#ler bubblegum
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veryblushyswitch · 1 year ago
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19. Arms Up
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heyy-dont-mind-me · 6 months ago
Prince Orange gum and Onceler the Vampire King
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veryblushyswitch · 1 year ago
TICKLISH SIMON!!! 💖 And stop I love that he has dimples and gets flustered so easily!!! 😭💖💖
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You Can’t Do This, I’m Old!
AN: Thus marks the end of my head start on tickletober lmao. This was so much fun to write! I hope we see more Fionna & Cake fics come out of the community, this show is amazing! Just some Simon & Marcy fluff with bonus bubbline, here’s day 7! Don’t expect the new fics to be as long as these last few have been. Enjoy!
Bubblegum and Marceline had been quietly giggling to themselves at the kitchen table while Simon occupied himself with an old documentary. It featured the animals of the old world, his world, before the fallout and magic turned them into fantastical monsters. Out of all the things he missed from his time, he had neglected to appreciate the mundane creatures. He regretted not giving them the proper attention while he had the chance, so his eyes were glued to the screen, doing a fairly good job of tuning out the loud conversation happening a few feet away.
Bubblegum held some kind of bright pink gun in her hands, fiddling with a knob on the side to change the setting to makeover. She aimed the device at her girlfriend and pulled the trigger.
Marceline coughed and sputtered as she waved away a cloud of smoke, looking down at her clothes and burst into loud laughter. Her ripped jeans and band t-shirt-turned-crop-top were replaced by a purple tube top and a hot pink tutu, complete with pink fishnets and heels.
"Oho man, I look like some rich tranch!" she exclaimed, reaching across the table to grab the gun. "My turn!"
Bubblegum jokingly tried to keep it out of reach before letting her yoink it from her grasp. Marceline took aim and fired, another bout of laughter overtaking her.
PB had been sporting a casual look, with shorts and a soft sweater, but now stood in a polka dot leotard and a rainbow wig.
"What the jam! Mine's way worse!" she cried, taking the gun back. Simon finally glanced over to see what all the fuss was about and smiled fondly before returning his attention to the screen. She held the  gun upside down and pulled the trigger once more, reverting their outfits back to normal. She looked at the settings listed on the side and chuckled to herself, blocking it with her hand as she turned the knob.
"Hey I wanna see!" Marceline craned her neck to read over her shoulder, but her view was effectively blocked. When she was done, she pointed the gun and pulled the trigger, this time conducting a scan. When seemingly nothing changed, but Bonnie was still giggling at the device, Marceline was more than skeptical.
"Okay, what did it do?" she asked, hand on her hip.
"C'mere, look!" Bubblegum waved her over to look at the small screen on the back of the device. Marceline shuffled over, resting her chin on Bonnie's shoulder to peer at the screen. It displayed a full view of Marceline in a T-pose, various parts of her body glowing different colors.
Marceline was about to ask just what the hell she was supposed to be looking at, when the words at the top of the screen caught her attention. They read: Tickle-O-Meter. She reeled back with a playful shout, shoving Bonnie's shoulder as she giggled.
"Whahat? I needed a leg up for our tickle fights! Now, I know aaaaall your seeeeecreeets!" she said in a mock spooky voice, wiggling her fingers threateningly.
"Wanna bet I still win?" Marcy challenged, leaning across the table with a smug smirk. Bubblegum blushed, too flustered to realize Marceline had stolen the gun and scanned her before she could stop her.
"Ooo interesting," Marceline drawled as she took in the information, keeping Bubblegum at bay with one hand and keeping their new toy out of reach with the other. She looked her up and down and smirked, snickering behind her hand.
"Your palms? Really dude?" she teased, snatching for her wrist. Bubblegum squealed and yanked her arm back protectively.
"Hey, it only got really bad after my candy powers came in!" she said defensively, a nervous smile playing at her lips.
"Aaaw, that's cute. Gimme," Marcy made another grab for her hand, this time being successful. Bubblegum was already giggling and weakly tugging on her arm. She couldn't stop the surprised snort that escaped as her girlfriend began scratching the center of her open hand. Bonnie's laugh was high pitched and joyous as she kicked her legs under the table, laying her head down on the smooth surface to hide her blushing face.
"Ohoho man, you're in trouble now. I don't think I'll ever let you live this down!" she taunted, going as far as to add an evil chuckle.
"Mahaharcy plehehease!" she begged through her laughter, smacking the table with her free hand, which Marceline promptly snatched up and switched targets.
"In a sec, can't ignore ol' lefty over there!" she laughed at her own joke, giving the same treatment to Bonnie's other hand.
The scene was sweet and domestic, and Simon loved nothing more than seeing Marceline be happy... but they could be rather loud. He didn't want to ruin their fun however, so he compensated by turning the volume up on the tv. The narrator's voice could just be heard over the sound of giddy shrieks and giggles as he settled back on the couch.
Marceline had let go of her hand, opting instead to kiss and nibble on Bubblegum's neck, leaving her thrashing around and cackling. She finally managed to shove her head away, sticking her tongue out as Marceline wore a smug grin.
"You're mean," Bonnie said, though the smile softened her words.
"Mmm, you like it when I'm mean," she shrugged. The princess just rolled her eyes, fondly shaking her head.
"Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that," she quipped, eyes lighting up when she saw the pink gun still laying on the table. The quickly tapped Marcy to get her attention, pointing at the gun, then at Simon.
"Oo oo do him next!" she exclaimed in a loud whisper. The look of mischief that crossed Marceline's face was downright horrifying.
"Now why didn't I think of that?" she wondered aloud, lining up her "shot."
"Because I'm the genius," Bonnie piped up, smirking at the playful glare sent her way. She pulled the trigger, and within seconds a diagram of Simon appeared on the screen. Practically his entire body was lit up.
Neither girl could contain themselves.
Simon was really trying to pay attention to his show, but curiosity killed the cat, as they say.
"Okay I'll bite, what is so funny over there?" he asked, pausing the tv.
"Just this cool new gadget PB made. Here, check it out!" Marceline tossed him the gun, watching him fumble for a second before securing it in his hands. She floated over to the couch and set next to him, watching as he admired the sleek design.
"Fine craftsmanship as always," he complimented and Bonnie beamed with pride. It didn't take him long to notice the screen with his likeness on it. He squinted, leaning in. "Now that's funny, why am I all glowy like that?" Bubblegum barely stifled a laugh as she stood behind the couch.
Simon adjusted his glasses as he read, muttering the words to himself under his breath and cutting off abruptly. His posture was ramrod straight, and a blush was quickly spreading across his cheeks. Wordlessly, he handed the gun to Marcy with stiff, almost robotic movements and stood up to head to the bathroom.
If only luck would have it.
Marceline easily pulled him back down onto the couch, wrapping an arm around his shoulders to keep him in place.
"How come I never knew this about you?" she asked casually, too casually in Simon's humble opinion.
"Oh uh, I-I don't know. It was the apocalypse, we had more important things to worry about," he deflected the question.
"Yeah, but you still made sure I had plenty of time for fun and games. And I think I did ask, and you were super dodgy about it. Kinda like now," she teased, nudging him with her elbow. He scooted away and let out an annoyed huff.
"I know what you're talking about, and I was not being dodgy, I was totally going to answer but then an oozer came out of an alley and we got distracted!" he explained in a ramble.
"Excuse excuses," she said, grinning from ear to ear. Simon couldn't help but smile when he looked at her, and he rolled his eyes with a huff.
"Besides, I'm too old for that nonsense anyway."Hoping to end the discussion, he reached for the remote, but it wasn't on the arm of the couch where he had left it a second ago. "Wha-?" he looked around for it and froze when he saw Bubblegum staring down at him, remote in hand. It was just the distraction Marceline had needed to pounce.
"Too old for THIS?" Within an instant, Simon's face was smushed into the cushions as Marceline tackled him. She heard a low groan from under her.
"Yes! And I think I broke my nose on your brick of a couch," he mumbled into the red leather, making Marcy laugh.
She rolled him onto his back and checked his nose, which looked perfectly fine. "Nah, I think you're good." She said, resting her hands on his sides. The touch made him flinch, expecting a her to strike. Well, he didn't plan on sticking around for it to turn to that.
He was trying to crawl out from under Marceline when she tweaked his side, causing him to squeal and effectively stopping him in his tracks.
"Where ya goin' Simon?" she asked, and he could hear her smirk.
"To the bathroom, where there's a door and a lock," he sassed, still attempting to drag himself to safety.
"Woooow, so you're really not gonna let me test this out?" she spoke with a lower, more dejected tone than before. Simon furrowed his brows and stopped his struggling.
"Hey, what's with the long face?" he asked, growing concerned as he watched her lower lip start to tremble.
Bonnie rolled her eyes. "She's just trying to guilt trip you Simon-"
"Shh!" she cut her off in a harsh whisper before getting back in character. "Pleeeeeaaaase Simon?" she asked, batting her lashes. He pointedly looked away from her.
"Pleeeeeaaaaaase?" she begged louder, poking along his side. He barely held back a few snickers, batting at her hands as a blush spread across his face.
"Marcy!" he "scolded," hiding a growing smile behind his hand.
"Come on, you have to let me! You never laugh anymore," she justified her case, causing him to turn a few shades darker and stumble for an answer.
"Wha- no! That's not true, I laugh all the time!" he argued.
"Oh yeah? When's the last time you laughed then?" she challenged. He opened his mouth to answer, but promptly shut it as he thought about the question. He crossed his arms and looked away, a smart remark on his tongue.
"Well I don't keep track." Marceline scoffed and Bonnie chuckled, knowing he just sealed his fate.
It was the last coherent thing he said.
He had no hope of holding back the shriek he made when Marceline squeezed his hips, nor the giggles when she continued up his sides.
"Mahaharcy wahahait!" he cried, wrapping his arms around his stomach and sides tightly. To his surprise, she stopped.
Simon stared at her in shock and apprehension. "Wha-?"
"You said to wait. So, what am I waiting for, exactly?" she asked, smugness creeping into her voice.
"You're really gonna do this to a poor, old man like me?" he asked, trying to pull a reverse on the guilt trip from earlier. He wasn't nearly as good as Marceline.
"Mm, technically you're not that old," she said, eyeing him with an evil smile. "So I think you're fair game." She loomed over him, hands poised and ready to strike. Simon jerked back with a squeak that sent both girls giggling. He couldn't remember the last time he blushed this much.
He grabbed a pillow from behind and buried his face in it, flopping back on the couch in a tight ball. "If you're gonna kill me, just do it already."
"Well, you heard him," Bonnie teased, and Simon scoffed from behind the fabric.
"Hold on," Marcy took advantage of Simon's ball form and picked him up, setting him on the floor. Simon leered over the top of the pillow at her, clearly disgruntled. "What? Just thought it'd be more comfortable."
"More like I'm easier prey," he snarked, a small prideful smile finding his lips when the retort made Marceline crack up.
"Ohoho man Simon, you know me too well!" she teased, scribbling her fingers over her sides and tummy. He tried to choke back his giggles, but they bubbled to the surface and broke through the dam.
She poked sporadically all over his belly, and he was a jittery mess of nerves and and laughter. At first he tried to keep up and block her roaming hands, but she proved to be too quick and he resigned himself to his fate, focusing his efforts on muffling his laughter and hiding his red face.
"Aw, don't hide! That smile is just as rare as your laugh!" An indignant cry sounded from behind the pillow.
"Thahat's not true!"
"Sure it is!" she chirped, pinching up his ribs. He snorted, deep chuckles pitching higher until they morphed into shrill snickers and shrieks. His legs kicked out uselessly, catching PB's attention.
"I think you could use a hand... or foot!" she joked, holding Simon's feet in the air as she caught them in a headlock. He shrieked and tugged on his trapped legs, curling up on his side and resembling a shrimp.
"NO! Princess, you dohohon't hahave to play alohohong!" he pleaded through helpless giggles. Marceline flashed a downright sinister grin, one that her girlfriend shared.
"Oho so it is a game to you!" Marcy teased, scribbling her sharp nails across his tummy, wiggling a finger inside his bellybutton. Simon positively shrieked and arched his back, cackling at the top of his lungs when Bonnie joined in, scratching along his arches.
"N-nohohot what I mehehehahant!" he whined, but he had to admit, it felt kind of good to laugh like this. And it was nice that Marcy was the one making him laugh: that she wanted to. And it would seem as though their resident evil scientist was also rather interested at the task at hand, judging by the way she targeted different pressure points on his feet. He snorted each time she pressed and wiggled her thumbs on a new spot, feet curling at the touch.
"Well I remember a game you used to play with me all the time," she said, mischief seeping into her words. She gave him a quick breather, which he was more than grateful for. He laid his head back against the floor, eyes closed as his chest rose and fell heavily before evening out. When he opened his eyes again, he really wished he hadn't, and shut them with a squeak.
She had been wiggling her fingers mere inches from his body, and chose that moment to strike. She dove for his ribs, kneading between the bones and sending him into a fit of babbling cackles.
Simon felt more flustered than he's ever been and thought for sure they were going to kill him, but he couldn't find it in himself to hate this. Marcy had been right, he really didn't laugh like he used to, and his smile was much rarer nowadays... Maybe he really did need this, not that he'd admit it out loud. His stubborn nature won't allow it.
Thankfully, they didn't carry on too much longer, granting mercy when his laugh turned silent and wheezy. Bonnie let go of his legs and crawled over to sit by him, but Marcy remained in his lap.
He was red faced, tears of laughter sparkling in his eyes and glasses askew on his face, but he was smiling more than Marceline had ever seen.
"Whoa, I didn't know you had dimples!" she exclaimed. Simon touched his cheek, surprised.
"Heh, you're right. Y'know, I actually forgot I had them."
"Well that's what happens when you don't smile," she teased cheekily with a shrug. He scoffed, rolling his eyes and gave her a light shove. She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck in a crushing hug. He let out a noise of surprise before returning the hug with a warm smile.
"Well I'm glad you had your fun," he said in a playfully condescending tone.
"Oh whatever! I know you had fun Simon."
Simon opened his mouth to protest, but stopped himself short. He wasn't very fond of lying.
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whatiwishfanfiction · 7 months ago
Chapter 8 is up!
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He'd finally become such a joke to the townsfolk, it seemed they'd entirely forgotten he was human.
Instead of just tomatoes, the grocer volunteered wheelbarrows of spoiled produce that some teenagers mixed with glass and rocks. A particularly well aimed stone knocked out a tooth as he was belting out his favorite jingle:
"The Thneed is good, the Thneed is grea—YOW!"
Once-ler usually didn't stop for anything, but the taste of blood made him drop his guitar on his foot. This hurt even worse, so he sprang up and down. The guitar bounced onto the concrete while the crowd laughed and cheered.
Once-ler didn't get a chance to see if the instrument had broken, because, in a fit of enthusiasm, the mean little girl with red hair ensured this was the case. She smashed it on the ground with the second worst noise Once-ler had ever heard.
A tomato landed in his stunned face, but he didn't even feel it. He just watched open-mouthed as fruits and vegetables pelted him and the girl stomped on the pieces, giggling with her parents who stood back and watched.
"Alright, sweetie, that's enough, we have to get to Grandma's house," the mother finally told her. She smiled and pulled out a big bag of chocolate-coated pretzels for her daughter as they walked away.
Once-ler's last shred of optimism finally evaporated. After his father had passed away, the guitar had been the only good memory he'd had from home.
"THAT'S IT!" he roared. "I've had enough!" He stormed from the gazebo with tears in his eyes.
Only the baker looked slightly sympathetic. She twisted a strand of curly brown hair around her finger as he strode past.
"Is this really the way to treat a stranger?!" he heard her yell at the grocer.
"Oh, come on, Norma, he's just a self-centered out-of-towner." The grocer sounded slightly abashed.
Once-ler turned to see Norma stomp her foot. "I know he is, and I know that piece of junk he's selling looks like a wadded up piece of bubblegum with hairs stuck in it, but you just gotta understand! Homeless mentally ill folks need to be shown charity..."
Her words just infuriated Once-ler more. "My family was right. I quit!" He ripped the Thneed from his neck, and accidentally whipped the baker in the face as he threw it away. It knocked off her glasses, which fell to the ground and shattered. Oops.
He walked away faster. Luckily his long legs took him back to the forest before anyone could call the police.
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eunchancorner · 2 years ago
Idea: Kevin can blush different shades of pink (on both his face and his tummy), and this is a source of ENDLESS teasing and cooing over.
For example, say he's approached by one of his bfs, he turns a peach pink.
Bf(s) flirts with him, he's more of a bubblegum pink (slightly darker).
When teases happen, he becomes more magenta.
And when tickles happen, he's bound to turn red.
Oml I love thattt! I bet the bfs have their own favorite shades, too. Streber loves that little bubblegum pink, and red is Ethan's favorite color! Streber's got the dorkiest little flirts, too, that never fail to fluster Kevin, and Ethan's got the ler tendencies, so they're all set to get Kevin to blush their favorite way, and we all know Kevin, despite being a flustered mess, ADORES all the attention! It's a win-win situation for all of them!
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my-chaos-radio · 1 year ago
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Release: November 16, 2012
Saw you leaning against that old record machine
Saw the name of your band written on the marquee
It's a full moon tonight so we gettin' rowdy
Yeah, we gettin' rowdy, get-get-gettin' rowdy
Feeling like I'm a high schoo-ler sipping on a warm wine cooler
Hot 'cause the party don't stop, I'm in a crop top like I'm working at Hooters
We been keepin' it PG but I wanna get a little frisky
Come gimme some of that, yum like a lollipop, let me set you free
C'mon 'cause I know what I like
And you're looking just like my type
Let's go for it just for tonight
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Now don't even try to deny
We're both going home satisfied
Let's go for it just for tonight
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Write our names on the wall in the back of the bar
Steal some bubblegum from the corner meximart
Yeah, we're laughing like kids causing trouble in the dark
Causing trouble in the dark, tr-tr-trouble in the dark
Feeling like a saber-tooth tiger sipping on a warm Budweiser
Touch me and gimme that rush, better pack a toothbrush, gonna pull an all-nighter
We been keepin' it Kosher, but I wanna get it on fo' sure
Come gimme some of that, yum like a lollipop, baby, don't be scared
C'mon 'cause I know what I like
And you're looking just like my type
Let's go for it just for tonight
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Now don't even try to deny
We're both going home satisfied
Let's go for it just for tonight
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon
I don't wanna go to sleep
I wanna stay up all night
I wanna just screw around
I don't wanna think about
What's gonna be after this
I wanna just live right now
I don't wanna go to sleep
I wanna stay up all night
I wanna just screw around
I don't wanna think about
What's gonna be after this
I wanna just live right now
C'mon 'cause I know what I like
And you're looking just like my type
Let's go for it just for tonight
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Now don't even try to deny
We're both going home satisfied
Let's go for it just for tonight
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Benjamin Levin / Bonnie Leigh Mckee / Henry Russell Walter / Kesha Sebert / Lukasz Gottwald / Max Martin
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clowntiggles · 3 years ago
My creative mojo has been totally bunk lately but I'm still trying to pound out this fic. It's not very good rn but sometimes you just gotta blunt force your way through things yknow.
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jefpoo421 · 5 years ago
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How did I end up with such a bubble-gummy palette?
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xxweirdaruxx · 7 years ago
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i know ive said that i wouldnt get into askblog once-lers, but this guy was cute
(including a close up bc i feel like my phone camera fucked it up)
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heyy-dont-mind-me · 6 months ago
I'm just your Problem (Animatic) Feat. Prince Orange Gum(Prince Scott) and Onceler the Vampire king
Not my usual style cuz I was keeping with the Adventure time art style—
Kinda half assed parts of it cuz I was getting tired but yee here it is‐!
Also the one for Finn's place is Ted Wiggins and Pipsqueak as BMO, cuz yes.
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rusame · 4 years ago
Weekly RusAme FanFiction updates (Aug 30, 2020 - Sep 05, 2020)
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Hello Friends! Here are this week's RusAme new FF.net, AO3, and WattPad fanfics.
If you find some of them to your liking, please be sure to read and review the fanfic since it will surely make the author's day
P.S. Don't forget to check the fanfic's maturity rate and warnings (if there's any) first before checking them out. Happy Read and Review! :)
AO3 Updates (14 FanFics) :
1. Be A Hero (Chapter 17) - by JuliusCaesarBitches
2. 【正剧向】花与枪 (Chapter 5) - by 00CaFFEINE
3. The Once-lers (Chapter 3) - by SmolBean9
4. Drawing Dead (Chapter 18) - by Drewyth
5. 战斗女仆阿尔弗 (Chapter 8) - by Briersville
6. Bubblegum B!tch - by RussianWeirdo
7. 【冷战组】葵种 - by 00CaFFEINE
8. 一颗迪斯科球引发的婚礼 - by Briersville
9. (Don't) Write to Me (Chapter 10) - by rdirf
10. Heart of Hearing (Chapter 64) - by Hanelli and Jupiterra
11. A star is born (Chapter 9) - by swifties007
12. 50+ Personification Children Wreaking Havoc (Chapter 18) - by AlexHosler
13. A Cruel Fantasy (Chapter 11) - by arrieberries
14. Fixing You And I (Chapter 2) - by writtenbyvenus
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Soundtrack para uma quarentena #18: India Malhoa – India Malhoa
Sim, isto é uma review ao álbum de estreia da India Malhoa. Essa mesma, filha da Ana Malhoa, cujo single “Lollipop” é viral, por motivos não muito simpáticos. Sim, ela tem todo um álbum, lançado em 2011. É tudo o que se espera de um álbum da India Malhoa. E plot twist: eu gosto, genuinamente e assumidamente, desse álbum. Não é o melhor álbum de sempre… Mas e daí é por isso que gosto dele.
Quem me conhece bem sabe que tenho uma obsessão pouco saudável com a música da India Malhoa. Fui introduzido ao fenómeno pela “Lollipop”, como toda a gente, e até hoje divirto-me a mostrar essa música aos não-iniciados para ver a reação. Porque, sejamos sinceros: a música não é particularmente boa. É bubblegum-pop-teenybopper vazio e com produção simplista. O álbum aventura-se por produções um pouco mais complexas e letras tecnicamente mais profundas (o que, sejamos sinceros, não era difícil).
É preciso lembrar, e relembrar, e lembrar de novo: não sou o público-alvo deste álbum, e provavelmente se estão a ler esta review também não o são. O álbum está coberto por uma energia tween, como se fosse um cupcake coberto de glacé cor de rosa com sprinkles em forma de corações e unicórnios. Mas é exatamente por isso que estas músicas são tão interessantes: não há, em nenhuma destas faixas, uma gota de pretensiosismo. É um álbum que sabe exatamente o que é e o que quer dar, e fá-lo da maneira mais sugary possível.
Há um tipo especial de emoção genuina em trabalhos como estes. As letras são profundamente relatable, mesmo que por vezes possam soar vazias ou desconexas: Pois eu só quero viver / e ganhar ou perder / é o caminho que escolho agora / Tenho muito que aprender / mas só quero viver / tenho a vida à espera lá fora (“Vivo a Vida na Boa”). Por vezes chegam de facto a soar como uma série de hashtags em sequência, mas hey, soa bem!
A produção, essa, é um caos. O álbum abre com “És Só Tu (Que Me Faz Feliz)”, com sons extraídos diretamente de uma qualquer faixa de synthpop dos anos 80, “O Show Vai Começar” é uma faixa de pop para encher estádios, e as faixas “Sou A India” ou “Um Dia Tão Perfeito” (a minha preferida do álbum todo, fyi) têm uma base faux-punk. Não há duas músicas semelhantes… O que também não é mau, já que faz da experiência de ouvir o álbum um constante descobrir de tesouros.
No meio de tudo isto, a voz de India, fica um pouco aquém. Nota-se claramente o facto de se tratar de uma miúda de 12 anos (se as contas estão certas), com o range a falhar algumas vezes, e a afinação a escapar em alguns momentos. Mas o esforço é louvável, com muitas faixas carregadas de energia. O que, de novo, encaixa com os objetivos do álbum. Nunca fui uma miúda de 12 anos, mas se ouvisse este álbum, de certeza que ficaria de coração cheio.
Naturalmente, nem essa ideia consegue salvar todas as músicas, com toda esta mistura a produzir algumas faixas inexplicáveis. A “Lollipop” não está neste álbum, mas existe aqui uma pérola negra intitulada “DJ Aumenta o Som”. Tem um ritmo de disco-house e auto-tune, e um refrão com as linhas DJ eu quero ao teu som dançar / e ao teu beat eu vou-me entregar / vá lá DJ usa esse teu dom / e aumenta o som. É uma música, a bem dizer, péssima. What where they thinking? O álbum, com toda a sua força, não deixa de ser um pastiche colado por um produtor qualquer de meia idade, e por vezes isso nota-se, com o álbum a soar “falso”, acabado de sair de uma fábrica de ídolos pop.
Não sou cego nem surdo (e acho que estúpido também não). Sei perfeitamente da carga imensa de produção por trás deste álbum, sei da árvore genealógica da cantora, conheço a máquina de produção de ídolos para a faixa etária pré-teen. E é exatamente por isso que este álbum e a figura da India Malhoa me fascina tanto: se lhe fosse dada a possibilidade, hoje em dia, de gravar um álbum, sem pressões de editoras e de estatutos, o que saía? Um álbum de malhas power pop? Um disco de sensibilidades RnB? Um conjunto de bangers para rebentar com qualquer discoteca? Preciso de saber, desesperadamente.
Até lá, continuo a navegar neste oceano açucarado e cheio de glitter que é este álbum. Porque, como disse, gosto genuinamente deste álbum. Ou vá, de algumas faixas. E vou continuar a ouvir. Porque, principalmente em tempos tão negros como esta quarentena, de vez em quando faz falta sentirmo-nos como miúdas pré-adolescentes, à espera do primeiro amor, com a vida e todas as esperanças à espera no dia seguinte.
 JK, 30/03/2020
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witchy-tickler · 6 years ago
I guess I was tagged
@sinfie you’re lucky I love you
1. Replay -Iyaz
2. In my Head -Jason Derulo (I swear I don’t just have bops from when I was younger)
3. DJ Got Us Fallin’ in Love -Usher (ft. Pitbull)
4. Love like Woe -The Ready Set (I SWEAR. It’s mostly musicals)
5. Marry Me -Train (I give up on Spotify)
6. I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) -The Proclaimers
7. Finale [Dear Evan Hansen] -Ben Platt, Original Broadway Cast (FINNA-FUCKING-LY)
8. POP 101 -Marianas Trench (<- THATS SOME GOOD SHIT)
9. Sincerely, Me -Mike Faist, Ben Platt, Will Roland
10. Bubblegum Bitch -MARINA
Tags: @imnotalee @catholic-vigilante @mysterious-ler @lo-ki-ticklish @ anyone else!
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yazmns · 3 years ago
bubblegum: books or movies?
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          livros,  com  toda  certeza  do  mundo.  além  de  não  ter  paciência  pra  assistir  algo  durante  três  horas  ininterruptas,  acho  a  forma  que  contam  as  histórias  corridas  demais  —  nada  se  compara  com  a  sensação  gostosa  de  ler.
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viciousvicx · 3 years ago
bubblegum: books or movies? / toasted coconut: the beach or the pool?
bubblegum: books or movies?
agora você me pegou, eu amo os dois, acho que não consigo escolher... mas não tenho tido muito tempo pra ler livros ultimamente, então vou escolher filmes por serem mais "práticos"
toasted coconut: the beach or the pool?
com certeza praia. eu amo piscinas, não me entenda mal, mas sempre vou preferir coisas da natureza no lugar de coisas "artificiais".
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spookdog · 7 years ago
tagged by @quantumcola thank u steven💖
What are your oc’s aesthetics?
BOLD any which apply to your oc! Remember to REPOST! Feel free to add to the list!
for Samir
[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. mist. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. magic.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet.freckles.bruises.canine.scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes.hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. piercing.tattoos.lithe.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes.throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns.slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks.mud balls. pyre. teeth. rifles.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds.hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. poppies.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. wolves. eagles. owls. bears. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. crickets. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. rats.livestock. foxes.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry.strawberry. watermelon.vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts.cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. french fries. ambrosia.
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching.fighting. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing.martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games.computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. comic books. magazines. cds. records.vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding.eating.climbing. running. exploring.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. sweater. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown.circlet.helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt.sash.coat. jacket. duster. trenchcoat. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. ties. uniform.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. kisses. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity.sadness.happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. revenge.
i tag @loki-n-thedoctor​, @jackoral76​, @tadashi-ler​ and @dystant37 and anyone that would like to do this
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