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claims to be prolife
dies anyway
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xj-frost · 2 years
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Is October 4th, and is one of @tentenparuparu favorite character of all Beastars' birthday. You know it... is LEGOOOOOOOOOOOM!
Legom belongs to hers truly, Paru Itagaki (Creator of BEASTARS).
Beastars Manga is published by Viz Media.
Beastars Anime is produced by Orange Studios.
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eccentricmya · 8 months
I have nothing much against Arwen and Aragorn being Beren and Lúthien come again. Except that it seems like an almost lazy parallel. Moreover, my personal gripe relates to how the two successful human/elf unions that we know of (barring Aegnor and Andreth because that one was neither 'successful' nor a 'union' so to say) came about from a mortal man—who ages and becomes wiser— and an immortal woman—who never loses her beauty. I do not prefer the ideal that this seems to perpetuate.
Which is why I personally like to imagine Elladan or Elrohir choosing the mortal path instead of Arwen. This would not only provide a parallel to Elros and Elrond — where one twin is Eldar while the other Edain — but also lend a contrast twice over. If this choice is made for the love of a mortal woman, then not only does it deviate from Elros' choice (which, as far as we know, was purely personal and not romantic), it also reverses the Beren and Lúthien imagery. History would repeat itself: a peredhel twin leaving the other behind, and also, an elf choosing the gift of men for love. And the union would be such that the man stays preserved in his beauty while the woman withers and dies.
If only there were mortal women around for this to come true. Sigh.
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wachi-delectrico · 2 years
Transfem chicken like "my pronouns are she/hen"
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tommyinnit387 · 2 years
what the hell!? I'm an ANIMATION NOW!?
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amphibiahawks321 · 24 days
SpiderQueen : Uh huh... you seriously expect me to waste my precious and hard working time on ravaging your mortal figure for an entire hour?
[Y/N's body completely wrapped in webs]
LegoM!Reader : ......
[Y/N stares up at her completely mesmerised]
LegoM!Reader blushing : .....Yes?'
SpiderQueen : ......
SpiderQueen : You're lucky you're actually quite the looker mortal....
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aight let's go
timeline of laz1's diamond and lykn's lego (with a celebrity cameo (it's daou, daou is a celebrity cameo))
jan 30: somebody asks mond how would he feel if lykn's william would come to his live. diamond says he would thank him, and talks about lego being cute.
after that they would occasionally comment under each other's tiktoks and also diamond likes a tiktok about their interactions
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march 4th: lego posts a tiktok to a song by boss and diamond. the lyrics of the song are like 'you stole my heart where did you go'. diamond comments "where did you end up going", and lego answers "come and i'll tell you".
that same day diamond streams and lego comments on his live. here is a supercut of everybody in the chat telling him that lego is watching and mond not believing them but scrolling a lot to find The Legomments. the legomments in question are: asking mond about his hairstyle, apologizing for not being verified and laughing at the situation
diamond in turn apologizes for the situation on twt and lego laughs at it again
march 18th: lego posts a tiktok to hit me up and diamond comments
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june 10th: fans talk to diamond and they start teasing him about lego. they ask him if they met already ("no not yet") and does he want to meet him ("where is he?")
june 14th: lego QRTs that video and laughs that if diamond wants to meet up he could've just say so
june 16th: there is no other way to phrase this: diamond is Shooting His Shot.
and now. ladies and gentlemen.
the stream
not even describing it, just watch the videos. it's so!
after lego left the stream, we have our celebrity cameo: khun Daou Pittaya himself jumps on diamond's stream to tease him and call him out for the flirting
june 21st:
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june 30th: it's the day they meet on the bondbond festival. but first, lego tweets this and they chat a bit.
the first tweet says 'i didn't take any pictures, this is all i have, i love phis, i don't want to be just a nong' and it can be related to mond bcs diamond posted a tiktok with lego to the song 'brother zone' by bus7, and the lyrics of the song are, well, about phinonging lol
here are behind the scenes of that tiktok
they also filmed a trust me challenge
july 3: diamond's mom reposts a ship video of them. ANYWAY
july 26: diamond comments this:
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and lego answers with a selfie and a song, here are the song's lyrics
september 11: goodnight to lego from diamond
september 12: cat to diamond from lego
also we have another celebrity cameo: joong archen liked a post about diamond's comment
this timeline is last updated on 2024/09/17, anyway there is that!
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grey-gazania · 7 months
10 Facts to Surprise My Followers
Yoinked from @swanmaids!
I took four semesters of Yiddish in college on a whim and it was the most enjoyable and interesting subject I ever studied.
I started playing the French horn when I was eight and quickly got involved in the competitive orchestra scene, which I stuck with until I was nineteen and in college and no longer had the time.
I run a very robust youth community gardening program at my library. The kids learn how to grow herbs, vegetables, and fruit. Most of what we grow goes home with them, but I use some of the harvest to teach classes showing them how to cook with what they're growing. It's my favorite part of my job. Last year my kids won multiple Best in Division awards at the local 4H Fair and I have never been so proud.
I first read The Lord of the Rings in 7th grade in preparation for the upcoming movie trilogy. I enjoyed both the books and movies immensely and, already being involved with online Star Wars fandom, dipped my toes into the online LotR fandom with two of my real life friends. I left again very quickly, because the Protectors of the Plot Continuum bullied my friend Danielle so badly for writing a silly little self-insert Legomance fanfic (and I feel the need to point out that we were 12 years old and the PPC was composed of grown women) that I decided that the Tolkien fandom was full of so many mean adults that it would never be any fun. (And Danielle stopped writing entirely until we were juniors in high school, which is another reason I will never forgive the PPC.) So I went back to the Star Wars fandom and never dipped a toe in Tolkien fandom again until I read The Silmarillion at 21.
While I love the smell and feel of print books, I mostly read on my tablet; my eyesight is deteriorating and ebooks allow me to make the font very big.
Natasha Romanov is my favorite guy and I wish the Marvel Comics writers would treat her better.
I wanted to be an entomologist when I was a kid, because I was fascinated by insects and spiders. The cool kids in elementary school used to call me "bug girl". They meant it as an insult, but I wore it as a badge of honor.
In a few weeks I will be attending my bestie's cat's bar mitzvah. My great-aunt's birthday party is the same day, but I've been to many of her birthday parties and I feel like a cat bar mitzvah is kind of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
I am a sterling example of the preacher's-kid-to-atheist pipeline, and it all started with a pan of baked ziti.
I put googly eyes on all my office supplies at work (phone, stapler, tape dispenser, CPU, filing cabinet, etc.)
Tagging: @tirion-picture-gallery, @thescrapwitch, @vidumavi, @melestasflight, @cuarthol, @swanhild, @leucisticpuffin, @emyn-arnens, @polutrope, @mahtaniel, @nelyoslegalteam, @ermingarden, @welcomingdisaster, @sallysavestheday, @thelordofgifs, @zealouswerewolfcollector, @angelica-ramses, @lucifers-cuvette, @hhimring, @pixieinthesky, @elfscribe, and anyone else who hasn't done it yet but wants to -- @ me and say I tagged you!
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codacheetah · 2 months
beastars.................................... legosi is the worlds most autistic wolf in my heart. at what point do you think it fell off
HE'S LITERALLY SO AUTISTIC HE'S SO DEAR TO MEEEEE. Um anyways for me I think it started to fall off.....I wanna say its decline honestly started after the Riz arc (so when they introduced Melon) because the series got way too big for its britches. I've never minded the fact that Beastars is really indecisive on what it wants to be, genrewise, bc I find it charming. But I have always hated the fact that among the practical and interesting worldbuilding (like the Legom chapter) Paru drops a shitton of lore with really massive implications and then didn't tie it up. Stuff like the whole thing with the dogs being genetically engineered, the big fuckoff whale, the war between carnivores and herbivores just generally being kind of in the dark. I'm not a fan and it starts to make the smaller weird things in the series like Legosi and Kyuu going full jojo mode grate more in my opinion. Don't even get me started on Kyuu all my homies hate Kyuu I hate her character I hate her involvement in the story I hate how her existing weakens Louis' backstory I hate her jojo stand. Rahhh
There is still a lot of stuff from the latter end of beastars I like to be clear. Legosi's family history really got to me emotionally and I always enjoyed the chapters focusing on Louis or Haru. But I feel like it becomes kind of blatant that Paru had a strong vision for Beastars in the beginning and then got burnt out on it at some point and had to wrap it all up real quick so she could move on to other projects
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Listen man, the selection of fictional characters someone simps for, while it can say stuff about their PERSONALITY, means NOTHING when it comes to their moral values. You keep on loving Ulfric, questionable choices he's made and all. And honestly, how could someone not fall for that voice?? He's not my personal choice, but I swooned a little the first time I heard his speeches.
Picture the scene: a 13-year-old girl watches The Hobbit because it's her favorite book. Forgot being sucked into a Legomance, because Thorin Oakenshield is suddenly the most perfect character to have a crush on.
A while later, girl plays Skyrim, girl sees Ulfric, girl imprints on Ulfric because he reminds her of Thorin.
Ten years later girl is still a sucker for both Ulfric and Thorin and that's just how things are now.
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thewolfrabbit · 1 year
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Meet the students of room 216 in the male herbivore dorm.
Lee the Wolf-Rabbit - The hybrid son of Legosi and Haru. Despite his wolf genes, he is legally classified as an herbivore due to his lack of fangs. He is on the acting team of the Drama Club.
Albert the Zebra - He is very unfriendly towards Lee for his hybrid blood. He believes hybrids are dangerous. He's one of the best runners on the track team.
Eli the Chicken - The half-American son of Legom. He was born in California but moved to Japan with his mother after a family tragedy. He's also a huge stoner. Don't tell mom. He is a guitarist for the Music Club.
Oscar the Harlequin Rabbit - Mizuchi's son. An amiable and kind-hearted person. Although he, unfortunately, is often too hard on himself. He has a role as an interviewer for the school paper.
Theo the Angora Goat - A meek and nervous young man. He's very tech-savvy and wants a career in IT. He is the sound technician for the Drama Club.
Stanley the Anteater - Often cold and distant, but has a brilliant creative mind. The art of film and theater means everything to him. He is the Drama Club's director.
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A fan made concept for a Beastars fighting game! Tried putting all of the characters! The concept is based on Capcom vs SNK as you can see from the character select portraits.
It uses the same groove system, just with 3 characters + An assist. The assist characters is only worth a single life bar instead of 4 for balancing purposes.
-Legosi: Bread and butter characters. Your Goku, your Mario, your Ryu. Bug based projectiles for a ranged attack (Sorry people who are bug-phobic). His level 3 super involves the “Super Legosi” look that he gets after eating Louis’ leg
-Haru: Similar to Zamasu and Beerus in Dragon Ball Fighterz, she specializes in setting up projectiles and traps, just that they’d be plant-based for her gimmicks. Her actual light medium and heavy attacks are meh and only exist for setup purposes
-Louis: Piece of shit zoner with a Gun. Nothing really beyond that. Maybe have him use his prosthetic for attacks but they’d be weak anyways since zoners are supposed to play lame anyways.
-Juno: Theather based moveset! She has the Adler Scythe and many other stage props for extended range. Another basic character for newcomers to pick up. (Basically what you tell your little sister to play) Has surprisingly good range on all her attacks and she has really good air game.
-Jack: Yknow Ginyu from Dragon Ball fighterz? That but he calls the 701 boys. Jank jank jank and more jank
-Bill: Rushdown character that uses a rapier (Based on the Adler play we saw during the first arc). While he isn’t an assist character like Jack, the drama club members make a cameo during his level 3 super.
-Ibuki: Assist character... 2! He calls the Shishigumi for combos. He’s more focused on projectiles (Again, gun.) compared to Jack, however.
-Yahya: Rushdown characters but way more complicated than Bill (Which is more unga bunga more than anything)
-Gouhin: Graaaaappleeeeeeeeeeeeeer. Super armor on like half of his moves
-Riz: The most unga bunga brain dead character. He’s insane and probably the boss of the arcade ladder. Everyone would send Riz players death threats online from the sheer frustration that he would bring.
-Gosha: Debuffs on almost all of his moves depending if you input light medium or heavy. (Reduced attack for heavy, reduced defense for middle and minus 20% of a super bar for light.)
-Melon: The third bread and butter character. A perfect balance of projectiles, attacks and air game.
-Pina: The first joke character, at least graphics wise! He doesn’t attack, but instead, each one of his inputs summons a random Cherryton girl to try and slap/hit him for being a cheating harlot. It results in a strange moveset where most of his moves actually act as a dodge of sort.
-Legom: The second joke character. Idk, she has a pan.
-Kyuu: Basically Android 18 in Fighterz, with San acting as Android 17
-Sagwan: He’s another heavy. He uses water elemental attacks and his super involves dropping a whale on someone.
LMK if yall are interested in hearing what the assists do!
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girlbob-boypants · 10 months
People being mad that Slagwarps Legomancy didn't get any nominations at the Game Awards is really funny cause that game became irrelevant in mainstream faster than Starfield, frankly
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I would literally rather read the eye-bleed-inducing Legomance Mary Sue fanfics from ye olden days than read a fanfic written by an AI bot in any capacity. For the fucking record.
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couldyouspeakmyname · 2 years
Sleepover Saturday/Spicy Sunday
fuck, marry, kill
ask my top 3 of anything
send me celebrities for hot or not
would I ship _______ with _______ ?
who you ship me with
tell me stories about you or your day
ask me for advice
ask me questions about things you want to know
literally whatever you want
Legom, Mizuchi, Rokume
Haru, Ak, Kyuu
San, Tem, Pina
Hino, Miguel, Sabu
Jinma, Dope, Bill
Would you rather
Join the drama club and fight crime secret superhero style, or live like a secret villain with Yafya or Oguma?
*Spicy* Would you rather be caught having intimate time with Bill or with Free? How would you talk your way out of it?
Would you rather have to escape the Black Market horror movie style, or escape Cherryton Horror movie style?
Would you rather work with Gouhin or work with Gon?
What was your favorite side story?
What is your opinion on Melons mom?
What is a character you think was pointless?
*Spicy* what is the character you're most thirsty for and why?
What is a Beastars character you wished had merch?
What do you think fall traditions for Beastars would involve?
You're doing a group costume! Who do you do it with and what costumes are you wearing?
*Spicy* You walk in on someone having "special" alone time! How do you react and what do you do? Who did you catch?
You need a ride home after a night out, who do you call?
You get to pick an outfit for a character, who is it and what outfit do you pick out?
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4x4community · 3 months
Malawi Mchinji Border - our experience (spoiler: good 👍🏼)
Forum: Malawi Posted By: Legome Post Time: 2024/07/02 at 06:11 PM http://dlvr.it/T9434k
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