#leif ericson
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kaschra · 2 years ago
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Vinland Saga Chapter 176 colouring
The three fathers🥲
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aurorawgrice · 2 years ago
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phantomstatistician · 1 year ago
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Fandom: Vinland Saga (manga)
Sample Size: 680 stories
Source: AO3
Note: This chart is limited to English fics only, as requested.
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cdchyld · 2 months ago
Just added to Etsy!
~ "The Story of Leif Ericson" by William O. Steele (1954)
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castielfucks · 1 year ago
anybody else's parents ever tell them the most random fake shit for no reason
my mom told me twins run in our family and there's not a single set of twins for generations back. i have family photos from the 1800s and there's no twins. why would she say that.
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thedowntown500 · 5 months ago
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500 years before Columbus discovered America Leif Erikson did, today is his day.
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 Leif Eriksson Discovers America, oil on canvas by Christian Krohg, 1892.
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nycreligion · 9 months ago
Revelations of secular make-believe from a child’s playground in Brooklyn
Richard Wagner Munich. Faithful reproduction of a painting by Franz Hanfstaengl, 1871/Public domain. Make-belief is not just the province of kids but is also fulsomely practiced by adults. Lacking a satisfactory answer to the origins of unique human cultures, some 19th-century atheists made up beautiful, romantic, elaborate mythologies about the original Nobel Savages. The Christian element of…
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suduu · 1 year ago
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A Norwegian wedding in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Last 📸 by Mark Vancleave
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cybertron-smash-or-pass · 6 months ago
One time I had an online friend who self shipped I think with Dr Morocco and he was also writing a bunch of fan fiction at the time about Transformers and about blitzwing having a self insert child who was turned against their father and swindle and lockdown had kids named like Leif Ericson or something but lockdown was dead. And so then I lost contact with him when I quit Tumblr and then we got back into contact and he was now thirsting after Megatron from EarthSpark. And like he wrote dead Dove Starscream child death terran Earthspark rewrite fanfiction this time and then but when I cut him off he was writing dead dove Cookie Run mpreg where the Catholic cookie and dark chocolate cookie were having a bastard child and that child was going to kill everyone. Anyways we stopped being friends when he decided to be a asshole to me over not watching a YouTuber he liked.
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Sir this is a MegDonalds
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castlephantom · 5 months ago
Belmont + Morris Family Trees (according to Wiki).
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Some facts:
•Trevor and Sypha have three children: Ann, Frederick and Mary (according to Castlevaina: Bloodines unreleased material)
▪︎Ann married Lloyd Morris (so they are ancestors of Morris clan)
▪︎Frederick married a woman named Janis to continue the lineage
▪︎And Mary married Leo Helsing (they are ancestors of Helsing clan)
•Christoper married Cynthia and they have three children as well: Amanda, Grehart and Soleil (according to Castlevaina: Bloodines unreleased material)
▪︎Amanda married Leif Ericson (they are ancestors to Ericson clan)
▪︎Gerhard dies by unknown cause
• Is unclear about the woman that Simon married but I go with Selena
•The same case goes with Juste with Lydie and Richter with Annette
•Michael R. Belmont is descendant of Richter (according to Castlevaina: Bloodines unreleased material)
•And is also unclear if Julius is descendant of Michael
•Quincy's wife is Mina/Miena (do not be confused with Mina Harker)
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plaidbooks · 2 months ago
When I was in high school--waaay back in 2010--I did a presentation on the song Handlebars but Flobots. It was supposed to be a 10 minute presentation on how the song related to society, then we listen to the song with lyrics available to read along with it.
My argument was that the song demonstrates how someone goes from being an innocent (but smart) kid to a power hungry politician--
"I can tie a knot in a cherry stem / I can tell you about Leif Ericson / I know all the words to 'De Colores' and 'I'm Proud to be an American'"
This verse alone invokes memories of attending public school in America; I know personally, I was taught both these songs in elementary school, as well as who Leif Ericson is.
So, going from an innocent (but smart) kid to a teen/young adult, but their innocence and work ethic is still there--
"I can make money, open up a thrift store I can make a livin' off a magazine"
The singer is getting older. And then they get into politics. And they notice the sway they have over people--
"Me and my friends understand the future I see the strings that control the system I can do anything with no resistance
'Cause I can lead a nation with a microphone"
This is where the narrative turns--if you couldn't tell by the lyrics alone, the music also changes. It has a more intense, almost melancholy sound.
And then, as the singer's voice is more intense/faster/louder, the lyrics become more and more unhinged--
"And it feels so good to be alive and on top My reach is global My tower secure My cause is noble My power is pure
I can hand out a million vaccinations Or let 'em all die of exasperation Have 'em all healed of their lacerations Have 'em all killed by assassination I can make anybody go to prison Just because I don't like 'em And I can do anything with no permission I have it all under my command because
I can guide a missile by satellite"
He's becoming way more unhinged, way more intense and power hungry--you can hear it in his voice. He's excited to have this power! He can save everyone with a vaccine or let them all die! He can imprison anyone he personally doesn't like!
And then! We hit the crescendo at the end!
"And I can end the planet in a holocaust!"
This is repeated several times, while people chant with him in the background!!!
The music video shows now that the man is horrified as people are being gunned down (remember, this was 2010 (song debuted in 2005, then was rerecorded and re-released in 2007)! And it ends with the hook being whispered, as if the man remembers his innocent past.
All of this is to say that the people in my class were shocked when they heard the song after my explanation.
"I just don't understand how something like that could happen?"
Said in awe--not disbelief or skepticism. Just awe that no one my age--including me!--imagined someone like this could be ever in power again. For us, we only know of the Holocaust/Hitler, and everyone knew he was evil, right?
I've been thinking about this song and my presentation all over again. Why? Maybe because of the next sitting President. Maybe I'm worried that people will be rallied behind this corrupt fascist with his microphone.
But then I remember that most of Flobots' music is about resisting. And I know that we will not be silenced.
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cdsillylilyposting · 4 months ago
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Thee sarcophagus of Andrew Wakefield INCLUDING Leif Ericson!
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rinn-e · 1 month ago
seeds of death for the wip ask game :3c
thank you <3 That's my Hades & Persephone AU (which is very close to my myth-loving heart). Here's the very first paragraph:
“What lies beyond the mountains, father?” There were many answers to that question. A smile sealing lips. Silence that spoke for itself. Shadows whirling in brown eyes, so gentle, yet frozen in a different time. Sometimes there were words: Empty lives and rich lands that offer nothing of worth, my son; chaos; darkness; war. Thorfinn didn’t know what those words meant. The way Thors stared at the horizon scared him. Still, whenever his curiosity got the better of him he asked and he listened, hoping for a different answer. Longing to see, if not with his eyes, then with his heart.
I think I shared the Greek gods counterparts of the Vinland Saga characters in this AU in our discord before, but never here, so here they are:
The High Twelve
God of Death/God of Wisdom & battle strategy (Hades & Athena) - Askeladd Goddess of Grain/Harvest/Growth/Nourishment (Demeter) - Helga God of War (Ares) - Thorkell God of the Sea (Poseidon) - Leif Ericson God of the Sky/thunder/lightning (Zeus) - Sweyn God of music/art/knowledge/healing (Apollo) - Canute Goddess of Love (Aphrodite) - Arnheid Goddess of the hunt/animals/young girls (Artemis) - Hild God of wine/party/madness (Dionysus) - Garm God of fire/metal-working/crafts (Hephaestus) - Einar Goddess of women/marriage/childbirth... (Hera) - Lydia Goddess of boundaries/travels/communication... (Hermes) - Gudrid God of hearth, home, domesticity and chastity (Hestia) - Ragnar
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chernobog13 · 1 year ago
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The Leif Ericson launching its scout ship.
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whereserpentswalk · 5 months ago
other than your own, what work of art is attributed to the influence of your god(s)? is there a book of kells equivalent? what do you think of pagans who willingly converted to christianity (clovis, leif ericson) rather than 'by the sword'? genuine questions here, not trying to argue
There's no one single work of art attributed to my gods, at least none that isn't from modern worshippers. The myths were written down long after the practice ended.
Willing conversion is a complicated thing. A lot of the time it was due to economic pressure, or political pressure. But even 100% willing converts were being manipulated by the threat of hellfire. It's why I think consent in Christianity is kind of a silly idea, because the core narrative is that one's soul is doomed if they don't join, it's a choice that's always made under psychological distress.
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musume-no-suoh · 10 months ago
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