#let me know because i will want to eat a lot of cherry pie and if you want more than a piece or two i'll have to get a second pie
i have not yet gotten a therapist like my doctor told me to do in february but i have a lot on my mind which means it’s time to make a long post so i can put those thoughts somewhere else
i like my job. it isn’t very fulfilling but i like the people i work with and i like that they let me work from home once a week so i can schedule all my appointments on that day and i like that as a company they want to support their employees and all that. but. it’s a very weird place and there’s also a lot of bad things. like the fact that i’ve had almost no work for six months and every time i ask for more work or suggest things i can do, there’s some reason it won’t work. “we’re not ready to pass that to you” or “that won’t be compatible with our new systems” or “the time it would take to build that system isn’t worth the small amount it would get used” and that’s fine! all of those are valid reasons for me not to do something! but every month i have like 35 total hours that i do work! and the rest of the time i’m just sitting there and i know it’s nice to have a salaried job where i get paid to do nothing but it’s miserable. i mentioned to my dad that i was thinking of getting a second job like some sort of low maintenance online data entry so i could do it on the down time of my first job and he was like “you should work on professional development instead. take classes. maybe see if you can get an MBA online. train skills that you’ll use in your next job. you don’t want to have one job forever, right?” which i hadn’t thought about. i’ve never had career goals and when i got this job all i was looking for was something officey that was pretty consistent. and i’ve been here almost 3 years which is the longest i’ve ever had a job (not including the three years i was an RA in college but that didn’t include summers so)
thinking about leaving is weird, but also being at the job has gotten weird and not just because i sit in my cube all day and do nothing. my best friend at work was having issues for months because she got a new supervisor who kept trying to micromanage her and thought she wasn’t doing work because my friend wasn’t doing the work in a visible way like the supervisor thought she should. my friend asked for a sabbatical or short term leave so she could take some time and get her shit together a bit and instead they fired her, citing that she was already on probation (which was a whole other bullshit thing. they wouldn’t let her transfer departments and wouldn’t tell her why but scheduled a meeting with HR that got pushed back 5 times over 2 months and when they eventually had the meeting they told her she was on probation because she was doing the work the same as she always had which worked for the old supervisor but not the new one. she got in trouble when i stopped by her desk to chat with her so we started doing weekly walks and all she could ever talk about was how she had another meeting with her supervisor where she asked for clear guidance and direction and got none). it’s been really weird at work without her and now one of my other best work friends is retiring. i still like my department except one, but i feel like all the people i like at work are slowly leaving. and if it’s just a job where i don’t like anyone and i don’t do anything then there’s no point in staying right? but also things might look up.
it’s still better than looking for a job but i’m not sure how long that’ll hold.
the other problem is that i’m bad at looking for jobs because i don’t have good quantifiable skills. i’m good at working with people and solving problems and doing a bunch of other things that don’t show up well on a resume. my friends make jokes about not knowing how i got this job but to be honest i’m not really sure how it happened either. they saw some sort of potential and i’m grateful for it because i sure do love acquiring money to live. and also a lot of the people. theoretically i could keep in touch with them but they all live in the next city or two over from me. and i have no idea how that’d go. when i lived with my sister i never did anything or went anywhere because i was always exhausted. maybe once i move into my new house i’ll have the energy to have friends at a slight distance. i hope so.
i also feel like maybe this isn’t really real problems. maybe i’ve been living in “get out of a bad situation” mode in my home life that once i finally got out of the bad situation, my brain didn’t know what to do and started looking for a new bad situation to worry about getting out of. maybe i’m overthinking it all because i’ve been living with my dad for almost seven weeks with another week and a half to go. even though it’s better than living with my sister by several orders of magnitude it’s still tiring being a long term guest in someone else’s house. i’m so ready to go home and move and finally live somewhere where comfort and contentment are on the table and readily available and then look at my life from there and see how i’m doing. and also then get a therapist because i will finally be able to look up therapists in the privacy of my own home with no one around (an inexplicable sticking point for my brain)
i can’t stop thinking about the “when it’s all okay i’m going to make a cherry pie post” because 1 cherry pie is my favorite and 2 it will all be okay when i move to the new house and it’ll be a little while before i can make a cherry pie from scratch but absolutely day 1 i am going to the grocery store to get a frozen one to cook so when i’m unpacking in my brand new house and putting my furniture together and may or may not have internet yet i will make the house smell like cherry pie and then i am going to eat it for dinner and probably breakfast the next day.
11 days.
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sadlynotthevoid · 7 months
Okey, but, I feel like og!Cale is the type of person that, if someone tried to make fun of him for a crush, he would be like "ah, yeah, that's true" and openly admit it.
So, og AlbeCale AU where whenever someone tries to mock Cale about liking Alberu or asks him about it, he downright says the truth. Regardless of who is hearing him.
As in, maybe once someone asks if Rok Soo and Cale are dating because they seem close (in part because they're kind of close, and in part because Cale keeps knowing what he is thinking, but they don't know that's just a Cale thing). And Rok Soo is like:
Rok Soo: Nah. This guy's type are baker princes.
Cale: You got it wrong. I don't like any princes who bake, I like Alberu only.
And Alberu, who was drinking tea on the background, suddenly chokes on his cup. Which they notice, of course.
"Oh. Hey, Al. Are you okay?"
—Totally unfazed for having Alberu heard the whole conversation.
He's so shameless about it and it's completely unintentional.
He has no idea of how people treat their crushes normally nor is interested on doing the same. He knows that some people tend to get shy, but a decade purposefully acting as trash killed most of his shame— Well, at least when it is about others' opinions of him—. If he wants to do something, being laughed at is not what's going to stop him.
And what he wants is to say how adorable he thinks Alberu is, so that's what he does.
Rejection? He isn't proposing anything. He doesn't plan on dating or wooing Alberu either. It's not that he wouldn't like it, it's just that it hasn't occurred to him that that's even an option. For him, who had spent years hearing everyone say the worst of him, the idea of someone wanting him by their side is so far away that it has yet to form.
So he keeps making casual comments about how cute Alberu is when he's confused, or "his hair looks so soft, I bet it feels that way too", or "he looks so handsome when he's tricking people. I like it more when he doesn't have to, tho", while everyone else feels embarrased for it. Except Rosalyn, she thinks it's hilarious.
Of course, he's pretty much respectful about it, never crossing the line to sexual harassment. And he would stop if Alberu told him too, but he doesn't. He kinda didn't realize that was an option at the beginning and, at this point, he got used and actually enjoys it a bit (a lot).
Cale: oh, sweets! They're my fifth favorite thing in this cruel world.
Rosalyn, fully knowing what she's doing: what are the other four?
Cale, carefully choicing which cake eat first: Well— *rising a finger per item* my family, animals, Alberu and wine. In that order.
Alberu: *frowns* I'm only third?
Cale, picking a chocolate tart: Mm? I loved animals since before meeting you and, at this point, is a part of myself. The other day I saw a dog and spent two hours squatting at her side without realize. It was not a conscious decision, it was... a soul impulse, let's say.
Alberu, looking at his thighs because damn, that's a lot of time to stay in that position: Oh. Wait, you've also loved wine since before meeting me.
Cale: Yes, but drinking wine is a choice. I can live happily without it. You would be... more difficult to leave.
Alberu: *processing* (that means— can't be happy without me aksjdjsj) "blushes hard*
Rosalyn, looking at Alberu's silly fuming face: (don't laugh don't laugh) Pff—
Cale: cherry pie? *Holds a mini pie in front of Alberu*
The turn tables when Alberu realizes that Cale doesn't have resistaince against genuine compliments. He never takes fake glibbery words seriously, but if someone says the slightliest good thing about him and they mean it, he'll become a mess. He just— doesn't know how to react when someone believes anything good about him.
So, Alberu starts complimenting him seriously— as reprisal, of course ("that's just flirting, nephew. You two are flirting, stop calling it vengeance"). Small but real things, details most people doesn't notice, deeper things that he deserves to hear (because, honestly, someone should tell him how sweet he is. How considerate he is. How much he should be appreciated because he's precious. And it seems Alberu is that someone). It works everytime.
Alberu calls his smile cute once and Cale stops talking. Face red and eyes avoiding everything, he can't pronounce a single word.
He calls him kind after Cale subtly helped a strange for no reason (he's obviously doing it in a way others wouldn't notice unless they knew what to look for. Alberu wonders if this is other "Cale thing"). Cale trips and almost gets discovered. When Alberu looks at his face, he's pouting.
Curiously, he doesn't have the same reaction when he gets called smart. He just smiles a bit and sometimes puffs his chest. Huh. Still adorable, tho.
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nectardaddy · 2 months
Serendipity | Kita Shinsuke | '88 Ford Spinoff Series
one | cherry filling
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She found someone to get her flowers, even when she didn't have a vase.
notes: use of the pet name "honey," this is for you @zumicho <3, I looked up a recipe for cherry pie for this, I've been working on this for a hot minute so I hope you love it as much as I do, might be slightly ooc he's a little sassy towards the end, let's say this is like 2/3 years after '88 Ford
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The woman sat on the counter of the quaint kitchen, with socked feet and comfy clothes, gently kicking her legs as they hung down. Flour scattered amongst the counter next to her, wholeheartedly knowing she was in the way and refusing to move regardless. Various ingredients littered the counter top on the opposite side of her, every so often handing them over when they were requested.
The kitchen was clean, besides the counter, and homey. Wooden cabinets and a window just above the sink; the pane open to let a gentle breeze in, and a rickety screen moving with every gust. There was an island in the middle of the kitchen; small dish filled with various trinkets, keys, and coins - a catch all to anyone who walked in - sitting in the middle. Beside it, daisies in a light blue pitcher, formally used for tea, because no one could find a vase for the pretty flowers.
A silly smile on her lips as her eyes tracked the man, the handsome man with pretty brown eyes. Watching as pale fingers went to work on dough, not knowing a clue of what he was doing but 'helping' nonetheless. Her version of help was staring at him while he did everything. But the man never minded, he secretly hoped she would never try her hand at cooking anything ever again - an admission that he would take to his grave.
Her fingers were stained with cherry juice, as the only help she gave, or rather allowed to give, was pitting them much earlier before; washing her hands but still marked with dark purple on her finger tips. Kita the kind, but sly, man he was asked for her assistance in hopes that she wouldn't want to help him further once they were done - he thanked the stars it worked. Pitted cherries now sitting in a bowl, rather conveniently, placed in her lap. His eyes caught her own, giving her a soft smile upon seeing her hand dipped into the bowl.
"I don't think we'll have any left if you keep eatin' them, honey." He let out a chuckle, watching as she shrugged and placed the fruit in her mouth anyways.
"Oh no, god forbid we have to do this again. I don't think I could last another second watchin' my fine ass boyfriend make pie." A crudeness in her compliment that made a soft crimson creep to his cheeks. While he wasn't a stranger to her boorishness, he'd certainly heard far worse from her, he would never get used to it no matter how hard he tried. "Aw, you're turning red, Shin," she laughed.
"I think you do it on purpose now." She took another cherry within her fingers, lifting it to her lips with a cheeky smile.
"After all these years you finally catch on?" Asking rhetorically before eating it. After, she reached out a hand to touch his cheek. A warmth that radiated against her cold fingers when she did, holding it gently as he leaned into her touch. "Can't believe you remembered I like cherry pie."
"Of course I remembered." She chuckled at his response, rubbing her thumb alongside his cheekbone before returning her hand to the bowl. Smiling over the fact she had smeared cherry juice on him, seemingly without him catching on - he did.
He returned the smile, and shifted his focus to the conversation at hand; he would bring up the cherry juice later. "I remember a lot of stuff about you."
"Yeah? Like what? 'Better not be embarrassing."
"I remember you say you can hold your liquor but make me carry you when you drink too much."
"Told you it better not be embarrassing," she rolled her eyes. "And that was one time."
"Three times," he corrected with a chuckle, earning a groan from her. "I remember your favorite color's orange because it reminds you of the sunset. You like to sing those country songs about killin’ your husband, which scares the life outta’ me by the way. You love when it rains because it reminds you of us, especially at night because it helps you sleep. You say you don't like gettin' flowers but you really do." He turned his eyes to the pitcher on the counter before looking back at her, "and you prefer daisies."
"Shin-" but he continued on.
"And your favorite pie is actually pumpkin, but I don't think I have the heart to make that in the middle of the summer."
A pause. Her hands now rested on the outside of the bowl, holding onto it for dear life as she stared at him. Allowing her features to fall to those of content, of adoration - utter devotion. Normally the woman was quick with replies, too witty for her own good with comebacks; recalling insults and remarks with a razor sharp tongue. But with him, she was often at a lack of words; speechless more times over than she could count on her hands. He was perfect - every definition of the word; questioning how she even managed to have a man such as he in the first place.
She just thought it was out right luck. Sheer dumb, frankly insane, luck. A blip in the cosmos, because there was no possible way there would ever be an outcome in any universe where Kita Shinsuke would be in love with her.
She was wrong. Unfathomably wrong.
Kita Shinsuke would love her in every universe and then some. He couldn't imagine his life without her in it, so wrapped around her finger in every lifetime there was simply no escaping - he didn't want to. He couldn't, he wouldn't. She felt like home. A loud, chaotic, never quiet, loving, caring home. She was the home he never wanted to leave.
"And I know you wiped cherry juice on me thinkin' you could get away with it." A statement that made her blink, processing what he said that contrasted everything else. His tone laced with a whimsy that made her smirk in return, mischievous and playful.
"Looks good on you though," she teased. Pie long forgotten about as he took a step over to her and leaned against the counter next to her. Elbows just off the faux marble as he propped himself up by his arms; he looked over at her with a sly smile and hummed.
"I think it'd look better on you, honey. You look good in anything." A glint in dark brown eyes as he took the bowl of cherries from her lap and placed it on the counter next to her.
"Don't you fuckin' dare, Shinsuke." She offered a warning, surpringly, as her eyes narrowed at him. But a silly smile never leaving her lips, even after using his full name. She knew the man all too well, and eyed him as he leaned a bit closer to her. She let her hands drop to the edge of the counter, ready to push herself off - to run if he dared put cherry juice on her.
But he didn't. Not exactly.
Instead, his hands rose to hold her face, caring but quick, he knew she would turn tail if she caught on. His hands were still covered in flour, the powder sticking to his fingers like glue, that now pressed into her cheeks. Her eyes widened and she locked eyes with him before he leaned in to kiss her.
She let out a groan into the kiss before pulling away, "Kita!" A sass in her tone that mixed with a drawl, a sound he was far too accustomed to hearing. But all he did was laugh, even as she used his family name, a rare occurrence but humorous all the same.
"I never said I wouldn't put flour on you though, ma'am." He matched the energy of her sass, taking her aback only for a moment before she let out a huff. Placing her hands on his own, grabbing them and pulling them away from her face. Holding them within her own as she shot him a look. A look he, frankly, couldn't take seriously as he couldn't help but chuckle at the white flour on her face in the situation.
"You're terrible," she grumbled. "I think you gotta' death wish."
"So terrible I'm making you cherry pie?" A rhetorical question asked with a grin, one that made her roll her eyes but smile regardless. His hands were warm within her cold ones, grainy as they were covered in flour, and calloused from years of working on the farm. A feeling that she became accustomed to and associated with the serene feeling of quiet, soft love.
"Absolutely cruel," she hammered the point with a chuckle. She let one of her hands free from his to wipe at her face, realizing there was far more than she thought - she sighed. "You're awfully lucky I love you, y'know?"
"Oh, I know," he agreed. "I think you would've killed me already if you didn't." He remained in front of her a moment longer, looking over the features of her face in content. Features that were haphazardly wiped, so flour still remained. It was these moments that stuck with him more than anything else; the small, possibly insignificant, ones that made his heart skip in his chest. She was beautiful. Even as flour dawned her face, even with dark purple staining her fingers from cherries, even in comfy clothes that flour started to flutter down onto. To him, she was ethereal every second of every day. "I love you."
"I love you too," she smiled. "Now, please, finish my damn pie instead of puttin' flour on me."
"Yes, ma'am."
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topazadine · 20 days
Writing Notes: Seasons
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I noticed a few leaves falling from my tree, which means only one thing: it's time.
Time for fall. My favorite, blessed, most beloved season. Pumpkin spice lattes! Candy apples! Cherry pie! Haunted houses! Chilly weather that makes me snuggle up into my hoodie! Candy!
And, of course, it means that I have to share some writing notes with you about seasons.
So today, we're going to share a few different perspectives on seasons. We'll talk about the "traditionally accepted" associations for seasons, but also share other options and how you can infuse them into your work.
Why Use Seasons at All?
You don't have to if you don't want to. Maybe you want to focus entirely on the plot. But, you might add some hints of it for these reasons.
Gives a sense of place. This allows you to show how this place is impacted by particular seasons. Winter in Kampala, Uganda, is going to be wildly different than in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Offers worldbuilding options. In a fantasy setting, seasons are an element of worldbuilding. (Just look at Game of Thrones.) There may be different dangers according to seasons, or unique holidays that can allow you to demonstrate how people interact with this world. Provides templates for description. You can get a lot of mileage out of showing a nice grassy field in spring or the leaves fluttering down during autumn. Don't go on for ages, but you can certainly add a few little flickers here and there. (just remember to put them in the right places for maximum momentum.) Deepens characterization. How characters feel about and interact with the seasons can tell us a lot about who they are. Someone who loves winter could love it because then they can ski, or because they want to cuddle up and be left alone. Someone who loves summer might like lounging around on the porch eating ice cream, or they might like it because it's time to go surfing! Suggests new challenges. If your character lives in Montana, winter is going to be horribly cruel. "The Hunter's Wife" by Anthony Doerr is all about how the seasons challenge the characters and help them grow. But in your story, it might be summer that's the worst. Or fall, or spring, or all of them but in different ways. Creates subtle symbolism. The season of your story can use certain symbolism depending on what kind of plot you have and what your overall theme is, as we'll discuss now.
So, now that we understand why seasons are important, let's look at each one and consider why it might be the best time for your story.
I will note that I am coming from the perspective as a person in the Midwestern United States. What I associate with the seasons, particularly the descriptions, may be utterly irrelevant to you depending on where you are from. If I made a wholly comprehensive list considering the entire world, we'd be here all day.
Keep that in mind and workshop some options for your setting and personal associations.
I'm not omniscient, so take what seems useful to you and leave the rest.
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Ah, the flowers are blooming, the world is warming up, and we're finally crawling out of doors now that we're not buried in slush. Spring is generally associated with positive emotions, but there could be some dangers here, too.
To get some good symbolism, focus on spring's unique place between two fixed, more stable seasons, where we know what to expect: winter and summer.
There is a fragility and shifting balance in spring that can veer good or bad depending on what you're trying to show. Spring also has a sense of expectation, which can pay off (good summer) or fail (icky bad summer).
New beginnings
Fluctuating emotions (spring can be quite unpredictable!)
New challenges on the horizon
Feeling exposed
Growing pains
Feeling underappreciated, like a stepping stone to summer
Ferocity (like intense spring storms)
The fragility of life (not every baby animal will survive)
Wildflowers pushing through the soil
Baby animals
Trees blooming
New blades of grass
Budding leaves
Sunny skies
Life-affirming rain
Warming breezes
Slightly chilly nights
Weak sunrises
Days growing longer
Richly scented flowers
Sudden cold snaps
Dreary weather
Grey skies
Hard rain that traps one inside
Snow (a reminder of the past)
Melting snow revealing last year's trash
Cold mornings
Being too hot or too cold
Hard ground
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Summer fun! Those lucky enough to live by a beach want to splash in the water or go kayaking above the cool waves. We can drink an ice cold soda as we head to outdoor festivals. Kissing as the summer frogs sing a chorus, or partying late into the night: how beautiful!
But summer can be awful, too. Too much beer at a festival and you throw up everywhere, or too much humidity and you die of heatstroke. There's a reason that gun violence goes up when it's hotter: people are pissy and itching for a fight.
There can be a great push-pull here as characters attempt to moderate themselves while also indulging their sense of adventure.
Community spirit
Serendipitous meetings
A sense of endlessness (longer daylight hours)
Puppy love
Long agonizing waits (again, longer daylight hours)
Oppression (sociological or environmental)
Sloth (if characters like to lounge)
Lack of control
Droning insects
Fireflies (depending on area)
Blue skies
Bright green leaves
Active wildlife
Cool drinks
Unexpected cool breezes
Fresh fruit
Whirring fan
Outdoor music
Beautiful sunsets
Loud, cramped festivals
High humidity
Extreme heat
Glaring sunlight with no shelter
Tornadoes/summer storms
Broken fan
Baking trash (ugh sorry)
Sore joints from the humidity
Spoiled/soggy food
Flat fizzy drinks
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Okay, I'll try not to be too biased here, so I'll point out that autumn can be both beautiful and terrible. On one hand, we've got the cooler weather, the gorgeous foliage, and the contentment of harvest time: a job well done, and a time to rest.
Many people feel like this is when they are closest to their past loved ones and can commune with those long gone, which can be a good thing or a bad thing. It's a good time for when someone is putting their demons to rest and moving on.
We can also feel cold, dread, and fear during autumn. The nights are getting longer, and there could be all sorts of scary things in the shadows. They, too, are gearing up for the freezing winter months - and they're hungry.
Slowing down
Thinning of the veil (Halloween)
Harvest and bounty
Lost opportunities
Dwindling time
Closer to the end
Feeling one's age
The unknown
Breaking down
Past coming back to haunt one
Falling leaves
Brisk wind
Crackling campfires
Warm drinks
Busy animals
Frost sparkling on grass
Seeing your breath in the air
Freshly baked pie
Crisp apples
Decorative pumpkins
Cozy hoodies/cloaks
Mulled wine and spices
Harvested grain
Baked bread
Sudden warm days
Fog shrouded, isolated roads
Creeping cold
Howling animals
Dark nights
Rotting fruit
Bitter wind through cracks in the house
Cold rain
Spoiled grain
Meager harvest
Insufficient clothing
Dead creatures
Icy mist
Barren trees
Creaking houses
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Winter gets the short end of the stick when it comes to symbolism. People focus on the horrible things (cold, loss, sadness) without considering the positives: family, togetherness, comfy mittens, warm hot chocolate and presents.
After all, humans have developed our very own symbolism just to cheer the time up; winter celebrations happen all around the world. You've got so many options here, both in terms of themes, activities, and descriptions. What you focus on will determine how your story feels.
Joy and whimsy
Caring for others
Companionship (or solitude)
Pushing one's limits
Better days ahead
Nature's fury
Poverty (in any form)
Feeling trapped
Unpleasant relatives
Old age
Broken relationships
Lack of empathy
Roaring fires
Soft heavy blankets
Thick socks
Cozy mittens
Jams and jellies
Hot drinks
Winter decorations
Christmas cookies
Softly drifting snow
Clear night skies
Conversations in another room
Clinking glasses
Mulled cider
The contrast between chilly room and warm blanket
Dead quiet nights
Freezing cold
Driving snow
Stuck in big snow drifts
Tense muscles
Dry skin
Running nose
Barren cupboards
Tense conversations with distant relatives
Frozen hands
Harsh wind
Stuffy rooms
Cold floors
Animals scratching at the door
Lack of ventilation
Can't get warm
So there are my thoughts on the seasons! Hopefully this sparked something for you.
Now, perhaps, you will consider reading my book (now cheaper than ever!)
9 Years Yearning is a whirlwind look at two men growing up and finding themselves - and each other, wink wink. It features Uileac, an orphan determined to protect his little sister and become the best soldier he can be. However, this is complicated by Orrinir, a blustery young man whose bravado hides a surprisingly sensitive heart. In just under 34k words, they experience the whole range of human emotions - and beat a few people up. Ooh la la.
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If you do decide to read 9 Years Yearning, don't forget to leave a review!
It can even be a bad review if you want. Amazon uses ratings of all shapes and sizes to determine whether a book is worth getting shown to other potential readers.
Lack of reviews = Jeff Bezos breaks my door down with a baseball bat and drags me to the Hell Sphere.
So please, I have dogs that want their snackies. For $2 and a few nice words, YOU can help buy this small child her favorite treat (bully sticks).
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absolutebl · 2 years
BL Best of 2022 - quick picks
Best KBL: Semantic Error
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Best Thai BL: Bad Buddy (remember for me this falls into 2022) 
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Best JBL: this was the hardest pick for me because Japan came back SWINGING this year. So... I cheated. 
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Best traditional live action yaoi? Minato’s Laundromat 
Best modern BL? Takara & Amagi 
Best for me, personally? Old Fashion Cupcake 
Best Taiwan BL: My Tooth Your Love although I really adored DNA Says Love You and About Youth, the one fudged the beginning and the other the end (both are still v HEA) so My Tooth was the most consistent. 
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Best director: Kato Ayaka (Old Fashion Cupcake) she did a fucking phenomenal job, and yes she had two killer actors to work with, but I am such a sucker for those long shots plus the sensual foods close ups? GIIRLLLLLLLL. Gah! 
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Best kiss: honestly we had so many good kisses this year I have multiple blog posts going on the subject. But I am handing it over to the one that stuck in my head the most, Billy & Seng’s up against that chain gate with the damn blue towel sticking out of his back pocket in Secret Crush On You. 
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The desperation was just insane. But I might have given it to OFC if they hadn’t already won the director category. And I flipping LOVE the Kissable Lips boys BTS smiley kiss from 304: 100% should have been on screen for us.
Best erotic moment: The shower neck make out kiss from side couple RainPayu in Oh! My Sunshine night. 
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Runner up: VegasPete and the “ass to waist ratio” kiss in their kinky chain scene. 
Best O scene: Oh the whole LITA special, they knew what they were doing. Doesn’t stop me being annoyed by the whole thing, tho. 
Best cuddles: I mean it should got to 12% because, well, ENDLESSLY spectacular cuddles from SantaEarth but for me it was Star in My Mind’s cuddle+glare. I love me a vicious little “mine” moment. 
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Best eye contact/soulmating/eyefucking: FirstKhao in The Eclipse although Japan did great work with THIRST this year (bit more one sided, that one). 
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Best cinematography: Cherry Blossoms After Winter, I know, I know, but you know how I feel about yaoi, nostalgia and cinematic storytelling. 
Best boohoo snot bubble I’m dazed and crying: Eternal Yesterday, every fucking episode, Choco Milk Shake (I hate you Strongberry, I love you Strongberry), To My Star 2 (I just hate you and you are not forgiven). 
Most beloved character: Shin MY PRECIOUS BEAN SPROUT 
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Best Pair: The Parks although I am also crazy about the To My Star and Kissable Lips boys. I really want more from all of them. Madness that it’s all Korea. 
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Best Ensemble: The Eclipse had a killer cast but I expect that from GMMTV. So for all it was a mess of a story Cutie Pie wins best casting from me. All 3 couples had such good chemistry. I don’t think any other multi-couple shows out of Thailand were that on point, not even KP. 
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Best siblings//family: My Ride, gotta hand it to the gay uncles and all the queer friends and the adopted son. Although DNA Says Love You was pretty darn great too. 
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Best Food: There were so many food ones this year (Ocean Likes Me, Old Fashion Cupcake, La Cuisine, but none were as good food-wise as Bite Me last year) so the one where I actually wanted to eat stuff the most? What Zabb Man. What can I say? I love sweets and ramen, but Thai food is my last best hope in life. 
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Best song: Eternal Yesterday’s OST Sunshower by Ayumu Imazu. I can’t believe Japan beat out Korea but I am sorry I just really fucking adore that song. I’m sucker for that raw slightly rough voice combined with Japan’s brusque style (and PINK hair). 
But Leo’s I still from Happy Ending Romance is a close fucking follow up, that boy is dripping slightly-evil honey even in falsetto, he’s a perennially ignored goddamn gift to Kpop. 
I do A LOT of best of lists, this is just the beginning. Also if you have a request of a top 10 of 2022 or any best of... name the tope lists, let me know in an RP or a comment. 
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stillwinchester · 2 years
i have this fic idea. cas is gone, amara is the new god, and jack stays on earth (he decides to go to the high school). dean griefs, but meantime he tries to be a better father for jack. he knows he screwed up a lot of things, so he starts to fix it. i even have an emotional scene where jack begs dean to look at him (just like dean begged mary). to see him. to notice him. and after this, it's a little better between them. they talk. a lot. dean says it wasn't jack's fault that cas is gone. he tells the stories about him from the past. and every day he drops him to school with a lunchbox he makes for him.
dean tries to move on, but it's hard. eventually, on parents' evening, he meets jack's teacher (let call him phil). they talk to each other, mostly about jack. dean explains it's a great kid, but he lost his father recently, so if the teacher could keep an eye on him, it would be great.
lebanon is a small town, so dean and phil bump on each other on many occasions, and finally, phil invites dean for a coffee.
dean doesn't stop looking for a way to rescue cas, but he opens up to phil. he tells him about monsters, his life, his fears. and he doesn't even know when it happens that they're dating.
one day, dean goes to the meadow (the one with a windmill) and says that he forgives cas that he's gone. and he will move on, but he will never stop loving him.
and then, they find a way. cas is back, unconscious in dean's bed. and dean stays with him all the time. phil understands.
cas wakes up, and there's a big hug. but before they have a chance to talk, phil comes in. dean introduces him to cas, saying it's his partner. and it breaks cas' heart.
cas knows there's no place for him in the bunker. maybe he never belonged here. he moves out to the small house, and he takes jack with him. but jack doesn't want to cut off from dean. they're still spending weekends together. and dean drives him to school. still doing lunchboxes.
cas and dean don't talk, avoiding each other. but dean asks jack about cas all the time, he wants to know, no, he needs to know how he's doing.
phil feels something’s wrong. he knows dean still loves cas. so, eventually, they split up. and there's no broken hearts or tears, they thank each other for this few months, accepting it as the best thing they can do.
but it doesn't mean dean immediately runs to cas. no, he needs to get his shit together. he decides to go to the AA meetings.
one time, jack leaves his backpack in impala, so dean takes it and goes to the house. cas opens the door. it's awkward, and when dean want to step back, cas invites him for coffee. he walks inside the house for the first time.
they start talking, and dean mentions he's attending to AA meetings. he says he's doing it for jack, and kinda for himself. cas is happy for him. dean chuckles that there should've been AA meetings for hunters, where they could talk also about all monster crap. and cas thinks it's a great idea, and dean should do this. even if it was just a joke first, dean starts considering this.
cas serves dean a pie, a cherry one - his favorite. dean's not sure if he deserves it, so cas starts eating it instead, saying how delicious it is. dean laughs and calls him asshole because angels don't even eat. they're fighting a little longer about the pie. and for a moment it's like nothing bad ever happened between them, it's like they had these silly movie nights when they were joking and teasing with each other, just enjoying the company. it feels like home.
weeks pass and it's better between them. dean stays on dinners a few times per week, mostly he's the one who's cooking (jack loves his lasagna). everything seems great, but then one evening, they have a fight. it starts from the stupid reason, but then cas' confession is on the table. dean yells: "you choose to left me!", and cas answers "i choose to save you", and then dean again: "how can you talk about saving me if it meant life without you?". cas is done, he whispers silent "i hate you". he regrets it, immediately. and when he looks at dean, he sees pain and terror on his face. “you don't mean it,” says dean, calmly this time and it's more like a question. like he's begging it's not true. cas shakes his head: “no, i don't. of course, i don't. i'm sorry, dean. i'm just... tired.”
and then everything happens fast because dean's tired too. he murmurs "screw this!", grabs cas by the lapel and presses his lips to his before he has even chance to react. cas freezes first, but a second later he melts into the kiss. he wraps his arms around dean's neck and kisess him back, slow and fondly.
"what was that?” asks cas, breathless. and dean grabs his hands, kisses his knuckles and looks into his eyes. “i'm done, cas. i'm done with tiptoeing around you, with hiding and pretending that I'm not crazy about you. fuck... i know you were hurt and maybe dissapointed that I wasn't waiting for you, but i'm here now, and i wont' leave you.”
and he finally says that he loves him. and there's happy ending for them after all.
yeah, this is a fic which lives rent free in my head. but i won't write it because i'm lazy.
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hoejosatoru · 2 years
Good Men Die Too
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Pairing: fem!reader x hanma
Summary: Fic is based on Crush and Western Nights by Ethel Cain because hanma gives Ethel Cain lover vibes. Which is not a compliment but here we are. If you’re unfamiliar with Ethel Cain, basically just a super toxic and slutty relationship lol trust me
Word Count: 4.1K
Warnings: drinking/smoking, oral fem and male receiving, somewhat public sex, rough sex, gun play, hair pulling, hitting, bruising, blood, mentions getting you pregnant, cream pie, jealousy, possessiveness, violence, pet names (baby/angel/good girl), use of daddy, hanma is v toxic but so so is reader (support women’s wrongs!)
He’s never looked more beautiful, on his Harley in the parking lot
The night you met Hanma lives vividly in your mind. The flashpoint of who you were and who you would be. Call it fate, divine intervention, right (or wrong depending on how you looked at it) place at the right time, you ended up in the same bar as him on that fateful night. His sharp features cut through the monotonous crowd of faces, instantly intriguing you. His eyes connected with yours, a match into gasoline, sparking something inside you. He smiled and you knew he felt it too. 
You both watched each other for a while, recognizing that this was a game. Eventually, he slipped out the back door and you followed him like a moth drawn to a flame. You found him in the parking lot haloed by a pale streetlight, sitting on a motorcycle and smoking a cigarette. His hands, you noticed, were tattooed. Sin and punishment. You wondered how they’d feel on you.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing at a bar like this?” he asked, blowing smoke into the cool, dark summer night. You could feel him sizing you up.
“Looking for trouble, I guess,” you replied with a sly smile you’ve learned men love so much. You were close enough to smell him now - whiskey, smoke, and expensive cologne. It was intoxicating.
He chuckled darkly, “You may have found it.” Oh, had you. You always had a thing for bad boys; they were your vice. You wanted to say you didn’t know what Hanma was and, maybe in that moment you didn’t really. Maybe you assumed he was no worse than your other leather-clad nicotine addict boyfriends. But when you looked at him a small dark corner of your mind screamed, “Run”. You never had a great survival instinct, though, like a mouse entering a viper pit. Stupid fucking mouse.”You ever ridden on a motorcycle?”
“Can’t say I have.”
“Mmm,” he smirked, flicking his cigarette to the ground and grounding it into the pavement with his rather expensive looking boot. “I’m going to pop your cherry.”
And that is how you ended up on the back of Hanma Shuji’s motorcycle, gripping his strong torso. Breathing in the ashy-sweet scent of cigarette smoke. No helmet, of course, men like Hanma don’t use them. His black and blonde hair whipped behind him as he sped through the dark, narrow streets. He looked so fucking cool. You felt yourself get slick between your thighs. 
Hanma pulled into a dark, quiet alleyway. You swung your legs over, sitting on the bike like a chair as Hanma stood, towering over you. He looked at you like he wanted to eat you. You looked up with faux innocence, “Gonna kiss me now, or what?” 
Sin cupped your face, as Hanma leaned close enough to feel his breath on your face, but not enough for your lips to touch. “I’m gonna kiss you, just not on the lips.” He dropped to his knees, looking up at you with a devilish grin. Your desire for him was a visceral ache. He slid your underwear down your legs, stuffing them in his back pocket. “Those are mine now.” He flipped up your skirt, licking his lips at the sight of your wet pussy.
His hands spread your legs wider, before he buried his face between them. His tongue slid up and down your hole, collecting your arousal. He loved feeling it clench around nothing, desperate for pleasure. He sucked at your clit, earning a moan from you. “Such a slut letting a guy you just met eat your pussy,” he teased.
“Hmm, and what does that make you?” you asked, your voice saccharine.
“A lucky man,” Hanma replied, punctuating his statement by nipping at your clit. You gasped, your hands flying to his hair. Hanma smiled against you, getting back to work. He was sloppy and sinful, eating you with such enthusiasm it made you blush. Your head fell back against the cool brick wall behind the parked bike, as you tried to keep your breath steady. It was all for naught, as you were cumming on his tongue seconds later. You moaned his name unabashed, completely forgetting you were outside.
He stood back up, finally kissing you on the mouth. He gripped you tight and kissed you deep, letting you taste yourself on him. Hanma was like a drug. You were hooked.
Camo jacket robbing corner stores
You found out soon after that Hanma was in a gang, a rather infamous one at that. He wasn’t exactly hiding that fact, rather he boasted about it. He was proud. You loved the way his eyes shone wickedly when he talked about it. He oozed power and confidence. 
Hanma didn’t need to engage in petty crimes. Evidently, this gang was lucrative and being an executive got him all the money he could need. However, petty crimes were like a drug to Hanma: once you get a taste for it, you’re always going to crave it. Hanma loved to show off, which meant you got a taste of them too.
“Yell if someone’s coming,” Hanma instructed you. He kissed you through the bandanas that covered your faces. It was your job to sit on his bike and stand watch. You didn’t get nervous anymore, Hanma was a robbery savant. You bit your lip as you watched him enter the corner store, pulling his shiny black glock from the back of his waistband.  
You heard the sound of alarmed voices and smiled to yourself. Within minutes, Hanma was walking back out to you - as casually as if he just bought a pack of smokes - with a sack full of cash. He was glowing, eyes shining with deviance and success. If you could have fucked him right then and there, you would have.
Hanma hopped on the bike and sped away. You gripped him tightly, loving the way his gun pressed hard against you. It got you excited for a certain hard part of him. 
When you got back to Hanma’s place he was on you the second the door closed. He kissed and touched you, boasting of his latest success. “God that was almost too fucking easy.” He pushed you back on the bed, opening the sack of cash and letting the money flutter all over you. “Fuck you look sexy like this.” He leaned in and licked up your neck. “Almost as sexy as you sitting on my bike.”
“But not as sexy as you coming out to me,” you mused, playing it over in your head, “One day I wanna watch you do it. I wanna see them submit to you.” 
Hanma grinned, incisors catching the light. Even kneeling above you on the bed he towered over you. “You’d love how they beg,” he said, “Never seen a man go soft that fucking quick. Nearly pissed himself he was so scared.” He narrowed his eyes, calculating something. Then, he pulled his gun back out from his waistband and pointed it directly at your forehead. “You’re not scared of me, are you baby?”
You knew Hanma would never shoot you, yet your heart still raced. Looking death in the face will scare anyone. You’re only human. Yet, as your heart raced you felt your pussy thump with desire. What no one tells you is looking death in the face is also one hell of an aphrodisiac. You kept your eyes locked on Hanma’s, not showing an ounce of fear. You sat up slowly, pressing your forehead directly against the muzzle. When you spoke, your voice was strong. “Never.” 
Hanma gave you an approving smile. You passed the test, you knew. You had never been more safe; he was not going to hurt you now. He slid the gun down to your lips. You kissed it, licked it. He continued down your body, pressing the cool metal of the barrel against your clothed pussy. You let out a soft gasp, egging him on.
“Fuck my gun,” he commanded, “Go on, angel, I know you want to.” He pressed it hard against you, sliding it up and down to stimulate your clit. You rolled your hips, grinding against it. Hanma watched you, mesmerized. It was surprisingly easy to get off; you’d been ready to cum the second you saw Hanma pull his gun out at the corner store. “Fucking slut,” he said with all the love in the world, “Look at you cumming on my gun.”
He tossed the gun to the side the second you finished, yanking his own pants down. You bit your lip at the sight of the heavy bulge in his black Versace boxers. He leaned into you, licking up your ear. “Gonna ruin my good fucking girl.” 
I owe you a black eye and two kisses, tell me when you wanna come and get ‘em
Hanma liked crazy. He could act annoyed all he wanted, but nothing got him going more than his girl acting crazy. His actions proved that. Not answering your texts or calls. Going out for drinks with his boys. Flirting with some stupid girl. You knew this because you followed him here, of course. He knew what he was doing.
If you weren't so mad, you’d laugh. This girl, bless her heart, looked as sweet as the bubblegum your dentists warned you not to have because their sugar would rot your teeth. Hanma would chew her up and spit her out. He showed no real interest in her until he saw you. He smiled a twisted, smug grin. You walked right into his trap.
You didn’t go up to him right away, no you couldn’t give him that much satisfaction. You sat at the bar, ordered a drink and watched out of the corner of your eye. You had to bite your tongue so you wouldn’t laugh at the girl coughing when Hanma lit a cigarette. The girl was talking up a storm from what you could see, Hanma not paying attention to any of it. He was too busy making sure you saw him put a hand on her thigh. There’s only so much button pushing you can take.
You sauntered up to them, trying to stay as calm as possible. Hanma looked at you expectantly, but you turned to the girl instead. “Careful with this one,” you nodded over to him, a faux smile on your face, “He keeps a gun in his waistband.” The girl’s eyes widened like a deer in headlights. 
Before anyone could respond the doors of the bar busted open, men with guns filing in. You noted their colors instantly as a rival gang. The girl ran away screaming. Poor girl, you thought, just before the gun fire started. Hanma grabbed you and yanked you down, a glass shattered behind you. A second later and that would have been your skull. Hanma shielded you with his body as you ran for the back door, firing back with his own gun. A fleeting thought of he really loves me, crossed your mind as you ran. 
When you got to his apartment, he started to ask if you were okay, but before he could finish you slapped him across the face. “What the hell was that for?” he snarled, fists clenching at his sides.
“That was for trying to fuck with other girls,” you replied defiantly. “But this is for saving me.” You dropped to your knees, looking up at him seductively. 
“You’re a crazy fucking bitch, you know that,” Hanma said, sounding in love. 
“Yeah and you fucking love me.”
“God damn right I do.” He brushed a thumb over your cheek, turning serious for a second. “You’re mine, baby. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” You leaned into his touch, nipping sweetly at his thumb. Hanma smiled. “Now show me how thankful you are.”
You went to work, sliding his pants and boxers down. He was hard already, his cock heavy in your hand. You licked up the underside of him on the vein you knew drove him wild. He let out a low hiss as your lips enveloped his tip. You licked at his tip, before taking him deeper in your mouth. Hanma’s head fell back, letting out low sounds of pleasure. “Fuck baby, feels so good.”
Sin and punishment tangled in your hair, pushing you deeper on to him. He used his grip as leveraged to fuck into your mouth. You gagged, throat tightening around him and a few mascara tears sliding down your face. He fucking loved the view. “Taking me so good - fuck - so good angel.” You squeezed his balls, hollowing out your cheeks more, desperate to see him finished. Second later he let out a low, throaty groan and spilled his seed in your mouth. You swallowed gladly, earning a proud grin from him. 
You fell asleep tangled up shortly after. The next day when Hanma woke up, he found a bruise on his face from where you hit him. It got him so hard he got right back into bed and fucked you.
I watched him show his love through shades of black and blue, starting fights at the bar across the street like you do
You’re a bit of a hypocrite, you can admit that. You hated when Hanma tried to make you jealous, but that didn’t stop you from returning the favor. You liked riling each other up; driving each other crazy was your love language. Plus, Hanma never fucked you better than when he was pissed.
So, how could you not let the guy at the bar buy you a drink? It was easy enough to twirl your hair and bat your eyes and get him smitten over you. You could feel Hanma’s eyes burning into you. It made your pussy ache. Then this poor fool put his hand on your waist, sealing his fate. 
Hanma was on him in a blink of an eye. He grabbed him by the collar and threw him to the ground. Before the guy could even get out a what the fuck are you doing Hanma stomped on his hand. “You ever fucking touch my girl again and you’ll lose that hand,” Hanma spat, ignoring his cries of pain. He gave him a hard kick to the ribs. “Shut the fuck up.” No one at the bar - owned by his gang - reacted; it was a typical evening for them. A few of Hanma’s underlings dragged him outside as he turned to you.
Hanma gripped your hair, pulling your face close to his. “You think you’re so fucking smart, huh?” He was dragging you towards the bathroom.
“Aw, Shu, we were just talking,” you replied innocently.
“Like hell you were.” He slammed the door behind him, locking it. 
“You sound a little jealous,” you poked at him. He spun you around, pushing you against the sink. His hand ran down the length of your spine, bending you over.
“You’re mine,” he snapped, “Looks like I gotta fucking remind you.” You heard the familiar clink of his belt hitting the floor. He flipped your skirt up, ripping your underwear off your body and tossing it to the floor. “Dripping like a slut. You want me that bad?” When you didn’t answer, a hand came down hard on your ass, making you yelp. “Asked you a fucking question.”
“Want you so bad daddy,” you whined, making Hanma’s eyes darken with lust. He pumped himself a few times before pressing into you. Your head dropped, moaning at the stretch. He grabbed your hair, yanking your head back.
“You’re gonna watch me fuck you,” he growled. Your eyes locked with his in the mirror as he pounded into you. The smack of skin echoed in the bathroom. You gasped as Hanma’s tip brushed the sensitive spots inside you.
“Fu- nngh - fuck Shuji,” you moaned.
“You think he could fuck you this good?” Hanma said, breathless as he fucked you, “Bet he wishes he could have you like this. Shit I should kill him for even thinking. I’d kill for you baby, you know that?” Your pussy squeezed around him at his words, lighting a fire in him. “Oh you’d like that, huh? Like me killing somebody for you? Such a nasty slut.” 
You whimpered in response and nodded, but it wasn’t enough for him. Punishment gripped your jaw vice-tight. “Wanna hear you say it.”
“Want you to kill for me,” you panted, pleasing Hanma. He licked up the length of your spine.
“I fucking love you,” he said, “want this whole bar to know how much I love you. That you belong to me.” Punishment slid down to your throat, squeezing. “Gonna scream my name and let them all know?” You nodded  furiously and Hanma smiled wickedly. Sin gripped your hip as he pounded into you impossibly harder. His hold on you was so strong you wouldn’t have been able to move an inch even if you wanted to. Not that you did; you were quite happy where you were.
Hanma kept a tight grip on your throat, choking you. He slipped his free hand forward to run fast circles over your clit. Just as your orgasm was on you, he let go of your throat, letting all the blood rush back to your head. Your orgasm was white hot with intensity. You screamed his name shamelessly, squirting all over the both of you in the process.
See you all fucked out pushed Hanma over the edge, cumming in you with one deep final thrust. He moaned your name just as loudly. He leaned over you, kissing and nipping at your shoulder. “You’re mine. Forever.”
“Forever,” you repeated like a prayer. 
The next morning, Hanma told you to get dressed. He was taking you to one of his gang meetings. You were instantly excited. You loved getting to watch him at work. You beamed with pride watching men cower before him. Hanma asked you to wear his favorite dress - a silky black number - and you obliged. 
You sat at your vanity doing your makeup. You had a few lavender bruises along your jaw and on your neck from Hanma’s hands. He came up behind you, kissing the bruises and telling you how much he loved you. A smug grin slid across his face as he looked at the little gold “Hanma” necklace that hung just above your breasts.
“If I didn’t have so much to do today, I’d fuck you right now,” he breathed in your ear, before giving your tits a squeeze. You giggled and followed him out the door.
The meeting, you realized, was less a meeting and more a doling out of punishments. Hanma, being one of the most feared members, was in charge of punishing some of the worst offenses. If you were a traitor or a member of a rival gang, he was the last person you wanted to see. 
Hanma enjoyed the dirty work. He much rather be here, knocking the teeth out of his enemies than sitting in a boring exec meeting. One traitor was dragged in begging and pleading, then dragged out unconscious. Hanma smiled through it all, only the blood on his knuckles and shirt would give away that something unsavory was going on to an outsider. Watching the beatings all you could think was, Hanma never hits me this hard. He must really love me.
You were there because Hanma liked to show off, both to you and the people who worked for him. He liked having his girl, dressed like you were, sitting beside him as if to say, “Look what I get to go home to.” He liked you to see how strong and powerful he is. It dawned on you, watching this, that this was also a warning of sorts. Betray me and this is what happens. But you couldn’t find it in you to be scared. You loved Hanma and you knew he did too, in his own twisted way. Hanma chased after other’s fear and you never giving it to him is what makes you so irresistible. You needed him and you’d make it so he always needed you. Worst case scenario, you knew where he hid the guns and you weren’t afraid to use them.
All those months ago, when you met Hanma in the parking lot you may truly have been a mouse. But now, sitting here, drinking in the sight of your lover beating his enemies, promising to yourself it would always be you and him, you became a snake yourself. Venom and all.
Good men die too, I’d rather be with you 
It was one of the rare days Hanma showed true, vulnerable emotion. He held you tightly, but delicately, like you were the most precious thing in the world. It made you feel so powerful; no one else got to see him like this. 
“I’m so sorry baby,” he murmured against your neck. You and Hanma got jumped while out on a date. Hanma had handled things, beating the two guys bloody. You got away unscathed, though he did have some bruising on his cheekbone and busted lip. You thought he looked handsome like that.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for, you saved me Shu,” you replied, kissing the top of his head. 
“Don’t deserve you,” he replied, “You deserve a good man. Who’s gonna protect you if I get myself killed?” You could have told him to be the man you deserve. To do better or be better. But that wasn’t the Hanma you fell in love with, nor was it the one you wanted.
You took his face in your hands, looking into his honey-gold eyes. “Good men die too, I’d rather be with you.” Hanma’s eyes lit up at that, flicker’s of his normal self coming back. 
“I love you y/n,” Hanma replied, “You mean everything to me.”
Show me how much I mean to you while I’m lying in these sheets undressed
You stepped back from him, unzipping your dress and letting it slide down your body, leaving you naked. “Show me how much I mean to you.” You grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulled him down on the bed with you. Hanma’s pupils were blown out as he looked over your body. He pulled his clothes off quickly, eager to be with you.
He kissed you slow and deep. Some blood from the cut on his lip got into your mouth and you savored the sweet-metallic taste. He hand slipped between your legs to play with your slick pussy while you kissed. His long fingers pumped in and out of you in languid strokes. You could feel Hanma’s cock getting hard against your thigh.
“Want you so bad Shu,” you murmured as he licked at your nipples. He sucked at your tits, pulling soft whimpers from your lips.
“Gonna give my baby what she wants,” Hanma replied, lining himself up to your aching entrance. He pressed inside you and you relished the sweet stretch of him. Hanma rolled his hips, groaning. “So fucking tight for me.”
You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper into you. You kissed desperately, all tongue and teeth. Hanma picked up speed, but was nowhere near as rough as he normally was. His thrusts were deep and purposeful, letting you feel every inch of each other. Sin slipped between the two of you, rolling circles over your throbbing clit.
“Shu- fuck,” you gasped.
“Love you so much,” Hanma replied, leaving hickeys on your neck, “You're mine forever, you know that?”
“All - nngh all yours,” you stumbled, pleasure tying up your tongue, “Forever.” 
“Gonna put a baby in you,” Hanma babbled, drunk on the feeling of you wet pussy sucking him in, “Never gonna let you get away.” Your pussy throbbed at his words, which made Hanma smug with love. You wanted to reply, but your mind was fuzzy. It wasn’t long before your orgasm lit up your body with a blissful warmth. You moaned Hanma’s name, your back arching off the bed with gasping breaths. Feeling you squeezing around him sent Hanma over the edge, his dick twitching inside you as he filled you. 
Hanma let himself go soft inside you, before pulling out and sprawling out next to you. He reached into the bedside table, pulled out a cigarette and lit up. “I mean it, y/n. It’s you and me against the world.” Smoked fanned over your face as he spoke.
You stole the cigarette from him, taking a drag before replying, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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nescaveckwriter · 10 months
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Paintbrushes And Romance 🥰🐞
Dean x Reader
Part 5 🥰🐞
A/N: Brace yourselves loves, this one's a rollercoaster...🥰🐞🙈
Warnings: Violence, Swearing, Blood, Gore, Sexual Content, Anger, 🙈
You've been running around these last few weeks, maybe because you've been trying to work through some stuff.
Stirring your coffee, while sitting deep in thought, remembering where it all started, in this little shop, you found love, like you've never known before. After that day in the middle of the street, with the snowflakes falling, so much has happened...
From spending Christmas together with both your families, at one long table, with your parents and his parents, your brother and his girlfriend Ruby, meeting Eileen, Sam's wife, who's now your best friend, you two just clicked, due too te fact that you have learned sign language all those years ago while traveling through Europe. Giving out presents and just having a blast. It weren't weird or awkward it just felt right, like it was meant to be.
Summer came and your love grew deeper and deeper, you know eachother so well, so very well, talking for hours and laughing. There were sometimes when the job got to Dean, and he would just withdraw from everything, even you a little but you would just be there waiting patiently, untill he would start opening up, and you'll just listen, he would lay his head on your lap and you'll just run your fingers through his hair!
Smile tugging at your lips now, remembering that one night, the first time you two became one, skin against skin, laying in bed, his fingers tracing little circles on your tummy, when his fingers runs across the scar, on your ribs, following the tattoo you had there, the image consisted of leaves starting right by the scar, and on the leaves there was lady bugs, leading up to two lady bugs with there wings open leading to the word in cursive writing "free" he, got up a little, looking you in the eyes, mischievous smile at the corners of his mouth, its you he said, what you ask confusing on your face, your the best selling author "lady bug" aren't you he said, you nodded, bursting into laughter.
Biting your lip, thinking about the leaves starting to change colour, that's when it all happened. The knocking at your door, consisted and urgent, your heart sank, did something happen to the man that you love. Shakily turning the knob and opening the door, there he stands, worry on his face, the well known dent between his eyebrows, letting you know something is terrible wrong, his face hardened, I... I... He started, words barely leaving his parched lips, just came by to let you know, that this isn't working for me anymore, I thought I could do this, I could love you, love this white picked fence life. But I don't, I can't it's making me miserable, he said hand running down his face, his give away sign that his not happy. You just stood there, heartbreak and the smell of the freshly baked cherry pie hanging thick in the air, he just turned around and left and you haven't seen him since. Tears burning behind your eyes while taking a sip of your coffee, you cursed yourself, you need to start working on your fifth book, Chuck your publisher is really breathing down your neck. You hear the bells, welcoming someone new, you look up to see who it is. Its Dean, but his hair and beard a lot longer than normal, in all honesty he looks like shit, is he even getting enough sleep, is he eating, still worried about him, you'll probably never stop loving him.
He can sense, her sitting in the corner, he doesn't want to turn and look, knowing how much he hurt her with what he said, thinking about the words he said to her, he didn't love her , he didn't want the whole white picket fence life with kids running around, that can't be further from the damn truth! Waiting for his order of black coffee to be done, replaying the events that happened during the day, that made him decide to break things with her, if only she could know it was to protect her, subconsciously playing with the chain around his neck, on the chain a diamond ring, yes he thinks to himself, he wanted to ask her to make him the happiest man alive that weekend, but then came the envelope, with a bunch of photos of her, stating her routine and then the note...
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HCs for Henry as a kid? angst and fluff are also very welcome :)
Ofc TWs: Abuse mentions, Lots of yapping about Henry's mom, Butch being a shitty dad after his wife leaves and ik having to grow up too early hits hard for a lot of people so I'll throw that in there too!
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The rest of the Bowers Gang besides Patrick and book characters that didn't make the cut for 2017 will be mentioned since I'm a firm believer that Belch, Henry and Vic were childhood friends, 'specially Henry n Vic!
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Before his mom left, Henry was definitely a very affectionate child, as are most children. He was very sweet to his mother, cuddling up to her when she would tuck him in and read stories to him and frequent hugs as well!
He was definitely a kid who loved making mud-pies, playing with cars and bugs, that kinda stuff! That's probably why he got on so well with Belch as young kids
Believe you me, Henry used to think Butch was the most awesome and strongest man in the world before the abuse, drinking and PTSD took hold of him and he did really want to spend time with and bond with his father
After Henry's mom left, Henry and Butch became pretty distant from each other aside from Henry needing to take care of Butch since Butch is barely capable of taking care of himself
Henry also stopped calling Butch "dad" when Butch started being more abusive and drinking because he no longer saw Butch as that decent, even good father that he used to be
Henry used to bake with his mother when she was still around
Adding onto that last point, Henry's mom used to make cherry pies the most often and now Henry cannot eat cherry pie without feeling at least a little bit bittersweet about his mother leaving
Henry doesn't blame his mom for leaving, he only wishes that he could've gone with her and made sure she's at least somewhere that she's safe. He feels angry that she didn't take him with her but he doesn't blame her.
Henry, Belch and Victor are all childhood friends because their mom's were friends, Henry's mom and Victor's mom's were a lot closer then Belch and Henry's mom's but Vic and Belchs mom's knew each other so that's how Belch and Henry met
When Henry was a very little kid and still looked up to his father, he used to want to be a cop when he was older just like Butch
Henry was definitely a mama's boy though he'll never admit it to anyone
The thing he misses most about his mom is her home-cooked meals, he tries his hardest to cook when he's older and stuck taking care of his dad but in his mind he can never beat his mom's cooking and he longs to be able to taste her cooking one more time one day even though he knows that day will never come
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These were definitely awesome to write! A lot of these stem from how I think Henry would've acted before all of his traumatization and I just think him, belch and Vic knew each other for a long, long time (especially Vic) so that's why they're all so close!
Definitely keep the requests coming ya'll because writing these is honestly a really refreshing way to destress after school!
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zswackeyworld · 4 months
I am bored and dont have my drawing tablet. So im posting a script I sent in once that was never used.
do with this as you will
"The very hungry caterpillar"Frank: well this lepidoptera larva must grow to be a very big Rhopalocera thats for sure."In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf" Frank:Well lets see what happens to the chorion"One sunday morning the warm sun came up and -pop!- out the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar" Frank:I wonder if howdy was as hungry as this larve. Joke hungry that is.."he started to look for some food" Frank: even though he just ate through his chorion.."on monday he ate through one apple" frank: howdy could never! Ill tell you! Cause he'd sell it for a light chuckle but then he dosent even laugh! *fusterated huff before contineing*"But he was still hungry" On tuesday he ate through two pears"Wonder how much howdy would charge for those.. "but he was still hungry" Julie: Hiya frank! Lets play a game! Frank: Julie not now. Julie: Why not? Frank: cause I'm reading. Julie: Lets go play frank!! Come on!! Frank: how about you read with me instead. Julie: ... Ok! What are we reading? Frank: The very Hungry Caterpillar. Julie: *gasp* LIKE HOWDY!! Frank: yes yes now let me contine"On Wednesday he ate through 3 plums, but he was still hungry" Frank: Did you know that there is a kind of weeliv called Plum Curculio that, as the name suggests, eat plums. Julie: No I didn't! Frank: well you want to know why you should never put a group of curculios near a plum? Julie: WHY? WHY? WHY? Frank: because then the plums will be Curculio-ed! Julie: *takes a moment to understand the joke then starts bursting out laughing* Frank: thats one joke howdy would never adcept. "On thursday he ate through 4 strawberries but he was still hungry" Julie:ooo starwberries! Frank: on fridays he ate through 5 oranges but he was still hungry On Saturday he ate through oke peice of chocolate cake, an ice cream cone, Julie: one pickle, a slice of swiss cheese and salami! Frank: a lollipop, a slice of cherry pie, a cupcake Both: and one slice of water melon Julie: thats a lot of food Frank: thats woukd cost the best joke we had ever thought of! Julie: poor caterpillar must had got sick Frank: yes. Yes he did. But the next day was sunday again. The caterpillar ate through oke nice green leaf and after that me felt much better Frank: always eat your greens kids. Now he wasn't hungry anymore- and he wasent little anymore. Julie: He was a big, fat caterpillar. wait can caterpillars even get fat? Frank: no they actually cant because-Julie: that was retorical frank Frank: oh so moving on he bulit as small home that some call a cacoon but i call a chrysalis which he stayed in there for around 3 weeks. Then nibbled a hole in the chrysalis pushed his way out" Julie: Annnndddd? Frank: became a beutiful butterfly. unlike howdy because he's to much of a stickler for prices for that!
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Quirkless Advantage
Chapter forty-nine: Only Us
Warning: Lots and lots of cussing…..
These chapters are going to be stupid and short. Enjoy reading! ——— I open my eyes to see that everything is dark.
I feel an arm around my waist and someone's breath against my neck.
Oh yeah, Dabi and I are still in the tree house.
No one else...Only us.
I try to move but is held back by the arm pulling me closer.
"No, stay a little bit longer," Dabi mumbles tiredly.
"As much as I want to stay here," I start saying, trying to get his arm off of me, "I really have to go back to the dorms."
Dabi finally lets go and I get up.
"Now, where is my phone...and well my clothes," I say outloud to myself, tripping over something because I can't see.
I hear Dabi get up from behind me. He grabs my waist to catch me.
"Just wait a sec," Dabi says, bringing my body close to him.
Suddenly I see blue lighting up the whole tree house and I look to the right of me.
"Really? You couldn't just turn on that lantern over there? You just had to use your quirk didn't you?" I ask smirking, pointing over to where a small kids table with a battery powered lantern is.
Dabi doesn't say anything and lets go. He walks over to the table and turns on the lantern while extinguishing his flames.
I get dressed and look for my phone as he gets dressed.
"Where the fuck is it?" I ask myself, picking up the blankets to see if it's underneath.
"Tsuna," Dabi says from behind me.
I turn around and look at him. He points where the beanbags are.
Lo and behold, my phone is on the beanbag that I was sitting on earlier.
Yup... I'm a dumbass.
I pick up my phone and look at the time.
"Shit! It's 11, almost midnight. I need to get back," I say.
"Ok, let me drive you," Dabi says, getting his keys.
"Wait, just drop me off at the coffee shop. I can walk from there," I say, as we climb down the tree house. I grip the ladder tight as I go down, still afraid of falling again. We step onto the ground and walk towards the car.
"No, that's too far. I'll drop you off near the school. I won't be close enough for them to see my car," Dabi says, opening the car door for me and then walking over to the other side.
"Oh, such a gentleman," I laugh, getting into the car. — I somehow managed to sneak into the dorm.
"So... you're finally here," I hear a voice say behind me as I try to go into the kitchen.
What? I'm hungry after everything that happened.
I was right that what happened in the tree house was going to be exhausting and maybe fun.
Oh, it definitely was fun.
The way he... OK! Stop!
I turn on the light to the kitchen and turn around to see Haru standing by the couch.
"Uh... hi," I say, waving my hand.
"Really, that's all you say? Where were you?" Haru asks, rolling his eyes.
"Uh yes, that's all that I'm going to say. I don't have to explain anything to you," I say, turning back around to find something to eat.
"Look to the right of the stove. Your surprise is there," Haru says.
I look and see a covered circle pan.
I uncover it and see a pie.
A cherry pie.
I pick it up and walk it over to the other side and set it between Haru and I.
I look up, "How... did you know that my favorite is cherry pie?"
"I asked Aizawa what your favorite dessert is," Haru says.
Dabi was right...
"Thank you, Haru. I'm sorry, I just fell asleep at a friend's house and lost track of time," I explain to him, feeling bad.
Haru just smiles and goes over to a drawer, opening it. He pulls out a pie server. He gets out two plates from the cabinet. He goes back over to the pie but on my side. He cuts out two pieces and hands one over to me.
"Happy birthday," Haru says, taking a bite of his piece. — School is boring.
The first year hero classes are getting their hero licenses and the other hero classes are doing hero work, while we just do boring school work.
"Hey, Sasaki!" I hear Haru yell, running in the classroom.
"I got you the food you wanted," Haru says, walking up to me and handing it over.
"Thanks," I say, opening it and taking a bite out of the chicken wrap.
Haru continues to talk about his life and I just listen.
Well... halfass listen.
Haru's cousin is starting to get better at the family business. His cat, Bunny, is not a kitten anymore. His father left everything to his cousin and he just has to sit back and watch.
"I don't mind that I don't have to do anything but sometimes I wish I could. Everytime I try to, something goes wrong," Haru says.
"Maybe try to do something else that doesn't have anything to do with our dad's business. You know.. Like something you actually enjoy," I suggest.
"I sort of already did. I did something that I would enjoy and it was something that could either help the business or destroy it. Honestly, I don't care. I just wanted it," Haru says, shrugging his shoulders.
Haru continues to talk and I hear my phone go off. He picks up our trash and walks over to the trash can.
I look at my phone and see 'Dumb Fox.'
Now he texts me? It's been a while. I know he's busy but still...
"Hey, I'm sorry. It's been a while. I've just been busy. Everyone is planning and doing other things..... I was wondering if I could pick you up after work and go to the coffee shop that we always go to," The text says.
"Fine, I'll go. I get off at 6 so we will only have about an hour," I text. — I pace back and forth as I wait for the last 5 minutes.
"You can go. I see that you can't wait to see our lover boy," My manager says, walking over to the register.
"Thank you!" I say, running to the breakroom to get my things. I run out of the book store and stop in front of a dark blue car.
Dabi gets out of the car and walks up to me. He wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him and kisses me.
"Well, hello to you too," I say, smiling.
"Hi," Dabi says, kissing my forehead and walking to the car with me. He opens my door and walks over to his side. We both get in.
"Oh, such a gentleman," I say, putting on my seatbelt.
"I am a gentleman," Dabi says, putting his seatbelt on and starting the car.
I laugh, "Ok, Anthony Bridgerton."
"I don't understand that reference," Dabi says.
"Ok so...we're going to watch Bridgerton on Saturday then," I say.
"Ok," Dabi says, driving to the coffee shop.
After a couple of minutes, we arrive and walk in. We order our drinks and sit at the back corner of the coffee shop.
Right when our order was called and we both got up, Haru walked through the door.
"Aw, shit," I say, standing right next to Dabi.
Dabi looks over at me and then back at Haru, "What is it?"
I turn my head towards Dabi, "Remember the Haru guy I've talked about?"
Dabi nods.
I look back over to see Haru looking at me and Dabi, "That's him."
"Aw, shit," Dabi says as Haru walks over to me.
"Dabi... please go over and get our coffee while I try to talk to Haru," I say and he only nods, walking away.
Haru stops in front of me with a shocked look on his face.
Also, somewhat of a scared one.
"W-what are you doing with him?" Haru asks.
"Long story short... I met him a while ago, fell for him, and now we're dating... Oh, wait.. It's not that long at all. That's basically all that happened," I say.
It's mostly just complicated.
"He's 'Dumb Fox' isn't he... Why are you with him? He's a fucking villain!" Haru yells.
"Oh my god! Shut the fuck up and sit down," I whisper, pulling him down next to my seat.
"It's more complicated than that... I can't tell you. Too many people already know about my situation... It's more than just falling for a villain and dating them," I say, brushing my hand through my hair.
Fuck, I'm stressed.
It just gets more complicated as this goes on.
"But I'm your best friend," Haru says sadly.
"It doesn't matter if you're my best friend or my family... I can't have anyone else know," I say, moving my hand to grab his hand but he moves it away from me.
"I-I'm really sorry Haru," I say, tearing up.
Haru doesn't look at me.
"Haru... please look at me. You don't understand. It's complicated.. Please understand that," I say, trying not to cry.
I hate crying.
"Tsuna," I hear Dabi say from behind me.
I quickly wipe my tears and turn around to face him in the chair.
Dabi moves to the side of me and puts down my coffee, still holding his.
I look up at him and he just stands there.
"Come outside for a sec," Dabi says, gently grabbing my hand.
I nod my head, get up with his hand still in mine.
I look over at Haru, "I'll be back in a little bit... I promise."
Haru doesn't respond. He doesn't even look up.
Dabi and I walk through the door and stand on the side of it, out of the way.
I can't keep it in anymore.
I just cry.
I hate crying.
Dabi wipes my tears away, "You two will eventually be fine. Just talk to him for a little bit. I'll text you later. Just drink your coffee and talk."
Dabi starts to walk towards his car but I grab onto his jacket, pulling him towards me.
He smells like fireplace, cinnamon, and pine.
Why does he have to smell so good?
"I wanted this to be only us," I say, sadly.
Dabi puts his hands on either side of my face, leaning his forehead against mine, "I know."
I lean in, "I love you Touya."
Dabi smiles and kisses me, "I know."
Smile number twelve.
Here is the link to all of the chapters
Link to next: Chapter fifty: Don't worry, I'll fix this
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bella-goths-wife · 2 years
Lost boys dads au as songs
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This is just a silly little thing about songs that remind me of the relationships in my lost boys au with reader
If you enjoy please like, comment and reblog, feel free to send in requests that you want me to write <3
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You are my sunshine- Christina perri
“You’ll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away”
I imagine Dwayne singing this to you to get you to sleep, especially at a young age because he sees you as one of the best things in his life
Slipping through my fingers- abba
“Sometimes I wish I could freeze the picture, and save it from the muddy twists of time”
This song reminds me of Dwayne watching his child grow up and become distant from the boys because of all the trauma they put the child through
Dear theodosia- Hamilton
“I'm dedicating every day to you. Domestic life was never quite my style. When you smile, you knock me out, I fall apart And I thought I was so smart”
I don’t know why but the amount of adoration that Dwayne has for you is similar to this song
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Cigarette duet- princess Chelsea
“It's just a cigarette and it cannot be that bad Honey, don't you love me and you know it makes me sad? It's just a cigarette like you always used to do I was different then, I don't need them to be cool”
Interlude: I’m not angry anymore- paramore
“I’m not angry anymore, well sometimes i am. I don’t think badly of you, well sometimes I do”
I think reader would hold a lot of resentment towards marko after he would constantly defend the others actions and would tell your secrets to David, but they would feel guilty about their resentment because of markos manipulation. They eventually just become numb to Markos actions
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When the party’s over- billie eilish
“Quiet when I’m coming home, and I’m on my own. I could lie, say I like it like that”
Reader always knew that Paul loved partying more than them
All I wanted- paramore
“All I wanted was youuuuu”
It ain’t me- Selena Gomez
“Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the mornin'? Who's gonna rock you when the sun won't let you sleep? Who's wakin' up to drive you home when you're drunk and all alone? Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the mornin'?”
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Class of 2013 - mitski
“Mom, would you wash my back? This once, and then we can forget And I'll leave what I'm chasing For the other girls to pursue”
I know it’s more for mommy issues, but my version of David is very mommy coded
Family line- Conan gray
“Oh, all that I did to try to undo it, All of my pain and all your excuses, I was a kid but I wasn't clueless
(Someone who loves you wouldn't do this)
All of my past, I tried to erase it, But now I see, would I even change it? Might share a face and share a last name, but
(We are not the same)”
Daddy issues- the neighborhood
“Go ahead and cry, little girl
Nobody does it like you do I know how much it matters to you I know that you got daddy issues And if you were my little girl I'd do whatever I could do, I'd run away and hide with you, I know that you got daddy issues, and I do too”
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Mocking bird- Eminem
“And if you ask me to, daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird I'ma give you the world I'ma buy a diamond ring for you, I'ma sing for you I'll do anything for you to see you smile And if that mockingbird don't sing, and that ring don't shine I'ma break that birdie's neck I'll go back to the jeweler who sold it to ya And make him eat every carat, don't fuck with dad”
Beautiful boy- John Lennon
“The monster's gone, He's on the run and your daddy's here Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Beautiful boy Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Beautiful boy”
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You will be okay (stolas lullaby)- annapantsu
“As the stars start to align, I hope you take it as a sign that You will be okay, Everything will be okay”
Cover me in sunshine- pink
“Cover me in sunshine, shower me in good times”
James (bad boy fic boyfriend)
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Cherry pie- warrant
“She's my cherry pie, Cool drink of water, such a sweet surprise. Tastes so good, make a grown man cry, Sweet cherry pie, oh yeah. She's my cherry pie, Put a smile on your face, ten miles wide. Looks so good, bring a tear to your eye, Sweet cherry pie, yeah”
Masochism tango- Tom Lehrer
“Let our love be a flame, not an ember ,say it's me that you want to dismember. Blacken my eye, Set fire to my tie as we dance to the Masochism Tango”
Saccharine- jazmin bean
“It's sweet like saccharine. What I do to have you sitting here next to me. Looking at you makes me wanna gouge out my eyes. Bloody surprise Like cherry pie, will you be mine?”
Baby I’m yours- arctic monkeys
“Baby, I'm yours (baby, I'm yours) And I'll be yours (yours) until the stars fall from the sky. Yours (yours) until the rivers all run dry, In other words, until I die”
Faith (new character coming soon)
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Take me to church- hozier
“"We were born sick", you heard them say it, My church offers no absolutes, She tells me, "Worship in the bedroom" The only Heaven I'll be sent to Is when I'm alone with you, I was born sick, but I love it. Command me to be well”
Iris- goo goo dolls
“And I'd give up forever to touch you Cause I know that you feel me somehow. You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be, And I don't want to go home right now”
I wanna be your girlfriend- girl in red
“I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips, I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath”
Gods and monsters- Lana del Rey
“You got that medicine I need Fame, liquor, love, give it to me slowly. Put your hands on my waist, do it softly. Me and God, we don't get along”
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kellopot · 2 years
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working on someone,,,
You long for home the same way Ace longs for you.
It’s not a well kept secret— Heartslabyul knows of it, because Ace has tried sneaking out leftovers from parties as discreetly as he can but there’s only so much he can do before someone catches him in the act. He blusters through his excuses uncharacteristically unsmooth and they let him go with a knowing, pity-filled look.
(Because what was an even worse kept secret was the fact you wanted to go home. You didn’t shove it in anyone’s faces but it’s plain to see when you look at something that was similar but not the same as your home and then smile as if you belonged somewhere else.)
The first years know of it too— but they all share the same feeling of dread, in a way. You’re a dear friend, not that Ace would say it outright, because that felt like something he should save for goodbyes and goodbyes made him feel queasy now. Deuce looks as wretched as Ace feels because he can’t keep a poker face on even if his life depended on it. And Jack looks as if he actually means it when he wishes you well but there is no genuineness in his posture. Epel, Sebek, Ortho— he wasn’t there when the news had been broken to them, that a way to get you home had been found. But he sees traces of it in the ways that they don’t show up to any classes at all and you show up, eyes red rimmed, so late that you’d missed almost everything.
So then, Ace starts wondering if you’ll leave immediately. If you’ll look forwards and not backwards and never see the way Ace traces your footsteps, wanting to go back to the times where you still weren’t that homesick and Ace didn’t feel crushing pressure squeezing his throat.
You don’t. You don’t actually leave immediately— thank the sevens for that— because it gives Ace the opportunity to invite you back home for a last minute attempt at convincing you to stay. Thinly veiled, his invite is delivered haltingly, tripping over his words so often that it couldn’t be excused at all.
“-so that’s why I- we want you there. My family. And me,” he finishes uneasily because he sorta doesn’t wanna fuck this up massively. “You’ve never really been anywhere else anyways, maybe you’re feeling so antsy cuz of that. Once you see how beautiful my folks’ place is, you’ll feel better.”
Ace wants to hit himself. Folks? Antsy? “You’ll feel better”? Ace knows exactly why you’re antsy but he can’t help but want to drag this out a little longer, to keep you here, as feeble as his attempts are, so he can finish memorizing the way you look, sound, smell.
“And there’s loads of stuff to do there-”
“-sure?”, he dithers nervously, blinking at you. The curve of your mouth is the exact same as he remembered when you teased him for getting an upset stomach after eating one too many slices of cherry pie. “Oh. Okay. Cool.”
Ace wants to hit himself again.
“So when are we leaving?”
Soon. Soon is when they’re leaving. Because the way to another world was apparently not very permanent so you and Ace can only travel back to his place for a day before coming back for your farewell party. Farewell party, that felt so strange to Ace because he’s familiar with see you laters but not goodbye forever.
On the way there, you crack so many jokes, and Ace gets swept along so easily that he forgets momentarily, the crushing weight on his throat and the impending parting that looms over his head. On the train ride there— because Crowley had permitted the trip back but not the use of the mirror for transport— you start looking out at the scenery rolling past, stars in your eyes. You ooh-ed and aah-ed and asked Ace questions that he can answer confidently, with a smirk, because tourists always asked the same questions when visiting.
“This train ride is a tourist favorite,” he brags, “Something about prettiest scenery. It’s a lot better if you’re actually there instead of inside this train.”
“You seem to know a lot about what tourists like,” you shift to look at him, leaning your head on the window. Your breath fogs the glass and Ace has to resist flicking your forehead because that was not a comfortable angle to lean at. He should know.
“My town’s the one that gets the most visitors. We’re set in a good place— all surrounded by the nature and stuff but also a bunch of attractions got built around us. It’s easiest to stay there if you wanna visit all of them relatively quickly. Inn’s always full when the holidays arrive. Sometimes I entertain them but I got banned after telling a few half truths.”
You laugh at his last statement. “No wonder you’re so good at making stuff up and keeping people occupied. Always been an entertainer, huh?”
“I’m retired now!”, he winks conspiratorially.
“You won’t lie to me, will you?”
“Never,” he slips out breezily, and finds that he means it, “Can’t lie to you.”
You grin, Ace starts another joke, and it’s all swept under the rug.
He finds it all come unraveling when you actually arrive at his home. And sit there. In the kitchen he grew up in. Wearing your stupid, oversized borrowed sweater from Ace and holding a mug of warm cocoa that his mother made after fussing over the two of you for the longest time. To Ace, you look so much like you belong here that an ache had actually started forming in his chest.
“She’s nice,” you divulge after much fussing, and a teasing wiggle of your eyebrows. “Do you think she’ll show me your childhood photos if I ask?”
Yes. His mother would do that, especially to someone she’d taken a liking to like you.
“Don’t even bother,” he sniffs, hands empty and cocoa-less because his mother had tutted when he showed up unannounced with a guest and was now cleaning out the spare room. You take a long, loud sip in retaliation and Ace pouts until you offer your drink and he takes a gulp.
Fine then, he thinks, watching you roll your eyes as he swallows down chocolate and fondness, I’ll forgive you for looking like you belong here too much.
The next agenda, is to make you actually want to stay here. Which is a lot trickier than actually getting you here. He shows you the forest first, the nature you were ogling at, and tells you that it must have rained because it smells of candied water and there are numerous fallen pine cones around them. At your blank stare, he explains.
“These trees have a sort of candy taste and smell to them, sorta like lollipops. It’s got something to do with the way the leaves secrete water or something but every time it rains around here, you can actually drink the water and it’ll taste sweet.”
Your eyes look like they would bulge out of their head. “Are you serious?!”
“Yep,” he grins, “and the pine cones always fall off when it rains heavily. And it literally smells like a candy shop right now.”
“You have candy rain.”
“Yep,” he says again, popping the p, “but only for a really small patch. These trees are rare so tourists aren’t actually allowed to look at these.”
“You took me here illegally?!”
“I’ve got permission! Sort of. I’m a local,” he flashes a cheeky look at you and now you start hitting him with your fists, delight coating your voice even as you mock-punish him.
He laughs and laughs till his mother calls you both back and Ace has to give her his infamous puppy dog eyes so she won’t scold him for taking you out to see their very important, very sacred trees. She’s still cold hearted enough to send him off to his room to organize all the things she found in the old room she just cleaned out.
“No dinner until then,” she says firmly, foot down, then turns to you with the brightest, sunniest smile. “Can I get anything for you, dearie?”
“Oh, no- well- maybe Ace’s old childhood photos,” you look at him and Ace is mortified to see the mischievous glint in your eyes. No doubt you would tease him for them on the way back.
“Coming right up!”
“I’m your real son!”, he protests huffily, but his mother simply looks at him and he slinks back to his room, your gaze burning him from behind.
And it’s a good thing he does because his room is still as it looks when he left but now there’s a pile of old junk in the middle of it with a photo of Ace in middle school at the very top, freckles dotting his skin and big ears that he hadn’t quite grown into yet. He shoves that photo somewhere deep between his bookcase and desk so it never sees the light of day and picks up the next thing.
It’s a box. An old box. He opens it and is hit with nostalgia as the old key stares back, the string worn but sturdy. He remembers he was only ten- or nine- when he made it with his brother. It was a temporary program where the creation of keys were being taught and whoever signed up had the opportunity to make their own key. Of course, he was too young to do so without a parent or guardian so he’d begged day and night until his brother caved and took him.
“Making a key to your heart?”, the older Trappola teen teasingly remarks as Ace concentrates on drawing straight lines. His brother had to help with drawing it but it was primarily, Ace that had come up with the design. “You’ve gotta find a good person to give this to in the future or all this work will be for nothing.”
“What if I wanna keep it for myself?”, Ace looks at the design and can’t imagine wanting to give away the first thing he’s ever made.
“Trust me,” his brother chuckles as the design gets approved and they’re being guided to the workplace, “You’ll want to give this to someone.”
In the end, even though it was Ace’s design, his brother had to be the one to melt the metal then reshape it with heat. It was complicated enough that he’d struggled but Ace had helped with the final decorations, and chosen the sole gem fixed into the head.
He startles when the door opens, almost dropping the box, but it’s only you, with a more pronounced flush on your cheeks and laughter still winding down, probably from looking at pre-puberty Ace. “Came to see if you passed out. You’re never this quiet when being told what to do.”
“Hey! I can behave when I want to.”
“I highly doubt that,” you gesture to the box, “What’s that?”
For a beat, he freezes, pauses to look at the old key. The color hadn’t faded and it was still in good condition. On impulse, he thrusts it out to you.
“A- A gift,” he searches for the right words, “It’s a key- key to uhm, my heart?”, his voice lilts and he feels like bashing his head in when you simply stare at him blankly, the key still lying in his palm, “No, never mind, forget that. It’s just a key… chain. You can use it as a keychain. Just some ratty old thing I won back when I was a kid. Pretty limited though, only one in the world, and I was just lucky- yeah.”
You take it, finally, you take the key, brushing the lint away and inspecting it, holding it up to the light. A hint of a smirk finally makes its way onto your face. “Alright, alright, I’ll keep it since you’re giving me something so special. Who knew you had it in you, Ace.”
Relief bursts through his lungs, mingled with disappointment that he ignores. “I can be nice when I want to. That thing doesn’t mean anything to me.”
“Sure, sure,” you slip the key over your head, securing it around your neck, “Gotta replace this string though, it might snap.”
“You’re- wearing it,” he’s dumbfounded and confused. You’re wearing his oversized sweater and the key he made and looking at him like he’s slow when you’re the slow one for not realizing Ace wants to scream right there and then.
“I’ll use it as a keychain when I get home,” you decide, “And it’s the key to your heart, isn’t it? I’ve gotta take good care of it,” you lift the key to the light again and there, in so very tiny words imprinted into the metal are “Key to Ace Trappola’s heart”. Ace knew he shouldn’t have trusted his brother to not mess with the key when he was the one who had to do all the work.
“You’re mad,” he finally forces out. “Insane. Crazy.”
“I suppose I’ve gotta be to hang out with you,” you take the insult with grace and start looking at all the other things deposited in his room, Ace only barely able to keep his head straight to entertain you. From how much he keeps glancing at the key nestled between your collarbones, you must know he’s looking. And yet, you don’t say a thing.
Maybe I really can keep them here, Ace thinks, throat tight as you settle into his space so naturally. Maybe I can convince them. Or slip some sleeping pills during dinner and miss the-
“You’re a good friend, Ace,” you tell him, and Ace knows he can’t do anything because you look at him so softly and trusting and Ace is only able to handle so much.
“Yeah,” he swallows, “Yeah, I’m a great friend. You are too but not as good as me.”
You throw a pillow at his head and Ace laughs, as if you weren’t going to take his heart along with you when you left.
You long for home, Ace knows, because you long for home exactly like how Ace longs for you to look at him the same way he looks at you.
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hunting-songs · 4 months
Ask my muse “Have you ever ___” questions!
"Have you ever tried quince pie?" Kurapika asked curious. "In Lukso we called it pastafrola, I could never match my father's recipe, but I still haven't lost hope of being able to match its flavor at some point. At least, I still remember that taste very vividly" Carefully cutting a piece of the pie still warm, Kurapika handed the small plate to Senritsu, looking at her intrigued. "Even though it's still not the same as the one from my childhood, I hope you like it." Kurapika had tried the quince pie made in the city and it was sad to feel that it was so different from the one his father cooked.
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The scent of the baked sweet dough rose into the air like a parfume and Senritsu had been lured in the kitchen by it, now sitting with her feet winging int he air freely and her chin placed on her hands attentive and maybe even a little playful in the way she watched the other with her coyly smiling face placed coquettish on her hands: ".....mhmmmmmm, I know that an old man in the group I grew up with, loved to make pies with any fruit he could found, including quince." Even if Senritsus voice was calm and serene, her eyes never left the other. Not because she was hungry- she liked to eat and she liked to eat good, but eventually she had lived long enough as a advntuerer to eventually prefer a full stomach over the taste; but because she heard the song in Kurapikas heartbeat when he carefully put the piece of cake on a plate for her. That heartbeat was tensed, focused, curious for what she was thinking about the pie. But not because he wanted for her to like the pie, not fully because of this even if he would sure like her to enjoy the pie, butbecause he was desperate to have something. Desperate for something that nolonger was. It was important for Kurapika. A lot of more important for him, than it was for her enjoying a cake. And she would make sure he would not be disappointed.
"It was a game between my siblings and me of who would dare and manage to steal the old mans pie from the windowsill of his camper to ool down whenever he would bake." the woman explained and chuckled in all good humor over the memory of them sneaking through the tall grass around the camp like weasle trying to steal a chicken that was the sweet smelling pie on the windowsill. And she reembered that they would later sit in the crown of trees, eating the pie with their bare hands until their fingers wer sticky and their faces were dyed by the fruits juice: "Years later I would find out he always baked two pies- one for the children to steal that he would have shared anyway, and one for himself and his family. I was devasted to have been played like this for years. This old man was a smart devil." She tilted her head to the side like a thoughtful bird: "I can not say I remember quinces, specifically- strawberries in spring, cherries in summer, plums and apples in autumn, but quinces, mhmmmm, I am sure there was a pie with quinces at least once but I can´t remember it." The melody of Kurapikas heartbeat became in in anticipation so loud the woman winced a little, just a little, when he placed the plate infront of her. Senritsu couldn´t help a small smile from curlign around her lips, playfully teasing taking her time as she smelled the sweet scent of the still warm pie rising from the piece before carefully taking a sall piece to eat it. Eventually, still listening to the mans much too loud heartbeat she turned her head to the side and giggledover the honest anticipation she heard and the fact that she was still teasing: "-I am sorry ." SHe rolled the sweet cake over her tounge, enjoyed the taste to its followed and then swallowed, shaking her head with a amused smile over her own antics: "Mhmmmm, I like it. The contrast of the sweetness and sourness is a dolce duet."Senritsu lifted a small hand, letting her fingers dance through the air after the melody of Kurapikas heartbeat that was a adagio mix of curiosity, nostalgia and something that sounded like wistfulness. Wistfulness for a time that nolonger was: "You said your fathers tasted differently- do you want to tell me in what way, mhmmm? I can´t imagine it tasting better." [ @skarletchains ]
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obeymeoasis · 3 years
Demon Bros React: MC Gifts Them a Handmade Bracelet
“Luci, I made you something for fun but I’m not sure whether you’ll like it or not.”
He looked up from the stack of papers on his desk he was trying to get through. “As long as it’s not another bill like the one Mammon just racked up, I’m sure I’ll like whatever it is. Especially if it’s something you made.”
Blushing, you got up from your chair and quickly slipped the item onto Lucifer’s wrist.
He looked down to see a bracelet made out of elastic and chunky plastic beads. Among the red and black ones, the words “My Light” were spelled out.
“That’s just the way I feel about you sometimes. Whenever it seems like there’s nothing but darkness around me, you’re always there to guide me toward the light, toward better and happier times. You’ve saved me so many times.”
You looked at the bracelet on his wrist and suddenly felt self-conscious at how cheap it looked against the elegance of his RAD uniform. Lucifer seemed to be frozen in shock as well; he sat at his desk silent and unmoving.
“If...If you want I can take it back! Sorry, I just thought-”
Your sentence was interrupted by the full force of Lucifer crushing you into a hug. He tucked your head underneath his chin and he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
“I love it. I love you. You make my every day brighter by being with me. I can’t express how much I care-” He cut himself off, feeling his throat tighten with sudden emotion.
You hugged him back just as tightly. “Love you always, my light.”
You were cuddling together on the couch, watching a movie. Mammon had his arms around you, one hand holding yours and the other tracing patterns on your thigh.
With your free hand you reached into your pocket to pull out the bracelet you had made earlier in the day. Bright yellow smiley face beads surrounded the word "Priceless".
"What's that babe?"
"I made it for you! Sorry it's not super fancy or anything. But I saw these beads today at the craft store and they reminded me of you. You make me smile all the time because you're such a goober."
Mammon grinned and acted mock-offended. "Hey! Is that any way to treat your first man?"
You continued, "And also, you're priceless to me Mammon. You know that right? I wouldn't trade you for anything. Not even all the Grimm in the world. You make me feel so happy and loved."
You heard Mammon's sudden intake of breath. "Y-You really have no problem saying such embarrassing things, huh." His ears and cheeks were bright red.
You thought that was the end of the conversation but a few minutes later you heard Mammon whispering into your hair. "My treasure, I love ya so much. What did I ever do to deserve ya."
"You deserve to be happy Mammon, you deserve all the good in the world. Don’t let anyone ever tell you differently. I love you."
You were in his room, him playing a game and you putting the finishing touches on the bracelet you were making. Shiny blue beads with wave patterns on them surrounded the words “My Rock”. 
Quietly, so you wouldn’t interrupt his game, you placed the finished bracelet on his desk and moved to sit back down in your chair. Suddenly, his arm shot out to grab your wrist. He had paused his game and slid his headset slightly aside to ask: “MC, what is this?”
“Oh, I finished making this for you. Y-You don’t have to wear it if you don’t like it! But... I just wanted to give you a small present.”
Hand still holding your wrist, Levi wordlessly picked up the bracelet and examined it in the light. 
“Um... you know how my favorite animal is the otter? Well otters sometimes have a favorite rock that they keep in their pocket. And you’re my favorite, you know? Also you’re my rock because you keep me grounded a lot. Like when I get all anxious and stressed out you help calm me down. Whether it’s just cuddling or playing a game together, being with you is so peaceful.”
As you continued to ramble nervously, Levi’s cheeks began to grow redder and redder. “You really made this for me? This isn’t like a pity gift is it? Are you sure you want to give this to a-an otaku like me?”
You sighed and moved to wrap your arms around his neck. “Levi, you know I would never gift you something because I ‘pity you’. And also, I don’t understand what being an otaku has to do with anything. I’m giving you this because I love you, all parts of you.”
Levi looked at the bracelet for a moment longer before quickly slipping it onto his wrist. “I-I really like it. Thanks, MC.” He seemed to be gathering up his courage for something and letting out a deep breath he turned around to give you a quick kiss.
“S-Sorry! Sorry, I just... I’ve never received anything like this. I like you a lot, you know?”
You returned his kiss with one of your own. “I know.”
You had finished a light lunch together and now were browsing Satan’s favorite bookstore. He was looking at the history section while you were pretending to look at the bookmarks, gathering up your courage to give him his gift.
You were worried a bit that he wouldn’t like it. The bracelet itself was made out of inexpensive materials, emerald color beads and beads that spelled out “Beloved”. It didn’t seem like the type of thing Satan would wear.
He interrupted your thoughts with a tap on your shoulder. “Everything okay, MC?”
“Yeah, I was just...” With a sigh you held out the bracelet to him, there was really no point in stalling. “I made this for you. I understand if it’s not really your thing but just know the message is genuine.”
He pinched the bracelet between two fingers and began to examine it. "Beloved, huh?” His lips were quirked in a smug smile.
“Don’t tease me. But y-yeah, you’re my beloved. I never thought I’d meet someone like you here, you know? You feel like you fit right against my heart, like you’re my soulmate. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
All of the amusement was wiped off of Satan’s face and his eyes seemed to burn into you, the way he was staring at you. He deliberately rolled up the cuff of his RAD uniform slowly and made sure you were watching as he put on the bracelet, turning it this way and that to examine it. 
“It’s a good thing you don’t have to think about that, pet. Because trust me when I say that I’m never going to leave you. You’re stuck with me forever.”
With a wet laugh you rushed to hug him, burying your face into his chest. “That doesn’t sound bad to me at all.”
You were in Asmo’s room, helping him paint his nails. His left hand was already finished and you watched him blow on the nails, trying to dry them. He held out his other hand for you and you pretended to fiddle with the nail polish before quickly slipping on the bracelet you had made for him earlier.
“MC, what is this?” Asmo looked at the bracelet, soft pink heart-shaped crystals surrounded beads that spelled out “Jewel Of My Heart”.
“Well, I know it’s nothing much compared to the jewelry you already have” you said, nodding toward Asmo’s vanity which held a variety of sparkling necklaces and earrings. “But I wanted to give you something handmade.”
“Oh, it’s so cute darling! I love it!” Asmo pulled out his cellphone and started trying to take pictures of his wrist from different angles. “Can you help me, MC? My nails are still a bit wet and I don’t want to ruin them. But I also want to post a picture to Devilgram immediately!”
You chuckled and took Asmo’s phone from him, trying to move his wrist to get it in frame. 
“I know you’re not the Jewel of the Heavens anymore. But I think of you as the jewel to my heart. You’re beautiful, Asmo. Not just the way you look but the way you’re able to find beauty in everything. Even in me, no matter how terrible I feel sometimes.”
Asmo had gone silent and you looked up to see him biting his lips, his eyes widened. “MC, that’s cheating. You can’t say things like that when I can’t even give you a proper hug right now. Ugh, you’re too adorable.”
Smiling, you held up his hand and pressed a gentle kiss against it. Asmo inhaled sharply.
“Darling, I think we can finish the other hand at a later time. Right now, there are other pressing matters I’d like to get to.” Asmo’s eyes had turned lustful and he quickly scooped you up and led you toward his bed.
You were in the kitchen together, Beel helping you test a new pie recipe. Well, he was doing more eating than testing, letting out small whines until you gave in and fed him spoonfuls of fruit filling. 
It was warm and peaceful, the smell of sugar and vanilla in the air as you mixed a pot on the stove and Beel leaned against the countertop.
“Oh Beel, before I forget.” You reached into your pocket and pulled out a bracelet made up of small orange beads and plastic teddy bear-shaped beads. In the middle were the words “My Strength”.
You helped him slide it on his wrist and smiled at his confused look. “I made this for you today. I saw these beads and thought instantly of you, ‘cause I always call you my giant teddy bear.” For emphasis you gave him a hug and laughed at how small you felt in his arms.
“And also, I think of you as my strength. You’re super strong, yeah, but not just physically. You’ve always been there for me, whenever I felt down or scared or sad. You give me strength when I need it most. And I hope that I can lend you some of my strength too for whenever you need it.”
As Beel looked down at the bracelet, a slow smile spread across his face. “You’re cute, MC. Thank you for the gift. And you make me stronger every day by just being with me. I hope we can be together forever.”
You reached up on your tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek and he returned it with a sudden passionate one on your lips.
The two of you stood kissing for a few moments longer until you broke away from him, smelling burning sugar. “Oh god, the filling is burning! Quick, turn off the stove!”
Beel looked into the pot, which had turned from a deep red cherry color to almost black, and shrugged. “Eh, I’ll still eat it.”
You don’t know how long you had been napping for, but you woke up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. You were warm and comfortable, one of Belphie’s legs wrapped around your own and his arm across your stomach. 
Looking down at his wrist you realized it was the perfect opportunity and slipped the bracelet out from your pajama pocket. The square lilac-colored beads looked cute against his wrist and you made sure the words “My Comfort” were facing the right way up so that Belphie would spot them when he woke up. 
You thought it would have been easy to give him his gift undetected, considering how much of a deep-sleeper he was, but at your movement Belphie scrunched up his nose and slowly opened his eyes.
“MC?” His voice was bleary from sleep. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing babe, go back to sleep.” He nodded and turned to face the other way but must have felt the beads pressing into his wrist. Confused he lifted his arm up and squinted at the bracelet. “What is this?”
You sighed, a bit nervous at how he would react. “I made it for you. It’s nothing fancy but I’ve been wanting to give you something for a while now. Something to remind you of me.”
He ran his fingers along the beads and mouthed the words “My Comfort”.
“That’s what you are to me. Comfort. When the world is too loud and my thoughts are too jumbled, you help make things quiet. You’re like a warm blanket that can muffle out the bad and the scary. I just hope that you’re as comfortable with me as I am with you.”
He remained silent for a while, rolling one of the beads between his fingers. Finally, he moved to bring your wrist to his mouth and pressed a light kiss on the inside of your wrist and then the center of your palm.
“I never thought I would get to have this, you know. A kind of love like this.” He rolled over so that you were face to face and tucked a lock of your hair behind your ear. “Don’t ever leave me, okay?”
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rabesbabe · 3 years
I fall to pieces when i’m with you.
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ajak x thena headcanons
A/N: i was gonna add some angst but i got caught up in the fluff. i love them so much and this ship is so underrated. also sorry i left for a while i had a lot of personal stuff going on. but i hope u guys like this!! :)
warnings: ptsd, please let me know if i missed anything!
don’t repost anywhere!
- they would’ve immediately caught each other’s eye on their first mission.
- the slow burn oh my god
- the whole team (especially kingo) ships them
- ajak would be the first to realize she had feelings
- thena would be completely oblivious to how ajak treated her differently compared to the rest of the eternals.
- after thena had her first episode of mahd w’ryry she couldn’t sleep and ajak stayed with her throughout the night
- of course makkari found out and her and druig wouldn’t shut up about it for weeks.
- once all the deviants were gone and ajak told the the eternals that they could go their separate ways, ajak asked thena to stay with her in South Dakota.
- thena would decline at first, in fear of harming ajak if she had an episode.
- obviously ajak would force her to come with her saying that she wouldn’t ever want her to go through it alone.
- they stayed together in a cozy cottage.
- most of their nights in the house consisted of them sitting on the couch, ajak reading and thena drawing.
- they watched so many movies together. never scary because last time they tried to watch a horror movie thena fell into an episode.
- one day while they were baking, they would kiss and their relationship would escalate from there.
- SO much hand holding
- thena loved to kiss ajaks forehead since ajak was shorter than her.
- them falling asleep on the couch with thenas head in ajaks lap.
- ajak healing thena by kissing wherever she’s hurt.
- thenas drawings being framed around the house.
- thena is so bad at cooking but ajak still eats everything she makes for her
- when they fight it’s usually over the smallest stuff and they both apologize within an hour or two
- thena is big spoon and ajak is little spoon
- ajak playing with thenas rings >>>
- they go on road trips together all the time
- thena sleeps the whole time while ajak drives
- gilgamesh came to visit and attempted to teach thena his cherry pie recipe
- ajak has so many pet names for thena that never fail to make her blush.
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