#take a breather go write your fuckin soulmate fic if you want to. i get it! it can be cute! but girl let people fucking live
vulpinesaint · 2 years
saw this post a little while back talking about all the unreasonable things someone had seen people say to make different fanfic tropes problematic. nd obviously all the examples given were very virtue signal-y illogical stuff but then they went "and even the wholesome stuff got cancelled!" and had this as an example:
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which. uh. hey. king. queen. legend. a soulmate au is like. the Definition of amatonormativity. the idea that you have a single person out there who will complete you in a romantic means is not only exactly the kind of thing that amatonormativity describes but it's amatonormativity taken to a whole other level. that's compulsory romance babe.
like i get that their point is "aro people are complaining about nothing" which. yeah. hi. eat shit and die whatever whatever but it's also soooo stupid to put this down as a "look what these sjws were saying!!" example because you're just listing a term that accurately describes the trope in question. to say that it's amatonormative is a) not inherently a complaint, it's a perfectly valid observation and b) a very valid complaint. seeing the rhetoric of "everyone belongs with a single predestined romantic partner" when you're aro is both hurtful and alienating. nobody's saying you can't write soulmate aus. they're just expressing how the popularity of that narrative convention affects them.
also LOVE the reported complaint of "supports predestination". some REALLY angry anti-calvinists in the comments section of soulmate fics. "how DARE you suggest that god decides your ultimate fate before it happens." absolutely hilarious.
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