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.. I thought I said I was going to do productive things >BI
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I beg thy pardon?
I knew she was two-timing.  A pity.  Really.
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[The feeling of his hand over hers startles her at first. She had not been expecting him to be so accepting. But, then again, this is Theoric. What else should she expect? Her expression softens and she smiles up at the warrior a bit sorrowfully.] Theoric... [She lets out a soft laugh, a few tears managing to escape from her watering eyes.] Why art thou so good to me? I just- I am so lucky to have thee. And I- Thou dost not have to be so noble about this. I can understand if it is too much for thee. I feel like I am asking too much from thee.
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I-I'm... alive?
[Theoric stares at her for a long time, perhaps for what feels like an eternity, before he places his hand over the hand that is at her belly.  He can only scarcely imagine the reasons behind her uncertainty on whether or not the fetus remains.  He is not angry.  Perhaps, he is sad, for more reasons than one, but a person could hardly blame the noble lord for that, given what he has just learned.  Slowly, almost as though he fears merely touching her shall break, the warrior-god brings the lady’s hand to his lips and giving it a kiss.]  Do not apologize for what can only be considered the highest of blessings.  Thou hadst this child when thou wast still in thy courtship with Lord Loki.  Thou hadst made this child through love.  No one—No one should e’er feel sorry about that.  [He pauses before putting her hand back at her belly and placing his hand over hers once more.  Leaning in towards her, their foreheads press.]  I love thee, my lady.  I love thee.  And should thy child still remain, I shall love him, or her, just as much.
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I... Y-Yes. [It takes her a second to answer him. It had first brought her great joy knowing that she was carrying the child of a man she loved so dearly. But after everything that had happened... and now her relationship with the god before her, Sigyn sensed that it might not be so much of a blessing. The look on his face made her heart sink. Should she not have told him? Nay. It would have been quite apparent eventually. At least, that was if she still was with child. The memory of a the piercing through her abdomen was still fresh in her mind. And the goddess found herself placing a hand absent-mindedly on her stomach.] I am so sorry, Theoric. I just- I truly am.
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I-I'm... alive?
[He stares at her for a long moment, recognition reflected in his gaze.  With child—was with child—when she had perished in Ragnarok after him, she was with…  Theoric swallows and after a sigh escapes him, he gently tucks a lock of her blonde tresses behind her ear, his fingers tracing down to her cheek and chin, lifting her face so that their eyes may meet.]  … Loki’s child.  [It is not a question; it is a statement.  It is a fact.  He knows that it is.  A tender moment may have been shared between the warrior-god and his lady goddess before the inevitable battle, but that would have been too soon to tell of such things and to know they would happen, so no matter how one were to look at it, the child could not have been his.]
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Lady Amora! 'Tis always a pleasure.
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Lady Sigyn.
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[Looking up at him again, the goddess takes a deep breath and reaches up to fiddle with a loose piece of string on his shirt. Why is she suddenly so nervous? He deserves to know this. But, then again, the last time she was about to tell him he had died in her arms.] Dearest Theoric... I... Before Ragnarok, and maybe e'en now, I am no longer certain... [She glances down, her nerves getting the best of her. What had seemed like joyous news months ago now feels like she could lose everything by saying a few simple words.] I was... I am with child.
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I-I'm... alive?
[Theoric brushes her cheeks tenderly in an effort to comfort and reassure her.  He had once thought he could be content with merely watching the woman from afar and wishing her happiness, but being able to love her and be loved by her—words could not begin to describe the overwhelming happiness that begins to pour into his heart.  Before Ragnarok, loyalty meant everything to him.  Loyalty to his men, to his king, to his realm.  But now that there is a lady and a love in his life, he will give his loyalty to Sigyn as well, if not more so.  Some things are worth dying for; Theoric knows that only too well.  He died for Sigyn, and he would gladly do it again if he had to.  He looks upon her then and smiles.]  Yes?
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[She smiles softly at first. Though after a few moments, a grin breaks out of her lips and she can feel tears stinging at her eyes. No longer does she feel troubled or sad. Everything seems to be okay. Theoric is alright, she is alright... As far as she knows everyone she loves it alright.] A-Alright. [Sigyn nods, leaning into his touch. A few tears escape from her eyes and she quickly wipes away at them with the back of her hand.] I- But there is... There is something I must tell thee.
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I-I'm... alive?
I-I promise.  My lady, thou knowest if it were in my power, I…  [But his words falter and turn to dust the moment he hears Sigyn’s next words, words he had never thought he would hear from her.  She loves him.  She loves him.  This is a woman he thought he could never have, a woman whose heart he never thought he could ever make happy.  Someone who had changed his life and yet was forever lost to him and always someone he could only look at from afar. Beautiful.  But distant.  And unattainable.  And now she is his lady.  And his life.  Theoric feels so overwhelmed—so overwhelmed with what, he doesn’t know, but it must be mirth because he feels he could scoop the lady in his arms and kiss her if he wishes it.  But instead Theoric sees the sadness and the love on the woman’s face and slowly takes Sigyn’s face into his hands, gently lifting her face up so their eyes meet, and it is probably more of a romantic gesture than anything he could have thought of—the simple act of looking into her soul and finding the beauty inside of it… and allowing her to look into his as well.]  I love thee.  [The words don’t come out stumbling or clumsy.  He speaks the truth of his heart tenderly to one who needs to hear it most.]  I love thee, and I shall always love thee.  And we will protect each other this time.  [He smiles and brushes a few strands of hair from her face.]  All right?
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Is crimson in thy lips by *Angie-Farewell
Young Loki and Sigyn. Graphite and Photoshop craziness.
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I just... I am so happy to see thee again... The last time I saw thee, thou were- [Freezing up, the goddess looks down as her eyes start to well with tears. The memory of Theoric's broken body in her arms leaves her feeling both grief-stricken and sick to her stomach. It's a memory that will most likely haunt her for the rest of her days.] Theoric. I never- I never want to lose thee again, alright? Please promise me. I just- please. I could not bear it. I hath come to realize that- I love thee. I truly do love thee and I am sorry. I'm so sorry I could not protect you.
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I-I'm... alive?
[Theoric embraces the Lady Sigyn as though she is life itself.  He breaths heavily, taking in that the lady before him is alive and well.  There are no wounds, no scars.] My lady…  If only I had come sooner…  [She must have perished in Ragnarok.  That was inevitable.  His mind cruelly dances upon the ideas, of how the goddess of fidelity might have died while his soul had already passed.  He never wanted that for her—death.  But there is no helping it now, is there?  And—And they are both alive and well now, and…  Theoric brushes a hand through Sigyn’s golden tresses and and looks at her.  I love thee, he wants to say, but he knows she knows that, and he knows this may not be the time for confessions of love.]
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