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excelsiorfics · 11 months ago
Playing House
Date: April 1 2024 Author: gayliepop Rating: General Word Count/Status: 863, complete Dynamic: Laura Kinney & Logan Characters: Laura Kinney, Logan Tags: Alternative Perspectives, Canon Compliant, Grief, Parenting, Past Character Death, Parent-Child Relationship
Summary: Laura and Logan have a talk. It goes about as well as one could hope.
(Laura's perspective on the last 4 pages of Generations: Wolverine & All-New Wolverine).
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rivkae-winters · 10 months ago
You Will Rot
I adore this entire scene and their entire exchange and there are plenty of other posts out there on it but I’ve never come across the points I wanted to make hence why I'm writing this. Specifically on the implications of exactly what rots since that latched into my brain and would not let me go.
As always: this is only my interpretation of canon, there is no one true analysis to take as gospel. In fact please interact with your thoughts if you have any! I enjoy talking to other people about this sort of thing, fandom is all about discussion after all!
My stance on this line is one of nuance. I tend to think Sephiroth chose the worst words he could think of without fully considering the full implications.  He said the thing he knew that would hurt Genesis the most after the entire conversation beforehand.
What does it mean to be told to rot? Or even so told you will rot. 
In the FF7 universe, most explicitly displayed in CC, bodies dissolve. Corpses, both monster and human, are depicted as dissolving to return to the Lifestream. This is re-confirmed in the remake. 
Rot is not a term for humans, it’s not a cultural concept the same way it is for us in the real world. To decay and decompose are not processes that sentient beings undergo.
Rot is something for objects- things that live but aren’t alive enough or connected enough quote-un-quote to return to the Lifestream in the same dramatic manner. Rot is for things like food and flowers and things that are below the level of humans or animals or anything with general sentience. 
Sephiroth is telling Genesis here, he is not just a monster: he is insignificant. He is telling Genesis that he is not enough of a sentient being to return to the Lifestream and he’ll continue falling apart in real time just like a piece of fruit left forgotten and rotting on the kitchen counter. He is telling Genesis that at the end of the day he’s already dead in every way that matters and is no longer a person. Sephiroth is telling Genesis that he will have no mercy given to him at the end of the day: he will rot and waste like an object lacking sentience and then he will be left there.
Sephiroth is digging into Genesis’s own deepest insecurities here. Genesis fears not just being irrelevant but being rendered a non-entity, to be kept or out of control. Genesis has defined his entire life as a journey to be someone to be enough to be someone worthy of love and praise and being seen. Objects aren’t people, and Genesis is an object to Sephiroth with that statement. 
The only person who could help him no longer considers him a person- nor a thing with sentience. 
Obviously this is all over analyzing Sephiroth’s dialogue. This line was said with calculation, yes, but it was also somewhat reflexive. Sephiroth is under a lot of stress in this scene and Genesis has been slinging everything he never wanted to be told at him in a single conversation. Genesis then has the audacity to try to act as if he did something good. While Sephiroth’s world is collapsing around him and his other defected friend acts like he did him a favor. Sephiroth is angry, who wouldn’t be angry. Sephiroth thought the world of Genesis prior to his defection, he thought the world of both of them and those illusions have been crashing down around him.
So he uses Genesis’s own grief over his former friend’s tattered life that manifests as self deprecation and self dehumanization against him. He confirms the de-humanizing rhetoric that Genesis has been attaching to his own existence. Sephiroth in his pain and anger pushes past the fears that Genesis has been externalizing to what he knows Genesis is truly afraid of. 
If Genesis considers himself a monster than by the standards of the person Sephiroth thought he knew he is already living out his worst fears. He is nothing, he is nothing without his mind. If Genesis wants to be what he once considered a non-entity: wants to wallow in the rot and non-personhood so much then he can. 
Sephiroth turns his back on, in his mind, the moving corpse of the long dead Genesis Rhapsodos and walks away. 
You will Rot You are Nothing
There is also something to be said here for the Kanji used in the original!
I’m not touching on this as much as I would have liked to but it would be criminal if I didn’t at least pull out a Kanji dictionary.
I pulled Sephiroth’s line from here; warning the website is not in English at all but easy enough to navigate via context/knowledge of story events and the characters' Japanese names. 
Sephiroth’s line is: 朽ち果てろ kuchihatero
This is translated in the official English release as “You will rot” and in a pre-US release fan translation from May of 2007 roughly the same way as “Go decay”
朽  Decay; Rot; Remain in Seclusion
果  Fruit; Reward; carry out; achieve; complete; end; finish; succeed
[1][2] [3 specifically for 朽][4 specifically for 果]
Thanks for reading!
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dailysonadowfanfics · 6 months ago
Reading every single Sonadow Fanfic (Ao3): 251/4.770
Title: Call it what it is (sonadow)
Author: KrymynalKrimzon
Website: Ao3
Published: 19.12.2019
Word Count: 3.306 words
Language: English
Suited for minors? Yes
Warnings: No
Smut? No
Finished? Yes
Characters: Sonic the Hedgehog, Shadow the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Echidna, Miles Tails Prower, other Boom characters
Ships: Sonic/Shadow
Author Tags: Fluffy Ending, Romance, Oneshot, request
Author Summary: After such a horrible day (Sonic Boom, Episode 34, Just a Guy) the town tries to throw a party to say sorry and celebrate Sonic, but the speedster just really isn’t in the mood for any of it.
My summary: Sonic had a bad day and is not in the mood for the surprise party the townspeople throw for him. Shadow steals him away, and they hang out.
You can read it here
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buckevantommy · 7 months ago
seeing a lot of folks describe their 3k+ fics as "drabbles" 🙄🤦....
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.... the term you're looking for is: "ficlet" or "oneshot"
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kotlc-fanfiction · 4 months ago
and @arsonistblue's incredible fic that i think about constantly (and just all of their fics in general)
making peace with dawn - @arsonistblue
Summary: Tiergan doesn't want to hate sunrises, he really doesn't. They are undeniably gorgeous.
And yet, he cannot stand to watch the bands of color flourish and fade as the sky lightens, because every time he does, he's pushed back to memories he desperately wishes he could forget.
My Thoughts: Tiertice angst is in fact the recipe to my heart so I opened this up and knew I would be giving it a glowing review. I love the little vignettes and how each them was like its own tug on my heart strings and then together it was very ough. So sweet at the end, I highly reccomend for a quick Tiertice punch in the gut
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purple-nightfall-writes · 2 months ago
idk what was in the water today but i wrote almost 3k on the pencil au sequel over the course of the day
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 5 months ago
Hi! Um, I'm bad at communicating. Just wanted to ask you- because maybe you know?
I want to do multiple chapters- because it's probably gonna be too long for only 1- but I don't know if people usually prefer shorter or longer chapters- so uh- any advice?
I'll probably either update regularly or way too soon cuz I plan on writing everything and only posting it when I'm done- so even if it's short there will be more-
So. Um. Yeah. Help me please?
I am a chronically long chapter bitch- but thats because its part of my writing style, for me? I struggle to condense a whole "Act"/ "Arc" in more than like 5k
Now something my english teacher drilled into my tiny malformed skull was "Write however many words the story needs to have" I have like 17 consequtive plotlines and an entire closet of yet to be loaded Chekov's guns- so for ME, the 5k is nessicary to keep things rolling.
HOWEVER- That isn't very sustainable for most people. I'd say a good chapter length is, generally this guide is what I see that WORKS for pacing, engagement, etc. (personal preference as well)
Less than 1k Total? Try one chapter, but if not? Two MAX
Around 1k Total? One to Three-ish max
2-10k? Around Two to Ten ish.
10-20k? At least two, up to like 15
20k+? At least two, up to 25
50k+? At least like three-five, can be up to 60
100k+? At least ten, or like 200 (though less is better at bigger numbers)
Again- most of this is my personal preference, everyone has their niche they enjoy. But if you want my advice, cut off whenever a chapter feels "complete" like a day is finished. (Exception being cliffhangers, but those should be saved for that exact reason so they're that much more impactful)
Id say rule of thumb is make sure each chapter does SOMETHING. I usually base my chapters chronologically over a set event. An entire event will be at least one chapter, if not up to three depending on all that needs to happen.
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beau-bunny · 3 months ago
At some point I’d like to add some more scenes/rewritten pieces to earlier chapters to my MCD rewrite fic expanding a bit more in detail on Garroth, Laurance, and Aphmau’s relationship. Now that we’re breaking into the final half of season 1, I feel like I missed more than I should in developing their relationships and expanding upon them in more detail, so at some point I need to like. study and break down their canon dynamics in-depth and go back and patch in extra scenes to fill the gaps of their development
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urfavcrime · 6 months ago
the worst thing abt being a dsmp fic writer is now is like yALL who is turning in. NO ONE
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sleepless-in-starbucks · 4 months ago
'man im not even sure if this idea will be long enough... guess ill be ready to pad' <- man whose story idea is absolutely long enough and is, in fact, too long
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excelsiorfics · 11 months ago
Black Bolt Attends Group Therapy
Date: Nov 11, 2022 Author: thrakaboom Rating: General Word Count/Status: 660, complete Dynamic: N/A Characters: Blackagar Boltagon, Clint Barton, Matt Murdock Tags: DC Crossover, Disability, Poetry
Summary: Black Bolt goes to a support group for disabled superheroes- a poem about disability politics.
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year ago
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I was thinking how I've drawn Bow with glasses several times now, but I've never drawn Glimmer with glasses so I drew that and then my brain was like… OK, so in what context would she be wearing glasses? And then I realized this was a perfect opportunity to subject you all to my…
Love Potion No. 9 AU
Join me over on AO3, won't you?
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dailysonadowfanfics · 6 months ago
Reading every single Sonadow Fanfic (Ao3): 268/4.775
Title: Penulum
Author: warmachine
Website: Ao3
Published: 29.12.2019
Word Count: 2.920 words
Language: English
Suited for minors? Teen and up
Warnings: Mental health issues
Smut? No, but some heated kissing and touching
Finished? Yes
Characters: Sonic the Hedgehog, Shadow the Hedgehog
Ships: Sonic/Shadow
Author Tags: Bipolar Disorder, Comfort, Established Relationship, Kissing, Manic Episode
Author Summary: Shadow stared at him incredulously, appearing legitimately perplexed by everything Sonic had told him. “You’ve been awake for twenty-eight hours?”
Sonic frowned. “Yeah… I guess I have. Why do you keep asking me all this stuff?”
Shadow closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath before he spoke again. “I’m worried about you.”
Sonic experiences a manic episode, staying awake for ages, impulsively doing things, what have you. Shadow notices that something’s not quite right the longer this goes on, and tries to figure out what’s happening and how to support Sonic.
My summary: Shadow notices that his boyfriend Sonic isn't doing so well and is worried about him.
You can read it here
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benkeibear · 6 months ago
Reminding myself that not everything I post has to be 3k+. It's okay to post smaller things. They're created with the same love
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kotlc-fanfiction · 4 months ago
angsty gay letters that blue wrote!
unwritten - @arsonistblue
Summary: When Tiergan finds the envelope, he can't bring himself to open it.
It's been three months since the break, and the gaping wound in his chest is still too raw. He fears that, if he opens it, whatever is written inside will slice open the stitches that he has so carefully, painstakingly sewn into an ugly, red scar over his heart. That everything he's been trying to keep under control might come pouring out.
My Thoughts: Short, sweet, soul-crushing, exactly how I like my Tiertice angst. This is gorgeously written and I think my heart is just exploding for them because they are so! They love each other!
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dipperscavern · 6 months ago
Hi! Congrats on 1k and i hope i didn't miss the deadline! Could I get a fortune telling? I’m sorry if this gets too long, I wanted to touch all my bases lol.
I am about 5'6 with brown hair. My eyes are blue and I wear glasses. I'm rather pale though I can tan easily.
My personality is not very consistent because I act very differently depending on who I'm with. Around people I don't really know I'm really quiet and polite, but towards people I don't like I tend to be more passive-aggressive. I do know that I'm pretty quick to start a fight, verbal or physical, if my loved ones are being messed with. I do like to tease my family and friends a lot, but if I see I'm getting close to a boundary I try to pull back. With loved ones I'm overall just more comfortable with being a goofy. Sometimes talking is really hard for me cuz of my memory issues, slight lisp, and overall difficulty with pronuncing words.
I have pretty simple likes and dislikes, like I love animals and have a dog named Kamy. Drawing is one of my favorite things to do. I absolutely love to sing and I'm willing to listen to (almost) anything, but I love musicals most. It's pretty easy for me to starting rambling about something I'm hyperfixated on. I enjoy the cold more heat because I'm prone to heat strokes. Though I have an autoimmune disorder that weakens my legs, I love roller skating. I have difficulties reading so I don't really enjoy it and use to hate it. Have a couple of fears like bugs, clowns, and deep water. Lastly, I was born without a sense of smell and have a difficult relationship with food.
hi, thank you very much!! today is the last day for requests so you didn’t miss it!! let us see your man of stark…🔮
i see… oh dear me, is it that fellow again?? i clap twice, and my royal toad — toad mater — is brought to me. my gaze doesn’t move from the crystal ball, and as toad mater croaks once, i nod, hand on my chin. “yes… yes i thought so…”
ANYWAYS. i see warden of the north, cregan stark. the bit about your personality would serve you (& cregan) really well in your acting role as lady stark. you’re more reserved & polite in front of lords/people you don’t know/cregans council, more outgoing and kind around winterfells children, lighthearted and joking around servants/castle guards etc. your versatile personality is something cregan can count on, a dependable variable he’s grateful for. you and cregan are the same in protecting/defending the people you love, and he’d be sooo secretly proud of you for it. and don’t worry, cregan has an absurdly good memory, helping you remember things you’ve forgotten, and he’s super patient when it comes to you talking!! even though you’ve never needed words with him, and have a lot of ways to silently communicate with one another. drawing!! imagine you having a sketchbook and you draw so many pretty sketches of cregan, winterfell, little girls you see around the castle etc. cregans very good at recognizing when one of your heat strokes is oncoming, and is always conscious of scheduling things so you don’t overexert yourself/your legs during the day <3
p.s i know this is long but you mentioned not having a sense of smell and thinking of you and cregan made me laugh. can you imagine? “I know you cannot smell this, but rest assured the stables are in dire need of cleaning.” 😭
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