#leia is just losing her shit laughing in the background
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maybebitterxox · 2 years ago
My favourite headcanon about the AU where Anakin doesn’t turn to the dark side and just has a normal happy family:
Luke eventually comes out as gay to his mom and his dad, and while Padme is being all super proud and hugging and kissing him, Anakin is standing there like ???What the fuck is gay???
Like, come on, my boy spent nine years on the star wars equivalent of the middle of nowhere and was then raised by the Jedi with their whole major puritan “no-romance-of-any-kind-with-any-gender-or-species” culture. He barely knew that romance or sex existed until he was 19, there is no way anyone ever told him what being gay means.
(But after Padme explains it to him he starts wearing a rainbow pin that says “I’m proud of my gay son” everywhere and studies queer culture in order to set him up with an Anakin Approved™️ boyfriend)
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randomeditscreates · 4 years ago
The Force Awakens Breakdown
So I know no one gives a shit about my opinions on movies and my last post about the sequel trilogy [ST] But honestly I want to continue talking about these crap movies. So now that we got that through, lets start.
1) Jar Jar Abrams start this movie by basically ripping off the concept of the OT [Original Trilogy] The First Order [The empire] has taken over with a dark side user [Kylo Ren in this one, and Darth Vader in the OT] with a more powerful dark side user in the background pulling all the strings [Snoke and Creamy Sheeve respectfully] With an opposing side that happening to be small in numbers, [The Rebels and The Resistance(What they're resisting, no fucking clue, but it sounds nice)]
2) Rey Palpatine (I refuse to use the other name) is the protagonist of this story, and just so happens to live in a desert planet, you know like Luke. And happens to be the most laziest character Jar Jar and Kathleen Kennedy ever created. She's kind, and friendly and her only flaw is that she doesn't have any family. She's a scavenger, yet has so much proficient in the force, you would think she's been training for decades. She has great skill in flying ships and fixing them, that you would think, it would at least be a throwaway line. But nope, she has no reasoning for knowing how to fly or fix ships and the only reasoning we really have is that, Jar Jar wanted it, so he put it in. And throughout this movie and following ones, she picks up skills like their pokemon cards because fuck hard work. Now Rey pisses me off, not just because of her lazy character, but because during all the movies, nothing ever fucking happens to her, she doesn't get hurt to an extreme degree like Finn, She doesn't go through a huge revelation, all that happens is that Rey loses Han (someone she barely knows) then she magically beat Kylo,( who if you don't remember has years even decades over Rey in training) and then decides to find Luke. And that leads to the third problem...
3) The movie is too full. for being a movie that is 2 hours and 16 minutes, yes I fucking looked it up, this movie seems to drag on and not develop any of their concepts. Because while I fucking agree that Rian Johnson left fucking nothing for Jar Jar to work with, at least his story had some character development, and yes it dumb and breaks the world but I'll take what I can get. All the main characters in this movie all ends up the same as they start off with. Rey is a happy and kind character with no past, turns to Rey is a happy and kind character with no past and force abilities. Kylo Ren is tangled up Christmas lights drenched in yogurt and acid, and turns into a tangled up Christmas lights drenched in yogurt and acid, who ends up Killing his father. But if you remember is haunted by that death by TLJ [The Last Jedi] Poe Dameron is a self assured Spit-fired Pilot and ends up a Spit-fired self assured Pilot who's Not dead. Even the characters who do get develop, Finn and, oh my god, it's only Finn, get's completely rewritten in TLJ and gets the story arc redone just terribly. We can't even talk about Han, Leia or even Maz, because Han doesn't change and then dies, Leia doesn't get enough screen time to show anything about this character, and Maz is supposed to Yoda in a yellow and female clothing, and they do shit with that too because it leads to this..
4) Maz Kanata and holy fuck, she's literally the reason Han is dead. Maz yells very loudly to the entire cantina that Han Solo is here, which leads for the First Order to be notified. She somehow has Luke's lightsaber [It doesn't get explained, not even in the later movies] and somehow Rey is drawn to it, and leads to Maz giving advice, but you know the shitty type because it ends with Rey running away in the forest for her to get caught by Kylo. She tells Finn that he shouldn't leave, and that it turns makes him severely injured. And if you don't remember she does the same to Han, and he ends up dead. And her cantina gets fucking destroyed after being their for centuries, yet she couldn't give a fuck. and it shows the true issue, Jar Jar and Kathleen Kennedy in extent doesn't give a fuck about characters and just wants to to get from point A to point B with a lot of flashing lights.
5) Han Solo: Character Assassination. A character who developed into a man who was ready to risk it all for the rebellion. A character we loved in the OT is now broken down into his New Hope person all over again. Who apparently has scammed everyone in the galaxy? Um, Jar Jar, I know it might seem strange to you, but a smuggler needs people who trust him to get jobs and therefore receive income. But I guess I shouldn't expect much from the same man that think a Smuggler would want to be easily known or recognized. Also Leia and him are either broken up or divorced and that makes me feel really happy to know a couple that I loved are no longer together and one of this dead. Because Han Solo is just there for fan service and to shoot his gun, because that's what he's here for to go pew pew. Oh and to die, that what all the OT fans wanted, One of the main three characters killed by their own child.
6) Subtle doesn't exist in this movie, everything is given the delicacy of a hammer. We find out that Kylo or Ben, (I really don't fucking give a shit) is the son of Han solo, by Snoke just saying, the droid is in the possession of your father Han Solo, like no shit I assumed that when you mentioned the Millennium Falcon. Who would you think I thought Kylo was the son of, Chewbacca? Finn's story arc is the only one that makes you think, and brings a new aspect to the movies, and to the Stormtroopers. I just fucking wish we could do the same for the others Stormtroopers, because the other are killed with no regards that most of them, as Finn states were sold into this at a young age. Good job Resistance for killing all these people who was forced into this with no regards. How does a series that came like a decade before you (Star Wars: The Clones War Series) manage to develop the concepts that stormtroopers or clones are not mindless drones better than you. (The Rookie episode in the first season helps flesh out all the clones and they only have 25 minutes per episode, get you're shit together Lucas Films) And these are only the examples I could think of, off the top of my head.
7) Rey is a great example of Sexism, but instead it goes the other way around then usual. All the male characters are laughed at and or ridiculed, but all the females are perfect and don't need to change. One of the last scene is a great example of this, Kylo Ren, the one with years of training and two powerful masters who trained him, gets beat by Rey, someone who has no skill with a lightsaber and didn't even know she could use the force until Jar Jar decided to pull it out his ass. Even Finn who has at least close quarters fighting skills under his belt couldn't beat Kylo, and has to be saved by Rey. Now I will admit to being a feminist but Kathleen version completely differs from mine. Because while I believe both men and women are both capable of reaching the same level of skill, Kathleen think women should be able to do incredible things without working for it. And it clear by her stupid "The Force is female" Like shut the fuck up, the force was never given a gender, why the fuck are you doing it now? I also found out that most of the Crew in Lucas Film, happens to be female. and it's clear who's doing that. Again I am a feminist but I hate when people just have diversity for the sake of diversity instead of the person's capabilities. It's very vindictive of the Feminist movement, The Black Lives Movement and LGBT+ agenda as well, as we're trying to make people see them as just like everyone else which they fucking are (I will not stand for any form of bigotry and if you don't like something simply because of someone's race, gender or sexuality, you are shit human being) , they just so happen to not be a straight white man. And that they have the same struggles as everyone else. Also we already had strong female characters in the series without the big emphasis on the fact that they have a vagina. As from the basis, Star Wars was never about gender and because of this we got fully developed character we could relate to.
Now Dishonorable Mentions
A) This movie is fucking 2 hours and 16 minutes long, yet it feel so unfinished
B) Jar Jar Abrams deep seated love for mystery boxes and how it get more screen time then the actual Character it involves (Rey)
C) The movie could've been great, they're was definitely potential but it was dwarfed by mystery boxes and Visuals
D) Rey is not a Mary Sue in this Movie, she becomes one by the end of TLJ but she's not yet. So I guess it one positive.
E) Jar Jar inability for world Building, and doesn't even fucking tries to explain how the First Order even began to rise.
F) Poe Fucking Dameron, and the amount of time that is dedicated to him. I love him but come on, just make it someone like Han, as it could bring up the relationship between him and his son, which could then bring more emphasis when we reveal their relationship. But no lets bring up a character who we all assume is dead until about the end. And then does absolutely fucking nothing.
G) And Lastly when we see Han die, we don't get a scene of any of the characters we give a fuck about and who knows Han mourn his death, instead we just have two characters who had about 15 minutes of screen time with Han, and Chewbacca. And it doesn't get better because Rian Johnson decides in the second movie that we don't need a scene of Luke mourning over the man who fought side by side with him and is his Sister's husband. No Instead we get a scene of him drinking tit milk.
So that's it, well for now, I'll make another post for this if I have any more issues. But that it for now. I would also like to make it damn clear now, as I'll probably continue this, that me tearing apart a movie is based soley on the technical aspects of it. And that if you enjoyed this movie, you are entitled to it, but you cannot defend this movie's writing , because as I hoped I made clear, the writing is very much shit.
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yourwakingnightmares · 4 years ago
I wanna talk about Disney for a moment. Specifically, Disney’s Star Wars.
Because to me? What they did with these Star Wars movies? Classic Disney at this point.
They bragged about how ‘diverse’ they were with the new Star Wars movie. Rey, Finn, Rose, Maz, Phasma, and so on. Disney rode in on their high horses to grandiosely announce how ‘diverse’ they were.
And yet.
Let’s take these in order, shall we? I’m going to try and keep these points somewhat brief, as I could go on for ages about this. Please do bear in mind: I hold no animosity, and a great deal of sympathy for these actors, and I do not condone any slander against them as people. We can criticize the character, but the actors should be off-limits.
Let’s begin.
With Rey, they bragged about the first main female character in Star Wars -ignoring Leia, Ahsoka, Padme, and so on. However... They wanted to brag about giving us this ‘gift’, but they did nothing with her. Rey was the classic blank slate character, a Mary Sue straight from the pages of a young writer’s FF.net fiction. They spent exactly zero time turning Rey into a well fleshed out character, instead just settling for, ‘she wants to find her family’. They spent zero time turning Rey into a human being, and settled on, ‘she is perfect and can do no wrong’. They ended the series with Rey literally taking everything she hadn’t earned, and then stealing the OT characters’ name, and said, “Look how progressive we are!”. They didn’t want Rey to earn things on her own, they didn’t want to give her plots where she learned that a name was meaningless, and didn’t define her. They just wanted her to look cool, be badass, have zero faults, and be the main centerpiece. They wanted their ‘good ally’ tokens, but didn’t want to put any work into it.
Fin had a similar problem; they bragged about the first main black Star Wars character (again, ignoring Lando, but we’ll let that go for now). But what did they do with Fin? They spent zero time on his continuity, zero time on his personality, and by RoS, he’d become nothing more than the comedic relief -something I particularly find abhorrent, given that this was the classic ‘funny black best friend’ trope that I’ve seen so many times. He went from being a Stormtrooper to a janitor. Even John Boyega criticized this, saying that Fin was given no direction, no purpose, and that they shoehorned him into RoS. In the posters for the Asian market, he was literally shrank down to almost nothing, and hidden away in the bottom corner, to appease the Asian markets. Disney wanted their ‘good ally’ token for having a main black character, but didn’t want to put any work into it.
Rose? What even was Rose? Was she a character? They took an attractive woman, and made her frumpy for some reason. They turned her into the laughing stock at her ‘we do it by saving what we love’, turning her into the lovestruck girl willing to damn her friends, and her cause, for the sake of the guy she fell in love with over a few hour period. The only background we received was that she joined the Resistance because rich people funded the First Order who destroyed her home. That was it. Her lines were atrocious, her character development non-existant, and she was literally the most obvious, forced, ‘see, capitalism bad’! billboard I have ever seen in my life. (Note: I’m not complaining about the ‘message’, but rather the delivery: this is akin to telling children, ‘murder is bad’ -and then acting like you’ve said something poignant). They wanted their ‘good ally’ token for having an Asian female, but they didn’t want to put any work into it.
Maz Kanata? Shit, don’t even get me started on this walking Yoda ripoff. She was in TFA solely to give Rey the lightsaber, and tell her to find Luke. Literally, she does nothing else. She’s not given any character, any dimension. The one opportunity we had for getting some background on this character -namely, how she had Anakin’s lightsaber -we were told, ‘Eh, don’t ask’. Like, literally, the character said, “Another time.” in response to being asked how she had it. She appears in TLJ just long enough to say, “Go find this dude who spends all of his time in this casino, and ask him to help you -I’m very busy, so I can’t help you, but this guy I’ve had sex with in the past -he can help you.” That was it. Her entire screen time was about two minutes. They wanted their ‘good ally’ token for having a half-black/half-Hispanic actress voicing her, but didn’t want to put any work in to.
And good lord, Phasma. This character was presented in the movies as the ultimate bad guy; both Gwendoline Christie and Disney screamed from the rooftops about how awesome it was that there was a Star Wars female villain, and how we would love her due to her ‘actions, and her character!’. And then we were presented with roughly seven minutes of screen time, in which she did nothing, other than antagonize Fin somewhat, only to pathetically die to the janitor man. They wanted to get their ‘good ally’ token for having a female villain, but they didn’t want to put any work in to it.
The lesbian kissing scene? Not only were they unnamed characters, one of which I don’t think we’d ever even heard speak... Not only was it a brief, four or five second shot of them kissing in the background... but it was cut from international markets. They wanted the American progressives to give them their ‘good ally’ tokens, but they were too afraid to stand by their decisions.
And that? That pretty much sums up Disney at this point. They’re the ultimate cowards. They will do only the most cursory things to get the progressive community to hail their movie, but they won’t do a penny more. They’re too afraid of losing money. They’re too afraid of angering the international markets. They want the appearance of being socially progressive, but they don’t want to put anything but the the briefest of efforts into doing it -and then they minimize what they have done.
It’s sickening. I have zero respect for cowards. I respect people who’s opinions I find abhorrent more than I respect cowards. Because it takes conviction to stand by something you believe in -it can be wrong, disgusting, or immoral, but at least you have some conviction in what you believe. You’re willing to take a stand for what you believe in.
But cowards? Cowards jump to stay with the ‘in-crowd’. Cowards do whatever it takes to make sure nobody says anything bad about them. Cowards care about profit over conviction.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 years ago
Home- Chapter 17 (Kylo Ren/ Ben Solo x F!Oc)
Words: 1,811
Chapter 16:
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Okay, now I'm furious and with a huge bump on my head. If we get out of this alive, I'm going to kill them.
Obviously the two children escaped and now they’re fighting outside, they’re still in the ruins, but if one falls, the sea will swallow them up.
Finn is calling Rey and wants to go with her, but the girl uses force to push him away and before I can get close, a huge wave crashes into the ruins, where they are.
Luckily, they both jumped to another part of the rubble.
“Shit," I have to stop them somehow.
What do you mean no? It is a challenge?
Kiara, this is not your battle, you must walk away.
Yes of course. And let them both continue to fight to the death? I don’t think so.
Oh, well, if you kindly ask for it…
Stop treating me like a girl! And all these mental games are enough.
You’re right, you always are.
I am silent for a few seconds.
Only I can end this, now I know how to do it, but I cannot allow you to get hurt.
You have a plan?
Yes and you are not in it.
I know I will never be able to fix all my mistakes and I know I hurt you, but it will all be over, I promise.
Why does it sound like a farewell?
I want you to know that I have always loved you, always will, my star.
I'm about to answer him, but instead I feel a pressure on my abdomen, a very familiar burning. The wound of a saber.
“Ben!" I fall to my knees.
"Kiara, are you hurt?" Finn runs to my side. I shake my head.
"We must follow them, they–"
"We can't do it, the waves are more dangerous in this area,” Jannah answers.
At that we hear a ship. The three of us look up and see Kylo's ship disappear in the distance.
"That’s Rey," Finn says with a sigh.
My eyes go back to where they were fighting, but the breeze doesn't let me see anything.
"We must go," Jannah whispers.
Behind us the Millenium Falcon slowly lands.
Poe, Finn, Chewbacca and I reached the resistance base. I’m sure we have a lot of emotions combined right now.
"Poe, something’s happened," Says an informant, but we keep walking. "Finn, Kiara–"
"This can't wait," Finn says, stepping forward.
“We’ve gotta see the general.”
“She’s hurt!”
This is enough for us to stop
“Where is she? What happened?”
"We had an attack, she... she is delicate, they’re checking her, no one else can enter.”
"But that’s already happened, on the ship-" Poe is cut off by the lady.
"It's not the same, Poe. Not this time,” Now she looks at me. "She asked us not to let you interfere, Kiara."
Wow, I was just thinking of using the Jedi trick that Rey and I perfected. Hell, Leia always thinks of everything.
"I can't leave her like that" I complain and the lady shakes her head.
"We just have to wait.”
It was true what she said before, a group of armed people guards Leia's door and every time they saw me, they raised their weapons. I just can't stand idly by. But in the end they sent me to a tent. Neither Finn nor Poe came close, I guess everyone needs a moment to think.
"If you continue like this, smoke will come out of your ears," I yelp at hearing a male voice and almost fell out of my bed. I look up and find Han Solo looking at me with his mocking half smile.
I see everywhere as if it were some joke or am I really going crazy.
"I thought you already knew that,” he scoffs again.
“Enough," I groan. “You're not here, you’re..."
"Dead? Quite a lot, but you can still see me, kid.”
After a few seconds I assimilate things well and I tear up, Han's face relaxes.
"It's not fair," I say in a broken voice. Han comes over and sits next to me on the bed.
"Life is not fair, all those years in space showed us that.”
“You're only a memory."
"Your memory, Kiara."
"I couldn't even say goodbye to you.”
He chuckles. "That's because I never left, not really," I look up at him. “I know it’ll sound corny and very much against my principles. But the force… isn't that bad after all.” I laugh lightly.
"I will always be with you, Kiara,” His arm wraps around my shoulders and I feel a chill. It’s not a normal touch, I don’t know how to explain it, but I know that it’s there. "And also with Ben.”
I look at him confused and I can see a sparkle in his eyes.
"Did you talk to him?"
"They have a long way to go, but…” His smile appears, "I can assure you that it will be worth it.”
"What about Leia? I want to help her,” Han gives a long sigh.
“If I learned anything from my wife, it's that you really have to leave her and wait. She knows what she does.”
"But I-"
"I know, but you can't do anything, for now."
I wince.
"You remind me a lot of her, wanting to take command of everything, but what you've been up to lately has surprised me."
"Now what did I do?"
“You'll know when your time is. You did an excellent job helping Ben, he's back.”
"I feel like I can do more, fight more…”
"You will have your moment," I scoff.
"I miss you, Han.”
"Me too, Kid. You were always my favorite.”
We both laugh and I close my eyes for a moment to continue feeling his presence, but when I open them, he’s gone.
I know his visit was for more than my feelings and nostalgia, he is still with me, as is Luke. Although all this was short, I cannot ask for anything more, in each lesson or scolding Han had with me, I had difficulty with positive words and when I did, I had to make a joke to balance it, over time I realized the little things what he was doing to show his affection and I was understanding.
I sigh and drop onto the mattress, waiting for my next move. I have no idea what to do and something tells me I just have to wait a little longer.
Which was not that long.
"Kiara, we have to talk to you,” say Finn and Poe entering my tent.
“Aw, you’re already coordinated. Adorable,” I say, sitting up and watching them both blush a little.
"We have news.”
"I listen.”
"The little droid we found has important information about Exegol.”
"And?" The three of us left my tent and walked across the grounds.
"D-O is his name, He was going to Exegol with Ochi of Bestoon," continues Finn.
"Why was Ochi going there?"
“To bring a Little girl he was supossed to take from Jakku to the Emperor. Wanted her alive.”
I stop and face them.
"Well shit.”
We quickly connected the D-O database to the computers with Rose's help to try to decipher the Exegol information, but it was all too confusing. Until C3PO arrives at our side along with R2D2 to inform us of a signal from Luke's X-Wing... which I know very well.
The signal gives us the exact location of the planet, apparently Rey has managed to find the ship and now helps us find it. After that, all the members of the resistance prepare for the future battle.
Poe and Finn are responsible for reporting on the entire plan as soon as we arrive, we know that the Final Order will be surrounding us, but if everything goes according to plan, we will succeed.
Some people begin to doubt since the enemy fleet is larger than ours, but Chewie and Lando (when I saw him I knew that we had a little more advantage) will be in charge of giving a warning to the entire galaxy.
"First Order wins by making us think we're alone," says Poe.
“We’re not alone,” I continue “Good people will fight if we lead them,” I nod towards my friends.
"Leia never gave up," says Finn, "and neither will we. We're gonna show them we're not afraid.”
With a little hope, our fighters prepare, tuning the ships, fixing the necessary details. Everything is in motion. Chewie and I take care of preparing the Falcon and help with some things from Finn until a voice stops me.
It’s a different voice, softer.
I'm so proud of you darling.
Don't tell me it's another Jedi trick and that you–
I'm still here, Kiara, I must stay, I must recover my strength, but I didn't want you to leave without first thanking you for all you have done for me and my family.
Sounds like farewell, this runs in the family…
Good luck on your mission, I'm sure you will do a great job, my girl.
I sigh and feel a lump in my throat.
I will not cry.
I'll be back, Leia. I promise.
I know you’ll do.
I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a few seconds. I can do it. Soon this will all be over and maybe I can have what I always wanted.
I open my eyes and walk slowly through the darkness, only small rays can illuminate for a few minutes. I look around and feel a chill, this whole place screams danger, but I don’t let fear invade me and I concentrate to follow the steps that Rey followed a few moments ago.
Exegol's interior is made of stone and in some parts lethal peaks protrude. My legs tremble when I hear many voices and I know that I am closer to my friend.
I pause as I see Rey in front of a machine holding Palpatine, while the visions of millions of black robes are in the background. I feel Rey's fear and concern.
"All you want is for me to hate, but I won’t. Not even you,” I hear Rey's voice more closely.
I hide behind some rocks.
"Weak. Like your parents…”
"My parents were strong. They saved me from you.”
"Your master Luke Skywalker, was saved by his father. The only family you have here is me.”
Suddenly the roof is slowly opening to reveal how the enemy fleet is fighting against ours.
Clearly we are losing, the others have not answered the call for help and obviously, Palpatine rejoices at the sight and tries to make a deal with Rey to save our allies. Rey looks back at him and nods.
This is not good.
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atamascolily · 5 years ago
Lily liveblogs: “The Rise of Skywalker”, part one
I only made it through the first hour tonight because I had to keep pausing to yell at the screen.
"The dead speak!" Okay, but I don't get it: how do they know the Emperor isn't a recording or a hologram? Or, I don't know, someone pretending to be him like the "Hand of Thrawn" duology?
"Supreme Leader Kylo Ren" will never not be a stupid title, gag.
So the Sith wayfinder is just... there. In a forest. In a box with a conveniently removable lid. Okay, I'm going to need some context here. (Ironically, this scene was added back into the film to provide context, lol.)
I actually really like the whole "Force compass" idea, although I wouldn't have made it a plot point in my fix-it if it hadn't already been a thing.
Why the hell would you fly a TIE when you’re supreme leader, those things are shitty af.
So he's the Supreme Leader and he just... runs off to Exegol alone? No backup whatsoever?? I guess Hux or the moffs or whatever does all the actual work, lol.
What can I say? Ian McDiarmid's still got it.
10/10 for aesthetics in the evil Sith pyramid ruins. Kylo looks so out of his league.
So Kylo did actually hear Darth Vader's voice in his head.... or thought he did. Wow.Does Kylo recognize the Emperor's voice? Who knows! But the look on his face when Palpatine says he played him is priceless.
It will surprise absolutely no one that I love the secret underground evil lab with Snoke clones floating in tanks and a "Black Hooded Robes" dress code.
The throne reveal with the flickering light and the medical stuff... excellent.
Kylo's really more a follower than a leader and it shows at how quickly he's willing to serve Palpatine.
Uh, Palps, the last time someone ordered Kylo to kill Rey it didn't go well.... I can't imagine you don't know that.
Poe and Finn teaming up to play against Chewie and still losing is delightful. Also: DATING.
Who the hell is Klaud? Should I know their name? What are they doing there on the Falcon randomly?
I gotta say, I love Poe and Finn and Chewie's dynamic in the drop-off scene. Also blasting through the wall. And the aesthetic of the ice planet in general.
Lightspeed skipping's still dumb, though. Like, everybody is totally right to ream them for it.
Rey's flip to the ground when she's done meditating is perfect.
The Leia footage looks like it ought to fit, but it doesn't look right to my eyes, even if though I can't figure out what's off about it in context.
The training course run is awesome, but I can't help wondering how that hood doesn't choke her in the process or at least get in the way. Nice improvised quarterstaff there.
What the hell is this moment with touching Vader's mask and making a connection with Rey, I don't get it. It's clearly meant to be a moment. Both Kylo and Rey have flashbacks to traumatic past memories, but why right at that moment???
Ahhh, I love Connix's new look here.
why is Rey giving the saber back to Leia?? She's totally earned it several times over in the last two movies. And who else is going to use it??(And when did it get fixed, last time we saw it was split in two as a ~metaphor~ or something.)
Aww, Rey's doing her Jedi independent study with the sacred texts that ghost!Yoda told Luke were so boring he was glad that they were burning just to fuck with Luke. (Ghost!Yoda was an asshole. I am offended on Yoda’s behalf.) 
Yay for Poe and Rey interacting, but this is such a stupid conflict--or at least a stupid way to have written this kind of conflict. And yet somehow they still have more chemistry when Rey calls him "difficult" than Rey and Kylo have had in two entire films.
Why didn't Rey go on this mission again? I don't get it.
Poe's eyeroll on "Somehow, Palpatine returned" is the best.
Rose says what I'm thinking: "Do we believe this?" GOOD FOR HER.
"Dark science. Cloning." Dark Empire, here we come!
I would have bought Palpatine hiding in the Unknown Regions better if we already hadn't had Snoke hiding out there with an entirely different fleet/organization. Even assuming Snoke is Palpatine's puppet, how could Kylo not... notice?? Maybe he's just that self-absorbed. 
And they only have 16 hours before the attack. What a stupid arbitrary deadline to create suspense that ALSO makes no world-building sense. Got it.
(There are times when adding a deadline is a smart narrative choice and there are times when it is stupid. Guess which one this is.)
How does Rey connect Exegol to the books? I feel like the movie skips a step or two in explaining that.
What is Maz doing here?? I thought she was a free agent. Wouldn't it have been easier for her to bring the news from the FO mole, since she's usually the Agent of Exposition in these films?
Looks like the start of a Fetch Quest! Wow. Like I said, I really like the idea of the wayfinders, but not the execution. Also, way to shit on Luke for not finishing the job earlier.
What sort of relationship do Rey and Poe have that Poe is just casually gonna go along with her? I'm not complaining, I just would have liked to see some build-up... literally anywhere.
Finn invites Rose to come along... and she conveniently declines. WTF. I mean, there could be some UST here if you squint and I don't like this pairing, but... I don't get why she declines, except plot, I guess. 
Poe is rocking that scarf action.
Leia gives the saber back... all of Leia's scenes with Rey are literally the same. I think that's what bothers me. They just.. happen and they're all the same, because they're re-using old footage, and it doesn't quite fit the context of the narrative. And we just saw Rey give Leia the saber, so it doesn't quite pack the emotional punch it ought to when Leia gives it back so quickly before Rey has "earned" it. WASTE.
Kylo with the Knights of Ren, re-forging the mask he discarded in the last movie with the help of someone from... Planet of the Apes, I guess. Oh, hey, and there's no context or characterization for the Knights, they're just faceless background minions.
Also, WHY DO THE STORMTROOPERS CALL THEM "GHOULS"? That would actually be interesting to know why!!!
This movie is a bunch of ideas held together with duct tape and the barest streams of logic.
The moff council: most awkward meeting ever. Hux is legit trying not to laugh the entire time. Also, you can easily pick out the New Asshole Villain we're supposed to hate instead.
Kylo snaps at the one moff who actually asks a sensible question, lol, about Palpatine's ulterior motives. Kylo announces he's going to just fuck off with his biker gang to hunt for Rey, because it's not like he's Supreme Leader and actually in charge of anything...
Oh, hey, Space Burning Man. How about that. Poe actually facepalms, lol. ... How did they not notice that when they were landing??
There are just random First Order patrols on Pasaana? Really? Wouldn't they... I don't know, stand out? I need more context, this worldbuilding is so confusing.
Oh, fuck, Poe suggests they split the party, that's a terrible idea. I get that you're supposed to be a spymaster as well as a hotshot pilot, and your colleagues aren't exactly subtle, but...
All the aliens on Pasaana look like Ganesha, lol. I actually like the scene with the kid, because you can see how it pains Rey not to have a family--it's a good scene, it's just in the wrong place.
Geh. Time for more Force(d) Skype sessions with Kylo Ren, sigh.
"Serving another master?" Rey has Kylo's number 100% right there.
Oh, okay, so apparently they saw each other's worst moments in that vision sequence, got it. Still no good reason as to why, though or what Darth Vader’s mask had to do with it. 
Kylo sounds like such a stalker here. Scratch that--he IS a fucking stalker here. I don't find that attractive at all. "When I offer you my hand again, you'll take it" is a THREAT, and I want to deck him, especially since it’s very clear it will come true (but the context will have changed, which is supposed to make it okay, but is still gross to me). 
What the fuck it got worse, he actually touched her and pulled the necklace off GROSS. (Also, HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE???? Didn’t Luke die from pushing himself through space like that???)
Like how does the stormtrooper just start pointing a gun at them and nobody in the crowd notices? And nobody bats an eye when Lando shoots the stormtrooper, either. What?? And that stormtrooper was just patrolling by... himself? WHAT?
This fetch quest is SO STUPID whhhhhhyyyyyyyyy
Makes sense that Luke would hunt down a "Jedi Killer" except... what Jedi did this Ochi fucking kill? All of Luke's students died when Kylo destroyed the temple, so who was left to kill???? I DON'T GET IT. Also, is Ochi a Sith himself, or just in the employ of the Sith? NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE.
How does Poe know where Lurch Canyon is? Do they have local planetary maps in the Falcon??
Poe would 100% know how to hotwire a speeder. But why do they have to take two of them??
How come this is the first time FINN has seen a FO stormtrooper with jetpacks? Is he mad that they never gave him one???
Personal jetpacks are one of those things that sound cool, but are actually really difficult to work with in practice, lol. I can't imagine strapping something that explosive against my back.
Wait, Rey is able to shoot out an entire craft with a small hand blaster??
Ochi's ship is just... there. On the rocks. the entire time. I guess there aren't any scavengers on Pasaana.
Conveniently, they only start sinking in the sand once the trooper is no longer firing.
"Rey, I never told you..." what?
what is the point of the exchange with General Leia to build tension wtf. But Rose is just there, I guess!  
Poe's eyeroll when Rey turns on the lightsaber and he flicks on his lamp and realizes... hers is bigger. LOL.
Poe is so jealous of Finn and Rey, it would be cute if he weren't an asshole about it. Finn's like "tell us about all the shifty stuff you do" which would make more sense if the films actually showed us spymaster stuff in action instead of just talking about it most of the time. (Yes, I know, there was that mission to get the map at the beginning of TFA, but that was... it? And also two movies ago, so hasn't played a role in character development since. FINN got the spy mission in the last film.)
that dagger is... just conveniently there, huh.
Rey gets a vision when she picks up the dagger, she is TOTALLY A PSYCHOMETRIST, fight me.
Why would you put the location of the wayfinder on a dagger, this makes no fucking sense, this fetch quest is so dumbbbbbbbbbb. Also Threepio's programming is such a STUPID OBSTACLE TO OVERCOME on so many levels gaaaaaahhhh.
We're a half-hour in, and most of the movie so far could have been cut without missing ANY of it, fuck.
Threepio yelling "Serpent!" is actually kinda funny to me, but not in this particular context.
I really love the serpent-creature-sandworm-thing and I'm just sad this side quest has so little relationship to anything in the actual main plot because THIS COULD HAVE BEEN INTERESTING. Also, convenient healing magic time! (Introduced here so it seems like less of an asspull later.)
Rey is just so casual about how she transferred a bit of her life energy to the worm. Does it come back? Is it renewable? Is this permanent? I NEED MORE CONTEXT THAT THIS. I feel like I would be hella shaken to realize I’d just done something like this.
If the Knights of Ren had any distinguishing features or personalities, I'd be more nervous about them, but no, they're just mooks with better armor.
So they just assume the FO is watching the Falcon instead of impounding it? Seems like a bold choice, but okay. And what are the Pits of Grig?
Between the lightsaber when Rey was healing the worm and her bag and staff just now, Finn is really just there to carry Rey's things, isn't he? What a WASTE. I HATE THIS SO MUCH.
And the Sith ship... just works. Hasn't been scavenged or damaged at all in years. Okay then.
Gotta admit, I love Rey wandering off into the desert, lightsaber on her belt and blaster on her side holster like a badass.
Finn says, "It's Ren," and I'm like YEAH FINN, but also.. how does he know? Lucky guess? Process of elimination. LET HIM HAVE THE FORCE YOU COWARDS.
Oh, the FO captured Chewie and now they conveniently have the dagger. Sigh. THIS STUPID FETCH QUEST.
Rey's leap over Kylo's TIE is fucking EPIC and I love it. Sadly, Kylo is not dead for some reason despite his ship fucking exploding.
Also FUCK YEAH Rey just grabbed the ship out of the SKY with the FORCE, she is not fucking around. Of course Kylo starts playing tug of war and it explodes, and everyone's devastated except there were TWO TRANSPORTS in the last shot, so I'm just like... I see what you did there.
Also, the same thing happened the LAST time Kylo and Rey tried to play tug of war with an object (the Skywalker lightsaber, which Rey re-built off-screen, so you'd be forgiven for forgetting that happened--which again, would have actually been interesting instead of all the handoffs to/from Leia) so LITERALLY NOTHING HAS CHANGED, so I don’t even understand what the writers are trying to accomplish here.
Also, why does Kylo go for the ship instead of trying to Force choke her directly?? I don't get it.
i'm sad she doesn't bring the transport down on his fucking head, lol.
Wait. Force lightning. She pulls FORCE LIGHTNING??? wtfffffffffffffff?
Where the FUCK did Kylo go while Rey's angsting over Chewie? Was he even there to begin with? What is reality in this movie? What the FUCK??? (Normally, questioning reality would be my jam, but that's not supposed to be a theme of this movie.)
Nope, he's just standing there, not attacking her, because... why?? He's scared and horny because she blasted Force Lightning, and he thinks she's about to turn it on him? (I WISH.)
And he just... lets her go... WHY????????????
Meanwhile, in an asteroid field, Finn and Rey are having a moment, and it's really sweet, and maybe it's just my shipping goggles talking, but would this pairing have been so bad? It would have been so great instead of what we're getting with Kylo. Sigh.
Rey also has a vision of the throne room of the Sith with her and Ren as emperor and empress, gag, gag, gag. John Boyega looks so sad, here, and dude, #same.
Threepio uses the word "sinful" to describe the procedure they're going to use on him, which... actually says a lot about droids in this universe and I am drowning in feels.
SO NOW THEY'RE GOING TO KIJIMI FOR THIS STUPID FETCH QUEST AAARRRRGGGHHHHH dagger macguffin blew up and this quest is still not ovvvveerrrrrr
(I actually don't hate this movie as much as I hated TLJ - this is still dumb, but it's dumb in a way that is just dumb, as opposed to TLJ, which was still dumb but trying to be clever and smart and special and sophisticated about by winking knowingly as it "subverted expectations" by shafting all of my faves. This movie doesn't have the self-awareness to wink.)
They all clasp hands and I'm supposd to feel something but I don't because the group bond doesn't feel real to me or developed or EARNED, and also Threepio rushes in to join them and they're about to shaft him (and he already had that conversation with Artoo about how Artoo was his only real friend, sob). sigggghhhhhhhh.
They only have 8 hours to save the world and it takes HOW long to fly to Kijimi in that derelict ship? Just asking.
But somebody EVVILLLL was following them the whole time, lolololol.
D-O looks like a lamp, but he and BB-8 bond over being Round Things, I guess.
Rey tries to reassure D-O that he's safe, but considering what they're going to Kijimi to do to Threepio, I'm not buying it.
(Apparently, since Han and Luke are dead, and Leia's off-limits for the moment, it's Threepio who gets shafted in this film? Sigh.)
I actually like the landscape of Kijimi, even though it feels more like Disney World with fascism and snow than an actual place. Maybe it's just because Poe looks so good in that hooded jacket.
Zorri can't resist Poe when he looks at her like that. Oscar Isaac's just that good. I literally don't know why this character is here except to provide an unncessary love interest, though.
Poe as a spice runner (aka drug smuggler) is SO STUPID and also MAKES NO SENSE WITH THE REST OF HIS ESTABLISHED BACKSTORY. Also, like... way to make the Latinx character the classic stereotype even in a futuristic space film. Like, you have to go OUT OF YOUR WAY to do that. gag
Funny that Rey doesn't ask the translator droid WHO'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER what Babu Frik says.
So Sith is a language now? Why do the Sith have their own secret language and the Jedi don't? What are the Sith in nu!canon? A culture? A cult? Is the Rule of Two still canon? WTF is even going on here??
Threepio deciding to sacrifice himself to save the world breaks my heart, especially since he's trying to console himself by calling the party his "friends". YOU DESERVED BETTER, THREEPIO, I'M SO SORRY.
Poe and Zorri are up on the rooftop... she's still wearing her helmet. I'm not sure why you cast a famous actor if you're never going to show their face, but whatever, fine. Zorii says the FO took all the kids, and she's going to the "Colonies", whatever that means. I'm not sure how that's possible, this world-building really sucks. Would they take ALL the kids? Somehow, I doubt it. Even the rich kids? What about the non-human ones? What is the FO's relationship to Kijimi, anyway??? I DON'T GET IT.
Oh, hai, another macguffin. This one's a FO captain's medallion, which lets you land anywhere. And she's just going to give it to Poe because...  he's just that hot.
Why did the Emperor put a wayfinder on ENDOR of all places. (Okay, it's not the "forest moon" of ROTJ, it's Kef Bir or something like that, but still. WTF.)
We're an hour in and this fetch quest is still GOING. WHHHHHHHHYYYYY.
I'm surprised Rey hasn't realized that Palpatine has made contact with Kylo and doesn't just fed-ex herself to him and pretend to join him so they can go visit and she can destroy Palps. I mean, that TOTALLY worked in the last film, right??? Why wouldn't she do that again???
(Alternately, there's stealing Kylo's wayfinder, which again nobody seems to consider as an option. Do they not know about that one? I'm sooooo confused.)
"Only this blade tells" is super-creepy in that robotic monotone, y'all.
There is literally NO REASON for Zorii to give up her dreams  by proxy through the medallion macguffin except that Poe is so hot. No reason at all. Sigh. SHE COULD COME WITH THEM BUT SHE DOESN'T, BECAUSE PLOT. She’s literally a living plot device instead of a character and I hate it.
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mysticalcrusadeobject · 4 years ago
An entirely objective rewiew of episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
Legend: red is bad (or rather: dumb shit I can't ignore), blue is objective good, black is neutral and orange is random shit I love (aka subjective good).
Okay, the exposition following the title crawl just makes me feel like I've somehow missed a movie, or two. All of this happened in the span of, what? A couple months? A year? We aren't told.
I was going to ask why Kylo Ren was even looking for Palpatine in the first place, but you know what? I don't really care. I won't complain about Ben in this movie.
Palpatine can see the future, right? That's the only way this makes sense. I mean, he's telling Kylo to "kill the girl" (and presumably become Emperor of the Galaxy?) but... why? Later, he'll want Rey to kill him and become Empress, but then he'll just want to kill her, too. Is Palpatine an idiot, or is he just insane?
"She's not who you think she is." Honey, she's not who the screenwriters thought she'd be.
I genuinely love the Finn/Poe/Chewy/Rey dinamic in this movie. They don't feel like friends yet (which they shouldn't), but there's still a camaraderie and genuine caring for one another there. It's great.
"How do we thank you?" - "Win the war."
Rey is a badass, as per usual. Also, I love how Kylo's just fucking with her here. That girl could cut him in half.
"Somehow Palpatine returned." The 'somehow' is a key word there.
Oh, good, Rose is a non-character now.
While I adore the actors' chemistry, Rey doesn't really need this big of a party to come with her. Chewy's the co-pilot, so his presence is justified, then Finn could come as well and use the blasters, Poe too, because him and Finn didn't get enough screentime in the last movie, but the droids? No. Have them stay with Leia. We don't need C-3PO explaining everything to us, thank you very much.
Oh, yeah. That reminds me.
They're foreshadowing C-3PO and Leia's deaths so hard here.
The mother-daughter dinamic between Leia and Rey is good. That's all.
That mask was left in pieces. Is it even possible to fix at this point?
Oh, cool, the Knights of Ren exist. For about three minutes of screentime.
The humor in this movie works pretty well for me. Hux's assurance that Kylo looks, in fact, great, is gold.
The New Guy.
"Serving another master?" - "No." Um, yeah? Yeah, you are. What is your plan, Kylo Ren? Because, to me, it see that y- Oh, yeah, I've promised to leave him be. Shit.
A simple conversation would have made this movie so much shorter and so, so much better. "Oh, hey, Rey. Where you off to?" - "Yo, Ben. Oh, you know, looking for Palpatine so that I can kill him." - "Oh, cool. That was my plan, too. Wanna come with?" - "Sure." - "He's your grandfather, btw." - "Cool. Wanna rule the Galaxy?" - "Sure.
Rey's over here casually cutting ships into pieces.
Also, I love how people complain that Rey is OP in this scene, while Kylo just strolls away from a burning husk of a ship, unscathed.
"The inscription that was on the dagger is in your memory?" Yeah, that's how computers works, Poe.
Also, I love how no one cares about shat C-3PO thinks/wants. These characters and this script dislike him as much as I do.
The No-Thank-You droid is adorable.
"You were a spice runner?" - "Were you a Stormtrooper?"
Babu Frik. Baby Yoda ain't got nothing on this guy.
Daisy Ridley is sooo so good in this movie.
"Does she do that to us?"
"I pushed you in the desert-" Baby, you struggled in the desert.
The directing of this scene is so good!
"I'm the spy." (I love it 'cause it makes me laugh. Hux is such a petty little shit that he'll join the Resistance just to see Kylo lose. I appreciate that."
Rey being a Palpatine bothers me about as much as the CGI Carrie Fisher, which is to say: a little bit.
"People keep telling me they know me; I'm afraid no-one does" with Kylo Ren's leitmotif playing in the background. *chef's kiss*
That blade is the most plastic-looking thing I've ever seen. (The Wayfinder)
"Babu Frik! He's one of my oldest friends." Alright, 3PO, that was pretty funny.
I have literally nothing to say about the next fifteen minutes, or so. I feel bad for these actors. Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver have gorgeous chemistry, and though they're trying their damndest, you can kind of tell that they're weary of these movies by now.
Two words: Harrison fucking Ford.
This scene.
"I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it."
Good job, honey. Now you have no weapon for the final battle. Takes after Anakin, this one.
Every ship is a Star Destroyer.
"A Jedi's weapon deserves more respect."
The reverse Kylo Ren leitmotif that's within Rey's theme playing while Rey is wondering why everyone trusts her despite her being a Palpatine is kind of cute.
As I watch the Resistance/First Order battle unfold, I can't help but wonder why they can't just- sign a peace treaty. How long has this war been going on for? Surely, they must've gotten bored of fighting.
Oh, but I do love the design of Palpatine's throne.
"I never wanted you dead. I wanted you here." I feel like you don't really know what you want, sir.
I love how confused Rey looks while Palpatine talks about how much she apparently hates him.
Ben's just been chillin' for the past 20-ish minutes. I like the redeemed theme they've made for him, though.
Why are the Knights of Ren here? They should be loyal to their Master, no? Also, Ben, honey, you have the Force. You've used it in the first movie to stop a blaster shot mid-air. Surely, levitating six people way up in the air, then letting them fall into the chasm below can't be much more difficult.
This battle. Also, I love how the Knights back the fuck up when Rey sends Ben the saber.
And now he wants to be the Emperor. WHAT DO YOU WANT?!
Ow. That's- that's a broken spine right there. Good thing our dude's indestructable.
I realize I'm quoting Sideways here, but seriously, why don't they play the Force Theme when Rey communicates with every Jedi ever?
The final scene between Ben and Rey (minus the kiss - y'all know how I feel about shoehorned romance). It's still so, so beautiful. This scene is more beautiful than this movie - nay, this franchise - deserves.
Oh, is the Stormtrooper lady Lando's daughter? That's... You know what, actually? I don't care.
The ending is so damned strange. She just returned to Jakku, disposes of Leia's and the Skywalker lightsabers (rude!), steals BB-8 and just- nothing.
I do like her new lightsaber, though. It suits her.
Yeah, there's one Skywalker missing next to Luke and Leia. I guess that Rey just didn't give a shit about him, huh? Oh, well.
This movie is odd to me. Many people hate it, some like it, but I'm in this in-betweeny stage. I like it more than The Last Jedi, but only because I don't observe these two movies as agregates, but more as collections of good and bad scenes (since they both feel scrapped together), and thus, RoS just has more elements which I like, though it's objectively the worst movie of this trilogy. Rey is the best she's ever been, Ben Solo is *chef's kiss*, Poe is awesome, Finn is... there (the underdevelopment of this character is still the worst thing they've done), but he does have some good moments, some of the side characters are pretty great (the long helmet lady and Babu Frik come to mind immediately), the music is always a highlight and... yeah.
As for the negatives, Palpatine is right up there. His plan is stupid. That's all I'm gonna say about that. Other than that and the demolition of Rose Tico, everything else are nitpicks for me. This movie could have been great only if they'd scrapped this story entirely and either:
a) made an entirely new movie and utilized some of the original concepts they had, or
b) made at least two new movies with the ideas presented here.
Overall, I've enjoyed this movie. It's one of those movies which I can watch after a long day of studying to relax my brain a bit, one that is supposed to be thought about as much as the scriptwriters have done - which is to say, a bit.
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pacificwanderer · 5 years ago
Whole bunch of anons about “leaks” etc. So, don’t read under the cut if that’s not your jam :) Also, as an aside, I’m going out on a limb here (not really lol) and am gonna say that I think the recent bout of “leaks” are actually speculation based on “toy leaks,” that is, the short phrases on the backs of packaging and nothing more (as in, sure, they’re leaks, but not “plot” leaks from some mole in DLF). Hence, the reason the “leaks” are all over the place and shift around everytime confirmed information (trailers, etc) gets released.
Many retailers get product for major releases weeks in advance (I know because I used to work at one lol), so if they have endcap resets coming up, they’ll get a whole big product display for a specific endcap. If they want displays around the store, they’ll send bulkouts with product. DLF has huge sections in major retailers, so the square footage they need to cover with product is insane. I can only imagine what gets shipped early to them (and I suspect staff who don’t have overnight crews end up doing a hell of a lot of setup prior to their major releases).
Case in point, Walmarts were selling TRoS toys up until a few days ago because they were mistakenly marked for sale (they’re not supposed to be out till Force Friday in October). Once they caught on, they shifted the skus back to whatever bucket they should have been in (and customers weren’t allowed to buy them after that point).
Anyways, makes a whole shitton of sense now that I think about it and is another great reason why you should always take “plot leaks” with a grain of salt because, for the most part, they’re just speculation masquerading as “leaks.” Contrary to popular belief, most people aren’t willing to lose their jobs to get internet points with random strangers. But taking a quick peek at the back of a retail box? That’s more believable (though can still get people fired, so be careful toy leakers).
Remember when MSW spoiled all the Reylo scenes in the Last Jedi? Oh wait... *checks notes* they didn't report on... any of them?
Remember also how they had no idea about Dark Rey, or Palpatine, and seem to conveniently forgotten half of the cast this time around SO FUNNY how that happens.
Not that I believe MSW but I like this new update from them: "If this rumor is accurate in the way I've heard it described, it sets the tone of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hard and fast. This movie is about saving Ben Solo and bringing Rey into the fold."
So, they’ve gone from “there’s something between them, but it’s not love” for tlj (which was wrong, by the way lol there’s totally love between them if you’re not looking to miss it), to she’s gonna kill him, to he’s gonna try to kill her, to she’s going to save him and also become a part of his family? Sounds like backtracking after the latest comic got released and it was revealed that Ben was, indeed, abused by Snoke (WHOEVER COULD HAVE SEEN THAT COMING, Oh wait. The entirety of the Reylo fandom).
The idea or the “leak” that has Ben personally telling Rey that she is a Palpatine after what he said in TLJ is so stupid and nonsensical. Like if Kylo really wanted her by his side in TLJ then he should have said that her heritage is of the Sith or the Dark Side and that’s what comvinces her to follow that “destiny” or something. JJ did said that IX is not gonna retcon what happened in TLJ so I find this leaks hard to believe but who knows what the hell happens in IX. Anything can happen.
It’s nonsensical to believe that any dialogue at all has made its way out lol. Set descriptions, I could get. But actual dialogue? LOL GTFO. But you’re right, how much more convincing would it be to be all “YOU’RE EVIL, JUST LIKE ME! LET’S BE EVIL TOGETHER!” I mean, that’d be a conversation I’d wanna try first lol.
MSW: “...I do seem to remember first hearing of the flashback sequence [Leia and Luke training] and it being a secret location within Pinewood Studios itself.” A ‘secret location’?! If it was so “secretive” then how the fuck do you know about this?! Also how the hell do you know the context of the scene already when we know they are still editing the film and the script was too guarded?! How the hell do you know what the characters are talking about?! 
All of the above, and honestly, how much do they really have of Carrie? I know some resistance scenes were cut out with her, and maybe some Maz stuff, but training Rey? When she herself didn’t want to train to be a Jedi? Really??? Iirc, Luke offered to train her and she was like nah? I’ll have to check on that. Leia’s connection with the Force has always been instinctual in the movies, so... It’s more believable that 3PO could train her lol what with all the shit he’s seen/helping her read the Jedi texts. Yeah, super secret, SO SECRET that random dude bros on the iternet found out about it!!!
It's funny how half the fandom thinks Rey is Luke's daughter because of MSW and no one is paying attention to to the fact that Disney/Lucasfilm have been defending Rey Nobody *and* they have allowed multiple people from the cast and crew to joke about Rey and Kylo being sexually attracted to one another. And then there is John Williams who shows Reylo scenes on the screen when he performs Han and Leia's love theme live in front of thousands of attendees who aren't even into shipping, lol.
Lol people still believe that? Man, it’s 2019. Reylo is real.
Do you think it's possible for Ben to have a convincing redemption if he he were to bring Palpatine back? I was already a bit disappointed that the Sithtroopers respond to him and the Knights of Ren but if he intentionally brings Sheev back it just seems like it'll be more difficult to convince the audience that he's worthy of redemption? I would like this movie to focus on him making good decisions for once, instead of bad ones until a last minute good one like Vader.
There’s nothing that’s going to happen to the Emperor that’s going to happen by accident. Period. He’s had plans working in the background the entire time, so if he comes back, it’s because he wants to come back, not because some accident on Ben’s part made it happen. Honestly, don’t pay attention to leaks that are basically rephrasing box text that says “yeah, kylo should be the most powerful person in the galaxy, but really he’s just fucking around like always, looking for answers to Force questions when he should be focusing on taking over the galaxy” which says to me that he never really did want to take over the galaxy. At all. He has it all, literally, and he’s still not finding what he wants. Which means he still has some exploring to do. Makes sense to me given how sad he looked at the end ot TLJ. These “leaks” also don’t really take into account that we’ve seen Kylo on that desert planet, like why is he there? What’s going on? Honestly, we know a whole lot of nothing about this movie and I’m sure the “leaks” will shift (again, just like they did last time) once the actual trailer gets dropped. Try not to worry about it :)
Hey so I'm kinda confused right now about some supposed "leaks"? Apparently its been "confirmed" by Lucasfilms that Kylo himself is resurrecting Palpatine? I saw some Reylos on twitter saying that Kylo was going to uncover secrets of the dark side and that it would lead to Palps being resurrected. I don't really keep up with leaks or extra material like comics so I'm kinda lost here. Do you know any thing about this? It just doesn't make sense to me why Kylo would do any of what was said?
It absolutely was not confirmed that he brings back palpatine, some box text on the back of his black series figure says, “As Supreme Leader of the First Order, Kylo Ren wields more power than ever before. Nevertheless, Ren continues to search for secrets of the Force from the depths of the dark side.” So, secrets from the Force, doesn’t say shit about palpatine but they’re jumping to conclusions because it “confirms” (in their mind) recent “leaks” (which I actually think are rephrased speculation based on TOY leaks) that speculate he’s looking for Palpatine. Why he’d trade one asshole master for another is beyond me given that he wanted to burn it all down at the end of TLJ. I’m gonna wait till I see the trailer/read more comics/official sources of info, before bothering with this sort of thing. These “leakers” didn’t say shit about Palps returning before his laugh at the end of the first teaser, so they didn’t know shit about it and are only speculating NOW. The only person I saw predict Palp’s return was Wayward Jedi, which was speculation proven to be right.
Cheers all!
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fuckin-georg · 7 years ago
Ok so it's Ben's idea because he's the only one that's ever been
And Stan and Mike are the ones that plan the trip with Ben and get hotel rooms and everything
You KNOW Richie is a fucking CHILD and spends the majority of their time in the parks running around doing ALL of the rides and eating ALL of the sugar
And poor Eddie is running around making sure he doesn't throw up or hurt himself (he does throw up after the Tower of Terror and Eddie is there with plastic gloves)
Speaking of Eddie, he has everything in his fannypack. Sunscreen, gel, antibacterial wipes, umbrellas, ponchos, you name it he has it.
He tries to get everyone to wear a fanny pack to make everything easier but that idea is shot down real quick
Richie drags Eddie on all of the thrill rides and Eddie loses his voice by the end of the first day from screaming so much
But Eddie doesn't stop going on the roller coasters bc he secretly loves them
Beverly also goes on all the thrill rides
She's the one that makes the others stop and smell the roses
She's the pin collecter of the group and will trade with anyone and everyone
This one little girl thinks she's a princess so Bev just goes along with it and gives her her favorite pin (a Princess Leia one) and it makes the little girl's (and Bev's) whole trip
She lives for the parades and the show and just so desperately wants to take everything in
Ben wants to get a picture with all of the characters and collect their autographs
The Losers don't make fun of him for wanting to get pictures but he's a little self conscious and Bev sees this so she gets pictures with everyone as well
Ben's favorite picture is of him Bev and Ariel and makes it the background on his phone
(((Richie will never admit it but he's terrified of the giant head characters)))
Bill is the one with the maps that valiantly tries to lead everyone everywhere but of course...it's chaos
Because Bill follows him everywhere and Georgie is this wide eyed little boy experiencing Disney for the first time and Bill is living through him
Georgie also follows Richie and Bev on all the thrill rides and they give him so much candy until Bill finds Georgie shaking from a sugar rush and Richie and Bev look super guilty
Also Bill and Richie have this INTENSE rivalry when it comes to Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin and Toy Story Mania
Like they're all competitive but they know to stay clear of those two by the end of the trip
They spend almost the whole trip either trashtalking each other or trying to mess the other up
Turns out Bill and Richie are all talk and no game because Mike gets the highest scores out of all of them
Mike is the photographer and the one that's documenting the whole trip
He fucking LOVES Epcot and World Showcase
So does Ben and Stan so they spend a lot of the time eating around the world and looking up cool stuff in Future World
Speaking of Stan, he's the one that wants to just go back to the hotel and nap
Stan is TERRIFIED of heights and roller coasters and refuses to go on any thrill rides
The Losers somehow convince him to go on Soarin and he does but with Bev and Mike both holding his hands
By the end he's crying and all the Losers start apologizing for making him go on
"That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen"
Soarin is his new favorite ride
Eddie loves old movies so he loves Hollywood Studios and all the old movie memorabilia
The Losers' favorite ride is Star Tours
They go on that as often as they can
And one time Stan is the Rebel Spy
And he looks fucking MISERABLE
The Losers can't stop laughing and they take pictures of him as the Spy and it becomes a huge meme within the group
Richie never lets Stan live it down
Richie tries to do the Jedi Training Academy with Georgie and he actually bugs the cast member running it enough that they let him
So the Losers are dying because it's all these little kids and Richie and when he fights Darth Vader he's so into it
Mike grabs a video
He doesn't stop talking about it for the rest of the trip
Eddie fucking HATES Animal Kingdom because it smells like piss and shit
He's horrified when Richie and company goes to the place where you pet the animals and he makes them all go back to the hotel immediately and disinfect
Mike loves Animal Kingdom and loves learning about all the different animals
By the fireworks, Bill is carrying an asleep Georgie and he gently wakes him up so he can see the fireworks and he's so soft and quiet but filled with awe and Bill is such a good big brother
Eddie is plugging his ears (because those fireworks are loud!) and watching the fireworks and Richie looks over and sees the fireworks reflected in those big eyes and he's overwhelmed with love and leans over and pecks him on the cheek and Eddie blushes and snuggles closer
and credit also goes to @cosmipup for talking to me about this and adding their own headcanons
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apriki · 7 years ago
So ya homegirl finally saw the last jedi and oh, there are THOUGHTS to be HAD below the cut for spoiler purposes but guys. GUYS.
when luke threw the lightsaber over his shoulder at the very start i was like OHHHHH YES BITCH...... ITS FUCKIN ON
‘this isn’t going to go how you think’ INDEED
my heart siezed when i saw leia ugh.... and this film treated her with the gravitas she deserved and i loved that 
ROSE’S SISTERRR and i feel like this film took pains to show a more diverse range of people in the resistance and also in the background on the star destroyers? and i really loved that
snoke’s red room of pain lmaoooooooooo. and his mara jade bodyguards
snoke forcing kylo to take his helmet off because he knows kylo needs it to disconnect shut the fuck up
kylo tantrum™ and him wrecking the mask because snoke shattered its meaning to him but also YOU DON’T GET TO WEAR THE MASK IN THIS MOVIE, KYLO. A BITCH IS GONNA BE OUT HERE VULNERABLE AS FUCK
the timeline of this movie was... odd? i feel like we were meant to think rey was with luke for weeks but the rebellion plot was suuuuuper super fast. i employed some mental time dilation to make sense of it lmao
holy SHIT i really thought they were going to kill leia off 20 MINUTES IN for a hot minute there
We Need To Talk About Rey And Kylo’s Sense8 Plot
THEIR FACES when they force felt each other what the guuud FUCK
kylo: you will lead me to skywalker
rey: i think the fuck not
‘i don’t see where you are... only you’
luke’s sad hermit routine lmfao
luke: the jedi weren’t shit really
me: absolutely fair and true
when rey was like ‘please take this lightsaber and all the responsibility that comes with it’ and luke was like ‘this bitch empty YEET’
porgs are whatever. i wouldve eaten that one on the stick lmao chewbacca is a softie
am i the only one who like doesn’t remember the millenium falcon’s dice in the mirror lmao
sidenote like, adam driver’s voice. right? right?
‘i’d really rather not do this right now’ / ‘yeah me either’
i heard that kylo ren had a sixpack. that kylo ren is shredded
loved the casino world that was so obviously based on monaco and dipping into the muddy waters of arms dealing and showing how deep the fight between tyranny and freedom runs in the galaxy. it can get quite baroque with the skywalkers and their drama and i felt like it was a smart smart move to have finn team up with rose to see how exploitation and cruelty don’t always have to be in the form of sith lords or first orders
this movie is so busy dismantling the ideas of heroes and villains. it’s just people making choices and that’s the point and it’s TRRRUUUUUUE
benicio del toro is the new era boba fett and i love HE
poe getting SLAPPED and BLASTERED like multiple times lmaoooooooo like i like him well enough but bitch listen to your betters!
i kind of loved that finn and rose went off on this grand plan to save the resistance and it.... didn’t work. like everything they kept trying just DID NOT WORK but there was still hope at the end? friends it was beautiful
rey in the rain
the first time she’s ever felt it?
and then the world goes QUIET AGAIN
and okay the end of this scene where kylo pulls his hand away
‘did he tell you what happened?’
and like, kylo could just say it himself
but he knows rey wouldn’t believe him 
and luke fucking LIED
me two years ago: what’s an adam driver
me now: (laughing nervously) what the f
‘why does the force keep connecting us?’ BITCH ME TOO LMFAO 
the way the world STOPS ALL AROUND THEM
oh my god the flashbacks
like i feel like we got more than enough of this alluded to in force awakens but some people need it in black and white i guess and HERE THE FUCK IT IS
‘and the last thing i saw were the eyes of a frightened boy whose master had failed him’
i am the most stoic bitch in a movie theatre. like shit does not phase me but i fucking teared UP my face just CRUMPLED LIKE UGHHHHH
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and THIS is what’s at the heart of the last jedi - dismantling the myth of the hero. there are no heroes, only people, and luke is the embodiment of thatto rey he’s a myth but to kylo he was a man and that’s how he stumbled but he stumbled because he believed his OWN myth i’m just..... dying slowly
rey: i saw you at my side
kylo: well i saw YOU at MY side
me: fellas,
snoke claiming that he mainpulated rey and kylo looks up in FURY because he realises he was manipulating him too
his fingers twitching 
the saber moving
me in my seat: boy he bout to DO IT
well i didn’t scream because i was in a theatre but i screamed on the inside. i would watch kylo or ANY character kill every person who ever manipulated abused used them and HOW oh my GOD 
like he just wants someone to to TRUST and they all keep FAILING for all his talk to rey of her constantly looking for parental figures like all he fucking wants is to belong to something??
it’s whatever.
like i can but i also can’t believe we actually got this character so shaped and formed by abuse and manipulation KILLING HIS ABUSER. like KNEELING IN FRONT OF SNOKE and being beaten down and down and FINDING THE STRENGTH TO KILL HIM ANYWAY
the conflict of this series is happening in the galaxy but it’s also happening in ben solo’s heart and that’s just about enough for me to mcFREAKING lose it
FIGHTING TOGETHER................. 
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‘you’re nothing to the story - but not to me’
when kylo asked rey to join him i swear to god i heard the opening synth of carly rae jepsen’s ‘run away with me’
i seriously thought this was going to be the film’s climax but there was like 40 more minutes after this ksadjfkdsfj
and leia explaining to poe about doing the right thing vs. looking like a hero MY GOD this film is on another level. how the fuck did it both take star wars to town over like its most fundamental conventions but still feel true to the series and respectful and genuine? I AM... AGOG
and the no sound CRACKING APART of the cruiser the LIGHT 
this movie was shot so beautifully thanks disneymarvelfox conglomerate
honestly i’m still astounded that a film so rooted in nostalgia, nearly dependent on it in a way, firmly and deeply embedded a ‘let the past die’ moral through its narrative. LIKE, WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF BLOCKBUSTER???????? but i loved it, i loved that luke and kylo were both so determined to bury the past and rey was equally determined to dig it up. because how can you have balance without it? 
the whole hoth version 2 snow planet was beautiful and the BURGUNDIES the contrast i love an aesthetic!
(tastes red substance hesitantly) ‘Salt.’
i want a crystal wolf
they couldn’t phone ewan mcgregor for a yung hot jesus obi wan cameo? i’d be into it
kylo: .........i’ll destroy the girl
luke: no you wont
kylo: yeah no i wont u right u right
LUKE AND LEIA OH MY GODDDD the GRAVITAS of mark and carrie!!! it was so beautiful
when kylo gave an order and hux repeated it super loud and kylo GAVE HIM THE WILDEST SIDE EYE I FUCKING CHOOOOKEKEKKEKEKED
i’m glad somewhere along the way they realised hux is like the biggest joke character lmfao
bye phasma
finn’s storyline really god sidelined this movie huh? i loved rose a LOT and i loved them together but did we need the poe plot like really
all the scenes with the og trio have been so layered and beautiful you can 
though i thought luke died in the fire and it was his force ghost not him like force astral projecting lmao
‘do you think you got him????????’ KDBFKSHDFKHDS
ooof that final confrontation scene though
damn right you should apologise luke lmfao
kylo’s anger in the last third is just wooooof like he thinks he can destroy every person and every remnant that rejected him but he’s just running on his own anger until he realises luke isn’t really there and there’s nothing else for him to fight
that GOT me i was verklempt
rey and poe meeting was cute
i hope they’re not setting up a love triangle cause like that shit is tiiirrreeeedddd
i like finn and rey and also finn and rose like im happy to go down whatever road they take
and shutting the door but like the FALCON
is the fucking novelization out yet?
or the script?
i want to swim in this movie god stay tuned as my thoughts #develop and #grow
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gffa · 7 years ago
I AM READY TO CRY ABOUT STAR WARS IN APPROXIMATELY A WEEK FROM NOW, so here in the meantime have some crying about fic because, oh, I REALLY LOVE THESE SPACE NERDS. STAR WARS FIC RECS: ✦ The Dark Path Lit by Sun and Stars by A_Delicate_Fury, obi-wan & anakin & luke & leia & han & ahsoka & cast, time travel, 27.7k wip    After a disaster on the cosmic scale that Obi-Wan is still trying to wrap his mind around, he finds himself back in the early days of the Clone Wars, Commander Cody loyally at his side, Anakin at his back, and Sidious plotting against the Jedi at every turn. He’s been given an unasked for chance to do everything over again. And with the Force as his ally, he intends to set the galaxy on a brighter path than the one it’s currently on. ✦ Equinox by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, 59.4k wip    During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Anakin crash on a remote planet and take shelter in the ruins of a grand estate only to find they are not alone. ✦ Time To Go by light_mantled_albatross, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cast, 35.2k wip    A version of the “Anakin doesn’t find Ventress at the end of season 5, with the result that Ahsoka gets Dramatically Sentenced To Death” plotline. Obi-Wan makes choices, Anakin freaks out, the Jedi Council behaves somewhat questionably, Darth Sidious behaves completely reprehensibly, and Ahsoka is generally her bad-ass self. ✦ untitled by stonefreeak, anakin & rex & mace & cast, 2.3k    “General Skywalker, we have an incoming transmission from Coruscant,” Rex says, standing straight and with his arms crossed behind his back—stiff and formal. Anakin’s eyes narrow; that kind of posture generally means a transmission from the Council… ✦ Lose Myself Tonight by sinosei, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, mild d/s, sith!obi-wan, 1.5k    Anakin cannot help but test Obi-Wan. ✦ To Stand Before the Council by Raven_Knight, depa & mace & yoda & cast, 3.7k    This is the story of how Mace Windu and Depa Billaba became Master and Padawan. ✦ Rescue on Stygeon Prime by BarbaraFett, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & luminara, 4.3k    When Ahsoka Tano uses her newfound freedom as a Force spirit to explore obscure corners of the galaxy, Anakin Skywalker will have to confront a nearly-forgotten piece of the Sith’s legacy of darkness. ✦ River at Dawn by Lalijinx, obi-wan & padme (& background anakin), 1k    Obi-Wan goes to confront Padme about Anakin’s location. Instead, his emotions get the better of him, and everything spills out. ✦ A striking resemblance to the embers of the past by victoria_p (musesfool), luke & leia & rey & finn & kix, 3.6k    Leia insists Rey have a DNA test to make sure she and Finn are not related. The results are not what anyone was expecting. ✦ a gift with a price by wreckageofstars, obi-wan & anakin, 1.8k    Miscommunication is the soup of the day, and Obi-Wan Kenobi doesn’t fully understand the power that he holds. ✦ Tumblr Prompts by Darlings (FromDreamstoEmpires), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 3.8k (collection of prompts)    A collection of prompts that I’ve filled on Tumblr. ✦ Starrunner by rinzukodas, obi-wan & jedi & oc, 17.3k wip    n what would have been the year 17 BBY, Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine is found slumped over his desk, dead to rights and emitting a foul odor. The coroners declare the body victim to a heart attack and the smell a result of a lack of a timely embalming—a bit of bowels humor, the head coroner says with a nervous laugh when interviewed by the Galactic Enquirer. ✦ Sanctuary by shadowsong26, anakin & rey, 3.1k    Rey wants to find her place in all of this. When she finds a reference to Mortis in one of Luke’s books, it seems as good good place as any to start looking… ✦ Talking Points by victoria_p (musesfool), luke & rey, 2k    Rey knows there’s a connection between them–something more than the Force, more than destiny. ✦ this is unexpected by MarbleGlove, obi-wan & palpatine & cast, 4.4k    a self-indulgent response to the many, wonderful time-travel Star Wars stories that send a more experienced and more knowledgeable Obi-Wan Kenobi back in time to change the many tragedies to come full details + recs under the cut! 
✦ The Dark Path Lit by Sun and Stars by A_Delicate_Fury, obi-wan & anakin & luke & leia & han & ahsoka & cast, time travel, 27.7k wip    After a disaster on the cosmic scale that Obi-Wan is still trying to wrap his mind around, he finds himself back in the early days of the Clone Wars, Commander Cody loyally at his side, Anakin at his back, and Sidious plotting against the Jedi at every turn. He’s been given an unasked for chance to do everything over again. And with the Force as his ally, he intends to set the galaxy on a brighter path than the one it’s currently on.    Oh, this fic is so gorgeous and wonderful and beautiful already! It’s everything I could ask for–the characterization is spot on, it has a lot of plot and worldbuilding that grabs from canon and builds something really cool with them, and MOST IMPORTANTLY it has satisfying resolution to some things (while other things are just kicking into gear) that has me absolutely hooked. What I mean is–the plot and the fallout of this are just getting started, there’s still the whole future looming over them, but we’ve also gotten some reunions that left me with that happy, satisfied, emotionally touched feeling. Obi-Wan and Luke’s first meeting here is absolutely everything I could have asked for from it, it’s one of those that could have been glossed over too much and I would have felt cheated, or it could have been overdone and I’d have felt like the fic was trying too hard. But instead every moment of it absolutely worked for me, it found the balance it needed to find, where shit’s still happening around them, but there’s this gorgeous moment of stillness between them, this gorgeous moment of meaning and connection, that just reminded me of every single Obi-Wan & Luke feeling I’ve ever had.    But there’s more! There’s an escape off a desert planet where they have to go Full Jedi Of Old and seeing it from Luke’s point of view, getting to see the Jedi as they were is so incredibly satisfying, it takes a fun action sequence and gives it emotional resonance. It’s got incredible Obi-Wan characterization, as he struggles with what to do about all this, but also is so kind and warm, that it’s these little touches with Luke, the way he leaves his hand out if Luke wants to touch him, the way he makes himself available for Luke to lean against his side, the way he doesn’t get bothered by these scared kids being kind of snappish at him, because he has an idea of what they’re going through. As much as I love everyone here–Han and Luke and Leia’s are all SO GREAT, Ahsoka is BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT, Asajj actually gives me FEELINGS, especially the way Obi-Wan treats her–for me, Obi-Wan is the real star of this show.    Which isn’t to say the plot part isn’t interesting, because I am so here for how it happened, what it means with Palpatine’s fingers digging into everything, the use of the Force that’s mixed up in all this, the way OH MY DARLING ANAKIN is talked about in Obi-Wan’s relating what he knows, the way Obi-Wan feels a little spun around, because he’s both his clone wars self and his future self, it’s a bit of deja vu, which isn’t a tack I’d seen taken before. All of it is just really, really a great read already! ✦ Equinox by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, 59.4k wip    During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Anakin crash on a remote planet and take shelter in the ruins of a grand estate only to find they are not alone.    Chapter 11: This is an update rec and will focus on this chapter rather than the fic as a whole. This is the aftermath of the Shadow (or whatever it is) having sneaked in and curled around Obi-Wan, which I still find to be an intriguing choice, that the one that has the strongest sense of balance and surety of himself is the one that it also pulled whatever from and I love the use of that, because it shows so much of where Veris comes from, while not taking away that Obi-Wan Kenobi truly is a good person with such a strong sense of self. And this chapter follows up on that, where the fic does this really great thing of playing around with the different interactions, how these different versions of the same person are running around, so it’s both a character piece and a relationship piece, that it’s all about highlighting things that are true down to the foundations of Obi-Wan and Anakin, whatever form they take. Not that the Sith versions are them, per se, because they’re not, but that they’re small, tiny aspects given life, which means that it’s like staring at part of yourself, but alsosomething different, which isn’t always a fun thing when looking at yourself–but when looking at the person you love? Suddenly the undercurrents shift.    Which is illustrated so well for me in the Obi-Wan and Isten scene, where Isten may be a Sith version of Anakin, but he’s still Anakin, an Anakin who will always love Obi-Wan, in whatever form he’s in, and so when the Shadow passes by them in a dream/vision/whatever, of course he turns his face to Obi-Wan and hides it, of course Obi-Wan shelters him and pulls him close and takes on the heavy weight of watching this terrible thing, because that’s what Obi-Wan does, whenever he can, for Anakin. I loved the Veris and Anakin scene as well, the groundwork that’s being laid for Anakin to see just how much this man with Obi-Wan’s face, who is connected to Obi-Wan, but isn’t him, loves his own version of Anakin, how he can be polished and smooth, but also at the same time the cracks in his shell are all about Anakin, Anakin, Anakin. The need to work together, to touch minds, the way this prickles at Anakin and yet will obviously linger with him is so much fun to watch! But, oh, that scene with Obi-Wan and Isten. It really was the standout for me–but, then, just about anything with Isten is a standout for me in this fic, because he’s so perfectly written. Wild and fey, yet settled in his skin. Bratty and arrogant, yet there’s something that is almost calm. And you can see that it’s because of Obi-Wan, that trust he has and how much he’s able to not have to worry about things. It’s such a good complement to every single other character in this fic! I will gleefully read about him with ANY of the other characters!    But, then, there’s the Shadow and whatever it’s doing and, oh, the scene with the party was so creepy. Like, it’s almost a bit understated (while also being very directly horrible), like there’s this shimmer of glitz and elegance over the terrible thing that’s happening, and that makes it so much worse, the feeling of body horror as the Shadow takes over the people and hurts them. The way the sense of something large and looming is moving through the space around Obi-Wan and Isten, how it could so easily see them and would rip them to shreds. It’s such a lovely character piece, but also SUCH A GOOD HORROR FIC, TOO. But also!! Isten waking up and, oh, the way Veris just seems to calm and you really get to see how much he loves this version of Anakin, that the actual Anakin sees this and of course we cannot help but compare and find the parallels between the two! And such good cliffhangers! And I have NO IDEA where any of this is going! And yet I’m so, so engaged! Just, ugh, what a wonderful, perfect fic. ✦ Time To Go by light_mantled_albatross, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cast, 35.2k wip    A version of the “Anakin doesn’t find Ventress at the end of season 5, with the result that Ahsoka gets Dramatically Sentenced To Death” plotline. Obi-Wan makes choices, Anakin freaks out, the Jedi Council behaves somewhat questionably, Darth Sidious behaves completely reprehensibly, and Ahsoka is generally her bad-ass self.    Chapter 7: This is an update rec and will focus on this chapter, rather than the fic as a whole. It’s been a long while since I read the previous chapters, so I can’t judge how much it does or doesn’t get the Jedi, but I remember thinking that a lot of it could be down to the point of views of the specific characters and the places they’re in (since this is during The Wrong Jedi arc) and I mention this only because it’s a thing I almost always mention, and also because I love this fic. The author just absolutely, utterly nails the banter between the characters, all three of them are a scream, but especially Obi-Wan and Anakin who just cannot stop bickering, in really sharp and genuinely funny ways! Like, read this fic for that alone! But I do enjoy Padme when she shows up here (and that she doesn’t care about Anakin’s approval for what she’s going to do!), I enjoy the way Anakin uses the Force, I enjoy that the writing is really smooth and I very much want to know what happens, I enjoy that the author is really good at building up a plot, a mystery that I want to know how it ends up! But, seriously, read it for the banter, it’s so much fun. ✦ untitled by stonefreeak, anakin & rex & mace & cast, 2.3k    “General Skywalker, we have an incoming transmission from Coruscant,” Rex says, standing straight and with his arms crossed behind his back—stiff and formal. Anakin’s eyes narrow; that kind of posture generally means a transmission from the Council…    Note: This is part of a series that should be read in order by this point, but this rec will focus on this fic in particular. Ahhh, it was so hard to finish this one, because now I want more immediately and I just want to read 100k of this all in one sitting! But I love this piece, I love Anakin’s panic attack and how it builds and builds and builds until he can’t breathe, because he just connected wtih Obi-Wan again and now he found out that his Master might die, might be dying right that minute, and, oh, it really just makes me feel so much for the character. Mace understanding that Anakin needs more gentleness right now, him having the reserves and room to be able to give that, is spot on and so wonderful. For all that this is an angsty piece (in an absolutely delicious way) it’s also a really good and kind one. ✦ Lose Myself Tonight by sinosei, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, mild d/s, sith!obi-wan, 1.5k    Anakin cannot help but test Obi-Wan.    Oh, this was such a good read! It’s one of those that’s both well-written andhits every iddy button I have–that Anakin is impatient and cannot help testing Obi-Wan, that he wants the reassurance, wants the attention, while also wanting to be taken seriously, while also wanting that heavy hand to come down on him and keep him in place. That Obi-Wan is gentle with him, is kind and caring with him, but also will not be disobeyed, is perfect here, that it’s what Anakin responds to and thrives under, that he’s turned on by it when his Master and his Emperor tell him how to dispaly himself. And, oh, the sex was so good, it was beautiful in the way Obi-Wan had him stretch himself while watching, that he’d been so insolent that he would only get his Master’s hand today (and, of course, he’s so beautiful and perfect that eventually he gets to ride his Master’s cock anyway), that it’s about the dom/sub relationship in how it gives Anakin structure and works for him so well. And is scorchingly, ridiculously hot when Obi-Wan won’t let him otherwise touch himself, when Obi-Wan tells him that he loves him, that Anakin is his, that Obi-Wan ordering him to sit on his dick was used as a way to show that unbreakable connection and love between them. And so, so ridiculously hot, that Anakin can’t touch himself while he’s touched and is so spread open and willing for his Master, so content in this place where he has no questions. I maybe kinda lost my brain a little to this one! ✦ To Stand Before the Council by Raven_Knight, depa & mace & yoda & cast, 3.7k    This is the story of how Mace Windu and Depa Billaba became Master and Padawan.    Oh, I just practically wanted to wrap myself up in the adorable warmth of this story, how absolutely cute it is, as little Depa stands before the High Council to try to deliver a message she wants to tell them, but can’t quite get the words out. I love the building of Jedi traditions (since canon gives us almost nothing! I need more!) and that the Council takes the time for Depa to gather her courage, to help explain themselves to her, to encourage her, to find her adorable, how likable everyone is in this. It’s one of those stories that puts a warm smile on my face to have read, I love the thought and care given here, I love how I can just picture all of it, too. Such a fun read! ✦ Rescue on Stygeon Prime by BarbaraFett, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & luminara, 4.3k    When Ahsoka Tano uses her newfound freedom as a Force spirit to explore obscure corners of the galaxy, Anakin Skywalker will have to confront a nearly-forgotten piece of the Sith’s legacy of darkness.    It would probably help to have read at least The Apprentice Returns Homebefore this one, to understand why everyone is where they’re at, but also you could probably just know that Anakin helped Ahsoka become a Force Ghost and know they’re wandering around the universe and fixing stuff. I am so very into how good everything is there, that Anakin and Ahsoka have returned to the Jedi, but that their journeys weren’t without their narrative weight and importance, that they can still be something a little different, even as they’ve found their way home again, I guess is what I’m feeling more than anything. That they go to help Luminara here, that they put something right, that I get to see my favorite Jedi being good and happy and at peace in their afterlife, was like being in a nice, warm bath all over again. ✦ River at Dawn by Lalijinx, obi-wan & padme (& background anakin), 1k    Obi-Wan goes to confront Padme about Anakin’s location. Instead, his emotions get the better of him, and everything spills out.    I really enjoyed this fic for doing exactly what it set out to do–have Obi-Wan’s reserved nature break because Padme wasn’t believing what he was telling her about what Anakin did. It works for me because I have a lot of really intense feelings about Anakin’s actions at the Temple and this fic really gave them the weight they deserved, that it wasn’t just turning to the dark side, but the actions he did were truly monstrous and should be given this kind of narrative weight. It was cathartic as hell and I enjoyed it for being so! ✦ A striking resemblance to the embers of the past by victoria_p (musesfool), luke & leia & rey & finn & kix, 3.6k    Leia insists Rey have a DNA test to make sure she and Finn are not related. The results are not what anyone was expecting.    Oh, I love fics like this, that take an interesting theory about Rey’s background and give me a fic that shows the immediate fallout of it, that reveal that I’m looking for (I love reveal moments!) and some great build-up tension to that reveal, plus some really lovely, touching character moments. The highlight of this fic is the way Luke and Leia look at Rey once they discover who she is, the weight and legacy she carries just because of her birth, the struggle that they allface because of it and to find out what it means. It’s poignant and painful and, most of all, hopeful. And that is exactly in the spirit of Star Wars! ✦ a gift with a price by wreckageofstars, obi-wan & anakin, 1.8k    Miscommunication is the soup of the day, and Obi-Wan Kenobi doesn’t fully understand the power that he holds.    This was such a good, cute fic! Obi-Wan and Anakin early days are some of my favorites and I love how much Obi-Wan reaches out to Anakin, even though he’s been through so much shit lately himself, that he cares very deeply in his non-effusive way, that that’s just how he is. And the fic is really good-hearted and kind, there’s something almost a little sweet about it, that Anakin this being sick will get him sent away and Obi-Wan and everyone care so much about the little moppet and of course Obi-Wan reassures him that that’s not going to happen, but it’s so hard to reach through all those layers Anakin has even back then, but it’s still so good here, that Obi-Wan finds a compromise that moves them forward, and then hugs!!! It’s one of those fics that gets me right in the feelings place in the best way, but then was also like slipping into a warm bath, which is my favorite. This was wonderful and so lovely to read. ✦ Tumblr Prompts by Darlings (FromDreamstoEmpires), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 3.8k (collection of prompts)    A collection of prompts that I’ve filled on Tumblr.    I’ve recommended at least one of these on tumblr before and I’ll probably continue to rec them individually in the future because a) it’s my blog and I do what I want and b) because wow do they hit my id straight on and I want to flail about that! And I love this collection because it really does hit those iddy wants just perfectly, it embraces them whole-heartedly and clearly enjoys the hell out of itself as it does. Anakin getting fucked while being ordered to watch himself in front of a mirror, a fantasy AU where they can’t be together and it embraces the quiet angst, and then a modern AU where Anakin wears lingerie and is a bratty sub who wants to get bent over the desk and fucked. Like, SIGN ME UP, it’s just pure fun and sexy times that know what they’re about and are having a blast writing them and are great for when you just want some lightly kinky porn that’s full of love and care and everything is soft and sweet and loving and all of it hits that OTP place hard. ♥ ✦ Starrunner by rinzukodas, obi-wan & jedi & oc, 17.3k wip    n what would have been the year 17 BBY, Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine is found slumped over his desk, dead to rights and emitting a foul odor. The coroners declare the body victim to a heart attack and the smell a result of a lack of a timely embalming—a bit of bowels humor, the head coroner says with a nervous laugh when interviewed by the Galactic Enquirer.    I have two brief caveats before I begin–the first is that I felt like this fic sort of dropped me into the middle of things in a way that I went to look and see if I was missing an earlier story (this is the only one the author’s written, though!) and that sometimes the sequence of events/context for them is a little unclear, especially when dealing with an OC that we don’t know much about. The second is that I don’t have a good feel for whether or not the fic is going to go the attachment = any kind of love thing that doesn’t work with the canon Jedi, because most of it is really, really great at showing the Jedi, but there have been a few moments that have made me wonder. But also I’m hypersensitive, so take it with a grain of salt! OKAY THAT SAID I fucking love this fic, it’s so sharp and good, the characterization of Obi-Wan is absolutely fantastic, he’s perfectly his canon self! And I really enjoy the OC, she’s got her own personality and she’s got narrative weight, but the fic doesn’t try to make her exactly like everyone else in their snark. She has her moments, but instead she’s more quiet and reserved, but with deep care and kindness and quietly delightful. She feels like she fits with the canon!    There’s a plot brewing here–she and Master Kenobi are tasked with investigating the Chancellor’s death, one that’s genuinely interesting to me and has new characters being brought in in a way that, again, feels like it fits with canon, with genuinely good storytelling! And there’s such great banter, like it’s so very easy to picture Obi-Wan in my mind’s eye, it’s so very easy to imagine everyone here! And, oh, the life this breathes into the setting it uses, that this is a living, breathing world it inhabits, that there’s history between Master Che and her patients, that there’s details about the Jedi life/culture and their Temple, it feels very much like this fic loves the characters and world that it’s writing, that there’s this warm glow of affection through the whole thing, that combines with the legitimately sharp writing, so that I tore through the whole thing and will look forward to future chapters. ✦ Sanctuary by shadowsong26, anakin & rey, 3.1k    Rey wants to find her place in all of this. When she finds a reference to Mortis in one of Luke’s books, it seems as good good place as any to start looking…    Rey finds herself on Mortis and winds up having a conversation with a spirit there and, oh, it’s such a lovely, engaging read for it! It captures that sense of how weird Star Wars can be at times, especially a place like Mortis, but the conversation between her and Anakin, the weight of the history there, but also that it’s Rey’s story going forward, that this touches on what came before, that the journey of Star Wars has led us all here, but it’s hers going forward, is really well done. And I love this more reflective Anakin who may still be angry in some ways, but has gained so much balance, has come back, has gained so much wisdom. It’s a perfect little fic as a point on the journey to wherever Rey is going and I loved it. ✦ Talking Points by victoria_p (musesfool), luke & rey, 2k    Rey knows there’s a connection between them–something more than the Force, more than destiny.    I really enjoyed reading this, there’s something so warm and lovely about every single moment of it! It’s a collection of smaller moments with Rey and Luke during her training, just all these quiet little touches that form a more detailed picture between them, and it’s just so good, everything feels hopeful and bright, even in the greater darkness of the galaxy. It felt like this is the core of who I see these characters as and what I want for them, the best for them without breaking SW to do it. And that made this a treasure to read! ✦ this is unexpected by MarbleGlove, obi-wan & palpatine & cast, 4.4k    a self-indulgent response to the many, wonderful time-travel Star Wars stories that send a more experienced and more knowledgeable Obi-Wan Kenobi back in time to change the many tragedies to come    This was a delightfully cracky piece with a few serious moments! I admit, I almost turned around at that Obi-Wan wouldn’t train Anakin, but then Anakin had stars in his eyes for Obi-Wan, who was basically playing chess with Palpatine and wiping the floor with him, sure, it’s not how things would seriously go, but it has that sharp sense of gleeful fun, it was so satisfying to the id, that I had a smile on my face the whole time and it was a great read!
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jjfantasy · 7 years ago
3 or 14 for the kissing prompt, please
Angst with a happy ending as you asked. ;) I added Anon's prompt (18 “I’m alive… I can tell because of the pain.”) from "Send me two characters..." prompt list.
Warning for Kylo stans, happening to ship Damerey, you might wanna sit this one out. M for violence, I mean it.
Link to AO3 (x).
Poe knew something was off the minute he and Snap landed the transporter at their current base on Rori. The Millennium Falcon was already parked in its usual spot, which set the first alarm off for Poe. A couple of hours earlier Rey sent him a message through BB-8 she’d be coming home from her own mission later than him. Even Snap sensed the weird atmosphere in the hangar, not seeing the usual greeting scene of young Jedi jumping into Commander’s arms and him lifting her off the ground.
„Where’s your girlfriend?” Snap asked curiously, looking around. Even Chewbacca was nowhere to be spotted, doing regular check-ups and fixes on the Falcon.
Poe didn’t answer and narrowed his eyes, unrest in his heart. Behind him, BB-8 rolled out of the ship.
[Master-Poe, R2-D2 is communicating Friend-Rey is unwell and is at the medical bay!]
Without a second thought, Poe ran for the base. Speeding through the tight corridors he almost stomped over a couple of other pilots.
At the entrance to the hospital part of the base, he met Leia talking to Finn and Rose, Chewie sitting in the back and roaring sadly.He supported himself on Finn’s shoulder and panted, „How bad is it?”
„She’s in a really bad shape,” Finn admitted painfully, turning to Poe, confirming what exactly he was afraid of.
„I have never seen her like that before,” Rose added tearfully, holding onto Finn’s other arm. „The things she said, Poe.”
Leia sighed and pressed her lips together. „My son is clearly rising in power.”
In a split second Poe was at the door, his hand over the handle, determined to face whatever state his beloved was in. A hand on his forearm stopped him.
„She will hurt you. Mentally and physically,” Leia warned, deep concern in her eyes.
„I will handle it like I handled it before. I can take her hurting me as long as she doesn’t hurt herself,” he replied without missing a beat.
Rose shook her head, sniffing, „It will be worse than before, Poe.”
Anger overtook him. „What do you want me to do? Sit on my ass, while she’s fighting him off on her own? She needs to know she isn’t alone,” he begged and his heart tightened when a sob on the other side of the door reached his ears.
Leia nodded and let go of Poe’s arm. „We’ll try to find a way to distract him, but I can’t promise you anything. Try to get through to her.”
Poe mouthed thanks at her and with one confident movement grabbed the door. The moment he walked past it a force pushed him to the right. His back hit the wall so rapidly he heard his bones crack. His head was pushed to the side, but with the corner of his eye, he saw a woman’s figure, sitting in the corner on the other side of the room. He realized her hands were cuffed with Quadanium steel but it didn’t stop her from creating a pure mess around the room with the strength of her mind. Her hair was in a messy bun, deep, dark circles under her bloodshot eyes making the woman of his life almost unrecognizable. This surely wasn’t his usually cheerful Rey.
„You,” Rey hissed and laughed sourly, „I cracked your head once before.” With every word coming from her mouth Poe felt a grip on his neck tighten as if real fingers traced his skin.
It was obviously Kylo speaking through her mouth, but the pilot didn’t lose hope. Last time Rey had an attack she easily fought it off with a smile on her face. Poe needed to find out what changed since he witnessed her getting stronger with each day.
„You’re gonna tell me in which system the last of Rebel scum is hiding in,” she demanded yet Poe didn’t feel the pressure on his throat to ease.
Tears gathered in the corners of his eyes and burning pain started consuming every muscle in his body. He couldn’t speak, he couldn’t even open his mouth to scream. Images of his and Rey’s life together flashed in front of his eyes. Their first mission together, first time flying together, their first date, first love-making and Rey moving in with him to his Commander quarters. Everything most dear to Poe’s heart framed with unbelievable pain, but it let him pull away Kylo’s attention from base’s location.
„Pathetic,” Rey roared, „You made her so weak. So distracted.”
Suddenly Poe was able to speak, so he spat while he could, „Well, that’s a first. Thanks for ending this charade of talking in the first person.” Blood filled his mouth with every word he said, but it was worth it.
Rey’s face didn’t flinch a bit. „She doesn’t love you, she’s using you,” Kylo mocked though her lips.
Poe snorted, the uneven surface of wall grazing his right cheek while he spoke, „Using me? I’m nothing special. I don’t have any power, and I sure as hell don’t own any wisdom.”
„And yet she chose this cesspool even though I offered her the galaxy,” she grimaced and put her hands up. „So you both lack wisdom.”
„At least I’m not a killer,” Poe grunted.
An ugly chuckle reached his ears. „Sure you are.”
Poe’s head was forced to face Rey who stood up and walked closer to him, at the distance shackles let her.
„Every person you recruit, every person you send off to fight your battles will die, and he will die because of you,” she continued, inspecting his face.
Poe shook under her stare, tears streaming down his face, „I mourned every person lost. But I’m not the little bitch who killed his own father to seek approval of a man who doesn’t give a shit about him.”
„Shut up!” Rey shouted and threw him to the ground, Poe’s nose hitting the floor first, surely breaking. „Who cares about Snoke, I’m even more powerful than him now.”
„Maybe,” Poe doubted, blood dripping from the fresh wound, „but all you have is power.”
Not hearing any response he looked up to see Rey with mixed emotions on her face. She was fighting Kylo. „I have enough of this conversation,” she whispered slowly, but Poe wasn’t yet sure which one of them was speaking.
„We’re not done yet,” she answered herself in a lower voice. „Tell me what system are you in or I will kill him.”
„No,” Rey whispered again but the unbearable pain was tearing apart Poe’s body again.
Blackness absorbed his vision, nothing but screech ringing in his ears. Nothing but despair filled his heart and mind, dramatic scenes from the past replaying in his head combined with awful visions of future. He couldn’t talk anymore nor scream, he only felt deep bruises emerge in every muscle of his body. ‘I love you, Rey,’ he managed to tell her through force before he passed out.
At last, Rey woke up from the worst nightmare of her life to find an even worse one take place in front of her. The moment she regained full consciousness and saw Poe laying on his face on the other side of the room she started yelling.
„FINN!” she shrieked and writhed at the end of the chain, nausea filling her body.
The steel doors opened immediately and Finn stormed in her direction.
She groaned, holding in a sob. „No, kriff, no. Check him first,” she begged, not able to ask the question that haunted her.
Without a word, Finn crouched over Poe and turned him around. It was the longest second ever in Rey’s life. At last, he shouted back, „He’s breathing!”
Rey let out a breath, leaning against the cold wall, but couldn’t stop sobbing yet.
Not long after Leia entered the hospital room, carrying a small aid kit. Her eyes revealed despair, but she remained her cool reviewing the mess around her.
„Finn, give me the handcuffs key,” General asked. „Are you able to move him to the bed?”
He nodded, handed her the key and walked back to Poe. With a few grunts, Finn lifted Poe and placed him slowly on the hospital bed next to the door.
Rey watched numbly Leia crouch slightly and release her.
„I ordered Rose and Kaydel to go get a medic, they’re waiting at the tarmac already for his arrival,” she attempted to cheer up the Jedi.
In the background Finn run out the door, shouting, „I’ll grab everything we have from the stockroom!”
Handcuffs fell to the floor and Rey rushed to Poe’s side. „What did I do?” she whimpered, caressing her lovers face. „I was so weak, Leia. I couldn’t stop Kylo.”
„You did stop him,” Leia disagreed and walked over to her. She put a hand on Rey’s shoulder and then spread next to Poe’s thighs on the bed the contents of her small kit. „You both were strong and didn’t tell him where the base is.”
Rey shook her head. „You probably had to distract him.”
„No, the backup plan didn’t work,” Leia sighed and patted Rey away. „I couldn’t fetch his thoughts. Chewbacca was supposed to find any First Order ship on the other side of the galaxy to draw their attention briefly but for once it was them who were hiding from us.”
Silence followed and Leia put some smelling salts under Poe’s nose, lips moving in a silent prayer in an unknown language.
„Don’t worry child, your fear will turn only into strength now,” Leia comforted and smiled weakly.
The younger woman gritted her teeth. „I let the fear into my heart.”
Leia nodded „Yes, and unfortunately my son sensed a weakness and an opportunity in it. Do you know what your fear was?”
Rey glanced back to Poe. „Yes,” she answered, voice breaking. „We’ve been talking lately about the future... I think he was planning on asking me to get married-”
„He is,” Leia interrupted her quickly, still smiling at her.
„And then he had this close call last week when he went to Maz to ask about buying new X-wing’s for his new recruits and a TIE spotted him just when he was about to leave the Tashtor sector,” Rey babbled but paused feeling Poe’s arm move slightly under her fingers.
„I know, I was in the control room,” Leia said and pointed to a cupboard, „throw one towel into cold water, he’s burning.”
Rey felt dizzy while she followed General’s order, her mind still racing. „I know I was selfish, and it doesn’t go with Jedi teaching... I can’t lose him.”
Leia stepped aside to let Rey put the towel to Poe’s temple. „I don’t think it’s a matter of Jedi rules or selfishness. Nobody wants to lose the ones he loves. But it’s hard to live with your mind in a constant state of danger. You have to accept the whole package that comes with loving a person. The happiness and the possibility of losing it.”
„The balance,” Rey whispered and brushed with a thumb Poe’s lips, continuing to clean the blood around his mouth and nose.
„Yes, the balance. I learned not to try to precede the bad things that may happen. I always will fight tooth and nail, but as much as I would want to I don’t have the power to prevent it all,” Leia admitted and walked over to R2-D2 at the other side off the door. „Good, the medic has landed.”
Then Poe choked and opened his eyes. Confused expression turned into a grimace when he realized the pain pulsing through his veins.
„Poe!” Rey exclaimed. „How are you feeling?”
„Alive. I can tell because of the pain,” he grunted and cracked a smile. „But otherwise fine.”
Tears shimmered in Rey’s eyes but she couldn’t stop herself from kissing him. Laughing through tears, she bent over him to place a gentle and quick peck on his lips. Even though receiving a faint response, she was so desperate to feel every inch of him and every brush of his lips. In that moment he was her air, nothing else mattered. Rey’s whole body curved into his, gently avoiding pushing pressure on the bruises, yet wanting to be as close as possible. However, in all her passion she forgot about Poe’s face meeting with the floor.
„Ouch,” he yelped in pain, breaking the kiss.
Rey lifted herself and put the cold towel to his nose. „I’m sorry. It’s definitely broken.”
Poe sighed, but shrugged, „I’ve been worse. I’m so proud of you, beautiful.”
Rey scoffed, „How can you be proud of me?”
He looked at her, playfulness long gone from the tone of his voice, „You were strong enough to fight him off. Again.”
„No, you were strong enough to get through to me,” Rey protested.
„Team effort,” Poe settled.
Finally, an older medic, a tall Mirialan, entered the room, followed by Finn carrying truly every medicine and bandage he could find in the supplies.
With Rey’s help the medic removed Poe’s jacket and shirt, so she could examine the pilot and start applying injections and bandages to some of the open wounds. Meanwhile, Rey put some ointment to the blue marks across Poe’s calves.
„So, listen,” Rey started when Finn left, „I was thinking about what you said about starting our own family and so on...”
Poe interrupted her, his words muffled by the medication the medic put into his mouth, „Hey, don’t worry about it, it was just a loose idea. We don’t have to, like, get married or do anything-”
„Yes, we do,” she replied firmly and put her left palm into his right, interlacing their fingers „Otherwise, all of this was for nothing. I won’t let him win, I won’t let the fear win.”
Poe’s eyes widened. „Do you want it?”
„Yes. Please marry me,” Rey replied and grinned. The medic kept doing her job, totally ignoring the scene playing around her.
„Well then,” Poe grunted and with free hand grabbed his necklace. „This wasn’t how I planned this. Please take it,” he said and handed her the silver ring.
They both looked like hell, but neither couldn’t care less. Love drove out the fear from Rey’s heart the second she put on Shara’s ring on her finger.
„I love you,” Rey laughed and kissed Poe’s knuckles.
„Love you too,” he slowly replied, painkillers apparently kicking in.
Rey left the room to let the medic put back together the broken nose, and in the corridor found Rose waiting nervously for her and any news of Poe’s state.
„How is he? How are you?” her friend inquired and rushed to hug Rey.
„He’s going to be fine, we’ll be fine,” Rey replied and tightly hugged Rose back.
She felt invincible with the cold piece of metal wrapped around her finger.
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justbeingbrookee · 8 years ago
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 7] [Part 8]
Can also read on AO3
Word count: 6,656
Warning: Graphic sexual content.
Do you ever think about life? About how a minute can turn into an hour and an hour can turn into a day and before you know it 5 years have gone by. These are the thoughts you have as you lay next to Jungkook in the middle of the night. Listening to his soundless breathing. You wonder how you ended up here when it feels just like yesterday you were telling your sister how scared you were of starting university. How every time the sun meets the moon during a beautiful eclipse you are a few inches taller. Slowly developing into something, someone you don’t even know anymore.
As if you are trying to fit into a dress that isn’t your size, you squeeze into it, jump up and down, inhale deeply and push as hard as you can so this dress can fit and it does, the zip moves up to the top and you look in the mirror. And see the dress that once effortlessly flowed loosely on the mannequin turn into a stiff and shorter dress barely covering your body. Not flowing, not effortless but something completely different, something that simply isn’t you.
You don’t feel like yourself at this present moment as the visions of last night play back in your mind. They are clear as day. His touch still burns your skin and visions of his lips still wet your mouth. You hear Jungkook shuffle in his sleep and it hits you then that you have lost a piece of yourself, you can feel it. Your innocence, youth, purity. The pureness you once possessed because you were a virgin is now gone. Forever!
You hear a vibration sound from the floor. Shit, you forgot to switch off your phone. You turn your head and spot a shadow of Jungkook’s naked body in the dark. You silently remove the covers and slide out of the bed. You swiftly grab your handbag from the floor and tip toe into the bathroom.
You sigh, relived that you managed to make it into the bathroom undetected as if you are some top secret spy.
You check your phone.
Are you awake?
You read a text from Jimin.
Your heart drops instantly. Why do you feel guilty? Why do you feel as though you have just betrayed him and you don’t deserve to even be in his thoughts.
You sit in the tub, which is the furthest away from the bedroom and you stare at Jimin’s text. What do you say back, hey, guess what I’m no longer a virgin, Oops. But you want to be selfish, you want to be greedy just this once.
You dial his number and the phone rings…
“Hello,” Jimin answers sounding even more like an angel than you remembered. The magnificent sound makes you want to combust right then and there.
“Hi, I missed your voice,” you manage to say trying to push the guilt away.
You hear him smile through the phone. “We spoke this morning, but I miss you too, do you want me to come to your apartment and we can spoon.”
“No, I’m not home, there was a conference and it ran a bit late so I’m at a hotel,” you lie, surprised at how convincing you sound.
“Ah, how was the conference?”
“It was alright, but…” you pause, what are you even going to say? Sorry Jimin I slipped and lost my virginity.
“Nothing, forget I said anything,” you attempt to retract the sentence.
“No, tell me, what happened?” Jimin asks, his voice filled with concern. You can imagine his anxious face already. Listening, caring and waiting to comfort you in any way he can.
You sink deeper into the empty bathtub and face the decorated heart shaped ceiling. Contemplating if you should bring this up with Jimin of all people. But you are confused, lost, seeking some reassurance of sorts.
“There was a presentation on mergers and acquisitions, basically when a company buys another company and they get all the assets which includes the brand name, research information, employees and properties but during that process when this company that has been developed and grown for 20 something years, when it finally gives it self away does it lose a part of itself in the process? Does it stop being whole? Losing it’s brand value in some way?”
You catch yourself and stop talking, what are you even saying right now?
“No,” Jimin answers.
“No, it doesn’t, not if there is a clear communication between the two companies. If both companies are open with each other, trust each other during the process so that the company being acquired can give all the information needed and the company acquiring listens and makes the right provisions in order for the process to go smoothly then the company will still be whole, the brand value will be greater because not only is it dependent on itself but now it can rely on the resources of the merging company and with time they can fully merge together and become one bigger and better company.”
“How do you know all that?” You squint your eyes amazed at his analogy of what you have interpreted as a person losing their virginity but instead of losing a piece of themselves if it is with the right person they gain something, grow and become one with the significant other.
Businesses had always been something you understood, this relationship thing is still very new to you so for someone to explain it, in words you can fully understand for that fact makes you weak, it makes you so fucking weak.
“Surprisingly, in my senior position I deal with a number of start-ups, investments and acquisitions and if you are not business savvy in my industry you will quickly be eaten alive.”
“You do always surprise me Park Jimin, you know that right,” you smile for the first time that night.
“I’m a man of many wonders, you will see,” he responds cheekily.
As he says those words, your stomach turns into knots and you contemplate asking him the question. Scared that it could ruin this rather pleasant conversation. But you want to know, curiosity takes a huge hold of you.
“What was your first time like?” You ask.
“Erm, it’s kind of embarrassing actually, do you really want to know. If I tell you I will have to kill you,” Jimin laughs knowing exactly what you are talking about.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” you try to back-track. Shit, why did I even ask him that?
“Okay, okay since you dragged it out of me, soooo,” he makes a dramatic start as if his about to tell you the most titillating story of all times.
“I went to an art convention and she was dressed as princess Leia. (You make a snorting sound) Long story short we got to talking, exchanged numbers then met a few times and it happened in her room one night whilst her parents were out.”
“So no high school sweetheart?” You ask, surprised that it wasn’t a romantic high school love story you somehow expect everyone apart from you to have had.
“Honestly?” You repeat eager to hear the romantic story.
“No!” he answers.
You roll your eyes but a small laugh escapes you. “What was the point of that, Jimin, you are such a freaking tease. So how…did it feel? You know?” You ask suddenly feeling shy.
“You know what I’m realising just now, what a naughty girl you are. You just want to know the filthy details don’t you,” he smirks.
And you give up trying to act all innocent. “Stop delaying Jimin, let’s get to the embarrassing part.”
“Okay, okay, well we were in her room and there was some slow RnB jams playing in the background and we were kissing, making out. The clothes came off and I inserted.”
“What a way to describe it?” You interject.
“Oi, do YOU want to tell the story?” Jimin says being all extra.
“Sorry carry on,” you huff closing your mouth.
“As I was saying, I inset and it feels so freaking good, like the tightness around me, ahh, it feels wrong saying this, bear in mind I was only 18 years old, high on hormones and this was my very first time.
“COME ON,” you shout over the phone.
“I cumed within 2 minutes, I still vividly remember the horrid look she gave me after a let it out. I remember putting on my clothes within lightening speed and she never contacted me again,” he finally lets out speaking in a low and fast-paced voice.
You begin to laugh, it comes out of nowhere and you are surprised by the bellowing loud sounds coming out of your mouth but you can’t help it. For the first time since it happened you can’t help but laugh so effortlessly, freely without any guilt.
“See I told you, embarrassing,” Jimin starts laughing with you.
“2 minutes,” you say wiping the laughter tears away.
“2 minutes and I have to say it felt freaking explosive, amazing even.”
You laugh again. “You are such a loser.”
“I missed that silvery and musical laugh of yours,” he stops laughing and says.
“I mi….” the bathroom door fly’s open.
You freeze!
Hold your breath. The phone slips out of your hands. Fuck! You spot a tall smouldering figure facing you. You can’t see Jungkook’s face clearly in the dimmed lights. Click, Clang the phone bangs in the tub and a sudden rush of blood flows back into your brain and you remember Jimin is still on the other line.
The lightening speed in which you grab it and press the mute button and hug your legs onto your chest as if it’s the most normal thing to do at 4am inside an empty tub.
Jungkook steps forwards into the light and blinks a few times in your direction.
“__, you’re awake?” He groans still half asleep. Lazily rubbing the left side of his face and walking towards the toilet and lifting the seat.
“I….couldn’t sleep,” you force yourself to say as he takes his pink penis out and you instantly gulp. Why is it throbbing? Why is the sight of his…making your mouth water?
When his finished with the toilet he turns and looks directly at you and smirks. A half sleepy sexy, this is only for you type of smirk. You look down quickly shook, turned on and afraid at how strongly he can easily affect you. The arousal between your legs is already tingling. Fuck you, Jeon Jungkook, you think as he finishes up in the bathroom laughing on his way out.
Not even questioning why you are in the tub this late at night.
When the door closes you let out a massive sigh of relief and grab the phone tight. ‘Okay breathe, you can do this, one more lie,’ you try to encourage yourself before pressing the unmute button.
“Hello…..hello,” you say pretending as if you had lost signal.
“There you are, it was silent for a bit.”
“Same, I don’t know what happened, can you hear me now?”
“Yes,” He yawns.
“I’m guessing the signal over there isn’t that good.”
“I guess, you sound tired, should we call it a night?” you say trying to end this game of lies before the guilt consumes you.
He yawns again.
“Okay, thank you for staying up and just talking to me this late at night.” Your heart sinks and the guilt almost consumes you.
“It’s okay Jimin, I couldn’t sleep anyways and you should try and get a few hours’ sleep before I come back.”
“That sounds good,” he slowly replies sounding very tired.
“Night,” you end the call and shrink into a small ball in the tub and shriek internally.
‘That was too fucking close,’ you mutter to yourself, adrenaline still pumping through your body.
“Jungkook where are we going?” You yell as he grabs hold of your hand and leads the way.
“Almost there,” he speaks and then he stops and your mouth drops open. You have never seen such a beautiful sight in your entire life. Well maybe Jimin’s smile but you shake your head and take in the mesmerising view of the orange sun rising with its hazy colours filling up the sky. You walk closer to the empty beach now. Still hand in hand and just take in this moment. The sounds of the ocean waves blended in with the birds chirping early in the morning. You smile, your soul smiles.
“What do you think?” Jungkook asks huddling behind you and placing his head on the bridge of your neck. He gently wraps his arms around you and you melt into them. Smelling his soapy scent and taking in the beautiful scenery.
“It’s beautiful,” you reply snuggling into his embrace.
“Just like you.”
You tilt your head to the side and smile. “The depth of your cheesiness never ceases to amaze me,” you laugh and pretend to move away from him.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He says in the manliest voice you have ever heard from him. You manage get out of his hold, giggle and then his after you. He chases you in the empty sandy beach.
But sadly, you don’t go very far, Jungkook at first holds you in with his muscular arms and then the next thing you know, your feet are off the ground and in the air. This little shit has lifted you bridal style. You shriek in horror.
“Again, where were you going?” Jungkook mocks with a grin on his face and you give up. You are no match to this muscle pig.
“So are you going to put me down anytime soon?” You ask looking up at him. He hikes you up and you give him a look. His smirking. Okay, if he wants to play that game. You smirk back and place your hand on the zip of his jacket and slowly bring it down whilst whispering. “You know this just turns me on right.”
You hear him gulp. And you pull the zip further down exposing his chest under his white shirt. “You, Jeon Jungkook…” You begin to slowly yet seductively trail your fingers up his chest. You feel him quickly tense up. “are a….” your finger reaches past his chin and onto his lips. You freeze, you look up to meet his intense hazel eyes. He wants to ravage you here on the beach, you can see it in his eyes.
Visions of last night suddenly take over you. You start to feel hot inside. His tongue hot on your body, the roughness of his touch, his moans, your moans. Ah! You fan yourself with the other hand and Jungkook takes a step back in the sand, losing his balance and you both take a tumble onto the ground. You landing with your face on his hard firm chest.
“Ouch!” You mutter but then Jungkook lets out a laugh. You lift your head to look at him and begin to laugh along with him as you wipe the sand off your body.
“What am I going to do with you, huh? I feel like I have unleashed a horny sexy devil?” He places his lips tightly together and lifts your chin with his finger before kissing you. This shouldn’t but it catches you by surprise. His warm lips on yours, his hands firmly placed on your face you close your eyes and enjoy this beautiful moment with Jungkook. Erasing any worries you had before and embrace the new life and adventures you are about to have.
Two weeks Later…
It’s Sunday evening and you have just had a good relaxing day. You have just finished treating yourself at the spa with the girls. Your skin is feeling smooth from all the massages you have had. Your nails are done, your hair has also been done and you even went to Ann Summers and bought a new pair of lingerie. It’s nothing too frisky like some of the sets they had but you just got a matching white lace pair.
When you get home the first thing you do is turn the speakers up and try on your new lingerie pair.
Whitney Houston – I’m Every Woman starts playing in shuffle mode.
♫Whatever you want, whatever you need…♫
When you hear Whitney’s voice you stop and reach for your hair brush and lift your hands up as if you’re ready to give the best performance of your life.
The beat drops..
♫ I’m every woman, it’s all in meeee… ♫
You begin dancing and singing to this fun song as you relive the last two weeks, losing your virginity….watching the beautiful sunrise with Jungkook…the second time you did it and feeling the same kind of feeling as if something is missing….the third time you had sex and still not reaching your climax.
♫ I can cast spell, secrets you can tell…♫
You sing along, twirling around in your thin silk pink bathrobe. Then images of Jimin flash into your consciousness and you smile a sad smile. You have barely seen Jimin in these past two weeks. He has been so busy working on his art that you have only seen and spoken to him a hand full of times. It’s work, you try to be understanding, when it was tax season he was understanding so you have to do the same. But it’s so hard.
You sigh and collapse onto the floor when the song ends and Spring Day comes on. You contemplate texting him, maybe you can speak to him for two minutes, you bite your bottom lip…see him for one minute. Your finger hovers on Jimin’s name and you press the call button.
The phone rings and rings and then someone answers it…
“Hello,” you say.
“Ermm, can you come up to the roof please,” and the phone goes dead.
You stare at your phone confused. The roof? Do we even have access to the roof? You get off the floor and put on an oversized black and white Jersey t-shirt dress.
Out of breathe and tired you finally reach the top of the stairs and you see an opened door on the last floor. You walk through and see flower pots laid out everywhere, you touch a few and then you spot purple petals on the ground and you follow the trail aimlessly. If Jimin did this, his as cheesy as Jungkook. You reach a tinted glass door and you knock three times.
The door creaks open and a smiling Jimin appears in front of you. You smile back, a bit too hard. So you try to close your mouth and stop smiling but you can’t help it. It’s as if you haven’t seen him in the longest time. You just want to absorb every bit of him. His messy yet perfect pink hair (yes, his dyed it again) but it suits him, it makes him look like cotton candy which makes you just want to eat him up….lick him in all places imaginable.
His lips are moving, shit he was speaking.
“Huh?” you mouth staring too much now at his too pink and too juicy lips. Your heart rate beats faster than usual and your palms begin to sweat. You look down suddenly feeling very shy and timid in his presence.
He steps closer to you and places his hands on your shoulders. “__, are you upset with me, I know I have been very busy lately but I’m sor…” wait, what, why is he apologising, he hasn’t done anything wrong…
You shake your head as you slowly look up and meet his warm and earnest eyes. Fuck! His so close, his too perfect. How can this man be standing here holding me, how can this perfect man be in my life, how can this man look at me with such warmth and comfort.
You just smile, you look deep into his eyes and just smile. “Don’t you dare apologise, looking at you working so hard makes me happy because you’re doing what you love.”
He holds your hands into his. “Do you want to see my finished pieces?” He leads you into the room. The room is wide and white with a sofa spread in the middle and a few blankets spread out on it. There is colourful paint everywhere on the floor and then you spot the first painting of his placed on the wall. The first one is quite dark it is off a crumbling city in the background and it has a little girl sitting on the floor in front of the only remaining flower. You are in awe of the colour contrasts as everything has been drawn either black and in dark colours except the girls clothes and the red flower.
“Wow,” you mouth. Unable to form more critical words. You move on to view his other paintings and you swear a tear almost drops from your eyes. You get very emotional just looking at them. Even more so it makes you realise how talented Jimin really is.
“You are really talented Jimin,” you speak moving back to where he is standing fidgeting with his hands.
“You really think so, you’re not just being nice?” It’s your turn to hold his hands and when you do so you reach up and kiss him on the cheek.
“I mean it, it’s as if your work hits me here in my heart,” you place your hand on top of your chest.
He stiffens and averts his eyes.
“Erm, I have a question for you but I don’t know if I should ask.”
You look at him, innocently. “You can ask me anything?”
“Let’s sit down first,” he sits you down on the sofa and kneels in front of you before finally meeting your eyes.
“You can say no, it won’t matter, okay?”
You nod.
“I love painting, drawing, creating something out of nothing and when I get an idea in my mind I just have to bring it to life, to capture its beauty.” He pauses and looks down for a brief second before meeting your nervous gaze again.
“And during this time when I was painting these, all I could think about was you, how your hair flows softly down your face, how your brows scrunch together when you’re trying to be funny, how your lips purse together when you’re annoyed and how your eyes light up instantly when you look at me,” Your cheeks begin to blush.
“And when you do that, when you blush at my words or because of my touch. What I’m trying to say is I want to capture that, well at least try too. But….more. If you would allow me.”
“What exactly are you asking Jimin?” You say nervously.
“Can I draw you? All of you….In your naturalist human form.”
“You mean without any clothes?” Now it’s your turn to be shy.
“I know it’s a lot to ask, we haven’t gone there yet and I don’t want to pressure you into anything you don’t want too, you can say no if…”
You take a deep breathe. “Okay, I will do it.”
“Are you sure, you just said yes,” Jimin’s eyes light up and the bright angelic smile appears. He reaches up with his left hand and caresses your cheek before kissing you on your forehead and mouthing multiple ‘thank you’s’ in your direction.
He then begins running around the room looking for different kind of paints, paint brushes, a new canvas.
“Let me go lock the door outside so no one can come in,” Jimin speaks too fast amidst his excitement that you just manage to catch what he just said.
You rub your now very clammy palms on your legs. Why in the world did I agree to this? Do I think I’m Kate Winslet in Titanic or something?
Jimin returns and you give him a nervous shy smile.
You watch him set everything up and you swear you can hear your heart beating through your ears.
“Everything is set up, are you ready?” Jimin in his fashionable striped shirt and blue jeans moves towards you and reaches out his hand.
You stare at it, realising that this is probably the finally time you can refuse before you do this. You don’t even know why you are so nervous. You are not even a virgin anymore. But then it hits you. You have never been fully naked in front of someone else. Okay, yes you might have technically been naked in front of Jungkook but it was always in the dark, always where he couldn’t see your naked skin, any scars, any bumps, it was all hidden in the dark.
But what Jimin is asking is to reveal it all, to stand, sit and bare it all for him in this natural light.
You reach for his gentle hand and stand up. He goes back to the canvas and wets the brushes in a jar.
You lightly pinch the bridge of your nose and let out a nervous laugh. Jimin comes back to your side sensing the nervousness overflowing from you.
“Can I ask you why you agreed?” He says in a soft voice.
“I don’t know…I guess I want to be comfortable with you Jimin, I want to share this part of me with at least one person.” You begin to undress. Taking a hold of your dress from the bottom and slowly lifting it over your head. Your eyes are closed when you remove the dress. You can’t open them. You quickly hover your hands to the back and unclip your bra. The nerves really start to take over you when your bra drops to the floor.
Shit! So you are now standing there bra less in front of Jimin. Your eyes are still closed shut, you squeeze them tight when you grab hold of your bottoms. The last remaining piece of clothing on you. You remove them and then just stand there, fully naked. You don’t hear anything from Jimin. Did he leave, what if the sight of my naked body scared him away? I knew I shouldn’t have done this, you can feel your eyes well up but you can’t believe it so you open your eyes.
And there he is….standing there in front of you just staring, eyes fixated on your entire body.
“You are soo beautiful,” he says his voice sounding hoarse. You look down.
“Do you mind laying down on the couch,” he speaks.
And you do as you’re told. You lay your body down sideways on the sofa.
“Like this?” You ask.
“Move your arm a little to the left.”  
You shift.
“A little to the right.”
You do as he says.
He begins with the outline of your body looking and staring at you for long periods of times before placing the paint brush on the canvas. At first you are still tense and too aware that you are practically in your birthday suit right now but as time passes by you begin to relax.
He carries on painting you and the layers begin to form a beautiful artwork. It’s as if he does it in small stages, as if their little puzzles that he joins together to make one magnificent picture. You just watch in awe.
“You want to take a break,” Jimin says after 40 or so minutes. Without thinking you stretch your arms out still naked.
He grabs a bowl of grapes that were on the table and places them on the floor.
You sit up on the sofa and he leans in and grabs the white blanket to wrap around you. “I don’t want my muse to get cold,” his angelic smile returns.
“I can’t believe I laid there naked in front of you…” you eat a grape. “My heart was racing so fast…” you eat another grape. “But the more you kept on looking, drawing the easier it got…” and another one. “As if, you have seen it all now, there’s nothing to hide,” you eat two grapes.
Jimin lets out a small laugh.
“I didn’t know you were a nervous talker.”
“You did well,” he grabs the blanket wrapping around you and pulls it and you into him.
“Do you trust me?” He asks softly placing his hand on the blanket and removing it from your shoulder. You let the blanket drop. Revealing your naked body in front of Jimin again. You shiver when he touches you.
“Do you know what mesmerised me the most about your body? The sculpture of your collarbones under your neck.” His touch warms your collarbone. Simultaneously his touch brings a shiver down your spine.
His hands run down the hollow of your breasts and then his finger rubs at your birthmark.
“It’s my birthmark,” you voice trying to answer his silent question.
“It’s pretty,” he says moving down with his hands past your stomach, touching your hands and down to your thighs. He stops at every scar or mark you have ever had. Rubbing it you his finger before moving along. Sometimes you give an explanation sometimes you don’t. You just watch his hands hover over a place on your body that you have never shown to anyone before.
“Thank you,” he finally says after he has literally scanned, analysed and touched most of your body.
“Can I try something?” Jimin says again. He sure is experimental today, you think but agree anyways. He shifts his body closer to yours on the floor and you find yourself fitted perfectly in between his legs.
“Kiss me,” He speaks in a low husky voice. Shit! You don’t need to ask me twice you almost let out. Instead you opt for an action driven response. Your arms wrap around his neck and your lips meet his. You had missed his tender wet lips so much. The way your lips feel together with his brings butterflies in your stomach.
“Don’t close your eyes,” he mumbles in between the kiss. It takes a few seconds to process what his just said. Why? You ask yourself but the trust you have for him is so strong that you just open your eyes and your breathing goes shallow. His eyes are also opened. There, too close for proximity he faces you. You want to close your eyes that very second but somethings stopping you. His tongue enters your mouth that second, searching for you. You are frozen. How the fuck do you even kiss with your eyes open.
His tongue finds yours and you try, his eyes are dead on yours, this proximity…closeness means you can’t hide from him. He sucks your bottom lip and you almost let out a moan. He can see every emotion you have, he can see how deep his affecting you and his enjoying it. You can see it as well. So very clear. Every time your lips touch, every time you suck in his tongue and every time you let out a little moan or whimper. His eyes light up, turn dark. This is turning him on too and you can see it all, clear as day.
With this new sensation and realisation you don’t hold back and either does he. Your kisses become deeper, more intense, spiritual, soul bursting as if the hunger you are always after is being fed.
He leans slightly back and you lean into him, not ready to let this go. You press your whole naked body onto his. Not even caring anymore. He leans further back and you follow until you topple onto the ground both in a fit of laughter.
“That was intense,” he says breathing heavily.
You lay on the blankets with him listening to his breathing. “Why did you move back?” You finally ask.
“Do you even need to ask?”
“I’M STILL A MAN, __,” he shouts curling away from you and letting out a laugh. “I would apologise but you started this, remember.” You tease him running your hands under the back of his shirt and tickling him.
“Ah, no..no,” he wiggles around trying to grab hold of your hands. “Not there,” and he bursts out laughing. Yes, you have found his spot. He turns and starts tickling you in revenge. His fingers go around your waist and up and then they accidently graze your hardened nipples and you swear you lose it. Your sex heats up immediately and Jimin freezes. Both fingers still on your nipples.
You want to say something.
He wants to say something.
But you are both still….in that same position.
His fingers shift ever so slightly on your nipple and you stop breathing. He flicks them again, moving closer and he comes in closer placing his lips onto yours quickly and then roughly pulls on your nipples and you let out a loud moan. “Ji…” you fail to say his name as his carries on playing with your nipples and begins sensually sucking on your neck. How did this escalate so fucking quickly? You think smiling to yourself.
His tongue begins to roam downwards towards your breasts and he cups each breast in his hands before beginning to suck each one so sensually, with such passion that your eyes roll back.
“Can you trust me one more time?” He releases his lips from your breasts. You nod vigorously. Any shame you had completely gone. He stares at you with his piercing deep eyes and then you feel the warmth of his touch on the flesh of your sex.
His touch there sends an electrical current to the depth of your core. You want to die but you’re enjoying this too much. His enjoying this too much. The smile on his face as his fingers roam around the sensitive of your sex. You close your eyes in reaction and he plays with you some more.
You feel his wet warm lips on your inner thigh and your eyes shoot open. “Jimin,” you shriek. In utter shock. He kisses you again but closer, warmer. And again but this time he hits the spot. Your sex. You almost explode unable to control the explosion of sensations you are feeling. His tongue enters you, sucking in the juice’s. You whimper under his tongue and he carries on as your sex heats up.
“Fuckk, Jimin…ahh.” Your eyes roll back and you arch your back. “Relax ___, just enjoy this,” Jimin says sliding his hand up to play with your nipple. This does you in even more. You try to hold back a moan but it escapes you anyways.
“Yes, ___, let it out, let it all out, scream as loud as you want.” He encourages. And you listen. The next time his finger enters you whilst his tongue flicks and sucks you in you let out another sexy moan. You moan again, grabbing a hold of the blanket and again and again and again.
Jimin doesn’t stop, he just carries on and you slowly feel your body heat up. You can see stars in your eyes, you feel light of everything and for the first time ever you are completely relaxed. Zoned out, zen without any realisation that there is anyone else in this world but you and Jimin in this moment. And it feels so good. AMAZING, EUPHORIC, it feels EXPLOSIVE. Your toes curl and Jimin sucks your clit once more and you feel something bubble up inside of you. “FUCK, Jimin, Jimin, Jimin,” you say too quickly as you explode in his mouth. You shiver and feel the aftermath of the orgasm.
Jimin collapses next to you with a big grin on his face.
“How did you do that?” You finally ask. Shell shocked that someone else made you climax.
“If I tell you, I will have to kill you.”
“You are still a loser,” you giggle still in bliss. You feel euphoric, happy, joyful suddenly as if the world has no problems at all.
“Can I ask you….” Jimin starts but you pounce on him, you know what his going to ask and so far you are ready for round two. And also you want to see him in all his glory. “OH MY GOSH,” you shout when you finally face Jimin’s pink thick long penis.
What takes place in the coming hours is breathtakingly orgasmic, you and Jimin make love. He holds you with such intent that you forget what it feels like to not have his warm touch on your body. He pleases every part of your body and encourages your inner freak. You don’t shy around at all. Instead you let your body, mind and soul go and just be. To just enjoy and be one with Jimin. When his inside of you, you suddenly feel connected as if two jigsaw puzzles have become one. Wanting and yearning for each other you pant and hold onto one another as he fucks you out of this universe. “JIMIN, you moan repeatedly as your vision gets blurry and you are about to reach your…
“I’m about too,” Jimin moans and you rock into each other and orgasm at the same time.
He collapses onto you, still inside and you lay there feeling like one, still not ready to let him go.
You look down and ruffle his hair on your chest and a thought occurs in your head.
‘Don’t ever let me go Park Jimin, I think…..I might have just fallen in love with you,’ and a single tear drops down from your cheek.
48 hours later…
You and Jimin have been inseparable these past two days, you have literally fucked at every opportunity you can get. If you are alone together you fuck. That’s how it’s been. It’s like his the only one who has the key to unlocking all the pent up sexual frustration you have been saving up for all these years.
It’s in the evening and you and Jimin are snuggled on your bed. This time you are fully dressed, thankfully.
Your phone vibrates but then Jimin wriggles his nose in the cutest way possible and you forget all about it.
“I love….the way you do that,” you almost slip up. Since the realisation that you might love Jimin occurred you haven’t been able to get it out of your mind but the thing is, you can’t accept it, let alone voice those words out. What if it’s the hormones or infatuation that I’m feeling instead of real love. What even is real love? Ahh! Could this get any worse?
Bang Bang Bang
“Oh,” you quickly get up. “Who’s that?” Jimin lazily gets up. “Nothing, let me check it out.” You reach for your phone and leave the bedroom and head for the door.
Before that you check your phone to find you have 5 missed calls and 8 messages all from Jeon Jungkook.
Bang Bang
You ignore it and look through the peep hole. You quickly duck when you spot who it is. Shit!
Your phone vibrates and it’s another text you open it.
Why are you hiding? I just saw you.
You stand up straight and look again and see Jungkook through the peephole.
“__, is everything okay?” Jimin shouts from the bedroom. You turn to the bedroom and then to the door and you swear you begin to have a panic attack. It’s all over now. Game over but it’s just begun.
You crouch down and place your hands over your head and try to stop your head from spinning as Jungkook bangs the door again and you can swear you hear Jimin getting out of the bed……
End comments -  I thought I would be evil and leave a cliffhanger, mwahaha. Lol, thank you guys for reading this far.       [NEXT CHAPTER]
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