#let aromantic people live
redysetdare · 2 months
enough stories about how someone learns to truely be happy through love. i want a story where someone is desperately seeking out love thinking it's the only way to be happy only for them to learn by the end that happiness is what they make of it and they don't need love at all to make it.
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fawndlyvenus · 3 months
You know what’s funny? How I can say that I headcanon a character as somewhere on the ace spectrum and/or aro spectrum, and within minutes I am being treated as if I am somehow very unintelligent and know nothing of the world.
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svnflowermoon · 6 months
btw please block me if you feel the need to gatekeep the queer community. cishet aspecs ARE valid and they ARE queer. the "they don't experience discrimination" argument is possibly the most stupid thing i have ever heard because aspecs experience insane levels discrimination and people are extremely dismissive of them. we our more than our suffering. our community is not yours to gatekeep it isn't fair to invalidate people's queer identities just because you can't fit them in your stupid little box of specific labels.
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idontlikeuormyself · 1 month
Here's a bit of an AroAce rant for y'all
Im so fed up with the reasoning of "love is what MAKE US human" and yeah, I've learn to understand that love presents itself in different ways, and I love my friends and family and all but that's not the problem here
Also, "sex is a HUMAN need" what the???
And some people had said to me something like: " yeah, no, empathy is the thing that make us human" or "community makes us human" and just
Can't we be human just because we are?!
Can I just be me for once and stop questioning my mere existence even outside of my daily struggle with people denying my gender and orientation?
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strangepersonhere · 3 months
Someone please tell me how do i explain to people that..
I'm in love with my closest friends. Or at least that's how i call it. Because i love them sooooo fucking much. And the deepest type of love there can be. Im in love with them, but not romantically. I don't even know how to explain my feelings ;-;
It's just- damn. How do i tell people that i want to spend my life with them, maybe even live with them. I want to have little routines. I want to have habits with them. But that I'd never be able to be romantically in love with them.
And that's sad because to the society, my love is considered like less a love than romantic love. I dont know how I can explain this better. Because I could write thousands of love letters to some people. I could offer them flowers and chocolates every day of my life. Because I see trinkets that make me think of them, and I want to offer it to them. Because I send them videos that made me think of them.
And to me it's so much deeper than romantic love. It's like... it's like an "I love you" that is beyond friendship, beyond family, beyond romantic love.
I want to be able to love my friends like I do, without having someone asking me if we're a couple, or telling me it's "just" friendship.
I sometimes wish I could create a land meant only for aro/ace/aroace people. But I actually really love diversity. So I just wish people could be more respectful of the things they don't understand. Because having people telling me I'll end up alone with my cats, and I will be sad and frustrated, it's **not** respectful. Moreover, maybe I actually want to be alone with cats. (Honestly it would be ducks for me, but whatever).
Im just asking for basic respect. It doesn't matter if you don't get it. I don't get your sense of love and all, yet you don't see me saying you don't exist or that what you're feeling is just a phase.
Let people do and be what makes them happy.
Mind your damn business.
How am I hurting you by *not* getting bitches ? You should be happy, more for you.
So yeah, what im saying basically is just, please respect people, even when you don't understand them. It might have a bigger impact than what you think.
Love y'all 💜💜💜
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That’s why for this entire week I’ll be posting Rope MF
They’re my only canonically aroace character in my Kirby oc batch (everyone else is up in the air)
after that I’ll be back to Kirby-post that isn’t of related!
Now I’m gonna post 3 fun facts:
Rope MF does not know lgbt terms:
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In fact they think Aromantic means that they’re attracted to arrows, which they are not.
2. Rope MF is canonically an adult!
younger than King Dedede and Meta Knight but older than Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee:
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3. As silly as Rope MF is as a concept he’s actually really annoying if he did exist.
Imagine those annoying missionaries trying to spread the word of the lord but instead of god it’s about ropes:
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neptune-scythe · 4 months
I love being aroace, but I fucking hate being romance and sex repulsed aroace
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And remember fellas, there is a platonic explanation for everything!
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mmmmwaffles94 · 9 months
Me, an aroace: I want to hug you and give you so many kisses. My love for you is as deep as the ocean's trenches and as vast as the shining void-filled sky. I love you. No romo.
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aro-culture-is · 2 years
Aro culture is getting confused when you see a Character/reader fic because you get confused with people wanting to do all those things (mostly overly extra sweet romantic stuff) with a fictional character. And it gets worse when is a fanfiction about RPF because why would people have a relationship with them? Isn't it better to ship them with someone else?
(no shipping discourse in the notes please!)
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the-starry-seas · 2 months
collection of Vinir memes for you this fine [time of day]
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dyketubbo · 10 months
i hate when allos in fandom or even romo favorable aros in fandom act as if being romance repulsed is this fucking boogeyman 😭😭 its not that deep you fucking assholes we're just repulsed. we just dont want to see it. no its not just about the shipping culture fiction doesnt automatically become exempt to repulsion for everyone. disliking something doesnt automatically mean seeing it as morally reprehensible. say you dont actually gaf about aros without saying you dont actually gaf because goddamn.
yes i would like to opt out of shipping in 90% of cases. because its not for me. the same way theres some people who never want to engage with horror or with stories that, idk, has bugs in it. i dont look down upon people who like romance in stories but in most cases its just a fucking slog and i dont like how most people do it. it doesnt make me fucking big foot. youre an ass. youre just being an asshole
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The only "criticism" (if you can even call it that) of qprs I ever hear is that calling a relationship a qpr is stupid because that's just being someone's best friend and like. Completely missing the point of the term qpr aside, so what? Someone wants to call what you'd call a best friend something different. How does that hurt you or anyone else in the slightest. Do whatever you want forever
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vulpinesaint · 2 years
saw this post a little while back talking about all the unreasonable things someone had seen people say to make different fanfic tropes problematic. nd obviously all the examples given were very virtue signal-y illogical stuff but then they went "and even the wholesome stuff got cancelled!" and had this as an example:
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which. uh. hey. king. queen. legend. a soulmate au is like. the Definition of amatonormativity. the idea that you have a single person out there who will complete you in a romantic means is not only exactly the kind of thing that amatonormativity describes but it's amatonormativity taken to a whole other level. that's compulsory romance babe.
like i get that their point is "aro people are complaining about nothing" which. yeah. hi. eat shit and die whatever whatever but it's also soooo stupid to put this down as a "look what these sjws were saying!!" example because you're just listing a term that accurately describes the trope in question. to say that it's amatonormative is a) not inherently a complaint, it's a perfectly valid observation and b) a very valid complaint. seeing the rhetoric of "everyone belongs with a single predestined romantic partner" when you're aro is both hurtful and alienating. nobody's saying you can't write soulmate aus. they're just expressing how the popularity of that narrative convention affects them.
also LOVE the reported complaint of "supports predestination". some REALLY angry anti-calvinists in the comments section of soulmate fics. "how DARE you suggest that god decides your ultimate fate before it happens." absolutely hilarious.
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stacytea · 1 year
,,Boys don't like girls who wear so much make up, u know?"
I'm aroace and live just for aesthetics, u know?
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a-dotrivenitupontop · 2 years
hate hate hate how everyday actions and personal choices are seen as ‘tiktok political movements’ these days
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