#let alone anything super healthy
neon-danger · 1 year
I’m not picky I love a cute Jalex moment. Early morning in bed, watching a movie on the couch , bubble bath together just anything with them together
Domestic jalex my beloved
Jack lays in Alex’s lap during every single movie night. He’ll never admit it but Jack loves when Alex twirls his hair.
They’re usually watching bad 90s teen romcoms but sometimes Alex gets Jack to watch some horror film and then has to hold Jack the whole night so Jack “doesn’t get nightmares”
Jack always gets out of bed first. Alex sleeps past noon and usually wakes up to half a pot of cold coffee in the kitchen.
That doesn’t mean Alex doesn’t often keep Jack in bed with him some mornings. They can often be found sleeping until three pm for no particular reason.
There’s a reason for the postmates lyric in sleeping in
Alex always cooks, but Jack usually finds some way to help, even if he’s more of a hindrance.
They eat more takeout than they should, but they also use one of those meal sites that send the ingredients to their door twice a week.
They don’t often take baths together, but when they do, it’s not usually as romantic as they planned it to be.
Alex probably gets wine drunk and talks about space or something while Jack zones out and just watches him talk occasionally bringing up solar flares or whatever
There were bubbles, but usually not for long.
Alex asks the stupid existential questions after midnight, and Jack hits him with a pillow.
They start a home alone watch party tradition where they get all their friends together to drink and watch home alone twice a year (for Christmas and Christmas in July of course)
One time for Jack’s birthday they set up a projector in Rian’s backyard with lights and outdoor seating and all that
It got knocked into the pool.
They no longer are allowed to celebrate Jack’s birthday in Nashville
Unless they’re on tour and don’t have much of a choice, but even then it can’t be near Rian’s place of residence
It takes them 3 years to admit that they’re actually together even tho they’ve been basically a couple for far longer
Jack confesses first because Alex is convinced he’s actually just losing his mind
That confession marks the start of the three year “Just Dating” period before Zack is like “yeah that’s Alex’s boyfriend” to someone and they both have to come to terms with the fact that Yeah Actually Jack Is Alex’s Boyfriend
They foster dogs between tours because keeping them would be too complicated, but they both very much want to have a dog in the house
They are both awful and share their food with the dog because of course
Jack especially
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Injured (Jenni's Version): Future
Grace Clinton x Reader
Summary: You need to leave
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"Mami! Mami! Mami!"
You smile slightly, continuing to pack your suitcase as your son lays back on your bed.
"Yes, my James?"
He grins at you. "Can I come?"
You shake your head. "You know you can't."
"But why?"
"Because Paris is a long way away from Lyon." You add another set of pointe shoes to your bag. "And I need you to do a very special job for me."
You sit down on the bed, patting the spot next to you.
James is more than happy to crawl towards you, leaning close to hear his special job.
"You're a very responsible boy, aren't you?"
He nods. "I helped Mummy pick up Ollie's poo yesterday on our walk!"
Ollie's your family dog. Grace had gotten him for you when the first two rounds of ivf didn't take and you'd been so down about it. You were right in the middle of your third round and losing hope when Grace had come home with a German Shepherd puppy.
You called Ollie your good luck charm because two weeks after you'd successfully potty trained him, you fell pregnant with your other golden boy, James.
"That's very responsible!" You tell him," Because I need a very responsible boy to help me out."
"I'm responsible! I'm responsible! What is it?"
"I need you to be in charge of the house while I'm gone," You tell him," That's why you can't come with. You've got to make sure Mummy doesn't order takeout every day and cleans up Olivia's toys when she's done playing."
Olivia's the other light of your life, your nearly one year old daughter.
You didn't particularly want to leave either of them but you'd been called up by the Paris Opera Ballet to be their guest Principal for one of the shows they were putting on and you loved dancing in their venue.
Originally, you were going to say no but Grace pushed you to accept. She was more than capable of looking after both of the kids at once.
"I'll make sure Mummy eats healthy and cleans up!" James tells you," Can I go tell her I'm in charge while you're gone?"
"I'm sure she would love that."
James goes bursting out of the room and you take the time to finish packing.
Ollie whines a little as you zip up the bag.
"I'm sorry, Ollie," You say, gently stroking his head," You know I'll back soon."
Ollie's the family dog, technically, but, secretly, you know he's yours. He had been incredibly protective over you when you were pregnant with Livy and he had been super excitable as a puppy when you were pregnant with James.
Fully grown now, he loved being in the same room as you. He adored the kids and Grace, of course, but you had always been his person.
Frankly, you were getting a little worried he was lonely in the house alone all day so you and Grace had been in talks about getting Ollie his own puppy.
It was only fair to Olivia as well.
Ollie grew up with James. It's only right to have a puppy for Olivia to grow up with too.
But, that was a conversation for when you got back and after your planned trip to Spain in the summer.
It would be nice, you think, to have a puppy for Ollie to be the best big brother too just like how James is the best big brother to Livy.
Ollie follows you down the stairs, his favourite tennis ball in his mouth as you start pulling your suitcase down.
Grace appears at the bottom, hurrying up to swap the bag with Livy and carry it the down for you.
"Careful, beautiful," She says as you swap," You don't want to strain anything before you go on stage." She winks at you and you roll your eyes.
"Did James tell you I've left him in charge?"
"He did," Grace replies with a grin," I think he's already planning on demanding Big Bed access."
"Don't let him," You remind her but your wife just shrugs.
"I don't know. He's making a convincing case. Says that it would be cold without you and he should be there to warm it up."
"If you get him in the habit of sleeping in our bed while I'm away, Grace Clinton, then you're in trouble and I'm choosing what breed the next puppy is."
"Oh, come on!" Grace is laughing though so you know she isn't taking your empty threats too seriously. "Cab's here though. You finished up just in time."
"Okay." You pull on your coat surprisingly well for someone balancing a baby in the other arm.
You litter kisses all over Livy's face as Grace calls James to the door.
"I'll miss you, Mami," He tells you and you crouch down to give him kisses too.
"I'll miss you too, James," You say," I love you, baby."
"Love you too."
He curls into your arms and your rock him side to side softly before pulling away.
"Remember, you're in charge, okay? So I want you to boss around Mummy and make her eat healthy, deal?"
He nods. "Deal."
"I'll see you in a week, amor," You tell Grace, pecking her lips a few times and laughing when she tries to chase your kiss each time.
"Love you, beautiful."
"Love you too."
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letshaikyuu · 5 months
pretty setter squad (kageyama, akaashi, oikawa) with their s/o post-practice
a/n: lol hello, I honestly just come here when I am knees deep in uni shit and I should be writing a paper rn but I am writing this heh. hope you all are happy and healthy, and wishing you a lovely month of May soon!
warning: oh definitely some grammar mistakes so i apologize if that triggers you :3
y'all know our boy is dead tired after practice and needed much persuading to finish practice, let alone come home. he only wishes to jump in the shower, eat a hearty meal, lay down in bed, and not move. most of the time he does forget to text you once he's back home, but it's mostly because he's dead tired and wants to chill. he'd be super confused and apologetic at the same time if you were disappointed and/or anxious if he didn't text you that he was home.
if you two don't live together, I imagine him finishing his post-practice routines and then laying down in bed with his washed hair wetting the pillow while he waits for you to video call him. I don't think he'd be the one to initiate a conversation first, especially when he is one minute away from falling asleep, but he does admit that hearing your voice before bed is the best thing ever. while on call, you would do most of the talking, while he nods and occasionally chuckles in amusement, until ultimately dozing off while on call. make sure to take a lot of screenshots of that face because he can either have the most peaceful look on his face and you just have to have that angelic face in your gallery; or he can have the most ridiculous type of face on, with a lil drool, some snoring happening...
if you two do live together, you'd be greeted with a sweaty body just dropping its total weight on you because he's just so tired and also wants to annoy you with him being all sweaty and smelly on you. it's difficult to actually get him to move, especially because he gets rather comfortable in such a position. when you finally get him off, he goes off to shower and spends so much time there you're pretty sure he falls asleep there. he asks you to prepare a hot cup of milk for him once he gets out. you'd get such a gentle kiss on your cheek or lips because he is already dozing off and it'd be such an adorable sight, especially with his freshly washed and dried hair tickling the softness of your cheek and the smell of his body wash enveloping the both of you.
ngl, he would easily fall asleep without you in bed because he's just dead tired lol
he never forgets to call and/or text you once he's done and out of the gym because he knows you'd be worried otherwise. if you live together, he makes sure to ask you if you need anything from the convenience store and also asks you to prepare a hot cup of tea for him (for the two of you if you are also a tea drinker). even if you say you don't need anything from the store, he stops by and buys your favorite snacks and some of his own. i do think his favorite thing to do post-practice is to sit down on the couch with you and talk about your day. i do headcanon him to have a sweet tooth, so he is enjoying that cup of tea with some crackers or cookies and definitely enjoys hearing some of your tea ngl.
even though he is super tired, he cannot fall asleep without you beside him. he finds it interesting how dependent he has become on you, especially if you have moved in together recently. if he is not super tired, he'd move to the bed with a book by his side and read until you're finished with your evening routine and lie down. if he is exhausted, then he forgoes the book, he then lays down and toys with your pillowcase so he doesn't fall asleep. if you take long he definitely closes his eyes and then jolts awake once you get in bed, but he only pulls you closer, kisses you, and falls asleep.
akaashi who does not live with you is fairly similar. while walking back to his house, he'd call you and chat with you until he arrives. you'd end the call while he finishes his shower (maybe not) and dinner, and he'd call you right back once he's done. he then sits down in bed with a cup of tea and a cookie or two on his bedside table, his phone in an active call with you. he may be tired but makes sure to listen to you intently, and when he is almost falling asleep, he apologizes for not paying more attention to you (because he's such a sweetheart like that ngl) and then gives you one of those air kisses before turning around and ultimately falling asleep.
he ALWAYS calls you when he's done with practice because this guy has tea to spill from the day. he is so enthusiastic and vibrant that you would think he went out for a cup of coffee and not coming back from volleyball practice. legend says (aka iwaizumi) that he is a part of the Walking Dead in the locker room but always puts on the best version of himself when you're around. when he's finally at the front of his house, he makes sure to be as quiet as possible so he doesn't wake his family up and then says he'll call you once he's in bed.
now, Oikawa does sometimes fall asleep without showering or anything which is definitely a shocking statement for someone as tidy and clean as Oikawa, I can easily imagine him just face-planting on his bed and saying he'd get up in 5 minutes and just falling asleep lol. however, that's a rare occasion and also he'd wake up once you text/call him anyway. you will be on a video call while he's doing his skincare routine because he needs to show you that soft-ass skin and all his products.
oikawa who lives with you is very much needy once he's back home. he wants a hug as soon as he's home because he misses you so much and he'd like to have dinner together with you. i don't think he's the best cook out there, but he knows how to prepare some bomb-ass meals for pre-/post-workouts. of course, if you're not up for that he can stomach a cup of ramen. the night is not complete without him spilling the tea on every mishap that happened during practice and also inquiring about your day. he falls asleep on the couch and spills whatever food he's holding in his hands. this leads to him startling awake and screaming at the mess he's made...it's never a dull moment with this guy.
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prettyoatmeal · 2 years
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley Headcanons While You're Dating
I figured this would be kinda cute since I've only written for König. Switching it up just a little bit since I think the 141 boys are cuties <3
I know this is quite long too, I'm sorry I had a lot of thoughts I wanted to get out!!!!!
There will be both SFW and NSFW with a GN reader (they/them pronouns) ^^ Enjoy!
GENRE: Fluff, smut after NSFW cut
WARNINGS: Mentions of Ghost's childhood
Masterlist here!
You'd needed to be the one to tell him how you'd felt first. Simon wasn't one to open up about his emotions and mostly tried to ignore and bottle up his feelings, so he never would've been able to gain that courage to tell you first.
When you did tell him, he became super flustered behind that mask of his. You normally called him by his alias and never really used his actual name, so he knew what you were going to say would've been serious.
"Hey, Simon? I think I like you. And I understand if you don't feel the same way, I just figured I should tell you sooner than later."
He would let out a flustered grumble of "Yeah yeah,, I like you too." and you two would slowly, but surely, warm up to each other more.
He'd be a very gentle lover. Just the thought of him hurting you, even by accident, made him violently ill.
Ghost wouldn't be one to be touchy very early on in you guys' relationship, he kept a lot to himself and you respected that. At times you would hold back from trying to hug him, or hold his hand, or anything, but you didn't mind. You wanted to make sure he was comfortable.
He'd soon realised you were the cuddly, touchy type, so he'd begin making moves like wrapping his arm around your waist or linking his pinkie with yours while you were walking. Just those small touches alone would make your knees weak.
Simon faced a lot of trauma in his childhood so he had trouble opening up to you at first. Once he did start opening up to you, he realised he didn't need to ignore his feelings for once. You made him feel safe.
>:'(( he loves you so much.
He'd call you all the usual pet names such as 'my love', 'darling', 'sweetheart', etc.
You'd often be the only thing on his mind when he'd be on missions or back in the barracks.
He'd always keep a printed photograph of you in a pocket somewhere so he could remember who he was fighting for.
When he'd be upset, he'd always pull that photo out just to look at it. Just seeing your face brought him immense comfort.
His love language would definitely be acts of service. He'll gladly cook a nice meal for you, or tell you to sit down and relax so he could take care of the cleaning.
However, it goes both ways. You'll pack him a lunch for the day He'd be on his knees. Make his bed for him if he were to be too busy? He'll completely melt. It's those little things.
His father didn't care all that much for him as a child coming from an abusive household, essentially needing to take care of himself. Having that someone to pack him a lunch and look after him in such a way made him feel loved and safe.
Of course he'd never take his mask off in front of you. He never took it off for anyone, there were no hard feelings. He preferred his anonymity and you are completely okay with it.
You never asked to see him without the mask because
you just didn't. That was his privacy and you weren't one to invade it unless he would offer or if he were to be ready.
You two were both very patient with each other and that helped build a healthy and trustful relationship.
You also didn't mind not knowing what he really looked like. You first fell in love with who he was as a person, not his physical attributes.
When he did show you what he looked like unmasked, it was ironically during a make-out session.
(He low-key planned it out)
"Bloody hell, this thing is getting in the way." He'd say as the balaclava kept slipping down and shielding his lips from yours.
Thats when he finally pulled the felt which covered his features off, taking you by surprise.
The face-paint was still there, but his beautiful features were completely exposed to you.
He definitely got flustered at just how much you were examining his face.
"You look like you've seen a Ghost, darling."
That snapped you out of it, earning a chuckle from you before you two were sucking each others faces off again without that irritation from the fabric.
While nothing was said in the moment, by the time you two were done, you'd already begun to gush about how handsome he looked. You'd cup his face in your hands like he would to you and place kisses on his nose, forehead, cheeks, everywhere. He'd just look away in embarrassment.
"Yeah, yeah, take a picture, it'll last longer... PLEASE DON'T-"
The hard, confident Simon you knew became a blushy idiot and you loved it.
He was your Simon
Before you two had any 'alone time' together, he'd always make sure there's a large water bottle or an electrolyte drink on the bedside table because, man, his guy has a lot of stamina and a high sex drive.
He could easily shoot a some loads into you over the course of a couple of hours.
You couldn't count how many times he'd make you cum over those few hours as you'd be a babbling mess by the end of it. No thoughts, just getting dicked down.
He wasn't exactly rough, but definitely not gentle. He'll be pounding into you like it was your last nights together for a while. And yeah, sometimes it was, so you two would need to make the most of it.
He wasn't one to inflict physical pain to you either unless it was the occasional slap on the ass or thighs.
He was one to grab onto you though. He'll grab onto any piece of your body he can.
Doggy? Bent over a table? Riding? He'll be digging his fingers into your fleshy hips.
Steamy make-out session? Or just feeling possessive? He'll gladly grab onto your thighs or wrap his arms around your waist.
The boy loves holding onto you, especially when he's in heat, leaving maybe just a few red marks from him gripping onto you so tightly. Maybe even a few scratch marks.
Missionary would definitely be his favourite position.
He'd be able to stare into that pretty face of yours for eternity if his life depended on it.
Missionary also lets him hold your hand as he pounds you into the mattress. The feeling of you squeezing his hand as tightly as you can while you cum makes him go absolutely feral.
Simon wouldn't make all that much noise in bed. Though when he's feeling desperate, he can't shut himself up. He'll let out soft moans and groans and growls into your ear just to let you know how good you're making him feel.
He also would love seeing your mouth full of his cock. The faces you'd make up at him as it slides down you throat could make him cum instantly.
Moan his name and he will also cum instantly.
"Oh, fuck- Simon~!"
He'll start pounding into you like never before, chasing both of your orgasms.
He’ll always make sure that you’re left satisfied. No point in pounding into you if you’re not going to be enjoying it the entire time.
He'd probably cum a lot too. Thick strands would shoot inside you or into your mouth, struggling to stay inside. He'd probably have a thing for pushing his fingers inside your hole to make sure his cum stays inside you.
He's a top and a soft dom so he'd have a bit of trouble getting used to bottoming and/or subbing. He wouldn't turn it away, not for you. But it would need some getting used to for him.
If he's subbing, you could very easily get him to start begging once he gets lost in the pleasure. Though he'd definitely feel embarrassed after. He's a grown, dominant, military man who engages in the most brutal and gore-y activities. He wouldn't have ever believed himself a couple of years back if the future Simon had told him he'll be begging his partner to let him cum as they jerked him off in the slowest, most torturous way.
If you two hadn't seen each other in a while, he'd be pushing you against the wall in an instant with your thighs on either side of him. He'd be practically begging you again to let him fuck you, and you'd of course let him.
Breeding kink? For sure. He LOVES to cum inside you and fill you up.
"F-Fucking hell, look at you, doll, completely stuffed." He'll say as he cums into you for the third or fourth time that night. Your entire body would for sure be shaking at that point.
Of course he’d be affected by the overstimulation as some point as well, he’d begin stuttering every now and again each time his cock would throb inside you.
He'd slam into you with such force, you'll be sobbing tears of pleasure by the time you two were done.
You'll often become extremely tired from sex from the sheer amount of stamina this man has, it can't be said enough.
This man will gladly take you to your limit, but the moment you show signs of passing out or feeling unwell, he'll stop and make sure you're okay, giving you some water and something to boost your blood sugar so you’re not passing out on him. He's not one to take such advantage of you while you're unconscious, and you respect him a lot for that.
Post-sex includes so much cuddling. He'll apologise for accidentally hurting you or if he was too rough and make sure you're all cleaned up and had water before you two head to bed or for a nap.
Post-morning-sex would include him bringing breakfast to you in bed which you thought was the most adorable thing ever.
Your legs would be jelly by the time you two were done, so just trying to make it to the bathroom would be a whole challenge.
Simon would always either carry you or provide you will that stability, it was sweet. He'd hold onto your waist as tightly as he could to make sure you wouldn't fall while your knees would give in.
He was very buff so it would be pretty easy to keep you from falling to the ground.
He'll make sure you're all squeaky clean, hydrated, and fed before anything else.
He truely was the best boyfriend you could ask for.
I loved writing this so much, I'm about to go scream into my pillow. Goodnight, everyone <3
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wholoveseggs · 5 months
Hi love,, how about elijah and reader have recently broken up and ready is exploring other options but elijah is still madly in love and gets super jealous? I’m thinking super rough with a touch of angst but mostly anger and jealousy?! (also a lot of kinks) ⋆˚✿˖°
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
You bring a date to the Mikaelson party, specifically to attract the attention of your estranged husband. The plan backfires; he's not the type to let you go so easily and makes sure to remind you that no one will ever take his place.
♡♡ Thanks for the request @spideysbabe & @ashloring! I love writing about Elijah's wild side ♡♡
6.4k words - Warnings: smut, oral sex, dom!Elijah, angry sex, rough sex, biting, blood drinking, spanking, jealousy, rim job (f!receiving), anal sex, riding, Elijah being possessive, lots of praise and a little degradation.
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You probably shouldn't have brought a date to a Mikaelson party, but considering how you and Elijah ended things, you saw no problem with it. Was it petty? Yes. Was it immature? Also yes. Were you feeling a bit vindicated when you walked in the door and saw the look on Elijah's face? Absolutely.
You found the hottest guy possible on tinder, the kind with zero brains and all brawn. He was the perfect rebound, the type with an inability to commit to anyone, let alone you, but that's not what you wanted from him anyway. All you wanted was to make your ex jealous, and judging by the glare he shot at your date, it was working.
To the undiscerning eye, Elijah appeared to be the picture of composure, greeting the guests in one of his favorite suits. But you knew him better than that, and you could see the twitch in his jaw, the slight tension in his shoulders. And judging by the way he was avoiding your gaze, he was pissed.
When he was pissed, specifically at you, he would usually get you alone and give you a proper dressing down, and it always turned you on, a lot. The first time you'd fucked after a fight, it had taken you both by surprise. His usual gentle nature had given way to a possessiveness that made you see stars, and ever since, you'd been chasing the feeling.
You didn't really have a plan, a part of you wanted to do the healthy thing and move on, but there was another part of you, a part that was addicted to Elijah,that just wanted him back, it had been that way for so long you could barely remember a time before him. You were still mad at him, though, so you decided the best thing to do would be to try to make him jealous.
Your date wasn't going to last past tonight, you knew that, but he was the perfect prop for your little game. You knew Elijah would find you, you just needed to set the stage, so you pulled the big dumb beefcake to the dance floor.
He was a terrible dancer, but you didn't care, it wasn't about him. You already caught him flirting with several other women in the short amount of time you'd been here, but you couldn't be bothered. As long as he showed up on your arm, and looked hot while doing it, that's all that mattered.
"That asshole in the suit has been staring at us this whole time, and he doesn't seem too happy," your date said, trying to whisper, but it came out much too loud. You'd chosen him specifically because of that, you liked the way people looked at the two of you.
"Don't worry about him," you replied, pressing yourself against his body a little closer. "He's an ex. A controlling ex."
"He looks a little old for you, what is he like? 35?" Your date asked, looking directly at Elijah. 
You stifled a laugh, "close enough, I guess." 
"How long were you together? He's still giving me death eyes," he whispered, not subtly.
"A while," you shrugged, "but that doesn't matter anymore." You leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "I'm yours for the night."
You'd hoped he'd get the hint, but apparently it took a lot of hints for him to understand that you were looking for sex, and not anything else.
"Why'd you break up? He's obviously still hung up on you." The music changed, and he was still talking. "Did he cheat on you? I know a lot of guys who do that."
"No, nothing like that," you answered, your annoyance growing, "he's just a selfish asshole who likes to masquerade about his morals." You weren't entirely lying, you were pretty sure Elijah's ego was the driving force behind his recent decisions. "Plus he has a tiny cock," you added, for good measure.
Your date laughed, and you had to laugh along, you could feel Elijah's glaze burning into you. You glanced his way and his eyes met yours, and you had to resist the urge to blush under his gaze. His eyebrows were raised, a twinkle of amusement and anger in his eyes. You could practically hear him telling you that wasn't funny, that you were acting like a child.
Elijah always hated when you acted out. It was like he wanted you to be some sort of prim and proper lady, which you were for the most part. But every now and then, you felt the urge to be bad, and you enjoyed pushing his buttons.
"Get me a drink?" You asked your date, batting your eyelashes and giving him a wide smile.
"Of course," he replied, before heading off to the bar.
You went to a nearby table and leaned against it, trying to appear casual. You felt Elijah's presence behind you, and your stomach twisted in anticipation.
"Do you think I don't know what you're doing?" He asked, not bothering with pleasantries.
"Whatever do you mean?" You asked, pretending to be coy.
"This boy isn't going to last past tonight, so why did you invite him here?" He asked, leaning forward, his lips almost touching your ear.
"I don't know, I thought he might be fun," you shrugged, playing innocent. "I didn't realize I wasn't allowed to date other people," you added, knowing it would infuriate him.
"You are allowed to do whatever you want, but there will always be consequences," he replied, his voice low. "And your boy is getting a bit too friendly with my sister, don't you think?"
You glanced over, and sure enough, your date was chatting up Rebekah. Poor guy had no idea that Rebekah could eat him alive.
"I think Rebekah can handle herself," you said, looking away.
"You're not upset? You don't seem particularly attached to him," he asked, his fingers lightly brushing against your elbow.
"Worried that someone else has claimed my heart?" You asked, turning around to face him, a teasing smile on your lips.
"No, because I know it will always belong to me," he replied, a smirk on his face, a knowing look in his eyes. He always knew how to disarm you, and piss you off.
"I'm not yours, I think I made that very fucking clear," you snapped, your smile fading. The pain of your breakup was still fresh, and his arrogant attitude only fueled the fire.
"We both know that's not true," he said, stepping closer. "Even if we're not together, you're still mine."
"You are such an arrogant prick," you huffed, trying not to show how much his words affected you. You wanted to hate him, and sometimes you could, but in moments like this, your feelings for him overwhelmed you.
"If you think insulting me will erase how you feel for me, then you are deluded," he scoffed, before grabbing the back of your head, forcing you to meet his gaze.
He paused for a moment, taking in the fire in your eyes, the defiance that turned him on. He loved the struggle, it always led to the sweetest surrender with you.
"Did he fuck you yet?" He asked, his lips dangerously close to yours.
"That's none of your business," you snapped, pulling your head out of his grip.
Your date returned with the drinks before you could say anything, placing one in your hands.
"Here, honey. I got you a dirty martini," he said, before glancing at Elijah. "Get your own girl, mate, this one's mine," he added, wrapping an arm around your waist.
The blood boiled in Elijah's veins and he resisted the urge to grab this stupid boy by his head and slam it onto the table. Instead he gave him a deadly glare, smiling when the poor fool flinched slightly.
"You are aware that you are in my home with your arm around my wife," he said, his voice deceptively calm. He could feel you watching him, waiting for his reaction, and he was determined not to give you the satisfaction. Not yet, anyway. 
"Your wife?" The boy sputtered, loosening his grip on you. "I didn't realize...I..."
You rolled your eyes, annoyed that he was letting Elijah intimidate him. You see Elijah's self-satisfied grin and it pisses you off.
"Don't mind him," you said, patting your date's chest. "He's just a control freak who's a bit threatened by younger men." You looked up at him, giving him a teasing smile. You knew you were poking the bear, but you couldn't help it, Elijah was making you feel things, and you were determined not to let him win.
Elijah leaned in close, his pupils dilating as he compelled him. "Sit and be quiet," he commanded, and the boy obeyed without question.
"What did you do that for?" You hissed, slapping him on the shoulder. "He didn't do anything to deserve that." The truth was, he wasn't doing much for you, but he didn't need to know that.
"There, now we can continue our conversation," Elijah said, ignoring your protest. "Now, answer my question. Did you fuck him yet?" He asked, his tone serious. His hand was resting on your hip, his grip firm. He knew exactly what he was doing, and it was driving you crazy.
"You didn't have to do that," you said, trying to remain unaffected by the whole exchange.
"It was either that or kill him," he shrugged.
"Well, now you're being a bit dramatic," you scoffed. You were determined to maintain the upper hand, despite the fact that he was getting under your skin. "He's an idiot, but he didn't deserve to die."
Rebekah had noticed the two of you standing there, and she headed over. She knew about your recent fight, and the reason for it. She also knew that the two of you were a disaster when it came to communicating, so she did what she did best and interfered. 
"Well, well, what is this?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.
"Just a friendly conversation, dear sister," Elijah replied, his voice tight.
Rebekah looked down at the dazed man sitting between them, and then back up to the two of you. "Doesn't seem very friendly."
"Your brother is a possessive asshole, who thinks he owns me," you said, glaring at him. 
"Your sister in law is acting like a child, trying to provoke me," Elijah replied, matching your glare.
Rebekah looked back and forth between the two of you, before shaking her head. "You two are exhausting," she sighed, "I think it's time for your date to leave, fix him, and send him home," she added, her voice leaving no room for argument.
Elijah sighed and looked down at your date, "stand up," he commanded, watching as the man did as he was told. "You will leave and forget that my wife even exists," 
"Elijah! You can't make someone forget me!" You said, outraged. Your plan was backfiring. You were supposed to piss him off and make him jealous, not the other way around. 
Before Elijah could respond Rebekah grabbed the both of you by the arm and led you upstairs, into an empty bedroom.
"The two of you are being ridiculous. Acting like children and making a scene. This party was supposed to be a nice, relaxing evening. We are not in a fucking reality show," she scolded, her face turning red with anger. "Now, you are going to work this out, so I don't have to witness this bullshit anymore."
She slammed the door before either of you could respond. You turned to look at Elijah, and for a moment, the two of you were silent, the air filled with tension.
"Y/n," Elijah started, reaching out for your hand, but you pulled it away.
"I'm not doing this with you right now," you replied, moving towards the door, but Elijah blocked your way.
"Move," you ordered, glaring at him.
"No, not until you talk to me," he said, his jaw clenching.
"Or what? You'll compel me to stay?" You scoffed.
Elijah's expression changed to anger, taking a step forward and backing you up against the wall.
"You know that I would never do that," he growled, his voice low.
"You compelled my date, Elijah, and that was pretty low, even for you," you retorted, your hands coming up to push on his chest.
"That man was an absolute bore," he responded, a slight grin on his face.
"That doesn't make what you did okay, Elijah!" You shouted, frustration bubbling inside you.
"Don't pretend like you care, this isn't about him," he laughed. He knew what you were trying to do, and you hated that. "You brought him here because you want to provoke me," he continued, "you want to punish me."
"Maybe," you sighed, looking away, the heat between the two of you simmering. "Look, we just keep having the same fight," you finally said after a moment, still refusing to make eye contact. "We're never going to agree on this."
"We've overcome much worse in our time together," he countered, reaching out to cup your cheek, turning your head back towards him. "We are meant to be together. I know it, and you know it.
"Then why do you keep doing this to me, to us?" You whispered, barely audible. "You let Klaus use you over and over again, and it always ends badly. Why can't you just be satisfied with what we have?" You were trying hard not to cry, your emotions a messy jumble of pain, love and anger.
"My brother can be very persuasive, he's had over a thousand years to work on that," he explained, his thumb wiping away a tear that had slipped out. "He needs someone to believe in him, to fight for him, and it seems no one other than me is capable of that, or wants to even try."
You had heard this all before, the endless excuses, the justifications. "Don't you think its time he figured his own shit out and stop using you for it?" You snapped, losing your patience again. "He treats you like a means to an end, Elijah, and that has to hurt. I see how it hurts you, and it pains me to see you like this."
"What you are doing, fucking some nameless wretch just to piss me off, that hurts far more than Klaus," Elijah growled, his face inches from yours.
You opened your mouth to argue, but his lips crashed down onto yours, stealing your breath from you. You tried to resist him, but it was impossible. His kiss was intoxicating and you melted against him. Your hands tangled in his hair as you tugged him closer. He groaned and you pulled away, pushing against his chest, hard. He stumbled back a bit, a look of surprise on his face. He blinked, confused and you moved toward the door once again. 
He grabbed your wrist, stopping you and pulling you to him. His lips were on yours in an instant, claiming you, dominating you. There was no point in fighting it, you were his, and you both knew it. 
 He moved to your throat and your head tipped back as he gently sucked and nipped at the delicate skin there. A small moan escaped your lips and your knees felt weak, a wet heat spreading between your thighs.
Your free hand wrapped in his tie and pulled him back to your lips. The kiss was raw and needy, and it awakened a fierce hunger inside both of you. Elijah let go of your hand and roughly grabbed your hips, lifting you up, slamming you into the wall. The force knocked the wind out of you but it wasn't enough to make you stop.
"Eli," you said with a bit more urgency, knowing that neither of you could keep it up much longer before you took things much, much further. "I - I can't, we shouldn't..." You tried to argue, but your body was betraying you, and his touches were setting your skin aflame.
Elijah released your hand and tugged at the hem of your dress, pulling it up to your hip. His hand dipped between your thighs, finding the soft, soaked lace of your underwear, a smirk spreading across his face.
"Liar," he whispered into your ear.
It wasn't like you had no control. If you wanted him to stop, all you had to do is say no and you knew Elijah would, but that's not what you really wanted. All your anger and frustration was dissolving into pure lust.
Elijah moved your panties aside, gently stroking his fingertips along your wet slit, slowly dragging the pad of his middle finger around your clit before dipping into your core. He watched the desire on your face as he pushed two fingers inside you and his eyes darkened at how wet you were for him.
"You're such a greedy little thing," he groaned into your ear, pumping his fingers deeper, "always so wet for me."
His fingers pumped faster and harder, his mouth finding yours, muffling your moans. When his thumb started massaging your clit, that was all it took. You shuddered as an orgasm rolled through you and you clutched at his shoulders to stay upright.
Elijah could feel you tremble and shake beneath him as waves of ecstasy washed over you. He chuckled softly, slowly withdrawing his fingers from your cunt. He slid the digits into your mouth, making you gag as they touched the back of your throat. You could taste the tang of your juices on them.
Elijah removed his fingers and you inhaled deeply, swallowing hard to clear the tickling in your throat.
"So beautiful when you come undone," he muttered, bringing you even closer, crushing you into his body. "I've missed hearing my name tumble from those sinful lips of yours."
You felt the blush creep into your cheeks and you buried your head into his neck.
"Elijah, this isn't us getting back together," you breathed into him. "This is sex," you clarified, even as your heart tightened in your chest. "Can you live with that?"
You could feel his smile on his lips.
"Can you?" he shot back.
His hand was resting on the curve of your bottom and he suddenly gripped it, his nails digging into your flesh. His fangs grazed the sensitive skin of your neck before sinking into your vein, and the sting was the best type of pleasure.
A small cry escaped your lips. With each pull of blood he was drinking more, sucking deeper, making it harder to breathe. You grabbed his biceps, clinging to him, the mix of intense pleasure and pain muddling your thoughts.
Your eyes fluttered closed as he finished drinking his fill and began licking the wound, a gentle groan escaping his lips.
"You've been mine for eight hundred years, do you think I would just give you up so easily?" He whispered, his breath tickling your neck. "If all we have to settle for is sex, then I will take it."
He lifted up his arm and offered you his wrist, without a second thought you sank your fangs into him, a rich taste filling your mouth. You drank deeply from his veins, and he held you close, watching your eyes darken and veins ripple around them. 
He smiled and pushed your hair behind your ears, running his thumbs over your cheekbones. You wanted him badly, and as your gaze focused on him, a thrill went through your body. His hair was disheveled, his lips slick with the remnants of your blood, his eyes dark with arousal. He looked dangerous and sexy and so incredibly delicious. You needed more of him.
He set you down, letting your feet touch the floor, his hand tangled in your hair. Your gaze dropped to the erection straining against his tailored slacks. You knew exactly what he wanted you to do, but even when he was this worked up, he would never ask, always the gentleman.
You didn't want the gentleman though, it reminded you too much of the love the two of you once shared. No, tonight you wanted the possessive, rough, jealous vampire. The one he hid behind his red door and only let you see. You liked when he was ruthless.
You sank to your knees before him and he loosened his hold on your hair. With one hand, you grabbed his hip, while your other hand deftly unbuttoned his slacks. As you lowered the zipper, your breath brushed over the straining silk boxers, and you could hear him let out a soft growl.
You paused before freeing his cock, leaning in, placing a light kiss on the hard fabric and felt his muscles go tight. You were going to tease him, never quite giving him what he wanted, until he took charge. You needed that rough touch, the kind that could shatter the windows and break bones. The kind of touch you secretly longed for.
You pulled his boxer briefs down just a little, running the pad of your thumb down the underside of his length, before blowing cool air over him and making him twitch. Keeping your eyes on him, you leaned forward again, this time letting your tongue lick across the tip, cleaning his pre-cum from it.
His hands were in your hair, more forcefully now. You continued the teasing, until his grip was painfully tight, you could see the gentleman leaving him. It excited you more than you ever wanted to admit, even to yourself. You knew it wouldn't be much longer before he was ruining you.
Taking his thick girth into your hand, you moved your tongue to swirl around the tip. This time his response was not so reserved, a low, deep sound emitting from his chest.
You sucked lightly on the head, hollowing your cheeks and slowly stroking him in time with your movements. You purposefully kept him from feeling the full effect of your mouth. He was losing the battle over his restraint.
One of his hands cupped your chin, making you look up at him. There was a wild look in his eyes, his breathing ragged. He was trying not to let you push him, he wanted to have slow, passionate sex, make you want to come home and be with him again.
But tonight was not the night for that.
You fought your gaze, fluttering your lashes at him coyly. You saw it on his face, a war being waged. Only you could do this to him, undo his defenses, strip him bare.
"You wish to be treated like a whore," he said quietly, his words sounding almost bitter, though his voice had a strange timbre to it, a hint of excitement.
You tried to nod, your mouth still full of his cock, and his grip on your hair tightened, keeping you in place. He sighed, his thumb brushing along your cheekbone, an odd tenderness.
"Whatever my love wants," he murmured, sounding as if it hurt to say those words. He shoved himself deeper, not stopping when you started to cough, drool slipping down the corners of your mouth. He was so big, his size always overwhelmed you and made tears prickle your eyes.
You worked to breathe, knowing he was not going to be gentle this time. One of his hands left you and pressed into the wall, anchoring himself as he started to fuck your face with a bruising pace.
"Is this how you want to be treated? Letting me fuck your throat raw," Elijah hissed, his cock hitting the back of your throat and you gagged, saliva spilling over and down your chin. "I guess I don't have to hear your snide remarks now, do I?"
You didn't know what you expected, but this was exactly what you had been hoping for. He pulled on your hair hard, pressed your face into his hip, the hairs there making you twitch and your nostrils burn. Your hands gripped his thighs, trying to push him back as you struggled to breathe. You could only make rasping noises, your eyes tearing up, droplets pooling before they spilled.
He pulled you off, allowing you to breathe. Your chest was heaving, a long string of saliva hanging between his cock and your mouth. You kept his eye contact, your lips swollen and slick.
"Good," he murmured. "I'm glad you can finally understand that no other man will ever own you the way I do."
"You don't own me," you rasped out and the fire in his gaze burned.
The words were barely out of your mouth when he threw you onto the bed, the force making your head spin. He tore at the top of your dress, sending bits of fabric flying everywhere. You lay there panting, his eyes hungrily devouring every inch of your half naked form.
"Spread your legs," he commanded, not moving towards the bed, watching intently, waiting for you to comply.
"No," you responded, holding his stare, defiance flashing in your eyes.
His shirt was missing several buttons now, torn open to reveal the toned planes of his stomach and chest. In an instant he was on the bed, his hands grabbing your hips and pulling you underneath him. A slight grin playing on his lips.
"Do you think I don't see what game you are playing? If you want the monster, you've got him, darling," he whispered before capturing your mouth in a rough kiss.
His hands reached up, taking the cups of your bra down. When his fingers closed over your breasts, squeezing the soft flesh roughly, you couldn't contain your gasping cry, his thumbs pinching your nipples painfully.
"Tell me, did your little date fuck you like I do?" He growled against your chest.
You whimpered, twisting in his grasp, but his strength was no match for you, you could already see it in the flexing of his muscles. He bit down hard on your nipple, the shock of pain making you choke. His mouth was soft and warm, his tongue swiping over the hardened peak soothingly, but his teeth held on tightly, biting at your sensitive skin.
"Answer me," Elijah demanded, raising his head to lock his gaze with yours.
"E-e-e-e," you stammered, struggling to speak as his hands moved to your hair, roughly twisting the strands together and pulling, tugging your head back.
"E-e-e-e?" He mocked, kissing a trail over the curve of your jaw, ending at your lips, teasing the flesh with his teeth.
"Fuck you," you breathed, anger spiking through the lust clouding your mind.
He flipped you over abruptly, slapping your ass. You struggled to get away, but his hands were pressed into your back, not allowing you to move.
"Did he," another smack landed on your bare skin and the stinging ache made you gasp.
"Fuck you?" Two more blows, this time to your opposite cheek and you clenched the bed sheets tightly.
He pushed your panties down, grabbing your hips and tilting your bottom towards him, spreading your legs, revealing your wet core. You moaned, the need growing and making your toes curl, desperate to be taken.
"Hmm," he mused, tracing his thumb down the seam of your pussy. You moaned into the covers, your head burrowed between your arms, your hands making fists in the sheet. He parted your swollen lower lips and let out a shaky breath when your arousal coated the pads of his digits. He moves his thumb to your ass, teasing your opening and you feel more heat spreading across your cheeks as you squirm in protest, whimpering.
He chucked, slapping your left butt cheek playfully. "You've no right to blush," he mused, leaning down and running the tip of his tongue along the crack, before blowing a small puff of cool air on you and the tickling sensation sent shivers down your spine.
"I bet he couldn't satisfy you the way I do. Even as he tried ...you were thinking of me."
You froze, caught off guard, and then your teeth were clenched and you tried to break from his grasp again. He was being such a damn cocky asshole, always believing himself superior. Your pride bristled under his comments, anger starting to well within. You began to protest and fight when suddenly he pressed his thumb against your puckered entrance, the digit sinking into the knuckle, making you mewl into the mattress.
"Don't..." your voice trailed off, losing your thoughts as your hips rocked trying to grind yourself against his hand.
"I will use you however I see fit," he said with a chuckle, biting into the flesh of your ass. "Don't pretend you don't like the depravity."
His words were spoken so low, so ragged. It was like his entire demeanor had changed, the door cracked open and the monster was breaking through. He roughly spread the globe of your ass with his free hand, and ran his tongue along the seam of your hole before flicking his tongue against the pucker. He continued teasing your rim, making it even more slippery with his spit and you relaxed into his touch.
He lined the tip of his cock with your ass, pressing lightly against it and your nails raked across the sheets, gasping as he moved slightly inside. You arched and wiggled your butt trying to move, make him work for this, even though your body craved everything he offered. He grabbed your wrists and forced your arms above your head, holding them there. You heard his heavy breathing as he thrust his hips forward, his cock sliding past the ring of muscles and sinking into your depths.
 Your face was pressed into the pillow, and you couldn't contain the lewd groaning escaping from your lips when he sunk his cock into your ass and stretched you.
"Too much...ahhh," you mewled, turning your head to take a large gulp of air, the feeling was too much as he slowly rocked into your body. You could barely catch your breath. He wasn't even fully inside.
"no, don't, too much; none of those sound like our safe word," Elijah taunted, his lips hovering over your ear, his words coming out in short panted breaths. He pulled out before plunging deeper, you could hear him sucking in air through his gritted teeth, struggling to hold back and enjoy the torturous pace.
The sweet ache of having him there, the burn as your body struggled to adjust, made your head swim. You felt light headed, overwhelmed. He chuckled and began rocking slowly, the soft roll of his hips letting you feel every inch. His strokes were leisurely, no rushing, drawing out the torment. His fingertips traced down your spine, his palm rubbing a slow circle on your back, soothing the tension.
"Such a good girl," he purred, "taking everything I have to give you."
The pace of his strokes increased, becoming hard and relentless, shoving you into the bed. You bit down into the mattress trying to stifle your sounds as the mix of pleasure and pain became so intense you could only scream.
Suddenly, his hands were in your hair again. He tugged you back harshly, pulling you upright, your back now flush with his front, his cock pistoning into your ass so hard your teeth nearly rattled.
"Let them hear," Elijah whispered into your ear. "Tell everyone here who fucks you best."
His name tumbled out of your lips over and over as the pressure built, tears rolling down your cheeks. You were babbling his name, half sentences, moans, a bunch of nonsense. He was forcing another orgasm to the surface.
Just before you tumbled over the edge, he bit down into your neck and everything turned bright white and sparks flared behind your eyelids. When he stopped drinking your blood, he pushed you back down and pulled out.
You lay there trying to catch your breath before he sat you up, scooting you closer to the edge of the bed, draping your legs over his shoulders. His cock was in your pussy before you could even inhale and then you were screaming his name again.
"Good girl," he groaned, as his hands gripped your hips, bruises blossoming in the dips of your flesh. He didn't slow this time, instead, he shoved the both of you backwards and fucked you into the bed. "Is this what you wanted? Hard, messy, raw." He lifted you and placed you on his lap.
Your head fell into the crook of his neck, too far gone to keep yourself up. His hands were on your ass, lifting you up and down. You clung to him, your fingers tangled in his hair, overwhelmed by the feeling of him using you, taking everything you had. He felt too good, even like this. He knew your body better than you did.
His hand hit your ass, a loud cracking noise filling the room.
"Don't go limp," he snarled, wrapping your hair around his fist and twisting, wrenching your head back and up so that your eyes were forced to meet his. His face was so close, your breath mixed with his.
Your breathing was rapid and shallow, your chest rising and falling. He took one of his hands and intertwined your fingers together, holding you closer. There were no words exchanged, but the intimacy of the gesture made you start to cry. It was too sweet. You tried to squirm out of his grasp and escape this sudden, unbidden vulnerability that seemed to be taking over, but he tightened his hold, moving your hips slowly on his lap. The man was insatiable.
"Don't run from it," he whispered, his lips capturing yours, kissing you with such gentleness, you ached. This was supposed to be rougher, you shouldn't have fallen apart like this, given in, surrendered yourself to this part of him. But now...you couldn't bring yourself to turn away.
A wave of ecstasy was washing over you, the kind of blissful peace you had never felt anywhere but here, wrapped in Elijah's arms, him buried deep in your core, the two of you close, lost in the heat of a passion and connection.
"I want you here with me," his mouth hovered near yours, his hips working harder and harder. "You are my home," his words made your heart squeeze tight and tears leaked from the corners of your eyes. It had been a very long time since he had said such tender words to you. But it was the most desperate pleas, the broken whines that followed that you couldn't ignore.
Your arms closed around him, clinging to him. As if he were your anchor in this chaos. Your mind swam, the lines blurring. This moment was just the two of you, lost in the sensations. A single moment in the midst of the madness. He held onto you tightly, whispering words of praise and affection. The tension built until it snapped, leaving the both of you spent and exhausted.
His mouth was on yours again, swallowing your gasps as you both came down. You lay there for a few moments, your eyes closed, the sound of your hearts pounding loudly in the quiet. You couldn't remember the last time sex was this good. You felt so content and boneless.
You were so lost in the haze of afterglow, it wasn't until Elijah was helping you into a bath that you realized how much time had passed. The warm water lapped against your skin as he settled you onto his lap, his hand trailing up and down your arm. You rested your head against his shoulder, enjoying the peaceful quiet, his warmth surrounding you, his scent, the feel of his bare skin under your fingertips, the brush of his chest hair.
You weren't sure what to say, didn't know how to break the silence. It was like the past few months had not existed. But the pain, the agony, the heartache were fresh. You weren't sure if you were ready to forgive him yet, but it was a step in the right direction.
"Will you stay?" Elijah asked, breaking the silence. His hand paused, fingers splayed on your thigh. He shifted you, turning you so you were facing him. His face was solemn, his brow furrowed and eyes serious. He brought his hand up, cupping your face, his thumb brushing across your cheekbone. He waited patiently for an answer. His expression hopeful, but guarded. The question was simple enough, but it meant so much more.
"I will stay," you whispered, leaning into his touch. You couldn't deny it, he was a part of you, you would always love him. No matter how much you hated him at times, there was no life without him. He was your home. It would take time to rebuild the trust between the two of you, but you had to believe it was possible.
A soft smile tugged at the corner of his lips and his eyes glistened with unshed tears. His head dipped forward, his forehead pressed against yours, the two of you breathing each other's air.
"Good, because I would have done a lot of things I am not proud of, to get you back," Elijah whispered, his thumb swiping along your bottom lip.
Your brow shot up, and a playful smile crossed your face, "What kind of things?" You teased.
Elijah let out a sigh and pulled you closer, "Kidnap, murder, perhaps a bit of torture." His mouth brushed over yours, a quick chaste kiss.
You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck, "Sounds healthy," you quipped.
"It was, I assure you." He replied, his lips brushing against yours. His tongue slid into your mouth, a deep, languid kiss, a slow exploration of every inch. He pulled back, his eyes boring into yours, the heat and intensity making your stomach flutter. "What is love, if not madness." He finished, his mouth crashing down on yours again.
You didn't have a response, all the air was sucked from your lungs and the ability to speak vanished. Instead, you simply kissed him, hoping he understood. That the two of you were a beautiful mess of chaos, but it worked. It was real. This was love.
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mythicmanuscripts · 28 days
Hello, Sea, how are you? I hope your migraine is gone and you're fully recovered from it 💖
If you don't mind me being super self indulgent, I really sad at the moment, so I'll ask how hotd boys would try to cheer wife if she was down.
Thank you for sharing your qork with us, it always make me happy to read
I'm doing much better now thanks! Unfortunately I'm just someone who gets migraines occasionally and there's not much I can do about them, but I'm feeling much better.
Anyway, I love this question! I'm gonna write a little bit about our three main lads. This whole answer was supposed to be SFW but then I reached aegon and well... he's Aegon. So needless to say, I've had to put a cut in
So the first thing to note about Jace is how good his memory is? He always remembers all the things you tell him. He takes careful note of the things you like and the things you don't, and also he learns how you act when you're upset and what can upset you.
So he will notice almost immediately when you're feeling down and he will always try to help. Jace just wants you to be happy and healthy and so he will literally drop whatever it is that he's doing to try and help you. And if someone else needs him to be doing something else, he will distracted the entire time because he can't stop thinking about you and about what he can do to try and help you.
His go to method is to bring you your favourite flowers or wine or treats or whatever. If there's anything you have mentioned you really like in the past few weeks then he'll make sure to get that as well. He also just won't leave your side? Sure you can be in a bad mood and sulk all day if you want, but you certainly can't do that alone he won't let you.
So I actually think realising you're feeling down would be genuinely distressing for Aemond? Especially if it's something he has absolutely no control of. He has no idea what to do, no idea how to make this better. His entire being is centred around making you happy and pleasing you and now you're upset and he feels like he failed. Even if whatever is upsetting you has absolutely nothing to do with him and can't be changed, he'll still feel like a failure.
He usually ends up asking you what you need. He would do whatever you want to make this better. No request would be too big. He would make anything work to make you happier. And you do have to actually give him something to do because if you don't he will be paralysed and not know what to do.
Needless to say, if he thinks there's even the smallest chance of someone having caused your distress then that person's days are numbered.
The moment Aegon realises you arent as happy as you usually are, he immediately asks you who needs to die. You always just roll your eyes and make him promise he won't set the kings guard on anyone, but he still might do it anyway.
When you inform him that no, he can't just murder every person to mildly inconvenience you, he sighs and then proceeds to promptly ask you if he can go down on you. Aegon's horny little gremlin mind literally goes, "Oh I can't kill someone? Fine, can I eat you out?"
Aegon will try his best to help in his own chaotic little way. Of course he will ask you what's wrong and listen to you, but to be honest he's one of the worst people to vent to. You'll say someone is making your life difficult and aegon is just like 'oh I'll have them killed' like no, no aegon don't do that.
Oh and also, he will cancel his appearances that day without a second thought if you're distressed. He could not care less about all the lords and ladies who travelled far and wide to see him, his pretty wife is upset so obviously the entire kingdom must come to a standstill until you feel better.
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persefolli · 1 year
When Ronal had her baby, and Tonowari went to be with her for the process, how would y/n take it? It's wholesome and a super important moment on one hand, but it's also got to sting knowing your mate had a baby with someone else first, and will get to experience those firsts with her and their baby.
Would she feel bitter? Resentful? Guilty because there's jealousy, too? Imagine the angst she'd feel if some of the Metkayina people saw y/n as a homewrecker who interrupted their tshanik and olekayatan's courtship, and "stole him" from her, after he gave her a child!
𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐚
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���𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡, 𝐀 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧
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“Wari stop it!” You squealed, hunched over with his arms squeezing your torso.
“I'm not doing anything.” He laughed with his toothy smile.
“You're tickling me!”
“I'm not even moving.”
You screamed and laughed knowing that one wrong move and his fingers would go wiggling across your flesh again. As the two of you bickered Jake entered. “Jake, help me!” You said through tears, but you noticed the look on his face and straightened out. “Ma Jake what's wrong?
He looked towards Tonowari, without looking at you. “Ronal is having the baby.”
Tonowari released his grip and dropped his jaw. “Oh. Um.” He fidgets around before looking at you. “Y/n- I-”
“Just go.” You said with a content look. “Go meet your child.” You urged him. After finding out about the baby, you made sure to explain to Tonowari the importance of caring for the child and its mother. Even if the two of you didn’t interact, you still held respect for the mother of his first child.
Tonowari placed a kiss on your forehead before grabbing his spear and leaving your shared home. Jake looked at you and tilted his head as he approached. “You okay mama?” He grabbed your waist. You grabbed at his biceps and nodded. “I'll be okay…I mean what can I do about it.”
“You don’t have to accept this.” He reminded you.
“I will though, because I love you both.” You kissed his lips. “Plus Tonowari isn’t the only star of this relationship. Me and you still have clean slates.” You reminded Jake. He smiled and leaned to kiss your cheek.
“Whenever you want one.”
Night fell and the two of you shared a small dinner before retreating to bed. Jake fell fast, but your night was spent twisting and turning, most likely disturbing the warrior next to you. It’s fine, you tried convincing yourself, but you couldn't help but overthink.
Was it a boy or girl? Was it healthy? Is Ronal Okay? Is Tonowari Okay? Is Tonowari happy? What does this mean for the three of you?
You smashed your face into the pillows as you continued to think of your other lover, and how he was possibly curled up next to Ronal and his child.
Morning came and the two of you woke up alone, Tonowari still not back from the birth, but it's expected considering babies need lots of parental time after their exposure to the world. Jake made you breakfast, pressing a kiss to your forehead before he left. The morning was silent between you two, but it was comfortable enough. Jake knew that deep down you were probably roughing yourself up, but he wanted to trust you were okay.
Closer to noon you finally made your debut to the village. You were heading to the trading pod like any other day, but this time around you noticed the whispering as you walked by.
“That's her.”
“They say she didn’t let him see his child until after he was born.”
You snapped your head to the na’vi who said that and furrowed your brows. The na’vi looked shocked and turned away. The rumors confused you. You’d been with Tonowari and Jake peacefully up until now. How did you become a public enemy in the span of 12 hours?
At work everyone gave you the cold shoulder, even those you had grown close with. It made you cower, working in silence as everyone else walked around eggshells around you. You made a mental note of those who switched up on you at work, so when the storm passed you could throw it right back in their face.
You had the mentality, a strong one which made you able to withstand a day's worth of insults and jabs being thrown around, but when you got home, it became a different story. “I don’t wanna be Tsahik anymore.” You said the title with so much venom. Jake held onto your forearms, trying to keep you standing.
“You worked too hard. Y/n! You’re not thinking straight.”
“I wanna leave.”
Jake halted and looked at you with pained eyes. He got closer and held your face. “Stay. Please? It’s a rough patch but-”
“The Metkayina have made their decision.” You shook your head. “It's clear I'm not wanted here.”
“I want you here!” Jake said sternly.
You began to calm down and stare blankly into Jake’s eyes. He was here, he was still your other lover. He had no kids on the way…that you knew of. He searched your own with expectancy, waiting on you to say something. “I’m sorry.” You whispered, throwing your arms around his neck to hug him.
Everything surrounding the baby was becoming a hot topic on the island, and it was driving you crazy. You truly didn’t mind the baby, or Ronal, only because Tonowari made sure to remind you that you were his priority. It did hurt you that when you did become a mother, Tonowari may not share the same excitement, but that is what you grew to accept the further along Ronal got.
The next day you were tasked with watching the kids as a substitute for the school teacher. The kids were lively and excited for their future Tsahik to play with them, so you assumed it would be a pretty laid-back day. “Today you guys are going to draw your favorite animal. It can be anything, even one you’ve never seen before.”
You watched the kids scramble to grab crayons and plain sheets of paper. You had your hands behind your back as you walked around the classroom, looking down at the scratchy images the children came up with. “Miss Y/n.” One of the kids called you over without looking up at the front heir sheet. You walked over and took a seat next to them.
“What's wrong sweetheart?”
The girl fell quiet before dropping her crayon. “Please don’t take my dad.”
“My mommy says you take people’s fathers away.”
Your blood ran cold, slowly burning back with anger. “Well, I won’t be taking your dad away.” You reassured the young one. “I won’t take anyone’s father away from them.
The girl seemed to be satisfied with your response and smiled brightly as she turned back to her drawing. You stood and walked back to the teachers desk, where you discretely broke a few pencils against a sheet of paper on your own. The gossip has spread to the children, and it's gone too far.
At dismissal, you stood with the young na’vi girl, waiting for her parents to arrive to retrieve her.
“Mama!” The girl jumped excitedly seeing her mom approach. You could see how the mothers face dropped seeing you, but she still managed to snap to a normal smile. “Hi, I was substituting for the class today.” You introduced yourself.
“What a surprise! Was my daughter behaving well?” She pinched the cheeks of the young one. “She was a delight.” You started. “But I think there's a little problem going on at home, no?”
“Problem at home?”
You inched closer to the mother. “She’s really afraid her dad is gonna be taken away.” You hinted. The woman's face ran blank and she began to stammer. “I- She- Probably another boogeyman story.” She nervously chickled.
“I’m the boogeyman in this scenario.” You clarified.
The woman patted the back of her daughter and escorted her to go play with her friends. When the girl left she turned back to you with a fearful look on her face. “I don’t want my daughter growing up in a clan where the Olo’eyktan cannot attend to his child because of his mistress.”
“Mistress?!” You exclaimed.
“Ronal was supposed to be Tsahik!” She said fiercely. “You are leading our leader down a demonic road.”
You heard heavy footsteps come from behind, and from the way the woman cowered you knew exactly who it was. “You truly believe I am being led down a dangerous road by her?”
“No sir I-”
“I left my duties for days to tend to my newborn, and you take that as an opportunity to bash my wife and degrade her title?”
The woman gulped and shook her head. “I’m sorry Olo’eyktan.”
“Shouldn't be apologizing to me.”
The woman turned to you and bowed. “I am sorry Y/n.” At that Tonowari nodded, dismissing the mother to go home with her daughter. It made you feel good to finally have him at your side again, but again this was one of tens of people who had looked down on you.
“We need to talk.” He grabbed your hand and led you back into the empty classroom. Once inside he picked you up by the armpits and sat you on the teachers desk to match his height. You looked at him with a blank stare, waiting on what he needed to address. “You have nothing to say?” He started.
You queried an eyebrow and shook your head.
“Tonowari whatever you have going on is-”
“I don’t want you to feel…pushed aside.” He interrupted. “I have heard the gossip going around, and I haven’t been here to defend you. I apologize for that.”
You sighed and kicked your feet. “I knew what I was getting into the moment we made it official.”
“The Metkayina are usually more understanding.” He explained, “You will still be apart of my life. Ronal and I’ve agreed on having you in our child’s life. It’s something they will just have to accept.
You looked surprised. Ronal would allow you around their child?
Tonowari stroked your hand with his thumb, waiting for you to respond. You shot him a soft smile, content. You were happy he was now back, and that he was about to embark on a new journey. But there was one last thing, something that’s been nagging at you for the past few days, maybe more nerve wracking than the comments and baby itself.
“Will I still be able to have kids….with you that is?” You asked without looking at him. Tonowari stepped closer and raised your chin with his hand. “There it is.” He said with a smile. You rolled your eyes, not wanting to acknowledge that he was right at sensing something was off with you.
“Of course you will have my children. My first child won’t be my only one.” He placed a kiss on your cheek. You leaned over to kiss him again, stroking his forearms as you did so.
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rainylana · 1 year
“My angel baby, I’m here.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: eddie finds out that you self harm.
warnings: reader self harms and is severely depressed, undertones of poor eating habits but very brief, language, lots of tears, blood, angst to the max, mentions of periods.
a/n: this is the longest that i’ve posted yet since getting back into writing and i’m super happy with how it turned out! it is a sensitive topic so it won’t be for everyone. this is dedicated to all the ones who can relate to this fic. i hope you all have an eddie in times when it gets too much. please let me know what you think. it means the world and more than you can imagine.
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You knew that what you did was not healthy. You knew it was sick and messed up. You knew that if anyone found out, they’d think that you were insane. The scars you gave yourself had no real reason to be there. You blamed yourself for that. You didn’t know how to deal with your issues any other way. The moment you were alone you’d drift off to the bathroom, turn the shower on and begin your twisted ritual of self abrasions.
Life for you was difficult, but still, marking your self up was no excuse. You had tried to quiet, of course. Many times you had, but it was a habit you could not break. You were too used to doing it. It was an everyday thing. It was like breathing. You breath to live. You can’t not just breath. So for you, cutting yourself was like breathing. You didn’t think you could stop. It helped you deal with your pain.
If you’d have known what the evening was going to hold for you, you would have slit your throat the moment you woke up.
Darkness clouded your mind. Sitting in class, the fog you knew well was storming your brain cells, making everything else fuzzy and hard to understand. Everyone looked blurry, their faces funny and distorted. They sounded odd. Your heart ached and sunk into the pit of your stomach like it always did. You had no way of explaining what this feeling was and what it meant, but you didn’t like it at all. Once it got you, it had you.
You didn’t try to share any of this with Eddie. You didn’t want him to know how much you struggled. Scaring him away was your worst fear. It was why you never let him see the tops of your thighs. Sex was always under the covers. Lights off. Eddie didn’t complain of course. To him, sex was sex.
And god, did you love him. You loved him with your whole heart and soul. You’d be devastated if he knew your secret. It felt awful to bare, this huge burden you carried on your shoulders. You wondered if any of your other classmates shared it too. There was a darkness in your heart that was eating you alive.
“Babe,” A warm, thick hand grabbed your shoulder, pulling you from sinking to the bottom of the pool you were drowning in.
“Huh?” You said a little louder than you’d realized, blinking rapidly as your vision spun around the room. “What?”
You turned around in your seat to find Eddie’s doe eyes narrowed. “You good?” He whispered, leaning closer. “You’ve been staring at the floor for fifteen minutes.” Your class wasn’t even doing anything important. You had a sub, so everyone was doing their own studying or reading. Eddie had been talking to you until you drifted off.
“Oh, yeah.” You nodded with a swallow, grabbing his hand that still laid on your shoulder. “Sorry, Ed.”
“Just checking on my girl.” He gave you a wink that made you blush. “You coming over tonight?”
“Yeah.” You whispered with a fake smile, exhaustion taking over. He could see the way your lips had faltered. You turned back around and laid your head on your desk, arms being your pillow.
Eddie stared at you.
He might not have been the brightest bulb in the shed, but he knew you weren’t the happiest girl in the world. He knew you were sad and weren’t telling him about it. He didn’t know why, but he wasn’t going to pressure you into it, but still, he was worried about you. He wished for one night that they both could talk about you instead of his problems for a change.
Maybe tonight could be the night.
You must’ve gotten your period, he figured. Here it was four o’clock in the morning, and for some reason he couldn’t sleep. He had gotten up to get a glass of water but stopped when he’d seen blood seeping through the tops of your sweatpants, the blankets kicked down below your feet.
“Babe,” He said groggily, giving your shoulder a light shake. “Y/n, wake up.”
You hummed back asleep.
“Y/n, I think you got your period,” He rubbed his eyes, leaning over you to switch on the light. “You’re bleeding.”
That woke you up. “Huh?” Your eyes went wide and you sat up. “Oh,” You gasped upon seeing the red leaks of blood seeping from your sweatpants. An inhumane shock of terror left your throat and you leapt from the bed to disappear into the bathroom, slamming the door shut.
Eddie, thinking it was your period, thought it was a little funny, even if he was exhausted. He got up and followed you to the door. “Baby, hey, it’s fine, don’t worry about it. I’ll get some new sheets from the closet, alright? It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”
You didn’t respond. He waited for a moment to see if you would. He even knocked a few times before giving up and switching out the sheets on the bed. In fact, he did a lot before you actually came out. He changed the bed entirely, knocking again until you muttered a shaky response that you’d be out soon. He bit his thumb nail and paced for another five minutes before he went out for a smoke. He remained seated on the bed when you finally came out.
When he saw you, he knew something was deeply wrong. Your face was white and you were visibly shaken. Your face was stained with dried tears, your eyes bloodshot. Your heart felt like it was broken. This was too close. Nobody had ever gotten this close of finding out. The idea of him knowing made you feel sick. It was your burden and yours alone. It was yours. As sick as it was, it was who you were. Who were you if you didn’t do this? You were so used to it. It was routine for you. Half of the time you did it just to….well, just to do it, to feel something. You were addicted.
“Y/n,” Eddie glanced you over. “what’s wrong? Are you alright?” He stepped toward you, grabbing your elbows lightly. “Hey,”
You sniffled and nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s go to bed.” You dismissed, now wearing a pair of dark leggings.
“Wait— babe, you’re crying,” He followed you to the bed, watching as you fixed the blanket over yourself. “Are you sick?”
“No, Eddie, I’m fine.” You adjusted your pillow, your body shutting down into survival mode. You needed the situation to be dismissed, shut down. “I’m sorry about the blood, was just my period.”
He sat down on the bed by your thighs. “Don’t be sorry bout’ that, honey. Just want to make sure you’re alright. You need anything? You want some water or something?”
“Eddie, I’m okay.” You stressed, laying down and turning your back to him. “Just forget about it, please.” Your voice broke.
He absolutely did not want to forget about it, not with the way you were trying not to cry. He sat there in the same spot for almost three minutes, eyes glued to your cheek. “Y/n,” He said again. “You gonna tell me what’s wrong?”
You groaned into the pillow. “Damnit, Eddie, lay down!”
“See, I know you,” He shook his head. “You would never be this bothered over your period. Hell, last month you chased me around with your tampon!” He said bewildered, chuckling slightly. “Something else is wrong and you’re not telling me, and when something makes my girl cry, I want to know what it is, so tell me what’s got you so worked up, huh?”
You let out a sob and curled into yourself. This wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be. God, you were so stupid. You shouldn’t have cut so deep.
“Baby,” Eddie frowned, leaning down to lay his torso on you, his chin laying on your shoulder so he could look at you. “Did I hurt your feelings today? Did I say something?”
“No.” You cried into your pillow. “No, Eddie, it’s not you. I promise, it isn’t you.”
He thought maybe he should just drop it, let you go to sleep and maybe it would be okay in the morning, but you were still crying, little puffs and pouts here and there. He couldn’t just dismiss that.
“It’s me.” You found yourself saying, out of the blue.
“What?” He missed what you had said. “I can’t hear you, honey.” He strained his ears to hear you.
“It’s fucking me!” You sobbed into your pillow, chest heaving with a heavy breath that made him jolt. “I’m the fucking problem!”
He had no idea why you were so upset. He didn’t know what to do. He gulped harshly. “Y/n,” He cooed, shushing you gently. He scooted closer, holding you tighter to place a kiss on your temple. “I’m here, baby. Shh, shh, I’m here.”
You let go, sobbing in his arms and into your wet pillow, you broke down in sobs. Most of it was just because you were purely exhausted and you were emotionally drained, depressed. This week you were in a deeper funk than what you’ve normally been in. You hadn’t been eating properly to start. Your showers consisted of laying on the floor and imaging yourself drowning. The idea of Eddie knowing your secret made you want to die, yet you spoke anyway.
“I’m so sad.” You whimpered while Eddie rocked you in his arms, his hands stroking your hair.
He’d thought maybe you’d fallen asleep. You’d been quiet for several minutes. “Why, baby?” He kissed your shoulder.
“I don’t know,” You thought, a crinkle in your nose as you tried to reason why you felt the way you did. “Something is wrong with me, Eddie.”
You were starting to scare him. He’d never heard you talk like this before. He swallowed hard, batting his eyes across the room like his answers were a poster on the wall. “Y/n, if you tell me maybe I can help you.”
God, was help possible? Could you stop? Did you even want to? Who were you if you didn’t have that one constant in your life?
The idea brought on a wave of fresh tears, your lips turning down in a blubbering frown. “You’ll think I’m disgusting.” Your back shook against his broad, bare chest. “You won’t— you won’t ever look at me the same. You’ll think…fuck, you’ll think I’m disgusting.” You sobbed broken-hearted.
Eddie started at your face, features masked in concern. He didn’t know what to do to make you feel better, and his mind was flashing the worst things that could’ve made you so upset, his imagination getting the best of him.
“Sweetheart, I promise whatever you think I’m going to say or do isn’t true.” He leaned over to wipe a tear. “I’m going to love you no matter what you say. That’s how this works, remember? Please, baby, tell me. You’re worrying me.”
Guilt made your heart pound. You let out a long mewl, curling up like a cat so you could cry. Eddie still didn’t let you go. This was your nightmare, yet you, yourself, were making it come true.
“I didn’t get my period.” You said with wet lashes.
“What do you mean?” He narrowed his eyes down at you.
You let out a sob, holding a hand to your stomach. “I mean, I- fuck, I didn’t get my..my- period!” You hyperventilated through your breath.
“Shh, calm down, sweetheart, you don’t have to rush,” He soothed you, rubbing your arms. “Come on, sit up with me.” He gently lifted you by the torso, your hair cascading down your back. You looked like a scared little girl. Your eyes were wet and your face was soaked like you’d been laying in the rain. Eddie sighed, his mouth in a frown as he tried to help you.
“Breath, honey,” He fixed your hair, smoothing it down in rough places.
“I’m so sorry.” You whimpered, grabbing his hands tightly, squeezing them.
“Don’t be.” He shook his head. “Nothing to be sorry for, angel. Just want you to tell me what’s got you so upset. What is it that you want to tell me?” He knew whatever it was, you wanted to tell him. And deep down, you did. Maybe that was why you couldn’t shut the hell up.
“I’m so scared.” You shuttered a breath. “I’m so scared that you’ll…what you’ll think of me.”
His heart was beating loud in his chest. “You said that you didn’t get your period,” He tried to question you gently. “What does that mean?”
Did you really want to do this? Did you want to just let it all go within a blink of an eye? Truthfully, yeah. Yeah, you did. You couldn’t do it anymore. At least not alone.
You sat up slightly, fingertips grabbing the waistband of your sweats as you tugged them down to your knees. You didn’t look at him as you sank back down to sit on your ankles.
“I cut too deep.” You wept, staring down at your thighs. It was your canvas, your target area. They were scared on every inch. Some white and faded with age, some angry and red.
When Eddie saw them, it connected all dots instantly. His eyes widened in horror at your legs. They looked absolutely terrifying. He couldn’t help let out a gasp. “Oh, god, y/n,”
His large palms ghosted over them, and he leaned down so he could examine them closer. “Jesus,” His own eyes blurred with tears, his bottom lip quivering with emotion.
“I know,” You shook your head shamefully. “I know, Eddie, but I can’t help it.” You lifted your head up as you shuttered out a tearful breath. “I can’t stop no matter how hard I try. It’s the only thing that helps me.”
“God, y/n,” He traced your scars with his fingertips, jaw fallen slack in shock.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” You bawled. “I’m so…I don’t know, I’m just- just- so miserable and it’s the only thing that seems to help. I’m just so used to doing it and I don’t think I can stop!” You blubbered, snot dripping onto your cupid’s bow and dipping into your lip.
Eddie’s head snapped up. “Oh, baby, come here.” He grabbed you and pulled you into his lap. You crawled to him immediately. He cradled your back as you threw your legs around his waist, your chests flush together in a bear hug. You sobbed into his shoulder, his kisses peppering your neck. “I’m here, I’m here.” He repeated.
“My angel baby, I’m here.”
Your body wracked with moans and groans of heartbreak, but you couldn’t deny the amount of relief that left your soul. It finally wasn’t alone on your shoulders. “God, Eddie, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t.” Eddie hushed you. “You have nothing, nothing at all to be sorry about. I should be apologizing. I should have realized. I had no idea you were unhappy.”
“I’m so fucked up,” Your voice muffled against his skin. “I don’t even know why I’m sad I just- I just am! It doesn’t make any sense!”
“Stop saying that.” He held the back of your head with his palm. “How you feel is perfectly understandable. I’m glad you told me. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, okay? Baby, I’m so sorry you’ve been going through this alone, but I’m right here now, okay? I’m gonna help you through this. I’m gonna help you rise above this because you’re so strong and you don’t even realize it. But you’re my girl and I know.” He rocked you in his arms, cradled you like a baby as you cried. “I know, baby, I’m here, I’ve got you honey.”
“Please, help me.” You fisted his curls, your chest hollow, yet heavy with emotion. “I need help.”
He nodded, whispering soothing words of encouragement as he fought off a wave of tears. “You can get past this. I did.”
You pulled away, your face an absolute mess. Red, snotty and tearful. Your lips pulled down in the deepest of frowns. “Oh, Eddie,”
He turned his elbow in a 90 degree angle, and angle you’ve never exactly examined, and cried when you saw the faded white scars. You went right back to his chest, holding him like a teddy bear. “Oh, Eddie, I love you so much. I’m so sorry.”
He held you close and kissed your shoulder, allowing one singular tear to spill that you didn’t have to see. He stopped when he met you. You were his saving grace. He’d be sure and do the same for you. His angel baby.
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
Hi can you do skz reaction to there s/o skipping meals if you haven't already thank you ❤️
stray kids reaction to their s/o skipping meals
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genre: hurt / comfort, slight angst
warnings: mentions of food, skipping meals, indicated eating disorder - reader's discretion is advised!
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would be really concerned. he's prone to not taking care of himself as much in the past, so he sees the signs of you not taking care of yourself in certain aspects of your lifestyle. he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable by bringing it up, but he keeps a close eye on you. every time you visit him in the studio, for instance, and he hears your stomach rumbling, knowing you haven't eaten, he will suggest having a lunch date together <3
he knows. he just knows. his mind is automatically occupied with your health and he constantly asks you if you have eaten well. you lie to his face and he knows it. a frown would appear on his features as he realises this is more than just a little habit of yours. will always encourage you to eat well and stay healthy. physically feeds you. "go 'ah' " and opens his mouth wide for you to mimic him because he loves babying you :(
it's when he can't think of the last time you actually ate a meal... yeah, then he starts to clock onto it. he will have you still down with him and have a serious conversation about it because all he wants is for you to be healthy and happy, and with you skipping meals, it is clear you are not either of those things. the subject gets him quite emotional because he wants to take all your problems away all at once but he knows he can't :(
at first, when you reject his offer to get some food for you, he doesn't think much of it. but then it happens again. and again. and then again. and soon he's got alarm bells ringing in his brain as he realises you go on days without having a full meal. he makes sure you know how much he loves you and how against this he is. because he just wants you to be happy with yourself and not have the need to feel empty.
jisungie would get super pouty when he notices you reject his food offers despite your stomach rumbling like a volcano. he'll gently be holding you close and feed you himself, or at least get you to try a little bit of his meal. baby steps. he's extremely gentle and caring in this situation; he definitely knows not to push you too far or hard, seemingly to find the right balance between soft and stern.
felix knows too. he's struggled with food in the past. so he knows almost immediately that you have a problem. he can relate to what you're going through which makes him the perfect person to talk to you about this and help you through it. he hates seeing you struggling with eating and feeling bad about yourself. his main goal in life is for you to be happy and confident in yourself, and he's not going to rest until that happens.
seungmin's go-to date idea is simply going to a restaurant or staying in, to get a takeaway. he can be a traditional guy, so why not? however, each time he suggests doing something like this, you always turn it down, saying something along the lines of you not being comfortable. seungmin's prying eyes seem to get you to end up telling him that you've been skipping meals. he'll hold your hand and listen to your reasonings, telling you he's going to support you through this.
jeongin it's a lot. and he remembers a time when you used to indulge his behaviour by eating a good meal yourself. he made sure you were well fed, never hungry. but nowadays, you struggle to eat a small snack, let alone a big meal. seeing you go from eating a healthy, normal amount to barely anything at all breaks his heart. he will mention it a couple of times, but most of the time he's coming up with ways to try and feed you.
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skz taglist: @hearts4sungie, @seokshineswiftie, @alyszaen, @jtrstp, @a-wandering-stay, @hyungenie5, @anyamaris, @acciocriativity, @chammak-challokys, @whatisnttakenbynow
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kazelvr · 1 year
₊˚ෆˎˊ˗ let the light in
synopsis. relationship headcannons with 3 of my fav csm characters (strictly fem reader for quanxi, gender neutral reader for the rest)
cw. suggestive in quanxi’s part, im just absolutely in love with her lol, mentions of vomit in denji’s part, implied modern au in aki’s part
note. my writing may be a bit different, because i’m trying something new.. i apologize 😭. i also made this half asleep.. time check 4:11 am
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denji (デンジ)
to be real, denji has no clue about healthy relationships. that’s putting it mildly, right? the only ‘relationships’ he’s had were all about manipulation and brainwashing.
but hey, he really does put in the effort for you! denji’s going to do whatever it takes to make you happy, such as going bankrupt for the sake of a gift.
despite being in a relationship, denji still feels awkward around you. his shyness towards you was evident from the beginning, and now it has only intensified. please bear with him, he’ll come around eventually!
but when he does get comfortable.. denji forms a deep emotional connection with you. he’s faced many challenges, and all he’s ever wanted is to feel loved. you have become that source of comfort to him, and that means the world.
at first, his kisses can be awkward, unsure of where to put his hands, and he might even keep this eyes open. you might need to show him how to kiss properly, which can be even harder if he’s your first kiss.
he always craves cuddles, day in and out. he’s a true cuddlebug. he likes feeling the steady rhythm of your breath against his skin. whether if he’s the little spoon, or the big spoon, his sole desire is to sleep while being in physical contact with you. he finds it impossible to sleep without you.
on those days when you’re super busy and can’t cuddle with him, denji gets all pouty. it’s quite dramatic, really, how he gives you the side eye and ignores you when you try to talk about it. but, he can’t stay mad at you forever. eventually, he’ll give in and cling onto you like a koala. he’s not letting go, by the way.
he is keeping you away from power at all costs, even if you two are friends. if she ever found out that denji has a partner, she will not leave him alone. power will definitely embarrass denji in front of you, telling you about all of his flaws while he tries to stop her from saying anything else… he was never able to stop her.
on your birthday, aki attempted to assist denji in preparing a meal for you. unfortunately, it was a complete disaster and the food turned out to be unappetizing… despite aki’s desperate attempts to persuade denji not to serve you his charred creation, denji, being denji, stubbornly refused to listen. when you took a bite, the taste was so revolting that your stomach couldn’t bear it any longer. you regurgitated the ill fated meal… it’s the thought that counts, right?
overall, he’s trying really hard to be a good boyfriend, please appreciate him.
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aki hayakawa (早川アキ)
this man…. phewww…
aki is the epitome of a respectful boyfriend, always seeking your consent before engaging in any action, be it a simple kiss or a gentle touch.
if you happen to be someone who tends to be disorganized and messy, rest assured aki will gladly take on the responsibility of tidying up after you. regardless of the severity of the mess, simply tell him, and he will promptly begin cleaning it up, without any judgement.
bathing together has become a regular routine for the both of you, a frequent occurrence that follows a long day of hunting devils. aki, in particular, finds comfort in sharing these type of moments with you. the soothing warmth of the bathwater coupled with the gentle sensation of your hands massaging shampoo into his hair, while he rests against your chest, brings him a new profound sense of relaxation. it’s not always about being sexual, but rather the feeling of closeness with you that brings him a sense of tranquility.
aki is like a dad sending text messages. when he’s not around, he would text you to ask if you need anything from the store. when he receives your response, he replies back with a simple “👍” emoji. that’s it.
aki is all about being the big spoon— it’s just who he is. aki has experienced too much loss and he can’t bear the thought of losing you. he holds you tightly in his grasp, afraid that if he loosens his grip, he’ll lose you, even though that would never be the case. your presence alone brings him a sense of security, and all he wants is for you to be safe.
every morning, this man never leaves for work without giving you a gentle kiss, even if you’re still groggy. you’re the sole reason he can maintain his sanity while battling devils all day.
to aki, you’re like his home, his safe space. you are the one he can confide in, and shed tears without any guilt, and that is one of the many reasons why he loves you.
aki is tall, standing at 190cm (6’2). every time you talk to him, he lowers himself to your level so he can hear you more clearly. sometimes, you think he’s doing it to make fun of you, but in reality, he just wants to be close to you.
aki has a reputation for being aloof, but in reality, he is the complete opposite. he’s a dork. a dork who can’t help but smile whenever your name comes up, a dork who finds himself captivated by your every feature, analyzing them with great interest. a dork who’s madly in love.
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quanxi (クァンシ)
quanxi has a deep admiration for her girls’ body, and it’s no secret - especially to you, who has personally felt her touch. every inch of your body is your favorite, from the curves of your breasts to the softness of your thighs. she revels in worshiping every aspect of you, leaving you feeling loved.
when someone utters even the slightest offensive remark towards you, quanxi’s protective remarks kick in, particularly if it comes from a man. she wholeheartedly defends you, regardless of whether you were in the wrong (gotta stand up for your girls), she becomes so defensive she almost resorts to physical confrontation, refusing to let anyone disrespect under her watch.
quanxi’s touch is ever-present. usually, it’s her hand on your waist in public, marking you as hers. behind closed doors, she explores every inch of you. it makes you wonder if she’s a different person outside of the public eye. but, who’s complaining?
i like to think that when quanxi gets drunk, she gets awfully needy and with you. she enjoys holding onto your arm and leaning against you, gently nibbling your ear, while softly expressing slurred compliments about your beauty.
quanxi is your ultimate protector, in every sense of the word. facing a menacing devil? before you can even blink, quanxi is by your side, fearlessly slaying the creature. your girlfriend takes pride in being your number one protecter, regardless of your strength.
making out sessions happen 90% of the time you two are together. quanxi simply can’t resist when you give her that irresistible look, with your lips appearing soft and pouted!
titty lover
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HOT TAKE on the episode 6 conflict
I see posts about how Blitz and Fizz making up was too rushed and how Fizz shouldn't have forgiven Blitz because he "made him lose his limbs and burn alive" etc. and. Like, don't get me wrong, valid points, but.
1. It's been 15 years
2. It's been confirmed to have been an accident
3. It was obvious Blitz still feels guilty and super bad about it (those lines from Brandon Rogers were just *chefs kiss*)
Like, I think the main reason why Fizz was upset with Blitz in the first place was because he thought what was done to him was on purpose and maliciously. But after seeing Blitz in distress and actually apologising for it, that was cleared up. Maybe if Fizz's life wasn't good he would hold more resentment but like he said, he's doing pretty well overall and makes the most out of his situation. And he isn't alone, that's very important!! He managed to move past his trauma enough to be able to have a healthy relationship with Ozzie who "understands him". The same cannot be said about Blitz who is pretty much alone in his suffering.
I'm not saying that if someone fucked you over you need to forgive them if the person is super pitiful, but if that's the one thing that keeps you both from moving past the trauma and deciding to close that chapter? Maybe it's for the best. It's been 15 years, yo. And the conflict was based largely on a misunderstanding. Yeah maybe it was underwhelming that the feud that's been presented from the beginning of the series could have been solved by one single conversation, but that's kind of life.
Personally I have a shit ton of conflicts that could be solved if me and the other person just sat down and heard eachother out, but it's just not happening. It's realistic. Just because you technically CAN solve the problem by talking doesnt mean you will actually talk. Both people need to be in the right headspace.
So I think based on all the facts we got it's not surprising Blitz and Fizz made up. This doesn't mean they will be besties or anything, but it's a start. They can let go of the resentment and steess and guilt over the broken relationship and start moving forwards. It was incredibly mature of Fizz, and hopefully it's gonna help Blitz get more in touch with his feelings and maybe get a bit of courage in trying to keep others in his life (*cough cough* Stolas *cough cough*)
I'm prepared to get mixed feedback on this and if you disagree thats fine! Let's have a convo if you're up for it, I don't have that many people in my life who I can discuss HB with :D
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lonleydweller · 7 months
Well aware of requests, but I would love your favourite slasher yandere hcs!
🥀Yandere Norman Bates hcs🥀
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THANK YOU THANK YOU ANON!! ^^ So excited to get a slasher request!! Sorry if this seems rushed I was just super excited to write it
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!Warnings!: yandere trope, spoilers for pyscho, stalking, murder, kidnapping, mentions of reader possibly dying
Yanderes are OK to enjoy in fiction. They should stay fiction. They are not examples of healthy relationships. These behaviors are NOT okay in real life. They are horrid. This is for entertainment purposes
● You're more than likely just another person passing through, staying the night, wanting nothing more than to sleep and be gone in the morning, off to your destination. Having gotten lost off the main road, after all, no one stops by anymore unless they've done that.
● He greets you with the same friendliness he gives most of his guests, ushering you in, offering you food. Quickly becoming enamored with you as soon as you walk in. Obsession festering from a simple small chat.
● At first your fate seemed like it would end up like the rest of the people Norman's shown interest in, dead by the hands of his "mother".
● However in this case by some miracle after bickering and pleading with himself, he manages to convince his other personality to not kill you. That you're different than the rest! Who knows, maybe even mother will start taking a liking to you.
● You're given room one, right next to the front desk if you need anything, walls so thin you can knock on the wall if you need anything. Thin enough to poke a peephole through. With you none the wiser.
● Then there's issue of you leaving.. he can't have that can he? It's unlikely he'd never see you again. The only person his mother approved of. The only chance at any kind of connection that wouldn't immediately end up as a body in the swamp. No, no, he can't let you leave.
● He'll make you stay, wether it be by begging, by slashing your tires, by locking you up in his home, or keeping what remains of you in his basement with the delusion that you're still there.
● If he dosen't take the most extreme option, you'll wake trapped up in the guest room of his home. With Norman doting over you, frantically trying explain and rationalize his actions to you as you scream and cry to be let go.
● He understands to a degree, but at the same time he dosen't. He dosen't understand entirely what he's doing is wrong, but he isn't oblivious either.
● As for example he's shown in the film to show some remorse about Marion's death, before quickly cleaning it up and hiding the evidence. He's aware it's wrong to some degree.
● He knows that the law and general populous would view what he's doing to you as wrong, but he excuses it in his mind. He needs you here. Its better for both of you this way. In his mind you just need time to adjust and you'll be fine. He just needs to be patient. That's what he tells himself.
● An escape wouldn't nesscarily be easy either. Not many people stop the motel, let alone Norman's house. There's no places nearby within walking or running distance. Then of course you have norman wacthing over you like a hawk, one that will swoop down and stop your plans, unlike the lifeless stuffed birds that decorate his parlor.
● You'll haft to walk on eggshells, while Norman tries his best, swearing he won't hurt you, who says his mother side won't get fed up with you? What stops him from killing you in a last dicth effort to make you stay? He wouldn't even see the difference. As long as he has your body, has the delusion in his head, you're still alive to him.
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serxinns · 8 months
Yandere Villkan Bakusquad Vs hero Dekusquad pt 2
⚠️WARNINGS⚠️: Yandere behaviors, Stalking, deep obsession, taking pictures without consent, and touching without permission
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(I do not support or encourage this behavior AT ALL if somebody you know is acting similarly to this, Please cut all contact with them and stay safe this is NOT healthy)
Vil Bakusquad
•They would do anything to get your attention and destroy buildings even torture another Villian just to send you the video and send it to you to see your scared expression
(hehe this was Lady-ashfade idea 😈)
•If you ever had merch they will completely rob that store that sells it dry nobody needs your merch other than Them
•they have a room filled with photos, Items, and merch dedicated to you and they can't wait to show you it when they capture you again
•while battling they'll always be so dazed and distracted when you are trying to fight them or other villains, The way the wind makes hair flow in a badass way, the way your hero suit looks on you while fighting, and how hot you look when ur Hero suit is all messed up showing parts of your skin (don't u dare act sus 🤨📸)
Needless to say, they're all flustered and immediately taking pictures
•even if you get pissed at them for ruining and city putting people at risk they'll still find it cute even when you yell at them, they just can't help it you look like a puppy throwing a fit and the way your cheeks puff up and you turn red makes them wanna pick your little cheeks and kiss them!
• They get super jealous if another villain tries to replace them or tries to plan on kidnapping you or try to destroy you they'll be so enraged and the next thing you know you see that the villain you fought on the news they were found bones broken and neck twisted its a MESS
•Bakugo is the mean but soft type he would always degrade u saying how weak of a hero you are just to get you riled up even more just to see that cute face Bakugod that type
•Kirishima is the good cop bad cop type he always tries to convince you that being a villain is much safer and that Dekusquad are the bad guys and he's also bakugos right-hand man he's pretty much of a delusional type he thinks ur getting corrupted by these hero's you call "Friends" and need to be saving so they could teach you the rights and wrongs
•Denki loves to tease and flirt with you while in battle trying to make you he's the type to say the most unhinged thing without hesitation so he can see your reactions and coo at them his favorite is when you get scared he loves to see you flustered, embarrassed or scared it makes him have that shit-eating grin
Sero is more of a manipulative and possessive type he seems like a chill person who just goes along with the group but deep inside is just as obsessive as the rest of them dude would get angry easily every time he sees you talk with someone and when your away he beats them up and tapes them up somewhere
•Mina is clingy and a bit sadist type she is always taunted. about how much of how cute you are in your hero suit and fantasize about how she wanna use her acid to burn your costume and maybe your skin
•Bakusquad would always try to find a way to "Take you away from harm" but the Dekusquad was like "HELL NO" and always ruined their plans, For example, bakugo and Kirishima were going to get you while you were alone he planned that if they snatch u up while it's alone then no one will find you it was just when the 2 boys were about to jump out he saw todoroki and his worse enemy Deku walking beside you and bakugo and Kirishima glared at how Deku and Todoroki were looking at you like you were there's how Deku was holding your hand and shoots arm was wrapped around your shoulders Kirishima snarled while bakugo growled how dare that scum gets to touch what's theirs but no worries if they ever get you they'll never let you go
Hero Dekusquad
•Ever since Bakusquad has taken a like over you they have been more protective than ever
•Iida insisted that you should train more with him( even on the weekends) and give you advice about how to protect yourself and would give you things like pepper spray, hidden weapon items, and even a taser! Even if you reassure them that you'll be ok he'll always excuse the "you'll never know what will happen"
•izuku and Shoto will take turns walking you to your house checking around their surroundings and making sure that nobody is following you home once you get home they'll secretly stay around your house checking if the bakusquad will come to Shoto convince you to get a ring camera in your house just in case.
•Ochako was like ur knight and shining armor as much as she swoons over you saving her she also wanted to protect you she always wanted a sleepover cause she's scared (and to make sure no villains will break in) When you go to sleep she makes sure that every door, window and even attic is locked up tight she watches out in the night to be sure that mine doesn't hang around on those trees or Kirishima secretly taking photos
•Tsuyu is like Uraraka but a bit more chill Uraraka she'll also make excuses to sleep in your room to protect you and will reassure you that no villain is going to get you and the 2 of you cuddle up while Tsuyu sings you to sleep or either give u cute head pats if Uraraka come over as well she'll bake sweets for the 2 of you and watch movies to get your fear off villains ever coming here
•The dekusquad all live together while u live alone but like a few blocks away from their house
• izuku and Shoto will also help you when you training with Iida Izuku hyping you up and showing you new moves to try out while Shoto makes sure you drink plenty of water and helps you take a break maybe massages ur shoulders or brings you somewhere relaxing and quiet once our training is done
• Mina, Ochako, and Tsuyu would always bicker with each other about who knows y/n more and who they prefer is safer
Ochako: what do you know about y/n you haven't been hanging out as much as We do
Mina: Oh really ~ *Shows them a scrapbook* This is all the photos we had together! (There are pictures of y/n sleeping and y/n going into their favorite restaurant and even changing)
Tsuyu: *Gets pissed* that's stalking not Getting to know them you psycho! *kero*
Mina: Same thing 🙄
*Boys version
Bakugo: give it up damn Deku just give us the little hero and no one gets hurt *Does an evil smirk*
Izuku: Back away kaccha they're safe with us who knows what you'll do to them!
Kirishima: Oh please like heroes are any better
Shoto: we aren't that type of hero so might as well back off
Denki *Giggles maniacally* or what? Y/n is gonna be with us sooner or later~
Iida: As If!
Sero: Our Amor is gonna come with us whether you like it or not
•If you talk with any hero they'll quickly make an excuse just to pull you away from them as possible if a hero ever tries to be mean or bully you for not being "Good enough" then they'll blackmail that hero so their life will be ruined and would even out some fake rumors here and there
•They would break any law just to make sure you are happy using ur quirk without permission? No worries bribe the boss! Do buildings get destroyed due to your quirk? spread a rumor that some villains did it, accidentally kill a villain? shoto gonna be hiring some good lawyers
•In conclusion they loved you dearly and wouldn't trade anything in the world for you even if those nasty villains get a hand on you They would be dead the second they found them~"
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 10 months
Nu carnival boys as omegas and how they deal with their heat
Warnings: ABO, suggestive material with Olivine, drug use with Edmond and Rei
He needs a big nest. It's easier to take him back home because he already has an entire room set up for this. His heats are unfortunately long but as long as he has his nest it's okay. You will have to bring him anything he may need when he's in there because no force can get him out. Cuddle with him or not he's okay. He knows you love him because he's surrounded by your scent and those he cares about. He's not clingy or distant, he just wants to get through this without leaving his fluffy little room. He was extremely scared to let you into his nest the first time, but when he did finally let you in you realized that it was already covered with your shirts and jackets. He feels guilty about stealing your scented clothing but he is not giving it back. Not that you mind.
The king has been suppling him with suppressors so he can do his job and not have to deal with his heat. Unfortunately being on suppressors for years is not healthy for someone. He was so scared when his suppressors didn't work because his body built a tolerance and he went through a full heat cycle for the first time. He becomes super sensitive during this time so he doesn't want any physical contact. He gets sensory overload easily but sit near him and he'll use you as a grounding force. Just let him touch you at his own pace so he doesn't get overwhelmed. He gets really timid and skittish during his heat, and he hates how it makes him feel. He appreciates how understanding you are during these times, but was scared at first because he didn't know how you would react.
It's hard to smell when his heat is coming because he's always covered in incense. However when it hits, it hits hard. He doesn't want to worry anyone so he ignores his heat until he's in so much pain he collapses. Unfortunately there are plenty of people who want to take advantage of him so you need to be the first to find him if he does. He wants to bathe in your scent, so give him your shirt to wear and he's happy. He will ask you to help the church since he can't do his duties like this. Help the church to make him stop worrying but spend time with him too. Once he's in his nest he's not leaving until his cycle finishes. He loves your presence and when he's like this you can convince him to do pretty much anything, he kind of stops thinking. That makes it easy for you to just tell him to relax and let you take care of him.
He smells so strong when his heat finally hits, and it smells so good! His scent is very musky and the pine sap undertones is the only hint of sweetness. He smells like an alpha even when he's in heat. His heats are not frequent and they don't last long, only about 2 days every few months. He used to just wander into the woods and come back after a few days preferring to handle it alone, but now that he has you (as the wonderful loving alpha you are) he loves snuggling up with you through his heat. His heat never bothered him much and it was really only his scent that gave him away. He loves having you with him though. He may get a little possessive during this time but he's mostly normal. If he wanted to he could just go about his life as normal, but he'd rather spend the time with you. He doesn't use a nest so you'll just be hanging out in his cabin mostly. He also becomes a little more open to PDA like hand holding.
He is slightly more obnoxious than usual right before it starts, wanting to push you away because he hates not feeling in control. When he finally enters his heat he's a big pile of mush. He's also a lot more honest than he'd like. Gifts and other things make him really happy and he'll tell you just how much he loves you pampering him. Just don't bring it up after his heat is over because he'll deny it to the end. He also has no scent, so besides the personality shift you can't tell when he's in or out of his cycle. Technically he does have a floral scent, but it's so faint that unless you are right on top of him you can't even tell it's there. Sometimes when he's not in his heat he'll be a little mean in hopes that you'll bring him a present.
He recognizes the warning signs really early on and gets actually pretty excited about it. He loves curling up in the nest that you lovingly filled with soft and cute things for him. Somehow he became more cuddly than normal. His heat isn't that bad, it's just uncomfortable for him if you're not around. His scent turns super sweet like candy and is really strong. He doesn't really need the nest because his heat doesn't cause him too much discomfort, but there's no way he's missing out on an opportunity to be surrounded by you and other cute things.
He wants to be on top of you the entire time he's in heat, and I mean the entire time. You aren't allowed to even move without him whimpering like he's in pain. Not that you were going to leave but sometimes you just need to adjust. The easiest way to leave the nest (if you absolutely have to) is to pick him up and carry him with you. He'll have his face buried in your neck or chest the whole time. He isn't actually in any pain physically, but he gets extremely distressed if he can't feel you with him.
Anger. He tries to fight his heat and it just hurts him more. You are going to have to fight to get him into a nest, but once you do he is not leaving and neither are you. He's a strong independent boy that doesn't need an alpha! …But as long as you're here he might as well scent you. He wants to provide for you so if you smell his heat coming early you should encourage him to go hunting that way you won't have to, and he can feel like he is still taking care of you during his heat.
Stubborn idiot pushes through the pain of his heat. He doesn't have a very strong heat scent but that's because he wears a rare incense to mask it. He will go about his day as normal, fighting, training, being a good ruler, but he collapses into his nest the moment the sun sets. He doesn't like a big nest but he does want you by his side. Your scent helps relieve some of the pain that's built up during the day. If you try to pamper him with gifts he will probably get mad. He doesn't like being spoiled when he's in heat, but after he'll be fine with it. He can be nippy during this time but if he gets really aggressive he will apologize afterwards. You need to keep an eye on him during the day when he leaves to do his duties. There is no convincing him to stay inside during this time but you do your best to take care of him without interfering.
Oh he despises his heat. He is almost always sick when his heat hits, and it's entirely his own fault. He hates his heat cycle so much that he makes different drugs or blockers or suppressors to try and stop it. For someone who doesn't show much emotion normally he gets incredibly fired up around his heat. He does not want anybody anywhere near him during this time, despite needing the help. He hates that physical contact makes him feel good and that he finds your scent relaxing. He tries so hard to push you away but sometimes you just need to force him into a blanket so he doesn't make himself sicker. He is also going to be mad at you for a few days because it worked.
It would be so cruel if he never experienced a heat cycle until he came to this world. Unfortunately for him that's what I'm going with. You smelled his heat coming only hours before it hit him. No one realized he was going to be an omega so no one had a nest prepared for him. If he's joined up with the clan members one of them could lend their nest. If not he spends the entire time acting as a weighted blanket, laying directly on top of you to take in your scent and warmth. This is the first time his head has felt fuzzy like this and it does scare him at first, but you're so patient and caring as you help him through his heat. You make him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I know it's hard but please keep yourself covered when he's in heat. He gets more cuddly and it's adorable, but he also gets a lot more bitey. The first time you were with him during a heat he almost drank you dry. He thinks your scent is calming and delicious. Give him lots of scented shirts and you'll be okay. He does like cuddling with you but you just have to be mindful of how close you are to his mouth. You have to be careful when you're getting in or out of his nest because all the fabrics that fill it are incredibly expensive, and if you tear a single piece he is going to make you pay.
Honestly he's so clingy and needy in general that it's hard to tell when he's actually in heat, or faking for attention because he knows you'll spoil him. Not that you don't spoil him anyway but he absolutely loves when all of your attention is on him during his heat. He becomes a little more greedy during his heat. His scent doesn't become stronger but it does become thicker. Like his scent lingers more and it feels like it sticks to you. You don't mind wearing his scent, and he loves when you smell like him and when he smells like you.
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help-itrappedmyself · 3 months
Tim Drake Vacation
     Tim Drake likes to think he's a rational person.
     He just got back from his year-long quest for Bruce. Everyone is back home in Gotham. Bruce is trying to bond with demon spawn, and Jason is attempting to talk to the family again. Tim knows he will only get in the way of that. 
     Damian and Jason both have individual issues with him that would only make it harder to work with the rest of the family. And Tim needs time too. He's not angry at them! Goodness knows it wasn't really their fault. 
     But he knows he wouldn't be able to be alone with either of them right now. And he is mad at Dick. And Steph. And Bruce too, a little bit. 
     And his heart is broken. He never got to mourn. His dad, Dana, Steph, Superboy, Impulse. The betrayal from Steph and Dick still sting in his heart and behind his eyes. And while Steph, Superboy, and Impulse are back, he can't just immediately get over the fact that they were gone. Well Steph wasn't, but he thought she was, and the hurt from her fake death is just as real as the hurt from her tricking him. 
     So, he's going to take a sabbatical from the whole vigilante thing. Just a short one. It'll be good for him. He needs the time to figure out life without a spleen anyway. It'll be an adjustment period and he should do everything he can to minimize his chances of infection until his body becomes stabilized with the antibiotics. I mean, he'll keep doing whatever he can to not get infections after that as well of course, but the reactions should be less extreme if he gives it a healthy amount of time. And it's much easier to not get infected when little brothers with swords aren't trying to stab you, not to mention when roaming the streets of Gotham, especially as a vigilante. Maybe he'll get his GED. Who knows? He's never really had a vacation before. 
     But he can't stay here and get in the way of the family reconnecting. Tim needs time to calm down before he blows up at Dick. And he wants to give Damian and Jason's problems time so hopefully they stop wanting to kill him on sight. Tim is so tired of near-death experiences. 
     If Tim had any more hope in him, he would hope that maybe he and Jason could be friends at some point. Maybe he could be a brother to him and Jason. Tim had always wanted siblings, and a little brother would be a dream come true. He thinks he could be good at it if Damian would let him.     But, for now, sabbatical. Tim tells the team he's taking time off to get Bruce resettled. He tells Bruce that he's on a mission with the team. Then he leaves.
He wants to be close enough for emergencies. But far enough he won't accidentally run into any bats. And somewhere they wouldn't find him on the off chance they come looking. 
     So, he goes to Metropolis. This also helps him keep an eye on Kon. Tim doesn't think he memorized his heartbeat or anything, so it should be safe. And the reminder that he's back will be helpful. 
Of course, villains are a problem wherever he would've ended up going. He didn't think it would be as difficult as he is finding it to stay out of things. The supers have things well in hand in their own city, aside from the property damage. But the urge is there. Once you get in the habit of running towards danger, it becomes incredibly hard to stop.
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Ello! I was wondering what would happen if S/O had the same personality like the others? For example, They are dating Edge and they have the same personality as him.( Basically, what if they have the same personality as the skeletons) ( All the main bois. plz add Creeper to this) Thank you! Have a good day/ night!
Undertale Sans - You mean what if you bring Papyrus' nightmare to life? Sans didn't know what to think of you at first, but then he discovered the power of doing nothing as a couple for days and now he's in love. You spend so much time on the couch that the couch has now permanently your body form embed in it. Your puns are getting worse and worse, but they're still making you laugh. You watch the worst movies on every streaming platform. You created a pile of socks to make Papyrus enraged. He even offered you a trash tornado when he proposed to you. You two could never live alone ever again.
Undertale Papyrus - He's more than happy! You two are always together, trying to motivate each other to exercise or make evil genius plans that have no chance of success. Sometimes though it can be a little difficult as you're both hiding things from each other and never confess to the other when you're not feeling well to protect the other. This means some days, you're both clearly looking down and still act like everything is fine, which can create some tension. But being very forgiving, it's usually never for long. Papyrus is a great choice.
Underswap Sans - That wouldn't work. You're both terribly stubborn and refuse to let go of an argument before you win. Except none of you want to lose, so the fight lasts forever. Added to that, you're both very independent and so will not spend that much time together as you're always busy doing something. It would end with both of you being super frustrated and arguing again and again, which is not very healthy.
Underswap Papyrus - How are you surviving? It took forever for you two to connect as... Well... You couldn't even meet the other eyes without having a panic attack for a good six months after your first encounter. And after that it's so awkward for so long. It's a surprise to everyone how you ended up together, but that happened. You're both supporting the other in their anxiety, but also feeding it somehow? The funniest part is when something spooks you. If Honey falls unconscious, you fall unconscious, and when Honey wakes up, he falls unconscious again seeing you on the floor, and it can go for a while like that. You're touch starved though, which helps to support your daily life.
Underfell Sans - That would absolutely not work. Despite both having a dark sense of humor, you also both take everything literally and spend your days offending the other lol. It usually ends with both of you screaming and insulting each other, even fighting sometimes. You're going to get on each other's nerves too quickly to enjoy living together. Also, you like motorcycles as well, but there's no way you're touching Red's motorcycle and he's ready to fight you on this lol. That's his baby, find another one!
Underfell Papyrus - If you take the definition of sassy in the dictionary, there are both your faces next to it. You're bitching on everything and everyone together, you're both condescending because you're feeding each other ego so much. You're both know really well how hot you are and live to make everyone jealous around you. Everyone hates you, and you know what? You just don't care at all! You made Edge a hundred times worse, great job!
Horrortale Sans - This is so awkward. You can't understand any of the other reactions and so most of the time, you're both silent. Staring at each other. Not saying anything. It's a mystery why you're still together at this point as you're both encouraging the other to be suspicious of the other. Maybe you're not the right match. Except maybe when you both have zoomies in the woods at the same time. Zoomies are fun.
Horrortale Papyrus - It would work just fine and actually it might be a good thing for Willow. Because you're so aware of the other's flaws, you try to make things better and encourage the other to be better. Willow is finally learning to accept his body after so long, and he's opening up a little more because he feels like he can talk to you. It's really a good thing for both of you.
Swapfell Sans - You get along really well, always looking so ridiculously serious and act like epic villains when you're actually good people. You have a business together, you drink expensive coffee together, you're very careful about what the other is wearing to match clothes... And you're both trying to throw the other so he gets eaten first in case of supernatural danger! The perfect couple.
Swapfell Papyrus - It's the worst possible timeline. Your prank war turned so wrong already and yet none of you gave up yet. You're a menace to everyone around you. Everyone is fleeing around you when you show up together somewhere. Please someone does something and stop you before it's too late.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Oh, it would maybe work for ten seconds and then you would try to kill each other. There can only be one Wine around and Wine will make sure it's him. You're too similar, it's scary and he sees you as a threat to his gigantic ego. Now run.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - You're both hiding in a cave or something, clinging to the other all day. The only thing you're worried about is who is going to move to fetch the food when you're hungry. Because you're both very comfy right now and there's no way in hell you're doing it. That's going to be a long day.
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