#legolas sickfic
feelingpoorly · 1 year
For You- Part 2
If you've not checked out part 1 yet, you can find it below! (Who knows if I've linked it correctly or not, I hope so lol)
But anyway, Part 2 is finally here! Hope you enjoy :)
Evening was drawing in on them, yet their progress was painfully slow. She was struggling to keep him upright now; he barely seemed able to hold his head up let alone walk. They’d been walking in silence only occasionally broken by his pained groans, until he suddenly stopped moving altogether. 
“‘Las?” She prompted gently, concern filling her eyes as she took in his face as he blanched chalk white. She could feel him trembling under her touch, and it was obvious he felt awful.
“Taur- I don’t… feel well…” he managed thickly, bringing a shaking hand up to cover his mouth. Suddenly he pulled away from her and stumbled towards the nearest tree, barely catching himself on it. 
Everything was spinning. He wasn’t sure whether he was frozen to the bone or boiling from the inside out. Something was very wrong with him but he felt so ill that it was all he could focus on.
She rushed after him but before she could even reach him, he collapsed to the ground and was violently sick, his stomach cramping so painfully that it caused him to groan out loud. He was sprawled across the floor, just barely holding himself up on shaking arms as he continued to be miserably sick, his stomach lurching as he retched and heaved, every movement tearing fresh agony through his injured side as the muscles in his abdomen spasmed and tensed involuntarily, making him want to cry out in pain.
Tauriel gasped, quickly falling to her knees beside him as she tended gently to him, holding him upright when his own arms couldn’t support him. It didn’t take long before he had thrown up everything he had eaten that day, but the sickness was relentless. 
She rubbed his back; he was throwing up bile now, shaking like a leaf. Eventually, only when there was truly nothing left inside him, he fell back into her, his body worryingly hot in her arms. His insides were still churning and he felt horrifically nauseous but apparently his body had purged all it could, the dry heaves ripping his body to shreds and tearing at his throat. On instinct she felt his forehead and her heart fell as she realised whilst he had been ice cold earlier, he was now running a temperature. 
This was so much worse than she had realised. It had been bad enough to begin with but now it was obvious that something was very, very wrong.
“I’m… so sorry…” his voice was low and thick with nausea, as he fought desperately to maintain control over his stomach and not start heaving again. He felt mortified that she should have to see this, yet at the same time as his body endeavoured to rid him of everything he’d ever eaten, he felt far too exhausted and sick to dwell on it too much.
“You have nothing to apologise for!” She reassured him, laying him down as he weakly complied, too spent to protest. Legolas had hoped the humiliation was over, but his features creased in discomfort and he moaned as his stomach rolled again. Tauriel gently wiped his face of what he had thrown up. He felt so miserable that he didn’t even resist. 
“Something is wrong.” She worried, taking his wrist in her hand to find his pulse racing and far, far too fast. She bit her lip and tried to stay calm for his sake. “I need to look at your wound.” Legolas barely made a noise in reply, too concerned with the nausea that still refused to release its hold on him. 
She had a horrible feeling what could be causing this sudden sickness, and as she pulled away his shirt, her worst fears were confirmed. 
Thin black tendrils spread across his fair skin, branching out from where the arrow still resided. 
“This cannot go on. We need to get this arrow out of you, now.”
“It is not possible…” he replied quietly, his voice so hoarse and painful sounding she barely understood him. He swallowed thickly and winced. 
“We have no choice… I-“
“No, Tauriel. It’s barbed.” He closed his eyes in defeat. He felt absolutely awful and he knew it was only going to continue getting worse until they got the wretched thing out of him.
“Barbed? How do you know?” She was glad she hadn’t acted on instinct and yanked it out of him as soon as they realised it was poisoned. 
“I recognise these arrows, I’ve seen them before…” he was feeling worse again, his breathing hitching nauseously “-can’t remove them… barbed…”
He reached into his cloak and shakily handed her the other end of the shaft she had snapped off. She inspected it, a wave of dread crashing over her as she realised he was right. She hadn’t realised he’d kept it, but it was a good job he had. Judging by the way it had bled earlier, she could’ve killed him in a matter of minutes if she’d tried to yank out a barbed arrow.
“Ai valar…” Tauriel blanched herself. This couldn’t be happening. They were still so far from help. She looked around frantically- they were rapidly losing the light, and it was becoming increasingly apparent that getting him back to the palace tonight was impossible with him in this condition. But the alternative was almost just as unthinkable. If she could just get him through the night… Tauriel knew if they hadn’t returned by morning, someone would notice they were missing and realise they were in trouble, and a rescue party would be sent out. 
However…the dark forests of Mirkwood were a dangerous place. Not only would she have to get them through the night, she also had to somehow keep her very sick companion alive.  
Beside her, Legolas weakly rolled to his side and was sick again, and whilst she rubbed his back as he heaved, her mind was made up. 
He wasn’t well enough to be going anywhere. A rescue party was their only hope.
“Do you think you can stand?” She asked him, her voice thick with worry. It was a stupid question. Even as she spoke, Tauriel was still holding the blonde elf’s hair back, but Legolas’ exhausted body could barely muster the strength to retch anymore. 
An uneasy groan was the only reply he could manage; his throat felt like it had been scrubbed raw with the bark of oak and his stomach was aching fiercely, although whether it was just from the exertion or instead the poison, he couldn’t tell. The incessant heaving had only succeeded in massively aggravating the wound, and slowly and painfully he curled into a tight ball of misery. Another cramp laced through him and he swallowed down another treacherous lurch of his stomach, groaning slightly. 
“Goheno nin...” Forgive me… She apologised gently when he was evidently unable to respond, her delicate fingers deftly braiding more of his loose hair back into a thicker fishtail absentmindedly, her heart sinking as she realised why she was doing so. The sickness, and indeed everything else, was only going to get worse. She was anxious to move him somewhere safer and more sheltered as soon as possible, but he had also just been very very sick and he didn’t look like he was even up to moving, let alone standing.
“Just- give me a- a minute…” he whispered, letting out a tense breath and clearing his throat roughly. He closed his eyes and tried to compose himself, hating how weak he felt, how little control he had of his body. After a few long moments, he opened his heavy eyes to see her kneeling next to him, watching him with a heartbreaking look of concern.
Maybe it was because he felt so lightheaded and out of it; his senses so preoccupied with the pain and sickness, or maybe it was the fact that for the first time in his long life, he realised he knew what it felt to fear death, but in that moment, he reached out his hand and grasped hers weakly in his own. 
Tauriel took his limp, blood stained hand in both of her own. She blew her warm breath into her cupped hands to try and warm his ice cold fingers. 
A fresh pang of sadness and guilt ran through her. It was because of her that he was in this awful state. They had been inseparable since they were elflings, yet all of that had long since changed, and up until tonight she wasn’t entirely sure you could even call them friends anymore. More: “reluctant acquaintances”. Neither of them ever made reference to how close they used to be, they treated each other with the cold indifference that you might any stranger that you were forced to spend time with.
Yet, he’d literally taken an arrow for her, seemingly without a moment's hesitation. 
Legolas was trembling dreadfully. Without thinking Tauriel took a blanket out of her pack and started to wrap him in it. However, when she touched his bare skin, she thought better of it. Frowning, she abandoned the blanket, and rested the back of her hand on his forehead for a moment. 
“You’re burning…” She said quietly, turning her hand to check his temperature once more.
He looked up at her in confusion. 
“But… it’s so cold...” For the first time in their long lives, she saw fear in his eyes and she hated it. 
“We need to get you somewhere safe, we can’t stay out here. If we do not return by sunrise, they will send for help.” Tauriel mused as she hastily busied herself, collecting up their things. She was grateful for the distraction of something to do, and also for the way her red hair hung like a curtain over her face as she felt a solitary tear rolled down her cheek. 
She was trying to reassure both of them, but he looked so awful that she was worried he didn’t have until morning. 
Unbeknownst to Silvan elf, Legolas’ eyes followed Tauriel as she fumbled with her pack, trying to distract himself from how bad he was feeling inside. She had almost pointedly turned her back on him, but he could guess why. She looked so sad that Legolas’ heart hurt. He had caused all of this. He’d been so stupid to have allowed himself to be injured and put all of this worry and responsibility on her. He should’ve taken out that orc before it even had a chance to shoot at her. He should’ve noticed it sooner, intercepted it with his own arrow, he should have…
She was alive. That was all that mattered. As long as she was alive, it would have been worth it. 
His vision blurred and he blinked hard, shaking his head slightly trying to bring everything back into focus. His brow furrowed in frustration and discomfort as he massaged his temples. It was making his head ache.  
He closed his eyes as everything started swimming in the most disorientating way- his head was pounding horribly now and every part of him ached dreadfully.
“Ready?” He heard Tauriel ask him, but couldn’t bring himself to open his eyes. He took several deep, shaky breaths and tried to muster what little strength he had left.
He’d been hit a few inches above his left hip, and due to the location of the arrow, the poison had affected his stomach the worst. The sickness was awful and it had hit him so intensely. He knew there would be more symptoms from the poison to come as it spread through his body, but right now the debilitating nausea was all he could focus on. It had come on so suddenly and severely that it had left him drained and weak and shaking all over, but the worst part was that he knew it was far, far from over. 
In truth, he really didn’t think standing would be a good idea. He knew he had to try, but as predicted, it was indeed not a good idea. Legolas shut his eyes as his hand darted to his mouth, praying to the Valar that he would not be sick again. 
“Ai Legolas…” Tauriel was immediately at his side, rubbing soothing circles on his back as he fought to keep his stomach down. 
“There’s a rangers hut… it’s not far.” His voice was tight and strained with nausea. He knew there was no way he’d be able to stand and walk feeling like this. His limbs felt like lead and the prickly lightheadedness was doing little to help how sick he felt. 
Tauriel slowly and carefully helped him struggle up until he was laying back against her, panting heavily. She saw the blood drain from his face as he lost what little colour he had left and went a worrying shade of white, his body fervently resisting being upright. 
“Easy…” she soothed, wrapping her arm around him more firmly in a bid to try and keep him upright. She held him tightly as he swayed dangerously to one side, stifling a moan behind clenched teeth. The ground beneath him was pitching and swaying, and Tauriel just about managed to catch him as he nearly slumped sideways again, clearly disorientated and extremely dizzy.
“‘Ri…” his voice was slurred and tinged with urgency. Feeling worse than he ever remembered, he was unable to hold back a deep groan, unsure whether he was about to throw up, pass out, or both. 
Legolas went limp in her arms and Tauriel yelped in shock, her heart lurching in her chest as she cradled him gently, a tear running down her cheek as she felt his frail body burning up under her touch. 
She knew the hut he spoke of. It was not too far from where they were now. 
She shifted carefully, keeping his unconscious and worryingly feverish form held close against her chest with one arm, and awkwardly slung both their packs and his bow onto her back with the other. 
She lifted him into her arms and ran. 
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fics4you · 9 months
Would it be possible to request a sick!Legolas fic where he gets sick from man ale? There’s this scene in the second(?) movie where he does the drinking game against Gimli, and so we know that, to a certain extent, the amount of ale it takes to beat a dwarf is the same amount that has Legolas admitting to feeling strange. So I was wondering if you could write about him feeling a lot worse than he let on. Enough for him to start throwing up almost immediately. Maybe Aragorn as the caretaker, because Gimli would still be incapacitated on the floor.
Tw? Drunkenness, vomit
Sickie: Legolas
Caretaker: Aragorn, Gimli (he tries)
Legolas stared at his fingers, he wasn't used to the feeling, a strange tingly feeling going through his body and to the tips of his fingers. He felt it in his stomach too, also strange and fluttery, but not in an excited way.
The festivities had come to a close and Legolas sat alone at a table staring at his hand. Gimli was zonked out on the floor next to him. The strange feeling in his stomach was starting to grow uncomfortable. He placed his hand over his stomach, he was unsure what was happening, but he didn't like it. Legolas didn't ever drink alcohol, so he assumed it was an adverse effect of the drink. Legolas gently licked Gimli's boot. "Gimli... Gimli" he kept kicking the Dwarf's boot. The elf was distracted when the tingly feeling in his stomach became more of pain than anything.
He leaned away from the dwarf and promptly vomited into a bucket near the table corner. The commotion caused Gimli to stir from his drunken state. "Legolas?" Gimli sat up and saw the elf, slumped over, getting violently ill into a bucket, "aye, poor lad" Gimli tried to stand, but instead tripped over his own feet. He fell over, causing Legolas to look up, "drunk?" Gimli asked, he looked at the elf, who coughed and leaned back over the bucket. Gimli was half crawling, stumbling as he moved towards the elf. "Does this mean I win?" Gimli said, he laughed and fell over backwards and fell asleep. Despite how awful Legolas felt he laughed, "no, I still think I won" he shook his head at the dwarf, a wave of nausea passed over Legolas and he began to vomit again.
It was then that Aragorn was walking back to find his two friends, he expected the dwarf to still be out of it, so that didn't surprise him, but what was a shock was Legolas was out of it, almost worse than the dwarf. He was shaking and was violently ill. "Legolas?" The elf looked up, "hi"
"are you okay?"
"no" Legolas said, he gagged and began throwing up again. Aragorn walked over to the elf and placed a hand on Legolas's back, "have you ever had alcohol before?" The elf shook his head and gagged again, Aragorn cringed at how obviously sick the elf was. "let's get you laying down, you need to rest. You're obviously sick." The elf nodded, he looked at the still unconscious dwarf, "what should we do with him" Aragorn nudged to dwarf a few times, before the dwarf drunkenly sat up, "the elf, my boy, the elf. Sick" he said, he hiccuped and then fell back over. Aragorn and Legolas laughed. "I think he'll be okay* Aragorn helped Legolas stand up, the elf swayed slightly. He began guiding the drunken elf to a room, he helped the elf onto the bed. "I'm not too familiar with drunken elves. But I know humans typically need to sleep after getting drunk, so that's my suggestion." Legolas nodded, "sounds fine" Legolas said, "in the meantime, I'm going to see if I can find out how to deal with a drunk dwarf" Aragorn said, he nodded at the door, Legolas laughed, "sleep well. We can't have our best archer down for the count" Aragorn said as he left the elf.
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eggcompany · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Hobbit - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Legolas Greenleaf & Thranduil, Aragorn | Estel/Legolas Greenleaf Characters: Legolas Greenleaf, Aragorn | Estel, Thranduil (Tolkien) Additional Tags: Sickfic, Caring, Sick Thranduil, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Aragorn is a side character, Loving Legolas - Freeform Summary:
Legolas cares for Thranduil while he’s sick and Aragorn comes over to study. Domestic fluff to be honest.
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frodothefair · 2 days
Tumblr media
꧁ Chapter 35 - Little Ellie ꧂
SUMMARY : Frodo comes back from the war, and finds love and healing with Sam’s sweet younger sister. (J.R.R. Tolkien meets Jane Austen.)
CHAPTER SUMMARY :  Frodo and Marigold fall in love with little Elanor Gamgee. After the Gamgees depart, the master and mistress of Bag End settle into their new life, but more surprises are still in store.
PAIRING : Frodo/Marigold Gamgee (Sam’s sister in canon), Frodo/Sam (secondary) GENRES : hurt/comfort, sickfic, whump, angst, slow burn romance, slice of life WARNINGS : PTSD RATING : M┃WORD COUNT : 5.9 k chapter, 204 k total A/N : There is a brief passage with spicy material. Per usual, the spicy parts are marked with asterisks. Also, I am slowly working on FOM: the second edition. Chapters 1-16.5 are new and improved, if anyone fancies a reread. 
In the days that followed little Elanor’s birth, Bag End was animated with a festive, thrilling hubbub. It began soon after, when Legolas and Gimli were ready to take their leave, and began to say goodbye early in the morning, but did not finish until sundown. The elf busied himself in bidding cordial farewell to a long line of hobbit women, all of whom insisted that they were close friends of Marigold and Rosie, and many of whom returned to the line more than once. Gimli, either oblivious or habituated to this ritual, whiled away the hours listing dwarrow gifts that he felt were best suited to the little hobbit, and promised to send them as soon as the duo returned to the Glittering Caves.
TAGS : @konartiste@bumblingbriars@meluiloth@hippodameia
@from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras@invisiblewashboard @niamhcinnoir
@emmanuellececchi@sustinentiae-spei@luna–nyx @dilettantefeminist
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fairyniceyeah · 17 days
asks 3,6,17
Hey Anon^^
Thanks for the ask! I do love those games and introspective XD
3. Who is your favorite character to read? To write? 
Like I said in my Sicktember post: I tend to hyperfixate on fandoms and characters a lot, so much that it’s making being a multi-stan hard. Of course, right now I’d say Woozi (SVT) and before that maybe Hajoon (The Rose), Hongjoong (ATZ) and maybe Lee Know (Stray Kids) – basically my K-Pop biases.
In fiction I tend to fixate on male supporting characters – Derek Hale (Teen Wolf), Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars), Legolas (Lord of the Rings), Enjolras and Combeferre (Les Misérables), Alec Lightwood (Shadowhunters).
In writing I do tend to really need to write about my fav, in reading if the story and writing is good, I don't care that much.
I guess that doesn’t really answer the question but it truly switches a lot and I can only tell you the pattern.
6. When did you start reading and writing fic?
I started writing as early as I could hold a pen and actually spell. When I transferred to a higher level education school (the German school system is kinda hard to explain) I started doing the extracurricular called “Creative Writing”. Back then some of the older girls told me of fanfiction but I didn’t even have a phone for reading and I didn’t even really care for it back then. I started writing what one would call fanfics around that time though and then at some point started posting on a German fanfic website. I actually checked out my account just now and I am so embarrassed by the fics omg. Guess twelve/thirteen years old was too young to write good stuff...
But yeah, the first fic I ever posted was in October 2014. I’d say that I started “writing” fanfics in my head when I was much younger though.
17. What are your top 3 favorite tropes of all time? 
I gotta be honest, I first had to google what "trope" actually means, since I wasn’t sure if it’s more like the general style of the fic (Sickfic e.g.) or like a plot point (Sharing a bed e.g.). Since apparently everything is a trope, I guess:
-(Emotional) Hurt/Comfort
What a surprise, right? If that is not what you meant with tropes please let me know!
Lots of love,
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goldinthemtharhills · 2 years
Intro & List
Hello hello! I’m TheSunshineDragon on Ao3! I also occasionally write non-kpop works under WoodElfJedi and post High & Low fics under YukensHairtie. 
List of Works:
Stray Kids
Domestic Doses (Perpetually Incomplete, Platonic Fluff, Slice of Life, General Shenanigans)
The Wind Under Your Wings (Complete, Danceracha with Wings, Platonic, Wingfics, Sickfics, Hurt/Comfort)
I’ve Got An AU For That (Incomplete, AUs, Platonic Relationships, Little Bit of Everything)
Tell The Wolves I’m Home (Complete, Werewolf/Wolves AU, Platonic Pack Dynamics, Wolf!Minho, Angst, Sickfic, Hurt/Comfort)
Ash & Oak & Thorn (Incomplete, Magic AU, Platonic Relationships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort)
Let Be What Is, And Be What Isn’t (Incomplete, AUs, Platonic HyunLix)
Yours & Mine (Incomplete, Platonic Soulmate AU, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Introspection)
Chan the Zookeeper (Incomplete, Shifter AU, Humour/Crack, Hurt/Comfort, Wholesome Vibes Coming Your Way)
The Saga of Chan & His Dragon Menaces (Incomplete, Dragons, Humour/Crack, Magic, Fluff)
The Heart of a Summer Child Born in Spring (Complete, MCD, Terminal Illnesses, Magic AU, Hyunjin-centric, Two versions)
Non-seried Fics:
Threads (One-shot, Based on the I’ll Be Your Man Kingdom Stage, Heavy Angst, Grief/Mourning, Magic, Brotherhood)
Let’s All Die Naturally In A Healthy Way (One-shot, MinChan Fic Fest, Platonic Relationships, Androids, Post-Apocalyptic, Hurt/Comfort)
Broken Glass, Pieced Back (One-shot, Rated M, Platonic MinSung, Vampires, Heavy Angst, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Whump)
The Itsy-Bitsy Spider (Incomplete, Spiderverse AU, Hurt/Comfort, Angst)
Summer Breeze Makes Me Feel Fine (One-shot, Jisung-centric, Sea Monsters, Burn Out, Introspection)
You’re Not A Bet I Care To Take (But I’m Going To Anyways) (One-shot, Platonic ChanLix, Assassins & Hitmen AU, Angst, Found Family)
Attachments Have Consequences (One-shot, Spies & Secret Agents, Inspired by District Nine MV, Light Angst, Found Family)
Stabby Stabby (One-shot, Angst, Jeongin Being an Idiot, Hurt/Comfort) 
Ficlet Collection (2023) (Incomplete)
You May Be Idiots, But You’re My Idiots (Complete, Sickfic, Assassins & Hitmen AU, Minho is a Good Hyung)
The 100-Point Children (Complete, Based on a Tumblr Post, Adoption, Found Family, Hyung-line as Single Parents, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort)
An Objective Reply To A Subjective Question (One-shot, Minho & Seungmin-centric, Canon Compliant, Platonic Relationships, Character Study, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff)
I’ll Stand Until I Can’t (One-shot, Gang AU, Minho-centric, Miscommunications, Bang Chan Being an Idiot, Heavy Angst)
Into The Thick Of It (One-shot, Magic AU, Toddler!Jilix, Witch Minho, Fluff, Slight Crack)
Blooming Death In These Lungs (One-shot, Platonic Hanahaki, Angst, Minho-centric, Angst With A Happy Ending)
Drowning Without Water (Deadpool AU, MinChan, Platonic Relationships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, PTSD)
The Ferryman (One-shot, Vague Allegory for Death, AU, Grim Reapers, Kid Fic, Angst, Magic, Non-Linear Narrative)
To The Wind I Go (Incomplete, Magic AU, Wendigos, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Found Family, Winter VibesTM)
Money Can’t Buy Class (One-shot, Hyunjin/Yeji, College/University AU, Complicated Relationships, Ambiguous/Open Ending) 
Affectionate (One-shot, Doyoung & Taeyong are Best Friends, College/University AU, Emotional Support Best Friends)
Lord of the Rings
Tiny Legolas Causing Chaos ft. Thranduil The Tired Single Dad (Incomplete series, Family Fluff, Kid!Legolas)
Another Pillow Fight (One-shot, Slight Crack, Aragorn and Legolas being idiots)
The 68 Rules of Middle-earth (List-fic, Crack Treated Seriously)
Quit Snoring Already (Slight crack, Dwarves Causing Sleep Problems)
Transformers: Prime
Transformers Prime: Communications (Complete, Crack, slight OOC-ness)
The Field Medic & The Doctor (Complete, Grief/Mourning, PTSD)
Star Wars: Rebels
The Rebels Prank War (Incomplete, Prank Wars, Slight Crack, Humour)
A Nice Thing To Have (One-shot, Fluff, Merlin Gets A Hug)
Cotton Candy Spun Clouds (One-shot, PTSD, Light Angst)
High & Low
We’re All A Little Fragile (One-shot, PTSD, Fluff, Light Angst)
Fireworks (One-shot, Fluff, Injuries, Light Angst)
Crashing Down (One-shot, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort)
Brother Bear (Little Bear Cub) (One-shot, Modern AU, Angst, Accidental Baby Acquisition) 
Don’t Shoot The Messenger [SVT x High & Low] (Gang AU, Child Abandonment, Mild Hurt/Comfort)
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 1 year
For You
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/jSmkoeL
by ash_the_elf
An estranged Legolas and Tauriel are out on patrol when things unexpectedly take a turn and they suddenly find themselves fighting for their lives.
Plenty of sick/ hurt Leggy with lots of hurt comfort, angst and whump :)
Words: 3542, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Lord of the Rings (Movies), The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Legolas Greenleaf, Tauriel (Hobbit Movies)
Relationships: Legolas Greenleaf/Tauriel, Legolas Greenleaf & Tauriel
Additional Tags: Sick Character, Sickfic, Poison, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Injury, Major Character Injury, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Sick Legolas, Hurt Legolas Greenleaf, sick leggy, Fever, Vomiting, Protective Legolas Greenleaf, Out of Character Legolas Greenleaf, Legolas Greenleaf & Tauriel Friendship, Legolas Whump, BAMF Legolas Greenleaf
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/jSmkoeL
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
For You
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/sjbyqLa
by ash_the_elf
An estranged Legolas and Tauriel are out on patrol when things unexpectedly take a turn and they suddenly find themselves fighting for their lives.
Plenty of sick/ hurt Leggy with lots of hurt comfort, angst and whump :)
Words: 3542, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Lord of the Rings (Movies), The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Legolas Greenleaf, Tauriel (Hobbit Movies)
Relationships: Legolas Greenleaf/Tauriel, Legolas Greenleaf & Tauriel
Additional Tags: Sick Character, Sickfic, Poison, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Injury, Major Character Injury, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Sick Legolas, Hurt Legolas Greenleaf, sick leggy, Fever, Vomiting, Protective Legolas Greenleaf, Out of Character Legolas Greenleaf, Legolas Greenleaf & Tauriel Friendship, Legolas Whump, BAMF Legolas Greenleaf
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/sjbyqLa
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ao3feed-barduil · 5 years
The Healing Properties of Alcohol
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2VaPqXo
by MsThunderFrost
Bard is sick. Thranduil and Legolas are spectacularly bad caretakers.
Words: 1305, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Thranduil (Tolkien), Legolas Greenleaf, Bard the Bowman
Relationships: Bard the Bowman/Thranduil
Additional Tags: Sickfic, Established Relationship, Elf/Human Relationship(s), Bard the Bowman is So Done, Sick Bard, Party King Thranduil, Alcohol, Protective Legolas Greenleaf, Protective Thranduil, Fluff and Humor, Attempt at Humor
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2VaPqXo
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wickedrum · 5 years
Chapters: 30/30 Fandom: The Hobbit (Jackson Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tauriel (Hobbit Movies)/Thranduil (Tolkien), Legolas Greenleaf/Tauriel Characters: Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Thranduil (Tolkien), Galion (Tolkien), Feren (Hobbit Movies), Legolas Greenleaf, Bard the Bowman, Dáin Ironfoot Additional Tags: Sickfic, Suicidal Thoughts, suicidal behavior, Stuffing, Whump, Stomach Kink Summary:
Due to Mirkwood's dwindling population, Thranduil pens a Decree to compel elves to reproduce more. And leading should be by example.
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feelingpoorly · 11 months
i wish i could draw so badly because i so badly wanna see sick fan art for one of my fav characters, knowing that sick fan art for this character will categorically never exist unless i created it myself :')
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fics4you · 9 months
Since I don't think I'll ever write for LOTR but love reading those sickfics, can I request an Aragorn x Legolas sickfic?
Who's the sickie and what kind of illness is up to you^^
Sickie: Legolas
Caretaker: Aragorn
*set pre-fellowship in Rivendell*
Legolas was unfamiliar with the sensation he was experiencing. He felt unexplainably cold and strangely achy. He got out of bed and left his room, he began wandering aimlessly around. He was hoping to get his blood moving and warm up a bit. The longer he walked the more he felt dazed. His vision was beginning to cloud, spots danced over his eyes. He swayed slightly and bumped into the wall. "Legolas, are you alright?"
Why was the wall talking? Oh wait, that's not a wall, that's my boyfriend Legolas's cloudy brain was distracted and slowly traced the train of thought back to the voice, "hey Aragorn"
"you okay darling?"
"huh? Oh" Legolas brought his hand up to rub his eyes, he sniffled lightly, Aragorn reached forward and brushed his hand over Legolas's forehead. "Baby, you're really warm."
"I'm okay hon" When Aragorn moved his hand he accidentally brushed Legolas's ear. Elves were known for their ears, but Aragorn had learned that elves were very sensitive around their ears, and his boyfriend always sneezed when his ears were touched. Sure enough the elf stifled two itchy and painful sounding sneezes, "amanya" (elven for bless)
"thank you" Legolas sniffled and rubbed his temple, "you don't look well darling"
"I don't know what's wrong with me." The elf said with a sniffle, he dropped his head onto his boyfriend's shoulder, "Legolas, I think you're sick"
"elves don't get sick" the elf said, Aragorn rolled his eyes, knowing the elf couldn't see, "yes you can. You have before. According to one of the elves I spoke to said you used to get sick all the time as a child" Aragorn noticed the elves eyes dart across the floor in avoidance, "I grew out of it"
"maybe you grew out of getting sick often, but that doesn't mean you won't ever get-"
"ngxtch hnxtch hngtch"
"amanya" Aragorn said brushing the elf's hair gently, "that's not good for you doll"
"pinching your nose when you sneeze, it'll give you a sinus infection"
"a what?" The elf looked confused, "a sinus infection, I don't know if that's something in your elven language. But it can happen when someone has a cold"
"oh" the elf said, he sniffled, he was tired, "can I go lay down, I feel light headed." The elf said, Aragorn noticed Legolas's eyes were glassy and he looked disoriented, knowing the elf was likely feverish, he helped the ill elf back to his bed.
Aragorn tucked the sick elf into his bed and kissed Legolas's forehead, "sleep my love"
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tossing-cookies · 8 years
Fandoms I write sickfic for!
Hey guys! I have yet to post an official list of fandoms that I accept requests for, so I've put a little something-something together to get some ideas sparking in your creative, wonderfully twisted minds! 
read them below the cut~
 Yuri!!! on Ice 
 My favorite sickies: Yurio Yuuri Phichit Viktor 
My favorite sickies: Nagisa, Rin, Haru 
 Avatar: the Last Airbender/ Legend of Korra
My favorite sickies: Toph, Korra, Katara, Aang,  Lin,  Suyin
Steven Universe 
 My favorite sickies: Pearl, Peridot, Lapis
Lord of the Rings
My favorite sickies: Legolas, Thranduil, Galadriel, Eowyn, Tauriel
Teen Titans 
 My favorite sickies: Raven, Beast, Boy
Soul Eater 
 My favorite sickies: Crona, Black Star, Soul Death the Kid
Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood) 
 My favorite sickies: Alphonse, Edward, Greed, Winry,  Lust, Riza, Roy
Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) 
 My favorite sickies: Ciel, Finny,  Maurice Cole, Alois,  Lizzy
 My favorite sickies: Neji,  Shikamaru, Gaara,  Sasuke,  Temari,  Itachi
 My favorite sickies: Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, Sango,  Kagome,  Kagura
Tokyo Ghoul 
 My favorite sickies: Juuzo,  Touka,  Rize,  Kaneki, Uta
Ouran High School Host Club 
 My favorite sickies: Kaoru,  Haruhi, Honey, Hikaru
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frodothefair · 17 days
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꧁ Chapter 34 - The Unexpected Arrival ꧂
SUMMARY : Frodo comes back from the war, and finds love and healing with Sam’s sweet younger sister. (J.R.R. Tolkien meets Jane Austen.)
CHAPTER SUMMARY :  The first day of Frodo and Marigold’s honeymoon is more than they bargained for.
PAIRING : Frodo/Marigold Gamgee (Sam’s sister in canon), Frodo/Sam (secondary) GENRES : hurt/comfort, sickfic, whump, angst, slow burn romance, slice of life WARNINGS : PTSD RATING : M┃WORD COUNT : 5.5 k chapter, 198 k total A/N : Chapters 1-14 are new and improved, again, if anyone fancies a reread. Also, omg, it's my one year anniversary of posting this fic!
Legolas and Gimli stood aghast – whether they comprehended or not, Marigold could not tell. And then – holy petunias – she heard another step on the threshold. 
“Mari, what’s going on?”
It was Frodo, looking decidedly rattled. He was wrapped in his dressing gown, and Lúthien was at his heels. Two pairs of blue eyes peered at her from the doorway.
TAGS : @konartiste@bumblingbriars@meluiloth@hippodameia
@from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras@invisiblewashboard @niamhcinnoir
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feelingpoorly · 1 year
So I was just sitting editing my next chapter to upload to ao3 and my partner comes outside to tell me “I’m gonna go make myself puke now if you wanna watch” 😂
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fics4you · 9 months
Would you be able to do a sickfic/hurt comfort with Aragorn and his rangers as his care takers. I read the sick doc u did about Legolas and thought it was so well written!!!
Sure! Fair warning, this might suck
Sickie: Aragorn
Caretaker: rangers
(so background/context: in lotr he's 87, in this he's 40-50 so he's younger/young)
Aragorn had been riding alongside the others, they had been riding for days straight and the youngest of the squad was exhausted, he was dizzy and was feeling nauseous.
It was starting to get dark outside, and Aragorn was dizzy, and being on the swaying horse wasn't helping at all. The house jumped over a branch and the dizzy ranger wasn't expecting it, and almost fell off of his horse, having to grab on the reigns. The others noticed and were quick to ask if he was alright, Aragorn nodded, but had to swallow down a gag as he was very nauseous. "Let's stop for the night" the eldest of the rangers said, noticing how out of it Aragorn looked.
The rangers stopped for the night, Aragorn, being true to his team, began helping set up camp,but found the pain in his forehead increasing tenfold, to the point where it was pounding and every sound felt like it was pulsating through his brain. He had to stop for a moment, he made sure no one was looking and he slipped away into the dark.
He hid behind a rock and threw up, his nausea and headache were making his vision blur, he knew he was at a point of weakness, so when he saw a figure approaching in the dark he began to panic.
He ducked down, and took a few quiet deep breaths, trying to force away the nausea that was growing.
"Aragorn?" The voice was familiar, "where'd you go?" Another voice joined, "I know he went this way"
"I hope he's ok" Aragorn swallowed down a wave of nausea and came from behind the rock, "hello" the other two rangers looked at him, "hiding?" Aragorn looked at the ground, he was fighting the nausea, he swayed slightly feeling dizzy, "what's wrong? You're never unsteady on your feet" Aragorn kept his eyes fixed on the ground, "I feel sick" as soon as the words were out of his mouth he gagged and threw up. The two rangers exchanged glances and went over to Aragon, once his nausea calmed he stood up straight again, "let's get back to camp, you need to lie down" Aragorn nodded, his lack of protest only alarmed the others more.
Thankfully they were close to the camp, and once they got back things were already set up, so he was able to go straight to bed.
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