#let it wash away
fabiansociety · 1 year
maybe social media is just all dying, wouldn't that be nice
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wawataka · 2 years
when gerard way said we are plagued, but the poison is the cure, you must fix your heart, and you must build an alter where it swells
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kipkoh · 27 days
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Well, someone’s gotta teach this kid about proper hygiene.
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slyvester101 · 2 months
Club au where the reds and blues work at a club that Carolina owns and totally doesn’t use as a cover for the undercover work she’s doing in the city with the Freelancers to take her corrupt asshole of a father down.
Church, being Carolina’s sister, hangs around the club basically every night since he gets free drinks and has become the official unofficial manager and recruiter for the place since Carolina and the Freelancers are usually too busy going on missions to take down warehouses or gang members working for her dad, planning missions in the rooms upstairs, or acting as innocent members of society that totally aren’t plotting to kill the Director and tear his illegal operations down.
The first of the reds and blues he hires is Sarge and Lopez, who are the club’s cooks. Sarge haphazardly tosses ingredients into a bowl and it comes out edible somehow? He doesn’t even toss in the necessary ingredients for the food; he put a chicken, a bag of chips, a whole bottle of garlic seasoning and a watermelon into the oven and out comes a beef burger with loaded fries. Lopez is in agony trying to figure out how he does it. But it always ends up good. In fact, it’s so good that it ups the club's foot traffic and creates a much better cover to all the cartel members coming in and out to talk with the Freelancers.
Grif and Simmons come next, Grif being the no nonsense bartender who gets to listen to all the juicy gossip going around the club as well as the annoying drama that gets dragged to his bar. He makes a damn good drink so the bar gets a little crowded when he’s clocked in and he complains endlessly to Simmons.
Simmons is a waiter/occasional assistant cook who can guess a person’s order just by looking at them (something about statistics and body language and a bunch of stuff that Grif calls him a nerd for) as well as know their intent and reason for being there with just a couple words. He weeds out a lot of undercover cops. They both get scolded since they constantly get distracted while flirting talking at the bar.
Tucker was next, a dancer with enough spunk and spite to fill the whole club and moves that leave everyone jaw dropped and star stricken. He loves dancing and loves entertaining the crowd even though he has to deal with a lot of shit (he can split-kick a sucker unconscious if they even think about touching him because unfortunately, people think they have the right to touch you when you show off a little skin and dance in front of a crowd. Sometimes people think they have the right to touch you just because you exist and they’re an asshole). But it pays well and he gets the freetime to spend with his son, who is the main reason he works hard for those extra tips to support him, so it makes up for the less favorable situations.
Caboose and Donut were hired one right after the other; Caboose being a bouncer who knows every patron by name (not always the right one) and can carry three full grown men over his shoulder with a smile on his face; Donut being a DJ/event planner/decorator extraordinaire and is basically just an assistant manager at this point with how much work he does with Church to keep the club up and running, but he refuses to take the title because it doesn’t “fit his vibes”.
All the reds and blues know some kind of illegal shit is going on with their bosses, but they stay willfully ignorant about it and only get involved when they think something will put the club at risk. They all love the club and all the people who work there so they work hard to keep it from being shut down by cops or blown to hell by a rival gang or whoever the fuck their bosses are fighting.
That being said, they’re all rather wary of the Freelancers despite Church’s insistence that they’re not bad people (mostly) and wouldn’t bring any harm to them (probably). Things are civil between the two groups, especially since the Freelancers are the one writing their checks, but there’s this underlying tension and nervousness that no one can seem to break.
The Freelancers are kind of disheartened that Church’s friends aren’t really keen to talk to them more than they have to, especially the dancer who hasn’t said more than a word to any of them and will literally get up and leave in the middle of a conversation to avoid talking to them.
This changes with the addition of Caboose and Donut, the two balls of sunshine giving the club a bit more energy, a lot more color, and a bit more balance.
No one is willing to anger the giant bouncer who can easily lift a table with one hand and the feisty DJ who can get you banned for life with another. There’s a lot less creeps roaming around and the whole club seems to relax at the changes Donut makes to the club and the safety Caboose brings.
Carolina seems to lighten up around Caboose, which in turn makes the reds and blues feel less on edge since she doesn’t look like she’s gonna murder one of them. York and North are finally able to get some more friendly conversation outta Grif and Simmons after Donut gets York and Simmons on a rant about hacking as North and Grif snicker at their geeky counterparts. (“I am not a geek! I am a nerd! There is a difference!” “The fact that you know the difference between a nerd and a geek makes you a geek.”)
Maine, who would sometimes work as a bouncer when not on a mission, finds Caboose rather companionable and likes to stand with him outside and listen to him chat during downtime. South comes by a lot more because Donut has somehow started a passive aggressive off between her, himself, and Tucker (and occasionally Church but he’s more overtly aggressive so he doesn’t really count). It’s a lot more fun than it sounds. Connie likes chatting with Donut and adores the gossip sessions she can get outta him, Grif and Simmons. There is a lot of tea to be shared around the bar.
Everyone agrees to keep Wyoming and Florida from meeting Sarge. That is a war crime waiting to happen.
Wash isn’t at the club often (none of the Freelancers are) and instead drowns himself in work with Carolina, planning and plotting and mapping and debating. He’s a bit more standoffish, a bit more gritty and a lot more like his Recovery One counterpart in canon. He’s cold, he’s calculative, he’s bitter, but he’s also patient and knows they can’t rush their takeover of the Director. It worries the other freelancers, seeing how mean and withdrawn he’s become, especially after knowing him as the upbeat, if nervous and oblivious rookie who did everything he was told with a smile and a lot of puns.
But he’s still convinced to come out for drinks to relax after a particularly stressful mission that went off without a hitch. For as distant as he’s become, he’s still a softy underneath and caves at York and North’s insistence that he needs to let loose a little after spending so much time under duress.
Wash hasn’t looked around the main level of the club since Tucker, Caboose, and Donut have been hired and is rather surprised by how lively and joyful the club has become. Caboose greets him with a smile at the door, happily introducing himself to the “new friend” coming into the club. He calls Wash “Mister Washingtub” and helpfully tells him that it’s performers night, so be nice and respectful to everyone who goes on stage or be kicked to the curb. Wash doesn’t doubt that with how massive the guy is.
When they walk in, he gets an armful of bright pink and a chipper blonde man guiding him and the other Freelancers to a reserved seating area near the front of the stage. York and North laugh at his face as he’s dragged by the hand of this upbeat man.
The whole club has changed since he was last there, much more open and welcoming, the decorations not as drab or outdated and the bar and stage have been renovated into something Wash can only describe as glamorous. Even the patrons and workers have changed, more smiles and jovial laughs echoing over the music, more people dancing on the floor or chatting at the bar. It’s so full of life and excitement that Wash is half convinced he walked into the wrong building.
He reacquaints himself with Simmons, the no longer skittish waiter with clumsy hands. He gets a polite smile from him before he rushes back to the bar to chat with Grif, the much more relaxed and not quite as grumpy bartender.
Wash is still reeling a little by the time the music stops and the man in pink is up on the stage starting up the event of the night. Singer after dancer after comedian go on and on throughout the night, entertaining the crowd and adding to the high spirits of the place.
It all comes to head during the final act, a dancer who has the whole crowd applauding before he’s even on stage.
Lavernius Tucker.
Wash is just as hypnotized as the rest of the crowd as Tucker swings and dips and spins around the pole on the center stage, showing impressive feats of strength as he pulls himself up and flips around with poise and precision. It’s beautiful and artistic and you can tell how much love and work has gone into the man’s routine.
The dance ends with thunderous applause and Wash sits there in awe at this graceful dancer taking bows and tips at the front of the stage.
Maybe he should come to the club more often.
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kojoty · 10 months
wash: can't hang out today tucker, my ears are hearing static
tucker: what the hell are you talking about
wash: so usually it sounds like the rising and lowering tides of the ocean and that i can deal with and we can hang out but when its static its a no go and im surprised i can even have this conversation right now so uh yeah we can't do the training i promised
tucker: okay. so you're hearing static. like a tv. got it. that's fucking weird. how about i just throw on always sunny and you lay on the couch then?
wash, who usually just hides in his room and stares up at the ceiling trying and failing to push away memory blips that override him into alternate realities in his own brain scape as he tries to neatly reorganize his brain and ignore the static that epsilon introduced to his brain equation: what.
tucker: like you don't have to do anything, but also dude being alone sounds like a terrible idea right now if you have a tube tv in your noggin so lets just smoke up and watch tv
wash, who is about to learn about parallel play and lazy sunday afternoons at the tender age of 29: i love you
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auuwmk · 1 month
orv anime predictions: it's gonna out-horny the webtoon team. Im talking kdj babygirlism. Kdj sexualization. You name it. MARK MY WORDS
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teathattast · 6 months
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timeless emotion
i lay in bed and feel my heartbeat flutter
it's like it's telling me that something's a matter
and in my dreams, i feel it carry over
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beautiful women named "Flash Flood Warning" and "Severe Weather Alert" are contacting me <3
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zombieplaguedoc · 4 months
psst. hey you. selfshipper. come closerimagine your f/o actually asking permission to touch your hair and stopping anyone who tries to without asking. imagine them confronting people who make comments on how your hair is 'nappy' or 'wild.' them helping you moisturize your hair and deep condition it on wash day. them helping you pick out the parts of your hair that you can't reach or coming to you with cool hairstyles or extensions that they found online. this applies to any f/o btw. familial, romantic, platonic, any at all. they all love you and want you to feel empowered and gorgeous in your body and with your hair.
Antis dni, this post isn't for you
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pissditching · 1 year
i just officially quit smoking 👍
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non-un-topo · 4 days
The worst part about being trans isn't the transphobes. It's the men's bathroom.
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sashasylva · 3 months
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Somehow ended up in two situations within 4 days of each other where I had to gently grab frenzied small animals to get them out of buildings they shouldn't be in.
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b-rainlet · 8 months
'Swing Kids fails at showing how cruel the nazis truly were'
This is a movie about german children who weren't inherently in danger by virtue of being 'the right race' whose only 'wrong-doings' were listening to the wrong kind of music and still they were constantly threatened and beat up, were forced to join the HJ to not endanger their families, one of them had his hand hurt so badly by a nazi he couldn't use two of his fingers anymore and had to teach himself to play guitar three-fingered, they were used to gather information for the Gestapo to the point the mc distrusted his best friend, they witnessed beatings and deportations and the shooting of a man on the run, the movie quite literally ends with the teenage main character being sent to what's most likely a concentration camp for dancing to the wrong music
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penginlord · 11 months
My favorite days are when the executive dysfunction says "oh you wanna play that video game you really like? Nope, not today sorry", but thankfully I've found a loophole where if I take a shower it resets it's preferences for the day.
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teathattast · 6 months
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so let me hold both your hands
in the holes of my sweater
and if i may just take your breath away
i don't mind if there's not much to say
sometimes the silence guides our minds
so move to a place so far away
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cauterizedpod · 2 months
It's been quite some time since I made a real update here and I wanted to come on and talk about what happened last year and the future of the project, which is very promising.
(read more added as things start a little heavy before they get better)
Last year I had to put production on sudden, complete hold because my mother became very ill and I became responsible for her entire life very rapidly.
This left her nearly blind on one side with complete blindness on the other. My mom is very dear to me and seeing her like that was extremely difficult for me. I'm incredibly fortunate with how strong she is and how hard she has worked to recover and I've been beside her the entire time, gradually giving things back to her as she could handle them.
And as I've handed things back to her, I've been able to pick up parts of my own life I had to set aside. And a big one of those things was this production.
In January, I picked the show back up and began tearing it apart. Took everything back down to the foundations and rewrote everything from scratch. Reconnected with my cast and crew. My musician and VA for Kadin moved to LA and had to leave the project, so I spent a month reviewing probably 2000 profiles to recast the role. I'm very, very lucky to have found Jaiden Azakai and he's since composed the new theme for the show as well as an original song for the first episode. (And I CAN'T WAIT to share it!)
The whole first season is written out and it's being chopped up and fleshed out into episodes now. Once I finish the current episode I'm writing, I'm going to be moving back into production again. If everything goes to plan, I'm looking to release the first three episodes in April of 2025, the anniversary of the original release.
Keep an eye out and know the fire is still burning ❤️‍🔥
Thank you everyone for being so patient with me while I've been figuring out how to breathe again. It's still a lot a little stressful for me to be online, but I've got so much exciting news to come soon and I really can't wait to share it.
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