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Czocha Castle - Leśna, POLAND
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Guys I accidentally wrote the beginnings of a pseudo-greek non-binary lesbian romance/drama novel.
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laruethelistener · 2 years
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.lesnA ,uoy knahT
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abaz-z · 2 years
Białystok kurwa lesna dolina czy cos ci to przypomina
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444names · 2 years
french and breton (from tes) names
Aconaree Adelywyr Adest Adin Agne Aleaud Alie Aliffon Allet Allevrick Alosall Alosene Alou Alyeugil Ambarose Amedrin Amer Amesparine Amroste Amun Ancaper Anieuric Annel Anstoise Arcena Argennory Arnarmard Ascas Aste Audely Aunlont Aurcron Avel Axill Azaste Badippelis Barbart Barce Bard Barranette Bart Beaudre Becane Bedac Belamaz Belebou Belin Bellannau Bene Berna Biernie Blamarix Blort Boarold Boiriand Boisavia Boismithe Bouneau Bour Bousonte Brack Bradinwick Bray Brearnes Breda Bres Brichaw Briconissa Brie Brientay Brillane Broline Brozine Brufonobis Brya Bryna Buchricés Buciere Bujoy Bunce Buquetteen Burd Burstran Caigne Cainsmat Cald Cale Calon Camorge Caprel Carcie Carcouist Card Carion Casir Cassole Cata Caud Ceaur Ceinat Cerrya Cestyr Chainot Chalcyn Chanes Chard Chardory Charia Chelle Cheomédoul Cheone Cherbri Cholerle Choux Chre Ciatiner Cline Cois Colie Colucktoy Coppell Coudre Coulphibin Cousie Crene Curste Dane Daneau Danic Danienord Darodiane Dastan Dayd Dele Dellyn Delont Delyz Dene Derne Dert Develle Devineau Disette Dord Duay Duce Dukey Dulille Dume Dumen Dund Dupette Duppin Duvie Dyctiot Edacquine Elal Eling Ellanda Eneault Enne Enton Esmier Ette Euimorin Eurené Faboutry Fabyn Fany Faugaer Faver Felle Ferre Fevo Fiet Flord Fone Formean Fran Fraurin Fregues Frentyr Fric Frickwin Fusalna Gabervann Gabreciend Galacet Galent Gansines Garcilouve Gayn Geinge Genoeuric Geodysse Gerne Giernée Gille Gillent Glanne Gonon Gras Gren Gria Grozier Guebeault Guellucks Guistyne Guybedger Gwynd Gwynne Gwywygeon Harichagne Harthanete Helling Henne Heoriant Herodingue Hiontier Homarjo Humon Huraoue Iffrune Igenierel Ilabis Illain Inser Jacine Jacquine Jand Jane Jaque Jave Jeadele Jearene Jeau Jeauste Jehamenn Jerau Jergenom Johne Joise Jolamian Joliene Jolioncelo Jort Jult Junyne Juss Kine Kinielay Klis Labelog Lacelikey Lacounist Ladidard Ladinash Ladmont Laformata Lafous Laillord Land Lane Lanna Lannodie Laraxel Larceanie Lard Larine Larlin Lastierto Laubise Lave Leaux Lecort Ledwic Lentatie Lepedondre Lerne Lesna Lette Liviant Llastiell Lord Lougaelle Loult Lyctardes Lyctorinte Lyerdin Lyne Lynnette Lyot Lyzenart Léginghane Mabarrarra Madelleaud Madette Maeren Maine Manditto Mane Mant Marboissit Marce Marcille Mard Mardattey Mardec Marnarret Marpintis Mart Marterrin Mastart Mattene Maulk Menn Mere Mette Mictaineau Mingoge Mird Mite Mitt Monain Mone Mont Morette Morey Mort Mortrane Moryn Moundia Moury Mout Muille Muree Méladige Naer Narc Nard Nehord Nord Noretrie Nutree Oguet Olielabin Onest Orenie Orielle Ormint Orthe Ossonir Osyand Panpierber Pastyn Patnolène Pellette Pene Phawkfine Picondea Pielyan Pile Pine Poislynne Ponstepiel Porelip Pregerse Prichrie Pris Ragna Ranoît Rarram Reausau Rencine Retine Reuguilorc Rondyr Ronge Rorevigona Rosinte Rossacham Rostamord Rozeperoy Rumel Sabarte Schaël Seux Sias Simortie Sonna Sonnyr Styn Syne Taille Tarto Thender Thteau Thugon Tillet Tonestyn Toppernie Toupla Treau Trey Tric Trilhon Trin Trods Tros Truraveaud Vaic Valeau Valhant Valin Vannak Varpeaul Vart Venne Veuf Viged Vilant Villes Villey Villielle Vinchau Vineranie Vinetione Visilan Vryault Vyction Vyctyra Wicoumir Wikille Wilolon Woone Xane Yeomitte Ysson Yste Zanentan Zennique Élick Éléo Élés
same thing but longer and with higher order
Abshin Accarre Adamron Adenalda Admanten Agracien Agryrix Alabbe Alandre Alanin Alenecal Alenehl Alexillence Allian Allier Allucetus Alombart Alyeury Amacroft Amastain Amberjacmund Andarcotte Andrag Angerbernes Anglite Anguenie Annalso Antenwick Antier Archarelle Arcienne Arcire Arenais Ariquet Aristinermo Arnisson Artheodyric Ashrin Aubien Aubuteau Aymelierryan Aymonis Barais Baranginield Batheon Batistyre Bauvine Beguepel Belgault Bellard Bellene Bellive Bellon Berier Berneaux Besabertois Bijeande Bondywyr Borebarrette Bouardelet Boucausse Bougerossier Bouteill Bouvien Braniell Brelle Breynise Briane Brickforey Buckinne Bujoubay Buredite Burgabot Caille Cajuney Candyn Carbert Carbogasquie Carien Carolance Carolone Catolda Cavaryon Cellic Cesirrivien Chanine Chanteau Chantheille Chantoisette Charly Charric Charth Charthélémy Chimbio Christyr Cidarroque Cimongton Codery Colais Combault Comenu Contecot Coteau Courbyrry Cournativial Cournis Coursuline Covieves Crevimy Damabric Darboeur Dauphilelane Davigues Debushnelle Delacour Delande Delard Delatt Delayne Delent Delodile Deloine Delvier Deriel Derrieleau Deshawkinne Desier Desjarberin Despacke Despremel Desrocard Devillin Doraine Doraneuverre Doraria Dorond Douard Dubernis Dubrette Dufferaud Dugastier Duguerranier Duharion Dumonne Dunyce Dyrichier Earticion‎ Edwardier Edwynabell Edwyvarien Eirand Elynak Emareline Emargoir Endras Enrismukes Escenck Esmanualloty Evelois Everre Fabert Fabrie Falike Fallona Fancien Fauvie Fictor Filbauvier Finier Flammistain Flanoyet Florya Frashsly Fredel Frillon Fristin Gabakarnon Gabrigue Gaerfortel Gastrein Gastyr Gausseur Gazara Gemargette Georgenie Gepageon Gerbeau Gereleston Gerolby Gerville Ghislasalle Giguent Gilgoude Gladyval Glaume Gogues Gontecorrent Gossadue Gossee Gosson Goulanis Gourcie Grandie Granis Granque Gronie Guille Gurlette Guylin Hardiellie Hasking Hastepher Hawkhoussing Hearlin Heartenwind Hellegalice Hellier Henette Houtouchevis Hughtervele Jacqureneau Jakbenjacque Janville Jenriel Jereux Jespendreaul Jolice Joline Jolinette Jourielline Julantin Jumourdin Jupine Kalhut Kalianne Kathier Kinghou Kleina Korique Labarbont Labarde Labordeau Labradine Labrier Labyth Lachelle Ladier Lafavron Laferre Lafleux Lafolle Lafortent Lahaise Lajeune Lamoutillet Landelhomme Laniel Lanoit Lantin Lanvillet Laremy Laumilo Lauriol Lausannal Laview Leberge Ledoret Lefebuke Lefeveren Legrivois Lejeanneausa Lemarque Lemence Lemund Leorne Lesard Limothéonore Lisonne Loguet Lucasse Lucetta Lucius Lucred Lulacot Lusseau Lyderougier Lysselence Mabien Macastanche Madamargeine Magasselinne Magasters Magneau Malant Mandralle Marcausa Marchier Marchoquette Mariel Maritte Marler Marlette Marlot Marradie Marscray Maserrienche Mastyr Matheodyn Mathey Mattheodric Matthing Mavincalde Maxellette Melfoush Menande Mentaineau Mersly Micksmith Mivien Modhal Moncis Moniquet Montbrier Mordeaux Mordif Morgard Morgestine Morginett Nahlianesse Nastabyth Norbeil Norelles Norman Oceaucette Octauzeilara Odison Omissa Ongeron Orinet Ortelle Ourgot Ozetto Paramel Parfais Parquise Parric Pascion Pavence Payett Pecien Peppont Persmith Phylvine Picher Pichés Picoeur Piensergene Pimpery Plassa Poiroislin Portelle Potvince Pouzons Powennayneau Praximiran Prideault Provenn Pugeau Pyppoline Rabermieu Racque Rahaydel Raimée Raisarvele Ralistona Rambel Raouel Raport Reasorin Relanester Rencqurette Renwickton Riopelore Risant Robarreenste Robinested Rochurias Rodaiselite Rodrine Rodyric Rolyrrya Romastefante Rosalizée Rouance Rouhain Roulanie Roxannal Rulescabet Ruquenicien Ryvalenne Salabiss Saloïc Sancielle Sauvry Segreenilain Sergill Sevellet Siland Simarcadot Simissa Simontain Skerbeau Sourgynays Spelle Sperice Stefanten Temerio Thaletit Thanges Theillara Therrene Tibien Tileaulin Tremert Tristaily Truxier Tussette Urquier Vadnailhot Valent Valexandron Vanaël Vanciens Vannabelay Vannabert Vanten Varace Vavaise Veriassansel Volivette Voriner Yeomsmine Yngwin Yvyroussette
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kubinek · 10 days
Czytaj Więcej Ubezpieczenie Szyb SamOChodowych Leśna śląskie Tego, co w przyszłości nie da się przewidzieć Zachęcamy wszystkich do poznania, zobaczenia naszej bogatej, różnorodnej oferty w Kubinek Ubezpieczenia Leśna. Firma Kubinek działa na rynku już ponad 15 lat. Nasze usługi wybiera już ponad 10 tysięcy klientów rocznie, do tej pory nawiązaliśmy współpracę już z ponad 70 tysiącami klientów firmowych jak i prywatnych. W naszej ofercie posiadamy polisy wielu Towarzystw Ubezpieczeniowych. Nasz specjalista Ubezpieczenia Kubinek w Bielsku-Białej. Oferujemy: ubezpieczenia firmowe nieruchomości, urządzeń, ubezpieczenia OC, ubezpieczenia przetargowe, ubezpieczenia sprzętu elektronicznego, OC przewoźnika w ruchu krajowym, grupowe dla pracowników), komunikacyjne NNW kierowcy, ubezpieczenia jednośladu, zabytkowego), majątkowe (mieszkania wielorodzinnego, garaż, pomieszczenia, nieruchomości domowych na wypadek rabunku), medyczne grupowe, mieszkaniowe, podróży, posagowe. Agencja Ubezpieczeniowa Kubinek Plac Wolności 10 43-300 Bielsko-Biała Tel. 33 816 52 03 https://kubinek.pl/zasieg/lesna/
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topikberitaco · 22 days
Tipu Warga Aceh, Hermansyah Ditangkap Tim Sunyi Senyap Polsek Prabumulih Barat
PRABUMULIH, TOPIKBERITA.CO –Polsek Prabumulih Barat berhasil mengungkap kasus penipuan senilai Rp32.000.000 berdasarkan Laporan korban, T.Rahmad Hidayat Lesna (33) warga Aceh Utara. Belakangan diketahui, tersangka penipuan tersebut bernama Hermansyah (49) Warga Jalan Bukit Lebar, Kelurahan Majasari, Kota Prabumulih. Pelaku berhasil diringkus Pada Kamis, 29 Agustus 2024, sekitar pukul 22.00 WIB…
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uvit, tolkova poglenate ot tsalata tazi bolka. ako pitate main, nay znam otkade da zapoczna gnyav, lyubov, oberkwane, patishcha, koito nay vodiat do nikade. znam, che ima po-dobro miasto, zashchyoto vinagi may vodis tam. doidoch prie teb s razbita vera. dade my povece ot ruck, coyato da drza. khvanat predy da padna na ziemiata kazhi my, che sum vieu bezopasnost, imash may sega. shche poemes lee volana? ako zagubia control? ako lezha took, shche may zavedes lee u doma? bichte lee sie pogrizili na sokrusena dusa? shche may pregarnes lee sega? druzh pistoleta do glavata my. prebroite edno, dve, tree ako my pomogne da si tragna, znachi a kakvo my tryabwa vsyaka minuta stava po-lesna kolkoto povece my govoris, te ratsionalisiras nai-mracnite my misli da, te gi osvobodi doidoch prie teb s razbita vera. dade my povece ot ruck, coyato da drza. khvanat predy da padna na ziemiata kazhi my, che sum vieu bezopasnost, sega may khvana.
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
Mac daddy will be the vice president of Camilla Harris just trying to regain his empire by threatening you good thing by threatening me with things like the hospital mental hospital and it's a failure of a technique but he's doing it he doesn't think it's enough Camilla was probably put in the hospital by him and her brain went missing thanks to his smart-ass stuff he's a loser Trump is worth trying to get me in prison for the hospital. People want to kidnap me from there like macarper and his last stupid people will take me in the middle hospital was a better idea and they keep on going after foreigners and minorities when I'm in there
Zues Hera
My people don't do well it is in the hospital and these people are s*** heads the foreigners can't get here and they're doing the job of the Mac proper. I want to tell you something he's right I still think sometimes it's a place to go but it's not that place is a nightmare and whoever is doing it was trying to threaten to do what happened to me unto him I do remember it's wrong and I need help holding it like everybody is not supporting me like madness in those Trump is worse much worse he says good
We're going to rise up and use power we're very sick of this routine. We do support them a lot more than Trump reveal that Mac proper are going to keep them out so we have to use the election who care the guy down pair him down and we're going to
Thor Freya
All of these places like Florida are going to go off at the same time. And these people are out of control I'm running around or pressing each other. Their lives are very harsh and they don't really believe it in too much but they are insulting the s*** out of us and they really are not really doing the impressive work they need to back off it. We are telling people these Mac property don't seem to understand that the notes that were an infiltrating to stop her very big and they're meant for them as well and they need to get educated they're doing a lazy job and keeps the peace for right now we don't need it with regards to Trump
Thor Freya
We did investigate it and we're going to help and he says thank God you can use your beer company to do it and the idiots will fall right behind you now I'm going to do this this is fun
Hulk Hogan
Yeah that's fun but really we can help out and says you have to dress like holsters no offense but you have to dress like hulksters that sounds like a trip I think we might do that
Brock Lesna
Going to try and start fights between you good
It's going to laugh at you cuz you're an idiot and you are
Randy Savage
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orthodoxydaily · 3 months
Icon, Saints&Reading: Sunday, June 23, 2024
june 10_ june 23
Pentecost_Trinity Sunday
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(movable holiday on the Trinity Sunday)
Atchara has been a Christian stronghold since apostolic times. It was through this region that St. Andrew the First-called entered Georgia, preaching the Gospel for the first time in the Iberian land. In this land, in the village of Gonio, the holy relics of the martyred Apostle Matthias are buried.       Since the 16th century Atchara has been subject to constant assaults by the Turks. Having attained a victory in the Ottoman-Persian War, the Turks gained a large part of southern and western Georgia: Samtskhe, Atchara, and Chaneti were declared Turkish provinces. The invaders knew well that, in order to completely conquer the Georgian people, it was necessary to uproot Christianity. Thus they instituted a systematic campaign of forced conversion to Islam.       When they failed to achieve their goal with bribery and deception, they resorted to violence. In his work The Islamization of Georgia, or the Spread of Islam in Western Georgia in the 17th–18th Centuries, the renowned early twentieth-century scholar Zakaria Chichinadze retold a story he had heard from one elderly Atcharan man: “In Atchara the implanting of Islam faced a powerful opposition. Many of the elderly men and the majority of women stood firmly by the Christian Faith, and even challenged and debated the Turkish mullahs.… The number of these aged men in Atchara was considerably high. In the end an order was issued: to arrest all dissidents, forcibly convert them to Islam, and execute those who resisted. Before long all the elderly Christians of Atchara were arrested and cast in prison. Then they were led to the River Atcharistsqali, to a 12th-century bridge known as the “Bridge of Queen Tamar.” On that bridge the Ottomans erected a guillotine.
 They chopped off the heads of the elderly people, sent the ends of their tongues to the pasha, and threw their bodies into the river. This happened one hundred years ago, in the year 1790.”       Gallows and a guillotine were erected in the villages of Atcharistsqali, Keda, Chakvi, Khulo, Machakhela, and Gonio. The documents preserved in the manuscript collection at Akhaltsikhe Museum describe in even more horrific detail the martyrdom of the Atcharan Christians: “The human tongue is powerless to describe the tortures that the Georgians suffered in those years for confessing Christianity. While they were still alive their flesh was stripped and their bodies quartered; they were slashed to pieces with swords, their bellies ripped open; they were roasted over campfires. They were pierced with flaming rods, thrown into cauldrons of boiling water; molten lead was poured down their throats; they were tossed into pools of hot lime.…”       The Georgian Apostolic Church has numbered among the saints all the holy fathers and mothers of Atchara who sacrificed their lives in defense of the Christian Faith.
© 2006 St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood.
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The Lesna Icon of the Mother of God appeared on the Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Cross in the year 1683 and was found by Alexander Stelmashuk, a shepherd, who had gone into the woods in order to escape the heat. There he saw a small Icon in the branches of a pear tree, emitting a bright radiance. He fell to his knees in reverence, but then he was so afraid that he ran to tell a friend about his discovery. The two shepherds went to the village priest, who returned to remove the Icon from the tree. They brought it to an Orthodox church in the village of Bukovich, not far from the town of Lesna.
When news of the Icon's miraculous appearance circulated throughout the surrounding area, Roman Catholic priests decided to use the Icon to convert the Orthodox to Catholicism. In 1686, when they met with opposition from the Orthodox faithful, they removed the Icon by force in 1686 and placed it in the Roman Catholic church at Lesna.
At the beginning of the eighteenth century, Catholic monks founded a large Roman church and monastery at Lesna, where the wonderworking Icon was. In 1863, the monks took part in the Polish revolt, and, by a decree of the Russian government, the Icon was returned to the Orthodox Church. The monastery was closed and turned into an Orthodox women’s monastery in 1885. A new iconostasis was built, but it was only two rows high so that people could see the Lesna Icon hanging in the High Place.
The Icon has worked many miracles, healing the sick, dispelling melancholy, and alleviating every misfortune.
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ACTS 2:1-11
1 When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. 5 And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven. 6 And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together, and were confused, because everyone heard them speak in his own language. 7 Then they were all amazed and marveled, saying to one another, "Look, are not all these who speak Galileans? 8 And how is it that we hear, each in our own language in which we were born? 9 Parthians and Medes and Elamites, those dwelling in Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya adjoining Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, 11 Cretans and Arabs-we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God.
JOHN 7:37-52; 8:12
37 On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. 38 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. 39 But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified. 40 Therefore many from the crowd, when they heard this saying, said, "Truly this is the Prophet." 41 Others said, "This is the Christ." But some said, "Will the Christ come out of Galilee? 42 Has not the Scripture said that the Christ comes from the seed of David and from the town of Bethlehem, where David was? 43 So there was a division among the people because of Him. 44 Now some of them wanted to take Him, but no one laid hands on Him. 45 Then the officers came to the chief priests and Pharisees, who said to them, "Why have you not brought Him?" 46 The officers answered, "No man ever spoke like this Man!" 47 Then the Pharisees answered them, "Are you also deceived? 48 Have any of the rulers or the Pharisees believed in Him? 49 But this crowd that does not know the law is accursed. 50 Nicodemus (he who came to Jesus by night, being one of them) said to them, 51 Does our law judge a man before it hears him and knows what he is doing? 52 They answered and said to him, "Are you also from Galilee? Search and look, for no prophet has arisen out of Galilee." 12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life."
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detaxe · 5 months
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rajecka lesna
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Chiude l’asilo di Borgata Lesna, al via la petizione delle mamme
La scuola dell’infanzia Aquilone di via Brissogne viaggia verso una chiusura che dal giugno del 2025 rischia di penalizzare un quartiere intero. A Borgata Lesna, infatti, si è sparsa la voce di una serrata dell’asilo, dovuta a un calo delle iscrizioni. Che in effetti c’è. La materna ha due grandi padiglioni che ospitano fino a 5 sezioni, ma sono solo due quelle utilizzate oggi. Una quarantina i…
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tessin22 · 9 months
Cotton Corduroy Fabric 500 Pine Grove Green Duca Visconti di Modrone
Pure cotton corduroy fabric in black colour variant, soft and slightly elastic without the use of elastane. A versatile, warm and breathable fabric perfect for sportswear, with the high quality that characterizes all Visconti di Modrone fabrics.
The prestigious brand Duca Visconti di Modrone with its divisions represents the textile industry of the Group Inghirami. Know-how with strong roots which, combined with research, ensures constant innovation.
Are part of the most important names of Italian textiles: Velvis (with fine velvet Duca Visconti, a symbol of Lombard the textile tradition), Manifattura di Olmina (pure cotton fabriocs production), Tesj (specialized in jersey fabrics manufacturing), Flag (light weight fabrics for menswear and women), Bozzalla & Lesna (specialized in fine wool production), to name a few.
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Product Sharing price :-€38.00/mtr.
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yespat49 · 10 months
Salazar, le Consul impavide de Jean-Paul Besse
Auteur des premières biographies d’Elisabeth Feodorovna, d’Ileana de Roumanie, de sainte Catherine de Lesna, du grand-duc Nicolas Romanov, et de Ménélik II l’unificateur, soleil de l’Éthiopie (2021), Jean-Paul Besse est docteur d’État en histoire. Spécialiste de l’Europe centrale et orientale, il a été professeur invité des universités serbes et de Nijni Novgorod. Chevalier de la Légion…
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kubinek · 7 months
Czytaj Więcej Ubezpieczenie Szyb SamOChodowych Leśna śląskie Tego, co w przyszłości nie da się przewidzieć Zachęcamy wszystkich do poznania, zobaczenia naszej bogatej, różnorodnej oferty w Kubinek Ubezpieczenia Leśna. Firma Kubinek działa na rynku już ponad 15 lat. Nasze usługi wybiera już ponad 10 tysięcy klientów rocznie, do tej pory nawiązaliśmy współpracę już z ponad 70 tysiącami klientów firmowych jak i prywatnych. W naszej ofercie posiadamy polisy wielu Towarzystw Ubezpieczeniowych. Nasz specjalista Ubezpieczenia Kubinek Bielsko-Biała. Nasze usługi: ubezpieczenia firmowe środków obrotowych, maszyn, ubezpieczenia OC, ubezpieczenia kontraktowe, ubezpieczenia sprzętu elektronicznego, OC przewoźnika w ruchu międzynarodowym, grupowe dla pracowników), komunikacyjne NNW pasażerów, ubezpieczenia jednośladu, zabytkowego), majątkowe (domu wielorodzinnego, garaż, wnętrza gospodarcze, nieruchomości domowych na wypadek grabieży), medyczne grupowe, mieszkaniowe, podróży, posagowe. Agencja Ubezpieczeniowa Kubinek Plac Wolności 10 43-300 Bielsko-Biała Tel. 33 816 52 03 https://kubinek.pl/zasieg/lesna/
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stephanedugast · 10 months
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📌 [BILLET] J'ai parlé en public ce matin lors du séminaire annuel des trinômes académiques organisé par la Direction de la Mémoire, de la Culture et des Archives (DMCA) du Ministère des Armées, le Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse et l'UNION IHEDN - Union des associations d'auditeurs de l'IHEDN.
🎙 J'ai eu la chance d'ouvrir en quelque sorte les hostilités, ou du moins de faire souffler les vents de l'exploration.
🏝️ Pour être raccord au thème de cette 36e édition - « Penser le monde de demain » - j'ai parlé d'un caillou de notre république 🇫🇷 sur lequel je me suis rendu à 4 reprises : Clipperton.
J'ai pu également écouter les introductions de Mme Patricia Miralles, secrétaire d'État aux anciens combattants et à la mémoire, de M. Edouard, directeur général de l'enseignement scolaire et de Jerome de Labriffe, président de l'Union-IHEDN, ainsi que la conférence passionnante sur l'Indo-pacifique de M. Guillaume Gandelin avant d'assister à une table ronde et de devoir filer.
🎯 Une courte escale qui m'a permis de croiser des têtes connues comme Anne-Emmanuelle Lesna, Marie Détrée Hourrière, peintre de la Marine ou encore Bertrand Bonneau ✅.
💫 J'ai en revanche manqué la clôture par l'amiral Pierre VANDIER, major général des armées. Damned !
📸 Marie Détrée Hourrière
Réseau des INSPÉ
Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN)
Académie de défense de l'École militaire
#conférence #exploration #stéphanedugast #clipperton
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