#leo thots
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leoprosy · 19 days ago
check it out, its on ch.3 but its all about existential dread and being scared of growing up and losing your friends. being an adult is hard. its hard and nobody understands.
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chowtrolls · 1 year ago
Jodiah and Beloved are cool and all but i personally think Leonra is the best Monark
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koolaidashley · 3 months ago
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Wgft content in the year of our lord…..
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katanablue · 6 months ago
Chat I WILL be thinking about that last post I reblogged bc….. 😗
I just think I just think I just think
Raph pressing down on your pelvis with a smug smirk while he’s fucking you so hard and growling
“make a mess fr’ me, yeah?”
And when you do he lets out the sexiest and raspiest groan, mouth dropping open, watching it spurt out of you and coat his cock and whatever surface you’re fucking on
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I’m sane I swear
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localgirlbecomesobsessed · 3 months ago
Why are they like this?
Leo x Xena x Alan 🫶🏼
+ A very tired Sho
Just a silly lil fic
Not proof read
(Brainrot from the current chapter)
“They’re so fucking stupid.”
Leo sighed almost dreamily as a look of disdain crossed his face, glaring out the window as he watched Xena and Alan attempt to fix up a car together.
Key word:attempt
Sho just side glanced at him before promptly ignoring his best friend, already knowing where this was leading, it had been a common practice recently for Leo to watch the duo seeming easily amused at how quickly the himbo and investigator seem to turn a simple situation into pure chaos, failing at anything they try to plan or venture into.
If not for Sho and himself, Leo’s pretty sure the two muscle heads would’ve burned down the dorms.
Though, Xena fiercely denies it despite nearly destroying the kitchen this morning as her and Alan tried to prepare breakfast, only to be stopped by a furious Sho.
They insisted they didn’t need Leo or Sho’s help with anything and they shouldn’t look down on them just because they mess up sometimes…
Which is why Leo just silently watched as the car they were working on spontaneously set alight, Sho glanced in disappointment at Leo’s amused and slightly love struck face as they watched Xena who had a look of subtle panic accidentally grab a can of spray paint instead of the fire extinguisher, slightly blinded by the gear they were already wearing to protect themselves from the falling apart vehicle.
They both held their breath waiting for the explosion that will no doubt happen in the next few seconds, only to let out a slight sigh of relief as Alan grabbed the can off her and shook his head, only for them to let out a choked noise as they saw him grab a bigger can of spray paint, nodding in approval to himself as he started spraying; their thick goggles making it hard for them to realise the mistake they’ve insanely made.
They watched as the fools just stood in shock as the flames roared into the sky, purple spray paint flying with it as Xena calmly whipped her goggles off and finally found the actual fire extinguisher, the two spraying the whole thing all over the poor car they’ve destroyed.
Leo didn’t know if they just cancelled out eachother a braincells or if their bad luck doubled up but he did know one thing…
“I need to fuck em’.”
He nodded definitively to himself as Sho snorted shaking his head in disbelief as Leo threw himself away from the window and started marching towards his new mission.
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inconmess · 11 months ago
As a result of a conversation with @gyorklady, here's another tiny Candela snippet.
Cosmo walked into the Glass Cat, taking in the crowd of the place before letting out a sigh of relief. Today seemed like a slow day, which meant he could catch up with Madam Glask today.
"Evening, Mr. Grimm. I would assume you would like to meet up with the Madam today?"
"Ah... Good evening to you too, Mr. Trills. I see you are back from wherever you were called off to. I hope that it was an eventful visit?"
"As eventful as it could be, Cosmo. As eventful as it could be. Should I inform her about your arrival?"
"Ah, she knows about my arrival. She will be by to meet me soon. But, if you don't mind, Mr. Trills. I would love to have a chat with you."
"Oh, alright. By the way, what happened to Oscar? Haven't seen him around in a while. Got into the slammer again?"
"No, no. Oscar's fine. Just running a few errands for me out of town, you see. I am not able enough to travel anymore and my grandson helps me way more than he should." Cosmo smiled, his eyes crinkling at it.
"But I do want to ask you a question. How is Grimoria doing? You know, the ward of the Foggs? I have been meaning to check upon her but it has been a little rough the past few days."
Malcolm immediately straightened at that question, eyes narrowing in suspicion. Grimoria had been included in their circle barely a couple of weeks ago and while she was way too young to be an operative in the field, the Lightkeeper insisted, for some reason. No one knows about her so how did he know?
"How do you know her?"
"I run an antiques shop, Mr. Trills. Of course I know of the Foggs and her ward. How is she doing?"
Before he could give a reply though the door opened and Madam Glask entered the room, giving a slight nod to Malcolm.
"Good day to you, Mr. Grimm, I will be taking my leave now."
"Meet again, Mr. Trills. Take care of her. She is a good one."
<Later at Leo's place>
"You seem tense, Malcolm, is something wrong?" Edgar asked as he leaned forward slightly.
"Leo, who the fuck is Cosmo and how the fuck does he know Mori is with us?"
"Cosmo who?"
"Cosmo Grimm. He frequents the Glass Cat frequently and talks with Madam Glask. You know, the one in the wheelchair, runs the Antiquarian?"
"You met Cosmo Grimm?" Leo blinked twice, astonishment colouring his voice.
"Yeah, I mean, I suppose the lady and he are friends."
"He and his grandson are fucking shrouded in gossip that I am surprised that you haven't heard of any of them yet?! Have you been living under a rock?" Leo flays his hands around as he flops back onto a chair.
"Technically I was out in war and all I know about Oscar is that he also works with the security and has visited the slammer more than humanly possible. Still doesn't answer my question of how does he know that Grimoria is known to us. She started working with us barely a couple of weeks ago!"
"The old man is a part of Candela, duh." Malcolm blinks.
"He's... a lightkeeper, right?"
"Nope, still goes out on the field. Rumours are that he refuses to take up a spot of a lightkeeper despite Candela insisting on it."
"He's on a freaking wheelchair?"
"He's a stubborn one, I give you that." Edgar says quietly as he took a sip of his tea. "Man is a legend in Candela. I am surprised you haven't heard the stories yet."
"Him being a legend at Candela still doesn't give me answers about how he knows Grimoria." Malcolm groaned in frustration.
"He knows me because he was the one who kinda introduced me to Candela. Kind of. More like he gave me refuge and Candela dug me out during one of the visits to the Foggs. Sorry about the delay, by the way, had to make another sales today."
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mazojo · 8 months ago
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Towa and I as part of the Haru protection squadron
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bphantom01 · 4 months ago
Ive seen many what ifs regarding arc v abt like having more than just four dimensions. What if there was a link, or ritual, or both?
Well, I've been thinking, what if we uhh 'reverse' the number? What if there were only like... idk, two dimensions instead? Which dimensions would mix? How would they be named? Which counterparts will be put together? How would their dimensions work?
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winethorn · 6 months ago
ok weird thing i heard today:
in english lit, one person dies and their death affects the whole book. but then on the last page everyone gets over it and has a happily ever after
in russian lit, everyone has already been dead for 50 years and we’re just psychoanalyzing their remains sacrilegeouy
is this true? i feel like i haven’t read enough to say for sure…
(pls don’t come at me though yall i didn’t meant to offend anyone ㅠㅠ)
(just was in the mood to type this up cuz i’ve been on a short story binge lately idk why)
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randum-famdoms · 8 months ago
Someone save me I am supposed to be working on my persona fic and I’ve been hit with inspo for two separate Percy jackson fics
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leoprosy · 7 months ago
uh oh girls are we in a MARINA phase again?
During Leo season!!?
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sisisimss · 2 years ago
i always feel funny for having my actual self as my pfp and noone else does.. but i have a leo stellium in my natal chart so noone should be surprised really
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koolaidashley · 8 months ago
can you draw You, Me, and Leo oh please oh please ash
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AND BUMBLEBEE !!! ahh sona
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c0wabungaz · 1 year ago
casey recognizing raph as the nightwatcher when his own brother didn’t
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inconmess · 11 months ago
Since I am stuck with ideas of Malcolm finding out that Oscar can't die and being gaslighted post it, here's an AU where Oscar and Malcolm are on the same group when Malcolm is serving. It was a debate on whether I should post it or now but I am now saying screw it and posting it. Is it a potential fanfic idea? Yeah. Am I just leaving it for anyone to adopt, hell yeah.
(At some point, I am going to make it in such a way that I am creating scenarios where every single Candela character has seen Oscar die and it's aftermath, multiple scenarios cuz why not but for now, version 2)
Malcolm and Oscar are in the same division, Oscar being sent into service as a punishment/him just signing up because he is bored and at some point in the mission, dies and has to be left behind because one can't carry a body and run long distances.
Or maybe he joined as an undercover thingy for Candela and is there in Malcolm's last mission, where his entire group evaporated but Oscar, with his luck, escapes but Malcolm assumes that he's dead anyway.
Either way, he is discharged, comes back to the city, gets taken in by Madam Glask and given a job and who's there? Oscar fucking Grimm. In flesh. Alive.
And Oscar is like "Nope, I didn't serve in the army, maybe you saw my relative" and Malcolm initially thinks he's hallucinating but nope, Cordelia introduces Oscar as a part of her security and can definitely see him so he's definitely not hallucinating.
At this point I suppose he has come in contact with Candela `peeps so he does mention about Oscar to Edgar or someone he runs with in a circle but no one has any idea on what he's talking about cuz Oscar hasn't worked with any of them until one day, Oscar fucking Grimm is in a circle with Malcolm. And dies again.
Cosmo is either in the circle with Malcolm at that time and is calmly like "Everything's fine, he's not dead, just pretending" or straight up joins the bandwagon of saying that "no, this is not that Oscar but rather my other grandson Oscar" the next time they meet.
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hhuta · 2 months ago
170114 Golden Disc Awards
Chained Up + Fantasy (Leo focus)
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