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rmechmachines · 7 months ago
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Pet Bottle Scrap Washing and Recycling Plant Machinery R Mech Machines LLP is an Exporter of Pet Bottle Scrap Washing and Recycling Plant Machinery in Botswana. We are a Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of Plastic Scrap Turbo Washing Machines, Plastic Scrap Grinder Machines, Plastic Scrap Shredder Machines, Blade Sharpening Machines, Screw Press Squeezer Machines, Friction Washer Machines. R Mech Machines LLP is a Pet Bottle Scrap Washing and Recycling Machinery Manufacturer in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. We specialize in designing and manufacturing advanced Plastic Recycling Machine.
Our technology ensures thorough cleaning and processing, turning discarded bottles into high-quality recycled materials. Ensures effective processing to transform waste into reusable materials and Capable of handling large volumes of PET bottle scraps efficiently. Why choose us?
Innovative Technology: We employ advanced machinery to ensure effective washing and recycling of PET bottle scraps. Environmental Commitment: Reduce carbon footprint with eco-friendly recycling solutions. Customized Solutions: Tailored machinery solutions to meet specific production needs. Industry Expertise: Trusted by top manufacturers for reliable performance and innovation. R Mech Machines LLP is an Exporter of Pet Bottle Scrap Washing and Recycling Plant Machinery in Botswana and various locations like Gaborone, Francistown, Molepolole, Mogoditshane, Maun, Selibe Phikwe, Kanye, Serowe, Mochudi, Mahalapye, Palapye, Tlokweng, Ramotswa, Lobatse, Ghanzi, Bobonong, Letlhakane, Mosopa, Thamaga, Jwaneng, Gabane, Mmopone, Mmadinare, Kopong, Kasane, Tshabong, Shoshong, Metsemotlhaba, Otse, Letlhakeng, Nata, Mmankgodi, Maitengwe, Bokaa, Masunga, Kumakwane, Lekala, Gweta, Mathambgwane, Chadibe, Lentsweletau, Lotlhakane, Hukuntsi, Ramokgonami, Tsetsebjwe, Nkange, Matshelagabedi, Shashe Mooke, Letsheng. Contact us today to learn how our PET bottle scrap washing and recycling plant can elevate your production efficiency while contributing to a cleaner environment. https://rmechmachines.com/2024/07/11/pet-bottle-scrap-washing-and-recycling-plant-machinery/
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digitalisefashiondesign · 8 months ago
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gloriaglamont · 3 years ago
Custom-Sized Sewing Patterns: Could this be the solution to the perfect fit challenge?
Custom-Sized Sewing Patterns: Could this be the solution to the perfect fit challenge?
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frkwibergab · 7 years ago
Hej, du känner inte mig!
Världens roligaste grej hände mig häromdagen! Jag promenerar ju varje morgon en bit av vägen till jobbet, oftast från Gamla Stans t-bana och till Blasieholmen, där jag är just nu. Vanligen följer jag nästan automatiskt samma väg, Tyska Brinken och Kindstugatan upp till “Under kastanjen” sen ner till Skeppsbron via St Göran och draken. Så här års är det ganska trångt, även på morgonen. Förutom alla vanliga Stockholmare som målmedvetet försöker ta sig fram så är stan fylld av turister, som på turisters vis är helt obekymrade av att de är i vägen när de kliver runt i stora grupper och försöker få till de bästa bilderna. Jag som sedan länge slutat cykla i stadstrafiken just för att mina irritations- och stressnivåer blev för höga får verkligen anstränga mig för att inte störa ihjäl mig på alla dessa människor som jag ju egentligen vill hjälpa, så att de ser vilken fantastisk stad jag bor i. 
Så här ser det alltså ut i vanliga fall under sommaren. Just den här veckan har Stockholm kulturvecka och stan är som en galen smältdegel av tält, foodtrucks, scener och människor precis överallt! Och det ÄR kul, missförstå mig inte, jag tycker att det är fantastiskt med denna stadsfest, men det är jättejättesvårt att komma till och från jobbet på ett effektivt sätt! 
Så, efter att ha försökt gå den vanliga vägen i måndags så insåg jag i tisdags morse att jag inte är ett tåg, som går på räls, jag kan ju välja att gå vilken väg jag vill! Alltså vanans makt är stor, i vart fall över mig... Nåväl, jag svängde åt andra hållet när jag kom upp ur t-banan och gick Stora Nygatan upp till Myntgatan, över Riksplan till Norrbro och sedan Strömgatan förbi Kungsträdgården. Gick över första halvan av övergångsstället på Kungsträdgårdsgatan, mot röd gubbe eftersom ingen trafik kom (vi Stockholmare gör ju så hela tiden, det vinner vi ett par sekunder per dag på som vi kan samla ihop och använda när vi ska syra grönsaker eller göra något annat hipster-nytt). Från andra håller kom en massa cyklister så jag stannade vid refugen och väntade på min tur.
Då tvärnitar plötsligt en av cyklisterna och cyklar fram till mig och jag hinner tänka “Ska hon skälla för att jag gick mot rött??? Det kom ju ingen???” men det skulle hon inte! I stället sa hon “Hej, du känner inte mig men jag heter Sara [-visst var det Sara???] och jag läser din blogg! Jag kände igen dig på klänningen och vara bara tvungen att stanna!” sen pratade vi en stund och när jag någon minut senare gick till jobbet kände jag mig så vansinnigt väldigt jätteglad! Glad att ni läser, att jag kan inspirera och jätteglad att Sara tog sig tid att stanna och prata!
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Det här var klänningen hon kände igen, och det är kanske inte så förvånande, den smälter kanske inte lika mycket in i mängden som allt mitt svarta och gråa?
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Jag fick också visa att jag varit tvungen att sätta en säkerhetsnål mitt fram för att den inte ska glipa efter semestern... Mycket vin och ostkrokar har det blivit de senaste veckorna och det visar sig så klart.
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Jag testade dessutom en ny kombo med klänningen, nämligen den blå tröjan jag sytt efter klänningsmönstret från The makers Atelier. Det är som sagt kallt inne på jobbet...
Jag tyckte det funkade ihop och jag kände mig lite som Malin i Vi på Saltkråkan, men det tyckte inte mina kollegor alls. 
Jag t r o r kanske att de trodde att jag tyckte att det var negativt, att se ut som Malin i Saltkråkan, men då vet de kanske inte att hon var många mäns idealkvinna (men såklart inte ett dugg lik mig!). Oavsett - det är kul att försöka hitta lite nya kombinationer i garderoben!
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aisegroup · 6 years ago
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Изготовим лекало по фото Пиши! Звони! Сейчас! +996 702 540 273 #лекаланазаказ #лекалаодежды #лекалапоэскизам #лекалапофото #лекалобишкек #лекалапросто #лекалокиргизия #лекалаплатья #платьекупить #выкройка #lekala #lekalo #patern #aisegroup#lekalagrafiskg #лекалапоэскизам #лекалаодежды #конструирование #конструктор #пошив #градациялекал #разработкамодели #patterncutting #pattern #sewing #patternbereu #бишкеклекала #графис #madeinkg (at Bishkek) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtkZDedg2nH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j6koudafq6a8
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dollsahoy · 6 years ago
Posting as reference, because if I don’t have a pattern like this in my current size, I might get this...eventually...
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yuribeam · 8 years ago
i was shopping for sewing patterns today and i kept getting really mad because the sizing is so ridiculously tiny >:c 
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hentaiegalitarian · 5 years ago
Inktober Day 2/3
Made a petal skirt from this pattern from Lekala
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Fabric is stretch tafetta (I think, I got this from a fabric wholesale grab box) and the trim is some cotton fabric from Joann's
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I don't really like it. The darts needed to be deeper, as seen with the baggy waist, but it's difficult to rip the seams on the material.
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Additionally, I liked the concept of this skirt but in practice I couldn't get the trim to lie flat and I think the solid blue looked better by itself. It was a piece that I had increasingly less fun as time went on, and it was only 2 days work 😑
Still, I think this was a successful attempt at stretch fabrics and I'd definitely like to use stretch tafetta again - cheap and fancy looking irl👁️‍🗨️
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thimberlina · 8 years ago
The Cold Shoulder - Lekala 5669
The Cold Shoulder – Lekala 5669
I was browsing through the Lekala website a couple of weeks ago and stumbled across this little on-trend beauty!  Lekala 5669….. I just fell for it straight away – the cold shoulder detail was bang on trend but subtle enough for a someone approaching middle age to wear – not that I feel it. So it was downloaded and stuck it together before you could say boo to a goose.  Then came the hard bit. I…
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liamjones · 6 years ago
Oooh thanks for answering my jersey question! Do remember the site you used for the jersey pattern?
You’re more than welcome!! The website I used is called Lekala and the pattern is actually for a fitted jersey-style shirt, so I’d suggest going a little bigger with your measurements to make it more sports-jersey like :)
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rmechmachines · 7 months ago
Pet Bottle Scrap Washing and Recycling Plant Machinery
R Mech Machines LLP is an Exporter of Pet Bottle Scrap Washing and Recycling Plant Machinery in Botswana. We are a Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of Plastic Scrap Turbo Washing Machines, Plastic Scrap Grinder Machines, Plastic Scrap Shredder Machines, Blade Sharpening Machines, Screw Press Squeezer Machines, Friction Washer Machines. R Mech Machines LLP is a Pet Bottle Scrap Washing and Recycling Machinery Manufacturer in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. We specialize in designing and manufacturing advanced Plastic Recycling Machine. Our technology ensures thorough cleaning and processing, turning discarded bottles into high-quality recycled materials. Ensures effective processing to transform waste into reusable materials and Capable of handling large volumes of PET bottle scraps efficiently. Why choose us? Innovative Technology: We employ advanced machinery to ensure effective washing and recycling of PET bottle scraps. Environmental Commitment: Reduce carbon footprint with eco-friendly recycling solutions. Customized Solutions: Tailored machinery solutions to meet specific production needs. Industry Expertise: Trusted by top manufacturers for reliable performance and innovation. R Mech Machines LLP is an Exporter of Pet Bottle Scrap Washing and Recycling Plant Machinery in Botswana and various locations like Gaborone, Francistown, Molepolole, Mogoditshane, Maun, Selibe Phikwe, Kanye, Serowe, Mochudi, Mahalapye, Palapye, Tlokweng, Ramotswa, Lobatse, Ghanzi, Bobonong, Letlhakane, Mosopa, Thamaga, Jwaneng, Gabane, Mmopone, Mmadinare, Kopong, Kasane, Tshabong, Shoshong, Metsemotlhaba, Otse, Letlhakeng, Nata, Mmankgodi, Maitengwe, Bokaa, Masunga, Kumakwane, Lekala, Gweta, Mathambgwane, Chadibe, Lentsweletau, Lotlhakane, Hukuntsi, Ramokgonami, Tsetsebjwe, Nkange, Matshelagabedi, Shashe Mooke, Letsheng. Contact us today to learn how our PET bottle scrap washing and recycling plant can elevate your production efficiency while contributing to a cleaner environment. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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gloriaglamont · 4 years ago
Could Custom-sized PDF Sewing Patterns be the Way of the Future? Trying out Lekala
Could Custom-sized PDF Sewing Patterns be the Way of the Future? Trying out #Lekala #sewing #indiepatterns
Do you ever look something up online and find yourself stumbling onto a site that grabs your attention and pulls it away from whatever you were searching for in the first place? It happens all the time to me―especially when I’m researching a new book. But it also happens sometimes when I’m looking for sewing-related “stuff”―patterns, technical advice, new equipment. I recently stumbled on the…
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aisegroup · 6 years ago
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Закажи лекало хиджаба. Звони сейчас. +996 702 540 273 #лекало #заказлекал #лекаломосква #лекалокиргизия #лекалаплатья #платьекупить #выкройка #lekala #lekalo #patern #aisegroup#lekalagrafiskg #лекалапоэскизам #лекалаодежды #конструирование #конструктор #пошив #градациялекал #разработкамодели #patterncutting #pattern #sewing #patternbereu #бишкеклекала #графис #madeinkg (at Bishkek) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtkYbv3gMZX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=iik9mlaxbkvr
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dollsahoy · 4 years ago
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This week's sewing
This is the free three seam skirt pattern from Lekala https://www.lekala.co/catalog/free/women/pattern/5088 , where you enter your measurements and get a PDF of a pattern custom-sized for you, and it worked well even with my weird shape, so I'd recommend it if you've had issues with pencil skirts from standard pattern companies (if you have the patience for drawing on the seam allowance and assembling the pieces of paper you print)
Shirt is McCall's 5675 from 1977 with a sleeve hack
Cat is Chip.
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emissaryofcosplay · 7 years ago
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I started this write-up on Instagram, before realizing it was way too long, so I’m posting it here! If you came from my Insta, welcome, make yourself at home :)
So while I was going through my sketchbook, I found my initial sketch for my Anora costume, and I thought it would be fun (and hopefully insightful) to write down my whole process, from deciding to cosplay as Anora to the finished product. And so, that’s what I’m doing!
As much as I love Dragon Age, the dresses in Origins kind of don't look great, including Anora’s. The collar is unflattering, and the skirt just falls straight down, in a way that would make it difficult to walk in. And as you've probably noticed, I love big dresses. So I decided to make it my own!
First step, inspiration. While looking for other artists' interpretation, I saw a post comparing Fereldan fashion to traditional Georgian clothing (Eastern Europe Georgia, not US Georgia ;) ). I was sold!
So I gathered references and got to sketching. To me, the most recognizable parts of Anora's design were her hair of course, her color palette, her wide golden belt, and the blue overlay to her skirt. I mixed this with my favorite parts from the traditional clothing: the double neckline, the skirt shape, and the crown sometimes worn by Georgian brides.
Fabric was the next step. To get the gold shine of the belt, I got some golden stretch velvet. I ended up very much regretting getting stretch velvet instead of regular velvet, as stretch velvet was a pain in the ass to work with, especially without a teflon foot. Also, it’s very, very warm. The blue fabric was initially made for curtains, and 280cm wide, so I only needed a meter. I thought the brocade pattern was just subtle enough to be the right color overall while still being visible on camera. I got crepe georgette for the sleeves, it was also hard to work with because of the warping, but it turned out looking great, and made the dress less awfully hot to wear. And for the skirt, I chose a deep red silk crepe, and used the duller side as the visible side, as I thought the shiny side was too shiny. I also bought gold piping, two frog closures, and a lot of gold thread to make decorative seams on the belt.
Then, patterns. I drafted the skirt on the fly, since it's a very simple 4-trapeze shape. The sleeves, I copied the top from a shirt I had, and did some basic geometry to have the correct volume around the wrist. The wristband is just a rectangle. The belt, I eyeballed the shape, made it out of cheap canvas, and adjusted it as I went until I liked it.
The real challenge here was the top. That neckline I really loved didn’t really exist as a commercial pattern. After a lot of digging, I found this pattern from Lekala that could work, with a lot of modifications. More on that later.
When it came to closures, I didn’t really know how to do it at first. Obviously, the top would close in the front; but the belt couldn’t have a front closure since it would split the decorations down the middle, and the skirt overlay couldn’t close in the front either. So what I ended up doing was to make the “dress” with a front closure, and to have the overlay sewn onto the belt, so they both close on the side. The overlay also hides the bottom of the zipper I put in the front of the dress, from the top of the belt to about butt level, so I can actually put it on.
So, the neckline. From the pattern I linked, I took the upper back and the two front pieces. You can see the front is in two pieces, but I didn’t want that, so I fused the two pieces together. Then, I made the top out of cheap canvas again, and tweaked a lot of things, both for fit and aesthetics. I had to modify it pretty heavily to get it right! Once I was happy with the shape, I made it again out of my blue fabric, using my mock-up as a pattern. Then, I lined it, with gold piping along the neckline seams. I added a waistband, then sewed the skirt to that waistband, and put in the zipper. At that point, I had my whole bra out. I cut out two semi-circles out of velvet, lined them with satin and piping in the seams again, and I attached each to the blue lining on either side, so that it would look like my reference. Then, I added a modesty panel and the frog closures.
The belt is velvet on both sides. I made it using the pattern I’d made earlier, which was annoying to do because the velvet would slip and stretch and stick to itself or my machine foot. I put some hooks and eyes for the closure. To do all the decorative stitching, I applied water-soluble stabilizer that I glued to the fabric with water-soluble temporary fabric glue. This helped my machine foot slide along the fabric, rather than stick to the pile of the velvet and create warping.
For the skirt overlay, I just draped the remaining blue fabric over the skirt, cut it to a shape I liked, hemmed it, sewed gold trim over the hem, and hand-sewed it to the belt.
The petticoat, I bought on Aliexpress or ebay for cheap, and it looked like this. I didn’t really like the shape, it was too much of a bell, so I seam ripped the top layer, folded it in half horizontally, and sewed the now double, shorter layer closer to the bottom of the petticoat. Since the cheap tulle created a lot of angles under the skirt, I also added a top layer made from a mesh curtain that was just a rectangle gathered at the top and sewn onto the yoke of the petticoat. Then, I hemmed that petticoat layer and the skirt.
And that was it! The crown was black worbla that I painted gold and glued a plastic gem to, and the wig was made using a Skylar from Arda, two buns and two braids, and some hot glue. This got very long, but hopefully you found it interesting!
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lislekala · 5 years ago
📍 Разработка лекал одежды: - детской, -мужской, -женской.
#lislekala #lekala #выкройки2020 #выкройкиодеждыдляновичков #выкройкидляначинающих #выкройкипочтой #шитье #курсыкройкиишитья #брендодеждыдлячайников #брендодеждыснуля #курсышитья #выкройки2020 #выкройки #выкройки2019 #лекалапоэскизам #лекалаподзаказодесса #лекалапофото #лекалапофотографии
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