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smilingangel582 · 5 months ago
Day 17: underwater
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I have never written for free! But today I will, oh lord! I wanna see this Haruka once again! (Similar to ahem ahem a certain Haruka from Windbreaker)
Lee!haru / ler!makoto, ler!ikuya, ler!asahi
(Takes place during middle school of the anime Free!starting days)
The silence... the tranquillity. Haruka Nanase wishes he could stay underwater forever. No noises to bother him, no annoying teaches to chide him, no friends to offer him ceaseless attention -it is perfection.
The more his moves his hands up to the surface, the cold from the outside reminds him of the reluctance to leave the warm water that embraces him.
Liftinf his feet slightly, his toes now leaning towards the edge of the small tub, he relaxes further down, letting his head engulf within the water bodies.
Regardless... he could just forget school for once and stay here like a euphoric relm.
Little did he know that the silence was louder than noises, as he didn't hear the sound of the bathroom door slide open.
"Ugh, Haru... he's at it again..." Ikuya groans, now folding his arms as he looks at Asahi, snickering in amusement.
Makoto chuckles sweetly, "Well, he does this all the time..."
"He doesn't even know we're here"
Makoto mischievously reached out to tickle Haruka's toes, the reaction was instant when the water suddenly splashed. With Haru (unelegantly) straightening himself, jerking up and rubbing his wet face.
Ikuya and Asahi couldn't help but burst into laughter "Ahaha! Haru looked so funny! We rarely see him act so flustered!"
Asahi agreed nodding now slapping Ikuya in the back as they laughed together, "Just like you were when u tried to copy Haru!"
Ikuya's laugh cut short to a growl, "Oi!"
Makoto sighs, now crossing his arms, "Haru, we're late... what did I tell you about long baths and dreaming?"
Haru looks embarassed, his blue eyes averting sideways, "Well you didn't have to act like a mom for that"
Asahi this time grabbed Haru's ankle now scribbling away mercilessly, "Oh yh? Well you shouldn't act like a child to begin with, Haru-chan!"
Haruka groaned into giggles, now water splashing around, "S-Stohoohop, jeeheheez"
Ikuya giggles back now tickling Haru's neck, "Aw he's so ticklish... better get out or else we won't stop"
Haru scrunched his shoulder cutely, now unable to hide the uncharacteristic squeal, making them adore a sigh of endearment.
"Cute!" Asahi Yelps in surprise.
"A-Ahahalright, alright! Stahahap..." Haru managed to splash water to make them move away from him, his face redder than a cherry. Makoto grins proudly, now pulling Ikuya and Asahi away, "You have five minutes to get ready. Otherwise, another tickle fest it is... Haru-chan"
After closing the door, the other protested, "Don't call me that...!"
Ikuya grinned as they heard Haru change swiftly, "Who knew the stoic Haruka is ticklish"
Asahi coughs, "Ahem, don't think you are one to talk Ikuya..." he smirks wiggling his fingers at Ikuya who backs of with a whine, "Don't you dahahare..."
"Awwww come here, Ikuuu!"
Makoto should watch out with the way they began yo run through Haru's house, Ikuya scrambling with giggles to escape the mencing Asahi.
Well, Makoto couldn't care less. It's all Haru-chan's fault.
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italeean · 2 years ago
HIHI ELLE!! AAAAAAAA CONGRATS ON 350 FOLLOWERS!! YOURE SO COOOL!! Remember me when you’re famous 😞✊ I know I’m not rly in the t community but I hope it’s okay I send an ask for the event?? My hobbies are reading, writing, drawing, painting, sculpting, video editing, and video games. I love psychology and literature, both classic and more recent. I also like webtoons and manwhas. I don’t like parties or big groups of people, or watching sports. I prefer one on one interaction or small groups of people, and going outdoors and exploring rather than going to a crowded place in a city. I hope it’s ok I participate in this event if I’m not too much into the t community, but I’m very much so a ler. For the fandom I’ll go with Haikyuu, platonic relationship, and I have no gender preference. Tysm in advance if you accept!! 😻😻💙💙
Waaaahh hello my dear ❤️❤️ It was such a pleasant surprise to see you participate 🥹 Thank you so so much... you're so kind and sweet and cool!!! I hope you'll enjoy your match-up ❤️🍡 *some dango for you*
🔮 For this event, I match you up with... ASAHI
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🔮 Why did I choose him for you?
• First of all, Asahi is not the biggest social butterfly out there (no offense obviously) so I think you'd enjoy hanging out with one another • He's also very athletic, which means you'd be able to go out and explore all you'd like • He's also a very good listener, so you could tell him about psychology theories or interpretations of classic and modern literature • I also see him as the kind of guy who'd get invested in the books you tell him about to understand you better • You could also join the third-years during the visit to the temple for New Year's, or just hang out with them!! • I can totally see you sneaking a few pokes to Asahi's sides when he gets too anxious... it's a little subtle thing you do to make him snap out of his spiral of negative thoughts • You could also help him with his designs, since he becomes a designer and you like drawing • He'd totally use your art pieces, may it be drawings, sculptures or video edits, for his fashion lines • 6 words for you: VIDEOGAME. NIGHTS. WITH. HIM. AND. NOYA. • You could probably tickle him also when he gets too invested in his work and basically forgets he's a human being with physiological needs... you know, just to "kindly invite" him to take care of himself • I also have the feeling that Asahi would be a little more talkative with you because he'd be more comfortable with hanging out alone with you and his anxiety would be much more bearable • I see your friendship as a quiet one, full of mutual listening and quality time... both you and Asahi are the kind of friends everyone needs
🔮 Tickle scenario
The sun, the chirping birds, the fresh air, the quiet swish of a nearby torrent, the sound of your steps... this was your ideal afternoon. Just you and your best friend Asahi.
It was refreshing both for you and for Asahi. Even if he was Karasuno's ace and had gained poularity after the sudden rising of the volleyball team, he didn't exactly like the popularity or the fangirls that constantly tried to be around him. Obviously he was always respected with everyone who approached him, but sometimes he felt the need to get away and just spend some time in total peace and quiet, and when he needed that peace and quiet, you were the only person he wanted to be with.
You weren't boyfriend and girlfriend, and you've never even had a crush on one another. You were best friends, and from a certain perspective you even had a deeper bond compared to a couple who has recently started dating.
Asahi was a very quiet and reserved person, who sometimes had difficulties with expressing how he felt, but you could always tell what was going through his mind without him saying anything. The ideal afternoon for both of you was being together just the two of you reading, talking or taking a walk in the nature, just like you were doing today.
You had just reached your usual spot near the torrent, where you usually took a break before going back home. "Ah... I really needed that, thanks Asahi." You smiled thankfully at the ace, who sheepishly smiled right back at you.
"Anytime, and honestly I needed that, too." The tall guy replied, "So, how's school going? Are you doing something interesting in literature class?" He sat down on the grass and patted the spot right next to him, inviting you to sit next to him.
"Oh yeah, I really like both the author we're analyzing and how the teacher explains it!" You took your seat next to your friend, "What about you? I hope that the last year of high school isn't too brutal." "Well..." he began, "I won't deny that it's very difficult, but I'm managing!"
"I'm sure you're taking care of yourself though, right?" You inquired while raising your eyebrow in an inquisitive way. "Well..." He scratched the back of his head, and that was all you needed to hear.
"How. Many. Times. Did. I. Tell. You. That. You. Gotta. Take. Care. Of. Yourself?!" You scolded him, emphasizing every word with a poke to his torso. "Ah! He-heyyy..!" Asahi tried in vain to escape your pokes, "I-i knohow... but- no wait!"
You didn't even let him finish his excuses, you just went for his stomach and scribbled your fingers all over the soft skin, protected by the thin fabric of the shirt.
It didn't take him long to give up. Despite his menacing aspect, he was quite weak to tickling, which you obviously knew as his best friend. "AAAHAHAHAHAHA okaHAhay Ihihi gihihiveHEHEhe..!" He pleaded, and you stopped. You were feeling quite merciful. "Fine, but you better take care of yourself from now on!" You pouted.
Asahi chuckled and gave you some headpats. "Fine, fine... you win..." He laid in the grass and glanced at the clear blue sky. You did the same, but before that, you grabbed your backpack, took out a packet of nikuman and gave it to the tall guy.
"Eat this, I imagined you weren't taking care of yourself so I grabbed something from Ukai-san's shop." Asahi thanked you and stared eating immediately. "So," he said "tell me about that book you're reading..."
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yttdflowercanvas · 5 months ago
YTTD Flower Canvas character names pronunciation, character fun facts, and first floor update:
(also if you have any questions about the characters please use the ask box)
I hope this makes since, I'm not good with showing pronunciation of things.
Name pronounciations:
Akasuki Yaku: Ah-kah-su-kee Yah-ku
Ameko Kizuna: Ah-meh-koh Kee-zu-nah
Arther Price: Ar-ther Priese (basically his first name is pronounce like the name Arthur and Price is just the word price.)
Note on Arther's name: I don't remember where I got this name from, but I think it's a real name though so I must've gotten it from somewhere.
Asahi Kizuna: Ah-sah-hee Kee-zu-nah
Aurora Sato: Ah-roh-rah Sah-toh
Chikako Kazumi: Chee-kah-koh Kah-zu-mee
Chiyo Akio: Chee-yoh Ah-kee-oh
Ciaran Ronin: kee-rawn Roh-neen (in as in the word in)
Eve Dustin: Eev Duh-stin (basically the word dust and then the word in)
Hajime Yami: Hah-jee-meh Yah-mee
Ichi Dolly: Ee-chee Daw-lee (her last name is basically the word doll but with a y tacked on to it. Kinda a cute way to say doll, that I think is said by children, dolly. I could swear I heard a child say dolly somewhere, maybe a movie?)
Lilly Usagi: Li-lee U-sah-gee (Lilly is just pronounced like the plant. Usagi's the Japanese word for rabbit)
Niall Valentines: Nie-ah-l Va-leh-n-tie-ns (his last name is the holiday Valentines)
Olivia Aikawa: Uh-li-vee-ah A-ee-kah-wah
Rosalina Sato: Roh-sah-lee-nah Sa-toh
(Note: Rosalina and Aurora are not related, I just repeated the last name by accident. Woops!)
Sayori Kanei: Say-yor-ee Kah-Neh-ee
Valerian Nemu: Vah-ler-ee-ah-n Neh-mu (her last name is basically just the plant.)
Vivian Proto: Vi-vee-eh Proh-toh (her last name is short for prototype, so just take away the type from prototype and that's how you pronounce her last name!)
Discord Emiko: Di-score-d Eh-mee-koh (her first name's jus the word discord, also app! I head there's a MLP character named Discord, not that I'd know I don't watch MLP.)
Unity Emiko: Yu-Ni-tee Eh-mee-koh (his first name is just the word unity, the opposite of Discord's first name!)
Mio Ibara: Mee-oh Ee-bah-rah
Kero Tobu: Keh-Roh Toh-bu (Kero's first name is the Japnese onamonapia for ribbit, kinda a weird name. His last name, Tobu, is the Japanese verb jump set in the dictionary form. I was originally going to name Tobu Toby (or Tobi) since the long form of Tobu is Tobimasu, which the first part of the verb would sound like the name Toby. If I was doing pun names like in YTTD Kero would probably be named Toby Moss instead of Kero Tobu, but I suck at puns so I didn't bother with punny names. If your confused Japanese has multiple verb forms. There's te form, dictionary form, ta form, volitionary form, and probably more.)
Molly Kelly: Mah-lee Keh-lee
Character fun facts:
Mable swip swaps between the terms proship and antiship, though her views on shipping doesn't really apply to either labels. Due to this both communities hate her, though everyone online who interacts with her grow to hate her.
Arther was originally going to be pansexual while Niall was going to be aroace, but then I swapped their sexualities.
One of the inspirations I used for Valerian is Enmu from Demon Slayer, one non spoilery thing is their white shoes and their love for trains.
Valerian was originally going to be in a danganronpa OC. The same's kinda true with Arther, but Arther's design was more so going to be used for the fangan and not his personality. Arther was originally going to be the Ultimate Atheist, the issue with that though was that I didn't know how the talent would work? Like, how are you the best at not believing god? Due to this I scrapped the idea and changed the character to something else along with their talent, while using the old design for the character for Arther!
First floor update:
I am working on the next episode, keep in mind the next episode is probably going to be long and thus will take some time to make! I do have other projects due to ADD stuff. But don't threat! I will get it done!
I hope you guys don't go glorifying Mio's actions, she's not suppose to be a good person. Please don't go excusing her for her action, calling her based, or any of that! Her jokes are suppose to be less so jokes and more so cruel bullying disguised as jokes.
Also I'll try to show case the character's flaws, especially Ciaran. Honestly, she'll probably be hated after this.
The puzzles were a hard to make mostly because I have to do puzzles for the characters to do that the audience can try to figure themselves at the same time if they so choose to. Along with this they have to entertaining to watch instead of play since you can't really fully play them.
Also here's an image of Ciaran with a gun as a sneak peak:
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switchck-75 · 2 years ago
ler asahi headcannons comin right up
- this big softie
- makes sure not to overstep any boundaries
- but he’s ruthless when he wants to be
- his main targets are nishinoya, hinata, and tanaka
- he loves giving soft tickles but when he’s in a mood he’ll gravitate towards more rough tickles
- he loves hearing his teammates laugh, even if he’s not tickling them
that’s it bc i don’t have much experience with these but if you want more just ask🕺🏽
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helloitsghost · 3 years ago
Different type of energy
Hi :D this is my fic for @fanfic-chan in @ticklygiggles squealing Santa :P this is the first time I’ve ever wrote a fic and I wanted to give it a shot and I had a lot of fun writing it (also thanks to @giggly-squiggily for helping me cause trust me this wouldve been absolute doo doo without her help trust me😟) anyways enjoy hopefully you like it :DDD
Summary: idrk how to best describe but hinata is nervous about karasunos upcoming game against shiratowiza and to distract himself he’s more hyper than normal but suga notices and gets asahi and Daichi to help hinata calm down :D
It was late after practice the boys just finished and we’re extremely tired from the drills coach put them through after all they did have a game with shiratowiza coming soon. However a certain person just didn’t want to rest and was still jumping around asking for more to do and more time to practice, who may this be you may ask? Well no other than Hinata mf Shoyo, and as usual Hinata wanted to stay even longer to practice. Now most of the boys have already left home except for Hinata and the three 3rd years who were just cleaning up the gym ready to go home themselves. “Suga-San please just 5 more minutessss” Hinata begged. “I’d love to but im really tired aren’t you?” The tired gray haired boy who honestly lives up to his appearance with that gray hair being all stressed anyways I'm off topic asked. “NOPE I have so much energy left I can spike 2000 balls right now!” Hinata exclaimed. Suga looked at him in shock “how the hell this kid got so much energy?” He thought. Though as suga watched hinata running about practice he noticed something in him, almost something more tense and worried. Worried about his friend, Suga went up to Asahi and Daichi to get their thoughts. “You have a point as energetic as he is he did seem more what’s the word…anxious today” Daichi said. “You think it’s cause of the game coming soon?” “Well of course it'd have to be asahi there’s no other explanation” Suga stated. “How do we get him to calm down though I understand being nervous but this is a whole new level” Daichi asked while watching Hinata literally bouncing off the walls. “Hmm…OH I GOT IT!” Suga exclaimed. “Ok so here’s what we do” Suga said as he explain his plan to the others. The others agreed and devised their plan. “Hey Hinata can you come here for a second?” “Yeah what’s up suga-San?” Hinata perked. “Just wanted to see how your doing are you nervous for the game coming it’s ok to talk to us we’re your friends for a reason” Suga said calmly. “What? Me? Nervous? Nahhhh totally not I’m perfectly fine see?” Hinata said not wanting to worry his friends. “…yeah no that’s a lie. Asahi grab him.” “Wait wha- AY HUH WHATS GOING ON WHY AM I UP IN THE AIR?!” Hinata exclaimed. “Oh sorry hinata.” Asahi said worried as he lowered him down a lil. “Your really bad at lying you know that?” Suga quipped. “Ayy that’s me-EAHEAHAEHAEN” Hinata laughed as suga started to tweak at his ribs. “Just relax idk what you're being so loud about hinata” Suga teased as he moved down to his sides” “HEHEHEHHEHEEHHEY SUHUHAHUHAHGAHAHA I CAHAAHAHAHANT” “oh sure you can- AY DAICHI STOP STANDING THERE LIKE A STATUE AND COME HELP WILL YOU?” Suga yelled at Daichi on the other side of the gym. “Ok ok fine I’m coming I’m coming” Daichi said hustling over, “ok what do you want me to do?” “Get his legs, ribs, stomach, hell his freaking hair just SOMETHING man you're not gonna get any older just standing there” Suga quipped. “AY YOUR OLDER THAN I AM!” “With that attitude I’d say the opposite” Asahi chimed in. “Why y'all so mean to me? I did nothing but fine here” Daichi said as he scribbled his fingers on Hinata's knees. “AHAHAHA GUYS PLEAHEHEHEASE” Hinata screamed. “Not until you’ve calmed down” Suga said as he digged into his stomach”. “AHAHAHA OK OK AHAH OK IM CALAHAHALM IM CAHAHAHALM” Hinata finally screeched. The 2 immediately stopped letting Hinata take a breather as Asahi set him down gently to catch his breath. “Thahaht was cruheheul” Hinata said out of breath, “maybe but how you feeling now after all that?” Suga asked. “A lot better actually, thank you I needed that. “Anytime hinata we’re your friends you can always count on us” Suga said cheerfully as Daichi and Asahi agreed. He was right, Hinata always saw the third years as people he must respect but it wasn’t until now he remembered. That they are also his friends and will always be there when he needs them. ~tada end :P
Also originally I wanted to add a lil art of the fic (since honestly I’m much more better at art than writing) but sadly I didn’t get time to do it soooo…….. Enjoy some chibi festive shoyos I did :DDDDDDDDDDD
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veryblushyswitch · 2 years ago
I don’t know why but lee Nishinoya has me going feral each and every time you write him 🦋💖
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For the coffee shots, how about lee Nishinoya and ler Asahi. And the spot is lower back/hips. 💖 I don’t watch the anime, but I absolutely love the few episodes and clips I’ve seen of them. Plus I go back and reread all of your fics with lee Nishinoya all the time!!
In theory, a massage had sounded heavenly. Flexible as Noya was, he still experienced some tightness and discomfort now and then, but especially since he’d lunged for that ball during their last practice and landed awkwardly. He’d been in some pain since then, mostly in his lower back from where he’d twisted in midair and then slammed into the ground.
Now, though, as the little four-legged massager hummed across his skin, he was regretting ever letting Asahi talk him into this.
“If you keep squirming like that it’s going to make it worse,” his friend told him, a clear smile in his voice.
Noya gritted his teeth and clenched his biceps – his arms were crossed above him with his head resting on them like a pillow – even as a snicker or two escaped from him.
“Cahahahan’t help it,” he managed, gasping when Asahi maneuvered the vibrations back to the spot closest to his lower ribs. “It’s tihihihihickling me!”
“We both know my hands would be much worse.”
It was true. Noya was so sensitive the slightest brush got him wiggling and giggling in seconds flat; using an actual massage tool was the only way they were going to get through this – assuming they’d get through it at all.
The massager slid over toward his other ribs, and Noya squeaked and started to roll onto his side, but a strong hand pressed against his shoulder and forced him to stay put.
“Here,” Asahi chuckled, and it was obvious he knew exactly what he was doing. “Let me help you.”
“Ahahahahaha you jeheheheheherk! You’re dohohohoing this on purpose!” Noya screeched out the last word when Asahi very intentionally let the massager linger on his lower ribs for more than a couple of seconds this time. The libero’s legs kicked behind him frantically. “Ahahahahahasahi!”
His friend just laughed with him and started guiding the vibrations over every ticklish spot he knew of to get the poor libero cackling in no time. “What? Laughter is just as good for you as a massage would be!”
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fanfic-chan · 3 years ago
If you write for haikyuu, please write brown heart for the valentine gift, with kageyama as the lee and the ler/lers is up to you!!
Ahhhh!! I'm so sorry this took so long! I was really excited about writing this request so I wanted to save it for one of the last ones along with a genshin one I got for this event! I really hope you enjoy it! I think it turned out super fluffy and cute in the end!^^ ❤️
An Observant Senpai
Ler: Asahi
Lee: Kageyama
"Hey, Kageyama-kun, you better run~! Or else the love bug is gonna gobble you up!"
Nearly choking on the drink of water he'd been taking, Kageyama whipped around in disbelief at Asahi's uncharacteristically teasy tone, his shock only doubling when he caught sight of him wiggling his fingers playfully at him. "Wh- Wha? Asahi-san?" He managed to splutter out, stumbling back a step when the ace started slowly creeping towards him.
"You heard me, I said you better run!" The third year announced before suddenly picking up speed. That seemed to be enough to startle the young setter out of his frozen state, and the first year quickly took off in the opposite direction with an embarrassingly high pitched shriek that managed to catch the rest of their teammates attention. "Haha! Get him Asahi!" Noya shouted after them enthusiastically, spurring the others into action as well as they laughed and egged them on from the sidelines, all of which Kageyama ignored in favor of focusing all his energy on keeping just out of the ace's reach.
Their little chase around the gym lasted for a pretty good while, and thanks to both Kageyama's increased endurance from his near daily races with Hinata and Asahi's height and strengh advantage, they were pretty evenly matched. It wasn't until Kageyama failed to notice and promptly tripped over a discarded volleyball in his path that the older managed to catch up with him, catching his kouhai around the waist as he stumbled and quickly pulling him against his chest before he could fully fall to the floor. "Woah! You alright?" The ace asked kindly despite the fact that he was now hovering his free hand over his ribcage teasingly, already causing the poor first year to squirm and giggle nervously. "I uh, y-yeah. M'fihihine!" He stuttered out through his titters, and the third year sighed in relief before going straight back into his teasy facade.
"Ah, that's good! That means I can do this then!" He announced playfully, and Kageyama immediately burst into laughter as his upperclassmen surprised him by going straight for his tummy instead. "AHAhahaha!! Nooohoho! Asahiiii!" He whined, cheeks reddening as he heard the joyful whoops and cheers of his other teammates nearby. His laughter only became more frantic and desperate when the taller of the two started blowing little raspberries against the back of his neck, his short beard only making it that much worse, and he turtled his neck and tossed his head side to side in an attempt to escape the funny sensations.
"Whyyyy mehehehee?! What dihihihhihid I dohohoo?!" The setter cried through his laughter as he pushed at the ace's arms, feet scrabbling uselessly at the floor as his knees finally gave out and he hung uselessly in his grip. He heard Tsukishima mutter something along the lines of, "Well would you look at that? Looks like the king has finally fallen." Part of him wanted to shoot back a retort to that but he was a bit preoccupied at the moment. He took great pleasure in the faint sound of Suga swatting the jerk in the head for him though.
"Asaaaahihihihi!!! Plehehehehease!! Nohohoho mohohooore!! No mohooore!! I gihihihive up!!" He begged after only a few more minutes, lightly smacking at his upperclassman's arms as a way of tapping out.
Stopping immediately, Asahi carefully lowered his kouhai to the ground so he could rest before going to grab him a cold waterbottle.
"Ehe? Oh, th-thahahanks..." Kageyama mumbled through excess giggles when he held the cold drink out to him, and the first year gulped it down gratefully while Asahi sat down next to him. "Sorry about that. You just seemed a bit out of it today with Hinata out sick, so I thought you could use a laugh you know?" He explained only loud enough for the two of them to hear, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully. Kageyama blinked, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks at the reasoning. Sure, he'd been a bit dissapointed when he heard that his best friend/rival wouldn't be there today, but he hadn't realized that it had been that obvious how thrown off he was from it. Asahi couldn't help but chuckle at the embarrassed look on his usually grumpy underclassman's face. How cute.
"Don't worry, I don't think anyone else really noticed it anyways. It was just a hunch I had. You two fight a lot, but it's obvious to anyone who sees you play that you're close. I mean, you can read eachother without so much as a word and you're constantly together, even outside of games. It makes sense that you'd miss him when he's not here y'know? He's your best friend after all." He assured him with a sheepish laugh before standing and offering him a hand up. "Ah. Anyways, wanna go do some sets with me now if you're feeling better?" He asked, having seemingly worn out his mischievous side for a while and now back to his usual gentle but awkward self.
Kageyama blinked up at him in bewilderment, feeling oddly emotional for a moment, before quickly shaking himself out of it. Choosing to ignore the sudden wetness in his eyes and the warm feeling in his chest, the young setter grinned as he took his senpai's outstretched hand.
"Y-Yeah. Yeah that sounds great!"
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years ago
Headcanons To Dabbles Masterlist (H-J)
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Here's H-J of My Headcanons to Dabbles Masterlist!
Full Masterlist
Updated: 7/4/24
Anticipation (Suna x Platonic!Reader) 
Bad Joke Humor (Lee!Suna, Ler!Miya Twins) 
Bicker Buddies (Lees!Hinata, Kageyama, Ler!Asahi)
Big Brother Vibes (Suna x Sibling!Reader)
Buzzing (Switches!Tsukishima, Yamaguchi)
Challenge Time (Lee!Suga, Ler!Yamaguchi)
De-Grump (Lee!Suna, Ler!Miya twins)
Don’t Panic! (Lee!Hinata, Ler!Kageyama)
Games (Kenma x Romantic!Reader) 
Hardworker (Lee!Shirabu, Ler!Tendou)
Help Wanted (Nishinoya x Platonic!Reader)
Hidden Immaturity (Swtiches!Yaku, Suga) 
Lazy Afternoon (Kenma x Romantic!Reader)
Jaws (Lee!Iwa, Ler!Oikawa)
Jokes On You (Lee!Tsukishima, Lers!Tanaka, Noya)
Pains In The Ass (Miya twins x Sibling!Reader) 
Sneak (Lee!Tsukishima, Lers!Bokuto, Kuroo, Akaashi)
Will you? (Lee!Kenma, Ler!Kuroo)
Hell's Paradise
Doubt (Lee!Toma, Ler!Chobe)
Singing (Lee!Yui, LerGabimaru)
The LOOK (Lee!Toma, ler!Chobe)
Wake up call (Lee!Gabimaru, Ler!Yui)
Big Bad Rugby Player (Lee!Nick, Ler!Charlie)
Breakfast Awaits! (Lee!Nick, Ler!Charlie)
Blush (Switches!Charlie, Nick)
Fluster (Lee!Charlie, Ler!Nick)
I know Him Best! (Lee!Charlie, Lers!Tao, Nick)
Hunter x Hunter
Tattoos (Chrollo x Reader) 
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Birthmark (Lee!Jotaro, Ler!Kakyoin)
Unzip Those Lips (Lee!Abbachio, Ler!Bruno)
Copy-Cat (Lee!Kakyoin, Ler!Jotaro)
Shapely (Lee!Josuke, Ler!Okuyasu)
Tiramisu (Lee!Giorno, Ler!Bruno)
Weekly Antics (Lee!Abbachio, Switch!Giorno, Ler!Mista)
The World (Switches!Josuke, Okuyasu, Koichi, Ler!Jotaro)
Jujitsu Kaisen
Co-Teaching (Lee!First Years, Ler!SatoSugu) 
Encouragement (Gojo x Geto x Platonic!Reader) 
Horror Movie (Megumi x Romantic!Reader) 
Puff (Noritoshi x Reader) 
Wrecked (Lee!Gojo, Lers!Shoko, Geto)
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nataliedrawz · 3 years ago
I was wondering if you could write Lee Asahi or a daisuga whatever you are okay with. Ignore this if you get too busy. Stay well rested!!
Coping Technique
A/N: AAAAAA BESTIE!!? OFC OFC! Lee Asahi is so underrated and I STAND for soft giants, I hope you enjoy!!😁
As afternoon struck down ratuer quickly, a certain game of volleyball had gotten the best of a sweetheart, his anxiety of losing it for the team in the next game.
'I'm going to fail, what if they all hate me in the end? What if I continued this as a streak, I can't, their my best friend's and my teammates, maybe I co-'
His thoughts drained out at the sound of a certain classmate who stayed behind to train with him, Nishinoya, he was understanding and knew him rather well, knowing the upcoming game was worrying the brunette.
"Asahi," he started, "Are you okay? Are those thoughts getting the best of you again?" Worried the smaller. Asahi couldn't help but feel a little relief and sat down, "Not at all, why do you ask?" He attempted to play it off, fiddling with his finger's and tapping his foot on the ground in a obviously worringly way.
Nishinoya, knowing how Asahi usually was in these, knew he was trying to play it cool, "You can't lie to me, we're best friend's, remember?" He smiled, "Best friend's never leave another in the dark, understand?" He playfully nudged his elbow into his lower side, earning a startled quiver, his lips curling up slightly from the movement. Nishinoya immediately noticed this and couldn't help but wiggle his finger's a bit, "Was that a giggle I just heard?"
A poke on his other side
Another poke on the other side
"Okay, I aham!"
"Glad you admitted it! But you won't escape that easily, if I remember correctly, the first year we met and began to play, this was your coping technique, right?" He asked with a joyfully amused expression, knowing his not taking 'no' for an answer, ".. It was.." The tall brunette mumbled into his forearm, attempting to hide his awfully adorable flushed cheeks and wobbly smile.
"Hey! Don't hide from me!" He playfully tazed against his lower side's, making the ace grab his wrist, but in no rush to pull it away, "Huh? Does this tickle? Maybe this too? A little bit over here also, hm, hm?~" Cooed the smaller more agile brunette, gently scribbling and tazing up and down his side's and tummy for a moment, earning the most richest yet most sweetest giggles in the entire world, he didn't pull his wrist away, nor did he stop hiding his smile, shyly inching into each of the libero's offensive finger's, gently yet eagerly clawing higher up each second towards the ace's death spot.
Realizing this, Asahi held both his wrists, letting out pleading 'no's and 'please's, knowing full well his smile was growing wider and wider from the building anticipation, "No what? Don't stop tickling you? Wasn't planning on it! But maybe I could stop once I reach over here!" He grinned, finger's scribbling and tazing into Asahi's underarms, making him flail in place and throw his arm's down, his once quivering body acting like it was against an earthquake, shaking and squirming carefully underneath the devilishly smirking other.
"No more waiting, more tickling! You feeling better or not, huh? Or do I need to ticki-ticki-tickle you even more, hm?"
And like that, kneading gentle circles under the ace's underarms made him absolutely cackle and plead happily, eye's squinting, arm's wrapping around Nishinoya in an attempt to keep them a little bit open for him, and his feet tapping the ground of the gym in a fashion of a dog once you hit it's sweet spot.
"I heard screaming, what's it- oh." Walked in Sugawara, a genuinely happy smile taking over as he heard the happy cries of Asahi, maybe now he'd be more relaxed in the next game?
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dreamingpartone · 5 years ago
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myself and my lovely friend Hanz had our own mini hq!! exchange over christmas — with the accidental theme of “sometimes you just gotta sit in a cafe and share your worries with someone who Gets It, y’know?” — so I drew an old idea of ours with Asahi and Yachi being pals and doing just that c:
(meanwhile, she wrote the sweetest Bokuto and Asahi fic ever ft. Ace chats and barista!Asahi and it is my favourite thing)
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tkpuke · 5 years ago
author’s note: Yo, Asahi is next? Yes, you read right. This giant teddy bear needs his own headcanons ASAP.
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• Oh god, no need to worry if he’s ticklish at all
• Because you witnessed one of the team’s playful moments, Suga giving a tweak to Asahi’s side
• And Asahi deadass convulsed
• Please realize that you might end up with a black eye or a bloody nose when trying to get his spots
• It’s no way in hell on purpose though, he just flinches. A lot. Violently.
• Asahi apologizes excessively whenever that happens, which is why he doesn’t like it when people try to tickle him
• Always ends up the same route (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
• But if god is by your side? That you don’t get hurt midway?? It’s pretty fun
• Asahi throws his head back all the time, letting out loud boisterous laughter that can ring all the way towards the school entrance
• Whenever he tries to form words through his laughter, it ends up with a wheeze instead
• Blow air near his ears = Asahi dead
• Pinch his hip = Asahi dead
• Tweak his side = Asahi dead
• Accidentally brushed your fingers past his ribs = Asahi dead
• Any touch will send a ticklish feeling through his whole body
• Way TOO gentle
• Like sir are you even tickling me at all your touches feels like a tiny fly landing on me
• He wants to make sure if you’re comfortable with such a innocent affection 🥺 like
• Because he lowkey hates it when he gets tickled so he can totally understand if someone doesn’t want the same thing
• But don’t get me wrong, Asahi DOES have his playful moments at times
• What I mean by that is he doesn’t go as soft as usual
• What, you thought I meant he starts to let out teases? Please, the man can barely function when he’s on the receiving end of teases
• No way he can tease you, would be too shy about it
• If you tell him to stop (when you sometimes don’t mean it) he will instantly
• He takes everything to heart, so he genuinely thinks you want him to stop 😔
• Bad choice tho
• Because he’ll be saying for now on
“Y/N, I won’t tickle you anymore. I understand, I’ll only do it if you ask for them.”
• Asahi you’re gonna be the death of me
• Since you get his ears all the time
• The thought of some playful payback didn’t sound so harmful
• Asahi has long hair, you have long hair (sorry to those who actually don’t pls bear with me here—) so him tying up your hair for you was a pretty common sight
• His fingers fluttered behind the backs of your ears, making your shoulders quickly scrunch up
“Asahi! That tickles!”
“Hmm, I know.”
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fanfic-chan · 3 years ago
dessiiiiiiiiiiie could i please request orange heart with the karasuno third years ???????????? thank you thank you🧡
I. Freaking. Loved this prompt. I legit got kinda emotional writing it towards the end and it was just soooo much fun to write!!! Thanks so much for sending it in @danibby! I love you and happy platonic Valentine's day! ❤️
Through Thick and Thin
Switches: Karasuno Third Years
"What's so weird about it? We're friends aren't we? Friends love each other too!"
Asahi and Daichi both chuckled at the level of passion in Suga's statement, the setter having gotten a bit fired up after the two of them had started joking about how strange it was for three senior guys in highschool to be spending Valentine's day having a guy's game night of all things.
The three of them were currently huddled together on the floor of Suga's living room together, playing video games as they had done atleast once a month, every month ever since their first year.
Things had been pretty peaceful for a while, a comfortable silence having settled itself around the three friends as they all just enjoyed each other's company.
Well, up until now, that is.
"Hey, there's no need to get all worked up about it man, we were just joking you know." Asahi, ever the peacemaker, tried to reason, trying to keep from laughing outright when Suga puffed his cheeks out poutily. Daichi didn't show nearly as much self control and received a rather painful looking slug to the arm for his lack of tact.
God, he may act like a mom when he was around the first and second years but he could sure be childish when it was just the three of them.
"Yeah, well, it's not funny! You guys better not ditch me if you start dating or else."
Daichi grinned at that, letting his rarely shown mischievous side shine through now that he wasn't in his captain mode. "Or else what?" He challenged, a note of playfulness in his voice.
Suga's eyes snapped over to his, and they held each other's gazes evenly for about a minute before Suga returned the mischievous grin.
Then he lunged, and there was complete and utter chaos after that.
Daichi, having long since become used to his friend's ambushes over the years, leapt up and ran around to put the couch between him and the setter, cackling when the other crashed face first into the blanket covered floor when his target was no longer there.
Suga, justifiably enraged by this, scrambled up to chase after him, only to faceplant a second time when he tripped over one of Asahi's legs, sending Daichi into even further hysterics.
His mirth ended up being his demise though, as he couldn't seem to contain his giggles long enough to make a break for it when Suga advanced on him on hands and knees. He made quick work of pulling Daichi's legs out from under him, and straddled him the second he was on the floor.
"Ha! This is what you get for laughing at me!"
"Hey what the- Ack! Kohohoushi!! Cuhuhuhut that out!! Gehehehet off!! Hehehey!!"
Daichi fell into a whole new fit of cackles, completely unrelated to his friend's embarrassing lack of reflexes and balance this time as his friend skillfully squeezed up and down his sides. He tried to shove the other teen off, but once Suga had you down and laughing it was pretty difficult to break away from him.
"Not until you apologize for being a jerk! Oh, and you have to promise you're not gonna ditch Asahi and I for some pretty girl down the road! You better still come to our monthly sleepovers! Asahi's already promised to make the trip from all the way from Tokyo for it when he graduates, so you better not be thinking you can get away with skipping it either! Got it?!"
Good Lord, Suga really did sound like a nagging mother sometimes. Nonetheless, Daichi nodded along with him through his laughter as he clung to the other's wrists tightly.
"Okayokahhahay I get ihihit!! I'm sohohohohohorry!! Now lehehehet go!" Suga did exactly that, a victorious smirk on his face as he leaned up with his arms crossed.
"Hmph! Maybe now you'll think twice before deciding to get smart with m- EEEEE!!!"
While Suga was busy with the beginning of his lecture, Daichi used his moment of distraction to sit up and stuff his hands into his friend's underarms, causing him to clamp his arms down with a shriek as he toppled off of him.
Asahi watched, half amused and half exasperated, as his two friends wrestled on the floor, both of them laughing themselves breathless and having the time of their lives.
It wasn't long before he too was dragged into the fun as well, the two former wrestling opponents seemingly have made some sort of unspoken truce as they tag teamed him.
And as he lay there laughing and goofing off with his two friends, having tickle fights and throwing pillows at eachother, somewhere in the back of his mind he knew that no matter what happened after graduation, he would always do his best to preserve these friendships.
They might be third years, and they might have to act more mature sometimes, but in the end, on nights like this when it was just the three of them, he knew in his heart that they would always be the same goofy trio through thick and thin. And he wouldn't have it any other way.
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tickling-giggles · 4 years ago
April Fools!
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Summary: Shoyo pulls a prank on kageyama and yachi for April fools and ends up pranking the whole team and getting out of hand and the captain and his teammates was not letting him go unpunished.
Author Note: I know it’s 3-4 days late I was having internet issue sorry about that 😅 everything is good now.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hinata woke up super excited today not like any normal day because to was, April 1st that means he wanted to prank everyone of his friends.
“Get up mom made some good— oh you’re already up” his little sister says marching in just about to exit his room.
“Natsu—” he paused trying to think of something good but not too good to make her cry.
“Yeah?” She responds turning her head around to look at him.
“Did you know that— I’m a secret superhero with superpowers” he said trying to not laugh, natsu turned her whole body towards him with an eager and surprised face.
“Really” she said very high pitched like she was going to explode in amazement.
“April fools” he said bursting out laughing.
Nastu looked so disappointed “you would be a lame superhero anyways” she mumbled as she left his room.
“Shoyo hurry up before your late” his mom yelled.
“Coming” he responded as he quickly put on his uniform, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, and biked off to school.
He already knew what the next prank it was going to be.
He got to the school and sees kageyama and yachi walking in as he lock up his bike.
“Hey yachi, bakeyama!” Hinata called.
“Huh oh hey hinata!” yachi waved.
“asshole” kageyama grumbled as hinata finally caught up to them and started having a normal conversation about volleyball that’s when he decided to do it.
“Hey guys...” hinata tried to sound sad.
“Yeah what’s up?” Yachi says nicely but still concerned.
“What dumbass?” Kageyama tries to say nicely.
“Well...um I’m quitting volleyball” he says looking down making kageyama drop his volleyball and yachi in shock.
“Y-YOU CAN’T QUIT NOW DUMBASS” kageyama yells at him gripping his shoulders.
Yachi into much shock just runs off to her class with watery eyes when she does she bumps into kiyoko.
“I-I’m so sorry” not making eye contact.
“Yachi? What’s wrong?” Kiyoki says seeing the blonde girl in tears “Shoyou says he was going to quit volleyball” she says trying to hold back anymore tears.
Kiyoko is trying to figure out why hinata would want to quit something he loved.
“SHOYO HINATA ARE YOU SERIOUS” the raven head said confused and mad.
“Shut up stop yelling” hinata says embarrassed noticing people staring.
“Explain now” the raven head demanded.
“April fools..?” Hinata said slightly chuckling.
“Oh my god your so annoying” kageyama says relieved.
“Haha I got you two” he turns and doesn’t see yachi.
“We’re is yachi?” Hinata turns back to kageyama as he asked.
“I don’t know she probably had to got to class early” he shrugged.
“Dang it that means I only got you”.
“Guess so come on let got to class” kageyama grabs the whiney tangerine by his wrist and drags him into class.
Mean while kiyoko meet up with the rest of the third years.
“Did he tell yachi why he was going to quit?” Th captain asked.
“No yachi bumped into me I notice her crying and that’s all she told me before going to class” kiyoko explained.
“Maybe he’s moving schools?” The ace recommended.
“No then he would’ve to yachi that he was changing schools” sugawara said still stumped.
“I know he couldn’t be tired of playing volleyball we’ve made it so far” suga explained.
“Yeah but somethings not adding up” daichi says.
Meanwhile noya and tanaka talking about their mistakes during the practice matches.
“Yeah bro maybe it’s my timing on oof” tanka say be for noya shushes him.
“Dude what the hell” he whispers.
“Shut up shut up I’m trying to hear what they’re talking about” noya explained as he’s listening to the conversation noya’s eyes go wide.
“Dude what is it?!” Tanaka wondered as noya pulls him around the corner.
“Shoyo said that he wanted to quit and their trying to figure out why” noya explained.
“First of why would he ever want to quit second I think we should help too not only as his upperclassman bug as his friends” Tanaka explained.
“Yeah oh wait we can’t ask him until practice ugh damn it” noya figured out.
“True but neither can them so I guess we will all get our answers then” Tanaka says as they head to the class as well.
After Class😌
“Woo volleyball time” Hinata exclaimed.
“Yeah let’s go” kageyama says not looking at hinata.
“Aww was the king worried about me~” hinata cooed teasingly.
“Oh shut up” he says slightly blushing.
They go get changed in the club room as they were walking towards the gym it was quiet. They walked in quietly seeing they team hanging by the bench.
“This is odd normally they would be practicing” hinata whispers not wanting to break the silence.
“Yeah neither one of the coaches are here” kageyama whispers agreeing.
“Ok why haven’t you guys started yet?” Hinata asked
“Hinata is their something you dislike or well hate about volleyball?” Daichi asked.
“Hmm well receiving the ball with my face but I don’t really mind it that much so nothing I love volleyball” hinata explained.
“They why do you want to—“ noya says before asahi covers mouth.
“Dude shut up!” Tanaka shushes him.
“Do you ever plan on stop playing volleyball anytime soon?” Suga asks.
“No like maybe when I’m 89” hinata answers.
“If you able to play then” Tsukishima chuckles.
“Tsukki!” Yamaguchi exclaimed.
“Then why’d you want to quit?!” Tanaka blurted out.
“I see your no better than noya”ennoshita says slapping the back of tanaka’s head.
“Q-quit why would I ever want to— Oh“ hinata aye confused until realizing what he said earlier.
“See I told you bakeyama I got you and yachi” hinata laughs while his team is just looking at them confused.
“Shut up I already knew you we’re kidding!” Kageyama yelled.
“No you didn’t I recall that you had tears in your eyes about to cry” hinata teased.
“YOU LIE” kageyama yells blushing very harshly.
“It was a-a joke?” Yachi said confused but relieved.
“Yeah I said April fools*gasps*” hinata explained before realizing.
“I got all of you haha” hinata laughed.
“Oh so it joke huh?” Tanaka says.
“And you think it’s funny having your teammates worry” noya adds on as him and Tanaka look at captain.
“Yeah this isn’t sliding without you being punished” Daichi said evilly.
“Wha-what d-do you mean um like sit-up, laps, push-ups, diving?” Hinata ask stammering.
“I can already see what’s about to happen and I don’t want to be apart of it knnoshita, Rita if you want to be my guest not me though” Ennoshita explained as he walks to the other side of the gym.
Rita and knnoshita looking confused but followed ennoshita since they didn’t know what he was talking about.
“No I think I have something different in mind you thought it was funny right?”Daichi ask slowly walking towards hinata.
“Uh n-n-no it actually was very st-s-stupid... Asahi?!” Hinata stutters as he backs away bumping into asahi who was standing behind him.
“Sorry sho” asahi apologizes before trapping him in a vulnerable position.
“Um okay? Asahi I enjoy the view but I think I want get down now” he responds trying to get away.
“Oh no that’s not the purpose of him holding you” Daichi explained before looking at Tanaka and Noya giving them the go.
“You got it boss”Tanaka says chuckling as him a noya are on each side of hinata.
“Um you guys are kinda making me feel tense a nervous” hinata admits.
“Oh I think me and Tanaka can help you with not feeling so tense and nervous” he suggested with a smirk on his face before digging into hinata’ s sides.
“Gah Tanahahaka Noyahahaha what are you dohohoing stahahap” hinata giggled
“Mmh no can do man I didn’t appreciate that joke you pulled” Tanaka teased
“Ihit wahahas just a johoke ahaha stahahap”
“And this is just what you get” Noya said back 1-upping him.
“Stahahap plehehehese I’m saharry” hinata pleaded.
“Oh this is just the beginning” Suga warns playfully.
Daichi and Suga couldn’t hold up the serious look and ended up destroying hinata along side.
“Nahaha s-sugahahahaAHAHAH NAOHOHO NAHAHAT THERE EHEHEHE” He squeal attempting to break away from Asahi hold.
“Suga hit the jackpot~” Tanaka singed.
“No fair Suga” Noya pouts.
“Lowest rib eh? tssuki mind lending us a hand” Daichi smirked.
“I’ll pass” Tsukishima denied
“Kuroo and bokuto told me about you” Daichi cooed
“Damn bastards” tsukishima grumbles as he and yams attack his feet.
“I guess I have to do this too?” Yama asked himself.
“Wow rude much just for that noya-san attack his armpits”Kageyama tipped.
“Thanks bro” nishi says as he cracks his knuckles
Hinata lost his shit
“Ok ok let him breath don’t wanna over fo it” Daichi explained.
Asahi let him go just for him to slouch backwards onto him and fall a sleep giggly.
“I expected that” Suga mumbled to him
“Okay guys let’s start practicing” Daichi said
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years ago
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club Masterlist
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Updated 9/4/23
Full Masterlist
~~More To Come~~
Jokes On You (Sousuke x Reader x Rin)
Just ask him! (Lee!Rin, Ler!Gou) 
Let Me "Ease" Your Aches (Switches!Ikuya, Hiyori)
Free For All (Mixed Teams/Pairings)
A Bit Of Convincing (Switches!Kisumi, Ikuya, Asahi, Makoto, Haru)
Have My Cake and Eat It Too! (Lee!Natsuya, Ler!Ikuya)
Highschool Grandpa (Lee!Natsuya, Ler!Nao)
Loneliness Be Gone (Lee!Hiyori, Ler!Kisume)
Methods To Sobriety (Lee!Natsuya, Ler!Rin)
Mission Ikuya (Switches!Ikuya, Natsuya)
Movie (Lee!Rin, Ler!Haru)
Just Like Before (Switches!Haru, Ikuya, Asahi, Makoto)
Reunion (Lee!Nao, Ler!Natsuya)
Swim With Me (Lee!Rin, Ler!Haru)
Taste For Consequence (Lee!Ikuya, Ler!Natsuya)
Too Stressed? Say Less! (Lee!Ikuya, Lers!Haru, Makoto)
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nataliedrawz · 3 years ago
Coping Technique (lee!Asahi ler!Nishinoya)
Teen Toddler (lee!Oikawa ler!Iwaizumi)
Genshin Impact
Mora Trails (lee!Zhongli ler!Childe)
Christmas Prompt #8 (lee!aether lers!Bennett, Albedo, Amber & Eula)
Where Did You Hide My Book? (Lee!Hu Tao Ler!Yanfei)
A Year To Remember (Switches!Albedo & Klee)
My Little Kabuto (Lee!Reader Ler!Itto)
Our One & Oni (Lee!Itto Lers!Childe & Thoma)
Silly Churl, Giggle Girl (Lee!Yanfei Ler!Hu Tao)
(Lee!Reader Ler!Venti because I didn't name it😭)
Lupical? (Lee!Razor ler!Itto)
Electro Therapy (Lee!Reader Lers!Baal & Yae Miko)
Final Gambit (Lee!Childe/Tartaglia Ler!Aether, Lumine & Paimon)
Lovebirds (Lee!Diluc Ler!Reader)
Obey Me
(Lee!Belphie Ler!Beelzebub also unnamed😭)
A Sorcerer's Way (Lee!Simeon Ler!Solomon)
Take A Break! (Lee!Barbatos Ler!Diavolo)
A Books Embrace (Lee!Satan Ler!Reader)
Cactus (Lee!Hyakkimaru ler!Dororo)
Kitchi-kitchi-cure! (Lee!Rui lers!Tuskasa, Nene & Emu)
Stage Fright (Lee!Reader Ler!Emu)
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
Ticklish? Here? (Lee!Hanako Ler!Yashiro)
Demon Slayer
Massage Madness (Lee!Muichiro Ler!Tanjiro)
(Lee!Sanemi Lers!Tengen & Shinobu)
Adding more soon!!
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