#les confessions
jaimelire-france · 6 days
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Les Confessions est une œuvre complexe et fascinante qui présente une autobiographie et un portrait unique du philosophe Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
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leslovesfatties · 9 months
I feel like the act of being fed by someone is so vulnerable. You know those calories are going to change your body. You’re allowing yourself to be fattened by someone. You’re trusting them. You’ve willingly put yourself in such a vulnerable position. Maybe it’s not that deep but it feels like such a deep connection to me idk
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fayeforrosie · 1 year
Used By You
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Yunjin x Fem! Reader 
You’re closest friend, Yunjin, eagerly invites you to a friends New Years Eve party, almost the entire campus being known to attend this annual event. Nevertheless, after Yunjin sees somebody she would rather never associate with again, things take a turn as she devises a plan to keep this one person away from her, unaware of it’s evident effect on you. 
Warnings- Alcohol consumption, swearing 
It has been a while since you attended a party while in college, the last time being a costume party on Halloween your friend, Yunjin, forced you to go to, the two of you matching in costumes as Daphne and Velma. This time, however, Yunjin begged you for almost a week straight if you could go with her to a New Years Eve party, elucidating how fun it would be with so many people attending and it being an annual celebration you two just had to attend. It was something she couldn’t miss out on, especially without her best friend. 
Nevertheless, your intense romantic feelings, in which she did not know about, got the best of you, and she bounced up and down embracing you tightly as you finally let in and said you would go. 
“Thank you my love! Thank you thank you thank you!” Yunjin expressed gratefully, placing kisses all across your face as her lipstick left marks to remember. You smiled and turned away, scared of her reaction if she were to see how embarresed you were from her actions. 
Before you finalized your makeup and put together the final touches on your hair, you slipped the tight velvet dress onto your body, Yunjin buying it for you the previous day. 
“You look sexy as fuck Y/n woww”, Yunjin took your hand and spun you around in a circle, admiring how you looked in the matching dress she bought for you. You laugh as you return the compliment before the two of you finally put your heels on and walk out the door, grabbing her keys on the way out. 
“I knew you girls would come!” A booming voice greeted you as you walked into the door, almost matching the volume of the music blasting through the speakers, making it almost inaudible. You smile as you get pulled into a tight hug. 
“Hi Chaewon, I missed you”, you smile, her hand staying held in yours as her other does the same to Yunjins, smiling admirably as the both of you. 
“Me too, it’s been a while”, Yunjin subsequently pulls Chaewon into a hug as well, squeezing her tight while a few other girls begin to make their way towards you. 
“Hey sexy ladies! You finally made it!” Sakura shouts behind Chaewon, noticeably drunk as she picks you up and spins you around a couple times before Kazuha needs to stop her from losing her balance. 
You greet all the girls happily, discussing what the two of you had been up to for the past couple weeks and catching up on each other’s lives. It was nice that your friend group was finally back together after being away for so long, a result of Eunchae catching Covid and separating all of you for more than a week. 
After exchanging casualties with others you spot around the room, you and Yunjin begin making the way to the alcohol, her favorite part, before she pours you a glass of Pink Whitney, as does she for herself. You clink your cups together, returning Yunjins wink she sends before you down the cup in one go, squeezing your eyes shut as you wince at the burning sensation immediately traveling to your throat. 
“First one of the night”, Yunjin smiles. 
“Second one?” You ask as you already begin to pour your friend one more, already knowing what her response was going to be. 
“You know me so well.” 
Three cups and two shots in, Yunjins senses begin to perk as she hears a recognizable voice in the room adjacent to her. She furrows her eyebrows and takes a few steps closer to the noise, hoping her ears has only deceived her. 
“Yunjin?” You question, following her tracks before she stops in front of the doorway to the other room. Her gaze falls upon someone in which you can’t see clearly, however by the chocked expression painted across her face, you could immediately tell that it wasn’t someone she wanted to see. 
“Yunjin who is it?” You ask, although silence is returned as a response to your question. 
“Yunjin wha-”
“Y/n i need to do something”, she says fervently, her hands running through her hair as her breath begins to speed up, her anxiety prominently rising. 
“What’s wrong Yunjin? Is everything ok?” Your hands find themselves on either side of her arms, steadying her as she sways back and forth anxiously. 
“Y/n, Jake is here.” 
Oh. Now you understand. 
Jake had been Yunjin’s ex, in which she dated for almost two years until she caught him cheating with a girl from one of his classes. She instantly broke it off with him, tears accessorizing her eyes while she furiously pointed to the door, screaming at him to get out of her dorm. After breaking things off and finally finding herself in a better state than before, Jake offered himself back into her life, begging for a second chance. As much as Yunjin hated to admit it, she wanted to take him back, and even told him that she would think of it. Nonetheless, after a long talk from you, highlighting how she deserves so much better and reminding her of how much he hurt her, Yunjin agreed that she should have no sympathy, and told him no. 
Now, seeing him here at this party, you knew it brought back so many unwanted memories that you knew severely affected Yunjin. You wanted to tell her you should leave and just return back home, but you bit your tongue and allowed her to think of a solution herself. You didn’t want her to get mad at you for just using him as an excuse to leave, as you knew she knew you didn’t want to be here. 
“Y/n what should I do?” She turned to you, her eyes desperate for any idea possible. You bit your lip and tried to think of something, possibly an escape route to head into a private room without being seen. 
Before you knew it, it was too late, and his voice could be heard becoming clearer as he made his way into the room. 
“Y/n what should I do? I seriously can’t bare to see him right now”, Yunjin brought her fingers to her eyebrows and rubbed them intensely, something you noticed she would do when put into such situations, stressed out and worried for herself. 
“Calm down Jin, I promise it will be fine ok”, you rubbed her shoulder in attempt to calm her down, doing no good. 
Suddenly, Jake’s voice was only a few footsteps away, and before you could take a glance at Yunjin to see how she was doing, you found yourself being harshly pushed back into the wall behind you. Thereafter, you felt a soft pair of lips smash into yours, the scent of Yunjin’s perfume she had sprayed before coming immediately entering your senses. 
Your eyes widen forthwith, seeing Yunjin ever so close to you, her eyes closed as her hand found its way to your neck, the other on your waist. You realize fairly after what she was intending to do, and with a hint of hesitation, you lean in closer and kiss her back. 
Her lips tasted as strawberry, the smell of vodka indicating that she possibly had taken another shot without your knowledge. The hand adorning your neck pushes you further into the wall as you feel Yunjin tongue slide skillfully into your mouth, being sure to make it known to others that her tongue was slipping in. 
Your hands slide up to the back of her neck, pulling her immensely closer to your body as you find yourself being carried away in the moment. Shortly after, you feel Yunjin pulling away from the kiss, and thinking the two of you are safe now, you begin to straighten yourself up, however Yunjin forces you back against the wall and instantly attacks your neck. Her tongue slides across your collar bone, and you do your best to hold in the noise that is dying to slip past your lips. 
She sucks on your neck, making her way up towards your ear before she whispers the words “is he gone yet?” 
You turn your head to the side, eyeing his figure as you see that he is now out of the room and occupying himself with a few other friends. You contemplate on telling her that he hasn’t been looking for the past twenty seconds, enjoying every second of what was happening, however you give in. 
“He just walked out”, you say. 
Yunjin sighs out of relief, taking her lips off of your neck and turning around to check if he really was gone. 
You couldn't stop the blush from spreading across your cheeks.
But it didn’t feel right to you. You had been in love with Yunjin ever since she bought you flowers on the first year anniversary of your friendship. You had never gotten such attention from someone, realizing that all of your previous friendships were primarily based on the effort you put in, not them. Yunjin was the first real best friend that you ever had met, not only throughout college, but within your entire life. She always put so much effort into being sure you were attended to, and when she bought those flowers, you finally realized how much you appreciated how she treated you, and you began to see her in a different way. A way you were afraid she didn’t feel the same about.
Now, seeing that she was not affected in any sense after deliberately making out with you in front of the whole party, you realize the high possibility of her not feeling the same, and that she truly was only using you as a way to keep her ex away.    
“Five minutes until midnight!!” A voice can be heard shouting from the living room. 
Yunjin turns around and smiles, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the eruption of noise. Shaking your head, you pull your arm out of her grasp, and she turns around with a confused look painting itself across her expression. She notices the exceedingly upset look on your face, unable to read how you feel at the moment. 
“Y/n...”, she begins, “what’s the matter? Did something happen?” 
You scoff, “Yunjin... you’re unbelievable.” 
Her face drops, eyes furrowing as she takes a step closer. 
“What? Why? What did I do? What happened Y/n?”
“Four minutes!!” More cheers are heard in the background, but you choose to ignore them, only caught up in the girl before you. 
“What happened? Are you seriously asking what happened?” Your eyes begin to water, and you do the best to hold everything in, but you can’t help but allow a tear to fall briskly down your reddened cheek. 
Yunjin takes one more step closer, attempting to pull you in and comfort you, but you only take one back, your head now faced down towards the brown wooden floor. 
“Y/n I seriously don’t understa-”
“Come on guys! Are you not coming?” You feel your arm being tugged from the side, shifting your gaze over to the girl in which it belonged to. You see Sakura ahead of you, her hand still placed on your arm as she turns around once again and pulls you towards the living room, the intense amount noise being too loud for your liking. 
Yunjin, being pulled as well by Chaewon, looks back towards your figure worriedly, knowing that you were bothered by loud noises. 
“Three minutes!” 
Yunjin finds you in the crowd of people, standing next to Sakura, her hand now off of yours and holding onto Kazuha. 
“Y/n... please tell me what I did”, Yunjin grabs your hand and squeezes them in her hand, and you attempt to pull away, but she only holds tighter and brings you closer to her. 
“I don’t like it when you’re mad at me Y/n, and I really don’t like it when you’re sad.”
The tears can’t hold themselves back anymore, spilling speedily from your eyes and landing below you onto the rug you stood atop. Yunjin, seeing the tears now spilling from your eyes, brings her hands to your cheeks, forcing you to look at her. 
“Two minutes!” 
She rubs a few tears from your cheek. 
“Y/n/n, please tell me what’s wrong. Please. I want to be here for you.”
You sob, allowing her hands to stay put on your cheeks. 
“You don’t understand Yunjin!” You shout, although it is too loud anyway for any surrounding people to notice what was going on. 
“What don’t I underst-”
“One minute!” The clock on the television counts down from sixty, and the crowd around you begins to count as well. 
“Yunjin you kissed me before”, you begin, tears still falling rapidly. “You kissed me and you just turned around like nothing happened!” 
“I- I'm so sorry Y/n, if I knew you were uncomfortable with it I wouldn’t have-”
“Did you not feel anything?” You cut her off, now upset that she was missing your implications.
“Ten!” Ten more seconds until the new year. 
“Did your heart not flutter? Did your stomach not immediately fill with butterflies?” 
“Seven!” Seven more seconds, it was inevitable. 
“Did you not want to lean back in and kiss me like you really loved me?” 
“Five!” Five seconds. Drinks were already starting to be poured. 
“Because I did!” 
“Four!” Balloons are beginning to float around aimlessly. 
“I wanted more Yunjin!”
“Three!” Sweaty bodies around you start to jump up and down excitingly.
“Do you not understand?” 
“Two!” The tv volumed is turned up to max. 
“I wanted more because I love you Yunjin!” 
“One! Happy new year!” 
Drinks are spilling down everyone's mouth, kisses being passed around the room as hats are thrown carelessly through the air. However, you are not paying attention to any of your surrounding, feeling a tug on your neck. 
Yunjin’s lips connect to yours, her hands holding the back of your neck as if you could slip out of your grasp as any given. Feeling her soft strawberry lips back on yours once more, you finally feel a sense of relief.
“Of course I wanted more Y/n”, she smiles after she pulls away. 
“I’ve wanted more ever since I met you.” 
I literally threw this together off the top of my head only because I've been in my Yunjin era fr🫶 Anyway sorry I havent been posting as much, very busy year ahead🥲🥲
Adding Le sserafim to the masterlist🤭💖
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Films watched in 2023.
Top 10 May.
1. My Own Private Idaho (Gus Van Sant, 1991) 2. Scorpio Rising (Kenneth Anger, 1963) 3. Suspicion (Alfred Hitchcock, 1941)   4. All I Desire (Douglas Sirk, 1953) 5. One Girl’s Confession (Hugo Haas, 1953) 6. Fumer fait tousser (Quentin Dupieux, 2022) 7. Les Signes (Eugène Green, 2006) 8. El asesino de Pedralbes (Gonzalo Herralde, 1978) 9. Always for Pleasure (Les Blank, 1978) 10. Sabishinbô (Nobuhiko Ôbayashi, 1985)  
(My list on Letterboxd -click here-)
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stillinthetimeloop · 2 months
sometimes I think about that time I was in a production of les mis where I was cast as grantaire and enjolras was being played by a girl i was ridiculously and pathetically down bad for. like jesus christ the irony but anyways lesbian enjoltaire has happened at least once so you're welcome les mis girlies. I was out there method acting.
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briebysabs · 9 months
It is possible mochijun has vanoé be in the same state as ozlice, a form of love that is beyond labels. And I’d love that but when having Noé react during Vanitas lines like: “I have no interest in a person who’d fall for me”
“As if anyone would fall for a person like me”
“Fall for me” is a phrase almost always used in romantic context. Vanitas uses it that way, I don’t know if this is an exact translation of what is said in japanese. But I would assume the connotation is still a romantic one, not just vague “love”. That’s why I’m so curious where she’s taking their relationship, especially on Noe’s end bc he’s narrating this. There’s too many vanoé moments that have an underlying layer of “not platonic”. We saw Noé dance with Domi at the Bal Masque and him dancing with Vanitas later on.
Those two scenes are treated very differently when they didn’t have to be. Noé remembering the time he met Vanitas with literal rose-tinted glasses. This isn’t really done for someone who’s just a “dear friend.” At least in manga. That’s why I don’t agree with vanoé being queerbait because it cheapens their relationship. This isn’t fan-service, they are important scenes for their characters and the story. There is thought and planning behind it. Explicitly canon or not.
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beardedmrbean · 18 days
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My favorite thing about Kabru is the fact he is basically near identical to Javert from Les Mis and the fact that people really don’t understand that about the character sometimes makes me so sad.
I’m not big on the fanon Kabru ships because of that. A lot of fanon just do not get his determination and his true intentions/motivations right.
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clarisinne · 4 months
how are there people who never rewatch things like if i'm hyperfixating i'm rewatching that shit 40 times seriously i can't even tell you how many times i have rewatched les mis but i am guessing it's close to 20 for full rewatches and MUCH HIGHER for partial rewatches???? i need it in my bloodstream how is watching it once gonna be enough
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romangoldendreams · 7 months
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Ophelia, I'm unhappy. 'Cause I want you. 'Cause my mind has seized on you and can think of nothing else. This is why I've suffered. I am sick with longing. I don't eat, I don't sleep. So, if you have come with no feeling for me, then go. Go. Go. Get out. Leave
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newwave-confessions · 10 months
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“One of the many things that I don't like about MLB's Derision ep. is that not only they're blaming all of Marinette's bad actions on Chloe (instead of just making Mari own up to her bad actions and just get positive character development along the way), but as soon as she realizes that her trauma "ALL" comes from Chloe herself, she suddenly has this huge happy, cheery, go-lucky relief moment from realizing that this person (AND two other people, but the writers don't care and excuses their actions tho) has caused her really bad trauma. Like, neither the writers nor Thomas has NO IDEA how trauma works. It's just really weird to me because if I was her, I don't know if I really would be all happy-go-lucky in getting a realization of who was the person who caused my horrendous trauma, ESPECIALLY if they're still in my life. That scene was just SO WEIRD to me. 
They flaunt trauma in this cartoon like it's nothing, let alone the fact that they were trying to make us believe that Marinette's bad behavior was supposed to be funny/the joke in prior seasons. This episode also ruined Kim and Kim x Ondine for me. Kim was a part of Marinette’s trauma, but just because he says a simple sorry, then all’s good. Not to mention that almost in entirety of the episode, Kim was very sure of himself that the way he thought wasn’t wrong, and that people just “can’t take a joke”. However, he easily changes his mind about it and apologizes??? And why hasn’t Marinette shown uneasiness around Kim too outside of the episode??? 
I don’t know why Marinette, Adrien and ESPEICALLY Ondine would forgive him after that? Ondine (and even MAX since he’s Kim’s best friend AND I use to ship them in canon a lot) deserve better tbh.”
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lesmisscraper · 6 months
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Marius' confession that he and Cosette would spend more times toghter, and Valjean's confession that he was an ex-convict. Volume 5, Book 7, Chapter 1.
Clips from <Il cuore di Cosette>.
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pierppasolini · 1 year
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Bruno Reidal: confession d'un meurtrier (2021) // dir. Vincent Le Port
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homestuckconfession · 2 months
the fandom way overhypes lil' Hal / AR. he (and by assosiation dirk) really not that deep. and ive been seeing it overlap into conflating doc scratch / Lord English to just Hal 2 which totally erases caliborns entire character and arc and tbh caliborn is so much more interesting than dirk and hal will ever be
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cestmoiquand · 13 days
A mes voisins, qui ont capitulé , et qui ont rallumé le chauffage le 14 juin.
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