#leopard klan crazy
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leopardklancrazy · 5 years ago
In eu, people are slaughtered by the state, and use the need to be approved by earthlings, as a tool to feed the insatiable, mendacious agendas to implement the #nwo #familybreakdown.
#God #JAHisGreatest.
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crazybengiefb · 5 years ago
This isn't the first #song #recorded or written by #CrazyBengieFB ( #written in 1993 ),
but it's a song most reacted to by the ' angels ' of politics and showbiz,
which includes #fashion, #news agencies and #sports, etcetera.
There's #nodoubt that though violence, perversion, contention and conflict are heavily promoted by #msm #media and other beelzebub entities for the #entertainment of those in and of politics and #showbiz in order to be able to exploit and feed on the victims there of,
not only are they temporary, (as all demonic interests generally are), but that God #JAHisGreatest.
Crazy Bengie FB
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leopardklancrazy · 4 years ago
Taylor Swift hard at work in rehearsal for her part in the musical theatre stage show in London UK
How To Be A Cat • Go see CATS in theaters December 20 (if you’re feline up for it 😻) 
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leopardklancrazy · 5 years ago
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leopardklancrazy · 5 years ago
A teapot made of candy chocolate is a gross inefficiency.
God Jah is greatest.
In eu, people are slaughtered by the state, and use the need to be approved by earthlings, as a tool to feed the insatiable, mendacious agendas to implement the #nwo #familybreakdown. #God #JAHisGreatest.
Ruth, Derrick, Ben and some have been killed by such devices.
reblog by @leopardklancrazy edit by @leopardklancrazy @crazybengiefb
When the eu crucified Jesus Christ King Of The Jews, the oau encouraged them.
Advancing the potentials possible in Africa was easier to prove with cultures which cared more for its children, than for possessions, community statuses, and other balance sheet discrepancies.
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crazybengiefb · 5 years ago
I just switched on & flicked my #radio
I've just heard #AMAZING #POETRY
by poet
Debri Stevenson(?) on #BBCRadioLondon,
just before
tonight Friday November 15, 2019; WOW!
#ListenAgain; and of course, don't miss our #friends #sunnyandshay!
I'm Crazy,
so the spelling may be wrong, but Debri's cadence is #superb!
(..no pressure
under pressure
West London stylee; all night long! )
AND of course, the brilliant chat show
Sunny And Shay!
( 🎂 happy birthday to your daughter. 🎂)
from #CrazyBengieFB
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leopardklancrazy · 5 years ago
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Christmas Tree Farm by Taylor Swift
Christmas Tree Farm
Electric Christmas Lights
leopardklancrazy edits
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lkcbfb · 4 years ago
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crazybengiefb · 5 years ago
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#HappyValentinesDay to you from Ben the Crazy Bengie FB
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leopardklancrazy · 5 years ago
Taylor Swift
Welcome To New York
Begin Again
London Boy
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leopardklancrazy · 5 years ago
Did you know that forbidding #people to say #YeeHaw & #YeeHah is mocking and oppressive to those of us who say this & is an #act of #racism by those who don't believe in the #MostHighGod Jah?
As such, you identify a #racist by them being disparaging about this and other words and phrases such as " Yo ", " Wow ", " Dig It " and " Oorah ".
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crazybengiefb · 5 years ago
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Leopard On Grass
I have an idea of how Tumblr can be applied now.
I notice that infidels, purloiners and other abusers seek to exploit and portray the impression of my endorsement, while making no contribution.
It's now time for me to unfollow every profile, and evaluate the net gain herein.
God Jah is greatest, in spite of the devil and his meeting places on Earth, etcetera! 🤣😂
In case of any confusion, BrExit.
Crazy Bengie FB
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mywholelove · 5 years ago
Taylor Swift
London Boy
reblog by @mywholelove edits by @llondonboy @crazybengiefb
👑 @taylorswift
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you like the bad ones, too?
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shakingoffsatan · 5 years ago
Shaking off satan isn't easy to do.
Most of us were taught since babies by our mothers to serve satan and its vanities, disguised as ' respectful society ', in exchange for temporary pleasure and social acceptance.
Soon you realize that the sat-un-ic sell more weave and bombs, and are void, expensive and have nothing to share, let alone give.
This is why, other than United States Marines, many, ( especially amongst the unworthy in politics and showbiz ), are surprised that the peace we Ras Tafarians promised and contracted to put in 1990 in Ireland, ( for which they still haven't settled up despite great prosperity as a result of our real love ), delivered in 1994, is STILL there, even though they now realize that they've been worshipping sat-un for love of money. When it leaves, it should be remembered that they disrespected it in collusion with sat-un, and most took it for-granted for decades.
The devil, ( sat-un, anglican, roman cat, etcetera ), and its serpents, with all its demands and resources, stolen from many, couldn't and wouldn't help them before, now or after, but only make demands in the manner of organized crime entities. It is the same as causing global problems by giving to most if not all roman catholic religious entities and franchises. I was surprised and shocked to learn in Africa that christian aid charities DO NOT BELIEVE IN ANY GOD, LET alone ' Jesus Christ '!
Just like happens in Africa, about 18 months after eu ngos and serpents had been in areas of USA, they fell victim to terrorist attacks, of one type or another. Fortunately, President Trump in spite of the serpents and satan bodies, their cunning, distractions and spreading of abominable, antichrist ways, because he knows more about the Most High God Jah, ( he even went to Africa and the Middle East ), than most vicars and such in the fallen angel entities, the world is a lot safer than it's been in months.
Y'all back my acquaintance PM Bibi.
Leopard Klan Crazy. My side or the rest. Toda, as I say in my liquor store. ( Migrant... ), they whisper about me among each other 😂🤣🤣
A majority of fallen angel entities, ( anglican, roman, etcetera ), have substantial investments in ' new world order ' and other illuminati, ( a body launched 1775 ), elements. The serpent, ( main stream media, etcetera ), is designed to seduce, women and children, in order to undermine integrity of family, and cause family breakdown, which results in a plethora of other bad things and beliefs; bit like panafricanism does in Africa now. The cover up is effected simply, by the serpent's flattery and mockery, and the mother's yield and desire to oblige.
Being of Ashanti royal ancestry, I know the story, by Hans Christian Andersen is about a child of my family, who, after watching adults being tricked daily by European and Asian pirates, ( organized criminals ), decided to himself, "F#ck this good manners sh!t; mama, y'all is butt naked; and you paid how much for those fake clothes?!
And where's that chocolate teapot gone; these adults are some dumb flicks!
I'll guess he got whooped, and Hans Christian Andersen got the publishing rights. Suffer the little children!
To those of cultures who value the Most High God Jah, and therefore, their kids, above those of satan or ' society ', it's obvious.
As one of me and my Jamaican cousins agreed some months ago, " to some extent, colonialism is one of best things to have happened to Africans, else we may not have had Jamaicans."
I did add that Gambians, etcetera, have been in America since about at least two hundred years (200 years) before Christ ( 200 BC ) but as CIA and others understand now, there's an aggressive effort by the ghastly beasts to prevent my access to metrics and data by a combination of means, but I keep my promises! ( Gimme a yeehaw; woops! 🌪️🌨️🤣🤣🤣! )
Check the balance sheet.
#InGodJahWeTrust. All else is sat-un, lucifer, the fallen angel, anglica, satan, santa, facsimile, insatiable, pretends to be & is temporary & willful. Remember when satan condemned music, reggae & weed?
Nothing's changed, just the aesthetics.
#God #JahisGreatest
God Jah is Greatest. It's Christmas soon.
Ras Tafari.
Natty Cultural Dread
Natty Dread What She Want
http://shakingoffsatan.tumblr.com edit by shakingoffsatan
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crazybengiefb · 5 years ago
God Jah Will
God Jah is greatest. We give thanks, glory and praises to the Most High God Jah Ras Tafari.
Some people a short while ago now, in their cultural, racist, ignorance, chose more than twenty preists, over a Rastafarian, and lost as a result.
The world heals itself. We are here, not to serve society, business, sat-un, etcetera, but to serve the Most High God Jah, God Jah love. God Jah bless.
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Crazy Bengie FB
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crazybengiefb · 5 years ago
With God Jah,
Even droughts are alevieted, by God Jah, something which market forces, sciences and sat-un can't do.
God Jah is Greatest.
I live and love God Jah. All else is society and sat-un; temporal, carnal, abusive, insatiable, dishonourable.
There's enough for everyone, but what we really need are those who love God Jah first, so that the most high God Jah is given praises and glory.
As my late paternal grandmother told me,
"There's born a king, and a king's servant. With out one, the other doesn't get much done."
The world heals itself, and doesn't need people. There's enough for more than 1,000 times more people; so long as we serve God Jah First
This is something which is understood by those who truly love Rastafari.
Balance sheet; as the most high God Jah instructs us.
Heaven has very few "rich" people.
Crazy Bengie FB
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