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moonshine-nightlight · 10 months ago
Any advice for writting longform stories like NWWD?
thanks for this ask!
thats a pretty open ended question and my answer will inherently be relatively specific to me and the way i write, but i'm happy to share my advice!
I will link a few other posts where i answered some other writing asks:
worldbuilding [x] editing/exposition [x] writer's block/POV [x] plotting vs pantsing [x] how long does it take me to write stuff [x] my writing process [x] writing spicy scenes [x]
otherwise, see below for me rambling way too long about writing.
disclaimer: this is just my opinion and how i do things, obviously there's a lot of variety and nuance for everyone's writing process.
firstly, is that personally, i'm inclined to writing longform stories so thats a bit of a built in strength of mine. generally speaking my story ideas come with lots of lore (see above for my love of worldbuilding) and i like relationships that are deeper/longer, with slow burn being a favorite of mine (why basically all my short stories have the two people involved having met prior to the story starting). that being said, technically the main character in 'Nothing's Wrong with Dale' doesnt meet demon!Dale until the flashback of chapter 2 and why is part of why that story is so long/has a built in arranged marriage premise. Of my two potential long form stories i'm going to do next: one they already know each other (and are basically already in love just being pining idiots about it) or two the story takes place over several months/high stress situations and does not end with marriage etc. But thats more of a concern if you're writing romance.
in general, my advice for longform stories is to already have a relatively complete, high level view of the story when you start. some people can just improvise the entire story as they go--I cannot. i think its very helpful to know where ur story is going to end, more crucially when it is long and you'll be taking a while to get there. by this i primarily mean the setup for the story, then general ending, and vaguely what sort of metaphorical journey they take to get there. you do not need to know every scene and detail in the middle--and plot points/characters can and will evolve as you write and think more on everything--but having the broad brushstrokes figured out asap is critical, in my opinion.
I also, as a side note, don't set out with a story length in mind. i can generally get a good handle on how long a story will be by the idea and outline, but i dont try to make it long. if anything, i did try to challenge myself to write shorter stories, like my novellas, when i started this blog/posting original writing here. that was not only because i do tend to get very complicated/long original ideas, but also because i think it was important to me to actually finish some original work, which i had never done before.
shorter stories tend to have more straightforward plots. not that you can't boil down longer stories to simpler summaries, but generally longer story ideas have more stops along the way so to speak that come to me when i'm developing the idea because i want to cover more with the story. the main character in dale having had childhood illness, dale raised by his grandparents, there being tournament stuff and assassins stuff and uncomfortable parties and most importantly MC figuring out dale was a demon immediately and dale not knowing the MC knew that were all things i came up with (loosely) very soon after i started working on it.
which leads into my next piece of advice: write everything you brainstorm down - you will forget and you will remember there's something u've forgotten and it will annoy the hell out of you. write your notes, write your what ifs, write down possible character names, write down cool ideas for scenes--heck write some of the scenes up then, evn if its for chapter 24 of 35. dont save what ur most excited for as like a carrot on a stick, i find that it doesnt help and that having part of my story that i love existing already is a much better motivator to write the rest
i'm also a big outliner and planner. i think some people think what that means is that u should b able to write a plan once for a story and then never change or deviate from it--but no! change the plan as you go; scrap things that dont work out and add new ideas when they come to you. however, i do think having something down that covers the whole story, lets you get a good idea of the shape of the story, and reminds you of your end goal, are all incredibly helpful. i also keep multiple worldbuilding notes docs; character and location lists; picture inspiration; etc to support the longform idea
i think u also hav to hav confidence/delusion that you will in fact finished. i hav started multiple longform original writing ideas in the past. none of them are done except dale. and part of it was not taking some of my own advice up top, but i think i also just wasnt as committed? lik it'd get lost in worldbuilding, or writing other projects, or life happening (which is all absolutely fine) but dale was the first longform idea where i like, really believed i could write it all and where i was dedicated to putting in the time i'd need to finish it. i knew i would need to take breaks and it would take more than a year (which i did and it did) but i still believed i'd get to where i am now, with a finished draft which i think was really key.
also, practice, i've been writing for years and year; i've been reading for even longer; and i've been writing and posting fanfic for years as well. some of my longer fanfics were such good practice for how to plot a long story without having to generate all the lore myself and having guardrails on for the story/characters in general. aside from dale, my next five pieces of longest writing are all fanfic.
lastly, find at least one person you can talk to about your story. i really think that helped me stay excited and motivated about my longform story in particular. i of course like talking about shorter stories too, but i dont think i felt as compelled to keep talking about them during the process of writing them as i did for my longform stories (even my longer fanfics i talked with other ppl in the big bang about or other writers on discord). and i dont just mean posting the rough drafts as u go like i did, but friends, irl or online, that either are also writers or are just interested in what story you want to make. i think it helps make it more real to you, it gives you ways to talk through issues that come up, its a way to get excited because they're excited, and it makes someone besides you ask how everythings going. the longer stories ideas i had but never got finished are also ones i primarily kept to myself, because i dont think i'd realized how helpful it could be to share them and also because i was still sure that in order to justify telling someone or evn for someone to care, it would hav to already be written, but it doesnt! and in retrospect, i wish i had because maybe those stories would exist--or maybe i'll dig up those notes and talk to someone about them and then find myself back to writing about them (rip to Aftermath, that corrupted external hard drive did u dirty and killed my motivation).
i think getting to understand and figure out your own process, to really look at yourself and see what works and what doesnt (as honestly as you can) is extremely helpful. u'll also figure stuff out along the way--dont hesitate to try to new strategies or drop one that are really not working for you. its all a learning process. be nice to yourself! give yourself the grace to make mistakes (or tell a friend so they can bully you into to cutting urself some damn slack when u can't stick to a weekly upload schedule u made up for urself).
whatever longform story you've got in ur head is one worth sharing and seeing through to completion--and then inflicting on everyone else lol OUR problem now ;)
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aziraphales-library · 1 year ago
hello! i was wondering if you could help me find some fics where aziraphale and crowley get drunk together and maybe realize some things about each other. not looking for anything specific, just that. thank u so much!!!!
Hey! We have some drunken fics here. And I've got a few more for you now...
I want to hold your hand (I think you'll understand) by victoridiaz (T)
“You’ll like this one.” Said Crowley, already pulling out one of the records. “It’s culture, Angel. You’ve got to get your head out of the eighteenth century.” What the hell, thought Aziraphale. He was feeling a bit adventurous tonight. He let Crowley man the record player. Aziraphale wasn’t very good with it anyway. - Crowley and Aziraphale get very drunk one night and Crowley decides to introduce the angel to a band he really should have heard of by now.
one late night (and another, and another) by gomensgay (G)
One night, after far more alcohol than was typically advisable, Aziraphale lets slip something he never meant to say. Something that, somehow, Crowley has heard before.
Human Affection by Lady of Prompts (G)
One night over drinks, Crowley makes an assertion about humans and kissing. After all, he *knows* these things, right? But Aziraphale refuses to believe him, and there's only one way to prove his point. Or, possibly, two idiots who are drunk and silly and very comfortable with each other having a very silly argument. Written for the Kisses_Bingo event, prompt: Behind the Knee Kiss -- Aziraphale’s hand was resting right there. Grinning, Crowley snatched it up and kissed the back of it. Well. Nearly. Thumb is technically part of the hand. “Crowley!” The angel jerked his hand free. “What’s that s’posed to prove?” “You din’ like it?”
Uncontrollable by Mizmak (G)
Will the kiss a drunken Aziraphale plants on Crowley's lips be an act he regrets when sober?
They have hands, but cannot feel by Augenblickgotter (M)
Aziraphale and Crowley have skated around each other, literally barely touching, and quietly longing. They've even had close calls and almost let potential feelings slip out. After averting the Armageddon, Aziraphale feels there's no time like now to confess how he feels. Does Crowley feel the same, or has he been toying with him all these years? Lots of yearning, drunk confession, pining, soul bearing and revealing and mild sexual situations.
That's Not Funny by cyankelpie (G)
Aziraphale has never sensed even a shred of love from Crowley, which is perfectly alright. It isn't Crowley's fault demons can't love. But then Crowley makes what must be a cruel joke at his expense, and Aziraphale can't control his emotions as well while drunk. Luckily, he doesn't remember the confession in the morning. Crowley doesn't see why the angel was so upset over something he probably knew all along, but he'll make sure it stays forgotten.
- Mod D
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obsolescent · 1 year ago
I lovee all are of the dust a lot (I reread it for this and it hit me just as much!!) so I would LOVE to hear what u thought while writing it🥰 especially this part bc AAA
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Oh lord Em…. The way I just dropped to my knees reading what I wrote again… Sit down and get comfortable 🛋️
The soul of Ethel Cain reached into the depths of my being and wrenched All Are of The Dust out of me while I was listening to this song of her’s (specifically the second half of the song)
The lines “Please, don't love how I need you / And know that one day, you and I could be okay,” are ones that resonate throughout this.
I was like let me try my hand at writing angst, let me dip my toes in. At first, like you with 505, I had become uninspired with it before I had even wrote anything down. But I sat and dug through my mind, and motivation struck with the Preacher’s Daughter album.
Southern gothic imagery galore, it’s what I had been envisioning for this piece. I was like, this is what I needed! So I thought of this world, where you and Leon had grown up together, the trailer park not too far from the orphanage, inseparable in and outside of school, twin flames who found one another so early in life and refuse to be separated.
This was also meant to be for someone who is trans in some way, hence the part where he suggests moving to a bigger city, that you would find more people like yourself. I did leave it ambiguous though, but that’s the theme that’s interlaced with the story. He knows how hard it was for you growing up, and having been there the whole time and being your favorite listener, he knows you best. He wants you to flourish and knows you’ve been hindered by your childhood.
As a child, he knew there wasn’t much he could do to keep you safe from adults, their words like the worst paper cut to skin. Especially from a so called “loved one” who was supposed to have been someone who rallied behind you, not join the opposing party. Leon intends to make good on his word and keep his promise, if you’ll let him.
He wants to save you from that god forsaken town, leave it all behind and start anew. He never wants you away from his side for long, but he also knows just how scared you are, how terrifying change can be to someone, having to go through it when he lost his parents at such a young age. You, on the other hand, also know that if you agree to leave, finding yourself in a new place, the independence you had gained would vanish. No familiar buildings or signs nor faces, regardless of how rude they could be. You having to depend on someone once more, no matter how much they mean to you, has you digging your nails into your palms enough to draw blood, a scream bubbling up inside.
Leon would never push you into something that you’re not completely behind, so he’ll let you make your decision on your own. He knows you need time to mull it over, let you have your time with your thoughts. Though, he feels unsettled by the feeling that’s stirring in his gut, for the one answer he dreads to hear.
I do have it to where there’s two ways this can end. I won’t go much into detail here for the fact that I have much planned for it, but this really did inspire me to pick this story back up.
Thank you, Em, for wanting to hear my rambling and wanting an analysis on my work, we both share in the brain rot that is Leon Kennedy 🧡🤝🤍
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soullessjack · 1 year ago
so before I conk out for the night I wanna try and explain all the more complicated stuff with baby!jack and like, how exactly it is more complicated, because not only do I think my own temper tends to make me address it very accusingly and in bad-faith, but also it’s just important to know in the long run. I really hope this is actually worth it because I am sadly very used to wasting my words on people who do not want to listen and also because I’m sleepy and delaying it to make this.
first and foremost, jack being autistic was not something anybody in the show was planning or intending for his character. it wasn’t something alcal had in his head to portray jack and it wasn’t something he was directed to portray. jack is very much a case of what I call accidental autism, or having autism coding; all of the traits that were meant to indicate that he’s a supernatural being wound up aligning very well with autistic traits (as is the case with many nonhuman characters like robots or aliens). then, autistic people in the fandom pointed it out and made it a popular headcanon, which was then brought up to alcal at a convention and basically confirmed/canonized from there.
i wasn’t on tumblr in 2017 (unless you count opening link tabs from other websites) so I wasn’t “there” for babyjack, but you don’t really have to be there to get it. guy is chronologically three years old but an adult in every other way because supernatural creature logic, people wonder “hey what if he was his actual age.” and it’s cute for a little bit, it’s a chance for the poor heavily traumatized guy to catch a break. you see the appeal of that sort of content. nobody’s doing it with bad intentions or even the remotest idea of jack being autistic.
but even though I wasn’t on tumblr for jacks appearance on the show, again I did have minor access to tumblr posts via Pinterest and links, so I could see the “discussions” and whatever. and let me tell you. I was thirteen years old. in eighth grade. when he showed up. and even then I noticed this .. pattern? in the fanart and the talk and all and I remember specifically thinking “yeah I get it he’s baby, but can we actually talk about him” because literally nobody as far as I could see was doing it.
that was six-almost-seven years ago. I am now 19 years old, almost two years graduated from high school, and save for a few blogs (bless u for your work folks), there is still a shocking amount of ppl who just Do Not think about jack with any sort of nuance or complexity. who don’t even engage w his character unless he’s a babyI also didn’t keep up with babyjack cuz it never appealed to me in the first place, But as i got more engrossed in the fandom i saw that it pretty much became the only content being made for jacks character. no in depth discussion or actual canon fanart or anything like that for jack unless u go to a very tiny cobwebby corner of the fandom basically.
if you’re wondering how this comes back to jack being autistic, don’t worry. this is the introduction to that topic. so reiterating the first two things:
in 2017 jack is immediately clocked as precious baby smol bean must protecc material and his whole age situation + all the trauma he basically speedruns leads to au’s where he matches his chronological age. poor boy never stood a chance at being examined critically as a complex person.
(also this is not a time-lined post but it’s very important to add 2017 to gauge the span of this content and also the internet fandom culture of that era).
somewhere down the line autistic fans pick up on Jack’s traits and connect it to our own traits. hashtag autistic jack kline is real and eventually it reaches the silly actor man alcal and the long short of his answer is “representation and having that kind of connection is important so if you think he’s autistic then he’s autistic.” canon by destiel rules basically
However, the entire time that jack is being recognized as autistic and praised/appreciated as representation, people are still going strong with baby!jack content, so strong in fact that it’s insisted as actual canon by some. and I kind of get it. they’re two lil headcanon niches and aren’t gonna cross paths a whole lot. but they still do because it’s the same character and people are sort of starting to connect the dots that Hey This Is Kind Of Weird. autism gang notices that baby gang’s reasoning for Jack being a baby (besides the age) is just his autistic traits. not great! not fun! people start making tiny criticisms of it here and there.
and of course there’s people in the fandom who want to Fuck The Guy and that totally does not pour gasoline on the fire when the discourse is about whether or not the Guy In Question is a mentally stunted large child or just a really autistic teenager.
I can’t finish this post I’m sorry I am Not going to bed at 3am again. TLDR every criticism is ignored and the babyjack people keep doing their thang and the really really annoying ones insist it’s canon and call u a pedophile if u want to fuck the guy and just refuse to really acknowledge that they are being ableist at the point in time after he is established to be autistic and also there’s multiple points in the show that literally make it so obvious he’s an adult but no. Ignore whatever u want to pretend he’s a baby.
TLDR again accidentally autistic character creates accidental ableism that people keep double downing on and NOW the general problem is that they are doubling down.
lastly. a LOT of you really and truly need to reconsider why the only way you are willing or able to engage with an autistic teenager character is if they are an infant with absolutely no semblance of personality or development from the actual show AND being specifically depicted this way in order to create the idea of your ship or found family being domestic AND you continuously ignore criticisms of it by autistic people who are telling you it is harmful and rooted in some bad shit. you really really truly genuinely no exaggeration really need to do some thinking about why the fuck you’re doing all that. Goodnight everybody
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snezfics-n-shit · 2 years ago
Sicktember (Belated) Day 5: Preventative Measures (Not Taken)
Fandom: Ace Attorney Characters: Raymond Shields, Gregory Edgeworth Notes: The thing about when we assume, is we make an ASS out of U and ME, and boy does Raymond Shields feel like an ass. To be more specific, he feels like a very itchy and miserable ass. Was this the thanks he received for helping Mr. Edgeworth so diligently? The universe is one big sadistic jerk! This is set during the summer vacation prior to the Class Trial. Miles is away at summer camp trying (and likely failing) to make friends for the sake of easing his father’s worries, which means Raymond is basically free to hang out at the Edgeworth house as long as he wants (Gregory gets lonely otherwise). 
“Yep, that’s definitely a fever.” Gregory frowned, not taking his eyes off the mercury’s position in the thermometer. “So I guess you never did have chickenpox, did you?”
“I thought I did at some point, I swear!” Raymond hardly ever raised his voice at Mr. Edgeworth, but he really needed him to know that he wasn’t intentionally lying when he made the initial assumption. "To be honest, I didn't really know shingles and chickenpox were related until you asked me if I had them before. You kinda put me on the spot there, Mr. Edgeworth."
"Well, I don't doubt for a second that you thought you already had it." Gregory sat next to Raymond on the living room sofa, careful not to disturb the blankets that were carefully tucked around his assistant to discourage scratching. "It's not really something you hear about adults getting, is it?"
"I only ever heard about how horrible it is to get it as an adult, and everyone was completely right!” Raymond whined. “Would you forgive me if I told you that if I knew I never had chickenpox, I would’ve stayed far away from you?”
“If I knew that, I would have made sure you stayed away.” 
“For some reason, when you say that, it stings a little.” 
Speaking of sting, that was ever so close to accurately describing the torturous itch that claimed every inch of Raymond’s skin. Why would it be so itchy if he wasn’t allowed to scratch? He was a grown adult and he could make his own choices… Maybe that was one of the reasons it’s worse for adults? 
Surely, that discipline that came with age meant he could get away with just…!!
Gregory quickly spotted Raymond’s arm wriggling under the blanket and made a firm throat-clearing noise to make it clear he wasn’t going to let that slide. 
“I will bring out the oven mitts,” Gregory warned, “and duct tape.”
“Your R2D2 oven mitts?” Raymond lit right up, probably negating any semblance of an ultimatum in what Mr. Edgeworth had just said. “Would you really duct tape them?” 
“Well, if you do want to wear them, I suppose duct tape won’t be necessary.” 
“You really are the best, Mr. Edgeworth!” If it weren’t already in Raymond’s nature to tear up in admiration of his mentor, Gregory might have been worried this emotional response meant his assistant’s fever was getting worse. In this case, however, Gregory took it as a sign Raymond would be fine, so long as he behaved. 
Gregory softly chuckled as he made the brief trip to retrieve the coveted oven mitts from the kitchen. 
“Alright, arms out.” Gregory instructed. Once Raymond had complied, Gregory slid the oven mitts on Raymond’s hands. “There. Now if you try scratching, you run the risk of disappointing R2D2.”
“That won’t be a problem, Mr. Edgeworth!” 
“Good to hear.” Gregory gently pressed his palm against his assistant’s forehead. “Now, get some rest, okay? I’ll be here if you need anything, alright.” 
Raymond eagerly nodded in affirmation. 
Mr. Edgeworth was just the best, wasn’t he?
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arlathen · 2 years ago
anyway, like, final thoughts on book 3 . not that i expect that u care and i’m not much of a media critic. this is as much for me to sort out my thoughts as anything else.
i liked it! it’s definitely the weakest of the three books. and felt shorter? was it shorter?? i feel like books 1 and 2 took me FOREVER to play through, whereas i played through both of these like. on my breaks while at work. idk. i didn’t read as closely, granted.
far and away the weakest part was the plot -- or the antagonist, specifically. we got a lot of build-up with sin in the demo and kind of in the way the book was promoted, but he just didn’t feel... dangerous? textbook show dont tell ass stuff. UB tells us he’s dangerous but other than “hes strong and he can fly and UB can’t fight him” -- like, yknow? i think we needed to see him more thoroughly kick UB’s ass. and since all the other scenes with anwir are through sin’s pov, and we don’t see sin call him anwir, it felt like the “real” antagonist, like, wasn’t there.
oh and the hand-wavey “sin is doing this because of, uh, magic” -- but it’s *never* explained? i thought i missed it my first playthrough. i still think i missed it. this is the antagonist, dude! we have to have a coherent motivation for them.
also some... i don’t know whether to call it tonal or pacing problems. we’ve got this kind of urgent plot and it felt like sera kept going “okay, this is getting too plot heavy, let’s send the detective on a date” -- whereas in the other books the time spent with the LI felt more natural.
as of right now i played a nate-focused LT (i.e. i got the nate-date scenes when the choice was presented) and an adam route. i love the LT normally and probably would’ve liked it more if i’d split my time between adam and nate; the “detective goes with nate and adam looks at them sadly” didn’t give me the angst i wanted. 
i’ve seen some people complain about the A route moving too quickly, but. yeah i dunno this is on par with what i expected. we’re almost at the half-way point of the series and sera has been very clear that A’s route isn’t going to end book 7 with them admitting their feelings. we’re going to get substantial time being in a relationship with them. they spent two (and a half, really) books completely in denial. we’ll probably get a full confession and some sort of cautious relationship in book 4, and be in an actual relationship with them for the rest of the series.
sorry. oh my god this is not on topic. and maybe it’s because i read a lot of romance novels and am broadly very familiar with the genre because it’s my collection at work. but i feel like a lot of wayhaven fans have not gotten it into their heads that this is essentially a romance novel. like, it’s full of romance tropes. i’m familiar with the genre so my expectations are pretty much always in line with what ends up happening. but a lot of time i see people complaining about things and im like “thats......part of the genre. you wouldn’t complain about a fantasy book for having magic?”
anyway. i liked a’s route. the kiss scene was a lil melodramatic, but in a delightful way ;^) and picking N as your best friend in a’s route is just Peak. i love it.
oh, the whole chamber thing felt like padding. i wish there had been more to the meeting, or that the meeting had been cut. i hated that the detective didn’t have a lot of options to... like, take it seriously? like they’re portrayed as being super nervous leading up to it and then they fuck around inside the room itself and mouth off to the chamber members. i’m sure it’s meant to.... like, the chamber is going to be much more important later, so sera wanted to introduce them early and have the detective have met them so that it doesn’t seem like she pulled them out of nowhere when they’re important later on. but yeah, super weird bit. these people are flying in from all over the world to have a six minute conversation with you where they introduce themselves and possibly scold you for letting tina/verda find out about the supernatural. Why. this could have been an email.
ummmmmm the dinner date scenes were my favorite part. the house arrest dates were a little weird but enjoyable. i didn’t like that when you fuck up at the auction and have to make the choice between apprehending anwir and saving the captives, sin just captures him for you (or does he only do that if you were nice to him or smth? i haven’t done any code diving or extensive testing). there should’ve been consequences. sera wasn’t afraid to let murphy get away before.
i think that’s it. 6.5/10 stars. will probably play N’s solo route and will definitely play A’s route again. not as good as book 1, but i don’t think any of them will be. <3
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onigiriico · 3 years ago
Haruka audio drama (t2) - English TL
[ audio drama on Spotify here ]
IT’S DONEEE- finally the audio drama is here, and boy is it a ride 😂 I tried to get this one out as fast as I could even if it took a bit longer than I would have liked thanks to time zones,, but here it is now lmao
As always, if you know Japanese & find any mistranslations, want to use this translation for something, or just have questions, feel free to send me an ask or reach out to me on Twitter!
⬇️ translation under the cut ⬇️
(door opens)
E: [Sorry] I’ve kept you waiting, Haruka.
H: Ah… hello. It kind of feels like it’s been a while, doesn’t it, Warden-san?
E: Yeah. It does. (steps closer)
H: Things have gotten kind of tough, haven’t they? Even the atmosphere within Milgram has completely changed in this… second trial, [I think] it’s called? 
E: I heard Kotoko has done some unbelievable things… (deep breath) How’s the situation with the others?
H: Futa and Mahiru-san seem to be having a hard time, since they’re injured.
E: …
H: Ah, um, since it’s a situation like this, we’re all staying close to Shidou-san. Kotoko-san is the only one who is acting on her own.
E: …Oh?
H: A-ah, um… Kotoko-san said she currently had no intention of attacking anyone, so Shidou-san and Kazui-san had cea– ceasefire negotiations, they called it? With her…
E: Ah…
H: U-um… is something the matter, warden-san?
E: You… Are you really Haruka Sakurai?
H: Eh? Wh-what are you saying? It is me! But everyone has been telling me that recently – that I’ve changed.
E: Yeah. When I think back to how you were trembling in fear back during the first trial… you sure have gotten bolder.
H: (giggles)
E: I don’t know whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing though…
H: (laughs) If I’ve changed, then I’m glad! Up until now, I’ve always really hated myself, that’s why…
E: Hm?
H: A-ah, I think the reason I’ve become like this is because I had two benefactors, and one of them is you, Warden-san, so–
E: Huh?
H: I wanted to thank you, Warden-san!
E: Thank me?
H: Because you forgave me, Warden-san!
E: …
H: Because you told me that what I did wasn’t wrong…! That’s what changed me! I was saved by you, Warden-san…
E: You’re saying that I… saved you? Is this what Kotoko was talking about? Me becoming the instance offering forgiveness…
H: U-uhm…?
E: Well. If you’ve become more courageous, that’s a good thing… or is it?
H: It is. I felt uneasy about it this whole time… Someone as worthless as me having killed someone to gain attention, and a person who surely had more worth and more of a future than me, at that… But it turns out that I did nothing wrong after all! It wasn’t wrong of me to kill her! There was never anything for me to worry about…!
E: Oh?
H: It felt so strange…! Warden-san, you forgave me so, so much, it felt like a whole lot of people had accepted me! Ahhh… it was the first time I ever felt something like that…
E: (sighs) …Haruka Sakurai.
H: Huh?
E: You have killed a person. Surely out of a deeply personal reason - a person who was young and weak. Is that right?
H: …
E: Did you kill animals too? Well, it’s not like I approve of that, but since Milgram deals specifically with you having killed people, let’s leave that aside. …No, or is that also just my personal opinion…?
H: U-um, what are you…?
E: Ah, sorry. I got distracted from the main problem. What I meant to say was: How can a murderer like you make a face like you were just saved?
H: Huh?
E: This is only about the results of the first trial. This doesn’t go beyond what information I have gathered so far and what I have deduced from it. And yet – what are you murderer even hearing?
H: …
E: And also. Me, having saved you? That thought alone is a stretch. (laughs) Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. …And even moreso, I hate the idea of it.
H: …!
E: Your murder still isn’t fully solved. In that sense, the way you’re acting right now is simply wrong.
H: …!
E: Don’t get ahead of yourself. It’s all good and well that you’ve changed, but your past self might just have been smarter.
H: Ugh…! Why? Why, why, why are you saying things like that?!
E: …!
H: It’s weird! You said you forgave me, Warden-san! It’s weird for you to tell me that I’m wrong now!
E: …
H: Argh— it’s weird! It’s weird!!
E: Pipe down! You’re hurting my ears.
H: …You’re mean. You’re mean… I– I-I can kill any being that’s smaller than me, you know!
E: (laughs) You sure have developed an attitude. Go ahead and try. Idiot.
H: Don’t… make fun of me…! (he moves to attack Es, but gets stopped by the barrier) Gh… my body… won’t move…!
E: Is your memory that bad? Violence from the prisoners towards the warden is prohibited. Well… with one exception.
H: Gh…!
E: Did you kill her by strangling her like that? Someone who was that much smaller and weaker than yourself, to make matters worse?
H: Shut up–!
(Es slaps him)
E: I hit you as punishment for being an idiot. Maybe this will help remind you of your original intent.
H: … I'm not an idiot…!
E: You are, idiot! I don't dislike idiots who know their place, but as you are, you're a cocky idiot [instead]. Just looking at you makes me sick. Idiot, idiot.
H: You’re mean…!
E: Sure I am. Anyways, calm down [for now], Haruka. Your past self would've been a lot more cooperative right now.
H: (sniffles)
E: Hmm, I see. I’m starting to understand why Milgram is separated into three trials. All of you are- no, humans in general are dependent on others validating their existence. Any statements and actions can greatly change things for them.
H: Huh…?
E:  So the judgment I give to you will cause ripples like a stone thrown into a body of water, and reveal things I wasn’t able to see previously… Haruka, because I affirmed your beliefs, I got a deeper insight on you[r case]. Even if I don’t have much of a grasp on your current self, it’s still undeniably part of your true nature – one of the things that I’m here to figure out.
H: Warden-san… I don't understand what you're talking about this whole time…!
E: I won't say that it was a wrong of me to forgive you. But this does mean that I'll have to keep a closer eye on you from now on.
H: Even though you said you forgive me…
E: It was said from the beginning that this is a three-trial system.
H: Why are you bullying me like this?
E: I'm not bullying you. I'm simply trying to find out whether I should forgive you or not – and by extension, whether your actions were wrong or not.
H: There's no way it was wrong! If I hadn't done it, nobody would have looked at me!
E: You killed to gain attention? The you who was never loved by anyone?
H: That’s right! Because if I just remained a good-for-nothing, nobody would ever care about me!
E: Just because of that, someone—
H: Aren't I the only unlucky person here?! Because I'm the only one who could never do anything [right] since I was born, because I could never do the same things as everyone around me, my mother gave up on me and I stopped existing in her world!
E: And you believe that killing someone because of that was the right thing to do?
H: I don't know! Then what should I have done, in your opinion? Even after taking away what was most important to her, my mother still wouldn't show any interest in me! Are you saying that I should have given up on myself as well? Are you saying I should've been the only one to do that…?
E: Rest assured, Haruka. Taking your circumstances and your feelings into consideration, I'll judge—
H: As I thought. Warden-san, you're not my mother at all.
E: Huh? Never have been.
H: Yeah…? Yeah, right, everyone only has one mother. The mother who never looked at me wasn't my mother either.
E: What are you saying?
H: (laughs)
E: You're pretty scary, you know.
H: Haa… I'm sorry, Warden-san. For causing you trouble.
E: …
H: My mother was Muu-san all along.
E: Huh?
H: Muu-san is my mother.
E: I don't think that’s right.
H: It is, though?
E: Is that really something you can deny…
H: Muu-san praises me. The useless me… She praises me, acknowledges me, looks at me, and she needs me. My current self only exists thanks to Muu-san.
E: You did say that you had two benefactors. So the other one was Muu, huh?
H: That’s right. As long as Muu-san is there, I feel like there's a meaning to me coming to Milgram.
E: …
H: I've met my real mother, so I'm happy. I'm sorry for causing problems earlier. I need to be a good boy – for Muu-san's sake as well.
E: This is… the needs and interests of the prisoners lining up with each other… Something like this can happen too…? Haruka desires a mother, but what could it be that Muu wants from him…?
(machinery whirrs, bell rings)
E: It’s time, huh? Tch. There's too much new information, I can't keep up!
H: U-um, I'm sorry, kind of…
E: Suddenly acting all well-mannered…! Is there anything left that you want to say?
H: U-uh, something I want to say… something I want to say…
E: If there's nothing, that's fine.
H: …No, there is something…
E: What is it?
H: Warden-san, Muu-san is afraid of Milgram. Please don’t scare Muu-san any more.
E: You’re worrying about a stranger in this kind of situation?
H: Yes. Please forgive Muu-san next time as well.
E: You sure are asking something of me here. Viewing Muu as your mother is great and all, but she might only be kind to you in order to use you, you know.
H: So what about it?
E: …
H: So what if she’s using me? Isn’t it a good thing to be used? For someone to think of me as worthy enough to use me… isn’t that something to be happy about?
E: Haruka… you…
H: If you don’t forgive Muu-san, I’m going to kill you.
E: You really have no learning ability whatsoever. You can’t kill me.
H: Ah, right… Then… I’ll die.
E: You…!
H: Was that forbidden [as well]?
E: Not as far as I remember!
H: (laughs) See! I’m not an idiot, right?
E: Ugh, I’ll correct myself. You’re a real, gigantic dumbass!
H: That’s right. Ever since I was born.
E: Prisoner no.1, Haruka - sing your sins!
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goodlucktai · 2 years ago
give me something that’ll haunt me when you’re not around
chapter three: me and you and the whole town underwater
rise of the tmnt pairing: leoichi (leonardo / usagi yuichi) word count: 3k title borrowed from dark blue by jack’s mannequin post-movie
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read on ao3
Usagi: Good morning Leonardo. Unknown: USAGI Unknown: there are so many snacks in here oh my god Unknown: what the hell 😭😭😭😭 Unknown: im heavily medicated its not fair to do nic ethings ill cry Unknown: tell ur aunt i said THANK YOU!!!!!!! and the blueberry buckle was SO GOOD😭😭 Unknown: i shared some w mikey and he wants the recipe like yesterday Unknown: we actually ate like. all of it in one sitting. raph was pissed lol
Yuichi lays in bed smiling at his phone for a while before he gets around to pulling his braincells together to form a reply.
He starts and stops typing so many times that it’s embarrassing. He’ll pretend he didn’t do that.
Usagi: Those snacks were specifically meant to aid in your recovery. Unknown: so idk how familiar u are w baby brothers but typically mike gets whatever he wants
Yuichi thinks of his youngest cousin Jomei. Tiny and soft, with huge gray eyes, and unfortunately already self-aware at four years old. If Mike—Michelangelo, Yuichi thinks he remembers the boy being called—is even half as powerful as Jomei, then Leonardo’s blueberry buckle didn’t stand a chance.
Usagi: Fair enough.
It’s a good thing he woke up early. He doesn’t get anything else done for hours. Leonardo is an enthusiastic conversation partner at all times, and his texts manage to translate that energy effortlessly.  
Typically, Yuichi lets his friends save their contact IDs in his phone however they want. Leonardo isn’t there to do it himself, but Yuichi makes the rookie mistake of giving him free reign anyway. So Leonardo insists his number go in under ⚡️⚡️NEON LEON⚡️⚡️ and Yuichi has something to roll his eyes at every time they message each other.
It also makes him feel warm. There’s an affectionate little tug in his chest at this clear proof of Leonardo in his hands.
Now that he has this unfettered access to the very same person he wants to talk to all the time, Yuichi checks his phone a lot more than he used to over the next couple days. He even keeps it in his waist apron pocket at work, which some of the other servers do, which technically isn’t against the rules because none of them have abused the privilege so far.
Yuichi will feel extremely bad and guilty if he’s the one who abuses the privilege and ruins it for everyone. But when it vibrates in his pocket while he’s going outside to dump the trash anyway, he might as well linger for an extra minute and check his messages, right? Right??
Once, Señor Hueso catches Yuichi lingering in the employee lounge after his lunch break is well over, moving at a snail’s pace back toward the dining room with his nose buried in his phone. He almost walks right into his boss’s chest, saved only by the last-minute sense of someone else’s immediate presence that Karasu-Tengu-sensei mercilessly trained into him years ago. So he freezes a few inches away instead and his eyes dart up to the skeleton yokai’s unamused expression.
Oh boy. Señor Hueso is generally a very patient person but he’s no-nonsense about work. Is Yuichi in trouble? Is he going to get fired?
“I’msosorry,” Yuichi whispers.
But instead of scolding him, Señor Hueso only gives a pointed look to the phone in Yuichi’s hands and says sternly, “You tell Pepino to give it a rest. He’s still recovering from a concussion, he doesn’t need to be staring at a screen all day, madre de dios. Please be a good influence.”
“You don’t know I was talking to Leonardo,” Yuichi says defensively. He has other friends he could be texting! Then he takes a second look at the older yokai’s face and backtracks immediately. “I mean. Uh. Yes, sir. I’ll tell him.”
“Good. Now you have tables seated in your section.”
It’s a dismissal if Usagi’s ever heard one, so he scurries into the dining room with five times his original speed, sending one last message before he shoves his phone away.
Usagi: Señor says no more screen time while you’re recovering from a concussion. ⚡️⚡️NEON LEON⚡️⚡️: what?? how even??? ⚡️⚡️NEON LEON⚡️⚡️: he doesn’t KNOW ur taking to me
Thank you, that’s exactly what Yuichi said!
He makes it a point to actually focus for the rest of his shift, but it’s a Wednesday afternoon, and things are slow. Sunita is off for the day, and Qiao is studying at the bar when they’re not actively pouring drinks, and those are the only two coworkers Yuichi is familiar enough to strike up conversation with, so he keeps to his own section and works quietly.
It’s been brought up a couple of times now, in passing—Leonardo’s condition. Apparently, even a month after the invasion, he’s still healing. Yuichi didn’t know the symptoms of a concussion could last whole weeks. He doesn’t really know much about kappa, or whatever manner of creature Leonardo and his brothers are, but for a head injury to be that severe…
Suddenly, the sight of Raphael’s damaged eye jumps to the front of Yuichi’s memory. The clean hole in the big turtle’s rock-solid carapace. What the hell could have done that? What happened to them?
His brain is coming up with nightmare fuel like that’s its job. Something horrible went down behind-the-scenes while Yuichi was completely ignorant—while Yuichi was waiting tables and getting into trouble with Kitsune and Gen and helping with the tomato harvest, Leonardo and his family were in almost certain danger. And Yuichi didn’t know.
He plops down on a stool at the bar at the tail end of his last break for the day, and Qiao wordlessly slides him a cranberry juice on the rocks.
“How do I get my friend to tell me about something that may or may not be a sensitive subject?” he blurts.
“Have you tried asking him about it?” the ram yokai replies in a tone that manages to be both over-exaggerated and monotone.
Yuichi doesn’t even know why he bothers. He taps his phone on the counter a few times, takes a big gulp of cranberry juice that he pretends is something much stronger, then goes for it.
Usagi: I need to talk to you. ⚡️⚡️NEON LEON⚡️⚡️: oooooo ominous Usagi: It’s not ominous, weirdo. I have to go now but I’m off at 7.
Any normal person would have taken that last text at face-value, but Yuichi isn’t dealing with a normal person, is he?
So maybe he should have been expecting it when he leaves the restaurant a few hours later and finds Leonardo waiting for him outside. He's leaning heavily on one of his katana, either in an attempt to look cool or because he’s having trouble staying upright.
Yuichi is not inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” he blurts. His flat tone definitely does not convey his shock, but he’s feeling too much right now to articulate any of it properly.
Leonardo laughs out loud. It’s a different sound than it used to be—hoarse and a little restrained, like he’s trying to remember he doesn’t have to be quiet. But it’s still bright, and it still makes Yuichi’s heart do backflips in his chest.
He’s wearing a hooded sweatshirt that looks way too big to belong to him, a deep maroon color, repaired with clumsy pink stitches along the shoulders. One of the sleeves is hiked up to Leonardo’s elbow, due to the unwieldy cast on his left forearm, covered in doodles and stickers. The hoodie is unzipped down the front, so Yuichi can make out the cracks in Leonardo’s plastron, spiderweb lines cutting cruelly through the armored scutes. It’s hard to imagine the kind of pressure it would have taken to crush his shell—the same kind that drilled that hole through Raphael’s? What happened to them?
The skin around Leonardo’s neck and the side of his face is still discolored from what must have been pretty nasty bruises, and there are puffy red marks where scars haven’t settled yet. He looks older than the last time Yuichi saw him.
But he’s here. And he’s smiling, a footprint of that laughter left on his face. And now he’s—oh boy, now he’s starting to list to the side.
Yuichi crosses the distance between them at a run, catching Leonardo by the arm before he can topple all the way over.
“I don’t see what’s so funny,” Yuichi says waspishly, afraid to let him go.
“You wouldn’t,” Leonardo says cheerfully. He’s leaning heavily against Yuichi’s shoulder, his hand is shaking as he sheathes his katana over his shoulder, seriously, what the fuck is he doing here? “Everyone’s cussed me out at least once since I woke up. Add you to the list.”
Flustered, Yuichi says, “I did not do that.”
“You did! You said the fuck word!”
Yuichi rolls his eyes and begins the process of dragging Leonardo toward the nearest bench, staring down anyone who drifts into their path. The tree yokai already reclining there takes one look at Yuichi’s expression, grabs her bag, and takes off without a word.
Maybe he’ll feel bad about being impolite later. He doesn’t have any room for it in his brain right now. He doesn’t even think he remembers to breathe until Leonardo is safely sitting down, slumping onto the bench seat like someone five times his age.
Yuichi crouches down in front of him, giving him a hard look. If he needs medical attention, Yuichi will kick Run of the Mill���s doors down and drag Señor Hueso out here by his tie. Who needs a part-time job anyway?
But Leonardo seems to be okay now that he’s caught his breath, and he’s still grinning, like Yuichi is the best thing he’s seen in days.
“Do you use your scary face to get what you want all the time, or is this a special occasion?” the turtle asks coyly.
“I am beginning to understand why everyone has cussed you out since you woke up this morning,” Yuichi replies, sitting back on his heels.
Something tight that’s been clenched in his chest like a closed fist has suddenly loosened, a letting go when Yuichi didn’t even know he’d been holding on.
He’s missed Leonardo. Being around him has always been easy, even when looking directly at him is like staring into the sun, even when Yuichi’s words get lost somewhere between his head and his throat and he ends up spending most of their conversations just listening and watching.
“Not since this morning,” Leonardo interjects. “Can you imagine everyone getting on my case like that all in one day? That would just be bullying. I meant since the coma.”
There it is again. Little breadcrumbs, teasing scraps of information.
Yuichi gazes up at him, and has at least a dozen questions he wants to ask. That’s why Leonardo is here, even if he doesn’t realize it. Yuichi’s curiosity inadvertently dragged his friend from the safety of his home and the safe harbor of his family to the chaotic streets of the Hidden City.
The trip itself seems to have been hard on him, when usually it’s little-to-no-effort to step through a portal between one location and the next. His forehead gleams with sweat, and he’s still breathing a little heavily, like he just ran a marathon. He’s a pale shade of the vibrant boy Yuichi first met a year ago. He looks like he regrets bringing up the coma.
But he’s still here.
Abruptly, Yuichi doesn’t want to ask any of his questions. He just wants his friend to be here.
When Leonardo says, “Sooo, what’s so serious you dragged me all the way out here?” Yuichi pushes himself to his feet and takes the seat on the bench beside him with a theatrical sigh.
“Nothing, Leonardo,” he lies. “I just wanted to talk to you. You’re the one who jumped to conclusions.”
Some tense line in Leonardo’s shoulders that Yuichi hadn’t noticed before seems to go lax, even as he rolls his eyes. “I’m a ninja, we jump, it’s a whole thing. Anyway, more importantly, did I see a stall selling dumplings down the street or nah?”
“There’s no way I can convince you to stay on this bench, is there?” Yuichi knows the answer already and he’s getting up before Leonardo has a chance to say anything, offering him his hands. When Leonardo takes them, Yuichi hauls him up onto his feet.
They stand there together for a moment, neither of them letting go. Yuichi doesn’t even feel the usual need to spring away from him before he gets too close because he’s missed this stupid guy. And his stupid face, and his stupid big hands, and the stupid way Yuichi feels around him.
Whatever happened to him, happened. Yuichi can’t change that now. And if Leonardo wants to tell him about it, he will. But Yuichi gets the feeling that what Leonardo really wants right now is to feel normal. To feel like maybe one thing in his life is the same as it’s always been.
“Dumplings,” Yuichi announces, with all the enthusiasm of his little cousins faced with the unjust trial of bedtime. “If you fall on your face, I’m leaving you there.”
“If I don’t, you’re buying,” Leonardo quips back.
Yuichi scowls, remembers he’s still holding Leonardo’s hands, and then sort of forgets how to person for long enough that Leonardo lets go and goes a few steps without him. His brain literally goes offline for a minute. That’s never happened before.
“No it’s okay,” he hears Leonardo saying to someone on the street nearby. “It’s not his fault, he’s never been the same, you know, not since the storm.”
Fur bristling, Yuichi hustles to catch up, hopefully before Leonardo has done any actual lasting damage to his reputation. He has an image to maintain around here! He’s Usagi Miyamoto’s direct descendant, and Miyamoto was never anything but cool!
“Quit making up lore about me!” he hisses.
“Quit being weird!” Leonardo replies, clearly enjoying himself. “Dumplings!”
Yuichi scowls but falls into step beside him anyway. This is the guy he missed so much?
As soon as he has that uncharitable thought, he regrets it.
He thinks about April saying he always seemed pissed off to have Leonardo around, and darts a quick look at the striped turtle ambling along beside him. Leonardo doesn’t seem put off by Yuichi’s prickly attitude, but still—it wouldn’t hurt to make sure.
Yuichi waits until they’ve paid the elderly yokai woman running the food stall for two paper plates of crispy gyoza, so he has something to do with his hands, something to focus on besides his awkward tongue, to say, “I’m glad you’re back.”
Leonardo glances sidelong at him, crunching through a dumpling unselfconsciously. His mouth is full but his expression very clearly says ‘say what now?’
“Here, I mean,” Yuichi tells his plate. “Back here. I didn’t even know you were—I’m just glad you’re better.”
They walk the length of the block before Leonardo replies.
“I wouldn’t worry about us, Usagi. Me and my brothers can take a hit. You could even say we were made for it.” That’s a strange sentiment, and something bitter comes and goes across Leonardo’s face before Yuichi can make sense of it, as swift and darting as the little minnows that flit through the creek that winds past his family’s farm. Then Leonardo adds, sounding much more like himself, “My stupid arm is all that’s slowing me down now.”
“Considering it was broken in eight places, I would take six weeks in a cast as a solid win,” someone says from directly behind them.
Yuichi doesn’t jump in shock, he freezes, rabbit-still. Leonardo doesn’t seem surprised at all—he just groans theatrically.
“Oh nooo, it’s the consequences of my actions.”
Donatello snorts. Because that’s who it is, Yuichi realizes as he turns to get a good look at him.
“You can’t just run off, Nardo,” the purple-masked turtle says. His tone implies that this is not a suggestion. “You get why that’s uncool and unfair, right? Like, I don’t have to explain that very simple, elementary-level concept to you?”
“I left a note,” Leonardo argues in his own defense.
“You sure did,” Donatello replies, so level and calm that it sets Yuichi’s whiskers on edge, because that level calmness is very much a thinly veiled promise of bodily harm. “You left a note on your door that said “Do Not Disturb, Beauty Sleep in Progress.” And then you left one on your empty bed that you just drew a winky face on.”
“I realized I didn’t need any more beauty sleep, Dontron. I decided to save some for the rest of you sad scrubs. You’re welcome.”
“How magnanimous.”
Beyond the color-coded masks and the dramatically different body shapes and skin tones, there’s another easy way to tell the Hamato siblings apart; all of them have brown eyes in varying shades. Michelangelo’s are warm, tempered honey, while Raphael’s are darker and richer, edging into red.
Leonardo and Donatello, the twins, have identical golden eyes, piercing and impossibly bright even in the semi-dark of falling dusk. Under the warm lantern light, with their defining characteristics all but overshadowed, it would probably be easy to mistake them for a perfect mirror of each other.
But Yuichi could never make that mistake. Donatello’s eyes are different, because the way he looks at Yuichi is different.
Especially now. Where Leonardo was delighted to see Yuichi for the first time since before the invasion, Donatello is looking at Yuichi like he’s a clear and present threat.
Yuichi doesn’t know what Donatello has to feel threatened about. He has a good grasp of his own abilities and he’s self-aware enough to admit that Donatello could definitely take him in a fair fight. Any of his siblings probably could, up to and including his sister, out of stubbornness and spite alone. Yuichi is the one who feels hunted, like a tiny fluffy animal that was just sighted by a bored, hungry hawk, all because of the cold, calculating gold in Donatello’s eyes.
Then Leonardo plants his good hand on the side of his twin’s face and shoves it an arm’s length away. Donatello sputters and flails, and Leonardo talks over him with the ease of years of practice.
“Thanks for the dumplings,” Leonardo tells him. “See you when I’m finally un-grounded, someday seven years from now.”
Yuichi nods, offering a little wave. He watches Leonardo unsheathe a katana and form a bright, spinning blue portal with one swift downward slice through the air. Donatello is griping at him in harsh undertones, and Leonardo is giving back as good as he gets, but it doesn’t escape Yuichi that Donatello has gravitated protectively to Leonardo’s bad side, and Leonardo is leaning his weight against his brother like he’s actually much more tired than he was willing to let on.
Leonardo needs a break. He needs fresh air. He needs to—to not disappear again, even if it probably won’t actually be for seven years.
Before he can second-guess himself, Yuichi blurts, “I’m off on Friday! You should come to the farm. One of our tokage’s nestlings just hatched so we have babies to play with and they’re really cute!”
Donatello makes an antagonistic noise under his breath and hauls Leonardo through the portal. Before he disappears, Yuichi watches Leonardo’s whole body light up, a grin splitting his face in half.
“It’s a date!” Leonardo calls cheerfully in the seconds before he’s gone.
The portal closes. Yuichi stares at the empty space where it used to exist while the word “date” bounces around in his head like a free-floating balloon filled with screaming instead of the more traditional helium.
Usagi: Important time-sensitive HYPOTHETICAL question Usagi: When you make plans with your friend and he calls it a date, how do you ask what he means by that without sounding like an insane person?? SUNA: oh my god!!!!!! ꒰☉ェ☉꒱
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years ago
Hiii how was ur day? I had this idea for a while but delete this if u think it's not specific
What if when Michael was gonna get scooped animatronic!Reader broke the machine and ran with him? Like Reader is a big animatronic so they take advantage of that and save Michael..maybe they talked and helped Michael before too
"You’re going too far, Baby. Killing those technicians for just doing their job?!"
"Please..lower your voice, [y/n]-"
"Listen, this plan is asinine. What if it doesn't work? What if we get caught with blood on our hands again? We’ll be locked up for good.”
"But what if it does work? He’s our last hope." Baby was unnaturally calm as you and her were outside the Scooping Room, watching the machine slowly retract. On the floor remained the shells of Funtime Freddy, Ballora, and Funtime Foxy, recently scooped like “a fresh pint of ice cream”. 
You looked away as their endoskeletons merged to become one, waiting for Baby to join them. “Are all of these lives really worth ending..all for a small chance of freedom?”
“It will be worth it, I pinky promise. You’re much too big to hide by yourself. But if you come with us..we can all hide together. In one body. Then we can look like him. He will listen to me..he won’t suspect anything.”
“No..just the thought disgusts me.” You shook your head. “I think I’m content with staying down here. Bonnet and Lolbit need someone to keep them company, so you guys can just..do whatever you want. I won’t interfere. All I can say is good luck..and I hope whatever’s up there is worth seeing.”
“..thank you. I guess this is goodbye.” Baby sighed, a bit disappointed in your decision. But she couldn’t force you to come along. Perhaps it’s better if only the main band escaped anyways.
As much as she wanted to, she simply couldn’t take everyone with her.
Not wanting to see what she does next, you decided to take your leave, going back to your main area of the facility.
In reality, though, you were already planning your next move. You knew exactly what Baby was planning to do and you couldn’t let her go through with it.
No way will you let her take his life. Not after what she’s done to those poor technicians and the children..
You couldn’t stand for this.
Tonight, you’ll save him.
Michael remained clueless as to what Baby’s true intentions were. He could only blindly follow her voice, directing him to the Scooping Room. Although he couldn’t hear Ballora’s music nor footsteps, Baby insisted she was present and was afraid.
His heart ached as he listened to her softly reassure the ballerina, in a sweet voice that reminded him of his sister. 
Knowing that Elizabeth was still stuck in that plastic body after all this time wracked him with guilt. He could’ve done something to save her, had he known the true purpose of the Funtimes’ designs:
To mislead, kidnap, and kill children like her.
He found the old blueprints, ones that showed diagrams such as Funtime Freddy’s storage tank. 
What an idiot he was to think that it was meant to hold birthday cakes and presents. He was a walking death machine, while Ballora and Foxy had functions that allowed them to divert and distract.
Then he found yours. You’re one of the bulkier Funtimes--being taller than all of the rest--who was apparently designed to kidnap multiple children at once, luring them into your stomach hatch with a fake present. Fortunately that’s all you were capable of doing.
Though he realized that throughout his week here...you were never hostile. Not even once.
In fact, during his second night here you were the one who lured the Bidybabs away from his hiding spot under the desk and into your stomach. Then you appeared before him, completely calm, warning him not to blindly follow Baby’s words.
Alas, he couldn’t. He was sent here to set them all free.
But now? Part of him kinda wished he took you more seriously.
In the Scooping Room, he found the remains of the main Funtimes at his feet. On the other side of the window was an endoskeleton made of messy wires, eyes, a plastic white clown mask, and a party hat: Ennard.
Through Baby’s voice, they explained the true reason she brought him here to this exactly place: so they could use his flesh as a disguise.
Yet despite his initial shock, he didn’t try to escape. Why bother? He just stood silently, staring at the machine, seemingly accepting his demise if it means they could be free from this dark prison.
It’s what he deserved. After all his failures. After his carelessness and neglect he vowed to save at least one person from their suffering.
If this was the only way to redeem himself then-
Jumping in surprise, Michael looked to the source of the sound with wide eyes, realizing the Scooper was now in your grasp.
Where did you come from??
“[Y/n]?” Baby’s voice spoke from the amalgamation, livid but still soft spoken as always. “You promised not to interfere! Why would you lie?”
“I didn’t lie.” You huffed, grabbing the machine with both hands and snapping the excavating arm off. “I just changed my mind.” Dropping the scraps, you glanced at Michael, who was now officially perplexed by your actions. “Run. I’ll be right behind you.”
He nodded and ran as fast as he could away from there. You followed him quickly through the darkness of Funtime Auditorium, hearing the sounds of metal scraping and dragging across the floor and walls.
Together you reached the elevator, which managed to fit your frame as well. Ennard screeched as its doors began to close, nearly getting inside as it clawed the air, only for you to punch their mask, leaving a crack in it. They stumbled backwards and screamed with anger, before the doors closed and the elevator began to ascend.
“Whew..don’t worry. We’re safe. She can’t hurt us here.”
Michael didn’t respond to your reassurance, instead staring at one of the posters on the wall. You could tell that he was upset by what happened, and you wondered if he knew what Baby was planning.
Before you could ask him anything, the elevator suddenly jolted, turning fully dark before falling back down into the underground facility. You both stumbled and fell as it made impact with the floor, but fortunately neither of you were badly hurt, aside from his slight grunt of pain.
“Are you kidding? They must’ve cut the power.” You growled, shaking your head before you went to help him up, despite his insistence that he was fine. “I swear that stubbornness wasn’t programmed into her.”
“Sh-She won’t let us leave..” He finally uttered, his whole body trembling as he stood up and saw the doors open. “What do we do? Can we do anything?” He whispered to you, with hopelessness lacing his voice.
“I know a safe place. The private office room.” You told him, motioning for him to follow you.
Through Funtime Auditorium’s darkness, you reached a door that required a keycode to enter. Michael conveniently had the code and access was granted to both of you, leading into a small office-like space.
HandUnit warned him that he’ll have to wait until 6AM for help to arrive, and he’ll be promptly fired for trespassing and “tampering” with equipment.
“I believe I’m partially to blame for that.” You remarked with an awkward smile, though you frowned a bit as he sat down in the chair, holding his head in his hands. “Michael, I don’t mean to get you fired but..she was gonna-”
“I know what she was gonna do and...y-you shouldn’t have interfered. I was ready to accept it.”
“...what?” In disbelief, you crouched in front of him, wondering why he’d say such things. “But..Mikey-”
“DON’T..call me that..only she can.” Looking up at you with tearful vision, he could only frown. “You don’t understand what’s really going on here, [y/n]. I wasn’t sent here to patch you lot up for your next birthday party..I was sent here by my father with one purpose..to free her. No matter how I did it..it just needed to be done. But now she’s angry. They’re all angry and they’re going to make this painful for both of us.”
As if on cue, the camera system on the tablet activated, revealing Ennard now on the hunt for him. You could hear scratching from one of the closed doors before it fell silent and they tried another path. He opened it to conserve power.
“I’m..sorry. I didn’t know how difficult things were gonna get, but I’m not leaving your side.” You insisted. “They’re just desperate, they’re not thinking right. Whatever that thing is..it’s not my friends. It’s just using her voice against you-”
“I’m not angry at anyone.”
“L-Liz..?” Michael’s heart shattered at the familiar-sounding voice, cupping a hand over his mouth to hold back the sob that wanted to escape.
You heard metal scraping in the vents and quickly reached up to slam the button, shutting it to drive Ennard away. “Don’t give in, Michael. This is what I’m talking about. I promise they’ll be okay. We’ll figure this out together. Nobody else has to die here..we’ve seen enough death, haven’t we?”
As you spoke, Michael listened, wondering if there was truly an alternate way of doing this. Of freeing his family from their robotic prisons without needing to sacrifice himself.
Only a little while ago was he ready to accept death, but considering all you’ve done to protect him this week and encourage him not to give up..
Maybe he was worthy of a second chance.
With a quiet sniffle, he took his hand away from his mouth and nodded, deciding to put his trust in you, praying that he was doing the right thing. 
“Yes..far too much suffering has gone on here. Let’s just get through this together.”
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thepenultimateword · 3 years ago
Can u write a story about a winged hero who has a crush on a villain and maybe the villain likes them back and is really flattered but they still have that whole hero villain angst and stuff Ahhahaha sorry if it’s specific! I love your other winged villain writing
Villain leaped back from the softness of Hero's lips like a snakebite. Hero's fingers slid over their face like a caress as they escaped their grasp, and the vigilante sat frozen in shock on Villain's bathroom counter, arms extended, mouth parted, gauze only half taped to their wounded forehead. A moment later they were hunched down small beneath a double shield of bloody, bedraggled feathers.
"Don't say anything!" Hero cried from behind their wings.
"What in the world--"
"Shut up! I said we don't have to talk about it!"
Villain passed their fingers over their lips and set their jaw. "Oh, I think we do. Look at me."
Hero didn't move.
Villain pried at the corners of their wings, trying to catch a peek at their face, but Hero only drew them in tighter.
"C'mon you glorified feather duster, look at me."
A shudder ran through Hero's body, but they slowly peeled back the edges of their wings, revealing a face airbrushed from ear to ear in pink. Their mouth was screwed into a tight, twisted line, and they looked about ready to die.
"First things first," Villain said. "Can I finish taping down your bandage?"
Head nod, yes.
"Thank you. Don't leap on me this time, ok?"
The hero's blush deepened. They squeezed their eyes shut. Another nod. Villain broke off a couple pieces of tape and pressed them down over the edges of the loose gauze pad. "There. Now use your words and explain."
Hero hid their face in their hands. "I'm sorry."
"I didn't ask for an apology; I asked for an explanation. And get your hands down, I told you to look at me."
Hero pounded their hands down on their knees in tightly-clenched fists. "Why are you being such a jerk?" Their eyes sparked into a blaze. "You already know! I'm an idiot, and you know, and now you just want to torture me! Well, fine! I love you!"
Despite Villain's confidence that they did, in fact, know, their stomach dropped out onto the floor. They'd expected an "I like you" and loads of problems and vulnerability that led them to say such a thing. But "I love you" was a whole other level. "I love you" meant they'd thought about this. "I love you" meant trouble.
"Are you sure?"
They hated to see their nemesis's face shock and crack at the question, worse even than a proper rejection because Villain was dismissing the reality of their feelings, but it had been the only thing to come to their mouth. Hero usually wasn't one to speak rashly, but they also didn't seem to have much experience. They'd grown more comfortable around each other these last few months, a little more than two enemies should have. Maybe they were confusing familiarity for love.
Hero's hurt expression hardened and their tongue lashed out sharp. "Yeah, that's sort of something you think about before confessing to your greatest enemy. It's not like I realized it today. What, do you need some sort of proof?"
"No! No. I believe you." Villain swallowed, letting the storm of emotions in their stomach settle before continuing. "But you know it can't work, right?"
What little spark of hope was left in Hero's eyes was snuffed out. They hung their head. "Because you don't feel the same."
"It's not that." The truth was quite the opposite. Hero was like an angel. To hold that delicate frame, to caress those wings, to feel the heat of their kiss, those were things Villain imagined when they were going through their hardest times. It was embarrassing, but it lifted their sports. And as far as they'd been concerned, Hero never had to know how beautiful Villain found them. Now, hearing that Hero wanted that too, that they saw something similar in them, it was euphoria. But this situation surpassed any of their dreams. More than attraction. Love. And if Villain really loved them back, they couldn't let them do this. "I'm no good for you."
"Because you're a villain? I don't care about that."
"Maybe you should. Wake up, Hero. Are you really trying to start a relationship with a villain? I'm everything you're duty-bound to end."
Hero's wings folded against their back tight and shuddering. They dug their nails into the knees of their leggings. "You're not like other villains."
"You are blinded by your feelings."
"You're sweet."
"Could be an act."
"You're merciful."
"You know, I'm only really merciful for you."
"You're gentle."
"Because I'm a black marketer. I handle valuable goods. If I were just a little worse, I'd be one of those guys trying to cut your wings off and sell them."
"But you're not."
"Hero!" It ripped out of Villain's throat too loud, nearly causing the hero to leap out of their skin. The air around them grew tense and heavy, the following silence magnifying the harshness of their tone. The hybrid bit their quivering bottom lip.
Villain's heart panged. They forced themselves to look them in eyes, speaking slowly to be sure they understood. "I don't want to hurt you. I'm not a good person."
Hero didn't break eye contact. Their eyes were shiny with precarious tears, but they were also firm. They lifted their hands slowly, hesitated, then continued. Slender fingers ran over Villain's cheeks, cupping their face like it was made of porcelain. Hero tried a small smile, soft, assuring, and weakening Villain's better judgment.
"I'm not asking you to be."
Pfft, petition to start an "I'm not like other villains" trope XD
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shorkbrian · 4 years ago
Not a request!! But just thiking about shinso watching you while you buy your vibrator, ofc hes in there looking for no pussy pockets to fuck but he just cant quit looking at you, you looked so “innocent” or “naive” trying to be descreet, him following you home and raping your cunt while using the new vibrator you just bought.
ahudssaduashiubfsd literally this concept has not left my mind since u sent it in AHHHHHH
(What to expect - ahhhh sex toys, noncon, dubcon, NSFW )
Cause yeah, it’s your first time in a sex shop, you’re flushed and a bit embarrassed and nervous. You’re pretty sure it’s obvious to the clerk that you’re a fumbling virgin, but you’re trying to be brave, and you want a vibrator, dammit!
You’ve heard so much about how good they feel, and you’re pent up and horny and you want to be able to get off in a few minutes rather than the 30+ it takes for you to orgasm with just your fingers.
A vibrator is just practical.
But ordering it online is intimidating, you can’t tell the sizes or feel the vibrations, so in-person shopping it is.
There’s just a few other people in the shop besides you, there’s music, it’s a nice atmosphere.
Shinsou takes one look at you when you timidly brush past him, and he’s smitten. He’s immediately plagued with what your face would look like when you cry, those big beautiful eyes filled with tears, a fat cock shoved down your throat. How you’d react to someone teasing you, someone edging you or denying you.
Would you pout? Would you be bratty and seductive?
Oh, but you’re so nervous, face aflame as you force yourself to look at all the various toys, there’s no way you aren’t a virgin. You’d be a mess while taking cock, overwhelmed and unable to do anything but gasp and moan.
Shinsou has to adjust himself in his pants.
He’s there for a pocket pussy, but he can’t tear his eyes off you.
“Looking for something specific?”
You jump at the sound of his voice - you even look cute when you’re scared.
“Uhm, yeah? I mean-well, kinda....” You can’t meet his eyes, can’t look at the toys, too shy and embarrassed by the phallic shapes and the glaring advertisements.
“This one feels really nice, I have one at home and it’s reliable and quiet.” Shinsou points to a wand, long with a bulbous vibrating ball at the tip. He knows it looks intimidating. “But if you’re a newbie... it’ll probably be too intense. You ever used stuff like this before?”
You blush even harder, the flush traveling down your neck while you shake your head, eyes shooting to the floor so you don’t have to look at the man, nor the toys.
“Hey, don’t be embarrassed, everyone starts somewhere.” He’s playing the part of helpful, experienced, good samaritan. Helping you out of the kindness of his heart.
He moves a bit, down the aisle, grabs a package from the wall. “This one might be more your speed. It’s less powerful.” 
The purple haired man knows most of these products. He spends a lot of nights  with one toy or another, is intimately acquainted with their different functions. Half the store clerks know him by name. Thinking about it, Shinsou could probably get some good money out of doing product reviews.
You take the package from his hands, fingers looking so short and little compared to his. No wonder you’re getting a toy, you can’t reach anything with those.
“Of course, that style is meant for penetration. You wanting something to go inside? Something thick like that?” He knows he’s pushing, but you’ve been open to his help so far.
You hurriedly push the package back towards the man, shaking your head with a blush on your cheeks.
Shinsou has to stop himself from chuckling, you’re just too cute.
He helps you pick out a flexible hand-held vibrator, one shaped like a pear and intended for external stimulation only. Gentle vibrations, a fun texture at the tip, it’s everything Shinsou thinks a virgin like you needs to enjoy themselves.
By the time you head up to the register, you seem more relaxed, able to look up a few times, talk in complete sentences.
Shinsou doesn’t want to let you go.
But it’s late, and you have to get home, and you politely decline his offer of him walking you at least to the bus (”It’s fine, I live just a few blocks from here.”). He wants to give you his phone number so you can text him when you get home, just in case you have any questions about the charging port - that always trips up beginners.
You turn down that offer as well.
Shinsou just shrugs it off, says he understands, and that he hopes you enjoy your new toy. He knows it’ll feel good.
When he steps up behind you at the counter, products in hand, you smile shyly at him before waving as you grab the small bag. The clerk raises her eyebrow at Shinsou once you head out the door.
“Pulling in the ladies while doing my job for me? Nice, dude.”
Shinsou smiles and shakes his head, just watches her scan the lube and condoms he’s purchasing.
It takes him a second to gather his wits when he steps out into the cool air. He’s still chubbed up in his pants, and he’s feeling a little irritated at how he went so far out of his way to help you, and you didn’t even show any appreciation. 
He sees you on the sidewalk, humming along to the music in your earbuds as you stroll along. 
An idea forms.
Shinsou finds his feet moving before he can even fully think it through, slow, measured steps following after you.
He’s gonna follow you home.
Strike right as you unlock your door, shove you inside before you know what’s happening, before you can scream.
Shinsou will show you how to use that vibrator, might have to gag your mouth so you don’t scream too loud when he makes you cum, but that’s okay. He’ll sit you in his lap and put his hands over yours and guide you in where to press the little vibrator in order to make your legs shake, to make your hips jump and your muscles tense.
There’s so many new sensations he can introduce you to, the numbing pleasure of an orgasm, the pleasant sting of overstimulation, the frustration in edging and the relief when you’re finally allowed to cum.
Maybe he could even convince you to letting him show you how it feels to have something inside your little cunt?
After all, he’s a gentleman - it’d be rude if he didn’t ask.
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plinkcat-gif · 2 years ago
Hi kirpy!! Congrats on 300 followers!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your writing sm,, and im obsessed with ur newest kkobrin story. They make me sooo feral. I also want to mention I really like your taste in music.
So I do have a writing idea, if you are interested. It's basically just punk! kkobrin. I drew some art for this idea myself, but I can't write for shit. Itd be really cool to see you write a short drabble about them in this au being punks and fighting the problematic shinobi system. I dont rrally have any specific prompt about it tho so it might be too vague sorry. If u want to see the drawings and hcs I made for more info, theyre on my art blog @seoz-seoz. And if you don't like this concept, I totally understand!! No pressure. This may not be for everyone. Lol.
Either way, thanks and take care of yourself!!! Congrats again <3
HI SEOZ!!!!!! so i ended up having a lot of fun writing this even if it didn’t display their punk-ness very well, so i’ll just explain my vague ideas for them here AKDJAKDH
rin and minato are both very overthrow the system, but in a legal way. they want to pry power from under danzō’s feet like stripping paint off a wall. rin helps out in the hospital of course, but also plans a lot of educational activities for children of all ages, and underhandedly radicalizes them that way SKDKSK
obito is far more direct, and will attack root agents, destroy root hideouts, and in generally just more uh. violent. but he also participates in rin’s activities because he loves working with kids :3
kakashi just likes to go around vandalizing things with graffiti and yk. openly threatening root agents because he can. he also helps with rin’s stuff, and more often than obito. he also hosts his own art classes where he teaches older kids how to identify root hideouts and get away with vandalizing them SKDBSKDJSKDJ
all three of them only don’t get in more trouble because minato’s the hokage and he turns such a massive blind eye to their activities to piss danzō off dkdkskkd
ok here is the story i love them and i love ur art sm!!!!! <33333 also this isn’t 1k it’s 947 words which is. so annoying. but ik jack shit ab punk anything and couldn’t think of anything else to add :(
Rin let the door to the Hokage’s office slide shut behind her and took a seat on the couch next to, to her surprise, Obito. He glanced up at her, then grinned both in greeting and like the cat that’s caught the canary.
“Whatre you doing here?” she asked, noting the dirt on his clothes, like he’d been up to something. He probably had; Obito was like that.
“You first,” Obito responded, crossing his arms. Rin leaned back on the couch, realizing what Obito meant: he thought she was in trouble. Ah, then this would be news to him.
“Minato’s gonna help me plan an activity for the students where they can learn about the rivers and fish and stuff. Science-y stuff, you know.”
And if watching Obito deflate wasn’t the best thing she’d ever seen. Minato shuffled the papers on his desk, stifling a chuckle. “What’re you in for?” she added, because she wasn’t nice.
Obito slumped deep into his seat, sending the Hokage’s desk a burning glare. “I attacked a ROOT agent with a lead pipe,” he grumbled, and Rin reached over to grab his head and pull him into her chest.
“Awww, and Minato got you into trouble?” she cooed, petting his face as obnoxiously as possible. Obito groaned, long and loud, but made no attempts at escape.
“He broke their arm and leg,” Minato said, raising an unamused eyebrow at their antics. “They had to be hospitalized. According to them, Obito attacked unprovoked, too.”
“They were spying on me!” Obito retorted, spluttering and finally fighting his way free when Rin accidentally stuck a finger in his mouth. “I was only acting in defense of myself,” he added when he was sitting again, glaring at Rin.
“You were vandalizing a building.”
“It was abandoned!”
“I’m pretty sure trying to destroy a building is still illegal, Obito.”
“Well it was obviously a hideout for Danzō’s goons, so really, I was doing you a favor.”
Minato looked up from his paperwork, meeting Obito’s eyes with an icy glare. “Right. My former student wreaking havoc on an abandoned building looks great on my image as a Hokage.”
Obito opened his mouth to retort but Rin grabbed his ear and yanked on it lightly, scowling at him. “He’s very sorry,” she said, rolling her eyes when Obito didn’t take the initiative and instead snapped his mouth shut. She reached around him to grab his lips and, in a poor mockery of his voice, pinched and opened them and said, “I’m so sorry, Sensei, and I promise not to destroy any more buildings for at least a week. Or attack any more ROOT agents. Also you’re the greatest Hokage ever and I’m very thankful you’re going to let me off with only a slap on the wrist and a disapproving glare.”
Minato frowned at Rin’s antics, his disappointment changing none when he shifted his gaze from Obito to Rin, and she grinned in response. “You’re on Naruto duty for a week, too,” he finally said, looking back at his paperwork, and Obito groaned loudly.
Not that he didn’t like Naruto, but Rin understood. He was a handful without his parents around.
“Okay, both of you out please,” Minato said, waving them off, and Obito gladly stood and quickly made his way out.
“Ah, the field trip?” Rin asked, and Minato continued to wave her off.
“Whatever you have planned is fine, I’m sure. You have my permission to do whatever you want,” he said.
Well, not like she expected anything else. “Thanks Sensei!” she exclaimed, following Obito out with a wave to Minato.
It was getting close to dusk, which meant that they needed to find Kakashi because he was on dinner duty tonight. Sometimes it was easy, but other times Kakashi didn’t want to be found. Whether it be a bad mission or he was too involved in his current piece to be bothered, he would be hard to find.
Luckily, today was easy.
“That’s the building I was vandalizing!” Obito yelled, pointing an accusing finger at Kakashi, who was detailing some fur onto a wolf with electricity in its eyes and a bloody ROOT vest in its mouth.
“Subtle,” Rin called, following Obito.
Kakashi looked over at them, then very obviously grinned at Obito who was marching over angrily.
“So you can get away with threatening a ROOT agent in a permanent mural but the second I get caught attacking one, Minato’s about to flay me alive?”
“Maa, favorite’s privileges, I guess,” Kakashi responded, smoothly leaning away from Obito’s attempt to grab at his jacket collar.
Obito growled in frustration at his failed attack, but pushed it no further. “Tch, whatever,” he said, swiping a spray can from the ground. He walked over to the mural and sprayed a small red heart in the corner, before Kakashi could stop him.
“Ah, right over the water details,” he lamented, placing a delicate hand over his wounded heart. Rin grabbed a can and did the same right next to Obito’s, in pink. “You both wound me.”
“I think we should have fish for dinner,” Rin said, ignoring Kakashi’s whines, and beginning to help him pack up his supplies. Obito nodded in agreement, gathering Kakashi’s brushes into a pile. Kakashi worked on transferring his supplies back to his scroll, and then ended their familiar dance.
“Do you want grilled fish?” Kakashi asked, pocketing his scroll. “You guys keep telling me you regret not asking for it every time I make dinner.”
“Eh, I’m not really feeling it right now,” Obito said, and led them out of the alley. Rin snorted. They would absolutely regret not asking for grilled fish again.
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venusiangguk · 4 years ago
hand-picked | jjk (m)
Tumblr media
>>pairing: jungkook x reader / famous!jk x sex worker!oc
>>genre: strangers to lovers, smut, pwp, teaser, drabble
>>word count: 2.8k
>>warnings: glory hole au!!!, cocky jk, bad boy jk, stripper oc, sex work, sexual tension, awkward tension, hand job, blowjob, cumshot, cum on tits, pay for play, semi-anonymous sex, dirty talk, dishonesty...  that’s it i think zzz
>>notes: if u don’t like sex workers ur ugly and i hate u 😌 also ty to @wheresmymoniat​ for betaing n helping me out, ily <3 *repost bc tag issues don’t mind me 🙄*
>>summary: glory holes weren’t a real thing... at least until you’re on your knees for a stranger, cock in your face, with nothing but a curtain between you.
Despite your nerves, you grasp the semi-hard cock in front of you, attached to a nameless person behind the curtain. For a moment you wonder what the hell you’re doing, but the soft sigh that you hear brings you back to the present. You stroke up and down, watching as he starts to become fully aroused. The foreskin rolls over the pink tip on every upstroke. You bite your lip. The silence is awkward, but you think maybe the whole situation is.
 “So... what do you do? Like… not specifically of course, but are you an idol? An actor? You can be vague…” 
 Behind the curtain, Jeongguk, whom you don’t know the identity of, stiffens just a bit. Will his voice give him away? Maybe, but he was never one to turn down an opportunity to boast about himself and his achievements.
 “I’ve done it all,” His voice is airy, softer than he would like, but your hand on his cock is speeding up, and so is his breathing. “I’m good at all of it too.”
 You hum at the man’s response. Cocky. “Isn’t saying you’re good at a lot of things just another way of saying you’re not good enough at one thing? So you have to compensate by spreading yourself thin?” You gasp a small giggle when you feel the cock in your hand jump a little at your words. “Did you like that? It wasn’t meant to be degrading, but if that’s what you’re into-“
 “It’s not- that.” He doesn’t know if he’s denying your psychoanalyzation, or your keen interpretation of the way his cock reacted to your psychoanalyzation but one was more inaccurate than the other. He actually was great at most everything he did, no need to overcompensate like you assumed. 
 Your small hand tightens, and you rub your thumb at the underside of the head, you let out a small pleased noise when you see a bead of precum well at the tip. “Really? You’re starting to leak a little.”
 You sound amused and humorous and if Jeongguk had it in him he would be annoyed or even upset at the way you’re talking to him. You were basically hired help, a means to an end. He glances down his torso at his hard cock in your tiny, well-kept manicured hands. Your nails are a dark red, burgundy color. It complements your skin well, he thinks. He can’t see much of you, just your forearms, along with the bottom part of your tummy and your legs. You’re sitting on your knees between his spread out thighs, feet tucked under you. From the tight black leggings you’re wearing and the slim-fit long sleeve white crop top you have on, Jeongguk can tell you have a good figure. Your waist is tapered in, tiny and cinched, and your hips are wide enough to accentuate it, letting him know you’ve got a petite hourglass frame. You aren’t too skinny though, there’s a softness to your body that he likes. It’s not like he needed the tight fitting clothes to know what your body looked like, though. He’s already seen more of it than he is right now. His mind flashes to the club.
 You may be hired help, but you were hand-picked by him. 
 “It’s just-“ He contemplates what to tell you and settles for, “It’s been a while.”
 “Since?” You push. You hear footsteps outside and you hand stops, scared for some reason that you’ll get caught doing something bad. As if the door wasn’t locked and being guarded. Behind the black curtain, his hips lift just barely, urging you to keep going. Don’t stop.
 “Since someone’s helped me.” Jeongguk’s head rolls back when your hand starts moving again. It’s been at least a few months since he’s gotten off with someone, his hand being his only companion. After the situation blew up even more than it had in months prior, his leash was tight. No wiggle room at all. He was suffocating and desperate. He almost cried when his team propositioned this arrangement, embarrassing as it was.
 When he speaks, his voice is soft and everything is said with a sigh. He sounds so relieved, like it feels so good to be in your palm, like he’s been waiting for your hand on his cock forever. You blush, and right your thoughts. You don’t even know who he is or what he looks like. Still, you ask, “Does it feel good, do you like it?” Tone soft to match his.
 Jeongguk nods and swallows thickly. Eyes still closed, letting the pleasure slowly work its way through his veins. Then he remembers you can’t see him. “Yeah.” He breathes.
 You hum and keep up your ministrations. Not slow, but not fast either. You’re not quite sure what he likes yet, but the soft moans that flutter through the curtain at least let you know what you’re doing isn’t wrong. 
 “I like your hands,” He surprises you by saying. “They’re so small; soft,” A more vocal sound falls from his lips when you twist your hand on the upstroke. He’s chuckling when he says, “Kinda strokes my ego a little bit.”
 You glance at the cock in your hand. It’s pretty. Thick and pink. A pleasant kind of heavy in your hand. The veins running over it are subtle enough to not be ugly or intimidating. The only intimidating thing about it is the size. He’s big. And you’re sure he already knows that. 
 You snort. “I don’t think you need that stroked.”
 This makes him laugh a little harder. It’s a nice sound. “Yeah, you’re probably right,” He hums, you think you can hear a smile in his voice. It’s quiet again for just a moment before he says, “Will you- faster? Make your hand a little tighter too- yeah, like that.”
 His hips sink into the chair when you comply with his requests before he’s bringing them back up, subtly thrusting into your palm. You fight back a moan; you shouldn’t be getting hot for someone you don’t even know right? This was strictly business. Still, you can’t help the slight shifting you do, squeezing your legs together for a little bit of pressure on your pussy.
 Jeongguk notices. “Are you turned on?”
 “No!” You squeak.
 “You can touch yourself,” He offers.
 “No!” You insist, “I-I’m fine.Thank you though.” You say dumbly.
 He doesn’t say anything more, focuses on your hand on him, tugging just how he asked. His hand rubs over his stomach, flexing as he teases himself, his own light touches mixed with your strokes brings goosebumps over his skin. “Feels, so good.” He groans, eyes watching your hand under the curtain.
 Encouraged, you bring your other hand up and massage lightly at his balls. They’re hairless, the only hair he has is the small trimmed patch above the base of his cock. He’s well kept and has good hygiene. That alone was attractive to you, stranger or not.
 When you palm his balls, his legs spread as far as they can with his black cargo pants still around his calves, his big black stomper boots keeping them from being shed all the way. “Fuck,” He moans deep and loud for you. One of his hands comes down past the curtain and reaches for you before he quickly pulls it back. You think you saw a flash of ink on it, but you can’t be too sure, mind kind of fuzzy with poorly hidden arousal. The opposite hand comes into view, and your mouth parts in awe as he covers your own hand with his. It’s so much bigger than yours, completely enveloping it as he strokes himself off, using you in a way. Then again the whole arrangement was you both using each other. 
 “You’re mouth- put your mouth on it,” He sighs, pleasure just dripping from his lips. His cock is rock hard in both your hands, and you can tell he’s getting close.
 You hesitate. “Will… will you be able to see me?”
 Jeongguk comes out of his desire induced high a little bit and realizes what he said. He wants it, fuck does he want your mouth, but he probably should have asked. “No, no. I’ll lower the curtain a bit more if you want, and you don’t have to swallow. You don’t even have to suck it if you don’t want- like I know we have a thing going on but I would never like- force you I-“
 He’s rambling a tad so you cut him off. “I want to, I think,” You whisper, taking in his intimidating size again, “I just- if I can’t know who you are, you can’t know who I am.” You blush feeling a little childish.
 Jeongguk keeps the fact that he already knows what you look like and more or less who you are, at least on a surface level, to himself as he moves the curtain to the next lower notch, the bar resting just above his pelvis now. He can’t really see much of you at all anymore. “That’s fair, yeah, just-“ With your confirmation that you do in fact want to suck him off, he can’t keep the lustful neediness out of his voice, “Please.”
 You take a deep breath as you wrap both of your hands around his cock, the tip still poking out the top. Tentatively you lick at his frenulum and the sound that comes from behind the curtain is obscene. His hips twitch and everything. You want to hear his noises, all of them, so you do it again. You flick your tongue fast over the most sensitive underpart of the head, before placing wet sucking kisses to the same area, almost making out with the tip of his cock.
 “Oh my god-“ His body is pulled taut, and his hands are gripping the chair that he’s sitting in. “Fuck that’s- I love that.” He says, head dropping back, mouth open in a silent moan. 
 You moan against the tip of his cock, not able to hold yourself back anymore. Wrapping your lips around it, you take the head all the way into your wet, hot mouth, and suck. You lap up all the precum that leaked out, and point your tongue to play with the slit. The man behind the curtain is loud for you, letting you know just how good you’re making him feel. You get so lost in it that you don’t register him raising the curtain bar just enough for him to slip his hand past and push you off.
 “S-sorry,” He says, panting, “I was about to cum.”
 You make a small sound of confusion. “That’s okay, I can swallow- If you want me to.”
 Jeongguk shakes his head behind the curtain. “No, I- I wanna watch… see your hands stroke me off.” His request is quiet but his cock pulses in your hand, needy and hot. Already begging for release, despite you not being at it for that long.
 Wordlessly, you start stroking again, gathering the spit that’s on his tip to make the slide easier. It doesn’t take much time at all before his thighs are flexing and you can see the lower part of his abs tensing. 
 “Close,” He whispers.
 Jeongguk watches as your tiny hands fly up and down his cock, grip tight just like he showed you. He’s doing his best to not fuck up into your hands, wanting to just rely on you and your movements, but it’s hard. Small eager little thrusts of his hips show you how ruined he is. And it’s just a handjob. He knows. If he was present enough he would probably be embarrassed by how angry and red his cock is, swollen and hot in your palm. And he’s just so wet, leaking all over the place making the strokes of your hand loud in the room. 
 He watches as you hunch over some, to where he can see everything below your neck, and your free hand comes up to your shirt. He sees you struggle a little bit as do your best to get the collar down under your bra, with only one hand before squeezing at your tits. “Do you want to cum on them?” You whisper.
 “Fuck, please.” He whines high pitch and needy, all reservations out the window. 
 You hum, and work your arm faster over his cock, the rapid movements making your tits jiggle. “Do it, cum for me… cum all over my tits.”
 You can’t see him, but Jeongguk’s face is lewd. Pleasure so apparent on his features, it almost looks painful. His eyebrows are furrowed, his mouth open, his cheeks flushed, and his eyes are wet and glassy, so overwhelmed by finally getting help after so long of cumming by himself. He’s chanting soft, pornographic yeah’s and yes’s until his whole body curls in on itself, you can see the way his legs tremble as he moans, “Fuck, I’m cumming.”
 He forces himself to keep his eyes somewhat open, lidded and heavy with arousal, as he shoots all over your chest. You’re moaning with him behind the curtain as you work him through his orgasm, despite no physical pleasure being given to you, and that makes another small shot of cum dribble from his spent cock. You lean forward, careful of your identity, and wipe the leftover milky substance on your already soiled skin and black bra. You slap the slowly softening cock on them for good measure and Jeongguk groans.
 You keep playing with his cock, not sure if he’s the type to like it or the kind that wants you off right after he finishes, but he winces and reaches his hand under after not too long, stopping you.
 “Please,” He whines.
 His voice is fucked out, and your pussy aches, needy and wet in your panties. “Oh, sorry…”
 He laughs lightly. “No, no. Don’t say sorry… You’re like- so good.” Jeongguk sighs to himself out of your view. He’s leaning back in the chair, while running a hand through his sweaty hair. Little tremors of pleasure are still coursing through him, when he closes his eyes, blissed out, dazed and relaxed. Finally, after months of being pent up. “So, so good.” He murmurs softly, distractedly. 
 His hand that reached under the bar to grab yours to stop you, is lazily rubbing over the back of your hand, hold light and subconscious against his thigh. He probably doesn’t even know he’s doing it and you blush, shyly pulling your hand away. He doesn’t show any sign of even noticing and you both settle into a soft quiet, only your breaths sounding in the room.
 “Um.” You say eloquently.
 “Fuck sorry.” Jeongguk says, scooting the chair back to put his now soft cock away. He rolls his eyes to himself. Way to get stuck in the afterglow by himself with his flaccid cock in some girls face. “Let me get you a towel.”
 “Should I put the blindfold back on?” You ask.
 “Uh- Yeah.” He says stilted. This is weird. You just made him cum so hard he almost knocked out, and now he’s making you cover your eyes so you don’t figure out who he is. 
 You hear the hesitation in the man’s voice and assure him that it’s okay, while grabbing the blindfold you tucked into the waistband of your leggings. You knew how it went, you signed the papers. Patiently you wait until you hear him coming back and sense a soft moist towel being shoved under the bar. You blindly grab it with a soft, “Thanks.”
 “I’ll go wait in the bathroom so you can- I don’t know…? Get ready to go I guess.” You hear his heavy boots retreat to the bathroom, that’s located on his side of the curtain, assuring that he wouldn’t be seeing you on his way.
 With the blindfold off, you go about cleaning yourself. Your knees crack when you stand up after being sat on them for so long. Wincing, you run a hand through your long hair and walk over to the table where you left your bag. You leave the used rag in its place and you shoulder the purse. About to make your way to the door, you pause.
 “I’m uh- leaving?” You yell unsure.
 “Okay,” He yells back through the door. “Did you- did they- your- did they give you the-“ He stutters, not sure how to ask if you got paid.
 The wad of cash in your purse is heavy. Figuratively and literally. “Yeah, they did.” 
 “Okay… Good. I’ll um see you next time?” He sounds hesitant and shy. 
 You laugh. “Yeah I guess so.” And with that, you make your way out of the hotel, thinking that he sounds a whole lot less entitled and cocky than he did when you first got there.
hiii guysss! thanks for reading this lil drabble! This is kind of like a teaser for a longer fic i have on the back burner (let me know if you like the concept and want me to continue!) but i wanted to post something because i havent for a few weeks bc i have been soo busy with school pls i want to cry 🥲 i should be doing maths as i post this lmao. ANYWAY! thanks again for reading, if u liked it, pls like, comment, reblog, or even send an ask! love talking to u guys n feedback is always lovely <3
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writer-in-theory · 3 years ago
darling, we'll go down in flames (spencer reid x reader)
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summary: you expected everything to change when spencer finally got out of prison, you just never thought it would be his love for you.
request?: yes! anon request “all my friends told me you’d break my heart.” and “i wish i’d never met you.” for the ask prompts please 🥺
pairing: spencer reid/fem!reader
category: angst no happy ending
content warnings: language, angst w/o happy ending, descriptions of violence/injury/blood
word count: 2.6k
send me a request!
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
People say that when you meet the love of your life, time stops. It hadn’t happened like that for you, but time did stop when you realized this was the last time you would see him.
“I can't do this anymore.” The words burned through your chest and you were sure when they were done, there’d be nothing left.
“I don’t believe you,” you spat back, angrier at the fact that you were letting him see you cry than anything else. “I know what you’re doing, Spencer.”
“What am I doing?” He wasn’t looking at you. That hurt more than you’d like to admit; used to having his eyes on you whenever you were in the same room.
“You’re pushing me away on purpose. I won’t let you ruin what we have,” you continued, reaching out for him and wincing as he stepped away.
“We don’t have anything, Y/N, we’re nothing.” The apartment you shared was suddenly claustrophobic, stifling the breaths you tried to pull from your chest. This wasn’t right, this wasn’t how it was meant to go. It was never supposed to end like this.
When you’d first met Spencer Reid, you never imagined how he would change your life. To be fair, at the time you were more concerned with making sure you had a life to continue at all.
You knew the kidnappings at the club you bartended at were bad, you just didn’t know it was FBI bad.
When they first stepped into the club that Thursday, you knew right away something was wrong. The blond woman who looked far too tense for a night out and the man in the literal sweater vest were not your typical clientele. Still, you let them walk around the place for a while, seeing them talking to various groups along the way. Eventually, the man stepped up to your bar, and up close you could see how nervous he was. You almost wanted to card him from the way he kept fidgeting, looking anywhere but at you.
Then your eyes drifted down and you caught sight of the gun at his belt. “This is about those missing women, isn’t it?” you asked him, and he seemed visibly relieved that he didn’t have to start the conversation.
“Were you working last Saturday? We’re trying to find who took them.”
“I wasn’t, I don’t work on Saturdays. I do know that those girls weren’t regulars. We’re pretty good at spotting fakes around here, they wouldn’t have slipped by more than once,” you told him.
“Have you seen anyone strange around here? He’d be in his early 30s, probably nervous or out of place. He wouldn’t have the confidence to talk to the women here, he’d likely keep to himself.”
“No offense, but that’s a pretty vague description. We get people like that all the time. Guys coming in here expecting an easy win but they end up striking out more often than not.”
“If you do remember something, call me,” the agent told you, handing you a business card with the FBI insignia on it.
“FBI? I assumed you were a cop. This is bad, isn’t it?” You thought about the three girls who had last been seen at the club, then also found dead right out front. All of them were so young, were just getting started with their lives. Things like this didn’t happen too often in this city, not to people so young and innocent.
“He’s starting to kill faster, it’s a sign that the situation is devolving. We think he’s targeting a specific person, we just have to find who that is.”
“Well, good luck, uh...Dr. Reid,” you answered, glancing to the small card in your hand for his name, “I hope you catch him soon. If there’s anything I can do to help, let me know.”
Turns out, there was something you could do because the target ended up being you. When two FBI agents in their Kevlar vests showed up at your apartment door a couple of days later, you thought you might pass out. Then the situation was only made worse when they brought you to the local police department, explaining that the killer left a picture of you on the body of the last girl. It made sense, you supposed, there did bear a strange similarity between you and those girls.
“Who is it? Who’s doing this?” you asked the group of agents as they sat you down at a conference table.
“We don’t know,” the blond woman admitted, looking at you with what you can only describe as pity.
“You don’t know. There’s some guy out there killing people who look like me, and you have no idea who it is?”
“He’s not leaving evidence behind. He’s technically skilled and until now we didn’t know what his motive was.” That was the slightly older one. He held himself like he was used to being listened to, like this guy was used to leading. “We’re working on finding him, but until then you’ll stay in protective custody.”
“What? No, I’m not running away while other women die for me,” you protested before you even thought about what you were saying.
“They’re not dying for you. What’s happening isn’t your fault,” the blond woman again. Clearly, she was the one typically sent to talk to victims, she had a soothing voice that made you want to believe her. “The best thing you can do now is stay in protective custody until we find who’s doing this.”
“Do you think he would come after me? If I made myself vulnerable?” When no one answered, you continued to push. “I want to help save these women. I can’t, I can’t just hide away when I know this is happening because of me. Would he try to talk to me?”
“We don’t put civilians in harm’s way.” The leader again.
“But would he?”
“It’s likely he would talk to you.” That was the first time Dr. Reid spoke since they’d all brought you in. You found yourself wanting to hear his voice again. “He wouldn’t be able to help himself. He’s likely suffering from an intense delusion that you’re meant to be with him. If he saw you with someone else, he would be compelled to act.”
“Then it’s settled. It’s Saturday, right? Let’s catch this guy.”
“We’re not going to ask you to put your life in danger to catch this guy.” Another guy spoke up, insistent; but you were always stubborn, they just didn’t know you well enough to know that.
“You’re not asking, I’m offering. If it’s the quickest way to get him to mess up, then I want to do it.”
It had been risky, sure, but they ended up catching the guy. Three days later, you’d called the number on Spencer’s business card and despite many protests about the savior complex issue, he agreed to date. The rest was history, so you thought.
Instead, you stood here in the apartment you shared feeling more like a stranger, an intruder, than you ever had before. This was what he wanted, right? As much as Spencer was praised for his strategy and intellect, he often acted based on whatever emotion was reigning over him now.
Now, you knew it was the guilt that was the worst. It had been for months, ever since the incident that concluded Spencer’s time in prison.
It had been an easy decision, really. When the dark-haired woman told you that you could either let the criminal kidnap Spencer’s mother or die trying to stop her, your feet were moving before your brain had time to even consider the circumstances.
You were on the ground before your ears registered the shot. You’d only heard a gunshot once before; when Spencer had taken out the unsub who’d been targeting you a year before. It seemed louder this time, making your ears ring and making you wonder if it had been enough to permanently damage your hearing. It didn’t damage your hearing enough to miss the laugh from the woman and the front door of your apartment shut as she walked off with Diana.
You were going to die. You’d been shot and now you were going to die in the apartment where you first told Spencer you loved him, where he first admitted he loved you in a way he hadn’t loved anyone else before. The blood spilling from the wound in your abdomen was hot against your hands as you fumbled to staunch the flow of it.
“I need to-” you began, voice weak and shaky. Maybe you were going to die, maybe this was the end of everything, but you couldn’t go alone. Your phone had fallen out of your pocket when you hit the ground but blessedly had not broken. Grappling, your blood-slicked hand finally managed to wrap around the device, leaving behind crimson fingerprints as you hit the contact you needed.
You couldn’t talk to Spencer, but you know who you trusted to relay the message. Ever since your boyfriend had been wrongfully imprisoned, JJ had been a godsend. She’d always been there for you when you wanted to talk, or when you wanted to be distracted by it all, or when you’d needed to get something to Spencer because the stubborn man didn’t want you to see him like he was behind bars.
Still, it seemed her willingness to help you ran dry. She answered on the second ring, sighing and saying, “Y/N, this isn’t a good time. I’m with Spencer, I’ll call you later.”
“Wait, JJ-” you tried, but the line already went dead.
Heh, how fitting. As your vision began to form little black spots, you knew you only had one more chance at a call. An ambulance might get to you in time, but what if you went unconscious and died before ever getting to say what you needed to? You hadn’t seen Spencer in months but you still knew him. You knew if you didn’t get to tell him, he would blame himself for this.
The number you tried next had never been called by you before. He’d given you his number just in case, but there had never been a reason to bother the man who was no longer active duty. If there was ever a situation important enough, it was this.
Derek Morgan’s smooth voice rang through clearly on the phone then, making you sob with relief and maybe even with pain as the jolt shifted your injury. “Y/N? Is everything okay?”
“No, I don’t think so,” you managed to get out, “Listen, I need you to tell Spencer something okay? It’s important.”
“Hold on, Y/N, hold on. What’s going on?”
“If I-, If I don’t make it tell him it wasn’t his fault. It’s not his fault.” The tears were coming freely now, sobs forming around your words.
“What isn’t his fault? Y/N, hold on you can tell him yourself. Savannah, call 911!” Another pause, your head was getting fuzzy. “Where are you, Y/N? What happened? Y/N? Y/N, stay awake for me. C’mon, you can do it, just keep fighting a little more, okay?”
“I’m at Spencer’s apartment.”
“Good, that’s good. Okay, I’m on my way. The ambulance is on the way. Hang on a little longer okay, I know you can.”
“I got shot,” you admitted, feeling the weight of the situation press on you as it was finally said aloud. “It hurts.”
“I know it does. You have to push through that pain a little longer, okay? Just keep talking to me.”
“I can’t.”
“You can, Y/N. How’ve you and our Pretty Boy been? Thinking about getting married yet?” You were thankful Morgan switched the topic from your injury. It was getting harder to stay awake, to focus on what he was saying, but you could focus on Spencer.
“I want to, I’m just wai-waiting for him to ask.”
“Get through this and he will. He cares about you so much, Y/N. You make him happy.”
“Tell him,” another cry, the next breath you take rattles in your chest, “tell him I’m sorry. I love him so much.”
“Tell him yourself. Y/N? Y/N! Y/N, don’t do this, I’m almost there just hang on. You’re gonna be okay.”
After seeing Spencer’s face in the hospital, you should’ve seen this coming. It was clear someone had explained to him what had happened, maybe even Derek himself had. “You almost died for me, Y/N.” “I would do it again in a heartbeat.”
Back then, Spencer couldn’t take his eyes off of you. When you’d finally been discharged from the hospital, he always seemed to have a hand on you. Whenever you needed anything he was there, making sure you wouldn’t ever risk tearing your stitches. Now, he couldn’t look at you. Instead, he was staring at the spot just over your shoulder, his amber eyes glassy from the tears he was holding back.
You weren’t trying to hold your tears back, rather letting them fall freely down your face and onto your shirt. “You can’t push me away like this, Spencer. I know what’s happening, I know when you get scared you push people away but you can’t. Not to me.”
“I’m not scared, Y/N. Why don’t you understand what I’m saying? I don’t love you anymore.”
A whimper slipped from you as all of the breath rushed from your lungs. I don’t love you anymore. Spencer really wasn’t going to change his mind, was he? I don’t love you anymore. This was it. Instead of getting a proposal, you were getting to watch your relationship go up in flames.
“You know, I was warned so many times about you. All of my friends told me you’d break my heart,” you cried, feeling the anger and frustration fill up your body. Suddenly you were in motion, grabbing your travel bag and shoving all of your important belongings in it. You could come back later for the rest of it, some time when you could have a friend beside you in support.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Spencer told you as he followed you around the apartment, finally stopping at the front door.
“No, you don’t get to apologize. This is the worst thing you could possibly do to me,” you snapped, angrily wiping the tears off of your face. He didn’t deserve them, not after this. The worst part of it all was that you still loved him, and from the sheer pain on his face, you knew Spencer had to love you too. He lied, he purposefully lied and said the most hurtful things he could to you. “I’ll never forgive you for this, Spencer.”
“Goodbye, Y/N. I hope you end up happy someday,” Spencer answered.
“Screw you. I wish I’d never met you.”
Spencer didn’t say a word. You stared at him, begging him with your face to take it all back, to hold you and promise forever. Instead, there was nothing but silence between you two for the first time in ages.
So, you opened the door and just like that, the love of your life was left behind you to be nothing but a bittersweet memory.
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geminil0vr · 4 years ago
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"lists" | ron b. weasley (part one)
read part two here !!
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summary; you and your boyfriend ron are both completely inexperienced, but one day he asks you what you like in bed. lucky for you, you actually made a list. and he's happy enough to play a few of those fantasies out.
tagged; @weasleyssupremacy
word count; 4.6k
content; smut, fluff, banter, making out, embarrassment, shit ton of blushing, mentions of kinks, mentions of teasing, mentions of hitting, mentions of choking, mentions of sex, mentions of praise, mentions of degradation, cursing, grinding, finger-sucking, spit, cum swallowing, first time foreplay (male receiving oral, female receiving oral), fingering, handjob kinda, orgasms, teaching/instructions, relatively realistic, no aftercare included but you know damn well ron'll take care of you, not really a specific dom/sub dynamic, inexperienced/house-neutral fem!reader, inexperienced boyfriend!ron, think that's it but lemme know if i forgot anything !
a/n; holy shit this took me hours !! in this fic, ron and the reader are sixteen years old. i'm from the uk, where the legal age of consent is sixteen — more specifically, in england, wales and northern ireland, a minor is considered a person under the age of eighteen. and i do not want to write smut about minors, i will never do that. so i did a little more research, standard wiki shite, and in scotland (where hogwarts is) that age is sixteen. sixteen year olds and up are no longer minors in scotland. i know many of you are from different countries and therefore may feel uncomfortable with this age because it doesn't reflect the definition of minor/non-minor in your respective countries, and that is perfectly okay !! i completely understand, hope this made sense bc i'm too fucking exhausted to tell. feel free to scroll by and find another fic to read, please put in a request for any of the harry potter characters if u wish, and have a lovely day :))
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you hadn't done much with him.
just kissing, really. some grinding here and there. you were comfortable in each other's grasp, sure, but you both never quite went over that line, of more than kissing, of more than light touching.
didn't make you insecure. nor impatient. it was a comfortable kind of middle ground.
and in that middle ground, you were seated on his thighs, legs either side of him, kissing gently, tenderly. these were tepid, lukewarm, waters, just bordering on more, just bordering on scalding hot, and you didn't mind it. you didn't mind it at all.
pulling back, lips not too swollen, just pink, you smiled softly down at ron weasley.
"you okay?" he asked. you hadn't meant to start kissing, you were just talking, just hanging out, him levitating a marble in his empty bedroom, you reading a book and making sure he didn't try and levitate a lamp — that never went well. not with ron weasley. but he got bored, and your eyes wouldn't focus on the pages, and you'd forgotten your reading glasses and he'd kissed you sweetly, and you'd kissed him back and now... now, you were snogging. you didn't care much for that word. it sounded weird, and heavy, and hot. and things with ron (so far, at least) weren't weighted, and hot, they were warm, and soft, and him.
you took the time to rifle your fingers through his red hair. he'd been letting it grow, just a little, down to the nape of his neck. "yeah, you?"
he grinned cheekily, nose and cheeks flushed already. of course, this was the usual. one kiss from you turned him pink, not out of awkwardness, just passion, you supposed. it was rather cute. and he pushed you further up in his lap, not too close, but closer. you grinned back. you kissed. and you pulled away again, just to look at him.
he took in a sharp breath, before blurting out something he’d wanted to ask for the longest time, "what do you like?"
"hmm?" you tilted your head.
he swallowed. “what do you like?"
"i'm gonna need some context here."
"in bed." now you felt as flushed as he looked. to ask that question, it must've taken a lot of courage. he was a gryffindor after all.
even starting a sentence caused your breathing to pick up. "well, you know i've never done anything before..." that was true. but you'd done your research. you'd actually made a list of what you thought you might like, which was idiotic in retrospect, and quite childish, but you'd done it, and it sat in your bag with a burning prescence.
"but surely you know... ya’ know, what you might like?"
you settled back, more comfortably in his lap, arms still around his neck, but you were less close. "why're you asking?" you teased.
"you know why!" ron groaned, burying his head into your shoulder, and he felt your shoulders shake with nervous laughter.
"well, i guess, i have — well... nevermind." he moved back, face burning, with an eager smile plastered on his face.
"go on, tell me! i want to know."
"it's embarrassing!"
"i won't make fun."
"yes, you absolutely will."
"just tell me."
you swallowed and chewed nervously at your lip. "i've made a list."
"alright, tell me." if he said 'tell me' one more time you would strangle him. speaking of choking, and all that —
"promise you won't judge?"
"well it's more of... well, it's not a mental list. i've written it down."
a grin broke out on your boyfriend's face, and you smacked his bicep.
"oi, you said you wouldn't judge!"
"i'm not judging! it's just cute, 's all." his smile faded a little. "so, about that list... why don't you go fetch it?" he said, with a sideways nod of his head.
"fetch? i'm not a dog."
he made the excited face he always had before he told a bad joke. for fucks sake. "aw, well, i figured pet play would be on your list —"
"shut up, shut up, shut up!" with each 'shut up' you punched his chest and he crossed his arms over it to protect himself.
"hitting, is that your kink too?" well, you weren’t exactly opposed.
you groaned and swung your leg over him, "i'm gonna go get my fucking list."
getting up and 'fetching' your bag, you searched through it and found your little, blue notepad. as soon as you'd returned to the four poster bed, ron reached out to grab it, and you quickly pulled back.
"no, i have more than just 'kinks' in there. and i don't wanna tell you everything."
"why not?" he was genuinely confused. that was the problem with these weasley boys: no boundaries.
"if i tell you everything about me then what secrets will i have left?"
"secrets are overrated." he stared blankly at you, shrugging, but still wrapped his arms around your waist comfortably as you swung your leg back over to sit on his thighs. as you flipped through the pages of the notepad, you found what you had been searching for. 27 pages in, hidden between random pencil scrawls, was your list. you'd learned about sex from books, and your friends' experiences, and being a sixteen year old at what is technically a boarding school. and though that wasn't the highest form of education, you knew enough to keep safe, and to feel good, and ron knew enough, too. "so, start reading!"
looking over the first line, your cheeks burned and you shook your head. "i can't say that!"
"want me to turn around?"
"no, i — no. i'm just gonna..." you slid all the way up his lap, ron attempting to ignore that you were right over his crotch in a pair of pretty blue jeans, and hid your face in the crook of his neck, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, embarrassed by your childish ways.
"c—" ron's voice broke, and you fought a smile, "comfy?"
"yeah. i'm ready now." you swallowed, breaths shallow and voice shaky as you brought your list up to your eyes. "um, well, i've heard about, uh —" he rubbed a hand up and down your back. you couldn't see him, but he was grinning and biting his tongue in anticipation. "pet play."
"you bloody liar, tell me the real list! don't be a pussy."
"fine, fine. no pet play. but i, uh, think choking sounds hot." your voice was slightly less shaky as you kept your flaming cheeks out of view. ron was bright red, too.
"uhuh. what next?" his voice was quiet and trembling now, grip on your waist tighter. the atmosphere of his dorm room had completely shifted.
"and, um, teasing. 's hot." your eyes flitted to the next word, trying to keep your composure as ron's grip on your waist tightened even more, keeping you still on top of him. "i like being praised, but being degraded is — it sounds... good."
ron had to fight the urge to groan, not out of frustration, but pure lust. you were by no means innocent, in fact, you tended to make a sex joke every day, or comment 'that's what she said' at every euphemism, but he never expected to hear those words actually slip from your lips. he couldn't speak, his voice got stuck in his throat, and he knew if he even tried his voice would break and go all high-pitched.
"then, hair pulling. hard sex, soft sex." both of your hearts were beating so fast, and you squeezed your legs against him. it was a nervous action, but you didn't expect him to let out a high gasp, and you certainly didn't expect him to grow firmer beneath you. "spanking, breeding, maybe, we'll see." he closed his eyes and let out a low exhale that he’d been holding in.
you pressed your hips harder down onto him, and his nails dug into your thighs. you'd been in this position before, while kissing, but this felt like pure filth, you telling him what you wanted him to do to you, and him just listening, and him getting hard. i mean, he'd been hard beneath you before, on top of you even, but it never led to anything more, and you didn't think you'd ever felt him this hard.
"i — i think i like biting. anywhere, really. not too hard. you have to be gentle with me." you had pulled back a little now, eyes still glued to your notepad, head turned a little so your lips were almost touching his ear. tentatively, you looked away. the tips of his ears were burning hot, and red. you took the lobe between your teeth, biting softly, tongue darting out just a little. his hips bucked up into yours, and you both moaned quietly. "and licking." you slid your tongue over his warm skin, just below his ear, then curved your spine to lick further over the expanse of his neck, causing him to let out another breathy moan.
"and, spit. i think it's hot. i've thought about it, about you, before. i dunno." you kept your tone unsure, in hesitation. you had more on your list, just things you found hot, situations you found hot, but you closed it and pulled back, unwrapping your arms from around his neck and fiddling with the notepad between your fingers. that was enough, for now. ron was breathing heavily. you were breathing heavily. everything felt hot, and heavy, and it wasn't the norm, not with ron, but you liked it.
"th— that was... good. a good list." he choked, hands still on your thighs.
a tense silence settled between you, until he wrapped one arm around your waist, hand slipping up your back, the other in your hair, and brought you into a feverish kiss. you grinded down on him, moaning into his mouth feeling the reminder of how hard he was, chucking the list to the side and sliding your hands up his shirt as your tongues explored each other's mouths. it felt good. really good. better than you could have expected.
ron gently nibbled at your bottom lip, before pulling away and moving his focus to your neck. you tilted your head to the side, hurriedly moving your hair to the side to give him better access. he licked teasingly up your neck, and you dug crescent moons into his abdominal as he began sucking and biting at the skin beneath your ear, and your pulse point, and soon your collarbone, and before you knew it your sweater was pulled off and he sucked and licked against the skin right above your breasts. this was the first time he'd seen you without a top on, just in a plain, black bra, and he was damn well going to savour it.
you tried to hold back moans, but it seemed impossible when he was burning beneath you, so you did what was natural. you grinded against him and whined as he trailed wet kisses all over your chest, and after a while of you arching your chest into his mouth, you realised what he was doing.
your voice came out breathless, almost breaking. "you're teasing me."
he stopped his trail of kisses to move his face back to yours. "what, you thought i wasn't listening?"
"well, stop." you whined, scratching your nails over his abdomen once more, earning a shallow moan from him.
"i thought you liked it." he tilted his head, almost smirking.
you swiped your tongue over your bottom lip, chest heaving, as you took your hands from under his shirt. "just touch me. please." ron took a moment to take his own shirt off, and you admired the freckles dotted over his pale yet flushed chest and shoulders until he wrapped his arms around you, unhooking your bra clumsily, fingers shaking with lust. you gripped his shoulders, fingers gliding over each mole as your eyes darted over his features.
"so fucking pretty." he licked and kissed underneath your right breast, cupping the other one in his large hand, and your mouth dropped open, brows furrowed in pleasure as he took a nipple into his mouth, looking up at you as you grinded down onto him.
"ron, fuck, i'm too sensitive."
you watched him grin as he slowed his movements and instead licked softly once over your nipple as you threw your head back. you were the hottest thing he'd ever seen. well, he'd only ever seen his brother's porn magazines so there wasn't much competition. but he could say without a doubt that you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, your back arched, your head thrown back, your chest flushed. so pretty. but if he didn't speed things up he was sure he would cum in his jeans. you caught his lips in yours once more, struggling with the buckle on his jeans. you knew you wouldn't have sex, not today. but other things were always possible. that thought made your head spin with anxiety and need.
after a little while, you resorted to quickly tugging off your own jeans, ron doing the same, and soon you were back in the same position, except you could really feel him against you. you both looked down at the sight of you in your panties on top of him in his blue boxers, and both laughed breathlessly, kissing once more before you slid off and between his legs. if you'd stayed any longer, he might've felt how fucking wet you were.
"it's okay, i want to do this. do you? we don't have to." he nodded his head, bottom lip between his teeth. "okay. just tell me what to do, okay? tell me what you like, ronnie."
‘ronnie’ didn't think he'd last that long when your hands were gripping at his thighs and you were on your knees, in only your underwear, between his legs. "okay. yeah."
you cautiously slipped down his underwear, pausing for a second as his flushed and red cock smacked up against his stomach. fuck, he was big, and already dripping precum. you were almost mesmerised with him before you remembered that he might be self conscious, so you proceeded to slip his underwear all the way off, throwing it off the side of the bed and coming closer to him, laying on your stomach and trailing a finger soothingly up and down his thigh. "so pretty." you teased, mimicking him from before, but as you looked up at his desperate face, mouth open, cheeks red, brows raised slightly, you decided that maybe teasing wasn't the best decision in that moment.
so, you wrapped a hand around his cock, feeling it twitch in your hand as ron moaned, head thrown back just like you had before. "that feels good."
"i haven't even done anything yet." you chuckled, looking up at him expectantly until his blue eyes met your own. "tell me what to do."
he gulped. "right, so you just wanna... make your hand wet. spit in your hand. you should like that." he couldn't believe he was saying this to you, or even joking in this moment, because right there, he was totally and utterly at your mercy.
you removed your hand from him, finding your mouth already salivating, and instead of licking your hand, you gathered your spit and let it drop from your tongue down onto it. he groaned as you looked up at him. fuck, he definitely wouldn't last long if you did more shit like that. taking your slick hand, you guided it up and down his cock, hesitantly dragging it over the tip, making him buck up into your hand and drip out even more precum. "fuck, uh... be careful with the tip. it's sensitive."
"sorry." he went to tell you not to apologise, but then you avoided going directly over the tip, collecting more of the precum, and the amount of spit and slick on your hand was creating lewd, wet sounds. if he tried to speak now, he’d probably just whine. testing the (now, scalding hot) waters, you dragged your tongue up his shaft, and he moaned even louder. he seemed to like that, so you did it again, and again, then put the tip in your mouth, pushing your lips down onto it until you got scared that your teeth would graze him.
"fuck, just like that, y/n, you’re so good."
seems he took more notes than you gave him credit for. or maybe this was natural? shit, is this how he spoke normally? he would drive you insane.
and how the fuck did people not use their teeth? at this point, you wanted to hear more of those beautiful sounds coming from your boyfriend's mouth, but also wanted to ask him. so you slowly took your mouth off, making him look down at you in concern.
"ron, how... i'm worried i'll use my teeth."
ron wasn't sure how to answer that, being just as inexperienced as you were, but he tried to use what he heard his friends talking about in the boys dorm.
"i think you just, try to wrap your lips down over your teeth. or you purse your lips. like an ice pop." you chuckled, and so did he. "i guess you have to make your tongue flat and then cover the top ones."
"okay, i'll try..." but before you went down again, he spoke once more.
"and, don't swallow the cum. doesn't taste great."
you nodded, and he watched you as you tried the technique, getting down even further, causing him to grip at your hair. he didn't push you down, just needed something to hold onto other than the bedsheets, that was all. and after all, you did quite like hair pulling. you moved his thick cock in and out of your mouth, wrapping your hands around the parts where your mouth couldn't reach, and looked up as ron's grip tightened on you. you didn't bother touching his balls — that was an experiment for another day.
"fuck, i'm gonna cum," you moved your mouth to just the tip, as more groans left his lips. "y/n, shit, don't swallow, just take your — fuck, take your mouth off."
you were stubborn. so stubborn in fact, that you kept suckling at the tip of his cock as he jerked up into your mouth, body freezing, as you swallowed load after load. you just wanted to please him. and thank merlin you'd done all those water (and to be honest, butterbeer) chugging competitions with lee, or you'd have been absolutely done for. he was right, it didn't taste good, at all. it was salty, and bitter, and as you took your mouth off him and let his slowly softening dick slap against his thigh, you almost winced at the flavour.
ron's chest was pink and flushed with perspiration, head thrown back against the headboard and eyes firmly closed, recovering. "fuck. told you."
"'s not the worst thing in the world. i'd do it again."
"don't say that or i'll get hard again." he reached for his boxers off the side of the bed, awkwardly slipping them on in a sitting position.
you chuckled, reaching to his bedside table to gulp down some water, head fuzzy and chest warm with the accomplishment of pleasing your boyfriend. he wiped a hand over his forehead, taking the glass out of your hand to take a big sip himself before putting it down.
"well, that was exhausting." he groaned.
"tell me about it. my bloody jaw hurts." you grinned, and he smiled back and rushed to peck you on the lips firmly, sending you to fall back against the covers as he hovered on top of you. "what're you doing?"
"don't think i'm done with you just yet." he grinned, but faltered. "unless you don't want to. i don't want to force you or anything, just tell me if —" you shut the clumsy boy up with another kiss, clasping your hands behind his neck and grabbing at his soft hair, wrapping your legs around his waist. you clenched around nothing as you felt his soft cock beneath his boxers against your soaked panties.
"it'd be my pleasure." you muttered against his lips. and he grinded into you once more before moving you so your head was against the headboard, and him between your legs.
"oh, how the turn tables, hmm?"
"shut it, loverboy." you shook your head, biting your lip and looking down at him as he trailed his nails down your inner thighs, making you arch your back a little. "and what did i say about teasing?"
"that it's hot." his crooked smile made your stomach clench.
"that you should stop." your complaints were ignored as the humour in the room dropped, and he looked at the wet patch seeping through your underwear. he seemed transfixed, swiping the pad of his thumb over it, before hooking his fingers into the waistband of your panties and pulling them off, tossing them to the side.
taking his middle finger, he swiped it through your soaked folds, making you whine. "you're dripping." his voice got much deeper, and his throat felt dry, but if he opened his mouth he was sure he'd drool. "did it turn you on, sucking..." he cleared his throat. "sucking my dick?"
you didn't reply, just bucked your hips up into his touch as he paused.
he pressed on. "so?"
"yes, it did." you were so desperate that you actually pouted your lips. seeing ron talk so dirty, despite his hesitance, was the second reason you were dripping. you didn't know he'd be like that. though you should've expected it.
but his shyness hadn't left just yet. "can you... can you tell me what to do?"
you tried to catch your breath, his finger was still over your clit, not firmly pressing, just there. you got distracted for a second, looking down and subtly pushing your hips up, before you bit your lip, swallowed, and met his eyes again. he seemed to be amused by that. "uh, so... you just get your fingers nice and wet, first."
it even surprised ron when he removed his finger from you, and held up his hand to your mouth. your breath hitched. "you're probably wet enough anyway, but go on, then. 's what you like, right?"
you nodded nervously, taking his wrist and putting three of his fingers into your mouth. you sucked them in, making sure to get enough drool all over 'em, before messily removing them and letting spit string down to your tits. ron watched it all, dick growing hard again. he was sure now. you would be the hottest thing he'd ever see in his entire life. you let go of his wrist as he let the rest of the spit drip onto your pussy, the air leaving you cold as he spread it around with his fingers, up your folds, circling your hole. the avoidance of your clit made you throw your head back, as he teased you. he knew exactly where the clit was, frankly, it was pretty clear to see, all red and swollen and big. he was doing this on purpose.
"please, ronnie." you whined.
"okay, okay. what next?"
"you need to touch my... my clit. and maybe put a finger in, but, be gentle, please?"
"you've never fingered yourself before?" his voice broke.
"i tried, just one, but, it's not really comfy when i do it. too tight. fingers aren't long enough, maybe. i don't know." you swallowed nervously. speaking about your personal sexual experiences was embarrassing. ron found it hot.
he took your advice, slick fingers brushing over your clit, then paying more attention to it, playing with it, even pinching it, turning you into a whimpering mess. figuring you were prepared enough, ron gently dragged his middle finger over to your hole. "gonna put a finger in, now. ready?"
"yeah, please."
you gasped and gripped his arm. he eased in slowly, and fuck, you were tight. you'd broken you hymen before, probably by either walking, riding your bike, or simply experimenting on yourself, so there was no resistance as he reached his finger all the way in, just a slight discomfort on your part. he almost began to start moving, but you tightened your grip. "just a second, ron. your finger's bigger than i'm used to." that sentence made him rut into the bed, as he followed your instruction and stayed still. your body relaxed, and he even felt you begin to unclench around him, your ridges less restricting. "it's okay now, you can — fuck."
he'd started sliding his finger in and out, slowly, as soon as you gave the 'okay', and this was definitely better than you could have ever done to yourself. you weren't sure you could come just from this, but you didn't care, it felt good. you'd heard one way to make it better, though.
"try curling up your finger — oh." if this boy could only give you a chance to breathe. that change in movement was hitting a spongey spot inside you that made you clench your thighs together, which he fixed by using his elbow to spread one, and his free hand to hold down the other. you brought one foot up to his back, needing some kind of stability. "you okay?" he asked, which was a loaded question considering that his thumb accidentally brushing over your clit made your entire body jerk, and you weren't just okay, you were bloody brilliant, the blinding pleasure bordering on pain.
"fuck, touch my clit, please." you moaned, head thrown back as he did as you said, making your entire body spasm. you were so close, so fucking close, and you practically rode his fingers as you thrashed up and down, tits bouncing. you were just about to tell him you were gonna come (though with you non-stop clenching around his one finger, it was pretty obvious) when he decided to try something, removing his thumb from your clit and instead sucking onto it.
he'd heard about eating girls out, and it was something he'd always wanted to do to you, to drive you crazy, and if he couldn't do it now he was going to at least include his mouth into some of the action. he wanted to taste you.
with this surprise, you came hard, the heel of your foot pressing into his back, his hand working hard to hold down your other thigh, stomach clenching and eyes rolling back. you were moaning so much and so loudly that you were glad almost everyone was out at hogsmeade. as you came down from your high, ron removed his lips from your clit and slowly removed his finger, your aftershocks trying to suck him back in. your back, forehead and chest were sweating, your entire mouth dry as your eyes stayed closed. ron rubbed his hands soothingly up your thighs as your body spasmed again, and brought himself up to kiss your forehead, a grin that you couldn't see playing at his lips. he wrapped his arms around you as you sighed and leaned into him.
"fuck." you sighed, opening your heavy eyes and glancing at ron who licked the rest of your cum off his fingers, looking up at the ceiling. you were still clenching around nothing. that was the hardest you'd ever came, even better than the showerhead — oh, ron would have an absolute riot if he knew you used the showerhead. "thank you."
he gave you that dumb fucking grin, the one he always had before making a bad joke. "orange you glad you read out that list?"
"shut up and kiss me. idiot."
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kkusuka · 4 years ago
can i request s/o going up to kuroo, iwa, semi, sakusa and osamu after the match which their respective teams have won and they lifted s/o up for a cute hug but s/o accidentally gets too carried away and starts kissing them in front of their team members? lmao and bonus for nsfw ending please! thank you!
they get a kiss kiss
this reminded me of the i love u *muah* *muah* *muah*  tiktok
(i have no idea why this was so hard to write, and it’s kinda bad, sorry)
Kuroo Tetsurou
Kuroo wasn't afraid of showing you off by any means
Especially when that snake was watching, so he was open arms when you ran up to him after the game
just a regular hug? After that?
No that won’t do at all
Regular hugs were for practice games and games they were a shoo-in to win, this game was fit for something more…….
He picked you up (groped your ass for good measure, and spun you like a superhero.
That’s what this game called for
According to you this game also called for a kiss, a deep one in fact
Then after, multiple little kisses in between the compliments and praises about how “amazingly amazing” he was
He was vaguely aware of kenma gag motion and lev’s disappointed sigh, but he wasn’t really too focused on that right now.
He was in-fact focused on how you were subconsciously grinding on him
And the way that when you put your arms around his neck and played with the hairs on the back of his neck
(bonus if you grope him back)
He could also feel his dick straining against his boxers
He liked where this was going
“You’re playing a dangerous game kitten-”
“What? I don't recall doing anything bad at all!”
Oh, you were playing that game?
Let’s see how that one holds up later.
Iwaizumi Hajime
Iwa just gets carried away when he’s excited
Who could really blame him though?
They were going to the finals, that was something worthy of excitement.
And apparently, you thought so too, considering the way you jumped into his arms as soon as he got close enough
He lifted you up, hands under your ass keeping you stable
And you just couldn't help yourself, you were so happy and he was all smiley  
Which meant his cheeks god all round, and all-round cheeks deserve a squish and a kiss
Maybe more than one kiss
Maybe more than a few
At that point it was too far gone, cheek kisses turn into little pecks on the lips, which then became a slight make-out session
I mean he wasn't complaining, Oikawa was, but he was not
But apparently making out in the middle of a hallway with other teenagers and some children, was not ideal
Specifically when the mothers of said children tell you not to be inappropriate.
This kiss might have been cut off, but the kiss he gave you as he ripped off your shorts was much longer
So was the goodnight kiss after he had fucked you out of reality.
Semi Eita
Semi is an impulse kind of guy
He asked you out on impulse
(in the middle of the hallway after you helped him pick up some papers that he let fall)
You had your first kiss on impulse
(at a festival fireworks show, he just looked at you and you looked back and he smashed his lips to yours)
And you seemed to be picking up on his impulsive nature, and to say the least, he was proud.
But impulse meeting even worse simple plus excitement
Equals a head-but
But that didn't even stop him, other than the slight whip-lash, he yanked you off the ground and into his arms
And spinning the both of you round and round until he was dizzy
And just like your first kiss, you grabbed his cheeks and kissed the hell out of your happy boyfriend
He'd be crazy not to kiss back, and that’s when poor goshiki tapped out
Surprise surprise, he spun you around again, then lack of air pulled the two of you apart
“We won”
“Haha I know eita, and I’m happy. But let's get back to our previous activities”
And you did, for the rest of the night
And into the morning
Hen when you woke back up <3
Sakusa Kiyoomi
honestly, PDA is a no go
Like ever
But on certain occasions he’s just…… shocked
In these subtle moments, he just forgets the world
So when they advanced to the national finals, he became slug-like just looking around like it was his first day on earth
And you have this amazing talent of taking him out of this trance
You are also the only person that he will hug, take that with a grain of salt
He loves you but he doesn't love the five people sitting around you who didn't wash their hands within the last ten minutes
(but as I said before after wins like that he doesn't even think about how gross everyone is)
He’s too busy thinking about how you're running up to him and pressing your face in his chest and making the smiling face that he loves looking at
He barely feels you tapping his arm for him to pick you up, but when you jump up he catches you like always
And before he can say anything you're eating his lips
And hell they just won, might as well indulge in it
(and he can practically hear Miya yelling about how girls always go for the assholes, yeah he’s busy thinking about how nice your ass feels against his hand)
He can already see Komori doing the eyebrow wiggle at him but he’ll just have to do it tomorrow
He’s gonna be busy tonight
Osamu Miya
Surprisingly PDA was a common thing between the two of you
Honestly with a brother like atsumu he wanted to drown as much as the real world out as he possibly could
And if that meant having his tongue down your throat half the day, he sure wasn't complaining
So an after the game kiss was pretty normal for you two
To be specific- a KISS
What was happening right now was definitely not a simple kiss
It had started with a simple kiss in your defense, but now you were being lifted onto his hips
This was more like a middle of a party full-blown make-out session
And maybe if the two of you were more tuned into your surrounding area you would hear Atsumu yelling at you to stop sucking each other faces
Or you would see that suna was taking pictures-
(suna can shove those up his ass- Osamu Miya, 2021. About him and his s/o eating each other faces)
Maybe he’ll send Suna a picture of you sucking his dick later
(he didn’t but he was really thinking about it, if he wanted a picture he should have just asked)
But since he can't just take off all; your clothes right now, he’ll settle for later
And tomorrow morning
Maybe the afternoon
Then back to tomorrow night  
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