#let me mourn
ohithankyou · 1 month
i love you ravi panikkar my beautiful malayali south asian firefighter prince ❤️
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mimssysciest · 7 months
what if max cared... what if clone high s3 was being released weekly... what if it had the 2023 hype... what if this fandom was popular again... what if everyone was talking about how its a major improvement over the previous season... what if the video essays youtubers were commenting on it... what if everyone was shipping jfabe.. what if we got the valentine's day episode just right after the actual holiday.. what if everyone got pissed at topher getting missing for 3 episodes straight... what if we were loosing our minds over kahlopatra break up right now.. what if we got shocked with the show's ending... what if...
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cherry-pop-elf · 26 days
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Call me dumb, naive, whatever. But I pray there is some way to fix this. To just not lose it all. Two months is a long time, so maybe something can be done. Until then, I’ll pray and share what I can
Links to Petitions To Keep Our Accounts
Will add more when available
It’s probs all in vain, but I rather try than give up. This game helped me so much when I was in such a dark hole. To start all over, to lose so much, I just can’t man. It’s not even about the money
Please spread, share, scream, post, just try. At least try. Trying at least can make you vent out your frustrations, so hey.
Please reblog, sign, keep being loud
Maybe someone will hear
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theemporium · 3 months
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iamjackedwards · 8 months
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🎶goodbye, goodbye, goodbye🎶
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day 420 of missing mayday
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vettelcore · 1 year
only have 3 episodes left of spn s15 maybe im actually gonna finish it soon
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fiveholesinthefence · 2 years
brb singing bigger than the whole sky to the seats that i had in my cart that are now on stubhub for 5 times the price
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human-trainwreck · 4 months
I long for the cold embrace of lady death herself
May she take me into her arms tonight and allow me to forget all my sorrows
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sparkleofstardust · 4 months
in light of the recent news that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has been found dead after a helicopter crash you might be wondering 'who the hell is this guy and why are so many people celebrating his death??' and i'm here to answer that!
to fully understand what's going on we need to look into Iran's history: when the Iranian revolution in 1979 happened the authoritarian king who was ruling at that time was overthrown, but the ensuing power vacuum lead to the islamic regime seizing power and establishing Iran as an islamic republic
the following years were incredibly cruel to the Iranian people; thousands of people (especially minorities) have been protesting against the strict islamic regime leading to many being jailed, tortured and executed.
and this is where Raisi played a big part: in 1988 he was part of a committee that ordered the execution of thousands of political prisoners who were protesting the islamic regime, earning himself the title of "the butcher of tehran"
do not be fooled by what the state media wants you to believe, the Iranian people are celebrating his death. he was a cruel mass murderer who has destroyed the lives of thousands of people, his death should be used as a time to mourn for all the suffering he has caused, and bring new attention to the political prisoners still being held in Iranian prisions today
because sadly the fight is far from over. many of you have probably heard of the murder of Mahsa Jina Amini back in 2022, causing a new wave of nationwide protests and establishing the "woman, life, freedom" movement. the regime has gotten increasingly cruel in their treatment of the Iranian people, especially women, but the people of Iran are not deterred and keep fighting for a free Iran.
if you want to know how you can help, please keep talking about us. the one thing the regime hates is international attention, and in the past it has been proven that international pressure has stopped the regime from executing various political prisoners. people like Toomaj Salehi are under imminent threat of execution and spreading their names could save their lives. so whether you share social media posts or talk to your family and friends about what is happening in Iran, anything helps 🙏🏼
jin, jiyan, azadi ✌🏼
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dangerous-advantage · 11 months
hi pookie trick or treat
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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I want it back / I drag its dead weight forward.
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damian-lil-babybat · 1 month
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"My Anatolia" & "My Alexander"
If DC remained truthful to their own canon, and let Talia lied about the miscarriage/abortion instead (like before the retcon, which the author admitted to have misremembered details for iirc), then my OTP since "Batman: The Animated Series", would have not crushed and burn like the city of Alexandria, rendered to ashes and dust that it could never be fully revived in canon.
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Based on this panel from Boy Wonder (2024) by Juni Ba.
Headcanon: This is the rose of taif, you cannot convince me otherwise 😭
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monhiio · 5 months
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whoops gay awakening part xx
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camille-bee · 2 years
I've seen you repost some stuff about anakin and uhhh it seems you have a type?
Shut up omg noooo I'm deadass listening to anakin's downfall theme right now because it makes me feel better and now you say this ???
Listen, daemon and anakin were confused okay leave them alone 😭😭😭
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mamawasatesttube · 4 months
i KNOW the dc animated movies did this but every time i see art of jason as robin in tim's oyl suit i take psychic damage. worse when that's treated as jason's suit in a robins lineup. dude... that's tim's gay mental breakdown suit you can't just give that to some other guy. please. that's tim's homosexual mourning period. does kon-el mean NOTHING to you all... They Were His Colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! know your herstory...!!!!
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