#leon huff
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Jay-z x Diddy Sacrificed Aaliyah ,Michael Jackson, and Left Eye of " TLC...
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♫ If You Don't Know Me By Now ♫ (Redux)
Well, I had every intention of playing something new tonight — new in the sense that I hadn’t played it here before — but that plan rather fell by the wayside, so instead I will redux this from back in late 2020! Those of you who write about the serious topics, the heartbreaking things … you know how sometimes you write a post and it just takes everything out of you. When you hit that…
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#Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes#Kenny Gamble#Leon Huff#music charts#music trivia#Patti LaBelle#Simply Red#Songfacts
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The #1 song from 50 years ago was The O’Jays’ “Love Train”. Here they are a couple years ago performing the song with Daryl Hall. _______________________ Love Train Songwriters: Leon Huff and Kenneth Gamble
People all over the world (everybody) Join hands (join) Start a love train, love train People all over the world (all the world, now) Join hands (love ride) Start a love train (love ride), love train
The next stop that we make will be England Tell all the folks in Russia, and China, too Don't you know that it's time to get on board And let this train keep on riding, riding on through Well, well
People all over the world (you don't need no money) Join hands (come on) Start a love train, love train (don't need no ticket, come on) People all over the world (Join in, ride this train) Join in (Ride this train, y'all) Start a love train (Come on, train), love train
All of you brothers over in Africa Tell all the folks in Egypt, and Israel, too Please don't miss this train at the station 'Cause if you miss it, I feel sorry, sorry for you Well
People all over the world (Sisters and brothers) Join hands (join, come on) Start a love train (ride this train, y'all), love train (Come on) People all over the world (Don't need no tickets) Join hands (come on, ride) Start a love train, love train
Ride, let it ride Let it ride Let it ride People, ain't no war People all over the world (on this train) Join in (ride the train) Start a love train, love train (ride the train, y'all) People all over the world (come on) Join hands (you can ride or stand, yeah) Start a love train, love train (makin' love) People all over the world ('round the world, y'all) Join hands (come on) Start a love train, love train
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The Ebonys - It's Forever (1973)
Gamble and Huff really had something going - this song absolutely sublime.
The Ebonys- It’s Forever
i love songs like this. i call it “i love you, and i’m mad as hell about it” soul. that, or “i love you, and i dare you to say something about it” soul. either way, it’s excellent stuff.
-the skinny miracle
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I miss my old neighbor for all his kindness and wisdom but also miss talking bout old music bc like. Who else wants to talk bout the one Harold Melvin and The Blue Notes performance. Its such a good song but also so hilarious to me
#we have the lovely sharon paige. then teddy pendergrass his vocals are great#but then leon huff is there just stealin the show and completely showin pendergrass up#it used to be so funny to us bc like Everyone at that show came for Leon and Sharon like they were fine as hell#them the other niggas are just there to be there its silly#mag.txt
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Il mio anno 2024 in libri e premio libro blog 2024
Il 2024 è stato un anno piuttosto duro per quanto mi riguarda, di resistenza direi, dove ho dovuto sopportare tanto, per poi arrivare a dei cambiamenti che desideravo da tempo. Spero che il 2025 sia migliore. Parlando di libri nel 2024 ho letto più che nel 2023 il che è positivo, ma tra questi libri sono pochissimi quelli che mi sono piaciuti, il che è negativo.
Nel 2024 ho portato avanti la lettura di diverse serie che leggo veramente da tantissimi anni come:
-LA SERIE IN DEATH di J.D. ROBB, di cui ho letto i libri:
Payback in death (Libro 57 della serie) a gennaio 2024
Random in death (Libro 58 della serie) a febbraio 2024
Passions in death (Libro 59 della serie) a settembre 2024
Inediti in italiano
Una serie gialla che come sapete seguo da decenni, ma che non mi stanca mai, perchè sono molto affezionata ai suoi protagonisti, ma devo ammettere nessuno di questi tre libri mia ha incantato erano tutti abbastanza prevedibili come indagini.
-LA SERIE PSY CHANGELING di Nalini Singh, di cui ho letto:
Storm echo (Libro 21 della serie) a gennaio 2024
Inedito in italiano
che mi ha parecchio deluso tanto da farmi saltare la lettura dei due libri successivi che ho visto avevano come protagonisti changeling ancora orsi e leopardi. Non possiamo avere specie acquatiche, o uccelli, o che ne so, cavali, cervi, qualsiasi cosa ma basta felini o lupi o orsi per favore. Ho bisogno di qualcosa di nuovo qui. Veramente.
The Beloved (Libro 22 della serie) a maggio 2024
Link: https://www.mondadoristore.it/THE-BELOVED-JR-Ward/eai802226489405/
Trama: Nalla, la figlia di Zsadist, ha condotto una vita protetta. Protetta da suo padre e dalla Confraternita, che l'hanno tenuta lontana dalla guerra mortale con la Lessening Society, e questa protezione inizia a starle stretta. Nate è giovane guerriero della confraternita che non ha niente da perdere e niente per cui vivere. Torturato in un laboratorio umano da giovane, poi maledetto dall'immortalità, pensa solo alla vendetta e alla morte. La Confraternita gli ha perciò affidato una missione sottocopertura molto percicolosa e lui aspetta con ansia il momento in cui finalmente potrà morire quando ecco che tra lui e Nalla scatta l'istinto di accoppiamento tipico dei vampiri predestinati. Ora Nate ha qualcosa da perdere e cui vivere.
Avevo smesso di leggere questa serie al libro 14 più o meno, ma l'ho ripresa in mano perchè finalmente si tornava a parlare dei confratelli originali e in particolare di Z, il mio preferito. Ma purtroppo lui ha un ruolo veramente minore nel libro e sua figlia è insopportabile.
Winter lost (Libro 14 della serie) a luglio 2024
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che mi è piaciuto nonostante avesse una trama molto semplice che si risolve praticamente da sola perchè mi erano mancati tanto i personaggi di questa serie. Leggere questo libro è stato come reincontrare dei vecchi amici che conosci da anni e venire aggiornato su cosa succede al momento nella loro vita. Inoltre sono felice che i personaggi siano rimasti coeerenti con loro stessi in tutti questi anni. Sono sempre loro, e questo è raro.
Passiamo ora ai nuovi romanzi letti nel 2024:
A gennaio 2024 ho letto: The Road to Roswell, di Connie Willis
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Quando l'equilibrata Francie arriva a Roswell, nel New Mexico, per il matrimonio a tema UFO della sua compagna di stanza del college, non immaginava certo di venire rapita da un alieno con un corpo simile a un'erbaccia e una massa di tentacoli fulminei. Né Francie è l’unica sua vittima. In poco tempo, a loro si uniscono un affascinante truffatore di nome Wade, una dolce vecchietta con una dipendenza dai casinò, un pensionato con un enorme camper e un amore per i vecchi western, e un pazzo a caccia di UFO che è completamente convinto che l'alieno abbia intenzione di sondarlo e/o conquistare il pianeta. Ma più Francie conosce l’alieno, più si convince che non sia un invasore, ma che sia guai e bisognoso d'aiuto. Solo che lei non sa come aiutarlo, e nemmeno quale sia il problema.
La mia opinione: ho amato i romanzi sui viaggi nel tempo di questa autrice, ma non ho assolutamente capito questo libro di non bene indentificato genere che è un po' scifi, un po' commedia, un po' assurdo, un po' metafora dei problemi della società contemporanea e parecchio confuso.... e questo suo essere un mix di tante cose fa sì che nessuna sia molto riuscita. Non lo consiglio.
A maggio 2024 ho letto:
La Serie Esilio nel Pliocene di Julian May formata dai libri:
La terra dai molti colori (The Many-Colored Land)
Link: https://amzn.to/3yZAJjI
Trama: Nell'anno 2034 Theo Guderian, un fisico francese, fa una scoperta rivoluzionaria, ma inutile: inventa un congegno che permette il trasferimento istantaneo nel passato tramite una distorsione temporale. Il viaggio è però di sola andata e le coordinate spazio-temporali del punto di arrivo sono immutabili: si tratta di una zona della valle del fiume Rodano nell'idilliaca epoca del Pliocene, sei milioni di anni fa. Tuttavia a poco a poco questa scoperta così sottovalutata, si rivela utile: anche nell'utopistica società del XXII secolo, in un mondo che sembra aver raggiunto la completa felicità e la perfezione tecnologica, esistono degli “spostati”, degli individui scomodi che vogliono fuggire attraverso questa porta in un misterioso passato.
2. Il collare d'oro (The Golden Torc)
Link affiliato: https://amzn.to/45pSt3S
Trama: Proseguono le avventure del gruppo di esiliati del secolo ventiduesimo che attraversarono un portale temporale per tuffarsi tra gli sconosciuti pericoli del Pliocene, un’epoca lontana sei milioni di anni nel passato. Al posto dell’idilliaca desolazione che si attendevano avevano però trovato una proto-Europa dominata da due razze aliene: i cavallereschi Tanu, belli e arroganti, e i rinnegati Firvulag, malevoli nanerottoli eterni rivali dei Tanu. Rimasti divisi in due gruppi, gli umani erano caduti nelle mani di queste due antichissime razze. Elizabeth Orme, che un tempo, nel suo mondo natìo, era una «Grande Maestra Metapsichica» e che, oranonostante il controllo dei Tanu, riacquista pian piano i poteri perduti. E c’è Bryan Grenfell, un antropologo alla ricerca del perduto amore, e Aiken Drum, un avventuriero dotato di un talento e un’ambizione davvero sfrenati. Accanto alla loro vicenda si snoda parallelamente la storia di un altro gruppo di umani miracolosamente sfuggiti alla schiavitù imposta dai Tanu e guidati da Felice Landry, una ragazza atletica che possiede incredibili poteri psi. Questo gruppo, con l’ambiguo aiuto dei Firvulag, decide di assalire la roccaforte stessa dell’impero dei Tanu subito prima del Grande Combattimento rituale che si svolge ogni anno tra Tanu e Firvulag.
3. Il re non nato (The Nonborn King)
Link affiliato: https://amzn.to/3Rrwfc0
Trama: Alla fine de Il collare d’oro Felice Landry, una ragazza atletica dotata di incredibili capacità mentali, aveva provocato un gigantesco cataclisma che aveva distrutto la capitale del regno dei Tanu e messo fine alla loro dominazione e Aiken Drum, un altro giovane umano dotato di grandi poteri, uomo non nato da ventre di donna, ne approfitta per dichiararsi re e usurpare il loro trono. Ma il suo regno non sarà né facile né incontrastato, perché contro di lui si batteranno forze disparate, come il gruppo degli umani liberi, la folle Felice Landry, che ha giurato a se stessa di distruggerlo, e i rivitalizzati Firvulag, che ora sovrastano di numero la coalizione di uomini e Tanu guidata da Aiken.
4. L'avversario (The Adversary)
Link affiliato: https://amzn.to/3xqgKdp
Trama: Il breve regno di Aiken Drum è già in pericolo: i Firvulag vogliono distruggere sia i Tanu che i terrestri in un terribile Gotterdammerung e un’altra minaccia, forse ancor più pressante, incombe: c’è un altro uomo che possiede poteri anche più forti di Aiken e che sta per giungere dalla Porta del Tempo. È Marc Remillard, l’Avversario, l’Istigatore della Ribellione Metapsichica, che aveva quasi conquistato l’intero Milieu Galattico futuro e che ora sta fuggendo con i suoi seguaci nel passato.
Ho dato ben 4 stelle su Goodreads a questi libri e le meritano tutte, un'opera purtroppo oggi dimenticata nel nostro paese, non più ripubblicata dopo gli anni 80', ma a mio avviso imperdibile per gli amanti della fantascienza e del fantsy che qui venegono mischaiti tra di loro. Romanzi corposi, che affrontano molte tematiche e tutte con dovizia di particolari ben approfonditi e studiati. Sono un pochino datati nel linguaggio lo ammetto e anche la sintassi a tratti risulta un po' legnosa per un lettore d'oggi, specie in lingua originale come li ho letti io, ma una buona nuova traduzione in italiano a mio avviso risolverebbe il problema. E le tematiche: poteri mentali alieni e umani, libertà individuale dell'uomo opposta al bene comune visto come ragggiungibile solo attraverso un controllo molto serrato, alieni che ricordano le leggende faeries... sono tematiche sempreverdi e attuali. Inoltre la trama è viva interessante, varia e l'autrice non ha paura di far morire o soffrire profondamente i personaggi.
Durante le vacanze estive 2024 ho letto anche:
Il famiglio, di Leigh Bardugo
Link affiliato: https://amzn.to/3y8nopi
Trama: In una Madrid diventata da poco capitale del Regno e pervasa dalla furia controriformistica dell'Inquisizione, la giovane Luzia Cotado, conversa orfana di entrambi i genitori, cerca di sopravvivere come meglio può, nascondendo a tutti le sue origini e, soprattutto, la sua capacità di compiere milagritos, piccole magie. Un giorno, però, la signora della casa presso la quale presta servizio si accorge del suo dono e di lì in poi la obbliga a farne sfoggio davanti ai suoi ospiti, nel patetico e disperato tentativo di migliorare la posizione sociale della sua famiglia ormai decaduta. Ma quello che inizia come un semplice divertimento per nobili fiacchi e annoiati prende ben presto una piega pericolosa perché Luzia attira l'attenzione di Antonio Pérez, ex segretario ora in disgrazia di Filippo II. Per riconquistare il favore del re, ancora provato dalla sconfitta della sua armada, Pérez decide di indire un torneo per trovare un campione che diventi l'arma decisiva nella guerra estenuante contro la regina eretica d'Inghilterra.
La mia opinione: purtroppo questo libro mi ha delusa. Cerca di essere un romanzo storico con tocchi di fantastico e, a tratti, data l'ambientazione spagnola sembra voler aspirare allo stile sudamericano ad esempio dell'Allende...ma non ci arriva mai. E dalla'altra parte non è abbastanza ricco di particolari storici per essere un serio romanzo storico, quindi resta in un limbo che non mi ha convinto a piano. Ma quello che proprio non mi è piaciuto sono i personaggi principali. Ho trovato la protagonista molto incoerente: mi nascondo da una vita per non venire bruciata al rogo però voglio che gli altri mi vedano e mi ammirino.... Il protagonista maschile sarebbe già meglio ma la sua background storia viene secondo me rivelata troppo tardi e non nel modo migliore...e non ho capito com'è che al'improvviso si piacciono.... Per me è no, ma apprezzo questa autrice e ho grandi speranze per la conclusione della sua serie La nona casa di cui attendo l'uscita del terzo libro. Non ho letto il secondo della serie per non rimanere in sospeso anni con l'ennesimo cliffhanger.
A settembre ho letto:
Blood over bright haven, di M. L. Wang
Inedito in italiano
Link affiliato: https://amzn.to/47q0Mxu
Trama: La prima donna mai ammessa in un prestigioso ordine di maghi svela una cospirazione segreta che potrebbe cambiare per sempre la pratica della magia. Da vent'anni, Sciona dedica ogni momento della sua veglia allo studio della magia, alimentata da un desiderio folle di raggiungere l'impossibile: diventare la prima donna mai ammessa all'Alto Magistero dell'Università della Magia e dell'Industria. Quando Sciona finalmente realizza la sua ambizione e diventa un'alta maga, scopre che le sue sfide sono appena iniziate. I suoi nuovi colleghi sono determinati a farla sentire sgradita e, invece di un assistente di laboratorio qualificato, le danno un custode. Ciò che né Sciona né i suoi coetanei capiscono è che il suo taciturno assistente non è sempre stato un custode. Dieci anni fa, era un cacciatore nomade che perse la sua famiglia nel pericoloso viaggio dalle pianure selvagge alla città. Ma ora vede l’opportunità di comprendere le forze che hanno decimato la sua tribù, lo hanno cacciato dalla sua terra natale e hanno mantenuto i privilegiati al potere. All'inizio, il mago e l'esterno hanno un rapporto litigioso. Ma lavorando insieme, scoprono un antico segreto che potrebbe cambiare per sempre il corso della magia, se non li farà uccidere prima.
La mia opinione: bel romanzo, che nonostante alcune mancanze, tra cui un world building piuttosto ridotto, riesce ad essere sia interessante per il modo in cui viene descritta la meccanica della magia, sia coraggioso per il suo finale. I personaggi funzionano, la trama funziona. Una lettura piacevole che consiglio. Il fatto sia utococlusivo e non parte di una serie poi è un plus.
Sempre a settembre per il podcast Amiche di drama e trama, visto che dovevamo recensire un pessimo film tratto da un libro, ho letto il libro in questione:
The idea of you, dell'autrice Robinne Lee
Link affiliato: https://amzn.to/3ZoWdS8 Trama: Solène Marchand, proprietaria trentanovenne di una prestigiosa galleria d'arte a Los Angeles, porta la figlia adolescente Isabelle a conoscere la sua boyband preferita. L'ultima cosa che si sarebbe aspettata, però, era di avvicinarsi pericolosamente a Hayes Campbell, frontman degli August Moon, famosi in tutto il mondo. Ma Hayes è brillante, sicuro di sé ed elegante, e l'attrazione tra i due è immediata. Il fatto che abbia solo vent'anni complica ulteriormente le cose. Quella che inizia come una serie di incontri clandestini in varie città si evolve rapidamente in una relazione appassionata. È un viaggio che attraversa i continenti, mentre i due navigano nei mondi più disparati: dalle tournée negli stadi alle fiere d'arte internazionali, fino a rifugi appartati. E per Solène è tanto un recupero della sua parte più vera, quanto una riscoperta della felicità e dell'amore. Quando la loro storia diventa un fenomeno virale, sia Solène che la figlia Isabelle sono il bersaglio di fan accaniti e media insaziabili. Saprà l'amore essere più forte dei pregiudizi e del gossip?
La mia opinione: fortunatamente il libro è meglio del film, tutte le scene più cringe stupide o senza senso del film nel libro non c'erano, e ci siamo chieste perchè mai le hanno aggiunte? Perchè la figlia della protagonista è molto più grande nel film ma la fanno comportare come la bambina di otto anni del libro? Perchè i fan nel film sembrano trattare male i loro idoli o essere cringe e nel libro invece sono normali? Perchè nel film i protagonisti si incontrano per la prima volta davanti a un gabinetto mentre nel libro normalmente a un firmacopie? domande senza risposta, ma posso rassicurarvi che il romanzo è leggibilissimo, mentre il film inguardabile. Certo è un libro leggerissimo ma se uno ha voglia di un romance contemporaneo veloce da leggere può essere una lettura piacevole.
A novembre ero in un mood scifi e ho letto la Trilogia fantascientifica/apocalittica “Heartland aliens”, di Joshua James, formata dai libri: Invasion, Uprising e Judgement
Inedita in italiano
Link affiliato: https://amzn.to/4i9SbnM
Trama: Quando gli alieni arrivano sulla terra, la piccola città di Little Creek non è certo più preparata del resto del pianeta. Senza avvisare e senza essere provocati le creature iniziano a devastare tutto e tutti e nel caos che ne segue uno strano gruppo di persone è costretto ad unire le forze per poter sopravvivere: una reginetta di bellezza con qualcosa da provare, una negoziante con qualcosa da nascondere, un teenager in cerca di vendetta e un veterano di guerra disperato di salvare di tutti. Insieme questi malcapitati dovranno trovare il modo non solo di resistere e sopravvivere, ma anche di combattere gli alieni. Chi sono? Cosa vogliono? Come possono essere fermati? Devono trovare risposta a queste domande o non sarà solo Little Creek a cadere ma tutta l’umanità.
La mia opinione: questa trilogia mi ha piacevolmente sorpresa,la trama è la classica già vista in molte invasioni aliene o film apocalittici, ma i personaggi principali sono interessanti ben scritti credibili e il primo libro mi ha veramente preso. Il secondo lievemente meno, e il terzo chiude la storia troppo in fretta e con troppa facilità. Il nemico viene eliminato così facilmente che il lettore resta stupito e deluso. Inoltre la tipologia di alieni/funghi mi ha leggermente stufato.
A dicembre sull'onda del telefilm Hanno ucciso l'uomo ragno, la vera storia degli 883, ho deciso di leggere il libro autobiografico di Mauro Repetto intitolato Non ho ucciso l'uomo ragno, perchè la sua figura, che quando ero piccola non mi era mai interessata e non avevo capito, dopo la visione della serie tv aveva iniziato ad interessarmi.
Link al libro: https://amzn.to/3ZG7XiX
Il libro si legge in poche ore sono solo 150 pagine che volano via tra l'altro senza molti particolari che avrei invece voluto sapere. Però se non altro ho avuto conferma di alcuni fatti raccontati nel telefilm.
iniziati i giorni di vacanza a fine dicembre ho deciso di recuperare almeno alcuni dei libri che avevo in wishlist da mesi e accellerare il mio ritmo di lettura con molte delusioni purtroppo.
Sempre sullì'onda di una mia voglia di scifi ho letto:
Some desperate glory, di Emily Tesh
Inedito in italiano
Già essendo uno young adult ha per me delle mancanze enormi nella costruzione dei personaggi, ma in parte posso sorvolarle, proprio tenendo conto della fascia d'età dei protagonisti e del pubblico a cui è destinato questo libro, ma non posso tollerare incoerenze e estrema confusione di trama. Specie in un genere, lo YA, che si prefigge di solito di essere chiaro o quantomeno facilmente capibile. Ad un certo punto il libro vuole entrare nel genere viaggio nel tempo, che però non è viaggio nel tempo, ma lo è , ma solo in parte, in parte è simulazione, in parte altre dimensioni, in parte bolle di tempo, in parte boh nessuno lo sa. E la macchina senziente che è stata creata da una razza aliena per portare avanti il bene comune dell'universo e prevede il futuro decidendo di conseguenza chi eliminare e chi tenere decide di eliminare il pianeta terra eliminando quasi completamente la razza umana ma poi alla protagonista in cerca di vendetta per questa piccola cosuccia dice io non decido nulla non mi assumo la responsabilità è chi mi comanda che decide. Peccato che chi la comanda dica di non sapere nulla e gli stessi alieni che l'hanno creata non sanno più come funziona....quindi scusate abbiamo eliminato la terra ma non è colpa di nessuno. E poi tanto possiamo tornare indietro nel tempo, creare realtà alternative quindi che importa no?
Poi ho letto il paranormal romance Golden (serie The Golden Wolf, #1), di Shannon Mayer
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Mi ha attirato l'idea di partenza di una licantropa maledetta da una strega che invece di trasformarsi in lupo diventa un golden retriver. Ma è utilizzata male e diventa una cosa secondaria se non terziaria all'interno di una trama confusissima che è l'insieme di un botto di trame simili già lette e scritte meglio da altri. Ad in certo punto sembra di essere entrati dentro in Thor Ragnarok senza Thor e senza Loki e senza niente se non nomi già sentiti lì….
Mentre preparavo un post per il blog relativo ai Goodreads choice awards mi ha incuriosito uno dei romanzi vincitori che ho quindi deciso di leggere:
La stagione del coraggio, di Kristin Hannah
Link affiliato: https://amzn.to/4fMJ9KW
Trama: "Anche le donne sanno essere eroiche." Per la ventenne Frances "Frankie" McGrath, studentessa di infermieristica, questa frase è una rivelazione. Cresciuta nell'idilliaco mondo assolato della California del sud e protetta dai suoi genitori di idee conservatrici, si è sempre vantata di fare la cosa giusta, di essere una brava ragazza. Ma è il 1966, il mondo sta cambiando, e Frankie si ritrova all'improvviso a immaginare un futuro diverso, così, quando suo fratello parte per il Vietnam, lei decide di arruolarsi nel Corpo infermieristico dell'esercito. Inesperta come gli uomini mandati al fronte, Frankie è sopraffatta dal caos e dalla distruzione della guerra: ogni giorno è una scommessa tra la vita e la morte, tra la speranza e il tradimento.
La mia opinione: la cosa più bella di questo libro è senza dubbio l'idea che sta alla sua base: onorare le donne americane che hanno operato come infermiere durante la guerra in Vietnam. Una guerra oggi ricordata come profondamente sbagliata che si preferisce non nominare o che se viene nominata, lo è con disprezzo addirittura o rifiuto. Ma chi ha servito la sua patria lo ha fatto credendo di essere nel giusto, ed è giustissimo ricordare durante un conflitto, il personale medico, da qualunque parte stia, opera solo per salvare delle vite. Da un punto di vista letterario però il romanzo è piuttotso basico sia come sintassi, che come stile, che lessico, che come coinvolgimento emotivo. Non raggiunge mai quelle altezze che un argomento del genere meritava, a mio avviso. Ma ciò lo rende probabilmente più facilmente fruibile da un pubblico di lettori più vasto che non vuole troppi dati storici o geografici, troppi particolari o dettagli di procedure mediche… Io li avrei voluti. Non si sofferma mai nel dettaglio sulle procedure mediche adottate dallae protagonista o dai medici che la circondano, sulle probabili epidemie che colpivano gli alloggiamenti. La crudezza e la realtà della guerra vengono raccontate, ma mai fino in fondo, se non in un paio di punti che però vengono fatti passare dinnanzi alla protagonista molto velocemente e poi quasi più nominati. E la protagonista non mi ha generato empatia, per nulla. Avrei preferito sinceramente conoscere la storia di Barb o Ethel, le due amiche di Frankie, sia durante che dopo la guerra, che non la sua, poichè mi sono sembrati due personaggi molto più interessanti, e più vividi, più attivi, che non la protagonista, di famiglia privilegiata, che parte in guerra quasi per un motivo futile, poichè la decisione era stata presa prima del lutto che la colpirà. E poi per tutto il libro Frankie sembra quasi sempre preda delle azioni altrui o delle influenze altrui, specie degli uomini di cui si innamora. Ha dei momenti di chiarezza e coraggio, certo, ma i suoi momenti migliori vengono raccontati in fretta, con poche righe di riassunto, mentre i suoi momenti peggiori nel dettaglio. Avrei voluto leggere dela centro che poi ha aperto per le infermieri reduci di guerra, vederlo sorgere passo passo, invece la rinascita di Franckie viene riassunta in poche righe per dare spazio di nuovo nel finale alla sua storia d'amore. Probabilmente non è giusto ma continuavo nella mia mente a pargonare questo romanzo a Il cavaliere d'inverno di Paullina Simons o Molokai (L'isola dei fiori rossi) di Allan Brennert o Storia di una suora di Kathryn Hulme, e sinceramente non c'è proprio paragone.
Visto che avevo letto la stagione del coraggio Goodreads mi ha consigliato di leggere: La vita impossibile, di Matt Haig
Link affiliato: https://amzn.to/4j3oIvY
Trama: Quando Grace Winters, insegnante di matematica in pensione, riceve in eredità da un’amica che ha perso di vista da tempo una casa cadente su un’isola del Mediterraneo, la curiosità ha la meglio su di lei. Arriva a Ibiza con un biglietto di sola andata, senza guida turistica e senza progetti per il futuro. Tra aspre colline e spiagge dorate, Grace va in cerca di risposte sulla vita dell’amica, e sulle circostanze della sua fine. Quello che scopre è più strano di quanto si sarebbe mai sognata. Ma per immergersi in quell’impossibile verità, Grace dovrà prima scendere a patti col suo passato.
La mia opinione: Lo stile di scrittura devo dire che mi è piaciuto molto, l'idea delle lettere per raccontare questa storia così fiabesca le dona quel pizzico di realismo in più. Ti racconto questo, poi sta a te crederci oppure no… ci dice la narratrice. E' un racconto nel racconto e questo ci riporta alla fiaba nella sua versione tradizionale, ma con dati oggettivi piazzati ad arte. Molto intelligente e la cosa funziona bene. Ho apprezzatao veramente la prosa, lo stile, la forma, molto poco l'argomento devo ammettere, fin troppo….didascalicamente moralizzante. Ci sta che ci sia un insegnamento c'è in ogni fiaba, ma qui proprio te lo vogliono ficcare così bene in testa che è fin troppo ovvio, fin troppo chiaro e visibile persino per una fiaba. Forse sono io che non sono abbastanza green per apprezzarlo…può darsi. Ma è una morale green talmente moderna e talmente piazzata lì in bella vista che per me stride con la 'fiaba' dove alla morale ci dovresti arrivare tu.
Dato poi che finalmente a fine 2024 ho ripreso a guardare sia K-drama (Judge from hell) che C-drama (Blossom) ho deciso di leggere un libro chiaramente ispirato ai kdrama:
The God and the Gumiho (Fate's Thread, #1), di Sophie Kim
Inedito in italiano
Link affiliato: https://amzn.to/41ZJhDu
Trama: Kim Hani, la gumiho (un potente spirito gatto a nove code) un tempo terribile conosciuta come la Volpe Scarlatta, trascorre le sue giornate lavorando in un bar e cercando di non lasciare che un certo cliente la infastidisca. Seokga, un dio imbroglione caduto dal cielo per il suo tentativo di colpo di stato ai danni del fratello, trascorre le sue giornate dando la caccia ai demoni per tornare fra gli dei e infastidendo un particolare gumiho. Quando un demone dell'oscurità fugge dagli inferi e la Volpe Scarlatta emerge dal nascondiglio prima di svanire rapidamente, a Seokga viene offerta una possibilità di redenzione: ucciderli entrambi e i suoi peccati saranno perdonati. Ma Hani è pronta a fare qualsiasi cosa per impedire a Seokga di assicurarla alla giustizia, anche a ingannarlo nelle sue indagini.
La mia opinione: Carino. Chiaramente ispirato ad un tipico drama coreano come struttura e personaggi. Sa molto di già visto e già sentito, inoltre è molto più semplificato come trama di un kdrama. I personaggi principali hanno carattere, i secondari no purtroppo e la trama generale il cattivo da sconfiggere e l'indagine per trovarlo sono alquanto deboli e prevedibili. Mi ha deluso sinceramente volevo di più.
Poi ho visto che un'autrice che seguo da anni aveva scritto un nuovo romanzo, e potevo non leggerlo? Così ho letto:
Into the Broken Lands, di Tanya Huff
Inedito in italiano
Link affiliato: https://amzn.to/3W06jGv
Trama: Distrutte dalle guerre tra maghi, le Terre Brulle metteranno alla prova i legami familiari e di amicizia, la forza e la sanità mentale. Per salvare la loro gente, gli Eredi di Marsan non hanno altra scelta che entrare ogni tot di anni nelle Tere Brulle distrutte dalle guerre tra maghi, per prelevare il carburante che tiene accesa la fiamma che si dica protegga il loro regno dagli abomini creati dalle guerre passate. Il viaggio è possibile solo grazie a un'arma creata dagli stessi maghi che distrussero ogni cosa. Un'arma che era stata creata per proteggere. Un costrutto senziente. Una specie di persona non nata, ma costruita, che negli anni si è sempre di più umanizzata vivendo a contatto con la gente del confine. Il viaggio metterà in discussione tutto ciò in cuil'erede di Marsan crede di sapere sull'arma ma soprattutto su se stesso e sull'umanità.
La mia opinione: questo è un classico libro fantasy autoconclusivo scritto molto bene che racconta una storia breve ma con tutti i temi principali del genere condensati e mixati a temi leggermente più innovativi come ad esempio il rendere l'arma magica un mostro stile Frankenstain, che desidera essere umano, la scelta di intercalare la cronaca del viaggio attuale con quella del viaggio precedente fatto generazioni prima. Ma non gli ho dato più di tre stelle su Goodreads perchè l'ho trovato troppo prevedibile. Forse ho letto troppi fantasy, forse sono diventata schizzinosa, fatto sta che il poter capire fin dall'inizio chi sarebbe stato plagiato dal male tra i viaggiatori e chi sarebbe probabilmente sopravvisssuto, mi ha tolto ogni aspettativa e curiosità durante la lettura.
E arriviamo finalmente all'ultimo libro che ho letto quest'anno:
The Teller of Small Fortunes, di Julie Leong
Inedito in italiano
Link affiliato: https://amzn.to/3BLIwUa
Trama: Tao è un'indovina che viaggia da un villaggio all'altro con solo il suo fidato mulo come compagnia. Racconta solo "piccole" fortune: se grandinerà la prossima settimana; quale ragazzo bacerà la cameriera; quando la mucca partorirà. Sa per amara esperienza che le grandi fortune portano con sé grandi conseguenze... Anche se è una vita solitaria, è migliore di quella che si è lasciata alle spalle. Ma una piccola fortuna diventa inaspettatamente qualcosa di più quando un ladro (semi) riformato e un ex mercenario la reclutano nella loro disperata ricerca di una bambina perduto. Presto vengono raggiunti da una fornaia con la passione per l'avventura e, ovviamente, da un gatto un po' magico. Tao intraprende un nuovo percorso con compagni tanto generosi quanto piccole le sue fortune. Ma mentre abbassa le mura che vaev aeretto intorno al suo cuore per protezione, le ombre del suo passato si avvicinano e dovrà decidere se rischiare tutto per preservare la nuova famiglia che non avrebbe mai pensato di poter avere.
La mia opinione: sono felicissima di essere riuscita a leggere questo libro entro la fine dell'anno perchè mi ha veramente risollevato dopo parecchie letture deludenti. Quando leggi tanto e nulla ti piace ad un certo punto credi di essere tu ad avere qualcosa che non va e non i libri. Poi preò arriva un bel romanzo finalmente che ti appaga e capisci che non eri tu il problema ma quei libri mediocri. Ecco questo libro mi ha fatto capire che non ero io il problema. Finalmente un fantasy autoconclusivo carino, piacevole, semplice, ma ben scritto, con bei personaggi tutti simpatici, nessun cattivo se non persone che hanno per un attimo perso la via, un bel lieto fine dove nessuno salva il mondo e nessuno è predestinato a farlo, nessuno ha poteri incommensurabili, nessuno crede di sapere tutto. E' un fantasy cozy familiare racchiuso in un piccolo mondo con piccoli o grandi problemi che riguardano persone normali con vite più o meno normali che mi ha veramente riscaldato il cuore. Era veramente una lettura particolarmente adatta al Natale scritta bene in modo chiaro lineare veramente piacevole perchè comunque nella sua semplicità fa veramente vivere i personaggi non si limita a delinearli. E' una lettura che mi ha sconvolto? Un capolavoro indimenticabile? No, assolutamente, ma è un bel libro, con una trama non prevedibile e credetemi questo è già tanto al giorno d'oggi e spero veramente che verrà tradotto in italiano e pubblicato anche nel nostro paese. Se sapete leggre in inglese vi consiglio veramente di leggerlo.
Sono stata indecisa fino all'ultimo se dare il premio di LIBRO BLOG 2024 a questo romanzo oppure a La terra dei molti colori di Julian May in rappresentanza del capolavoro che è la sua serie Esilio nel Pliocene. Il romanzo di May è senza dubbio un'opera molto più complessa matura e non c'è paragone tra le due, a livello letterario, ma è anche di difficile reperibilità, specialmente nel nostro paese. Perciò alla fine ho deciso di assegnare il PREMIO BLOG 2024 a The Teller of Small Fortunes, di Julie Leon.
Se vi è piaciuto questo video vi piaceranno anche:
Vi racconto la SAGA DELL’ ESILIO NEL PLIOCENE di Julian May: https://weirdesplinder.tumblr.com/post/753828012982779904/vi-racconto-la-saga-dell-esilio-nel-pliocene-di
Recensione a caldo di The Beloved di J. R Ward: https://youtu.be/-xU2MThBUo8?si=iecyLvFSLOxHT0x4
Recensione di Il famiglio di Leigh Bardugo: https://youtu.be/DaCeeSqHsEk
Recensione di Blood over bright haven: https://youtu.be/dH9IRrAYnoo?si=d_ngM83BDFZ8FJ5m
Recensione a caldo della Trilogia fantascientifica/apocalittica “Heartland aliens”, di Joshua James: https://youtu.be/ppYV5lUQhlc
Recensione del libro Non ho ucciso l'uomo ragno, di Mauro Repetto:https://youtu.be/e7Z6vUa1yzY
Podcast Amiche di drama e trama: The idea of you recensione del film e del libro: https://youtu.be/z21D2OYUD-o
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Frosted Brushes
leon kennedy x fem!reader
summary: an ill-timed snowstorm leaves you snowed in with a less than enthusiastic federal agent.
cw: nsfw (18+) - mdni!!, smut, bestfriend's older brother!leon, kissing, oral sex, face-sitting, vaginal fingering, p in v, spanking, mild choking
wc: 5.5k
a/n: i know i promised blurred lines pt2 (it's coming) but i just loveee the snowed in trope. also leon's biceps - i love his biceps <3
also on ao3!
Getting snowed in wasn't exactly on your bucket list.
It’d been a mistake, your best friend had said, her voice anxious and apologetic on the phone as she’d tried to make up for the fact that she’d left you stranded here, in the middle of nowhere in a cabin that she had booked. You were only meant to stay here over the week of Christmas and fly back the next, but she’d conveniently forgotten to book tickets for both you and Leon. It’d been too late by then, a vicious snow storm rolling in and ruining all your chances of trying to leave.
You’d stared out the windows for a concerning amount of time, mourning the loss of your upcoming paychecks and not being able to sleep in your own bed. Outside, the snow was packed in tight and you’d been half-tempted to just grab the snow shovel and clear a path for yourself, but the howling wind coupled with the freezing temperature didn’t seem to agree with your plans. The only thing saving you from this woeful situation was the generator that was still up and running.
The federal agent currently lounging on the couch wasn’t helping either. You’d known Leon since you were children, mostly seeing him around the house when you’d come over to play with your best friend. He had kept to himself all those years ago, shooting you fleeting glances and berating you when you’d gotten too loud playing.
Boredom makes your temples throb and the thought of reading through another book makes you feel nauseous, so you settle on approaching Leon, flopping down on the other end with a heavy sigh.
“Hey,” you say, your feet nudging his thigh, “can’t you call up one of your buddies and have ‘em pick us up?”
“That’s not how it works,” Leon sighs, his eyes flitting down to stare irritatedly at your fluffy sock covered feet.
“What good is being a federal agent then?” you drawl, head tipping back over the armrest.
Leon rolls his eyes, shoving your feet away. You grumble, tucking your feet back under you before scooting forward to peer at whatever work on his laptop screen.
“Classified,” Leon says shortly, turning the screen away from you.
“Seriously, Leon?” you say, crossing your arms over your chest. “It’s not like I’m going to leak government secrets to a foreign enemy.”
“You might ,” Leon grits out, sending you a glare as you try to twist your body to take another look.
“Maybe I should be flattered that you think me capable of treason.”
Leon snorts, his eyes glancing over towards you again. “You wouldn’t last a day in the field, dork. Most likely end up getting yourself killed, or maybe even blown up.”
You glare at him, shifting again, making sure to dig your feet into his thigh a little harder as you roll over onto your side on the couch. Leon lets out a low hiss, growing irritated with your petulant behavior. He doesn’t shove your feet away like before so you settle on staying in that position, eyes slipping shut. A tiny sprig of hope unfurls inside of you; maybe if you tried hard enough, you’d be able to sleep the entire snowstorm away.
The weather doesn’t seem to let up, the wind howling outside, a chill beginning to creep into the cabin. You huff out an exasperated breath, eyes peeking open to sneak a glance at Leon. He looks engrossed in whatever he’s doing, fingers tapping against the keyboard, his brows drawn together.
Perhaps you’d struck out, getting stuck here with Leon. Sure, the federal agent stuff was mildly interesting, but he was more like a silent, grumpy lump. It sort of helped that he had a nice face, even if just to stare at.
“‘m cold,” you mumble, sock-clad toes trying to worm under his thighs, seeking out his warmth.
“Stop complaining,” Leon grouses, nudging your legs away with his hand.
“You’re so mean,” you shoot back, eyes narrowing. “Is it because you got stuck with a desk job?”
Leon glares at you, his touch growing rougher as he grabs your ankle and throws your leg away from him. A yelp escapes you, body bending awkwardly before you straighten yourself up, curling up away from him.
“I’m a field agent,” Leon hisses, snapping his laptop shut.
You shoot him an unimpressed look, eyes flitting over him. “I don’t see a gun.”
“Yeah and it’s a good thing I didn’t bring it, because I would shoot you if I had the chance.”
A sharp scoff leaves you, arms crossing over your chest as you stand up. “You’re such a piece of sh-”
A loud screeching noise cuts you off, your brows furrowing as you glance towards the direction the sound was coming from. It doesn’t take long to figure out what’s happened when the lights in the cabin go out after a moment, the interior lit up by the flickering embers of the hearth.
“Great,” Leon murmurs, standing up and walking towards the large windows, his eyes landing on the generator, “it’s probably frozen.”
You trail after him, a frown pulling at your lips as you stare out at the snowy tundra surrounding you in every direction.
“Is there no way to fix it?” you ask, fingers pressing up against the window.
“Maybe if we got rid of the snow,” Leon sighs, his hand running through his hair, “but the cold would probably just make it freeze up again.”
“Time to get shovelling,” you murmur, peering up at Leon.
Leon’s gaze flicks towards you, his lips thinning. “I’m not going out there.”
“What?” you ask snappily, irritation prickling across your skin, “why not?”
“Because I’ll freeze to death,” he retorts, “didn’t you watch the weather report?”
You stare at him, eye twitching at his refusal. At this rate, both of you would freeze to death if you weren’t able to get the generator up and running. You didn’t particularly trust the insulation either, although there was enough wood stocked in the spare room to maybe get you through the rest of the nights here.
“So what are you suggesting?” you ask, “that I go out and do it?”
“If you’re desperate enough,” he mutters under his breath.
“You’re the man!” you protest. “Shouldn’t you like protect me or something?”
Leon scoffs, his arms crossing over his chest as he stares down at you derisively. “You’re on your own, pipsqueak. Each man for themselves.”
“Oh, fuck you,” you snarl, stomping over to the door and yanking a jacket off of its hook. You shrug it on angrily, zipping it up tight before wrapping a scarf around your neck. “You’re pathetic, Leon!”
You grab the snow shovel, moving to open the door, only for it to not budge. There’s a moment of silence and you don’t dare look back at Leon. Setting the snow shovel down, you tug at the door handle, yanking hard.
“Please open,” you whisper, trying to wrench the door open, “please.”
By the time you’re done grumbling and yanking, the door’s only response is a pitiful groan, failing to give way at all, completely and utterly frozen shut.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” you mutter, glancing at the hinges of the door.
“Frozen in,” Leon drawls, stepping up behind you, “who would’ve thought? You know, you looked pretty pathetic trying to open it up.”
You turn around to face him, biting the inside of your cheek to prevent yourself from spewing a slew of curses at him. Your best friend would pay dearly for this debacle. Pushing past Leon, you stride purposefully into the room you were staying in, pulling free the sheets before managing to haul the mattress off of the bed frame.
Leon watches with raised brows as you lug the mattress across the floor. You dump it onto the space just in front of the fireplace, brushing your hair out of your face before disappearing into your room again to gather the sheets and blankets.
“At least you’re resourceful?” Leon offers, following suit as he adds his mattress next to yours soon after.
The absence of heat becomes all the more apparent as the night creeps in, your body shivering and teeth chattering every now and then despite the layers you’re wearing. You and Leon settle on soup for dinner, placing the cans near the fireplace to heat them up.
“Maybe we’ll just freeze to death,” you sigh, tugging the blanket draped around your shoulders a little tighter.
Leon hums, glancing over at you. “Maybe.”
You roll your eyes at his short response, padding through the cabin and into the dark bathroom. No generator meant no lights and you weren’t willing to risk using your phone or the flashlights lest the battery ran out.
“Ouch,” you grumble when your hip hits the side of the sink, your eyes squinting in an attempt to adjust to the dark.
You’re too busy rubbing your hip to notice the dark shadow stepping into the bathroom. There’s an arm landing on your waist and you shriek, hand flying out to smack whoever it is.
“Careful,” Leon groans when he feels you grab at his face, feeling around blindly.
“What are you doing?” you hiss, pushing at his chest.
“Keeping you company,” he shoots back, “not like there’s anything for me to do other than stare at the fire.”
“Don’t tell me you’re scared,” you say, managing to turn the tap on. The water is entirely too cold, but thankfully not yet frozen. You hunch over, splashing some onto your face.
“Funny,” Leon replies drily, his hand slipping lower to hold your hip as you bend over.
Your breath hitches at the action and you hope Leon doesn’t notice, especially with the way you tremble when his hand smooths over your waist absentmindedly. Leon’s touching doesn’t seem to let up and you turn around in his arms, fingers prodding into his chest.
“Stop touching me, you creep.”
Leon lets out a heavy sigh, his hands falling away from you. You manage to bundle out of the bathroom, finding his eyes in the dim lighting. He stares down at you, and you tilt your head in question.
“Nothing,” he huffs out, shoving your face away with his hand.
You grumble, swatting his hand away, padding over to your makeshift bed near the fireplace. Despite the warmth of the fire, you still shiver, and snuggling in under the heap of blankets.
Leon’s footfalls are quiet as he makes his way over, settling down on his own mattress. Silence passes over you both until a sneeze tickles at your nose, making your eyes water.
“Are you still cold?” Leon asks quietly.
“Nothing I can’t handle,” you mumble back, curling up your toes in your socks, trying to bury yourself deeper under the blankets.
You miss the way Leon rolls his eyes, a squeak leaving you when you feel strong arms looping around your waist, tugging you across onto Leon’s mattress. His chest is warm against your back, the layers of blankets growing with the two of you now pressed together.
“Let- let go of me,” you grouse, trying to unlatch his arms from around you.
“No can do, pipsqueak,” he replies, keeping you close, “my sister will kill me if anything happens to you. Besides, I know you gotta little thing for me.”
“I do not have a thing for you,” you scoff, your denial sharp. You squirm in his arms, managing to roll onto your other side to face him. “That would be gross, Leon.”
“Yeah?” Leon murmurs, his eyes drifting across your face, “you didn’t think it was gross when you told my sister you’d like to sit on my face.”
You sputter, embarrassment making your cheeks go hot. Suddenly, the chill of the snowstorm seems to fade, replaced by a heat that seems unbearable, Leon’s skin warm against yours.
“I- I did not say that!” you protest, trying to squirm out of his arms again but to no avail.
“I overheard you,” he sighs, rolling his eyes when you try to swat at his face.
“Well, fine,” you admit begrudgingly, stopping your struggling. “But you aren’t special . I could name five other guys off the top of my head that I’d enjoy.”
“Ouch,” Leon replies, his eyes boring into yours. “‘m wounded, pipsqueak.”
You send him a glare before snuggling closer, your face shoving into his chest. Leon lets out a rough laugh, his grip on you loosening. Silence passes over you and the warmth settles down to something more cozy, making your eyes droop shut.
“Could be fun.”
“What?” you mumble sleepily.
“Could be fun if you sat on my face.”
You peek up at him, taken aback. “Have you lost your mind, Leon?”
His lips purse as he considers your words, shrugging his shoulders lazily. “Gotta kill the time somehow,” he yawns.
“‘m not sleeping with you, jerk,” you reply, trying to ignore the fact that Leon, grumpy federal agent Leon , was offering to eat you out.
He sighs, muttering something incoherent that you can barely pick up on. It doesn’t help that Leon’s managed to ruin your sleep, the image of Leon’s head between your thighs popping into your mind. Could be fun .
Leon’s already staring at you when you look back up at him, his brows raising when you play with the strings of his hoodie, twirling and twisting them.
“Do you want to?” you ask.
He considers your words, running his hand through his hair. “I could use the practice. It’s been a while.”
“I’m not a training dummy, Leon,” you retort, but Leon’s already moving, the blankets around you shifting as he pulls them off, grabbing at your sock and pajama pants. “You said it could be fun .”
“Practice can be fun,” he replies drily, pulling your pajama pants off.
You shiver when the cold hits your skin, goosebumps erupting all over immediately. Leon’s hands are warm when he slides them over your legs, his head lowering to take a look at your panties.
“Cute,” Leon murmurs, finger pulling at the band before letting the fabric snap back against your skin.
“H- hey!” you stop him when he tries to pull them off, eyes narrowing. “You should build up to it, not just go right in.”
Leon rolls his eyes and you huff out an annoyed breath, feet pressing up against his chest.
“C’mon, Leon,” you say, voice morphing into a taunt, “work for it.”
“You always like this?” he shoots back, glaring down at you.
You give him a snarky smile, nudging your feet against his chest again. Leon shakes his head, grabbing one of your feet. You watch as he dips his head, his lips landing on your ankle. Leon’s lips are surprisingly gentle, his eyes flitting to yours as he trails his lips up your leg, leaving hot kisses in his wake.
A soft sigh escapes you, the tenseness fading as you relax, letting your eyes slide shut as he squeezes your thighs and kisses the side of your knee.
“Good?” he asks, his voice low.
“Mhm,” you nod, hips reacting to his ministrations as he spreads you apart.
Leon’s breath is hot against your skin, his tongue darting out to lick teasingly as he covers your inner thighs with kisses. You peer down at him, reaching out to place your hand in his hair, back arching slightly when he noses into your panties.
You bite your lip when he licks over your panties, feeling wetness beginning to gather between your thighs. His eyes flutter shut when your nails scratch at his scalp lightly, lapping at your clothed pussy until the fabric is wet with his spit and your slick, clinging to your folds.
“That’s cute,” you murmur, “thought this was just practice?”
He huffs out a breath and you smile, letting him lap at your clothed cunt until he’s satisfied. Leon kisses your hip when he rises up, fingers trailing across your thighs before drifting over your panties again, rubbing the drenched material absentmindedly.
“‘s nice,” he murmurs, reaching up to tug your panties flush against your pussy, his eyes latched onto the way it outlines your puffy folds. Leon’s fingers reach down, rubbing over your cunt, pressing your panties against you harder. He watches the way you bite back the noises that threaten to escape, his lips turning into a frown. “Don’t do that.”
You shake your head stubbornly and he glares at you, tugging your lip out from the confines of your teeth.
“Guess I’ll just have to wear you out, hm?”
Leon’s fingers are greedy as he pulls your panties free, throwing them somewhere over his shoulder.
“Kiss first,” you say quietly when he thumbs apart your sticky folds, “then lick.”
“I know how to do this,” he grunts, gripping your thighs harder to pull you closer to him.
“Well then show me- oh fuck -”
Your breath hitches when he kisses your clit, the bud swollen and aching from before when he’d licked over your panties and prodded his tongue against you. Leon grins against your cunt, his tongue lolling out to lick a stripe over your wet pussy, delving deep between your folds to drink down your slick.
“Taste good, pipsqueak,” he rasps, licking over your cunt, lapping over and over again until your thighs twitch and your hand tightens in his hair, eyes squeezing shut.
“Don’t- ngh- don’t call me that! ”
“What should I call you then?” Leon asks, pulling back to spit on your cunt, his fingers spreading over your clit and pussy, rubbing it in, his thumb drawing tight circles against your clit. “Hm? Baby, is that what you want? Maybe sweetheart? Darlin’, gorgeous, my good girl? All of ‘em?”
You can only manage out a moan, hips rolling up to meet his mouth as the pet-names ring in your mind, a haze of lust fogging over your mind. Leon lets out a hoarse laugh, prodding a finger against your fluttering hole, easing it in.
A whimper leaves you, cunt clenching around it as he nips at your thigh, tilting his head to suck your clit into his mouth. You shudder as he suckles, tongue flicking against the throbbing bud, teeth grazing across gently. He presses another finger into your cunt, a deep groan leaving him as you clench around his fingers harder, hips jumping when he sucks at your clit with renewed fervor.
“Such a whiny baby,” Leon muses when he hears the little whimpers and whines that leave you, his hand clamping over your hip to keep you in place as you squirm. “Don’t worry sweetheart, ‘m gonna take care of you.”
You mewl, hips rolling again needily as he buries his face into your cunt, slurping and sucking noisily. It makes your cheeks flush with embarrassment, despite the fact no one can hear you for miles.
“Thought- ah- thought you were gonna let me sit on your face,” you mumble out, body shuddering when Leon curls his fingers, beginning to thrust them in and out of you.
“Is that what you want?”
You peer down at him before managing out a nod. Leon hums, taking a measured suck of your clit and pressing a kiss to it. He pats your hip, shifting to lay on his back in response. It’s nice of him, you think, when he offers you his hand, pulling you closer as you swing your leg over his face as you peer down at him.
“Sit on my face, baby,” he murmurs, kissing the inside of your thigh.
You flush lightly, reaching out to brush the hair that’s fallen across his forehead, running your fingers through the soft strands. Leon’s eyes slip shut and you smile, trailing your fingers over the curve of his cheek before shuffling forward, lowering yourself onto his awaiting mouth.
“Oh,” you breathe out, hands landing on the sheets above his head, gripping them tightly.
Leon groans, hands grasping at your thighs, squeezing the fat of them as he urges you to rock your hips across his mouth. It’s almost too much, the swirl of his tongue, the intensity of his gaze as he looks up at you.
“I like it when you shut up,” you murmur, giving him a smile as you drag your cunt over the length of his tongue. “So much more tolerable this way, Leon.”
Leon lets out an indignant sound and you yelp, jolting when his hand comes down on your ass, your flesh stinging. What an asshole. You glare down at him, gripping his hair harder, pulling at the strands, enough to make it hurt .
He grunts, eyes squeezing shut in pain before he grasps your hips, pulling you down flush against his mouth. Your mouth opens, a strangled moan sounding as you feel his tongue pressing into your cunt.
“N- ngh- no,” you begin to say but Leon ignores you, fucking into your cunt with your tongue.
You can hardly see straight, back arching, eyes squeezing shut.
“Brat,” Leon snarls, slapping your ass again, “so fucking bratty, sweetheart.”
“‘m not,” you whine, squirming atop his mouth, moaning again when he sucks his clit into your mouth, tongue flicking and swirling until you’re seeing stars. “‘m not , Leon.”
“You are,” he snaps lowly, “bratty and annoying and a fucking pain the ass.” He licks over your cunt again and again. Your thighs twitch, chest heaving as you suck in short, sharp breaths, hunching over when his teeth nip at your folds carefully.
It’s the worst, or perhaps the best because it has the bridge of his nose pressing up against your clit in a way that you’ve never felt before. You rock your hips, gasping, tears pricking at your eyes when he lands another heavy slap to your ass.
“Cum, baby,” Leon hisses, his voice a low rasp, “cum on my fucking mouth. Can you do that, hm? Be a good girl for once and cum .”
You shudder, a sharp cry tearing its way out of your throat as you cum, twitching violently. There’s sweat covering your body, your eyes squeezing shut as you cum. Leon laps at your slick, drinking it down like a man starved. He squeezes your thighs and you tremble, managing to squirm off of him, slumping down over the blankets, panting as your cunt throbs.
Silence passes over the cabin, save for the soothing crackle of the fire. Leon clears his throat, his arm wrapping around your waist to pull you closer into the warmth of his chest.
“Hey,” he murmurs, “you- uh, you good?”
“Shut up, Leon,” you grouse, still reeling from the fact that Leon had given you the best orgasm of your life.
“I didn’t mean it,” he offers quietly, calloused palm rubbing up and down your side, over the dip of your waist and curve of your hip. “Well, not all of it.”
You shift, turning to face him. Leon’s hair looks like a mess and you figure you don’t look that much better, given all the squirming and writhing you were doing earlier.
“Yeah?” you murmur, “well, I mean it when I say you’re a dick.”
“Fine,” Leon muses, a smile pulling at his lips, “I’ll let you h-”
His words are cut off when you shuffle closer, grabbing his hoodie. Your nose brushes against his gently, eyes fluttering shut as you press your lips against his tentatively. Leon sighs into your mouth, his hand squeezing at your ass, his lips working against yours.
You wrap your arms around his neck, letting out a soft noise when he licks into your mouth, tasting yourself on his tongue. He can’t help himself as he grabs at you, his hands sliding up under your thick sweater to grasp at your tits. You whimper when he pinches your nipples, rolling them between his fingers before tugging gently.
“Gonna let me fuck you, sweetheart?” Leon whispers against your lips.
You nod, kissing him again, pulling at his hoodie. He sits up, tugging it up over his head before reaching for you, pulling your sweater off of you. Leon swallows when he sees your breasts, his hands reaching for them greedily.
“C’mere, baby,” he murmurs, dipping his head to suck a nipple into his mouth. You bite your lip, hands cupping the back of his head as Leon nuzzles into your breasts, mouthing at the sides of them, landing soft kisses across your sternum and up your throat before finding your lips again.
Your hands are just as greedy as his mouth, reaching down to palm him through his sweats, the bulge looking inviting. Leon moans into your mouth and you smile, pecking his lips as you dip your hand inside, curling your hand around his cock.
It’s thick and heavy when Leon pulls down his sweatpants, his cock bobbing. You lick your hips, straddling his thigh, stroking his cock slowly. Leon’s eyes are squeezed shut, his head tipped back as his hips buck up into your hand.
“‘s big, Leon,” you murmur, watching with rapt attention as thick globs of pre-cum bead at the tip of his cock.
“Y- yeah?” he whimpers, thighs twitching, “‘s all yours, sweetheart.”
You hum happily, meeting his eyes before opening your mouth, letting spit drop down from your tongue onto his cock. Leon groans brokenly, watching as you jerk him off, cum and spit mixing together.
“Enough,” he grunts when you swipe your thumb over the tip of his cock.
You pout, shuffling back, enough to get your mouth around the head of his cock. Leon’s grumbling when your tongue swirls around his cock, his hand fisting into your hair to pull you off roughly.
“I said enough ,” Leon murmurs, moving you until you're on your hands and knees.
“Thought you said your cock was mine ,” you drawl, wiggling your hips, ass up in the air for him. “You’re being- oh -”
A dazed sigh leaves you when you feel Leon’s mouth on you again, his thumbs spreading you apart greedily, tongue licking over your cunt. You turn your head, hazy eyes finding Leon’s hand wrapped around his cock, his grip tight as he strokes himself.
“Want your cock in me,” you mumble, drooling into the pillows when he kisses your clit.
“Greedy,” he says, rubbing his cock against your cunt for a few seconds before he presses his cock in.
You gasp, eyes squeezing shut, hips shifting away. Leon clicks his tongue, pulling your hips back, forcing you to take his cock. It’s girthy and thick, a mewl leaving you as you feel his cock stretch you out.
“That’s it,” Leon whispers, hand smoothing over the length of your back, “take my cock, sweetheart.”
You babble incoherently, leaning back into him when he drapes himself over your back, his lips on your shoulder. Leon draws his hips back before thrusting them forward, making you moan. He smiles against your skin, kissing the back of your neck before straightening out.
“Look at that,” Leon murmurs, letting out a low whistle as he spreads your wider, his fingers stroking the edges of your stretched out pussy. “Greedy cunt’s just swallowing up my cock, baby.”
“More,” you whine, starting to rock your hips back to meet his thrusts.
Leon groans, feeling your ass smack back against his hips. He grips you harder, fingers bruising against your hips, pushing down on your back to make you arch. The action has you squeaking when you lose your balance, toppling forward, cheek squishing into the pillows.
The clap of his hips against yours is embarrassing, the cold around you forgotten in the dim cabin, the thickness of his cock replacing any worries you had.
“So fucking good,” Leon snarls, tugging you up again. “Perfect fucking pussy, baby.”
You cry out when he fucks up into you, his chest flush against your back, his arm winding around your neck. Leon squeezes and you slur out a moan, head turning to sink your teeth into his bicep.
He hisses at the flare of pain, squeezing harder. Your body jolts with every thrust, eyes rolling back in delirium at how good the feel of his cock is combined with the squeeze of his arm around your neck.
“Leon!” you whimper, tipping your head back, kissing his jaw sloppily.
“‘m right here, sweetheart,” he groans, mouth slotting over yours messily.
It’s all spit and sloppy kisses, both of your bodies trembling as Leon pounds into you without abandon. The squeeze of his bicep has your vision blurring, nails digging into his thigh. Your cunt clenches and Leon whines, pressing you back down to fuck his cock into you, hand coming down on your ass hard .
“Gonna make me cum,” he rasps, fingers finding your clit, rubbing tight circles around the swollen bud.
“Please,” you mewl, hugging the pillow to your chest, “please, Leon- wanna cum, wanna cum please .”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he chants breathlessly, kissing your cheek, “wait, where- fuck, baby- where do you want it?”
“In- nghhh- in me,” you beg, hooking your foot awkwardly around his leg, trying to keep him from pulling out. “Cum inside , Leon. Want your cum.”
“Shit,” Leon groans, pressing his face into the crook of your neck, his hips humping into your cunt as he loses himself in the tight clench of your pussy. “Sweetheart, you gotta let go.”
“N- nooo,” you whine, shaking your head, wiggling your hips back so his cock presses into you deeper.
He moans, the sound deep and guttural and it has you moaning too, cunt clenching around him like a vice.
“Pussy’s not letting me go,” Leon snarls, cock driving into you deeper as he slows his thrusts, opting to roll his hips instead. “Fine, ‘m gonna give you my cum, sweetheart. Gonna fill this greedy, little pussy up.”
You slur out a response, face shoved into the pillow, writhing as Leon rubs your clit a few more times. He curses when you squeeze around him again, slumping over you as his cock twitches, hot cum spilling into you. You bite your lip, dazed and sated as you cum with him, pussy fluttering around his cock.
Leon kisses your neck, panting as he lets his forehead rest against your back. His softening cock slips out of you and Leon turns you on your back, dipping his head to kiss you deeply. You wrap your arm around his neck loosely, sighing contentedly as he massages your hips and thighs.
“I’ll be back,” he whispers against your lips.
You nod, laying there limp. Leon returns with a dry cloth, his lips lingering on your stomach and hip as he cleans you up.
He tugs you into his chest after, kissing your cheek and letting you burrow into his warmth. Your fingers slide through his hair, playing with the soft strands absentmindedly as he smooths his hand over your side, dropping a kiss to your head every now and then.
“So was that good for practice?” you ask, feigning innocence.
Leon huffs out a laugh, his hand squeezing at your waist. “Yeah,” he says, thumb stroking over the curve of your hip, “real good, baby.”
You hum happily, smiling when he tilts his head, kissing you again.
“Does this mean I can see your work?”
“No,” he replies drily, smiling against your cheek. “Still classified, sweetheart.”
“Well, what can I do to un -classify it?”
Leon grins. “I can think of a few things.”
“Bring me any souvenirs?” you call out, leaning against the side of your car.
Leon rolls his eyes, dumping his duffle bag onto the ground, his arms wrapping around your waist to pull you closer. You laugh, letting him nuzzle into the crook of your neck, humming in amusement when he grumbles.
“You’re meant to say you missed me.”
You did miss Leon. After the snowstorm had receded, you’d still been unable to keep your hands off one another, even when you’d returned home. He’d been called on some mission some months later, and now here you were, picking him up.
“Just a smidge,” you murmur, biting your lip when he noses into your cheek, pressing soft kisses across your skin.
You turn your head, cupping his cheeks to pull him closer, kissing him deeply. Leon smiles against your lips, holding you tighter, arms squeezing around you. “Maybe a lot,” you whisper, landing another kiss to his lips.
“I missed you too,” he sighs, tucking your hair behind your ear and pressing a kiss to your forehead. Leon’s lips drift, dragging down over the side of your cheek and to your jaw. He presses you against the cool metal of your car, one of his hands drifting under your skirt.
“Know that pretty pussy missed me too,” he murmurs, “‘s why you sent me all those videos, right?”
“Shut up, Leon.”
“Oh c’mon,” Leon drawls, pulling you back into his chest when you try opening the door to your car, “I liked ‘em, sweetheart.”
He kisses your neck heatedly, a soft whine making its way out of your throat when he squeezes the fat of your ass and pats it affectionately.
“We should go home,” you whisper breathily.
“Yeah,” Leon murmurs, his hand forward to cup your pussy, stroking it through your panties. “Car’s right here though.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, muttering a curse when Leon speaks again.
“Could be fun.”
#leon kennedy smut#leon kennedy x reader#resident evil smut#leon kennedy x you#resident evil#leon kennedy
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sum. various aot boys and how they fuck you while trying to keep your relationship a secret. inspired by lyrics from sneak by leon thomas :p
feat. eren jaeger. jean kirstein. connie springer. armin arlert.
cw. cheating/infidelity, missionary & doggy, face-sitting, a nasty blowjob, praise, riding/cowgirl, creampie, office sex, risky sex, hold the moan, reader has multiple orgasms, some angst if you squint, not proofread...
wc. 2.7k
EREN JAEGER “can i fuck you in the daytime, daytime? even though that pussy isn’t mine.”
Eren’s moral compass is a bit skewed.
But you wouldn’t dare tell him that. He’d only throw it right back in your face, claiming you're worse. You’re the one with a boyfriend after all. He’s single. Technically.
“Where’s the boyfriend?” Eren asks as soon as he crosses the threshold into your home. He doesn’t bother waiting for a response before pulling his shirt off.
You close the front door behind you and sigh. “He’s out of town. Look…” You hesitate, not really wanting to finish your sentence, even though you know it’s long overdue.
Eren turns to look at you, one eyebrow raised. “Don’t tell me you’ve grown a conscience.” He doesn’t sound annoyed, or even surprised. More like…intrigued. Regardless, the words make you wince.
“He wants to take me to meet his parents,” you tell him, avoiding eye contact.
Eren lets out a whistle. There’s a moment of silence, both of you lost in your own thoughts, before you hear the sound of Eren unzipping his pants.
You stare at him. “What are you doing?”
He smirks. “I’m already here. Might as well go out with a bang.”
You don’t bother wasting any time pretending you weren’t hoping he’d say that. You strip, and almost immediately you’re pressed against a wall. Eren kisses you in a way that can only be described as needy, like he’s taking extra and stowing it away for later.
His hands are everywhere, squeezing and caressing and memorizing.
When he lays you down on the sofa, you aren’t expecting him to plant his tongue between your thighs.
“Shhh,” he whispers, lifting his head to meet your eyes. “This is the last time, right?” He waits for you to nod before continuing. “Let me savor it.”
He makes surprisingly quick work of making you come and kisses you right after so you can taste yourself on his lips. When he fucks you he does it slowly, agonizingly, eyes glued to your face as he watches your lips part when he bottoms out.
Your nails dig into his back. “Eren, don’t tease,” you huff. “Faster.”
He smiles down at you, shaking his head slightly. “You’re so impatient,” he says, clicking his tongue. “What happened to letting me savor it?”
You squirm beneath him. “Fuck savoring. Fuck me.”
Eren doesn’t need to hear you say it twice. He picks up the pace, dropping his forehead against your shoulder as he grabs your waist.
“Gonna miss this pussy,” he breathes against your skin. The way he says it is tender, a stark contrast to the rough way he pounds you. You wonder, just for a second, if he really means that he’s going to miss you.
But Eren can see your mind wandering. He taps your cheek.
“Hey. Pay attention. You haven’t come enough times to start losing your mind already.”
His eyes narrow as he takes in the sourness of your expression, unimpressed by his statement.
He huffs and pulls out. “Turn around.”
“Turn around and get on all fours.”
You frown but comply. He rests one hand flat against your back, pushing you down into the perfect arch before he prods your slit with the tip of his cock.
“Gonna make you see stars,” he mutters, before burying himself inside you.
And he does. His rhythm is dizzying, and it has you biting into the couch cushions, groaning with every stroke.
His arm wraps around your hips so he can lay his hand flat on your lower belly. When he travels lower and starts to circle your clit, all the muscles in your core tighten. He doesn’t slow down when you reach your climax. In fact, you think he goes faster.
“Fuck, Erennn,” you whine, dragging out the last consonant of his name as you dig your fingernails into your palm.
“I know, I know. Takin’ me so well. One more.”
You try to remember what he’d always say, something about good girls coming in threes, or maybe third time’s the charm. Something that meant he’d always make you come three times before leaving. It’s hard to think of what it was when you can hear him slamming against your ass.
He draws out the third one in no time, calling you his good girl as you moan into the sofa.
It’s bittersweet when he pulls out, and you wish he would make you come in fives or something. Eren gives you a look that tells you he can tell what you’re thinking.
He presses his lips to your forehead as he pulls his pants on and you can sense the goodbye in it.
“Take care of yourself, mkay? I’ll see you around.”
You watch him leave, wondering if you’ll see him for real.
JEAN KIRSTEIN “know you wanna keep this thing discreet. hear you calling through the streets.”
You’ve molded Jean into the perfect fuck buddy.
He’ll drop everything to come over the minute you text, doesn’t spread your business around, and always makes you come first.
“Right there, right there, fuck.” You grind against his face, throwing your head back as your grip around the headboard tightens.
Jean hums into your pussy as you orgasm, grazing his teeth against your clit as you ride it out.
Your body goes limp and he swiftly comes out from underneath you, laying you down on the bed gently as he peppers kisses across your skin.
“I’m gonna grab you some water,” he says, not waiting for a response before leaving your room.
You watch him go, a small smile sitting on your face. He’s become so attuned to you, always at your beck and call, willing to cater to you in any way you ask.
It’s the kind of behavior that makes you want to suck his dick.
So, when he returns from the kitchen holding a glass of ice water, you ask him.
“Do you wanna throat fuck me?”
Jean freezes, staring at you like you’ve grown a second head. You suppose you have—it’s been nine months since the two of you started fucking and you have yet to go down on him (not that he’s ever complained). Still, you’d be offended at the look he’s giving you if it weren’t for the obvious erection growing in his pants.
You tilt your head to the side, eyeing his crotch before meeting his gaze. “Yes or no?”
“Yes,” he answers quickly, suddenly unfrozen and eager. He places the glass on your dresser, slipping out of his sweatpants and moving towards you.
Jean watches you roll off the bed and onto the floor, sitting up on your knees and looking at him with an expression that almost makes him dizzy.
Something feverish blazes in his eyes when he stands in front of you, and you have to work to keep the excitement off your face when he tugs down his boxers.
He strokes his cock idly, watching you look up at him. “You sure?”
This time you can’t help the grin that spreads across your face. “I’m sure.”
He taps his dick on your lips, tentatively, and you open up. He shudders when you run your tongue along the underside of his tip.
Jean cradles your head in his hands as he pushes himself all the way into your mouth. There’s a shaky inhale from him when he hits the back of your throat.
“Oh shit,” he breathes.
You close your lips around him, hollowing out your cheeks, and something in him snaps.
The speed at which he thrusts into your mouth is almost violent, and he moans when you gag, the pads of his fingertips pressing harder into your scalp. He’s already sensitive from being rock hard the whole time you sat on his face, and his sloppy in-and-out, in-and-out motion drags your spit everywhere–your face, his pelvis, even your chest.
The feeling of him hitting your throat makes your eyes water, and you feel him growing impossibly harder against your tongue when you look up at him with glassy eyes.
He doesn’t last long, not with you looking at him like that. He’s mumbling an apology as he fills your mouth, saying if you weren’t so perfect he would’ve lasted longer. You’re grinning as you swallow down his cum, watching how his eyebrows furrow as he looks at your neck, and he kneels down to kiss you immediately.
When he pulls away, he’s looking at you with a soft sort of wonder. Admiration almost. A bashful smile pulls at his lips.
“Can we do that again?”
CONNIE SPRINGER “she like rich niggas, i’m her type. bored at the crib, she tryna pipe.”
conniiieee come over, im bored ;)
Connie smiles to himself when he reads your texts, his dick nearly stirring to life at the implication of your messages.
Despite your agreement to keep your… situation lowkey, he always pulls up to your apartment complex on his motorcycle, practically alerting the masses that he’s about to come upstairs and rock your shit.
You meet him at your front door, scowling. “Why do you always show up on that loud ass bike? I know you have a car now.”
Connie just smiles, scooting around you to come inside. “You keeping tabs on me, baby?”
You roll your eyes and kick the door shut. “Sasha won’t stop raving about how cool it is.” You do air quotes around the word ‘cool,’ trying to imitate the lilt in Sasha’s voice when she talks about it.
Connie drops his motorcycle helmet on the shoe rack by the door. “It is cool. If you’d stop being so stubborn and take me back I could take you for a ride.”
But there’s really only one kind of ride you’re interested in right now! Which is how you end up straddling him on the couch, pressing kisses into the side of his neck.
Connie’s hands rest loosely on your hips, letting you grind against him as slowly as you want. Your breathing is shaky, sweat coating your skin, a byproduct of the last four orgasms. You lift yourself off him on trembling legs, higher and higher until just the head of Connie’s cock remains inside you. You catch his eyes briefly, and the mirth swimming in them is the only warning you have for what he does next.
His fingers tighten their grip on your hips, tugging you back down on his cock harshly. A strangled sound escapes you, air catching in your throat with the sudden movement.
He kisses you, cutting you off as he bounces you up and down.
“Last one, mama,” he says against your lips.
You can feel an ache in your legs from them being bent underneath you for so long, your head is fogged up with leftover pleasure, and there’s a pressure building up deep in your stomach. This is why you keep letting him come over all these months after your breakup. He knows just how to wear you out.
Connie pulls you against him, chest to chest, and wraps his arms around you. He lets you rest your forehead against his as his cock brushes up against your g-spot, forcing moans out of you that can only be described as wanton.
“That’s it, baby. Nobody fucks you like this, huh?”
You shake your head, your nose nudging his. “Just you.”
Connie practically purrs in satisfaction, right before he comes inside you. You melt against him, the pressure in your abdomen releasing as you cry out. Connie’s lips sweep across your jaw, patient and gentle while he waits for you to come down.
When you do, he leans back, eyelids heavy with contentment. You can feel him softening inside you. You already know what he’s about to say just based on the expression he’s wearing, but you wait for him to ask before giving the same response you always do.
“Y’know we could do that all the time if you’d take me back.” He doesn’t sound as heartbroken as he used to, like he’s grown used to this back-and-forth the two of you have going on.
You give him a wry smile, wiping beads from the back of your neck. “We didn’t break up because the sex was bad, Connie.”
He kisses you then, soft and lingering. “Worth a shot.”
He cleans you up and you let him take a shower and rummage through your drawers for the few pieces of clothing you never returned to him. When he’s leaving, he throws a wink your way, picking up his motorcycle helmet with one hand and unlocking the door with the other.
"Text again soon, alright? Love you."
ARMIN ARLERT “always down for an afternoon delight, but i can never crash and spend the night.”
“We have to stop,” you whisper halfheartedly, tangling your fingers in Armin’s hair as he kisses you.
Armin smiles against your lips. “Why?” he asks, his hands traveling down the length of your pencil skirt. He starts kissing down your neck, mouth going lower and lower until his fingers reach the hem of your skirt.
He pulls your skirt up over your ass, letting it bunch up around your waist. You giggle when he turns you around and gently presses your cheek against the door.
“I’ll get fired if HR finds out,” you say, arching your back as he pulls down your underwear. Your wet cunt feels a rush of cool air when he does, and you gasp when Armin plunges his fingers in. You feel the weight of his chin on your shoulder as he presses his chest against your back.
“But she’s so wet,” he whispers in your ear. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you like that HR could find out.”
You neither confirm nor deny, just humming and wiggling your bare ass in response.
He chuckles, the sound traveling straight down to your core. Armin doesn’t give any warning before he slips himself inside you. He pulls you away from the door after the fact, covering your mouth with one hand and wrapping the other arm around your waist.
The hardest thing (other than Armin) about keeping your lunch “meetings” secret is the fact that neither of you are particularly quiet. Armin muffles your moans with his hand and muffles his own by biting into the junction of your neck and your shoulder. There’s nothing to be done about the sound of his hips slapping against your ass or his cock sliding in and out of your pussy. All the two of you can do is hope nobody comes back from lunch early and walks past the copy room on the fourth floor.
(But anyways, where’s the fun in it without a little risk.)
You moan into Armin’s hand when he hits a particular spot and he slows. He uses the hand on your face to tug your head back. “So noisy,” he says, lips brushing against your neck as he speaks. “I know you want the whole office to hear, but don’t be so obvious.”
Your walls clench around him and he hisses, picking up the pace once more.
“You like thinking about our coworkers hearing you?” You shake your head, but the way your pussy squeezes him proves you to be a bold-faced liar.
Armin’s teeth graze your shoulder, his breath hitching as his hips lose their rhythm.
“Go ahead then,” he whispers against your skin. “Let them hear.” He moves his hand from your mouth and loosely wraps his fingers around your neck instead.
Another moan threatens to escape you, but you refuse, rolling your lips between your teeth in an attempt to keep quiet.
Armin bites you then, and you gasp loudly. His thrusts become careless as he frantically chases his own orgasm. He brings his hand back up to your face, this time slipping two fingers between your lips and pressing down on your teeth so you can’t close your mouth.
You can hear the faint sound of footsteps that signal the end of your lunch break. A door opens, and voices become audible as your coworkers get closer.
Armin smacks your ass, hard, and it’s enough to pull you over the edge. The two of you come together, him sinking his teeth into your skin to suppress his own moans. You bite down on his fingers, but it does little to help. You’re positive the entire office can hear you screaming his name.
#eren jaeger smut#eren jeager x reader#eren x reader#eren smut#eren yeager smut#eren yeager x reader#jean kirstein smut#jean kirstein x reader#connie springer smut#connie springer x reader#armin arlert smut#armin arlert x reader#jean smut#connie smut#armin smut#aot smut#aot x reader#fatherbrat ♱ library#aot#eren#jean#connie#armin#tw cheating
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I just imagine Merlin gentle parenting Arthur and the other knights when they're drunk.
Merlin: No. Gwain no, put the sword down. No weapons in the tavern.... Leon, if I have to tell you again that we don't stand on chairs, we're going home!
Arthur: Merlin! Come sit with me!
Merlin: Sire, I'm a little busy at the moment. Drink your ale.
Arthur: But Merlin! I want you over here now!
Merlin huffs and goes over and stands infront of him.
Merlin: Okay, what?
Arthur: *pulls Merlin down in his lap*
Merlin: Arthur! You cabbage head! Let me go! People will see!
Gwain: Oooooo mom and dad are fighting again....
Percival: Shut up and drink your ale or mom will smack you.
Merlin: I heard that!
#merthur fanfic#arthur pendragon#bbc merlin#merlin and arthur#merlin emrys#merthur#merlin#merlin x arthur#they're married your honor#incorrect merlin quotes#incorrect merthur quotes#short fanfic#merlin fanfic#fanfic
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summary. in leon’s line of work as a contract killer, weaknesses weren’t an option. luckily, he’d eliminated his… all except for one.
warnings. fem! reader, hitman! leon, ex! leon, re4! leon intended. discussion of murder, guns, bullets, etc. a loooot of blissful ignorance, porn with some plot, pet names, oral sex ( fem. receiving ), face sitting, missionary, unprotected p in v, creampie. wc. 5.3k.
note. i tend to fuck up a nice “ex who is a raging munch” fic or two saurrrr this is basically my staple now
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ✧ masterlist | request
Leon isn’t sure why he’s here.
He hasn’t ever bid on a target as sought after as the one that he has now acquired. The target was only described as someone who simply ‘knows too much’ about something they shouldn’t. Vague, he thinks, especially because they remained nameless, genderless, and description-less otherwise. It was odd, for sure, but it was the highest contract that he had ever come by.
As a matter of fact, he’s positive that it’s the highest contract that anyone in his position has ever seen, let alone signed. He’s sure that he’s ruffled a bit of feathers by taking on the job, especially considering that he was still considered fresh meat among the other hitmen that he was distantly familiar with.
Leon preferred to stay out of the unusual politics that came with the underground world, and that meant taking on the jobs that no one deemed urgent enough to complete.
(Plenty of drug dealers, a few sketchy nightclub owners, and an awful bunch of politicians who he is 99% sure put the bounty on their own heads to avoid the scandal that was unearthed about each of them no less than two weeks after they were found with bullets in their heads. He preferred those hits. All men, all guilty of something.)
Nevertheless, he finds himself here, perched on the rooftop of an upscale bar with his sniper rifle angled over the ledge. His scope was perfectly aligned with the entrance of the night club across the street, his right eye narrowed while the other was completely shut.
He sighs, tapping onto his earpiece to communicate with his teammate that was a few buildings over. Alexander.
(Alexander was a tech-nut. He was responsible for ensuring that the coast was clear, that there weren’t an abundance of cops in the area, and that security cameras of the establishment were looped continually in order to ensure that no one could suspect anything more than someone being at the wrong place at the wrong time.)
“Reread the target description that was left for me,” Leon quietly commands.
“Aaand what’s the magic word?”
He heavily sighs. For a job like this, he figured that working alone would be the best option, but with the more he learned, the more experience he gained, the people he met—he was proven wrong. A team works more efficiently than a single person, even if the other half of his current team was a bit… annoying.
“Don’t piss me off,” he huffs, shaking his head as he closes one eye to look through the scope again.
Leon can practically hear Alexander’s grin on the other end of the line as he speaks. “Alright, man, jeez. Your g-string must be a bit too tight tonight, but that’s alright, I’m in no place to judge you.”
Before the blonde can even react to that unsettling quip, Alexander continues speaking, only this time, he does what Leon asks of him. “Bounty, bounty, bounty… where is the darn thing? Oh yes, here it is. Okay, it says that the target will be wearing a blue button-up shirt, a black coat, and black slacks tonight…. and that’s it.”
Leon hums, mulling over the very few words that were left for him by the person who had posted the contract in the first place. He’d never killed someone based on the description of an outfit alone, but then again, he’s never gotten paid this much for sending a bullet through a random guy’s brain. He’ll take it.
“Thanks,” he mutters, turning off his ear piece to drown out the voice of the male on the other end.
It feels like hours pass by in which all he does is stare at the entrance, watching as each attendee leaves the establishment periodically. Each time he saw the color red, he’d perk up, only to find that they were wearing jeans, or they were wearing a white blazer, which only left him feeling more annoyed as time went on.
And then, the door opens. He can practically feel the air flee his lungs as he taps onto his earpiece out of instinct. A blue button-up shirt, a black coat, and black slacks.
“Ooh. Pretty. We guessed wrong, didn’t we?” Alexander speaks through the earpiece, which causes Leon to raise a brow.
“What’re you…” his voice trails. His blood runs cold, his palms begin to sweat, and his eyes blow wide. “Holy… fuck.”
“I know right? Not only is she a woman, but she’s miiiighty fine,” his teammate speaks, his voice oddly humorous for the given situation. A moment of silence passes, and Alexander continues to talk, but he can’t hear a damn word.
Leon freezes like a deer in headlights as he watches you emerge from the dim nightclub with a man’s arm slung around your shoulder, though that hardly taints how angelic you look tonight.
Your hair frames your face so beautifully, so soft and feminine. The tip of your nose was flushed given the crisp night air that you’ve just stepped into, your smile was wide and toothy as you walked beside a man that he didn’t recognize.
You’re gorgeous, is all he can manage to think right now. It’s the first time he’s seen you since the moment the two of you broke up six months ago, and you look even prettier than when he pictured you each night to fall asleep. He dreamt of you often, but his lovesick mind was no match for imagining the beauty that you possess.
Suddenly, Alexander’s voice pierced through his haze, bringing him back to the current scene. “Earth to Leon? I get it man, she’s pretty, very much so. I’d hit that too if she wasn’t gonna die in like… two secs.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” he hisses, his voice sounding just as venomous as he’d intended it to. “You aren’t going to lay a damn finger on her.”
“Woah, buddy. Big talk from the guy with a sniper aimed at her head.”
That is the moment in which everything clicks in the worst way imaginable.
It’s you. His target, the person who knows too much, the one who is supposed to die tonight—it’s you.
And then, he becomes acutely aware of the lines that are obstructing his view of you. His scope. The red dot in the center placed strategically on your temple, the bullet meant just for you waiting for a simple pull of a trigger.
Leon shudders, picking his head up. No. Absolutely not. Completing his task was not even a thought in his mind anymore, not if the target was you. His beautiful, sweet girl.
But he couldn’t leave the scene unscathed. It would raise suspicion, possibly even tie him to you in a way that you didn’t need. If he didn’t fulfill the obligation in some way, someone else would. He’d broken up with you to save you from all of this, and now, he’d unknowingly come here to make you familiar with his lifestyle in the worst way possible.
You were walking away, and it’s then that his trained eyes fall onto the man who has his arm draped over your shoulder in the way he used to all those months ago. His heart aches at the mere sight of you looking so happy in the company of another, but it gives him an idea.
Leon looks through the scope again, and within seconds, a loud gunshot rings through the air in the form of a thundering pop.
His jaw tenses as he hears screaming. They aren’t your screams though, because you’re not hit. They’re coming from the man you were with, because Leon has just lightly grazed his arm with a bullet.
He wasn’t insane. He wasn’t going to be killing anyone tonight, even if he desperately wanted to kick the living shit out of the man who is so close to you.
Well… was close to you. He isn’t anymore. Your date is writing on the ground all because of a flesh wound, and you’re standing above him with the most confused and concerned look on your face.
Leon can’t help but think that the man has no regard for you and your safety. For all this mystery man knows, more shots could be coming, and instead of trying to protect you, he’s rolling around on the concrete like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Such a man baby.
“What’re you waiting for? Holy fuck, uh… you still have the shot. Take the shot—”
Leon pulls the earpiece away, turning it off before he shoves it into his back pocket. He didn’t need to be scolded by anyone, let alone someone as useless as his teammate. He’d beat him bloody for how he had spoken about you if he weren’t already packing up his equipment to head over to your place.
He needs to check on you, first and foremost. He also needs to explain himself which was… going to be no easy feat, he supposes.
You don’t find your way home until about an hour later, keys jumbling about as you push it into the slot, twisting it with a tired hand.
To be shot at was not on your agenda for tonight, but being berated by your date for not reacting quick enough to help him evade a bullet you had no knowledge of was certainly not how you wanted to end your night either.
Annoyed, exhausted, and frustrated, you step into your apartment. When you begin to shrug off your coat, your body tenses. No. Fucking. Way.
“What the fuck?” you hiss, your voice rising in octave.
Leon stands from your couch, approaching you with his hands in the air, attempting to show you that he hadn’t come with malice. You knew he hadn't, but that didn’t mean you wanted to see him.
“Baby, it’s just me,” he says without thinking, the pet name slipping out before he could have a say in the matter.
“Yeah, I know it’s just you, that’s the problem!” you continue, hanging your coat up on the rack along with your purse. “Are you out of your damn mind? I—”
“Yes,” he answers without hesitation. “I am out of my mind, and you must be out of yours for still keeping your spare key under your doormat. I told you to move it years ago.”
Your brows knit together. “You little— you know what? I’m not even going to entertain that. How about this? You leave, and we forget this happened, yeah?”
“Can’t do that,” he tells you with a shrug, crossing his arms over his wide chest. “I need to talk to you.”
“Don’t do this, Leon, not tonight,” you huff, pinching your nose bridge. “I’m not in the mood, alright? I was—”
“Shot at?” he finishes your sentence. He immediately regrets it, pressing his lips into a line to keep himself from saying anything else.
Your demeanor falters at that. You tilt your head to the side, your eyes narrowing as you look at him from where he stands across the room. “How do you know that?”
He takes a moment to answer, his mouth opening without any words coming out. It spikes your frustration, so you speak again. “Damn it, Leon, how do you know that?”
Leon holds his hands up again, pleading his defense before he criminalizes himself entirely. “I was the one behind the gun, but it’s not what you think—”
Your jaw drops. “Not what I think? Not what I think? You tried to kill me!”
He shakes his head, his expression falling. “I didn’t, baby. I swear. Just let me explain, and—”
“You tried to shoot me in the damn neck!” you continue, your hand dramatically clasping into the side of your throat.
Leon closes his eyes for a moment, internally bracing himself for your outburst that he absolutely deserves. He opens them again, simply watching as you spew insults his way. He takes them without any hint of irritation.
“What the hell, Leon? Is that what you do now? You stalk your ex-girlfriend and try to kill her? Not only that, you missed. You missed! That’s almost fucking humorous, because how can you try to do something like that and then miss!”
Leon sighs, waiting for a moment to see if you try to continue, and when you don’t, he speaks instead. “I aimed for his arm, not your neck, or anywhere else that would endanger you—”
“Yeah, and you almost blew his arm off!” You’re more than aware that the statement was dramatic, but you don’t need to have any sense right now.
“It was a flesh wound, he’ll be just fine,” he tells you before he continues with what he was saying before. “And I wasn’t stalking you. Not knowingly, anyway. I would never hurt you. Not ever. Your date was just… collateral. I had no choice.”
He hopes that you don’t ask any more questions about that, because he won’t have any answers for you. It was for the better. All you knew was that his job wasn’t legal. It couldn’t have been, not with the copious amounts of money that rolled in while he hardly worked for half of the month.
The less you knew about what his line of work entailed, the safer you were. The further away you were from him, the safer you were. However, those last words now ring hollow.
“Look…” he whispers, taking a step towards you despite his brain screaming at him to leave. He couldn’t. Not when he was the only one who knew of your compromised position. “I know that much has changed between us. It’s my fault, I know it, but I can’t tell you anything more about my job. I just need you to—”
You need answers that you won’t be getting, and that sentiment alone makes you furious. When he gets too close, your hand moves to the leather harness that he has strapped around his broad chest, pulling a sharp-bladed knife from its sleeve. His eyes widen as you hold the blade up to him, his hands shooting up into the air yet again.
“You remember where I put my spare key, I remember where you keep your spare knife,” you taunt, the two of you standing so close now that he can feel the warmth of your breath on his face. “Guess we haven’t changed as much as you think.”
He huffs as the cool blade grazes his clothed chest, the metal so close that it nearly pierces his skin. Even then, you ensure that it doesn’t. It’s almost touching how you press such a sharp object to his heart of all places, he thinks.
Your situation is far more complicated than the both of you can handle right now. You have unresolved issues with each other, and that alone must be addressed before you can even begin to scratch the surface of the threats that now face the two of you.
“I still think you’re sexy when you’re mean to me,” he whispers, tilting his head to the side. “That hasn’t changed either.”
Was it the time for his flirtatious performance? Certainly not, but you were putting on a little performance of your own just the same.
You scoff, narrowing your eyes. “You’re disgusting.”
Leon shakes his head, his eyes narrowing just as yours did. “Disgusting? Oh, don’t romance me.”
“I’m not romancing you,” you huff with an eye roll. Your grip on the knife only tightens, but you have no real intention of using it. “I’m threatening you.”
He hardly finds you to be threatening. He’d liken you to an angry cat, but he wouldn’t dare voice that out loud. He’s letting you have your moment, truth be told. “Mm, even better.”
His calloused hand moves to shadow yours, slowly lowering the knife that begged to pierce his pale skin. You let him, which only gives him more incentive to pull it away from your grasp entirely.
He tucks the knife back into his sheath, moving to unbuckle the harness entirely. “Now, tell me. Who was that guy?”
A random guy you met on Tinder. “My future husband.”
You’re just trying to get under his skin now, and judging by the look on his face, it’s working. He scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks down at you, taking note of that smug grin that stretches over your lips.
He really just wants to fuck it right off you, but he doesn’t make that known. Not yet, anyway.
“Yeah?” he asks, tilting his head. “You gonna let him put a ring on that pretty finger of yours?”
No, you absolutely were not, but you’re enjoying this game. It’s what he deserves after scaring the shit out of you tonight. “Yeah, I am. Thinking about some baby names too, just for safekeeping.”
Leon doesn’t like the thought that you’ve just put in his head, not one bit. His hand finds your left one, bringing it up to his lips as he presses a kiss on your ring finger. “Huh. That’s what you want?”
You tilt your head, noticing how his lips linger on your hand for a moment too long. “You know what I don’t want? To be shot at.”
He hums, giving you a mocking frown. Of course he feels bad about that, but… you both know he hadn’t truly shot at you. Around you, yes, but not at you. His large hands find your waist, his fingers grasping onto the fabric of your shirt and slowly but surely, you find yourself being backed towards your couch.
“Answer my question,” he whispers, his voice now possessing a rasp that it didn’t have before.
You sigh, willingly sitting on your couch, even though you’re doing your best to front as though you’re totally disinterested. “Why should I?”
He shrugs, his lips tugging down as he tilts his head. You watch with blown eyes as he kneels in front of you, his palms gliding over your thighs.
“‘Cause if that’s what you want, I’ll give it to you.”
You tilt your head, eyeing him quite intently as his fingers move to the button of your slacks. You shouldn’t be turned on, but you absolutely are, and the damp fabric of your panties that he’s about to see conveys that pretty well.
“Give me what?” you ask, grinning slightly.
“A ring, a baby… both, neither,” he replies, his fingers hooking beneath your waistband. “Lift your hips for me.”
When you do just that, his eyes raise to find yours. He has a crazed look in his eye, one that you’re all too familiar with. “Whatever you want, baby, I’ll give it to you,” he whispers, leaning in until his soft lips just barely brush against yours.
Your eyes close, and you could have sworn that he was going to kiss you… but he doesn’t. When you open your eyes, you find him grinning. The same shit-eating grin that you love and hate to no avail.
“You just have to say the words,” he whispers against your lips.
You roll your eyes, your hand reaching out to rest on the back of his neck. He was already impossibly close, so all you truly did was hold him there. “I want to kiss you.”
Leon smiles, nodding his head in agreement. “Mm, like I said. Whatever my lady wants, she gets.”
His lips find yours in a searing kiss, his calloused hands smoothing over the soft, exposed skin of your thighs. Your lips move together in a gentle manner at first, as though you were allowing yourselves to get familiar all over again, but you were both quick to realize that gentleness was the last thing you needed.
Your breathing grows ragged as one of his hands cups the back of your head, tilting you just enough so that his tongue could easily slip into your mouth. The kiss was sloppier, messier, much more desperate. It was perfect, in your humble opinion.
He trails kisses down your cheek, jaw, neck… just about anywhere he could as he begins his gradual descent. His hands palm at your breasts through your shirt, and without hesitation, his hands grasp onto the fabric and yank it open. Buttons go flying about your living room, but Leon doesn’t seem to care with the way his face pressed into your cleavage.
One of his hands snaked behind you to undo the clasp of your bra, and the moment he saw a nipple, his mouth was already distracted once again.
“Leon, that was my favorite shirt!” you scold, glancing down at him.
He looks up at you with hazed eyes, sucking the peak of your breast into his mouth before he releases it to reply to you. “Was it?” he asks, his reply lacking any care in the slightest.
You nod, narrowing your eyes at him, but your front doesn’t last long when his tongue swirls around your areola. He reaches into his back pocket, tossing his wallet beside you.
“Buy a new one, shit, buy anything you want,” he whispers against your skin, his hands grasping onto your waist. “Tits are so pretty, baby. I missed you.”
“Is that all you missed about me?” you ask, a huff of laughter leaving your lips while his trail down your stomach.
“Absolutely not, no,” he murmurs against your skin, his fingers hooking beneath the fabric of your panties. He looks at you as he pulls them down your legs, and he presses his warm lips to your inner calves and thighs as he makes his way towards you again. “Missed everything about you.”
You roll your eyes. “That’s corny—”
“Sh,” he tells you, holding one finger up while he uses his other hand to slip one into your sopping entrance. Your walls clench around him, which only forces a chuckle to leave his mouth. “Let her talk for a bit, yeah?”
He hardly gives you a moment to reply before his head dips, his tongue curling up to stimulate your clit before he sucks on it entirely. He unabashedly moans into your cunt, introducing another finger into your entrance simultaneously.
Your head falls back, your hand delving into his hair to hold him impossibly closer to you, even though he seriously would get closer if he could.
“Sweetest pussy,” he murmurs into your heat, his voice rumbling against your wet cunt that he continued to eat like he would die if he didn’t. “Do somethin’ for me?”
You pick your head up to look down at him, nodding without question. He opens his eyes to look at you in return, pressing a kiss onto your mound before he turns around so that his back is now pressed against the front of your couch, still sitting on the ground.
“Sit on my face,” he suggests, tipping his head back onto the couch cushion.
He reaches for your hand to pull you forward, and you pivot on your knee, your front facing the back of the couch. He lays a light smack on your ass before he pulls you down the rest of the way to make you sit on his face.
Your hand reaches down, clutching onto his hair yet again while you cry out in genuine bliss. His tongue softens as he gives you long, deep licks into your pussy, wanting to taste every inch of you on his tongue.
And when your hips start to rock, he seems to be even happier. Much more incentivized too. He lulls his tongue out of his mouth, flattening it to let you ride his face as you so pleased. You made a mess of his chin, his mouth, his nose—he hardly cares.
(In fact, he doesn’t care. Not one bit. You might even have to pay him to care.)
“Y-You know,” you whine, grasping a bit firmer onto his hair while your hips continue to roll on his tongue, “I’m still mad at you.”
He nods his head, which only stimulates your cunt even more. “Mm, yeah?”
It felt so good. Everything about this was absolutely ecstasy, you can feel your eyes pricking with tears from how stimulated you’re growing.
“Yeah,” you choke out, resting your palms on the back of the couch to brace yourself. “I’m really fucking mad.”
Leon can’t help but grin, his hands brushing along the plush of your thighs. “I’m not too sure, sweetheart. Not with you riding my face like you love me ‘n all.”
“Shut… shut the hell up,” you moan, squeezing your eyes shut as your movements begin to grow even more crazed the closer you get to your release. He was right, but that didn’t mean you had to admit that.
“Okay,” he complies, his eyes fluttering shut while he starts to greedily make out with your pussy, feeling the way you pulsate on his tongue. “Shuttin’ me up real nice with this pretty little pussy. Cum on my face too while you’re at it, pretty girl.”
Not nice enough, but you cry out anyway, your head falling while your legs tremble on either side of his head. “I… Leon, ‘m cumming,” you say through an airy moan.
His movements slow as yours do, his tongue eagerly reaping the benefits of its labor in the form of your sweet release. He lets out a content sigh, pressing a few sweet kisses on your inner thigh.
You slowly rise up from his face, and he turns around to face you again, licking his lips, not caring about the rest of your thin slick that coats his face. You chuckle, running your hand over his face to wipe it away.
“So…” he drawls, pressing a kiss to your palm. “You’re still mad at me? Tell me more.”
“Later,” you reply, hooking your finger into the loophole of his pants to pull him closer to you.
With a chuckle, Leon pulls his shirt up and over his head, tossing it aimlessly on the floor of your living room. He gently nudges you until you’re laying back on your couch, his hands then moving to undo his belt.
“Ah, I see,” he teases, pushing his pants and boxers down in one motion. He kicks them away before he settles in between your parted legs, his hand pumping his cock.
You raise your eyes from his cock to his eyes, and you give him the most weary expression alive. “I don’t think it’s gonna fit,” you say.
It’s been too long, you were certainly not used to his size anymore. Leon knew it just as well as you did, but he didn’t want to make you nervous by saying that.
His brows knit together as he leans down to kiss you, his fingers moving a bit lower to prod your entrance. “You flatter me,” he says against your lips, his head dipping a bit lower to kiss your neck. “But there’s no need to worry your pretty head, baby. It fit before and it fit just right, remember? I’ll take care of you just like I did then.”
You nod your head, one of your hands cupping the back of his head while the other rests on his strong shoulder. “Okay… yeah, okay.”
He nods too, moving one of his hands to meet the one that you have resting on his shoulder. He intertwines your fingers, pushing your hand back onto the couch while he uses his other one to slide his tip along your folds.
“I promise,” he whispers, pulling back to look you in the eyes. “I’ll take care of you.”
He always has. Even after the events of tonight, you know that he always will.
“I love you,” you say without thinking. A flush rushes across your face, and you close your eyes in utter embarrassment. (Seriously? A confession of your undying love while he’s actively entering you? Time and place.) “I’m so sorry, I—”
“Nothing to apologize for,” he whispers, pushing his cock further inside of you until he bottoms out. “Mm… I love you so much,” he replies without a care in the world. “And I’m not sorry about it.”
Your eyes soften at that, and a small chuckle leaves your lips. “Well… that’s good, isn’t it…?”
His eyebrows knit together, laughing softly at your awkward reply. “You’re such a dork, baby,” he whispers, dipping his head to plant a kiss on your lips while he rolls his hips into yours. “A pretty one, though.”
Your eyes flutter shut as he presses a kiss on your lips, and they stay shut, even when he opts to just rest his forehead on yours. “Your dork,” you say, a bit breathlessly with a smile on your face.
“Mhm,” he nods in agreement, a toothy smile stretching across his face. “My dork.”
Such a lovely interaction that you nearly forgot that he was fucking you like there was no tomorrow, because the moment he falls silent, your eyes widen. “Oh, God…”
He smiles, kissing your cheek while he continues to thrust inside of you, his cock being swallowed whole by your pussy in a way that made him feel like he was finally home.
“See?” he whispers in your ear, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. “You’re taking me so well, pretty. So well.”
That makes you chuckle, but your laugh doesn’t last for long when the head of his cock rams into you even harder. Your hand smooths out along the expanse of his back, dragging your nails back up.
“You’re crazy,” you gasp out.
Leon smiles. “Crazy about you, sure.”
You laugh through an airy moan, tilting your head to the side as your eyes flutter shut. “Sooo corny,” you whisper.
He shakes his head with his same toothy grin, using his free hand to tilt your chin towards him again. His thumb brushes along your bottom lip before he kisses you, and it is just about the sweetest kiss that you could have ever asked for.
“You love it,” he murmurs in reply, a bit breathless as an overwhelming heat pools in his lower stomach.
You shake your head. “I love you.”
Leon clicks his tongue at that, giving your hand a squeeze. “And I’m the corny one?”
That makes you laugh, which makes him laugh. He loves hearing you like this, so happy yet so utterly ruined by the way he feels inside of you. He knows that the feeling is mutual, which only amplifies how much he’s enjoying this. Having you again.
He softly moans in your ear, his breath hot on your skin. “Pussy was made for me,” he rasps, pressing a kiss to the shell of your ear. “You were made for me.”
After a few more strokes, he truly begins to lose himself. His cock twitches inside of you, and he dips his head into your shoulder. “Mmh, ‘m gonna cum,” he rasps.
He pulls back, but you only pull him closer. It’s been so long, he hadn’t truly thought that you’d be okay with that. But here you were, his favorite girl. Always surprising him. “I love you, sweet girl.”
You nod your head, wrapping your free arm around his neck while the other gives his hand another squeeze. “I love you more.”
He grunts when your walls clench around his length, his lips pressing a longing kiss to your shoulder. “Cum with me, baby, c’mon. I need it, honey, please.”
You’re in no position to deny him or yourself. Your body trembles beneath him, a gorgeous moan ripping through the air while he buries himself deep inside of you, stuffing you full of his cum while you find your own release on his cock.
The two of you lay there for a moment, out of breath and entirely engulfed by one another. He slowly pulls out of you, pressing a few chaste kisses along your shoulder, your neck, your jaw, until he eventually kisses your lips.
When he pulls away, you smile up at him. You chase his lips once more, giving him a tender kiss before you lay your head back down.
“Now, as for why I’m still mad at you…”
note. yeahhh i need him bad in a way that’s concerning to feminism. anywhoooo interact if you enjoyed i rly like writing for him :D thank you so much for reading!
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#♥︎ tojicide#leon kennedy#leon kennedy x reader#leon kennedy x you#leon kennedy x y/n#resident evil#resident evil x reader#leon kennedy smut#resident evil smut
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I feel like older Leon like, specifically coming up on Vendetta Leon is a whiner. Like in some cases he’s definitely grunts and huffs and pants but he’s not as young as he used to be, so when you’re bouncing on his cock like your life depends on it all he can do is hold your hips with shaky hands and breathy moans bordering on whines of “Jesus- fuck, baby- baby wait- give me a second to- Oh, fuck.” And it’s so raw??? Because he’s such a physically strong man and yet you have his burying his stubbled face into your neck with a whimper as he fights to stop his eyes from rolling back at the feeling of your cunt sucking his dick in whole like you might never let him go. Well, not until he shoots his load deep into that cute pussy of yours, that’s for sure.
#leon kennedy#leon kennedy x reader#leon s kennedy#leon scott kennedy#leon s. kennedy#leon s kennedy x reader#resident evil x reader#leon x reader#x reader#leon kennedy fanfic#leon kennedy x reader insert#leon kennedy x f!reader#Leon Kennedy x reader smut#leon s kennedy x reader smut#leon scott kennedy x reader smut#leon resident evil#vendetta leon x reader#Insomniac-writes ✎₊˚⊹
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college baseball player!leon x f!reader word count: 3,836 warnings: sex tape, oral (m receiving), unprotected p in v sex with seemingly creampie, hint of corruption kink, leon's kind of an fboy if you squint, brief spanking synopsis: you've just gotten a brand new video camera and leon intends to use it properly...
“Shit, shit, shit!”
She curses through gritted teeth as she repeatedly jabs her finger against the record button, sliding her hand through the handle on the side of the small device, hastily bringing the viewfinder to her right eye. She quickly finds Leon where he stands in his ready position at third base just in time, as the batter swings and hits a ground ball that heads straight for him.
She gasps and her breath hitches, and she holds it in her throat as the scene seems to unravel in slow motion. Leon scoops the ball into his glove and shuffles into his throwing motion, her camcorder follows the ball as it soars through the air towards the first baseman and into his glove.
The runner only hits first base a second after the ball hits the glove.
Leon’s won the game.
She moves the viewfinder away from her eye to throw both hands in the air, her cheer emitting more as a shrill scream as the bleachers erupt into an uproar of applause. She watches Leon as his face splits into a grin, jumping in the air and pumping his fist in the air as his teammates crowd around him, banging their fists on his back, their palms on the top of his head.
She laughs and aims the camera back down to them, watching through the viewfinder as Leon disappears behind a wall of cheering baseball players. The wall crumbles only for a moment as two men dump the contents of a water cooler over Leon’s head, his dark blonde hair flattening against his forehead and beads of water drip down his face as he lifts his head and hollers.
People begin to make their way down from the stands and towards the field, which she takes as her cue to cut the recording to make her own way down to the dugout. She does her best to slither her way past the sea of bodies before her and she rolls onto the tips of her toes, searching for Leon between heads. She huffs, pursing her lips as she decides to just wait for him to find her until she feels a pair of hands on her waist and she shrieks as she’s lifted up into the air.
Someone hollers behind her and she kicks out with her feet, squirming to try and get a glimpse over her shoulder.
“Leon!” She whines as she’s finally set onto the ground and spun around, a hand on the small of her back drawing her into his chest. A mixture of water and sweat drops from Leon Kennedy’s forehead to the tip of her nose and she wrinkles it, reaching up with her free hand to wipe it away. “Gross. You’re all sticky and sweaty.”
��In a sea of dark blue, there seems to be a reflection of a star, one she’s become all too familiar with. She narrows her eyes at the mischievous gleam in his eyes as he scrunches his nose, nudging her forehead with his.
“Don’t give me that,” he whispers, drawing his mouth to hers. “You know you love it,” he says against her lips and she rolls her eyes, locking her arms around his neck. “You wish, Leon Kennedy,” she mutters back, unable to help the curving of her lips as Leon practically swallows them with his, groaning into her mouth.
The sheer force of Leon’s kiss nearly makes her drop the camera and after only a fleeting moment, she pulls away, hyper aware of the fact that they were most definitely not alone.
“You almost made me drop my brand new camera,” she complains, unraveling her arms from around his neck to fuss with her camera, willing the blood in her cheeks to cool down. Leon moans against the crown of her head, pressing a kiss to her skin.
“Wouldn’t want that,” he murmurs, pinching her chin between his thumb and forefinger. Their eyes meet again and her bottom lip quivers against his fingers because suddenly she knows what that roguish glint in his eyes earlier means. He leans in closer until their noses almost touch, “haven’t even gotten to put it to good use yet.”
They barely made it through the door of Leon’s dorm before he was already tearing her shirt off.
“Leon!” She moans as his kisses trail down her lips and to that delicate patch of skin on her neck that always has her knees wobbling. Her hands find his shoulders and fists a handful of his fresh, clean shirt as he backpedals towards his bedroom, kicking a foot behind him to open the door. He tugs her inside and kicks it back closed behind her, his teeth marking her neck, his forefinger lifting the strap of her bag away from her shoulder.
However, before he can absentmindedly toss it to the floor, he blinks, pulling away from her altogether. Her skin is warm and her vision has begun to blur but she blinks throughout, her brows knit as she watches him sift through the contents of her bag.
“What are you doing?” She pants and she watches as he finally fishes out what he’d been looking for. “A-ha!” He grins, holding up her brand new video camera. He begins trying to navigate all the different buttons and her spine stiffens at the sight— somehow, in her lust-drunken haze, she’d forgotten all about Leon’s intentions for tonight.
She’s not sure if the idea either turns her on more or makes her want to vomit.
Either way, there’s an ache between her legs and she swallows, trying to resist the urge to press her thighs together to quell it.
“Leon, you’re not seriously…?” She trails off as he finally finds the record button, pressing down on it, sliding his hand through the strap on the side, and holding the camcorder up to face her. She freezes when she realizes she’s being recorded and draws her brows together. “Leon!”
She lunges, reaching for the camera but he backs away and she can see his toothy, little grin peeking out from the side of the folded-out screen. With the camera aimed at her face, reaches out to cup her cheek, drawing her in for another kiss.
“What? Isn’t this what cameras are used for?” He murmurs against her lips and she rolls her eyes, peeking towards the camera from corners of her vision. Leon’s tongue swirls her mouth and she hums into his kiss, already feeling her opposition begin to fade. She pulls away just enough to whisper, “you’re a menace, Leon Kennedy.”
Her eyes flutter open to find he’s already staring, drawing her further into that dark, lustrous ocean of his that never fails to make liquid of her insides. His breath looms over her face like rolling smoke and she’s sinking with her head below his surface. Her gaze drops to his lips as they curve into a roguish, crooked grin.
“And you love it,” he mutters before her lips are enveloped with his again. She moans into his mouth as she cups either side of his face, bringing him in even closer to her orbit.
It's primal, the way he kisses her and she matches with equal fervor, fingers gripping locks of hair at the nape of his neck, pulling hard enough to make him groan into her mouth. His hand not preoccupied with the camcorder finds her hip, palming the flesh through her little denim shorts, grounding his bulge into her front. She mewls at the delicious friction as a flame kindles at her core and she pulls away, chest heaving with the weight of her breaths.
Leon watches through the viewfinder of the camera as she sinks to her knees before him, fingers hooking over the hem of his sweats. His entire body reacts when his cock springs free from his boxers as they, along with his pants, pool at his ankles. He watches through the little fold-out screen as she blinks up at him, as if she’s a saint, as if she’s nothing short of innocent.
She has to know what she’s doing. Leon still remembers that day a few months back in the batting cage, remembers the nervous, stuttering mess of a girl she was then.
It was back when she was just a silly girl with a silly little crush— she didn’t ever truly expect anything to come from it. She’d had little to no experience with sex or relationships for that matter, so she learned to keep her fantasies private, her feelings locked away inside a vault.
Or so she thought.
Until Leon stopped her after chemistry one day to ask for help. Everyone knew she was top of the class, and he’d seen the way she looked at him, sneaking glances when she thought he wouldn’t notice. But to find that she’d been writing his name in the very notebook she lent him?
He knew he had to have her.
And now he does, and now he’s got her on her knees before him, fist wrapped around his cock with a camera practically in her face. It was no secret that she’d changed over the course of the past few months they’d been together, and Leon took great pride in having done the honors of breaking the good girl.
Now she was his good girl, conditioned to suck cock like her life depended on it, and fuck, he could come just from that thought alone.
“Fuck,” he mutters beneath his breath as he watches her lick a long stripe from his sack, up his length, all the way to his tip through the viewfinder. She stares at him— or rather, the camcorder— through her lashes, even as she parts her lips wide enough to take in just the head, the tip of her tongue circling around the slit at the top. Leon’s breath stutters in his chest and he gasps, a gravelly “oh” slipping from his lips.
“Spit on it for me,” he rasps and she complies, gathering saliva on the tip of her tongue, spewing it onto the head. Her fist pumps up and down, coating the entire length with her spit and it’s pornographic, the way Leon throws his head back with a moan.
“The whole thing?” She asks, absentmindedly pumping her fist from the base of his dick to just below the head, tilting her head and blinking up at him as if she wasn’t trying to wring his release out of him. He has to sink his teeth into his bottom lip to control himself, snaking his hand not holding the camera around to the back of her head, taking a fistful of her hair between his fingers.
“You’re a fuckin’ minx, you know that?” He practically growls and her lips curve against the head of his cock, just before she dips her chin.
“You love it,” she uses his own words against him and then her lips part to wrap around him and oh, he’s already overcome with bliss. He has to pray somewhere in the back of his mind that the camcorder is still focused on her because he lolls his head backwards, squeezing his eyelids closed as she slowly takes him into her mouth.
He can feel every inch of him being drawn between her lips, all the way until he feels his tip brush the back of her throat and he can feel the way it tightens around him.
A filthy, rather embarrassing noise sounds from her efforts and her cheeks warm but Leon doesn’t care, if anything, it only turns him on more. She lifts her head up until just the tip is in her mouth and Leon grants her this one moment to gasp for breath before he’s guiding her back down his length, panting as every single inch of his cock sheaths inside her throat.
“Fuck!” He groans, peering back down at her through the camcorder’s screen. He can see her hand raise to wrap around his base just below it and she squeezes, pumping while she swirls her tongue against his tip, bobbing her head up and down as much of the length as she can take.
“Shit, that’s it,” he groans, watching as she takes him deeper, her nose against the little, coarse hairs around his base. “Just like that, pretty girl.”
She whines around him and comes up for air, lips glistening with spit, streams of tears spilling from over the side of her lids. She blinks back the water in her eyes as she gasps for breath and Leon, with his fingers still tangled in her hair, tug her back down into his cock. There’s a knot building in his sack that’s making him start to see white, his release so close he can practically taste it.
He almost loses himself in his bliss before he comes to his senses, pulling her mouth off of his cock by the grip in her hair, his cock twitching and slit crying with precum. He pants, cursing beneath his breath as she rocks back on her heels, a string of spit hanging from her bottom lip that she wipes away with the back of her hand.
It’s all so filthy and provocative yet so damn erotic. It seems fitting now that they were recording— this is exactly the type of shit you see in the porn videos.
She blinks up at him from her spot on the floor and he leans down, kissing her just so he can taste her, humming at the mixture of saliva and precum in her mouth. He pulls away, a bridge of spit stringing between their lips, and turns, stepping out of his boxers and sweats before walking towards his dresser.
She eyes him curiously, still panting as she watches him place the camcorder down on the top of his dresser, adjusting the position until he’s certain the lens faces the bed. Blood bites her cheeks and lava oozes at her apex as Leon makes his back towards her, tugging his shirt over his head during the journey.
“Off,” his voice drips with authority and he gestures with his chin towards her clothes. His shirt falls to the floor and he’s left naked, save for the silver chain that dangles just above his chest and she swallows at the sight before her, pressing her thighs together as she rises from her place on the ground.
Their gazes meet and lock as she grabs the bottom of her shirt— the one she always wears to his games that has his name and number on the back— and Leon greedily takes in the sight before him as she pulls the material over her head. Her denim shorts are the next to go and he, admittedly, watches her breasts over the top of her bra as she bends over to step out of her bottoms, tossing them aside.
She’s left in her underwear and her eyes boldly meet his once again, her lids heavy against them, a refulgent white flame in the backdrops of her pupils. Her hands reach around to her back to unclasp her bra and she watches as Leon eyes the way the straps slip down her shoulders, the length of her arms until her breasts are finally on full display. His breath hitches as the lace falls down to the floor and she hooks her fingers tauntingly around the hem of her panties, lifting it up and sliding her fingers back and forth of the expanse of them before at last, she pulls them down her legs until they’re both standing before each other, nude and burning like two stars in supernova.
She makes her way back towards Leon, wrapping her hands around the back of his head, drawing herself in until they were close, yet not close enough.
“What’s next?” She asks, a corner of her mouth curved in a smirk and Leon’s eyes narrow, the center of his stormy sea expanding until nearly his entire iris is veiled by shadow.
“You’ve had your fun,” he says before pushing her towards the bed. She lands with a huff on her stomach and her brows draw together as she peers at him from over her shoulder. “Now I wanna see you on all fours.”
Again, her core aches at the mere fact of how dominant he is and she can feel her arousal as it drips down her slit as she complies, lifting herself up until she’s on her knees and elbows. It’s a rather embarrassing position, if not risqué, at the least. Knowing she’s being recorded in this position only further makes her skin burn, as well as it makes insides melt, hot magma oozing straight down to her center.
The bed dips behind her and she mewls as Leon’s palm slams down onto one side of her ass with a loud smack, the sting deliciously lingering on her flesh. The nearness of him behind her makes her bones rattle and spine erupt in shivers as he runs his palm up and down the expanse of her back. She can feel the head of his cock against her ass, teasing her, taunting her.
“Leon…” she whimpers, wiggling her hips backwards in hopes of some sort of friction. Another slap against the other side of her ass makes her body quake and she yelps, balling her fists against the sheets. She catches a glimpse of him over her shoulder as he takes his cock in one hand, slowly pumping up and down his length, a quiet curse slipping from his lips.
“You’re so beautiful, you know that?” He purrs, reaching forward to trace the line of her jaw with his forefinger. He hunches over her body to press a soft kiss to the side of her mouth and she hums, feeling herself turn into a ball of malleable putty in the palm of his hands.
“Yeah?” She says and he chuckles softly, nodding, his nose against her cheek. “Yeah. So, so pretty,” he whispers and she hums again as he pulls away from her face, palm once again soothing over her back. His right hand rests on the left side of her ass and for a moment, it’s peaceful, for a moment, it’s quiet.
Then Leon bucks his hips forward and with one thrust, she’s full to the brim. Her lips part to make way for a loud gasp that fully permeates his bedroom and lingers, balling her fists so hard against the sheets, she could feel her nails digging into her palms.
“And so, so damn tempting,” he grunts as he pulls back his hips just to piston them back into her again. “A fuckin’ vixen is what you are.”
Bolts of ecstasy half her ability to make words as Leon sets his pace, his thrusts hard, forceful and fast. It’s truly pornographic— again, making it all too fitting that they’re being recorded— the way he fucks her. He’s like an animal and all this energy has been pent up inside of him for so long, too long. You would have no idea he just played a nearly three hour long baseball game.
He’s on a high— from making the last out of the game to being so lucky to have a girl like her on his arm— and he’s pouring every single ounce of that energy into her, into each and every single one of his thrusts. She has to dig her nails into the sheets to keep her body from being driven too far up the bed away from him.
His hands find her hips and he uses them as leverage to fuck into her harder, deeper. The sound of their skin slapping together permeates the bedroom, her eyes rolling into the back of her head and her toes curl as the tip of his cock repeatedly hits that spongy spot deep inside of her deliciously. Over and over and over and over again does he find that spot and it’s sooner rather than later that she feels herself burning, that kindling that had once been a small flame at the pit of her belly now fully blossomed into a wildfire, wreaking havoc across her ovaries.
“Le… Lee… Leon!” She cries, feeling tears brim and sting the outline of her lids as he mutters curses underneath his breath, making it his sole mission to utterly destroy her with his cock. “Slow down or I’m gonna… I’m gonna…! Oh, fuck!”
She hears him laugh behind her, bending over her body— all whilst maintaining his speed— to press a tender kiss to the center of her spine.
“That’s kind of the point,” he says against her back, lips curved into an impish grin against her skin. She can feel drool fall from her mouth down to her chin and she prays that the camcorder can’t pick this embarrassing detail up as she clenches around him, his dick having coaxed her so close to her peak.
Leon lifts away from her back and barks a curse when she tightens around him, his hips stuttering. “Gonna take me down with you, huh?” He growls, bucking his hips harder and harder and harder into her until she begins to crack like the shell of an egg, her orgasm spilling through the jagged lines like the yolk.
She succumbs to blinding white, hot bliss and she shudders, Leon leaning over her to wrap his arms around her waist as he, too, is overtaken by the sheer power of his release. “Leon!” She moans, either of their noises echoing off the four walls of his room and she hopes somewhere in the back of her mind that his roommate, Carlos, is not home to further be exposed to their coition.
Leon’s hips finally still and he simply holds her through either of their orgasms, his chest flush to her back. She can feel his dick twitch inside of her and she mewls, feeling his fingers brush through her hair, his lips finding her ear.
He presses a kiss to the shell before he whispers, “okay?”
It’s hard to speak through her panting but she manages to nod, her eyelids feeling heavy as they fall over her eyes. “Okay,” she replies and she simply lays there on her stomach, Leon on her back. The room smells of sex and perspiration but at its core, it smells like Leon, like home. His warmth is like the fire in a hearth on a cold winter's day and she hums as fatigue washes over her, lulling her towards a temporary slumber.
Leon groans from behind her and she feels him lift off of the bed, albeit reluctantly. Her nose wrinkles in displeasure but she does not lift her head, does not even open her eyes. She’s simply too tired, but before she drifts away to sleep, she hears a string of curses being said beneath Leon’s breath.
“Shit, shit, shit! How the fuck do you turn this thing off?”
a/n; teehee i'm so happy so many of you enjoyed the first baseball player leon fic, so here's a treat! wrote this up while freezing my tits off in the bathtub 😘
📹 if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging or even leaving a reply to let me know! it means the entire world to me 🫶
#leon kennedy x reader#leon kennedy smut#leon resident evil#leon s kennedy#leon kennedy#leon kennedy x you#leon kennedy x y/n#resident evil#resident evil smut#leon scott kennedy#baseball player!leon#Spotify
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ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ʜʏʙʀɪᴅ ʟᴇᴏɴ ᴋᴇɴɴᴇᴅʏ x ꜰᴇᴍ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
𖤐 sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ - ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴇᴏɴ, ʏᴏᴜʀ ɴᴇᴡ ʜʏʙʀɪᴅ ɢᴇʀᴍᴀɴ sʜᴇᴘʜᴇʀᴅ, ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʙᴇᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢ ǫᴜɪᴛᴇ ᴄʟᴏsᴇ, ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇxᴛᴇɴᴛ ʟᴇᴏɴ’s ʙᴇᴇɴ ɴɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ɢʀᴏᴡʟɪɴɢ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ sᴏ ᴄᴀʟʟᴇᴅ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅs, ʙᴜᴛ ʀᴇᴄᴇɴᴛʟʏ ʜᴇ’s ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀᴄᴛɪɴɢ ᴇxᴛʀᴀ ᴀɢɢʀᴇssɪᴠᴇ.. ᴘᴏssᴇsɪᴠᴇ ᴇᴠᴇɴ.. ʙᴜᴛ ꜰɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ ᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢ ʜᴏᴍᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ sʜɪꜰᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰɪɴᴅ ᴏᴜʀ ᴡʜʏ~
★ ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ ɴᴏᴛᴇ - ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟʟʏ ɪ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʜɪs ᴀʟᴏᴛ :ᴅᴅ, ᴀʟsᴏ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢᴜɪʟᴛʏ ᴄᴏɴꜰᴇssɪᴏɴ.. ᴍʏ ꜰᴀᴠ ᴄʜᴀʀᴄᴛᴇʀ ɪs ᴘɪᴇʀs ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʀᴇ6.. ʙʀɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴍᴀɴs ʙᴀᴄᴋ 😭.. ALSO GO DOWN FOR DAY ONE KINKTOBER IDEAS!!
✰ ʜʏʙʀɪᴅ x ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ ᴀᴜ - 1.5k ᴡᴏʀᴅs
Entering your small apartment, the cool air hitting your face like a winter breeze.
You had just finished a long and grooling night shift.
Exhausted from yet another long day at work.
Dropping your bag and kicking off your shoes.
Ready for a much needed nap.
Plopping down onto your fluffed bed.
The pillows scattering around as you splayed out.
You’ve always been a dog lover.
So when you stumbled upon Leon, a German Shepherd hybrid, at a local shelter.
You knew you had to bring him home.
You and him were inseparable.
Or more like Leon was.
He never..
Let you go
Recently you had to beg him to just let go so you could go to the bathroom.
Or the time your friends came over, the whole time Leon acted up.
He even nipped a few of them, constantly growling at them and speaking profanities under his breath.
That’s when he found out about the crate.
The next morning you let him out of the steal prison.
He practically tackled you to the ground as he cried his little heart out in your shoulder
Poor thing, thought you didn’t love him..
You love him right??
As you stayed in your cozy room, closing your eyes.
You waited a moment, trying to hear Leon..
The silence was unusual.
It was too silent..
Leon always greeted you with a toothy grin and a wag of his tail, like a good boy.
Jumping around to get your attention no matter how late it was, or how tired you were.
But today he wasn't there to greet you at the front door with his infectious enthusiasm.
You called out in concern that Leon may have hurt himself, your voice echoing in the empty bedroom.
Growing frustrated you got up, then raising your voice as you stood.
Yet again nothing.
This bothered you deeply, finally coming to terms Leon may actually be really hurt.
With a huff you stalked out of the room.
Quickly walking deeper into the clean white apartment.
The rays of white light overcasting you, while your feet padded lightly on the marble tiles.
Walking past your kitchen and lounge room.
Looking around, still hearing nothing but your own breaths.
Until seeing a small creak of light coming from one of the two spare rooms.
Slowly you treaded closer, pushing open the door.
Eyes widening at what you saw.
Leon was on the pale silk sheets of the bed.
His blonde hair wild, his blue eyes foggy with need.
Tears beading the corners of them.
As he whined and whimpered.
His cock fully hard, while he used your favourite pair of panties like a fleshlight.
Dirty boy
They were soaked in glistening pre.
The sounds he made becoming louder.
Leon was too fucked out to sense your presence.
You felt your own panties dampen..
Fuck.. he was nude, abs slim for sweat, hair stuck to his forehead. Whining and moans being heard.
You tread closer, his sounds becoming louder.
Finally noticing you, instead of slowing down he sped up.
His back arching lightly as he spoke with a pornographic moan.
“M-M’Need you, h-hurts s’so bad~”
He said his cock beading with more pre. Ear flattened.
It was obvious Leon was going into heat..
You knew you shouldn’t.. but you just had to.
He was your poor baby at the end of the day.
Without much of a peep you stalked to him, immediately capturing his lips with yours.
His soft lips capturing your own plump ones.
Leon’s lidded eyes shut as he moaned, humping the air, his tail wagging aggressively.
His ears flattening further.
You were choosing him.. h-him as your mate??
He was so happy!!
He can’t wait to breed you full of his pups.
Over and over and over again
His cock twitched at the thought more pre oozing at the tip.
You’ll love that!! He’ll be your very good boy for you while he fucks you soooo full of his love.
Then seeing it slip out onto the silk sheets for him to only fuck another load of pups!!
“I’ll be a good boy~” he murmured mid kisses, he whined. Kissing up your neck.
“let me take care of you... let me fill you.”
He said desperately like he’s never wanted something more than this.
Finally some tears slid down his face from such little attention he was getting.
Making him abuse his drooling cock while your panties get stained with his precum.
You’re being so mean to him..
Only giving him light touches and kisses, he wants to make love!!
Not this rotten book stuff..
Leon’s never been a nipper, well with other people it’s his main mood, but with.. you… never!!
That’s about to change, if you’re gonna tease his weeping cock fine well he’s gonna bite that cute pussy of your’s.
With that thought in his head he grabbed one of your hands yanking you into the mattress.
Making you stumble ontop of him while he nipped at your hand, shoving two fingers down his throat, his tongue lolling out, lapping up your fingers.
The other hand on his cock discarding your panties to the floor as he started an inhumane speed.
“L-Leon” you said breathy, eyes going lidded.
“Please~ just one baby~”
Leon’s tail wagged lightly as he said his plea.
You knew damn right it won’t be one, then with a blink there’s fourteen.
But still you body begging you to throw your clothes to the side and sink down on his twitching length.
“I-I’ll be a good breeder boy~” he whimpered, speeding his pace on his cock
Maybe I should- NO- He’s in heat he doesn’t know any better, you thought…
Yes he does, you’re the only reason he’s in heat. God damn it, just give him a baby!!
The only moral stopping you from plunging down that chewy tip.
“W-We shouldn’t-“ "Please baby, I need you. I'll be soooo good, just let me fill you up, please~."
he whined, his licking at your fingers grew more harsh.
he abandoned your hand that he was holding, to play with the buttons of your blouse.
While his other was wrapped around his girthy cock, speeding up, he felt his member twitching under you, aching to be shoved into your gummie walls.
His tail wagging harshly hitting your knees in the mattress.
You sigh, looking at his blue dilated eyes, looks like he’s not letting this go, with that you nodded.
Leon eagerly played with the buttons before yanking it off harshly tearing it to shreds in seconds.
He was strong.. but he would never.. NEVER used it against you.. Well if you begged enough~ maybe…
Then pushing up your pleated skirt up, you gasped a harsh hit landing your ass while the cold air did to .
Leon only growled, his ears flaring up, the wagging coming to a halt.
Eyes seemingly even more blown.
“Are you.. seriously-.. it's your scent~, you have to be ovulating.."
Leon panted, his body arching slightly into yours.
His cherry tip nearly touching your weeping cunt as he moaned, his need palpable.
Pre oozing out of his slit, glistening the tip further.
“Fuuuuckkk.. It's driving me wild, please, please—pleaseeeee”
His ears flattened back down, Whining like a dog.
His body trembling with unfamiliar sensation’s.
Finally, you act on your feelings, pulling your fingers out of Leon’s mouth with your own moan.
Leaning back directly on your knees, while pulling your panties to the side, spreading your folds.
Your soft folds right above his wet slit, rubbing against his angry tip.
He hated you right now..
Teasing him..
Before he could register what was fully happening Leon snarled.
Another slap landing your ass, while tears pricked his face.
Leon grabbing hold of your hips without warning only a growl, slamming upwards.
His thick shaft hooking deep inside your tight cunt.
Kissing your cute cervix.
“Y-You’ll look so pretty full of my pups.. even though you’re such a bitch..”
He growled thrusting deep into your womb earning him some slutty moans.
Arching his back off of the bed slamming into your greedy cunt.
Having an iron grip on your hips, while you griped onto his shoulders firmly.
Head buried to his neck, hair brushing against your face.
Lapping at his neck leaving love bites as he plunged his cock deep into your tight heat.
Your wet pussy making a mess on his v line, even his lower abs, such a good pussy.
“Like my cock baby~, mm’sucking me so deep~ ah~ gonna get lost in h-here~” he said wagging his tail while letting out small whines and cry’s.
You finally started to move as well, your nails dragging across Leon’s strong back leaving red streaks.
His thrusts getting faster, hands moving into your back, practically hugging while he fucked you.
He whined and moaned tears bearing both of your eyes.
“S-So tight.. m’sooo warm~”
You shifted your legs further apart taking him deeper inside you.
Leon let out a feral cry, his hips bucking wildly as he drove himself deeper into your velvet wall’s.
Sounds of skin slapping growing ever so louder.
Your tongue sticking out as you drooled and bit Leon’s shoulder.
Fully dazed as your tummy churned, head rolling back.
Leon's hand removed from your back pulling your head into his shoulder.
“Bite on me baby~ m-mark your good boy up”
He spoke then going back to heated hybrid he was, talking about how many pups you two were going to keep from the litter, how much of a good boy he was for you… only you.
“They better look like you..”
He whined, cock spilling more pre.
Leon's thrusts sending waves of pleasure through your body.
Sweat connecting the two of you.
His breaths more rapid.
“I-I’m g-gonn-“
He was cut off by your loud moans that joined his own.
His tip reaching deep in your tight cervix.
“M’so happy, we’re gonna be a family~”
Leon said his ears flattened, as he aggressively pushed you ever so deeper on his cock.
“Fucking finally”
His tongue finally licking at your neck snarling while slamming you hard down on his cock, nearly balls deep.
“Their go-gonna ah~ b-be so pretty- j-just like their mo-momma~”
You clenched around him at his words earning a whine.
“N-Need you to c-cum ah~ ngh~ first”
Such a good boy till the end.
That said the coil snapped around his cock, as you bit down on his shoulder earning a yelp while you came.
His tail stiffening as he whimpered loudly.
his finally thrust pushing past your cervix.
Thick hot white ropes shooting deep into your heat.
His potent seed spilling into you over flowing your crammed little womb.
He thrusted a few more times. overstimulating his cock while fucking his seed deeper into your tight hole.
Only clawing at Leon while the two of you settle down.
Leon still keeping you in a stone grip.
Only pulling your face from his shoulder, kissing you deeply.
“So pretty~ so mine!!”
He said, tail wagging behind him.
With that you smiled lightly pushing hair past your face.
Trying to get up from his still firm cock, only Hearing.. a.. growl?
“The fuck you think you’re going?”
Did.. did Leon just swear at you..
You thought confused looking back at him, he looked angry?
That’s new.
“J-just gonna get water”
You said his snarl disappearing.
“Oh! I thought you were gonna go out with those friends”
You were..
Looks like your gonna be stuck fucking for aaaaa longggg time..
#yandere#yandere boy x reader#yandere x you#male yandere#yandere leon#yandere resident evil#yandere leon s kennedy#yandere leon kennedy x reader#yandere leon x reader#leon x you#yandere leon kennedy#leon s kennedy#leon x reader#leon smut#leon kennedy#Leon Kennedy smut#leon x y/n#yandere Leon Kennedy smut#smut#yandere smut#hybrid Leon#Leon Kennedy hybrid#yandere boy#yandere x reader#puppy leon#puppy Leon Kennedy#puppy Leon smut#male yandere x you#leon kennedy x y/n#yandere Leon Kennedy x y/n
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pairing: leon kennedy x fem!reader
summary: leon finds his old raccoon city uniform. instead of letting the past haunt him, he dresses you in it. it looks much prettier that way.
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, masturbation, officer/criminal roleplay, handcuffs
a/n: for my leon babies, i hope you all enjoy <3
kinktober slot: day 5 - roleplay
The points of your heels click against the hardwood slats on the floor of the bedroom. Thin and elegant, the tips slick and triangular. Your boyfriend watches you waltz into the room from his spot on your shared bed. The sharp post at the center of the head board supported his hands, bound by a shiny pair of silver handcuffs.
"You're in a lot of trouble, Mr. Kennedy. Do you know why you're here today?" your voice asks, floating through the room in a seductive melody.
His eyes flit up and down over your figure. Your curves were clad in his police uniform. The spare one that hadn't seen the blood and guts of September 30th, 1998. The pale blue fabric remained pristine and bright. The golden badge on your breast glimmered as if Leon actually got to put it to good use.
But he didn't have to think about that right now. Didn't have to remember how his life's dream had withered away with everything else in the nuclear blast. Instead he could look at you. How the cerulean polyester fits snug around your waist and chest. How you had the fabric tied into a little knot above your navel. How the pair of navy blue lace panties you had on below set off the light shade above perfectly.
A low whistle leaves his lips.
"No, sweetheart. But I gotta say, you look better in that old thing than I ever did," he responds.
A smile comes over your painted lips, but you still roll your eyes and stamp your heel.
"Leon!" you huff, "You agreed to do this, so you have to stay in character. That's not how you talk to an officer of the law."
"Oh, you're right. My mistake, officer," he says with a smirk. He clears his throat as if getting into character. "No. Not a clue."
That pleases you, and you continue walking towards the edge of the bed, your hips swaying with each step. A hair brush taps one of your palms. Your version of a night stick if he had to guess.
"I don't believe you. You've been a very bad boy. Committed a long list of crimes that should have you locked up for the next couple decades," you say.
As he watches your performance, he can't help but find you so cute. The way you speak, your attempt at taking control, is an obvious imitation of his cadence in intimate moments.
"Have I really?" he asks, eyes lazily drifting up to your face.
"Yep. But maybe, just maybe, if you give me some information about the people who put you up to it, we can make a deal."
"I'm not telling you a thing without my lawyer here," he says.
As cocky as he acted, Leon was already nude before you on the mattress. His pale skin almost glows in the dim orangey light of your bedroom. Scars trail across his abdomen that had become a little softer in the last several months. Brown hair dusts the skin of his tummy down to the collection of it curling above the base of his cock. His pretty cock, half-hard between his legs, just waiting for your attention.
You take advantage of his condition by ghosting the bristles of the brush over his v-line. The sensation tickles slightly. His hips twitch, and you see his dick jump at the faint touch to the sensitive area.
"Why not? You can trust me, Mr. Kennedy. I just want to wrap this up as quickly as possible."
The broad end of your tool coasts over his stomach now, going up to his chest to tease his nipples before you swing it back down to the lower half of him. His heart beat picks up, and his blood starts flowing down south. Out of the corner of your eye, you see his length begin to stiffen.
"I'm not stupid," he says, his tone audibly huskier, "You never talk to the police without a lawyer."
Bringing your knee onto the edge of the foamy mattress, you boost yourself to kneel next to his immobile form.
"Normally I'd agree with you. But I'm different," you say. You come closer and swing your leg over his body so that you're straddling his lap, hovering above his cock. "Even though I believe you're guilty as sin, I want to help you."
His chest vibrates with the urge to groan at the feeling of your clothed heat so close to his aching shaft. "Why's that?" he chokes out instead.
"Because look at you. You're much more useful to me out here than behind bars," you say, reaching down behind and fondling his balls. The groan he held in before oozes from his mouth at the feeling. His cock kicks up now, resting against your center. You adjust to position the appendage between your legs. The cute pink tip stares up at you from where it peeks out of the junction between your thighs.
"That doesn't sound very professional, officer," he says. He has to remember that his hands are fastened above him because your hips call to him. The urge to squeeze them, to knead the flesh and smack your ass, boils in his chest.
You feel your clit starting to throb for his touch as well. The look in his eyes, the way his lips had parted to accommodate his breathing had you growing more and more damp by the moment.
"That, I never claimed to be," you say.
You slide your hand down over your body, taking time to highlight the presence of his dated uniform. Your fingers slip beneath the waistband of your panties. A shuddery breath leaves your lungs as your fingertip slots between your folds and finds your needy bud.
Your digit glides through the small amount of arousal, beckoning more to coat your cunt. He watches with lust-blown eyes, the surface beginning to glaze with desire. You whimper, the sound so soft and delicate it makes him buck upwards.
"Patience. You don't get rewarded for insulting me," you say and lift yourself away from him.
"Oh c'mon, baby," he grunts, "Gimme a break. I didn't insult you."
"Nope. I won't help you out unless you ask me properly," you say, grinning at the prospect of him groveling.
You play with your clit a little more, chest puffing within the confines of his top. You tilt your head back, and your spine arches with the dull pleasure you're providing yourself.
"Fuck..." he breathes, "Please, officer."
"Please what?"
"Please touch me."
The words come out laced with an intoxicating note of desperation. Your head returns to an upright position, your eyes blazing onto him.
"That's better," you purr.
By this point, you'd worked yourself up enough that the cloth guarding your cunt was soaked, sticky and clinging to your center. You spread your legs and lower to press yourself against him. He moans when your warmth makes contact.
You begin moving back and forth in tiny strokes. He whines and tugs on his restraints. The feeling of the fabric against him burns in the best way. A whine comes from you too as the bump of his tip strikes your bundle of nerves.
"Such a pretty, obedient boy. I bet I can whip you back into a functioning member of society in no time."
Grinding down with more pressure, a symphony of blissed out noises erupt from the two of you. Your palms rest on his belly to support yourself while your hips do all the work. Forward, backward, forward, backward. Like a pendulum you swipe over him in rapid succession.
Humping feels good. It always does. But after a while more, you crave a deeper sense of satisfaction.
You pull your panties to the side and grab his leaky cock. It had been drooling precum onto his pelvis, but now, it was going to be tucked inside you. You rise up and then sink back down, eliciting a mewl from yourself and another deep groan from your lover.
"See what happens when you behave and follow the rules?" you whimper.
"Uh huh. Think I'll be a much better citizen after this," he mutters.
You start to bounce, moving up and down on his shaft. The ridges of his veins rub against your insides. A chill runs up your spine. Bumps prickle up over your skin despite its heated nature. Your skin claps against his while pants puff from nostrils.
He's not keeping it together under you much better. He'd already been pretty close from the stimulation you'd given prior to this. Being engulfed in your tight cunt's wet embrace didn't stave off release at all. His heels dig into the mattress and allow him to reciprocate your movements, thrusting up into you shallowly.
"Fuck!" you yelp when he strikes your spot. You ride faster, getting lost in the pleasure. It's getting too hot now, so you tug the police shirt off your body, your breasts swinging free. The cool air brings some relief, and you toss the garment to the floor without another thought.
"Gonna cum for me, babydoll?" you ask Leon, the playful pet name you call him resurfacing. The commitment to the roleplay had vanished with the disrobing of the costume.
"Mhm, almost there, sugar," he grunts.
You squeeze around him, pulsing as your hips swivel and roll. You feel yourself getting there too. Release explodes in you like a firework, bursting in the pit of your belly and fizzling outwards to everywhere else. Your movements become erratic and rhythmless, but you continue on.
Leon can't take the pressure your orgasm brings. You clenching around him is too much to bear and he blows his load inside you, filling you up with his cum. You work it out of him with a few more fluid movements.
As soon as the wave has passed and receded, you fall forward onto his chest. You don't pull off him or let him leave your insides. All you do is nuzzle his dewy skin and smack a few wet kisses onto the area.
"You did pretty good," he rasps, the look on his face ever-teasing, "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were a professional."
"Oh shut up. You were into it," you huff and smile up at him.
Now you do climb off his body, reaching the floor and stretching your limbs. The next thing you want to do is go take a shower with your man, but you realize something and look over at him.
"Oh shit. Where did I put the keys to the handcuffs?"
#leon kennedy x reader#leon kennedy smut#leon kennedy imagine#leon kennedy x you#resident evil x reader#resident evil x you#resident evil imagines#resident evil smut#divider by cafekitsune#ch: leon kennedy 💌
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Blurred Lines
leon kennedy x fem!reader
summary: you’ve decided to get intimate for the first time with your boyfriend, and who better to ask for advice than his best friend?
cw: nsfw (18+) - mdni!!, smut, kissing, oral sex, vaginal fingering, masturbation, p in v, possessive sex, praise kink, cheating/infidelity
wc: 4.4k
a/n: i don't support cheating at all, this idea just would not leave me so erm... i just had to write it
also on ao3!
You might be a little in over your head.
Sure, the entire thing had been your idea, but now that you’re standing outside of Leon’s apartment, duffle bag clutched in hand, you think you might’ve made the wrong decision.
But… you did really like your boyfriend.
It was why you were doing all of this after all. You wanted the first time with your new boyfriend to be perfect, especially after your last relationship had practically turned out to be a disaster. The sex hadn’t been enjoyable and the heated conversations between you and your ex even more so.
So, who better to ask for advice than your boyfriend’s best friend?
Eyes squeezing shut, you mutter a few words of self-encouragement. The doorbell looks oddly ominous when you open your eyes again.
You weren’t even sure why Leon had agreed to this entire thing. He’d always just been there, barely acknowledging your presence at all. All in all, you were convinced Leon hated you. It didn’t matter though, you didn’t particularly like the man either. Leon was just an unfortunate addition to things you had to endure.
An irritated huff of air leaves you and your hand jerks out, your own body having grown tired of your indecisiveness. The doorbell rings promptly and you shift on your feet, biting your lip nervously.
When the door creaks open, you have half the mind to run away. Leon’s gaze keeps you pinned in place however, his bored eyes dipping over you, brows raising slightly when he sees the duffle bag you were holding.
“You were serious about this, huh?” Leon asks, crossing his arms over his chest, peering down at you.
“Uh- well,” you begin, tongue feeling heavy, “I- I can just leave,” you laugh awkwardly, “you’re probably busy and I don’t want to bother you and-”
“Stop rambling,” he interrupts, a hint of irritation creeping into his voice, “just get inside.”
You’re grateful for his timely intervention, nodding rapidly and stepping inside. Taking off your shoes, you place them by the door neatly, not wanting to annoy Leon even more. He motions with his fingers and you follow him in, letting him guide you into his bedroom.
“What’s the bag for?”
“Oh, I packed a couple of outfits,” you shrug, watching as he sits down on his chair, “thought you might be able to tell me which one would work the best.”
Leon stares at you blankly, his lips pursing.
“You’re fucking weird.”
A sharp scoff leaves you, your eyes narrowing as you glare at the man in front of you. “You agreed to help me!”
“I didn’t think you were being serious,” Leon retorts.
You glare at him a little more and he lets out an exasperated sigh, motioning for you to sit down on the edge of his bed. You do as he says, although your movements are begrudging, feeling miffed.
“So?” He asks, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest, “what do you want to know?”
“Se- sex stuff,” you reply casually, although your posture betrays you. It’s difficult to feel comfortable around Leon, his gaze uncomfortably intense and probing. You don’t think you’ve ever sat with your back this straight for so long before.
“Watching porn would’ve solved that problem for you,” Leon says drily.
“You’re a real asshole, Leon.”
He rolls his eyes at your jab, slouching a little further in his chair, thighs spreading as he gets comfortable. Leon’s fingers tap against the arm-rest, seemingly lost in thought. You couldn’t feel anymore awkward, agitatedly playing with your fingers in your lap.
“Can’t you just tell me what he likes?” you blurt out, growing desperate, “you guys talk about that stuff, don’t you?”
“I don’t understand what the big deal is,” Leon says, leaning forward, his forearms resting on his knees. “Just do what feels natural. Sex isn’t supposed to be something you spend weeks worrying about.”
It’s surprisingly solid advice…but Leon could’ve told you all of this over text. You cross your arms over your chest, pouting slightly.
“But what if he doesn’t like it?” you mumble, averting your gaze.
“Then he’ll tell you,” he says, hands clasping together. Leon gives you another once-over, tilting his head. “Go get changed, let’s see those outfits.”
You nod, tugging your bag into his bathroom and pull on your first outfit. It’s a pretty dress, flowy and a little short, but you’d figured it’d be a good pick.
“What do you think?”
Leon’s eyes flick up to meet yours, silently evaluating the dress. His brows furrow for a moment, something imperceptible passing through his eyes before he shakes his head. A sigh escapes you, but you disappear back into his bathroom obediently to pull on your next outfit.
Leon doesn’t like that one. He doesn’t like the one after either. Your patience is running thin by the time you’ve changed into your fourth outfit, a nice top and skirt. You tuck your hair behind your ears, staring at yourself in the mirror. You look cute, at least from your perspective. You don’t understand what he finds so unappealing about your sense of style. Leon’s eyes barely drift over you before he’s shaking his head again.
“Pass,” Leon drawls, looking bored out of his mind as he slouches in his chair. Irritation festers inside of you, teeth gritting together as Leon simply ignores you, scrolling through his phone.
“This is cute!” you protest, looking down at the outfit you put together, “I look cute!”
“If that makes you feel better, then keep telling yourself that,” he replies, not sparing you a second glance.
“You’re the worst!” you snap, stomping back into the bathroom.
Your temper gets the best of you when you scrutinize your irritated reflection, cheeks flushed with anger, the stress of being here with Leon bubbling past your own breaking point. You tug your top off, along with your bra, bathroom door slamming open as you move to stand in front of him, hands on your hips.
“How about now, asshole?”
Leon’s eyes widen when he sees your bare chest, surprise making his grip on his phone falter, the device falling towards the carpeted floor as he stares at your tits. His jaw seems to go slack, a sharp breath of air getting sucked in as he stares for a bit longer. You glare at him, chest rising and falling, watching as his gaze dips over the curve of your waist.
“They’re just tits,” he says nonchalantly.
Leon’s expressions betray his true emotions, however. You catch the bob of his throat as he swallows, the subtle clench of his jaw as he stares at your tits. Your eyes dip down between his thighs and a small smile spreads across your face when you spot the bulge forming in his shorts.
“Do you like ‘em?” you ask, tilting your head.
“What?” Leon sputters, his cheeks flushing lightly.
“Do you like ‘em?” you repeat, taking a step closer, “my tits, Leon.”
He swallows again, trying and failing to look away from your tits. “They’re fine,” he manages out after a moment, “normal, or whatever.”
That makes a frown pull at your lips. Your head tips down, taking in your own breasts. They weren’t anything special, but you thought they looked nice, at least. Embarrassment has your skin crawling, cheeks heating up when you realize how stupidly you’ve been acting.
You move to turn on your heel, but Leon stops you, his hand curling around your wrist. He tugs you forward, your feet stumbling slightly as he pulls you until you're standing between his spread legs.
“Maybe I should feel them,” Leon offers, peering up at you, his tongue darting out to wet his lips, “might- might help me judge a bit better.”
Surprise flits across your face, heat shooting through your body. You really shouldn’t let him do this, you shouldn’t even have your tits out in the first place but when Leon’s hand lands on your waist, all rational thought seems to leave you.
“Okay,” you whisper, “you can touch.”
Both of Leon’s hands are on your waist now, sliding upwards. You bite your lip to stifle a whine, back arching to push your chest into his touch when his thumbs brush the underside of your breasts.
Leon lets out a low hum, stroking his thumb over the same place again, staring intently at your hardened nipples. His fingers reach for them, pinching your nipples between his thumb and forefinger as he tugs lightly before letting go, watching as your breasts move at the sensation.
“Gonna let me taste ‘em too?,” he asks, pinching your nipples again before rubbing his thumbs over your areolas.
“T- taste?” you echo, feeling your breath catch in your throat when Leon leans forward, his touch growing greedier as he grasps at your tits, squeezing the fat roughly. Your legs shake slightly, little twitches running up through your body and Leon notices, pulling you closer, his hands on the backs of your thighs as he helps you climb up onto his lap.
You can feel how hard he is when your cunt presses up against his clothed cock, a low whine slipping out of you at the feeling. Leon grins, squeezing your breasts a few more times, seemingly taken with tugging your nipples and watching your breasts bounce back into place.
“Yeah,” he murmurs, “just let me put my mouth on you, hm?”
A single nod leaves you and Leon takes it as permission to kiss the space between your breasts. He’s surprisingly gentle with you, peppering soft kisses around your breast and over your nipples. Leon’s tongue lolls out before long, a groan emanating from him as he pulls you flush against him, his hips bucking up into your clothed cunt.
You gasp, fingers settling in his hair, pulling his head closer. Leon’s mouth opens wider, sucking your tit into his mouth, tongue flicking across your nipple harshly as he silently urges your hips to move against him. You do as he wants, grinding against his lap, mewling when he sinks his teeth into the fat of your tit. He switches his attention to your other tit, sucking it into his mouth, pressing his hand into your back to make your chest jut out so that he can get more of you into his mouth.
“Do oh- do you like my tits now, Leon?” you ask breathily.
“Yeah, yeah, fuck, yeah,” he mumbles out drunkenly, “love your tits, baby.”
A light flush covers your cheeks when Leon pulls away, both of your chests rising and falling. He stares up at you, perched on his lap prettily, his hands squeezing at your waist soothingly. Your hazy eyes dip down to his lips, fingers tightening into his shirt as you imagine his lips on yours.
That would make everything all the more real however, so you refrain, simply peering down at him. Leon can see the uncertainty that makes you squirm, the flash of guilt that seems to dim down the spark in your eyes. He doesn’t exactly like the situation either, what the two of you are doing, but when your lower lip juts out into a cute, little pout, Leon wonders what might’ve been if he’d gotten to you first.
“We should stop,” he says after a while, fingers tapping the sides of your thighs.
“Yeah,” you murmur, humiliation flitting across your face, “we should.”
Leon helps you get off his lap, smoothing his hand over the ruffles in your skirt. It’s a weirdly considerate action and too out of place for him. You disappear into the bathroom, pulling your top back on. Leon waits for you, his eyes dipping to the bulge in his shorts. It’s uncomfortable, his half-hard cock straining against the fabric of his boxers.
A heavy sigh leaves him, his hand reaching down to adjust himself before you come out.
“Thank you for letting me come over,” you mumble as he walks you over to his door.
“Don’t mention it,” Leon murmurs, his voice low.
Don’t mention it. You know deep down you won’t be mentioning anything to your boyfriend.
You go to open the door, but before you can, Leon’s stepping up behind you, his chest pressing into your back as he cages you in against the door. A soft whine spills out of you when he wraps his arms around your waist, his face pressing into the crook of your neck.
“You’re making things difficult,” he says, voice muffled with how closely he’s pressed his face into your neck.
“I- I’m leaving,” you retort weakly, managing to get your hand on the doorknob.
He hums, pressing one of his hands against the door, keeping it shut.
“Leon,” you sigh exasperatedly, “we can’t. You’re the one who said we should stop.”
“If I hadn’t said that, would you have stayed?”
The question hangs in the air. Your silence is answer enough. Leon’s mouth on your tits had been more than enough to convince you to stay, the memory of his clothed cock pressed up against your panties making you bite back another whine. His hand has begun to slide to your leg, smoothing up over your skin and under your skirt.
“Tell me,” Leon coaxes, his fingers grazing your panties, “would you have stayed?”
A strangled gasp is your response as he presses the pads of his fingers up against your panties. Leon lets out a low laugh, landing a soft kiss to your neck, his fingers rubbing at your cunt through the fabric of your panties.
Your head tips forward, forehead pressing against the door and mouth opening in a silent moan when Leon rubs faster. He trails kisses down your neck before nuzzling into the crook of it, pressing you against the door harder to grind his cock into your ass.
“C’mon, baby,” he urges again, “I wanna hear you say it.”
“I- I hate you,” you grit out but you rock your hips across his hand anyways, wanting more friction against your pussy.
Leon clicks his tongue, drawing his fingers away.
“Ngh- nooo,” you whine, trying to get his hand back to where you want him to touch you, “Leon!”
It’s too late though, Leon’s already unlatched himself, taking a few steps back to put some space between you two. He shoves his hands into the pockets of his shorts, pursing his lips as he stares down at you.
“You’re a piece of shit, Leon.”
“You know, that makes me less inclined to want to touch you.”
“Fine,” you say, throwing your hands up, “I’ll just do it myself.”
“W- what?” Leon blurts out, gaze fixated on the sway of your hips as you push past him. He watches as you settle down onto his couch, your head tipping back as your hand disappears under your skirt and slips past the band of your panties.
A soft sigh escapes you when you touch yourself, eyes fluttering shut. You’re wet thanks to Leon, body squirming as your fingers circle your swollen clit to find some relief.
“Fuck,” Leon hisses, watching as you masturbate on his couch without a care in the world. His cock throbs painfully and he’s dropping to knees before he can stop himself, hands grabbing at your legs.
“No,” you glare at him when he tries to pull your panties down, swatting his hand away.
“Please?” he pleads, eyes darkened with lust, “baby, please? I- I just wanna see.”
“‘m not your baby,” you grouse, trying to shove his face away as your fingers slide through your slick folds.
“You could’ve been,” Leon mutters.
He looks a little bitter and you raise your brows in question. “You hate me.”
“No I don’t,” he replies, nuzzling into your knee, lips pressing against your skin in a gentle kiss, “I want you.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you murmur, rolling your eyes when he manages to capture your wrist in his hand, stopping you from pushing him away. A soft gasp escapes you when he curls his arms over your thighs, spreading you open for him.
“Been wanting to fuck you ever since he brought you ‘round,” Leon whispers, peppering kisses to your inner thighs, “you’re so pretty.”
You mewl, hips bucking as he pulls your panties down your legs. Leon’s eyes darken as your fingers move, spreading apart the folds of your pussy so he can get a good look.
“Fuck,” he groans, “pussy’s so fucking wet, baby.”
Your fingers run through his soft hair, pulling his head closer. Leon goes more than willingly, his tongue lolling out to lick a stripe up your pussy. He lets out a guttural moan, arms tightening around your thighs, hands disappearing up your top to squeeze at your tits as he all but shoves his face into your cunt.
“You- oh- you should apologize, Leon,” you whisper, pushing his head away when he tries to suck your clit into his mouth. “You didn’t like any of my outfits and you were mean.”
“Are you serious?” he asks, trying to nuzzle back into your pussy.
You nod, and he groans, half-lidded eyes never straying from your leaking cunt.
“‘m sorry,” he breathes out, inching closer and managing to land a soft kiss to your aching clit, “‘m sorry, okay? I was an asshole and fuck-” Leon shudders, nudging past your hand to kiss your clit again as his eyes meet yours, “I didn’t him to want to see you like that, all pretty and dolled up.”
There’s a strange fluttering sensation in your chest, heart skipping a beat at his confession. You stare down at him, letting him kiss your clit one more time before you rub your fingers through your folds, pressing your slick fingers against his mouth. Leon moans, mouth opening, sucking your fingers into his mouth, swirling his tongue around them.
“Don’t stop,” you mumble when Leon licks your pussy again.
He hums, squeezing at your tits, fingers pinching and tugging at your nipples as he eats you out. Soft mewls spill from your mouth, hips rocking to meet his mouth, back arching to press more of yourself against him.
You jerk in his grasp, an involuntary twitch running through your body when he strokes the pad of his thumb over your clit gently, his tongue burying itself inside of you.
“Leon,” you whine, tugging at his hair while your head tips back, “‘m close.”
He doubles his efforts when you say that, pinching your nipples roughly as he slurps and sucks at the wetness of your pussy. The sounds are lewd, the soft smack of his lips around your slick folds and aching cunt making you flush.
“Taking my fingers so good,” he whispers, pushing two of his fingers inside of your cunt and cooking them so that they brush against your sensitive spot.
You fist his hair tighter, moans growing louder as he fucks his fingers in and out of you, his mouth latching onto your clit, tongue flicking and stroking across the swollen bud before sucking hard.
“Ah!” you squeak out, shoving his face further into your cunt, thighs trapping his face and squeezing tight as you cum, body shuddering and toes digging into his back, “Leon!”
Leon groans into your cunt, taking your orgasm eagerly, sucking and licking at your wetness, drinking it down. He huffs a breath when you try to push his head away, moving your hand away to lick over your pussy despite your twitching thighs and the painful grip you have on his hair.
He pulls away finally with a kiss to your clit, grinning up at you, his eyes hazy with lust. The lower half of his face is wet and Leon licks his lips before leaning towards you, his nose nudging against yours.
“Kiss me, sweetheart.”
You whine, arms wrapping around his neck to pull him closer. He stares up at you, lips parted and you lower your head, hesitation and guilt forgotten as you press your lips against his. Leon lets out a contented sigh, his arms wrapping around your waist, lips moving against yours eagerly.
He gets off of his knees and crawls on top of you instead, hips slotting between your thighs. Your legs wrap around his waist, kissing him languidly and gasping into his mouth when he grinds his clothed cock against your bare cunt.
“Want it?” he whispers, trailing kisses down your neck, “want my cock, baby?”
“We- we shouldn’t,” you whisper weakly, watching as he sits back to pull his shirt up over his head.
You gulp nervously when you see his bare upper half, cunt clenching at the sight of his muscled abdomen and thick biceps. Leon ignores you, his lips slotting over yours again, hand caressing your waist soothingly.
A sigh leaves you, hands smoothing over his shoulders to pull him closer. He stares down at you, panting softly, his face pressing into the crook of your neck.
“You’re right,” he murmurs.
Neither of you make any moves to detach from each other however, Leon’s hand stroking over your hair as he grunts and rocks his hips against your cunt again.
“Just- shit- just the tip,” Leon offers, groaning when he feels your hands on his chest, “just the tip, baby.”
You whimper into his mouth when he kisses you again, fingers creeping down to pull at his shorts impatiently.
“D- doesn’t count if it’s just the tip,” you agree breathlessly, hand wrapping around his fat cock.
“Yeah,” Leon says, his voice shaky, “yeah, doesn’t hah- doesn’t count if it's just the tip.”
Leon mutters out a curse when your thumb swipes over the sensitive head of his cock, kissing you roughly as he grasps his cock, pumping it a few times. You watch, flushed and eager as he presses his cock against your folds, rubbing it against you.
“Feels so fuckin’ good,” he snarls, moving his cock and slapping it the tip of it against your swollen clit, smearing pre-cum across your folds. “‘m gonna make you forget about him,” Leon slurs, “gonna make you mine, sweetheart.”
He presses the tip of his cock into you and you whine, clawing at his biceps, feeling the initial stretch of his cock. Leon grunts, his face pressing back into the crook of you neck, fucking you shallowly.
“Bet my entire cock would feel good,” he mumbles, kissing your neck, “wouldn’t that be nice, baby? My fat cock filling you up?”
“But- but we can’t,” you babble, gasping when he pushes his cock in a little more, “Leon- oh fuck-”
Your words die on your tongue when Leon drives his hips into you, cock filling you up completely. A strangled moan leaves you, head tipping back as you cry out, Leon groaning as he pounds his hips into you.
“Take it, sweetheart,” he grunts, hand smoothing over your hair as he kisses your cheek messily, “doing so good, made to take my cock, my sweet girl.”
The praise is making your eyes roll to the back of your head, legs tightening around his hips as your nails claw down his back.
“Kiss,” you whine, lips parting for Leon, “kiss me.”
Leon lets out a low growl, his lips crashing onto yours, cock dragging in and out of your clenching walls rapidly. The sounds of your skin clapping together fills his apartment, but you’re too cockdrunk, too utterly gone to have any care in the world. All you can think about is his weight on top of your body, his lips dragging across your skin, his cock pounding into you.
“Squeezing me so tight,” Leon moans, “gonna make me cum, baby.”
You nod rapidly, cunt clenching around him as the coil of pleasure in your stomach grows tighter and tighter.
“Leon!” you wail, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes, body twitching.
“Cum,” he grunts, squeezing your hips tightly, “c’mon baby, cum on my cock. Be a good girl and cream my fucking cock.”
His lips slot over yours and you whimper, kissing him back needily as you shake in his grasp, orgasm racking through you as you cum.
“Fuck-” Leon whispers, feeling the clench of your cunt around his cock, “baby, baby, baby.”
His hips stutter, his head falling between your breasts, soft pants filling the air as he cums. Leon’s hot cum floods your pussy, another whimper escaping you as you feel his cock twitch.
You both lay there, chests heaving.
“I hate you,” you whisper, running your fingers through his soft hair.
“Yeah,” Leon rasps, “I know.”
He kisses you anyways.
Your boyfriend’s been promoted.
It’s how you find yourself here, latched onto his arm as he talks with his colleagues with a tight smile on your face. Unfortunately for you, Leon happens to work at the same place which is why you spend most of your time trying to avoid him.
You’d tried to get out of attending the anniversary dinner, too ashamed and sick to your stomach, but your boyfriend had pleaded with you, which had only made you feel guiltier.
You can’t escape Leon’s gaze either. His eyes bore into you no matter where you go in the spacious venue and it gets to the point where you’re telling your boyfriend that you need to get some fresh air. There’s a fire escape and you take your chance, pushing past the heavy door to suck in a deep breath of the cool night air. The expanse of the city lies out before you, buildings lit up and roads bustling with traffic. You rub your aching temples, eyes squeezing shut.
Unfortunately, you don’t get to cool down for long, not when Leon’s joining you. He looks as handsome as ever, especially in a suit, his hair combed back neatly.
“Hey, sweetheart.”
“Go fuck yourself, Leon,” you hiss out, pointing your finger at him accusingly.
A lazy grins spreads across his face, his arm curling around your waist to pull you flush against him. Your hands land against his chest, breath hitching when he lowers his head, the tip of his nose brushing yours.
“Fuck me yourself, hm?”
You end up bent over the railing with Leon’s fat cock stuffed inside of you. He grips your hips roughly, groans as you cry out into the night, peppers kisses over your shoulder and shoves his fingers into your mouth while he whispers sweet nothings to you.
“You’re my girl.”
#leon kennedy smut#leon kennedy x reader#resident evil smut#leon kennedy x you#resident evil#leon kennedy
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WC:9K Dividers are by @f-loqweres
[70s!Dark!Corrupt!Cop!Leon x 70s!Innocent!Neighbour!Reader.}
[warnings!!! This fic is for 18+ only! Not proofread.]
[This can be applied with any version of Leon too!]
[Contains: Violence/Smut/degradation/praise/spiked condoms/baby trapping/ oral(f receiving)/manipulation/corrupt cop/yandere Leon/non con somno/panty sniffing/jerking off to you while you're asleep]
You lived at home with your parents and your older sister still, not because you had to, but because you wanted to. Life was sweet and happy in this household, a happy family of sorts if you didn't look too closely at your mother's drinking and your father's health issues and PTSD. It was simple, it was sweet and you never felt like the world could harm you. And it definitely helped that your neighbour across the street was a hunk of a man. His constant brooding atmosphere would make you squeeze your plush thighs together.
But today was special, today was your first day on the job as a waitress at the nearby café down the road that you adorned. They served the best strawberry milkshakes there and would always give you extra cream and a stripy red straw, so applying for the job there was a no-brainer. You smile brightly as you wake up, the birds singing to you in the trees on the street. You push back your soft pink bedsheets and slip out of bed before walking down the stairs, dressed in your cream white pyjamas that consisted of shorts that had pink bows and a vest that had a bow in the middle.
You walk into a kitchen and pull a bowl out of the cupboard and then head to the pantry and pull out a box of cereal. You turn around and bump into your sister, you smile even brighter as you gaze at her. "Good morning!" you chirp, only to be met by her grunt. She was never a morning person, and you could only assume it was because she was up all night on the phone talking to her boyfriend. You giggle to yourself at the imaginary idea of her fingering and twirling the phone cord around her finger as she kicks her feet and babbles to her boyfriend.
You head to the counter and pour your cereal before manoeuvring past your sister and putting the box back in the pantry. You skip to the fridge and get the milk out and pour it, and then put the milk back. It seemed mundane as any other day, but you were buzzing with excitement of finally working and wearing your cute uniform that was provided. You were excited to serve friends and strangers and
give them the best milkshake and fries ever! Or at least serve it to them with a sweet smile. You dig into your cereal and beam brightly when your dad walks in, he ruffles your hair before sitting across you at the table. He sits down with a huff and pulls his newspaper put. "You excited, kiddo? First day of being an official adult." Your lips curve into a much bigger smile, and you nod excitedly at him
Before continuing to eat eagerly. You were in your 20s, but that never took away from your wonder and naivety of the world. ’S going to be awesome dad! Even the sun is shining, so that's proof it's going to be amazing!" You manage to squeak out with a mouth full of cereal. You slurp the milk and then quickly head to the sink to wash it up.
You skip up the stairs before kissing your mums cheek as you skip past her, you open your door and quickly shower. You dry your hair and sit at your vanity, You giggle and style your hair, bringing it into pigtails and tying two pink bows around it. You apply some mascara and lip gloss. Your eyes looking bigger and softer and your lips shining, adding even more to your charming smile. You pull your
white lace bra and panties on. Your good luck set, whenever you wore them something good would happen. You pull on your frilly ankle socks on, and jump up.
You make your bed up before you forget and open your closet and pull your uniform on before putting it on. It was a cute white flowy skirt with pink polka dot hearts on it, all matched with a pink gingham strap top. Your breasts were hugged nicely
By the top and the skirt only just went to your thighs. It was a little revealing, so you pulled on your pink shorts on underneath. You pull your cute white shoes on and complete the look with pink
heart shaped glasses. You grab your bag which had your purse and open your window and then skip down the stairs, waving your family goodbye before you go outside.
As you step outside, the door closing behind you, the sun shines down on you, making your glow as bright as your smile. You skip down to the café, not noticing the eyes on you from across the road. Leon was absolutely entranced by you, you were a vision to behold, something he wished to hold. He was dressed in his tight black top and his police pants. He lets out a soft laugh as he watches you go, the sun seeming to shine even brighter to him today. He hops into his police car and heads out to his job today, turning the radio as he drives, humming softly to a Led Zepplin song.
It was 4pm now, and your shift had been extraordinary. All your friends stopped by, and you even managed to sneak an extra cherry into each of their milkshakes and got to chat with them before continuing to serve other customers. They adored you, your look, your smile, and how sweet and talkative you were. It was magical the effect you had on others, how you drew them in with your every word like a cute pink magnet that they all couldn't help grin back just as wide. You had even made new friends, some of the girls were so sweet that you couldn't help but get along with them. Complimenting how breath-taking they looked, and they returned the compliment which led you to sparking up conversations with until they eventually had to leave.
You had two hours left on your shift, so now you were happily sweeping the baby blue chequered tiled floor, you moved your hips slowly to the music that was playing softly from the jukebox in the corner, it was a soft sway, and you couldn't help but indulge yourself in being swept away in the groove and the lull of your feet. You hum along happily, dazed in your own world of sweet treats and delights, when the doorbells chimes and snaps you out of your moment. You snap your gaze to the door and your eyes go as wide as a cherry pie. There stood in all his magnificent glory was your neighbour, the most loved cop in the town, Leon. You blink a few times before a smile pulls at your glossed lips, and you wave at him.
He chuckles, and the deep rumble sends shocks to between your thighs, "Well, well, well, if it isn't the sugar fairy that lives across from me." He says, pronouncing every syllable so easily that the sound nearly knocked you off your feet. You chuckle shyly in response, "Mr. Kennedy, I’m surprised you even knew who I was!" You say before you can hold yourself back. You blush at your idiocy, how could you ask such a dumb question. Of course, he knew who you were, you were his neighbour, and you would often share a wave or a nod when you saw each other in the morning when getting the mail. He chuckles again, "How could I ever forget my favourite sunflower. I heard from your father it's your first day, How's it goin' honey?" He coos to you, and your eyes go starstruck at the pet names before you snap out of your admiration, and you grin widely at him. "Oh, it's going wonderful, Mr, Kennedy!" You chirp excitedly at him.
You wave your small hand at him, ushering him closes. He takes a step towards you and bends down so he can hear, assuming you were going to gossip or tell him a secret. "Go on, honey. Tell me," He says expectantly. You lean up on your tiptoes and cover his ear with your hand, "I managed to give all your friends extra Cherries for their milkshakes! But don't tell Mr. Wesker, he might get mad!" You whisper sweetly, your charm oozing off you. Trapping Leon in a state of desire and affection at how adorable you were.
"Say doll, if I ordered one, would you manage to sneak an extra one in for me? I've had a hard day keeping the streets safe and you." He coos down at you again. You nod quickly, and he laughs at your eager actions. He stands up to his full height of 6'4 and smiles down softly at you as he towers over you. "Of course, Mr. Kennedy! Thank you for keeping everyone safe, including me!" Leon's heart swells at your compassion. "Doll, call me Leon." He says in a gentle command. "Okay, Leon!" You chirp his name out, loving how it sounded and tasted in your mouth. "What kind of Milkshake do you want?" You ask, tilting your head curiously at him. "Hmmmm, what do you suggest, Doll? What's as sweet as you?" He asks, keeping his blue eyes locked on your pretty face. "Well... I'd suggest maybe a chocolate sundae or even the caramel drizzle! But you can't go wrong with a strawberry milkshake!" You babble to him.
He absorbs every word, listening intently, but he can't help but wonder how you taste. Your kisses have to be sugary sweet and your pussy would definitely be as pretty as your glossed lips, so maybe it would taste of pure delight. He stopped his thoughts and coughed, he angled his body away and adjusting his half hard cock for a moment before grinning down at your innocent face.
"I'll take a strawberry milkshake. With an extra cherry." He says smugly as he winks down at you. He moves his large frame to sit in one of the booths, and a few seconds later your angelic form appears holding a milkshake. You place it on the table in front of him and reach into your cute little apron pocket and pull out a cherry. Leon gently takes it from your hand before he smirks at you. "Seems like I've just taken your cherry, doll." He says, his eyes darkening at the innuendo. You nod, clueless to the interaction. He laughs, "Doll, Just so you know. Your cherry is mine. And mine only. So don't give out any more, or I'll have to arrest them. Understand, doll?" you gaze at him, looking deep into his blue eyes. The usually bright and sweet baby blues were now dark like a vast ocean. Reckless, strong and unpredictable. You could tell he was serious, but you didn't understand why he was acting like this over...cherries.
You shake it off and smile confused at him but nod, "I mean it, doll. The cherry between your legs is mine." He says darkly. Giving you a serious look. A warning. You blush but nod, finally understanding his innuendo. "C-can I ask why?" You stutter out. He snickered, "Because doll, I have my eye on you. I'm gonna court you. I've seen you gazing at me from your window. Your curious little eyes eating me up. Bet I was a delicious little meal for you to rub to, huh?" You turn red and pull away whimpering in embarrassment at being found out, Leon's big hands wrap around your dainty wrist, and he pulls you back.
"Ah-ah-ah, no doll. Nothing to be embarrassed about. I did the same," He reassures, but still you remain distant from him and lets out a sigh. "'M sorry, doll, I didn't mean to tease. Please sit down, share my milkshake with me? I promise no more teasing, I'll go slow baby. Promise." You gaze at him shyly but sit across from him. He grins like the cat got the cream and offers you the straw, you happily accept. You pause for a moment and stare at him, only to find his eyes already trained on you.
You cough and wipe your lips, "So um- are you sure? That you want to court me? You're kind of a wanted bachelor, you're the cool rich cop that everyone wants. I mean, I've heard through the grapevine how everyone wants you. You're smart, strong, You have a car, a house, a good pay, and handsome. You're charismatic. So why?" You ask him, your eyes big and round, desperately searching his face for answers with desperate puppy dog eyes. "Because doll, you're perfect for me. I'm a broody guy, I need my sunshine. Need you to sweeten my bitter taste. Look at you, you're my sugar fairy and Goddamn, I want cavities." He asserts. He was firm on you. You giggle and bite your lip, "Okay." You say, submitting to his command unknowingly.
He smirks. "Good girl. I'll drive you home after your shift." You cough out some of your milkshake, your eyes wides. "But my shift ends in-" Leon cuts you off, "An hour and a half. I know you finish at 6, doll. I made it happen." You blink at him and gaze at him confused, "What?" You mutter, Leon scans your face before huffing, "Well, doll. You seemed bored with staying at home all the time, so I pulled some strings. Got this job opening, made sure you git it, But I didn't want you working 'til 8. Can't have that, honey. You come home at 6 to make dinner and wind down." Your brows furrow, but before you can speak, Leon interrupts you, "I want you, doll. I want you to be my wife. But I don't want to trap you, so I thought you'd like this job. Do you not like it?" You quickly shake your head, "No! I-I want it. I just- 'S a bit controlling?" You murmur. Leon chortles, "Don't you want someone in charge? Someone who helps guide you?" He coos and you gaze down thinking about it. It was nice, having someone guide you. But not like a parent, rather like someone trying to help you so you didn't have to think so hard about the things that confused you in life.
You nod at him, "I guess you're-" Leon cuts you off again, "No guessing, fairy." You nod, "You're right." You say firmly and Leon beams, his pearly whites being revealed like a predator who caught his prey. "Good. My little Bambi. Go on, go back to work, I'll be doing some police paperwork while I wait, okay?" You stand up and brush down your apron. "Okay." You nod. He pulls you to him as he's sat down. He taps his cheek with a cheeky look in his eyes, and you lean down and kiss his cheek. Leaving a lip glossed stain on his cheek. "Good Bambi." And with that praise, you bounce back to work even happier. Your good luck underwear really paid off.
You and Leon had now been dating for 3 months, and it was all magical, He'd pick you up every day after work, he kept some of your makeup and other small charms in the passenger seat storage area of his police car. It wasn't a typical police car, he had an undercover Red Chevy. You knew it made the girls crazy, but Leon was absolutely stuck on you. His eyes would always be on you in any room, and it boosted your ego beyond belief. You had shared stolen kisses and every single one took your breath away, but lately Leon had become more handsy, it was welcome, but you were shy, you were a virgin, and you knew Leon wasn't. You didn't want to disappoint him when he had so much experience. Regardless of this, he was still keen on you.
Nearly everyday he would cross the street and knock at your door, He'd greet your parents and give your mother flowers and would talk to your father about his arrests and everything. He fit perfectly into your family, He was pulling the strings perfectly after months of studying you and your family, he was finally starting to act. He had been in your room, staying over for a night. He teased you about the view you had of his house, and how you would probably hump pillows in thoughts of him soaking your pretty white frilly pillow cases over the mere thoughts of him. And when you fell asleep that night cuddled up in his arms in hour princess bed, he snuck away for a moment and pulled out your panties from the day from the hamper. He groans quietly as he helps the soft panties in his hand.
His cock stirred as he brought the panties to his face and took a deep breath in, smelling your underwear. He quietly unzipped his pants and pulled out his throbbing cock, it was aching with need over the idea of your virgin cunt squeezing his cock as he's deep inside your heat. His hand wrapped around his dick, pulling the foreskin back and rubbing the tip. He moves closer to the bed, where you were fast asleep. He begins to slowly move his hand with a tight grip, trying to resemble how tight you would be. He licks the panties against his face, his eyes rolling back at the musky taste, the scent invading his head, and his eyes darken. He begins to fist his cock eagerly before pausing and smirking. He moves and straddles your sleeping form on the bed.
There was no chance of you waking up, after all, he had drugged your drink before bed with sleeping pills he had swiped from someone he had arrested that day. He groans softly as he goes harder. Soft 'plaps' echo in your cute little bedroom as Leon's cock gets even harder at what he's doing. He gazes down at you, sniffing your panties intensely. "Just you wait- gonna fuck your tight little baby cunt so good. Gonna make you cry on my cock, show you how good a real man can make you instead of your stupid fuckin' pillows." He growls as he moves his hand even faster he hunches over you, a hand over your head while his other hand holds your cute frilly panties against his face.
"Fuck baby, gonna fuck you dumber than you are. Gonna make sure you get knocked up too. Then your parents will have to let you marry me. A shotgun wedding, but it's gonna be fuckin' perfect. God, just know your cunt is perfect, look at how pretty you are, Just know it's divine. Gonna ruin it too." He hisses his vile words down at your peaceful form. He could feel his climax mounting, and he can't help but lean down and let his cock graze your little pouty lips. His eyelids flutter and his ass and thighs tense as he cums hard. He paints your face. He pants and gazes down at your groaning at the beautiful sight.
He comes down and moves off the bed. He cleans his cock with your panties and throw them back into the hamper. He gets a towel and cleans your face. He returns into bed next to you and smirks. He kisses your forehead and falls asleep happy, and you were none the wiser.
Tonight, you were finally going to sleep at Leon's. You had showered, shaved and were now sat on your bed putting talcum powder on your legs to make them even smoother. It wasn't that you were insecure. It's just you wanted it to be perfect. You wanted to impress Leon, wanted your first time to be one from fairy tales. You brush your hair and stray some perfume that smelled of vanilla, strawberries and cherries. You look through your underwear and bite your lip, your brows furrow as you run your hands over the lacy garment before finally deciding on the classic white lace lingerie.
You gaze at yourself in the mirror and race your hands to your flushed cheeks. You were blushing so much, you needed to cool and calm down. You puff your cheeks out and pull on your frilly ankle socks and then your cute bloomer shorts, topped with an oversized pink sweater that Leon had bought when you went shopping uptown. You sigh at the memory, how the warm air ran through your hair, how big Leon's hand was compared to yours. You brush your hair one more time and then gaze at your reflection one last time. It was a cute and comfortable outfit, and most importantly easy to take off. You hear a knock at the door and your heart races.
You skip downstairs and open the door, Your big eyes gazing up at Leon through your lashes. Leon's heart swells at the sight of you, "Bambi, you look perfect." He breathes out. You giggle, some of your nerves calmed down. "I haven't got my shoes on, so you'll have to wai-" A squeal leaves your lips as Leon picks you up, holding you bridal style. Leon chuckles at the thought that crosses his mind at how he's carrying you. Soon you really would be his bride, and he'd carry you over the threshold just like this, except you were gonna be round with his child.
He steps into your house still holding you, he pops his head into the living room and beams his charming smile at your family. "I'll take care of her and bring her back tomorrow after work. Don't worry, her uniform is already packed and ready." Your dad nods his head proudly at Leon, and Leon returns the gesture. He then turns and walks to his house across the road, carrying you like a prized possession which you are. Leon opens his door and places your door. Your sock clad feet touching the hard dark would, you venture further, admiring the dark rustic aesthetic which Leon had around his house.
Leon kicks his shoes off and closes the door, you turn and tilt your head. Leon mirrors your actions, "What is it, Bambi?" you poke his chest, "You lied to my dad. I don't have work tomorrow." Leon throws his head back, snickering. "Bambi, baby, y'know I've lied to your dad more than you know. But I want as much time with you as possible." You smile at him, the rest of your mind drifting over his first words. You gaze up at him shyly, and he can sense your nerves, he took a step closer. His figure looms over you, but his hands are gentle as he rubs your arms. "There's no rush, baby. We can take this at our pace, okay?" He murmurs sweetly.
When he doesn't get a response, he tilts your chin up, gazing down at you, his blue eyes scanning your face. "Words, Bambi." He commands softly. You gulp down all your fears, "Okay," You whisper. A smile cracks on his lips, "How about...we cook dinner? Or I let you cook, show me how good of a wife in training you are?" Your eyes lighten up, and you skip to the kitchen. This was a test for you, but you didn't know. Leon wanted to see how good of a home-maker you were, you were eager to please and serve which already made Leon swoon, but you also had his heart and if you asked he would serve it to you on a silver platter sprinkled in sugar with a side of strawberry ice cream.
After cooking a lovely dinner and eating it with Leon, you were left full and happy. Leon had thrown so many compliments your way that had made you blush and squirm, you could no longer contain the blush on your cheeks. Every few moments when you were both eating, Leon would let out a groan of pure delight. His sharp eyes stuck to your faces, adoring the cute blush on your cheeks and the effect that he was having on you. You were going to be the perfect wife if this was only one of the dishes you could make, it was delightful and pure heaven for his taste buds.
But even if you weren't good at cooking, Leon would have still married you and still have eaten everything you made. How could he not, you served him his meal with the brightest smile and the most innocent eyes that craved his attention and his praise. He smiles softly at you after finishing his dinner, he watches as you stand up and collect the plates and bring them to the sink. His brows furrow, a small wrinkle of confusion settling between his brows. "Bambi baby, what are you doing?" He asks curiously as he approaches you from behind. He wraps his strong arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder, his hulking figure draped on you like a blanket.
You hum softly at the domestic actions you're both sharing. You clean the dishes in the sink, "'M just washing up. 'S best to be on top of it all! Trust me! One time, I didn't wash up for like 6 days - and wow! When I finally did wash up, it was like I was in a restaurant back washing up! There were soooo many dishes!" Leon melts at your babbles, you had him in the palm of your hands. He may have planned everything, but he hadn't planned how much he would truly love you. Of course, he knew he'd love you, he just didn't expect it to be this strong. He was at your beck and call, and if you wished for him to cook instead he would, if you wanted anything it was certain that he would get it for you. Do it for you. How could he ever not love you when you were so perfect.
Leon tugs at your hips after you've finished washing up and drying your hands with a towel. You giggle, "Bambi baby, c'mere." He mutters in a deep rumble. You allow yourself to be pulled away y him, He turns your hips gently so you were facing him. His eyes peer down at you, affection and adoration gleaming in them. You feel your heart racing and his big, rough, calloused hand cups your soft cheek, and he leans down slowly, pausing just as his lips graze yours. His breath his your lips and you whine, he sniggers at your whine, "Oh what's wrong baby, you want a kiss?" He teases and your hands clutch at his top, your hands scrunching the fabric at his chest. "You want it, baby, you gotta ask." He asserts. Your big, doe like eyes stare up into his dangerous ocean eyes, "Please? Can I have a kiss? Want you, want tonight to be perfect." Leon turns to a puddle, his thumb rubbing your cheek.
"If you're here, Bambi, everything is already perfect." He mutters firmly before he presses his lips to yours. You sigh happily and begin to move your lips against his. Slowly, softly and sweetly. It felt perfect, Leon's strong frame holding you so gently as you kiss. Leon takes it a step further and pinches your hip, making you gasp, and he eagerly shoves his tongue into your mouth. His tongue licks against yours and the explores your mouth, you can't help but moan at his casual dominance in a kiss and Leon eagerly swallows your moans. He breaks away, a line of spit connects you, shining in the kitchen light. Leon wipes it away from your lips, and you mewl up at him. He smirks. "Do you want more Bambi? Do you want me to finally take your cherry, hmm?" You blush again and nod before you remember his command. "Y-yes." Your heart races as you watch Leon's lips tug up into a large grin.
"Good girl." He coos at you, remembering his command. He turns your hips in the direction of the stairs and pats your ass. "Go on, baby, I'll meet you upstairs." He mutters into your ear before kissing the shell of it. You eagerly skip up the stairs, and Leon takes a deep breath in the kitchen. He adjusts his half hard cock and pulls out his box of condoms in the kitchen drawer. He pulls one out and stabs a few tiny holes through it. His plan was going into motion, and he was going to knock you up. Tonight.
You gaze at his bedroom, admiring how sleek and moody it was. The bed was a king-sized with a dark wooden frame, with navy blue sheets on the bed with matching pillows. On the dark wooden floor were deep fluffy red carpets, a black dresser and wardrobe. It seemed so…empty but full at the same time. You take a shy step further into the bedroom and gaze around, you see the en suite bathroom joined to his bedroom and glance around the room looking for a scrap of a personal item rather than his police attire and life that was on the dresser table. Leon's footsteps are heard padding up the stairs before he appears behind you, His arms wrapped around your waist and cranes his head down to kiss and nip at your neck. You sigh and sink into him. You let out a squeak at the feeling of his teeth scraping against your pulse point, he presses a soft kiss against it before he sucks and sinks his teeth into it, leaving a hickey into his wake. He smirks as he sees you panting hard. He turns you again, your body weak and easily to move compared to his strength and determination.
His hands play with the hem of your pink sweater, "'S cute baby, always looks so damn cute. Now, I'm gonna see what's mine. Can't believe you've been hiding my little treat under pink fabric, teasing me all the time." He mutters as he pulls the sweater up, and you raise your arms obediently. He pulls the sweater fully off you and throws it on the floor. "Fuck." He hisses out as he gazes at your lingerie clad torso. "Sit on the bed. Now." He demands, and your pussy feels a wave of delight wash over it at his dominance. You sit down on the bed and watch as this mountain of a man fall to his knees in front of you. He pulls your cute little socks off before trailing his hands up your legs, his hands feeling the smoothness of them as he slides them up to your thighs. He tugs at your bloomer shorts, "Lift your hips up Bambi baby." He mutters and you do as he says. He quickly tugs the pants from your hips, and you can sit back on the bed as he pulls the bloomers fully off.
He gazes up at you with wonder, his eyes devouring you as you sit in your white lace lingerie. It clings to your body like a second skin, the thong sitting comfortably on your hips your breasts were cupped by the lace, making them seem even more beautiful and erotic to Leon's needy and lustful eyes. Leon kisses from your ankle and all the way up to your thighs. He spreads your legs, and you lay down on the bed, biting your lips as you blush. His hands slide under the sides of your thong, and he smirks. He knows you're expecting him to slide them off, but with how you look, it's like you're a gift waiting to be unravelled, and he knew exactly how to unravel you. A tearing noise is heard as Leon uses his brute strength to tear your thong off. You gasp, "Leon-" He cuts you off immediately, "I'll buy you a new one, let me see my gift." He mutters darkly. He spreads your knees, and gazes down at your silky, wet pussy. He groans, the deep rumble making your pussy drool more.
He leans down and nuzzles his nose against your clit, and you let out a stuttered gasp. Leon lets go of his control and licks a long stripe up your cunt. He lets out a shuddered moan of his own, like you do. "'S like fuckin' heaven. It's like the sweetest honey." He mutters to himself, his pupils fully dilated as he gazes at your heat, his eyes nearly black with lust. He burrows his head between your folds, licking eagerly like he was dehydrated, and you were the only water available. He moves his head up to lick at your clit, abusing it with his desperate tongue lashes. One of his hands slide up your thighs to your folds, he slides his fingers up and down your folds getting them soaked. He sucks your clit into his mouth as he eases two fingers into your cute little hole. Leon's eyelids flutter as he listens to your melody of moans and how tight you're gripping his fingers.
He begins to thrust them in time to his tongue lashings. He lets his other hand slide up your stomach and slide under your lingerie bra. He squeezes the fat of your breast, his finger flicks over your nipple before he circles it. You squirm and whine at the sheer pleasure coursing through your body. Leon continues his eager lapping at your pussy as he crooks his fingers against your g spot, and your eyes widen. Your hips shift up and your thighs shiver, you tense up as you cum hard. Leon groans in a deep growl. He pulls away from your throbbing cunt, and he spits on it, he pulls his fingers from you and smiles, "My cunt. Understand, Bambi?". He brings it them to his lips and licks them clean. "'S like the sweetest thing I've ever goddamn had. Wanna taste you on my tongue forever." Leon crawls on top of you, his large body hovering over you with an animalistic look in his eyes. He tears your bra off just as easily as he did your thong, and he lets out a growl as he gazes at your body. "Look at these beautiful tits. Can't believe you hid them from me. Stupid slut, I was always gonna see 'em. Was always gonna have them." He hisses down at you.
He pulls away and eagerly strips, revealing his muscular body. His cock is throbbing and standing tall. He leans down and pulls the condom for his pants. He tears it open with his teeth and smirks. "You wanna roll it down on me, Bambi? You wanna feel my cock before it ruins your little baby pussy?" You blush but nod. You sit up and shyly take the condom and slide it down his strong, veiny cock. You gasp at the feel of it, "'S so big, 's not gonna fit." You whimper out. Leon takes your small hand off his cock and pins you down on his bed. "I'll make it fit." He hisses dangerously. He slides the tip of his cock between your fold before he presses it against your entrance. He begins to slowly push in side before he quickly slams his hips against yours. He grabs your thighs, you lay with your jaw is slacked, and your eyes are closed tightly in shock at the sheer feeling of the stretch. He had taken your virginity.
You didn't have a hymen, having broken it when you were riding your bike when you were young. He wraps your thighs around his waist before he slowly begins to rock his hips, his pubes rubbing against your clit, making you moan. Leon begins to thrust more now, faster and harder now that you were feeling pleasure. He can't help the filth that rolls off his tongue as he fucks you, "Such a sweet cunt. 'S so good. Gripping me so good. Fuckin' knew it would. Your little cunt was made for me. Such a fuckin' whore that your cunt accepted me so eagerly. Fuckin' perfect little Bambi, saving your little pussy for me. Feel how tight you're gripping me? Can feel every vein of my cock?" He hisses down at you before he presses his lips against yours. He kisses you sloppily and desperately, the sounds of your soaking heat echoing through the room, as well as Leon's balls slapping against your ass. Leon growls as he pulls away ad looks down at your blissed out face. Leon grabs your knees and bends them to press against your chest, Leon fucking you even stronger, all his control out the window.
Your bodies were covered in a sheen of sweat and his eyes were closed as his groans joined into the song of your moans. He pants as he watches your thighs tremble beneath his grip, your eyes fly open and you arch your back. You let out an earth-shattering moan a which turns into a squeal as you cum hard, squeezing him impossibly tight. He lets out a whimper at how tight you're gripping him and his hips stutter as his muscle tenses and he cums too. He stays on top of you, keeping you folded in half. He pulls out of you slowly and smirks as he sees some of his cum dripping from your heat. He walks to his bathroom bin and throws the condom in, and grabs a wet towel. He returns and gently cleans between your thighs.
"Did so good, baby. You were perfect. Let me take care of you now, okay?" He coos down at you, and you nod lazily, wiped out. Leon pulls out a pair of his boxers and gently tugs them on you, and then one of his oversized T-shirts. He smiles as he sees you already fast asleep. Leon continues around the house, turning the lights off and double-checking that the doors locked. He walks back up and into his room. He picks you up and cradles you in his arms as he gets into bed and tucks you close to his chest, pulling his sheets over you. He kisses your forehead and drifts off to sleep beside you, keeping you close to him.
That night truly was perfect and the morning after was something born from fairy tales, Leon’s soft kisses lingering against your neck before travelling up to kiss you cheeks then your closed eyelids and then finally your forehead. You hum softly as you woke up, your lids fluttering open to see the beautiful man you called yours perched above you. His strong arms caging you in under him in a protective pin almost like he was tying to hide the world from seeing your beauty this early in the morning. “Mornin’ Bambi,” He coos down at you in a whisper, his voice sleepy and deep making him almost growl. You lean up and kiss him softly to which he eagerly returns the action, his lips pressed against yours, his body pinning your further down to the bed as he lowered his weight down onto you. He pushes your head down with his own as he kisses you, making you rest your head back against the plush pillows. He pulls away a deep rumble of satisfaction leaving his throat. He nuzzles his nose against yours and you finally speak in a small whisper, “mornin’ Leon.” A grin spreads across his face at that, loving hearing your sleepy voice as always. It was like a lull to him, a melody that was as beautiful as your moans. Any sound you make, Leon would rejoice in it. It was magical and enthralling to hear his beloved speak, something that would pull him from the grave and fight wars for.
“I gotta go to work, baby.” He mumbles down to you, an apologetic look on his face. Your pleading eyes meet his and he presses his lips to yours again in a sweet, little kiss. “Don’t leave the house though baby, want you well rested after our night. Understood?” You nod agreeing with his command. It was easy to obey him especially in the sleepy, love struck state you were in. Leon knew best, he was the talk of the town, a police officer and everyone loved him. Leon raises an eyebrow down at your relaxed face, one of his hands move to stroke your cheek, “Words, baby.” He mutters and you nod again, “Understood.” You murmur and Leon’s grin soon returns. He presses one finally kiss to your forehead, nose and the lips before pulling away and getting ready for work.
You watch him as he pulls his boxers on, admiring how well the fabric shapes his ass and how lean and muscular he is. Your eyes scan his back, admiring the long scratches down them which you had left on him. He pulls his black t shirt on and then his pants, he pulls his belt through the loops before tightening them. He turns to you, a smile painted on his lips. He gazes at you, admiring the way your hair is sprawled out on the pillows almost like a halo. Your sleep hazed eyes staring at him, he can’t help but move towards you. He leans down and kisses you again, “My Bambi baby, I promise to take care of you. Just stay home, get familiar with my house. It’ll be yours too one day, you know.” You can’t help the flutter in your chest at his words, all cation thrown to the wind about it being too early. You were in love. And he loved you back. What could be more delightful than that.
That blissful morning was now 5 weeks ago and something had changed, Leon had become a lot more protective and clingy. You now spent nearly all your time at Leon’s only ever returning home on a Sunday. You didn’t know that it was because Leon had gone to your family that blissful morning and offered to step up and be your provider, that and a generous wad of cash presented to them which they eagerly accepted. But Leon would never tell you that, not unless you found out and to which he would fixate on the fact your family had sold you off. That to your family, you had a price tag but to him, you were priceless. He would never give you up or trade you off. You were his.
Not only that, but Leon had also bribed your boss, making sure that he kept a close eye on you and that during your shifts, which had changed from 5 days a week to now 3 days a week, you were only ever to speak to men when necessary. If you were to try and start a conversation up with a man, regardless of who it was, Mr.Wesker would instantly shout your name and demand for your to go back to serving behind the counter even if no one was there. But that was just the tip of the ice berg. Leon had paid quite a few people to keep an eye on you, to ensure you wouldn’t speak to another man and to make sure you were safe.
Soon he had began taking things from your room and integrating them into his house, slowly at first. He didn’t want you frightened off. He took clothes, a few panties and tops and skirts and folded them nicely and tucked them into his dresser beside his clothes. He then began to convince you how much easier it was for you to have your stuff at his house. How accessible for it was for you and you had eagerly agreed with his observation. With that little push you had begun to move your clothes into his dressers. Then he pushed for you to start brining the thins you found comfort in, your books, plushies. And of course, you had done it again. Eagerly following his commands disguised as suggestions.
The main thing that Leon kept secret was when how dirty his job had become. He had started to abuse his duties ever more than ever. Of course he had abused them when he first started pursuing you, checking any and every file he could get his hand on. From school reports to resumes. He had been learning about you since the day he first saw you, and now that he had you he was doing a lot more. Now he had been hunting down any old boyfriends that you had and when it was dark he would either set them up with a life charge by smuggling drugs on to there person. However sometimes, if he had learned that they had kissed you he would adorn a mask and break their legs. No emotions on his face but joy in his heart for punishing those who had dared touched what was his.
He sometimes went even further, hunting down bullies or people who had done you wrong in a minor way and threatening them with ears in prison for ever hurting you or your feelings. If they even dared to stand up to him then he would go after their families, sending letter after letter about the laws that they had ‘broken’ and how they would have to pay or go to court. And every time they would back down. Leon had it all set out in motion.
After every time he had punished someone, he would head home and bury his face into you cunt, lapping happily at your sweet nectar until he would roll a spiked condom on and fuck you mercilessly until he came. He’d always take care of you after, cuddling and cooing happily at you making sure you knew how perfect you were in his eyes. How wonderful it was to even be in your presence.
Whilst Leon was keeping his dark desires a secret, you also held a secret. For the past 2 weeks you had thrown up every morning and your appetite had changed drastically. Leon never noticed the vomiting as he was always fast asleep in the morning, but he had noticed your appetite had changed and he was worried that you had changed your diet or that there was underlying health issues or body issues. He had encouraged you to go to the doctors and you did. Which was yesterday. Now you had the knowledge that you were pregnant. You were in shock, Leon had used protection every time after your first time, there was no way unless…unless the condom broke. You gulp down the anxiety coursing through your veins. How were you gonna bring this up to Leon? You wipe your sweaty palms on the apron that was tied around your waist. You shake your head and focus on the dinner you’re making for you and Leon. You pause and gaze down at the apron tied around your waist, pink and white with frills. Your brows furrow, Leon never owned this. Leon didn’t have anything pink in his house, you tilt your head up and gaze around and see the small things he’d added while you were on autopilot in the honeymoon phase.
You were so blissed out all the time that you didn’t see the golden cage that you were lured into until now and now it was too late. The cage was closed and locked and you had no means of escape. You gulp, how could you let this slip by? And now you had his child inside you, you were truly trapped. You continue to cook around at the pink oven mitts and tea towels, it wasn’t too bad. It wasn’t like he was evil. But it felt sneaky to you, like he’d almost trapped you as a housewife. But what was the worst that could happen? He would never hurt you, he was a provider and your family was directly across the road. It wasn’t so bad, it wasn’t even close to bad. And the more you voiced these thoughts in your head the more you started to shake off his sneaky actions.
Soon enough, You hear Leon park his car I the drive before unlocking the door- wait when did he even lock it? You shake those thoughts away again and listen to him wiping his shoes on the matt. He closes the door before approaching the kitchen smelling your cooking. He leans against the doorway, a frown on his face. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He mutters, his eyes piercing you, demanding an answer. “Tell you what?” You ask confused, you watch as he pushes off the door frame with his shoulder and strolls over to you. His frame towers over you, he reaches a strong hand out and rests it on your stomach. Your eyes go wide as you gaze up at him, “H-how did you know?” You mutter, but Leon’s gaze is firm and cruel. “No, Bambi. My question first. Why didn’t you tell me?” He nearly hisses at you. “I- I just didn’t know how to. I was scared and I’m still wrapping my head around it. We used protection every time and I don’t understand how!” You nearly sob to him.
His demeanour softens his large, rough hands cup your soft cheeks, “Baby, ‘s okay. Sometimes these things happen. I’ll be here, we’ll get through this. But we’re keeping this baby, I’ll provide and protect you.” You sniffle and nod, you couldn’t just get rid of the baby everyone would look down on you and disown you. Leon tilts your head up, “I know it’s a lot baby, that you might not be ready, but I promise we can do this. Okay?” His voice lowers softly until he’s whispering his reassurance to you. Your eye search his for comfort and when you find it in his ocean eyes, you open your mouth and whisper “Okay.”
And just like that, your fate was sealed, you didn’t go back and ask how he knew, but he would have given a well thought out lie that would have calmed your anxiety and worries. In reality he had gone to the doctors today after you didn’t answer him yesterday. He bribed that doctor and got his answer and his dream. The ruined condoms had worked, the very first one had worked. Leon had you under his thumb and now all he had to do was to chain you to him with a simple ring that would link you to him forever and he couldn’t be happier.
He pulls you into his arms, laughing happily, “We’re having a kid Bambi!” He sings down to you joy gleaming in his eyes. He was overjoyed and he couldn’t help but rain kisses down upon you. You giggle at the kisses, he tilts you head up and presses his lips to yours eagerly before pushing your body up onto the kitchen counter, he stands between your legs as he kisses you more desperately. His hands slide up under your dress, pushing the skirt up and pulling your panties down in one quick flash. Your lips stay glued to each other, you can feeling fiddling with the zip of his pants and belts between your legs.
Soon the sound of his pants hitting the ground echoes in the kitchen, and Leon rubs his cock between your folds. He growls at the feeling of your juices coating his cock, he leans forward and you wrap you legs around him. With a push of his hips you both moan, Him at the feeling of your tightness and you at the delicious stretch. He begins to hump into your cunt, his lips pressed against your ears. “Can finally fuck you bare. Nothing hiding your perfect little pussy from me any more. Can you feel my cock, yeah? ‘S fucking perfect baby.” You whine and he fucks you harder, the tip of his cock bullying your g spot. You nuzzle your head into his neck crying with pleasure. He smirks before he groans feeling you tighten, “Already gonna cum on my cock you slut? Just desperate for my cock ain’t ya?” You nod desperately to him before you cum. You thighs shake and you whimper biting at his neck. Leon humps pathetically into you before he lets out a whimper of his own and cums deep into you. “So good baby, so good,” He whispers.
This was the perfect life to him something which he had scraped tooth and claw for planning. Finding the perfect girl that would fit him, his need, his life, his soul. He’ll never forget the day he saw you across the road, dressed in your cute little shorts and vest and bunny slippers too early in the morning. And he knew, that he was going to have you. So he would slowly start his plan, mowing his garden shirtless, watching your window inconspicuously waiting for your eyes to peek out and see him. And when you finally did he set his plan into action. And now you were to have his child and marry him. What a perfect dream. The white picket fence and you would never have to worry about money or love, anything. All you had to do was be his good little wife and who were you to deny one of the most beloved men in town.
You were settled in now, this was your life. You were pregnant with his baby and his house was now fully redecorated to fit both your tastes. The spare bedroom filled with baby things and Leon was working hard in the nursery. A lovely ring was in your finger and life seemed easy, calm. You were finally happy in your golden cage even if you didn’t know the truth of the bars that trapped you in forever. And you would forever remain blissfully unaware. Leon made sure of it.
#yandere leon kennedy#Yandere Leon kennedy x reader#leon kennedy#leon kennedy x reader#leon kennedy x you#leon kennedy x y/n#leon s kennedy#resident evil 4#leon scott kennedy#leon x reader#leon x you#yandere leon x reader#yandere leon#leon kennedy smut#re2 leon#re4 remake#leon kennedy au#re2 remake#leon kennedy re2#leon smut#leon kennedy fanfic#leon kennedy re4#leon kennedy re6#leon resident evil#re4 leon#di leon x reader#leon kennedy drabble#leon kennedy imagine#leon kennedy x fem reader#re4 leon x reader
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