#length-wise it certainly is
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@lovingache @reveries-of-my-mind @sleepanonymous Sorry you had to wait this much but i fell asleep and then work happend and i rewrote the entire post because it made so little sense and yeah..
I certainly can't be brief with this so i'm gonna insert a cut but if you are interested, this is what ST helped and still helps me work through during my still ongoing journey of selfacceptance.
It is kind of messy, there is a lot of rambling and wandering of thoughts but finally here it is.
A lot of this is, i'm sure of it, is going to sound very familiar to you because there is a reason we gravitate towards Sleep Token. Yeah memes are fun, much shapes, the guys are cryptids, Vessel has a nice body, III is the fun chaos noodle ballerina whatever, II is cute how he simps for Vessel from behind the drumkit when he isn't destroying it, IV is obejctively the sexy one and all the shenanigens. Whatever. We all know. BUT. If we are honest we love all of it because how it was built up. Because we are all a bit broken inside in ways. And we have a way to channel it in a way many of us never been able to before. We are allowed to be broken and exist in a space where it is okay. It is understood. Like.. Never in my entire life been so comfortable with the scars on my arms as is was when i was waiting in que before an ST ritual. Just sayin..
But back to the topic. Sorry i'm prone to wander.
It's hard to get this together in a way that isn't too much about me but it is not an easy task let me tell you. I'll put a link to an abbreviated version of how i got to be the person i am because it retrospectively will add some additional context to this entire thing, but that's fully optional. But first:
a little context on how i fell into the ST pit anyway: I first found them when the second ep released. I liked the look, i checked them out solely because that masked look interesting, but i really did not vibed with the music. I wasn't listening to the lyrics.
Next time they came into my field of vision before the release of TPWBYT. I still wasn't fully sold but there were a few tracks that got trough to me from Sundowning. Still not all of it. I wasn't paying attention still.
And then the end of last year came and something started an itch in my brain to take them out again.. and i finally sat down and read the lyrics properly. I never in my entire life sobbed so uncontrollably like when i first experienced Atlantic with actually paying attention to the lyrics.
And then the TMBTE singles started to release, then the album came. It's not a coincidence i said it's akin to a pilgrimage. It was an emotional pilgrimage to me, and still is every time i do it. And i was fairly normal about all of it. It hit me for sure, but i actually was lost when i finally saw them live. It just broke through like a dam in a flood. That concentrated energy is something that is hard to describe. Anyway. Now here i am.
So the things Sleep Token helped me with, that 10+ years of objectively unsuccesful therapy miserably failed to achieve.
being able to cry properly
being unapologetic about what i like
being able to start to feel my feelings
being unashamed by feelings that are generally considered problematic
being able to process in a much more healthy way if something is not okay in my head
ST gave me a healthier coping album to listen to when i'm on my lows
I'm not saying i'm perfectly fine by a weave of a magical drumstic, what i'm saying is that i stab myself significantly less when i can't focus for the life of me.
So maybe go over the bulletpoints i guess?
1. crying
With ST i felt finally seen in a way i never had before. I never was a cryer, but since i actually got into ST, i do sometimes. Not all the time but probably a far healthier amount then before. Because not crying is unhealthy. It doesn't make you strong and all that crap. It just adds to the unnecessary weight you carry. Some realize this sooner and i'm so happy for them beause it is important.
2. being unapologetic of my interests
I meantioned it before, an it was what sprang this entire long ass post to existance, but let it be here as well: i was unlearning a lot of thing and being apologetic over what i like is one for them. And i was progressively better and better at it, but like lately it just blew through the stratosphere because one cannot talk about Sleep Token and not sound kind of mental at least a bit. And at this point i don't give a shit. I like what i like, it doesn't hurt anyone. If someone laughs at me for it? Good for them at least i made them smile.
The context of this is a friendgroup i was in from around 14 to 20 and it had good paarts but ultimately was an emotionally controlling one, which i realized far too late. And it already created patterns and habits. Needless to say, i don't talk to any of them anymore.
3. feeling the feelz
This is where i'm going to start to sound really weird i think but who knows.. maybe more of you are in the same shoes than i would think.
From a considerably young age i was repressing basically every strong emotion possible. Happyness, sadness, excitement even anger to a certain degree. It started with the sadness, and emotional pain but as with everything it spiraled out to the rest of my emotions. I was also basically in a constant fight or flight mode which just propells you forward at any given time, when you should have stopped to feel shit.
And after a while that creates this weird dissonance of not really feeling anything and at the same time having the empathy, emotional maturity and social awareness to understand how others feel in given situations. Moreover i was acutely aware how i should feel in certain moments, it just.. never really happend. I knew the correct answers to the proverbial questions but my brain just put up a wall and never let me actually feel anything. I was simply empty.
This created the perfect blank slate for me to be the quote on quote emotional mirror for all my friends and even family at times. So usually people came and still come to me to be a sort of free therapist or something like that. Just spitballing what they are going through and reflecting it back to help them understand. And don't get me wrong i love helping people, i really do, and also when the conversation is over, some of their relief is left behind for me and it was at least something.
But at the end of the day i was constantly left with this feeling of "who am i in all this?" , "where is the person whom i can call me?" and that is a very lonely place of being. Especially when you are younger. (This is i think, at least partially, why i may have caught on to the vibe what Vessel supposed to be about. Because either i like it or not, i get what it's like. At least a version of it. To be so empty that anything and everything that creates the illusion of feeling something, anything, it is good enough for the moment.)
And here comes Sleep Token again. Because the songs are highly, highly emotional. And here comes the brilliance of Vessel as a character because by design a vessel is a blank slate. Could be anyone, because it is supposedly empty. Which is a very familiar state of being for me. And that is what made for me so easy to connect and by proxy going through the motions and start to get eased into being comfortable with feeling things again.
It still in it's infancy, that is why i'm a wreck at days, because i'm still relearning stuff that was last natural for me around two decades ago. But i wanna get there. When i can just feel, without guidance. But this is something none of my supposedly professional therapist knew what to do with.
And here comes this british sadboy with his masks and bodypaint and i'm finally nudged away from point zero? Yeah, you can bet your ass i'll take my chances and be grateful for the rest of my life no matter how far it gets me. If it is a tenth of an inch than it is a tenth of an inch. It is still more progress than i ever had before.
4. being unashamed of feelz
Sounds contradictory to the previous point but not really. If you ever felt.. for example let's say obession, true obession you know it's not like any other feeling. It works differently. Not easily controllable and it could lead to anger and rage, end in agression, all sorts of not so great things.
These are stuff we all try to repress for understanable reasons. This is the stuff we know are bad because they usually can lead to bad things. We hear it all our lives. They aren't bad. Not necesseraly. So we shouldn't be afraid to feel them. Not without understanding they are there, either one wants it or not. These are just as natural than any other feeling and no less dangerous than the rest.
They are part of the human condition. But we need to learn to live with them and control them. Repressed things tend to just explode one day and that is when the damage happens. When something can exist in a controlled enviroment, and can be observed from different angles it can be understood. And we are usually not afraid of things we understand. We deal with them. That is the whole point.
And yet again, obsession is a heavy and somewhat recurring theme in ST lyrics either actually or on a meta level if you pay attention. And the way it is presented and integrated into the whole of the story created with the discography is what solidifies it as, a thing than can be observed. It can be understood.
And the honesty of how it is presented what makes me comfortable with the fact that no, i'm not a freak, i'm not abnormal because of it. But there is a conscientious choice to be made how i deal with it. How i learn to direct it to something positive and create something with it, insted of going the other way.
It's like murder. Everyone thinks about it. It doesn't mean everyone is a potential murderer waiting to snap. Fuck no. But we do think about it. Is it okay to think about it a lot? It's not my place to decide how much is too much. But thinking isn't the problem. It is how we talk about the fact that we think about it, can be a problem. Anyway i'm diverging to much into philosophising territories. It happens, sorry.
5. processing the mess in my head
This is a pretty straightforward one actually. My mind is a mess. My long term memory is patchy, the short term one is barely existant. I understand a lot of the world in certain ways but i know so little in others. ST makes me think a lot more.
I always catch a word or a phrase or a line, maybe a verse, that lodges itself behind my eye for a time and i just keep it rolling. Associating on it, connecting it to other stuff. It stops me for a minute and forces me to roll an idea over and over and over and over again in my head and just run with it until i end up with some sort of epiphany.
It doesn't have to be a big thing, it can be the smallest thing, something like a shiny glass ball in a box of far more interesting toys. But it is my glass ball, I picked the colour inside.
6. a healthier coping album
Yeah this one.. So for the longest time when my mind got murky and getting too lost into the void, music was what could drag me out of it. Since i was a kid, the album that could kick me back towards the tracks was Phobia from Breaking Benjamin. I put it on an usually by the end of it i sort of was back on a functioning state. Not a good place but a functionig one. But if you ever heard the album in it's entirety, it is hardly an uplifting one.
Now when i feel low i roll the first two ST albums in sequence. By the time i reach missing limbs i feel actually better. My mom put it to words really well when she said "I don't understand the words of what this man is singing about but i can guess he is not happy. Is it about sad things right? I feel that. But i like it because it feels more comforting instead of making me sad as well." And that i thinks sums it up pretty well. Because it is no longet the outstreched hand of you-are-not-alone but the outstreched soul that cries you-can-find-yourself-in-me. And that is the definition of comforting for me. (Yes i love that phrace because it fits, let me be proud of myself for saying something that sounds good for once.)
And that is pretty much it for now. There should be a few more things ST is a reasonably large part of my self-journey but i've gotta think on it more i think. I'm not even sure i realize all of it.
I'll link a separete post here at the end which sums up how i got to this place i am. It is heavily abbreviated but it is still feels too long. It is certainly far more personal than this but i think it adds context to what was written above. But i don't want to clutter this one with that kind of personal stuff, also it's just an optional thing for anyone who wishes to maybe understand me a bit better and where i come from. [link to said post] Just for the record: this post does mention mental a physical abuse (no sexual one), self harm, mental issues, so all the fun stuff, but does not detail it.
#levynn tries to think#i wasn't joking about it being an essay#length-wise it certainly is#this is probably either gonna cost me followers or no one is going to read it because it's long as hell#sleep token
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Will be properly publishing it this coming week but I finished copying my Hector liveblog over to AO3 and it tapped out at 521k words. XD Holy mackerel.
#bjk talks#i'm honestly curious to find out whether rakha's was longer or shorter#it certainly TOOK longer bc i was slower and also had a couple hiatuses in the middle#but page-wise it is about the same length#i think i might have been wordier tho
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Into the Dragon's Den
Pairing: Dragon!Ace x Reader
Summary: This job is going to change your life. With the treasure from the dragon’s hoard, you’ll never have to work again, you’re sure of it. But when he catches you in the act, you find you’ve bitten off more than you can chew. Everything in this room is his, and he insists that includes you. But really, would it be so bad to play your part? Warnings: AFAB!Reader (no pronouns or gendered language used), Smut, Size Kink, Objectification (Reader treated as a treasure), Oral Sex (Reader receiving), Praise Kink, Biting/Marking, Tail Sex, Overstimulation, Possessiveness, Vaginal Sex Word Count: 3k Halloween Special 2024
It’s impossibly warm within the dragon’s lair. Your clothes are soaked through with sweat, sticking to you with every step, but still you press on. Your current discomfort is nothing compared to the bliss that’s going to follow, once you get this gold.
You had no idea how large his hoard was, when you first came here. You knew that even a small hoard would pay for you to live comfortably for the rest of your life, but the amount of gold, jewels, and priceless artifacts in this cave could feed an entire kingdom for a century, at least. You can’t pocket it all, of course, but if you choose wisely you’ll be able to live like royalty once you find the right buyer for it all. You’ll never have to work a day again in your life, safe and protected and cozy in a little piece of land just for yourself. You can’t help the smile that creeps onto your face from the thought.
The dragon is nowhere to be seen, hopefully out hunting or something else that will take it a while. You’re no dragon slayer, and you don’t care to be. You don’t want to kill such a magnificent creature, simply relieve it of some loose change and trinkets. Nothing it will miss. You didn’t even bring anything to defend yourself other than a tiny dagger, one that couldn’t pierce a dragon’s hide even wielded by the greatest warrior. You’re a would-be thief, nothing else.
Your eyes drag over the room you stand in, clearly burrowed out by massive claws and set with a fire that would leave nothing but ash were it set upon you. The floor is a beautiful volcanic glass, which you would love to chip away and take with you, but while your dagger would certainly be able to take off a piece or two, it would also shatter immediately on impact. You instead settle for a large pile of gold jewelry. You can see dozens of precious gems peeking out, sapphires and rubies and diamonds catching the dim light so beautifully you’re drawn closer like a moth to a flame. You spot a particularly beautiful necklace, with an orange gemstone that looks like fire itself inlaid in the center, and you can’t help but reach out for it. It’s only once your fingers have wrapped around it that you hear the rumbling voice behind you.
“Are you sure you should be touching that?” The voice is deep, rumbling, but there’s a hint of joviality to it, laughing like there’s a joke here, and you’re the punchline. You whip around to see it, or him, towering above you. You expected some horrible beast, a lizard spanning the length of the room, but standing before you is almost a man. He’s frighteningly tall, at least double your height, and his biceps and pectorals are larger than your head. His hands, which are reaching toward you, are tipped in black claws that could easily rip you to shreds. He’s hardly clothed, just a simple pair of shorts that leave nothing to the imagination, and most of his exposed skin is covered in beautiful, glistening red scales. His cheeks are dotted with both freckles and smaller scales, and his eyes are piercing, his pupils slits that you can see grow wider as he looks at you. His grin is filled with razor sharp teeth that you can imagine ripping into your throat. On either side of his head are curling horns reaching for the sky. You’d call him beautiful, were you not so terrified. There is a large tail behind him, whipping back and forth with an audible swish. You feel like a mouse caught beneath the claws of a cat, waiting to be toyed with before being ripped to shreds.
One hand wraps around your waist, while the other plucks the necklace easily from your grasp. He holds it up to the light as he pulls you closer, allowing the gem to sparkle and shine. He hums, which is more of a rumble, before holding it up to your neck. His eyes seem to strip you bare as they rake over you. His grin grows wider. “It suits you. Would you like to wear it, little one?”
You stare, mouth agape, and he laughs again, showing off every one of his teeth. You force yourself to answer. “I–I couldn’t possibly.”
His eyes narrow slightly, and you feel as though you’ve failed some kind of test. “You could. I wouldn’t have offered if you couldn’t. It’s a lovely piece.” With the way he’s staring, you can’t help but feel he isn’t talking about the necklace.
You don’t know what role you’re playing here, but you know he’s massive and gorgeous and terrifying, so you try to fulfill it anyway. “Then I suppose I would.”
He grins, pulling you close until you’re pressed against him and releasing you, delicately clasping the necklace around your neck. It’s thick and heavy, feeling almost like a collar. His claw traces gently along where it falls on your neck, leaning down to admire the shine of gold against your skin. “Lovely,” he murmurs, and you can feel his hot breath against your face, smelling of smoke and burning oak. He leans closer, his tongue, which is far longer than a regular man’s, tracing along the path his fingers took. You shiver, and you can feel him grin against your skin before nipping right at your sweet spot.
You yelp. “Wh–what are you doing?”
His voice is low when he whispers in your ear. “I’m enjoying what’s mine.”
“Everything in this room is one of my treasures.” His nips at you again, before his lips brush gently against the spot to soothe the marks he surely left. “And such a lovely one just snuck in to make their place here. How lucky am I?” Another nip, another kiss, then a gentle suckle against your skin. You whine at the sensation, heat flooding you, and he laughs again.
“I’m–I’m not–ah!” His hand inserts itself between your thighs, making you instinctively clench them around it as he presses into you through your pants. He slowly drags up, watching as you whimper and whine under his heated attention.
“Not what? Mine? Or a treasure?” He chuckles, and you feel the sound echo through his chest as it presses against yours. “You’re both, sweet thing. Unless you care to explain why else you’d be here?” His tone is still hot and seductive, but the words carry a challenge. His teeth are still against your throat, and for the first and only time his bite is enough to draw blood. He quickly licks it away, soothing it with his long, forked tongue, but the message is clear.
You whimper, the sound coming from deep within you, though whether it comes from fear or arousal you don’t quite know. You open your mouth to confess, to submit yourself to him, to say anything at all, but you’re met with that same tongue entering your throat. The kiss is horribly sloppy, wet and wild and wanting, as his hands slowly start to move. One keeps pressing against your clit through your pants, tortuously slow, while the other reaches for your chest. You expect to feel him paw at you, but instead you feel a slight sharpness from his claw down the front of your shirt, cutting it and your bra in two. They don’t fall off immediately, stuck to you with sweat, and he makes a discontented grunt before peeling them off of you. You involuntarily squeak at the sensation, and start to pull back, but something scaled and rough wraps around your waist keeping you still.
His tail holds you firmly, tight enough to keep you from squirming but not tightly enough to bruise. The sensation of his scales scraping against the bottom of your breasts is interesting, and you can’t tell if it’s discomfort or pleasure that makes you shiver. He seems to enjoy it either way. The tip of it starts to make its way down, slipping below the waistband of your pants and pressing lightly against your clit. You gasp against him, and he grins against your lips.
You finally get a moment to breathe as he pulls back to admire your upper half, the way your skin looks pressed against his snails, your exposed chest and the way it heaves as you try to catch your breath. His pupils start to overtake his irises the more he looks at you. “A wonderful addition to my collection,” he murmurs hotly, leaning in to nip at your tits. “The crowning jewel, really. I’ll have to find the perfect place for you. Somewhere you’ll catch the light just right.”
He leaves marks all over your torso, hickies and bites that you’re sure will stay for days. He turns his claws to your pants, finally removing his hand from between your thighs to drag a claw on the outsides of either pant leg and quickly ripping them off. His tail still lightly rubs against you as he peels off your panties and finally exposes you fully to the heated air around you. He finally leaves your chest alone, kissing down your stomach to meet his tail blocking his path further down. His tip leaves your clit, and you let out a pathetic noise that he absolutely delights in.
“Don’t worry, treasure. I’d never leave you wanting.” He looks up at you, scales catching the light, and gives you a smile you could almost be convinced was filled with genuine affection. But the hunger, the wanting, the possession still reflects in his eyes, betraying him for the animal he is. His tail leaves your midriff, and his hands find your thighs, spreading them easily. “You’re dripping, sweet thing. You really are perfect. Could you really blame me for wanting to keep you all to myself?”
You struggle to speak in your lust-infused haze, but you manage. “I–I’m not perfect.”
“Oh, but you are, treasure, even if you don’t know it. You’re going to love being mine, I promise. I take very good care of my things.”
You find yourself coming unraveled underneath his gaze, bare and vulnerable. The truth comes out of you almost like a compulsion. “I was trying to steal from you.”
He chuckles. “I know. You seem a bit greedy.” He easily lifts you, placing your thighs on his shoulders, his nose pressing into your core. “It’s alright. So am I.”
With that, he dives in, eating you out like a man starved. His tongue is much longer than a human’s, finding places within you that you didn’t even know were there to be found. He makes loud slurping sounds, ones that make you blush despite yourself. You’re suspended in the air, coming unraveled on his tongue, unable to muffle your cries as he buries himself into you. You clench your eyes shut, overwhelmed by the sensation. Your hands tangle in his hair tightly, pulling at every movement of his tongue, and he growls against you with every tug.
He murmurs against you, “So sweet, darling thing.” HIs nose brushes against your clit, and you begin to fall, only to be caught by his tail, held midair, only supported by him. Every sensation you can feel is him, from his tongue to his tail to the warmth of the air in his lair, he is the only world you are allowed to know. His claws dig into the plush of your thighs as he continues his feast, showing his strength, his lethality, but never threatening to truly puncture. You wonder how many people have been ripped to shred by the hands holding you, how many have been consumed by the mouth that presses against you.
He continues to lap away at you as you cry out, muscles tensing as you build towards your climax. He’s unrelenting as he greedily tastes you, lost in your flavor, the feeling of your thighs clenching around his head, the softness of your skin underneath his tail. You manage to open your eyes just long enough to glance down at him and see there is not a single millimeter between him and you. As he feels you grow closer and closer, one of his hands reaches for your clit, gently rubbing against it, and you finally come unraveled around him. He doesn’t slow for a moment as you cry out and clench around him. Your orgasm ravages you just as he does, pleasure bursting through you. You expect him to pull away, to begin to prepare to enter you, but he doesn’t slow for a moment, letting out soft moans against your mound as he continues.
“W–What are you–”
He growls against you as you try to pull him back. “Mine.”
“Please, it–it’s too much!” You cry as he hits a particularly sensitive spot again.
When he hears your noises shift from pleasure to discomfort, he seems to find himself for a moment, finally pulling you off of him slightly. His chin is dripping with your juices, his cheeks shining from the wetness covering them. His eyes are completely blown out, and he looks almost lost as he pulls back. He only focuses again once he looks up at your face, and he seems to remember where he is. You maintain eye contact for a moment, as one of his hands comes up to lightly brush against the necklace you’re wearing. “A treasure, a feast, a beauty. You really are perfect.” His voice is filled with a quiet awe, enough that you allow yourself to ignore the heat of possession burning beneath the words. “And you’re all mine.”
Some part of you wants to deny it, but more of you is lost in the haze of it all, and you find yourself muttering, “Yes, yes, yours!”
“Yes, treasure, yes.” He kisses your thigh before he begins lowering you, holding you with his arms instead. Something scaly and hard begins to slither up your thigh, and you whine as you feel his tail dip against your entrance. “Just a bit more, sweet thing. To make sure you’re ready.”
“Please,” you mutter, for mercy, for more, for whatever he’ll give you.
“Of course.” His tail slowly enters you, stretching you easily after all of his attention earlier. He pushes and pushes, making you feel wonderfully full. His tail grows wider as it continues, threatening to tear you in two, but you manage to accommodate him anyway. “So good for me, treasure. Doing such a wonderful job. You were made for this. For me.”
You feel the alien sensation of his scales against your walls as he slowly pulls it out and pushes it back in, testing how far you can stretch, how much of his you can take. He murmurs soft praises with every inch you’re able to fit, about how perfect you are, about what a wonderful addition to his collection you’ll be, about what a prize you are. “You’ll stay with me forever, treasure. I have the perfect space for you in my bed, and the firelight will illuminate your beauty just right. You’ll wear all of the jewels you could ever desire. And you’ll feel pleasure like this every night.”
You cry when he pulls out of you, but you’re quickly silenced by the sensation of something far larger poking against your entrance. “Don’t tense up now, treasure. You’re doing so well. It’ll be alright.”
A strangled moan leaves you when he inserts himself, stretching you wider than any point of his tail did. Tears prick at your eyes, and your thighs tense, but you force yourself to take a breath and relax.
“Just like that. You can do it.” He slides and slides for what feels like forever, and you look down to see where he meets you. His cock is monstrous, and you clench around him when you see the bulge in your belly from your body trying to accommodate it. He moans. “Ah, just like that. Perfect. So perfect.”
He pulls you impossibly closer, kissing you with something resembling tenderness. Then, all at once, he pulls out and slams into you quickly, a single hand on your hips moving you up and down at a breakneck pace. You cry out, and he quickly silences you with another deep kiss, bouncing you on his cock like you were made for nothing more than this. His hips pound against you as his other hand reaches for your clit. His claw briefly presses against your skin, but mercifully you find his fingertip rubbing against you instead. You can hear nothing over the blood rushing in your ears and his heavy breaths as he continues to rut against you. His lips leave yours and you whine. He’s saying something, but you can’t make out the words. His tone is enough, wanting and desperate, for you to know he’s singing your praises again.
The heat of it all is quickly becoming too much, and you can see he’s losing himself as well, as his thrusts become even faster and his hand tightens around your hips. The fire moves through you without mercy, pleasure blinding you and taking your breath away as you come cum on his cock. He follows soon after, and you can feel warm spurts of cum fill you as he moans loudly against your ear. When he does, he falls backwards into the pile of treasure behind him, taking you with him. He doesn’t pull out for a moment as he pulls you close, tucking you into him and pressing your head into his chest. His heart is pounding, his skin is on fire, and his breaths are unsteady. He’s come fully and truly undone.
You don’t know if it’s minutes or hours that you lay there before he pulls out. You feel horribly empty when he does, cum dripping out of you onto his thighs. He laughs when you whine.
“I hope you’re prepared, treasure. We have a wonderful time ahead of us.” His grin is all teeth, his pupils retracting back into slits, and you’re forced to remember once again there is nothing human about the thing sitting beneath you. “You’re going to love being mine.”
Tag List: @pandora-writes-one-piece
#ace x reader#portgas d ace x reader#one piece smut#ace x y/n#ace x you#portgas d ace#ace one piece#portgas ace x reader#portgas d ace smut#ace smut#one piece#one piece x reader
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Chapter 1: The Manuscript
“He thought about how they said-
Since she was wise beyond her years everything had been above board. Now he wasn’t sure…”
series masterlist
pairing: Spencer Reid x BAU AFAB!Reader
summary: an unsub with a taste for couples and power imbalances leads Doctor Spencer Reid not only back into the classroom but down the hypothetical aisle with the BAU's newest Probie for an undercover assignment that may change his life.
genre: slow-burn romance?
cw: age gap (Spencer is in his 40s, reader is 24), a couple y/n’s (I’m sorry, I know I’m sick of it too.), fake marriage, possibly eventual smut in later parts we’ll see, female reader she/her pronouns, bad writing! lemme know if I missed anything! And as always, lemme know what you think!
wordcount: 1.3k
“The professor said the write what you know”
Spencer sat at his desk, anxiously scribbling away at a case file that he knew he simply wasn’t ready to hand over just yet. Not ready to let go or say goodbye. The office was deserted with the exception of Emily still fussing around in her office like she always was these days, just like Hotch before her, and Gideon before him. Back in the days when he was the youngest member of the team— god how things had changed.
“Looking backward might be the only way to move forward-”
six months prior:
"Come on, Em. She’s too young. I’d hardly say she has any real-life experience, and as helpful as she’s been, she certainly doesn’t have the field experience. And you want to drop her into an undercover operation at a university thousands of miles away? I just can’t logically wrap my mind around how you think this is our best option,” Spencer sighed, anxiously pacing the length of Emily’s office. Maybe it was the lights, but more likely it was the outlandish plans being laid before him that were bringing on the all-too-familiar throb of a migraine.
Emily cleared her throat, glancing up at Spencer with a tight-lipped, not-quite smile. “If you would let me finish, I wouldn’t be sending her alone. I’d be sending her with you. The unsub—or rather, unsubs—are targeting couples where the man,” she pointed to him, eyes widening as if to say keep up, “in the relationship comes from a position of power above the woman.” She wildly waved her hand toward the door, motioning to the woman sitting just outside the office.
“You’d be posing as a professor, which technically isn’t anything new for you. Though we might have to rub a little dirt on your good name.” She shrugged, glancing back down to shuffle through the pile of files on her desk until she found the one she was looking for, holding it out for Spencer. “A handsome professor and his new, albeit young, ex-TA of a wife... forced to move after your relationship went public. Tragic.” She quirked a brow, offering Spencer a playful smirk. He did not return it, instead rolling his eyes as he thumbed through the file containing what could be his life for the next couple of months.
“Look, if we place you both at the university, she’ll fit in with the students, you’ll fit in with the professors, and now we have eyes and ears everywhere we need them. It’s logical enough, Spencer, and she’s already agreed as long as you’re up for it.”
There was a long pause as Spencer’s mind ran wild, figuring the probability of everything that could and likely would go wrong if he agreed to this plan.
“Look, we’ll even count this towards thirty days of teaching if that sweetens the deal at all?” Prentiss let out an exhausted sigh. Clearly, this was her only option, and everyone else, even the higher-ups, had approved this plan. It all now sat on Spencer’s shoulders. All he needed to do was agree.
“Fine…” he mumbled, his palm digging into his eye socket briefly trying to dull the growing pain behind his eyes. If Prentiss noticed, she chose not to address it. “Great! See, maybe it’ll be good for you? The faculty housing looks nice-ish..? And you’ve gotta admit, Y/N is sweet. I think she’ll learn a lot from you.”
Before Emily could finish her statement, Spencer turned on his heels, stalking out of the Unit Chief's office past the probie, her doe eyes fixed on him like he was a predator. Her gaze startled him in a way that sent him tripping over his own feet. He quickly righted himself, not daring to glance back at the younger agent on his way to the kitchenette.
An hour and several cups of coffee later, Spencer Reid found himself at the round table, sitting perfectly still as his breath caught in his lungs, watching the young woman in front of him sign her name on the dotted line. It’s official; Doctor Spencer Reid is officially a married man—sort of.
It felt so absurd, having to sign a marriage license. Though, logically, he understood. If they were using Spencer’s name and reputation as a backbone for this assignment, there should be a paper trail. At least when it came to this, he knew Penelope could fabricate anything and everything else they might need, but this silly piece of paper, declaring them man and wife—that was free and public information that needed to be real.
“So…” Y/N's voice was soft as it attempted to cut through the heavy weight of the awkward atmosphere. She fidgeted, tapping the pen against the table.
Spencer cleared his throat, eyes raking over her as the voice in his head told him once again that this was an awful idea, that she was too young, that she had no field experience, and there were far too many ways this could all go south. He tried his best to shake them off. “If you don’t mind me asking, I don’t mean this to be rude. I was a young agent—actually one of the youngest agents the BAU has ever had—” he caught himself in his ramble, his eyes searching her face for any kind of discomfort before blinking harder than necessary in an attempt to focus. “Sorry—uh, how old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I’ll be twenty-five in October… so twenty-four.”
"Right..." he chuckled, shaking his head, "that means...w-when you were born I already had two PhDs and was nearly finished with my third."
She groaned, a slight blush covering her cheeks as she fought the embarrassed grin threatening to take over her lips. “Doctor Reid—”
“Spencer.” He cut her off, offering a tight-lipped smile. “I—Uh… you can just call me Spencer. I don’t think couples typically use such formality when they’re addressing each other…”
“I guess you’re right,” she said, offering a little nod. “Spencer,” his name felt too personal on her lips, “I—” a rosy blush creeping up her neck as her mind went completely blank, every thought she’d ever had lost in the warm glow of his golden eyes.
As if on cue, Emily entered the room, a smirk on her lips as she observed the younger, seemingly awestruck agent gawking at her favorite genius. “Hope I’m not interrupting, but I thought these might be useful?” She shrugged, placing a velvet box down beside Spencer before sliding the other across the table to fall into the younger woman’s lap. “Congratulations. I now pronounce you man and wife or whatever they say—beware, Penelope is likely going to throw rice or glitter or whatever she found in her desk at you as you walk out of this room. You’ve been warned. And I’d say kiss the bride, but frankly, I don’t want to see that. Wheels up in thirty.”
With that, she offered the new couple a nod before retreating back out of the conference room, back to her office, leaving them to open the velvet boxes. The rings were simple, nothing too flashy, like something you’d expect a professor to be able to afford without breaking the bank.
“Right…” Spencer said, sliding his own ring onto his finger before rising to his feet, his fingers awkwardly clenching and flexing at the unfamiliar weight. “Maybe if we don’t leave together, Garcia won’t ambush us.” He turned towards the door, hesitating a moment to glance back at the woman he could now call his wife. “Unless—unless you’re ready to go… we could, uh, head out together?”
“Oh, yeah, of course!” Y/N nodded quickly, jumping to her feet as she organized the pile of papers back into their folders and into her bag. She crossed the room, stopping beside Spencer. She glanced up at him, her own ring feeling heavy on her finger as she hesitantly reached out, offering him her hand. He looked at her for a moment, his eyes going back and forth between her waiting palm and her eyes before reluctantly accepting the offer.
“Shall we, Mrs. Reid?”
“Now and then he re-reads the manuscript. Of the entire torrid affair~”
Chapter II: Guilty as Sin
Thanks for being interested in my silly little concept 🩵
@flowerpott1978 @olives-and-sunshine
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Professors and Plants
Severus Snape x Herbology!Reader Wordcount: ~2.4k Summary: You're the new replacement for Professor Sprout and one day you require someone to plant-sit for you.
Read here or on ao3
Severus was struck the first time he saw you enter the Great Hall for breakfast at the start of the new term. You were Professor Sprout’s replacement as well as her cousin, but most people wouldn’t have thought the latter due to your appearance. Your dark robes resembled his and you donned a pair of boots with yellow thread sewn into the tops of the soles. What really stood out was your hair. It was snow white, transitioning into black at the bottom third of your hair length like a gradient. Your eyes met his and held his gaze for no more than a second as you took the last available seat that happened to be at the opposite end of the head table.
Despite your dark appearance, you were perfectly amicable and polite with the other teachers, even Lockhart, but you weren’t one to ever start conversations with any of them, preferring to keep more to yourself unless someone wished to converse with you.
The first time he talked to you was that same day before classes would start tomorrow to get a proper read on you.
“Hello, Professor Snape,” you greeted mildly, turning away from a Sopophorous Bean plant to face him as he barely clicked the door to the greenhouse behind him.
“How do you know my name?” His eyebrows furrowed and his soft baritone voice floated through the air.
“I know your first name, too. We went to school together, but you were older. I graduated just before you took over for Professor Slughorn.”
“I see…”
“Is there something you need from me?”
“Dittany leaves. Surely, Pomona left a plant or two in your care.”
“She most definitely did. Will a standard 16 oz jar’s worth do?”
You smiled softly, retrieving a mason jar and a pair of snippers, and began trimming the fuzzy green leaves of one of the tall dittany plants that sat in the corner. “Did you and Pomona have any arrangements?” you called back to him.
“Arrangements?” Snape repeated, his eyes flicking over a decorative succulent whose pot was shaped like a mushroom before looking back at you.
“Given our positions, I imagine you and I will be supplying each other with inventory and remedies or what have you. I was just wondering if you and Pomona had any arrangements that made each other's lives easier or more efficient work-wise. Do you like your ingredients bottled a certain way? Are there certain things you find yourself running out of more often than others?”
“We didn’t have any specific protocols established. Pomona was annoyingly protective of her plants,” he stated coolly. “But…now that you mention it, my store of wormwood tends to fluctuate. The younger years can be…unapologetically wasteful.”
“Noted. I will try to remain well-stocked on wormwood. And by the way,” you screwed on the jar lid, the glass filled to the brim with leaves—not so compactly that they were squashed inside, but certainly not leaving much wiggle room either, “I’m not as crazy a plant lady as my cousin is. Minerva tells me you're quite competent at your job and it sounds like I can trust you so…if you ever need to grab something feel free to come and go through the greenhouses as you please. I just ask that if I happen to not be present to leave a note citing what you took and the quantity. Y’know, for proper record keeping ‘n all. If I know what I have then I know what I can still provide you with.”
Snape nodded lightly. “Yes… That sounds practical enough.”
“Good,” you hummed, handing him the mason jar, your fingertips just barely brushing as he took it from you. “Glad we understand each other."
Duties aside, you and Professor Snape got along rather well. He respected your need for notes and wrote what he took crystal clear, signing them off with “S.S”. You delivered ingredients he’d sent for in a timely manner, ensuring they weren’t overly compacted or bottled improperly. He returned the courtesy when it came to any potion meant to help your plants’ growth, sometimes brewing them fresh rather than giving you a bottle that had sat on the shelf for months at a time. Sometimes he’d add a sarcastic little comment on the notes about a student or a certain DADA teacher who you’d both found to be pretentious.
From the notes blossomed more sociable interactions. Despite being separated by multiple floors, your classes were within the same vicinity of the castle’s layout, which meant, more often than not, you’d run into him when descending down to meals as he ascended up. You’d walk with each other, and talk a little bit, whether it be about incidents in the classroom or happenings informed to the both of you from the Prophet. The conversations would continue at meals where you’d start sitting next to one another. You didn’t get to know each other beyond a collegial level until around early November when the temperature started to get colder every day and the leaves were a vibrant wash of yellow, orange, and red. Your open-door policy on your greenhouses remained the same, but you had clarified that if he ever wanted to have tea or escape the chill of the dungeons, that open-door policy extended to your warm and cozy office. One day he knocked and when you opened the door he simply stated, “It’s cold,” before you promptly held the door back further, allowing him entry.
You’d drink tea often, sometimes while the both of you graded, passively enjoying one another’s company as you did so, sometimes sitting on the couch or chairs and having direct conversations with one another. You compared each other's schooling experience with one another, gaping at the fact that he knew so many curses and had even invented a few spells. He confessed that it was actually Lockhart’s position he wanted, not to teach potions.
“I didn’t take you for a Hufflepuff when I first saw you,” he admitted one afternoon.
“Was there anything else to take me as, Severus? My being here was not only to satisfy the Herbology teacher role, but also to fill the Head of Hufflepuff spot.”
“Of course, just outwardly…you didn’t seem the type. And the students have joked that your creatively witty chiding ought to have landed you in Slytherin.”
You exhaled quietly. “My whole family is mostly Hufflepuff with a few Gryffindors sprinkled in, but even so I understand my general dark attire and reticence made me a bit of a black sheep amongst my peers. I can’t really disagree with you much on that second point. All I can say in my defense is that my loyalty is sharper than my tongue. If you ever need a reminder that I am indeed a Hufflepuff, know that I am always wearing this.” You rolled up the left sleeve of your dark robe to reveal a beaded bracelet around your wrist, each bead yellow with black text stamped in on the sides, spelling out “HUFFLEPUFF.”
An unexpected, incredulous smirk tugged on Severus’s lips. “You really wear that all the time?”
“Only when I’m not bathing or sleeping. My sister made it for me after we got sorted. We, unfortunately, were not placed in the same house… Don’t look at me like that!” you chuckled at the mostly feigned repulsed expression regarding your sibling's sickly sweet behavior. “I happen to like this bracelet, thank you very much!”
“Who knew under your robes was something so garishly bright,” he sneered playfully.
“You’re not as slick as you think either, Severus. Don’t think I didn’t see that Slytherin scarf beneath your cloak at the last Quidditch match,” you eyed him knowingly. He parted his lips to refute but found he had no argument and grumbled while blushing against his tea cup.
“Pardon me, Professor Lockhart, but could I speak to you for a moment?”
The DADA teacher replied with an “Of course, dear” as he followed you to a spot off to the side from the entrance of the Great Hall after you had finished lunch one Friday afternoon. Severus eyed the both of you as he himself was slowly exiting the Great Hall as well. He slowed his pace down significantly as he floated through the corridor so he could pick up on what you two were saying. You had never willingly started a conversation with Lockhart before.
“...going to be gone this weekend. Leaving tonight, actually…
…take care of a few plants…? I left instructions in Greenhouse 4…”
“...ourse I can! Watering a few plants should be easier than defeating a vampire or two…”
You wanted Lockhart to plant-sit for you this weekend? That actually stung him a bit. Why wouldn’t you ask him to plant-sit for you? He was perfectly capable of doing so and he knew your greenhouses like the back of his hand. Did you not actually trust him like you claimed to?
He kept silent on the matter, his expression remaining impassive as he saw you off to the midnight train in Hogsmeade that same night.
“See you Monday, Severus,” you bid softly, lightly patting his upper arm before stepping off the platform and disappearing into the night on the train until it was no more than a dot in the distance.
Severus didn’t trust Lockhart to do what was asked of him. Not one bit. Unless it was DADA-related or stroked his ego directly, the man couldn’t be bothered to accomplish what was asked of him. He imagined the fool would pass off the task to a student. Severus unlocked Greenhouse 4 the next morning and found the instructions you had left behind for Lockhart. They were simple and bullet-pointed, detailing exactly what to do and where he could find what. All that was asked of him was to spray a batch of Alihotsy plants with a germinating solution that sat on the third shelf in the supply cabinet, rotate them out of the sun at three o’clock each day, place them back at dawn, trim the matured leaves and store them in a jar. “Eventually to be delivered to our amazing potion master,” it noted, making him smile.
Severus kept a watchful eye on Lockhart that first day. Lockhart remained in his office until lunch, and after that made a trip down to Hogsmeade, no doubt to drink and find some entertaining company. At 2:45, Snape went up to Greenhouse 4 and confirmed that nothing had been moved from when he entered there this morning, the germinating solution still sitting in the exact same spot. He sprayed them all heartily and shifted the plants to a shelf away from the sun’s sight. A few leaves had matured so he gingerly snipped them from the stem and placed them in a standard mason jar. He also noticed several snails trying to sneak their way into some Potted Mandrake and disposed of them as well as repaired some worn netting protecting the Shrivelfig that was meant to keep out aphids.
He came by Sunday morning and treated the Alihotsy the same, making sure to place them in the sun at dawn so they had absorbed plenty of light by mid-afternoon. Once again, Lockhart hadn’t even bothered.
You returned Monday morning while everyone was at breakfast. Upon stepping into Greenhouse 4, you sighed in relief when it looked as though your plants had indeed been taken care of in your absence. You smiled pleasantly when you noticed some protective netting had been repaired, a task you planned on getting to when you had returned, but your smile broadened even more when you noticed a muddy boot print on the ground, one that did not at all belong to Professor Lockhart.
“Thank you for taking care of the Alihotsy this weekend,” you said to Lockhart who happened to be passing by the door that led down to the kitchen as you had come back from retrieving a snack that would substitute breakfast.
“Huh? Oh!” The man quickly recovered. The look of confusion lasted not even a second before plastering on a smile. “Yes, it was nothing! You can always count on me, Y/N!” he winked. You nodded once, drifting away from the man in favor of walking alongside the potion master who was breezing by in the same corridor.
“Hi,” you greeted.
“Welcome back,” he replied, hiding his delight at your return.
“Did anything interesting happen while I was gone?”
“Not particularly, though I was tempted to push Lockhart down a flight of stairs multiple times.”
“Aren’t we all,” you laughed.
He walked with you all the way back to your office, select words hanging on the tip of his tongue until finally, he couldn’t hold them back anymore as you pushed on the handle of the door.
“Lockhart didn’t take care of your plants,” Severus blurted.
“Oh?” Your hand slipped from the handle to face him with feigned curiosity.
“I didn’t trust him and…was proven correct when he ignored the task and instead spent his time in Hogsmeade, so I took care of them,” he explained carefully.
You smiled sweetly at him, lacing your fingers together in front of you. “I know, Severus.”
His breath caught in his throat. “You do?”
“Mhm. Truthfully it wouldn't have been the end of the world had those plants gone a couple of days without treatment, but I wanted to see what Lockhart would do and how he’d react to receiving false praise. I can’t say I’m surprised by the results, really. He’s as phony as ever.”
The potion master smirked. “Quite.”
You took a small step forward, stood on your tippy toes, and pressed a kiss to his forehead, making him flush pink when you pulled back and looked at him with twinkling eyes. “Thank you for taking care of my plants, Severus,” you murmured, affectionately squeezing his shoulders, before slipping inside of your office. Severus stood frozen in shock, his heart drumming in his chest before he managed to stop his brain from short-circuiting further. Without warning, he entered your office as well—you did have an open door policy after all—where he received another kiss. And another. And another…
He should plant-sit for you more often.
#severus snape x reader#severus x y/n#severus snape fanfiction#snape x reader#severus snape#pro severus snape#oneshot
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Miguel O'Hara x afab!Reader • Rating: 18+ pals Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | request info • Kinktober 2024 Masterlist • Kinktober 2023 Masterlist • Day 29: Cream Pie
Summary: You've had a bad day.
A/N: This was meant to be for kinktober 2023 (I'm so sorry).
Warnings: reader has tattoos on their legs, kissing, teasing, p in v sex, cream pie, oral, fingering, swimming pool adjacent smut, reader works at Alchemax, not beta read, please let me know if I have missed a warning!
Word Count: 2244
You sighed, annoyance bubbling along your veins, threatening to boil over and overwhelm you. Tears pulsed at the back of your eyes, trying to fight their way to the surface.
It just wasn’t fair.
The experiment had failed. Fine. These things happened. But Stone giving you a fucking public dressing down and all but promising to destroy every scrap of research you’d gathered? Yeah. Not so fine.
You pushed open the door to the swimming pool. It was on the upper levels, part of the built-in gym in the Alchemax building. It was always empty this late, everyone who stayed at this time was either working on their own experiments or had accidentally fallen asleep in the carpark. The pool was the perfect place for you to wallow just a little bit.
The door swung shut behind you, enclosing you in the smell of chlorine, and you were just a few steps into the room when you spotted him. Miguel-fucking-O’Hara. Mister 6 foot-fucking-9 and ‘Oh, I would never have any experience blow up in my face.’
You sighed.
It wasn’t Miguel’s fault that you’d had a shit day. But you’d quite like for him to piss off out of the pool so you could lay down on the seating at the edge of the room and contemplate your life choices so far.
He was doing laps at a practically insane speed, gliding smoothly through the water. Another thing he was annoyingly good at. Prick.
As he reached the wall of the deep end he turned, intending to do another lap, but paused when he noticed you standing on the side, just at the edge of the swallow end.
You swallowed, skin prickling under his gaze. You didn’t want him to think you’d come in here just to gaup at him, but it wasn’t like you could just jump in and swim in your work clothes. Fuck.
You marched with purpose towards the middle of the pool and hastily pulled off your socks and shoes, leaving them fairly neatly on the side, before you rolled up your trousers and sat on the edge. You dipped your feet and calves into the water. Temperature wise it was surprisingly pleasant.
You assumed that maybe O’Hara would have the common decency to ignore you, continue his lengths until he finished his workout. Something any normal person would have done.
Anyone else certainly wouldn’t have slowly swam towards you, barely making ripples in the water with their smooth strokes.
He stood up in the pool, not quite directly in front of you. He didn’t say anything at first, though you could see him watching you out of your perpetual vision. Slowly he ran a hand through his hair, pushing errand strands away from his eyes as droplets ran down his temples.
There wasn’t much hope that he’d ignore you and your slightly red looking eyes now.
“You okay?”
Why the fuck was he like this? All calm words, with that stupid low voice of his and big doe eyes.
He hummed, not sounding like he believed you in the slightest. He sank back down into the water a little, lifting his legs up and spreading his arms out so that he could float in a sitting position.
“Why are you sitting on the edge of the pool, in your work clothes?” He asked deadpan.
“Why not?” You somehow managed not to grimace at your childish response. It wasn’t like O’Hara would understand anyway, he was oh, so, perfect.
To your surprise, Miguel smirked slightly at your response. He watched you for a moment before pointing at your leg. “I like your tattoos.” He said matter of factly.
“Yeah?” A brief smile flashed across your face and you angled your left leg out of the water for him to see it clearer. “You’ve seen them before.”
“I know.” He nodded and looked closer. “They’re pretty..”
“Thanks.” You tried to fight down the heat that spiked along your skin. You cleared your throat, “erm, do you have any?” Despite how many times he’d been inside of you, you’d never actually seen him as naked as he is now.
He shook his head. “Not a massive fan of needles.” His stupid little smile was infectious and you couldn’t help but mirror the expression.
Miguel held your gaze for a moment too long, the action almost hypnotising. There was a slight upwards twitch to his lips for a second before he moved a fraction closer and stood. It was almost as if he wanted you to get a good few of the water running down his smooth skin and- no, you were just being silly now.
He touched the outside of your calf with the tips of his fingers, a ghost-like touch that made you shiver involuntarily. Lightly he traced the outline of your tattoo, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly in concentration. “What do they mean to you?” He asks softly.
“Erm,” your voice cracks a little as if you hadn’t spoken for a while and you swallow, gulping down air. “Lots of things…”
He looks up at you from under his eyelashes, the tips of his fingers still gliding across your skin.
“This one is… erm, well, sort of a memento mori, I guess.”
He smirks, one eyebrow raised. “You guess?”
You pull a face at him for a second. “It is.”
He smiles, going back to looking at the tattoo. “Morbid.”
You’re about to retort back when his fingers slide higher, slipping further up your calf. “What about this one?” He says softly again, his voice low and deep.
“It’s…” you shiver again as he delicately strokes your skin, his touch maddeningly distracting. In all honesty, you should snap at him, push him away, get him to stop touching you. This was inappropriate, this was unprofessional. But it’s not like that has stopped you before.
“It’s?” He repeats, not looking up at you as he continues caressing higher, sliding up to your knee and over the top of your rolled up trousers to your thigh.
Your breath catches in your throat, all possible thoughts and words dissolving from your mind in an instant.
Miguel smiles ever so slightly, still looking unwaveringly at your leg. But he can hear the little gasp of air escape your lungs.
He lets the quiet hang for a moment before he speaks again, his voice even lower than before. “Why do you have so many?”
“I… I like them… they make me happy.”
He hums again, but this is a satisfied sound. “They’re beautiful on you.”
You swallow. “Thank you.”
“You’re beautiful.” He smiles and you forget how to breathe. “And smart, Stone’s a fucking idiot.”
“You heard about that.” You mutter, ignoring the first part of his sentence.
He nods and hums. “He’s fucking unprofessional. And a dick.”
That makes you laugh and he smiles. “You ignored what I said.”
You pause, frowning slightly and his grin widens.
“You’re beautiful.” He repeats, stressing the words.
You swallow and shift a little, your mind working in overdrive. “Erm… thank you.”
He chuckles kindly and you wince, putting your hands over your face and groaning.
“I mean…”
“I know what you mean.” He repeats, he steps closer his hands on your knees and lightly presses as he moves between your legs.
He softly strokes your cheek, leaning closer as his gaze flickers from your eyes to your lips.
“You’re beautiful,” You mutter, mesmerised.
“Thank you,” he whispers, a cheeky edge to his voice as he places a gentle kiss to your lips.
For a second you freeze, practically forget how to react. But then you press closer, leaning against his wet skin, the water seeping into your work clothes.
You feel him grin, but it’s not in a slimy self-confidence - it’s happiness.
Before you really know what’s happening, Miguel has you on your back against the floor, tugging off your trousers and panties and putting them on the side.
Part of you is sure that you should be at least vaguely protesting. What if someone else walked in? The other part of you is sure that if you’re going to get fired for the failed experiment, you might as well go down a legend as the researcher who fucked by the company pool.
Miguel sucks your clit into his mouth as he pushes two of his large fingers inside of you, groaning as you arch your back and whine softly.
“Hmm, god you taste nice.” He mutters, curling his fingers and swirling his tongue around your clit before he goes back to sucking. “Fuck, you’re so wet already.”
He pulls his fingers out quickly, putting his hands on the side of the pool and lifting himself up and out of the water completely.
He shuffles you back a little, so that he can kneel between your legs and helps you to pull off your top. The material is barely over your head before he has his thick cock in his hand, already lining up with your entrance. He pushes in gently, even though he knows you can take him now, still as gentle as he was when you first started this little game.
He grunts in your ear as he bottoms out, sighing as your walls squeeze and pulse. “I didn’t expect to cross the pool off my list.”
You snort, “You got a list of places you wanna fuck?”
He grins at you. “Mentally.”
You giggle, “Nah, you’ve got it written down, probably a spreadsheet somewhere.”
“Who told you about my spreadsheet?” He teases, leaning up a little so that he can rock into you slowly.
You spread your legs a little wilder, raising your hips to match his rhythm.
“Maybe I can,” he tries to keep his voice as calm and controlled as possible, but you can hear the strain in it. “Actually take you out somewhere first? We could eat then fuck? In a bed?”
You bite your lip, trying to match his even tone. Another part of your game. Whoever broke and moaned first lost, and so far, you were on a winning streak. “What, is that on your list too?”
“I’d like it to be.” He groans softly.
“Oh, was that a moan?” You grin.
He shakes his head rapidly, “You must be hearing things.”
“Fuck,” you swallow as he changes the angle, pressing the head of his cock repeatedly against your g spot while he rubs his pubic bone against your clit.
“Was that a-”
“No.” You give him a look and he grins.
“Let me make you dinner.” He breathes, the strain starting to show in his voice.
“So desperate to get me to your house?” You tease.
He gives you a soft look, his eyes dark. “You know I am.”
You falter, that wasn’t what you were expecting. Every time in the past you both fucked, usually in his offices on suite, he’d been light-hearted. Kind, but teasing. This was just a way to blow off some steam, a fuck and see you later. Now he sounded more like… like…
“Come on,” he grins, and sinks wonderfully deep. “How about a wager?”
You nod.
“You moan first, I get to take you home and fuck your brains out in my bed?”
You swallow down a cry. “What do I get if I win?”
“What do you want?” He raises his eyebrows at you.
You pause, lost his expression. “For you to take me home and fuck my brains out?”
“Oh, very good.” He grins and quickly leans down to nip at your neck, his hips hypnotising as he rocks and rolls, pulling you closer and closer to the edge.
You squeeze his shoulders, shivering and shuddering as he moves expertly, the pattern to make you fall apart practically embedded in his bones.
He breathes deeply, pressing his lips close to your ear and then moans deeply at the exact moment he grinds down against your hips. You gasp.
“Looks like you won again,” you can hear the glee colouring his voice, “Guess I’ll have to try to make you scream at home later.”
You groan, “Miguel…”
“Oh fuck, that’s it,” he rocks faster, groaning at the wetness between your legs, how your pussy flutters around him and sucks him impossibly deeper. “Be good and come on my cock.” He hisses, his muscles tensing. “Before I fill you up completely and-”
Your back arches as you cry on, pleasure erupting along your nerves as he pushes you over the edge. Colour explodes behind your eyes, dances along your skin as you sink and float at the same time.
He thrusts twice, his moans rising as he follows you into bliss, coming hard and deep and, true to his word, filling you completely.
He kisses you hungrily as he comes, his hips slowing as he sucks on your tongue and then nuzzles into your neck.
You both breathe hard as the sweat on your skin cools. “You’re not worried about Stone are you?” He asks softly.
You shrug, trying to act nonchalant, but it’s clear you are.
“Don’t be.” He kisses your pulse point. “He won’t talk to you like that again.”
You wriggle a little so that you can look at him fully, Miguel smiles up at you. “How do you know that?”
“I can be intimidating you know?”
That makes you laugh kindly, “You’re too sweet for that.”
“I don’t know.” He shrugs. “I have my moments.”
Thank you for reading!
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#miguel o'hara#miguel o’hara#spiderman across the spiderverse#miguel o’hara x reader#x reader#miguel o’hara x you#x you#miguel o’hara x female reader#x female reader#miguel o’hara x f!reader#x f!reader#miguel o’hara x fem!reader#x fem!reader#my writing#fanfic#oscar isaac#oscar isaac characters#miguel o'hara x reader#miguel o'hara x you#miguel o'hara x female reader#miguel o'hara x f!reader#miguel o'hara x fem!reader#miguel o'hara x afab!reader
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I was wondering, could we have more info on Sunset's weaponry? She has an Espada Ropera, Colt 1873, S&W Model 3 (Schofield variant?), a basic bolt rifle that could be a number of things (though it being left-handed limits the options), and as mentioned before a flaming whip (though I don't notice it on her more visible post-redemption design anywhere). But I was wondering, what are the specifics of said weapons? I would assume the 1873 is .44-40 and it also appears to have a short-ish barrel so most likely 4 3/4"? The Schofield is almost certainly chambered in .44 S&W or .45 Schofield if adhering to our world, the barrel (based on the holster) seems to be shorter than the standard 7", but tbh a little longer than the common 5", what was the intended barrel length? Also finish wise, is the Schofield meant to be nickel plated or just really worn down? same for the 1873 but I would assume just worn down for that tbh. Also it's pretty obvious but afaik not stated anywhere, is Sunset fully left-handed?
My friend, you just provided more info than I ever could. I'm not a weapons guy and definitely drew things wrong, and you got basically everything dead on (how???). The only new info I can provide is that her Colt 1873 is specifically a Peacemaker. I referenced Annie Oakley's S&W No. 3 for her ancillary gun (though I see now that I drew the frame/hammer wrong.Probably got mixed up with another reference). Her rifle referenced a Winchester Model 54. Sunset's ambidextrous, something she taught herself while learning magic in Canterlot.
Additionally, AJ carries a Colt M1892 and a Winchester Model 1873. Most of these gun choices are informed by cowboy pop culture, as to keep with the theme of GG20s being a franchise created in the 50s-70s.
Feel free to enlighten on any inaccuracies.
#ask me#unownedferalwoman#more gun stuff coming in the new villain i'm working on rn#who carries a Luger P08
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⁴⁹⁾ a doorbell sounding in the middle of the night 👀
49 for this prompt list
All things considered, Daniel has a very healthy sleep schedule for a guy that jets off to a new country almost every single week. Someone advised him years ago to implement the same wind-down ritual before bed no matter where he was in the world. Daniel hasn’t always been great about routine — he needs 3 reminders on his phone just to remember his vitamins every morning — but he has this shit down to a science.
He’s three steps in when his night gets thrown for a loop.
He’s carefully moisturized his chronically dry elbows. The corners of his eyes are shiny with wrinkle cream so expensive that even he winces at the price. He’s spritzed the pillow he brings on every trip with a lavender spray. He’s just getting ready to slip under the sheets, throw one leg over a hotel pillow, and drift off to a new episode of his favourite UFC podcast when the little hotel room doorbell rings.
He pauses for a second, then continues to pull back the sheets. Surely someone just has the wrong room.
The stupid doorbell rings again, and he’s pretty sure he audibly groans. He throws his phone on the spot where his body should already be lying and stuffs his feet into the little hotel-provided slippers. He has no one to blame but himself — he forgot to turn on the stupid privacy setting in the room to stop the doorbell from chiming.
He puts on a neutral face, lest it be some poor hotel or team employee forced to deliver him an urgent message, and opens the door.
“Hi, Daniel.”
Max barrels inside. In the 2.5 years they’ve been teammates, his shoulders have slightly widened. He’s still lean, but Daniel can see his body taking on a broader, more adult form, and he uses the slight size advantage to push past Daniel.
“Hello?” Daniel says, confused. Max is a man on a mission. He heads straight to the balcony door, pushes aside the thick blackout curtain and the gauzy ones underneath to unlock the handle and patter onto the small space.
“Can I help you with something?” Daniel asks. He wanders over and peeks his head out, but keeps his nice, clean slippers safely inside. There’s a slight breeze in the night air, and Daniel pulls back inside with a slight shiver.
Max is bent over, picking something up. He’s in a very wrinkled shirt and a pair of shorts that look far too small for him — not size wise, but length wise. Daniel doesn’t think he’s ever seen so much of Max’s pale, white thighs on display, matching the crescent moon in the sky above them.
Max stands up, an object wrapped securely in his hand, and shakes his head violently. If Daniel could see him better, he might hazard a guess that Max is blushing. It makes him want to poke and prod, but he knows Max and knows when he’s open for teasing. Right now, his plush lips are pressed tightly together, arms curled against his chest protectively. Nows not the time to be a dick, even if Max is disrupting his night.
Max walks past him again, not bothering to close the balcony door, when he finally seems to register that this whole interaction is incredibly whack, even for the two of them.
He pauses long enough to examine the room, Daniel’s little slippers, and the tantalizingly untucked sheets.
“Sorry,” he says. The words sound stilted from his mouth, usually reserved for awkward speeches to factory post-crashes. “I’m in the room above yours, and we — I dropped something off the balcony onto yours.”
Daniel drops his gaze to the object in Max’s hands. As fast as Max’s hands successfully move to cover it, Daniel’s seen enough bottles of lube in his time to know what he’s looking at.
“It’s alright.” He gets why Max is blushy and intense right now. He eats up Daniel’s sexapade stories, makes all kinds of lewd jokes, isn’t afraid to jokingly flirt with Daniel and put his hands places he shouldn’t. He’s certainly not a prude. Still, he’s pretty tight-lipped about his own sex life. Daniel doesn’t push where he’s not welcomed, so he leaves well enough alone, but his stomach does a funny little pang at remembering that Max does have a sex life of his own.
There’s some hot girl above them right now, who was probably joking with Max on the balcony and play-wrestling for some lube, letting the joke run so long that the lube went on a whole vacation to Daniel’s balcony. Daniel is usually the only one who lets a bit get so far and so immersive with Max that it causes actual consequences.
“Okay. Well. Goodnight,” Max says. The lube is now secured half under his shirt sleeve, half into the crook of his elbow now, with the label imprinting itself onto his skin.
He pauses again, this time by Daniel’s bedside table, and picks up the pillow spray. He reads the label, all focused and serious, and then spritzes a tiny bit onto his wrist. The droplets are still drying over his blue veins when he brings it to his nose and sniffs.
“That’s nice.” He holds his wrist there for a second, takes a second whiff.
“It’s lavender,” Daniel informs him, for lack of anything else to say in this incredibly bizarre interaction. “Night, Max.”
Max does an awkward little half-wave and closes the door behind him and the tiny shorts that surely can’t belong to him. Daniel would’ve noticed if he wore something like that before.
He lets the interaction sit for a second, then shakes his body loose and turns on the do not disturb button on the doorbell.
Night routine, 2.0, no distractions. He rubs lotion into his elbows. He dots wrinkle cream around his eyes. He puts his finger over the same little nozzle that Max pressed and coats his pillow again.
It’s only after a small breeze ruffles the curtains that he realizes the balcony door is still wide open. He pauses for a half-second by the door when he hears Max’s voice above him, talking to whoever his companion for the night is.
“Can I get you another drink?” Max asks. He sounds — suave, almost. Daniel can only see speckled concrete above him, but he can picture Max standing on it in. He probably has this girl leaned up against the railing, a hand on her hip.
This is definitely intrusive, but Daniel pauses with his hand wrapped around the skinny door handle just long enough to hear the response.
“No, I’m all good. Let’s go inside,” the other voice says. It’s deeper than Daniel expected, almost masculine.
Daniel shuts the door harder than he planned, and a bit of the thin white curtain gets caught in the frame. He leaves it be. He’s not interested in opening up that door again.
He settles into the sterile white sheets, puts his cancelling earbuds in, and squeezes his eyes tightly shut.
It takes him longer than usual to fall asleep that night. He’s surrounded by too much pillow spray and the pulsing thought that Max is above him right now, smelling traces of lavender while he fucks someone else.
#ask#if its not obvious this takes place in 2018#maxs tiny shorts absolutely made daniel run from red bull in fear#it is so fun to come up with plots for these prompts eeee i had such a good time#maxiel#fics
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Jade 6
Summary: By the built of his frame, it’s very easy to think that Jade had little to nothing to him. Laying your head on his lap, however, reminded you that Jade is a creature from the cold sea, and is built as such.
(I was taking coffee to get this near constant exhaustion out of me but the crashes are too harsh for me. So now I’m just sipping on decaf coffee. Also because, as it turns out, caffeine is a coin toss on whether it works or not. And that’s just not worth the crashes. This body is weird, truly.)
After class, there was always this little slot of time where you and Jade don’t really have anything to do. During that single hour, you and Jade just like to sit in silence. Enjoy the breeze. Take in the scenery while being in the presence of one another.
And what better way to soak it all in than by laying your head on his lap.
“Hmm.” You moved your head this way and that, less getting comfortable and more just feeling.
“Is something wrong?” Jade traced patterns on your cheeks, like he was remembering a map he just finished marking a week ago.
“Nothing’s wrong,” you said, blindly pressing your fingers into the meat of his thigh, “Just surprised at how much leg you have. Length and width wise.”
You always figured him to be a skinny thing. Tall and skinny, especially with the way his uniform was basically tailor-fit to his figure. He certainly never gave off the air that he had extreme hidden muscles under them, but he wasn’t bony thin either.
Either way, you just never expected his thighs to have this much volume to them. Can’t even feel his bones.
“Lot of meat you got there Jade,” you squished his thigh some more, “you going to share?”
Jade laughed. You could feel it through his legs.
“Of course, but don’t take too much of me. I’m afraid I’ll need at least fifty percent of me if I want to survive the environment of my home.” Jade’s hand found yours. You both locked fingers.
“Ah, right.” You remember, for the brief time you’ve been there. If the pressure of the ocean didn’t bother you, the temperature most certainly did. Frigid, and no amount of clothing helped chase it away. Which made sense, since they were all wet with the same cold water. “I remember almost freezing to death there. And then getting sick once I got home. Makes sense all of you would have a lot of fat packed under the skin.”
“Exactly. Though the fat I have is a touch… different. Denser as you can probably feel. Such density allows us to survive without clothing, while humans like you need a potion to keep warm.”
“Very dense,” you turned your head and snuggled deeper, “very nice.”
“If you want a piece of me, then should I get a piece of you as well?” Jade’s voice was suddenly much closer. You blew air in his face.
“You’re going to have to fight for it, Jade.”
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Because You Stayed
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x female reader

Summary: Your relationship with Jake is new. Very new. Like one-month-old new. Too new for you to be pregnant with his baby, and yet, that's exactly the situation you're facing.
*This fic can be read alone, but it is also a "What if?" scenario for Oh, Baby.*
Warnings/notes: pregnancy, fluff. idk, that's probably it.
Words: 1459
It hadn't been long. That was the terrifying bit.
Yes, you'd known him for what felt like ages, but that time spent knowing him was missing the one way you'd always wished to know him most. For a year, you'd dreamed of being with him, pining in silence, until everything changed and you got your wish.
It had only been a month since you took the risk and kissed him, and you and Jake had certainly used the time wisely. After that one month, you finally, deeply, truly knew him—all of him, in and out, up and down. You knew what made him feel good. You knew how to make him whimper. You knew that every time he came in you, he buried his face in your neck, kissing your sensitive skin with a groan in his throat.
And then suddenly, you knew you were pregnant.
In just thirty days, Jake Seresin managed to knock you up.
Well, actually, that wasn't so accurate. According to your doctor, it only took your pilot one shot—his first shot with you—to get it done. You'd been pregnant for weeks and hadn't known until you realized you were too often exhausted and had an unusual lack of cramping for the time of the month.
You went through the stages, of course. The denial and acceptance and all those in between as your doctor stared at you, trying to understand the thoughts running through your head. It was wildly overwhelming, certainly. But despite it all, there was one other thing you knew by the time you pulled out of the office's parking lot:
You wanted your baby. Which meant your entire world was going to flip on its side from that moment on. And after days of thinking, of going back and forth, you decided you were going to do the very same to Jake's.
His mouth was on yours before you could breathe in the piney scent of his cologne. A desperate, greedy taking from your lips as he pushed you up against the closest wall of his home. He enveloped you like a man too long deprived. And you would've let him take you; you and everything he needed to feel good again if only your need to tell him your news wasn't so prevalent in your mind.
"Jake, wait." The words slipped through the sliver of space that broke your kiss.
He paused but didn't step away. His closeness kept his mouth brushing against yours, breaths mingling.
"What for?" He whispered.
"Because," you began, eyes slowly grazing up the length of his face until they met the heated stare of his green irises. You swallowed. "We have to talk."
In an instant, he ripped himself from your arms, forcing too many steps between you. Every bit of his body altered to match his frown. Eyebrows dipped in the center. Shoulders slumped forward the slightest. Your muscled man somehow shrunk in size and stature within mere moments.
"I did something, didn't I? I couldn't think of what it was, but I knew there had to be a reason," he said. The pain radiating from his form seeped deep into your pores. "You've been avoiding me for three days."
With a sigh, you said, "I know."
There was a sudden shift, and you could see it in him that he expected you to deny it. That maybe you had a decent excuse for your behavior. Too busy. Too stressed. Too tired to spend time with him. It was clear anything would have sufficed to ease his budding anxiety. Anything but the truth you had for him to hear.
"You're here to tell me we're over," he decided.
The shock of his words kept you silent. It was the last thing you ever imagined he would believe. After all, you had been the one to take the leap that closed the gap between friendship and something more. He slept in your bed as often as you did in his. Your hearts were equally bare before one another, a development only made from your unwillingness to be without him a second longer. Never---you would never end it with him. But you didn't have time to say so before he was grasping your hands tightly in his.
"Please," he started. There was a catch in his voice. "Please don't end this."
You shook your head. "Jake, you don't understand."
"Then help me. Explain it to me, Honey. Whatever I did—"
"You didn't do anything," you interjected. Then, considering your words, said, "Well, you did, but so did I."
"You?" he questioned with eyes wide. "Honey, what could you have possibly—"
"Jake, I'm pregnant."
He blinked. And blinked again. Lips parted then closed. One of his hands released yours so it could muss his traditionally neat blond locks, then his eyes fell to your stomach.
"Pregnant." He stated, no hint of a question behind it. "You're pregnant with…with my…?"
You nodded.
The long breath he expelled ended with a small smile that softly curved the delicate line of his mouth. Barely noticeable. Locking his gaze to yours and noticing your uncertainty, he said, "It's alright. We will figure this out, ok? I promise." Fingertips swept across your cheekbone. "I mean, I can—I can be a dad."
Your jaw slackened. "You want it?"
"Our baby?" he asked, a wobble to his tone. His brows rose as the rest of his features fell from heartbreak. "Don't you?"
You could've fallen apart then, right in front of him, to let out the many sobs you'd held in over the last few days. A bout of carefree weeping just from the pure acceptance Jake was showing you and the child you'd made together.
"You don't." He once again concluded from your silence.
"No, Jake. I do. I swear I do," you said, rubbing the back of your hand over your nose as you sniffled. "I just didn't think you would. I–I wasn't sure."
"Of course I want our baby," he stressed, squeezing your hands again.
This distress on his face made something in your chest alternate between gentle flutters and vice-like constricting. To have his unexpected support alone was enough to solidify the concealed love you felt for him. But you couldn't ignore how your questioning and insecurity clearly caused him further hurt.
"You say that so easily without even thinking it over."
"There isn't anything for me to think over, Honey," he said. "It's you."
Whether consciously done or not, Jake's fingers tightened the slightest around yours when you untwined them so you could wrap your arms around his neck. You had no intention of pulling away as he'd somehow thought. You just needed him closer, more firmly against you. You needed the solidity of his form to hold you together.
Pulling him in, you asked, "Do you really think we can do this?"
Jake's hands curled around your waist. "We can do anything."
"Everyone will think we're insane."
"Well," he sighed, then tugged his bottom lip between his teeth and shrugged. "Probably. But this is our family. No one else's." A smile caused lovely crinkles to form at the corners of his eyes before he rested his forehead on yours. "And we can absolutely do this."
"You won't change your mind, right?"
"Never, Honey," he promised. "The two of you are mine."
"Are you nervous?"
Your fingers wove through his hair as his ear was resting against your stomach. Listening for any minute sound. Feeling for even the slightest movement.
His attachment to that part of you had grown exponentially since you started showing, and more often than not, his hands, his cheek, his lips were worshiping your lower abdomen.
"Not nervous," he said, looking up at you. "Excited. I want to see our baby."
There was a prickling in the corners of your eyes at his genuine joy. But that was a constant. Tears were common from the moment you found out when you were pregnant. They managed to come more often when Jake proved how much he loved you. And well, when he finally uttered those three words, your cheeks seemed to be damp on the daily. Everything he gave you, all at once, was so wonderfully overwhelming, and you didn't bother holding back.
Jake didn't shame you for it, either; just simply held you and kissed you and thanked you for being his.
"Do you want the doctor to tell us what it's going to be tomorrow?" You asked.
"They don't have to. I already know."
You chuckled at his smirk, and in your testing tone, said, "Is that so? And what is our child, Lieutenant Seresin?"
"Oh, a girl. Definitely a girl," he said, laying his head back down close to your stomach. "You'll see."
Tags: @wkndwlff @kmc1989 @sagittarius-flowerchild @dempy @oliviah-25 @rosiahills22 @xoxabs88xox @matisse556 @hardballoonlove @ssa-sadboi @lynnevanss @pono-pura-vida @tgmreader @amgluvsbooks @ravenhood2792 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @abaker74 @novagreen04 @multifandomlover4life @mayhemmanaged @memeorydotcom @ryiamarie @ateliefloresdaprimavera
#jake seresin#jake seresin x reader#jake hangman seresin#top gun maverick#jake seresin fic#jake hangman seresin x reader#top gun#jake hangman seresin fic#top gun hangman#jake hangman seresin x y/n#hangman top gun#tgm#tgm fic#jake seresin x fem!reader#jake seresin fanfic#jake seresin fanfiction#jake seresin fluff#jake seresin imagine#jake seresin x you
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In The Shadow of Dragons Chapter 4: Tastes Like Venom
18+ | 5k | Daemon Targaryen X Female OC | possessive, protective, objectifying, simping, raunchy Daemon | Uncle / niece incest, Smut, Dragons, Virgin, First Time Sex, Political Intrigue, Plotting, Murder, lots of old timey concepts that don't make a lot of sense today, but are still kind of hot/fun.
Things are about to get really saucy in this chapter! Not everyone is thrilled to hear the announcement of Ryna's courtship to Daemon. Ryna's POV this time.
CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5 | CH 6 | CH 7 | CH 8 | CH 9 Also on AO3
He had actually done it. Daemon had somehow managed to convince her father to let them wed. Well, not to permit them to formally wed just yet, but rather to allow them to engage in courtship, which in turn would ideally lead to their eventual union. Ryna’s heart was soaring as she left her chambers, her stride long and determined as she walked the long and empty corridors towards the dining hall.
Ryna felt indomitable, maybe even a little cocky, as though nothing could stop her today. Not when she was armed with the knowledge that everything she had envisioned might actually come to pass. It seemed luck was on her side, and she would certainly seize the advantage and make the most of it.
The stone corridor opened up into a small flight of stairs, no more than six or seven steps in height. She held her skirts up slightly as she made her way down and took in this morning’s attendees. The entire family was not present, but many were, including her good-mother, Alicent, as well as her children: Aegon, Aeomond, and Helaena. Rhaenyra was also in attendance, but Laenor was nowhere to be seen, nor were their children. Perhaps, she had not felt like wrangling them on this particular morning.
Most importantly, her father was present, sitting at the high end of the table with Damon directly beside him at the corner. Daemon’s gaze darted to her as she entered the hall, his eyes taking in every detail with a smirk as though he were a calculating predator sizing up his prey. The seat next to him was empty and she had every intention of taking her place there.
“Good Morrow, family,” she said cheerfully as she walked down the length of the table.
Daemon stood to greet her as she approached and pulled out the chair next to him.
“Good Morrow, sweetling,” her uncle returned her greeting with a wolfish smile.
His eyes were practically devouring her whole, taking in every sway of her hips, his body practically thrumming in response to her proximity. She tried her best to ignore it for now, lest she make a fool of herself in front of everyone. Daemon dutifully pushed her chair in once she took a seat and sat down beside her.
“How fare you this morning, Daughter?” Viserys asked with a forced smile. His eyes were bloodshot and weary, a testament to the amount of wine he had imbibed the night before.
“I am well, Father. Thank you,” she said with a bright smile. Ryna had never been so pleased with her father before, not that she could remember at least. He’d given her a precious gift and she was ecstatic to have his permission in the future she wished to forge with Daemon. A part of her still wondered if it were actually true. She would wait and see like a good daughter without pushing to find out.
“Good, good,” Viserys replied, waving his hand in a dismissive manner that was all too obviously feigned. While he was clearly not having a good morning and his stomach was likely tied in knots, a hint of warmth crept into his features as he laid eyes on them both.
“I am pleased to make an announcement to my beloved family,” her father seemed to break through the fog in his mind and take on the characteristics of a wise and proud King. “My brother, Prince Daemon, has asked for my Ryna’s hand in marriage. I have agreed upon a courtship,” he stated clearly, looking directly at Ryna now. “Dear daughter, should you accept, we shall see if Daemon’s devotion to you is true.”
A murmur broke out amongst those in attendance, clearly having not expected such an announcement at the morning meal. Aegon seemed almost indignant as he shared a glance with his mother, who in turn looked as though she’d been stabbed in the back by an unseen blade. Her mouth was moving as though to speak, but no words ever came out.
Best of all, was Rhaenyra’s transition from curious to annoyed and it took all that Ryna could muster not to wallow in an expression of smug satisfaction. For her eldest sister had always been the favored child, getting away with whatever she desired and also taking whomever she coveted to warm her bed at night.
Daemon placed a hand on Ryna’s forearm, smiling approvingly as he gave her a gentle squeeze. She looked up at him with a cheerful grin, her hand finding his and returning the gesture. Then she looked to her father, the King, holding her shoulders upright and swelling with poise and refinement.
“I should very much like to accept the prince’s proposal for courtship, Father,” she replied with all of the courtly grace one might expect of a princess.
“You mean your uncle’s proposal,” Aegon mocked with a dismissive tone, no doubt trying to rile her up.
“It is no better than marrying my brother,” she shot him a sharp glance across the table. Ryna had already heard tale of Alicent’s designs to wed them. It had bled through by way of the servants, especially given her coarse sibling’s inability to keep quiet about any private matter. Aegon rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to his mother, who looked none too delighted by the display. With a thin lipped curl of her lips, the King’s wife finally spoke, opting to take the course of civility.
“Well, I suppose we should all offer our congratulations then…” she said, her voice neutral and formal. “Thank you, Good-mother,” Ryna replied with a veiled smile that was much more believable.
The Queen gave a stiff nod in response, her eyes flickering over to Daemon with a hint of displeasure, before she returned her attention to her meal. Rhaenyra on the other hand, was still staring at the pair of them. Her eyes were narrowed slightly as they flicked back and forth as if trying to figured out some complex puzzle box.
Daemon had not let her hand go as the entire scene unfolded, chuckling softly as he made a show of rubbing circles on her fair skin with his thumb in a manner that seemed almost too affectionate. She could tell he was having a little bit of fun and she couldn’t exactly blame him. His gaze drifted to the King and he grinned contentedly. “Thank you, brother,” Daemon said with a nod in acknowledgment of the newly formed courtship. “I promise to honor your daughter as well as treat her with all the care and respect she deserves.”
“I’ll hold you to that, Brother,” her father replied with a well meaning smirk.
“As will the whores on the Street of Silk!” Aegon chimed in once more, his eyes glancing between the two with barely contained anticipation for the reception of his mocking words.
“Enough, Aegon,” the King snapped, his own eyes darkening at his son. “Can you not even be happy for your sister on this day?”
The young man sat back in his chair with a huff, crossing his arms like a petulant child, but did not speak up again.
The mood of the room shifted with that, heavy with suspicion and resignation. For it was clear to all present that the courtship would move forward and that there was naught to be done about it, at least not yet. Ryna had no doubt that they would all be scheming soon enough and watching her and Daemon likes hawks. Still, it vexed her that even her family’s pretense of congratulation was not sincere at all, aside from her father at least. “Why does everyone seem so somber? It is a favorable match, is it not?” There was a slight twinge of irritation in Ryna’s voice. She was a Targaryen princess and she deserved more respect than this, but as usual, she was treated as insignificant even when marrying the rightful heir to the throne. Alicent’s expression was neutral, a polite mask now hiding her disagreement. “Of course it is…” she replied. “You are both of Valyrian blood. It is a powerful union.” Her tone was carefully controlled, but Ryna could still sense a hint of bitter resentment. While Rhaenyra still kept her silence, her father was the only one besides the young children who seemed to be unbothered. His expression was thoughtful as he took another sip of his cup. He looked at the newly matched couple, his eyes lingering on where Daemon held her hand. “I must admit,” he said finally, his voice quiet but commanding attention regardless. “I had my reservations about this match at first… But I can see that you are both are committed to each other. As long as you both are sure that this is what you want. Then I will not stand in your way. The two of you will have my blessing given you conduct yourselves with decorum.” “Of course we are sure,” Daemon answered for the both of them. He glanced at her with a reassuring little smile before turning his attention back to the king.
Father’s next words were spoken in a low tone, compelling the silence of the room. “A union as powerful as this would be well served with heirs as soon as possible. Once you wed, of course.”
“You need not worry about that, dear brother,” Daemon chuckled, trying to hide his devious nature as he looked back to Ryna once more. “When the time comes, I intend to take full advantage of every available opportunity.”
A disgusted scoff came from the far end of the table and Ryna’s gaze snapped to the left. She had thought it to be Aegon voicing his discontent, but was not entirely surprised to see a dark expression upon Rhaenyra’s face, her eyes full of malice as she stared quite brazenly at their uncle.
Daemon turned his attention to her elder sister, a small smirk tugging up at the corner of his mouth. He was clearly enjoying this, perhaps a little too much. But, Ryna could feel nothing but a building fury that Rhaenyra could be so petty as to hold onto what amounted to a crush. An infatuation that had ended five years ago when Daemon had been sent away. She found it more difficult to contain her mounting anger as the seconds passed.
“And what of you, Sister?” she asked pointedly, drawing Rhaenyra’s attention away from her intended. “Have you nothing to say? No congratulatory words to encourage this union?”
A flicker of annoyance passed over Rhaenyra’s face as she was addressed. She paused for a moment, as though carefully considering her words before speaking.
“What would you like me to say, Sister?” she replied, her tone attempting to be measured and controlled, but failing miserably. “That I am happy for you? That I am not jealous of your… good fortune?”
The nerve of her to openly admit that she was jealous almost elicited a scowl from Ryna. Instead, she snapped back keeping her voice pleasantly civil and obtuse.
“You are married to Ser Laenor and have three beautiful children sired by him. What more good fortune do you need?” The words were meant to cut, while putting on an air of indifference. Save for her father, who was willfully ignorant of the fact, it was quite obvious to most that Rhaenyra’s children were bastards.
Rhaenyra’s eyes narrowed at her comment, a flicker of outrage passing across her features. It was obvious she grasped the intention of Ryna’s subtle insult. “Yes, I am married to a great man and he has gifted me three wonderful sons,” she replied through gritted teeth. “But that does not negate my own desires and ambitions.”
“And what of your desires, Sister? How should they interfere with my wedding Daemon?” she looked at her uncle for a moment, curious to see if he shared any signs of Rhaenyra’s lingering affections. Daemon wore a bemused expression, clearly enjoying the family drama. “Yes, let us hear what desires you hold, Rhaenyra,” he prompted with a sly smirk, leaning back into his chair in a languid manner that almost seemed theatrical.
Rhaenyra’s lips pressed together in an indignant sneer as her eyes passed between Daemon and Ryna. She was growing more agitated with the situation, but she kept her voice mostly even as she spoke. “It is my desire for you to find a better match, dear sister,” she said coldly. “A union between the two of you would be ill fated.”
Ryna let out a pointed laugh and replied without hesitation. “Are you questioning the King’s judgment?” she fumed at Rhaenyra before turning her attention to her father. “Is it not preposterous, Father? How much good fortune does your first daughter need, when your second daughter has had none?”
Viserys let out a long suffering sigh, his expression growing weary at the turn the conversation had taken. “My daughters…” he began, shaking his head as he tried to maintain order. “Must we do this now?”
“She could at least pretend to be happy for me,” Ryna insisted, her eyes glaring back to Rhaenyra, her rage barely contained now. “Is that so much to ask for?”
Rhaenyra met her gaze with equal fervor, her eyes narrowing. “Is it so much to ask that you not flaunt your happiness in my face!?” she quipped back, her voice dripping with venom.
“Ready yourself, Sister. For I shall soon be flaunting it for the rest of my days!” The dam had broken and every bit of cordial composure had been washed away with the floodwaters.
Her eldest sister’s face contorted with anger and jealousy. It must have been difficult to acknowledge the gladness of others while she suffered a husband who would not bed her. Ryna could not help but grin with satisfaction, watching her sister squirm at the realization that the invincible Rhaenyra had finally been one-upped. The feeling did not last long as the cornered snake bit back once more.
“You will not be happy forever,” Rhaenyra retorted through clenched teeth. “Nothing lasts forever… Not even your relationship with our dear uncle. One day, he will tire of you and move on to the next shiny new toy.”
Ryna scoffed, unable to believe that her sister would sink so low. Rhaenyra had no idea what she was talking about, of course, and was simply holding onto the childish impressions she’d formed as an infatuated young girl. She was not prepared for what the first princess said next though.
Clearly enjoying her reaction, Rhaenyra met Ryna’s sound of derision with a smug grin. “You think you know him so well, don’t you? You think he truly cares for you?” she sneered, her voice heavy with condescension. “He will tire of your innocent doe eyes and your sweet voice… He will grow bored of the way you cling to him like a lost puppy…”
Her smirk intensified as she continued to hammer her banner into the ground. “He will long for a challenge, for someone who can match his fire and passion. Someone who is not so desperate. Someone who can intrigue him and keep him guessing.” She paused for a moment, her eyes flicking over to Daemon as though appealing directly to him for her own cause.
“He will realize that you are simply too ordinary for him.. Too dull.. And he will move on to someone more interesting, more exciting. Someone who’s blood runs strong of Old Valyria.”
Something snapped within her and it felt as though years of neglect and bitterness came pouring through all at once. A lifetime of being overlooked and treated like an inconsequential child by her kin, had built up into a rage that she now found difficult to control.
She clenched her jaw firmly as she practically growled back. “How dare you…” she muttered through her teeth.
Rhaenyra smiled, content with herself for getting such a reaction out of her younger sister. “It is the truth,” she added simply, as though explaining something very mundane. “And deep down, I think you know it.” The heir to the throne shifted her gaze onto Daemon again, her eyes lingering on him for a moment as she tried to entreat him. “Don’t you, Uncle?”
Daemon feigned indifference as he glanced over at Rhaenyra before returning his eyes to Ryna, his smirk never wavering.
“I am curious, Rhaenyra,” he mused with mocking thoughtfulness. “From what great well of knowledge do you draw your conclusions from?”
“I know you better than most, Uncle,” she responded, a hint of annoyance in her voice. “You are impatient and impulsive. A man who craves adrenaline, and yet you seek to marry my sister, who is as still and calm as a pond?” She huffed derisively. “You will tire of her quickly. Just watch.”
Ryna stood up abruptly, her fists white knuckled and holding against the table. “Still? Calm? Too dull? Do you wish to spit venom, sister? What is more dull than a commoner?” Her eyes were a fiery blaze as she stared down the table at Rhaenyra, her gaze then shifted to Ser Criston Cole who stood guard at the side of the room.
“You keep your mouth shut, you little wench!” Rhaenyra snapped in a furious whisper. “You know nothing!”
It was clear that this argument was no longer about her wedding Daemon or Rhaenyra’s jealousy of it. Ryna was finally unleashing all of her disappointment and anger from years of watching the first-born child be showered with attention and praise while she received naught but crumbs. Rhaenyra, who dared insult her desirability to her future husband in public, while she had been spreading her legs to unworthy men, and insulting their very lineage.
But, the murmurs of those in the room brought her back to reality and one glance at her father made her worry that perhaps she had taken it too far. He never did like it when anyone spoke of his eldest daughter in a negative light, even if it was true.
“That is enough!” Viserys’ voice resounded loudly, causing all at the table to stiffen, besides Daemon who still seemed relaxed as though conflict did not bother him in the slightest. “Both of you will cease your quarreling immediately!” He looked towards Rhaenyra, his eyes narrowed. “You will comport yourself like an heir to the Iron Throne, and not some child in need of a spanking.”
He then fixed his gaze on Ryna, his expression stern. “You too, dear. Just because your sister foolishly goaded you, does not give you leave to do the same.” He sighed before continuing in a more exhausted tone. “Can we not have a single family meal that does not end in bickering?”
The King shifted in his seat, looking between his daughters. “We will not discuss this matter any further. The decision is made. Daemon shall court Ryna. That is the end of it.”
Ryna sat back in her seat and bowed her head in deference towards her father. “I’m most ashamed, Father. My humblest apologies.”
Father’s gaze softened with her contrition, but his voice was still firm. “You would do well to remember whom you are, Ryna.” He said, his voice gravely serious. “You are a princess of House Targaryen, both of you,” he shot Rhaenyra a look as he spoke. “Your actions reflect upon the honor of our family… You must act with decency and dignity at all times.”
His eyes fell upon his second daughter once more, a slight lenience added to his tone. “All of us must strive to be our best, and to be more than our baser emotions. We are a family, and we must not forget that.”
“Yes, Father,” Ryna replied, falling back into what was expected of her. “I shall endeavor even harder to ensure you are not disappointed in me.” Rhaenyra remained silent on the matter, only offering a slight nod in repentance.
Daemon sat silently, his fingers idly drumming against the tabletop as he watched the interaction unfold. His eyes flicked to Rhaenyra a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. It was as though he had an opinion on her behavior, but he decided to keep it to himself.
He leaned forward in his seat, taking Ryna’s hand in his again with a sly grin dancing upon his lips as he chimed in to fill the quiet. “Ah, but what’s family without a bit of drama to keep the blood pumping?” he drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Upon finishing, Daemon lifted her hand up to his mouth and pressed a gentle kiss against the backside of her knuckle.
Ryna’s cheeks burned slightly as he pressed his lips against her skin, causing her heart to stir. His affections somehow diffusing her anger, despite the insults Rhaenyra had hurled at her. In the end, it did not matter what her sister had said, for Ryna was the one who was now in line to wed Daemon. She felt nothing but victorious at her uncle’s show of affection coupled with the adoring way he gazed at her, all while Rhaenyra was forced to watch. She forced herself to remain composed on the surface, not allowing her facade to fall once more.
The queen spoke up then, her smile polite, but her tone somewhat chiding. “It does seem that trouble always follows when you are around, Prince Daemon,” she said with a small laugh, an attempt to keep her jab sounding light hearted.
His eyes slid over to Alicent and he chuckled mirthfully, squeezing Ryna’s hand once more before relinquishing it. “Ah, my dearest good-sister,” he said smugly, his sarcastic tone only growing in its intensity. “You make it sound as though I am a mere trouble-maker, an instigator of discord.” He paused for a moment, a devious gleam in his eyes. “Though I have been the most well behaved Targaryen at the table this morning.”
The irony was not lost on anyone in the room, even if Ryna could not help but crack a smile. She was just thankful that Aegon and his mother had not joined the argument she’d had with Rhaenyra, for it was none of their business. Her father looked mildly annoyed with his younger brother for a moment, but he said nothing on the matter opting instead to change the subject.
“Ryna, my dear,” the King looked her way inquisitively, then glanced to Daemon. “I assume with my brother’s eagerness, that the two of you shall be planning your first courtship date soon?”
She smiled, feeling a little embarrassed at the direct questioning, but responding with her thoughts regardless, “I have not had much time to consider it, Father. What does one do on a such an outing?”
Daemon spoke next, his demeanor cool and confident. “There are many possibilities, sweetling,” he replied with a grin. “Perhaps a romantic dinner, a ride on dragonback, or a walk through the Godswood at sunset. There’s more than one path to success, and none of them is inherently wrong.”
“All options sound delightful, Uncle…” she answered softly. “How am I to choose?”
His grin widened at her response. “That’s the spirit, my dear princess,” he said with a low chuckle. “There’s no need to limit ourselves to just one activity. We shall engage in all of these pursuits, and more.”
The idea of spending time alone with Daemon in all of these various encounters made her heart flutter in her chest. She was both nervous and excited for what might happen, wondering if he would behave himself or let his carnal appetites get the best of him. Still, it was thrilling to have her much older, much more experienced uncle show her all of the things he had to offer. The possibilities where practically endless where he was involved.
“That sounds like a wonderful plan, Uncle,” she said, her voice filled with enthusiasm for the first time since Father had given his permission for their courtship to begin. “I look forward to whatever you have in store for me.”
Viserys watched the interaction between his daughter and Daemon intently, a slight grin on his face. He was clearly pleased with the interest her uncle was showing in the relationship.
“It seems you have developed a sudden fondness for courtship, Brother,” the King laughed softly, his eyes fixed on the prince. “I cannot pretend I am not surprised by this.”
Daemon shrugged off his brother’s comment with a grin. “What can I say? Your daughter is the kind of beauty that can awaken the romantic in any man,” he said, his eyes flickering towards Ryna as he spoke. He turned back to Viserys with a confident look. “Besides, you cannot expect me to pass up the opportunity to have such a lovely girl on my arm.”
Viserys laughed sharply at his words. “I suppose I cannot blame you, brother,” he said, his voice taking on a somewhat paternal tone. “But do refrain from any… untoward behavior.”
As Daemon replied with his usual charms, Ryna basked in his compliment feeling an unusual mixture of pride and embarrassment. She had never in her wildest dreams thought that she would be the one to capture Daemon’s interest. She was used to being the second daughter, second choice, the less interesting of the two by most accounts. Now, she was the one with a handsome man doting over her, and in front of her entire family no less. It was a validation she had seldom felt in her life.
She stole a peek at Rhaenyra who was still visibly upset, her resentment plain for all to see. It only added to Ryna’s satisfaction. Daemon turned back to Ryna, his gaze lingering on her a beat longer than necessary. He leaned over to her closely, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear, his fingers brushing the sensitive skin of her neck as he did so. He whispered so low that she doubted any but her could hear it, “Ignore her, my dear sweetling. Let her stew in her envy.”
Ryna nodded, feeling a shiver run down her spine as a result of his hot breath against the shell of her ear. Her uncle was right after all, for all Rhaenyra could do now was wallow in her covetous desires. Well, that and try to plot the downfall of their union, but her eldest sister would need some time to consider her options first.
His attention shifted to his brother once more and Daemon’s demeanor became more cordial. “If I may, your Grace. I’d like to take my lady for a walk to discuss the details of our courtship.” His voice was smooth and assuming, not asking for permission, but acting as though it were a foregone conclusion.
The King eyed his brother and then his daughter before finally nodding his approval. “Very well, you have my leave.”
With a polite nod to his brother and good-sister, Daemon stood from the table, pulling Ryna’s chair out and offering his hand to her. She took it and marveled at the way he laced his fingers in hers as she rose up beside him.
“Good day, Viserys,” he said in a well-meaning tone before switching to one of playful mockery. “Thank you for the lovely meal.” The king groaned, shaking his head with exasperation. “I would not have called it lovely, brother, but you are welcome.”
Daemon smirked at the King and then turned to the rest of the table, offering a slight bow of his head. “And Good Day to the rest of you.”
“Yes, Good Day to you all and once again… Thank you very much, Father, for agreeing to this courtship,” she bowed her head low and rose with a smile.
With farewells and thanks accounted for, Daemon offered her his arm which she gladly took.
“Come, sweetling,” he said in a low tone as he pulled Ryna in the direction of the double doors that led out towards the gardens. “We have much to discuss.” Read Chapter 5
#daemon targaryen x oc#daemon targaryen fanfic#daemon targaryen#house of the dragon#daemon targeryan#hotd daemon#fanfic#hotd#a song of ice and fire#daemon targaryen smut#hotd fanfic#daemon smut#daemon fic#asoiaf#shadow of the dragon#mgurl#in the shadow of dragons#itsod#daemon x oc#house of the dragon x oc#daemon fanfic#hotd smut#daemon targaryen x ofc#female oc#daemon x female oc#house targaryen#targcest#daemon x niece#fanfiction#female original character
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What - it's nothing to panic about, Lori's secret pregnancy, Shane's changes for the worse, Sophia gone for over a week, and now a barn full of walkers. It's fine. No big deal, nothing is wrong, so you're gonna step onstage and act like it. On the bright side, Daryl isn't stuck in a bed anymore!
When - the morning after Keep this dog asleep. (the night where Glenn discovers the barn in Season 2)
Who - this is part of the Slowpoke Series, which is a canon compliant slow burn Reader x Daryl. You're also Shane's younger sibling
Pronouns - she/her
TWs - a few cusses, panic, bad screenshots
References - lots, y'all, want the Masterlist?
Length - longer bc I've been awol, I've been dreading posting again, friends, so thank you much for reading. Kind feedback is always welcome :)
“Goodness. You two slept together.”
“Wha—Carol!” you squeak, accidentally splashing some coffee on your hands while you’re at it, to which Carol apologizes, “Oops!”
Glenn and you fell asleep beside each other, by the fire pit. You two must have conked out while staring at the barn.
Brr, the sun hasn’t warmed the day yet, you’re like an ice-pop.
“Wh’appened?” Glenn mumbles, still half-asleep in Dale’s camp chair.
Carl, freshly freed from the house and now officially back to the tents, also wanted to know, “What was the joke?”
“Sorry, couldn’t resist,” Carol whispers in your ear and wipes the coffee off your hand with a tissue she had in her pocket.
That ship has sailed, Carol!
Lori smiles and shakes her head, and hands Glenn a coffee cup. “Carol was teasing them about having spent the night out here. Must’ve stayed up far too late having fun.”
“‘Fun,’” Glenn groans to himself, blindly nursing his coffee. You notice he winces and reaches for the back of his neck when he tries to bend it forward. Must’ve slept on it wrong.
“How late did you guys stay up?”
“I don’t even know, little man,” you answer Carl while reaching out for a hug. “But ‘far too late’ sure is correct.”
He returns your reach and hugs you back, tucking his head down across your neck like he used to when he was little. You press a kiss to his temple and hold him awhile longer, not wanting to let go first.
It’s good to have started the day on an up-note. You’re already on guard this morning. Less so about the genuine, bona-fide barn full of walkers on the property and moreso that Glenn won’t keep the secret long enough.
Which is backwards, but…the worry is that Shane will, um, and, and— oh God, and Carl can’t go near it! What are you gon—
“—Here, Maggie left these for you two.” Lori has returned and plunks down what resembles an Easter basket filled with peaches.
“Wait, should you be lifting heav—” Glenn cuts himself off, apparently having woken up a brain cell and remembering the pregnancy is still a secret.
You run onstage and speak up for Lori. “That’s how her arms stay so toned. Can you believe she hand-whipped the cream for the ambrosia?” Solid improv.
Lori seems to tamp down on whatever frustration she’s feeling. “It’s not heavy, Glenn.”
“Mom can lift so much, that puny basket of peaches is nothing,” Carl tells him, apparently thinking Glenn was being dumb.
Rattled, it takes a moment before Lori recalls what she was talking about. “Maggie also gave us a bucket filled with tomatoes along with another big bowl of eggs. We have to find a way to thank them. They’ve done so much.” She sighs. “Even last night, we cooked the meal, but they provided the food. Meat, even. All we contributed food-wise was the field green salad and the two cans of creamed corn.”
You’ve got to keep it to yourself that by not revealing the Greene’s massive secret about a barn full of walkers, you’re certainly giving them some kind of fucked up recompense.
And like you said last night, there are worse things to be bribed with than food. In fact, you have no immediate plans to do anything other than sit here, miserably tired, in T-Dog’s camp chair and stress-eat peaches — and stick close to Glenn lest he get the urge to open Pandora’s box about that barn.
“Carl, Miss Patricia hopefully mentioned how the barn is unstable? They won’t even go near it, and we are forbidden.” You swipe a peach and have at it. The juice dribbles down your hand and chin. Carl smirks. You snort; at least he’s seen you look grosser. So, in a very ladylike fashion, you shove the rest of it in your mouth in one bite and immediately swipe another. “There’s some kind of vermin problem, too, and you don’t want none of them diseases rats and the like carry. Keep away.”
Mid-chew, you realize that you just lied flawlessly by slipping in truth. You’re not big on lying. In fact, you hate it. You don’t do it, or, at least you think you don’t? Do you?
This and the weight of last night’s inward decision that you made sits heavy in your stomach, making the peach sink like a rock.
You’re going to leave, with your brother. Shane can’t stay here, not when the news of the baby and now the barn gets out. You’ll even go to Fort Benning despite all your misgivings. Anything to keep things from imploding here when those secrets get out. Not, um, not that you’ll stay away forever from the group, just until, um…
Well, if looks are any indication, Glenn’s also busy being miserably tired and stressed. He was the one to discover the barn’s secret, first off. And he’s not good with secrets, and now has three to contend with. The pregnancy, Shane losing his temper and physically hurting you. And now, the stupid, stupid, awful barn.
“Did your head flop down when you fell asleep, Glenn?”
“It must’ve, it’s so stiff!” he mutters. “I can’t have a stiff neck when the…”
Smart, he knows not to finish the sentence and instead resumes warily eyeing the barn. You’re grateful your neck is fine and dandy, you’re in no fit state to mess up your neck or shoulder again. For real, by the grace of God, you’d fallen asleep nestled in T-Dog’s camp chair and your neck stayed blessedly straight and untwisted.
“We search for Sophia in groups, it’s all good,” you cover for him. Carl is still next to you, so the fewer questions, the better.
Maybe it’s the lack of sleep, but you’re restless. Seeking something to busy your hands with, you think to yourself you know what? Your friend could use a massage. It’s the gentlemanly thing to do, considering you slept together (lol).
Shoving the rest of the second peach in your mouth, you consider that slurping the juice off your hand may be a mite untoward, so instead you…wipe it on the clothes you wore all day yesterday and fell asleep in…such a feminine, classy woman. Didn’t even brush your teeth last night.
Whatever, a neck and shoulder rub is the least you can do for a friend you may not see again. “Glenn, I can do you a massage,” you offer.
“Wait. Really?”
“’Course.” Let’s face it, you may not see him again after you leave. Maybe no one here, just look at the track record of losing peop — oh my gosh, crybaby much? Get your butt back onstage and act fine.
“Can you, with your arm still wrapped like that?” he checks regarding your modified sling.
“Sure can.”
“Dude, that would be, like,” Glenn sighs, then you hear Lori call for Carl, who gets up and goes to his mother. “Thank you, that would be awesome, it hurts really bad,” your friend accepts.
“Eh, it’s the least I could do, considering last night we did,” pause for dramatic effect, “sleep together.”
“What the h—”
“—Bro, I know," you drone. "That’s what Carol joked about a few minutes ago. Didn’t expect that joke outta her, right?”
“Slept together, now I get it,” he cracks up halfheartedly. But in an instant, his gaze gets drawn right back toward the barn and resettles into uneasy, blatant stare.
That rattles you. Suddenly, you become convinced he’s gonna spill the beans before the one week (at least one week!) trial. For a few moments, you feel breathless, as in you can’t inhale enough. That happened last night, too, you figured it was because of the cold air.
You cough, inhale extra deep. The sensation goes away. But now you’re starting to get mad. As you rise from the chair, you’re more than conscious of your inner kettle beginning to simmer. Not gonna lie, you sound snotty when you comment, “Glad to see they didn’t learn how to jump as high as a hayloft and find their way out yet.”
In lieu of any new comeback, you start on his neck. Immediately and likely without meaning to, he lets out a thankful groan. That warms you, and you remind yourself he’s worried for a good reason and that you love your friend.
And, strangely, then you think back to how you did this for Daryl, gave him a massage. How pleasant the closeness felt, how strange it made your stomach feel. How he’d silently cried but was vulnerable enough to ask you not to stop…
And with the jokes about you and Glenn, you’re feeling some unpleasantly conflicting emotions. Full disclosure, you’d had some hidden and very unwelcome hurt feelings when you found out about him and Maggie. Residual, you reckon, from when you’d two had a little fondness (lol Dale) for each other.
Really, you know it’s just that you’re lonely and things are stressful. More than stressful.
“Wanna kick the ball around later with the others, see if the girls can’t beat y’all this time?” Together, Jimmy and he have been an unbeatable team so far, and you three girls want to change that.
“Anything to make the pharmacy trip suck less.”
Man, you’d forgotten all about that. It’s supposed to feature none other than Glenn, Maggie, yourself, and maybe T-Dog. “That’s still on?”
Glenn shrugs. “I don’t remember. And I don’t want to go today, let’s do it tomorrow or Monday.”
“Fine by me. Naught dire we need yet.”
He unexpectedly exhales in pleasure when you must’ve hit a spot he needs worked out.“I haven’t gotten a massage since, like,” your friend sighs again, and he sounds weighed down when he continues. “Varsity baseball in high school. Appa was really good at shoulder rubs.”
“Oh.” A memory about his dad might will probably spark a whole lot of memories, and he’s still iffy about crying in front of people. “Want me to stop?”
“Heck no.”
“Are you cool with crying? Massages sometimes do that,” you hesitate.
“What do you mean?”
“I meant the act itself can make folk cry sometimes.” Especially if memories get brought up.
“Make ‘folk’ cry?” he teases. "You already used the word 'naught,' too, bumpkin."
You pause the massage to give him a very light shove. “Shut up, buttface.”
Breakfast is eggs again, you can smell them cooking. The Greenes have been very generous with eggs. And, of course, now extra-generous with the peaches and some tomatoes, apparently. Maybe the thrill of yellow squash or string beans is in the future, too.
Ooh, or dairy. Oh my gosh, or red meat! Jimmy mentioned they’ve made a ton of jerky what with their cattle.
“G’morning,” you hear Shane behind you.
“Morning, Shane.”
The razzing is clear in his tone of voice, but try telling that to Glenn as your brother says, “Lookin’ cute, you two. Didn’t know this was a thing now, I thought that ship had sailed.”
Yeahhhhh, Glenn wriggles away from your hands quicker than you can whine, “Shaney!” who simply cracks up, “Just teasing.”
“I’ll tease your face,” you wish you weren’t snickering back. “And you know my heart belongs to darling Theodore,” you add in an exaggerated accent.
T-Dog, unfortunately, hears, and utters a soft “Da hell?” aaand you cackle even harder. Surely he knows the not-so-secret secret that you think he’s a catch? Too old for you, but, like. What a gem.
“Glenn, my apologies.” Shane winks. “It’s too easy to rile this one up. And Dog, don’t worry.”
“It’s cool,” Glenn answers so awkwardly.
You scrunch your lips at your brother in an effort not to smile. He’s acting like himself again, the real Shane. You don’t feel as if you’re looking at a stranger, you don’t feel the urge to stay on-guard or stay onstage. “Proud of yourself?”
He shrugs with a lazy grin. “It is real easy to rile you up.”
“Mmhm, well I’m fixing to escape to Fort Benning right now, lemme just wash up first.” You insert this little seed in hope it takes root. He was planning to go there before things changed.
He was planning to go without your input or foreknowledge, too, but he was doing what he thought was best for the group. For Lori and Rick.
Until he didn’t anymore, according to what he said to Lori.
That night, the same day Daryl had almost died, was something else.
The things he said to Lori echo in your head, the confident flirting while she was visibly unreceptive and shaken.
Then you recall the way he’s been “pragmatic” and almost irritated about the continuing search for Sophia.
Then the way he blew up at you, hurt you.
And finally, how your first reaction to finding out there was a barn filled with walkers a mere one minute trek from where your people are sleeping in tents was to insist that the secret must be kept from Shane at all costs. That the secret had to stay that way because of what would happen if Shane found out.
Maybe it’s from sleeping too close to the campfire or because it was so chilly last night, but the breathing trouble is back. It's fine, this happened last night, it ended up being fine.
You cough a few times to try and inhale more deeply and ease the tightness in your chest, but you feel strange and a little nauseous. Maybe you're coming down with something.
“Lemme take over here — aw, Glenn, hey, sit back on down,” Shane insists to your friend who just tried to escape. “Heard you slept on your neck wrong. That shit stinks, man. But,” he holds out his hands and wiggles his fingers. “I got so much practice with massages from this one’s migraines, I might should switch careers. C’mon then,” he says lightheartedly.
The unease you just wrestled with lessens. This is the real Shane, the confident, even cocky, but goodhearted one.
Huh, cool, your breathing feels a little better, too.
He looks at you and points with his thumb toward the house. “The uh, the little one, what’s the blonde girl’s name again?”
“Soph—oh! Um, sorry, y-you mean ‘Beth,’” you stammer, all the mirth from a moment ago zapped.
The look in your brother’s eyes changes from easygoing to dampened to cold.
He tries to sound nonchalant behind a thin veil of both defense and offense. “Yeah, the, uh, the teenager. She asked for you.”
“Okay. Thanks.” You’d be off like a shot if there wasn’t another potential time bomb to worry about.
To your friend, you assure in truth, “He does give a mighty solid massage.” But when you lean over enough for him to see your face, you can feel your eyes darken when you hold the finger to your lips and set your jaw.
And as you make toward the house with your coffee and another two peaches, you’re grappling with the fact that, in an effort to keep Glenn quiet so everything won’t blow to pieces, you’re behaving not unlike the very person that you’re trying to prevent from igniting the explosion in the first place.
Another worry is the way you so easily slipped in and out of being onstage.
You’ve always been one to insist on truth and honesty. It’s a badge of honor you wear with pride, and even Daryl, prickly grump Daryl, has mentioned it and appreciates that about you.
And yet, look at your conduct over the past week or so. You can certainly lie, and be believable at it. You don’t like that.
Ew, gross, you’re getting nauseous again.
As you near the porch, Beth’s soft, clear voice calls your name, and she exits the house to meet you. “I got somethin’ for you. Can you come upstairs?”
“Sure. Your dress is cute!” comes out automatically. You’re still dazed and stressed. Her sundress really is pretty, though. Briefly, you consider how it would be nice to feel feminine again.
She leads you up the stairs, and it strikes you how odd it is that you have to go upstairs for whatever she’s going to give you, right? Then, you worry that it’s to do with the barn.
And you’re right.
Or, at least, you think you are. Maggie is upstairs when Beth brings you there.
The tightness comes back, so you focus on your breathing and will your stomach to chill out. You're onstage, you need to perform.
“Y/N, hi!” Margaret says this a little overly chipper, even though her appearance suggests that she’s had about as much shut-eye as you, if not less. “Sleep okay?”
“A-About as well as you, I reckon,” you answer with a hint of humor and only a trace of a stress stutter. Buying time with a few more coughs, before you get too defensive, you play it off as if Beth does not know that you and Glenn know. “We stayed up far too late and ate way too many peaches,” you say the girl. Which is the truth, you aren’t lying! You aren't lyi — nope, don't you cry! Stay onstage, stay onstage, stay onstage—
—As it so happens, now is when you recall how you are currently carrying two peaches in your hand, so your cheeks heat. The urge to cry goes away, so, small win. “I ate way too many, at least.”
Beth giggles. “I love peaches, too. I had peach cobbler as my birthday cake two years ago. The ones we grow are so good!”
“Thank you for the basket of food, by the way, it was very kind.” Very kind bribery, please keep it up, we haven’t had this much available food in months, in fact, we’ll probably do anything you ask us if you let us stay here!
“There’s plenty more where the peaches came from. The season’s almost over, but we still have bushels left to pick, the hens haven’t slowed production yet, and we’re almost out of canning supplies we’ve done so many,” Maggie responds.
Beth is opening a big trash bag on her bed that looks like it’s filled with blankets, so Maggie takes the opportunity to lock eyes with you again. She mouths, “Thank you.”
For not saying anything? “She doesn’t know we know?” you mouth back.
She shakes her head.
You relax muscles you didn’t know you were tensing.
“Yay, I got it open without rippin' it!” Beth exclaims. “Y/N, Maggie and I had gathered up a bunch of clothes for charity, but that’s when things got, w-well,” she halts, unsure of how to describe the outbreaks. “The bad things happened, but, um, we, well, we still had all the donations bagged. Daddy and Shawn also…” She quiets at mentioning her deceased older brother and turns weepy.
Her big sister finishes for her. “Shawn donated clothes, too. And Mom.” She swallows. “There’s plenty to share with your group, is what she means.” Maggie nods her head at the bag on the bed, then to two others on the floor.
They're sharing...all of those?
You don’t get a chance to ask it because Beth is already answering. “When I saw how y’all looked, it was scary. The,” she starts, then stops. “Not that you were scary, I meant y’all must’ve been out there a long time. It’s scary to think about.”
“In your defense, I did look scary the first time you saw me.” Wild hair, sweat-drenched, sobbing, and covered in Carl’s and your own blood. Rough day.
But having been ‘out there,’ as Beth worded it, it’s not so scary when you’re with a group you trust. It even feels comforting to have them all. Which is when you consider how Shane and you will be back out there in a couple weeks, alone.
“Here.” Beth shyly points to the bag. “I wanted to offer for you to look through the bags first. If, if you want.”
The offer is (more) bribery to keep you quiet, which cools the warmth of the charity, but doesn't lessen the grateful tears you spill. Plus, yes, you all could use some fresh clothes, there’s only so much mending that can be done. And to be offered first dibs, even if it’s just to butter you up, is still being offered first dibs. “I’d love to take a look, thank you,” you say in earnest.
Beth combs through the bag and chats in her shy manner, handing you a barely-worn, calf-length dress that had been gift for Maggie, then a (pure wool?!) cardigan their mother had been giving away.
You find it hard to believe that she’s doing this as bribery, Beth doesn’t seem the sort to easily conceal things. She’s got an innocence that hits as genuine.
But, then again, you who hate dishonesty are apparently great at it. Who’s to say she’s not, too?
The breathlessness briefly comes back. You clear your throat and cough once.
Beth next, to your apprehension and then delight, has you try on the dress and cardigan (which shockingly fit). While retying the modified sling around your upper arm, Maggie keeps trying to catch your eye again in order to, you don’t know, communicate something via meaningful glance? But you don’t have the bandwidth for it, so return her look with a polite smile and shrug.
Her little sister then proceeds to gussy you up in a way reminiscent of how Amy did once at the quarry camp to see how Glenn would react. Gosh, was that only two-ish months ago, wasn’t it? Or has it been longer? It feels like longer.
Beth has manages a quick, respectable braided style for your hair, touches up your eyebrows for you, and even adds blush. She then claims that your hiking boots “look okay” with the ensemble and has you use the full length mirror in her closet to inspect the full results.
The dress is lovely, you have to admit. The neckline doesn’t dip too low bonus that it doesn’t show your bruise, the waist is defined, and it’s long enough past your knees to be comfortable. The length also helps lessen the lingering apprehension you have about showing natural (*cough cough unshaven*) legs.
You actually feel…pretty. Been a while.
It’s as if she knew you were yearning to feel girly again. If this is bribery, you welcome it. Worse ways of being bribed than with fresh food and a makeover from a genuinely sweet kid. And hey, since you have to be onstage so much, might as well dress nicely for the audience.
When you’re walking downstairs to bring your people the donations, Maggie murmurs in your ear, “Y/N, I didn’t put her up to any of this, it was all her.”
When you pull away from her, she's insistent. “It wasn’t her bein’ nice to keep you quiet. Remember, she doesn’t kn—”
“—Good mornin’, girls. What’s in the bags?” Patricia’s voice calls from the bottom of the stairwell.
“We had some clothes to donate since before Easter,” Beth answers. “I figured they could use ’em.”
“They certainly could. I’m glad I have plenty I brought from my house when we moved in.” You can see Miss Patricia in the hallway by the stairs, clearly wearing one of her late husband’s shirts over her dress. Her brows lift. “Seems you dolled your friend up some. You clean up nice, sweetpea!”
“Thank you, ma’am. I-I do feel like a lady again,” you allow, your cheeks again warming.
“Never stopped being one, as far as I’m concerned. Always kept your Ps and Qs,” she’s kind enough to maintain. “Oh, speaking of ladies, I don’t know how y’all are doing on girls’ supplies, but we should have enough to share while you’re still with us.”
“Margaret and I were gonna look for some more on the next drug store run tomorrow or Monday to make sure you’re well stocked.” Along with everything else on the list(s) that was forgotten when those two…got distracted.
Ugh, how different things would be if you’d gone along for that trip! None of this barn bullshit!
Again, you feel the need to cough to help you breathe better, so you cough twice and try clearing your throat.
“Uh-oh, sounds like cold and flu season is well on it’s way,” she muses. “Don’t let me keep you holding them bags all day, girls. It’ll be funny watchin’ your daddy react if one of them ends up dressed in his giveaways,” the woman comments wryly. “Now, I did intend to check on those stitches today, Y/N, so come see me later. Hersh is just finishing up with Daryl’s, in fact, then he’ll be all set to go, if you were wantin’ to see him out.”
Oh, right! Today is finally the day he’s leaving that room!
Carl, too, but he’s already out and has been wandering around outside as much as his energy and mom will allow (which isn’t very much yet).
Daryl, on the other hand, has been too dizzy and too ashamed to do much more than a trip around the perimeter of the house.
Carol and you cleaned his tent yesterday as a surprise. It was her idea, of course. She enlisted your help specifically because you twice mentioned not thinking his sweat smelled bad, which is weird, but, for real, it doesn’t smell bad to you. The cigarettes, on the other hand, ew.
“Are we not going today?” Maggie asks quietly about the postponed pharmacy trip.
With tact, you suggest, “We could all use some rest after stayin’ up so late.”
She peers into your eyes, then nods and adjusts her hold on the two bags in her hands.“That’s a good idea. I’m not up to it, either.”
Upon stepping back outside onto the front porch, Jimmy and Glenn are kicking the soccer ball around already. Glenn is keeping his neck taut as he and Jimmy go back and forth, but the pain must have lessened.
The irresistible urge you have to make light of everything seizes you, and you leap into matchmaker mode because, why not? You won’t be here much longer, and maybe Maggie and Glenn linking up will lead to the rest being permitted to stay. That’s what matters.
Oh, and, uh, because you love Glenn, and Maggie is kind…oh fuck, are you just a calculating, cold strategist?
The feeling that you’re running out of air and going to vomit returns, but you push yourself onstage and commit to the role. You have to keep your shit together.
“Ain’t he handsome when he plays? Good sportsmanship and confidence rolled into one.” You playfully hold a smile back when you glance at Maggie and giggle to hide your heavy breathing. “Also the shiny hair.”
“He does have great hair,” she softly agrees.
“Y/N, do you and Glenn like each other? I-I thought…” Beth’s face has paled.
Maybe that’s why you over-act when you exclaim, “Of course I like him, that’s why I’m such a great wingwoman for him.”
Margaret blushes. “Let’s get these bags to their camp.”
“I can’t hunt?”
“You can do as you please,” the old man remarks. What, is he making fun of him? “But doing so while recovering from a concussion would be foolish, as would be heavy lifting or other strenuous activity, and that’s not considering your collarbone and ribs. I’m curious as to how you’d wield your weapon or bring back what you hunted, for one, if you would even make it off the property without keeling over.”
Daryl bites his tongue and keeps his words to himself. Well, fine! I can still bring that little girl back. She’s got legs, she’ll be able to walk on her own.
Hershel cleans up his stuff and stands. “Now, then, I’m sure you’re ready to finally see yourself out.”
“Damn straight,” is probably not the smartest response in front of the old man, what with the cuss word, but damn straight he is ready to get the hell out of there. Still, he remembers his manners. “Thanks for everythin’.” He even holds out his hand for a shake. Which is dumb because the guy’s hands are full.
Daryl…puts his hand back down and grabs the few things he had in there with him. Y/N once described the Dr. Farmer as ‘unreadable.’ Definitely is that.
Unreadable, Hershel drawls, “It’s good you’re on the mend,” and inclines his head toward the door. “After you.”
Dude, you had a panic attack.
It wasn’t too too bad, all things considered. Initially, you’d thought it was a mild asthma attack, but in hindsight, wow you were oblivious to all of the signs.
It started to happen when some of the group was going through the clothes, right after Maggie and you dropped them off and she left to do choring.
Lori was beside you, low-key beside herself trying to figure out how your people could “ever repay the family now?”
Next, T-Dog joked about the sizes being too small for him. “Ain’t sure what here I could fit that won’t result in a show for y’all.”
This is when Andrea murmured to Carol, “Reminds me how it’s been awhile.” The way Carol reacted clued you in that it might have been a sex joke. Especially given the way Andy next gave your brother a once-over as if you weren’t right there. You vividly recall licking your teeth and rolling your eyes.
Then Shane — and he did this without having seen Andrea do the once-over — nudged T-Dog in the ribs and began to unbutton his own top. “Worse things than a show these days, friend. And that there clean shirt is calling my name.” Naturally, he proceeded to swap garments right where he stood.
Per usual, Lori was more graceful than you. She ignored it as if he were her own brother acting like a frat boy, and merely continued to sift through one of the bags. She smiled upon finding something, tapped Carol on the shoulder, and handed it to her.
It’s been a week now since Shane's betrayal of her and Rick. Even you are still figuring out how to see him. The hopeful part is that he’s been leaving Lori alone. If his sights have indeed turned to Andrea, all the better.
Back to the moment, you next worried that what if he and Andrea got a little too close, did something foolish, and she ended up pregnant, too.
Not that Lori’s baby is Shane’s, the baby is Rick’s regardless, but...
The tight feeling returned in your chest.
It was in the midst of this that Dale complimented you. “Kiddo, you’re all gussied up! Any occasion?”
“Mmhm, all dressed up for the ‘show.’” The nausea was back, plus a fun new notion of being observed, as if everyone and anyone, seen or unseen, was staring you down.
Dale just nodded with raised brows, and you and he shared a look. Instead of tempering your fears, it piqued them. It wasn’t his fault, but Mr. Horvath’s expression started to mirror the way he stared into your eyes after catching Shane lose his temper and leave you with a bruise on your sternum.
The fears within you, the stress, the dread, all started roiling stronger and stronger. You cleared your throat, then coughed, but it didn’t help. You felt so restless and, oddly, cornered.
And so, not knowing where to look therefore looking in all directions, you happened to spy Glenn staring at the barn. Again.
The air felt too…thin? And then you noticed Lori examining the torso of one of the shirts in the bag as if testing it for stretchiness or room. You could see the shadows clouding her face right before she abruptly put the shirt down.
Then, there was Carol, holding up something that had clearly must have been Beth’s a few years ago, and it looked as if it would fit Sophia perfectly now.
It was just about then that your lungs simply couldn’t keep up.
“Kiddo?” sounded in your ear.
You may have panted something to do with “puffer,” referring to your largely unused inhaler. At any rate, instead of next going to the logical location of the RV to find the med bag, you made for the treeline. You didn’t want anyone near you, didn’t want anybody to see you, didn’t want a fuss, didn’t want to be touched, didn’t want anyone to even think about you, so you had to hide.
Panting, a numbness started to affect your fingers and spread to your torso and toes. You repeatedly coughed in an effort to break up whatever was making it hard to breathe.
Once you started coughing, it dominoed. Your stitches were tugging at the forceful coughs, and soon, you were hacking. The hacking led to retching, one, two, three times. Tears started to fall.
“Baby, here,” came from your right and a warm, delicate hand touched the small of your back. Lori. She pressed the inhaler into your hand. “I shook it up, it’s all ready.”
Bending forward slightly to open your airways, you tried to exhale enough so you could take the dose properly as you clasped the trigger.
One puff. Hold breath in.
Your pulse thudded in your ears.
Another puff. Hold breath in.
The relief that usually comes with the medication wasn’t as apparent as it normally would be. It helped somewhat, but.
You tried another dose.
More tears of frustration. You panted to her that you thought your were going to pass out. "F-Feels like m'gonna die," you may have also said.
The phantom sensation of your hand being covered in Amy's blood returned. You recall wiping it with the hem of your dress, and Lori taking your hands, preventing you from continuing to do so.
Lori calmly instructed you to, “Try this with me, honey,” and slowly breathed in through her nose. You copied as best you could.
She then slowly breathed out through her mouth. You copied as best you could.
Over and over she coached you until things started to ease.
You looked around you. Your new sweater was hanging off your elbows. Your pulse was still loudly thumping, but two doses of a corticosteroid will do that. In your escape, you’d made for the big rocks where you’d shared (sort of) a cigarette with Daryl. The stones felt nice and cool, and Lori’s gentle rubbing of her hand across your back was comforting.
“Been a while since you’ve needed the inhaler. ‘Decorative,’ you called it once,” she softly chatted. The sensation of not getting enough air wasn’t quite gone just then, but you felt pretty normal again.
“I reckon the cold and the smoke must’ve done me in,” you mumbled. Your throat was mildly sore after all the coughing. “It’s good it was mild.”
“Were you wheezing?”
“No, I…just couldn’t breathe enough or something.” You shrugged. “I don’t always wheeze when I need it.” Your nose was stuffy from crying.
She was thoughtful for a moment, and had begun to lightly scratch your back. “You and Glenn seem off this morning. I’ve seen you two tired before, but today you both seem…there’s something else going on, clearly. Did you two fight?”
“Not exactly.” It’s true. “We’re on the same page.” You weren't prepared to have to go onstage again, but just in case, you tried pulling yourself together.
“Was it about Maggie?”
You laughed genuinely. “Ha, not at all.”
Lori didn’t mirror your laughter or even smile in return. “Honey, I think you had a panic attack.”
That's ridiculous! was your initial reaction, which is why, at first, you protested. “Oh, it wasn’t that dramatic.”
“It looked different from where I was. But even still, it didn’t have to be or feel ‘dramatic’ to have been one. You know that.” The nonjudgemental straightforwardness in her voice, in her eyes, was enough to convince you that she could see straight into your heart and read what was there. “Y/N, is there something more going on?”
More than anything, at that moment, you didn’t want to lie to her.
But what could you do? Tell the truth, yes, 'the truth will out,' you know that. But you were convinced that telling the whole truth, right then, would be like lighting dynamite.
In your view, you would be exposing everyone to chaos and even violence, and you'd all seen too much of that already. And no, you couldn’t just tell one person because it never just stays with one person. Lori was/is not in any position to have more fear on her plate.
So what did you do?
You crawled back on that stage and you lied — by telling the truth.
“I’m worried he’ll talk.” Vague and a lie of omission, and maybe a little throwing your friend under the bus, but Lord have mercy on you, it was truthful.
Lori squeezed her eyes shut. “Me, too. Oh honey, I’m so scared!” she whispered, covering her mouth.
So scared of Shane, just like you are. “Rick won’t hold any of it against you. We all thought he was dead.”
She shook her head and stared at the ground.“But you saw how Shane behaved, you, you heard the things he said, Y/N,” she nearly hissed. “I don’t know who that man was, but it wasn’t Shane, just like when he had m—” then Lori cut off.
“When he had what?”
She shook her head again. “Seems Dale’s on his way over. He told me about what was going on so I could bring your medicine to you. He hadn't known what 'puffer' meant." A look of pure guilt. "And —oh, Y/N, I’m so sorry that you’re worrying yourself like this over my mistakes! It's not fair to you.”
“Your kid ain’t a mistake, it’s so good that they’re here,” you replied in total honesty. First time all day.
Maybe she’ll be honest with you and spill whatever Shane did that she’s not being upfront about. Whatever it is could surely have been described in a sentence. “What else did Shane do, Lore?” It can’t have been that bad, or could it?
All she did was shake her head once more. “Like you said, he hasn’t been himself.
‘Hasn’t been himself.’ Fine. You’ve got secrets, too, so there’s no way on earth that you can cast stones.
You stepped back onstage for hopefully the final time, and made yourself deliver the next lines. “That’s why we’re goin’ to Fort Benning.” Without you all. “Just him and me. Within two weeks, I hope?” The nausea still hadn’t gone away, and simply saying this brought it back.
Her brows sunk caution. “When was this decision made? I-I thought—”
“—I ain’t told him about it yet.” The bitter smile, you hadn’t been able to stifle. “Shouldn’t be hard to convince him, considering he was fixing to not so long ago.”
Lori’s apologetic tone wasn’t a put-on. “I’m so sorry he didn’t tell you. I had no idea you were left in the dark.”
That’s when some tightness came back to your chest, and your breathing turned faster again. “I know, Lore.”
She noticed. “Honey, hey,” she soothed, “breathe slowly, deeply." Her hand cupped your cheek. "His mistakes, his choices, his reactions are not your responsibility.”
“I know, b-but—”
“—And you don’t have to leave with him if you don't want to.”
“But wh—”
“—No buts.” Lori cupped your cheek, stood, and swiftly made toward Dale.
And here is where you hadn’t known she was going to be quite so straightforward with him.
In fact, you’d hoped she’d join you onstage and lie, too, but she behaved beyond reproach. “It was a panic attack, so please make sure to respect her privacy about it. I’ve got to check on the laundry.”
Funny thing, he’s wearing the same clothes he had his accident in. He’s in the same stuff leaving that he had been when he got carried in there, except now they’re cleaned and mended.
It’s been good to be back outside, he prefers it. He can’t wrap his head around why some people can keep inside in front of a screen all day. You don’t get to hear or feel the wind indoors, can’t hear the birds and all that.
Now, he couldn’t say for sure, but stepping outside and knowing he didn’t have to go back in must feel at least half as good as getting freed from prison.
If prison was a nice-ass farmhouse without the risk of getting shanked or worse, obviously.
Merle would have some words if he heard Daryl say something like that out loud. Though, Merle was pretty settled when he was in lock-up. Fared fine.
His first view when he steps out into freedom is Glenn and the teenage boy kicking the ball around. Those two are straight into it and pay him no mind as he walks around them.

The rest of the group is around the picnic table, looks like they’re sorting laundry (?), therefore ain’t paying him no mind, either.
This is good. He was wondering if Y/N was gonna parade him out or make it a big deal, but after hearing her and the other ladies talking in the hallway, she didn’t come back in. Works for him, he doesn’t like a crowd.
…But, like, where is she? He figured she’d be around, is all, but she ain’t by the table.
Ah, yeah, duh — she's probably still doing something with the girl that's about her age and her little sister. Still seems off Y/N and Glenn are only “five or six years younger” than him, but that’s what Y/N has said a few times.
The next thing he sees is Lori, who is swooping down the yard and toward the big rocks where he and T-Dog took a smoke break once. And where Y/N had her first try of a cigarette, too. Lori looks like a woman on a mission, damn. Dale is staring in the direction Lori is walking, those big-ass brows of his slanted downward. Wonder what that's about?
Over the sound of a few leftover end-of-season cicadas, he hears the normal drone of crickets, light talking from the group, the thunk of the ball getting kicked, a very loud crow, some cows mooing, somebody coughing, birds doing their thing, chickens clucking, the wind blowing. Mmm, good stuff. Being inside and hearing it just don’t sound as good as being right out in it.
Then, “Daryl!” comes from his left, and he sees Carol walking to him. She’s a good woman.
And now the memory of her kissing him on the cheek is making his cheeks heat up as quick as she steps toward him.
“I’ll carry those for you,” she quietly insists about his small pile of clothes. He lets her.
She’s been very, um, attentive. Been having most of her meals with him, babying him as much as he’d allow, and all-in-all has been treating him extra after he had his accident.
There are more coughing sounds that he almost pegs as being Y/N’s, but when he looks back in the direction of the noise, there’s no one, just Lori off on her walk, and she wasn't coughing.
“We moved your tent closer to the rest of us, so you would be closer to where we could help you.”
Closer. Great.
Daryl wanted nothing less, but a kind gesture is a kind gesture, so he mans up and acts proper, grunting, “Thank you.” It’s not like they went and messed with his stuff, they just moved the tent, and for a real kind reason.
Glenn rears and kicks, sending the ball soaring. Damn, he's good.
“Now, it may smell and look a little different, but all of your things are still there.”
“Huh?” What’d she mean?
“You deserved a nice, clean place to go back to,” Carol explains. “Y/N and I tidied your tent.”
…they what?
He gets the weirdest image of himself as being onstage and forgetting whatever it was he was supposed to say next, leaving him standing there like a mouthbreather in front of the audience. And he kinda wants to cuss the audience out.
His first idea after learning Carol and Y/N was: What the hell, y’all been messing with my stuff?? What gives y'all the right?
But, come on, even he had it in him to keep his mouth shut. They’d taken the time and effort to clean up his shit and it was probably as nice as when Carol had worked her magic in the RV. That's damned decent, in fact.
So, Daryl does not act like a jackass, and instead, remembers his lines and thanks Carol again.
“It was no trouble. How about I bring you some more breakfast once you’re settled in?” she quickly offers. See? Very attentive. And he didn’t do shit to have earned it, which made it more uncomfortable.
Aw shit, his cheeks feel all warm again. First around Y/N, now Carol? Maybe there is something to this whole concussion bullshit.
Or, maybe Carol done kissed you on the cheek and said you were a good man and that you did right by her little girl as much as a father should and that’s the best possible thing somebody could be told.
“Do you want some more coffee, too?”
I wanna to be left alone, lady. “Nah, m’great. Thank you.”
“Last night seemed to be an indication summer was officially over. But today,” Dale blows through his lips, “Well, we can already tell it’ll be a warm one.”
“Did we hit the first day of fall, yet? I forgot what date it is today.”
“No, that’s on the 21st. We’ve got some time.”
“Oh, wait!” you squeak (ouch, your throat is still sore from coughing). “Ain’t it the Holy Days for you still?” Rosh Hoshanah was sometime last week, but that one got sort of messed up because of everything that’s been going on.
Oh man, it was the day after Daryl got into his accident, wasn’t it?
Dale’s cordial expression falters. “Yes, it was last week.”
“Yom Kippur is soon then, right?”
“It’s on the 18th this year, yes. Two days away.”
There’s this very insistent raven that’s been cawing away. Or is that a crow? You can’t tell the difference. You can tell that you’ve bummed Dale out, however. “I’ve bummed you out.”
Smiling sadly, he concedes, “Jewish holidays are usually lonely ones in mixed company. And now, especially with it being the holiest time of the year, after everything…” He lifts his shoulders.
“I’ll do the fasting with you so you won’t be alone!” Ow, stop raising your voice so high. “Is it no food or drink at all on that day, or is water okay?”
A happier smile. “No food or drink — barring serious health concerns, of course, in which case, one is required to not fast.”
“No water must suck! When my lot do fasting, water don’t count.”
He nods his head once. “It’s all part of the atonement. It’s considered a blessing for us to fast for it.”
“And the feast after it is fun,” you sigh with a grin. You’ll enlist Carol and Lori to see about making him a yummy fast-breaking meal for the day.
This is what you needed. Dale didn’t press you regarding the panic attack, and has simply been keeping you company by the big rocks. You’ve haven’t had to go back onstage while he’s been sitting with you. You’d probably be content to stay here a good, long time if you didn’t have to use the toilet something major.
“Did you see if there was a pair of suspenders in the bags so you and Mr. Greene can match?”
“Is this your way of saying you’re feeling well enough to head back, or that you need privacy?”
“It’s my way of sayin’ I gotta go potty real bad.” You stand. “Suspenders are pretty cool, you can party like it’s 1899.”
“I actually quite like how suspenders look,” he chuckles, stretching and getting to his feet.
“Mm, they remind me of the Old West, I love ’em.”
Dale and you walk back until reaching the side of the farmhouse, whereupon you excuse yourself to head to the treeline and do your business.
As soon as the heat starts to sink in, he unbuttons his shirt halfway and kicks his shoes off. Getting the socks off without hurting himself takes some effort, but it’s worth it. His stuff is so squeaky clean and fresh, he wants to avoid sweating the place up too quick.
His old pillowcase is gone, probably scrapped for dishrags seeing as it was pretty worn. In its place is a flower-covered one with soft, thick cotton fabric. There's some phrase about a 'woman's touch' that must apply here. Or, if Merle were here, prime Darylina ammo. Joke's on him, the pillowcase is soft as hell.
And being in there might seem boring, but it's 10 times better than being stuck in a damn bed and listening to music for days on end. Just cloud-watching through his tent window is fun enough for him.
In fact, it’s rad! He’s so psyched to not be in that room anymore!
Cloud watching, playing with his bolts, farting if he's gotta; he's content as can be. Seriously, he’s in such a good mood right now.
But as luck would have it, by the time he’s decided to see how easily a bolt can poke a hole through the mesh window (the answer is very easily, and it’s real satisfying) none other than Andrea herself appears at his tent door. The chick who shot him.
Now, she’s pretty as a picture and then some, but he doesn’t want his belly showing in front of her. If he’d been paying attention and heard her making her way to him, he would’ve buttoned up.
So, he tries out the same tactic as last night, when Carol walked in on him shirtless; maybe by not closing his shirt, she wouldn’t think about it? Or…fuck it, just about everybody has seen some part of him uncovered in the past week. At least there ain’t no scars on this side.
All he’s got to do is make like he’s onstage and that it doesn’t bother him having his literal nipples on display.
“Hey.” Andrea steps into his tent, looking like she is about to eat crow.
She hands him a book. He accepts the maybe peace-offering.
“It’s not that great, but…” she trails off, breathes out, and looks as shamefaced as can be.
Y/N, Carol, and T-Dog all mentioned she’s been kicking her own ass for shooting him. Granted, he’s still a little pissed, and, yeah, real thankful that she’s a shit shot, but — she was trying to protect the group, right? Ain’t even her fault he got stuck in that damn bed. The concussion, split side, and broken ribs did that for him.
He figures he’s gotta make it clear that she’s off the hook without making her feel worse for being let off the hook. And, he thinks he knows just the way to break the tension. It’d got the librarian at his high school to laugh the first time he made the remark, which is probably why he was usually allowed to eat in there during lunch if he asked.
Now, he knows reading is still on the no-go list, don’t worry, Y/N, but he casually holds the book up and flips through the pages.
He’s gotta, it’s the setup.
It’s good that Andrea ain’t said nothing yet, because it’s the perfect opportunity for him to pretend to be dead-serious when he complains, “What, no pictures?”
The joke does the trick. Andrea smiles and relaxes.
“I’m so sorry. I feel like shit,” she starts to go on, but he puts a stop to it.
Tucking the book aside as he settles down onto the pillow, he cuts in, “You and me both.”
“I don’t expect you to forgive me, but, if there’s anything I can do, I—”
He cuts in one more time, “—You were trying to protect the group. We’re good.” He means it.
But, ya know, just because things are chill doesn’t mean he can’t bust her balls a little, right? “But hey,” he stops her as she’s leaving. “Shoot me again, you best pray I’m dead.”
“It went great! Better than I ever expected.” Andrea takes a seat beside you on the log. Judging by the look of serenity on her face, it appears that the monkey she’s had on her back for the past week is finally gone.
“Good, m’glad.” You knew it would be fine, but Andrea was so nervous.
“And I have to say, I can see the appeal now.”
“What appeal?”
“Daryl was,” she thinks on the right word and picks: “Charming.”
Ah. You see what she’s trying to do. “Well, go tell him that, then,” you suggest, cool as a cucumber. She and Dale thought you and he had a romantic thing going on. Lol, nah.
“And he was funny!” she goes on.
You sip your tea. “Mm, he can be.”
“Not angry, or, or nasty.” She closes her eyes and breathes out a sigh of relief. “I was so worried about how it was going be.”
You tilt your head in partial agreement. He can be a dick.
Your job for the rest of the day, so Papa Dale done told you, is to be chill (yes, he used the word ‘chill’ and it was adorable). It’s your only responsibility today, seeing as he joined you when you went to check the highway spot for Sophia. She hasn’t found it, it’s untouched. Again.
So now, your job = keep chill.
“Are you helping with target practice later?”
Oh, right, and there’s that. You suppose you could continue helping Beth with drawing her weapon smoothly, keep drilling her never, ever forget to switch the safety back and forth.
But…okay: maybe today, that isn’t your job. Maybe you need a rest from being onstage. “I think I’m gonna sit today out.”
“Is everything okay?”
“I just need a day,” you answer in too high a pitch.
Andy doesn’t inquire further. “How’s the little fuzzball?” she instead asks.
“Still sleeping,” you coo. The sluggish little chick you’d scooped up while quickly sprinkling feed-corn in order to feel useful is your insurance for keeping chill. Can’t not keep chill with a chick asleep in your lap.
“It must feel nice and safe wrapped up like that.”
“Mm.” The chick is nestled in a dishtowel, half its body also covered by your new cardigan.
“Y/N, have you not gone to visit him yet?”
“Not yet. He’d appreciate some time to himself, I reckon, after a week bein’ stuck in there and visitors and checkups at all hours.”
Glenn’s off doing farm chores with Jimmy, so he’s being kept busy and won’t be a concern. As for you, you’ve got your sleepy chick and are content to stay here on the log. You ate lunch, yet another peach (you’re up to six), just finished the leftover raspberries, and are now washing it all down with some fresh mint tea you made in honor of one of your best friends. She’d make her own mint tea and would call it ‘wild mint’ tea because it sounded exotic.
When Dale mentioned today’s date, you remembered it was her birthday. She was the most confident girl you’d ever met, and a sweetheart to boot. You really hope she’s alive.
Andrea chuckles to herself. “I gave him that terrible book to keep him occupied.”
Book?? To Daryl? But the concussion! “A book?”
“I brought him The Case of the Missing Man,” she shares with a grin. “He can join the survivor’s club of those who’ve read it — Y/N, is something wrong?”
“Oh, um, nah, it’s all good, uh,” you are fumbling so hard right now. Cool, you’re feeling lightheaded again, cool cool.
It’s all cool. There’s no fire. Stay chill. “I’m gonna pop over and make sure he ain’t cracked into it yet, he’s, it’s, it’s not safe yet. C-Concussion and all.” Listen to you, smooth like butter.
“Oh shit.”
“Andy, don’t sweat. Even if he did start on it, like,” and you pause, because, “I don’t actually know what can go wrong, I didn’t ask Miss Patricia, but I’m sure it ain’t nothing serious!” You cup the (awoken and now loudly peeping) chick between your hands as you book it (pun intended?) to Daryl’s tent.
For Y/N to glide over wearing a pretty dress, hair all fancy, and holding some little bird was not something he put on his bingo sheet.
“Hiya, Daryl.”
It takes him a second. “Hey.” He ain't never seen her in a dress.
And with that little bird, he gets the image in his head of her bursting into song and the farm animals and forest critters doing a musical number with her.
He’ll *ahem* keep that to himself...
“I hope you’re enjoyin’ your new freedom! Mi—”
“—Who’s the little guy?” he had to ask first.
“It's a chick.”
Clearly. “Why?”
“It’s cute.”
She ain’t wrong. “…Can I see?”
“Yeah, it's adorable!”
He begins to get up, but she steps over faster than he can stand. She kneels beside his cot and, delicately, transfers the wrapped chick into his hands. Carefully, he unwraps the washcloth around it and slips his hand underneath it so sits on his palm with its teeny legs dangling through his fingers. It’s peeping like it’s getting paid for it, holy shit it’s so fucking cute.
“I came here wonderin’ if I might I borrow the, uh, the book Andrea just lent you?”
Ha, called it! The second Y/N found out he had contraband, she came to the rescue.
The chick quiets down, appearing to relax in his hand. His hand must be good and warm for it.
Maybe it’s because he’s in a good mood, but he smiles like a dipshit for a few moments before saying anything. “Nah, I wouldn’t dream of checking it out ’til you said it was fine.”
“Oh ha-ha,” she play-mocks, assuming he wasn’t being serious.
Eh, okay, maybe he was sorta razzing her, too. But he wants to come out on the other side of this whole concussion bullshit on the up, and if reading is still off-limits, it’s still off limits. He’s not gonna full-on disregard somebody who gives a shit.
“How’d ya end up dressed like that?” is his second question while he pets the chick lightly along its head using the feathers on his bolt.
“I wear this, like, all the time.”
“Oh right, yeah, you do,” he sarcastically responds. He tries to reach with his left arm to pick up the book under his cot, but gets a sharp twinge and surrenders that he can’t do that move yet.
Y/N snorts at the sarcasm and tells him straight, “The Greenes had some giveaways, so Beth gave me this outfit. Oh, thank you,” she says when he instead points in the direction of the book. She picks it up and hugs it to herself. “I do believe Carol put a few things aside for you to try on, too.”
Y/N looks pretty.
It’s nothing new, obviously her face is nice, but it's the whole blushing thing that keeps happening to Daryl's face that's annoying. Seems he's started blushing like a belle over all the damn women in camp these days. That really was some smack to the head he got.
He’s imagining himself as being back onstage again, forgetting his lines. He can make something up on the spot: “How you gonna search in that?”
“Ain’t like my ankles are tied together. Women have always been able to move, play, do manual labor of all sorts in dresses, corsets, stays, stockin’s, you name it,” she serves back with just enough fire that his belly did one of those good flippy-floppys. “That reminds me, Nervous Nelly came back! Did any of us tell you? She’s fine as can be, I fed her half a peach yesterday!”
Some of them baby hairs around her face are coming out of the braids. Her skin's got a sheen to it. And did she put pink stuff on her cheeks or something? Or is that because she was moving around a lot and it’s gotten warm out? Because her lips don’t look like there’s nothing on them but they’re nice and —
“—Dare, you okay?”
“Yeah. Tired.”
“You must be.” Why is she frowning? “You looked like you’d just got hypnotized or — you sure you feel normal?”
“M’fine, I just spaced out.”
She’s gonna have him do a thing, isn’t she? “Follow my finger for a little, please?” Ah-ha, see?
Pointer finger extended, he goes along with it for the 10 or so seconds it takes for the slight crease between her eyebrows to relax.
“Please stick out your tongue for me?” is her next request and, uh, why?
Well, he goes ahead and does it for her anyway. The hook ’em horns he makes at the same time are a sure sign he’s in a good-ass mood.
Y/N lets herself smile, then elaborates: “If it came out tilted, it’s a sign of stroke.”
Stroke? That’s a little much.“C’mon, you’re worried I had a stroke?”
She nods once. Her chest expands big as if she were inhaling really deep. “A smoker, extended bed rest, head trauma,” she quietly counts.
Is he hearing things, or does her breathing sound a little too fast?
“Can you point your toes three times?”
He point his toes three times, and yes, her breathing is a little too fast.
“Now please lift both arms parallel to the bed.”
He lifts both arms. The baby chicken is sleeping now and doesn’t wake with the motion.
“Okay,” Y/N whispers to herself.
“Tell me you’re not stressing out about nothin’.”
She blinks a few times and deadpans, “I would never.”
“Here,” he holds the chick near her face. “Get zen like this pipsqueak.”
“But you ain’t ‘nothing’ and you are at an elevated stroke risk.”
He’s only got the one word for her: “Zen.” The hovering motion he made with the chick was a fun touch, the little thing didn’t even mind.
Her expression suggests she’s trying to not smile, and, in a move he doesn’t anticipate, she leans forward to rub her nose on its beak. Her lips brush against his fingertips when she does, and his train of thought derails.
Next thing, her hands are overlapping his as she gently takes the chick back and re-wraps it in the washcloth. “’Lil buddy you’re fine, you’re fine,” she coos. “I’ll grab you the hand sanitizer and leave you to some peace, alright man?” she addresses to Daryl, who's still a little distracted, so a grunt and a chin tilt is how he acknowledges this.
Merle would be laughing his ass off right now, goddamn. ‘Sweet lil virgin Darylina’ sounds about what he’d be cackling about.
Y/N flips open the cap with her thumb and squirts the hand stuff onto his palm. Smells like lemons.
So, he didn’t have that stuff before, meaning she’d likely been the one to put it in there when she’d cleaned his tent with Carol. “Hey, um, thanks for the surprise.” Damn, he’s awkward. Smells way better in here.”
“Carol is so wanting to help you in any way she can. I was in it just to see you end up with that pretty floral pillowcase. I had to stop her from hangin' the matching curtains,” she snickers, then waves him goodbye and, boom, leaves.
So…how long until his heartbeat and head stop racing?
Yet another stage performance today. You had to act like you weren’t distracted by how boyishly charming Daryl looked lounging there with his shirt unbuttoned to his hecking waist, good Moses. But like, the way he snuggled the chick, and how your legit lips bumped into his fingers?? It was an accident! Ohh, but how he'd noticed your panicking so was all soothing and stuff...
Dude, and you were trying to sit like a dainty lady the whole time, too, what a poser.
Still, you think you were convincing in your latest stage performance. Oscar-worthy. Golden Globe. Emmy. Tony. Somebody hook you up with your EGOT.
Oh, and that little jab at his new pillowcase, aw yes, that was top tier friendzoning!
Or — oh, it wasn’t interpreted as flirting, right? No way did you intend that! And, hold up, there's no way he'd even care. It's Daryl.
Eh, you've earned a B- so far at being chill. You've got to get that grade up.
So, you are going to go pick fruit, alone, and you’re going to stuff your face because the show is over, you’re off stage for the rest of the day!
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AH I've been waiting for requests to be open! i love love loveeee your writing!! I've been in dire need (if you feel like writing it lol) of reader comforting jamie after the locker room scene w his dad at wembley.. like maybe instead of roy hugging him the reader swoops in? you do you! thanks!! <3
Listened to 17 Pushing 24 by Sabrina Sterling while writing this. Highly recommend ✌️🥲
i know what i’m doing
Sometimes Jamie wonders if you two are attracted to each other due to your compelling need to take care of everything.
It certainly was difficult at first, both of you with residual issues due to your upbringing. His as the only son of a single mother, yours as the oldest daughter of a large family.
Those types of child-caretakers aren’t always compatible. Jamie’s much more lighthearted about the way he tries to control everything, and you’re more serious.
You’d think it would be easier, both of you taking care of each other, except for the small fact that neither of you were capable of accepting help from the other.
It came to a head one evening when Jamie came home to you crying in the laundry room, overwhelmed by the sheer volume of the tasks you had yet to complete before going to bed.
“Love, I can help you,” Jamie had said.
“No! It’s my laundry and my responsibility and you already have enough to do without me burdening you even more,” you replied before dissolving into more tears.
So yeah, it was a whole thing. It involved therapy and everything.
But you’re moving past it. You’re both getting to a point where each of you can receive the same love that you’re giving, however strange it may feel. Jamie even let you stay home from work to take care of him when he was sick a couple weeks ago, something that was pretty much unheard of up to this point.
You’re channeling the need to control things in healthy ways, like having all of AFC Richmond over to Jamie’s giant house for potluck-style family dinners. Or hosting non-video game nights, where FIFA is strictly banned as a form of entertainment. Or themed outings where everyone had to dress as something that shared the first letter of their name and then go see a movie at the local theater.
Stuff like that.
You’re the brains, Jamie is the execution. You can see Isaac side-eyeing him a couple times, making mental notes about temporary captains in the event that he can’t play a match.
Jamie’s gone from Richmond’s resident prick to Richmond’s resident morale-booster.
He comes home one evening with brighter eyes than normal.
“Babe,” he calls before he’s even in the door, “Coach said I can go back to being a prick again.”
“Ted said that?” you ask from your spot on the couch. You’re laying down length-wise with your legs dangling off the end.
“Fuck no,” Jamie replies, “Roy.”
“Oh,” you say as Jamie plops his bags down. You sit up a little so he can have a spot on the couch. He pats his lap so you lay back down, head on his thigh.
“Roy said that Ted fucked me up, so ‘when it’s appropriate’” (he uses air quotes) “I can be a prick to the other team.”
“That’s nice, babe,” you say, “but how do you know when to do that?”
Jamie shrugs. “Coach said he’d give me a signal. Don’t know what it is, though.”
You say, “hm,” then lapse into comfortable silence, Jamie’s hand running through your hair.
The prick signal worked so much better than you could have thought. It’s the best. You see Jamie go from playing defensively to being completely offensive, screwing with the other team’s heads. You scream and clap as he scores, while Keeley practically throttles you with joy.
Now it’s late after the game, and the lads are all over at Jamie’s. They’re absolutely exhausted, but buzzing with energy. It isn’t until about 1am that they disperse to the various guest bedrooms and pass out on top of each other. You catch a glimpse of Dani cuddling Jan Maas who’s asleep in a starfish position as Colin sneaks in to draw on their faces with sharpie.
“Don’t tell anyone it was me,” he whispers. You zip your lips and head to the master bedroom and pretty much fall onto the right side of the bed.
Jamie comes in shortly after, saying something about Isaac telling a bedtime story. He burrows under the covers and you quietly shriek because he’s placed his ice-cold hands on your ribcage.
“How are you so cold?” you whisper.
Jamie shrugs sleepily. “Dunno,” he whispers back. “Got ice in my veins, I guess.”
You smile. “You’re tired, aren’t you babe?”
Jamie shakes his head and stifles a yawn. “Nah, ain’t tired. Thinkin’ about our match against Man City.”
He says it casually. Too casually.
You see, both you and Jamie have this thing where the more nonchalantly you say something, the more important it is.
You prop yourself up a bit so you can face him and scratch his head. He sighs and leans in.
“You nervous?” you ask.
Jamie shakes his head. “Not to see the team. Lookin’ forward to seeing Pep. It’s just…” he trails off.
You whisper, “Yeah. I know. Whatever happens, I’m here. Don’t forget that. I’m here no matter what.”
Jamie says, “hm,” and then he’s asleep.
You’re running.
You’re running faster than any of the boys on the pitch had run the entire match, and you’re pushing past people in a way that Keeley would later describe as “absolutely fucking feral.”
It happened like this:
The game was over. Richmond lost to Man City.
You were on your way to see Jamie and the rest of the team.
You were, maybe, three floors away? when Rebecca got a text from Ted, showed it to you, and before you knew it you were flying down to the guest locker room to find Jamie.
Of course his dick father would show up to make this day worse. Of course he would.
You’re ducking under security and pushing your way to the locker room in a flurry of motion, then immediately stop.
It’s silent, absolutely silent.
And so still.
No one moves a muscle as your eyes land on Jamie, clinging to Roy like he’s a lifeline. Roy. Roy Kent, self-proclaimed Jamie-hater and staunch advocate against physical touch.
Jamie’s eyes are squeezed shut, but they flutter open at the sound of your tentative footsteps. He lets go of Roy for a moment, but only so that you can grab him in the next.
“Right,” says Roy, “Everybody get the fuck out!”
There are no complaints as the lads hurriedly grab their bags and exit the locker room.
Roy nods in your direction before leaving, and Beard mouths, “take your time.” You’re not sure where Ted’s gone off to.
Jamie feels like he’s going to collapse if he stands any longer, crushing you in the strongest grip you’ve ever felt.
“Oi,” you say gently, “let’s sit down, yeah? You don’t have to let go.”
So now you’re on the bench in Jamie’s lap, scratching his head in the way he likes, waiting for him to break the silence.
“Fucking stupid,” he says, voice muffled.
You ask, “What?” because surely that can’t be what he just said.
“I said it’s fucking stupid,” Jamie says, refusing to meet your eyes. “I’m a fucking adult. Don’t need to be crying about stupid shit, especially not in front of the lads.”
“Oh, right,” you say before you can stop yourself, “because crying after your dick father tried to swing at you when you set boundaries for the first time ever is a completely unreasonable response.”
Jamie is still in your arms and you cringe. Curse your stupid, logical tongue.
Jamie finally says, “Didn’t think about it like that.” He sighs. “It’s just fuckin’ embarrassing, innit? Him showing up here like that. Didn’t need the lads seeing that.”
You kiss his forehead.
“The only person it’s embarrassing for is him. Not you. You’re absolutely fine, Jaim. If anything, the boys are going to look at you better for finally understanding the shit you had to grow up with.”
Jamie nods, but you’re not sure if he believes you.
“Jamie,” you say firmly, “It’s not your fault. You handled it the best way it could have been handled. You did a great job.”
Those words seem to do something to Jamie, and his face takes on an expression you’ve never seen before
He asks, “You think so?” in such a forlorn manner than you have the sudden urge to find James Tartt and kick him in the balls with steel-toed shoes. You briefly wonder if Roy and Beard would like to join you.
“Yes,” you reply forcefully, “Yes Jamie. You did a wonderful job in a shitty situation and I’m very, very proud of you.”
Jamie doesn’t reply, just holds you tighter if that’s even possible. He takes a deep shuddering breath, but it’s the first real one he’s taken this entire time.
“I told you I’m here no matter what,” you say. “Just like all the times you’ve been here for me. Now I’m here for you.”
#jamie tartt x reader#jamie tartt fanfiction#jamie tartt imagine#jamie tartt x y/n#jamie tartt x you#jamie tartt#ted lasso
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I think about hair a lot when it comes to characters and how they express themselves over time (specifically in WoW). As someone who's gone from short as hell hair to long, thick curly hair (which I get from the Aboriginal side of my family, and which I am also in love with and ador the most of my appearance) I can appreciate and see the ways in which a character's change in hair length/style says a lot about their character growth, what they've been through, what emotions they're feeling etc.
Anduin being currently in a state where he's not quite stable, needs time to heal, is trying to find himself again or whatever has made him become a bit. well. unkempt in appearance. He has a patchy as hell beard coming in, he's covered in dirt and grime, and he's cut most of his hair off. An experience that I have personally had (tho without the patchy beard and covered in stupendous amounts of grime, though I was certainly dirty and in need of a shower). Like. practically if you can't even shower urself properly, taking care of ur hair IS a nightmare (again, personal experience) so the obvious option is the big chop. But it can also be something of a reset, emotionally or personality wise. Letting go of this part of you (your beautiful long hair that everyone compliments you on and wish they could have themselves and get mad at YOU when you chop it all off) and starting over sometimes can be necessary. I've done it many times over. I'm at this point in time where I'm trying HARD this time to continue growing my hair long as hell until it's down to my knees, and trying not to give up on it and cut it all off again. It's a big, long and arduous task of just…washing my hair, keeping it healthy…and waiting a long ass fucking time. But When you got depression not only do you not gaf but also it's too much time and effort. Thus, Anduin chopping his hair off.
But it can also be for more than just practicality or needing a reset on things. Sometimes it's a choice you make as a result of your actions. See, the time that Thrall went bald for a while then grew all his luscious hair back a few years later.
Thrall doesn't really seem to have a "canon" in-lore reason for why he'd full on shaved his head. I searched all over the place for proper answers and this is the best I found:
But since I'm a weird freak I'm gonna speculate that it could've been more than just a random hairstyle he chose one day. Chopping all your big beautiful hair is (usually) not a simple decision. I can imagine having long hair for most of Thrall's life would make removing all of it in one fell swoop a little bit daunting. But I can see him doing it as some sort of…perhaps spiritual choice? He probably felt he had failed Garrosh with how things turned out, and him shaving his head would've happened in the in-between of MoP and WoD when Garrosh's trial was happening or had just happened. Perhaps cutting off his hair was a symbolic choice for him, in some way. A way to display to himself and others that he's changed as a result of his failure. And when he felt he'd finally moved on from it all, he chose to grow his hair back.
I wonder if in the future, when Anduin is further along in his healing process, if he'll choose to grow his hair back in this similar way, or if he'll decide to keep it short. I'm eager to see how things continue. I know this was basically a big ass post about hair and maybe others don't see it as being a big deal but. Hair really is a big fucking deal sometimes so I'm chosing to believe it is that deep.
#welcome to 3 am rants about hair i hope you enjoyed it#world of warcraft#anduin wrynn#thrall#ash's personal tag#wowposting
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Change Your Ticket (Part 4)
Rugby Star!Cassian x Reader (A Modern AU)
Summary: Dating famous rugby star Cassian Bailey is a dream. What's not one is keeping your secret relationship under wraps. Will you and Cassian be able to keep from the limelight or will your relationship crumble because of it?
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3,361
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
Something warm rolls into your body and you hum, still half-asleep. The orgasm you’d pulled from yourself while having phone sex with Cassian had put you in a slightly better mood a few days ago. You’d not only been missing him, but had been busy with the freelance projects you were to deliver by the end of the week, and between catching Cassian’s game on the TV and trying to console Mor while she went through yet another fling breakup, you hadn’t allotted as much time to working on them as you’d wanted to. Now it’s Monday, and you have to work. It will be a busy week with you scrambling to finish up loose ends before packaging the final projects and sending them off to their owners.
You’re dreading the week because of it. Cassian is coming back into town and you wanted to have the designs sent off before he returned from his away game against the Sealions for this reason specifically. He’s more of a welcome distraction than anything, but you take pride in your work and delivering project files in a timely manner. You’ll have to schedule your time with him wisely, if you want to see him and finish your jobs this week.
The warmth cocooning you shifts, gently rolling you onto your back. Hands trail their way across your skin and you release a sigh as they slide your thighs apart, brushing over your panty-clothed cunt. It reminds you of the way Cassian touches you when he’s home from days away and needy. It’s certainly a nice dream.
Searing lips press flush to your cheeks, dipping down to trace the line of your throat, tugging at the collar of the oversized shirt you wear, curtesy of Cassian. He’s abandoned so many clothes at your place that you’ve given him his own space in one of your drawers, through you haven’t actually seen him digging around in there for any, preferring a topless look while he’s here.
You stir when his fingers trace the sensitive skin above your panty line, your stomach jolting at the action. Blinking your eyes open, your hands immediately search for the wall of warmth teasing their way down your body.
“Cass?” you slur, voice thick with sleep. Your fingers find the familiar length of his hair, buried beneath the sheets as he continues his ascent on your body south. His hum of approval when you dig your fingers through his tangled locks tells you all you need to know about what happened.
He has a key to your apartment and must have used it when he arrived late last night or very early this morning. You’d gone to sleep alone last night, knowing that Cassian had been on his way home with the team, though you expected him to catch a ride back to his own apartment because it is much closer to the airport than yours.
“You sound so perfect, saying my name like that.” His voice is just as groggy, laced with the tiredness of travel and a flicker of how much he’s missed you.
His wandering fingers hook around the edges of your panties and you suck in a breath, arching your back already. Heat flushes your body and you can feel the wetness between your already eager thighs grow. Cassian presses a kiss to your cunt through the fabric and it sends shiver zipping up your spine as you buck into him, a breathy moan slipping past your lips.
Cassian’s knuckle brushes across your wetness as he grabs a handful of your panties. You’re unsure of if he’s going to slide them to the side or tear them from your body completely, but you don’t care, as long as he licks you from cunt to clit right the fuck now.
His name is a cry on your lips, the air in your chest shuddering with his movement. Any brush of his skin against yours makes you wild for the man, and you rip the blankets off of yourself to get a full view of the man teasing you between spread legs and because the room has become so suddenly hot that you feel as though you may pass out.
“Cass—” you whine, but are cut off by your alarm clock. It blares to life, screeching a tune that actually makes your stomach coil every time you hear it. You scare, hips rocking into Cassian’s knuckles that pulls the rest of the air from your lungs as you scramble to shut the damned alarm off.
It takes your mind to catch up, to really come to terms with why your alarm is going off like this when you have your gorgeous and eager boyfriend still tugging your underwear to the side like the abhorrent noise didn’t ruin his morning like it has yours—
Fuck. It’s fucking Monday. Which means you have to get out of the nice, cozy bed you’re about to get eaten out in and put on your big girl clothes and go to your big girl job that you were so adamant about having when Cassian had told you to just up and leave and that he’d take care of you.
That’s starting to sound a little too tempting right about now.
A nip to the meat of your thigh draws you back to the debacle at hand. Cassian is not letting it affect him like you are. He’s sliding your panties down your legs, following the path his lips are making.
You tug gently on his hair, pulling him to a halt.
“Don’t say it,” he all but begs, refusing to look up at you like you like he’s planning on continuing his ministrations whether you approve or not. And goddamn do you approve, but reality is a bitch, and she’s crowing in your ear to get the fuck up.
“I have to go to work,” you sigh, dragging your hand from his disheveled hair to caress his stubbled cheek. He keeps his lips planted to your skin, peppering soft kisses into your skin. When he looks up at you, you wish he almost hadn’t, with the way his hazel eyes are filled with lust of a thousand fires.
“Call in sick,” he answers as if it’s the most obvious answer in the world. In a perfect world, perhaps.
You roll your eyes as your mind wanders to Cassian trying to call in sick to get out of practice. Coach Devlin would have his ass and he’d either be benched for the next match or he’d have do practice double to make up for it. The thought of Cassian pouting on the sidelines while the rest of his teammates play makes a smile tug at your lips.
“I can’t,” you groan, letting your head fall back into the pillow. Gods, how can one person be so warm? You want to bask in it like a lion laying out in the sun, let it lull you back to sleep for a few more hours, and then he can make you cum. Or maybe he can make you cum first and then you can let the heavenly orgasm and his comfortable body consume you.
“Cassian,” you sigh, finally forcing yourself to untangle from him. He pouts up at you, refusing to move, and he’s a lot more solid than you remember. How could you forget he literally creates a fucking wall with his body professionally. He’s like the God of Solid Things. “Please, I really can’t be late.”
Reluctantly, very reluctantly, Cassian removes his hands from your panties and his body from yours, pressing up onto his hands and knees with the grace of wildcat stalking its prey. His thick thighs are pressed against yours, his stiff cock in his shorts butting against your cunt as he meets your gaze. Your cunt clenches and your thighs tremble with the effort it’s using you to keep the spread when all you want to do is wrap them around his taut waist and pull him even closer.
Cassian grins.
“Will we see you tonight? My place? Seven o’clock?” he prods, stealing a kiss.
You can hardly think with him pinning you like this. You’re unable to move any other body part because it’s taking every ounce of focus you have to keep yourself from climbing him like a tree. His cock brushes against your cunt again and you nearly bite through your lip at the motion. Your stomach hurts with how tightly it’s coiled, lust vignetting your vision.
You take a shaky breath but all it does is cause your tightened nipples to brush against his chest. You gasp out, squeezing your eyes shut tightly. “Yes.”
He hums, an approving noise low in his throat. “Good girl.” Cassian rolls off of you, back onto his side of the bed. Air rushes into your lungs, cooling your hot blood.
Fuck me, you think as the words zip down your spine, straight to your cunt. You’re milliseconds from pulling him right back on top of you to finish what he’s started. Your clit is throbbing too much to make sense of anything else besides getting down and dirty with you man, and it takes you more than a minute to gather your bearings and remind yourself that you have to get to work to make money to pay for this place.
His hazel eyes are dark as he watches you scramble from the bed like a frightened deer. His cock strains against the fabric of his briefs and he makes no effort to try and calm his erection down, instead sticking a hand inside and stroking himself from base to tip.
It makes your mouth dry.
“Better get ready for work, sweetheart,” Cassian taunts, stroking himself again. His body shudders with the motion, and you know that sharp look in his eyes means that he’s thinking of all the things he could be doing to you right now. You grab your phone from the nightstand and make you way hastily to the bathroom, avoiding his gaze. “Unless you want a little show to remind you of what you’re coming home to tonight?” His question is said with innocence, but the gestures he’s making beneath his briefs are anything but.
“Gods, Cassian,” you mutter, all but running into the bathroom, shutting yourself in. Leaning back against the door, you pull in a heaving breath, trying to ignore the wetness and want between your legs. You allow yourself five minutes to calm yourself down, but when that doesn’t work due to the low, delicious taunts coming from the other side of the door, you force yourself from your spot, lunging to turn the shower on before stripping down and stepping into the cold, cold water.
“Yes, of course Mr. Stemm, we can absolutely change the shade of green it’s in. Were you thinking more of a forest or a neon green? Celadon, perhaps?” you respond to your client, staring at the logo you’ve designed for him. Admittedly, you’ve been staring at yourself in the tiny box at the corner of your screen for more of the meeting than you should, but you can’t help it, not when you can still feel Cassian’s lips against your neck and his fingers down your pants.
Gods, you catch yourself, straightening in your chair. Hopefully Mr. Stemm doesn’t notice the red creeping across your cheeks and down your neckline. You’d been unable to stop thinking about the boyfriend you left at your apartment. And, apparently, he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about you either, because Cassian spent almost half of the morning texting you how much he missed you.
Cassian: We miss you already
You: I miss you too. And please stop referring to you and your cock as ‘we.’ It’s weird.
Cassian: What’s weird is that you didn’t want me to fuck you back to sleep this morning.
Gaping, you’d looked around yourself like someone might be reading over your shoulder. Your next nearest coworker, Tarquin, had his head buried deep in his own phone, probably watching ASMR videos. You replied hastily.
You: I would’ve been late We’ve been through this.
Cassian: How about a quickie during lunch then? I’ve got time.
You: No, you’ve got practice and I’ve got a meeting. Now go!
Cassian: I’m pouting right now, just so you know. Think about me doing all of my stretches, I bet you can get yourself off just by doing that.
You can, and you have. You have an entire folder dedicated to thirst traps made by his fans, and you have to admit, some of them are pretty damn good. Your cheeks burned so hot and your collar tightened around your neck to much that you almost choked.
You: I’m putting my phone on Do Not Disturb, I don’t deserve thisssssss
Cassian: You’re right, sweetheart, you deserve so much more. Maybe even seven, eight, nine inches more.
If your body wasn’t already on fire you might’ve burst into flames at your desk. Like your ass was on fire, you shot off a quick ‘see you for dinner’ and turned your phone to silent. You even took a few calming breaths and wandered over to refill your water bottle before your meeting, having drained yours to the dregs trying to cool the flush of your body and the uncomfortable ache between your legs.
Your fingers itch to grab the phone placed only a few inches from your hand now, but you need to stay focused on your client.
Tamlin Stemm’s laughter rings in your headphones and you have to bite back your smile. He’s a handsome man, not much older than yourself, with blond hair draping long across his shoulders. It looks as if he’s given up trying to tame the golden locks as he runs his fingers through it and it tangles around his digits. His green eyes are piercing even through the screen, and the stubble lining his jaw is not harsh on the eyes either.
He’s been your client for only a couple of months now. Tamlin is opening his own tech company, Manic, and you are the designer tasked with the job to help create his brand from logo conception to creating all of the essentials he’ll need; business cards, stationary, even slideshow templates, and any other projects he may need a hand with.
“I think we both know I don’t know what Celadon is, but I do know that I’ve asked you to call me Tamlin before,” Mr. Stemm—Tamlin gives you that knowing look, the one that you think borders on something a little more friendly than your client should be with you. “Use your best judgement. I trust you.”
You nod, scribbling down the note. Tapping your pen to your paper, you ask, “But everything else looks to your liking? The letters, the brackets making up the ‘M’ in ‘Manic?’” You chew on your lip, roaming the logo again.
You’d stared at so many different typefaces, trying to find the right fit for so long that ‘Manic’ no longer looked like a word, or a word that was spelled correctly, at least. After that it was implementing your sketches, designing a few options for Tamlin to look over and choose from, critiques and rounds of revision, until now, the final stages of his project. You’re proud of the work you’ve done on this logo, and it’s definitely one you’ll be adding to your portfolio.
“It looks better than the drawing I attempted when I thought of it,” Tamlin laughs, and you chuckle along with him. Truly, you’d taken the awful sketch that looked like a four-year-old had drawn it and brought it to life. “You do some amazing work, (Y/N), thank you.”
“It’s my pleasure, Tamlin,” you respond with a grin. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of creating something your client deems perfect, even more so something that you’re completely proud of yourself. You can’t wait to continue developing his branding essentials.
You talk through a few more points, deadlines for his other projects and next steps. Tamlin lets you know that he’ll be in town in a few weeks for a business meeting and asks if you’re open to taking one of your meetings in person with him.
“Of course, Tamlin,” you agree, “Just let me know when you’re available and we’ll set something up.” With a response he’ll be emailing you soon, you finish up the call, sighing and tugging your headphones out of your ears as you relax back into your seat.
Before you even have a chance to reach for your phone, Tarquin’s rolling over on his chair and peppering you with questions. “Gods, you are so lucky to be on that project. Not only is it big, but he’s incredibly good looking too,” he swoons, staring at your screen as if Tamlin’s mossy green eyes are burned into the display.
“Tarq, you weren’t staring at him over my shoulder again, were you?” You groan. Your coworker has the tendency to make as many excuses as he can to turn in his chair and peer over his shoulder at your screen when you take a call with the tech wizard. “You’re going to scare him away someday.”
Tarquin tuts, rolling his eyes. “I am not going to scare him away. If anything, it’s going to be love at first sight.”
Now it’s your turn to roll your eyes. It’s hard to take Tarquin seriously sometimes when he’s pining after a new person each week. More often than not it’s people he’s never met, a person in line in front of him at the coffee shop or someone sitting across from him on the train.
You should really introduce him to Mor. They’d really hit it off.
“If you say so,” you tease, turning back to type up your notes before your next meeting.
Tarquin leans in close, a ridiculous smile on his face that instantly makes you brace yourself for his next words. “Unless of course, you want him for yourself?”
You nearly choke, fingers slipping against your keys. Tarquin doesn’t know that you have a six-foot five rugby player with thighs the size of tree trunks tucked up in your bed right now. If only Tarquin could see Cassian now. His jaw would hit the floor.
Stifling your amusement at the thought of Tarquin gushing over your boyfriend, you quickly gather your things, sliding your phone into your back pocket, and standing from your desk.
“Come on, Tarq. Let’s go grab a coffee before the eleven o’clock meeting.”
Your eleven o’clock meeting runs long and you hardly have time to take a lunch because you’re scrambling to keep up with your work for the day. You have another meeting at three with a potential new client, a skin care line that is looking for packaging to be designed in exactly the style you love. You’ve been fantasizing about contracting this client and you hope your pitch is good enough.
Four thirty rolls in by the time you’ve exited the call with the potential clients, feeling better than ever because they agreed that you’d do the packaging for this line, and if all goes well, they’ll look into becoming full-time clients of Reynar Advertising. You’re nearly bouncing off the walls with excitement and Tarquin asks you to get drinks after work to celebrate but you politely decline. You can’t wait to go home and tell the news to Cassian.
The last half hour trickles by slowly, and when you finally have time to shut your phone off of Do Not Disturb while you’re walking to the elevators, your phone immediately starts buzzing with an incoming call.
“Hey, Mor,” you greet, smiling so hard your cheeks hurt. You wanted Cassian to be the first to know about the client you’ve just signed, but Mor is here now, and you’re just too damned exhilarated to keep it to yourself. “Guess what?” you ask, jamming your finger into the ground level button as you step into the elevator.
“You’re dating Cassian Bailey?” she screeches and everything slows to a halt.
Change Your Ticket Taglist: @justasillylittlegoofyguy @starsinyourseyes @jdeclerc @indiedash @kennedy-brooke @tothestarsandwhateverend @azsteris @obsessivereaderchick @aalxrose
#cassian#cassian x reader#acotar#azsazz#acomaf#acowar#rugby!cassian#change your ticket#rugby!cassian au#acotar au
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Sweet Lady
Media - Rings Of Power Character - Elrond Couple - Elrond X Reader Reader - Unnamed Human Rating - 12 Word Count - 2147

Elrond had to run. He grabbed his weapons and sprinted through the woods, hoping to lose the orcs and reach a sunny clearing where they couldn't follow. He knew Eregion was too far away, but he had no choice but to try.
The orc party chased him, weapons in hand, tearing through the thick underbrush.
Elrond ran as fast as he could, trying to create distance between himself and the orcs. His heart raced, and sweat dripped from his forehead.
One orc threw an axe that caught his cloak on a tree, stopping him from running. Elrond struggled to free himself from the cloak, but it was too late. The orcs surrounded him, arguing about whether to kill him or take him to Adar.
Elrond held his sword tightly. He knew he was outnumbered, but he stood firm, looking at the orcs with fear and determination. He tried to read their next move.
Suddenly, a sharp whistle caught the orcs' attention. As they looked around, two of them got hit by arrows and fell to the ground. The others searched for the source of the arrows but fell victim themselves. The last orc tried to escape, but it was too late. A figure emerged from the brush, cloaked in deep burnt orange. He grabbed the orc by its neck and threw it to the ground at Elrond's feet.
"Mercy is not for monsters." The figure said before gutting the orc with its own axe,
Elrond watched in bewildered fascination, He couldn’t believe that this figure, just saved his life. He looked down at the dying orc at his feet, then back at the figure. "Who are you?" he says, his voice a mix of wonder and relief.
the figure freed him from the tree and pulled back the hood of the burnt orange cloak revealing skin and a long braid of hair tied back with a butterfly bow. Below the cap of the cloak was a short knee-length orange dress and brown leather trousers and boots. A belt of apothecary bottles and arrows for her bow, now on her back.
Elrond was taken aback by her beauty, but quickly gathered his composure. "My thanks, miss," he says, still a little breathless from the adrenaline of the chase "You saved my life. I am in your debt."
"Keep your debt." She said. "I have no use for it."
Elrond nods, He respects her for her strength, though he can't help but notice the coolness in her tone "You are a skilled fighter," he says, gesturing to the body of the orc at his feet "And clearly not someone to be trifled with."
"those without swords can still die upon them. I'd rather have the advantage than not." She said collecting her arrows,
Elrond watches her as she collects her arrows, He can sense a hardened edge beneath her beauty and finds her intriguing. "You're not like any man I've met before," he says, his gaze still on her. He thinks to himself that perhaps he shouldn't underestimate her.
"Have you met many?"
Elrond nods "I have, though not many like you. Most men I know are farmers or tradespeople, simple folk, living simple lives. But you…" he pauses, studying her carefully again, "You're a woman of the wilds. An expert with the bow and blade. Someone who lives by her own rules."
"World doesn't live by mine. Why should I live by anyone else's?"
Elrond smiles slightly at her words. Despite her coldness, he finds himself somewhat drawn to her. "You're wise. If only more men shared your perspective." He says.
"most men are weak. They bundle together in fear built villages and towns afraid of the dark to be alone. They huddle together like cattle and follow whichever cow walks towards food."
"You certainly have an unflattering opinion of us." He says, his tone light with amusement.
"us? You are an elf are you not."
Elrond nods "I am. Half-elf, to be precise."
"A rare case. An outlier."
he chuckles slightly at that "In more ways than one." he gazes at her for a moment, taking in the sight of her. She was unlike any human he'd ever met before. He found himself wanting to know more about her.
"you seem to be doing better than most." She said looking at his clothes,
he glances down at his clothes, realizing that they do indeed set him apart from others. He never put much thought into his appearance and its implications before. With a soft, self-deprecating laugh he says "Perhaps. My position has its privileges, I suppose."
"and it's risks. They know you're important." She said glancing at the orcs. "I could be a queen, but no one can tell I'm valuable."
Elrond nods in understanding. It's true that his position makes him a target. But he's never really thought of it in that way before. "Is that to your advantage? To not be easily recognizable?"
"It's one of them. Elves don't understand that. Walk around high and mighty in fine clothes, on white horses walking to elven gates a mile high. Not exactly respectful to anyone else."
Elrond can't help but feel a bit humbled by her words. It's true that many of his people can be self-important and dismissive of others due to their elven superiority, "You speak the truth. Many of my kin do not see things from other perspectives. Including myself, it seems."
"ummm." She scoffed, "Eregion is that way. Don't walk by the river orcs make camp there."
"Thank you," he says, starting in the direction that she indicated "Though I do have a request."
"What?" She turned back
he hesitates for a moment, "If it's not too much…" he says, a little awkwardly, before continuing, "do you mind if I walk with you for a while? It can be dangerous out here and there’s strength in numbers."
"fine." She sighed
He smiles, glad that she agreed to accompany him. He starts walking beside her, his pace matching hers. "Why were you out here? The wilderness is not a safe place for a human, even one that possesses archery skills like yours."
"I live here."
"You do?" he asks, his expression one of both surprise and concern. "And what, pray tell, do you do out here alone?"
"fish. Farm. Wood work. Live."
"You have courage, I’ll say that." He says, his tone one of begrudging admiration. He glances at her again, trying to get a read on her. So far, she's been closed off and a bit cold, but underneath that is a fierce independence that Elrond can't help but respect. After a moment of silence, he asks, his tone a bit lighter now, "How long have you been living here alone?"
"Sixteen years."
"You've lived here since you were a child?" He asks, his concern growing.
"Since I was fifteen."
He can't help but grimace. “You were fifteen… been here sixteen years your… your thirty-one?”
“Yes.” she snapped,
“…My apologies, you do not… look -”
“Look what?”
“…You appear young for your age miss,”
“As do you.”
“Well yes but I am half-elven, I am sure you have no such excuse,” he chuckled,
“My excuses are my own.”
“I see…” He nodded, "And what made you choose such a life?" He asks carefully. He's not sure how blunt she will let him be, nor how much she'll reveal to him.
"I don't like people." She said walking faster,
Elrond quickens his pace to keep up with her. He can tell he's treading on thin ice, but cannot help but persist, "Don't like people? Or are you afraid of them?" he asks softly
she pulls out a blade from her belt and puts it to his neck, "I. don't. Like. People."
Elrond raises his hands in a gesture of surrender. Clearly he's hit a nerve. He takes a small step back to remove the blade from his neck. He gazes at her, his expression one of both wariness and concern, "I can see that I've upset you. That was not my intention."
she put the blade back on her belt and kept walking, "People are cruel. Vindictive. And stupid. I'd rather be alone."
"I understand caution," he says quietly after a moment, "but to completely close yourself off…do you never feel lonely?"
"I have animals." She answered, "and the trees often talk with me."
That throws him off a bit. "The trees?" he echoes, trying not to sound doubtful. Although, he's learned that stranger things happen in these lands than one would care to believe, "What do the trees say?"
"they ask for silence. And for fire to be extinguished"
Elrond is even more unsettled now. The trees had asked her? Told her things? This woman was definitely full of mysteries. He regards her with a mixture of wariness and awe. "They…they communicate with you?" he asks, still trying to comprehend this concept
"Everything in this world talks to you. If you only listen."
He regards her thoughtfully for a moment. The thought that everything, not just animate objects, has a voice and consciousness is a strange but captivating idea, one that he's never really considered before. He looks around at the trees, the rocks, the streams, considering them all in a new light. "And the rivers, the streams…the mountains? They talk too?"
"they flow in a direction of their own regardless of how we decide. Dam a river, it’s first move is escape."
he gives a soft laugh at her response. "So you're saying that nature doesn't adhere to the whims of men. It does as it pleases."
"Do not laugh at me" she glared,
He raises an eyebrow at her tone of voice. She was clearly offended that he'd laughed at her. He shakes his head "I'm not laughing at you." He studies her for a moment. "You do understand that you're just as much a part of nature as the mountains and rivers and trees. You can't deny that you're part of this world you love so much"
"I am not meant to be."
He frowns at her words. It was a sad thing to say, that she was not meant to be. He feels a pang of sympathy for her "How can you say that?" he asks, unable to keep the concern out of his voice
"this world is not for us. never had been. We are not built for it. We need fires and towers and clothes. If this world was meant for us we would not need anything. We would simply be."
"I think you're being too harsh on your kind…" he pauses, thinking this over. She did have a point, and a fair one at that, "Perhaps you would find the Elves' homeland more to your liking. lindon, Eregion" he says,
"Even you are not made for here. Elves come from the west."
He nods. She was right. "No, I suppose we are not." he says quietly, his thoughts turning to days long past He looks at her again. There was something about her that stirred something within him. Not just her beauty, but her passion. It was something that he had not seen in the presence of his own kin. He can tell that behind her coldness and anger to the world, there was a deep well of emotion. He wanted to unearth it..to see what was underneath. "Perhaps none of us are meant to be here," he says softly
they reached the edge of the woods the bright sun on the fields and Eregion in the distance "perhaps not." She said, "This is as close as I go."
He turns and looks at the open fields that lie ahead, He isn't ready for her to leave just yet. Not when there was still so much he wanted to know about her. "Must you go?" he asks, not even trying to hide the disappointment in his voice
"I must." She demanded
he sighs softly, knowing that he can't win this fight. With a resigned nod, he says "Well…thank you. For saving me back there. And for accompanying me," he looks at her, trying to commit everything about her to memory. Her hood concealed her face, but the few parts of it that were not hidden were imprinted on his mind. her hair, her skin. The way her shoulders were set, her hands gripping her cloak. He didn't want to forget any part of her.
"be well. Elrond half-elven." She nodded before she fixed her bow and pulled up her hood and like magic into the woods
He watched her until she was completely gone from sight, disappearing into the thick of the forest like a ghost. He couldn't help the feeling that he'd just lost a chance. To what, he didn't know. for a moment, he considered running after her, into the woods. But he decides against it. No good would come of it. There is a small part of him that whispers that he will probably never see her again. He ignores it, and pushes it down to the back of his mind. He stood there for a few minutes longer, looking after the place where she vanished, before finally starting forward again But it was gone nonetheless, "Farewell…" he muttered quietly “Sweet lady…”
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