#let celia wear colorful fits!!!!
raiain · 2 months
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(left to right: sam, alice, celia, gwen)
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keneestorytimelibrary · 3 months
Rockey Chapter 8
“Your brother is fucking lucky you pulled me back Matteo!” I said, once we entered the house. I began running my mouth on ways I was going to make him pay, failing to notice the small audience looking at me with amused faces. 
“Rockey, he was going to pummel you. “Matteo said cautiously. “I’ve never seen him almost hit a female before, but he sure as hell looked like he was going to destroy you.” 
“Oh, please Matteo! I’ve taken sh-” I began, but immediately stopped once I finally felt the three pairs of eyes on me.
There was a young girl, slightly older than Matteo, wearing a similar uniform to him. She had the same striking auburn hair, cut just below her chin. She had a pair of thick black glasses, and the sweetest smile I have ever seen.
There was also a much older gentleman, dressed in a simple black tux. He had a full head of gray hair, and a mustache. His face was a mixture of shock and pure amusement. 
And then, there was the smallest one. If Raffa didn’t look so mean, and didn’t have such a grumpy attitude, these two would’ve been twins. They even had the same shade of brown eyes. But while Raffa’s appearance screamed “ass-hole”, “thug”, and “mean”, this little guy looked the complete opposite. He was innocent, angelic, and adorable. And the way he was dragging his expensive bookbag behind him, made me want to swallow him up in a hug. 
All three of them looked at me, for what felt like hours, as if I was a mythical creature. The awkward staring continued until the front door opened and closed. Raffa and Nicoló walked in with a confused face. 
“If you have time to stare, then you must be ready for school.” Raffa said sternly. The three kids’ eyes almost bugged out. Without a word, they all ran in different directions. The older gentleman cleared his throat, and swiftly walked towards Raffa and Nicoló.
“Sir, your bath is ready.” he said calmly. 
I do not know what came over me, but I let out a hearty laugh. “Does the old man need help with his sponge bath?” The speed in which he attempted to lunge at me cannot be described in words or numbers. 
“Why don’t you get ready for work?” Nicoló said, barely managing to hold Raffa back from me. “Celia and Antonio are still on that business trip, and won’t be back for weeks, so there are more things that need to be done.”
“Rockey, please wait here. I’ll be back in a few.” With much reluctance, Nicoló pushed Raffa up the mahogany staircase.
After a few minutes of an awkward silence, the older gentleman began speaking. “Miss Rockey, may I tempt you with a quick tour of the Estate?” 
“Please.” I replied gently. He led me through the hallway, and into the living room. Caden and Tony’s apartment could fit comfortably in the living room, with room to spare. The walls were painted in a dark brown, with a gold border. There were two long curtains, in a dark goldish-color, covering massive windows.
“The furniture all over the house is a wooden Italian Classic.” the older gentleman informed me. He must’ve noticed the uncomfortable awe I had. “No expense was spared in decorating the house. Miss Celia helped in picking everything out.”
I immediately felt out of place, and didn’t feel comfortable sitting on anything, let alone stand in the room. He noticed my uneasiness, and let out a hearty chuckle. 
“Please make yourself comfortable, Miss Rockey.” he said.
“I wish I could, my good sir, but I fear I would be scolded by the crypt keeper if I touched anything.” I said rather loudly. 
He let out another laugh. “You may call me Arthur.”
“Hi Arthur, please to meet you.” I said, extending my hand. He looked at my hand for a second, before reaching out and shaking it. “Please just call me Rockey.”
All of a sudden, I felt a tiny tug on my leggings. I looked down to see the little guy from before, showing off his beautiful eyes.
I knelt down, so that we were eye-leveled. “Why hello there little one. What’s your name?” I asked.
The little kid kept quiet as he played with my hand. There was a comfortable silence as he began tracing figures on my skin.
“His name is Giovanni. He is six years old, and his favorite color is orange.” Arthur said. Giovanni gave me a coy smile, as if confirming what Arthur said was true.
“Well Gio, my name is Rockey. It is an absolute pleasure to meet you.” I said politely. He gave me the cutest smile in return.
“He normally doesn’t warm up to strangers.” Nicoló said out of nowhere, scaring me shitless. I fell on my ass, while I let out a high-pitched scream.
Gio let out a cute little giggle before returning to his silent smile. His little laugh was so cute! “Oh, so you can make a sound, huh?” I asked with a smile. Gio replied with a shy smile. 
“I haven’t heard him laugh in a long time.” Nicoló admitted in a bitter sweet amazement. Nicoló came behind me and helped me up. Those few seconds of Nicoló touching me were absolutely blissful.
Raffaele came around the corner, another look of confusion plastered over his face. He was all clean, finishing the last touch of his 3-piece suit. He was the complete opposite of what I saw earlier. There is nothing sexier than a well-dressed man…that is until he starts talking.
“You’re on the floor already? What? Did the old hag fall?” He asked in a cocky voice. Once I felt I was steady, I marched towards Raffaele. I didn’t know what I intended to do to him, but I knew something was going to happen. Unfortunately, Matteo came running around the corner, tackling me back onto the ground. 
“Rockey, are you dropping us off at school?” He asked, trying to distract me from his older brother. The question definitely threw me off. Before I had a chance to answer, Raffaele butted in.
“Matteo, grab your brother and sister and wait in the front.” he ordered. Matteo nodded, and grabbed Gio’s hand. 
“Arthur, please go with the kids and this thing to school. Nicoló, let’s go.” With that, everyone began moving. I was left on the floor wondering what exactly was going on.
‘Was I hired?’
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songsformonkeys · 4 years
The Third Wheel (javier peña x reader) - chapter 13
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Notes: Please don’t hate me!
Link to Ao3
Chapter 13
You liked Murphy, you really did, but when he showed up at half-past seven the next morning, with a bright smile and an equally bright greeting, you wanted to strangle him. It was too early and you were too tired.
Sensing the lingering rain cloud over your head, Steve dialed down the energy a little bit to a more tolerable level.
“ We can stop on the way to get coffee,” he offered as you stared at your jacket, debating whether or not you should bring it. Steve hadn't told you exactly where you were going so you were a little uncertain about the level of formality that was expected. Then you glanced over at Steve and saw him wearing a red short-sleeved polo shirt and a pair of loose-fitting jeans and decided that the jacket was probably not a requirement.
Steve patiently waited until you had both ordered and drunk half your coffee before filling you in on where you were going. Apparently one of Pablo's henchmen had been paying a visit to one of the brothels close by and if Steve's intel was any good then the henchman in question had been drunk off his ass and running his mouth quite a lot during his stay.
You asked Steve about which brothel, dreading, and already suspecting which one it was. And lo and behold, your suspicions proved correct. You were heading for the last brothel you wanted to visit right now. Not that you were too keen on the others either, but the others had one advantage that the one you were heading for did not. They were not the workplace of the woman Javier had been driving off to meet several times a week since you got back from the undercover mission.
And because Fate wanted to dig the knife into your heart a little deeper and twist, Steve asked you to talk to Vanessa whole he spoke to the two other girls. There was no way for you to say no so you gave him a tight-lipped nod and drank the rest of your coffee so fast that you burned your throat.
You knocked on the door and it took about half a minute before she opened. The moment she saw it was you, her sultry smile slipped from her face and her expression relaxed into a more neutral, slightly unhappy one. It wasn't an unfriendly look, just the look of someone dropping the act of pretending that you showing up was the best damn highlight of her day.
“ Hello, Vanessa,” you said.
“ Police lady,” she greeted you, her accent heavy. You'd offered to speak Spanish the last time you were here but she had declined, claiming that she liked the practice, “Your gringo colleague told me you would come today. I think I guess why.”
“ You probably could,” you said, nodding, “May I come in.”
“ You may.” She held the door open for you to step into her room. Most of the floor space was taken up by a large bed but pushed up against one wall were two comfortable-looking leather chairs and a small table with a chessboard on it. There was something familiar about the chessboard, but you couldn't quite place it. The peach-colored curtains were pulled closed over the windows. They were thin enough to let through most of the light, just tinted it red. It was a little too warm in the room, despite the fan spinning franticly in the corner. Vanessa was dressed in a thin flowy gown with big, nondescript yellow flowers on it. Her attire was much better suited for the temperature than your button-down white shirt. You'd rolled the sleeves up in the car on the way over but it did little to help with the temperature and you already longed for the fresh air outside.
Vanessa picked up a packet of smokes from the nightstand and sat down on the edge of the bed, crossing her legs before lighting a cigarette. You hovered a little awkwardly inside the door.
Against your will, your eyes were drawn to the bed and you hated your brain for the very vivid imagery it conjured of Vanessa and Javier on there, tangled up in each other, kissing and fucking and... Something must have shown on your face because Vanessa snorted out a humorless laugh and it distracted you from your cruel imagination.
“ I disgust you,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest and jutting her chin out like a challenge. The cigarette glowed between her well-manicured, baby blue nails.
“ What?” you asked, feeling confused before realizing how she'd interpreting your looks, not knowing the true reasoning behind them.
“ No, no, that's not it,” you tried to assure her. Vanessa probably dealt with enough condescending assholes on a daily basis, you didn't need to add yourself to that list. “I'm sorry, I got lost in my mind thinking about something else.”
She regarded you with a skeptical gaze before seeming to decide to give you the benefit of the doubt. She shrugged.
“ Sit! You make me nervous,” she ordered and you obediently sat down in one of the chairs. She held out the pack of cigarettes towards you but you shook your head.
“ No thanks.”
“ Buena chica , it's a filthy habit,” she said but contradicted her words by taking a long drag from the cigarette in her hand before blowing the smoke towards the ceiling. She waved her other hand at you. “So, I'm guessing you and the gringo boy aren't here for a good time. Which means you want information.”
“ Correct,” you nodded and patted the wallet in your pocket, “And we'll, of course, compensate you for your time and cooperation.”
“ Of course,” Vanessa said, looking unimpressed. As much as you didn't want to admit it, you sort of liked her attitude. She'd been the same way you last came to see her in, what felt like, an eternity ago. Not outright unpleasant or rude but refusing to play along for any forced politeness or social charades. It was refreshing and if she hadn't also been too tangled up in your messy feelings of unrequited love, then you thought you would have been able to better appreciate it.
“ One of Pablo's men was here the day before yesterday,” you said, cutting to the chase. Vanessa, who knew perfectly well why you were here, just nodded to confirm what you had just said.
“ Was it you that he was seeing?” you asked.
“ Me and a couple of other girls,” she replied, scrunching up her nose in dislike, “I wasn't there for the whole thing. Had another man here before so I joined after. Is your colleague talking to the other girls? I suspect they'll know more than me. The men usually run their mouths before the sex, talking and trying to impress. They forget themselves with us whores sometimes, talk about things they shouldn't. By the time I showed up, it wasn't a listening ear he was after.”
You refrained from telling her you were sorry. The impression you'd gotten from Vanessa wasn't that she would be one to appreciate meaningless condolences. She was watching you with a tense look and you cleared your throat.
“ Do you have any idea what it was that he talked to the other girls about?” you asked and it appeared to have been the right response because Vanessa relaxed again and took another drag from her cigarette.
“ Only what the other girls told me after. That he's helping Pablo with some big thing, something that's gonna put the opposition in their place, or something like that. At least that's what he told Celia.”
“ Anything else?” you asked and Vanessa shook her head.
“ I'm sorry,” she said and got up from the bed and walked over to the ashtray on the nightstand to put her cigarette out, “Like I said, I showed up too late to hear much of anything.”
“ It's alright,” you assured her as she sat down on the edge of the bed again. The gown slipped from one of her shoulders, revealing an ugly bruise on her upper arm. You recognized the marks of fingers gripping too tight. Vanessa saw you looking and pulled the gown back up, leveling you with another warning stare.
“ One more thing,” you said, “We know it was one of Pablo's men. Did you recognize who he was?”
Vanessa bit her lip and let out a long breath before answering.
“ Sí. It was Alonso Sebastián.”
He'd been here too. Occupying the same space as you. Breathing the same air that you were breathing now. You felt light-headed, like there suddenly wasn't enough oxygen in the room, and you discreetly gripped your knee for support. But Vanessa was nothing if not perceptive and her eyes narrowed in on your hand and then your face, like a hawk.
“ He got to you, too.” It wasn't a question.
You took a moment before meeting her gaze, and when you did her eyes were a little softer than they had been a moment ago. Coming from her, it didn't irk you the same way it had when it'd come from Javier so you nodded. There was no comparing what Sebastían had done to you to what he'd probably done to Vanessa, but you couldn't deny that he had gotten to you. She was quiet for a couple of seconds before standing up to walk over to open a window.
“ The first times are usually the worst,” she supplied, with her hands on her hips, “Are you going after him?” she continued and you nodded again. “ Good. Then, when you catch him, crush his balls, cut his cock off and feed it to the dogs.”
She smiled at you in a way that told you that, given the opportunity, she absolutely would have done just that. In a strange way, that was sort of comforting.
You had no idea how to reply to the exchange that had just taken place. So to have something to do, you reached over and began arranging the chess pieces on the board. Vanessa scoffed.
“ What is it with you DEA and playing chess?” she asked and you looked up.
“ Huh?”
“ Your other colleague,” she elaborated, “He brought that over weeks ago. Every time he comes over, he wants to play.”
You looked down at the chessboard again and suddenly remembered where you had seen it before and why it had seemed familiar. It was Javier's. You stared down at the piece in your hand as Vanessa went on.
“ It's easy money...not that it wasn't before as well. He's a good man...well for being a man. But I don't like chess all that much and the taaalking...” she rolled her eyes, looking over at you, “From one woman to another...get him a friend to talk to.”
“ What...is something wrong with him?” you asked, frowning. Had you been so occupied with your own exhaustion and your own nightmares that you had completely missed that Javier might be suffering too? Had something happened on the trip that he hadn't told you about? Maybe he'd seen the state you were in after Sebastián and had decided that you couldn't handle hearing more. You felt a confusing mix of hurt and embarrassment that he hadn't told you, with a slight pinch of affection for his consideration.
Vanessa just laughed at your obvious worry.
“ Only the worst thing that can happen to a man...loving someone who doesn't love him back. He's...what do you call it? Pining? And he comes here to talk about it. And play chess. I say, I'm not his stupid therapist, okay?” She rolled her eyes again but then she sighed, “But I still tell him, because I'm a saint and he's hopeless. I tell him he can't just do the filthy stuff if he wants to keep her. He gotta do the nice stuff. The asking to spend time with her, getting her food, touching without being creepy...”
She counted the different suggestions on her fingers and for every blue nail that shot up, mental images flashed through your mind of Javier doing just these things over the past few weeks. Your mouth fell open as you listened. You feel lightheaded again. It was becoming a reoccurring thing these days and maybe you should see a doctor about that soon. Was Vanessa right? Had Javier gone to a prostitute several times over the past two weeks to ask for relationship advice? It was such a Javier thing to do that you almost joined Vanessa when she suddenly started laughing.
“ Oh...” she said, laughing like she'd just won the comedic jackpot. “But of course. It's you!”
You opened your mouth to reply but nothing coherent came out and thankfully, you were saved from any further embarrassment as there was a knock on the door and Steve stuck his head inside. He looked just as sweaty as you felt and there was a grim expression on his face.
“ I'm driving one of the girls to the hospital. Will you be alright getting back by yourself?”
Vanessa's smile slipped from her face and she pulled the gown closer around herself again. You looked between her and Steve and nodded.
“ Yeah, of course. Is the girl alright?” you asked and you could practically feel Vanessa holding her breath next to you. Steve nodded.
“ She's...okay just...better safe than sorry. Don't worry,” he said turning to Vanessa and then back to you again. “Call one of the guys at the office. They'll come pick you up. I'll talk to you later.”
And with that, he disappeared from the room again.
“ Do not worry,” Vanessa echoed Steve in a slightly mocking tone of voice. You turned to face her.
“ I know. But knowing him, he probably really just wants to make sure. His wife is a nurse.”
Vanessa nodded. You stayed for a little longer to talk to her but, time and again, tried and failed to think of something smart to say. So after a while, you stood up from the chair and pulled out your wallet.
“ I should make my way back and let you go talk to the others. If you need to call, you have my number from before. Thank you for your help, Vanessa.” You handed her the standard informant's fee. “Do you think I could borrow the phone and call for a ride?”
She nodded again and accepted the cash.
You asked for a ride back to the apartment, rather than to the office, and luckily it was one of the officers you didn't know all that well who came to pick you up, so the small-talk could be kept to a minimum. You had too many thoughts swirling around in your head to be able to focus on anything.
If what Vanessa had told you was true, then Javier had been trying to woo you for the past weeks since you got back from the Giraldos. Javier. Wooing you . Looking back at all the gestures, with this new information in mind, you could sort of see it. You might have seen it earlier, though, if Javier hadn't backed off or given up or turned grumpy at the slightest deviation from his plan.
You thanked your colleague for the ride outside the apartments and, before you could think better of it, you stomped up to Javier's front door. You knocked hard on the door, finding the action more satisfying than just pressing the doorbell. When Javier took longer than twenty seconds to open the door, you knocked again.
“ Calm the fuck down,” you heard him call from somewhere inside the apartment. Then he opened the door, holding a plate of empanadas.
You walked inside, closing the door behind you.
“ Put those down,” you told him. He looked confused and skeptical by the whole thing but did as he was told and reached up to put the plate on the hat rack, which was the closest flat surface.
“ What's going o-” That was as far as you let him speak before you gripped his face and pulled him in for a kiss. He jumped slightly and made a surprised noise as you pressed your  mouth to his. His lips parted easily against yours but when your tongue nudged them apart further to slip into his mouth, Javier suddenly pulled back.
“ What are you doing?” he asked, a hopeful note to his voice. His hands were running up and down your arms in an almost nervous fashion.
“ Well, I was trying to kiss you,” you answered, “And I'd like to continue, if you'd let me?”
Javier watched you and you could see that he still had questions, you couldn't really blame him. His hands were still fluttering along your arms. But then he must have decided that to hell with whatever doubts and questions he had because his hands suddenly found purchase and when he yanked you close, it was your turn to make a surprised noise. Any lingering sounds were, however, quickly lapped up by Javier as he licked into your mouth, and you wrapped your arms around his neck to hold him even tighter against you. He tasted of empanadas and you chased more of the flavor with your tongue.
One of his arms wound its way around your waist so that his hand rested on the small of your back. The two of you had kissed before but there was a different kind of urgency to Javier's kissing now. It was no longer the urgency of selling an act and being believed, but the urgency of making the most of it before it would end. You tried to slow him down, there was a whole afternoon and night and maybe more for doing this, but, instead of just slowing down, Javier completely stopped and dropped you like you were on fire. You stumbled a little at the sudden change of demeanor.
“ Fuck!” he said, and rubbed a hand over his face. Your heart had time to drop all the way down to your kneecaps before he continued. “I'm sorry! I'm fucking this up but you're sending really mixed signals here!”
“ Javier...” you said, trying to calm him down. You waited until his aggressive breathing had slowed down and his gaze landed on you before speaking again. “I spoke to Vanessa today. She told me about your talks.”
“ W-what?” Javier asks and the shift into a nervous facial expression was so out of character for Javier Peña that it made you want to laugh. But you held back.
“ She told me you wanted this. That you wanted me,” you said, feeling your stomach tie itself into worried knots. This was it. Javier's eyes were wide but he didn't say anything. If I can neither confirm nor deny, but I am totally guilty had a designated facial expression, it was the one Javier was currently sporting. You took a deep breath.
“ I remember what I said last time but you know...Fuck it?”
Javier's expression softened but just as you reached out to touch his hand, the expression suddenly hardened again and morphed into the patented Peña frown.
“ No,” he said, “Not good enough.”
You spluttered, “Sorry? What?”
“ Whatever the fuck kind of explanation that was. I remember what I said last time but fuck it? Not good enough. Vanessa told you about me. What do you want?”
“ Come on, Javier,” you argued, stepping a little closer, “I just came in here and kissed you. You know what I want.”
Javier stared at you, but instead of letting you off the hook, he crossed his arms over his chest and raised his eyebrows at you to go on. You couldn't believe him. He'd been pining for weeks, according to Vanessa, and here you were, offering it all up and he suddenly decided that he wanted some sort of verbal confession? Then you remembered that Javier Peña was the most infuriating man on this planet, so of course he would.
“ I asked you the last night before we left the Giraldos but you dodged the question then,” Javier said and you immediately knew which question he was talking about. You had indeed dodged that question and had settled for asking for a hug, which left a whole lot of things out that you wanted from him. Apparently, Javier had picked up on that too. “So I'm asking you again: What do you want?” You hesitated only a moment before replying.
“ I want to kiss you. Every time I see you, I want to kiss your stupid face. And I want to spend the night here, or you at my place. Either is fine but I don't sleep right without you. And I remember that I said it was a bad idea to sleep with a co-worker, and it probably still is, but we do so much stupid shit that maybe it'd be okay to be a little extra stupid?”
Javier's mouth curved into a smile. It wasn't one of those smug smirks or one of the self-deprecating smiles, but one of the rare happy and relaxed smiles. You felt yourself get a little weak in the knees at the sight of it.
“ Good enough?” you asked, and hoped to higher powers that he'd say yes. There was no way you were writing him a sonnet or a serenade. Javier nodded.
“ Good enough,” he told you and stepped forward to kiss you again. This time his right hand came up to cradle the side of your face while the other found its previous spot on the small of your back.
You nipped lightly at his lower lip and you felt him smile even wider against your mouth, as if he knew exactly what you were punishing him for. He murmured something against your lips in Spanish, you didn't hear exactly what but could tell from his tone of voice that it was some kind of endearment.
The phone rang and you both jumped before deciding to ignore it. Javier backed you both into the living room and you almost tripped getting down the few stairs and over to the couch. The phone stopped ringing sometime between when Javier kissed your neck and when his hand untucked your shirt and slid under the fabric to cup your breast. You were on top of him, awkwardly straddling one thigh while he was stretched out on his back. His kisses kept you grounded.
You were reaching for his belt buckle when suddenly someone pounded on the door loudly, yelling:
You knew that voice and had just enough time to push Javier's hand out from under your shirt, jump off the couch, and pull him to his feet before Murphy pushed the door open and barreled in.
“ Javi!” he called, then stopped for a moment when he saw you both in the living room, “Oh good! You're here too. It's happening! The meeting. Carrillo wants us at the station as soon as possible. We're leaving...preferably yesterday, if Carrillo can manage to sort out time traveling in the next hour. So get changed, grab whatever you need and I'll meet you outside.”
Neither of you had time to process what he'd just said, let alone respond, before he turned on his heel and headed towards the door again. Then he stopped, turned back, and waved a finger in warning.
“ And I know that look. Whatever you are arguing about, sort it out, or it's gonna be a looonnng ass trip there.”
The door slammed shut and you and Javier turned to look at each other and just blinked, a little slow to take in what had just happened. It was completely silent for a couple of seconds before you heard the door creak as it slowly opened again and Steve's head reappeared. He looked from you to Javier, then back to you again.
“ Noo way...” he said slowly, eyes wide as realization dawned. Neither you nor Javier said anything but it seemed that was confirmation enough because Steve waved his fist at you both.
“ I fucking knew it!” he grinned. “But I mean it, Carrillo will murder us if we don't hurry to the station. So funny business before we leave!”
And with that, he disappeared out the door, for real this time.
You turned towards Javier for a second time.
“I fucking hate the narcos,” he said, shaking his head. You laughed and stepped closer to press a quick kiss to his lips. You both lingered before pulling back.
“Later,” you promised him and he nodded in agreement.
“Yeah. Later.”
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c0ffeebee · 5 years
Uma or Carlos from Descendants
ok so my first attempt at this died because of tumblr app but let's try this again
i will answer both because i love there two so much 💛
first uma 💙
OTP for them: umvie, my blue queens 
BROTP for them: huma (they are the ultimate brotp of all time), sea 3, vk 7, uma x carlos, audruma, uma x celia, umal
Other ships: huma MY GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH, uma x gil, sea 3, umal, audruma
What kind of fic I’d write about them: well i actually have an idea crafted for a sequel to my accidental love spells harlos fic, this time about uma and evie, but to talk about it would spoil the plot of the harlos fic so yeah, then also first summer uma spends in auradon, vk7 are living in evie's castle but since jay and gil left for their vacation and mal moved into the castle with ben, it leaves only harlos and umvie and of course the romances are starting to bloom, then also i had this au idea with no isle and the evil queen is ruling in her own kingdom and evie is an heir to the throne and so the queen arranges a marriage for her, but evie falls in love madly with the pirate captain uma and in the end uma is basically stealing her away right in the middle of the wedding and they run away on uma's ship (and if evie's best friend runs away with them and uma's best friend is her first mate well then it's a whole other story) 
A favorite canon moment: "what's my name", that high note in "it's going down" you know the one, every time she is a giant octopus, her SMILE when she saw the bridge at the end of d3, "i'm right here girl" i cried, her reading audrey's diary in audrey's bed, that tender hug with harry in d3 when they all meet at evie's, i just love her and now i want to re-watch these silly movies 
Color that reminds me of them: teal (wow, what a surprise xD) 
Song that reminds me of them: WHAT'S MY NAME WHAT'S MY NAME SAY IT LAUDER (this and "chilling" are my two favorite songs from all three movies), every other song from descendants she sings in 
A headcanon about them: harry is the only person (until evie) that she is comfortable enough with to let her guard down, she can't even allow it to herself with gil because he has this image of her that he admires and to show him she's not exactly that image is like tell a kid that santa doesn't exist, she can't bring herself to do it, but what she doesn't realize is that gil is a lot smarter than she thinks when it comes to feelings and he already knows when she's not fine, he can read it, he sees her vulnerability anyway and she is still the strongest and the most magical thing he ever seen in his life, she calls evie "blueberry" in the sweetest way possible, when harry is starting to date carlos she gives carlos a whole lecture of "break his heart and i'll break your face" (yeah haha but really she knows harry enough to realize he's not used to being in love or feeling emotionally vulnerable and she doesn't trust that carlos has intentions serious enough, so she's actually ready to kick carlos's ass if he hurt her platonic soulmate), water heals her and gives her strength, she is a waterbender but she knew nothing about it until she left the isle that was blocking her powers, now she's trying to learn how to control it and sometimes fails, and it's really dangerous because she can control all the substances that have water in them, blood included, one time harry is injured and he's feverish and so carlos just asks like "why don't you cool him off with your powers" and uma ABSOLUTELY REFUSES because she is terrified of freezing harry to death on accident, she lets evie play with her hair but no one else (except for harry of course) is allowed to touch it, evie helps uma with developing her powers and discovers her own magic in the process 
A random AU I think up on the spot for them: no magic au where uma and harry work as lifeguards at the local pool, evie and carlos can't swim to save their lives but come to the pool every day FOR REASONS (insert w|w & m|m solidarity here) 
Anything else: uma was never a villain, end of discussion 
and carlos ♥️
OTP for them: harlos (painfully obvious at this point) 
BROTP for them: CARVIE OH MY GOD I LIVE FOR THEM, jaylos, core 4, carlos x uma, vk7, carlos x jane 
Other ships: benlos (they own my whole ass heart), ben x carlos x harry, uma x harry x carlos, carlos x sea3
What kind of fic I’d write about them: 32k words of story about accidental love spells apparently (see i actually finished this one in may 2019, but my beta still has it, she's having some health issues), then also a fic where harry gets injured (see that scene with uma i've talked about) and he's feverish and in that state he calls out carlos's name, mind you they are not even friends at that point, more like forced roommates (AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES!) so carlos gets scared because he never wanted harry to catch feelings for him or vise versa, so he's distancing himself and it all goes to hell, but believe it or not the fic is more of a comedy and nsfw than angst xD, also again lazy long summer at evie's with just carlos, harry, uma and evie around, it starts with jay sending carlos a massage, it's a photo from a vacation, him and gil and a lot of snow and an actual penguin, on the picture gil is kissing jay's cheek and the caption says "wish you were here, except not really" which is a joke and carlos is laughing and it's ok but he does miss jay a lot, and the fic ends with jay receiving a message from uma of all people and it's a photo of carlos and harry sleeping in a hammock with dude and beelzebub and the caption says "he wishes you were here, except… well you know" and then also the next message with "p.s. except you and gil won't fit in there with them i mean, we need a bigger hammock, when are you back?" 
A favorite canon moment: HEAR HER VOICE IN MY HEAD, "chillin like a villain", him saving core4's asses in the museum, his and ben's first meeting "is that chocolate?", him going off when cruella threatened dude GOD I LOVE MY BRAVE SON, him trying to fight the guy who was aggressive to ben on the isle and jay literally DRAGGING him away, GIRL TALK I REPEAT GIRL TALK, him taming the beast ben, him being ready to kick harry's ass as soon as harry steps on that bridge, him and harry dancing together in "break this down", THAT JAYLOS DANCE IN GOOD TO BE BAD OH MY GOD, actually every time carlos is dancing, i just love him a lot 
Color that reminds me of them: red, white and black (to the surprise of no one) 
Song that reminds me of them: "chilling like a villain", every song in descendants that he's a part of, and also "hooked" by why don't we just because it's such a harlos song 
A headcanon about them: ok so… i don't believe it's even a headcanon but he can kick some serious ass, he's not a coward and in fact it's the opposite he's always ready to fight and the others have to stop him (like jay did in the situation i've talked about above), evie is his first and best friend, he's the only non-magical person in his friend group (evie and jay are both magical ok? I SAID WHAT I SAID), he can't swim at all but learns eventually to prove to harry he can, he sometimes is a mom-friend to jay and mal if evie isn't around to do the job, he can't cook but keeps trying and failing, HARRY IS THE ONLY ONE TO EVER CALL HIM "PUP" (it doesn't even make any sense for anyone else to call him that, if you have a phobia no good friend would ever call you by the name of the thing you're scared of, if my friends would call me spidey i would be like… excuse me bitch what?), harry is the one who's sometimes scared of HIM and not the other way around because carlos can be really REALLY mean without even opening his mouth, his passive-aggressiveness is the worst and harry can't stand it, he hates when carlos looks at him the way he did back at the bridge, carlos is very enthusiastic in bed and he knows almost everything there is to know in theory but lacks practice so harry sometimes feels like a lab rat or something because carlos treats sex like he treats scientific research, he just needs to try a bunch of stuff to know what works best, harry is not against it, carlos pranked chad more than a few times and it wasn't kind at all, maybe carlos isn't gay, maybe he's on the spectrum but he still prefers guys, him and jane break up eventually but stay good friends, HE STARTS TO WEAR EYELINER AGAIN AND STOPS STRAIGHTENING HIS HAIR because previously he just adopted to auradon beauty standards but then he sees harry rocking that eyeliner and goes like "ok if he can do it then so can i!" and it's glorious, carlos knows a bunch of seemingly useless scientific facts, he's good at sports but only the ones that interest him enough, and i should probably stop because it's getting too long 
A random AU I think up on the spot for them: werewolf carlos and vampire harry (witch uma and fairy evie is also welcomed to join), i desperately need this in my life, ok? ok
Anything else: i really wish dude never talked because this dog stole carlos's entire story arc and all the interactions he could have had with anyone but jane the moment it opened it's mouth 
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cometcrystal · 5 years
descendants game theory - how clothes reflect conformity
ok while i was in the shower, i was thinking up a storm about the character/costume design in the descendants franchise. let’s look at it by movie and then i’ll get to my point
descendants 1 is where we first meet most of the characters, and each VK has their own distinct looks. mal’s got her collar that looks like a cape, evie has a shawl thing, carlos has a fur collar, etc etc. the important thing here is: if you looked at only the outlines of these characters, if they were just silhouettes, you’d be able to tell which VK is which. 
note that the auradon kids are less distinct: you wouldn’t be able to tell ben, chad, and doug’s silhouette’s apart here if doug wasn’t doing his tie-straightening thing. and i love audrey, but if you put her shadow up against later-movie jane and lonnie, it’d be hard to tell them apart, too
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descendants 2, ofc, brings us new costumes for the main VKs, and introduces some new ones in the form of pirates. some things to note:
as the VKs spend more time on auradon, their clothes become more subdued and less outrageous. the outfits theyre wearing at the start of the movie while theyre in auradon (which i could only get tiny screencaps of from gifs for now - i dont own the movie sorry. sources: x x x x) are very plain in comparison to their original outfits.
when the VKs revisit the isle of the lost with ben, they still have their character motifs, but they’re basically in fancy, patchwork shirts/pants or shirt/skirts, as opposed to their original isle outfits. even when theyre going back to the isle, they dont have the same defining costume elements they had in d1: their hair is straight, their edges are all smoothed out, and theres nothing too garish here (by this movie’s standards). 
ben, who was born and raised in auradon, has a little bit of an edgier outfit, but not by much. there’s just some studs on his clothes now and he’s wearing a beanie. his isle clothes are still very much subdued and not extravagant
contrast all this with the pirates, who each have their own distinct silhouette. uma has her magnificent braids and hat, harry has HIS hat and his trademark hook, and gil...is also a pirate. the pirates’ clothes are more in line with what the main VKs wore in the first descendants movie.
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by descendants 3, even in their isle clothes, everyone’s just kind of wearing... leather. there’s nothing special about any of the main VKs’ costumes, it’s just different colors of leather. the only reason you’d be able to tell them apart by silhouette at this point is because evie has long hair/a skirt and mal has short hair (same for the boys). 
the pirates aren’t quite at this point yet, but their clothes are a lot less out-there than they were in d2. uma and harry have lost the hats. gil looks pretty much the same(but its fine because literally who cares about gil) but the point here is their outfits look more like what the main vks wore in descendants 2. there’s still elements of their original individualism, but, again, it’s more subdued than before: uma still has some braids, but theyre at the top of her head, and the rest of it is unbraided and hanging loose. harry’s got some creepy hook motifs, but his cool pirate jacket is but a ghost of what it was. its notable that we saw from the trailers that, whether genuinely or not, the pirates are going to be helping the heroes/the people of auradon in d3. weird that the toning-down of their clothes goes w this
descendants 3 also introduces us to celia, who, again, following the trend of new VKs, looks like she’d fit more with the main VKs from descendants 1. she’s got a lot of unique elements to her costume, and you know exactly who she’s the daughter of just by looking at her.
also, as the leak revealed, audrey’s clearly gonna do something evil in this movie. as she strays further from what is Good And Light, she changes to a more thorny, less unassuming outfit
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so heres my game theory:
the longer the main VKs stay on auradon, the more homogenous and generic their clothes become, which is a result of auradon’s society’s emphasis on conformity. this costume change is symbolic of these characters becoming less and less connected to the suffering of their own people, and more and more a part of the privileged auradon elite
every time we have been introduced to a VK, their outfit has been more outlandish and cartoony. which is fine, since this is a franchise based on disney characters, and making their costumes cartoony only makes sense. but it’s only the villain children who dress like this: the children of GOOD disney characters are all wearing inoffensive suits and dresses, and any disney motifs/elements in their clothes are downplayed. 
the main VKs go through the most change to their wardrobe, but we see it in the pirates too: since they have a new connection to auradon in d3, their clothes get toned down as a result. 
the people on the isle suffer and exist in poverty and fear, but they’re allowed to express themselves freely. the people of auradon are able to live without being afraid of going hungry, but anyone who speaks against the status quo and looks “different” is suspect, possibly EVIL.
im not gonna speak too much about d3 yet, since it’s not out, but it’s not looking good. 
TL;DR the more unique a costume in descendants, the more likely that character is to be seen as Evil, because it means they haven’t internalized auradon’s homogeneity, which is seen as Good.
or maybe the descendants costume department just ran out of ideas. who knows
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makingdemands · 6 years
i wrote this monday and forgot to post it until now but, some thoughts, perhaps too many:
this ep was sooo chaotic. it really felt like they wanted to touch on and start so many storylines all in one episode. and some of the dialogue was really weird, like the camera angles during the spoon scene?? were... weird. i can’t explain it. i think they’re trying to make the show too soap opera-y.
anyway, onwards. i can’t imagine a world where cyrus joining a dance class isn’t going to be connected to his sexuality. like if this was the real world and not disney... i guess we’ll see.
walker actually was sweet this episode? but also... stupid. i don’t know he said he didn’t want to come between buffy and andi but i think he doesn’t realize that means having to make some sacrifices. like andi said he could go to the color factory thing but he should have realized that ultimately she wouldn’t want him to. it’s hard to fault him though, since she did technically say it was okay. they’re really doing a good job of subtly showing us why walker isn’t a good fit with andi even if they seem so on the surface. they’re kind of taking the things about him andi first liked and making them look bad, which is respectable writing but as a wandi shipper... sad.
andi in this episode being called out on her avoidance and then actually talking to both buffy and walker was cool. but later when she was talking to bex and bowie she left out the fact that she literally told walker he could go which made buffy look really bad. i was not excited to watch this episode and i actually just skipped to the end to see the previews for next week when it first came out and didn’t watch it until later. after watching, i do not regret that decision. i can’t wait for this walker shit to end.
i am kind of enjoying this wedding storyline with bex and cece, which i suspect will take up at least half to the whole season. i like their chemistry together and how they’re encouraging each other to change and how their relationship is developing.
this storyline with bowie and the guitar kid... i can already tell it’s going to be a waste of time. i can’t even imagine why they’re giving him his own storyline, i guess because he’s a main now? i love bowie but man... i don’t need a storyline that doesn’t connect to our main kids.
positive side note: i loved how they were dressed monochromatically to go to the color factory. it was seriously so cute. it’s a shame walker didn’t get the memo.
some questions: why was andi wearing shoes in her bed????? listen even besides the fact that she’s asian, there’s no WAY celia lets people wear shoes in her home. how could andi not have this ingrained in her??
also why did the description for this episode say “walker interrupts cyrus and jonah”? i was excited for some good platonic j*rus.
next week: not to get our hype up but i kind of feel like they have to at least hint at cyrus or tj having a crush. just so the tyrus storyline in episode 6 doesn’t come completely out of left field. even if it’s just a slight thing like a lingering gaze. no matter what i’m very excited to get my boy tj back in the game and for some tj/cyrus/buffy content which has so much potential. not to mention finally buffy’s basketball storyline.
you know what i’m not excited for? jonah singing again kdnfjenfjd. nothing against asher, i’m sure he’s great but i literally couldnt watch him sing that last song. there’s something about it i find so cringy. and this is coming from someone who literally loves singing and musicals and was a glee stan.
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hopestolen · 6 years
my long ass d3 theories that’s really the entire plot of the movie probably for uma & audrey
         LMAO ok so i honestly feel rly good abt this??? with the teaser i feel like i have enough info now to make a detailed analysis w links n everything!!!    pls read it jdfklajgkkldjag i worked hard
so first off/disclaimer thing, uma is going to be a KEY PLAYER in this movie. & i don’t mean like “shes the villain! she kidnapped ben!”, but as in the entire outcome will come down to her decision and very uma centric (not overshadowing mal ofc, bc disney loves her). also an important side note im still a firm believer hades is NOT mals dad, as its too! obvious! and the blue in her hair looks more like uma teal, than hades blue. i think there’s going to be a v healthy mix of isle and auradon locations. 
ok so! the ending of escape from the isle of the lost coming in june is going to (subtly) set up uma starting to forgive mal. we already saw her regret her actions at the end of d2 so i don’t feel like this is a stretch. (AND apparently they’re retconning the end of d2 - though im not surprised lol, whats new. so umas on the isle? great) the summary is on amazon! the retcon fml: 
“Trapped on the other side of the barrier, Uma is more desperate than ever to get her long-awaited revenge against Mal. When she discovers an underground lair belonging to Hades, god of the underworld, Uma realizes she's found the perfect partner in crime. Together, they can defeat Mal, bring down the barrier, and escape the Isle for good.”
in EFTIOL, uma fails in whatever deal she made with hades for passage off the isle/revenge for mal, etc. & owes him a debt.
the movie will either gloss over this and just have hades be like “YOu OwE ME” and not go into detail so u dont have to read the book, OR say something in d2 was with his help bc no foresight i guess.
so, due to this debt, she’s a “double agent” and infiltrates the core four (with gil & harry bc...duh) under the guise that she’s changed & that she forgives mal/etc. mal being lets her help, but obviously keeps an eye on her bc she’s not stupid. (really hoping that’s what this pic is, but its probably just behind the scenes) she does this because mal has the eye of the fates which can show you the future - which hades wants so he can effectively take over auradon or get off the isle/etc.
here’s where audrey comes in...she’s just the distraction for the core four so uma can get the eye - essentially she’s spelled. the crown at the very beginning of the trailer, is what audrey is wearing which probably has importance to mal’s (pretty much confirmed) coronation. which she probably ends up making more of a mess than hades/uma since disney is so hush hush abt it....rip them it got leaked anyway
my two theories are either: after spelled to be evil, audrey breaks into the museum and steals it due to being connected to mal’s coronation (since it’s going to bring out her worst insecurities lol), or uma spelled the crown to make the wearer evil, knowing audrey would put it on for some vague reason idk yet.
audrey probably spells ben to b a beast bc...evil audrey is bitter?
before uma is abt to not surprisingly double cross mal bc of her debt, she finds out facilier is her father, celia is her half sis, she has a new kind of magic which they use to break umas debt/save auradon blah blah blah. (this closes the freddie/wicked world plot hole AND would be the “plot twist” bc they’ve been hyping up MALS father.) 
honestly, watch mal’s blue hair be from uma hitting mal w some magic or smth before she changes sides. (not sure why it would turn blue bc hades is her dad like ppl r saying?)
audrey is still spelled so now they have to defeat her before moving on to hades - the knight armor & sword fighting. 
confirmation uma/harry/gil go to auradon which means they chose good (also hades is there im????? guess hes good now too tf)
other tidbits that dont fit anywhere else:
this could be why celia has the key to hades’ tunnels...uma is hades’ partner & celia would be her half sister....though the timeline doesn’t EXACTLY work. maybe she finds out earlier and has a different defining moment making her turn to mal’s side. (maybe even spilling the beans abt this debt, because of a genuine change of heart). idk idk there’s a lot to explore here
uma is able to get off the isle in the first place because mal/evie/jay/carlos are coming to find new recruits to go to auradon, i think that part is confirmed? her ma is ursula, she can talk anyone into anything im sure
still not sure why evils auds headed to her ma’s childhood house tho
i guess it could be connected to jane’s birthday but i figured that was at the v beginning so idk!!
audrey is able to get maleficents scepter bc it was left in auradon after maleficent turned into a lizard which means.......more possible museum theft
also a lotta kids have colored hair so lots of vks r comin man im excite
we might even pick up where under the sea left off since one of the trailers had a d2 mal-esque wig --- dizzys “u have a big day tomorrow” might mean coronation? janes bday?
they will prob retcon rise of the isle (AGAIN, WHATS NEW) since dove said they’re going to explore uma/mal’s rivalry, which means its either going to be something petty like “YOU STOLE MY FAVORITE HAIR TIE” or teenage drama over harry bc we love our petty girls trope!! 
where’s my huma
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All The Stars in the Universe Ch. 4
By the time Bex was eleven weeks pregnant, her mornings had taken on a routine; wake up, puke, get dressed, try to eat breakfast, puke again, go to work. She didn't even have to pretend to abstain from coffee anymore, because the smell of it alone turned her stomach.
On the day of her eleven week ultrasound, Bex had already finished two points of her morning routine, and grabbed some clean clothes from the hall closet. She retreated to the bathroom, the only place in the apartment where she had any real privacy, and started to get dressed. She pulled her shirt over her head and slipped on her favorite jeans. They were full of holes, naturally, which never ceased to confound her mother. Celia never could understand why anyone would pay money for clothes with holes in it (or ninety-percent of Bex's remaining wardrobe, for that matter). At thirty years old, Bex still got satisfaction out of wearing and doing things her mother wouldn't approve of, the same as when she was an adolescent. Except now, she didn't have to sneak her cool clothes to school in her backpack, and change out of her 'mom-approved' clothes in the girl's room before homeroom.
She tugged her jeans up and tried to button them around her waist, but they had less give than usual. They were actually snug. She stood still, her heartbeat speeding up with excitement. Then, she rose on her tiptoes, trying to see her waist in the small bathroom mirror. When she couldn't , she hurried to Andi's room.
"I need your mirror," she said breathlessly.
Andi was combing her hair in front of the large mirror over her dresser. She glanced at her mother in the doorway. "Why aren't you wearing pants?"
"Hold that thought." She lifted up her shirt and studied her abdomen from the front and the side. It wasn't her imagination. She was getting a baby bump. She sucked in her breath excitedly. It was small and hardly noticeable, but it was definitely there. She placed her hands on her stomach, unable to tear her eyes from the mirror.
"Mom?" Andi asked. "What are you doing?"
"Andi, I have a baby bump!" she squealed. "Look!"
Andi looked down at her mother's stomach. "I see it," she smiled. "That's so cool."
"I have to show Bowie," she said, rushing out of the room, Andi following close behind.
Her husband was in the kitchen, making breakfast. "Bowie," she said. "Guess what?" She put her hands on his shoulders, barely able to contain her smile.
"What's up?" he asked. He looked her up and down. "And where are your pants?"
She ignored his last question. "I'm getting a baby bump," she grinned, raising her shirt to show him.
Bowie looked down at the small swell of her belly. "Aww," he gushed. "That's the cutest thing I've ever seen." He placed both his hand on her stomach. "I can't believe our baby's in there. It feels so unreal."
"Just wait until you see the sonogram today" she told him. "It's the most amazing feeling in the world."
"I can't wait," he said, planting a kiss right in the middle of her forehead.
"Mom," said Andi, quietly. "Don't forget, I'm going shopping with Cece after school today."
"I haven't forgotten," Bex told her. "What are you guys shopping for? Do you want me to come with you?"
"No!" Andi said too quickly. She slapped her hands over her mouth. "You can't come, and I can't tell you what we're buying."
"Oh." Bex nodded knowingly. "So it's a surprise for me?"
"I'm not saying anymore," Andi told her firmly, zipping her lips with an invisible zipper.
"What is it?" Bex cried, taking Andi in her arms and tickling her sides until her daughter burst out in a fit of giggles. "Tell meeeee! You know I hate suspense!"
"No," Andi gasped through her laughter. "I've already said too much."
"Fine," Bex pretended to pout.
"You'll see soon enough," Andi promised, still laughing. "Now I have to go."
"Have a good day!" Bex called, as her daughter hurried out the door.
Sonograms were still very much like Bex remembered from her first pregnancy. The gel was still cold, anyway. And it still felt weird when the ultrasound technician spread it on her belly. But she was a lot calmer this time around, and she wasn't alone. She had Bowie with her, sitting beside her, holding her hand.
"Baby Quinn is looking great," the young technician said with a smile. "Everything looks perfect." She moved the paddle around Bex's stomach, trying to get the best view. "Take a look at your baby."
Bex and Bowie studied the fuzzy image on the screen. At her first sonogram, the fetus didn't look like much, just a white splotch. But now, it was starting to develop features, and look like a tiny person. They could clearly make out the baby's shape.
"That's so cool," Bowie breathed. "Look at that. That's our child." He stroked her palm with his thumb, unable to tear his eyes away from the screen. Bex was equally entranced.
"Is this your first child?" the technician asked them.
"We have a daughter," Bex told her.
"Aww. How old is she?"
"She just turned fourteen," Bex answered, still transfixed on the image of the baby inside her.
"Oh. Wow." The woman studied them carefully, and Bex knew she was trying to figure out how old they were, even wondering if Bex had meant to say four instead of fourteen. She didn't bother explaining the situation. She was fully aware that she and Bowie were the age when most couples would just be having their first child. She knew that being teen parents would always carry a stigma, or at least raise eyebrows, but she did her best to ignore it. Their family was different than a lot of families in Shadyside, but their love for their little girl wasn't.
"Is she excited to be a big sister?"
"She's thrilled," Bowie said, beaming with pride. "And I know she's going to be great at it. she's an amazing kid."
"That's wonderful," the woman said with a genuine smile. "Both mother and baby's heartbeats are strong. Would you like to hear?"
"We'd love to," Bex said. She squeezed Bowie's hand. She was so excited for him. She'd been through this magical moment before, when she first heard Andi's heartbeat fourteen years ago, and the life growing inside her became real. It was something she'd never forgotten, and never would as long as she lived. It changed her forever. The moment she heard Andi's heartbeat, she instantly went from being a selfish kid, to loving someone selflessly. She couldn't wait for her husband to experience it for himself. It was all new to him.
"Here it is," the woman said.
Suddenly, the room filled with what sounded like galloping horses, a harmony of Bex's slower heartbeat, and the baby's faster one. Even though it wasn't Bex's first time hearing her child's beating heart, her eyes filled with tears. They pooled over, running down her neck.  She turned to look at Bowie.
Tears were streaming down his face. Her heart swelled with love for her sweet, amazing husband. She only wished Andi were there to experience it with them. Their daughter was all that was missing from a perfect moment.
Andi always felt at home in the craft store. It had the same feel as Andi Shack. She could literally spend all day exploring the aisles and never get bored. She had a spring in her step as she and Cece walked through the automatic doors, and were met with her favorite store's familiar potpourri scent. And she was even more excited because before they left, Pops had slipped her a twenty dollar bill and told her to buy herself something.
"Do you want to start with the yarn?" Cece asked, always business first.
"Sure," Andi nodded, looking around, trying to take in everything around her. She was drawn to the bead section, and made a mental note to come back to it later.
They walked to the yarn section. The aisle stretched out before Andi, every color and texture imaginable. "Here's the baby yarn," Cece said. "Do you see anything you like?"
Andi chewed her lip as she looked over the skeins of yarn, all in soft pastel colors. "This," she finally said, choosing a variegated yarn, a mixture of white and several shades of pale blue. The picture on the label showed a finished baby blanket that reminded her of sea glass. When it was woven together, the pattern of the yarn worked out in uneven, patchy stripes. She imagined the blanket in the picture swaddling her new baby brother. "It's perfect!"
"Are you sure you don't want something more gender neutral?" Cece asked skeptically. "This green is lovely." She touched a skein of minty green yarn.
"No, I like the blue," Andi insisted. "It's perfect for a boy."
"And how do you know it's going to be a boy?" Cece asked. "Your mother doesn't even know the baby's gender yet."
"I just know," Andi said. "Sister's instinct."
"Honey, I just don't want you to put all your eggs in one basket," Cece told her. "I know you're hoping the baby will be a boy, but it may not be. I really think you'd be better off choosing green or yellow, or even this multi-colored yarn here." She held up another variegated yarn in pastel rainbow hues.
"Please, Cece?" Andi pleaded, clasping her hands together. She was holding onto the hope that her sibling would be a boy, and she refused to let it go. In the back of her mind, she hoped buying "boy" yarn would sway the universe in her favor.
"Okay," Cece sighed. "If you're sure."
"Thanks," Andi said, giving her a hug.
Cece also picked out a pair of knitting needles for Andi and a simple, beginner's pattern for a blanket. And before they checked out, Andi chose some new beads, and several rolls of duct tape. Their shopping trip was a success.
When they got back to Pops and Cece's house, Andi and Cece went out back to Andi Shack.
"I'll start the blanket for you," Cece offered. "I'm sure you'll get the hang of it quickly. You're so good at these things."
Andi watched closely as her grandmother put on her glasses and began to knit, and she listened as the older woman patiently explained what she was doing.
"Are you ready to try now?" Cece asked her at last.
"I think so," Andi said, tentatively, as her grandmother handed her the needles.
"Give it a try. I'm right here if you need any help."
Andi made a stitch, imitating what Cece had done.
"That's right," Cece praised.
She frowned. "It doesn't look as good as yours, though." She wanted every stitch to be perfect for such an important gift.
"Make it a little looser," her grandmother corrected.
They worked side by side. Andi dropped more than a few stitches, but Cece helped her take them out and fix them. It was cozy, just the two of them. And soon, they had finished almost two whole rows.
Andi jumped when there was a knock on the door of Andi Shack.
"It's Bex!" she gasped. "Don't come in!" she called. "I'll be right out!"
"Okay," her mother answered.
Andi carefully tucked the blanket and yarn away in a trunk and set her knitting needles on top of them. Then, she and Cece ducked under the doorway, into the backyard.
"There you are," Bex smiled. "Working on my surprise? Can I have a hint?" She elbowed Andi playfully in the side.
"Mom!" Andi cried, giggling. "I'm not telling you what it is. So don't even try to get it out of me."
"I wouldn't dream of it," she winked. "I'm just teasing you."
"Good," Andi nodded. "Because what happens in Andi Shack stays in Andi Shack."
"Andi Mack and the Crafting Shack of Secrets," Bex said dramatically.
"Mom," Andi groaned at her mother's joke, laughing as Bex reached out to brush her hair back from her forehead.
"How did your appointment go today?" Cece asked her daughter.
"It went great!" Bex told her. "The baby is doing fine. And look!" She turned so her mother could see her from the side.
"How adorable,"Cece grinned. "And look at you! You're glowing!"
"I'm going to have to get some maternity clothes soon," she said. "I noticed my clothes are getting tight."
"Are you having enough sex?" Cece asked her, seriously.
"Mom! What the heck?!" Bex cried, horrified. She felt herself blush, even though she was used to her mother's personal questions.
"It's healthy for the baby," Cece said matter-of-factly. "It's scientifically proven. Ask your doctor!"
"Bowie and I are fine in that area," she assured her. "Not that it's any of your business."
"And you'd better not be riding that two-wheeled death machine of yours," Cece went on, unfazed.
"You mean my motorcycle?"
"Of course," Cece nodded. "You know how I feel about you riding that thing alone, Rebecca, but now you're carrying my grandchild."
"Don't worry, mom," Bex said, softening. "I won't ride it. I promise." She took the sonogram picture out of her pocket. "Look at this, you guys." She held the print out to show her mother and daughter.
Cece put her glasses back on. "Aww," she gushed, studying the picture closely. "It's precious."
"Here's the baby's head, and here's it's legs," Bex said to Andi, pointing out the fetus's shape in the grainy image.
"Wow," Andi breathed. "It looks so small."
Bex nodded. "According to the doctor, it's only about the size of a lime right now. Can you believe you were that small once?"
"No." Andi shook her head. "Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?"
"It's too soon to tell," her mother explained. "Next time I go, we should be able to find out."
"I think the baby has Bowie's cheeks," Cece offered.
Andi titled her head to the side, thoughtfully. "Really?"
"Mark my words," Cece nodded. "We have a little Bowie on the way." She squeezed Andi's shoulder. "And you look more and more like Bex every day."
"Thats a huge compliment," Andi smiled, glancing at her mom. She wanted nothing more than to grow up to be as fun, cool, and beautiful as her mother was.
Bex took Andi's hand in hers and squeezed it. "Well, mini-me. You ready to go home? Your dad wants to have an indoor picnic tonight, and I'm starving."
"So am I," Andi said.
When they got home, Andi, Bex, and Bowie spread their takeout dinner out on the living room floor, and ate on piles of pillows, surrounded by the soft flicker of Bowie's candle collection. Indoor picnics were a family tradition; they had them at least twice a month.
While they ate their Chinese food, Andi told her parents about Cyrus' latest installment of Tater Theater, and Bowie told them about the eight-year-old he just started giving guitar lessons to at The Red Rooster.
"Can we watch a movie?" Andi asked, once they were finished cleaning up.
"I don't see why not," Bex said. "it's Friday night. Go get into your PJ's, and we'll pick something out."
"Nothing scary," Andi reminded her, as she started toward her room. Her parents loved horror films, but she hated them.
"You mean you don't want to watch the sequel to Shh!?" Bex asked with a mischievous wink.
"No way!" Andi cried. "The first one scarred me for life, thank you very much."
"Wait!" Bowie said excitedly, turning to his wife. "They made a sequel to Shh!?"
Bex nodded. "Oh, yeah! This time, the psychotic librarian hunts down her victims from a traveling bookmobile. She's evil on wheels..." she added in a deep voice, imitating the narrator from the movie trailer.
"How did I not know that?" he gasped. "We have to watch it sometime!"
"I am not listening to you guys," Andi said, plugging her ears and hurrying into her room.
When she returned, her mom and dad were sitting on the couch, waiting for her. Bowie had made a bowl of popcorn, even though they'd just eaten a huge meal. The candles were blown out, and the room was darkened.
She sat down between her parents, and snuggled under the blanket they were sharing. Thankfully, for Andi's sake, they'd chosen a reasonable PG13 movie to watch, with nothing too gory or violent. As the movie started, though, Andi found she was having trouble getting into it. She tried, but her mind kept wandering elsewhere.
She glanced over at Bex, who was softly rubbing her baby bump, her eyes trained on the TV, and doubt began to creep into her heart, even though she didn't want it to. Andi loved her mom and dad so much, and some of the happiest times she'd ever had in her whole life were nights like these, when it was just the three of them together in the apartment, dancing, watching movies, cooking, eating... it didn't matter what they did, or how simple it was. They always had a great time. And she was struck with the realization that in a few short months, things would never be the same. It would never be just the three of them again. There would be a baby in the house, demanding Bex and Bowie's time, love, and attention. Life as she knew it was about to change once again.
She tried to squelch her bad feelings, and focus on the movie, but she couldn't. The TV screen blurred as her eyes filled with tears. Ashamed of herself, she tried to hold them back so her parents wouldn't see, but her eyes still stung, and her sadness still burned in her chest.
She was pulled from her negative thoughts when she felt Bex reach out and pat her on the knee. With a soft sigh, she cuddled closer to her mom and rested her head on her chest, needing to feel her arms around her. She could hear Bex's heart beating, and wondered if the baby was listening to it too, from the inside.
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diveronaevents · 6 years
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DATE: August 27th, 2018
TIME: 0:00
LOCATION: Outer edges of Verona, northern grove
    The August air is thick and sweltering, coating one with an inescapable heat as well as coaxing from each individual a heady sort of desire to bask in the balmy light of the moon. But they who appeared at the outer edge of the grove, mere flickers and shadows now truly flesh and blood, were not here for a bacchanal engagement, no. Though the ABODE in the center of the grove seemed to be laid out for such a night -- what with its decadent wines and liquors, its sweetly laced desserts and hors d’oeuvres, and servants clad in satyric masks and impish wings -- no one could forget what this garish TRIAL was meant for; it was meant for the repayment of blood. It was meant for the just vengeance of a man who was six feet under. 
    This was no celebration for Bacchus, no. This was an offering to bellicose Minerva. 
    The servants stepped out from under the domed roof, their feet shifting from a rug-laid floor to that of dirt and grass, feet flying to fetch the guests as the appeared out from under the tree line. Their masks were as ETHEREAL and IMPISH as that of the butlers and maids, gold dusting their finger-tips, silver etched across their brow, painting their face. Tonight, they were what their hosts -- the three witches -- bid them to be; they were pixies and fae, imps and brownies. Some were blessed, some were fallen. All were under scrutiny, surrendering themselves to the judgment of the witches, who sat at the high table. Do not be fooled by the wings and the moonlight overhead, nor by the soft lights that seemed to float in the air or the ambrosia and faerie’s blood that dusted every treat. 
    This is no Midsummer’s Night Dream. This, onlooker, is the beginning of Verona’s darkest N I G H T M A R E. 
                                                              Dio sia con noi.
    The servants lead their guests into the sanctuary of the domed, open building. Their masked superiors are quiet as they do, the breaking of silence a costly mistake while under the eyes of the starry night sky. None dare breathe a word so long as the witches’ watch. An oculus highlights the dimmed constellations in the sky, but what catches the eye of all who enter is the ceiling. All Veronans knew about this building, the abandoned dilapidated thing that sat by the end of the large pond in the northern forests. But under the witches’ careful ministrations, the graffiti was covered with gilded classical art. It looked as though LUCA SIGNORELLI himself had risen from the grave in order to let the Veronans know that their own chapter of Revelation was being written -- and his dead hands had commemorated it with art. The dilapidated building was now bedecked with Persian rugs whose yellow threads looked as if they were gilded with real gold. Chandeliers hung from the skeleton of the roof, sparkling tauntingly from above, their imperfect light bedazzling the eyes that dared glance up. 
    But what truly stole the show were the figures that the THREE WITCHES’ cut.
    In contrast to all the golden colors and warm moonlight, they were voids of deepest black, sitting at the HIGH TABLE, like judges from Hades’ palace, risen to deliver their verdict. Were it not for the movements of their shoulders and the deliberate movements of their hands, one might have mistaken them for STATUES. Or gargoyles -- their masks being as grotesque as they were. Facing the high table were two podiums and rows and rows of pews, padded with cushions of the deepest reds. But the servants did not motion for any of their guests to sit. Instead, they bid them to gather towards the far end -- where the goods and spirits awaited them. 
    The party waited, stirring nervously like the beginnings of an ominous wind before the breaking of a storm. 
    Two more figures entered into the domed building, each from opposite ends of the grove. But there was no mistaking them -- each person at the gathering knew the figures better than they knew their reflections in the mirror. Damiano and Cosimo have arrived.
    A man with ram’s horns curling above his head takes a sharp breath in. A servant who has effervescent wings on their back finds their fingers twitching towards a book tucked into their side. A figure lazily flicks their lighter on and off, on and off. The two bosses stare at each other before nodding and turning to the witches’, all now waiting for a word, a nod, a single look to tell them what the night shall entail. They rise from their seats as one, always as one. Circe raises their arms towards the heavens (to God?), their voice carrying as their lips part to deliver the speech. 
    The crowd seemingly moves as one, heads bowing, shoulders hunched as they bare the weight of the oncoming words. Their deities, equal parts flesh and equal parts divinity, have yet to speak and already they can feel the convictions of their sins making them bend. 
    “Welcome, Veronans,” they say, voice soft but making all who hear it tremble nonetheless.
    “We gather here at this trial,” Medea continues, lip curling, “because it has come to our attention -- “
    “--that a crime of the utmost gravity has been committed.”  Hecate hisses. 
    Circe’s hands lowered, the expression on their face as devoid of any color or emotion as a blank canvas. There was no scolding, no judgment. It was as if they were staring at an unmoving piece of art. The expression was mirrored, almost exactly, by each of their siblings in turn. Justice without emotion was the only justice allowed in Verona. 
    “But before the trial commences, we bid you to have this one night of revelry -- “
    “ -- this one night of debauchery. For after this one night -- “
    “ -- you will know nothing but the severity of the punishment that we will inflict --”
    “-- for, though Verona has always been at war, we have also appreciated the cyclical nature of -- “
    “ -- the battles that have been fought. Such harmony has been tarnished and we -- “
    “ -- will not allow this spark of anarchy to grow into the fire that will burn Verona down.”
    “So eat, drink, and be merry on this one night. Revel like the Seelies that we know of so well -- “
    “ -- for this shall be the last time the gods of Verona will have this chance to do so unfettered.”
    The three witches sat upon their thrones, unmoving once more -- content to watch the revelry commence. Music began to stream into the air, slow and coaxing, strings plucking away as the Capulets and Montagues stirred from their shock, murmurs of disbelief and foreboding following. Never before had there been need for the witches’ to intercede so openly, never before had they been scolded by the deities of Verona. Never before had they had a need for judges, for juries, and for executioners of an Underworld law. They wanted their subjects to have one last night of merriment, they said. One last night before someone was put to death like a DOG. Suddenly, all had the need to consume the elixirs and ambrosia that was offered to them for the night. They certainly did not need to be sober for what future the stars above planned for them on this night. 
    Servant bedecked as imps and brownies carried trays of food and drink towards the uneasy groups of masked Montagues and Capulets, who plucked away at it with little thought to what they were consuming. 
    They would revel as the Seelies and Unseelies they dressed as often do. They would revel without inhibition preceding this trial of blood and death. They would revel..for it is likely that some might not survive this night.
OVERVIEW: And with that, our first event for DiVerona begins! This is merely a prelude to the climax of the scene, so take heart and try to enjoy yourself while you can. Your character has been given specific fae-like costumes that either tell of their greatest VIRTUE  or their greatest VICE. Or, better known in this particular setting as SEELIE and UNSEELIE. Oh, and they have unwittingly ( or wittingly ) consumed either AMBROSIA or FAERIE’S BLOOD. You can all thank the THREE WITCHES for being so courteous and delivering the costumes to your character the morning of SUNDAY, the 26TH.
While some guests are more surreptitiously clad than others, it is at your discretion to decide whether or not your character is aware of who they’re interacting with. It is fairly plausible since the witches tend to be rather THOROUGH about costuming their guests. Don’t forget that Alvise Vernon’s rather violent demise is still fresh in many Montagues’ minds, so should any exchange take place between where a Montague and Capulet become aware of each other...it is not likely to end well. Perhaps allow your character to venture outside of the party area and towards the pond just outside. It can be rather bewitching under the moonlight. The trial will take place at 3 AM -- a rather fitting time -- so timestamps for threads may not be anytime after then. 
TASK: Enjoy this while you can dear players – the mystery and intrigue of it all is only the first taste that precedes the main course. So why not have fun with it? Show the outfit that the witches (most likely Cinead) picked for your character. The outfit most likely gives a material idea of the personality of your character – no doubt the mask does too. Have fun with it and elaborate as little or as much as you want! For example, is your character more likely to wear Marc Jacobs or Ellie Saab? Vera Wang or Valentino? Slacks or skirts? Why or why not?Please tag your character’s ensemble/ensemble descriptions as #diveronatrial and #diveronatalk and your event interactions as event: trial. There is no deadline to complete the task, so take as much time with it as you feel necessary. Have some run in, some mishaps – but remember, there will no bloodshed or bruised limbs tonight. Save that for the future, hm? Buona notte mi amici.
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writing-vibes-only · 3 years
Prompt: Tell the story of the witch who lives in the enchanted forest, misunderstood by the villagers nearby. 
Word count: 1,780
Celia looked up sharply from her gardening as she heard the sound of something crashing through the brambles. It was rare someone visited these parts; even more so that they weren’t hostile. Dropping her gardening shears, she reached a delicate hand for her wand. Though she wasn’t as young as she was in her adventuring days, she could take on whatever was coming at her. Right? She shook the uncertainty from her head and readied her stance. 
Just as she raised her arm to cast a spell, a trembling, dirty blur crashed into her feet. She blinked twice in surprise, and put her wand away. 
“P-please don’t hurt me! I didn’t mean to run through your garden. I h-have to get away, I can’t let her hurt me anymore.” 
Celia kneeled down and wiped the tears off the dirty, scared face of a young boy. He couldn’t have been older than seven. 
“It’s okay,” She said softly, “I wasn’t going to hurt you,” The boy sniffed and wiped his face with his torn sleeve. 
“Really?” he asked. She shook her head and smiled reassuringly. 
“Why would I hurt an innocent little boy?” The boy looked down. 
“Everyone says you’re a witch.” Ceilia laughed, but there was no malice in her tone. Instead, warm, clear notes filled the air. 
“I am a witch, but I would never hurt somebody. At least not without good reason.” The boy nodded, and stood up from the ground. He was scrawny, probably underfed, with clothes full of thorns and dirt. An unkempt mop of sandy brown hair, though it could have been any color, considering how dirty he was, sat atop his pale, tear streaked face. She noticed a rather large cut on his knee.
“Would you like to come in?” she asked kindly, “I could fix that cut for you. I have a loaf of bread from this morning and soup from last night if you’re hungry.” The boy paused, as if considering his options. Night was falling, and the forest would soon be too dangerous for a small child like himself. 
“Okay,” He replied, and Celia smiled as she led him into her quaint abode. Several cats milled about, and the boy was met with the smell of freshly baked bread and flowers from the garden. 
“Would you like to go into the washroom and clean that cut while I make supper? I think I have some clothes I shrunk on accident that might fit if you want to change.” The boy nodded eagerly at the prospect of a hot meal, and Celia smiled at his response. Both of them disappeared into their respective rooms, and Celia began to make various items float around the kitchen. 
Two bowls of soup and a bandaged cut later, the boy sat nestled into a large armchair by the fireplace. Celia peered curiously into the eyes of the child, who opted to look instead at the floor. 
“What’s your name?” she asked suddenly. The boy looked startled, but answered. 
“Luke…” she echoed, trailing off. 
“Why were you running through the forest earlier? You said you had to get away.” The boy appeared even smaller in the firelight. He didn’t answer right away. 
“It’s… my mom. I had to get away from her.” Celia’s brows knit together in concern, but she nodded for him to continue. His eyes welled with tears. “She hits me… for no reason! I couldn’t take it anymore!” He sniffed again, then continued, “My dad is away, fighting in the war. I think my mom thinks I made him leave.” He looked up suddenly, and the expression on his face made Celia's heart break. “You’re not going to send me back, are you?” 
“Of course not! You know what?” she asked, leaning in. “I’m going to be your real mom now.” She said, pulling the child into a hug, which he gladly reciprocated. She didn’t stop for a long time, not until beams of moonlight shifted in from the slats of the window blinds and the fire had died to a soft, amber hue. She set the now sleeping child- no, her child- into the armchair again, and pulled a quilt over his tiny form. He shifted in his sleep, and smiled softly. 
“Sweet dreams, little one.”
10 years had passed since the evening Celia had found Luke, and she cherished every minute of it. Now a strong young man of age 17, the two could be found helping animals in the forest, planting trees, and walking along the river- when they weren’t practicing spells, brewing potions, or reading books. The older witch had finally allowed Luke to begin learning the art of magic, and he absorbed all the information like a sponge. Currently, the two were sitting in a huge clearing formed by a grove of trees, not terribly far from the village of so many years ago. The leaves of the trees rustled, but there was no wind to be felt. She was quizzing him, smirking, and holding a book in front of her.
“Quick! What is the rarest creature in this forest?”
“Unicorns,” he answered just as fast, “but some people think there might be dragons somewhere.”
“What is the most dangerous elemental magic?” 
“Ah- trick question! All of them are dangerous when used in different ways.”
“Finally- what are the three restrictions of our magic?”
“We cannot create something out of nothing, we cannot steal magic from others, and we cannot bring the dead back to life.”
Celia smiled and snapped the book shut. “I think you’re ready. Now, when I leave, the trees will look into your mind, and if they deem you worthy, they will present you with your first wand.” She stood up, and embraced her child. 
“I’m so proud of you, darling.” She stepped away and discreetly wiped her eyes as her son beamed down at her. 
“Thank you mom. Love you, wish me luck!” She smiled and stepped out of the clearing, and the invisible wind picked up. Stepping onto a faded, overgrown path, she immediately knew something was wrong. The faint scent of smoke came from the direction of the cottage, and what sounded like an army was rapidly approaching. Celia drew her own wand, and stepped into a fighting stance. Slowly, a mob of people she recognized as the villagers approached her. Each was carrying a torch, pitchfork, spear, or other weapon, and their faces looked like they were out for blood. At the front of a mob was an unruly, wild-eyed man wearing a uniform she knew came from the military. The man was followed by an equally unpleasant woman with a sneer on her face. Celia’s heart sank as she recognized the brown hair, pale eyes, and firm jaw of the people standing before her. These were Luke’s parents. 
“Witch!!” he shouted at the site of her on the path, “You evil old crone! How dare you!?! HOW DARE YOU STEAL MY SON!!!” 
Celia opened her mouth to speak, to explain the situation perhaps, but was drowned out by a horrible shout of “OPEN FIRE!!!” She raised up her wand and cast a shield charm, praying it would stop the spears and arrows, but her hands shook as she cast the spell. If only she could hold out until her son came, the ritual was not long! Perhaps they would listen to him. Perhaps-
She was interrupted by a gutteral screech coming from the soldier in front of her, and threw down her shield at the last second to dodge a blow from his sword. Sparks met metal as she tried to avoid his swings and shoot a blast at him. Tripping on a root, she fell back, but took aim and launched a spell straight into his chest knocking him backward 15 feet. 
“Mom!!” She heard a shout coming from the forest, as Luke ran over and quickly helped her up. “What is going on? What-”
“My son! Stand back from this evil witch, she stole you from us! Don’t worry though, I will end her for you.” Luke only glared at the man who was supposed to be his father. 
“Do not call me your son.” He spat icily, his voice absolutely dripping with venom. “You lost that privilege when you ran away to war and left me with her.” The woman who was his mother glared at him, but Luke was not the same scared 7 year old he once was. “Didn’t she tell you? How she used to whip me until I bled, or lock me in the cellar? Did she forget to inform you that I ran away? You…” He paused, as if searching for the right word, “You miserable, selfish, conceited bastards! You are not my parents! Never were, never will be.” 
“The person you claim to have stolen me raised me, chose to take me in when she found me. She is my mother. You are not my parents.” His ex-father’s face contorted into a cross between a grimace and a glare. 
“OPEN FIRE ON THE TWO OF THEM!!!” He shouted with the merciless bravado of a man driven insane. Celia didn’t hesitate. She ignored the mob storming back to the village after the attack, ignored the fire starting in the underbrush from a torch, ignored the whispering pleas of the sacred trees. All she saw was the scared face of her son, previously preoccupied by putting out said fire, staring ahead in horror as a spear plummeted towards his chest. She jumped in front of him and closed her eyes, bracing for the impact that would rip her life from her body, tear her away from her cherished son. 
In front of the grove of trees stands a grave, a monument of sorts for the person buried there. A statue of marble, veined with gold, stands strong and steady along the side of the path. It never decays, and many thieves have tried to steal it, but none can overcome the powerful magic keeping it there. The leaves of the trees may fall around it, as does the snow and the blossoms with the changing of the seasons, but the grave never changes. When you pass it along the forgotten path, stop and listen. The trees beacon you closer. 
“Look” the whisper in your ears, “look at the beautiful sacrifice.” “So sad,” they murmur, “The love of a mother remains strong even after death.” 
“So wasteful, that one has to die for another to live,”  
“Look.” they surround you. 
“Are you really so different?”
0 notes
theartificialdane · 7 years
Blue ain’t your color - Part 6
Dedicated to @talkaboutartassholes @imanationalphenomenon and the Vitan playlist <3
In which a date is arranged.
“You don’t seem fine.” Sutan gently rubbed his thumb back and forth, trying to make Violet relax, his mind racing as he tried to figure out what was different from the last time they had done this.
Sutan: Hey, are you awake?
Violet: Yes, why?
Sutan smiled and leaned back into his chair. It was a little after eleven, and Sutan was pretty sure he was the only person left in the office, not that he minded. His days often going by in a blur of everyone and their mother needing something, so it was nice to have the place to himself, giving him time to think, even though his thoughts wandered to a certain black haired woman.
Sutan: Dinner at Annisa tomorrow?
Violet: Can’t. Busy.
Sutan wrinkled his brow. Busy? It had been two days since Violet had practically snuck out at the crack of dawn, and even though they had texted, they haven't actually seen each other. Sutan stood up, getting a cigarette from his drawer before he opened the window, leaning out of it as he returned to his phone.
Sutan: Come on lovely eyes, I miss you. I haven’t seen you in two days. How hard is Fame riding you over there if you can’t go out?
Violet: I think the question is how you’re not busy, Fashion Week is in 18 days?
Sutan smiled. Fashion week was indeed in 18 days, as if anyone would let him forget it. Fame had uprooted the entire friend group, her hysteria about her autumn collection threatening to consume everyone until Bianca had told her to shut up, sit down, and eat her spaghetti.
Sutan: All sensible brands have already booked their models, even though I got a very interesting text from Raja yesterday ;) What department do you work in?
Sutan glanced over at his desk, the reason he was late laying in the stacks and stacks and stacks of portfolios he was pulling together for his darling sister.
Violet: Wouldn’t you like to know Mister?
Sutan: I’d love to know, thank you for asking.
Violet: Well keep guessing, because I’m not telling you.
Sutan laughed, Violet still holding out on him, the girl demanding to stay a mystery, but Sutan didn’t mind playing the long game. He stubbed his cigarette and closed the window, going back to his desk.
Sutan: Come over baby, please.
Violet: …. Fine.
“Okay so everyone listen up.” Sutan looked at his girls, Celia, Fo, Naima, Jaslene, Alison and Raven all sitting in a conference room at Elite, Sutan on the edge of the table, his glasses on, a huge stack of files in his hands. “That includes you Raven, don’t make me take your phone.”
Raven sighed but put her phone into her bag. Ever since she and Raja had gotten engaged, Raven had been glued to her phone, flashing her diamond all over the web.
“Thank you.” Sutan smiled, only just catching Raven rolling her eyes. Raven had a tendency to always toe the line, always push that little bit further, a habit she somehow still had even after years of working with him, but it was also that dissatisfaction and that fire that made her work as hard as she did, and kept his sister on her toes. “Now that I have your attention, I have the first batch of assignments and fittings for New York.”
The girls cheered, all of them excited. Sutan stood up, walking around the table as he gave every girl a file, Jaslene smiling brightly when she saw that he had booked her for Marc Jacobs, while Celia groaned as she realised that she had once again been handpicked for Adam Lipper. Sutan
“Now, does anyone have any questions?”
“Joseph? Your assistant said you’d be here.”
“Hi, I’m in here!”
Sutan smiled as he walked through the studio of fashion designer Joseph Altuzarra, the New York space one of his favorite to visit, the studio a perfect representation of the parisians sophistication Joseph mixed with american sexy. “I got you the measurements.” Sutan turned the corner, finding the designer and his team working on the shoe selection for the upcoming show. “and a caramel macchiato.”
“You got me coffee?”
“Of course, you’re my favorite Joseph.” Sutan smiled and handed the cup over, Joseph taking it with a grateful expression, along with the updated portfolio and measurements of Allison, one of Joseph’s favorite models to use.
“You know you could have emailed these, right?”
“I could.” Sutan sat down, taking a sip of his own coffee. “But if I had, who would show me your collection before it hits the runway?” Sutan glanced at his watch, Joseph clearly falling for his flattery. He still had a couple of hours before he had to meet up with Violet, so he leaned back, Joseph already rolling the first rack out, Sutan instantly eyeing a silver dress he knew Allison would look beautiful in.
“You’re late.”
It was the first words out of his mouth as he opened the door. He hadn’t meant to say it, at least not like that, but as he saw Violet stand there, it was the only thing he could think of, the woman almost two hours late.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to” Violet was talking so fast Sutan could barely separate the words, not even looking at him as she apologized. “things just got so busy at work and then I couldn’t find a-” Sutan reached forward, grabbing the front of her dress and pulling her to him, kissing her until he felt her relax.
“You’re okay, I’m okay and we’re okay.” Sutan smiled, gently running a hand down Violet’s back. “Just call me next time, okay?”
Violet nodded, completely dazed as Sutan pulled her into his apartment and closed the door behind them.
“I… Umh… I brought dessert. Since I didn’t make it in time for dinner.” Violet smiled, a little shy as she held up the dessert box, which was clearly meant as an apology. It looked delicious, but Sutan wasn’t ready to let her entirely off the hook. He helped her out of her clothes, smiling at the amount of bags she had brought with her. Some of them made sense, like her handbag and the duffle he knew had her gym clothes, but what he didn’t get was the extra tote and the overnight bag as well. He still didn’t know exactly what Violet’s job was, but as he carried the bag his suspicion that she was from the fashion department grew bigger and bigger.
“It’s work stuff.”
Sutan laughed, totally caught in his act of trying to evaluate what was in the bag. “So it’s not your portal sex shop?”
“You asshole.” Violet smiled, and Sutan relaxed, the tension from earlier gone.  “Do you want the cake or not? It’s a chocolate and hazelnut Louvre from Payard Patisserie, I even got us forks.”
“Of course I want it.” Chocolate was one of his faves, but as he stepped forwards Violet, smiling at the fact that she was no longer wearing her heels, the woman the perfect height now to overpower. “But there’s something I’d much rather have for dessert.” Sutan took Violet’s cheek in his hand, gently caressing her with his thumb as he tipped her head upwards, placing a tender kiss on her lips and Violet melted against his chest, letting him take her weight completely.
Violet  gently broke their kiss, her voice only a whisper as she played with the buttons of Sutan’s shirt.
“What do you want for dessert then?”
“You, I want you, Princess.”
Violet looked up, meeting Sutan’s eyes, her voice so low he had to strain to hear her.
“Take me then, make me yours.”
Sutan smiled and picked Violet up as if she weighed nothing, making her squeal in delight, her legs around his hips as he carried her into his bedroom, cake completely forgotten.
Sutan’s bedroom was just as Violet remembered it; he kept it in a modern style with green and dark brown accents. As Sutan sat Violet down she saw something, a smile growing on her face. “Are those candles? Did you light candles for me?”
“If you had been here on time, there would’ve also been music.”
“Really?” Violet looked around, feeling a little bad until she got an idea. “Sit down.”
“Sit down!” Violet smiled as she pushed Sutan down on the bed, quickly identifying his ipod, laughing to herself when she found one of the songs she knew. The tones of “Any Time, Any Place” started playing before Sutan realised what Violet was doing, which made him laugh in surprise, delight on his face as Violet walked out to the middle of the bedroom floor, her hips slowly swinging to the beat of the song.
Violet slowly pulled her work jacket off, revealing her arms one by one before she threw the jacket into the corner of the bedroom, raising her arms above her head as she danced for a while. She could feel Sutan’s eyes burning into the small of her back at how he was watching her ass. Violet undid her hair, shaking her head a little as the long black locks fell down ber back.
Even though it was late August it was still hot enough outside for Violet not to be wearing much, so she took her time, taking off her skirt, her hands slowly and sensually exploring her body, before she turned around, a smile on her face when she saw Sutan’s expression. She knew she was good at stripping, knew it with a certainty not many possessed, but right now, right here, performing for just one man made her feel sexier than anything else she had ever done. Violet grabbed her top, teasingly almost pulling it off before she put it on again, keeping eye contact with Sutan while she finally, finally removed her blouse, the song ending as Sutan reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her down onto the bed with him, their lips crashing together while the next number started.
“Fuck… How are you real!?” Sutan pulled back, his pupils completely blown before he dived down again, kissing Violet like a man desperate for air, Violet’s hands working on the buttons on his shirt, their hips grinding together to the same rhythm, Violet’s heel digging into the small of Sutan’s back.
“Please.” Violet gasped; she was aching, her panties completely soaked through, the warmth of Sutan against her only making it worse. “Please…”
“What do you want, baby?” Sutan smiled, moving his hips, letting himself rut against Violet, his trousers rubbing on the crotch of her soaked panties. She was so warm and delicious, so ready for his touch as she whimpered and tried to twist, working her body to get friction where she needed it most. “Do you want me to fuck you?” Sutan leaned down, kissing Violet’s neck, his body covering hers. “Take you good like I did the last time?” Violet nodded, closing her eyes, a small ‘please’ leaving her lips and Sutan smiled. Violet was a joy in bed, so utterly responsive to his touch, a little shy, but that wasn’t anything he wasn’t ready to peel from her, petal by petal until there was nothing left but raw and naked desire. “Want me to fuck your pretty pussy? Want me to fill you?”
“Yes.” Violet reached up, her nails digging into Sutan’s forearm, the sharp points hurting slightly, but he didn’t mind, not when it made him feel like a king to have Violet cling to him. “Please, yes.”
Sutan hummed and pulled back, Violet instantly getting his clue, her eyes opening and Violet reached behind herself, arching her back and unhooking her bra. She was gorgeous, and Sutan couldn’t help but make a show of getting undressed too, taking off his shirt, their eyes locked together as his hands went to his belt, Violet starring, her fingers forgotten in the wristband of her panties.
Sutan realised he had stopped, his belt open and his fly down, but with Violet looking at him like that, her skin glowing in the candle light, he had no choice but to change the plan. He had to taste her, had to eat what was so clearly offered to him. Sutan grabbed her hands, moving them away and started kissing his way down Violet’s chest, skipping past her breasts, his lips dancing over her stomach until he could grab the edge of her panties with his teeth, a smile on his lips as Violet gasped. She wasn’t the only one who had a surprise up her sleeve, and he would gladly show her all his tricks, after all, if you wanted to keep a lady in your bed, you made her come hard, and you made her come often. Sutan pulled her panties down, the scent of her filling his nose as he kissed his way up her her, his hands quickly discarding the silk material, when he noticed that Violet had gone completely quiet.
Sutan looked up at her, his lips connected to the inside of her thigh, and he realised something was very, very wrong. Violet was still, her eyes scrunched together, her lips sealed shut. “... Baby?” Sutan ran his hand over Violet’s stomach, all of her muscles tight, trying to catch her attention. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, yes I’m fine, keep going.”
“You don’t seem fine.” Sutan gently rubbed his thumb back and forth, trying to make Violet relax, his mind racing as he tried to figure out what was different from the last time they had done this. Violet had seemed so enthusiastic. Was it the candles? No, that was stupi-
“Just do it!”
Sutan’s thought were interrupted as Violet snapped at him, and he dropped her leg before he even realised when he had done, moving away from her completely.
“Hey, hey.” Sutan moved up the bed, laying down next to Violet, propped up on his elbow so he could see her, her eyes wide and almost a little frightened. He reached out, taking a chance as his hand landed on her stomach once again. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to with me…” Sutan watched her, shame and discomfort clear on her face, and he hated it.
“I’m sorry.” Violet smiled, a small, apologetic smile, as if she had done something wrong. “I just don’t…” Violet gestured vaguely towards her legs, “I don’t like it very much.”
Sutan let out a breath of relief. He leaned down, gently and carefully kissing Violet’s lips, her body fully relaxing as they were back in territory she was comfortable with. Sutan had realised pretty early on that few things turned him on more than a woman who was happy about being with him, the fact that both him and Raja had been ugly all through high school only making it that much more of a joy when they got scouted to model in LA and he started to get attention. Sutan loved showering a woman in gifts and attention, but nothing had ever made his stomach turn more than when he realised that a girl in college had slept with him, only because she wanted him to take her to his agency. It was the reason he never slept with models, the idea of it too close to comfort, and Sutan liked his image, treasured it and treasured his girls trust. He broke the kiss with Violet, looking at her face.
“Don’t ever apologize.”
“But I ruined the mood..” Violet bit her lip, her pearly white teeth sinking into her plush bottom lip, and Sutan felt his cock twitch.
“You haven’t ruined anything lovely eyes.”
Sutan moved his hand lower, smiling happily as Violet gasped her cunt still hot and wet. He rubbed the pad of his index finger over her, spreading her wetness, playing with her. “Nothing is ruined, lovely eyes, nothing at all.” Violet’s hand was so thin and dainty, her fingers barely the size of his pinky, and he knew his own hand had to feel so much better. Sutan dipping his fingers into her. Violet moaned, and Sutan smiled. Oh he would have so much fun teasing her, taunting her and working her right back to the edge where she would have no choice but to beg, Violet so beautiful when she begged, but then, she surprised him, Violet grabbing his wrist.
“Not like that.” Violet eyes where closed, her fingers covering Sutans as she moved, showing him what to do, her cheeks pink, her brow furrowed in concentration, her pointer finger moving back and forth, Sutan following her lead as she showed him exactly how she liked to be touched. She was gorgeous, and when she finally, finally, finally released him, Sutan went in with all he had, using his hand on Violet until he was cramping, tears running down Violet’s face from yet another orgasm.
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graequeen · 4 years
La Mia Ragazza Rockey
Chapter 8
    “Your brother is fucking lucky you pulled me back, Matteo!” I said once we entered their mansion. I was so busy running my mouth on what I was going to do to Raffa, that I failed to notice the small audience watching me. 
    “Rockey, he was going to pummel you.” Matteo said cautiously. “I’ve never seen him almost hit a female before, but he sure as hell looked like he was going to destroy you.”
    “Oh please Matteo! I’ve taken sh-” I began, but immediately stopped once I felt three pairs of eyes on me. 
    There was a young girl, slightly older than Matteo, wearing a uniform similar to Matteo’s. She had the same striking auburn hair, cut just below her chin. She had a pair of thick black glasses, and the sweetest smile I have ever seen.
    There was also a much older gentleman, dressed in a simple back tux. He had a full head of gray hair, and mustache. His face was a mixture of shock and pure amusement.
    And then, there was the smallest one. If Raffa didn’t look so mean, and didn’t have such a grumpy attitude, these two would’ve been twins. They even had the same shade of brown eyes. But while Raffa’s appearance screamed “ass-hole”, “thug”, “and “mean”, this little guy looked the complete opposite. He was innocent, angelic, and adorable. And the way he was dragging his expensive bookbag behind him, made me want to swallow him up in a hug. 
    All three of them looked at me, or what felt like hours, as if I was a mythical creature. The awkward staring continued until the front door opened and closed. Raffa and Nicoló walked in with a confused face.
    “If you have time to stare, that must mean you’re ready for school?” Raffa asked sternly. The three kids’ eyes almost bugged out. Without a word, they all ran in different directions. The older gentleman cleared his throat, and swiftly walked up to Raffa and Nicoló.
    “Sir, your bath is ready.” He said calmly.
    I do not know what came over me, but I let out a hearty laugh. “Does the old man need help with his sponge bath?” The speed in which he attempted to lunge at me cannot be described in words or number.
    “Why don’t you get ready for work?” Nicoló said as he barely managed to hold Raffaele back from me. “Celia and Antonio are still on that business trip, and won’t be back for a few weeks.”
    “Rockey, please wait here. I’ll be back in a few.” With much reluctance, Nicoló pushed Raffa up the mahogany staircase. 
    “Miss Rockey, may I tempt you with a tour of the Estate?” the older gentleman asked as soon as both men left. He took my back by his sudden question.
    “Please.” I replied gently. He led me through the hallway, and into the living room. Caden and Tony’s apartment could fit in comfortably, with room to spare. The walls were painted in a dark brown, with a gold border. There were two long curtains, in a dark goldish-color, covering massive windows. 
    “The furniture all over the Estate is wooden Italian classic.” The older gentleman informed me. He must’ve noticed the uncomfortable look of awe I had. “No expense was spared in decorating the house. Miss Celia helped in picking everything out.”
    I immediately felt out of place, and didn’t feel comfortable sitting on anything, let alone standing in the room. He noticed my uneasiness, and let out a hearty chuckle.
    “Please make yourself comfortable Miss Rockey.” He said.
    “I wish I could, my good sir, but I fear I would be scolded by the crypt keeper.” I said rather loudly.
    He let out another laugh. “You may call me Arthur.”
    “Hi Arthur, pleasure to meet you.” I said, extending my hand. He looked at my hand for a second, before shaking it. “Please just call me Rockey.”
    All of a sudden, I felt a tiny tug on my leggings. I looked down to see the little guy from before, showing off his beautiful eyes.
    I knelt down, so that we were eye-leveled. “Why hello there little one. What’s your name?” I asked.
    The little kid kept quiet as he played with my hand. There was a comfortable silence as he began tracing figures on my hand.
    “His name is Giovanni. He is six years old, and his favorite color is orange.” Arthur said. Giovanni gave me a coy smile, as if confirming what Arthur said was true.
    “Well Gio, my name is Rockey. It is an absolute pleasure to meet you.” I said politely. He gave me the cutest smile in return.
    “He normally doesn’t warm up to strangers.” Nicoló said, scaring me shitless. I fell on my ass, while I let out a high-pitched scream.
    Gio let out a quick giggle before returning to his silent smile. His little laugh was so cute! “Oh, so you can make a sound, huh?” I asked with a smile. Gio replied with a shy smile. 
    “I haven’t heard him laugh in a long time.” Nicoló admitted in a bitter sweet amazement. Nicoló came behind me and helped me up. Those few seconds of Nicoló touching me, were absolutely blissful.
    Raffaele came around the corner, another look of confusion plastered over his face. He was all clean, dressed in a 3-piece suit. He was the complete opposite of what I saw earlier. There is nothing sexier than a well-dressed man...up until he starts talking.
    “You’re on the floor already? What? Did the old hag fall?” He asked in a cocky voice. Once I felt I was steady, I marched towards Raffaele. I didn’t know what I intended to do to him, but I knew something was going to happen. Unfortunately, Matteo came running around the corner, tackling me back onto the ground.
    “Rockey, are you dropping u off at school?” He asked, trying to distract me from his brother. The question definitely threw me off. Before I had a chance to respond, Raffaele butted in.
    “Matteo, grab your brother and sister and wait in the front. Now.” He ordered. Matteo nodded and grabbed Gio’s hand.
    “Arthur, please go with the kids and this thing to school. Nicoló, let’s go.” With that, everyone began moving. I was left on the floor wondering what exactly I was doing there.
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luriashrine · 7 years
kabsks you’re gonna hate me bUT I KINDA WANNA KNOW THE ANSWERS TO ALL QUESTIONS FOR CELIA (and maybe Fai if u want!) except maybe number 5 bc i dunno if it fits, you decide!! INFO DUMP ME!!!!
NOW HOW CAN I HATE YOU FOR ALLOWING ME TO INFO DUMP AS MUCH AS I COULD?!  Be prepared for some weird errors, I’m heading back out and I tried to finish this in the little time I have at the moment ;0; 
1. What would completely break your character.
Here’s the sad thing, Celia is already broken. For a large part of her childhood to adolescent to late teenage years, she had to endure so much shit. It doesn’t help one bit that The Lich makes damn sure to live through her trauma each and every day during her training. For three long years, she had to witness her family dying over and over again just so that she can learn to desensitize herself (it’s best to think of her training in The Box as though she was trapped in a time loop with different outcomes depending on her choices or what The Lich wants to throw at her).
Aside from total failure in completing her end of the contract, nothing can break Celia but even that is debatable since some of her actions throughout ATEW suggests otherwise (there are times in the story where Celia tries to goad Adrian into killing her in order to stop but he seriously couldn’t in the beginning).
2. What was the best thing in your character’s life?
Her family, more importantly, Marcel and Remei. But they’re gone now and for a long while she had nothing she considered important. Until she finally opens up to Fai and later on Nessie. Seeing Phoebe’s kingdom come crumbling down would be another great thing in her life…
3. What was the worst thing in your character’s life?
Fai and Celia did not get off on the right foot. At first Fai thought that protecting a sociopathic brat like Celia was the worst thing ever, especially since she’s someone who is fine with getting her hands dirty which consequently means that she always jumps headfirst into danger(hRM DOESN’T THAT SOUND FAMILIAR YOU BUTT ADJNAKS seriously though, he does the same at times but to him when Celia did it was annoying). Eventually, through time they do bond and now the worst thing in Fai’s life is how much he’s in love with her despite knowing what will happen once she completes her contract.
Still… Celia’s recklessness and overconfidence in herself scare him nowadays…
4. What seemingly insignificant memories stuck with your character.
The first time she ever had paella after a kindly couple (Kyrie and Santiago) took her in for a couple of weeks… it’s extremely insignificant but the impact of the event meant so much to her and there are times where she could still taste the fluffy, sunny-colored rice and the multitude of spices after spending a couple of years in shitty orphanages eating moldy bread (bread that she would have to steal from other children due to food rations), watery soup and this bland grey mush that had the proper nutrients in it but very little substance to it. Kyrie had prepared that dish out on a whim one day, after he had fed her so many other wonderful dishes ever since he took her in but all of the flavoring in the paella stuck out the most to her. Much to her embarrassment, she cried after eating the dish. She wasn’t crying just because she was having good food but because for the first time in a long time she was eating dinner with a family once more and that revelation struck Celia so hard she was overwhelmed with emotion.  
I wrote a drabble but for Fai, Celia showing Fai that sweet fairy poo. Her laugh was the most magical thing on the planet. SHE ALSO HAS THE CUTEST DIMPLES WHEN SHE LEGIT SMILES AND THAT DESTROYS HIM YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND!!
6. what is your character reluctant to tell people.
Celia has a lot to hide which is understandable given her circumstances meanwhile Fai is too reluctant with telling anyone else that he’s in love with Celia this is mostly because Shadows aren’t really supposed to have any feelings and falling in love with a human is considered… strange to say the least.
7. How does your character feel about sex?
Celia and her very unabashed view, as well as the immense pleasure she takes in it, ties into a lot of things such as her self-worth as well as her nasty habit of smothering herself in more risky behaviors whenever she’s going through a mania episode since sex is just one of many self-destructive behaviors. On top of all those things, for a short time she had a slight fear of emotional attachment before meeting with Fai, having sex with no strings attached was ideal for Celia. This doesn’t mean that she’s thirsty.txt 24/7 just because she’s shameless and has sexual confidence, sex is not always on her mind… but she’s not one to say no to whoever offers to have sex with her either.
Fai on the other hand… he is very much a thot when it comes to his lovers. SO UH!!! 
8. how many friends does your character have?
WEEPS!!!! I’ve said time and time again that Celia is a true neutral, she has a grey moral outlook with little to no regard for a lot of things since as rules and the like… however, so many people will regard her as cruel or even evil due to her many actions in both a meta sense and in the story sense as well. So, yeah… she doesn’t really have many friends because of this aspect of her and has tons of enemies. After she opens up to Fai she later does befriend Nessie and makes an attempt to at the very least try to bond with her resistance members since they are doing all of the heavy hard work and she appreciates their loyalty to her.
9. how many friends does your character want?
This is the question that upsets me the most. It’s a bit of a mixed bag here since there is a large part of Celia that years for companionship but because of all of the events she had to go through during ATEW (most of which she almost died in) she has a natural distrust of everyone and her paranoia convinces Celia that everyone is out to get her. She honest to god hates being alone with her thoughts since she has to relive her trauma. She prefers the company of others not only to satisfy her needs for social interaction and attention too but to distract from her mind. 
10. What would your character make a scene in public about?
She doesn’t really like making scenes in public, Celia is someone who works in from the shadows of the slums first and foremost due to the many people who are out to get her whether they be human, spirits she’s upset or the gods there is a price for her head for all of the crime she’s committed. As such, she doesn’t really like making any scenes of any sorts but there is an extremely rare expectation to that face and that expectation is that if she’s feeling highly emotionally. Once again, this plays into her mania episodes of her manic depression and on top of that, years of just bottling away her trauma, anger and a plethora of many other emotions she tries to shut down through dissociation. After having an emotional breakdown she will feel pretty shitty with some sense of catharsis.
11. For what would your character give their life?
If losing her life has some value in completing whatever goals she has, then she would gladly give up her life for that sake with no hesitance. Later on, where Celia actually develops and makes a legit human connection with other people she would find that she has no problem with giving up her life for them if it’s worth it in the end. Fai is well aware of both facts and he always cries silently to himself.
Fai risks his life mostly for glory and being an actual adrenaline junkie. Nothing noble behind his actions.
12. what are your character’s major flaws.
I’ve already talked about it with Celia but her major, major flaw would have to be her envy and how much it blinds her, the fact that she has little empathy, is prideful/arrogant, suffers from a superiority/inferiority complex etc. etc.
I’d like to talk about Fai though! He’s apparent frivolous nature is a huge, huge flaw of his as he sometimes underestimates his opponents in battle and constantly undermines himself as well because he doesn’t really use all of his powers when fighting. He’s too carefree/playful and that’s his greatest trait about him but also his worst. I don’t really need to go too much in depth about how much his recklessness gets him in trouble or all of the weird mess he would get himself into lol… the dragon fighting is suffice enough. 
13. what does your character pretend or try to care about?
Omg… I can’t help but think of this with Celia whenever someone finds out about her lies, she would act so deadpan once she’s caught in the act because chances are you already have a bullet through your head lol!!!! Her paranoia and overall perfectionist attitude won’t allow for her to let a silly mistake like that live for long.
Fai tries to pretend that he cares about The Lich and to his credit he almost follows their orders. Make what you will out of that.
14. how does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project.
Celia has well over 3439203023 different personas since she’s very meticulous in how she wants to present herself to others in order to seem all the more appealing to them. As we all know, her acting is a crock of shit!! I wouldn’t go as far as to say that the real Celia is a terrible person and leave it at that, it takes away so much of her character because there’s so much more to her than her terrible life choices and actions.  
With Fai, aside from his poker face that he wears when on duty, what you see is what you get because of how much of a shit he doesn’t give when it comes to presentation.
15. what is your character afraid of?
Blood. Ironic, isn’t it? For all of the lives that Celia takes and all of the blood she’s shed for the sake of her goal, just a mere glance at it and she relives through the night of her trauma all over again. She hates the sight, the smell and overall feel of it hence why she prefers to use long ranged weapons combined with her magic in order to not see blood spill from her victims. I think I’ve mentioned this before but Celia hates bleeding out not just because of her fear towards blood but because of how shitty her body is, it tends to take a while for a wound to clot and close up so she can bleed for hours on end with no signs of stopping (I’m not even touching on the fact how she suffers from minor internal bleeding either hence the high number of bruises she sometimes sports). I suppose getting caught by the military or Phoebe’s powers would be legitimate fears as well.
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readiceprincess · 7 years
Chapter Nine
“Maybe you shouldn't tell anyone your name,” Josephine cautioned as they sat in the waiting room.
“You don't say,” Sibyl replied.
The secretary couldn't stop staring. She dropped her files and bumped into her desk. Stepping back, she knocked over a vase Reeve caught midair. He handed it back to her shaky hands with a charismatic grin. Josephine’s stern glare before was starting to make sense.
“Pardon me,” she muttered, her cheeks pink.
“No problem. Just give me a heads up if you decide to toss over any more,” Reeve replied with a smile that showed off his dimples.
She laughed, but it turned uneasy as her eyes made their way to Sibyl. It was like she was going to throw up. Maybe Celia was a mermaid. Or some evil overlord of supreme awesomeness. Sibyl just flashed the secretary a bright smile, making her pale and scurry away.
“You’re cruel,” Reeve whispered to her.
“Come on, it’s kind of fun,” Sibyl retorted. “I’m sorry I ruined your heroic moment. Next time I’ll be a better wing woman.”
“Why thank you noble steed.” He patted her shoulder and Josephine chortled, clearing her throat to cover it up.
“Don’t panic but I think Josephine has a funny bone in her after all,” Sibyl fake-whispered to Reeve.
“I have a funny bone. See?” Josephine held up her arm to point to her humerus.
Before they could even think up a response the door to the office opened. “Did you get those files I asked for?” asked a man as he entered. Then he stopped at the doorway, eyes locked on Sibyl who managed another bright smile. He was short, not even reaching her waist with pointed ears and a more yellowish complexion. “Scratch that. Cancel all appointments today.”
“Y-yes,” the secretary replied. She gave Sibyl an awkward bow before scurrying out.
“You must be Celia's daughter,” the small man said, leaning against the table and crossing his legs.
“And you must be Xavier.”
“Indeed I am. It's a pleasure to meet you...” He held out his hand, gloved. It was a white glove, the kind seen in movies on gentlemen wearing tuxedos. Fitting too since he was in a Victorian suit. Okay if all the men in Faerie were Westley-good looking and wore tuxedos it couldn’t be that bad.
“Sibyl,” she finished. When she shook his hand hers tingled.
“Sibyl. I like that name. Are these your guardians?”
“Yes,” Reeve replied as he stood, his fist on his heart. “We're knights of the Seelie Court under the Rose Clan.”
What did that mean anyway?
Xavier ushered them to his office. The seats were low, making their legs stick out. Sibyl sat between Josephine and Reeve, shrinking into her seat.
“How are you feeling Miss Bix?” He began as she sat on his seat. Everything about his office was tiny save a painting behind him of some sort of royal guy. He glared down, frowning at her as his icy blue eyes made her shiver. The painting almost seemed real, like he was in the room bored and unimpressed.
“Um... Okay,” she mumbled, returning her gaze to Xavier and his pleasant grin.  “I was wondering if you knew anything about my mom.”
Xavier stopped. His jaw locked and his body went rigid. As he sat up straight he cleared his throat “That's something you'll have to speak to the council about. I'm not authorized to share information we have-”
“Aren't you a part of the council? All I want is to know what’s going on and why. The rest of what you're going to tell me like whatever powers I have doesn't interest me. Tell me about Celia,” Sibyl begged.
Xavier's mouth opened, but he didn't speak. Her lower lip quivered and her cheeks were rosy red. Big brown eyes pleaded with him.
“Miss Bix,” he began. “I apologize, but you're not ready. There is still much you have to understand. When I feel you're faithful to the Order-” She opened her mouth to protest but he held up a hand. “When I feel you're faithful to the Grimm Order, then I'll share what information we have regarding your mother.”
Sibyl narrowed her eyes. “Everything?”
Xavier held her gaze. He was stern, not here to play jokes. And neither was she.
“Deal.” A rush ran over her, confirming it. “Now what?”
“Everything in Faerie is run by one thing,” Xavier explained as they walked down a hall, Sibyl and the Aislins following.
“Imagination,” Reeve said.
“Correct. Imagination energy. It's the core of everything Faerie is made up of. Only certain class types can harness Imagination though.”
“What's a class type?” Sibyl asked, skipping ahead to walk beside him.
“Your class type depends on your ancestry. If the Fae blood within you comes from a siren, mermaid, selkie, or nymph you'll be in the Beta class. And so on and so forth.”
“Alright but how can imagination be energy? That doesn't make sense.” They turned a corner.
“It goes through a cycle just like CO2 and everything else in the world. The Imagination Cycle.”
“You can have imagination without creativity but you can't have creativity without imagination,” Sibyl repeated.
“Very good,” Xavier beamed. “Once those two elements are put together you get stories. Those stories fuel imagination which fuels Faerie. With Faerie thriving imagination thrives and more stories, art, movies, music – everything thrives. And when those thrive, the cycle repeats.”
Everything in Faerie was made up of the power of imagination. That gave power to things in every day life on Earth which continued the cycle. She was speechless. What could anyone say to that? Where was her journal?
“The type of Fae who can use imagination energy are the Originals. The Faeries. Like those in folk lore, but they no longer exist the way Earth knows them. They are the beginning and end of imagination,” Xavier explained. “So it's the rarest class type to find one with the Originals. Zeta.”
“Okay I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around this. How long has Faerie and Earth been connected?” Sibyl asked, rubbing her temples.
“Since the beginning of time. Try not to think about it too much. You’ll hurt your brain.” They turned another corner. Sibyl didn't bother to ask where they were or where they were headed. Everything was flooding in and it was going to give her a headache. Again, where was her journal?
There were two possibilities here – everything they said was one elaborate lie made up by people very bored with their lives or it was all true. It was hard to admit she was leaning towards the latter. It was even scarier to admit it sparked something within her.
“So what about me being a Key Master?”
“All Key Masters have a little bit of Original blood in them. That's why they can open gates. They can concentrate the imagination energy to connect both worlds. That's how you opened the gate before. Now most Key Masters have more of another class type in them.” Sibyl stared down at her hands.  Concentrated energy? Nothing about that moment seemed concentrated or like she was controlling energy. Is that why her hands pulsed and energy rippled through her? Was that imagination energy?
“So I'm a Zeta?”
“Yes,” Reeve answered behind her.
“We don't know that for sure. Again, Key Masters have a little of Zeta, but most have another Fae class dominating their abilities. Most can only open gates. Hence why we make everyone take a test.”
“Whoa whoa whoa,” Reeve interrupted, stepping forward. “What's the point in making her take the test. I could tell you just by looking at her she's a Zeta. She's got Original written all over her,” Reeve countered, coming to Xavier's other side. “And she's tired. Aren't you tired Sibyl?”
“See?” They arrived at two large doors. Reeve stepped in front of them, blocking their way. “Just let her take the Zeta test. I promise you she'll pass. Trust me. She's a Zeta.”
Three pairs of eyes were on Sibyl, Xavier rubbing his chin. Licking her lips as her shoulders rose, Sibyl looked between the two. “Is... That a bad thing? Being a Zeta?”
“Of course not, sugar. We haven't had one in the Order for some time. Originals don't like to mix,” Josephine replied, coming to her side and touching her shoulder. She gave her a reassuring smile. “But I think Reeve's right. Let her take the Zeta test.”
Xavier dropped his hand to his side with a sigh. “Fine. I was looking forward to seeing how she handled each test. Reeve, would you do the honors?” With a bow, he opened the doors. The room was round with little glass cases against the walls. There was a little plaque under each case. Getting a closer look, they named each class and the type of Fae associated with them underneath.
“Take a look around,” Xavier encouraged. “There's no need to rush and I'm sure you're curious.”
Reeve stayed by her side. They stopped at one glass case with three items: a lizard tail, green liquid, and butter.
“What test is this?”
“Forgers can take those three items and turn it into a potion,” Reeve explained. 
“If I can remember right those three items combined make one of the deadliest potions in Faerie.” She pointed to the butter.
“A stick of butter?”
“Too much salt is bad for you.”
“Says the Southerner,” she countered. Sibyl blew through her lips and turned to Xavier. There was no use in looking in each case. If Reeve was right then she was a Zeta. Which meant she was descended from an Original, whatever that meant. “Well? What's the Zeta test? Do I have to make any potions? Do we need a blood test? What?”
If they were so sure why test her? Maybe Celia was an Original. But she'd have to have been around since the beginning of time. Could her mom be that old? No. No way. That was impossible to fathom.
“Right here, Miss Sibyl. Come to this case.” Xavier motioned to one at the end. Reeve gave her a nod, his eyes vivid.
Gulping, she walked to the case. There were three in the Zeta class. One was a case with barren trees, dead grass, and a small puddle. The other was a frozen puddle with a ring inside. But it was the third that caught her attention.
Butterflies roamed around. Some were more colorful than all the flowers she'd seen in her life. Others were white and icy blue. They danced around in a magical array of colors, a ballet of hypnotic power. Her breath left her.
“Once upon a time there was a princess of ice who loved butterflies,” Josephine said behind her. “One day she made a deal with the butterflies. If they visited her in her cold castle she'd protect them.”
“And thus the ice butterflies were born,” Xavier finished. She stared, enchanted. Had she ever seen so many butterflies in her life? “Forever connected to the wintry cold.”
“They're beautiful,” she breathed.
Ice butterflies. Wow.
“Don't hold back.” Xavier's voice was soft, encouraging. “They call to you. They can feel you. Talk to them.”
She was going to tell him that was ridiculous. Butterflies can't communicate with people. They can't talk. But instead Sibyl placed her hand on the glass, closing her eyes. Because it felt right. Because it was all she could think to do. Because she wanted to be like them.
There was no magical connection, no eye opening moment. The heavens didn’t open and bestow her with knowledge from on high. She didn’t find herself consumed with endless power. If there was any imagination energy flowing in her it wasn’t showing itself. No, all she felt was the cold glass. Maybe they were wrong. Maybe she wasn't a Zeta. They were wasting time. Besides, this was ridiculous.
Let go.
It was a small voice, familiar but distant, cool but with a brush of spring at the tips. And she exhaled, like the the touch of spring traced its way down her spine. Ease followed the touch, something teeming on her skin.
Her surroundings faded. There were breaths; inhales and exhales. Four to be exact. No wait, there were more. Small breaths, hard to hear. But the more she listened, the more she could make out.
Her hands throbbed. It was as if there were little strings coming out of her hand and connecting to something. They coiled and swirled, invisible but there like the wind. They came out of her but flowed within too. Was this imagination energy or something altogether more appealing?
Their wings fluttered, their antennae twitched. They were ease and anxiety, life and death, moving on and on. She was in the rain forest hiding from predators, and in a haven of trees in Mexico. They cradled in cocoons, metamorphosis an exciting reality. They were all connected; speaking to her but not with words or voices. Rather it was with emotion. Butterflies were a patchwork too, but a patchwork of emotion. They were a mess of fear, joy, and knowledge. Written in the design of their wings was the hope of finding their way home. When she was with them she knew she would find her way home too; a home she didn't know yet.
Sibyl opened her eyes. They huddled together, crowding around her hands.  They watched, sweet and gentle. She gave a nervous laugh. This was impossible. It couldn't be real. Yet nothing felt more real than this.
“I'm doing it,” she whispered. “I'm connecting to them.”
In that moment they were one. Her heart beat with their wings in perfect rhythm. They were bright and wonderful and everything she couldn't be. They were life and progress and the constant reminder of a better future. Butterflies were hope.
She stopped. Something slithered up her spine. A dark unnerving sensation seized her. Something else connected. Something dark that crawled on her skin. Sibyl pulled away with a shrill cry, the glass case shattering. The butterflies flew around in a panic. Sibyl fell to her back, glass piercing her skin. Images flashed in her mind. There was a smile, darkness, and again the sensation of endless something crawling on her.
Someone screamed. Not her own. Or was it? It was far off, the scream of a ghost. Something stabbed her chest and she reached for it. No blood. It wasn't real. But the sensations and images wouldn't leave her. The butterflies frenzied, dark images consuming her.
In the dark depths of her mind she saw something. No, someone. They laid on a bed of cobwebs, dressed in clothes of another time. They were beautiful and horrifying all at once. Even a bit familiar. She grabbed her face, trying to count her breaths.
Red eyes shot open. Those were eyes she’d seen before. Somewhere. Somehow. They breathed new life, and with their first breath they whispered her name.
Sibyl screamed. She didn't know them. But maybe she did. Yet he was there, a twisted smile on his face at her hysteria. And he reached out, seeking her touch. Her body shivered and her hands radiated white hot energy. The butterflies stopped, dropping one by one.
The room fell silent save for Sibyl's heavy breathing. Dead butterflies and glass littered the ground, forming a circle around her. Blood dripped from the scratches on her hands. The image was gone. The connection was gone. He was gone.
After some time, she shouted “What the hell was that?”
Xavier was pale and wide eyed. His gaze slithered to Reeve and Josephine.  Neither spoke.
“What just happened?” she repeated.
They didn't speak. And for a moment, Xavier looked terrified, pale with blood shot eyes. “My dear, you're in the Zeta Class,” he replied with a forced grin, his lips shaking. His voice came out high pitched.
Strands of her red hair fell over her face as she propped herself up on her elbows. This wasn't right. Darkness crawled all over her, waiting for the opportune moment to bite.
This was not the world her mother loved.
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oh, tall is the tale of the mischievous one / who fished out all the islands and captured the sun / his deeds and tasks i will unmask / so that you'll understand / that before there was a clark kent / there was a hawaiian superman
Archetype — The Hero Birthday — February 14, 1997 Zodiac Sign — Aquarius MBTI — ENFP Enneagram — Type 2: The Helper Temperament — Sanguine Hogwarts House — Hufflelin Moral Alignment — Chaotic Good Primary Vice — Pride Primary Virtue — Patience Element — Water
[tw brief mention of abuse]
Mother — Kai Akalana (nee Hale) Father — Lani Akalana Mother’s Occupation — Waitress/singer-entertainer Father’s Occupation — Fisherman Family Finances — Poor Birth Order — Youngest Brothers —  Malo (28) the Serious One, Mana (26) the Sporty One, Moke (24) the Smart One, Mele (22) the Soft One Sisters — sisters-in-law Other Close Family — Alani (27, sister-in-law, Malo’s wife), Gabrielle (10, niece, Malo and Alani’s daughter), Sailor (7, nephew, Malo and Alani’s son); Hayley (25, sister-in-law, Mana’s wife), Jasper (4, nephew, Mana and Hayley’s son); Odelia (23, sister-in-law, Moke’s wife); Fawn (2, niece, Moke and Odelia’s daughter). Best Friend — Celia Gorgon Other Friends — Lymantria Khan, Periwinkle Frostbrittle, Annette Grant why are all of these women? Dipper Pines and Kovu Sauda his roomiesss -- also a lot of OCs tbh Enemies — uhh bad guys Pets — None D: but he totally wants one Home Life During Childhood — Hard and busy; Maui usually got up at the crack of dawn to go out on the fishing boat for a few hours before school. His father was a very stern man and he and his father had a lot of conflict. His mother is a delicate lil lady and his father was often mean to her and Maui hated it. Also all his brothers picked on him for being scrawny. Town or City Name(s) — Hana, Maui; Hawa’ii What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — He shared with Mele, it was always messy. Painted blue but very sparse because they couldn’t afford lots. They had bunkbeds. Maui had the top. Rotated sleeping on the couch tho bc there were only four beds. Any Sports or Clubs — He reallyyyy wanted to be on the soccer team, but he was too busy with fishing and helping out at the restaurant and his father wouldn’t let him. Favorite Toy or Game — He like to play pranks on people. (I’m terrible at coming up w pranks so pretend I listed a few good ones). Schooling — His father didn’t hold school in very high regard so Maui dropped out when he was sixteen to work on the fishing boats. Favorite Subject — uhhh none of them tbh Popular or Loner — Kind of in the middle. Everyone knew who he was and he could flit from friend group to friend group but he never had any close friends Important Experiences or Events — Becoming Maui, when his father told him that he had to quit school in order to help out, one time his dad hit his mom that was p traumatizing Nationality — Hawaiian (American, he guesses.) Culture — Polynesian Religion and beliefs — pretty agnostic, but likes the old legends
Physical Appearance
Face Claim —  Bob Morley Complexion — He still gets the stray pimple every now and then but all that salt water was A+ for his skin. He’s got lotsa freckles on his nose and cheeks. Nice tanned skin. Hair Colour — Black Eye Colour — Brown Height — 5’10 Build — broad shoulders, def more upper body strength than lower but all around rather fit, on the shorter side but holds himself well Tattoos — MAUI written on the inside of his right forearm. One that completely covers his shoulder with an intricate combination of music notes, fish hooks, shark’s teeth, and enata (or people). He also had artistic representation of waves and wind as a band around his left ankle. He also has a little cat that moves around his body, but generally likes to curl up in the crook of one of his collar bones. Piercings — none Common Hairstyle — Floppy and messy. Maui never brushes his hair so it’s just a tangled curly mess and tbh Celia probably has to trim it so it stays outta his eyes otherwise he never would. Clothing Style — jeans + t-shirt + sneakers bam Mannerisms — talks with his hands a lot, is literally always smiling, gets fidgety when he’s thinking a lot or is nervous Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — he’s pretty healthy, tho he gets colds in the winter bc he’s not used to the cold Physical Ailments — fit as a fiddle Neurological Conditions — tbh maui is probably one of my most mentally healthy (don’t mean he’s right in the head tho hehe) Allergies —  none! Grooming Habits — he’s a typical boy. He showers...sometimes. Like every other day, maybe every day ehhh. Does laundry when Absolutely Necessary. Sleeping Habits — sleeps like a goddamn rock. Goes to bed late, wakes up early, but he can go back to sleep sometimes and then he’ll like sleep all day Eating Habits — will eat anything and everything in sight. I don’t think there is a food he doesn’t like Exercise Habits —  Maui swims--a lot. If it is cold he goes to the pool at the gym. He also jogs, lifts weights, tries to stay generally fit, but he’s also pretty naturally fit. Emotional Stability — honestly?? Maui is so stable?? Emotionally? He has a lot of growing to do, but he doesn’t fight it really, and though he isn’t always true to the emotions he’s feeling, he can recognize them. He’s got a lot of toxic masculinity but that is really the only thing super holding him back. Oh, and his narcissism probably (which is kinda fake anyway) Body Temperature — He runs pretty warm but when it is cold outside, so is he. Sociability — Maui is really extroverted, and he can also adapt to almost any situation. His ultimate goal is for people to like him, which means he always does his best to get people to like him. Addictions — none tbh Drug Use — he actually doesn’t do drugs (used to smoke pot on the rare occasion but lowkey he was too afraid of if his dad found out.) He will smoke a lil weed on a v rare occasion. Alcohol Use — He drinks at parties and he can get pretty drunk, but he rarely drinks otherwise and is pretty responsible tbh
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — the fact he’s narcissistic. Also he puts a lot of pressure on himself. Can sometimes not think before he speaks and tease people who shouldn’t be teased and then hurt their feelings. He can be a bit brash, but endearingly so, for the most part. Good Habits — tries to take care of people, takes good care of his body. Best Characteristic — his friendliness! Worst Characteristic — his #fakeness Worst Memory — honestly?? Winning the maui competition, he carries a lot of guilt. Best Memory — ...winning the maui competition. Look it is complicated. Proud of — being Maui Embarrassed by — the fact he literally is the worst Maui ever Driving Style — actually Maui is a really good driver, if not a bit of a speed demon. Strong Points — the fact he is able to manipulate himself to suit people’s needs Temperament — the chillest. It is really hard to rile him up and make him mad. Almost too chill Attitude — friendly! Weakness — his secrets and crippling self doubt lol Fears — that people will know he’s fake and he can’t help them Phobias — doesn’t have any Secrets — that he cheated to win the Maui competition Regrets — cheating to win the Maui competition lol Feels Vulnerable When — he actually emotionally connects w someone lol Pet Peeves — people who aren’t willing to help themselves/people that give up Conflicts — wanting to be the Best Maui Ever while also knowing he cheated and is the Worst Maui Ever Motivation — to live up to the name of Maui; for people to like him Short Term Goals and Hopes — to help people! Long Term Goals and Hopes — to be the Best Maui Ever Sexuality — why is this here??? He is straight lmao Day or Night Person — day tbh Introvert or Extrovert — extrovert Optimist or Pessimist — uhhhh an optimistic pessimist? idk
Likes and Styles:
Music — he likes lots of stuff, kind of alt rock--but also lots of hawaiian music. Some oldies. Everyone likes the beach boys. Also loves stuff he can dance to! Books — maui lowkey does not have great reading comprehension so he doesn’t read for fun really Magazines — ones that he’s in Foods — all foods but he lovesss fresh fruit Drinks — anything really tbh but he’s gotten real turned onto hot chocolate in the winter Animals — anything aquatic really but his fave is probably iguanas. Sports — all sports! Soccer is his fave tho Social Issues — maui is...learning. I would love for him to like become a feminist but he’s a long way away. Though he is p aware of like--POC issues, since he comes from a marginalized community that is like used for their culture to up tourism and is considered ~~exotic Favorite Saying — “A ship is safe at harbor, but that’s not what it was built for.” Color — Blue! Clothing — typical boy, normally just a t-shirt/jeans Jewelry — none really tho he has some wooden bracelets he wears Games — maui doesn’t game a lot Websites — or surf the web unless it is to google himself lmao TV Shows — eh, he doesn’t watch tv a whole lot Movies — again, doesn’t watch a lot but prolly likes action films Greatest Want — to be needed; to help people Greatest Need — to realize he’s fine just the way he is /pets
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — Room 421 on PrideU’s campus. Roommate: Dipper Pines. Flatmates: Kovu Sauda and Declan Craig. Household furnishings — typical dorm stuff Favorite Possession — his hook! Most Cherished Possession — also his hook lol Neighborhood — lives on campus Town or City Name — Swynlake Details of Town or City — small town; magick-friendly etc Married Before — nope Significant Other Before — has never rly dated Children — lol no Relationship with Family — despite the fact his brothers and him fight all the time, he really loves his brothers and is pretty close to them. Is definitely a mama’s boy as the baby of the family. Has a tense relationship with his dad. He also loves his nieces and nephews. SO. MUCH. Car — he had a jeep back home that he shared with Mele and his mom. He misses his car Career — ...a demigod? Dream Career — a demigod. Dream Life — being the Best Maui Ever Love Life — has lots of hook ups, he is satisfied with this Talents or Skills — is a great swimmer Intelligence Level — he’s actually really smart despite not being book savvy Finances — he’s got a stipend for being Maui, but he still has to be careful in order to make ends meet. His family is very poor, but is now being taken care of
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — worked on fishing boats/sometimes as a busboy at the restaurant his mom works at Past Lovers — a couple girls, but not that many, no serious relationships Biggest Mistakes — cheating and being a general shit Biggest Achievements — becoming Maui!
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themomsandthecity · 6 years
Maria Menounos Shares Breathtaking Photos of Her Big Greek Wedding: 'Truly a Magical Fairytale'
Maria Menounos tied the knot in Kalamata, Greece on Saturday — and if the pictures are anything to go by, she had a celebration for the ages. The TV personality, 40, is sharing all the glamorous behind-the-scenes moments from her festive second ceremony with Keven Undergaro, 50, whom she initially wed last year in a surprise wedding during Fox’s New Year’s Eve broadcast. On Instagram, Menounos posted a picture of the happy couple cutting open a massive, berry-covered cake. “Truly a magical fairytale,” she wrote. In other photos in her slideshow post, Menounos showed off her lemon-filled decor, complete with a scrumptious yellow cake with a multi-color top layer, cheerful lemon centerpieces, yellow plants, yellow-hued drinks and pastries. View this post on Instagram Truly a magical fairytale. Huge Thanks to @catering.dipnosofistirion @dimitrisskarmoutsos for the most amazing food and for making every dream come true. Everything I had hoped for you took to a level I couldn’t even imagine. Thank you to both Dimitris! #mariaandkevensbigfatgreekwedding A post shared by MARIA MENOUNOS (@mariamenounos) on Oct 7, 2018 at 10:18am PDT //www.instagram.com/embed.js RELATED: Maria Menounos’ Wedding Dress Revealed! See the Romantic Gown Covered with Hand-Painted Flowers “I literally did not expect what I just walked into,” she said on her Instagram Story. “I said I wanted some lemons on the tables. I didn’t mean put lemon trees everywhere. This is insane.” In fact, the wedding — for which she used the hashtag #mariaandkevensbigfatgreekwedding — was decked out with 1,500 lemons! View this post on Instagram We had the most beautiful flowers last night. Thank you @studio7flowers for everything you did to make our night so special! A post shared by MARIA MENOUNOS (@mariamenounos) on Oct 7, 2018 at 4:39am PDT //www.instagram.com/embed.js Naming the people who made her special day possible, she added in a post, “Huge Thanks to @catering.dipnosofistirion @dimitrisskarmoutsos for the most amazing food and for making every dream come true. Everything I had hoped for you took to a level I couldn’t even imagine. Thank you to both Dimitris!” On her Instagram Story, Menounos kept fans in the loop as she got ready for the big day. In her veil, she said, “My cousin Nikki let us use her apartment. Literally Nikki there were about 1,000 people in your house, I just want you to know. Literally 1,000 people. I love you. Thank you.” RELATED VIDEO: Newlywed Maria Menounos Reveals She Is Considering Surrogacy to Start a Family In another video, her family sang as Menounos held her veil. “Very homey,” she said. “We’re very chill here.” Menounos also provided a peek at her major entrance as she and Undergaro arrived at the church in a carriage surrounded by a swarm of people, and she later shared the joyful dancing at the ceremony. Following the wedding, she reminisced on her Instagram Story with friends. “Literally the most delicious food I’ve ever eaten in my life,” she gushed. “Wasn’t the cheese pie the best?” View this post on Instagram First fitting in LA for @mariamenounos . Συγχαρητήρια! Our warmest wishes to @mariamenounos and @undergaro for a lifetime of love and happiness! Maria is wearing Celia Kritharioti off the shoulder wedding creation made from silk organza with hand-painted flowers and veil made from silk tulle. #CeliaKritharioti #MariaMenounos #JustSayiDo #MariaandKeven #mariaandkevensbigfatgreekwedding A post shared by Celia Kritharioti (@celiakritharioti) on Oct 6, 2018 at 7:41am PDT //www.instagram.com/embed.js Before the wedding, she took a moment to reflect on Instagram. “I’ve been planning this for maybe a month but really been planning this for a long time in my heart because I always wanted to return to Greece and do our wedding here,” she said. “Greece means so much to us and our village and our roots and I’m so beyond thankful to all of our friends who put this together.” RELATED: We Tried It: Maria Menounos’s Fave Workout Pure Barre View this post on Instagram Thoughts…#mariaandkevensbigfatgreekwedding A post shared by MARIA MENOUNOS (@mariamenounos) on Oct 6, 2018 at 4:47am PDT //www.instagram.com/embed.js “Honestly I feel like the luckiest girl in the world,” she continued. “I have the best husband, I have the best family, nothing is without its problems and nothing’s perfect but I am so blessed and so so happy today that we get to do this amazing wedding in this beautiful village that I want to move to although I think Keven may divorce me and that would kind of suck.” For Menounos’ first wedding, the bride wore a Pronovias strapless lace “Randala”-designed gown with a matching lace detachable coat, while Undergaro opted for a Ralph Lauren tux. The two exchanged their own vows with rings by Jean Doussett while their parents, including Menounos’ mom, Litsa, who is battling stage-4 brain cancer, watched nearby. “I really truly believe that it’s taken us this long because of the pressures of putting a wedding together,” Menounos, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor in summer 2017, told PEOPLE at the time. “I’ve always wanted it to be super intimate and even though this is the opposite, we can only invite our immediate family, so the pressure of who to invite is gone. This was just so perfect.” http://bit.ly/2CuWx8i
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