea. I also love to dehydrate citrus for use in teas and it also smells divine simmering in a pot with a cinnamon stick and cloves as an alternative to candles or air fresheners. 
When you’re ready to use your produce simply rehydrate it in a bowl of filtered water before using it in sauces, stews, soups, casseroles, or any other meal you have planned.
I hope you found this post beneficial and if you’d like to see more on homesteading, gardening, frugality, prepping, homemaking, and the like... make sure you follow us on social media! We are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Happy dehydrating!
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randrheatingandair · 6 years
Canton GA AC Repair
An air-con system costs between $3,732 and $7,156 to be installed. With that kind of expense, you want to make sure you are purchasing the most effective air conditioner in your home.
The right air conditioner not solely means you possibly can maintain a comfortable local weather in your house, nevertheless it additionally means it ought to final you a decade or two without costing you a ton in restore bills.
With all of the options on the market, the cost is not your only concern - it is sifting through limitless manufacturers to seek out the one you want. Let this guide assist you determine which cooling system will best your needs.
How A lot House Do You Have?
In fact, some of the necessary factors in selecting an air conditioning system is determining the scale of the area you are attempting to cool. Obviously, a unit that is too small for the house will never cool it right down to your satisfaction. Meanwhile, a unit that's too giant will unnecessarily run up your electric bill. A big unit may cause humidity issues, which ends up in mildew and mildew. If you're taking a look at an HVAC system, you additionally need to think about the dimensions of the ducts. Are they large enough to sufficiently push air through your home? A contractor will calculate the necessary duct dimension based mostly on your system and several measurements of your home.
Test the Efficiency Ratings
Maybe the second most essential consider selecting the very best air conditioner is to contemplate effectivity ratings.
To measure effectivity, every unit is tested by how much warmth it might probably remove (British Thermal Items), in comparison with how many watts of power required to do so. This end result known as a SEER (Seasonal Power Efficiency Ratio). The higher the unit's SEER, the higher its efficiency. As a common rule of thumb, older items are much less efficient. That is just because know-how is constantly improving each year. You will need an up-to-date system.
Geothermal or Conventional?
Not only do you have oil, gas, and electrical cooling models to choose from, however geothermal as well. Geothermal methods use the pure and consistent temperature of the Earth beneath its surface.
Should you're an environmentally conscious house owner, or simply very frugal, geothermal cooling Woodstock GA AC Repair is perfect for you. It solely depends on renewable power and saves homeowners tons of cash on power costs.
If you're looking for one thing with low upfront price, nonetheless, geothermal isn't the best choice for you. The installation is massive scale and really pricey.
Conventional Options
Should you resolve to go conventional, there is still an array of options.
Would you like a split system unit? These have an interior head unit and an exterior condensing unit. They not only heat or cool the air, but additionally clean it. Evaporative coolers are one other kind that purifies the air.
How a couple of transportable air conditioner? This is an unconventional option for many who want to preserve cool on the go. Lastly, nothing is more cost effective than a fan. That might not be very best for someone who must preserve cool in a subtropical climate, however.
The Greatest Air Conditioner for Your House
At R&R Heating and Air, we have been assembly the Metro Atlanta space's wants since 2010. With excellent customer service and skilled skilled staff, and with none abrasive selling ways, we leave customers feeling happy.
To study more about the choices within your funds, contact us in the present day!
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delegatedtodone · 8 years
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New Post has been published on http://delegatedtodone.com/why-is-it-important-to-understand-different-work-generations/
Why Is It Important To Understand Different Work Generations?
As a manager, you should quickly be able to pick up on the makeup of your team. Don’t forget to consider the generational differences. It is just as important as different communication styles and how your team members deal with change. Any leader who fails to consider this particular difference will encounter issues in the communication arena.
Why should leaders care about these differences? When speaking about communication, lack of empathy or understanding of generational differences will likely result in conflict that affects employee performance. Issues with employee performance will reflect negatively on you as their manager. It’s worth the effort to take the time and see just who is working for you.
Generational Characteristics
There are five different generations that are alive in the work place today:
Baby boomers (older and younger divisions)
Generation X
Generation Y
  Each generation has its own characteristics. Let’s begin with the In-betweeners. They are no stranger to frugality as people made due with less because there was a war on. They are the first atomic generation with the dropping of the atom bombs on Japan in World War II. Also, television was new to them. People were used to listening to the radio, which left more to the imagination. Women raised the children and men were the breadwinners.
With Baby Boomers, the group is large. Older boomers most likely had WWII parents. They had television, but it was too new to be advanced beyond a few channels. Moms still raised the kids. The Cold War was brewing, as well as the Space Race. Several political figures were assassinated, as well. Younger boomers experienced oil problems that led to long gas lines. A president was impeached, divorce rates grew and moms began to join the work force leading the “latch key” kids.
Generation X saw the beginnings of MTV. They were latch key kids, products of divorce, enhanced television technology and a more permissive generation. Child poverty rates soared during this generation.
Generation Y was ushered in as global citizens. Computers were introduced and everyone wanted one. Because both parents worked and women were pursuing careers, they were the first to have “play groups” among children. War began again with the Desert Storm conflict. These kids are environmentally conscious and more social than previous generations.
Finally, we get to Millennials. They are the generation that has benefited most from progressive technology. They grew up with computers in schools. These kids are more confident and happier than some in previous generations. Because everything is immediate, they come to expect instant gratification. They are community conscious and looking to make the world a better place. They have experienced 9-11 and get a view of global terrorism through television and the Internet.
Use this information wisely. It may help you to gain insight into what makes each generation in…
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