#leo x cotton
pigfacedbitch · 1 year
Let's Break Up (II)
summary : you try to do the break up prank on your boyfriend.
word count : 0.5k
type : headcanons
pairing/s involved : Leo Valdez / Frank Zhang / Will Solace x Reader
warning/s : none
here is my masterlist! Part I is composed of Jason, Percy, and Nico.
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Leo Valdez
"I don't love you anymore. I want to end this."
He will think it's joke but when the 'I'm kidding!' never comes, he tries not to make a big deal out of it.
Just chill and shrug like he was expecting it to happen.
"Oh well, if that's what you want."
He will overthink every situation where you acted suspicious; rejecting his affections, flirting with other guys— you know... signs of possible cheating or interest in other people?
Not that he doubts your loyalty but Leo's sense of inferiority can cloud his judgement; it's himself he is unsure of.
I'm not enough for her. There are better guys out there. I'm supposed to understand. Thoughts like that.
You better say it's a prank right away! Because once you let him go, he will probably cry and lock himself in Bunker 9.
You had to knock continuously on the metal door and sing like Anna in "Do You Wanna Buid A Snowman?" for Leo to get out.
"It's just a prank, love. I'm sorry."
He lets out quiet sobs when your eyes meet, but he's obviously relieved.
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Frank Zhang
"Listen, this relationship is not working out anymore. I want to break up."
Now, if you've watched the part in American Psycho where Patrick Batman breaks up with his fiancee then you'll be able to picture this.
Frank will cry, loudly at that. It will catch the attention of anyone nearby, embarassing you.
He won't hold back. No, no, no, my friend. There will be whining and any other loud noises any human in pain is possible of letting out.
Did you instantly think you are an idiot for doing this? Yes, sir! 😊😙
"Frank, quiet down!"
"Oh gods, (Y/N) doesn't love me anymore!"
"I do, it's just a prank!"
Stops immediately, dramatically wiping his tears with a smug look on his face. With your mouth agape, he walks away from you like an action star in a explosion movie scene.
"Next time you try to prank me, don't tell anyone beforehand!"
"...Damn it, Hazel!"
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Will Solace
This lovely son of Apollo is always busy due to his medical duties in Camp Half Blood so he truly cherishes the short moments he gets to spend with you.
In other words? Don't fucking waste his time.
"Will, I think we should break up."
He had encountered many campers pretend sickness for various of reasons— wanting to escape cleaning duties, skip training, and many more.
He will see through your lie. He always does.
If you decided to pull this prank AFTER he got to rest from the infirmary, he will just give you the don't-try-me-bitch look.
If you picked BEFORE he got to rest, you're dead. Expect him to throw medical tools at you.
Don't worry, not sharp ones. Just the scabs, cotton balls, and such.
It can be annoying though, not mention the scolding Chiron will give you later for wasting inventory materials.
"Will, stop it!"
"Take it back!"
"Sorry, it was just a joke."
The man very tired, okay? Stop with the nonsense and just cuddle with him. The gods know he desperately needs it.
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jusmango-shake · 4 months
Erm, I see requests are open ehehe :)
2012 Raph x reader who is a generally pretty calm person, but one day is involved in a fight with them and just goes absolutely apeshit crazy? Like his reaction or whatever. I don’t care how you interpret it. I just wanna see. :)
🥭: yES HELLO!! Congrats on uh being my first requester ion kno what it's called h, feel free to pick an emoji so yknow. You could be those emoji anons cuz, I think that'd be pretty cool
I hope you enjoy it though!!1!1 (love the 2012 turtles)
12!Raph x calm!Reader
Fictype: Normal
Mood: fluff
WARNING: reader scolds Raph for being reckless, one instance of Raph being called a good boy, cussing, Injuries/Blood, stitching/needles
🥭:I'm sorry for it being so short!.
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Raph always liked the fact you were so cool. no matter the situation, you always made it seem as if it was just like any other day. He admired that about you, it rivaled his own hot-headedness in a way only you could.
But now as he sat on the toilet, all bloody and bruised up. He wondered where that side of you went.
He understood where you were coming from but it's like his ego prevented him from accepting it, any time he tried speaking up was immediately shot down.
He faked an annoyed sigh as he looked in the opposite direction, trying to ignore the stinging pain on his right bicep.
He nearly shivered at the heavy sigh you let out, the hot air tickling his skin.
“Raphael.” you spoke sternly, the mere tone of your voice enough to have Raphs heart pounding inside his chest.
He coughed, trying his best to keep up the bravado.
"Yeah.?" He felt your eyes bore into the back of his head, wincing at the slight pain of the needle penetrating his skin.
“look at me.” you ordered.
He gulped before shakily turning to look at you. not because he was scared, hell no! It's obviously because of the large gash you were currently stitching up. Yeah, definitely.
“What the fuck were you thinking? Did you seriously think you wouldn't get hurt? God, Raph. Sometimes I swear your ego makes you fucking stupid.” You stared daggers into Raph's eyes before continuing to stitch the gash.
He flinched once more, "But i-"
You turned your head sharply, glaring at Raph with the usual twinkle and calmness from your eyes completely gone. His breath hitched, it wasn't like you to be so...
“no 'Buts' Raph, what you did was fucking idiotic. if it weren't for Leo, I'd have to fix up more of your wounds. All that just to impress me?” you turned back to focus on finishing the stitch, the thread was severed with a quiet 'snip'
Raph's eyes widened at the last sentence, you couldn't have possibly known right? He never told anyone, he even tried his best to hide it.
"What?" Was all he could manage, staring at you with wide eyes. He followed you even as you knelt down to get the bandages from the cabinet under the sink.
“dont play games with me Raph, I see the way you act around me. The shit you pull off was practically upped tenfold, even your brothers could see that.” a faint blush making its way onto your cheeks, to which you promptly hid by applying alcohol on the cotton balls.
Raph's heart sank. if you knew all along, why didn't you say anything? Did you not like him back?
As he stared at the floor in thought, he only slightly registered the fact you were once again kneeling Infront of him. He hissed at the stinging pain of alcohol on the other cuts, you reacted by simply glancing at him.
You sighed, putting the used cotton balls in the trash, standing up. You cupped both of his cheeks, gently having him look at you. Your gaze still tense and sturdy, but a hint of empathy comforting Raph just a little.
Raph stared up at you, shock and guilt written all over his face.
“you worried me half to death, Raph.”
He felt himself shrinking under your stern gaze. Looking off to the side in an attempt to hide his embarrassment.
You took the bandages and wrapped them tightly around his arm, just tight enough to keep the wound closed.
You kissed the top of his head.
“next time, don't be such a dumb fuck. Be a good boy and stay safe for me.”
Raph sat there with wide eyes and rosy cheeks, barely registering the fact you had already left the bathroom. His fingers grazed over the spot you kissed him at, his heartbeat getting more and more prominent in his chest. But this time, it was accompanied with butterflies in his stomach.
Maybe he did have a chance.
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gurugirl · 1 year
A Good Boy | 5. When In Greece
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Summary: A family vacation to Greece is meant to be peaceful and relaxing but when Y/n is forced to confront Harry about her feelings everything is turned upside down.
Note: This is stepmon!reader x stepson!harry - both are adults in this story but don't read if you don't like it.
Word Count: 17,236
Warning: 18+ only, NSFW, smut, inappropriate & forbidden relationship, age gap, cheating, lying, angst
A Good Boy Masterlist
Y/n stumbled bleary-eyed to her car as she tried to catch her breath. She felt like she was in a cloud of red, full of stinging bees trudging through a telescoped tunnel of hopelessness. She’d never experienced that particular feeling before but she forced her brain to stop its thoughts and found a safe spot to release her tears and sobs into her leather steering wheel which was at the campus café parking lot just a half mile from Harry’s dorm. Not ideal but she was unable to hold her despair in for another moment when she pulled into an open space and shut the engine off.
When she finally hiccupped through her tears and numbness began to take over she dialed Marla.
“Where are you?” Marla knew the call was coming. And being the best friend anyone could ever ask for, anticipated needing to keep her day free for her friend.
“I’m at the campus café,” Y/n gasped and closed her eyes. A ridiculous woman. From the beginning of the affair to the end. A terrible, vile, and evil person.  There was no redemption for her.
“Stay where you are. I’m coming to get you–“
“No. I’ll come over. I can–“
“No, you cannot. I will not let you drive while you’re crying and upset. We can get your car later. I don’t want you getting into an accident. Stay put. I’m already on my way.”
And for Harry? The moment he slammed the door shut behind her he fell to the floor on his hands and knees and let his salty tears pool under him onto the stupid cheap rug he bought to make his room look more “homey”. He wanted to rip the rug to shreds but he couldn’t manage to stand up and pull himself together, much less begin to shred woven cotton and polyester into bits out of anger.
He couldn’t begin to make sense of his emotions. The sadness and rage. He wouldn’t be getting over her for a long time. He knew it. He was devastated and the worst part was that she really did like him but she was trying to protect them both from further hurt. He would have learned to deal with it. He would have adapted to the rules. He just needed time. Just a little more time. He was still trying to get used to it.
It was hopeless. He knew all along that it couldn’t last. He just didn’t think it would be over so fast. He’d barely gotten over the thrill of having her for it to all suddenly be ripped away.
He didn’t hate her. Not even close. He was mad, yes, but he could never hate her. Everything that led up to her breaking up with him wasn’t her fault.
He blamed his father.
He blamed the arrangement, which he knew was his dad’s idea. He hated that it was Y/n that Leo wound up picking. She deserved love and affection and she needed it.
He swallowed the bile that rose up in his throat. His hangover was not helping matters. His muscles were stiff as he tried to sit back onto his shins. He was shaking from how he’d tensed his body and from the heartbreak and the tears and the grief.
When his phone chimed with a message his heart leaped and he crawled across the floor to snatch up his phone from his table quickly. But then when he saw it wasn’t Y/n, but rather Tyler letting him know he’d forgotten his wallet, he felt a sharp dejected anguish he knew he was going to have to get used to.
.           .           .
Y/n was in charge of selecting their ocean villa. It was a detached, private villa with a pool overlooking Agni Bay. They would be staying in Corfuand near where they could book private charters to islands and to surrounding beaches. She had booked some excursions and day trips for them but mostly they’d be lounging by the pool on the huge outdoor terrace.
She learned a few days prior that Harry was joining them and bringing Tyler. Leo had told her. It stung a bit that Harry hadn’t told her himself. But then again, it made sense. After breaking it off with him she hadn’t heard from him at all. She missed the daily texts and nightly calls. Missed his voice.
Two weeks without hearing from him at all had been difficult but she immersed herself in tennis club, booked extra sessions, found a nice murder mystery book series to read, and kept herself busy with the girls.
Marla was supportive and helpful. Cyndee and Gina still didn’t know anything but Cyndee did bring Harry up on their last Friday outing. Y/n wanted to strangle Cyndee for bringing it up at all because she was barely hanging on that evening as it was. But of course, Cyndee didn’t know better. She wasn’t in on the secret. Y/n wanted so badly to text Harry and just send him a quick I miss you message. But that wouldn’t help anything.
Leo went out of town for a couple of days for a conference upstate and so Y/n did her best to keep busy. Booking the vacation trip was actually fun. Cathartic even. She’d had the villa reserved far in advance but tacking on the little details felt really nice. Though she was nervous about the idea of Harry being there with them. Maybe it would be okay. Maybe it wouldn’t be a problem with him there. Perhaps things could go back to how they had been before everything happened.
She doubted it but hoped. Plus Tyler would be there to distract Harry. She would do her best to enjoy every minute of her vacation.
And as booked and busy as Y/n made herself during the day, the nights were not kind. When she was finally alone in her room in the dark with her thoughts she cried. She’d let her emotions pour out and soak her pillow. She’d cry in the shower and sit under the water for far longer than she should, being that water was such a scarce resource.
The worst part was that Leo had initiated sex the night after she broke up with Harry. It was awful. She told him she wasn’t feeling well so he backed off. But the following night he wanted her in his bed.
So she went to his bed and tried to perform. She tried to focus on the man she was with but it felt like betrayal. It felt bitter and nauseating. She couldn’t stay wet and she couldn’t finish. But of course, Leo did and once that was done she went back to her room and scrubbed her body until her skin was raw and her eyes were red with tears and her sinuses were clogged in that annoying way that you can’t even manage to clear them.
It had never happened to her before. Her feelings for Harry were much deeper than she allowed herself to realize. But on top of her own feelings for him was the worry that he was also hurting the way she was. She didn’t want to hurt him. She didn’t want him to feel this way.
But he did. He felt the same stabbing pain in his chest every time he thought of Y/n. He cried any time he was alone and he composed message after message to her but never sent them. He couldn’t get the lump out of his throat. He couldn’t eat much. He forced himself to have lunch midday with his friends during the week but it was torture pretending he was fine.
Tyler was worried about him. He checked on Harry every evening before quiet time in the dorm.
“Let’s go out this Friday. We’ll invite a bunch of friends. Let loose. No pressure for anything. Just some fun.”
Harry was indifferent. He didn’t care if he went out or stayed in. It was all the same. He was numb anytime he was with people so he knew he wouldn’t enjoy himself and if he stayed in by himself he’d just write a letter to her and cry and also wouldn’t enjoy himself. Nothing mattered.
The only thing that had him moving forward was his anger about the situation. He told his dad he was going to Greece with them, which he immediately regretted but then knew he couldn’t take back because Tyler was going and plans had been made. But part of him looked forward to going and seeing Y/n. Maybe… just maybe she’d change her mind. Maybe she’d want him again if she just saw him. Maybe he could convince her…
And the third week that had gone by since they’d seen each other was another blur for both of them. Harry was just going through the motions. Studying, school, forcing a smile, crying, sleeping… And for Y/n she was barely paying attention to anything that was happening during her busy days, never letting her mind wander too far from her current activity whatever that may have been. But her nights were clear and painful. She allowed herself to think of him and to cry and to feel.
Her girl’s night out was something she usually looked forward to but this time she was dreading it when Marla told her they’d be going to a new place. Leo hadn’t been home all day and Linda finished cleaning the house early and so Y/n was left alone for a big part of the day. It had been a mistake to assume she was going to relax and lay by the pool and read. She couldn’t focus. So instead she let herself think of Harry and wonder about him. The lounge chair she was on was the one that she and Harry had come to after their pool escapade.
Putting her hands on the fabric of the cushion she imagined that day so vividly. Then the girls came over and later that night they’d had sex in his room but Marla had overheard. She winced from the memory.
Everything reminded her of him. So she was feeling more like drinking a bottle of wine and smoking a joint and passing out rather than dancing the night away in a busy bar.
But, just like every other girl’s night out, Marla arrived in the Uber to pull Y/n out of her slump.
She hadn’t even bothered to wear makeup. She did put on a dress but it wasn’t anything that would draw attention. Her flat sandals were more cute than sexy. She hadn’t showered that day.
“Not to be rude, my love, but you do not look like you’re ready for a night out. We’re going to that new spot in Malibu. Remember?”
Y/n nodded, “Yeah. I remember. Maybe I shouldn’t go. I’m okay just to stay home,” she shrugged.
“Absolutely not. You’re coming with us. You need to get out of this big empty mansion and have some fun. Stop thinking about him. Just… come out and enjoy yourself the best you can. It’s better than wallowing here alone.” Marla was right of course.
The club in Malibu was a very popular spot. They’d never been because Malibu was a bit of a hike but they figured a change of scenery could be good (Marla suggested it).
Cyndee had gotten them in at a spot with a VIP table and bottle service. The table was in the middle of all the action. The room was dark with flashing lights and loud music and the ceiling opened up to the night sky. It was actually quite posh.
Lots of young pretty things were dancing and grinding together. The dance floor was packed. Y/n felt out of place. She normally dolled up but tonight, she looked more like an 8th grade math teacher.
“Please smile. You’re making me sad,” Marla whispered into her ear as they took their spot in the circular booth. Cyndee was dancing already and Gina was sitting at the table with a man who she knew from some social club she frequented. He just happened to be there at the club that night.
Gina introduced him, “This is Elias,” he stretched his hand out to shake Marla’s and then Y/n’s.
Elias was attractive and friendly. He was also really funny, which Y/n found refreshing. A good laugh. That’s what she’d needed.
She wasn’t in the mood to dance at all but Marla kept trying to convince her to let loose, “Come on! You’re gonna regret not dancing the night away. I think it’ll do you good!”
“Yeah! Come out and dance! I’ll go up with you too.” Elias smiled down at her and raised a brow.
She shook her head and sighed before slipping out of the booth and ambling to the dance floor.
And both Marla and Elias had been right. It was fun. It made her feel better. She almost forgot about Harry for a solid five-minute stretch.
She hadn’t had much to drink. She knew that the more alcohol she consumed the sadder she’d get and there would be a chance she’d wind up drunk texting Harry. She didn’t want to do anything to mess up any progress of moving on.
Elias was a terrible dancer so he fit right in with the girls. The DJ was playing some interesting music choices, some not so good to dance to but Y/n tried to ignore when the next song came on. In fact, it was so hard to transition from dancing and the beat at the end of the previous song to the next she gave up, “I’m going to grab a drink,” she spoke to Marla.
She needed a breath, despite the fact that the club was packed, getting off the dance floor cleared her mind up a bit.
The setup at the bar was very different from how it was at Murphy’s. It was in the shape of a large circle in the center of the room with neon lights that lit all the colorful bottles underneath.
Leaning her hip to the bar wall she tried to catch the eye of one of the bartenders. People all around were dancing slowly to the beat, couples smushed together enjoying the new pace of the song. The lyrics weren’t clear but Y/n knew it was something that had couples grinding together.
When she finally caught the eye of one of the bartenders she smiled and watched as they made their way toward her. But then suddenly her space was crowded by someone far taller and then she heard his voice, “Having fun?”
She thought she must be dreaming. Must be mistaken. Perhaps she’d had more alcohol than she realized. She rotated herself to look up and saw the light green eyes and soft strawberry lips of the man she’d been missing for nearly three weeks.
“Not really,” she replied honestly.
“What will you have?” The bartender interrupted their moment.
“Just a water for me, please,” Y/n nodded and smiled politely before Harry asked for a tequila. Neat.
Harry kept his eyes on Y/n. He could see she hadn’t worn makeup and hadn’t done anything with her hair at all. It made him feel the tiniest bit better to know she wasn’t trying to look sexy for anyone. Especially since she wasn’t with him.
“Who’s he?” He’d had enough tequila that he didn’t care if he sounded jealous. He was jealous. He didn’t like that she was out and dancing with some guy.
“I just met him tonight. A friend of Gina’s,” she shrugged and took in his appearance. Dark circles and stress lines between his eyes. Unshaven face. She felt like his appearance reflected her own sadness. “How are you doing, Harry?”
He scoffed and peeled his eyes from hers to look across the bar, “Just great.”
She nodded quietly and let her eyes drift off into a corner as she felt the weight of everything on her. The way this wasn’t fair. The way they were both hurt but there was nothing they could do about it.
When the bartender came back with their drinks Harry finally looked back down at her, “So you’re not drinking?” He took a quick sip from his own glass as he kept his eyes pinned to hers.
“I had a couple but I’m not trying to get drunk. It’s not wise probably.”
Harry tilted his head, “And why’s that?”
“Because alcohol kind of exasperates sad emotions. I don’t need to feel any sadder.” She spoke honestly. She didn’t need to tell him that. She could have just kept that to herself but he was being a bit cold with her, a bit standoffish and she didn’t like it. Her hope was that the confession would resonate and he’d lower his walls a bit. She wanted his warmth. Missed it.
He nodded and smirked as he looked over her head and lifted his glass upward gesturing to someone before looking back down at her, “Don’t be sad. You got exactly what you wanted.”
Suddenly he waved over at the bartender to get her attention again and Y/n figured it was best if she left. He was not budging with the attitude and she was beginning to feel her face heat up from frustration and grief, which soon would turn to her nose getting filled and tears breaking from her eyes. So she pushed herself off the bar and began to make her way through the packed floor back to her friends.
But she felt his hand wrap around the back of her arm before she could get too far and she felt the melancholy rise of undeserved hope sneak up her skin and to the back of her neck as she turned, “You did get what you wanted didn’t you? Tell me you got what you wanted.” He spoke into her ear as the song changed to something more up-tempo.
Shaking her head she scanned his face, “No. I didn’t get what I wanted. I got what I deserved.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means I didn’t deserve what I wanted, Harry.” She swallowed as he stared down at her, his face close to hers so he could hear.
“What did you want, Y/n?”
“That’s not fair. We can’t talk about this here.” She looked to her peripheral and back to him.
Harry’s eyes roamed her face as the bartender called out to him to pick up the second drink he ordered. He looked over his shoulder and then turned back to her, “I want to talk to you. Where can I find you?”
Y/n turned and jutted her chin toward the round booth her group was at, “Just there at that booth.”
She floated across the floor in a daze toward the table. She almost couldn’t believe it. What kind of luck was this? Los Angeles was massive. Knowing that Harry was at the same bar as she was, in Malibu of all places, seemed impossible. Highly highly unlikely. She settled into the booth opposite Cyndee and Gina and looked around the bar in search of Harry. She wasn’t sure where he’d gone off to or who he was with so she didn’t know where to look.
But after a few minutes, she saw him cut through the crowd toward her and behind him, not following, a young woman, Y/n recognized as Leslie. He was in the club with Leslie. She wondered if he’d perhaps been seeing her. That would be a good thing in regard to their situation. She didn’t like the idea but it would be good for him.
“That’s Harry!” Cyndee spoke loudly across the table, looking from Y/n to Harry as he neared the table.
Everything appeared to her in slow motion as he smiled and greeted the two ladies and then looked at Y/n as he leaned in to speak close, “Will you come with me? So we can talk?”
The hallway toward the bathrooms had tiny square mirrors all over the ceiling, walls, and floor. The music was still evident from the main room of the club but things were quieter once they’d passed the threshold into the hallway.
Y/n leaned into the cool wall behind her and crossed her arms as she looked up at Harry who stood in front of her, “Who’s the guy?”
“I told you, Harry. A friend of Gina’s. First time meeting him tonight.”
He nodded, “Seemed to be getting pretty friendly with him out there.”
“We were just dancing. Plus Marla was with us. Doesn’t matter anyway. What about Leslie? You’re here with her?”
“Here with a bunch of friends. And I asked Leslie to come. Yeah. Doubt you really care.”
His words were cold and very unlike how she’d been used to him behaving around her. But it was probably better this way. She shrugged, “I just want you to be happy. If you like her that’s good.”
Harry sighed, “So you gonna tell me what it is you wanted that you didn’t deserve?”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea to talk about that. I mean…” she dropped her arms to her sides and bunched the material of her dress nervously, “I think you know. You know how I feel, Harry.”
“See that’s what I’m confused about. The more I think about it the harder it is for me to wrap my mind around it. You said you broke up with me to spare me but I feel like the real reason is because it’s too hard. I think if you really liked me enough you’d have tried harder. You didn’t even give me a chance before you dropped me.”
“No. I saw how much it was affecting you. I can’t stand to hurt you so I needed to do it. Yes, part of it was because it’s hard. The situation was –“
“You hurt me the most by breaking it off,” he put a palm on the wall next to her head as he spoke, “Now I’m just angry. It didn’t make things better. And now what was the fucking point? You said you didn’t even get what you wanted. So why do it? Tell me what you really wanted. I just need to hear you say it, Y/n.”
She blinked her eyes as she looked into Harry’s. She was suddenly glad she hadn’t worn makeup because she was already feeling the beginning of the sting of tears behind her eyes, “You. But you know that.”
His features softened immediately. His berry lips parted as he wet them with his tongue and he brought his other palm up to the wall to narrow the space between them, “If you wanted me, you had me. You have me.”
She shook her head, “I don’t deserve you, though. That’s why this–“
“Fuck off with your bullshit. Like you’re some kind of martyr. You took everything from me. I just wanted to be with you. I wanted to be yours,” he kept his voice low but he spoke with heat and emotion, “I would have learned to be okay with it but you dropped me so fast I didn’t even have time to get used to it,” Harry pushed himself back and ran a hand through his hair.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know what to do. I still don’t. I have no idea what I’m doing at all. I feel evil. I feel like your feelings are far more important than mine,” she felt the first tear make a warm trail down her cheek and then as she blinked a second and third. “I’m sorry.”
Harry watched as she tried to hold back her emotion but he saw the tears on her face and he felt bad for his outburst but he was still so raw and angry from everything. “Please, don’t…” he softly brushed the back of his hand upward over her cheek to wipe her tears, “don’t cry. You’re gonna make me cry.”
She put her hand over his and closed her eyes, “I don’t want you to cry. You deserve to be happy, Harry.”
He shook his head and reached up to cup the other side of her face with his hand, “You don’t want me to cry? It’s all I’ve been doing. Every night for the past 19 days. I miss you, Y/n.”
She looked up at him, “I miss you too but you know we can’t… you deserve to be with someone you can have a real relationship with.”
Harry stepped in close and rested his forehead against hers, “Don’t want anyone but you.”
The world stopped and the only sound she could hear was her heart pumping in her chest. Having him so close to her was comforting and overwhelming all at the same time. It hurt but it felt good. She was confused. Maybe it had been a mistake to break up with him. Maybe that was the mistake.
The pair separated quickly when they heard Leslie’s voice. Y/n’s face began to burn with embarrassment. She’d let it go too far. She hadn’t been in her right mind. Harry’s words and his eyes had her spinning and in a daze.
Leslie said something that Y/n couldn’t hear as her ears began to ring and regret blanketed her skin. She should never have allowed it to get that far. To let him touch her and stand so close… she knew better.
She looked between Harry and Leslie when Harry turned to whisper in her ear, “Will you come find me when you leave? I want to see you.”
Leslie’s face told Y/n everything she needed to know. Leslie was curious about what was going on. Suspicious. Leslie clearly liked Harry. And Harry could like Leslie too if it hadn’t been for Y/n.
Looking back at Harry she shook her head, “Harry… this can’t. No. We can’t.”
His hand wrapped around her wrist, “Yes, we can. Please don’t do this. Please, Y/n.”
“Leslie is right there, Harry. Go have fun with your friends. Pretend I’m not here.”
Harry stepped back and let go of her. He shook his head in disappointment, his eyes piercing into hers, “Fine.”
The way Leslie kept her eyes on Y/n until Harry pulled at her arm had Y/n feeling her guilt and shame bloom and swell.
She closed her eyes as Harry led Leslie out of the hallway and back into the main room of the club. It hurt too much to watch. She felt like she was back to day one when she broke up with him. She hoped that he’d begun to move on but he hadn’t. And neither had she.
“So what was that about?” Cyndee asked as Y/n slid back into the booth.
“He just had a question about our family vacation,” Y/n lied. She was glad the club was dark and the lights that illuminated could hide that she’d been crying. It was ridiculous. She was ridiculous.
Harry had effectively ruined her girl’s night out. Of course, it wasn’t totally his fault. He was in the same boat she was. And she tried not to let her eyes rove the features of the people dancing or standing at the periphery to perchance spot him again, but she couldn’t help it. She wanted to see him. Just another peek.
But Harry had moved so that she wouldn’t be able to lay her eyes on him, though he knew where she was and he continued to look toward the booth where she was sitting.
“Why do you keep looking over at your stepmom?” Leslie pulled him down so she could speak into his ear. He’d assured her that what she saw was just them talking and that it was loud so they had to stand that close. He said that Y/n had been upset about something. But Leslie wasn’t quite so sure. She’d seen his forehead pressed to hers. Had seen how he was cradling her face in his palms and how tense the moment was.
“Oh, didn’t realize I was. Just worried about her.”
And that was kind of the truth. He was worried about her. But not for reasons he could explain. Not to Leslie.
More alcohol. Shots, beer, martinis, dancing. A full hour had gone by. Y/n was on the dance floor again and trying to let the alcohol cover up her sadness but even in her state she couldn’t stop thinking about Harry. Especially when she’d finally caught sight of him on the dance floor. Especially when he was dancing with Leslie. Kissing Leslie. Hands on Leslie. Hips pressed to hers.
She swallowed down the jealousy the best she could. It was better to have Harry with someone his age. Someone who wasn’t his stepmom.
Marla danced with Y/n and kept asking if she was okay.
“I’m just trying to not think about it,” Y/n spoke into her friend’s ear as she watched Leslie’s hand sneak up the back of Harry’s shirt.
And it wasn’t that Harry wasn’t enjoying Leslie touching him and grinding against him. He thought Leslie was cute. He liked her. And in another world where he hadn’t gotten involved with Y/n, he’d be over the moon about where the night was leading. He’d already invited Leslie back to his dorm room, to which she enthusiastically said yes.
He was going to forget about Y/n the best he could. Do normal 21-year-old college guy shit and have sex with someone after a night out. He could see himself dating Leslie. Enjoying her company. And maybe he’d get over Y/n after enough time.
But it didn’t help that he couldn’t stop stealing glances at her. She was dancing near the other man. Not in a way that should have Harry feeling jealous but he couldn’t help that part. He was jealous. He didn’t think anyone should be near her. If he couldn’t have her then no one else should either.
“I’m right here, Harry,” Leslie put her arms up over his shoulders to pull his attention back to her. He didn’t know what he was doing. He was really trying to enjoy the girl he was dancing with and ignore the one he was not but it was almost impossible. He’d do almost anything to have the girl in his arms be Y/n rather than Leslie. To have Y/n’s hips glued to his, her eyes on him, her warm skin stuck against his…
When he looked at Y/n again and caught her gaze he caved. Maybe it was all the alcohol, or it was his jealousy, or his heart thinking for him rather than his brain but he put his hands over Leslie’s arms and moved her off of him, “I need to um...” he didn’t finish saying what he needed to do. But he knew it was a need. He had to convince Y/n of what he was already sure of himself.
Harry trudged through the sweaty bodies with his eyes on her and she watched him approach. His eyes were dark and his face set with a menacingly chilly expression.
He stood in front of her and pulled her in by her waist and she gasped, “What are you–“
“Dancing with my stepmom.” Harry began to sway and Y/n grasped onto his sturdy biceps, “Harry we can’t. Someone will see–“
“I don’t fucking care, Y/n,” He leaned in and spoke lowly into her ear, “Just listen. I want you. I don’t care if I’m just the side piece or whatever shit you want to call it. I fucking don’t care. Let it be messy. We’ll be together when my dad’s not around. I can give you what he can’t. Don’t punish yourself because you don’t think you deserve that. You do. We both do.”
She darted her eyes to Marla who was next to Harry before turning her head to respond to her stepson, “It doesn’t matter what we want. We can’t have that, Harry.”
His grip on her waist tightened, “We can and you know it. Unless you tell me you don’t want me. Tell me right now that you hated being with me and that you don’t miss me and I’ll leave you alone. Tell me all those things you told me about how you felt were just lies and I’ll never bother you again.”
She couldn’t help the way her body trembled as he spoke and the breath she let out bloomed over his neck. He knew she couldn’t deny it. He knew she wouldn’t take back what she said. And that was enough for him to feel like it wasn’t over.
“Harry…” she breathed his name as his thumbs dug into the material of her dress at her waist.
Suddenly it felt as if there was no one in the club except for them. She could feel his cheek against her temple, the whiskery bits scratching her skin. Their bodies moved together slowly as the next song came on.
When she felt his mouth move as he spoke she had been unable to stop the way her chest rose and fell deeply, pants leaving her mouth.
“You can’t because you need me just as much as I need you, Y/n. Fuck everyone else. I don’t care. Fuck my dad. Come home with me.”
And despite the pair forgetting about everyone around them, all their friends watched on as Y/n and Harry danced close, Harry's lips moving next to her ear, Y/n’s breaths deepening, her hands on his arms, his on her waist.
“Y/n,” Marla tapped her arm, and the sudden shock of being brought out of Harry’s spell was clear on her face when she looked from Harry to Marla. “We should get going. Okay?”
And that was it. He’d lost her again. She shook her head at Harry as she slipped out of his arms and pulled herself away from him and out of the club.
.           .           .
She had been thankful that Marla had come when she did. She was just about to give in. Just about to let the alcohol and Harry’s convincing words do all the thinking for her. She wanted to go with him. Wanted to just forget about it all. She wanted him. She could admit that. And part of her did need him. That was what was so hard. Because, yes, the sex was fun and she really loved it with Harry. But it had gone beyond sex. Their connection was deeper than just sex.
Waking up the next morning in her bed with Marla asleep next to her she felt crushed. Felt suffocated. She didn’t know how she was going to handle going on a vacation with him. Seeing him every day. She didn’t know if she was strong enough to stay away from him. Strong enough to keep denying herself or him.
She was in too deep and she knew that. She knew her feelings weren’t just physical. She knew it wasn’t just a phase. She knew that, to her, Harry was more than just a man she’d gotten involved with that she had begun to have some kind of attachment to.
It was more than that. And she knew it. But she just wasn’t ready to admit it to herself yet. Not aloud. Nor in her mind would she connect her thoughts and her feelings and recognize that one unmistakable emotion.
When they got back to Y/n’s house after that disaster of a girl’s night, Marla had given her a stern talking to. The truth. The reality.
“That was dumb, Y/n. Everyone watched you and Harry practically make out on the dance floor.”
“We didn’t kiss, Marla.”
“I know, but that was… very intimate. You might as well have had his tongue down your throat. He was talking with his lips on your ear and holding your body against his. It was obvious that it wasn’t just a friendly chat. And that girl he was with? Well, she saw it too and you should have seen the look on her face. Poor thing.”
Y/n knew that was what she deserved to hear. It was the truth and she had a moment of weakness. But Harry made her weak.
“I know. I’m just having a hard time not… I’m fucking so confused. I hate this.”
“You’ll feel better in the morning. Want me to stay the night? I’ll keep your phone away so you’re not drunk dialing him or something.”
And so that’s what happened. Marla was trying to help. She was a good friend. Y/n was thankful. But she also hated that she wasn’t waking up in Harry’s bed. Hated that she didn’t give in and that they couldn’t just be together. She wasn’t sure she’d ever get over him.
Harry’s stunt with Y/n had been the nail in the coffin with Leslie. She was planning on going back to his place. But after seeing the way he was behaving with Y/n, twice in one night was all she needed to see to know that there was something going on.
So he woke up in his bed alone thinking about Y/n. Thinking about how she didn’t deny the way she felt. But she still left him standing there like an idiot. He’d gone out on a limb and fucked up the sure thing he had with Leslie that night and wound up not getting any at all. His hope had soared and then crashed once again as he saw her look over her shoulder before stepping deeper into the crowd of people and out of sight.
.           .           .
The private villa Y/n selected was five bedrooms. Looking online at the photos of the property she hummed to herself as she imagined being dragged into Harry’s room and fucked against the door. He’d be angry with her for making them wait so long. He’d growl into her ear quietly about how she was his and how she needed him as he held his palm over her mouth to keep her quiet.
She swallowed and tried to push those dirty thoughts away. Leo was in his office as she was in her room imagining doing filthy things to his son. She couldn’t help it. Even though they hadn’t spoken since that night at the club she knew that they’d be seeing one another again soon. And that the private villa was spacious and there would be plenty of opportunity for them to have privacy.
For better or worse she couldn’t stop thinking about it and hoping they’d get the chance. She knew she shouldn’t think that way. But it was hard to stop those thoughts from taking over. Because she knew how he felt about her. She figured he’d try and convince her again and if it was just the two of them in a room with the door locked she wouldn’t say no. She wouldn’t be able to.
.           .           .
The airline lounge was quiet. There weren’t that many people to be seen at 5 am. Y/n sipped a latte and tried to distract herself by looking at her phone but she knew that Harry would show up soon with Tyler. She’d been unable to get much sleep the night before. Which was a shame because the flight with a layover was nearly a full day of travel.
They had a layover in Dublin and from there they’d fly into Corfu where they had ground transportation waiting to take them to their private villa on the ocean. She couldn’t wait to get to their destination.
“Harry texted. They just got through security,” Leo spoke suddenly.
Y/n nodded and looked back down at her phone, trying to act less affected than she was.
When Tyler and Harry arrived at the lounge they sat in a different area closer to the breakfast bar. Harry wore a baseball cap that covered his brown curls and he had his eyes closed until it was time to board their flight.
Y/n was glad that Harry and Tyler were not sitting near her and Leo on either flight. Traveling for nearly an entire day was already stressful enough. She didn’t need the extra tension of seeing Harry the entire time. She’d be getting enough of that in Greece.
.           .           .
The villa was even more gorgeous in person. The terrace was massive with lovely little lights attached to the outdoor canopies and was set on a hill that overlooked the ocean bay. The pool was huge and the property was totally private, surrounded by olive trees and plenty of land for them to explore if they chose. The interior of the villa was rustic but chic. The stone walls and floors with arched doorways and high ceilings with wooden beams were stunning. Every bedroom in the place had a view of the bay. It was literally quite breathtaking.
Leo and Y/n’s room was massive with a large window and terrace and hammocks swaying in the wind. Plants gave them some privacy but Y/n shuddered when she thought about that. She didn’t know how this vacation would go down. If Leo would want sex. He probably would. He was already relaxed and in quite high spirits she could tell.
Y/n was already in a cute bikini by the time Harry and Tyler had come outside to enjoy the terrace and pool and the view. She had her eyes closed, lying flat on her back on one of the lounge chairs.
But Harry wasn’t going to give her anything. He was going to act like he couldn’t care less about her presence or her body or what they’d gone through. If she could act so nonchalant about it so could he.
When Y/n heard the guys jump into the pool she sat up and glanced at Harry’s strong chest before turning her gaze away to watch the gorgeous view of the sea. It was difficult, though, to not let her eyes drag over his pecs and to his tattoos. His arms and his shoulders.
He looked happy. He was laughing with Tyler and seemed relaxed. And that was a good thing. Yes, it was better that he was happy rather than upset about the way things had ended.
Leo jumped into the pool with Harry and Tyler suddenly, the three of them laughing and enjoying the first official day of their vacation.
And Harry could tell that ignoring her was already working. He didn’t look at her but he could feel her eyes on him. He could tell she was trying not to look but failing.
“Thinking about going out tomorrow night. There’s a really nice bar in town. You’d be okay with that if just me and Tyler went?” Harry spoke to Leo but loud enough for Y/n to hear.
Y/n looked down into her lap and tried not to frown. Tried not to let her emotions take over her face. She didn’t know if this was payback or if Harry was actually trying to just move on. Or… perhaps it was just a ploy to make her needy of his usual attention.
“Of course! The driver can take you wherever you need to go and bring you back too. I expected that you and Tyler would want to go out and meet some girls or something.” Leo laughed.
Y/n pouted before blinking her eyes shut and trying to ignore the conversation. She didn’t want to even think about Harry meeting anyone. But what a selfish thing to consider. Her fantasies of Harry begging her to be with him or dragging her to his room slowly began to fade with the reality of the situation. She needed to let it go.
Bedtime came early. Everyone was exhausted from the long trip. Harry had still barely spared her a glance, though he did politely offer her the bottle of wine to refill her glass. But that was it. It was quite the blow to her ego. She figured that was what she deserved, though.
Tyler knocked at Harry’s cracked open door before stepping into his room, “You doing all that on purpose?” He gestured toward the door behind him.
“What do you mean?” Harry’s smirk gave away that he knew just what Tyler was talking about.
His friend cocked his head at Harry and rolled his eyes as he walked deeper into the room and sat on the edge of Harry’s bed, “What do you think I mean?”
Harry shrugged, “Just want to have some fun while I’m here on vacation. Trying not to think about Y/n or anything.”
“Dude you’re so full of shit. You had the chance to do that when we went out to the club but instead, you scared Leslie off for good trying to get with your stepmom in front of everyone.”
Harry shook his head, “Today’s a new day. She doesn’t want me so I’m just gonna have some fun.”
.           .           .
Y/n woke up before anyone else and made coffee. The place was beautiful. She couldn’t get over how bright and paradisiac the place was.
But even with how lovely the villa was… she tried not to pay much mind to the little voice in her head that told her Harry was doing it on purpose. That he was trying to make her jealous. Make her miss him. Make her eat her words about him finding someone his age to be with.
She’d gotten lucky that Leo was so tired the night before. He did kiss her goodnight, though. She rarely got that from him. But she knew he’d want something. He was in way too good of a mood the night before. She could tell he was going to want a roll in the sack soon.
She thought that with Harry and Tyler out that evening it would be a good time. It would be much easier to go along with it if Harry wasn’t nearby. She could pretend to be into it. Maybe he’d go down on her and she could pretend–“
“Up so early.” His raspy, deep morning voice was maybe her favorite sound. Ever. Her cheeks immediately warmed up at his voice coming from behind her, cutting her off from her thoughts.
She turned and watched as he walked around the large stone table to pour himself a cup of coffee.
“Yeah. I got to sleep right away and slept hard. Woke up and felt like I’d had enough rest.” She sipped her coffee as she watched Harry turn around with a mug, take three long-legged strides toward the table and sit down right next to her.
Without looking away from her he took a drink from his cup and Y/n continued to speak to fill in the awkward silence, “So, anyway. And you’re up early. Did you get enough rest?”
Harry smiled thoughtfully as he placed his mug down, “Sure. Slept pretty well. Fell asleep pretty quickly.”
He didn’t miss it when she mentioned that she got to sleep right away. To him, that meant that nothing happened between her and his dad the night before. Which of course he felt relieved by. He tried not to wonder when the last time they slept together was.
Y/n nodded, “Good. I think it’s so peaceful here too. Maybe that’s why we slept so well.” Her smile was genuine and her eyes told Harry she was taking all of him in. Soaking up his presence. Want. Longing.
“Well, I mean I’ve slept better before. Can think of a couple of times in particular. Ya know?” Harry raised his brows knowingly and licked his lips.
She softly nodded her head and the smallest smile broke out on her lips, “Yeah.” Memories of just how well they could sleep after the kind of intense sex they always seemed to have filled her thoughts.
Neither of them budged from their spot as they kept their eyes agaze on the other.
It was quiet and soft. She could stare into his eyes all day if she were allowed. She wanted to reach across the space to him and pull his shirt collar to bring him down for a kiss but she wouldn’t He wished she would.
Their moment was interrupted when they heard footsteps, quickly both taking their mugs in hand and sipping the hot liquid.
“Morning, early risers,” Leo yawned and stretched his arms overhead.
Tyler didn’t wake up until nearly noon. Y/n stayed most of the morning in a hammock by the pool reading while Harry sauntered around in only athletic shorts, baring his chest and abs. She was glad to have a book to read to distract her from the expanse of his skin littered with inky sketchings. The last thing she needed was to have Leo see her ogling his son.
After Harry and Tyler had left the big villa felt odd. It wasn’t that she hadn’t been used to being in such a large dwelling. Leonardo’s home was nearly as big. It was that the sudden weight of what she knew was coming felt paralyzing. She wasn’t going to be able to get out of this one she knew. Sure she could just say she didn’t want to have sex but that’s what she’d been doing far too frequently lately.
And just like she knew would happen, Leo was pulling her into his chest and trying to talk dirty to her. Two months ago it would have been welcomed.
“They’re gone for the night. What do you say we have a little fun?”
Y/n plastered a fake smile on her lips and drew her hands up over his shoulders, “What did you have in mind?”
“Haven’t felt you in a while. Missed you.” Leo pushed his mouth over hers and she closed her eyes and tried to shift her thoughts from the moment. Tried imagining she was doing anything else. Playing tennis with her trainer Margaret, swimming in the pool, shopping for new shoes…
But by the time they’d gotten into their bed, it was getting difficult to imagine that anything else was happening. So she switched tactics. It was Harry kissing her neck and pulling her clothes down and exposing her breaths. It was Harry whispering to her how pretty she was and what he wanted to do to her.
When he’d slid her panties off and he was bare between her legs she pushed herself up by her elbows and looked at his cock and gulped hard, but not out of lust or want. This wasn’t Harry and it was obvious. It was hard to trick herself that she was kissing Harry and touching his naked body when it wasn’t him. She didn’t want Leo. Not anymore. Not at all.
She blinked her eyes at him and grinned as she placed her palm over his dick before he could put on a condom, “Let me suck you off. Haven’t done that in a long time. And then you can come on my tits or something.” She figured a blow job didn’t feel as dirty as sex. Though choking on a cock was not fun when she wasn’t into it, it felt better than having sex with him, though.
And it wasn’t fun. Leo was well endowed and she had to work for him to come. He kept trying to pull her off so he could fuck her but she insisted that she wanted to get him off with her mouth.
She half regretted the route she’d taken. It probably would have been much faster if she’d just let him fuck her. He would have nutted in under ten minutes and she could fake an orgasm easily and that would be that. But instead, it took nearly double that for him to begin shaking with his release bursting down her throat before she pulled off of him and stroked him over her tits and tummy.
It was also no surprise to her that he didn’t even try to offer her anything once he was done. Which she was thankful for. This was one of those times she was relieved that he was a selfish lover.
.           .           .
Y/n startled awake when she heard Harry and Tyler stumble toward their rooms, with attempts to keep their voices down but failing quite miserably. It was just after 1 am. But when she heard the giggle of a female voice she sat up and strained her ears to listen closer.
Had they brought girls back with them?
She heard stomping and laughing then shushing before one door closed and then seconds later another. She considered going to stand outside of Harry’s door and pressing her ear to the wood to listen. But that was insane. He deserved privacy if he did bring a girl back. And that would be a good thing if he had (this seemed to be her mantra lately). A good thing for him to have some fun. With someone that wasn’t Y/n. That’s what she told herself anyway. In reality, it made her want to vomit.
She laid her head back onto the pillow and sighed. She closed her eyes and tried to let her mind think of anything but what might be happening in Harry’s room. She didn’t want to think about him joking around with another girl in that flirty confident way he does, taking her dress off, kissing the exposed parts of her skin as he lowered the fabric down over her hips. She couldn’t let herself imagine him with his soft raspberry lips doing things to some other girl that he’d done to her. And certainly, she refused to picture him having sex and coming on her tummy when they realized they forgot the condom because they were too caught up and horny.
She hated it. Hated the idea of any of that. Hated being jealous. Hated that she wasn’t being snuck into his room to do all of those things with him.
But the silence was a gift. She could hear nothing from their room and so she eventually convinced herself that she’d only imagined hearing a female’s voice, that there hadn’t been girls with them. And that thought was the only thing that helped her ease back into sleep.
.           .           .
When she finally woke up the following morning she had a feeling of dread and sadness in her tummy. Leo was already up as his side of the bed was empty.
She didn’t want to get up and walk into the kitchen and find two pretty girls sitting with coffee while Tyler sat next to one and Harry the other. Then it would be real. Because she had convinced herself that she’d only imagined hearing things the night before. But she knew what she heard. The distinct voice of a female, maybe two. She hoped she was wrong.
Freshening up her sleepy appearance first she put her messy hair into a ponytail and splashed her face with water. Her pajamas were cute. Little silky shorts and a tank top. It was her regular sleepwear. She had no idea what she was about to encounter but at least if she was going to see the young woman that got a taste of Harry the night before she could look somewhat cute.
But then she heard Leo’s voice. The window in the bathroom faced the balcony of their bedroom. She hadn’t seen him out on the balcony when she went into the bathroom so he must have been standing at the far corner away from where he could be spotted.
“I miss you, honey. I know…” his voice was quiet and soft. He never spoke to Y/n that way. He seemed so gentle with her. Sounded so malleable. So tender.
He chuckled breathily and spoke, “12 more days, Parker. Wish it was you here with me…”
She looked at herself in the mirror and shook her head. What had she gotten herself into? The man she was married to was clearly in love or falling in love with another woman. Y/n wasn’t upset that Leo was finding love with someone else. Y/n didn’t love Leo. But everything felt so fleeting suddenly. So finite. Things weren’t always as they seemed and now she was hyper-aware that the kind of agreement she had might be coming to an end.
She took a deep breath as she walked out of the bathroom, not needing to hear anything else from Leo to understand what was happening, and braced herself for what she might encounter in the kitchen.
But what she found when she got there was not quite what she’d imagined. There was indeed a young woman. Harry was seated at the table with his head drooped down and a mug of coffee in his hands while on the opposite side was Tyler sitting next to a sleepy girl. It was clear that the girl was with Tyler. Though, that didn’t mean there wasn’t another girl somewhere. Perhaps even still lying in Harry’s bed.
Harry appeared to be painfully hungover.
“Morning,” Y/n spoke as she eyed Tyler and the girl.
Everyone’s eyes were suddenly on Y/n.
Tyler cleared his throat, “This is Alex. We’re just waiting on the car to get here so she can go home.”
“So soon? You can stay for breakfast if you like,” Y/n smiled at the girl as she poured coffee for herself.
“Oh that is so kind of you but I have to be at work soon.”
Y/n glanced at Harry who couldn’t even force a smile onto his face. She wanted to ask if there was another girl in the house somewhere but based on Harry’s appearance she thought she knew the answer to that question.
Once Alex left Y/n tasked herself with making a big breakfast for everyone. Cooking made her happy and she figured if the guys were both hungover they’d want something to eat to soak up all the alcohol from the previous night. And also just the knowledge that Harry hadn’t brought a girl home, made everything in her own tummy settle and she was feeling quite peckish as well.
Y/n learned that Harry had gotten on a table and danced the macarena after housing some girl's martini. The girl was apparently into Harry but then he’d gotten quite trashed and that’s when Tyler suggested they head home. With Alex in tow of course.
“Shut up, dude,” Harry grumbled his words.
“Totally blew your shot with her man! And the funniest part of it was that she was so pissed that you drank her drink in one go. Like you just yanked it from her hand, gulped the whole thing down, and then climbed on the table and–“
Harry punched Tyler’s shoulder, “Shut. Up.”
After breakfast, Harry lay by the pool fully clothed. In fact, Y/n was quite sure he was wearing the same clothes as he had been the night before.
Y/n hated that this news made her happy. Hated that she felt smug that he’d gotten too drunk to bring a girl home. Hated that that idea improved her mood at all. But it did.
She was cleaning up the dishes and putting the leftovers away when Leo walked into the kitchen and clapped his hands together, “Today is a beach day. The boys can nurse their hangovers by the sea.”
Most of the morning had been wasted at the villa with Harry trying to recover and get his shit together before they could finally head to the bay.
The water was deep blue and the sky above was bright and clear. The beach had chairs with sun umbrellas all along the shore. They found a few chairs together and draped towels over them.
Harry seemed to be feeling better. Especially when two girls came up to greet him. It was clear they both were interested in Harry. Tyler was an attractive guy too, but Harry was… well he was Harry.  
The girls were from Italy and spoke English perfectly. They were pretty with pretty hair, pretty skin, pretty lips, and pretty accents.
Watching Harry flirt sucked. She didn’t know any other way to feel about it. She tried to pretend she didn’t notice. But it was impossible being that they were only a few chairs away. She could hear everything too. The girls were giggling and Harry was being cheeky and cute, trying to say something to them in Italian and they ate it up, correcting his words and making him repeat but it seemed to only endear them to him even more.
Harry wore a pair of short green swim trunks that did little to hide his tight ass and strong thighs. Tattoos on full show, lean and well-muscled torso flaunted. Harry knew he was attractive. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise that the girls introduced themselves to Harry and Tyler.
Y/n let her sun hat slip over her eyes as she laid back and tried to focus on the sound of the waves in the ocean and not the flirtatious laughter coming from Harry’s direction.
“Will you rub sunscreen on my back, Y/n? Feel like I didn’t get enough toward the shoulders,” Leo put his hand on Y/n’s arm to get her attention.
She scooted in behind Leo on his beach chair to reapply sunscreen to his back but with the angle she was at she had a better view of the boys.
Harry was draped casually on his chair. His smile drew deep dimples into his cheeks and the tiger tattoo on his thigh was being traced by the girl sitting next to him on his chair. They were no longer laughing but speaking quietly to one another.
She watched as the young woman pointed to his butterfly tattoo and Harry took her hand and urged her to put the pad of her finger along the lines of the ink.
Harry could tell Y/n was watching. He did feel a little bad. Just a little, though. Because he wasn’t interested in the pretty Italian girl with her hands on his skin, which was a bit rude of him. And he was reveling in the fact that Y/n might be getting jealous. Also rude of him.  
But when he did finally allow his sight to take his stepmom in he noticed that his dad was rubbing lotion on her back and shoulders. He watched fingers graze along the side of her boobs and noted how his dad was grinning and whispering into Y/n’s ear.
Y/n was holding her hair to the side so it didn’t get sunscreen all over it and her other arm was out in front, palm flat on the chair between her legs so she was slightly bent at the waist. Her cleavage nearly spilled out of her yellow bikini top.
He didn’t like the way Leo was touching her or how Y/n was grinning at whatever was being said.
Harry took the girl's wrist and pulled her hand higher, now pressing her palm over the sparrow on his right pec.
“You work out a lot,” the girl spoke as she looked at Harry with her big brown eyes. She wanted more he could tell.
Harry turned his attention back to the girl fully and shook his head, “Just a few times a week. You obviously work out too.”
Y/n could pull the girl’s hair out. Her hands were on his pecs, feeling the firm muscle that Y/n enjoyed kissing and touching herself. But the worst was the way Harry was looking at the girl. His eyes dragged down her body as he spoke quietly to her. And when he pinched her thigh and she laughed loudly, hopping up from the chair, Harry followed after her and they ran playfully toward the water.
“Want a drink? I was thinking about bringing back some wine or something. There’s a shop just over there.” Leo spoke as Y/n stood up and moved back into her own chair.
“Yeah. Maybe some wine would be good.”
.           .           .
Leo had had a bit too much to drink. And Y/n hated, hated to think it, but it meant he’d pass out and would be unlikely to try anything with her. She could avoid sex with him. At least that evening.
It also meant, much to her devious delight, that Harry and Tyler had to bid adieu to the lovely young ladies, but not before getting some contact information so they could meet up later. Y/n needed their help to get Leo back to the villa in one piece.
Tyler was already setting up plans for that night to see Gia by the time they helped Leo to bed.
“Dude they’re both gonna be there tonight. Gia and Bambi.”
Yeah. The girl that Harry had been flirting with was named Bambi. Of course, that was her name. She was adorable with long legs and big brown eyes. She could pass for a Bambi.  
“I don’t know, man. We just went out last night. I got so wasted and sick. Not sure I’m into it.”
“Really? Bambi was all over you. She wants to see you. You don’t have to drink, H. You know that right?” Tyler laughed.
Y/n was not purposely listening. She just happened to be in the kitchen wiping the countertops as the guys were in the sunroom connected to the kitchen. The fact that she could hear was totally a coincidence. Totally.
“Nah. You go. It’s fine.”
There was a pause for a beat and Y/n strained to hear if they were speaking. Whispering perhaps?
When Tyler responded his voice was much quieter so Y/n wiped her way toward the stone island in the center and perked her ears.
“It’s because of Y/n. Isn’t it? I know you’re still hung up on her but you gotta move on.”
“Tyler, I just don’t feel like going.”
“You’re not gonna be mad if I do then?”
Smiling to herself she moved away from the island and tossed the rag into the sink. Harry wasn’t going out to meet up with Bambi. She shouldn’t have been pleased with that but she was.
Tyler left after the sun had already gone down. Y/n hadn’t heard a single peep from Leo when she settled onto the terrace with a book and the yellow bikini she’d been wearing at the beach. Even at night, the weather in Corfu was warm.
Harry had been in the kitchen for a bit on his phone and then he disappeared for a while. She wished that things could be easy between them. Go back to how they were before.
But when he strutted out to the terrace and walked in front of her before splashing into the pool she was a little surprised that he’d come out with her at all. She thought perhaps he’d keep his distance. But of course, she knew better. She knew he wouldn’t.
And like they had been doing, mostly effectively since arriving in Greece, they ignored one another. Harry swam laps and Y/n read her mystery book and the stars twinkled down on their little paradise by the beach.
Y/n connected her cellphone to the speaker and put on music she had in her saved favorites. A random mix really.
Harry watched her walk across the stones to the outdoor mini fridge and pull out a bottle of beer before turning to Harry with a brow raised, “Want a beer?”
He nodded as he pulled himself out of the water and began to walk toward her. Droplets trickled down his skin and dripped from his trunks that were hung low on his hips.
She did well not to stare at his wet body as she handed him the cold bottle.
“Surprised you didn’t go out with Tyler. Seemed like you would have enjoyed seeing that girl tonight.” Y/n spoke as she sat down on the chair next to her book.
She immediately regretted asking. It made her look desperate, jealous. But perhaps she was.
Harry took the lounge next to hers and put his feet up as he took a swig from the bottle.
“Yeah. I would have enjoyed seeing her. She was really nice.”
“So why didn’t you? This is your vacation, Harry. You should enjoy it.”
Harry leaned his head back into the chair and turned to look at Y/n, “I am enjoying it. Maybe another night I’ll go out. Last night was too much for me.”
They sat silently for a bit as Y/n picked her book back up and tried to concentrate on the words on the page but her mind was racing.
When the next song came on, it had changed the mood entirely. A slow song and the lyrics were maybe somewhat ironic given their circumstance.
Harry stood from his chair and stretched his arms overhead before taking down the last of his beer.
“You done with yours?” He gestured toward her bottle.
“Oh. Yeah. Thanks, Harry.” She was about to pick up the bottle to hand to him but he reached across her and picked it up. Their faces coming within just inches. He’d done it on purpose. But she didn’t say anything as he straightened himself and took the bottles to the trash.
She looked back down at her book but the lyrics of the song and Harry’s fit body were far more interesting to her.
“You’re staring,” Harry spoke with a smile.
Y/n scoffed and rolled her eyes, “No. No, I’m not.” But she didn’t remove her eyes from his frame as she grinned.
Harry kept his gaze set on hers as he adjusted his swim trunks, plucking at the fabric near his crotch where the lining was irritating his skin. He’d done that on purpose too. A reminder to her of what she was missing out on.
She tried not to imagine him without the shorts. She knew what he looked like underneath.
Blinking her eyes she looked down at her lap and took a breath.
“So, Tyler’s having fun. He brought that girl back yesterday and now he’s out with another tonight. Quite the ladies' man,” Y/n tried changing the subject or at least the trajectory of where her mind was beginning to wander.
“Yeah, I guess so,” Harry shrugged as he plopped back down onto the chair and stretched his arms behind his head. “Kind of funny…” Harry chuckled, not finishing his thought.
Y/n turned to look at him, “What’s funny?”
Harry’s bright eyes binged on her exposed skin, “Cause I should be out with him. Bambi was cute. Coulda had fun. Yet here I am.”
Nodding she turned to face him, putting her feet onto the stone below the chair, “You should have gone. It would have been good. You can still go you know.” “Would it be? Is that what you want?” Harry mimicked her stance, turning himself and putting his feet onto the stone, their knees facing one another.
“What I want? What do you mean?”
Harry’s pink lips opened and then closed as he considered his words, “Want me to go out and have fun with someone else? Someone who’s not you?”
Y/n shook her head and looked away from his deep gaze. Of course, she didn’t want that. What she wanted wasn’t fair. Wasn’t right.
She stood up so she could pace. To put some distance between her and Harry because even though he was a couple of feet from her it was too close. But she didn’t get far when she felt his hand on her hip and he was standing over her, “That’s what you want?”
It wasn’t fair. Her feelings weren’t fair. The way he felt for her wasn’t fair. Nothing about their situation was fair.
She looked up at him and the slow riff of the new song made their proximity feel even more intense. It just wasn’t fair.
“Stop, Harry. You already know the answer.”
When his other hand landed on her hip and pulled her in so she couldn’t back away from him he nodded his head, “I do know the answer. That’s why I’m here. With you. Because we want the same thing. Don’t we?”
She dropped her eyes toward his chest, just about where his heart would be. The heart she longed to keep for herself. The most tender heart she’d ever known.
She nodded her answer but did not look up at him. Because it wasn’t fair. Her answer wasn’t fair. His feelings weren’t fair.
“See? You’re just torturing yourself, Y/n. Torturing me. I need you in a way I’ve never needed anything, and I know it’s the same for you. Please look at me.”
Harry didn’t know he could be so relentless about something. He was generally very easygoing and didn’t bother to push anyone in the way he did with Y/n. But it was different. Because he knew they had something special. Something rare.
Slowly she gave in and looked up at him again, bringing her hands up to his chest, palms flat. He looked down at her hands and then back up to her eyes, “Can you feel my heart?”
She nodded as Harry took one of his hands and pressed it over the back of hers to hold her palm in place. The unmistakable frenzied thudding of his muscular organ below vibrated against her skin, “It doesn’t do that with anyone else. Not like this.”
She didn’t want to cry. Didn’t want to let her feelings overwhelm her like they had been since she broke it off. Wanted to keep strong. Didn’t want to give in. Didn’t want to not give in.
“I know you feel the same way. Why are you doing this?”
She let out a shaky breath and blinked her eyes, “Because we can’t.”
“Y/n… I’m…” he shook his head and took a deep breath, “I need you to be honest. Because I can’t keep doing this to myself. I’m going crazy. Tell me you don’t want me.”
“That’s not fair.” Her words were a whisper.
“If you can’t tell me you don’t want me I’m never gonna be able to move on from you, Y/n.”
Harry brought his hands up to her face, not allowing her the chance to look away from him.
“I can’t.”
“Y/n… there’s not a single part of me that doesn’t want every single part of you. It’s only going to get worse. Tell me now you don’t want me. Before I kiss you.” His nose was pressed into her cheekbone as he closed his eyes. He could tell her breath was deepening. Her fingers softly stroked the skin and hair of his chest.
“Harry… please… don’t…” she couldn’t ever tell him she didn’t want him. She should tell him so that they could put an end to all of it. Tell him she never wanted him. Tell him it never meant anything to her. But how could she when that was the furthest thing from the truth? Her heart couldn’t let her speak those things aloud to him. Couldn’t utter those lies.
“Say it and I’ll stop. Say it, Y/n. Put me out of misery. Let me move on if you don’t want me. Say it and I’ll leave you alone for good.”
“It’s not that simple.”
Harry’s lips found the edge of Y/n’s mouth and his muttered words sent a shock through her soul, “Y/n, I love you.”
She gasped and pushed at him, her eyes wide as she shook her head, “No you don’t. Don’t say that!”
Pulling herself from his hold she turned and quickly walked back inside to get away. She needed to break down and cry and scream into a pillow and stomp her feet… anything to stop her veins from overflowing with him. Anything from stopping herself from responding to him in kind.
“Y/n!” Harry walked after her and followed her into the stairwell as she ascended as quickly as her legs would carry her. But Harry’s legs were longer and he was not letting her get away.
“Don’t run away from me, please!”
She pushed her way into a spare room and tried shoving the door closed but Harry’s strong body blocked the door as he forced his way in and closed it behind himself. The dark room was illuminated by the moon and the twinkle lights strung up over the terrace.
“Harry stop. You don’t mean it. You’re… you’re confused… it’s–“
His hands found her waist in the dark and he pulled her into his arms. He pressed his face into her hair, lips close to her ear, “I’m not confused. I’m in love with you.”
She had given in to her tears already. It was too much. Having his arms around her and his skin against hers, his voice, his words. I love you.
She melted into his arms and pressed her wet cheek against his chest as she cried.
Harry was gentle. His hands caressed her back as he allowed her to cry in his arms. He knew he was being bold by telling her how he really felt but he needed her to know. He wanted her to admit her feelings to him. She couldn’t say she didn’t want him because she did want him and he was sure she felt the exact same way for him that he did for her.
“Please, Y/n. If you can’t tell me you don’t want me I’m never gonna stop. I don’t care about the consequences. I don’t care if we get caught or if we keep it a secret forever. I just… I love you. I need you.”
Harry’s shorts were mostly dry by that point. Y/n felt the fabric against her hips as he tightened around her the slightest, his warm breath over her ear, “I love you.”
What was she supposed to do? How was she supposed to just push him away and ignore it all? It was already impossible, but now with his confession, she couldn’t do anything but let her heart crack open wide and allow him in. His warmth and kind heart smothered her resolve. Drowned it until it was gone.
“Goddamnit, Harry.” She spoke with her mouth smashed over his skin.
He put his hands on her face and turned her head up to look at him in the shadowy room, “I’m gonna kiss you. Tell me right now if you don’t want me to but I can’t go one more minute without it,” he whispered his words as he dipped down slowly.
Her silence was his answer and when his lips smoothed over hers their moans of acceptance meshed together with mouths moving in synch.
She had missed his kiss. His breath. His tongue.
When he felt her fingers glide into his curls he thought he might pass out. He didn’t know if this was only for the night or if it meant forever, or maybe just something in between. But it was clear she was his in that moment.
She could feel him under his shorts, thickening up quickly. And that flipped a switch in her right away. She’d been denying him of everything. He might have flirted with some girls during their break but he hadn’t been with anyone. He was hers. Every part of him belonged to her and how could she ever refuse him again? To deprive him of what he wanted, needed felt abusive. She never wanted to hurt him.
“I’m sorry, Harry…” she spoke against his lips as she pushed him toward the bed. Her legs were about to give out from the adrenaline rushing through her veins. She needed to be in his lap or lying next to him so they could be closer. She needed him closer. “I was wrong to break up with you.”
Harry gasped at her words and when he felt her pushing him toward the mattress he stepped back and pulled her with him, their lips never parting.
He hoisted her up over his body as he sat on the bed and slid himself into the center and up to the headboard keeping her with him as he went.
Y/n settled her thighs over his and kept her mouth on his, “I want you. I’ve always wanted you, Harry. I’m so sorry…”
His hands were shaky as he hugged her tight. He hoped this meant for good. He hoped she wouldn’t regret this again. He had never regretted it.
“You mean it?” Harry kissed her softly before parting from the kiss and putting his hands on her hips.
Y/n nodded and scratched his scalp gently, “I mean it. I’m not done with you. I could never be. I was wrong when I thought it would be better to be apart.”
“Promise me? You’re not gonna leave me again?”
Leaning forward she nudged her nose into his and brought her hands down to cup his face, “I promise you. Never again. It was stupid. I need you, Harry.”
The whine that left his throat when she rocked her hips down over him had blood rushing to her limbs and she pulled at him to move his back away from the headboard before pushing him flat to lie down, “You need me too, don’t you, baby? Need me to take care of you?” She rolled her hips over his bulge and he nodded and breathed out the word yes.
“Poor thing. I’ve been so bad to you. I’m gonna spend so much time making it up to you. I promise, Harry.”
“Please, Y/n.”
“Missed you, Harry. Missed this…” she pecked his lips and then kissed her way down his jaw, neck, his pecs, and sternum. Her mouth left small wet spots as she moved and whispered over his skin, “I’m sorry for all of it, baby.”
Harry arched his back when she licked her tongue along the ridges of his abs and he whimpered, “I need you. I need you now.”
She smiled and looked up at him. They both had tears in their eyes but things had shifted quickly. Instead of uncertainty and grief their hearts were reacting with love and devotion. Y/n would show him her devotion the best she could.
She put her palms on his pecs and sat up to look him over, “So pretty. So perfect for me, Harry. I was dumb to think I could suppress my feelings for you.”
Harry brought his hands up to her low back and smoothed his palms downward over her bottom. Her little bikini was flimsy and so it was easy for Harry’s thumbs to slip under the fabric so he could keep hold of her.
She needed the moment to take him in. There was just enough light to see his face and torso, to see his lips parted and his chest rising and falling.
“You know that I’m yours too, right? You’re the only one who has my heart, Harry.”
Harry let out a quivering breath as he squeezed her bottom and in a strained voice spoke barely above a whisper, “Say it again.”
Settling herself over his hips and leaning down to put her lips close to his ear and her palm over his heart she spoke, “I’m yours. I love you, Harry.”
The moment she whispered those words into his ears, Harry felt like his heart would give out, like his nervous system was going to shut down… his ears became muffled as blood rushed to his head and his heart pumped viciously in his chest. His breath caught in his throat and he began to melt and sink down into the mattress and through the floor into the cement foundation of the room below and then into the earth. But as long as he had her in his arms he was alive and in love. He was safe with her heart and her words.
She felt his grip tighten on her bottom but he said nothing as the moment had him spinning and sinking and soaring.
She kissed his soft lips and he suddenly jolted back into his body with a moan as he opened his mouth wide against hers. It was as if her lips were a defibrillator to his heart.
He bent his knees slightly and bucked up toward her, keeping his hands on her to hold her down. He wasn’t going to let her go.
She rocked her hips over him slowly as they kissed and licked wetly.
Harry’s dick was in an uncomfortable position in his trunks and the lining was scraping the skin as Y/n pressed her crotch over him. And as if she’d somehow read his mind, she pushed against his hands that were holding her bum and reached between them to push his shorts down and free his length from its confines.
When he sighed she cooed at him, “Feels better like that, doesn’t it? You’re too big to be smushed in there like that.”
Harry wanted to just thrust into her and fuck her from his spot on the mattress, holding her down and make her take him. He was desperate to feel her but he knew she was in charge. She was going to make it worth the wait. But he was shaky and leaking, “Y/n, please…” He didn’t even know exactly what he was asking for but he wanted anything.
“Yes, Harry. I know… Tell me what you need, baby. I just want to make you happy. Want you to feel so good.”
Harry pulled at the fabric of her bikini bottom and the hint was loud enough that she understood just what he wanted.
“Want these off? Yeah?” She kissed his mouth and gently brushed the crotch of her bikini bottoms over his cock.
Harry nodded and groaned, “Yes. Off…”
Y/n pushed herself up but Harry’s big hands wouldn’t let go of her bottom so she put her palms over the top of his hands and pried them off, “Need to let me go so I can get these off for you, baby. Will you let go?”
Harry whined but he did as she said.
Y/n got to her knees between his legs and first removed her top and then slowly slid her bottoms down her legs as Harry sat up and pushed his trunks the rest of the way off his body, but the moment she was completely bare he pulled her back into his chest, not wanting to have any space in between their bodies for a moment longer.
She giggled at the abrupt force of him pulling at her but then her mouth was covered by his, rendering her silent as he slowly moved his lips, savoring her taste and her skin on his.
The feel of her body draped over him, her hips and her bottom under his palms, her thighs spreading for him to have access to anything he wanted… Euphoria.
He reached down further, letting his digits glide down her bottom to the back of her thighs and then in toward her pussy that was pressed to his shaft. He let the pads of his fingers feel her soft skin over his hard erection, the tiny swivel of her hips to keep them connected was seductive.
She felt his fingers reaching behind her gently stroking her crease so she moved herself the slightest to feel the tip of his finger dip inside. The motion caused their lips to part and Harry let out a low moan.
Putting her hands on his chest she pushed herself up and sat over his finger making it reach deeper inside, “I want another Harry,” she panted as she rolled her hips onto his hand.
Harry groaned as he pulled his finger out and then thrust two inside of her. She was doing most of the work. He hardly had to move his fingers or hand at all with the way she was writhing over him.
“Missed your hands and your fingers so much, Harry.”
“I missed you, Y/n.”
She continued rocking into his hand, wetting his palm and making his fingers sticky with herself. Her clit was pressed to Harry’s frenulum giving him that decadent sensation of her pussy gliding over him gently that he missed so much.
Y/n reached around and pulled at his hand to bring his fingers out of her and she lifted his wrist toward his mouth, pushing his fingers onto his tongue, “That’s yours, baby.”
Harry closed his eyes at the taste as he felt her move down his body before wrapping her hand around his shaft.
She licked his tip and kissed the thick vein on the underside. Harry gasped and groaned and pushed himself up to reach for her, pulling her face upward so she would look at him, “Please, Y/n. I need to be inside of you so bad.”
Y/n grinned, grasping his wrist as she turned her face to kiss his palm, “Need to feel my pussy around you?”
Harry nodded as she climbed back over his body and smoothed her soaked cunt over his length, “Anything you want, baby.”
When she angled her hips over him and pushed down over his thick crown Harry let out a loud and guttural moan. Too loud.
And while Leo was probably still passed out, Y/n didn’t need to have this moment interrupted by anyone. She continued to sink over him as she put her palm over his mouth, “Shhh… this is just for you and me. Okay? Be a good boy and keep quiet so I can fuck you without anyone else hearing.”
It was nirvana to be connected with him again. To feel his thick tip being pushed inside her body, splitting her down the center in smooth strokes, nudging and gliding into her g-spot with each roll of her hips. And even with Y/n’s palm covering his mouth the sound of what was going on in the room was quite blatant. She was filthy wet over his cock, slick and sticky as she fucked herself down on him, pushing him into her guts. The bed started off with the smallest rattle from the metal frame and turned into a repetitive clunking thud on the floors as she rocked her hips over his harder. Even with their silence, the atmosphere in the room was sex and elation. They were finally together again and their bodies were celebrating the joy their hearts felt.
She was already chasing her own orgasm after only a handful of minutes of having him inside of her but she wanted to drag it out. Make it last. They had all night. And she didn’t care if Leo did wake and wonder where she was. Let him find them. Let him hear the squeak of the mattress and the wet sound of her pussy being fucked by his son. She was Harry’s. Only Harry’s.
Pulling her hand from his mouth she leaned over him, pressing her soft tits to his chest, and kissed him slowly as she fucked him. They were breathing in through their noses sharply to fill their lungs so they didn’t have to part their mouths.
Harry’s hands found her round bum again, squeezing and pressing her down while her hands wound through his curls.
Harry was leaking quite desperately and doing everything he could to hold back from filling her with his warm come. He wanted to feel her around him for as long as possible, “M’gonna come, hold on…” his breathy words were pinched as he spoke quickly.
Y/n paused and sat up, bringing his hands from her bottom to her tits, urging him to squeeze them, “S’okay, baby. It’s okay to come.”
Harry’s chest heaved as he shook his head and pressed his thumbs over her nipples, “Want it to last. Need to be here with you forever.”
Licking her lips and keening at the way he pinched her left nipple she nodded, “Me too. Want to feel like this with you forever. We’ll take our time and go slow. But if you come it’s okay. There’s so much time for us. I know you needed me,” she ran her fingers over his pecks and up to his neck gently as she felt him throb inside of her. He had been dangerously close to coming.
“Tell me again, Y/n. Want to make sure it was real.”
Letting her fingers travel up to his chin and to the side of his face she whispered his new favorite phrase to him, “I love you, Harry.”
He whimpered and she felt his cock twitch. That had nearly been his end again. Just her words and the moment they were in was almost too much for him.
“Fuck. Nearly came right then, Y/n.” He panted and tried to calm his cock as he closed his eyes with a big smile on his face.
“You deserve to come, baby. You’ve been so good.”
She began to slowly rock over him again, her clit pasted over his pelvis with the head of his thick cock pushed into her tummy, dragging against her cervix. He filled her up so perfectly, made her wobble and ache from the fullness his sizable cock gave her.
Her pussylips gripped him lavishly, slipping up and down and stimulating him from base to tip, coating him in her cream and wetting his lap. His fingers sunk into her soft skin with a pinch as she inched down and up in steady motions.
“Do you hear that?” She sheathed him with her cunt and lifted gently so the sound of their bodies connecting and slipping together could be heard, “It’s because I belong to you, Harry. No one gets me so wet and so achy.”
Harry choked out a quiet moan and listened to the noise of his cock being fucked by her wet pussy. He could barely respond with any coherent words except to whisper her name and whine when she seated herself fully onto him and clenched.
“And I can tell you’re mine too baby. You’re cock gets so hard for me. Can’t help it can you? Need my love and my attention. All of my affection. My cunt. We need each other, Harry.”
Quiet gasps and moist bodies meeting and parting slowly began to get louder, faster.
Y/n was going to come and she didn’t know if she could stop it from happening this time. She wanted to go all night but she was going to explode if she didn’t come.
“Baby… look at me…” she spoke quietly as Harry opened his eyes to take her in. Soft tits jiggling and, her mouth parted, “I’m gonna come. I want you to come with me. Okay?”
He nodded, “Fuck yes. Come on me, Y/n…” Harry gritted his teeth when he felt her begin to fuck down over him harder.
Harry bent his knees and began to plunge himself into her, meeting her thrusts with harsh smacks and splatting noises.
She could no longer hold in her ecstasy or her cries of bliss.
“I love you, Harry! Fuck! I’m coming!”
Harry coughed out a loud groan and gasped as her walls clamped and spasmed over him. His balls thudded into her, knocking her upward when he felt the relief of his come pouring out of his cock and spurting into her cunt.
As they writhed and came together they heard a thud from in the hallway.
They both heard the noise but they were in the throes of their orgasms, whining and moaning together in bliss with pounding hearts as they kept their eyes on one another.
It didn’t matter to either of them who it was or what the noise was. They’d deal with that when they were ready. At that moment they were alone in a room together, bodies interlinked, adjoined, shaking, panting, bursting. Nothing else mattered. No one else could come between them.
Collapsing onto his chest she ran her nails over his scalp and felt his hair between her fingers as she kissed his neck and sighed. Harry was still trembling with the smallest smile on his pink lips, breathing hard, his chest rising and falling with Y/n moving up and down with his breaths.
“I love you so much, Harry.”
He turned to his face to push his nose against hers, “I love you so fucking much it hurts. I still can’t believe this is real. Is it?” His arm moved around her waist as he held her tight.
“Yeah. I’m not going anywhere. I don’t know what I’m going to tell Leo but you and I will think of something. I don’t want you and your father to have a bad falling out.”
Harry kissed her soft lips and grinned, “You’re gonna leave him?”
“Yeah. I don’t want anyone but you. And it’ll make things easier for him and Parker anyway,” she chuckled quietly. It was true. She was convinced that Leo was not just fucking the girl, he was very much into her, if not in love. Based on what she’d overheard of their conversation she was confident that leaving him wouldn’t be difficult. It was the reason she was leaving him that would make things complicated.
Harry nuzzled his face into Y/n’s cheek and kissed her jaw, “I can’t believe you want to be with me. It feels like a dream.”
“It does.”
When they heard another thud and the sound of someone moving around down the hall they looked at one another, “Think it’s your dad?”
Harry shrugged and shook his head, “Maybe Tyler? He could be back by now. Don’t know.”
Y/n put her cheek over Harry’s chest and wrapped her arms around him as they both laid back down, “I don’t want to go out there. Not tonight. I just want to be here with you. Just you and me. We can think about what we want to do in the morning.”
Harry smiled and rubbed her naked back with his warm palm, “I don’t care if he knows tonight or tomorrow. I’ll wait until the time is right if you want. Maybe telling him while we’re on vacation is a bad idea.”
Y/n nodded and closed her eyes. She didn’t care anymore either. Now that she had him back again she wasn’t going to be letting go. Sure things would probably be difficult. She’d need to actually put her degree to use and get a job. She’d have to give up all the luxuries that being married to Leo afforded her. And she’d need to face the possibility that Harry would have a falling out with his father and that people wouldn’t be so kind toward her given the situation.
But she couldn’t imagine it not being worth it. Harry was worth all of it. There was no way she’d deny herself of him any longer. He was suffering and so was she. And why keep lying? She was in love. She was in deep. Harry had gotten ahold of her heart early on. There was nothing to be done but to yield to it.
Much to Harry’s chagrin, Y/n urged him to get up so they could clean up. They were sticky and gooey all over. It was absolutely necessary.
But of course, cleaning up was made slightly more difficult with a playful Harry. And of course, he was playful. He’d just learned that Y/n loved him just as much as he loved her. He realized that they had been on the same page the whole time. That she had missed him and how bad it hurt her. They were feeling the same things but now? She realized what he’d known all along. That they would be better together. No matter what.
Harry’s low, quiet baritone rang in Y/n’s ear as she giggled, “And how about this?” He dragged the rag over her clit as she pushed at his arm but he wasn’t budging.
“Harry! You’re just supposed to clean it,” she whisper-shouted as he watched where he was dragging the damp rag through her messy labia.
“I like it dirty, though, Y/n,” he laughed his words quietly as Y/n grasped the cloth and yanked it from him.
“You’re something else,” she grinned at him as she wiped herself up.
Harry had her perched on the bathroom counter and he was stood between her legs when they heard a knock at the bedroom door.
The bathroom they were in was connected to the bedroom and they’d kept the door open.
“Did you lock the bedroom door?”
Harry shook his head. Neither moved an inch when they heard the second knock.
“No matter what, are you with me?” Harry held onto the bottoms of her thighs to keep her in place.
“Yes, Harry. I’m with you, baby.” She nodded as they heard the bedroom door open.
Both Y/n and Harry were naked and only half wiped up after having sex. Staring at one another they listened as the footsteps drew closer to them.
And the scene was just as anyone could imagine. A pair of lovers pressed together, watching the door as the intruder cast eyes on the infidelity. A bare woman sat on a countertop with her thighs held up by a man in between her legs.
Harry held up a protective arm to shield her from the eyes that peered in.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Tyler laughed his words as he stepped forward enough that Harry and Y/n could see who it was.
Harry let out a breath and Y/n covered her face in embarrassment.
“Get the fuck out of here, dude!” Harry spoke quietly.
“I just came in here because Leo is awake and I’m pretty sure he heard you. I’ll be in my room if you need me.”
Y/n and Harry looked back at one another silently. Tyler said that he was pretty sure Leo had heard. But they wouldn’t know for sure until they faced him.
“Fuck.” Harry whispered, “I was hoping we could push this off until after vacation. What do we do?”
Y/n didn’t really know the answer. Ideally, they would have confronted Leo about this later on. Definitely not at the beginning of a two-week family vacation in Greece.
“We don’t know if he even heard anything. We can go out there now and get it out of the way. Or feel it out. See if he heard,” Y/n put her hands up to his chest.
Harry nodded and took a deep breath, “What if we just lock that door and get in bed together and wait until the morning?”
“We can do that too if you want. Maybe he has no idea and we can control when we tell him.”
The lovers smiled at one another in agreement before both leaning in to kiss. No matter what they were both on the same page now. There was no turning back.
“But if not. If he did hear we’ll figure it out. He doesn’t deserve you anyway, Y/n.”
Smiling up at him she realized that she was crazy but she was in love. And if anyone did deserve her it was Harry. The one who loved her. The one who was gentle with her. The one she loved.
“Yeah. We’ll figure it out together.”
This is the final part of this short series! Thank you for being here and reading!
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yorshie · 11 months
Burnt Out
Bayverse Leo x Fem reader - part 2
Part 1 Part 3
summary: SFW, After confessing your feelings for the Leader in Blue, he makes a decision that challenges your relationship with all four turtles. (warnings for relationship based arguments, yelling, and an altercation with some drunken men) set in 2023 so turtles are 24-25
I don't like one sided fights, so be prepared for reader not being passive. Also I have not proofed read so wording might get moved just a bit.
tag list: @jackalope-in-a-storm @tmnt-tychou @nessarolla-in-constant-flux
Mikey whistled awkwardly into your ear the whole way to the lair. At one point, you turned your head, about to ask what was wrong, when you caught sight of Leo’s face over Mikey’s shoulder. 
His eyes were trained on your hands curled around the straps on the smallest turtle’s backpack.
You glared at him. He glared back.
By the time you were set back on your feet in the lair, your slight headache had fledged fully into a dull pounding that nicked the front of your skull. The ache was bad enough that you immediately turned to find Donnie, decidedly ignoring the others as they filtered into the cavernous space around you.
“Don? Can I get some Tylenol or something?” 
He gave you his attention, hands cool as he tilted your head back and looked at your eyes. He hummed, and nodded. “Yea, some Tylenol would probably help. Let’s go get your scrapes cleaned too, while we’re at it.” 
You followed him to his corner of the Lair, and almost immediately a hissed argument started in the main room. You raised a brow at the tallest turtle, surprised, but he only grimaced, closed the door to block the sound before dropping into a low stool and nudging you towards his chair.
“Just ignore it, it’s been going on for a couple days now.” That was more worrying than the actual argument, even though you couldn’t tell whose voices were overlapping each other. The turtles never let anything fester, there was no way for anything to fester, with how much they were in each others’ pockets.
“Why are they fighting?” You asked, watching as Donnie lined up the hydrogen peroxide and the cotton balls before leaning to the far side for a pack of waterproof bandaids.
“Hm… well….” He returned to sitting straight, handing you a little bottle that clattered as he passed it over. “I don’t- listen to most of it. I just tune it out as soon as I figure out it’s happening.” He looked down at your hands, avoiding eye contact, and you realized he was lying.
You took the Tylenol dry, swallowing and wincing before handing the bottle back. You let him doctor your hands, rub his thumb across the mark on your cheek, before you caught his grip in your own and asked once more. “Donnie, why were both Raph and Leo in the Ha’shi?”
He winced, but answered when you squeezed his fingers. “They got caught fighting. Most of the time they’ve kept it out on patrols, but this time Dad heard.”
“Great.” You ran your hands through your hair. “And you’ve got no clue what it’s about?” You had a sneaking suspicion, but you wanted to be wrong.
“Hm… yea.” He looked away again, gave you a sheepish smile when you let out a low noise of disbelief. “Listen, you should- you should talk to Leo.”
“I did talk to him.” You argued, the ground swooping below your feet at the gentle command in Donnie’s tone. “I talked, and he talked, and now… there’s nothing to talk about.”
Donnie stuck the tip of his tongue out, the move reading anxious as he pushed the issue. “Yea. Maybe try again?”
You had wanted to avoid this. You had thought, perhaps a bit foolishly, that they would all feel too awkward over the whole thing to say anything, especially if you stayed away long enough to be able to act as if it hadn’t happened. Or that maybe the blue banded turtle would have ordered them not to stick their snouts into the whole clusterfuck.
No such luck, apparently.
You hung your head, sighing roughly in annoyance. “Dee, I can’t. He was very, very clear on all the reasons why… why my interest was a bad idea. It’s not like I went and did a great job hiding it.” You said the last part roughly, amused and self-deprecating all in one, staring at the undone zippered pocket on Donnie’s leg to avoid his too golden eyes.
“No, no you didn’t.” Donnie agreed, soft and full of remorse as he stood. He turned to clean up so you could scrub your eyes in peace. When he turned back around, he faltered, swayed side to side in indecision before opening his arms up for a hug.
You stood to make it less awkward, met him in the middle and wrapped your arms around him as far as you could.  “I’m sorry Donnie. I went and ruined things, didn’t I?”
“No, no you didn’t.” He parroted again, tightening his arms around you. “Just… don’t go avoiding us, kay?”
You hummed in agreement, scrubbing your face against him in affection. “Never gonna do that, Dee.”
“Good.” He released you, quickly pushing his glasses up to rub at his eyes. “In that case, I really should probably start cleaning up the garage.” He glanced at you. “Leo and Raph are probably finishing up their Ha’shi time, but Mikey’s in the living room if you want to go hang out with him? The garage is a little too dangerous right now.”
“I heard it looks like a war zone in there?” You asked cheekily, taking his cues to return to normal, sticking your hands in your pockets and following him out of the Lab.
“My expertise cataloging may have gotten a little away from me.” He admitted, amused, and ruffled your hair in parting when you both reached the mouth of the tunnel that led to the garage.
“Wish me luck.” You quipped after his retreating shell, not really expecting an answer, but he held up a hand with crossed fingers before he disappeared around the bend.
Once you were alone, your shoulders caved, swinging down and forwards. There was a hitch in your left that no doubt would turn into something nasty the longer you went without icing it. 
All you’d have to do is ask Mikey, and he’d fix you up with an ice pack. The thought had you sighing, feet turning automatically for the main room and the tv area, the most likely space to find the smallest turtle brother.
You rubbed your shoulder absentmindedly as you went, cupping the roll of muscle and rubbing back and forth with your fingers. The sound of your blouse  shifting across your skin brought you up short, and with a whine you realized you’d forgotten about your coat.
“Great. Just…” You turned again, mind not really caught up on where you were going, annoyance bubbling up, when you crossed the closed doors of the dojo and voices inside caught your attention.
“-look like you ate a whole bag of atomic lemons.”
You stopped, head swinging around at the sound of Raph’s low rumble, and the thought that he’d happily help you find your coat had you reaching for the divider’s edge before the next voice had you pulling back sharply.
“I don’t recall ever asking for your opinion.” 
Leo, and where Raph sounded cajoling, the blue banded turtle sounded pissed. In fact, you’d never heard him in that low of an octave, that shade of done with whoever was trying to speak with him. 
Raph started in again, words precise and slow, and the hair on the back of your neck stood up straight at the obvious way he was picking a fight. “I mean, most expect me to be the one that growls and loses his temper, sounding more like a beast, but I gotta hand it to ya, brother. You sure know how to-”
“Cut the shit and say your piece, Raphael.” Leo interjected, drawing out the syllables of his brother’s name, and you didn’t have to see into the room to hear how close their voices were to each other, how up in each others’ faces they must be.
Silence for a beat, then Raph spoke up, that careful cajole peeling back to show the rough anger underneath. “You don’t understand how lucky you are, Fearless. We’ve all been dreamin of someone that would put up with our ugly mugs, and you go and-”
“Someone? Or her?” Your eyes bugged at the insinuation leveled in the growl, and fought the instinct to scurry to the side, knowing they’d hear.
The was a long silence that you drowned in, heart beating too fast, too loud, certain a fist would fly -
before Raph huffed, voice so cutting you had to concentrate to hear the amusement underneath. “You think I’m after your girl, Leo?” He let out a vicious laugh that sounded anything but humorous. “You better clean up then, cuz she ain’t really looking like your girl from where I’m standin’.”
You were done. You didn’t need to hear whatever Leo said in response. You turned on your heel and promptly walked away, coat forgotten, shoulder no longer aching, mind a one thought tract to find Mikey and bully him into taking you home.
Goddamn turtles and their goddamn snouts sticking into things that shouldn’t be poked.
You found Mikey exactly where you thought he would be, parked in front of the tv with what no doubt was the game your previous call had pulled him away from. When he heard your footsteps, he turned, easy grin disappearing into wide eyes and a silent question, lips pursed at whatever emotion was on your face.
“Hey, Mike, I need-” You pulled up short, spying your coat on the couch next to him. “What- how…?”
“Raph grabbed it when he went looking for your phone.” Mikey answered, pawing at your coat to hold the mentioned device out towards you, big blue eyes glued on the way your face crumpled, confused on why his words would pull that reaction. “Babes?”
It should be so easy. Take me home. Mikey, take me home. He would, especially with how you couldn’t see him for the tears swallowing up your vision. You heard him toss the controller aside, nothing more than a green and orange blur that took up your vision as he clambered to his feet. You didn’t startle when his warm hands clasped your elbows.
“Hey, hey, you’re ok. Babes, don’t cry. Please, don’t cry.” You were scaring him, you knew, and the knowledge was enough for you to rub your eyes roughly, trying to shove everything back in the tightly padlocked little box you’d crushed under heel for a month. A long month of silence…
There was a scuff behind you, a foot sliding across the ground, and it had your shoulders tightening up, the forgotten ache returning with a vengeance along with the reminder that the Lair was the last place you should have a breakdown in.
A hand appeared in the corner of your eye, a towel bundled up in their grip. You didn’t need to follow the arm up to know who it belonged to- the blue toned fabric and vambrace gave him away.
It was rude to leave the proffered towel hanging there. It was rude and it was childish-
You took it from him with a mumbled thanks, certain your voice could cut glass with how sharp the word came out, and you winced reflexively as Leo shifted next to you.
You smoothed out the wrinkled terry cloth, raised your arm up to press the coolness against your shoulder. Your breath sawed out as the cold started to numb the inflamed area.
“Would you like to go lay down?” Leo murmured, and you almost missed the question, too surprised at how soft his voice had gone, not quite a whisper, but definitely closer to how he talked to you before the whole debacle.
It had your face raising up, curiously meeting his gaze despite the ache in your chest the realization caused.
He took you in, head dipping to the side and closer into your space. “C’mon, you can rest for a bit- Raph’s gone to get some pizza.”
You continued to stare at him, eyes tracking between his eyes as if he might explain the complete 180. “Where…” You trailed off, eyes flitting down to his shoulders, his arms, realizing you hadn’t been this close to him for a while. You swallowed, before rising back up to meet him head on once more. “Where am I suppose to rest?”
It was a valid question. Mikey shifted in front of you, and belatedly you realized you had forgotten his presence, caught up in the blue you hadn’t looked at for longer than a few seconds in quite a while.
It’s pathetic. You thought in a flash. A month of ignoring me and all mr. soft eyes has to do is drop one line.
But in the past you’d always rested in the main room, hunkered under some blankets on the couch and giggled while they pulled antics around you. He wasn’t suggesting kicking Mikey out of the shared space, and the couch was right there, so clearly he didn’t mean-
“You can lay down in my room.” Came his answer, eyes slowly moving over you in a gentle perusal that you knew meant he was assessing your mood. 
The words settled in you like stones, scraping down your ears as they went, and you went eerily still. Silence followed, and you almost startled to hear the saw of your breath escaping. 
Mikey shifted again, not quite leaving your space.
Your eyes narrowed, lips compressed, but you dropped your gaze in favor of palming the towel and muttering your answer to your feet. “Thanks, but no thanks, think I’ll chill with Mike til Raph gets back.”
Leo sighed through closed lips, and the sound had your hackles raising.
“You’re exhausted, and you’re hurt. Just come lay-” His hand reached out, nudged you gently. 
In his defense, you didn’t realize you’d react the way you did to the slight touch either, but you all but jerked away from him, taking two steps to the side before swinging around to glare back. “I said no, Leo!” -
Or at least, that’s what you meant to say, but somewhere between your brain and your mouth, your throat changed the words into something else, something meaner.
“You told me no, Leo! You don’t get to tug me around like… like this!” 
Leo blinked once, long and slow like he was processing, and you couldn’t care less where Mikey’d gone, eyes locked on your target as you waited for the return volley.
Eventually, his head tilted, and you saw the exact moment he chose the high road, and it made you see red.
“You’ve been through a lot tonight, It’s not me you want to pick a fight with.” He tried to soothe, taking a step closer, swaying towards you. “We can talk after you rest, but I really think you should-”
“Listen?” The word was out before you could catch it, and Leo drew up short like a puppet on strings, his head rearing back. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Mikey slinking backwards, away, but you barreled onwards. “Just sit and listen as you tell me what to do? What’s good for me?” You snorted, so loudly it hurt, and watched Leo’s mouth compress into a tight line at the noise. 
“It doesn’t really matter if you listen to me or not, does it?” He lobbed back, and you reeled, expecting the next line like it’d already left his mouth. “You’ll still wind up in trouble, wouldn’t you?”
It’s too dangerous. For you. It’s nothing but trouble, believe me, I don’t want to place you in danger.
Self-sacrificing. The words whispered in your head then, they pissed you off now. You scoffed at him, waving a hand as though to brush off the memory. 
“Yea, whatever, I’m not putting up with this.” You told him, shoes clacking against the ground as you skirted him and went for the tunnel that led to the garage. You weren’t quite sure if you were walking home, but you were angry enough that if no one stopped you by the time you got to the hidden door, you would certainly try.
Leo’s arm snagged out, and you danced backwards, out of reach, teeth gritting because you know he let you. He could have easily grabbed you, hell it used to be a game to see how long you could keep away from his hold-
“This isn’t the time for this conversation.” Leo whispered, breaking into your thoughts, taking another step towards you. His eyes rolled skyward when you matched him with a step back. “Please, just- at least let’s go someplace where we have privacy.” He hissed the last word, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out he was referring to the orange banded blue eyeballs peeking out from behind the couch.
“We already had this conversation.” You reminded him, ten shades of done and tired. The whispered argument from before popped in your head, and before you could corral the words you stuck your whole foot in your mouth. “You think just because you had an- an epiphany, I’ll fall in line?” You snorted again, knowing the sound drove him crazy. “Good luck with that.”
The line had him pausing, brow furrowing as confusion cut through his anger, and you took advantage, all but hopping around him and belting for the tunnel that would lead you out, scooping up your coat and phone and trading the ice pack in their place in one smooth move along the way.
It might have been years of knowing them. It might have been sixth sense. It certainly wasn’t your hearing, he moved as silent as ever, but you twirled on instinct, incensed to find him a step behind you. 
Leo pulled back on those invisible strings once more when you all but snapped your teeth at him.
“You better let me have my space, Leo.” You took a step towards him without thinking, and this time it was him who took a half step back. “Back off.”
It was laughable, the thought that you could do anything to him if he pushed into your bubble once more, but that growl started up low in his chest, and you watched as his pupils blew wide, the dark eating up the normally brilliant blue until they were nothing more than light colored rings.
“Back off?” He repeated, growl slurring his words, and you locked your knees as his head swung into your space, shoulders rounding towards you. “But that’s not what you want, is it, princess?”
Ooooo…. That was- that was Raph’s nickname for you, and you stuttered, wondering if that was Leo’s subtle way of letting you know he knew exactly how much shit you were blowing out your ass.
You met him tic for tac, a hairs-breath from his face, blowing purposefully up his nose just to hear that growl hitch up to a higher register. “I told you want I wanted, Blue. You don’t get to throw a fit after you’ve already told me your verdict.”
You wondered if he’d break. You kind of wanted him to, to really yell, to give you some insight to his thoughts beyond what he allowed to filter through the mask. Your heart a fast staccato that almost drowned out whatever growl he was throwing out at your defiance.
He dipped his head to peer down his snout at you, and you weren’t sure what had you more pissed, the way he tried to reel himself in or the words he used. “I am trying to talk to you- if you would just calm down-”
“Oh, I think it’s you who needs to calm down, Leo.” You went to turn, dismissive and all at once feeling the hurt, and his hand snapped out. You thought maybe he was aiming for your arm and misjudged the angle, because instead his fist locked around the fabric of your blouse low on your hip.
“I can’t- be what you want!” He hissed at you, venomous, and you reeled, leaning back, the fabric of your blouse taunt in his fist. “I don’t know how to be human, act human!” He pulled you towards him too roughly, and your shoes squeaked against the polished cement floor. “This is what you’d get, what you’re so- so stupidly foolish to ask for-”
“Leonardo.” Splinter didn’t snap, but he might as well as bellowed at his eldest son. Leo sure acted like he did, hand snapping back fast enough that you almost slipped and fell before he corrected and caught your elbow, touch hauling you straight before it was gone just as quickly.
You refused to look up, conscious that you’d had an audience for the whole fight and it’d done nothing but spur you onwards. Mikey was still perched behind the couch, trying and failing to act like he wasn’t watching a drama. Splinter was at the top of the little stairs that led to his bedroom, cane perched between his two paws, ears swiveled to the side as if he was listening to something else.
Leo was stiff next to you, eyes on the floor, posture polite and hands tightly fisted to his sides. You couldn’t look at him head on, didn’t like the carefully blank face he was presenting.
You blew out a breath, hand pressing to your head for a beat as your headache started back up. “Sorry, Splinter. I got carried away.” Part of you wanted to throw Leo under the bus as well, but you knew he’d likely get his own version of a private talk once you were gone. “I’m just- just gonna go home.” You paused intentionally, then dipped into the bow you had seen Leo make to his sensei over the years. “I apologize.”
“You are always welcome here.” Splinter said softly, as if you weren’t just engaged in a shouting match with his honor child in the living room in front of god and sundry. “But for an old rat’s sake, please allow one of my sons to take you home, if that is what you wish.”
You side eyed Leo, hoping Splinter wasn’t suggesting what you thought he was suggesting.
Then Raph stepped out of the tunnel, pizza boxes stacked in his hands, wide green eyes trailing over Leo, before his gaze flicked to you and you cringed.
Knowing he had seen you lose your cool over Leo was somehow worse than Mikey seeing it, but then again, it was Raph that first weaseled your crush out of you months ago.
Raph arched a brow, tilted his head, then turned to Splinter. “I can take her home, Sensei.”
Splinter nodded. “Good, good.” He gestured at you with one paw. “Let Raphael take you home. Please.”
“Of course,” You said, bopping into a small bow again, and relaxing when Splinter turned his attention to his eldest.
“Leonardo, please, come speak with me.”
“Hai, Sensei.” He answered dutifully, face still carefully blank. He swayed forward like a pendulum, before he caught himself with a near silent scuff of his foot against the ground, and followed his father without a backwards glance.
Raph waited until the two had disappeared into the little room before he looked at you and whistled long and low between his teeth.
“God, just, shut up.” You told him, angry all over again, jamming your arms into your coat and belting for the exit. 
Raph chuckled, set the pizzas down on that table, and followed you back out, haphazardly calling to Mikey over his shoulder, “only one of those is yours, numb nuts!”
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shadow4-1 · 9 months
Got You! - Ghost x Reader Oneshot (NSFW)
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please mind the tags on this one! this one is especially dark! tags: heavy noncon, slight dubcon, some torture, predator/prey dynamics
Summary: Being on the frontline as a Kortac hacker is just another job for you. But after a mission goes sideways, you find yourself in the clutches of a broken yet monstrous man they call Ghost.
You typed quickly and quietly on your tablet. A thick cord wormed its way from a port in its back all the way into a wall of servo units. The wall blinked and hummed, some lights flickering as you did your job and did it well.
"I can't believe they're paying so much for such little data." You murmured to yourself, eyeing the storage left on your removable drives. It was less than a couple gigabytes of intel. Off in the distance, you heard a few pops of gunfire, your fellow Kortac members keeping the area secure for you in particular.
"What a weird place to put this shit." You murmured again, glancing around at the room.
You couldn't remember where, in what country you were exactly. This was your third intel op for the week, it was all beginning to blend together. First time had been Russia, and then Spain, and then...Morroco? You were in Morroco, right? Based on the soft rug beneath your knees, the cotton drapes, and the casual color scheme, you supposed so.
All that mattered was getting the hell out of dodge. You half glanced back down at your tablet, another five minutes to completion. Most of the lights on the racks of servers had turned red, a sure sign you were doing your job correctly. Although, the more you looked around the stranger it all felt. Yes, you were a talented hacker. You'd worked hard to get where you were, but your instincts had never let you down either. Something about a server room being in the living room of a Moroccan household didn't seem right.
You heard some more insistent pops of gunfire. They weren't as far away as before. Your heart began to thump with the beginnings of anxiety. Leo, your main escort, was sure to be just outside of the cinderblock house. A part of you wanted to run to him, but you had to stop yourself. Three minutes, and you'd be able to get the hell out of there.
The pops of gunfire quickly became sprays. You heard something shatter across the street. Fuck.
"Leo!" You hissed out, grabbing your tablet, readying to rip the cord out of the back. "I almost got it!"
Thirty seconds. Come on. Come on!
Leo burst through the door, slamming it behind him. He huffed with adrenaline, forcing the door to lock and slamming a nearby bookcase against it. The gunfire was outside. You heard some yelling and returning fire. A man cried out in pain, you guessed one of yours. The glass of the living room window exploded.
Luckily for you, the servo units blocked your body from the main impact. Unluckily for your tablet, it was knocked from your grip. It skidded across the floor, screen shattered with a hole in the center.
A sniper.
You tried to reach out for your trusty tablet, but Leo had other ideas. With one of his large, tan arms, he hooked it around your center and yanked you upwards. Before you could even question him, he began to pull you towards the direction of the back of the house. Sprigs of his usually neat, slicked back hair fell across his forehead. He looked worried, an expression you were not used to seeing on the normally jubilant man.
"Leo, wha-"
You were cut off by the sound of the front door and bookcase splintering inwards. Daylight streamed into the dark house, making it harder to see. Leo practically picked you up and carried you as he ran. There was a long hallway with multiple doors that he locked behind you until finally, your path ended in a bedroom. The layout of this house was strange, but you hoped that it would help throw off your pursuers for just long enough that you could escape. It seemed Leo was thinking the same thing.
"Come on, girlie! The window, quick!" He huffed out through his thick, Australian accent. You happily obeyed, trying desperately to lift up the sill of the nearest window.
"It won't move!" You cried, throwing your entire shoulder against the small ledge. You yelped out in pain, multiple nails had pricked your palm. "It's nailed shut!"
There was a sickening crash from somewhere on the other side of the door. Leo stood tall, his rifle in hand, ready to blast a hole through whoever was planning on coming through. He looked over his shoulder, his brows furrowed in determination. Somehow, his energy was what you needed to keep from falling into a pure panic.
"Try the other one, girl! Kick it out 'f ya 'ave to!" He commanded, his low voice like a spell.
You climbed up onto the bed in the corner of the room. Sure enough, there was a skylight within reaching distance. You threw your body up the wall, the metal bed frame squeaking and shaking beneath you. You clawed and scratched, your fingertips barely making it to the ledge.
"I can't reach!" You cried. "M' too short!"
Leo made an aggravated noise in his throat, but it wasn't directed towards you. Out in the hall, there was the unmistakable sound of a door being kicked open. You glanced down at Leo, tears pricking in the corner of your eyes.
So this was it, huh?
Fucking weeks, months, of being stationed with this random man, and this was how both of you were to die. Cornered and helpless in a foreign country. A part of you supposed that maybe it was meant to be. Leo had always been kind of sweet to you in comparison to the rest of the men you worked with. Hopefully, your shared end would be quick.
Leo's eyes quickly swapped between you, the skylight, and the door. He blinked and then jumped up onto the bed with one stride. You squeaked as he pushed you to the wall, lifted the butt of his rifle, and knocked the glass out with a singular, smooth motion.
"Leo wai-"
He didn't wait. He dropped his rifle on the bed, hooked his hands underneath your thighs, and lifted you easily. Despite his help, you only managed to be tall enough to get your arms through the windowsill, but it was enough.
The door to the bedroom was thrown open with so much force that it caused the plaster of the wall to crack. Leo turned his back to the wall, letting your legs kick off his shoulders.
"It was a pleasure!" He called up to you, voice cracking.
"LEO!" You cried.
A folley of shots flashed from a muzzle in the doorway. Leo let out a garbled growl, reaching for his knife in its holster. He surged forward with his weapon, blood spots leaking into the back of his canvas vest. Leo was dying, and yet he kept fighting.
Fighting for you.
You refused to let his sacrifice be in vain. You turned your attention back to the roof beneath your fingers. The skylight was part of the floor of the flat roof of the house. If you managed to get your body through the sill, you could potentially be able to run from rooftop to rooftop to safety.
You used what little leverage you had in your arms and legs to push yourself up. It hurt, the glass dug into your fatigues and was no doubt embedding itself into your skin, but you hardly felt it.
Leo called out your name in a gritted scream.
You had to keep going.
Tears pricked in your eyes. You kept squirming and clawing your way up, pulling your right knee through the window. That was the final amount of leverage you needed. With a hard kick, you threw yourself a couple feet away from the skylight. You sucked in a well needed breath and turned over to fall on your knees.
You'd made it.
All you had to do was stand up and make a running jump to the next banister. You presumed it couldn't have been more than five feet away. Totally doable, even for your smaller stature. You got your right foot underneath you, using your hands to push up from the floor.
Something wrapped around your right ankle, squeezing so impossibly tight you felt the joints squeak. You cried out in pain, trying to right yourself, but falling onto your left side. You looked down at your legs to see what had ahold of you.
Fear froze you in place.
Through the darkened hole of the skylight, surrounded by broken glass, was the dark figure of a man's head. He was covered in all black, save for the bleached white skull he stared at you through. His eyes were so dark and smothered in kohl that only the whites of his eyes were truly visible.
He looked alien.
And he had a terrifyingly casual hold of your ankle with only one hand.
"Got you..." He hummed, his voice deep and dark and dangerous.
The panic finally kicked in, in full force. You screamed and threw your entire body weight away from the strange monster of a man. It seemed he anticipated your move because he tugged back at the same time you tried to surge forward. You gained absolutely no ground.
Tears began to blind your vision and you clawed and kicked with your free foot. You miscalculated. The extra foot was his next target. With his other hand, he snatched your free ankle into his grip.
You fell to the ground, kicking and screaming. Your leg muscles burned, your heart felt like it was about to explode with panic. You tried so desperately to use what was last of your strength to wiggle free, but it was no use.
With one very hard yank, he pulled you backward. In what felt like slow motion you watched as you were torn away from the sunny afternoon, the terracotta bricks and laundry clotheslines of freedom. You fell down and down and down into the darkness of the bedroom prison that was sure to be your tomb. Your nails caught on the texture of the wall as you belly flopped onto the bed below.
All of the air was forced out of your lungs. The fall had only been a few feet, but the impact of hitting your ribcage on the metal bedsprings of the mattress was enough to wind you. You sputtered and coughed, subconsciously curling up on yourself. The blankets tangled into the soles of your boots as you tried to put distance between yourself and your attacker.
A beat passed, and you gasped out, finally getting a lung full of air. You panted hard, putting your arms over your face, expecting a flurry of blows or a knife in your ribs.
"Who do you work for?" The man asked as he slowly stepped off the bed with heavy, measured footsteps.
Hysterically, you sobbed, refusing to look at his masked face. Despite your fear, you felt him come around the side of the bed to lean over your face. In a complete panic move, you kicked yourself backward, only serving to push yourself deeper into the corner of the bed against the wall.
It seemed the masked man's patience was dwindling. He roughly grabbed you by the shoulder and shook you with enough force to slam the back of your head against the wall. The pain, luckily, did clear your head enough to actually answer the question he asked.
"K-KORTAC!" You stammered out. "I-I work for K-Kortac! C-cyber tech o-operator!"
The man looked down at you with an odd sort of interest. He looked down at your legs, seemingly off in thought. The light that filtered down from the broken window cast him half in shadow and half in light. Behind him, on the floor, lay a body in a growing pool of blood.
"Leo..." You hiccuped out in recognition, feeling an intense pull of hysteria.
The man didn't even glance back at your fallen comrade. Instead, slowly, his eyes panned up your body until his gaze landed right on the Kortac chest insigna of your kit. Tears plinked down your lashes and into the canvas material.
The mystery man clicked a button on a comm unit tacked to the front of his vest. A man on the other end yelled out a callsign through static.
"Ghost! Ghost! How copy?" The voice had an accent you couldn't make out in your addled state.
"Copy, Soap." The masked man (Ghost, you presumed) spoke back. "Get to exfil now. Don't wait for me."
"But Ghost-"
"I said don't wait for me, sergeant." Ghost nearly yelled in annoyance. "Exfil in 40, out."
He stopped pressing the button on his comm unit and looked down at you once more. His expression was unreadable. You tried to make yourself seem as small as possible before him.
Ghost slowly glanced over his shoulder with only his eyes. He seemed to give Leo's dead body a short once over before he focused his attention on you again.
"You shag 'im?" He asked.
"You shag 'im?" He asked again, this time using your name to make the question somehow even more personal.
You looked up at him in a mix of horror and revulsion. What kind of question was that? This man had pursued you like an animal, murdered one of the few men you respected in cold blood, and now wanted to know if you'd been fucking that man while his dead body was still warm?
"F-fuck you." You choked out. Despite feeling drained off all your physical strength, you still had some mental fortitude left.
Ghost let out a soft huff. Whether or not it was a noise of amusement or annoyance, you couldn't tell.
You screeched as he grabbed the front of your kit with one hand. He lifted you out of the corner and slammed you back down in the center of the bed. The metal base squeaked and groaned but held up beneath the impact of your body again. You yelped out as he took his other hand and pulled out a wicked looking knife from his belt. The edges glinted with red, drying blood.
You tried to bat away his hand but he was significantly stronger than you. Even with all your might, he didn't budge. Running on pure fear and self-preservation, you dipped your head down towards his wrist. You clamped your teeth down hard against his gloves. He brought the knife up to your kit but stopped.
He made that noise again. And this time, it seemed to border on amusement.
The world turned black for a second.
When you came to, you could taste copper in your mouth. It ran hot down your nose and out the corners of your lips like drool. You groaned out pitifully, your body giving up any and all fight.
The bastard had knocked your lights out.
Despite all of your senses swimming in pain, you could feel your body physically lightening up in weight. With a bloody gurgle, you glanced down. Your kit and utility belt had been cut away, leaving you in just your fatigues.
"There we go. Good girl." He grumbled, putting his knife away. Something about the tenderness of his voice did not match up with his actions.
You whined out a cry, and he let you. He made no move to deck you again. Instead, unzipped your pants, hooked his fingers into the waistband, and yanked down.
You tried to pull your legs up and away but barely managed to twitch them. Your pants grew tangled around your still boot clad ankles. Ghost took absolutely no time in ripping it all off your body, making you sob as he twisted your already sore ankles.
"Stop..." You hiccuped weakly. "Please."
Roughly, he pushed the hem of your longsleeve up and over your breasts. He jerked it up over your shoulders so hard the fabric snapped and ripped. He threw the ruined garment to the side, seemingly too enraptured by the sight of your near naked body.
Weakly, you put a hand up to his chest as he put his knee up on the bed. There was no strength behind your push, and it seemed to amuse him. He let out a cruel chuckle and pinned your hand over your head as he positioned his entire body between your thighs.
Tears spilled so freely down your cheeks and neck that they soaked the bedsheets beneath your head. This was wrong. He had to know this was wrong. He couldn't do this. Could he?
"Please...no..." You whispered.
He didn't say anything, just breathed in slowly and steadily, eyes roaming over your entire body. He didn't move to touch you, or rip off your panties, or do anything else as monstrous as he'd done before. He just stared at you with an odd sort of fondness.
With his gloved hand he cupped at your face. You whimpered and cowered in his touch, but it was sweet, almost lover like. He wiped as much tears and blood from your face as he could, even taking the corner of a blanket to dab the excess body fluids away.
You were so confused and scared. What the hell was wrong with this guy? If he wasn't going to kill or rape you what did he want?
The hysteria finally set in.
How fucking funny was this? You couldn't find a decent man for years. Leo was the only one to come close, and even then, he was dead. And the two of you had barely been considered acquaintances. This big, fucking hulk of a monster knocked you out, ripped off your clothes, and now wanted to be tender with you all of a sudden?
You giggled once. Then that giggle turned into a chuckle. Soon enough, you were laughing softly against the hand cupping your face.
"I...what do you want?" You managed out between hysterical pants.
He didn't answer, just leaned his body down low over you. The bed protested hard beneath you both but stayed together. Slowly, he began to put his entire weight down on you.
At first, you wheezed, your beaten body unable to handle the load on top of it. Eventually, after enough time, you began to melt beneath him. Despite the discomfort of everything, his body felt warm and solid... and almost safe in a fucked up way you couldn't explain.
Ghost slid his other hand between you, cracking your legs apart. His still clothed core pressed up against yours. You knew that the too hard lump straining against the fabric was definitely not a gun.
"Why?" You asked meekly. "Why are you doing this?"
The man buried his mask clad face into the crook of your neck. He inhaled sharply before slowly breathing out.
"Mine." He admitted, giving your body an experimental thrust.
He groaned low in his throat. Again and again he thrust hard against your center, his cock grinding into your panty clad entrance.
What did he mean he "mine"? He was trying to fuck your forcefully pliant body. This man was a fucking lunatic. What in the godforsaken world di-
The head of his cock brushed up against the mound of your cunt. Despite the layers of clothes between them the head found its way just deep enough between your lips that he brushed up against your clit. Tears pricked in your eyes. Again and again and again, he pleasured you with each cant of his hips. You cried at the feeling. He wiped the tears away sweetly.
Why didn't he just rape you hard? Why did he have to drag this out, make it sweet? If he wanted your body so bad why didn't he just take it? He obviously had no qualms about using force.
"Thas' it, love." He murmured softly. "Just like that."
Was this some kind of sick fantasy? Did he truly believe you were into this? Or was he just pretending you were to fulfill some kind of fucked up need for human closeness?
He kept rutting against you, mumbling quietly against your neck. Most of it was filthy name calling, the rest was too damn sweet for the act he was committing.
"Fuckin' pretty thing you are. Not getting away from me." He muttered, seemingly half out of his mind. "Never getting away from me. Ever again."
You were so confused. Since when had you ever met this man before? You were certain you would've remembered him and all of his monstrous qualities. You tried hard to squirm away from his touch, but he kept you right where he wanted you to be.
"Never again, love. Not letting you slip through m' fingertips again." With his free hand, he pulled the front of your sports bra down. One of your breasts popped free of its confines and into his view.
"No please..." You begged.
"Should've thought of that before you ran off." He growled.
Words relaying your confusion immediately died in your throat. Ghost tugged the bottom portion of his mask up and then proceeded to pull your nipple into his mouth. He bit you hard, making you scream before letting up. He lapped at the aching bud, forcing it to harden into a throbbing peak. As if just to spite you, he traced your areola with his tongue, making your entire body shake with whiplash from the pleasure.
"Stop please!" You begged. "You're hurting me."
Ghost made that huffing noise again, his breath cooling the saliva against your nipple. He pulled your other breast out and pressed the two together. He swiped the flat of his tongue over both buds. You squeaked and tossed your head back.
"Thought you could hide behind your lil' computer, love?" He growled out, his drool leaking between your tits. "Thought I'd never find you?"
"Thought you could just drop off the face of th' Earth n' I'd never find you again?" He nearly yelled. "Should've known a slag like you was just in it for a paycheck."
"I don't...what?" You tried. "What do you mean?"
Ghost sat up to glower over your face. His jaw was set hard. You could see the veins in his neck since he'd pulled his mask up to his nose. You blinked tears out of your eyes. What you thought was the shadow of his jugular turned out to be the corner of a neck tattoo. One you immediately recognized.
Despite his obviously bad mood he still managed to crack a smile. It was genuine and yet still so full of malice. His grin was still as beautiful as the night you'd met him. And the night you'd chosen to run away.
"I was scared!" You cried out in admittance.
"You were scared?" He chuckled. "When every night you were in my bed n' cummin' on me?"
It had been years since you'd seen him. You'd been mere weeks out of university, adrift and broke, but with a shiny new certificate in computer science. Just to get a free meal here and there, you'd found yourself going out on dates with random men. You'd never had much luck with men, and so it was easy to forget their many faces.
But Simon's you could never forget.
He'd been quiet, almost too quiet. He'd exclusively asked you questions about yourself in a much meeker voice. Come to think of it, he'd sounded like a different person the whole time. Did he do it on purpose so as not to intimidate you? Or was it a side effect of the pills he was taking while he'd been on medical leave?
He'd made it clear the two of you weren't going to be long term. And you were okay with that. It wasn't until you got a job at a programming firm that he started getting leery. When you made it clear your fling of a relationship wasn't going to work he'd retreated. And then he came back...lurking in the shadows.
"I-you were stalking me!"
"You still have no idea what I've done for you."
For a moment the two of you looked at each other. The pure terror of a moment ago was starting to wash away. This man was no longer a complete, deranged stranger willing to murder you in cold blood. He was still unhinged and dangerous, but he'd shown he wasn't going to kill you immediately. Your chances of getting out of this situation were much more likely. You appreciated those odds.
"What did you-"
"Y' think i' was a coincidence?" He hummed, cocking his head slightly. "Getting that job. N' endin' up here?"
"You were meant for me." Ghost said with pure conviction. "You were meant to be next to me...under me."
The egoistical side of you wanted to fight, to scream, to make it clear you'd never want him ever again. The other side was absolutely certain that to live through this encounter was to appeal to him. You'd done it before and it'd worked. It was partially why you'd slept with him so much back then. And why you'd forced yourself to cuddle into his iron grip afterwards.
"On your back. On your knees..." He kept trailed off, eyes drooping in arousal. You felt a hard twitch between your legs.
Your stomach lurched at the thought of your dead, fucked out body being haphazardly tossed on top of Leo's. You needed to live. You'd do whatever you had too. And you knew what'd it take.
"S-Simon...I-look I'm sorry." You swallowed hard, tasting nothing but copper. "You scare me sometimes, but I-I still really care about you."
"Don't lie to me, lovie." He scoffed. The usage of his old nickname made you shudder.
"Simon...I've never stopped thinking about y-you." You sighed out, feeling your skin flush with embarrassment for admitting such a thing. It was marginally a lie since you mostly thought about him with fear in your heart. But there was a part of you who missed his body, his hands, and how'd he'd fuck you apart night after night.
"Please....I-" You slowly moved to sit up on your elbows. As you did your core inadvertently brushed against him. A warm jolt of pleasure shot up through your spine and you couldn't help but bite your lip.
There was a new tension in the air.
"Always such a fuckin' minx." Ghost growled.
"J-just for you." You admitted, forcing your gaze away from Leo's body. "I swear..."
"I know." Ghost hummed, cupping your face in his palm. The sweet gesture made your lashes flutter.
"You're a good girl." He said, as if off in thought. "Just needed a break. N' now you're back, back w' me."
"I..." You blinked, feeling tears well in your eyes. You were playing right into his hand. You knew it, and yet...a part of you didn't care.
He'd pulled strings, murdered and God knows what else just to give you a life outside of him. It'd all been one big, nasty lie just to make you feel good. Just so your inevitable fall back into his arms would feel earned. Because you didn't earn anything. Your entire life trajectory had been an unearned lie. But somehow, someway, you'd earned his affections. And that was all that seemingly mattered in your life.
"Mm...missed you, love." He sighed.
With that he kissed you softly. He was too sweet, too loving. It made your heart ache. You couldn't stop the few sobs that escaped. He didn't seem to care as he licked over your blood tinged tongue. He tasted like he'd always had. Like fresh cigarettes and bitter pine. Your head swam.
"Fuck. M' missed the way you taste." Ghost sighed, licking his lips.
He roughly tugged your panties, making the stitching pop, forcing the elastic to dig into your flushed skin.
"W-wait I-" You squeaked.
It didn't matter. With an easy flick of his wrist the entire garment came off with a rip. The amount of strength and tension used on the cotton practically burned your skin as it was forced off of you. You cried out in discomfort, trying desperately to close your legs, but it was of no use.
Without another second to lose, Ghost hooked his arms up beneath your legs and forced them up. He pushed them back so hard and so quickly he forced the air out of your lungs. You gasped, trying to right yourself.
"There w' go." He growled, staring at your now bare cunt, your knees up to your ears. He kissed your mound, nuzzling his nose into the dusting of hair, breathing you in.
A part of you felt disgusted. You'd been sweating out in the desert, sweating in fear of him, and it seemed he was drinking it all in. Truly a beast he was.
"See you haven't shaved." He hummed, giving a few broad laps to your folds. With each lick, a bit of his thick saliva grew matted into the light dusting of hair. You whimpered.
"Good." He chuckled.
You yelped when he slipped his tongue into you. It was thick and wide and he'd never had any issues getting you open this way. He much preferred to lick your cunt lips apart to accommodate him than sully his fingers. You hated this despite how good it felt. His fingers were always a bit less personal. This way? You had no choice but to watch as he devoured you like a starving man.
You supposed he was.
He'd made it clear you were his and his alone. And if that was the case, then he was only yours too. At least, you'd hoped so. You hoped no other woman would ever be subjected to this torment.
You cried out, legs shaking from the stress but also the pleasure. You tried so hard not to watch him drill his fat tongue right between your lips. He was drooling, his saliva spilling down and down over your neglected clit and onto your squashed tits. He wiggled his tongue in a way that brushed over that rough spot he liked torment. He bullied the tip of his tongue as deep as he could, letting it point right between the gummy ridges of your g-spot. You couldn't help yourself.
It'd been years.
Every man you'd ever talked to had scorned you or disgusted you. You'd never wanted to touch one until Leo had come into your life. And even then, he was untouchable. You'd been too nervous to flirt. At the time you didn't know why, but now, you'd subconsciously known you'd had a skull on your back. Perhaps you were getting a slight kindness for staying untouched all this time.
You cried as you came. Your hips bucked and writhed. Your spine protested, your head swam from the lack of blood flow. Everything floated away for a gorgeous second before your soul slammed back into your addled body.
"Fuckin' 'ell..." Ghost purred. As he talked a wetness spilled out of his mouth. For a brief second you wondered if he was really drooling that much. "C'mon, lovie. Give it to me."
Ghost latched onto your clit and sucked so hard you screamed. You felt two of his fingers slip inside you with no resistance. They bullied that spot again while he forced pleasure out of your nub. The first orgasm didn't have a chance to fade into an afterglow. The second orgasm came quickly. It burned. Your belly muscles didn't even have a chance to relax.
"Simon!" You mewled, absolutely lost.
He wouldn't stop. He kept taking and taking and taking. He let his teeth graze at the sensitive flesh of your clit. You saw stars again. This time, the orgasm was so violent you screamed. Every bone in your body shook. Your eyes rolled up into the back of your head.
You came to with the warm splashes of wetness against your breasts. A familiar and yet foreign pressure in your belly was being released. More warm wetness dripped quickly onto your neck and chin. You let out a weak cry.
When you finally managed to open your bleary eyes you realized what'd happened. The entire bottom half of Ghost's face was shiny with slick. He huffed against you with pure excitement in his eyes. Your cum coated the inside of his mouth with the telltale sheen of cream.
"Knew you were a squirter." He grinned at you.
It was as if your orgasm was a feast for him. He hungrily lapped every ounce of your relief off of your body. To get to your cummy chest he released your legs. They fell apart, and you groaned in relief. Fresh blood finally flowed to your head, and you grew dizzy.
"Ah ah, no goin' soft in th' head on me now, lovie." Simon hummed as he laved his big tongue over your wet breasts. He slapped your cheek. Not enough to really hurt you, but certainly enough to clear up the stars in your eyes.
"Simon..." You hiccuped.
"Only got a few minutes left." He mused, eyes scouring over your entirely bare body.
Despite wanting to fight him, your extremities felt like jelly. You couldn't even catch your breath. All you could do was lay there in complete submission.
Without a warning, Ghost used his strength to flip you completely over. He forced you up onto your knees and pressed your face into the now tainted sheets.
You wanted to cry, you wanted to scream, but there wasn't much of a point anymore. No one was coming to help, and even if they did they'd be dead before they could process what was even happening to you. Ghost was going to take you. And you'd asked for it.
It beat death, right?
He entered you roughly from behind. Luckily, he'd prepped you well, so there wasn't any pain. Just the warm, muted burn of him stretching you open for the first time in years. You'd forgotten what the feeling of sex was like. You couldn't help the low groan that escaped your lungs.
Ghost was right there with you. He hissed loudly, gritting his teeth as he sunk right into you. His big, gloved hands palmed roughly at your ass. He forced your cheeks apart to no doubt give him an excellent view of where you joined together. You squeaked when you felt a couple of his thick fingers spread your lips apart even further.
"Fuckin' 'ell." He groaned. "Missed this tight lil' cunt o' yours."
You whimpered.
"Next time I'll make sure you get the fuck you deserve, lovie." He growled. "But m' runnin' short on time."
A hand roughly grabbed your throat and squeezed. You opened your mouth in shock but nothing came out. No words, no air, just a silent shock.
Ghost began to move, fucking you roughly. He wasted no time in forcing his fat cock back into those parts of yourself you didn't know existed. He kept his grip tight. You couldn't breathe in or out. Tears and panic began to well in your chest.
With the smallest amount of energy you had left, you tried to claw his hands away, but he just choked you tighter. The mix of fear, lack of oxygen, and pleasure was too much for your brain. Black spots began to form in your vision.
"There we...ngh-go." He huffed. Every thrust was punishing. You could feel his sharp hipbones and hefty balls slap into your core. Your only saving grace from the stinging contact was the cushion of your innate softness.
You began to choke. The pressure building in your chest and behind your eyes was immense. The entire room was spinning. Drool spilled past your open, air hungry lips. The black spots began to completely fill your vision. Everything started to float away into that dark, sleepy place.
"Fuck." Ghost panted, his thrusts becoming uneven. "Fuck!"
The moment he came, he let up on your airway.
Everything had turned black for you. When you finally came to, completely out of it, the entire act was over. It hurt to much to move, but you could feel the wet cream between your legs. It had been awhile but you could never forget the feeling of being stuffed with Simon's seed.
His comm unit made a static-y noise and he answered it.
"M' on m' way. Five minutes to exfil." He hummed. "N' I managed to catch a lil' bird."
Ghost didn't wait for his teammate to respond, instead he lazily got off the bed. He eyed your body, smirked, then pulled his mask back down.
"I hope you learned your lesson, lovie." He said, lovingly rubbing your cheek. "Time t' come home."
You couldn't make any noise, your voice stolen from you. You couldn't even swallow. All you could do was lay there and look at him as he took to work getting you dressed again. He was haphazard and rough. Anything he couldn't put back on you, he didn't. The last thing he adorned you with were ziptie handcuffs to your hands and feet.
Ghost then threw you over his shoulder and headed back out the way he came. He didn't even bother to walk over Leo's corpse. Instead, he opted to step directly onto the dead man's head. You closed your eyes and desperately tried to block out the sickening, wet sound.
The sunlight burned but its blinding, white rays were welcoming. You'd never thought you'd see the light of day again, and so the blistering heat of it was welcome. Something told you to relish in it, as it might be awhile before you'd get to see it again.
The position over Ghost's shoulder made it impossible to look up. The only thing you could see were the back of his legs and feet. However, you could hear the sound of men yelling and running around. They began to get washed out by a helicopter whirring, it's blades cutting the air and cooling the sweat on your skin.
Ghost stepped onto the helicopter and unceremoniously dropped you to the metal plated floor. You couldn't even groan in pain as your leg took the brunt of the fall. All you could do was lay there, restrained and in so many different versions of pain.
The small grouping of men in tactical gear hungrily eyed your body. Each one was more distinctive than the last. One of them slow whistled and when he spoke you recognized him as the man over the comm unit.
All of the men, including Ghost, stood around you. They discussed your fate, each one getting more and more creative as they went on. The one in charge, the one with the beard smiled sweetly down at you. He wiped a stray tear away from your face with the back of his curled index finger.
"Oh, don't worry about it, Simon. We'll get 'er to sing for us."
In that moment, you realized you should've asked Leo to shoot you when you had the chance.
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oleander-nin · 1 year
Horrortober Day 8- Bite(Yandere Rise Raph x Reader)
A/N, not important: Only 8 in and I already hate this💀. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Bite wound, hinted infantilism, yandere themes, dark themes, mention of stitches, disinfecting a wound, mention of infection
Words: 915
Summary: You have to clean the bite wound Raph gave you.
You hiss in pain as the peroxide hits your skin, the tingling burn making your eyes water. Your shoulder was sore, the teeth marks raw and bloody still, the skin around the indents bruising and swelling. You grimace, not wanting to look at them any longer, but knowing you had to clean them now lest they get infected.
“Does it hurt?” Raph asks softly, his large hands holding the rest of the supplies. He furrows his brow as he watches you clean the wounds, unable to take his eyes off the bites he caused. “Maybe I should go have Leo take a look at them.”
You sigh heavily, partly wanting to agree, but also feeling very against the idea. The bites weren’t small, and encased almost your entire shoulder. Having Raph be here was embarrassing enough, you didn’t want or need Leo to be poking around when you were fine on your own. Hopefully.
“It’s fine, they don’t hurt.” You barely recognize your voice as you lie, the strained tone and heavy rasp unfamiliar to you. You wet your lips with your tongue on instinct, feeling your cracked lips break more as they get touched. Raph continues to shift next to you, clearly wanting to help more but unsure what to do. You were surprised he felt bad at all. He had done it out of anger last night, his temper growing as you fought until he pulled you close and bit down on your shoulder. Your scream was loud and long, but he didn’t stop, his teeth buried in your skin for what felt like hours. Each individual mark had to be thoroughly cleaned as you desperately tried to keep your face schooled into nothing more than a weak grimace lest he decide to take over. You being allowed to clean your own wounds was a privilege, a small apology from the snapper when he woke up with your blood in his mouth. You didn’t want to let any of the others touch you. You weren’t willing to lose this small freedom just yet.
Another dollop of blood rolls down your arm when the cotton ball catches on the forming scabs, ripping open the wound once more. Raph frowns, reaching over and attempting to wipe it away with his thumb, but only manages to smear it across your skin. He sighs, wetting one of the cotton balls and takes your arm, stopping you from continuing the cleaning. He wipes at the blood until your skin is clear once more, his hands itching for more to do. He was itching to take over, your eyes staring down at his twitching hands. It was impressive he held back for so long already.
“I should get Leo.” He grumbles again, his eyes fixated on the indents. You look up at him, face blank and carefully neutral. If you started to whine or plead, he’d be convinced you couldn’t do it on your own, and that was the last thing you needed.
“I’m almost done.” You argue, focused on your arm. You pull it back, holding back a small cry from the pain that shoots through our shoulder at the movement. Raph scowls and crosses his arms, losing his patience quickly.
“You’ll need stitches. Leo can do them fast and better than you can on yourself.”
“I can handle it. And I don’t need stitches, as long as I make sure to keep the wound clean.”
Raph taps his foot against the ground, considering this. His eyes were glued to the wound, as if his sight alone would heal it faster. He exhales sharply through his nose when you wince as the peroxide bubbles upon contact with the last two teeth marks.
“It’s infected.”
“It’s a bite.” You say calmly, trying to appease his worry. Your own stomach churned at the sight, barely able to focus on the bubbles spilling from your arm. Having this get infected would be awful. Antibiotics were a harder thing to get than basic over the counter medicines. If it got worse, you’d lose your arm, or possibly your life. It wasn’t bad now, only slight swelling around the mark, but you’d have to keep an eye on it. “It’ll get better if I just keep cleaning it and redressing it. I’ll just have to keep an eye on it.”
Raph scowls, kicking the floor slightly. “This wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t insist on fighting me.”
You hold your tongue as your lips purse, trying to swallow back words that were determined to spill out of your mouth. It was his decision to bite you, not yours. The argument you couldn’t even fully remember was not worth this. Biting you was not a fair reaction to what you had done in your opinion.
Raph continues to grumble and curse under his breath, crossing his arms sourly while he glares down at your shoulder. He grabs the bandage roll off the desk, walking towards you with determination in his eyes. You toss the last cotton ball you used into the trash, not meeting his eyes as he pulls out your arm and starts to strategically wrap the bandage around your shoulder. 
The silence between the two of you is loud, his breathing being the only thing heard in the room. He stepped back once the bandage was secure, nodding at his work. “It’ll hold. We’ll redress it in an hour and see if it needs stitching.”
He doesn’t let you argue this time.
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taffycandyqt · 4 months
hey so how do you think the tmnt 2003 boys would deal with having helped (more like mother hen) their s/o back to good health and s/o is just super cuddly and loving after. “Well I’ve got to thank you some way for looking after me”. “I’m not making it a habit of getting hurt, but I liked the attention”. “Normally I’d just deal with this stuff on my own” <-explanation why they enjoyed the smothering from their favourite mutant turtle?
You always give some great writing prompts my friend. 👌👌👌
Love Bug
Request Rules
Your boyfriend helps you out when your sick. No one's ever done that for you before, so safe to say your feeling extra cuddly when your all better.
2003 turtles (separately) x reader
Warnings: none
Fluff, angst?
Established relationship
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It was flu season and well, you had an incredibly weak immune system.
If felt like your brain was stuffed with cotton balls and you couldn't breath through your nose.
Breathing through your throat hurt but it was the only way to get your oxygen.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Safe to say you haven't stopped by the lair in a while and contacting the guys was the least of your worries.
Leo was getting worried so he decided to stop by your place and was terrified to see you so sick and BY YOURSELF.
You'll try and tell him your fine and that you can take care of it but he's attitude is basically "no shut up."
He will get you all your meals, refill your water as many times he needs to, gets you all your medicine, and anything else you might need.
If there is something he can do, he will.
And well... You felt spoiled.
It would be a lie to say you didn't enjoy it.
This was the first time someone had ever made such a fuss about you.
And it continued until you were all better.
"Hey Leo, can I come in?" You ask outside his bedroom.
This is the first time you'd stopped by the lair since you'd gotten over your sickness.
"Of course," he answered.
As you entered you saw him reading over some Japanese scrolls on his desk. You walked towards him and looked over his shoulder to get a better view.
"There Master Splinters," he told you, "He says it's important to know the events of the past in order to learn from them."
He continued to tell you about what he was reading and why he thought it was important but you couldn't hear him. You wished you could have listened better but the burning sensation tingling just below your skin was too distracting.
He had been with you all day everyday during your sickness and now that you were better, you really missed him. You wanted to kiss his face and wrap his arms around you. You watched the way his lips moved as he spoke to you and the way his face lit up while talking. As you sat there watching him a warm glow bloomed between you both. A soft comfortable atmosphere full of love.
As he was talking you reached out and wrapped him in a hug, unable to keep to yourself any longer.
"Y/n? Are you alright?" You weren't normally super touchy, so this was new for him.
"Yeah. Keep talking."
He eyed you curiously but then picked up where he had left off. This time though he wrapped his arm around you and leaned back on his other. You nuzzled further into the crook of his neck before pecking the bottom of his gaw. This time his pause was quite abrupt.
"Are you sure you're alright? You aren't acting like yourself," he questioned.
"I'm better than ever Leo. I just feel like cuddling my boyfriend," you looked up at him, "Is that so wrong?"
Leo flushed but then smiled softly at you.
"Not at all."
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When you called Raph and said you wouldn't be stopping by for a while, naturally, he was curious as to why.
He was also curious why your voice was so raspy and why you were coughing.
When you told him you were sick, all three of those questions were answered and he was on his way to you before you even hung up.
He showed up at your place like 🧍let me in.
Safe to say you were very confused by his sudden appearance.
You let him in and he took out a can of soup from a plastic bag he was holding and then handed the bag over to you.
He would detail everything it contained before telling you to get some rest while he made you something to eat.
After he left your room you kinda just stood there staring at the door he had disappeared through.
The bag had different kinds of medicine for specific symptoms, a couple movies, some non sugary snacks, and a rice bag you could heat up or through in the freezer for later.
He was a surprisingly comforting presence to have around when sick.
And he stuck with you throughout the whole thing.
Safe to say that after the whole thing you felt like showing him some lovin'
Raph had come to check in on you as early as possible, as per the routine for the past couple of days. He would show up in the dark hours of the morning, stay till midnight when you were fast asleep, leave, repeat. This way when you were awake he was always there.
Today though, you were already awake. Granted you were still in bed, in your pjs. It was clear you haven't left your bed. But you were sitting on your bed, wide awake, reading a book.
"Good morning," you greeted him, setting your book down to look at him.
"How long have you been up? Shouldn't you be asleep to help you get better," he posed the question as more of a statement.
"I'm already better," you smiled at him.
"Really now?" He walked over to you with a playful smile on his face.
He knew you were being silly, which is why he has a hard time believing you were actually better. He leaned down a little and placed a hand on your forehead. You weren't particularly warm. He grabbed the thermometer from off your nightstand.
"Really Raph?" You teased.
"Really," he teased back.
He set it in your mouth and waited a couple of seconds until it beeped. When it did he pulled it out and read a normal and completely healthy temperature. He set it down and looked back at you.
"you breathing okay? No stuffed nose or sore throat?"
"Your not sore anywhere?"
"Not even a little bit!"
Raph stood quiet for a bit. He cycled between looking at you, touching your head, and checking the thermometer a couple of time.
"Are you sure?"
If you didn't know any better he almost seemed a bit disappointed. Unbeknownst to you, he actually enjoyed the time he took to take care of you. You decided to try something. You scooted over on your bed and opened the covers a little bit for him.
"Come on," you softly while patting the space next to you.
His eyes widened not expecting the offer, but took it quickly. You leaned into him resting your head on his collar bone.
"I- what?" He choked out.
"I am feeling a little tired though. Rest with me?"
Okay, so maybe you didn't want this to end just yet either. No one has ever devoted so much time and energy to you before and you just wanted to soak up as much of his presence as you could. Raph didn't say anything in response. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled the blanket higher on the both of you.
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You weren't feeling to hot.
Or, scratch that, you felt waaaay to hot.
And not in the good way.
You decided some time in bed would be a good idea so you called Don to tell him you wouldn't be coming round for a while.
Today was supposed to be a date too but oh well😔
When he learned that you were sick he gathered everything he could find to help and made us way over to you.
I'm talking immune boosting tea, liquid IV, vitamin D chewables, vitamin water with antioxidants, ect.
Bro wants you to get better so fast.
Just take it, don't be like, 'no it's okay, you don't have to do that it's not that bad!'
Cuz then he will want to cook for you.
And I'm not joking when I say that is it canon that this man CANNOT COOK.
Please don't let him near your kitchen, just take the vitamins.
After you take everything he brought and settled in for a nap he'll kinda just stand there awkwardly.
Like, he want to help more but he's already done everything he could think of.
Unless you invite him to cuddle or something he's just gonna hang around your room until you wake up.
He didn't leave you side the entire time you were sick, and well, it touched you.
After you got better, you felt it was only fair that you returned the favor.
"Hey Don?"
"Yes hon?"
"You at a good stopping place?"
"Huh? Uh... Yeah... juuuuu-" he made a few short adjustments to the contraption infront of him, "-uuuuuust there! What do you need?"
He turned to you with a smile on his face.
"You're not feeling sick again are you?"
"What? Oh, no no. I'm feeling great!" Standing up straight to showcase your good health.
"That's good then," he guided you to the couch in the train car and sat you down, "what can I do for you then?"
"Actually can you sit next to me for a second?" You asked.
"Oh sure," he took a seat next to you on the couch.
You really missed his company after you got better. You especially missed his cuddles. He was always there, consistently and constantly. It made you feel so loved and appreciated, but now that he's not around all the time, you've been feeling a bit lonely. You were a little embarrassed to ask him to cuddle though, so you really weren't sure what to do. Because of this, you sat there nervously fidgeting trying to figure out exactly what you were going to say.
Donnie noticed your discomfort and put a hand on your shoulder to try and ground you from your thoughts. What he didn't expect was this to prompt a sudden and tight hug from you immediately after.
"Is everything alright?" He was a little worried now.
"Yes I just want a hug," you squeaked.
"Oh," he chuckled, "alright."
He embraced you and pulled you closer. He smiled to himself about how cute you were.
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Oh precious boy has attachment issues.
You tell him you can't come by cuz your sick, bro is packing an overnight pack and everything.
Dude will literally camp out at your place until your better.
He doesn't really know much about taking care of someone when there sick and he didn't really think about it.
But when you ask him for something he'll get it. When you go to do something he'll do it.
Legit just wants you to spend time getting better and that's it.
Be prepared for lots of movie nights.
Dude loves horror so if you don't you better tell him.
Honestly horror isn't even that bad with him though cuz he is talking the whole time.
Watching any movie with Mikey is honestly the best.
He says the most out of pocket stuff and his reactions are so over the top, it's usually more entertaining than the movie itself.
When you do get better and start coming by the lair again you can't shake the feeling of wanting to be near him.
One thing about your relationship with Mikey is that physical touch was a big love language. That and quality time. When you were sick Mikey slept over every night and it was great. Now that you were better you both agreed he should probably move back in at the lair.
You were kicking yourself for that now. Everytime you've visited the lair after you just wanted some alone time with Mikey but his family is always doing something and when they weren't he'd be to dense to pick up on your hints. Gosh he's such a an idiot sometimes. Unfortunately you love idiots so these are the cards you delt yourself.
Then an idea hit you. If you can't get some time when you go to him, why not get him to come to you! So you called Mikey about maybe having a movie night at your place that night. Unsurprisingly he said yes, quite enthusiastically.
With the plan set in place you cleaned up your room a bit making sure to throw away any loose trash and vacuum. Was your room a mess when he slept over? Yes. But, for one, you were sick and two, Mikey was staying over. He wasn't exactly the picture of cleanly habits. Realistically you knew he wouldn't care whether it was messy or not but you wanted to relax with him. You couldn't relax in a messy room. After you were finished it was only a matter of time before Mikey swung by.
"Guess whoo!!" Mikey sung from your open window.
"Hmmmmm. A particularly intelligible pigeon?" You answered not turning around from your closet.
You had been looking for your extra blankets for you both to use while you snuggled.
"Hahaha," he answered sarcastically stepping into your room, "Now the real question is what do we wanna watch? I got Slasher and Friday the Thirteenth and Chuckie OR we could do a trilogy!"
When you turned around you noticed he had brought his entire case of movies with him even though he was only gonna be there for the night.
"Let's stick with a single, stand alone movie yeah?" You told him sweetly as you lazily adjusted the blankets on your bed.
"WHAT! You only want to watch ONE movie!?"
"Mikey, we'll only have time for one movie!" you laughed.
"You said movie night!" He told you clearly distressed.
"You normally only watch ONE movie at a movie night!" You informed him, unable to quell your chortling.
"WHA- BUT-" He looked at his box of movies.
How was he only supposed to pick one!? Once you were able to calm down you saw him looking over his movie crate concerned.
"Mikey, just one nice tonight doesn't mean no more movies ever. We can watch one tonight and another a different night. We could even have a marathon at some point."
"You promise?"
"I promise," you grinned at him.
And with that Mikey grabbed a movie and started it up. He had gotten comfortable on the bed before you could even get on. When you did join him he nudged a big bad of potato chips your way, you both would be sharing. As the movie continued you slowly moved closer to him until you were practically on top of him. By the end of it you weren't even facing the movie, opting to nuzzle into his chest.
Mikey if course didn't notice, too invested in the film in front of him. When the movie ended however he noticed he was unable to move how he wanted. Only then realizing that you were completely cuddled into him. He flushed and stuttered, oh how he wishes he knew when this happened. He wasn't sure if you were awake or not though until you told him to put in another movie.
"I-I-I thought you said only one?" His voice wiggly.
"I think we can break that rule once in a while."
With that Mikey popped in another movie, this time one that wasn't particularly his favorite. This way he could focus on returning your affections.
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d4rkdi0rrr · 4 months
First off I just want to say I LOVED you’re other Leo x reader writing 😭
Could you write a sort of enemies (they just argue a lot lol) to friends to lovers with Leo on the Argo. Like maybe he’s blasting country music like 24/7 while he works and the reader hates it (sorry to any country music lovers lmao). Or like the reader is one room down from him and she just hears the power tools going all night. And maybe the reader ticks him off too because she like keeps breaking her weapons, or starts playing loud music to retaliate idk. But then one day they are paired together for night patrol or cleaning duty. Leo’s like “dude why do you hate me so much??” and the readers like “who said I hate you??
(Sorry if this is long I’m horrible at explaining things lol 😭)
he hates me, he hates me not
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(im glad you liked the leo x reader fic and thank u sm for this request! it was a little rushed so i apologise in advance but it was rlly fun to write <3)
leo valdez x fem!reader
cw: arguing, enemies to lovers, swearing, reader cabin not specified, not proof read
Leo Valdez was infuriating to say the least.
You had agreed to join the quest, thinking that you and Leo could become good friends. What was there to dislike? He could be funny (at times), cared about his friends and had a nice face (something you would never admit out loud). But boy were you wrong. He held some sort of personal vendetta against you, ticking you off on purpose, making your life a literal living hell. You had no idea why he hated you so much.
"Maybe he likes you," Piper giggled, fanning her freshly painted nails. You two, along with Hazel and Annabeth were in Piper's room, having a girl's night.
"Me and Percy were like that before we got together too, y'know," Annabeth agreed, grabbing a cookie from the box that was sat beside your position on the bed.
"Oh please," you scoffed. "You guys know how much he pisses me off. It's too bad he has such a pretty face - oh shit." Realising what you'd said out loud, you immediately covered your face with your hands. "Please forget what I just said."
"Aww, someone's got a crush!" Squealed Hazel, throwing a pillow at you, "we are never letting you live this down."
You rolled your eyes at her. Just as you were about to grab the last cookie, the door flew open, along with the sweaty grime-covered bane of your existence.
"Pipes, have you seen Buford? He ran off with my tool belt. Are those cookies?" He reached an arm out towards the cookie box faster than the speed lightning, and before you could stop him, he'd taken the last cookie. Darn it. He looked around the room before his gaze fell upon you, to which he wrinkled up his face. "I wasn't aware that we let aliens in on this ship."
"Fuck off, Valdez," you grumbled. You weren't in the mood to argue with him right now. He'd taken the last damn cookie and now your evening was ruined. "Says the abominable fuck face. Buford isn't here. Go away before I punch your face in."
"Alright, alright, good night to y'all." Leo winked before saying, "except for you, Y/N, of course." You threw a pillow at the closing door.
It was currently 1 am on the Argo, and Leo had been tinkering away in his room beside you. To be honest, the occasional sounds of the metal clinking and clattering was quite relaxing. It was the loud country music blasting, making you want to crawl under your bed and stuff cotton in your ears that was truly insufferable.
You weren't about to let go of the absolutely appetizing thought of sleep escape you, so naturally, you got up and knocked loudly on Leo's door.
"Come in!" you heard over the loud music. You entered his room and looked around, disgusted. The ground was absolutely trashed and looked like the equivalent of a war zone. "Oh, it's you."
"Can you please turn this horrible music down?" you tried to yell over the obnoxious music. "I'm trying to sleep."
"No can do!" he yelled back. "It helps me concentrate. Get out of my room!"
You huffed (which Leo thought was absolutely adorable) and slammed the door closed.
Back in your own cabin, you accepted the fact that you were going to wake up looking like a sleep deprived rat. However, maybe you were hallucinating or delusional but you swear you heard the volume lower before drifting off to sleep.
"Not you again," you groaned as you saw the first locks of Leo's curly hair from the top of the ladder. "I thought I was on duty with Frank."
"We're stuck with each other I guess," Leo shrugged cheerfully, plopping down next to you. The night breeze was cooling on your face and you felt like the main character in a movie as the wind gently kissed your hair. For once, you actually didn't mind his presence. Then: "Dude, why do you hate me so much?"
"Hmm?" you hummed, unsure of where he was going with this. "What do you mean? I don't hate you."
"We can't stand each other!" Leo protested. "I'm always insulting you, and you're always insulting me back. This is probably the most civil conversation we've ever had!"
You were starting to feel defensive. Wasn't he the one that'd always started tormenting you? You'd only wanted to get back at him for everything he'd done to you. "You start all of it though! I wanted to be friends with you but you just wouldn't let me! I tried, Leo, I did but you were just so infuriating with your jabs and pretty face and pretty everything and- "
"Wait, you think I'm pretty?" Leo looked starstruck by your words. He was gazing at you with the softest look on his face. "Can I tell you something?" You nodded. "I acted like I hated you because you were too beautiful, definitely way out of my league. I'm so sorry."
You grew flustered at the sudden proximity between the two of you.
"Can I kiss you?" He breathed softly.
He leaned forwards and placed a hand around the back of your head, the other finding yours and intertwining your fingers together. His lips were slightly chapped against yours but you felt like you were in heaven.
Breaking apart with a small giggle, you mustered up your courage and asked, "Can we do that again?"
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Free Falling
Chapter Two
2k/ (eventual) husband!joel x f!reader /minors dni
‘I felt very still and very empty, the way the eye of a tornado must feel’
Summary: you take the leap to leave your stagnant relationship, and end up falling into the arms of a man who will give you the life you always dreamed of. 
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Content: loveless relationship, mention of TW: domestic violence, emotional abuse, age gap (reader is mid-late 20s, Joel is late 30s-mid 40s), angst, allusions of cheating, sad sad sad but Joel will save the day, slow burn, smut, fluff, oc(reader’s boyfriend and friends/family), mention of reader grieving loss of her dad, swearing, smoking, alcohol consumption, lovely lovely baby boy Joel, reader is a sweetheart, sexual tension, no smut just yet, some physical description of reader, Let me know if I’ve missed anything.
Saturday morning was glorious. Your bedroom was fortunately positioned so that the sun shone through your white cotton curtains, and woke you up naturally. Although you didn’t get to revel in the peace for long, as Leo decided to scale the curtains and cry for help as he got stuck in limbo.
With a sigh, you rolled out of bed. You scooped Leo up in your arms and held him whilst you made the rounds opening all the windows and setting the house up for the day.
The coffee machine was the most important visit of the day. You were an early riser, so your 7am coffee was the surest way to keep you somewhat personable. You put some music on and started to tidy your kitchen, when your phone started ringing. It was Joel.
‘Morning, could you text me your address? I’ll be there within the hour.’ 
‘Sure! I’ll get the coffee ready now’ you replied.
Joel chuckled ‘See ya.’
Someone’s not a morning person, you thought to yourself. 
You let Joel know to let himself in round the back in case you didn’t answer as you were getting yourself ready. You ran up the stairs, trying to ignore the excitement in your chest. It would be the first time you’d have  some potential male attention, although he was an old family friend, surely he wouldn’t see you in that way. You got out of your head, made your bed and sprayed it with your fabric freshener, then lit a stick of incense followed by your favourite sedona sandstone candle.
You showered and drenched yourself in cocoa butter and your Flora Luminare perfume. The doorbell rang and you skipped downstairs to answer.
Joel stood there, towering over you. He was gorgeous. Chiselled, tanned, the deepest brown eyes and softest looking lips.
He stood there taking you in. You were shorter than him, your hair fell down to your waist and he was encompassed by a cloud of your scent. He could’ve fallen to his knees in awe of you. He remembered the brief moments he had seen you before. It was always after one too many beers, but he knew he found you were beautiful. You made him laugh too, you were always as if butter wouldn’t melt, trying to keep your asshole ex-boyfriend sweet. But he remembered you sneaking smokes in the front yard at family parties, or downing a shot of tequila in the kitchen on your own when things got too much. The sparkle in your eyes never dulled, and your smile never faded.
‘Hey, thanks for coming so early’ you smiled.
Joel shook himself out of his daze.  He winked at you and put his hand on your shoulder.
‘No problem, show me the damage darling.’
His eyes twinkled and he smirked as you placed your hand on Joel’s. You squeezed his hand and gestured him in. 
He examined every part of your house on the way to your bedroom. The baby pink accents, the kitten toys scattered all over the place, and the framed pictures of you with your friends and family.
You quickly joined him with a mug of coffee. You sat cross-legged on the bed. You were wearing baby pink yoga pants and a plain white cropped tee. He looked you up and down, very brazen and not ashamed. You blushed and adjusted yourself to let Leo join you.
‘You the clumsy type then?’ Joel sized up the hole in the wall, and looked over his shoulder at you, with an eyebrow raised.
‘Erm, my ex-boyfriend. Fragile masculinity and alcohol’ you looked down and Joel cringed. He faced you and rested his hands on his hips. Your throat went dry and you couldn’t tell if you were turned on or terrified of being told off for letting yourself in that situation.
‘I’m sorry, baby’ Joel dropped his head and started fixing the wall. 
You watched him intently. His arms flexing as he worked his magic. You let Joel finish as you went downstairs to fix up some food for him to take with him.
‘The wall’s fixed. Anything else I can do?’ Joel startled you and you hopped round and laughed.
He took the second mug of coffee you offered him and gazed at you. 
‘I need my locks changed’ you rifled down your drawers unable to find the replacement locks, then you remembered you had put them in your glass cabinet. 
The pictures of your dad faced outward as you opened the door to the cabinet, and Joel felt his heart drop. He was so fond of your dad, and couldn’t imagine the shit you had been through this past year. 
He chuckled and took the locks out of your hands. 
‘I’m all done, is that everything?’ Joel poked his head round the doorway of your dressing room. You grinned as you finished applying your lipgloss and turned around to Joel.
‘Yes thank you, Mr Miller’ you winked.
He turned as if to go. ‘Wait, wait, wait’ you clambered up out of your seat, ‘I’ll see you out.’
Joel gestured to let you lead the way and you half curtsied. He was intrigued. You were so high energy and like a ball of sunshine, and he felt like he was 18 again.
He got his stuff ready and began to head back to the car. 
‘Erm, Joel. I’m having my family and friends round tonight for some drinks. I’d love you to come, to say thank you for your help. Clara and Rufus will be there, so will Mum and the girls’ you felt embarrassed and desperate, but Joel made you feel safe.
‘I wouldn’t miss it for the world, text me a time’ Joel winked and waved as he headed back towards his truck.
You were a woman infatuated. Joel occupied every corner of your mind. You slid on your flip flops and grabbed your purse before heading to get food and drink for your night of hosting.
You stopped off to drop Rufus and Clara’s lunch to their shop.
‘Now when were you going to tell me Mr Miller is devastatingly handsome?’ You burst through the door of the florist.
‘Well I thought it would be a welcome surprise’ Clara smirked.
‘He’s already called. Said he’s looking forward to seeing us tonight, and that you are an absolute angel.’ Rufus hooked his arm around you, roughing you up as you both do.
‘Eeek! I’m obsessed’ you twirled round and waved yourself out the door. You blew a kiss and practically waltzed down to your car.
‘Come here anytime from 4:30pm. Wear something pretty😉’ you felt bold after the margaritas you had downed whilst getting ready with the girls. Lottie, Jess and Rhea were your absolute world. You were dancing around the bedroom and dressing room, blaring your music and feeling half tipsy.
It was 3:37pm, and Joel sat at home waiting restlessly to leave. He decided to call your Auntie and Uncle and get a lift with them. 
‘Who are you texting?’ Rhea snatched your phone out of your hand.
‘Stop, you can’t even judge me on this. He’s the hottest man I’ve ever seen. He fixed some bits up in the house yesterday. Knows Rue and Clara, an old family friend. He’s coming tonight’ you girls all squealed in unison.
Rhea still had your phone and headed straight to Facebook. She got Joel’s profile up right away and mocked you with it. She accidentally liked a photo from 3 years ago, and her face dropped. You all went silent before freaking out. She threw your phone to the center of your bed. 
It lit up:
One new friend request- Joel Miller
Chaos ensued, and you were quick to accept it.
Joel texted you letting you know they were on their way. You felt giddy.
Your mum and sisters arrived and you set your sisters up in the summerhouse at the end of the garden with some of their friends they had bought along. You made them mocktails and let them have free roam of your beauty drawers and facemasks beforehand.
You switched on the fairylights around your garden, and you and the girls sat debriefing on life with your mum and her best friend.
Joel and the rest of your family creeped round through the side gate. You stood up to greet them and your auntie and uncle held you tightly before sauntering off to see your mum and sisters. A few more family acquaintances turned up, and people you know and love, but this was all a daze as Joel kissed your cheek and pulled you in for a cuddle.
His dark curls were swept backwards, with the exception of one that fell over his forehead. ‘Thank you for having me’ he whispered into your ear.
You traced down his arms to his hands, and you squeezed them as if to say thank you. His hands lingered on your waist, perhaps a second too long and the girls couldn’t help but wolf whistle. 
Joel laughed, and headed over to meet everyone.
The night was beautiful, everyone had too much food and drink, but everyone was happy and content. Your sisters and friends had crashed out in the spare room, which was fine, you loved having guests.  Your mum left after you assuring her you’d be fine to drop the girls off home tomorrow. Your friends had booked an uber to go to the club, but you were more of a homebody, plus Joel had stuck around and you didn’t want him to leave.
You cleared the glasses and bottles away in the kitchen, Joel offered to help but he sat at the table and watched you instead. 
You offered him a cigarette from your hidden box which was in the empty biscuit tin. You sat next to eachother on the backdoor step. The sun was setting and it caressed his features and soaked them in a golden hue. Everything had been moving in double speed since you met him, and now was the first time you got to take in every bit about him, and was also the first time you noticed he did the same to you. He made you laugh until your stomach hurt, and you made him feel relaxed. As you laughed, you leaned into his side, and he wrapped his arm over your shoulders and placed a kiss upon the top of your head.
You looked up at him and he kissed you. Deeply and passionately and carefully. You relaxed your arms over his shoulders and as you deepened the kiss. Then tested the waters and held onto his neck, under his jawline, and pulled him towards you.
‘I wanted to do this since I saw you,’ Joel tilted his forehead pressed against yours, and you grinned. ‘What are you doing tomorrow?’
‘No plans, tackling the aftermath of this I think. Why do you ask?’ Joel stroked your thigh with his thumb. It was cold from nursing a beer, but it was welcome.
‘Would you like to go on a date with me?’ Joel felt shy, and anxious.
‘I wouldn’t want to do anything else. Text me the details, and I’ll be there’ you blushed and kissed his cheek.
‘I’ll pick you up at 5pm baby’ Joel kissed your cheek and headed out as he stumbled towards the cab he had booked.
He sat in the back of the cab and motioned a phone with his hand and mouthed call me. You blew a kiss and waved him off, giggling like a school girl as he waved out of the window of the car.
You showered and headed to bed, high on life and feeling like you were floating. 
‘Good evening Mr Miller’ you tried your best at flirting, and following Joel’s orders to call him. 
‘I’ve been wondering when you’d call’ he yawned.
‘Bad timing?’
‘Never bad timing with you. I’d answer your call at any second of any day.’ His southern drawl flipped your stomach.
‘I’ll remember that, I may need you a lot from now on.’ You rolled over and snuggled into your pillow.
‘You get some sleep baby. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow’ 
You hung up the phone, texted Joel goodnight and slept through the night in peace.
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f10werfae · 2 years
Chris Evans Dad Scenarios #5
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pairing: Dad!Chris Evans x Mom!Reader
summary: EVEN MORE adventures of Chris taking on one of his best roles yet, a father
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4
- Requests are open!
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Chris Evans Masterlist🌟
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Dad!Chris Gets hella jealous at the game
(Y/n's P.O.V)
The loving cool spring air was refreshing especially while watching my 5 (and 3/4, it counts) year old run after the ball with all his might, his tiny legs carrying him from one end of the pitch to the other. Leo was definitely a little ball of joy, his excited laughs and shouts being 'awed' by the other moms on the team. All of us standing per usual at the fence closest to the pitch, cameras out constantly at the ready.
The dads had made it their thing to bring camping chairs and just sit back a bit behind us. Usually bringing juice boxes or bottles of water to the game, with the occasional barbecue going on. I sighed feeling a slight kick to my stomach, baby girl always gets active when we’re at football, almost as if she’s here to support her big brother. I rubbed over the soft cotton fabric of my white maternity dress, thumps following my hands wherever they went.
“Ya alright Y/n, you look like you’re boutta pop��� Janice commented looking at me with a smile on her face, she had become one of my closest friends ever since our sons started playing for the same soccer team.
“I know right? But i’m only 8 months along, so 1 more to go, hopefully she doesn’t come too early”
(Chris' P.O.V)
Sitting in my camping chair I couldn’t help admire my wife standing a few metres in front of me, her hair flowing freely, her face glowing and her hand cupping the bottom of her bump. God she just looks ethereal right now.
She turned her head back round to me, only for me to send her a wink causing her face to go all red and blushy.
“Hey Chris man, not to burst your bubble or anythin' but that guy from the other team keeps eyein' up Y/n”
Anthony whispered, his head indirectly nodding towards a random dad from the opposing team. His eyes very obviously trained onto my wife, his buddies slapping his back laughing as they waved their hands to imitate slapping someones ass.
“The fahk?” I whispered, Y/n oblivious to what was going on decided to walk back towards me, with her famous penguin waddle. A gorgeous smile gracing her lips as I offered her my water bottle without a word.
Spreading my legs a bit I patted my thigh,
“C'mon babe, sit right here. Know baby bub has got you all tired out”
(Y/n's P.O.V)
Looking at my husband’s handsome ass face, how could I even say no? Sitting down onto his lap I leant back into his chest, Chris now taking off his baseball cap to put it onto my head, the smell of his woody cologne overtaking my senses in the best way possible.
“Leo is playin so well out there baby, he’s definitely our kid” I joked leaning my head onto Chris' shoulder, my eyes closing peacefully
(Chris’ P.O.V)
“Oh baby he’s an Evans, course he’s talented” I laughed rubbing my hand up and down her back, feeling her physically relax into my touch.
Turning over to look at the random dad from earlier, I now could see him stealing multiple glances, clearly not happy at what he was having to see. Smiling fake at him, I watched him scoff and shake his head before facing the pitch again. Damn I knew my wife was beautiful but I did not sign up for this.
“What a bastard”
“What was that Chrissy?”
“Nothin babe, you just relax yeah?”
A few seconds later the referee blew her whistle signifying the end of the match, all the kids screaming and rushing to their parents. I watched out for Leo, his vibrant red soccer uniform coming closer towards us. His wild tufts of hair and big eyes became more visible, his toothy smile brightening up everything else around him
“DADDY DID YA SEE ME KICK THE BALL” He said excitedly, his arms waving about the place trying to show the way he kicked the ball about.
“Ya kiddin? Of course I did. You scored the first goal like the Evans you are” I said scoffing at his statement, feeling Y/n shift slightly in my arms, a small smile on her face as she ruffled Leo's hair and brought him into her arms between my legs. All of us now embracing lazily in this camp chair.
- Chris' little girl is growing up
(Y/n's P.O.V)
“Dada I wanna mawry Peter pan” I heard my daughter Eleanore swoon, her eyes glued to the T.V as the red headed cartoon flew about on the screen. Her giggles making me smile as she cuddled into Chris' chest, his lips pursing as he looked on disapprovingly.
“No boyfriends till you’re 40” He said coldly, Eleanore instantly whining and jumping out of his arms, walking towards me on the other sofa, cuddling into my chest hiding her face
“Wha- hey baby, you really gonna leave daddy over here without his baby?” Chris whined jokingly, clutching his heart dramatically dying.
“Mama I can mawry Peter pan right?” She asked looking up at me with her doe eyes, gosh how could I say no to them. Nodding at her I smoothed down her crazy hair, seeing Chris shake his head laughing in the background
“See dada, mama said I can”
She replied sassily blowing a raspberry towards Chris, her face instantly falling when Chris stuck his tongue out to fake die, Eleanore clambering to get off the sofa and run to her daddy.
“Dada wake up, me no wanna mawry Peter anymore” She whimpered cupping his face with her small hands, Chris opening one eye “really?”
“Mhm I stay wif you and mama forever” She said latching on around his neck, Chris chuckling picking her up and turning off the T.V,
“Hey where you going with our daughter?”
“She deserves a cookie after that answer bub”
- Daddy duty calls
(Y/n's P.O.V)
“babe where’s Elliana” I heard Chris ask coming out to the back yard, where I sat with my juice and new novel. The beautiful summer sun casting down enough warmth that I was able to wear a sports bra and shorts.
“Our baby is over there” I laughed nodding to the other side of the porch where Elliana's baby mat was.
It was too warm today so all she had on was a diaper, something she took advantage of, so she was wreaking havoc everywhere she went knowing she had nothing to get dirty.
I looked over to see her using Dodger as a back rest as she leant on him, holding up her own bottle as she drank away, her other hand reaching up for Chris’
“Aww pumpkin are you relaxin with Dodger and momma?” Chris asked sweetly sitting down beside them on the soft play mat, our soft curled bundle of joy tottered away from Dodger and decided to collapse onto Chris' lap.
“Baba?” Elliana asked holding up her now empty bottle, her eyes widened naturally with a small pout on her lips.
“N' here I thought you wanted to cuddle with dada” Chris scoffed setting Elliana back down by Dodger, heading inside along with her now empty bottle. A small laugh leaving me at my daughter's antics.
“Oh baby you are so smart, got daddy wrapped round your lil finger” I cooed getting up and picking up Elliana, her arms holding onto me as I put her onto my hip.
“You wanna sit with mama?” I asked watching her nod, her attention clearly on all the birds currently singing away on the trees in our yard. Her curious eyes darting all over the place as I sat her down beside me on the swinging porch bench, her body leaning onto mine as the both of us were basically laying down.
“One baba per request” Chris sighed coming out to hand Elliana her bottle, his hands resting on his hips watching her take her first sip.
“Is that good enough for you little lady?”
“Mhm baba dada” Elliana said passing her bottle back to her daddy, Chris then scooped up the little thing and put her to lay in his arms; his hands holding up the bottle for her as she drank away. Her little hands holding onto Chris' fingers,
“She really has me wrapped around her finger doesn’t she” Chris whispered out, Elliana's eyes slowly lidding closed
“Mhm she has Dodger the same way too, she’s a clever little girl. Gets it from me of course” I laughed brushing my hand through my husband’s hair, his head leaning on my shoulder, Elliana peacefully asleep in his arms despite it only being 2pm.
- Stepdad Chris comes to the rescue
(Y/n's P.O.V)
Today was the first day of the fall fair, so as tradition our little family was going to its opening. With little 6 month James strapped to my chest, we walked around the fair filled with rides, food and kids. My 6 year old Leanne held onto my hands shyly, she was exactly like me, introverted to the core.
My husband Chris on the other hand musta been on a sugar high, buzzing about the fair like a kid at a toy store.
I met Chris a few years ago when he came into the hospital I worked at, and it just went on from there. Leanne was 2 at the time so she basically grew up around him, her biological father not being in the picture. Although I did know she struggled a bit when we decided to relocate to Boston, something Chris and I had discussed for a while.
“Ya aright baby?” I asked swinging Leanne and I's hands back and forth, slowly following Chris when he moved from stall to stall.
“Mhm i’m ok mommy” Her quiet voice said, a small smile resting on my face as she squeezed onto my hand tighter. Chris finally stopped at a darts table, a selection of ginormous toys surround and hanging on the table, Leanne's eyes sparkling at them making me giggle.
“What about this one hey?” Chris asked looking at us
“I wanna big monkey daddy” Leanne said pointing up at the huge pink fluffy gorilla hanging by the other prizes, this was one of the few times she’d ever asked Chris for anything; any other time he’d just get it for her without her even asking.
“Alright baby, daddy’s gonna get it for ya” He said handing over money to the attendant, grasping the darts tightly and hitting every single balloon perfectly, looks like his practice at home really came in handy.
“That pink gorilla please” Chris said smiling smugly, watching on as the man took it down and handed it straight to Leanne, the massive thing was practically double her size.
(2 Weeks Later)
“Babe we gotta get her back on pillows” Chris whispered as we peeked into Leanne's room, she has started to use the gorilla as a portable bed. Over the week she had also put on a captain America shirt on it, a secret between us is that this is her way of keeping Chris around even when he is away.
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @patzammit @pandaxnienke @sairsei @madebylilly @bxdbxtxh15 @tojisbabymommy @dumb-fawkin-bitch @vrittivsanghavi @chrisevansdaughter @kimhtoo17 @itsaylayay1213 @evanstanwhore @mrspeacem1nusone @thereisa8ella @seren-a-ity
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astral--horrorshow · 1 year
Around-The-Clock Shadows
Platonic Yandere ROTTMNT x Reader
Info: This will be a full-length fic including multiple ROTTMNT characters, the main storyline revolves around the Mad Dogs
Fic Summary: You sure are likeable, aren't you?
《Previous Chapter》
Chapter 3: A Room With No View
Characters: Raph, Leo, Donnie, Mikey
A/N: I'm so so so sorry for the wait!! I had a nasty case of writers block for a while!! I'm going to try to upload every thursday, but that might change if the series continues into the school year.
If you want to be added to a taglist, just say the word! If you want to draw fanart or make anything based off of this, I would be literally honored. Please don't be shy, I will love whatever you make! If you have any questions about the fic, feel free to ask!
TW: Kidnapping, toxic relationships, reader gets hit with a tranq
I do not condone any of the behaviors found or done in this fic. This story is purely for entertainment purposes. If you or someone you know is being treated like this, please contact the authorities.
Chapter Summary: The brothers finally take you home
Word Count: 1400
Your sock-footed shuffled across the carpet in your hallway, and into the bathroom. As you scrubbed your teeth free of any plaque that had built up over the day, your thoughts wandered to your favorite jacket and the Purple Dragons. Your jacket had been ruined, somehow. It had juice all over it! You didn't even know how it happened, and now it was runied! Even when you had ran it through the wash for the gajillionth time! You huffed sadly, forcing your thoughts to turn to your friends. They were acting weird. Kendra had been even more snappish and irratable, and she took it all out on Jase, who seemed relieved about something, but you couldn't fathom what.
Putting your toothbrush back in the mug on the sink, you started to head towards your bedroom when you heard footsteps. They were gradually growing louder, though you couldn't feel them.
The footsteps stopped.
You clenched your eyes shut, hoping that whoever it was would go away.
Then suddenly, a voice broke the uncomfortable quiet.
"Should I try to hide
The way I feel inside
My heart
For you?"
You opened your eyes again, recognizing the sound of the record player. You laughed at yourself as you went to turn it off. You should've remembered that the song opened up with footsteps. You finally headed to bed, relieved. You, ignoring how the record player was even turned on in the first place, assured yourself that you were in your own home, and you were perfectly safe.
Oh, how wrong you were.
When you were walking back to your bedroom, you felt a sharp pain in your neck. It was sudden, and before you had even been able to reach up and see what it was, you fell unconscious, your face plummeting towards the floor. Leo knocked Mikey out of the way and ducked under Raph’s arm to catch you, scooping you up before you could even hit the ground. He supported your back and the underside of your knees with his arms, pulling you close to his chest and spinning around. When his spin turned him towards his brothers, they were glaring at him, clearly irretated at his antics.
Leo merely grinned in response to their narrowed eyes and crossed arms, simply strolling past them towards the front door. His brothers shook off their annoyance, and excitement and relief bubbled in them as they walked out the door and shut it behind them, marking the last time you would ever see your home again.
You felt terrible.
That is, your body felt terrible. Your mouth was dry and you could feel the bitter taste of the air on your tongue. Your entire being felt rusty, slow, wrapped in cotton and unable to move or produce a single coherent thought other than, “I feel terrible”.
You felt weak, and your bones ached like you were 100 years old. You opened your eyes to be greeted with a dark gray ceiling in a dimly lit room. Though it was extremely difficult, you pulled yourself upright, observing the place you were in. You were in a large bed with tons of stuffed animals, pillows, and blankets adorning it, in an odd bedroom. It looked like somebody furnished an underground bunker, because the walls were made of dark gray stone, and there wasn’t a window in sight. Turning your gaze to the bedside, you silently gasped and threw your hand to your mouth, which made a loud slap echo throughout the room. The creature that made you react the way you did was a sort of humanoid turtle wearing a bright orange bandana around his head. He looked up from his sketchbook, and his gaze locked on you.
Not for long, though, as his eyes lit up and he squealed in what you could only recognize as euphoria as he dropped the sketchbook and pencil he was using to the ground launched forwards at you, capturing you in an embrace that left your ribs aching and your lungs desperate for oxygen.
You panicked internally, who was this? What was he? What were you even doing there? Questions, panic, and fear mixed into a cocktail of emotions in your head, it was all too overwhelming for you. When he finally released his grip on you, he brought his three-fingered hands to your cheeks, and began to pinch and squeeze them like he was a grandmother doting on her grandchildren.
“You’re finally awake!”
You jumped at the sudden sound of his voice, and you tried to pull away from his blue-green hands. To no avail, however, as he had an iron grip and you had a weakened body. “Where am I?” You asked him, voice scratchy from dehydration. “Oh, you poor thing,” he cooed, “Have a drink!” He grabbed a water bottle from the bedside table, and when you tried to reach out and grab it, he held it away from you. “Let me do that!” He cheerfully said, screwing the cap open and finally letting you hold it, although he kept his hands extremely close, as if afraid you might drop it. Feeling the cold, sweet water slide down your dry throat was akin to drinking nectar from the heavens. You tried to drink the entire bottle in one go, but the creature once again pulled the bottle away. “Don’t drink too fast, you’ll drown!”
Feeling much better, you asked your question again. “Where am I?” He gazed at you for a moment, before snapping back into his cheerful demeanor. “Oh, I have to call the rest of your new brothers! They’ll be so thrilled!” Before you could even wonder who the “rest of your new brothers” were, he opened the door, which you leaned forwards to try and see out of, and yelled down the hallway, his voice echoing, "HEY, GUYS, THEY'RE AWAKE!" You jumped yet again at his sudden yell, not knowing his voice could be that loud. Footsteps thundered down the hall from both directions, all sounding different. Three more of the creatures burst through the doorway, all of them different in many ways, but you could tell that they were all turtles. The giant one in a red mask held out his arms and approached slowly, like you were a small animal he was attempting to pick up.
"Hi, little buddy," he softly said, creeping ever closer. You instinctively backed up as far as you could go, frightened and confused. "What's wrong?" He asked, his arms lowering and his head tilting to the side. He actually looked confused about your discomfort.
You swallowed harshly, your widened eyes looking up at the turtles fearfully.
"I-" But before you could even get your sentence out, the one in purple spoke for you. "They're obviously confused, Raph," He said, putting a hand on his hip and frowning dissaprovingly at him. "I thought we all agreed that we were going to introduce ourselves first,"
"Raph was getting to that!" He said, his energy in the sentence leagues different than the soft demeanor he had just seconds earlier. He stood upright and cleared his throat, his head now turned away from the purple guy. He faced you again, a sweet smile on his face. "My name is Raph, little bud. These all are all of your new brothers," He said, gesturing around, "I'm the oldest!" He exaclaimed cheerfully, pointing his thumb to his chest and being the second to not elaborate on the "new brothers" part. The purple one stepped forwards, about to introduce himself, but the one in blue shoved him to the side and stepped directly in front of you. "I'm Leo, and I'm only just about the greatest ninja around these parts!" He boasted, also pointing a thumb to his chest.
"Yeah, okay, 'Nardo," the purple one said, shoving Leo in return. "Ahem. I am Donatello," it was all he had to say, and he looked down at you, as if he was studying you or something. "And I'm Mikey!" The orange one chimed in, raising an arm in the air. Once he was done speaking, they all looked down at you with something sinister in their eyes. "Okay..." You spoke with hesitation, "...Where am I?"
They all stared at you, and you froze. There was something more than sinisterness in their eyes. Raph spoke up.
"You're home, of course!"
A/N: I'm sorry ya'll I originally tried to delete the part where Donnie is called a purple guy but i couldn't make myself. Also, chapters are probably gonna get a little longer from this point onwards!
Taglist <3: @yanteetle @ssak-i @oleander-nin @averagerottmntsimp @katswritingcorner
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marwhoa · 2 years
request: can i request romantic hc’s for donnie, leo, and april with a friend who’s into more feminine things ? they love the mall, shopping, clothes, makeup, PINK and are never seen without a pair of heels. don’t get them wrong though, they’re highly intelligent and witty, think elle woods from legally blonde, and surprisingly strong ?? (i mean have you seen pilates girls ???)
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🝮 rom. donnie, leo, april headcanons !!
donnie, leo, april x girly!reader (indiv.)
author’s notes: This was so fun, but I misread this for the LONGEST and was just like “omg cute bimbo!reader??? in love” cause i’m a bimbo in training 💕 i hope you like it!!! Also pretty sure I spelled al-naturale wrong but I didn’t feel like searching it up.
word count: 2.4k
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┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Donnie 💌
Pink and Purple are a good color combo, considering they’re analogous colors! So, while he had tried to push purple into your wardrobe, Pink was a suitable settle! (Though, you did find a few items to be a nice enough median between pink and purple to add them to your wardrobe, stationary supplies, and even a matching bracelet or two. This delighted him beyond imagine)
You and Donnie do have matching bracelets, in a unique purplish-pink shade of fuchsia. And while you manage to adjust yours to fit any outfit, Donnie was not much of a fan of having its material against his wrist. But, fret not! He treasures it all the same. It has undergone a couple of experiments to make it nearly indestructible and rests neatly on his tech-bo, near where his hands rest. So, that counts for something, right?
If you’ve ever been up late at night, then you know just how weird things can get around the AM hours. And, as if following the “ late-hour-culture ”, you have successfully gotten Donnie into a pair of heels. This was a planned adventure, one planned for two important reasons: 1.) for Donnie to prepare himself to willingly stand atop death trap shoes and 2.) to make sure his brothers weren’t home to catch any of it.
To prepare for this night, you and Donnie went through trial after trial of measurements to secure the perfect size in heels for him, and out you ventured to collect samples in your most FAVORITE way possible.
Shopping !!! April tagged along, and when you showed up to meet her, you met a new person—Sunita. She apparently had just as much interest in shopping. You were unsure if it was for the same reasons as you, but who cares? The best delight of shopping (aside from the cute fits, mirror montages, and fashion-show-shots on your phone) were the try-on-and-step-out-to-show-your-friends moments!
Wait, you were here for Donnie’s heels! … He wouldn’t know (he will, there was a safety-tracker embedded in your cute phone. he had one on everyone important to him, don’t worry!)
There was one particular moment walking in the store where the heel of today’s beauties ended up snapping off in escalator. Had it not been for Sunita and April’s quick hands, you might’ve gotten down these moving steps with record time! But, the most shocking part for them was when you mourned your shoes for a second and immediately pulled out a second pair (which of course was within the color palette of today’s outfit, cotton-candy pink.) Their puzzled looks were responded with you purring out a, “ What~? You didn’t possibly think I wouldn’t plan ahead for the classic ‘heel breaks’ scenario, did you? ”
They burst out laughing at that.
After a little girls time in the shops, you ended out the day with a rather nice array of choices for Donnie to try: platforms, stilettos, kitten heels, chunky heels, and wedges! How’d you pay for them, you ask? Oh, well, that’s easy. Your beloved have you an allowance on the premise that you do not question anything at all.
When the night of the plan came around, you had even snuck in some makeup. This part wasn’t hard to convince Donnie to be on board with. He wears a mask and also was vaguely experienced in make up to begin with (what, you think he beginners luck’s those eyebrows every day?)
Surprisingly yet also unsurprisingly, Donnie had no problem walking in the stilettos. Well, initially he wobbled, latching onto you, but he recovered remarkably quick. Platforms were a breeze. The platform part of this particular shoe was apparently far too perfect in ensuring the balance and comfort of the foot’s distribution with weight. You couldn’t help but be a teensy-weensy bit jealous and vowed to get yourself the same pair in your size later.
The most memorable part of this night had to be the little dance montage you both had in a pair of stilettos. This one happened to be the one and only time you ever saw Donnie almost completely shatter his ankles when you both suddenly heard the, “ We’re home! ” ring out through the layer. The struggle to release his feet from the pretty pink heels with the ticking time bomb of his brothers’ barging in was immensely stressful yet also hilarious.
He later let you convince him into an entire get up—full makeup, cutest of heels, and the best outfit you could come up with. Had it not been for the “mutant, stay hidden” part, you definitely would have hit the town.
Oh, but that doesn’t stop you guys from being able to online shop. Donnie’s most favorite creation for you was an emulator that could let you try on the digital clothes as if they were really there. This saved you from clothes that didn’t fit but also doomed your wallet!
It also allowed you and Donnie to use the emulator to wear extravagant clothes neither of you could imagine having, dancing hand in hand as the two happiest people in the entire world.
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — Leo 💌
So the most unexpected part was that your boyfriend had wack fashion sense. It was either a hit or miss. He would come up to you like, “ Hey, do these match? ” And you would turn to see him trying to get a nasty, worn-out basketball shirt to work with the most distressed khakis you had ever seen. At this point, they weren’t distressed, these jeans were downright TRAUMATIZED.
This led you to discover that his amazing outfit choices to dates with you had been influenced by Donnie and his far-too-extensive vault of “ Human Trends and Aesthetics “. Though, you did admit it was impressive and asked for a pdf to be sent to you.
But anyways.
Leo had a huge appreciation for your commitment to heels. Like, seriously. He has watched you climb up and down the manhole ladders in heels he only knew existed in horror movies where the killer was a gorgeous girl with heels as tall as the blades on knives are long.
You tried to convince him to try on heels.
He refused for a while.
Then you made it a sugary-sweet deal of makeup + heels.
He declined.
So you made it IRRESISTIBLE. Makeup + heels + outfit.
Sold! Sucker. As if that wasn’t your true plan all along.
Though, the best part had to be that once he agreed, you were like, “ Great! So, when do we go? “ and he pulled you close, placed a kiss on your head, then said, “ Now, of course. “ And through a portal you both went!
It was a boutique unlike any you had ever seen, in the Hidden City no less. He had told you about it, promising to take you one day. When he found out about your love for shopping, the passion in your voice and the love in your eyes made him want to experience it WITH you. He spent an undisclosed amount of time figuring out if there was a clothing shop in the Hidden City.
And gosh, the shop he found? Boy does it have RANGE. The shopkeep could even change the color of an item with the twirl of her wand! How perfect was that?!
The way your expression lit up had Leo completely and utterly smitten. Together, you guys tried on clothes, sliding open the curtain to see the other’s choice. You would either swoon or laugh too hard at Leo’s choices, quickly turning him back into the room and tossing different clothes to him with a, “ Wear this what those jeans—oh! And add this! Then try this shirt with those shorts! “. Leo was always left speechless, though maybe he just loved looking at you just that much. You truly could make anything work out.
Considering it was his venture, Leo took the bill (with money that may have been his own earned cash or maybe Donnie’s money that no one really knows where it came from….. anyways), and the two of you began your venture out, to a less populated place to teleport out. On the walk, Leo decided to be a gentleman and offer to carry your bag. I mean, how heavy could it be? It was just a little sumthin here, lil sum there. You obliged, of course, with a dazzling smirk, sprinkled with a bit of mischief.
When you hands your bag, letting it go in his hand, he didn’t even have enough time to let out a yelp of any kind. Just, silently dropped to the ground.
“ Whuh—Why’s it so heavy?! How did you—“ He stared up at you walking away, turning just to give a teasing grin, “ What? You offered to carry it! No takesies-backsies. ”
He flexed a bit, straining as he got back onto his feet and goofily ran to catch up with you, “ Y/N, wait! How were you able to carry these?! In THOSE heels? ” This time he let out a “ gyiuu “ as you squeaked out a, “ And WHAT does that mean LEO? ”
You have definitely come home to Leo trying on your outfits (nothing he could ruin. Only stuff he knows fits him OR is already stretchy.)
He once tried on your cute pink overall-skirt and was having a meltdown in the mirror when you walked in. “ Leo? You okay? ” You said, slowly, stepping into your room and sidestepping towards the bed to start taking off your shoes to lay down. “ Yes, I just, Y/N, ” he turned to look at you, a smile growing bigger and bigger as he struck a pose, “ I just look WAY too good in this. ”
Cue a “ You dummy, I thought you were sad or something! “ and a pillow getting tossed.
┆ ── ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ — April 💌
With April, your relationship had bloomed on a night you were preparing together to go to the prom. Neither of you had a date, but whether that was because no one wanted to ask OR they were all too intimidated was… Well actually, it was an easy question. They were intimidated.
April, for how outgoing and overzealous she was. In a good way. You, for how impressive your makeup and commitment to heels were. The two of you were seen together almost always, having become friends in middle school and been basically inseparable. Of course this meant you knew about her dearest four friends below the ground.
But never mind that, they aren’t the focus here. You and April are.
Your relationship had begun the night of prom. April was done quicker than you—as is what happens when one person wears makeup and the other doesn’t, “ al-naturale “ she would call it, purely joking of course.
You were dolling up, placing the final touch—glossy lip gloss upon your lips. As you dragged the tube along your bottom lip, you had made eye contact with April in the mirror and smiled. She was sitting on the bed’s edge, leaning back and completely distracted by your reflection.
“ Yes? ” You purred, pursing your lips and rubbing them to uniformly coat them in glossy shimmer. The tube clicked against April’s desk as you turned to her with your usual cute grin. “ Y/N, uh—“ April stammared, hopping off the bed—stumbling a bit on her balance— and then tripping into you.
Her hands caught on the desk behind you, pinning you there while she was dangerously close. A stuttering mess, she glanced at your lips then into your eyes, “ Y/N, will you, um—the Prom! Yeah, will—You—Um… ” The dark hue blooming on her cheeks stirred a melody of giggles from your lips.
“ Go to prom with you, April? We already are. ” You teased, raising your eyebrow while tilting your head. She leaned back, releasing you from the cage. That made you frown a bit, but she didn’t catch that.
April spun, her back to you, then hit the bed a few times with a muffled scream. Stiffly, she spun back around and dropped to her knee, taking your hand like a knight holds the princess’ hand.
“ No, Y/N, will you go to the prom WITH me, like, as my date. Not as friends, but as—“ “ As lovers? ” Your heart went pitter-patter at that, and quickly you grabbed the sides of her face to pull her into a kiss, “ Of course, April! ”
That prom night had been the best and the most eventful. Not only did you get the last dance with April, at the school event’s adjourning, a mutant had become a party crasher.
Giggling a fit, you tried to keep up with your dearest April, but she was vaulting over all kinds of things! You were agile and strong too, don’t get it twisted, but you weren’t APRIL O’NEIL agile! She looked like a parkour video straight off YouTube! Still your giggles continued, calling out a, “ April, April wait up! ” Your hand reached out, and she of course stopped to take it, “ Y’know, Y/N, if you took off the literal HEELS, you might run faster! ” She hoisted you up and over a thrown garbage bin.
You gave a playful glare and screeched, “ Like hell I will! I would rather DIE than be stripped of my LIVELIHOOD! ” April laughed along with you then yanked you into her chest, cushioning the tumble you both took while narrowly dodging debris that flew past your heads, “ Hush up, Y/N, you might jinx it and get that wish! ”
She sent emergency calls to the boys, and realistically speaking she might have genuinely stood a chance to that party-pooper mutant (and honestly, you probably could’ve done a good number on it too) but..
Who didn’t like a romantic life-or-death run together?
April definitely makes jokes about how you could probably have taken Shredder down in heels. The boys (coughdonniecough) are always quick to try and explain how, um, actually no?
She never misses a chance to go to the mall with you. Doesn’t always get anything, but do you really think she won’t want to spend her free time with you? Blasphemy if you think she would rather do anything else.
Also, April loves giving you kisses right after you’ve glossed up your lips. They are so smooth AND she gets gloss afterwards? Score. Watch out though, she will pepper kisses all over your face. You may have to wipe gloss off ( don’t worry, she refrains from doing it if you have a full face of makeup or so. Aside from lip gloss/lip stick, she would never want to ruin your creation. )
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glitter-alienz · 1 year
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✮ Fan iteration that started as a ben 10 x TMNT crossover ✮
Content Warnings -> Injuries, blood, Death, Child experimentation, Suicide/Suicidal ideation, Self harm, Abuse (mainly Physical)
✮ [General Tag] , [Art Only Tag] , [Fanfics Link] ✮
Voice claims , Mikey ref , The Turtles (hight diff) , Venus , Lita , Jennika , Baxter (TCRI) & Baxter (foot) , utroms , BAZ-L Human desguises: Donnie , Mikey , Leo , Raph , Lita
Donnie's mentally unwell :( [CW for suicide/self harm on this one] / Raph's anger issues / PB&J duo (the bitining) / Raph eats Mikey / Donnie will be a cool dad / Lita with a big bow 🎀 / Is donnie always high? / "its pride month baxter"(NEW) / "its pride month baxter"(OLD) / Raph's internalized homophobia / Mikey scaring Don (yotsuba page redraw) / Leo is gay (leosagi) / TMNT au comp / ___
Rottmnt redraws / Halloween (2023) / Yotsuba redraws / The pets / Leosagi / gay son or thug daughter? / Raphmona valentine doodle / Pride 2024 / Father's day 2024 / MM redraw / OV Don meets my other donnies / OV & Rise Dons / Doodle dump , Turtle stack , ___
mikey's phobias , I can't do it yet (CW for suicide/self harm) ,
With myself: Kid me & kid Don ,
Rat trap: [part 1] , [part 2] , [part 3] , ___
Aberration: Showing off the i-shell , Showing off the bostaff
Pets: [part 1] , [part 2] , [part 3] , [part 4] , [part 5] , [part 6] ,
Playdates: [part 1] , [part 2] , ___
Inter-dimensional Besties: [raph sprays donnie with raid] , ___
-True colors rottmnt AU: Monopoly time!: [ONE] , [TWO]
Rottmnt misa:
Misa feeds lita cotton candy: [Part one] , Part two
183 notes · View notes
mushupork4u · 3 months
Reyes OC x Reyes Brothers
Prompt: Carmen brings a boy home before going out on a date, Ezekiel and Angel threaten the no good candidate
•Threatening a minors well being
•Talk of drugs/Alcohol
•Talk of crashing cars
Carmen had been a pretty normal girl throughout High school, but now as a Junior, she finally had that disturbing feeling of being alone. Watching people hold hands in the hallways and girls getting taken out on dates by their boyfriends…it hurt.
So she did something about it.
A pretty average looking boy in her grade, Leo, had never dated anyone either, so one fateful afternoon of her walking up to him at lunch led to many study dates at the school library and finally, it led to here.
“Lemme take you out.”
And she basically squealed a ‘YES’ before the two had began heading to her home. Even though she knew the boys wouldn’t be home, her legs felt like jelly, and her heart slammed in her chest, though that could’ve been because of the fact she was on the back of Leo’s street bike.
Her arms were pressed against his sides and locked around his waist, giggles escaping her lips as he picked up speed. It ended too soon as her house came into view, and she almost let go of Leo when she saw the two Harley’s outside.
Groaning as he pulled into her driveway, his helmet clad head turned as his motor shut off. “What’s wrong?”
“My brothers.” The girl groaned, messy hair covering her face as her helmet came off.
Leo had then got off the bike too, placing his helmet down gently before smiling at her. “I’m gunna have to meet them eventually. Might as well be now since it’s our first date.”
His words didn’t settle the feeling of unease that crept into her stomach, but she pushed the dread down anyway and took his hand as she began walking to the front door.
Heading inside, her eyes wandered around, hoping that it was just Ezekiel and Angel in here and not Angel and Coco.
That dual would be deadly.
At least with Ezekiel, Leo had a speaking chance.
“Carmen? Is that you?” Her older brothers voice called out, and she recognized the gruffness to be Angel.
“It’s me.” She replied awkwardly, shooting a look over her shoulder at Leo before walking into the kitchen to see Angel and Ezekiel at the table.
As the men looked up, both had indifferent looks to their expressions, but their eyes told the whole story.
‘Can I kill him?’
‘Not yet.’
“Leo, these are my brothers Angel and Ezekiel.” She motioned, and despite the glares on their faces, Angel nodded and Ezekiel raised two fingers as a greeting.
Carmen almost coughed from the cotton mouth she had. “Angel, Ezekiel, this is Leo, the guy I’ve been dating.”
“Hi.” Leo had lifted a simple hand towards them, a nervous glint in his eye and a timid smile as he saw just how well protected Carmen’s house was.
She was right, they didn’t need a guard dog, there was two already.
With the tense awkwardness, Carmen whistled, her brown eyes trailing from her brothers to Leo. “Okay, so I have to change and grab a jacket, I’ll be right back. Why don’t y’all talk, have some boy time.”
With that anxiety riddle statement, she hurried her ass upstairs, hoping that by the time she got back, her hopefully soon to be boyfriend was still in one piece.
The three males stood awkwardly in the room, Angel eyeing Ezekiel with a raised brow as Leo checked his phone nervously.
They knew him, maybe Angel did at least.
He may of had a hard time learning how to use the new phone Carmen got him, but he had Instagram and he saw all the Crazy shit some kids did. And by Some Kids he means the one standing in his kitchen.
Planning the best way to confront Leo without Carmen getting set off. The boys did what they do best.
Fuck shit up.
“Leo? That’s your name right? You’re Miguel’s boy?” At Angel’s question, Leo looked up, a stunned look in his eye as his phone got tucked in his pocket quickly.
“I am.”
Ezekiel wanted to laugh so bad, it looked like the kid was about to shit his pants. But when it came to their sister, neither Reyes played around.
Angel nodded at the confirmation, a grimace on his face but his eyebrows quirked in curiosity. “So I do know you.”
“You do?” Leo asked, a slightly fearful tap in his foot, and it was only getting faster.
‘He’s scared.’ Ezekiel smiled.
‘Good.’ Angel shrugged.
The bigger male stood up, the kutte on his shoulders tight as he unconsciously flexed, dark eyes falling on his sisters pathetic attempt of a first boyfriend. “Yeah, the videos you post online, drinking, crashing cars, doing drugs…pretty hardcore shit for my baby sister.”
Leo looked like he was silently praying for God, or for Carmen to show up. In the Reyes brothers eyes, they were the same thing.
“I didn’t mean—“
“Shut the fuck up.” The rough voice was knew, but Leo recognized it as he flinched to see that Ezekiel had finally spoken.
He was still sitting, but it was a terrifying sight to see as his dark eyes looks like a black void, completely empty and unforgiving.
Angel put his hand up, almost like a temporary pause button for the younger brother.
Leo watched as Ezekiel’s puffed out shoulders shrunk.
Though Angel’s next flurry of words made the teen want to drop dead.
“You’re gunna go on that date tonight, and you’re going to be a fucking gentleman. And when your done on that date, you’re gunna bring her back home, tell her that you’re a piece of shit, and leave.”
The teen didn’t want to, of course he didn’t want to. Carmen was beautiful, she was smart, and Leo wouldn’t give her up for anything.
If this was a test, he would’ve passed.
Sadly it was not. “But—“
A chair screeched, and an Angel in heaven screamed out for Ezekiel to show the boy mercy. The Angel in this case was Carmen’s footsteps above him getting lighter.
With a warning tone, Ezekiel pointed a finger at Leo. “You’re gunna listen, and you’re gunna get away from her before I break every bone in your body."
With a swollen throat from anxiety and his heart slamming in his chest, Leo fought the urge to start balling his eyes out as Carmen’s footsteps sounded down the stairs.
“Leo? You ready to go?” The brunette girl turned the corner, happy to see that the boys seemed better than when she left them.
Smiles on Angels and Ezekiel’s faces, Leo gave her a look before beginning to nod. “Let’s go.”
“Bye Angel, bye Ezekiel.” She called and behind the front door slamming shut carried silence as the brothers glanced at each other over their plates of food.
“If she finds out we did that—“
“—we’re so fucked.”
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txemrn · 1 year
Déjà Vu
Chapter 4
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New? Check out the first THREE chapters HERE! (Go ahead; we'll be here. 😉)
Series Summary: After an unforgettable night with a stranger, Princess Eleanor finds herself caught in a secret love triangle between a noble and a commoner.
Chapter Summary: Drake heads to Club Core with Leo; he unexpectedly meets a young woman that reminds him of a past life.
Pairing(s): mention of Liam x Riley; Drake x Riley (former)
Word Count: ~4970
Warning: 🔞 Mature Audiences Only 🔞 language (tons; it's Drake); sexual references (crude); mention of excessive drinking; drug-use reference; brief violence
A/N: Welcome to my Crack Fic! If you are new, hi! Thank you for joining us! This story takes place approximately 2 decades after TRR/TRH. I have made some canonical changes (they will be mentioned). Although this is from my crazy mind, it takes a village! Huge thanks to my sweet writing buddies for helping me figure out various parts! Love y'all! Characters and some plots belong to our friends at Pixelberry! This was not Beta'd; please excuse my errors.
What the fuck was I thinking? I hate large crowds and eardrum-piercing music. I hate being around people who can't hold their liquor, not to mention I hate dancing. But even worse, I hate Leonardo Anselm Phineas Rys. Old thorn in my side. What in the actual fuck made me agree to hang out with blondie in the first place? At a club? On opening night?
Because you're lonely, and he offered free booze…
My twisted expression relaxes as I shrug my shoulders. Meh. I guess it could be worse.
"Okay, baby… I'll be home later… yes… I'll tell Liam you said, 'hello'..." Leo gives an obnoxious kissing sound before disconnecting his call with the touch of a button. He lets out a sigh, taking a hit of his vape pen. "Dahlia," he answers to the question I never asked. He glances at me, sucking in his bottom lip before giving me a slow flutter of a wink.  "She's a bit clingy."
I nod, drumming my fingers against the leather interior, playing it cool like I care. "Is… she your–?"
Ah. Okay. 'Friend.'  The term just glides off of his tongue. Nonchalant. Sweet and syrupy, almost as if he believes the bullshit he's feeding this poor girl that's waiting at home for him. 
And she thinks what now? That he's coming over after an evening with his brother's family which, no doubt, she has never met. And judging by that brief interaction with goldie locks here, she doesn’t seem to have the intellectual capacity to wonder why she wasn't invited to the dinner in the first place.
Side-piece. Booty-call. Friend. It's all just semantics to douchebags like Leo Rys.
I fidget with the navy collar to the button-down shirt Leo loaned me. I could barely fit my broad shoulders into the lean cut of his tailored threads. The guy has a rock hard physique, but tough, manual labor creates a different kind of body. A strong one. Like mine.
The buttons pull slightly across my chest as I flash a glance in the car visor mirror. I look like a fucking tool. I'm not used to my stubble brushing up against starched cotton; I'm usually wearing a tee, my work denim and my steel-toes. I mean, unless I'm meeting with a client or going out to dinner where you have a waiter and utensils. But, other than that, I am a fish out of water: this shirt is uncomfortable. And I have a feeling this is just a prelude of what's to come.
At least Leo approved of my jeans and Tecovas. He tried throwing my trusty chambray shirt in the trash.  "No one has worn this for at least twenty years… and they weren't even wearing it then."
Fuck off.
We pull up to this club, and I swear everyone in Cordonia has turned out for this spectacle. The moment Rys steps out of his 'I didn't want anything too flashy' red Ferrari, the paps were on him like white on rice. Flashes of light rain from every direction as reporters flood him with curious questions about his Gucci loafers and gray Brioni blazer. 
Lucky for me, I'm a nobody, and the press quickly discovers that the moment I step out onto the red carpet. Dropping their cameras and microphones in disappointment, they instantly turn their attention elsewhere.  I don't know if I should be grateful… or offended, to be honest. At least confuse me for Leo's new lover… bunch of dickwads.
I push past the commotion, combing my hair out of my eyes as I look around the red carpet. This place is pretty snazzy, but holy fuck, they didn't spare with any expenses. It’s like a fucking fortress: a tall, wrought iron fence encased with stone surrounds the perimeter. Armed security in black tie a la James Bond swarm the space.
Now, the entrance? This wasn't just any ol’ red carpet; oh, fuck no, that wouldn't do for such a prestigious guest list. Contortionists and acrobats on pedestals perform sultry poses and maneuvers, leaving the crowd bewildered and amazed. 
Scantily clad women tend to the average Joe commoners waiting in line. They serve hors d'oeuvres and complimentary spirits, fooling them into thinking they're still important even though they're on the outskirts of the main event, and truth be told: they'll never get in.
Taking it all in, I suddenly feel a massive clap against my back before an arm hugs tightly around my neck.
"Ready, Walker?" Leo pops his gum in between his smarmy grin. "Let's get our dicks wet."
Fucking. A. I'm pretty sure I just entered the third level of hell.
"Hey-yo, Walker!" 
Make that the fourth level…
I glance back at Rys who is now flocked with an entourage of, and I quote, ‘aspiring models,’ all with their fake tits falling out of their tops, their overly-injected blow-job lips, and lashes so thick, you can't tell if they're sleeping or having a stroke.  He flashes those pearly whites as he dangles a small, gram-size plastic bag of white powder.
Now, I'm not against tokin' up or getting obliterated with alcohol, but cocaine isn't my style… not to mention, if we got caught–no doubt, Leo knows people that could bail us out, but if Liam and Riley were to hear about this? They'd kick me to the curb in an instant, especially with their kid around. They’d label me as a bad influence, and Liam would give me that fatherly disappointment glare.
"What do you think, Walker?" Leo nods with eager anticipation. "Wanna join… all of us?" He lets out a knowing laugh, winking at the women around him. They take his cue and begin to giggle, as if he was the funniest, most charming man they've ever met.
And my IQ just dropped two points.
"I think… I'm going to… " I notice a large bar area, quickly throwing a hitched thumb back at it. "...I'll check out the bar," 
"Suit yourself." The women practically swallow him whole with their arms. "Don't forget: give 'em my name. Drinks on me!"  
The drove of venereal diseases buzzes off with their king, and a sense of relief washes over me. Would I rather be at home? Absolutely, but since I'm already here…
I make my way toward the crowded bar area, ducking between drunken cat fights and groping couples. Finding a stool, I plant my ass down, and despite how busy it is, the bartender tends to me quickly–probably because I'm a 45- year-old man alone in a club. Translation: I have money, I know what I want, and chances are, what I order doesn't require my rim being bedazzled with seasonings, flowers, or fruit.
"What can I get ya?"
Oh, shit, I haven't heard that distinct nasally Portavira accent in so long. My God…
"Um… Larceny. Neat."
My man… I nod as I watch him pull out the bottle and a clean tumbler.
"Do you have a tab started, sir?"
I reach for my wallet, but I abruptly stop, remembering Leo's words. 'Give 'em my name. Drinks on me!'
"I do. It's under Rys," I smirk, "and actually, do you have Macallan?"
The bartender stops, giving me a glance over when finally a Cheshire grin creeps across his face as if he just struck oil. "We sure do, Mr. Rys." He extends his hand to fist bump me before reaching to the top shelf for a new bottle of the liquid gold. Before I knew it, he's twirling the tumbler across the bar. "Enjoy, Mr. Rys."
Taking a sip, I give him a wink as a thank you as I bask in the much needed woodsy burn of clove on my tongue. Damn, that's tasty.
Feeling more relaxed, I glance out onto the dance floor as other club-goers get lost in the hypnotic buzz of the ethanol electrifying their veins. The tantric beat of the music and the flashing swirl of multicolored lights feeds the adrenaline and raging hormones as people grab and grope one another.
I am way too old for this scene.
I grab my glass to take another pull when out of the corner of my eye, I see a familiar face at the bar. Turning my head to get a better look, I suddenly swallow my whiskey down the wrong pipe, causing me to fall into a fit of coughs. Smooth, Walker, real smooth. 
Blinking back the tears, I sniff into a napkin before looking back at the beautiful face. Shit. She's absolutely…wow. Gorgeous dark, silky waves, porcelain skin, that pouty mouth with those big, doe eyes… She's the spitting image of… Riley. 
"Fuck," I growl at myself before rubbing the shit out of my eyes. No way, it can't be. I look up again, and instantly I can feel my jeans begin to tighten. 
You're just wanting to see her. You're just wanting it to be her, especially with what happened back at the palace.
I down the rest of my drink before allowing my attention to be completely saturated by this girl. 
It's not Riley. It's not…
See? Her nose appears more prominent from the side, and-and her neck. Her neck seems longer, slender. And her eyes. They're gorgeous and big… they aren't Riley's navy blues, but damn, that sparkle–
"Would you like another–?"
"Please," I grumble as I stare at this Riley look-alike. I just… can't tear my eyes away. Her presence feels so real, so intimate. Now, judging from this woman's creamy, velvet skin, she's young. Maybe early 20s. Way out of my league… but still that face. It's like looking into a past life, a life I once loved.
(Two decades ago…)
"Brooks," Drake whispers loudly, "come on!"
"Shhhh!" Riley presses a finger to her lips, stifling her giggles as she looks down from her palace window. "Are you trying to wake everyone up? You're going to get me into trouble."
"You are trouble, lady."
Riley looks back at the commoner, the glint of mischief in his eyes making her adrenaline pump faster through her veins. "Now are you sure about this?" She bites her lip, "you'll catch me if–"
"For the hundredth time, yes," Drake rolls his eyes, holding his arms out wide. 
Since Drake's confession to Riley at Applewood, the two of them have been enjoying each other's company, especially after hours. They flirt with danger, sharing in kisses that they swear will never happen again for obvious reasons: she is there to pursue Liam and his hand in marriage; Drake is his best friend.
After watching Liam share a kiss with Riley, a dam of excruciating jealousy broke in Drake's heart. He already shared with Riley before that he was developing feelings for her, but now, it was… something else. Something more.
During dinner, the commoner passed her a note, asking her to meet him outside her window after midnight because they needed to talk.
Riley is staying in the guest quarters off the West Wing with the other suitors. She's only on the second floor, but still, a jump from that high could be dangerous. So, Drake helped the brunette construct a climbing rope with her top sheet. 
"I've got ya. Just… ease yourself over."
Riley takes one step at a time, following Drake's directions; but when she gets close to the ground, she looks back at Drake, raising an eyebrow, then jumps. 
"Whoa!" Drake stumbles as Riley crashes into his chest, his arms quickly cradling her close. "What the fuck are you doing?"
Riley giggles, combing her fingers through Drake's thick hair. "Sometimes a girl just wants to be caught."
Their eyes lock on one another, Drake's hand finding her cheek. He gently rubs his thumb across her soft skin, her eyes fluttering closed as she leans into his touch.
"Come with me," he whispers softly while grabbing her hand.
"Wait… I thought we were going to talk–"
"I want to show you something." Riley gives him a curious glare. "It's a surprise," he smirks, pulling her to follow him.
They walk silently, hand-in-hand across the grounds, playfully gazing back-and-forth at one another–that is, until all a sudden a bright flashlight skims over where they are walking.
"Who goes there?" A palace guard bellows.
"Brooks, take off your flip-flops," Drake commands under his breath, watching the guard in the distance.
"What? Why?"
"Just trust me," he squeezes her fingers. 
Riley quickly kicks them off, holding them in her hands. "Okay… now what?"
Drake grabs her hand again, his grip tight. "Run!" Giving her a warning tug, they both take off across the wet lawn, Riley following Drake's lead.
"Where… are we… going?" She pants, laughter bubbling from her chest.
"You'll see," Drake chuckles, "but we have to lose Barney Fife first!"
Dodging the glow of the searching lights, Drake and Riley finally make it to a large wall of greenery. Finding an entry, they pass through the walkway and hide behind the vines and leaves.
Drake looks to see if they finally lost the guards, but Riley takes a moment to look around the thicket they just entered. 
"Whoa," her eyes widen as she looks at the well-manicured covert. "Where… where are we?"
"It's… a maze. A hedge maze that we used to play in as kids."
"Are you serious?" She meanders down a corridor, looking around a corner. "It's so dark. Did you ever get lost?"
Drake chuckles, reaching into his pocket. "Plenty of times." He saunters closer to Riley, pulling out a flashlight and handing it to her. The air crackles around them as the charm of the blue moon ignites the twinkle in their eyes. Drake lowers his voice into a deep gravel. "Come get lost with me, Riley Brooks."
With that, he smiles and takes off jogging, Riley staying close behind. "Hey, not so fast Drake." She turns a corner and notices his denim shirt discarded on the grass. "You lost your shirt."
"Did I now?" He snickers. "Can you bring it to me?"
Riley scoffs into a giggle as she continues through the maze at the sound of his voice. "Maybe if you'd stop running away–"
"Maybe if you weren't so slow–"
"Hey!" Riley chides, "I just jumped out of a window–" she falls silent as finds Drake's belt tossed on the ground.  She collects it in her hand, biting her bottom lip. "Drake?"
"You're getting warm," he teases. Riley stumbles through another corner, turning left, then right. The sounds of her toes in the grass compliment her heavy breathing as she stops again to the cooing of his voice. "Warmer, Brooks." 
She continues until suddenly, she notices a warm glow just up ahead. Her steps quicken until finally she reaches a small clearing in the maze that opens to a stunning backdrop of the star-filled sky. Gas-lit sconces illuminate the garden, revealing tapestries of vines and flowers fixed to wooden lattice work amongst the bushes.
"Wow," Riley gasps, her eyes glowing with the wonder all around her. "This is beautiful." She feels Drake's warm touch on her hand, their fingers lacing together. 
"Cmon," he tugs on her, "I want to show you something."
"There's more?" She giggles, following his lead. They walk a short, pebbled path until they are standing in front of a large gray-stoned well. Riley presses her fingertips to the cold marbled edges before looking down into the dark abyss. Her eyes shift to Drake, "Is this where you murder me?" He chuckles, shaking his head as she turns back to the well opening. "Hello!" She shouts, the echoes welcoming each other back and forth.  
"I'll be honest, Brooks." Riley looks back at Drake. "I'm kinda shocked Liam hasn't already brought you here. It's one of his favorite places to show off in the entire estate."
"Oh," Riley's eyebrows knit together with a pained expression. 
"Hey," Drake nudges her playfully. "What's with the long face?"
Riley snickers into a scoff before finally succumbing to tears. "I'm just exhausted," she pulls her hands to her face.
"Brooks," he pulls her into his comforting arms.
"This social season bullshit is just … it's really screwing with my head," she sniffles. "I've never been more insecure in all my life, and what for?" She wipes her eyes with the back of her hand, clearing her throat. "I wish I knew where I stood. I wish the competition was over. I wish–"
Drake reaches into his pocket, pulling out a couple of worn copper coins. He offers them to a confused Riley.
"Pennies?" She sniffles.
"Yeah," he chuckles, "I forgot to get rid of them when we were in New York. They're worthless here. No conversion."
Riley's lips begin to curl. "Then why keep them?"
Drake starts inspecting the coins in his hand, allowing them to softly clang together in his palm. "I read a book once–"
"--picture books don't count as reading."
"Ha. Ha." He smirks, feigning annoyance as he starts to jingle the coins in his hand. "I read that in ancient civilizations, finding random metals was a sign or a blessing from the gods."
"You see them everywhere back home. The streets, sidewalks," she snickers, "a whole cent. How generous of the gods."
"What? A penny isn't enough for you?" Drake playfully growls, slowly leaning closer to Riley.  She coyly bats her lashes, a soft titter in her throat. "Here." He puts a coin in her hand.
"What's this for?" Riley studies the trinket.
"For something bigger, citizens would offer the metal back to the gods, like a payment.  So they would say a silent prayer, then toss it–"
"--into a well," Riley softly finishes.
Drake nods over his shoulder to the stoned well. "Let's make your wishes count."
One by one, Drake and Riley silently take pennies, casting them into the well with unspoken hopes and dreams until every last coin was gone. Feeling his close proximity, Riley stares up into his dark eyes, getting lost into a charming stillness.
"What did you wish for?" She whispers.
Drake slowly shakes his head. "Nothing."
He offers a crooked grin. Combing his fingers into Riley's dark, espresso waves, his hand gently grips the back of her neck, pulling her closer. "All my wishes have already come true, Brooks."  He closes the space between them, their lips grazing one another. The feather-light touch instantly ignites a hunger, one they both feel and crave. Drake pulls back, chuckling under his breath as he fidgets with the hem of Riley's shirt. "So... why didn't you take off any clothes?"
Riley bites her bottom lip. "Maybe... because... I wanted my wish to come true." She pauses, her fingers tucking into the front pocket of Drake's jeans, pulling his hips flush against hers.
He swallows thickly. "Which is?"
"Take them off for me, Walker."
Damnit.  I adjust myself in my jeans, but my cock always hardens at the memory of Riley and me that night. We fucked. A lot. But that night, our first night together, it was more than just sex. We made love.
I take a swig of my new drink that the bartender must've dropped off while I was taking a stroll down the boulevard of broken dreams when my eyes dart to my Riley look-alike.
And I feel my dick shrink.
She's with someone, some blond tool, probably named Chad, with a tool haircut that shops at Tools-R-Us with a matching trust fund. 
I sigh to myself, polishing the rest of my drink before staring at my empty glass. 
He is pretty hot; I don't blame her.
I glance at them one more time, kissing my own dirty fantasy away when I notice something odd. His hand is sternly gripped around her wrist, staring at her like she's his next meal. 
But her face tells a different story. She seems to be struggling, trying to tear her arm away from him. Those big, doe eyes are panicked, large as table saucers as she frantically looks for help. 
I sigh. Goddamnit...
I wipe a napkin across my mouth as I stand, my glare fixed on this commotion transpiring before me. I shrug my shoulders, loosening the tight fabric off my back as I stretch my muscles. Just in case.
I hurry my way through the dense crowd of patrons gathered around the bar. I flex my fingers, bending my wrist as I get closer.
Ah, shit. This is the part I'm bad at. What do I say first? 'Stop that!' No, that's lame. I need something clever, like maybe, 'Is there a problem here?' How about–
My clenched fist meets his jaw, knocking the asshole in one swing into a bartop table before he crashes down onto the floor.  He's so disoriented; he's trying to get up, but he keeps slipping on shards of glass, falling back into the pathetic rumple he calls his life.
Fuck. My hand. I know it will hurt like a bitch in a few minutes when my body depletes of adrenaline, but for right now, I'm basking in the moment. 
A smirk grows on my mouth, but it doesn't last for long. The young woman. I turn to the Riley look-alike, her terrified stare already fixed on me. Instinctively, I carefully put my hand on her shoulder. She's shaking.
"Excuse me, miss. Are you alright?"
Ho.ly. Fuuuuuuck. 
Brooks? Seeing her up close is almost painful; I can feel my balls beginning to ache.  This woman is hauntingly stunning: the subtle freckles on her nose, the curve of the bow to her top lip, even the flounce of her long, flirty eyelashes. She's beautiful; she's… like somebody I used to know…
The young woman shyly nods, but she's trembling. She's clearly not alright. 
And I suddenly possess this overwhelming need to take her in my arms, hold her tight and let her know she's safe. 
Calm down, Walker. 
"Let's get you away from this." I look up, noticing an open lounge-type area near the dance floor with large, plush couches. Offering my arm, she holds on tightly as we escape through the debris of the nightmare that just happened. Placing a reassuring hand on her back, I encourage her to sit. 
I, on the other hand, keep an eye on douche canoe who is being helped up by security and his friends. But, I don't think he'll be a problem for us anymore tonight.  He never got a good look at me, and even if he had, something tells me his ego would keep him away from telling the truth of who made him taste his own blood.
Turning towards the young woman, I notice she is anxiously looking around, her body on edge.  I tilt myself to her ear, shouting over the blaring music, "Are you here with anyone?" 
She nods, "B-but it's okay," she yells back, waving her hands. "I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
She fakes a smile, and my God, it knocks me back. Stunning.
Focus on her words, Walker...
"I don't exactly want to…" 
I don't quite understand the rest of her statement, her words lost in the heavy beat of the music. I give her an inquisitive look, causing her to careen towards my ear, her hand brushing across my shoulder.
And my cock twitches. Breathe, buddy…
"I said… I don't want to interrupt their fun." She motions aimlessly to the dance floor. Got it.
"Can I call someone for you? Family perhaps?"
Her eyes widen. "What? No, no." 
She grins, but it's clearly hiding her true feelings. Which is fine. I'm a complete stranger. Shit, she probably thinks I'm some creepy old man, hitting on her at the bar. And sure, maybe on a night where she wasn't assaulted, maybe I would've bought her a drink, asked for her number.
But the fact of the matter is this: I really don't feel comfortable leaving this girl alone. She  just got into a physical altercation with… whoever that guy was. Her boyfriend? Oh shit, husband? I look at her hand; I don't see a ring, but that doesn't mean anything. You never know these days. Still, she doesn't need to be by herself right now. She really doesn't need to be here, but again, who am I but another creep at the bar.
I run my fingers through my hair. Oh, what the hell. "Do you mind if I sit with you?"
A hint of fear crosses her expression as she looks me over. 
I hold up my hands in defense before leaning over her shoulder. "I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone in a place like this," I shout, "especially with what happened with your boyfriend."
She takes a deep breath. She flashes those big, brown eyes at me before finally nodding in agreement. 
And my heart melts. 
I offer my hand. "Drake."
The corners of her lips curl as she takes my hand, leaning towards my ear. "Jake?" She yells.
I shake my head, facing her ear more directly. "Drake!" I holler over the deep thrumming of the bass.
She raises an eyebrow. "Jake?" 
Eh, close enough. I smile in agreement.
"I'm Nora," she smiles, already more relaxed.
"Nora?" I repeat, ensuring I heard her correctly. At least one of us should be called by our real names this evening. 
She nods innocently, a beautiful rosy pink painting her cheeks. "Oh, and, um… he's not my boyfriend."  A piece of her hair falls like liquid silk into her eyes as she looks down at her lap. She quickly shoos the wisp away, chasing it behind her ear before looking back at me, trying to figure out my angle. Am I here to hurt her? Flirt with her? Invite her home for a messy, drunken fuck?
Don't worry, sweetie, you're safe with me.
She catches me off guard with that one. "Uh, yeah. How did you–?"
She points to her mouth, her lips perfectly rounded and plump, painted a deep crimson. Oh, duh. My watered-down accent. Toto, we're not in Texas anymore. It's hard to believe that at one point in my life, I actually sounded like these people. Every once in a while, the Cordonian beast pounces, but these days, I sound like the typical American mutt.
"Are you on vacation?" Nora asks.
I smirk, shaking my head. "I… moved here for work."
"To Cordonia?" She snickers. "Of all places?"
"Fair," I chuckle under my breath as I feel the heat rise up my neck. "I… grew up here, so I have… connections, friends and family. It makes for an easy transition. How about you?"
Her eyes brighten, like a pageant contestant being asked about world peace. "Cordonian. Born and raised."
"That's unfortunate," I joke. Sorta.
"Hey," she giggles, scrunching up her nose playfully.  She swats the back of her hand against my shoulder. The touch sends a shockwave of familiarity, robbing me of my breath. "I love Cordonia–"
"Spoken like a true Cordonian."
"And… what's wrong with that?"
Drake guffaws. "What isn't wrong with that?"
"Your tone is suggesting that there's something wrong with having pride in your country–"
"It's egotistical–"
"The only thing egotistical is thinking that your opinion about Cordonia is the only opinion to be had." She furrows her brows. "If you hate it so much, why did you come back?"
Shit. She's feisty. And this conversation has gone completely off the rails.  I can't tell if she's really pissed… or if I'm just really turned on and wanting a sparring match. 
Fuck. You just had to be a jackass…
"Okay, truth?" I offer, even though I'm sure she wants to toss a drink in my face at this point.
She turns to face me, tucking her leg underneath her. "Please."
"I had a rough time fitting in here. Except for my best friend. He's–" I grin thinking about Liam and I, growing up together, how perfect and inseparable we were. "--as Cordonian as you can get. Well, except… I mean, his mom… nevermind," I shake my head. "He's the nicest person I've ever met in my life. I needed some help after a bad business deal, and… he was there and… now I'm here."
"Huh." She sits back, crossing her arms as she takes me in. She raises an eyebrow, the corner of her lips curling. She's clearly unsure of me, and I don't blame her. 
"Drinks?" A cocktail waitress dressed in a skimpy, leather skirt interrupts us.
Rubbing the back of my neck nervously, I turn to Nora. I have a feeling that this might be the end of the night for us, especially if I don't offer her a cocktail.
I stare at the sparkling flecks of bronze in her eyes. There's something about this girl, more than just the memories she stirs up in me. I can't explain it… shit, then again, maybe I'm fooling myself, wanting something to be there that never was. Still… I clear my throat… you never know unless you try.
 "Would… you like one? A drink?"
She narrows her eyes in thought… and fucking hell, she's so goddamn beautiful. Like Riley incarnate. The mannerisms, some of her expressions. Watching her literally robs me of speech and air, and I am dying to spend more time with her. Hell, who knows where the night will take us. 
I really hope she agrees to this drink. I can tell I haven't exactly won her over in the past twenty minutes, but if she would just agree to one more drink, just a few more minutes with me, maybe history could repeat itself. Maybe I could experience the woman of my dreams in a different way. Now, I could never tell Nora this; she could never find out. I mean, I am attracted to her, it's just…
"Sure," Nora interrupts my thoughts, her lips curling. "I'll take a drink."
Thank you so much for your support! Every like, comment and reblog means the world to me! 🖤
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angelmichelangelo · 1 year
"why are you bleeding?" prompt for the rise disaster twins please because a) i heart how you write the rise boys and b) i am forcing you to write them more (as a good moot does) !
this was a lot of fun to write (so pls continue to be a good moot and force me to write more of these two lol)
Donnie’s cold hard stare reaches him from across the kitchen, eyes narrowed and thin like knives, Leo stands rooted to the spot, feeling dumb as his brother continues to bore holes into his skin with his eyes.
“Why are you bleeding?” He says, voice meticulously cold. Their argument from a few hours ago seemed to not deter the slight worry lacing his words. His eyes flicker up and down his frame as if scanning him. “And what did you do to your arm? You’re holding it funny.”
Leo shifts and immediately regrets it. A deep pang of hurt seems to rumble through his body and across his (probably) broken bones like a bell. He stretches out a smile, thin and somewhat conceiving, he makes a point to throw him a look over his shoulder as if he wasn’t bothered at all by his fretting.
“I’m fine,” he tells him, conscious to keep his voice low; with the rest of the family sleeping, it’d only take Raph to stumble in here and really start worrying and then Mikey would join in and then dad would get involved and Leo didn’t really want that.
Not after such a big blow up before he’d stormed out.
Right. He thinks sourly. He wasn’t supposed to be talking to Don right now.
“I can handle myself, thank you very much,” he says shortly. He’s got a little goody bag of emergencies supplies stuffed under his bed that he’s going to make good use of — it’s not the first time he’s patched himself up solo style. But with the way Donnie is still staring him down like a damn hawk, he doesn’t think he’s going to get past him on this one.
“You’re such a—” Donnie huffs heavily, expelling every molecule of air in his lungs before he’s seizing it all back through gritted teeth. “Just come with me, dumb-dumb.”
He walks back towards his own room and Leo, despite himself, finds himself following. His bedroom is dimly lit by the array of screens that he’s clearly been watching instead of sleeping, given that it was now somewhere in the early hours of the morning, it didn’t surprise Leo that his brother shared similar sleeping habits as he did.
“I’m still not talking to you,” Leo announces as he drops onto his bed, mussing the blankets up with his good hand on purpose. “We’re not friends anymore.”
Donnie who’s digging around in his drawer no less for his own goody bag of treats, doesn’t lift his head up to respond in a dry, sarcastic manner. “Oh no. How terrible.”
There’s a tiny flicker of left over hurt burning still in Leo’s gut, like stoking ambers on a fire, he sits up a little straighter, even if it did send an edge of pain running through his limbs.
“I’m being serious. You pissed me off, Don.” He cradles his injured arm tenderly, rubbing his fingers over the slight swell of his wrist. Yep. Something was most certainly fractured here.
Donnie turns on his heel methodically slow. He’s got a collection of items gathered up in his arms. His face is drawn in an unimpressed manor. He huffs a little puff of air as he sits himself down in his chair, scooting himself over by dragging his heels over the floor, wheels hum against the floorboards before he comes to a complete stop in front of him.
“Maybe if you didn’t storm off like a baby then you wouldn’t have found yourself in this mess,” Donnie says with a hiss. He pitches himself forward, dabbing a wet, chemical smelling cotton bud to Leo’s temple where there’s a pinch of pain when it touches against the fresh, open cut there.
Leo tries not to flinch but he feels his eyelids pinch together before he’s forcing them back open again to glare at his brother.
“I didn’t storm off,” he seethes. He curls his fist against his thigh as Donnie fiddles with the other array of items until he’s holding out a stack of bandaids. They’re boring and not at all his first choice. “You kept hounding me over… over nothing and so I left the lair for a couple hours. Big deal.”
Donnie peels back the sticker off the bandaid, he holds it up, pausing he narrows his eyes and swallows. “If you think me giving a shit about you is hounding you then that’s your own fault.” He slaps the bandaid over his forehead. “Next time I won’t care so much.”
Guilt swirls around in Leo’s gut leaving him feeling a touch nauseous. He averts his eyes from his brothers as he blinks back the familiar sting of tears. He swallows thickly, a newly formed lump presses tight at the back of his throat.
Donnie watches him carefully. Leo rubs at his arm.
“Is it broken?” He asks after a few beats of silence.
Leo hesitates in even giving him an answer. He decides that it’s no use anyway. He shrugs his shoulders half heartedly.
“Dunno. Possibly. Hurts like a bitch that’s for sure.”
Donnie sighs. It’s not the kind that gives away his tell that he’s not actually pissed off anymore. Just deeply concerned. He reaches forward and holds out his hands in a gentle gesture for Leo to hold out his arm for inspection.
Leo gingerly complies.
“Nardo,” Donnie says shortly. He runs his fingers over his forearm, pressing lightly in certain spots that have Leo’s vision dancing with spots. “It’s not like I’m doing it on purpose.”
His eyes flicker up and then back down again. He turns Leo’s arm over slowly and inspects the underside of it.
“It’s just that after the invasion you’ve been super avoidant and I just…” he’s delicate when he reaches his wrist, examining it with tender fingers. “I do care. Even when I say I don’t, of course I do.”
Leo swallows. The lump doesn’t budge. “I’m not being avoidant,” he says in a small, childlike voice. He wants to shrink away. Wants to retreat to his bedroom with just the bandaid on his head and to lick his wounds alone. He wants out. He always wants out.
“Yeah you are,” Donnie counters. But there’s no heat to it. Like he’s not even going to light any flame for their argument to continue to boil over. Like it’s absolute fact. Because Donnie only ever deals in fact. And maybe, perhaps, Don is right about this one too.
“Everyone is worried about you,” Donnie says.
Leo huffs. “Well don’t tell me that,” he laughs, weak and wet, the sharp tickle of tears looms behind his skull still. “That just makes me feel worse.”
Donnie shakes his head. He holds onto Leo’s arm, cradling it almost. “You know what’s gonna make you feel worse? Not talking to your family about your problems. Shutting down anyone that tries to help or care.” Donnie’s throat bobs. If Leo looked close enough, he could find the wet sheen of his own tears there glossing over his hazel colored eyes.
“This isn’t how it works Leo,” Donnie tells him, voice impossibly steady. “Not in this house. You know that.”
And Leo supposes he did always know that. Of course he did. His entire life was spent being crowded by brothers — there was no such thing as running away from anything unless it was together.
“So what you’re saying,” Leo says, squeezing his words around the lump in his throat still. “Is that twin telepathy is a totally real thing after all?” His lips curl around a smile.
And Donnie just about smiles back.
“What I am saying is.” His breath hitches. “Don’t be dumb, okay?” He let’s go of Leo’s arm. “There’s enough of that going around already. Be smart on this one, okay?”
Leo nods. He reaches out with his good hand and finds his brother’s shoulder to curl his fingers around and give it a squeeze. In Don’s language, that’s about as good as he’s gonna get besides a hug.
“I did do a dumb thing though,” Leo then admits. Donnie’s wheeling himself back to his desk, guiding himself with the balls of his feet when he nods.
“Oh. Yeah. I know. That arm is at least fractured.” He tells him. “How’d you manage to get hurt so bad anyway?”
Leo laughs softly. “It’d be way cooler to lie and tell you I was taking my frustrations out on the world by beating on bad guys but…” he grins. “I fell off a roof.”
Donnie pauses what he’s doing to look up. His eyebrows shoot up over his forehead. “You fell off a roof?” He parrots back in disbelief.
Leo nods. He holds up his bad arm and says through a wince. “The great Leonardo, defender of the planet and slayer of Krang. Fell. Off a roof. And totally ate shit on the way down by beefing with the fire escape.”
Donnie cringes. “Okay.” He says. He’s got more supplies now. Ones that Leo recognises from the last time he broke a load of bones. At least Mikey will have another cast to decorate. “You’ve officially used up your dumb person quota for the month.”
He instructs Leo to hold out his arm again.
“For the month?” Leo says around a grin. “So it’s free game the rest of the year? We’re only in August, bro.”
Donnie doesn’t bother to look up. It’s a good thing too, because he’s getting ready to set the bone and also really does not want him fucking that part up at all.
“Uh huh,” Donnie responds dryly. “I’m not gonna stop you. It’d be impossible to anyway.”
Leo huffs a laugh. He already feels a little better and Don hadn’t even given him any of the good pain relief yet. “Well. From now on I’ll be dumb in normal-Leo amounts. Sound good?”
Donnie pauses. He looks up. And he grins. “Yeah.” He says. “Sounds good.”
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