#let me in the dome
zincbot · 2 years
holding a normal amount of feeling in my body about dnd
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feniksido · 10 months
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What did they think was going to happen if they won?
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doctor-cunt-phd · 1 month
Currently considering how the first time Daniel is presumed dead Jack broke a window because of how helpless he felt. The way he remembered Daniel screaming for his help, not being able to do anything before it was too late. That really got to him. I think being helpless to the death in his life is a constant theme for Jack that he's always had to accept and sit with and try not to break windows over every day.
So I think it's really fitting and touching that when Daniel really died (ascended, but for all intents and purposes, was dying), when he was dying painfully, hopelessly, in front of all his loved ones- He asked Jack for help, he gave Jack the honor of helping him pass on, trusted him, gave him the opportunity to say goodbye that Jack never, Never seems to be allowed.
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lunar-system · 9 months
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Izzy Hands: The Moon.
Re-imagined from the traditional Ride-Waite-Smith tarot, this version of the Moon shows Izzy taking the shape of a lone Lover, longing for what he cannot reach.
Longer exploration of the card's symbolism under the cut.
Symbolism of the card
I initially meant this card to be specifically Izzy's, but he is once again unseparable from Ed. Though the moon itself is depicted as Ed, it is through Izzy that I interpret the journey of the card. Feel free to invent your own interpretation as well!
In the original version of the Moon we see a dog, a wolf, and a crayfish. Izzy takes the place of the wolf, marking him as wild and untameable. He is accompanied by a dog, symbolizing his loyalty. The crayfish has retreated, and we can see a monster lurking in the depths of the water, reminding us of the beasts that lie within.
Rachel Pollack (2011) writes: "The Moon signifies the dangerous time between the end of one world structure and the beginning of another. On the emotional level it can indicate the strange state when something powerful has ended and you find yourself thrown back on your instincts."
In the card Izzy already has his wooden leg. He his stepping into his role as the Unicorn, marking a shift in his loyalty and his place in the world. His reign as Blackbeard's first mate is ending, and a whole new world order is being imagined.
Ed is also seen in a new light. With his short beard, he is at the end of his captaincy, possibly even at the end of his piracy. He as the Moon is illuminated by the light of the Sun, personified by Stede in another card, The Sun.
Izzy bears witness to their combined light, unreachable to him on the ground. He teeters at the edge of the water illuminated by that very light, and is faced with a choice. Will he turn, follow the path and try to reach the unreachable? Or will he explore the unknown waters in front of him?
In tarot, water symbolizes emotions, intuition and subconscious. Pollack writes: "Here in the unknown territory our animal selves take over. We cannot suppress the wild emotions but only travel through them." The message of the Moon beckons Izzy to step into the water and face his emotions.
However, there are also dangers in the murky waters of the subconscious. Pollack continues: "The Moon card calls forth powerful dreams, visions, and the power of the feminine." In tarot water is a feminine element. Izzy, a beacon of masculinity, has in the past confused the feminine with the monstrous. He is now dared to invite the feminine within him to the surface. His posture already mirrors that of the feminine lover from the Lovers-card. It also calls back to the Fool, to someone at the beginning of their self-discovery.
Tl;dr: Izzy, the Fool and the Lover, is on a journey from one world to another. Will he follow the path and try to reach the unreachable, or will he find the courage to plunge into unknown waters?
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A comparison between the original Rider-Waite-Smith card from 1909 and the re-imagined version
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Izzy's pose mirrors the feminine Lover
Image source: Pamela Colman Smith, 1909, republished as Tarot of A. E. Waite, 2016, AGM-Urania, Germany
Text source: Rachel Pollack, A Journey of 78 Steps, 2011, as cited in the booklet for instruction and guidance of Tarot of A. E. Waite, 2016, AGM-Urania, Germany
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money-and-dandellions · 7 months
Apollo is a Mother Hen.
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unanimoustwins · 1 year
dude i cannot get over every bit of forever bringing pac in for treatment. pac keeping up the facade n then dropping it once forever steps out. pacs goodbye to fit. the only thing that snaps forever out of it is the threat to his family, so protective that he manages to snap out of it twice if only briefly. pac constantly seeking reassurance from forever even though he knows the answer he'll get is a lie. "favela 5 always" "favela 5 until the end" "favela five until we end".
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kurapikunt · 4 months
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without you
#hxh#kacho and fugetsu#me when i err uhhh scribble#my art#seriously though can you tell im going crazy about hxh rn#like. just the fact that theres been so much of a focus on postmortem nen in the SW arc#like that zombie girl? misha? woah i cant believe i remembered her name straight off the dome those flashcards & pop quizzes must be workin#anyway the zombie girl who is like. still working with the mob after her DEATH!!??? like the amount of loyalty...#and so often we've seen post-mortem nen used in a violent of dangerous way. i.e. you kill ME i curse YOU#and then we saw hisoka use it as a fucking cheat code for death#its great its great but. just. ughh the idea that your nen ability... you know. the beast that was formed from your most intimate desires#and fears and weaknesses#the most primal needs in you brought to the surface#and at the heart of her being the thing kacho wants most in the world is to be with her sister#this is post-mortem nen. its not just curses and cheat codes but this prevailing love and refusal to let go of the ones care about the most#idk it reminds me a bit of the mechanics of kite's resurrection.. or hell the chimera ants in general#the prevailing humanity inside each of us#kacho isnt gone she loved fugetsu so much she fucking incarnated herself into a nen beast#i want this to be a thing where kacho is still alive in the way that the chimera ant reincarnations are alive yk? for my own sanity#but yeah. yeah. succesion war go brrrrrrr#screeds#hxh manga spoilers#hunter x hunter#art#prince kacho#prince fugetsu#kacho hxh#fugetsu hxh
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Properly rewatching A Court of Fey & Flowers for the first time I forgot how good this season was it’s honestly even better on the second watch
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starrysharks · 11 months
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bonesfool · 10 months
Nathan and Caldwell being in game changer is making my pipe dream of a d20 season (Caldwell, Emily + the Drawfee crew DMed by Murph) incrementally closer to reality
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ethosuximide · 1 month
I am personally going to find whoever decided all kids' movies need the main character narrating everything and throw them into The Juicer
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omgeto · 2 months
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queerofthedagger · 7 months
i'm about to finish rotk on friday (am working 24 hours tomorrow 😔) which means i'll have read the entire trilogy in like. 10 days. i can't remember when i breathed through something this quickly and joyfully, and I don't want it to end, and the real question now is if i can read the entire silm in one week before I'll be on vacation or if i should take a lil break because man. man
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is there anyone you ship ichi with? 👀
dragon quest collection for the nintendo switch 🥰🥰
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lunariarts · 2 months
I haven't gotten very far into Noita at all but by far my favourite part of this game is spending like 10 minutes thinking as hard as I can fiddling with wands and then immediately exploding myself into oblivion when I try casting it for the first time
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sasster · 3 months
squints at the sun
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