#lego monkie kid monkey jin au
thechildbesuffering · 2 years
Okay so basically here’s how this is gonna work…
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Jin is going to deviate from me IRL in some says, so Jin is gender-fluid and uses any pronouns on account of shapeshifting semi-often.
On to the triviaaaaaaaaaaa and loreeeeeeee
Jin’s Ruyi Jingu Bang looks like the one from Monkey King: Reborn, but slightly thinner.
As a result of shapeshifting the way she does, Jin’s voice ranges from sounding like it normally does to sounding like a near identical replication of her own voice, this is because she herself sometimes remembers her voice differently.
Jin hums the HELL out of different KANA-BOON songs during battle, some demons find it annoying.
Wukong is transfem and uses any pronouns.
Wukong is going to look like she does in Monkey King Reborn, it’s not that he isn’t using glamour, she’s just using them differently.
Jin and Wukong’s relationship is like Luz and Eda’s but if Luz was a smaller Eda.
Jin has four distinct clones that painfully and embarrassingly emulate the personalities of fictional characters.
Jin intentionally made sure that in her monkey form that she is shorter than most people in order to not appear intimidating.
I want Jin’s hero alias to be "Monkey Jin" because I wanted it to roll off the tongue better.
Jin once won a fight between two demons after she yelled “DESTRUCTO DISK!” accidentally while throwing her staff. She was too distracted and hit the ground so many times that it caved in on the two demons. She doesn’t consider it to be a win though.
Jin once also yelled “RASENSHURIKEN!”, which she also thought was funny.
Jin constantly quotes DBZA during normal conversations, battles, or training.
Jin anonymously conceptualized her own merch.
Jin dropped out of college because why not? She doesn’t need to further her education when college might not exist in 200 years.
Jin has a monkey form that she assumes when in public using her powers, but that form uses male pronouns on the rationale that people expect a Monkey King.
Jin wears glasses when she’s not doing hero stuff, the only times where Jin isn’t seen wearing glasses if when she’s using gold vision or while she’s in monkey form because she can just glamour them away even when she is wearing them.
Jin’s powers weren’t limited in the same way that MK’s were, this is because Jin came to the realization that imagination-based powers aren’t too much of a hassle. However, Jin’s power was halved but she can use any one of the powers from the get go due to having somewhat of an understanding of each one.
Wukong doesn’t withhold as much information from Jin compared to MK, the things Wukong does hide from Jin are some things that Jin already knows.
Jin watches and reads Chainsaw man (more on that somewhere).
Jin meets Wukong a week after the defeat of DBK, that’s when she gets her power halved.
Red Son and Jin are “friends” for the most part, it’s a little bit strained considering the fact that Jin left DBK in worse shape than MK did in canon.
Red Son and Jin go skirt shopping on Sundays (Yes, they call them “Skirt Shopping Sundays”).
Jin has gone through a multitude of catchphrases before realizing that it just isn't for her. Everything that she does yell is wildly inconsistent.
Jin’s power being halved and not limited means that she is semi-immortal, very durable but not invincible, and ages slower.
Jin can levitate to a degree, although she spends most of her time doing Sonic poses four feet in the air rather than making better use of that power.
I think I want Jin to go through a jacket change with every major event/battle.
Despite any forms of damage that Jin takes being significantly lessened, she doesn't trust herself not to fall or mess up if she were to try and use the staff like a pogo stick.
I also want something to happen where the staff is somehow destroyed and Jin somehow making peace with herself causes it to reconstruct with a navy-blue base with cracks that are sealed up with some gold liquid.
When Jin lost the staff, she didn’t feel like a part of her was incomplete, she felt like a part of her self died. It felt like a part of her had died and had no chance of returning.
Wukong’s training sessions make it very clear when Jin makes a mistake, one slip up and he will aggressively show her how much of a hindrance it’ll be during a real battle (Similar to Macaque's teaching method in S1 E9).
Screw putting the Staff in her ear, Jin shapeshifts it into either a bracelet or a choker when she’s not using it.
Jin taking off her jacket during training or a real battle means that she’s taking it more seriously.
Jin cannot construct things out of other things like MK can, like the Monkey Mech, not like she needs it anyway.
Jin was convinced that if she were a JTTW character, she'd be Tang Sanzang or Zhu Bajie on account of being somewhat lazy, never in her life did she expect to be thrust into being Wukong's successor.
Jin's only unique power is to tap into Wukong's intellect, improving her memory. She also uses it to polish her martial arts when she's training alone.
The second that Jin had a firm grasp on the 72 Transformations, she threw her estrogen in the trash and phoned her doctor.
During the LBD situation in this AU, Jin is more of a threat without her staff and powers because she was angry at herself for losing them in the first place, she learns they were never gone and she mellows out a little until she and her friends actually saved the world.
If all of Jin’s power was siphoned off or stolen (obviously in the LBD arc, it wasn’t stolen, it was jusr sealed off), Jin would most certainly die immediately because Jin does not take care of herself.
Jin turned her staff into a gun once, it shoots smaller staffs and she thinks it’s funny when she revealed it to a demon that one time.
Jin and the reincarnations of the Pilgrims have a discord gc together. The reincarnations of the other Pilgrims aren’t Pigsy, Sandy, Mei, and Tang in this AU btw.
Jin already didn’t take care of herself before becoming Wukong’s successor, her body becomes entirely self-sustaining thanks to her nigh-immortality.
Jin nudged the entire Moon with her staff and flew straight to the Moon after Wukong insinuated that a certain someone would be pissed.
Chang’e was extremely understanding and gives Jin moon cakes as a parting gift every time she visits.
Gender Euphoria makes Jin stronger (it’s my self insert au and I get to choose the power ups >:P ).
Jin practicing making clones along with her negative emotions basically created her own Macaque or Ink MK (Xīn).
Jin watches and rewatches multiple Monkey King movies to find ways to creatively use her powers.
Sleeping on her Kinto’un is the only way that Jin can sleep on her back comfortably.
Jin makes income from commissions and in mail or presents from fans.
Jin’s nigh-immortality is probably the one thing keeping her arteries from destroying themselves as a result of her using the money from her commissions to order from DoorDash several times a week.
Ironically, Jin gets the best use out of her power when she’s not thinking (it’s a “don’t think, just do” kinda situation).
LMK exists in Jin's universe in the same way that it does in ours. In their free time, Wukong and Jin watch the show together and Wukong spends that time pointing out any inaccuracies that she sees.
Jin’s fans send her LMK lego sets.
Jin uses her Kinto'un as an excuse to sleep anywhere that isn't a bed in her own room.
The clones in Jin’s mass clone army pose would all be giving their enemy the middle finger.
The first time Jin used the full 100% of Monkey King’s power, she gained a white circlet around her head, after the battle (and nearly killing DBK) the circlet tightly constricted around her head and burned her, giving her a circlet-shaped scorch mark that she doesn’t feel like hiding.
Jin once used the Staff as a back scratcher and got smacked in the head by it, she never used it like that again.
Macaque isn’t evil here, he and Jin get along pretty well.
 (Real quick, if Jin had some sort of doppelganger (like Macaque is to Wukong) what would I call them?) EDIT: I gave them a name!
Xīn uses any pronouns but they/them are preferred.
Xīn never intended to be the dark to Jin’s light, but finds it fun now.
The few things Xīn does that Jin is okay with is acting as Jin’s evil shadow self on Tumblr.
Xīn orders a lot of McDonalds breakfast under Jin’s name.
Xīn and Jin basically become the friends that constantly rip on each other and pick fights all the time.
Xīn‘s outfit was initially a darkened, singed, and tattered version of what Jin was wearing at the time, Jin buys Xīn clothes as result and knows their fashion sense well because it’s just an edgy version of hers.
Xīn’s existence basically works like the shadow clones in Naruto, they won’t go away unless they want to.
Xīn turned their staff into a halberd with a purple base and uses it less frequently than Jin uses her staff because their spear is less durable.
Xīn has their circlet on permanently unlike Jin.
Xīn doesn’t have shadow powers or anything like that, their energy is just dark and they’re generally just edgier than Jin.
Xīn‘s favorite Sonic character is unsurprisingly Shadow but also Blaze.
Xīn listens to drop pop candy, like, religiously.
Everyone only sees Xīn as some evil version of Jin, something Jin feels bad about.
Xīn is the only clone that’ll stick around, their basically their own person.
Even then, whether they want to or not, Xīn simply can’t exist without Jin’s power. So when Jin gets her powers sealed off during the LBD stuff, Xīn’s either severely weakened or they’re just gone altogether until Jin learns to make clones later in the arc.
Onto Jin’s other clones!
There’s Qiáng, who constantly radiates Power from Chainsaw Man energy.
Qiáng uses She/They pronouns.
Qiáng is basically a lazy ass, except when she wants to be a little shit, in which case she will go the extra mile to mildly inconvenience any of their victims.
Qiáng acts a lot like a cat, the annoying kind.
Qiáng‘s pretends to suck at basic stuff to get people to do things for them.
Qiáng‘s battle strategy is LARGE SICKLE, JUST SLICE THINGS.
Qiáng turned her staff into a sickle with a hot pink base.
Qiáng offhandedly insults Jin at least once every time she’s created.
Qiáng thrives on McDonald’s Happy Meals.
Then there’s Nǎo, basically Sans.
Nǎo uses any and all pronouns because she’s apparently too lazy to pick any.
Nǎo uses their speed to appear to teleport or appear in multiple places at once to mess with people.
Nǎo is the kind of person to wear large parkas in the summer.
Nǎo uses gold vision to appear serious or intimidating.
Nǎo‘s pupils glow faintly even without gold vision.
Nǎo frequently makes jokes, puns, and deez nuts jokes.
The only time Nǎo’s hands are out of his pockets are when he’s using his staff, which none one will ever see because he’s too lazy to pull it out.
Nǎo is secretly protective of Xīn and Qiáng, seeing them as siblings despite them being facets of the same person.
Nǎo somehow gets tired more quickly than other clones despite them all having nigh-infinite stamina like Jin.
Nǎo knows how to code to an extent, although not enough to really get anywhere.
Now for the Reincarnated Pilgrims! (excluding Jin)
Sanzang’s reincarnation gets cicada wing powers, sound based powers, and the ones that Sanzang has in canon.
Longma’s reincarnation is a huge Demon Slayer fan.
Wujing’s reincarnation has awesome water powers and crazy strength (did you know that Wujing’s staff has size changing powers too? Awesome).
Bajie’s reincarnation is sometimes at odds with Jin, although not as much as Bajie was with Monkey.
Longma’s reincarnation instinctively lets Sanzang’s reincarnation ride on their shoulders, they don’t know why...
The Pilgrims (including Jin, excluding Wujing’s reincarnation) actually lived together as kids (Wujing’s reincarnation visited frequently tho).
Sanzang’s reincarnation is not a monk. They aren’t opposed to violence and can kick some serious ass.
Longma’s reincarnation and Jin spar sometimes.
The reincarnated pilgrims seeing Xīn next to Jin for the first time played out like that one icarly episode with the ostrich.
Jin has somehow always seen the Reincarnated Pilgrims as siblings, whether it was because they lived together, or whether it was destiny remains a mystery to her.
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winterpower98 · 11 months
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I love bringing back old AUs just to draw angst
These take place between the end of season 2 and the beginning of season 3, when Jin and Yin manage to sneak on the ship with Mei just before the heroes take off. They were found almost immediately and everyone was on the fence about having them on board but obviously, they couldn't just kick them out, so they let them stay. But Wukong was worried that the two demons had taken Mei against her will, so he tried to separate them, which very much backfired when Mei overheard her brothers talk about their deal.
Safe to say, Mei isn't a fan of Wukong in this AU
Rest of the AU
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littlethingsrae · 9 months
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rottonfishie · 1 month
Who would win, Yin and Jin in cannon, or Wukong without his powers in your au?
I am just thinking of all of the options the two idiots might do to fight Wukong (not realizing he cannot walk)
Yin and Jin would obviously win in a fight against Wukong and would be very confused when it was so easy. Then, the two knuckle brains put two and two together. I imagine the conversation going something like this :
Yin : "So. You can't walk?"
Wukong : *hanging upside down in an elaborate trap* "Yes..."
Jin : "Uhm. Well, this is awkward."
Wukong : "Yeah."
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the-deal-breaker · 5 months
I Made a LMK AU
It's called the bond between Sun and fire.
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I call it a LMK AU but really the only thing I borrowed is MK and the gang as well as the Lego style.
It has hints to Nezha reborn. The original JTTW with RedSon's backstory. Baby (AKA recarnatsion) wukong is also more like his JTTW counterpart.
I wanna talk about it.
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doppel-doodles · 4 months
Compiling all my doodles into a big post, honestly I'm sorry I haven't gotten around to making many illustrations as of recently, digital art has not been arting as of late sorry-
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All of it is Lmk related, honestly I have a lot more but I'm still debating on whether or not to illustrate them, we'll see-^-
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splendentmoon · 1 year
For the abandoned prince, au
You know what? Let to be nice to mk and Red Son. They are both on a date. The others are spying on them when they see the monkies + their daughter spying as well. This whole plot is just one family vs. other family. The monkies are trying to ruin the date while the mk family is trying to fix it. Did mk and red son noticed no when they came home? Both said they had had a wonderful time. Even tho their waiter look alot like Jin and Yin, maybe seeing Iron Fan and dbk fighting sun wukong + macaque. And the festival they want to burned down even tho it wasn't redson. But the walk in the park was normal but mk could have sworn he saw a yellow + purple + blue bird fellow them but flew away after being blow away by oddly wind, but some of the birds did seen to be oddly familiar did he seen that purple one before. But maybe it is nothing????..........right?
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they already knew they were there, but pretended not to in order to save themselves the embarrassment.
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inkyminx · 2 months
“𝐼  𝒹𝑜𝓃’𝓉  𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌  𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓃  𝓎𝑜𝓊’𝓁𝓁  𝒸𝑜𝓂𝑒,  𝒷𝓊𝓉  𝒷𝑒𝒾𝓃𝑔  𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇  𝓂𝒶𝓂𝒶  𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁  𝒷𝑒  𝓉𝒽𝑒  𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓈𝓉  𝑔𝒾𝒻𝓉  𝐼  𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹  𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇  𝒷𝑒  𝑔𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓃.”
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This was inspired by the dream I had about a month ago that made me feel a lot of things.
It’s rare for me to have good and/or light dreams since I’m very prone to nightmares, so getting this and thinking of raising a human-like monkey AND being called “mama” made me wake up confused.
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greentrickster · 1 year
(head in hands) Oh gods, Kay’s friends with Yin and Jin in this AU, isn’t she? Regardless of where she and her ancestor are from, she’s still Kay and she’s still a gremlin and I can see those two silly gallahs getting happily tangled up in her nonsense all too easily.
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mentality-of-wukong-au · 11 months
Holy shit…
KH!Jin: Look! It’s the alternate!
KH!Yin: Splendid to see ya again mate!
Chikao: Hi…you’ve been busy…
KH!Jin: It’s been 8 years, course we’ve been busy!
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this is a Lego Monkie kid AU that I made. there are still some loopholes but I'll try to fill those as best as I can. I'll also be drawing some of the characters but I'm not an artist so I'll just try my best to make them look good.
☆The Spider Boy AU:
☆Mk: (our MC):
☆Pigsy: ( father figure, noodle shop owner)
•DBK (Demon bull king)
☆Tang: (the freeloader)
•PIF (Princess Ironfan)
☆Mei: (MC's best friend/the funny one)
•Silver and Gold demons (Jin and Yin)
☆Monkie king: (MC's Mentor)
•Spider queen
☆The Monkie Staff: (the staff MC uses)
•"Spider bow" made from an ancient spider's silk that is nearly indestructible shots poisonous arrows depending on the users will, only the worthy ones can hold it (aka Redson)
☆Sandy: (the calm and kind hearted one)
•Lady Bone Demon
☆Redson: (was against MC but joined later)
☆PIF: (Aka "Princess Ironfan" Redson's mother)
•Tang (but he's not MK's mother more like the one that sends off to missions)
☆DBK: (aka "Demon bull king" Redson's Father)
•Pigsy (again not MK's dad just his father figure that MK doesn't wanna disappoint)
☆Silver and Gold demon twins: (aka "Jin and Yin" the troublemakers)
☆Spider Queen: ( bad guy)
•Sandy (hear me out okay? so like this sandy doesn't fight but he sends his underlings to go fight Redson)
☆Lady Bone Demon: (the antagonist)
•Monkie king
☆Six-eared Macaque: (the counterpart of Monkie king)
•no role yet
☆MC: Redson
the demon bull family owns one of the best Restaurants in the entire city. Redson was the delivery boy there who was gonna take over the family business soon. one day when he was on his break his father told him to go and do one last delivery before they close the restaurant, there he ended up witnessing Mk and his crew trying to pick up a bow from a hill and since Mk wasn't a genius he had no idea how to lift it (for the record no one is sealed in that small hill) so then mk and the guys got bored and left giving Redson a chance to investigate.
redson was not a huge fan of the spider Queen's tales, the tales were about how the spider queen managed to become immortal and saved the world many times. everyone was worshipping the spider queen. although redson was not that big of a fan. and still he recognized that bow immediately and went over to investigate.
and yes he's still a genius but that's not his specialty. he treats everyone with respect even though he doesn't smile a lot. he does smile more often than og Redson though. he created a lens that helps him with aiming.
he still has the samadhi fire but unlike og Redson, the samadhi fire wasn't sealed away. he can control it well but doesn't like to use it to fight. whenever he gets emotional his hair turns blue so yin and jin started calling him "BB" or "Blue Boy" for fun.
not much to say about him other then the fact he owns a restaurant that was run by his family for years. he's married to PIF and has a son. and let's not forget his hot temper. he loves his job and family. he's a really talented cook.
PIF is a freeloader despite being married to the restaurant owner. DBK still makes her pay which as you can guess rarely happens. despite that she loves her family and tells her son many tales about the spider queen.
☆Jin and Yin:
they were friends with Redson since childhood. they're laid back and like to have fun. they like to play with Redson despite his busy schedule and the fact he doesn't ask for help and basically just does everthing himself, they make sure he takes a break every once in a while so he can rest and play video games with them. they are both dragons.
☆Spider Queen:
the spider queen is Redson's mentor unlike the Monkie king she puts time and effort into training Redson making sure to consider his health. she's a retired warrior who fought for centuries. despite her harsh training she treats Redson like her son and makes sure he's having fun while training which would make you think she doesn't take her mentoring seriously.
☆The Monkie Staff:(the staff MC uses)
"Spider bow" made from an ancient spider's silk that is nearly indestructible shots poisonous arrows depending on the users will, only the worthy ones can hold it (aka Redson)
it has poison that's powerful enough to kill people but also poisons for paralyzing your opponents temporarily. it's super dangerous and deadly that's why not everyone can wield it.
a secret power was later shown and discovered by Redson himself. the bow has the power to creat silk threads that are drenched in poison which only the user can choose. the one who wields the bow can control the thread at will, making him able to tie anyone up so they can't move even without any kind of poison.
the bow can also transform into a sword when necessary. mostly used for close-range combat
she's basically the only calm one in the group. when she's with Redson she usually gives him advice and her advices give Redson inspirations and ideas that he uses to win his battles or better his training. when she's with the others she's mostly quite and takes care of them. if they feel down or discouraged she makes sure to take care of them and listen to their problems.
Mk was raised and trained by Pigsy and Tang who he considers his parents. although he's not very smart, he's strong and thus Pigsy and Tang took him in to train him and use him how they see fit. he's constantly put under stress and does everything to make sure his parent figures don't find him weak or think he's a disappointment. they call him "the useless kid" and nearly hit him every time they get the chance.
he's later fed up with everyone and joins Redson who happily accepts him into the group after he proved that he's worth trusting.
tang is quiet and is mostly the brain of the operations since he knows about the ancient artifacts that they steal. he studies the situation and gives everyone orders.
he thinks of himself as a crime lord despite not being neither strong nor smart. he and tang started doing crimes ever since they met and even before that. has a short temper and yells at everyone (especially Mk) when he's mad which is often.
she doesn't give a f*ck about anyone in the group and is basically here for the money. she's not a dragon and she was abandoned by her parents who considered her to be useless. she was about to be sold off to an old man but she was saved by mk, she then thanked him for the first and last time. after that, she didn't even acknowledge Mk's existence, but when she does she usually bullies him.
sandy is still against fighting here but that doesn't mean he can't be a crime lord. unlike pigsy he's an actual crime lord with connections. he has thousands of goons that protect him and do the dirty work for him. he doesn't care about pigsys group and just does his own work. he and tang are close friends and tang asks him for favors when he needs desperate help.
☆Monkie king:
he's a ruthless tyrant who does whatever he wants. he just wants to have fun and usually just burns villages to watch the people's terrified expressions. he also likes to torment Mk. tang and pigsy let him do that in exchange for favors which are mostly just him helping them with their dirty deeds.
(no one. until I find a nice character to take his role)
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littlethingsrae · 11 months
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And what better way to celebrate a little pre-Halloween joy than with @doppel-doodles LOVELY Monster Kid AU! Jin’ll get ya >:D
I adored their ideas so much I just knew I had to draw it soon qwq and this was a really nice way to warm up for some *ahem* fun stuff coming soon :33
Thank you so much again Doppel :D
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rottonfishie · 3 months
question? is Yin and Jin still going to be in the Au cuz I can't live without my British demon brothers 😔
Sadly, no, their somewhere in the celestial realm. Yin and Jin are swapped with Princess Jade Face.
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olinblogin · 10 months
What fandoms I will write for;
-Lego Monkie Kid
-One Piece
-One Punch Man
-Assassination Classroom (limited characters)
-COD (call of duty, any game)
-ATSV (across the spiderverse)
-TADC (the amazing digital circus)
-Underverse/undetale AUs
What fandoms i won’t write for;
-Genshin Impact/Honkai impact
-Seven Deadly Sins
-Obey Me/Obey Me nightbringer
-FNF (Friday night funkin)
-MHA (my hero academia)
-Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
-other fandoms that have problematic backgrounds
-light angst
-slightly suggestive content (will have a warning)
-smut content (will have a warning)
-childhood romance (no smut.)
-teen romance (no smut.)
-Reader x character
-character x character (very rarely)
-character x Reader x character
-T4T (trans for trans relationships)
-F4F (femme for femme relationship)
-M4M (masc for masc relationship)
-F4TF (femme for trans femme)
-F4TM (femme for trans masc)
-F4TNB (femme for trans non binary)
-F4A (femme for any)
-M4TF (masc for trans femme)
-M4TM (masc for trans masc)
-M4TNB (masc for trans non binary)
-M4A (masc for any)
-LGBTQ content
-Yandere Content (not extreme)
-cnc (consensual non-consent)
-child x adult
-abusive scenarios
-anything to do with children involved in anything sexual
-unsanitary fetishes (i.e. scat, wound f*cking, etc)
-severe angst
-s*icide & s*lf h*rn
Characters I’ll write for in each fandom
—characters so far—
Stalker/Damon (usually Poly)
Deliver Guy/DG (usually Poly)
Shadowman (not much I for abt them, some nsfw - demisexual)
—characters not in game yet but I will write—
Ace (some nsfw - demisexual)
Milla (no nsfw)
Salvador (some nsfw - demisexual)
- MK (Qi Xioatian)
-Mei Dragon
-Sun Wukong
-Six Eared Macaque
-Ao Lie
-Lady Bone Demon
-The Mayor
-Yin & Jin
-Princess Iron Fan (Poly)
-Demon Bull King (Poly)
-Pigsy (platonic)
-Sandy (platonic)
-Nezha (platonic)
-Bai He (platonic)
- Monkey D. Luffy
-Vinsmoke Sanji
-Roronora Zoro
-Nico Robin
-Chopper (platonic)
-Donquixte Doflamingo
-Donquixte Rosiante
-Bartolomeo Kuma
-Boa Hancock
-Dracule Mihawk
-Portgaz D. Ace
-Edward Newgate, Whitebeard (platonic)
-Eustass Kidd
-Jewelry Bonney
-Monkey D. Harp
-Monkey D. Dragon
-Trafalgar Law
-Rob Luci
-Bepo (platonic)
-Child Emporer (platonic)
-Metal Bat
-Speed O’ Sound Sonic
-Mumen Rider
-Watchdog Man (mostly platonic)
-Atomic Samurai
-Lord Boros
-Flashy Flash
-Sweet Mask
(Any students such as Nagisa or Karma are platonic)
-Tadaomi Karasuma
-Irina Jelavic
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
-John “Soap” MacTavish
-John “Captain” Price
-Horangi (Hong-Jin)
-Valeria Garza/El Sin Nombre (F4F/NB/AFAB)
-Alejandro Vargas
-Phillip Graves
-Farah Karim
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-Kate Laswell (F4F)
-Gary “Roach” Sanderson
-Miles Morales (platonic/fluff)
-Gwen Stacy (Platonic/Fluff)
-Pavitr Prabhakar (platonic/fluff)
-Prowler Miles (platonic/fuff)
-Peter B. Parker
-Jess Drew
-Miguel O’Hara
-Hobie Brown
-Ink!Sans (platonic)
-Murder Time Trio (Killer!Sans, Dust!Sans, Horror!sans)
-AT!Sans (Geno)
-Fatal Error
-X!Sans (Cross)
please as well reread the will/won’t write section if you’re feeling unsure!
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doppel-doodles · 8 months
Concept cabin: Growing Garden Au
A little something @littlethingsrae and I have started developing, a what if scenario where two of my characters, Ming and Baí, are the older brothers of her golden girl Jin! 👀✨
The story goes a little some like this:
Once upon a time the lucky lilly maiden of the morning mist was brought two gifts:
The first was delivered to her by an owl, it was a white lilly in full bloom. However no matter what she did, no matter how much she would care for the plant, ever so slowly it would start to wilt away and die. But right as the last petal fell off was when something miraculous happened, from the remains of the flower, a frail and sickly baby was born.
Not long after was when her second gift was delivered, brought to her by a turtle, it was the simple seed of a lotus. After it was planted unlike the lilly it grew like a wild fire. Shortly blooming proudly and from it a second baby was born, this one healthy and strong.
And what became of these two after getting lovingly raised without trauma for once in their existence?
Yangwu Ming
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What is he like?
Ming is a highly energetic and friendly individual that is pretty much familiar with every being in the celestial realm. He has a natural curiosity for everything around him and a thirst to know more, that includes people. Don't take his overly trusting nature for naivety however, he is quite cunning and always knows more than he let's on.
He acts on impulsive and there is little that frightens him, making him a bit of a loose canon, his personal safety was always optional like when would leap onto the battle field to care for wounded celestial soldiers. No one questions his dedication to his job as a doctor and isn't surprised that he is a certified workaholic. Often biting off more than he can chew by himself his ambition is clear.
You can always catch him in a good mood possessing a contagious smile, his chipper almost childish demeanour being surprising for someone that deals with death and ugly wounds.
What's his role and overall standing in the heavenly bureaucracy?
He is a deity heavily involved in medicine so naturally he serves the court as the Head doctor of the medical wing. His main patients are the celestial warriors but anyone could and probably should visit him if health concerns were to arise.
In terms of status he would be considered something akin to a Duke, mainly because his family is pretty high in status in general but among his siblings he is actually ranked the lowest in terms of importance.
Notable relationships
Lianxiang: It's no surprise that he adored his mother, wanting her to rest easy and not have to worry about him ever he would force himself to grow up early and start taking care of her when he was still very young, even when she assured him that he didn't have to he insisted.
Jin: To say he was giddy when Jin was born woukd be an understatement- he was practically vibrating from excitement when he held her fir the first time! He would rival her in terms of energy and was able to go along with her schemes and cleverly turn them into something less...chaos causing.
Baí: Oh how he loved his darling little brother, the only thing he loved more than spoiling him was teasing him. There were times he treated Baí more like a son than a sibling. But to the public ming looked like the spoiled younger brother because of his childish behaviour.
Sanzuwu: The bond he shared with his grandfather was a close one, he would visit him whenever possible, talking his ear off with the grandest of stories to simply excitedly telling him how his day went. When Ming realized he would die soon Sanzuwu was the first he would break the news to.
Shui liu: She was more or less a regular patient for him, he was one of the few that treated her like a person, not a dangerous predator. In turn she was very protective over him.
Zhimming Niao: His sworn brother. When he was still a heavenly warrior Ming was probably one of the few celestials Niao would show any respect to, that was mainly because the boy showed him respect. Before his death he gifted his wing piece to him.
Lmk stuff
He actually doesn’t appear in the actual series, he is gone, passing away due to an unknown illness. Nobody really knows how something like that is even possible considering medicine was literally his thing.
However he would still be in jttw, being one of the deities assigned to protect Tang sanzang, this poor mortal already deals with so much the last thing they needed was him kicking the bucket because of the common cold-
As a child he would often 'create' shooting stars. And by that I mean he would kick a star like a soccer ball through the night sky-
He was hilariously blunt with his patients:
"Am I gonna die ?
"No, you aren't dying."
"You are paid to say this aren't you?"
"No,I'm not!:D"
He used to be a student of Lao tzu and was know to blow up his alchemy lab more than once-
Yangwu Baí
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What is he like?
Baí is known most for the calm smile that is always on his face no matter the situation. It makes him exceptionally hard to read and often leaves an air of mystery around him as he keeps to himself and only speaks when he has to. His movements have a level of grace and refinement that make him come off as royalty.
He is actually far from unapproachable however, if taken the time to get to know him it is clear that he is someone warm and caring ready to give others a shoulder to cry on or check in on them when they need it.
He also carries a mischievous nature, being a bit of a trickster that loves playing mostly harmless pranks on his loved ones and he always has an ear open for the latest gossip. The little god also loves his theatrics.
What's his role and overall standing in the heavenly bureaucracy?
He is the god of art, while that includes more traditional art forms like painting and music it also covers things one wouldn’t immediately think of like martial arts and war-
He mainly serves the court as an artist for hire however he’ll also find himself on and off the battlefield when something or someone threatens the heavenly host.
Between the three he would be placed right in the middle, his wide range of skills give him many areas of expertise that make him a useful Duke indeed.
Notable relationships
Lianxiang: An absolute mama's boy and it shows, Baí used to spent his youth glued to his mothers side. He'd often mimick her mannerisms or even way of speech in an attempt to be more like her. Needless to say that respect and admiration never went away.
Jin: His baby sister who he absolutely adores, when she was little he was one of the few able to keep her in line with little issue. Regardless he would often also encourage and join her in wreaking havoc.
Nowadays he is much less openly affectionate with her, but it's clear that he would give his life and freedom to his last remaining sibling in a heartbeat.
Ming: He always looked up to his elder brother, even if he found his impulsive behavior troublesome. He was still his rock, someone he could always rely on for everything without even saying a word. Making it hurt all the more when he was no longer there.
Sanzuwu: While he has respect for his elder and still loves him dearly he can't help but feel a bit of resentment towards him for not immediately telling the rest about his brothers condition, perhaps if he did then they may have been able to save him.
Nezha: The third lotus prince is his teacher when it comes to combat, the two of them are fairly close and have been through many battles together, he always enjoyed annoying him!♡
Mengtao: He sees her as a friend and can relate to her struggles when it comes to communicating with others. Another one who he enjoys messing with for fun he'll often scare her for kicks then turn around and guide her like a mentor.
Lmk stuff
He is still alive by the time the show begins and would most likely accompany Jin when she goes down to earth to unsure she doesn't cause any further mischief. *cough* the peach incident *cough* To be honest though by the way he just follows her around one would think he is her bodyguard not her brother.
He is still very much grieving about Ming and it shows, acting very distant towards the group with an air of melancholy constantly around him. He barely speaks however his actions are louder than any words that could come out of his mouth, any battle that the group may face he is the first to raise his weapon.
He has taken a vow of Chasity just to avoid marriage proposals, mainly because well he is aroace-
His family was honestly very aware of that fact considering he craved his wing pieces as one piece so obviously he couldn’t give it away without breaking it. This was basically just confirmation without him actually saying it out loud
At one point in his childhood he was once responsible for painting clouds and rainbows into the sky.
His earing can transform into weapons whenever he wishes.
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splendentmoon · 1 year
I have more questions I thought of, for the abandoned Prince Au
1. How did mk and the others meet Azure, yellow tusk, and peng?
2. Did they know something was up with mk possibly being the son of wukong and Macaque?
3. How did they take it when they fround out?
4. So, who saw mk Monkey form so far?
5. Had those people reacted to mk Monkey form
6. What did everyone most like going to jail for in your au?
7. If some people went to jail already, what for?
Well, here are more answers!
1. Azure found out about MK and Bai He, so he went to MK to try to get him to convince his parents, but realizing that the boy was so emotionally bad, he decided to help him, he met MK's family, then when he released his sworn brothers and conquered the Jade Emperor's palace, MK seeing that, he begged not to hurt his family, Azure agreed to leave them alone and MK stayed with them in the palace.
2. Azure already knew, Yellow Tusk and Peng were surprised to learn who MK was.
Yellow Tusk fainted and Peng just melted his brain trying to think how Macaque managed to have an adorable child.
4. Well, those who saw the monkey form with MK's consent were Yin, Jin, Spindrax, the Demon Bull Family, the Spider Gang, the Mayor, Scorpion Queen and the local little god. And those who saw it without permission were the Monkey Family, Mei, Pigsy, Tang and Sandy.
5. Those who saw it with MK's consent, were shocked and delighted, MK only showed herself like this with those she truly trusted and loved, those who saw it without permission, were shocked and MK very nervous almost in a panic attack.
6. MK and his family sometimes do something stupid that causes a big problem and end up in jail if they don't manage to escape in time.
7. MK went to jail for vandalism and armed robbery, Spindrax for armed robbery and participating in illegal street racing in addition to vandalism, Jin and Yin for robbery and destruction of peace, Red Son for mass destruction and participating in illegal street racing.
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