#let me believe we’re excepted as normal
jellythefishess · 2 years
I love episode 3 of the last of us. Not only do I love the episode itself, but also the way people are talking about it. Maybe it’s because it was hinted at in the game (or confirmed idk been awhile) so it was expected, or people were just too focused on the master piece of an episode to mention it, but I haven’t seen anyone being like ‘oh my god they’re gay!! Theres representation!’ And it makes me happy. Let me explain,
Usually its a surprise for me to see rep on tv, especially well written stuff, and seeing people not surprised by it is making me feel like we are progressing, even if I don’t usually feel like we are. We aren’t surprised anymore. We aren’t shocked to see people like us. The world has changed and is still changing so much, like when Bill and Frank met gay marriage wasnt even legalized in our world! And look at us now!!
Being able to see stories like this in popular media, being able to see queer characters that aren’t only queer for brownie points or minor plot reasons, Isn’t it wonderful? Isnt it just so.. I dont even have words. Im not that old, im not old at all infact, dont even have my diploma yet, but if you told 7 or even 10 year old me there’s people like him on tv? He’d lose his mind with excitement!!!! Because it never happened before!! He never saw or heard about it! Its so new!!!!!! Im ecstatic. Im finally seeing and finally feeling change. Maybe things wont be shitty forever :) anyways i don’t think i formatted this correctly or anything like that, its midnight and im tired. Its a miracle im passing English. So sorry to anyone who reads this.
Thanks Last of Us writers, and thanks internet <3 cant wait for the rest of the series
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alittlebitofsainz · 5 months
- he kissed me right in front of my friends -
prompt: “i threw a party, he kissed me right in front of my friends, i felt so far from the cliffs.”
pairing: lando norris x reader
summary: if you could have one birthday wish granted, it would be that you no longer had to hide your relationship.
a/n: lyrics from track #89 there it goes by maisie peters :)
masterlist | the spotify wrapped collection
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“hey, happy birthday baby!”
you couldn’t help but let your lips curve into a soft smile as lando pressed a kiss to your cheek, holding out a bag full of presents as he stepped inside your apartment. you accepted it graciously, eyes wide at the sheer number of gifts.
“lan, you really didn’t have to…”
“I wanted to.” he cut you off with a shake of his head, “for my special girl.”
he leaned forward to press a kiss to your lips, but you quickly batted him away.
“careful, lan, people might see!” you giggled, looking up at him like he’d lost his mind. it had been eight months of keeping your relationship under wraps, and while you both understood why it had to be that way, it still didn’t make it easy. it was moments like these where you yearned for a normal relationship, one where your partner wasn’t in the spotlight, one where he could give you a kiss on your birthday and it wouldn’t be plastered all over social media the next day. but it was worth it, you thought as you looked up at lando’s face, eagerly waiting for you to open your presents. it was worth it to call him yours, even if it was only in secret.
yeah, it was worth it, you thought, as you watched lando laughing uncontrollably at something max had said, the two of them stationed behind the dj booth you’d hired for the party. in general, lando didn’t go much on drinking, and he’d sworn off djing for the most part, but he was willing to make exceptions for your special day, and you smiled to see him enjoying himself. your best friend followed your gaze, noticing you phasing out of the group conversation you were in, and nudged you.
“you’re staring, y/n. you totally fancy him.” she teased, and for a moment you almost slipped up, you almost replied with yeah, I really do. but you caught yourself, instead laughing it off with a sharp shake of your head, elbowing her right back.
“knock it off, we’re just mates.” you protested, but your friend arched an eyebrow and pursed her lips in a way that suggested that she didn’t quite believe you. she opened her mouth to reply, but at that moment, the lights shut off and the music cut out. you instinctively glanced over back towards the dj booth, eyes searching for lando, confused to find him gone. but the confusion only lasted for a moment as a glow of light emerged from the kitchen; twenty lit candles pressed into a cake, held up by lando as he brought it across the room towards you, all your friends joining in and singing happy birthday to you. you grinned, feeling tears prick your eyes. god, you’d never been happier. there was only one thing that could’ve made this day more incredible, and you sighed to yourself as you watched lando bring the cake closer, lowering it slightly so you could blow out the candles. his eyes locked on yours for just a moment, and you swore you felt your heart stop.
“make a wish.” he murmured.
you blew out the candles, earning a cheer and a few hip hip hoorays from your friends gathered around you. lando set the cake down on the table, another friend stepping in to help cut and distribute it to guests, allowing you just a moment to talk whilst everyone was distracted.
“what did you wish for?” he asked, voice low, making you lean in to be able to hear him above the music which had started up again. you arched an eyebrow.
“if I tell you, it won’t come true.” you retorted, the corner of your lips curving up into a wry smile. it always gave you butterflies, flirting with lando in public. something about it made you feel like you were still in that stage where anything could happen, like you were just starting to get to know him all over again. his expression changed slightly as he reached into his back pocket.
“now don’t yell at me, but I got you one last present.”
“lando!” you protested; you’d already admonished him earlier after you’d opened all your gifts from him. you could tell he’d spent a lot of money, more than you believed you deserved, on anything you’d ever mentioned wanting. shoes, a nice handbag, a designer coat, expensive earrings. but it wasn’t just material things, he’d got tickets to than gig you mentioned you wanted to go to, taken out an annual membership for the gardens you always liked going to for some peace and quiet, donated money to the shelter your parents adopted the family dog from. it was far too much, yet lando insisted it wasn’t enough to show you how much he loved you.
“I said don’t yell at me!” he replied playfully, producing a small wrapped item and holding it out to you, “it’s not an expensive one. it’s just… well, just open it and see.”
you peeled off the wrapping paper with gentle fingers, the package feeling so delicate in your hands compared to all the other larger gifts he’d showered you with. it revealed a gold necklace, with a single ‘L’ hanging from the chain. you looked at it, awestruck, running a finger over the gold letter.
“lan, this is beautiful.” you murmured softly.
“to remind you how much I love you, even if I can’t always show it.” he explained softly, and you felt a lump form in your throat. it was so bittersweet, you thought, as he took the necklace from your hands and instructed you to turn around so he could fasten it round your neck. the necklace was like some sort of twisted metaphor for your relationship, always there but often hidden. you turned back to face him, glancing down to admire the jewellery for a moment. if people saw this, it wouldn’t take them long to join the dots, to make the connection, especially if you were next to lando. you sighed, reaching to take the ‘L’ between your fingers and tuck it under your top, to hide it away. but lando’s hand was on yours in an instant, holding it in place, his fingers clasped round yours, clasped round the golden letter. you looked up in surprise.
“don’t hide it.” he said softly, “fuck it. I want people to see it. I want them to know.”
the confidence with which he had said it startled you, but in the best way. you barely had time to process the words before his hand had snaked around your waist, pulling you to him, his lips on yours in an instant. it wasn’t a gentle kiss; it was a kiss that let everyone know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you were his, and he was yours.
you pulled away for a moment, eyes on him, but in your peripheral vision you clocked a few of your friends watching the two of you, mouths open, slices of cake forgotten about. your best friend had a smug grin on her face, one that said that she knew all along. you saw max begrudgingly slip pietra a ten pound note. lando saw it too, and laughed. and then you laughed. and then you kissed him again.
“happy birthday.” he murmured, resting his forehead on yours.
“I got my birthday wish.” you murmured in reply.
a/n: and thus concludes the little ‘just friends’ mixtape! check out the previous tracks below:
told her you were just a friend | just don’t want your friend to see
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adelheidvonschicksal · 4 months
I know | Megumi x Reader Ft. Gojo
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Request: Megumi and the reader no longer know how to meet on the sly without looking too suspicious, but Megumi adamantly refuses to let Gojo know about their relationship. What if the reader is a student from Kyoto and everything happens during the exchange event? And, conveniently, Megumi doesn't know that there are cameras installed throughout the forest monitored by the teachers.
Pairing: Implied!Megumi x Fem!Reader; platonic Gojo/Megumi
Content Warning: Fluff, main focus is Gojo and Megumi, Megumi is a moody teen
For @yaninnaacu
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Satoru likes to tease people. For his own entertainment and to try to build friendships with them. It also didn’t hurt if, in the end, his actions made their lives a little better and brought some happiness to them. A small laugh in a harsh world like this could mean a lot, the right push could change someone’s entire outlook.
So, he likes to play the fool, try to get people to let their guard down so he could wiggle in through an unknown crack and maybe make their world a little easier to breathe in and it wouldn't be a lie to say his own as well.
This holds doubly true for one precious student in particular.
“You seem excited. Ready for the big exchange event?”
Megumi stops his stretching, rotates his neck a few times to get out the last of the cricks, before turning to face him. The training grounds are empty tonight, save for the two them, and Satoru has never seen Megumi this interested in training.
“Not particularly.”
He says that but the Megumi that Satoru knows would never be this determined. Megumi may not have realized it but Satoru has been watching him train ever since he came back to the school. He hasn’t had much time to watch over the other students since training Itadori, but he knows that they’ve been making strides. Megumi included.
“I heard about what happened with Aoi,” Satoru says, poking around in the younger boy’s wounds to see if he can find the reason for this sudden burst of passion. “I thought you’d be interested in fighting him.”
“I’m over it.”
“Really?” Satoru says with a laugh. He has no reason not to believe Megumi, but he still has the suspicion it might be a little deeper than that. “Something has to be on your mind. You’re not normally this energetic.”
He racks his mind, trying to find the last time he remembers the kid having any sort of pep to his step so to speak. He’s always been a bit…restrained except when—
Gojo smiles.
“I remember now.” Satoru chuckles lowly and dares to pat the boy on the shoulder. It’s a little harder than he was aiming for and Megumi jerks forward with a scowl. “It’s because your girlfriend is coming. Her clan enrolled her into Kyoto, right?”
If there is one thing about Megumi, it’s that he doesn’t change one bit with age. That glare is still just as scary as it was when he was five.
“She isn’t my girlfriend,” Megumi corrects, his eyes downcast. “We’re…friends.”
“Still!?” Satoru really, really doesn’t mean to sound insensitive but he is honestly surprised. Megumi always treated you politely and with more regard than others. Granted that bar was so low that people in hell could trip on it but to Satoru it was noticeable that Megumi held some type of soft spot for you. Satoru clears his throat to try to regain his composure and hopefully stop Megumi from stabbing him with his eyes. “Ya’know events like these provide the perfect opportunity to impress someone; show them what you’re made of.”
Satoru means it. He genuinely wants to help, and he doesn’t think you’d be adverse to giving Megumi a chance if Megumi would only give himself the chance first.
“Good thing I’m not trying to impress anyone.”
“Don’t be that way,” he says, extending his arms out in an effort to offer his time to his little student. “How about you train with me one more time before the event?”
“No thanks,” he disagrees immediately, and Satoru deflates over the fact that Megumi didn’t even stop to think about it before grabbing his pack and walking away.
Megumi isn’t willing to take that step yet, he guesses.
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The morning of the Goodwill Event comes faster than most. The teams set off while Satoru and the other teachers find a cozy room to set up in and watch the festivities. Everything seems to be going well so far with the teams fighting and breaking off in different directions.
It isn’t long after when Satoru picks out one student from Kyoto different from the others. Satoru could tell that the other students were aiming to pick each other off one by one, and he had his ideas on why that was the case. However, the crow focused on you noticed you weaving through the forest, ignoring the other students in the vicinity, as you made your way to a very specific destination based on your speed and concise path.
That is until you’re stopped by one of the curses released into the area.
“Utahime, it looks like your little busy bee is engaged in battle with a curse.”
The other teacher doesn’t turn her direction, focusing on another screen.
“Fushiguro is on a direct path towards the fight as well.”
Satoru raises his eyebrows, his blindfold widening with the strain. Sure enough, the two of you collide on both screens, and it isn’t but a matter of seconds to take out the curse together. It isn’t unusual for the two schools to fight together; after all, the rules did state that exorcising curses was the top priority. Next, would be—
“Now, what will they do.” Satoru tilts his head to the side, watching Utahime as she brings a hand to her mouth and mutters behind it. “Normally, I’d have no doubts that she can beat him. However, given the terrain, she’s at a disadvantage.”
Satoru hums to himself, wondering the exact same thing. The two of you should be pretty evenly matched in this situation; but as he watches the screen, he notices that neither of you look interested in fighting.
In fact, Megumi is touching you, hand crossing over your face and moving your head around. Satoru can barely make out the sight of blood on your face with the screen this zoomed out but it doesn’t matter as Megumi wipes it off. There’s only a small moment where Megumi lets his forehead press against yours as he cups your cheeks.
Gojo raises his blindfold over one of his eyes, just to make sure he’s seeing this correctly. Surely, he is when Megumi briefly kisses you. He can barely contain his laughter. He knew it! There was no way you two weren’t dating!
“Stop talking to yourself, 'hime, and look.”
Utahime looks back up at the screen, her face scrunching. “Are they?”
“I knew it,” Gojo repeats his thoughts. This time he does laugh as he kicks up his feet and throws his hands behind his head.
“What are they saying?”
“I never took you for a voyeur.”
“Will you shut up!” she says before glaring back at the screen. Her eyes search out for Megumi, who has already headed out of this broadcast area to the other. “Where is he going?”
“Looks like he’s headed straight to Kamo. I can’t imagine him smooth-talking the information out of her but there it is. My students really do take after me. I’m so proud.”
“You’re insufferable,” Utahime replies, scoffs, then returns to watching the battles unfold.
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After the events of the Goodwill Event and the chaos of that Special Grade intruding on the event, Satoru takes the time to check on all the students injured during the fight. He makes his last stop Megumi, who had spent the longest time getting the spores taken out of his stomach before being patched up by Ieiri.
With his hand on the door handle, Satoru stops outside the door to his room. He can sense two people’s energies from behind the wall, one from Megumi and the other from…oh…looks like someone came to comfort Megumi before he could get the chance.
The words from behind the door are low.
How are you feeling? Does it hurt?
Satoru laughs to himself when Megumi obviously tells you to stop mothering him and that you’re worrying too much. He doesn’t know why the little guy still has such a hard time letting someone care about him, but it comforts him to know that you’re not willing to accept it as he hears a harsh “stop being stubborn and let me see.”
He’s so caught up in his thoughts that he doesn’t realize when he presses on the door too hard. The door squeaks inward causing him to tumble in a little clumsily on his tall limbs and for you two to pop up like spooked deer.
“Sorry to interrupt,” he dismisses clumsily – caught red handed. “I was coming to check on my favorite student, but it looks like his girlfriend is already taking good care of him.”
It’s adorable how your eyes widen and your mouth gapes as you sputter out an incoherent excuse. “No, I was just uh—” your fluster only increases when you finally realize you’re still holding the edge of his shirt in your hand while his hand is gripped on your wrist obviously midway in stopping you. You aggressively push his shirt back to him, making him hiss as you tap his stomach. “This is a misunderstanding, sensei.”
“It’s alright,” Satoru says, raising his palms and flattening them to let you know it’s fine to calm down. “I already know. No need to pretend.”
 “How do you—”
“Funny thing about the event,” he starts, taking one long step in the room to the nearest chair. He spins the chair around, sitting in it backwards with his legs hugging the chair and his chin rested on the curve of the back. “Teachers keep a close eye on the students, accessing their battle prowess and team strategies. It just so happens that to do that we need visuals. Mei Mei’s crows…recording devices…cameras…yeah I don’t think there’s many blind spots to miss any battles or when a pair of students want some alone time together.”
Backing away from Megumi, you place your hands in your hands and bow your head towards him. “Sensei, we didn’t mean to do anything against conduct. I just…wanted to help Megumi and the vesse—Itadori.”
“I’m not lecturing you, so there’s no need to be so formal,” Satoru tells you, not that he minds having someone who gives him a little respect around him. “I want to give you my blessing.”
Megumi is the first to object, his nose stiff and scrunched as he bares his teeth at Satoru, mostly in surprise. “No one needs your blessing, and you’re not my parent.”
“Ouch. So touchy,” Satoru remarks, his smile stretching as he glances back over to you. It’s cute how he gets so worked up over something so small, well, he guesses young love isn’t so small, and he can’t help the little urge he has to tease him. “He’s so grouchy. Honestly, you’re way too good for him.”
Megumi hisses. “Get. Out.”
 “No, it’s okay,” you say with a smile, stand, and gently press your hand to Megumi’s shoulder. “I should get going. I’ll come check on you later, Megumi.”
You make a beeline to the door, pausing only to give a short bow.
“Good night, sensei.”
“Good night,” Satoru waves casually, as if he didn’t know that bow just now was to hide your flustered face as you scurry out the room. “She ran off…Cute.” Despite your actions being endearing, the same couldn’t be said for the side-eye he was receiving from the dark-haired boy. “Don’t look at me that way. How come you didn’t want to tell me?”
“Because you’d act exactly like that,” being the answer.
“Okay, okay. You’re not completely wrong,” he agrees. He willingly fell into Megumi’s irritation, riding the waves of it to hopefully end up on a small island where forgiveness was waiting.
Megumi didn’t give him that.
“Didn’t I tell you to get out already? I’m recovering.”
Satoru thinks if Megumi has the energy to keep up his attitude then that must mean he’s doing well, which is good given the nature of his wounds from earlier. Satisfied, Satoru decides to give his charge some peace.
“Fine. Fine. We’ll talk about you lying to your teacher later.”
He doesn’t give any mind to the growl Megumi gives him or when the boy ignores his wave by adjusting his gaze to the flowers on the nightstand.
Satoru would lie to say that attitude doesn’t hurt sometimes, but that’s okay. Even if Megumi was distant about it, even if he still didn’t want to give in and accept the fact that Satoru very much cares about him, you care about him as do his other classmates.
If Megumi could remember to accept that and to allow the rest of you to hold onto him and learn to hold onto you in return, then he’d be alright.
So, Satoru stops at the door, because he just has to make sure that Megumi doesn’t make the same mistakes that he did. “Do you know what you’re doing?” Satoru sighs when he doesn’t receive a response. “You should treat her well. Don’t do anything you’ll regret.”
“I know,” he reassures him bluntly.
“You can always ask me for anything,” he offers, without the bravado and grandeur, and he lays himself out, extends an invisible hand for Megumi to reach towards, just as he always has whether the boy wanted it or not.
And Megumi falters, if only for a brief second, he lets his eyes meet Satoru’s a bit more softly, with less caution, and his voice has lost all the bite that was there moments ago.
“…I know.”
Megumi forces his eyes back down and refuses to look at him. It reminds him of the kid who let his guard down enough to fall asleep next to him for the first time many years ago.
“Good talk then!” he remarks with a thumbs up and a laugh. Otherwise, he might not keep his composure that the warm feeling coating his being makes. “Make sure to get some sleep. We want you well rested for tomorrow’s events.”
Satoru doesn’t expect a good night as he grabs the door but he doesn’t expect Megumi to call out to him either.
It’s with a tinge to his ears that Megumi finally looks at him again.
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copper-16 · 6 months
She Feels Safe With You
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Ingrid comes to a realization about her wife as a mother after a particularly hard day with a fussy, upset baby.
(a/n: this was requested by someone on ao3! It's honestly half coherent but life I am riding the struggle bus a tad bit ust wanted to write something soft and sweet about these three, hence this!)
Mapi never really considered herself a crier, not just as a general rule. 
She did not cry when she got hurt, or when she was frustrated, or when she watched a sad movie. 
She cried occasionally, sure, but it wasn’t a daily, or weekly, or even monthly occurrence. 
The Spaniard had cried when Ingrid had walked down the aisle, when she had resigned from the national team. She had cried when she got the notification that Spain had won the World Cup, an event she was not present for. 
When they found out they were pregnant, Mapi cried. Ingrid had been in too much disbelief to cry at first, not truly believing that it had worked, not after two failed transfers. 
But the center back had cried instantly, fat, bumble bee like tears rolling down her cheeks as she thought about the fact that they were actually going to be having a baby. 
It probably should have been a sign of what was to come, in the future. 
Mapi cried at nearly every ultrasound, tears springing to her eyes whenever they simply wheeled the doppler in, practically. Ingrid had begun to joke that her wife had turned into Pavlov’s dog, except it was listening to their baby's heartbeat at the appointments. It earns her a withering glance, as Mapi roughly shoved her tears away. 
“Are you going to cry every time you hold her? What is going to happen when you hear her heartbeat when she is no longer inside of me?” Ingrid sassed, though Mapi does not dignify her with a response. 
The Norwegian has a relatively easy pregnancy, thank god. She keeps waiting for the wild emotional highs and lows, or the cravings, but neither really come. She had her moments, sure, but in the large percentage of the time, she felt normal. 
What had been more fun, honestly, was to watch her wife turn into a complete and utter pile of mush, emotionally. 
She had never seen Mapi cry as much as she did in the lead up to Elena’s birth. Sometimes she would walk out of their bedroom to see Mapi sitting on the couch, tears running down her face as she looked straight ahead, not even really looking at anything in particular. 
“What are you crying about?” Ingrid had asked, her head cocked to the side in confusion. The Spaniard looked back toward her, her brows furrowed in confusion as she shook her head. 
“I’m not really…I’m not really sure?” Mapi asked, her words a question rather than a statement. She took Ingrid in for a second, the swell of her stomach, and couldn’t help the fresh wave of tears that overtook her once more. 
“We’re having a daughter,” she breathed out, her words slightly gasping over the wavering of emotion in her voice. Ingrid made her way over to the couch, settling next to her wife as she curled into her. 
Mapi moved to wrap her arms around Ingrid, as she usually did, but the dark haired woman stopped her, softly. Instead, she took her wife's hands gently in her own, pressing a kiss to each of her palms before she placed them over her belly. 
Ingrid relished in the way that her wife let out the tiniest little sigh of relief, even as more tears dripped down her face. 
“That’s your daughter in there,” Ingrid insisted, her voice soft. A tiny kick pressed against the center back’s hand, as if to punctuate the defender’s point. Mapi closed her eyes, even more tears leaking out of her eyes as she nodded. 
The Spaniard was terrified that she wouldn’t be connected to Elena, because she wasn’t the one who carried her. She was terrified that she wouldn’t love her daughter, or be a good parent, that she wouldn’t do or say the right things. 
It was easy for Ingrid to know that Mapi was going to be a good parent. Because the reality of the matter was that her wife cared, deeply, and that already made her a hell of a better parent than a lot of people out there. 
But Mapi still struggled to see that, no matter how much she was reminded. 
Mapi cried when Elena was born. She cried as she held her little baby, as she pressed the pad of her pointer finger to her little nose. Elena stayed firmly asleep when she was in Mapi’s arms, never once fussing until she was passed around. 
It became a bit of a theme, their daughter sleeping on Mapi. 
Ingrid didn’t notice it at first, not when she was a baby. She was so little after all, all she did was sleep, practically. 
But still, Ingrid snapped a million photos of her daughter, and so she got a fair bit of Elena sleeping against Mapi. It was where her daughter always seemed happiest, and as much as the Spaniard panicked and turned to Ingrid when the baby was fussing, it was her who was the best at calming Elena. 
It was only when Elena got a little bit older, that Ingrid finally pieced it together. 
The baby was a little bit older, a little bit more alert. She was nearly a year old when she began to resist sleeping, not as easy to put down, waking up early, becoming fussy. 
Ingrid had been at her wits end all morning. The baby wouldn’t stop crying, and her head hurt, and she was tired. 
She wanted nothing more than to go into her bedroom, curl up with her wife, and sleep for more than two hours at a time. But she couldn’t do that, not with her baby here, not when Elena needed her. 
When the doorbell rang, the Norwegian honestly wanted to scream. Elena looked as though she was just about to fall asleep, but the baby jerked awake as soon as the doorbell rang, her nap forgotten. 
The crying was back, and Ingrid held the baby to her chest as she ripped the door open, lashing out at whatever was closest. 
The culprit just happened to be Frido. 
“Fridolina Rolfö I swear to GOD–” Ingrid started, only to be cut off before she could say something she truly regretted. 
The voice was soft, and probably shouldn’t have been audible over the crying of their daughter, but Ingrid would never not hear her wife. The defender turned around, finding Mapi standing behind her with a sympathetic look on her face. 
The Spaniard had just gotten off the phone from a brand meeting, just a few minutes prior. But she had called Frido before the meeting started, telling the Swede that she needed to come steal Ingrid for a bit. Feed her, let her nap in peace, get away from the house for a bit. 
The Norwegian looked back at her wife with confusion. She hadn’t made plans with Frido, and she knew that she couldn’t leave Elena like this. 
But the Spaniard reached for the baby regardless, taking her from Ingrid. The dark haired woman looked over her wifes face. There was exhaustion present, lines written into her face, bags under her eyes. 
But there was also understanding there. Some nerves, but understanding nonetheless. 
“I called Frido to come take you back to her house for a bit, to have a little bit of a break. Eat a proper meal. Get some sleep without a crying baby around. Rest for a while, princesa. We will be here when you return,” Mapi promised, leaning forward to kiss Ingrid’s cheek. The Norwegian panicked, looking from Frido to her wife. 
“But–” Ingrid started, knowing how nervous it made Mapi to be left alone with the baby. 
Still, even all these months later, she worried that she was struggling to connect with her daughter. All of Ingrid’s movements seemed so natural, so perfected. And somehow still, hers felt awkward and stinted, never quite right, never as maternal or as easy as she wanted them to be. 
She wanted to do better, though, for her daughter and her wife, who was clearly exhausted. Not that the center back wasn’t equally as tired, she just couldn’t very well do anything about it right this very second. But she could do something about Ingrid’s exhaustion. 
“No, we will be fine, Ingrid. Take a few hours, amor, you are exhausted,” Mapi soothed, gently pressing the Norwegian out of the door with a soft hand, allowing Frido to lead her away. 
It turned out, Ingrid needed it more than she thought humanly possible. When she got back to the Swede’s house, there was Sodd waiting for her on the table, and she practically collapsed into the bowl she ate so quickly. 
She napped in Frido’s guest bedroom, sleeping for four straight hours. 
When she awoke, she felt like a new woman. She emerged from the bedroom with a small, sheepish smile. 
“I am SO sorry for snapping at you this morning,” Ingrid apologized, even as Frido held up her hand. 
“Ingrid, you were exhausted and carrying a screaming baby, if I had been you I would have been roundhouse kicking someone,” Frido admitted, and the defender couldn’t help the tiny laugh that she released at the thought. As she came back to herself, she couldn’t help but straighten, a thought racing through her mind. 
“Oh my god, Mapi is still home with the baby…can you take me back?” Ingrid asked in a slight panic, and her Swedish teammate quickly sprung into action to grab her car keys. 
“She is still so worried that she is not doing a good job with Elena,” the Norwegian admitted as they drove, her heart punctuated with worry. 
“Still?” Frido asked, well aware of the struggles that the center back had during the first few months of Elena’s life. 
“Not as much now, but still. It does not come as naturally to her as she wants it to be, but she still does such a good job, somehow. I do not know how she doesn’t see it, really,” Ingrid revealed, and Frido let out a small, sad sigh. 
“She is so hard on herself,” the Swede commented, and Ingrid could only cringe as she nodded, her agreement weighing on the car heavily. 
Frido parked the car in the car park of their apartment building, coming up with Ingrid to check on Mapi and Elena. They were both expecting to still hear crying as they unlocked the door, but the house was…quiet. 
Ingrid looked toward her teammate in confusion before they walked into the house, both of them searching for the Spaniard. 
“Mapi?” Frido called out softly as she checked the kitchen, only to hear the Norwegian call out to her in the living room. 
When the blonde walked into the room, she stopped next to Ingrid, surprise coating her expression. 
Mapi was fast asleep on the couch, with Elena curled into her chest. Mapi was only in a sports bra, her shirt discarded on the floor. The baby was stripped down to her diaper, pressed into her Mami’s chest comfortably, completely asleep as well. 
Frido looked from the Spaniard to the Norwegian, her eyebrow raised. 
“I don’t know, looks pretty natural to me,” she shrugged, and Ingrid softened as she nodded, unable to tear her eyes away from the sight. She pulled her phone out, snapping a photo and placing it in an album on her phone that she was well acquainted with. 
Ingrid left the two of them, seeing Frido out before she returned to the living room. She sat on the floor, simply staring up at the two of them as they slept. Elena was completely safe, engulfed by Mapi’s arms. 
How Mapi could keep her daughter so safe and secure, and still question whether she was a good parent, Ingrid sometimes did not know. It seemed so blatantly obvious to the dark haired woman, that her wife was an amazing parent. 
She only wished that the brunette could see it herself. 
It was only another half hour before Elena began to fuss, and Ingrid quickly plucked the baby from her wife’s arms, going to feed and change her. The Spaniard was dead to the world, and Ingrid decided to simply let her sleep. 
Lord knows the woman could use it, just as she had needed it. 
But even after Elena was fed and changed, she continued to fuss. She cried softly, not very loudly or in a grumpy way, but as though she was not completely happy. 
Ingrid tried everything. She bounced the baby, she walked her around, she made faces at her, she covered her in blankets, she laid her down. 
Nothing seemed to appease her daughter. Not even when Ingrid stripped her own shirt off, wondering if maybe she just enjoyed the skin to skin contact. 
But still Elena kicked her little legs, letting out a weak, tired cry. The defender held her baby out in front of her, her eyebrows furrowed. 
“What do you need?” Ingrid asked aloud, though she wasn’t really expecting an answer. Still Elena let out a frustrated cry, wriggling slightly. The Norwegian paused for a moment, before turning around and heading for the living room to test a theory that was beginning to form. 
And sure enough, as soon as the baby was laid on her Mami’s chest, she quieted instantly. 
The brunette shifted in her sleep, wrapping her arms protectively around Elena, mumbling incoherently as she snuggled into her. Ingrid sat down on the couch next to her, cuddling into her wife as she slept, and helping to keep their daughter held securely as she slept. 
Mapi awoke when Elena started fussing again, waking gently as she wrapped her arms around her daughter, her attention completely on Elena even as she woke up. 
“Shh shh mi sol, esta bien, esta bien,” Mapi murmured, picking Elena up and going to sit up, at which point she registered Ingrid next to her. 
“Oh, hello princesa,” the Spaniard murmured, settling their daughter in her arms before she leaned over to deposit a kiss on her wife’s cheek. She paused though, when she found Ingrid crying, her phone in hand. 
“Ingrid? Is everything okay?” Mapi asked softly, her voice thick with sleep but still filled with concern. The Norwegian nodded easily, running her hand over Elena’s back as she set her phone down on the couch. 
“You are the best Mami,” she replied simply, watching as a flicker of doubt overtook the Spaniard’s face before she nodded, trying her hardest to look encouraged. The Norwegian looked at her wife for a moment before she reached for their daughter. 
“Here, give me Elena,” Ingrid said gently, taking the baby and going to put her down for an actual nap. 
When Ingrid returned, she found the center back sitting on the couch, her knees pulled up to her chest. 
“I realized something, when I came back from Frido’s,” the defender began as she sat back down, reaching for her phone once more. Mapi turned to look at her, quiet and more than a little curious. 
“Ever since Elena was born, I’ve kept an album on my phone that is just pictures of her sleeping on you. And whenever I feel sad, or upset, or I just need a little pick me up, I always look at it. It’s my two favorite people in the world, after all,” Ingrid explained, and her words are so gentle that Mapi can’t help but smile shyly, even after all these years. 
“She’s always loved sleeping on you, María. You are the best at calming her down, you are the first to get her to sleep. She feels safe sleeping on you, amor,” Ingrid argued softly, though Mapi looked immediately posed to disagree. 
“Look,” Ingrid insisted, pressing her phone into the hands of her wife. The album is already pulled up, simply waiting for the Spaniard. 
Hundreds of pictures. 
Thousands of pictures, even. 
All of Elena snuggled into her Mami, fast asleep. They started when she was a newborn, so tiny that Mapi had struggled to even hold her without feeling fear. 
As the little girl grew, so did the Spaniard’s resolve to be there for her daughter. Her confidence grew as well, her worry subsided a little bit. 
But more than anything, over the last year, her love for the little girl grew immensely. Tears slid down her cheeks as she scrolled through the album, through the actual, physical proof that just served to show how much she had come to care for their daughter. 
The brunette still had no clue how she could hold so much love for someone so incredibly small, but she did.
The Spaniard stood suddenly, handing Ingrid’s phone back to her before she walked back into their apartment. It was the number one rule, not to move a sleeping baby, but Mapi did not care, not right now. 
She picked Elena up from her crib, tucking her daughter into her arms tightly, praying that she could always protect her from the world as much as she could right now. 
The baby stayed fast asleep, little hot puffs of air hitting her in the chest, where Elena was positioned. Mapi bowed her head downward, her tears dripping from her nose and onto her daughter's perfect little head as she pressed kiss after kiss to the crown of her head. 
“Te amo mucho,” Mapi murmured, as she wondered if finally, finally, she was enough. 
“She feels safe with you,” Ingrid commented from her spot leaning against the doorway of the nursery. The center back looked up for a moment, her eyes thick with tears. “She is always falling asleep with you, always soothed by you. She feels safe with you, amor. She feels safe with her Mami, and that is enough, you are enough,” Ingrid emphasized, and Mapi struggles to keep her composure as her lungs spasm, burning from the effort of keeping her cries quiet. 
Elena opens her eyes carefully, blinking up at Mapi with sleep ridden eyes. 
“Mami,” she rasps, reaching out for the Spaniard. Mapi cradles her daughter close to her, pressing her face into Elena’s skin as the little girl giggles lightly, reaching out to pull at a lock of brunette hair. 
The Spaniard cannot bring herself to care as she pulls the little girl back, looking her firmly in the eyes. Elena smiles back at her, content and happy, safe and secure. 
“Te amo tanto. No puedo vivir sin ti,” Mapi murmured to her daughter, as she felt a part of her heart settle. 
Maybe it hadn’t always been the most natural thing to her, to hold a child or change a diaper or play with a baby. 
But what she made up for in lack of skill in the beginning, she had made up for with an entirely overwhelming amount of love. Because no matter what she did not know, there was absolutely nothing that Mapi would not do for her little girl. 
And maybe, at its core, that had always been enough. 
Maybe all they needed for everything to make sense was a little love, and a very long nap. 
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doctorsiren · 3 months
Moth Psycho 100 AU
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Something that I latched onto for mp100 is the moth imagery for Mogami. More than once is a moth shown as symbolism, but it’s also associated with Mogami more than once, whereas with the other bugs he’s shown associated as, it’s just once i’m pretty sure (even if not, moths show up as symbolism the most so uhhh yeah)
So @cupofchemicalchatter and I cooked up an AU idea :)
Mogami Arc happens as normal except for the very end. Instead of Matsuo catching Mogami’s spirit and trapping him, Mogami is able to go and watch Mob from afar like he said he would: “You made your choice, kid. I’ll keep watching from afar to see if you made the right one.”
At the end of the Mogami Arc, Reigen says: “Anyway, history has shown that no good ever comes from drowning in wealth, fame, or power. Think about it: Mogami let his own powers swallow him up too.” Remember this, as this is important for the AU I’m about to explain. 
And this will go into the next arc, the Separation Arc. The part where Reigen is in the alleyway under the streetlight with those moths above him always felt deeper to a level that it probably wasn’t supposed to be and by that I mean I was connecting it to Mogami’s moth thing.
What am I talking about? Okay well, just imagine the Separation Arc happening as usual UNTIL that moment. The moment where Reigen is in the alleyway:
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Mogami had been keeping an eye on both Mob and Reigen, figuring that a way to break Mob was to use someone he cared about, that person being his mentor. So in that moment, Mogami had been possessing / using that moth as his vessel to watch Reigen. The moment that the moth drops dead and Reigen looks up is the moment that Mogami transferred his possession from the moth to Reigen, causing his sudden change. Now he is determined to “become somebody”. Of course, just like in canon and like Mogami did, he starts out by helping people out with their problems. He stated in the Mogami arc: “Mogami? Yeah, I modeled part of my work off him when I started this job.” Mogami stated that “at first, I used my abilities for good, giving advice and solving various problems.” Mogami was the “Psychic Star of the 20th Century”, with Reigen being the “Greatest Psychic of the 21st Century”. Mogami basically told Mob the classic villain thing of “we’re not so different, you and I”, but Mogami now sees that with Reigen as well. Despite the man not having powers, he would prove useful.
Reigen began “developing” psychic abilities. He thought at first that it might have been something residual still left over from when Mob gave him his powers while fighting the Scars, but he soon began to believe that he had dormant abilities that became awoken once he set out on “becoming somebody”. However, it’s actually just the possession from Mogami. He begins to realize that he doesn’t need Mob anymore. He can do exorcisms on his own now! So, he starts pushing everyone away…the people who would be able to actually help him out of this.
Reigen starts to hear a voice in his head. It’s Mogami speaking to him like he did with Mob, but he disguises it as Reigen’s own voice, allowing the conman to think that it’s his own thoughts. Reigen begins to separate himself from this “new” version of himself (which is just Mogami), but not in a way of “oh, these are bad thoughts” but in the way of “this version of me is my only true friend.” Since he’s being possessed, he’s not really thinking rationally. 
His reflection becomes a way that Mogami can communicate visually, while disguised as Reigen, of course. He speaks to Reigen, convincing him further that he doesn’t need anybody. Only himself.
His shadow also becomes a visual way for “Reigen” to communicate (because I thought that would be cool, kind of like Morgana in Ducktales 2017, or in The Princess and the Frog). 
The turning point for where things actually go south is the Supernatural Detective TV spot. When Jodo suggests that Reigen be the one to do the exorcism, instead of letting Jodo trick him, Reigen insists that Jodo go ahead with how the program was planned. In this world, the event is reversed. Jodo actually does the fake exorcism, since it was scripted, but then Reigen steps in and explains there was no evil spirit to exorcise, hence making Jodo the fool rather than Reigen. The host praises Reigen and the child reveals that he was acting the whole time. 
And then begins his true metamorphosis. 
Usually, butterflies are used to represent change, however moths go through that same transformation, but to most, they are held typically in a lesser regard than their daytime counterparts. Not really important, but I just thought it was interesting.
Reigen starts to spiral, becoming more and more of a corrupted conman. He isn’t assassinating people for money like Mogami had done, but he is lying more and more and more. The more he becomes corrupted with power, the more his psychic abilities grow (think Ritsu with Dimple and the student council stuff)/ The idea actually started out by me suggesting that as he gets more corrupted, he starts to cough out moths (sorta like an odd moth-based hanahaki, but having literally nothing to do with unrequited love and he won’t die from the moths. He just coughs them out because we thought that went kinda hard), but of course, he keeps telling himself (as well as Mogami telling him) that he’s fine. 
His powers (Mogami’s powers) are getting stronger and he’s taking out bigger spirits, taking on bigger clients, and becoming a bigger star. He finds himself losing consciousness / disassociating at times, only to wake up and find that he is stronger. It has become a little of a Jekyll and Hyde situation, but while Mogami has control of Reigen’s body, he uses it to consume evil spirits to try and regain the power he lost from fighting Mob. How we’re visually showing the possession is through a scar (like how Dimple has the red cheek spots). He got the scar under his right eye when Mogami exploded that one-way mirror in the Mogami Arc, and since Reigen’s technically being possessed during the duration of the AU (once that moth dies), the scar is visible the whole time.
In the end (we haven’t figured out when but we just know), Mob has to confront Mogami inside Reigen’s head, like he did with Minori. Inside Reigen’s head, it becomes blatant that Reigen isn’t psychic, although Mob’s sorta known that for a while (as it is alluded to at the end of the Separation Arc). But, Mob himself doesn’t want to acknowledge that fact. Reigen always said he had powers! Why would he lie? So although Shigeo knows the truth, Mob doesn’t see it. He pretends that it’s not true. He believes in Reigen’s lies. The student has become the master, in it that Mob is now lying to himself because he can’t bring himself to believe that Reigen lied to him.
After everything, Mob is able to separate Mogami from Reigen (but of course, not without everyone getting their fair share of trauma). The scar goes away, as he is no longer possessed. He’s back to being powerless, and now he knows that it was Mogami the whole time. However, Mob says that line. He says how he’s known that his master is genuinely a good guy, because it wasn’t on his own that he did all that conning and evil spirit stuff. It was because of Mogami’s corruption and influence. I think Matsuo would still somehow come across Mogami’s spirit and capture him, just so that it can come in handy later when he’s used in the World Domination Arc bc I don’t wanna mess that up lmao
Anyways yeah that was my attempt at compiling some frantic and excited discord DMs about this AU into something somewhat cohesive! Now here’s art for the AU, because I wanted to share them, but I needed to explain what was going on first!
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This was the first one I did for the AU, when I knew I needed to draw something up for the concept of him getting corrupted and coughing moths 😄
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And then the shadow and mirror thing (I LOVE the one of “Reigen” in the reflection oughhhh)
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If you remember that post where I said I woke up and found I had written “twink controlling a twink” the night prior, this is what it was in relation to 😭 why did I call Mogami a twink very very late at night? Who knows. The important thing is that doing so altered everything and now he is one in my mind, so I can’t do anything about it. Don't ask why this page seems really fruity, it was like 3 AM and over a week ago so I don't know (/silly)
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These were from when I was rewatching the Mogami Arc to pick up details for the AU
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Moths have the patterns on their wings to mimic eyes, so there’s that inherent aspect of deception and lying. It makes the moths seem like a bigger threat than they actually are. (also I have him wearing Mogami's blazer and shirt)
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And then just the moths and such with Mogami’s spirit
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And me pulling a quote from when Dimple was explaining who Mogami was.
YEAH I just really love drawing stuff for this AU bc of the fun moth symbolism.If none of any of this makes sense, I’m so sorry. I just needed to finally post about this AU bc it’s given me brainmoths (like brainworms, but y’know)
We kinda came up with the AU backwards and filled in random spots here and there after the fact of our original conjuration of it, so I had to try and piece it together HAHA 
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weirdkpopgirl · 4 months
Glasses | Chenle Imagine #6
Title: Glasses
Genre: Fluff, kinda angsty
Warnings: mildly suggestive, making out, reader is insecure
Word Count: 968
Author's Note: This is another story idea I had in my works in progress, and I've finally written it. I'm also just happy that I get to post something for Chenle, since it's been long overdue. Hope you guys enjoy it. Thank you so much for reading ^ ^
Curled up in the corner of your sofa with a book in hand was your idea of a perfect Sunday afternoon. You knew it was such a stereotypical thing for an introvert, but it was something you truly enjoyed. While you weren’t overly receptive to teasing, you refused to let that risk intrude on your comfort zone. Your boyfriend, on the other hand, was determined to be the exception.
Your heart nearly leaped into your throat when Chenle pounced at the opportunity to wrap his arms around you from behind, pulling you into a tight hug. For a second, you almost forgot that he let himself into your studio apartment half an hour ago. 
This was a normal occurrence in your relationship, where he’d randomly drop by your place and do his own thing. If he wasn’t talking to you, he was bickering with Jisung over text or watching the Golden States Warrior highlights on his phone. That’s why you thought it’d be fine to carry on with your peaceful activity.
Turning your head in surprise, a soft chuckle escaped you. “What’s gotten into you?”
“Why?” Chenle asked, feigning an innocent tone. “Can I not be affectionate with my girlfriend?”
Without a doubt, Chenle was an amazing boyfriend, and you loved him to death. However when it came to physical touch, he was never the clingy type. You suspected his behavior stemmed from guilt over his increasing absence due to work, yet his pride wouldn’t let him admit it. While physical touch wasn't necessarily your top love language, turning down Chenle's affection would be foolish.
A smile formed on your face as you set your book aside and gently reached out to stroke his hair. “No, you can…”
He drew back slightly to catch you shyly lowering your gaze, finding your reaction utterly adorable. Returning your smile, he cradled your rosy cheeks in his hands and leaned in to plant a kiss to your lips. Initially, he intended it to be a single kiss. But he quickly realized that one wasn’t enough to satisfy him.
Chenle’s lips were soft and warm against yours, moving with a gentle but confident rhythm. Your eyes had already closed, as you willingly lost yourself in the sensation. But your glasses proved to be an unexpected obstacle, their frames awkwardly clashing against his cheeks and nose. Soon, you felt him withdraw with a light chuckle, and you caught a hint of embarrassment flickering across his expression.
“Maybe you should take these off,” he suggested playfully, tapping the rim of your glasses.
Almost instinctively, you stiffened, but tried to cover it up with a laugh. “I kind of need them to see, Lele,” you half-joked, cautiously adjusting your glasses.
“Not when we’re kissing,” Chenle said lightheartedly. “Don’t you just need to feel me?”
Internally, you grimaced as your brain scrambled for another excuse. “I mean, yeah, but…I can’t just take them off.”
This remark caused Chenle's teasing demeanor to fade away, his brows furrowing in genuine confusion.
“Why not?” His tone softened, tinged with curiosity.
You bit your lip in hesitation, knowing it was probably best to be honest. Already, you were kicking yourself for confusing him with your unnecessary defensiveness.
Sighing, your gaze dropped to the sofa as you spoke in a small voice. “My glasses are sort of a mask for me. You wouldn’t believe how unattractive I look without them on.”
The heat that rushed to your face was no longer due to shyness but to shame and embarrassment. Vulnerability was something you avoided, despising the weakness it brought. It was worse enough, knowing your insecurities had ruined this moment of intimacy with him.
Before your thoughts overwhelm you, Chenle delicately lifted your chin to meet his eyes. “You’re right, I wouldn’t believe it,” he said, moving to cup your cheek with one hand. “Because I’m positive you look just as beautiful without them on.”
With a bit of coaxing, you reluctantly let him remove your glasses. As he carefully slid them off, your vision instantly blurred without the lenses. You felt a wave of awkwardness wash over you under his attentive gaze, but you could vaguely see the affectionate smile he wore. 
He nodded affirmatively, tenderly tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “Yep, I was right. You are absolutely breathtaking.”
Your heart fluttered at his words. He was certainly a smooth talker, effortlessly leaving you even more flustered than before. 
“Do you really think so?” you asked in a hushed tone, holding his hand. 
Chenle tilted his head, a playful glint returning to his eyes. “Have you ever known me to lie, (Y/n)?”
A shy smile graced your lips as you felt warmth spreading through you. He made a good point, Chenle’s transparency was one of the reasons you loved him.
“Okay, I believe you,” you conceded.
“Good,” he responded eagerly, “Can we please go back to what we were doing now?”
Laughing, you nodded and Chenle captured your lips in a kiss that was hungrier than the last. Now that your glasses were no longer a barrier, you could feel his warm skin against yours. He smiled into the kiss, sliding his hand from your cheek to the back of your neck. His other hand rested on your waist, pulling you closer until there was no space left between you. Your hands promptly found their way to his shoulders, holding onto him as if you were afraid he might vanish.
But he didn’t. Instead, he deepened the kiss, so much so that it caused the both of you to sink back against the couch. With your bodies entwined and hearts beating in sync, you felt your insecurities gradually melt away. While Chenle couldn’t erase them entirely, his love made you feel cherished and secure.
previous masterlist -> current masterlist
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kinardsevan · 2 months
So I’m having a thought.
Specifically on fake mouth static. Because the rhetoric around Bucks bisexuality up to this point has kind-of been that he wasn’t entirely aware of it until Tommy kissed him.
Except, I don’t know that I fully believe that. Because between “trying to get your attention has been exhausting” and “that was better than fake mouth static” I feel like there are some implications there. And granted, maybe up to that point his realization was more “it’s this guy” focused instead of “it’s the possibility of men in general” that the kiss cracks open. But also, when you extrapolate the first line to the second, there’s something about the “better than fake mouth static” which can then be understood to mean that something about it was hot to Evan. Maybe the absolute disregard of his job for the sake of his friends. Maybe the fact that he’s willing to help people he hasn’t worked with in years. Maybe something else entirely. But something about that moment intrigued him.
Idk. I mean, I feel like there’s this version of things where he saw his attraction to men as normal as his attraction to women, but also didn’t view it as anything that was available to him to pursue for whatever reasoning. But then Tommy kisses him and creates this space that isn’t filled with expectation or overindulgence. We also know Tommy just laid himself bare because while Evan is verbally telling him that he’s interested, he’s the one who took the step to kiss him, risked serious fall out. And also he didn’t just to the whole “let me kiss you and see how you react” trope. We’re given this beat after the kiss where we’re shown the way it affects him too; that he’s also got some feelings on the line, and obviously those implications are far messier because he’s out and aware of his own feelings, and also aware of how he could get burned if Evan isn’t interested.
So I just think it’s really interesting how there are these little connections that connect through the process to show that in just a few interactions, they both managed to captivate one another enough that they were both willing to burn shit down in their own lives to get to know the other better.
(might be subtext in all of that in relation to the passion in their relationship, but I won’t pull at that thread today.)
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sarahsmi13s · 2 years
Telling Them
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pairing: jake ‘hangman’ seresin x wife!reader
characters: jake seresin, y/n seresin, grayson seresin, kennedy seresin, dagger squad, penny benjamin, dr andrews
warnings: third person pov, she/her pronouns used, language, car crash mentioned, hospitals, mentions of surgey, mentions of family medical history (addiction to pain meds), talks of recovery methods, description of injuries, i believe that is it
word count: ~2.3k
a/n: 2/3 (this is a three part story -- however i might expand on it if you guys want)
loose summary: after nearly losing grayson, things are really put in perspective for jake and he realizes that the daggers are family too.
pt 1  pt 3
“I think I wanna tell the squad.”
“What?” Y/N asked, except she heard him perfectly well.
Jake had just always wanted to keep his family private, it was how he protected them. Despite her wanting to get to know his coworkers, she respected her husband and understood where he was coming from. So his sudden confession confused her.
Jake sighed and held his wife’s hands. “I know, I know. I’ve always wanted to keep you and the kids private. But we could’ve lost Grayson today… We were having an emergency and you couldn’t get a hold of me or Javy. Then you apologized for coming to base to get me, you shouldn’t have to do that. Javy kinda knocked some sense into me earlier, said that the squad was worried when I left. A hoard of text on my phone confirmed that.” He took a deep breath.
“I want you and the kids to be able to lean on anyone on that team. I’ve trusted this team more than any other squadron I’ve been on.” “That’s saying something.” Jake chuckled, “Damn straight it is.”
He sighed, “I realized that if we had lost-” Emotion lumped in his throat. “If this had turned out any other way, they would have no idea that anything was wrong or why I wasn’t at work or why I was a bigger asshole than normal. I couldn’t mourn properly, because they would have no idea. And if I were to burn in…” He trailed off, but she knew what he was saying.
“So, I want you to meet them. I want them to get to know the kids. I want them to come to Grayson and Kennedy’s games. I want to expand the family, bring in a few strays.”
Y/N laughed, “Don’t let the princess hear you say that, she’ll think we’re getting a puppy.” Jake chuckled and kissed her knuckles, leaning his forehead on hers. “What do you say, my Queen?”
She nodded against him, “Let’s do it. But can it wait until we have Grayson at home? I’d hate for their first meeting to be in the hospital.” Jake nodded and kissed her forehead, “Of course, baby. Gives me time to drop subtle hints.”
Y/N pulled back, raising a brow, “You? Jacob Thomas Seresin, subtle? When are you ever subtle?” He rolled his eyes, “Hush.” Jake pecked her lips, “I’ll go get the doctor.” “Okay, I’ll give Javy and Mav a call, let them know he’s awake.”
Jake walked down the hall and Y/N took out her phone, calling Javy, not realizing what time it was.
“Hello?” “Javy- oh shit, did I wake you up?” “Yeah, but it’s fine. How’s Grayson?” She nodded, smiling, “He’s awake. He’s aware and is probably ready to get out of here.” “How’s Kennedy?” “She’s just glad to see that her brother’s awake,” she peaked in the window, seeing her daughter tucked under her son’s arm as she told him a story.
“How are you?” She sighed, “I’m better. Way better than before now that I know he’s okay. I’m just worried what this will mean for him. He’s already tried out and made the football team here, he probably won’t get to play this season, but it’s only his junior year so hopefully he’ll get to play his senior year.” “Hopefully he recovers like his mom,” Javy joked. She scoff laughed, “Yeah, fingers crossed.”
Javy sighed, “How’s Jake?” She bit her lip and looked down the hall in the direction her husband went. “Same as me, better now that he knows Grayson’s okay. But,” she took in a breath. “He wants to introduce the squad.”
Javy smiled on the other end, “When? Where? What time?” Y/N chuckled at her friend's enthusiasm. “Probably not until Grayson’s out of the hospital and is settled back at home with a routine. I’d hate for the first meeting to be in a hospital. Him being hurt isn’t ideal… but it helped put things into perspective for Jake. He’s so protective of his private life, has been since high school. We both know that.” Javy nodded.
“Hey, did Mav come by?” Coyote changed the subject. “Yeah, gave Jake the next few days off. He said he was gonna give subtle hints, but we know him.” Javy laughed, “Yes, yes we do.”
Y/N heard footsteps and looked to see Jake walking with the doctor. “I’ll let you go back to sleep, J.” “I’ll come by tomorrow after training,” he said, leaving no room for argument. “Okay, goodnight Javy.” “Goodnight, Y/N.” She hung up and sent Maverick a text.
Once the doctor and Jake got to her, they went into the room.
“Good to see you awake, Grayson. I’m Doctor Andrews. How are you feeling? Any pain?” Jake and Y/N went to the left side of the bed, Y/N’s hand lightly gripping her son’s.
“My ribs hurt a little, legs are definitely hurting,” Grayson told him, shifting a little.
Y/N moved over to the right side of the bed, “Kenni, come here sister.” She held her hands out as her daughter leaned into her brother. “Wanna stay with Gray…” Y/N sighed, “I know you do, Princess. But the doctor needs to make sure bubba’s okay. He can’t work around you, honey.”
Kennedy narrowed her (e/c) eyes at the doctor before looking back at her mom, “Is he nice?” Y/N smiled and nodded, “Yes, Kennedy, he’s nice.” The five year old sighed, “Okay.” She kissed her brother's cheek before holding her arms out for her mother. Y/N gathered her up and went back to Jake’s side, the little girl instantly wanting to go to her father.
They spent the rest of that time going over the treatment options and timelines.
“Okay, so we’re probably going to have to keep you here for about five days. Just to make sure everything’s okay. Do we have a preference for pain medication? Currently we’ve got you hooked up to morphine.” Grayson glanced at Y/N, not sure what to say. “We try to stay away from opioids as best we can. If it’s unavoidable then we understand.”
Doctor Andrews nodded, “Has anyone in the family had trouble with addictions in the past?” “No, not that we are aware of,” Jake answered. He nodded again, “Okay, so we’ll definitely look into our options and run them by you. Do you have any questions while I’m here?”
Y/N looked at her son, who shifted a little in the bed.
“Um… Sports? Will I ever get to play again? Or am I done?” Andrews sighed, “Well, everything will depend on the recovery. I’m afraid this football season, possibly basketball season, will have to miss you. But hopefully we can have you back by baseball season.”
“How long is the recovery?” “Four to six months for the femur, sometimes the ACL can take as long as nine, but everyone is different.” Grayson nodded. “Thank you, Doc.” He gave the Seresins a smile, “Of course, get some rest. We’ll talk more tomorrow.”
Grayson rubbed his face, groaning a little. “What is it?” Y/N asked. “It’s just – four to six months? Gosh, that sounds like forever.” “It’ll be over before you know it, kid. You just gotta work during the recovery,” Jake said, nodding down to Grayson’s legs that were in braces.
Moving curls out of his face, Y/N spoke, “Gray, we will be with you every step of the way. It’ll be hard, but you can do it.”
She gestured to her own leg, “I tore my ACL my sophomore year of high school, I get it. You’ll want to jump right back in once you’re healed, but you can’t. You have to be careful until you’re properly healed, because if you aren’t you might cause more damage. If your body tells you to rest, listen to it.” Grayson nodded, yawning a little, “Yes ma’am.” Smiling at her son, she kissed his forehead, “Get some rest. We’ll be here when you wake up.”
Jake smiled and ruffled his hair, adjusting Kennedy so she could kiss her brother’s cheek. “Night bubba.” “Night sister.”
Two days later, Jake was back on base and, since Grayson was only 16, Y/N stayed at the hospital with him. Kennedy stayed at Penny’s getting pampered by Amelia.
As expected, everyone asked Jake if everything was okay. He just nodded and went on as usual. Of course he was still worried, but he was a dad; it’s expected. But people took Jake at his word.
And Jake, in his best attempts to be subtle, had moved his wedding band from his truck to his dog tags and wore his watch lower on his left wrist, to show the initials tattooed there. He also didn’t try to hide his phone as much, knowing his friends were a little nosy.
“Hangman, is that your niece? She’s adorable, what’s her name?” Fanboy asked as he sat beside Jake at lunch. Jake just smiled, “Her name is Kennedy. We call her Ken or Kenni.”
“Wait, let us see!” Phoenix said, gesturing for him to turn the phone around. He proudly did so, showing everyone at the table his daughter. “How old is she?” Rooster asked as he washed down his food. “She’s five, she was about 3 in that photo though. Just popped up in my memories on Facebook.”
They were too busy fawning over how cute Kennedy was that they didn’t catch the dodged ‘niece’ question.
Now, the Dagger squad was not stupid and they were trained to notice things. But does that mean they caught everything? Absolutely not.
But, Bob, being ever the wallflower, noticed the tattoo the next day when Jake took off his watch to shower.
“Who’s ‘(f/i) S’?” Jake smiled and rubbed the pad of his thumb over the two letters. “Sorry, that-” “No, Bob, it’s okay. If I didn’t want you to see it, you wouldn’t have seen it.” The WSO relaxed, “I take it they mean a lot to you?” Jake decided to keep it vague, just for suspense, “They mean the world to me.” Bob smiled and clapped Jake on the shoulder before leaving the room.
Four days into Grayson’s stay at the hospital and two days since Jake has been back at work, the squad went to the Hard Deck. But Jake wasn’t really there, his mind was on Y/N, Grayson, and Kennedy.
“Hey, Hangman, you okay?” Penny asked as she came over with his beer. “Yeah, yeah.” She arched a challenging brow and he caved. “Okay, maybe I’m still just a little shaken up. But Grayson’s okay, he’s coming home tomorrow. I just- Gah I don’t know…” Penny sympathetically smiled at him.
He changed the subject, “How’s Kennedy doing? She handlin’ it okay?” Penny nodded, “Yeah, Amelia is doing a good job at keeping her distracted. Tea parties, make-overs, the whole nine.” Jake smiled, “Yeah, Y/N’s shown me the photos.” “She keeps asking for Grayson though, she wants to visit him all the time. But if it’s past visiting hours they’ll face time.” He nodded, swallowing a little bit, “Yeah, that girl loves her brother. It’s-”
“Hangman! You ready to get your ass kicked?” Jake turned, “In your dreams, Fitch! Give me a minute!” He turned back to Penny, pulling his wallet out, “Close my tab, please. I’m heading out after this.”
Penny nodded and took the cash, gesturing to the squad “When are you gonna tell them?” He glanced back over his shoulder at the group before turning back, “Tonight, actually. Grayson comes home after an exam tomorrow afternoon. We plan on doing a cookout.” Penny smiled, “Good luck.” “Thanks,” he smiled and pushed off the bar, sauntering over to the squad.
He grabbed the pool cue offered and broke the triangle. “Hey, I’m heading out after this-” “What? You never leave first.” He just shrugged and lined up his shot, potting a solid. “As I was saying, I’m leaving after this. I was wondering if you guys were free this Saturday.” Cyclone, Warlock, and Mav knew Jake’s plan and gave everyone Saturday off.
The squad shared a look and nodded, saying they were free. “Yeah, why?” Jake smirked, eyes staying on the pool table, “My wife and I were planning to have a cookout, so I’m inviting you guys.” “Wife? You’re married?!” Rooster asked, choking on his drink. Jake nodded, “I believe I said wife. Didn’t I Coyote?” Coyote smirked as well, “Yeah, you did.”
Before anyone could ask ridiculous questions, Bob spoke up first, “How long have you been married?” “15 years in September,” Jake smiled, eyeing the gold band that was now on his finger. He’d put it on a few minutes ago while he waited for Penny to get his drink. “15? How have you kept it a secret for so long?” Fanboy asked. Jake shrugged, “When something’s mine I hate to share it.”
“Do you have kids?” Rooster asked. Jake nodded, “Yeah, two. A son, Grayson, and a daughter, Kennedy.” Their jaws dropped. “I thought she was your niece,” Payback asked. Jake shook his head, leaning down to take his shot, “Nope, never said that.”
Jake took a few more shots before sitting on a barstool while Payback took his. “So, are you guys in or what? I need to know how much food to get.” They all nodded. “I can’t believe you let me drown in testosterone when you had a little girl and a wife. I don’t think I could ever forgive you,” Phoenix said, crossing her arms while narrowing her eyes. “I’ll learn to live with that.”
Bob spoke up again, a little more hesitant this time. “What happened last Saturday?” Jake sighed and stood up, “Grayson was in a car accident.” 
When everyone jumped to ask questions,  he held his hands up. 
“He’s okay. But he’s been in the hospital the past few days for observation, but he’s coming home tomorrow. The cookout is really for you guys to come meet them and get to know them a little bit. Y/N didn’t want y’all to meet in the hospital.”
The group nodded, “We’re in.”
hiiiii! i’m happy you’re here! 
the squad knows now! how do you think the cookout is going to go? what might happened when the squad learns grayson is a 16 year-old? 
i hope you enjoyed this part two! i have one more part to post and will hopefully get it out in a timely fashion
if you want to be notified of up coming parts comment and i can add you to the tag list! and if you want to be added to top gun tag list lmk! <33
thank you for reading!
top gun tags <33: @roosterscockpit @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @sebsxphia​ @milesdickpic​
thank you guys for being here!!!
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petersbaby · 2 years
I’m kinda fucked up rn, I’m posting this anyways because I know my Gareth girlies are out there and I love you guys
7 minutes to forever - Gareth Emerson x Reader
Warnings: Gareth is a virgin, boner talk, male masturbation, smut, first time sex, mutual pining, awkwardness, I don’t like talking about condoms they gross me out but I tried to use one for once
It was a small party of sorts at Steve’s house, and of course Eddie was going to be there because that’s his boyfriend.
Eddie tried to invite all the people from the club, so his friends can meet Steve and Steve’s friends, hoping everyone could kind of merge and coexist but you and Gareth were the only two to show up out of the group.
The rest were just a few of Steve and Eddie’s mutual friends, including Robin. Lately, Eddie’s been on your ass about a certain something and he sees it as some sort of sign that you and Gareth both came.
“It’s been way too long. Just go fucking tell him.” Eddie begs you.
“Tell him fucking what, exactly??”
“That you literally want to fuck him. Have you seen this dude? Zero chance he’ll reject you. He’s such a virgin he’d probably cream his pants just from you speaking to him.”
“Eddie, EW.”
“I’m just saying.”
“That’s just it, I don’t wanna like… fucking corrupt him.”
“He wants you to corrupt him.”
“Yep.” He shrugs. “He wants you too, it’s so PAINFULLY obvious to everyone except you guys. We’re all tired of hearing about it.” He gestures to the rest of your shared friends.
“No, I- I don’t believe you. He doesn’t like me, that’s why I haven’t fucking said anything.” You whisper, now.
“Alright.” Eddie announces a little louder than he needs to be, and gets up. He grabs your wrist and starts pulling you.
“No, no, no. Eddie, stop, I’m so serious.”
And now you were standing in front of him.
“Gareth, here. Talk to her.”
You start to try and run the other way, away from this confrontational situation, but Eddie catches you.
“Jesus Christ, it’s like taking care of literal children. If you won’t say it, I will. Y/N, Gareth has a huge crush on you. Gareth, Y/N is practically obsessed with you, won’t shut up about how cute you are.”
You put your head in your hands.
“There, I said it, now be normal human beings.” He says, patting you both on the shoulder and walking away, leaving just the two of you standing near the kitchen while everyone else was in the living room, in another world.
“I’m sorry. About him, uh, yeah. I don’t know why he did that.” You say quietly, looking at the ground.
“Was that true?”
“That’s a relief. I don’t think either of us were gonna say something.”
“Yeah, probably not.” You laugh.
“Okay, so we’re locked in here.” You sigh.
“Yeah..” he agrees.
Eddie basically shoved you two into a hall closet, yelling about “seven minutes in heaven,” which was a stupid game thing you thought only middle schoolers did. You protested, but he was very insistent, and you gave up. He was just fucking with you two, being extra mischievous tonight for some reason.
“You know you don’t have to listen to him, right? You don’t need to do anything, you know, sexually. It’s perfectly fine to not want to.”
“I- well, I want to.”
“Why don’t you then?”
“Don’t know. Nervous, I guess. Just really nervous.”
“Would it help if I made the first move?”
He nods.
You lean in quickly after that to press your lips against his. Even though he knew it was coming, it still shocked him, enough to jump a little a draw back.
“No? It’s okay.” You try to reassure him despite all the mixed signals you were getting from this boy.
“Yes. Please. I’m sorry about that.”
“You do it then. I know you can.” You smile.
This time he leans in, despite his anxiety screaming in his brain. It’s sweet, so sweet, and his lips are soft and gentle. You reach up to rest your hand on the side of his face, lightly rubbing your thumb against his cheek while you kiss him.
His hands find your waist and rest there while you try to let him lead so you don’t overwhelm him. But soon, he suddenly pushes you against the wall. Not too rough but not as gentle as he had been, but you liked it either way, draping your arms over his shoulders.
This was something you’d always wanted, to kiss him, and you never thought it would happen in a million years. You thought he probably thought of you as just one of the guys, but apparently he didn’t. He adored you, but he’d never say that to you out loud.
You make out with him to the point you almost can’t breathe but couldn’t bare breaking the kiss to get air. You fingers tangled in his soft, curly hair, accidentally pulling it a little forgetting that to some people that just hurts. He didn’t say anything, though, and you just continued running your fingers through his locks at the back of his head.
“Seven minutes are up!!” Eddie calls, walking towards the closet to free you.
“Shit, um..” Gareth looks down, which was a mistake because it made you look down too.
He got a boner just from kissing you, but now that your time is up, he doesn’t know what to do.
“Sorry.” You whispered.
“It’s not your fault.” He laughed a little.
“So, what’d you two get up to in here?” Eddie asks, after swinging the door open. Gareth moves quickly past him and into the bathroom as swiftly as he can.
“You can’t just put people in closets, Eddie.”
“I did, though, so yeah. I can. Please tell me you at least kissed.”
“That is SO none of your business.”
“I’ll take that as a yes. Finally.” He exclaims the last word. You walk back with him to where everyone was gathered in the living room and once you sat down, you started daydreaming about what Gareth’s doing in there. You know what he’s doing, realistically, but you couldn’t stop imagining it.
In the bathroom, he stands in front of the sink with his dick in his hand, desperately fucking his fist just needing to get this out of his system. Instead of having to see his reflection in the mirror in front of him, he shut his eyes and thought of you.
God, all the things he wanted to do with you, to do to you. But just then, the way you kissed him deep, the way your fingers tangled in and pulled on his hair, the way he had you up against the wall. He finishes quickly thanks to these thoughts and mental images, release spurting out into the sink and the last bit of it dripping onto his hand.
He tries to catch his breath, washing his hands and cleaning up his mess, then looked at himself. He fixed his hair to look as normal as possible, cooled off, and went back to join everyone.
“Where the hell have you been?” Steve asks, only just noticing the boy’s absence.
“I had to use the bathroom, okay?” He answers defensively.
“Okay, jeez.” Steve said, raising his hands.
Gareth finds that his previous seat had been taken, and looks around nervously. You lock eyes with him and pat the place beside you on the couch. He smiles shyly and comes to sit.
As you all watched the movie, and no one was paying attention, you grabbed his hand and held it in yours, scooting closer. You leaned your head to rest on his shoulder, and he smiled secretly.
He made you feel all warm and happy on the inside, just like the perfect boy. That night really solidified your feelings for him, and you hope it did to him too. You thought about him a lot. Were you on his mind too?
Well, maybe tonight you could find out. DND was done and a couple of people were going back to Eddie’s for some beers or whatever alcohol his uncle had around. It was a Friday, after all.
When you got dropped off, it looked like everyone was already there. That meant he was too. He didn’t have a car, so he had to have ridden with somebody. Why did you have butterflies in your stomach at the thought of going into Eddie’s trailer? Since when is that a big deal?
You pushed it aside, the nervousness, and stepped in anyway.
“HEY, look who’s here. Thought you weren’t coming for a while there.” Eddie says.
“Sorry, I had to go home and change and everything, you know..”
“Alright, so… drinks. We’ve got two options. You ready?”
“So excited.” You say sarcastically.
“Beer or vodka.”
“Oh, god. Terrible. They’re both terrible. A beer, I guess.”
He laughs and gets you one. You head into the living room again where everyone is, taking a sip of the shitty and not very cold beer.
The couch is full so you take a seat on the floor, it looked like they were all passing a joint around. When it comes to you, you decline, giving it to the next person. The next person was Gareth, who also declined.
“You guys are total losers.” Eddie said, calling you out for not participating.
“I’m not a loser, I just don’t wanna be high.” Gareth says defensively.
“Yeah, me neither. Realistically, I don’t even want this beer. It’s gross, Eddie.”
“Well when none of us are 21 yet, you take what you can get.”
“I’m tired of sitting on the floor. Can me and Gare go hang out in your room?”
“Go have fun, you crazy kids. We’ll be in here, watching TV and talking VERY loudly.” Eddie wiggles his eyebrows at you.
“Whatever.” You roll your eyes, walking back to Eddie’s bedroom while Gareth follows and shuts the door behind him.
“Listen, I’m not trying to push anything on you. I didn’t want time alone to do that stuff, I just wanted to spend time with you.” You say, sitting down on the bed.
“Yeah, okay. I wanna spend time with you too.” He laughs. So cute.
He laughs, blushing a little. “Sure.”
You lay down together, becoming intertwined, resting your head on his chest. You stay that way for a while, you could’ve stayed that way forever.
“Hey,” he says after about 15 minutes, and you lift up, resting on your elbow.
“Can I kiss you again?”
“Of course.”
His lips come to meet yours and they melt together, and suddenly so do your bodies. They press against each other, radiating heat and warmth. He wants more, he wants more so bad, but he doesn’t want to push it and he also just doesn’t know how to ask. His hand is on your waist again, hovering slightly.
“Could I- would it be okay if-“ he starts.
“Yeah?” He asks anxiously.
“You can do literally whatever you want to me.” You assure him.
“Jesus Christ.”
Immediately hard as a rock, immediately entranced. It was true, in your defense, you liked him *so* much,
“I mean it.” You whisper.
His hand starts to move, ending up on your ass, squeezing tightly. It also pulled you impossibly closer to him, bodies pressed together. You put your hand on his face again, holding it sweetly but firmly while you kiss.
Your tongues explored each other’s mouths again, more familiar this time, and his hand moves up to squeeze one of your tits while the other arm props him up on his side. He needed more than this, he needed to feel your skin.
He slipped his hand into your sweater from the bottom, moving up until he felt your bare breast which he wasn’t fully expecting. He thought you were wearing something, anything underneath but you weren’t.
His cool fingers run over your hard nipples, making you gasp a bit, and so he goes farther and pinches one of them which makes you squeak in surprise. He just continued to feel your torso, hands running all over your stomach and chest and hips and tits.
You reached for the bottom hem of the sweater and pulled it off over your head, letting him be able to see what he’s doing, and his eyes grew wide as saucers. His eyes wandered shamelessly, curiously, all over, nearly burning a hole in you.
“You… you like them?” You ask, giggling a little bit. He was so beyond fascinated and you could see that.
“Yes, holy shit, yes.” He responds almost under his breath.
You take some of his soft locks in your hand and guide him down, wanting him to try sucking on or licking your nipples. He does, latching on quickly, expertly.
You start to melt now, holding onto his hair while you moan quietly. He climbs on top of you and brings his mouth to the other nipple, giving it the same attention. He gets the idea to move up to your neck, and starts kissing there.
This is where you totally fall apart, your weakness. Your noises encourage him to kiss your neck with more passion and fervor and you can feel his erection pressed against your thigh.
You reach down to grab onto it, palm it, and he sucks a particularly harsh mark onto your neck in the sweet spot when you do. You’ll definitely have a bruise, but you don’t mind at all.
“Fuck,” he breathes into your shoulder, stopped for a moment.
“You okay?” You check in, pushing him up so you can look him in the eyes.
“Think I’m just… god, I’m nervous. That’s so embarrassing.”
“No, that’s okay.” You reassure. “What do you want?”
He burns red. He’s not gonna be able to say it out loud himself.
“Do you want to have sex? Be honest.”
“Good, because I do too. But Gare, we can stop at any moment. Just tell me, okay?”
“Okay.” He breathes.
You reach down to untie the strings on the waistband of your sweatpants and pull them off your body, leaving you in pink panties in front of him.
You feel him staring again, at the sight of you anxiously squeezing your legs together and waiting for him to make the next move.
You were so turned on it was unbelievable, with him have not even touched you there yet. You were sure you were soaking. He fumbles with his button and zipper, looking behind him.
“Yes, the door’s locked.”
“Oh. Good.” He half-laughed, because that is indeed what he was checking for. He takes his pants off and climbs back on top of you, only in his t shirt and boxers now.
He slots himself between your legs after you happily spread them for him. You could feel his cock so much better now, rock solid and a really nice size. He ruts his hips up against you, only the barriers of your respective underwear blocking the way.
He buries his face between your shoulder and neck, kissing on it again, and his hard cock continually presses against your cunt. You accidentally moan, a moan too loud for the situation, but you just have to hope no one heard it because you couldn’t help it.
“Shh,” he soothes, covering your mouth with his.
“Sorry,” you whisper, into the kiss, smiling. You can feel him smiling too.
“Should- can- what should we…”
“It’s up to you, remember? Whatever you want, however you wanna do it.” You remind him, trying to give him some confidence.
“Right. Can I take these off, then?” He asks, slipping his finger into the waistband of your panties.
“Yes, please do.”
You didn’t want to come off as desperate and impatient, but you were growing to be. It wasn’t his fault, though, you had to remind yourself he’s never done this before. He does, pulling the fabric down your legs and leaving you bare. Quickly after that, he pulls his own underwear off.
“I’m really wet, so whenever you’re ready, I’m ready.”
“Oh, shit, okay. Wait, don’t we need a condom?”
“Eddie should have some, if you want.”
You didn’t need one, being on birth control, but you wanted to do whatever made him more comfortable. He digs around in the nightstand and quickly finds some, taking one and putting it on.
“Okay.” He repeats, finally ready. You smile as if to tell him ‘go ahead’. You immediately learn that he isn’t familiar with easing into it, as he fills you up completely right away. This made you gasp, but luckily not too loud.
“Ohh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He groans.
“So good, you feel so good. Start moving, baby boy.”
That slipped out. That did slip out but he did not seem to mind the pet name at all, only listening to what you said and starting to thrust in and out.
You bite down on your bottom lip to keep quiet, only letting whimpers and soft moans out every now and then. You looked him in the eyes longingly, even though he was right there, and you felt yourself starting to love him in that moment.
He lets his dominant hand roam up to your throat, only to rest there. Thinking. You nod, reading his mind, answering his silent question and he squeezes gently. Soft but intoxicating. He continues to choke you with his big hand wrapped around your neck and leans down to kiss you again.
He finds a rhythm he likes, and starts to fuck you with more confidence. He wasn’t the biggest you’d ever had, but he still stretched you out and reached pretty deep inside.
Amazingly full of him, you still keep your noises quiet as much as you can. You couldn’t believe it, Gareth, you and Gareth were having sex. If the you from a month ago heard that, she would say “no fucking way.” But here you were. He wasn’t being super vocal, so you only hoped he felt good too. Damn, it would be nice to hear him though.
“Still okay?” You ask.
“The best.” He replies, and you smile.
He moves his hand from your throat back to fondling your breast, other one holding up his body weight over you.
He ends up getting quite aggressive while chasing his high, slamming into you quickly and filling the room with the sounds of sex. You think back to what Eddie said about watching TV and talking loudly and you stop worrying about that.
You were close, walls fluttering around him, but you knew you most likely wouldn’t get to finish. You’d just do it yourself later when you got home. The memory of this will be more than enough to masturbate to for a really long time, you think.
Coincidentally, he starts getting sloppy, thrusting haphazardly and clearly searching for something. Determined, he soon found it, cock twitching inside of you as he filled the condom and let out a long string of curse words and groans when he came.
He once again leant forward, resting his head on your shoulder for a moment. Neither of you wanted to move, and the pressure of him on top of you was so comforting, but eventually he had to.
Once all was done, you lay together, just as you had started out.
“Do you… like, actually like me?” He asks, head turning to you.
“No shit, Gareth. Yes, I like you.” You say sarcastically. You hope it didn’t come out mean. Thankfully it didn’t, because he laughed.
“So, you can totally tell me to fuck off if this is stupid, but… do you want to be together? You and me? Or is that stupid-“
You shut him up with a kiss, because he would’ve rambled on forever and you already had the answer.
“Yes. I’d like that.” You smile.
“Oh, okay. Cool, cool.” He laughs, feeling a huge weight off his shoulders. You melt into his arms, but you get interrupted when he suddenly realizes something.
“Oh, shit. I’m terrible.” He says, out of nowhere.
“You are not. Why?”
“You were supposed to… finish….too. You didn’t- I did something wrong.” He says, covering his face with his hands.
“I don’t care about that. It’s okay, I promise. If it bothers you that much, you can next time. I’ll help you.”
“Next time…” he repeats idly.
“Yeah? I just kinda assumed there’d be a next time..”
“Yes. No, you’re right, there will be. I just liked the sound of that.”
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starglow-xx · 1 year
— Oh Baby!
part 2! - a solution? sure, let’s call it that
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heartslabyul & savanaclaw x f! reader
synopsis: when the boys of heartslabyul and savanaclaw get turned to kids, who else is supposed to take of them except their beloved prefect? go figure. damn you crowley. oh, and you too grim.
fandom: twisted wonderland
type of work: part of mini series! : “Oh Baby!” ; written segment, fluff / platonic themes, comedy? ; check out pt. 1 here!
warnings: a stressed prefect pt. 2, unedited
a/n: YALL it’s been a year since i posted the first part to this and obviously since then i’ve completed the books for octavinelle, scarabia, and pomefiore, so maybe they’ll have future appearances later hehe but no promises
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“you’re telling me you don’t know how to fix this?!” you whisper yelled.
“that’s what i said was it not?”
you wanted to scream in frustration at the headmaster but refrained yourself from doing so as your newly turned baby friends were oh so peacefully playing in the common room as you and crowley talked in the kitchen, and didn’t want to draw attention.
“loosey duecey! loosey duecey! loosey duecey! loosey duecey!”
“shut up!”
maybe peacefully was too good of a word in this situation.
“WELL THEN! it seems that i am no longer needed so i will take my leave—”
“get the hell back here for seven’s sake! and didn’t i tell you to keep your voice down?!”
“shut up! if you won’t help me solve my problem then don’t speak at all!” you continued to whisper yell.
with strength that you usually save for rounding up ace, deuce, and grim (on normal circumstances), you grab the stupid headmaster by the back of his cloak thing as he turns away from you to make his escape.
“oh no you don’t!”
the bird for brains had the audacity to sigh at you like he was the one inconvenienced with 8 children. 8 actual children.
“ms. prefect, you must understand, that despite how gracious i am, i simply do not have time for—”
“i’ll go on strike if you don’t help me!”
“...come again?”
you sweatdrop as you let go of his cloak. you didn’t really think the whole thing through, it kind of just came out of you mouth, but it seemed to get his attention so you’re going to have to role with it dammit.
“t-that’s right!”
you cursed in your head slightly as you stammer. there’s no turning back!
“i’ll for once since i’ve gotten here be an normal student! so that means no cleaning after your messes, doing chores that shouldn’t be my responsibility, fighting stupid overblots blah blah blah, you get the picture?”, you threaten.
crowley is silent as he contemplates your words.
“and no, holding housing or allowance over my head is not going to work, because i will literally get myself adopted by another dorm or so help me.”
at that, crowley sighs once again, but this time in defeat at the teenage girl in front of him.
“all right, i’ll go work with the staff to try and figure something out.”
god dammit you can never win can you.
crowley with a stern voice as he wags one of his fingers shatters your hopes and dreams with a simple, “the children must stay here!”
you couldn’t believe your ears, and started to yell, forgetting about whisper yelling.
“what?! why?! i’m asking for help with them because i can’t handle it!”
he simply raises an eyebrow at you.
“do you think it’ll be beneficial and efficient to have the children running around potions and stacks of books while we try and find their cure?”
you sigh, disappointed but not surprised at his rebuttal.
“...no sir”
“great! i guess we’re on the same page after all! i wish you the best of luck prefect, for i am gracious.”
you deadpan.
“right of course. whatever would i do without your help headmaster”
“oh you’d probably perish!”
“that was sarcasm”
ignoring your retort, the man dramatically swished his coat cape thing nearly whacking you in the face (you’re 98% sure it was on purpose) as you feel a migraine start coming on, and the you 15 minutes ago wouldn’t believe it wasn’t because of the children.
after a deep sigh, you follow after crowley reentering what grim dubbed as the “danger zone” only to catch the evasive headmaster walk out the door and shut it behind them.
from where you’re standing, you hear grim, who’s awake now, but still lying on the floor, mumble something along the lines of “useless” and you couldn’t agree more.
you eye the handful of children running around and yelling at each other.
oh great seven, this is going to be one hell of a migraine.
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i love their shenanigans <33
as always, reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3
writing belongs to me! please do not plagiarize, repost, or translate on here or any other sites!
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half-oz-eddie · 10 months
I had a thought.
tw for: mentions of grooming, sexual harassment, violence, karen wheeler
What if Karen was the one to get flayed, because Vecna was observing Billy and Karen’s interactions and thought he could use Karen to groom/manipulate Billy (who was the one he actually wanted to use to lead the army) like let’s just say he somehow got Karen while she was in the bathtub or something idk.
They actually meet up, and she’s being like—way too aggressive and Billy doesn’t like it and feels uncomfortable so when she starts showing signs that something’s wrong with her, Billy accidentally knocks her out in the pool and thinks he killed her so he runs away.
Anyway the mind flayer is stuck using Karen so flayed Karen starts putting together book clubs or whatever to create little armies of moms and teachers that can seize control of young people.
So while all the moms are acting a little weird (not Joyce because we’re giving her plot armor) The party is investigating the suspicious acting parents and these “book clubs” they’re always having.
All while Max is trying to find Billy practically on her own because nobody, except El, really believes his disappearance is connected to any of this. El tells Max that Billy is “hiding in the woods…and scared” so Max is determined to find him.
Maybe Steve finds Max skating around late at night and listens to her and offers to help. Because finally someone believes it makes sense that Billy would have run off a long time ago if he wasn’t scared of Neil, so something must have spooked him more than Neil did.
Normally she wouldn’t care what Billy’s doing, she’ll admit, but she worries he could be in grave danger.
They drive around for a little bit looking for him and they spot his car by the quarry. He confesses to Max that he “killed Karen” but he didn’t mean to, and he would never do something like that. He’s stammering and crying, pleading with her and explaining that he knows he takes his shitty jokes too far but he’s not a killer and he’s really not like Neil.
Max tries to calm him down and tell him she believes him, but Karen isn’t dead.
“How?“ he questions. “I hit her pretty hard. She was floating in the pool and bleeding when I left.”
“She’s fine, but she’s been acting really weird. A lot of the moms in town have.”
Once Billy’s calmed down and they try to explain some things about Hawkins to Billy, Steve raises a question.
“What were you doing at a motel with Karen?”
“She wanted swimming lessons. I-I dunno what else was gonna happen. But she started acting weird and freaking me out and when I told her to cool it, she kept being pushy and trying to force herself on me and I-I…I panicked.”
“That’s…eww.” Max replies. “Doesn’t she know you’re like…a teenager?”
“The moms have been going to the pool everyday to check Billy out. I guess they don’t care.” Steve would say, begrudgingly.
“Whatever—look, you’re not in any trouble. Karen’s probably not gonna say anything because she doesn’t want her husband to find out that she’s a creep.”
So anyway Steve and Max convince Billy to come back home and Max keeps Susan away from those book clubs something something Neil gets flayed somehow and there’s no reason for Billy to die and he's kissing Steve on the mouth the end bye
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rachetmath · 6 months
Jaune's Last Man
(Hi sorry this has been my head and I completely forgot about this so let me end this with a kicker. A rap you may say. If you need a recap or you don’t know what this is about....he links here.;
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/rachetmath/681709097493659648/ilia-blake-i-want-to-come-with-you-blake-ilia?source=share
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/rachetmath/683991434179805184/can-we-please-get-a-sequel-to-the-post-about-jaune?source=share
Part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/rachetmath/688883250974916608/so-i-know-ow-you-said-you-dont-normally-do?source=share)
Jaune: Mercury.
Mercury: Vomit Boy. How’s it hanging?
Jaune: I’m doing fine.
Mercury: Really? I mean since you killed your friend. Your girlfriend dead. And Atlas. I would think you be in a site of depression.
Jaune: Yeah. Except I’m in state of rage.
Mercury; Oh.
Jaune: I mean I haven’t seen my family in years to where I can barely remember their faces. I watched thousands of innocent people die. I was betrayed by someone I wanted to call friend. All because of my stupidity.
Mercury: Wow finally admit it. You don’t know what your doing.
Jaune: Still don’t… but I’ll take my chances.
Mercury: So what are you going to do torture me.
Jaune: Haha no. Of course not. Ladies.
Neo and Ilia walks into the room. Neo before she took a seat on the table, she gives Jaune a kiss on cheeks while Ilia a has weapon to Mercury’s neck. Mercury was still shocked with Neo.
Jaune: Alright. Let us begin. I’m here to make a deal.
Mercury: A deal?
Jaune: You bet. I want you on my team.
Ruby: What?
Jaune: Yes.
Mercury: Why?
Jaune: We need someone like you on our side. Guys like you come in very short supply.
Mercury: That doesn’t give me much of a reason. Why should I give you allegiance?
Jaune: I’m willing to give something that can’t refuse.
Mercury: Please, your not even giving me a right to choose.
Jaune: *sigh* Ilia.
Ilia removes her weapon and sits down.
Jaune: Fine, I’ll play by rules. Look, I understand. Your father he was bad man. But brother he’s dead.
Mercury: I know.
Jaune: I know it was by own hands. I get it wasn’t easy but you fail to get-
Mercury: Is?
Jaune: That you can be better. So much clever. Do really want to stay in his shadow forever?
Mercury: Please. Who are you to judge me? If I recall correctly didn’t you cheat. You went to a school filled with talent. With nothing to show but empty promises and values. You talk a big game but you can’t measure up. Face it bud, your only here because of luck.
Jaune: …. ….
Mercury: Got nothing to say. Guess the fun is over. No more debates. I guess I’m done now prison await. Besides Salem offered me world on a plate what’s better than that?
Jaune: Okay, little man, so what’s your plan?
Mecury: What?
Jaune: Yeah, little man, what’s you plan?
Mercury: I mean-
Jaune: What’s your plan? Tell me, little man, what you gone do when you got the world in your hands? You get all money and get some respect. You make yourself sound like you really are a threat. Yes its true, your right about me. I did what it took to follow my dreams. But now look at me. I am all three. Money, Power and respect. A threat guaranteed. I lost many people but yet I still breath. Yet I still believe in what we can achieve.
Mercury: … … …. What are you saying to me?
Jaune: We’re nothing like them.
Mercury: What do you want from me?
Jaune: Show me your bravery. Leave it all BEHIND and make history.
Mercury: But I-
Jaune: You’re nothing like him.
Mercury: I’m-
Jaune: You can still be better.
Emerald: *burst in door* And if your not sure we can explore it together. We’ll have each other.
Jaune: And if you believe-
Mercury: Believe?
Jaune: In yourself.
Emerald: And me.
Jaune and Emerald: There’s nothing you can’t achieve.
Mercury: Really?
Jaune: Right.
Emerald: You can fly. Again. Sore the sky. Again.
Jaune: Away from sun. Together with us. We can make history. Forge our destiny. Our story will be legendary. So-
Jaune: *pulls his hand out* What do you say?
Mercury: Hmm. Well-
Jaune: Yes, you will paid.
Mercury: And?
Jaune: Yes, come man, what do you say?
Mercury: *shakes Jaune’s hand* Alright you got a deal compadre.
RWBY: Dang.
Oscar: They went play by play.
Nora: So Jaune? Tell us, what’s now the team’s name?
Jaune JMNI. What do you all think?
Mercury: I got say, it’s got nice ring to.
Ilia: I accept the team name. No mistake.
Neo: *agrees with smile*
Jaune: Guess we agree. But before we celebrate we have demonstrate, how useful we are, leave no trace to debate. So let’s start on our first case. What do you say?
Mercury, Ilia and Neo(with a sign): Bring it.
Jaune: Oh this will be great.
Nora: Can we stop rhyming.
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sheenashifts1217 · 3 days
Pick A Pile #3
Message From Your DR Self
Take a breath and pick the image you’re drawn to first. Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. This is a collective reading so some may resonate with this more than others. For a personal reading, check my pined post <3
Pile 1: Beach heart, Pile 2: Lightning Heart, Pile 3: Cloud Heart
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Pile 1
Lyrics standing out:
“They say that we’re no good together and it’s never gonna work out
Everything you do is magic
Let em take pictures
Spread it all across the world now
I don’t know what to believe
Everything you do is magic”
Hi beautiful angels of Pile 1. Your DR self wants you to trust yourself more. You are your DR self. Your DR self is your CR self. Are you stressed about shifting? Don’t be because you’ve already shifted. Your DR self is telling you to take shifting and your DR off of such a high pedestal. There is nothing holding you back from your desires except for yourself. Get out of your own way. This I your sign to embrace all that you are and to on your power. You don’t need some outside cosmic force to make you shift. YOU ARE A COSMIC FORCE. Allow your reality to flow, it doesn’t have to be follow any rules. Magic is normal, normalize it to yourself because “everything you do is magic”. Every choice you make is shifting your reality, it’s that simple.
Your DR may include a lot of magic ad your DR self wants you to know that your s/o loves you like breathing.
Signs of confirmation, but not limited to: 444, blue bird, green leaf, dew drop, glass of water, blue, Billie Eillish, older women, dance
Pile 2
Lyrics standing out:
“Haven’t seen my mother in a long, long time
Do you really think I give a damn
I say I live in Rosemead, really, I’m at the Ramada
So many other things you can’t believe
Puts the shower on while he calls me
Your mom called, I told her you’re fucking up big time”
Hi beauties, Pile 2! Your DR self is telling you that you are having the time of your life. You may be a person who shifts pretty frequently, but to different DRs, or you may have a lot of DRs, but struggle to focus on one. Your ability to go with the flow is rewarding you greatly. If you’re shifting for an s/o, your relationship couldn’t be better. Marriage is in the near future for a few of you. Basically, your DR self is saying to sit back and enjoy the ride. Everything is going your way because you’re allowing it. Keep doing whatever you’re doing because it’s working. You’re on a path of healing and your inner child is shining. You are finally learning to give up on the thought of needing external validation and people pleasing. Keep it up because your hard work is paying off!
Signs of confirmation, but not limited to: “J”, red, crayon, curve, back road, country, serve, slay, boots, 24, 2, Taylor Swift, Willow, 90’s
Pile 3
Lyrics standing out:
“Now he’s just a shadow
My boy loves his friends like I love my split ends
My boy don’t love me like he promised
He ain’t a man, he sure as hell ain’t honest
Who are you?
He said he’d change
You want me to be yours, then you’ve got to be mine”
Hello lovely Pile 3! Why are you still doing things and allowing things in your life that don’t serve you? I know that was harsh right off the bat, but seriously, why? You know what you need and you know what hurts you. You’ve become comfortable in your cycle instead of actually speaking growth. Your DR self is telling you to stand the fuck up because you could be doing literally anything else, yet you’re self destructing. A lot of you began shifting to heal your inner child, but you began to use it to sulk and self destruct. Your DR self is you RN. You are in your CR because it is where you are desiring to be. Change your mindset to be in your “DR”, because right now, you’re making your CR be you DR by choosing to remain in the loop and keeping the same mentality. You always say you’re gonna change but don’t follow through. Actually do it, you won’t regret it. Your DR self says that things are great in your DR right now and they’re tired of you complaining about not being there when you’re not even actually intending to be there. A lot of things will lighten up once you face your shadow self and actually take that leap of faith.
Signs of confirmation, but not limited to: purple, cream, sparkles, glitter, candy, green, jeans, eagles, pen, fun, 888, 9, 23, trees, flowers
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palmviolet · 7 days
Hello! I don’t know if this is strange, but do you have any tips for characterizing Rust? Your writing of him literally feels ripped out of the show in a way I’ve seen very few able to do, and I have trouble balancing his “time is a flat circle, we’re all trapped in Samsara” beliefs with his “normal” (for lack of a better word) pessimism and worldview and always feel like I end up leaning too hard one way or the other. You strike a perfect balance between these (and just generally on his characterization, like, not necessarily just with these issues but on his little quirks and references he’d have as touchstones and small details) in a way that really impresses me. Absolutely no problem if you’ve got nothing (and also you aren’t obliged to divulge your secrets at all!), but either way keep up the great work!!!!
oooh okay great question — thank you so much, i'm so thrilled you enjoy the way i write him <3
i mean let's preface this by saying that i've watched TD s1 maybe... 7 times now? currently on my umpteenth watch in the space of six months. and aside from that i've been marathoning mcconaughey movies so really i've got his voice pretty near to hand if i need it lol and a lot of writing accurate dialogue, i find, is just being able to hear the character saying it in your head.
that being said it's not just dialect inflections; as you say, it's philosophy. i read the conspiracy against the human race by ligotti, which is reportedly the book that rust's whole nihilist philosophy is based on. would absolutely recommend, if you can stomach it — it's basically just immersion in rust's fucked-up head for 300 pages. but the central point to remember here is that rust as a character is as human as anybody else, meaning there doesn't have to be internal consistency w/r/t how his beliefs and actions tesselate with each other. he's made of contradictions and he's deluding himself half the time, alongside everybody else. case in point: that he seems to believe what the doctors told him (that sophia died peacefully without pain) despite his general confidence in the world as a thresher of suffering and the people in it as self-serving, delusional puppets. he clings to what was likely a comforting fiction to support his assertion that to die is better than to live but also to protect himself, because the likely reality (that sophia died in pain and fear) is simply too traumatic for him to handle. and in that he's human — and the constant conflict within his character is between the human instincts towards self-preservation, hope, loneliness, fear, justice, and his belief that those instincts are just the trappings of biology and a fragile constructed system that holds no meaning beyond the circle of an unreal world — a belief that arises from an event so traumatic as to have rewritten those instincts.
so half of it is collecting references to go along with his nihilist philosophy — philosophers, poets, postmodern theorists — and half of it is remembering he's just a guy who has a bottle of hot sauce and a coffee maker and nothing else in his kitchen. in that he has to experience the world just like anybody else does, though he does it a little to the left — i do have fun experimenting with his synaesthesia when writing from his perspective — and he has specific touchstones from his experiences in alaska, in texas, just generally being a cop in the south in the 90s. he'll know a gun make better than he'll know a car; he'll compare a good thing to a drug, not a candy. he'll answer a question honestly but he'll do it with varying levels of sardonicism, depending who's asking. he'll ascribe pain to everyone's existence except his daughter's, though she lived in a cruel world like everyone else, because the only way he can protect her is through the optimism of revisionist memory. just. what a character man
sorry if i've rambled. it's just about getting into his headspace by reading the right things (eg all the AA stuff in infinite jest when i reread it this year very much helped) and remembering it's okay that he doesn't make much sense to you in your narrative, because he's not a character that makes sense — which is what makes him such a good character, because it makes him more real.
thanks for the ask!
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frvnkcastles · 1 year
i see you write the traumatized girlies
i really like your write style, do you think you can write a retired!people pleaser reader where she is taking frank home to her manipulative family and he doesn’t understand what she is apprehensive about until seeing how bad they treat her maybe even try to get him to look her differently then he sticks up for her and takes her away and gives her reassurance that it wasn’t okay and that as long as he was around no one would treat her like that
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Summary: You lean on Frank after a terrible night with your abusive parents.
Warnings: Mentions of emotional abuse, past trauma, implied C-PTSD, hurt/comfort
Word count: 1k
Author’s note: I’m so very sorry that it took me this long to get to this request! However today is PTSD Awareness Day and I really wanted to get something out in honor of that. This disorder really majorly sucks so I’m very proud of myself and all of you who are also struggling, because we’re doing our best in a shitty situation and managing. Treat yourself today <3
Also, I realized that it took me a long time to get to this because writing about the family dynamic turned out to be triggering so I kinda skipped that part and went straight to the comfort. I hope you like it regardless! :)
Red crescents littered your thigh as you dug your nails in, your teeth gnawing on your lip and your thoughts everywhere else except whatever Frank was telling you from his side of the car. You couldn’t help but zone out in complete anxiety that came in nauseating waves, your stomach churning uncomfortably as you tried to recover from the night behind you.
”Hey, you with me?” Frank’s voice only got through to you when he placed a hand on yours over your thigh, and looking back at him from the window decorated with raindrops, a guilty look crossed your eyes.
”Not really”, you swallowed. Frank nodded in understanding, but didn’t say anything — simply squeezed your hand.
You had been together for a long, long while now. Yet he had never met your family; and for good reason, you had insisted. They had put you down for as long as you had been walking the Earth, and as soon as you had turned eighteen, you had packed up your things and left.
If only it had been that easy, though. Just because you moved out, you had been unable to cut them off. They were good at making you feel guilty and responsible like that. Years of therapy had helped you see your own worth and realize that the treatment you got from your family was far from okay or normal, but it seemed that whenever they called, you fell into old patterns.
You had tried your very best to keep Frank away from
them, though. You were embarrassed, and maybe even a little bit scared that it would be too much for him — or maybe, he’d realize they were right about you and he wouldn’t want to be with you anymore. You had thought it over a million times, considered every possible outcome, none of them comforting.
”You don’t owe me anythin’, sweetheart. If you don’t think it’s a good idea, then I believe ya”, Frank had assured every time the topic came up.
So how you had ended up in the car, with the navigation system telling Frank how to get to your parents’ house, you weren’t quite sure. A part of you had wanted to show off, let them see what a great guy you were sharing your life with now, but the closer you had gotten to your destination, the worse of an idea it had seemed. Your parents knew how to turn even the best situation into a toxic one, and they hadn’t hesitated to do the same tonight, too.
It had started as soon as you made it through the front door. The belittling, twisting your words, making you feel guilty for having your own life separate from your parents’. Not to mention the unabashed attempts to embarrass you and create doubt in Frank’s head — doubt that you were worth his time or the woman you had claimed to be in the first place.
You sniffled and hastily wiped your eyes with the back of your hand as all the pent-up emotion of the evening behind you finally broke through. Without a second’s hesitation, Frank was pulling over at the gas station right on your way, and shushing you gently as you brought your hands to your face and began sobbing.
”Why do I keep thinking it’ll be different? How stupid can I be?” you cried, your eyes blurry from the downpour of tears, your whole body trembling even as Frank reached from his side of the car with open arms.
”Baby, you ain’t stupid. Hear me? You’re not stupid. Everyone wants to see the good in their family. It ain’t your fault they’re just shitty”, he insisted, his hand caressing the back of your head while he tilted his head low to be on your level. A frown was etched onto his face as he watched you shake and cry, his own body filling with anger and regret that he hadn’t set clear boundaries with your family. Sure, he had taken you out of there as soon as he realized what was going on, but maybe there was more he could have done.
Hiccuping, you looked up at him with a wobbly lip. ”Do you—do you promise you’re not gonna leave me now?” you pleaded, and with his eyes softening at the genuine fear in your voice, Frank leaned in to kiss your temple.
”Sweetheart, why would I do that?” he questioned, sincere and gentle with you as his fingers continued stroking your hair.
”The—the things they were saying about me… you must regret being with me”, you pointed out, and before there was any room for debate, Frank cut in.
”I don’t regret a single second I’ve spent with ya. I’m meant to be right here. They can talk all the bullshit they want, you’re everythin’ to me and that ain’t changin’”, he swore, dead-serious. As much was evident in his dark eyes, which were always full of love when he looked at you, but they were stern, too — he wasn’t messing around.
”Listen to me, aight?” Frank cleared his throat. ”The way they treated you… it is not okay. It’s not okay, got that? I will never do that to you. I promise. I’m never gonna take you for granted. As long as I’m here, you never have to feel that way again”, his gruff voice reassured you, and to seal the deal, he gently took your hand in his own and kissed it.
Sniffling, you nodded. ”Thank you, Frankie. That really means a lot”, you gave him a careful smile, and pulling you into a hug as well as he could from behind the wheel, he left another kiss on the top of your head.
”You tell me whenever they ask you to do shit for them, alright? I’m gonna help you cut them off. I know it ain’t easy but you deserve better. You don’t need ’em. Hell, you don’t need anyone, but you still got me, okay?” he insisted, and nodding again, you leaned in to kiss him tenderly. He returned the kiss deeply, both of you closing your eyes and resting your foreheads together while his thumb swiped across your cheeks to wipe your tears.
”Now, how about we get some greasy food to save the night and huddle up in front of the TV, huh? How’s that sound, sweetheart?” Frank suggested then, and with a new, reinforced smile, you kissed his cheek.
”Sounds perfect.”
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fancyfeathers · 8 months
The Tsaritsa’s darling (Normalized Yandere AU)
part two to this post about the yandere harbingers and their darlings (link)
(A/N- the main character in this mini fic is not a reader character like the other darlings in this series, but he will appear as a side character in other stories in this series)
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Hidden away in the forests of Teyvat, hidden away from any particular nation. The woods were beautiful, lovely, green leaves and a rainbow of flowers, but as you got deeper the woods changed as it with the season, fading into a winter wonderland, snow, ice, and winter critters of all sorts. There in the woods is a mansion, and sitting in an the, run down mansion were two figures, sitting at a table, a chess set in between them that they played. The man was beautiful, long, silver, braided hair, he was dressed in finery of silvers, blacks, whites and blues that paired well with his light blue eyes. He was an extremely beautiful figure, but extremely week, a cane leaned against the table and he kept a handkerchief in hand because every so often he was sent into a coughing fit. This sickness didn’t worry the woman he was playing with though, except the occasional blood that came with it.
“My Lord, shouldn’t you be getting your rest? It is getting late after all.” The woman asked, moving her knight on the board. She folder her hands and waited for his response both in the game and in words. The man chuckled and moved one of his bishops.
“I should, I really should, but with recent abduction of the Actress I do not think my body will let me no matter how much it may need to.” The man stood, grabbing his cane as he did so. He had a heavy limo in his right leg, and his breathing was incredibly labored, so ill despite looking so young. He stood at the frosted over window, looking out at it before glancing back at the woman with a smile. “Also please, there is no need for titles when it’s just us, call me Andrei.”
“Very well, Andrei.” The woman replied, her gaze following the man.
“Now any updates from my favorite Historian?” Andrei question, his gaze going back onto the snowy landscape behind the glassy surface. The woman chuckled at the nickname before standing up as well, her heels clicking against the wooden floor as she came to stand beside the man. Unlike her sickly friend her eyes remained fixed on him, not on the snow outside.
“My other contact in Fontaine has left as well, she had to run in order to avoid the Knave.” She answered, looking at Andrei’s face for any reaction but none came. “Along with that out contacts from Mondstadt are with her, along with two more potential contacts from Snezhnaya.”
“Any ties to the Fatui?”
“Yes, I believe the both of them were being pursued by harbingers, nine and eleven respectively.” The woman pressed her lips thinly together in thought, slightly bothered that she was unable to get a read on the white haired man. “They both have visions, Cryo and Anemo.”
“You needn’t worry so much. If they have already been accepted by the others, they are accepted by me.” A smile came across the woman’s face at Andrei’s words. “But if I may ask where are they now?”
“They are making their way to Sumeru, presumably to meet with the Medic and Hunter...” The woman pauses on her words, chewing on her bottom lip for a moment. “Andrei, if I may give my observation, we’re unknowingly being trapped in a corner. They don’t know about our alliance but they are trapped us like a changed animal, if they find out we’ll loose, you’ll loose… I… I don’t want to go back to how things were.”
“They say cornered animals fight the fiercest, so let’s show them how we play.” Andrei finally smiled, which only gave the woman a look of shock.
“Let them know that they haven’t won yet.” Andrei walks over back to his chair and sits down, reaching over to pick up one of his chest pieces. “What Gnoses do they have yet to obtain?”
“Just that of the Pryo Archon, but I believe Capitano has thrown his hat into the arena of Natlan.” The woman watched Andrei fiddle with the chess piece in his hand before he suddenly slammed it down on the board, startling the Historian.”
”Then let us get it before them.” These words shocked his friend, and while she stumbled, looking for the right words to say, but he just smiles at her. “And perhaps we can finally beat them in this game.”
“My Lord-”
“Andrei.” He corrected. There was a muttered apology as Andrei’s eyes scanned the chess board. “After all I would like my gnosis back.”
The last piece in this game, the former Cryo Archon, who lost his throne in the Archon War. His power was stripped from his as he crushed under the heel of other gods, he was too gentle for his own good. That’s when the Tsaritsa gave him false kindness, wanting him nothing more to keep him as a plaything. He lived as her toy for many a century while he watched the Fatui be formed, the rest of Teyvat thinking he was dead while he was only being hidden within the cold halls of the Zapolyarny Palace.
When he lost all hope that’s when he met the innocent eyes of the Historian, Pierro’s darling. The two became the others only friend, then the Actress, Colombina’s darling, came along and their trapped duo became a trio. But in their captivity he had to watch the innocence of the Historian’s eyes leave her after being exposed to the secrets that the Fatui keeps locked away, his friend was breaking and he couldn’t handle it. So with an idea of a plan he used the last of his power from his archon days he was able to freeze the palace, temporarily at least. The three of them escaped, not daring to look back, the Actress went back to Fontaine but the former archon was severely weakened by the use of his power and was sent into a sickly state. So while their friend went off to see Teyvat again the Historian found a place to stay hidden, looking after the weak god and becoming his eyes and ears to Teyvat. Over time they found others like them and the knew if they didn’t do something these others would share the same fate, the soldier, the medic, the mother, the knight, the ballerina, and so on. So they began this secret game against the Fatui, stopping their plans, by cutting the threads one by one.
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