#lesbian ginny weasley
maladaptivewriting · 2 months
i have a confession to make
i prefer the golden trio era lesbian ships to the marauders ones 🫢
i’m sorry but parvati and lavender?? ginny and luna? ginny and PANSY? honestly ginny and any woman, ginny is one of my favorite lesbians.
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stationintern · 2 years
i love how most drarry fics don't paint ginny as, like, a jealous ex. it’s always, "oh, ginny? yeah she's over there with her girlfriend and baseball cap. yeah, she's really happy. happier than this loser." and harry is just sleeping on their couch or something.
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yourlocalbadgerscales · 3 months
Give me angsty Harry Potter
But not angsty in a I’m-being-chased-by-my-parents-murderer-and-no-one-believes-a-shit-I-say-and-my-friends-are-dying-and-I-need-to-kill-said-murderer-and-I’m-FUCKING-14-WTF-GIMME-A-BREAK kind of way…
Nvm gimme that kind of angsty Harry Potter because tbh it’s fucking valid of him to be a bit pissed during said circumstances- cough cough, I’m looking at people who hate on Caps Lock Harry right now-
Give me angsty Harry Potter. Angsty teenage Harry Potter, with an actual family and no problems in life whatsoever, except that he’s busy questioning his sexuality 24/7 because SHIT Cedric Diggory in Hufflepuff is so cute and Draco Malfoy is too, and GIVE ME ANGSTY TEENAGE HARRY who’s head is overflowing with teenage hormones making him grumpy all the time, and FOR MERLIN’S SAKE DAAAD CAN YOU TELL POPS TO LEAVE MY FUCKING ROOM?!! Give me Harry who’s just a completely normal teenage wizard and student at Hogwarts… “Ron for the love of Merlin just KISS MIONE NOW DON’T MAKE IT MORE COMPLICATED THAT IT HAS TO BE” “Are you guys seeing this? I think Dean and Seamus are kissing!” “Hey, Ginny!” “Guys, hurry, the teachers can’t see us out this late at night! Quick get out on the Quidditch pitch! Ouch, Cho, cast a Lumos or something, that was my foot!” “Shut up, Malfoy!” “Shut UP, Draco!” “Shut up, asshole.” “Shut… Draco, why are you looking at me like that?” “Draco…” “Haha, look, McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey are at it again, are you SURE there’s nothing going on there? You know?”
“Lee, stop, you’re scaring Ron with that spi- LEE NO”
“Fred, Percy is on his way, HIDE IT, HIDE IT!”
“Ew, this is what we’ve been dying to taste? Fire Whisky tastes absolute garbage.”
“Fuck, I didn’t make it.” “Don’t worry Ron, it wasn’t an important test anyway.”
“Owww, you moron!”
“Dad… Pops… I have someone for you to meet. This is Draco…”
“GUYS I DID IT!” “Really, Ginny?! I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Tell us EVERYTHING!”
“I did Padma’s test for her!” “Parvati, that is a new LOW you’ve reached… both of you…” “Oh shut up, Hermione.” “RON!”
Give me the Hogwarts students living their teenage lives, no one dying young… give me this. Someone (preferably not Joanne but someone). Please. Give the poor kids a break from this thing about them having to grow up far too soon. Let them be kids 😭😭😭
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celestialseawitch-ff · 3 months
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babooshkart · 1 year
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arcade lesbians
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drarrargh · 1 year
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just a rarepair of mine. i think they’re kinda great
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euryvices · 2 months
linny song inspired by goodluck babe
one day I'll get better equipment & maybe then my music will have an impact. until then, ill js keep...singing for my moots. bc i love yall. and y'all must like my lesbians
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carljohnsonalv · 6 months
Unexpected revelations
Weasley family are eating the dinner in the Burrow, surprisingly Harry came with Draco
Ginny: Mommy can you pass me the salt?
Molly and Hermione grabs the salt at the same time
Fred & George:
Ginny: Umm I can explain this
Draco: This will be funny
Harry: Ok this was very unexpected
Fred & George: we agree
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vi-maxwell-blog · 4 months
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June 2 Lesbians!!! "Every woman is a lesbian at hear!!! Including Reggie s mom!! " (Watch Pride the movie, this quote comes from there)
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rosesneverwither · 11 months
Harry Potter ships
Day 16
Ginny x Luna
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maladaptivewriting · 10 months
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: tonks was ginny’s gay awakening!!
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mynameismauve6 · 2 years
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To Love A Boy [ Hermione Granger/fem!Reader ] ( SERIES )
• PART ONE • 2nd Person POV • Prologue •
You boarded the Hogwarts Express as you did at the beginning of a new school year. It was your third year at Hogwarts and you were in for a big surprise.
You had come out as a lesbian the previous year before heading for summer break. You were different now, more mature after being ostracized by your friends. This year was for reinventing yourself, proving to everyone that you are better then ever.
You sat at an empty compartment, it wasn’t hard to find as people usually fled when you entered any. You sighed and looked out the window seeing as the trees passed by quickly.
“Are these seats taken?” A girls voice asked causing you to turn around to look at them.
“Not at all,” you smiled at none other then Hermione Granger.
She smiled back as Harry, Ron and her sat down. Harry sat next to you as Ron and Hermione sat across from you.
The silence could only be described as awkward and tense. No one dared to speak, Harry shifted every so slightly uncomfortably as Ron would clear his throat.
“What?” You finally said once the silence became unbearable. “Come here to make fun of me?”
“N-No!” Harry quickly stuttered before Ron or Hermione could say anything.
“Then why come here? To this specific compartment? Aren’t you three popular?” You scoffed looking at them.
“Actually! We come here to say that we admire your bravery? Coming out as anything is difficult-” Harry began.
“We wanted to be your friend? We assumed that you would be lonely?” Ron finally spoke looking at you nervously.
“I don’t need your pity,” you mumbled.
“It’s not out of pity, we genuinely want to be your friends!” Hermione defended.
“Associate with me and you too will be ostracized. No longer invited anywhere. Looked at funny, whispers and whispers, notes, papers, messages, letters everything. Owls everyday, Rita Skeeter wanting to interview you because all of a sudden the weirdest thing that could happen in the wizard world is someone being a lesbian,” you spat hurt in your voice.
“We admire your bravery!” Ron defended. You gave him a suspicious look before shrugging.
“It’s your social life after all. If you want to be friends then I guess we can be.” You said nonchalantly but deep down you were happy. Maybe this will be the start of something new, you were becoming friends with the three most exciting people in all of Hogwarts.
The train came to a stop a fee hours later. You and Hermione stayed up and talked while Harry and Ron took a nap. The train ride to Hogwarts was a long one. It took at least a day to arrive at Hogsmaede and then the ride to Hogwarts was another hour.
You four got off the train and made your way to the carriages. It was cold and dark outside as it was early September.
The carriage carried six people so Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom joined the ride. The ride was awkward, Neville kept nervously looking at you as Luna bombarded you with questions.
“Is it true?” She would ask.
“What?” You replied.
“That you’re a lesbian?” She would say back.
It was an awkward interaction regardless but you didn’t mind it.
Once at the castle you all got off and entered the Great Hall. You heard whispers and laughter as you walked aside Harry.
You took in a deep breath as you coincidentally sat next to the person you came out to first. Lavender Brown. She of course rambled off to her friend Pavarti who then told her sister Padma who then made it her mission to tell the rest of the school.
“Lavender.” You said out of respect.
“(Y/n),” she said being with a fake smile.
The sorting ceremony began as it usually did every school year. More Gryffindors were introduced as the feast began.
“Mmm I really hope theres red velvet cake!” Ron grinned as he served himself food. You picked your favourite food and a good glass of your favourite drink.
Harry and Hermione began chatting about the class schedule and what the new school year will bring.
“What do you want to be?” Harry asked you as you turned and looked at him.
“In the future? Geez. I never really thought about that. My mums an Auror so she was gone days at a time and my dad takes care of Magical Creatures. He wanted to be the Care of Magical Creatures teacher here at Hogwarts but instead decided to move to France and start a career there.” You explained with a frown.
“You can do and be whatever you want and if you never want to work then that’s okay too!” Hermione reassured you.
“I would like to work here at Hogwarts. I could be a Potions teacher or teach Defense Against the Dark Arts!” You smiled.
“I want to be an Auror,” Ron said as he took a bite of his food.
“I honestly just want a normal life,” Harry chuckled. “Being famous is not for me.”
“We talking futures?” Fred Weasley, George Weasley’s twin, asked as he sat close to Harry.
“Fred and I are going to start our own Joke shop!” George Weasley, Fred’s twin, continued sitting next to Fred.
“With what funds?” Ron asked raising his eyebrow. “Mum and dad would never give you money to start up a joke shop.”
“We are selling test products of course!” Fred smiled widely.
“Care to try the products?” George asked as he reached into his pockets and took out a Puking Pastilles. “Beware there is side effects.”
“I’ll pass,” you told them with a look of disgust.
“Yeah, me too…” Hermione mumbled as she took looked grossed out.
“No ones going to want to try that.” Ron mumbled.
“It can get you out of anything. Exams, Owls, Snape’s boring lectures. Anything.” Fred smirked.
“I’ll pass,” Harry fake smiled.
“Suite yourselves. If you ever need to get out of anything do not come begging for a Puking Pastille.” George shrugged as he and Fred left.
Dinner finished as the Head Boy, Head Girl and the Prefects guided their house into their rooms.
“Now please don’t forget the password to the common room or you will not be allowed in!” The Head Boy announced.
“If you do happen to forget. Inform a dorm mate, either head student the prefect and as last resort the Head of house, Ms. McGonagall.” The Head Girl announced reassuringly.
“Yes, but do not make it a habit. We are busy people too.” The Head Boy said causing the Head Girl to roll her eyes.
Once outside the common room they announced the password and let you all in.
“We should settle in,” Hermione announced.
“I heard they’re going to give out big news at breakfast tomorrow.” Ron informed.
“I heard about that too, what do you think it is?” Hermione asked.
“Whatever it is I hope it isn’t anything terrible,” you sighed.
You all said goodnight as you and Hermione headed to the Girls Dorm Room. Lavender and Pavarti were already inside the room as they became quiet the second you entered the room.
“What?” You glared at them.
“Whatever,” Lavender rolled her eyes as she continued to unpack her items.
The room became tense as you glared at Lavender and Pavarti and they whispered about you.
“I wish there was a way these two could leave… Permanently.” You whispered to Hermione, as she unaware of the hostility in the room, continued to unpack her clothes.
“Me too, they have been the worst room mates,” she chuckled causing your face to heat up and your heart to race.
What. The. Fuck?
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tantalizingdaydream · 5 months
can i just say writing dialogue is so hard for what reason like why does it always sound so awkward when i try to write it
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ladiesofhpfest · 3 months
Theme Roundup: Out & Proud, 26 May - 8 June 2024
For our theme period celebrating Pride Month, we were delighted to receive five new works! This brings our total up to 28 works for the summer so far!
Sunshine by @midnightstargazer, 2.2k words, T, Hestia Jones/Emmeline Vance.
Podfic: Claire de Lune by RonsGirlFriday read by @cailynwrites. 13 minutes in length, G, Luna Lovegood.
Take the pose sister (And strut) by @nihilisticnomad, 251 words, G, Angelina Johnson.
A Little FUN at Pride by @snarkygranger1-blog, 1.2k words, E, Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley.
Coming to Terms by @nena-96, 1.5k words, G, Hermione Granger.
Thank you to our creators!! Stay tuned for the next theme!
To see all our works so far, check out our AO3 Collection!
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Summary: The war is over and everyone seems to be settling into the new normal, everyone except Luna. Luna can't stop waking up her roommates with nightmares, nightmares about the horror she experienced in Malfoy Manor, the horror she can't reveal to anyone. Unable to sleep one night, she runs into a certain red-head...
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Image credit to the amazingly talented @naw-sya thank you!
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Moodboard of Ginny Weasley as a butch lesbian.
Requested by: anon.
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