#legionary musings
zacksfairest · 3 months
literally screaming into my hands how am i not finding any roman legionary romances. what the fuck. i hate all of you.
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No Longer You
Author's note: Alpharius 'Chief' 'Zarius' debut!
Summary: Zarius muses on the nature of things, and how Black Templars are Selfish Pricks.
Warnings: jealousy, spying, let me know if I need to add anything.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
He's swimming in one of the oceans on Ancient Terra, arriving here had not been apart of his original goal or mission he'd been assigned by his Captain, and finding ways to link up with the local Alpha legion outpost, Loyalist faction, and not Chaos or Renegade had taken some... careful maneuvering. He's not in his teal and silver ringed octopus true form. But that of an Ultramarine. As an Alpha Legionare he's been trained in a myriad of things, also, as a 'Scout' in the guise of another legion he'd been picked to be an Apothecary, he'd been flattered and honored, because being entrusted with the duties of an Apothecary, and one in training are heavy and many, learning how to heal (and subsequently) more ways to take a person apart, both Astartes and base line human had been handy.
Astartes have to have some level of trust with Apothecaries, he's heard many a confession, and seen all manner of things in his time as an 'Apothecary' it's one of the ways he's been able to help the Alpha Legion hide among the other shoals and pods, when certain Paranoid cousins suspected one of his brothers to be Not One of Them, but A Two-faced Shape-shifting shit head, he'd be called in to test the gene-seed contained within the suspect individual. Depending on his mission, and what the actual truth of the matter was, truth, lies, and what is real and actually are in fact, more fluid.
The Alpha Legion is woven through the fabric of the Imperium, and through every chapter within the Space Marine Legions, to monitor and guide things, an unseen hand guiding and shaping events to the will and whim of their eldest brothers. He's never actually outed a True Brother- but if a certain person needed to be... removed well then, an Apothecary does his best, but you can't save everyone.
He's in the form of an Ultramarine. Most tend to have some level of trust, well perhaps not for Chaos or Renegade, or at least acknowledgement that the 13th legion are Bastards, but are Competent Bastards. He makes sure that he's far enough away from the Ultramarine shoal and sends an encoded message to his local handler, they haven't met in person, yet, after all, the Space Marines that they are hiding as haven't met, and it would be odd as a Chaos and Loyalist, even with The Alliance, seen to be so... cordial without more battle brothers nearby. Especially since Alpharius is in the guise (and the training) of an Apothecary.
Honestly, why do other chapters fuss over their Apothecary brothers so much? As an Alpha legionary, he's taught how to patch himself up, and if things go side ways, and very bad, how to take out their own gene-seed and find a way to safeguard and send a signal to the nearest Alpha Legionary to have it picked up and their body burned. He's been hearing some Concerning things about some of the hard liner shoals, a War Band (although the Black Templars are trying to have it changed to a Crusade) are nearby and are causing no end of Headaches.
It's terribly entertaining, but he has to warn his handler, who's both in a Chaos form, and much to his distaste, also Chaos Aligned. He hopes that his fellow Alpha Legionary is not actually a Chaos Marine, but is truly loyal, but had been ordered to Fall. It's... he sucks in his teeth as he keeps that Ultramarine Expression on his face, he's heard that two of his pod brothers have Fallen, due to orders. It's... hard hearing that. He hopes they regain their equilibrium soon and are better able to serve the plans and plots of the Alpha Legion Captains. Being on Ancient Terra could give them some unprecedented ability to get certain things really rooted.
They are able to keep certain... unsavory things from spreading wildly. Monitoring Ancient Terra's "internet" for certain trigger phrases that had things carefully monitored and wiped. Various organizations and cults that have sprung up in predictable response to the Space Marines and much to their dismay, the very few and rare Custodes arrival are being monitored and ... handled by other brothers. He only knows that much, no one brother knows everything, after all, if you are caught, other space marines try to squeeze as much information out of them as possible.
He knows, if the shoal he swims with ever find out that his colors are untrue that they will turn on him. He's had to deal with the aftermath of brothers being Found Out, back in the 40th millennium and also now. It's very are for it to happen now, there are much fewer of them, and of all the legions. They will turn on him, and their fury and rage will be swift, brutal and cruel, at least they are a Loyalist Shoal, the Renegades and the Chaos Shoals would do far, far worse to him if they find out his scales are teal and silver. Then again, it depends very much on which Loyalist shoal finds out, if they ever do.
He's heard rumblings about Primaris marines from some of the furthest in time brothers and cousins, and he's ever so curious about them. Having heard that a few of them have made a splash in their local communities, he's terribly curious and wants to meet one of them if at all possible. Also, its a part of the standing orders from their Captains, they need to try and find and assess the threat levels of the Primaris Marines to be able to interact and manipulate them accordingly. A challenge is something to be Overcome. He's also heard of Bonds, and how no Alpha Legion has never been able to have a True bond, what their cousins speak of, and that sends a pang of longing, jealousy and hurt stabbing through his hearts.
He's heard of Alpha Legion pods swarming a single individual and protecting that one human, keeping them preciously safe and theirs, but those false bonds work, only so long as their True Bonded doesn't show up and take the human away from the Alpha Legion pods, and they do take them away, every single time, the human choose the Other over them. Such is their burden, such is what he will bear it, and endure they must. As much as he longs for a bond, it also comforts him, the bonds are clearly Warp Fuckery, and the fact that it happens and the way the bonds have different intensities is endlessly fascinating. Also he's having a private laugh at the fact that the stubborn- idiot sons of Dorn, the Black Templars attempt to break the bonds (selfish, bastards, at least they can bond, ungrateful to abandon such a precious things) unless they get hit with an Intense or Strong bond, which means they suffer for it, harshly, and it will kill them, or nearly so, and their brothers drag them back and throw them at the human in angry despair.
So stubborn, and stupid, and selfish and- he takes a deep breath, holds it, and lets it go, so he's been near those annoying Black Templars too much. As an Apothecary, they demand his time, because the idiots get themselves into scraps with the Chaos Shoals, regardless of the difference in strength and numbers, and the fact that there are some treaties in place between some of the larger shoals. Such troublesome cousins, it would be a... shame is the Black Templars heard that some of the local Loyalist pods have a treaty with some of the local Chaos Pods.
For the shouty, charging, stab happy sons of Dorn would Rage and try to stab Everybody. which would ensure that they are chased out of the area, and are further socially isolated and given less in resources from the rest of the loyalists in this area. Which would serve them right, and that would mean that the poor stubborn idiot that he's got the misfortune to attend to in his guise as an Apothecary will be taken by his brothers. The 'poor thing' is suffering from breaking, or at least trying to break his bond.
Something within 'Zarael' reels back and hisses at how ungrateful the Stubborn Idiot is being. He won't breathe a word that he should be grateful to have such an opportunity, and it would fall on deaf ears for the Templars- and have certain other ears prick up in curiosity. Besides, if the idiot is able to break the ‘weak’ bond an Alpha Legionary will slide into place and soothe the poor rejected human and tend to them, and see if they can try to bind the human to himself, and potentially his pod of brothers. Another thing he's curious about is if any of the Primaris Marines are little brothers in disguise. Hearing what he has about the Primaris Marines having chimeric gene-seed, and from what some of the farthest in the future 41st millennium brothers have said, Primaris Marines are blends of Loyalist and Traitor Gene-seed. So it's very likely they have Little Brothers who have a gene-seed that would get them caught out.
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kit-williams · 8 months
Barn Anon. Made it not-sad. Disappears to grumble but is actually happy.
You didn't think you would ever see the Alpha Legionary again. Yet he's continuously shown up at the street where you first approached him. Every evening he now walks you home, making sure no one else tries anything. You don't expect this, Alpha Legion typically only accompanies people of importance, that is if any of them even show themselves.
You find that you enjoy his company though, even if he's a little unsure at times. You had to fight back a giggle when he enters your apartment and sits awkwardly on the sofa you had gotten specially for him. He's awkward in a cute way. Like a kid not sure how they ought to act in front of a stranger. He surprises you with his fluency in English. Something he merely passes off as a must know given his legion.
The Alpha Legion on his part feels like he's dreaming. He has a human? That's what you are right? His human? He never dares ask you though. What if you reject him and cut him out of your life? No, this is enough for him. It will be enough for him. His heart flutters when you pull a scrapbook out to show him something you've been working on. If this is a dream then he hopes he never wakes up.
He knows that something had deemed his legion unworthy of bonds. He knows nothing he does will capture the true beauty and devotion a bond brings. Still, he knows better than to argue and bargain when he's given a chance he shouldn't have had in the first place. How the stars must have aligned for the two of you to meet, for him to be able to call himself your Space Marine, even if it's only in the secret depths of his heart and mind.
Okay thank you for allowing the boy to be somewhat happy. I dont know why ya'll want someone in this setting to suffer. Human killers already suffer the most as well as the space marines whose bonds die in horrible ways.
You feel safer having him around. He tells you his name is Alpharius but looking at the internet boards about Alpha legionary marines... they use this name often though eventually when they warm up they'll say their real name. They are slow to trust it seems.
You smile at your on again off again visitor. "Hey I'm making supper you want something?" You just ask as he has been staying longer and longer and it's almost dinner time and this is the longest he has stayed. You can feel him hesitate before he nods.
You just casually mention how you have a spare room set up, not for a space marine mind you, but you can't help but offer before quickly changing the subject not wanting to scare him off. You're not sure if you're fostering him or not... but sometimes it takes an Astartes awhile to warm up or not... they're odd in that way always in control of their situation.
Alpharius muses... he probably won't stay tonight but maybe another night when he is willing to give it more of a chance but he'll gladly stay for a meal and some affection.
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Oh Miraculous names/thoughts?
I am still pretty pleased with my Mouse!Chloe as Mademoiselle Millions!
Alt name for Tiger!Juleka or for Tiger!Chloe is Violet-Tigress as Violet flames are apparently the hottest flames. (Can also be mis-heard as Violent-Tigress)
Alt Mouse!Name that could apply to a few people is Legionary.
Always a big fan of Catastrophe, usually for Black Cat Chloe.
Fox!Chloe I was musing on recently could be Madame-Minstrel, or Vixen but that name is taken lol
Ladybug!Lila could chose Coleoptera but pronounced like Cleopatra.
Virago for any girl who is eager to just throw the fuck down.
Brunnhild or Shield Maiden for a potential Turtle User.
Chimera for way too many unification or a Prodigious User.
Oh, random aside, but Mei Shi also comes with a Miraculous Tool, they have the orb/ball as their melee weapon!
Can totally see it being made spiritual after a kick so it goes through objects and then turns solid again for a surprise hit XD
oh hell yeah
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transparentkinks · 23 days
A little violent snippet
My recent playthrough reminded me how fun it is to wipe out Ceasar's camp and kill legonaries en mass. It's really cathartic. If I was feeling more like writing crack I'd include that I always do it in a pretty pink dress, but that's not the most realistic way to be stacking bodies and I'd still look hot in combat armor.
Enjoy <3
It was a promise she made to Boone a long time ago. If she ever faced the Legion, he’d be her main man to bring along. It took a long time, with the planning and diplomatic work, but she finally felt ready to put the Legion down. 
In reality she brought nearly the whole team. Boone would cover her, of course. Veronica and Cass would be flanking her, ED-E and Rex at their heels, moving as a group. Raul would be covering him and spotting his shots, and Lily would be causing havoc between their groups. Arcade was ready to heal as needed. 
They wiped out cottonwood cove first, with six using the NCR radio to report having cleared the place. She made quick work of their capture’s bomb collars, and soon they were off to the Fort. 
They rained down hell the second they arrived. It took a while to get past the gates, the Legionaries sending wave after wave from their camp, but Six and her friends had them at a chokepoint, and soon enough they’d piled enough bodies for them to start making their way up the hill. It was less of a bloody slog than the initial assault, consisting mostly of those that fell back. 
She needed Lily’s help to break down the gate into Caesar's main camp. The battle here was more difficult, fighting back many of Caesar's top men. They worked their way into the camp, The roar of battle raging around them. After much effort, any outside Caesar's tent were either dead or hiding. She grabbed Boone to stand by her as they entered the tent. Inside they faced dogs and men with powerfists, not that effective against her grenade launcher. Soon Caesar's men lay dead around him, and Six had him held at gunpoint. 
“You’ll pay for this” Caesar spat. 
“Your army is dead Caesar” She spoke with glee. “You are the last to die. You see that man there?” She gestured towards Boone. Caesar simply glared. “You owe a lot of people in the Mojave more than you can ever pay, but his revenge, you can afford” she spoke with malice. “All he wants is to take your life”. 
“Fuck you” Ceasar spat. 
“You’re a sick man” Boone spoke calmly. “Someone oughta put you down” He leveled his gun at Ceasar, and with a bang the head of the Legion was dead. 
“A world without legion” Boone mused. She turned to him with a grin. 
“We did it!”
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dxngerous-dxys · 5 months
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She came to me one morning. One lonely Sunday morning. Her long hair flowing in the mid-winter wind. I know not how she found me, for in darkness I was walking. And destruction lay around me from a fight I could not win.
{ Muse - Quintus }
{ Tired Legionary seeking to escape his fate. }
{ Semi-Selective / Crossover Friendly }
{ Bio. } / { PSA. } / { Rules. }
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noxtatic · 1 year
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My fav up to date
I love them. So much. And I love New Vegas. So much. It as the most special place in my heart and always will do.
"We will return to The Fort soon enough… and then what?" Nicole traced his lips with her finger. "Will all of this go away? I don't want it to," she mused.
Vulpes stared into her glittering golden eyes. He did not want this moment, no, this feeling, to dissipate either.
He had no illusions about the fact that among his legionary brothers, the relationship that he and the courier had developed would be frowned upon, and Caesar himself would most certainly be displeased with this turn of events. He was meant to accompany her to The Strip, to watch her, guide her, and train her in the ways of a Frumentarii. Yet here he was, embracing her and exchanging tender gestures as if they had always been lovers.
He took a breath and looked over the crumbling wall of the ruins where they had stopped for a night. The pink hues of dawn dimmed the last stars and the embers of the New Vegas lights. Basking in this soft, dreamlike scape and Nicole's touch, he looked at her again.
"We will indeed have to control… whatever this is. But you will always be mine," he affirmed, resting his arm against the small of her back, "whenever we're alone, whenever we're away, and… after we've taken the dam and New Vegas."
As the first rays of sunlight broke over the horizon, casting a warm glow on the desolate landscape around them, Nicole's golden eyes met his icy blue gaze once more. She wasn't just a Courier anymore, and he wasn't just a Frumentarius. They were individuals who had found something rare amidst the chaos of their world.
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jflashandclash · 4 months
Axel: Into the Lion’s Maw VII
The rest of the walk back was, admittedly, a little awkward. Axel didn’t mean to make Ethan go so pale or shut up so abruptly.
However, if he said he wasn’t proud of the Leonis Caput’s charm, he would be lying.
He and Ethan stepped through an archway of gold. The room on the other side was still illuminated with turquoise fire.
A cheer erupted. “It’s the Lion!” someone shouted.
“They didn’t leave us!”
From a glance over, Axel saw anger replace Ethan’s fear. His scowl returned. Someone, Axel suspected, didn’t like being rescued.
After their heart-to-heart, Axel wasn’t going to let Ethan out of his sight. Nor was he going to waste a moment where another hostile deity could appear. He was impressed Ailiseu had kept everyone corralled within his turquoise flames. These soldiers didn’t need to discover that the flames were nothing more than light tricks that Uncle Frasco had taught him to use in the circus.
“Get in two lines, side-by-side,” Axel said, pacing back and forth in front of them to establish the start of the lines. Like herding his siblings. “Everyone hold onto the person in front of you. Keep your weapon in your other hand. No one goes off alone—is that clear?” There were nods of understanding as the troop scrambled to obey. “If you hear Mary, do not engage.”
Axel pivot turned to face the golden-arched doorway. “And Mary,” he called, in the event the goddess had perked back up, “You are not to approach my troops without explicit permission.”[1]
“Kronos’ troops,” Ethan growled.
Axel glared. “Once we rejoin.” Then, they would be Kronos’ troops again. Until then, Axel pointed beside him. “You’re leading the second column.” To the others, “Protect your side of the column!”
He glanced around the floor for a dim glow. Not through the golden archway. Not through the silver one. This was going to make him look really stupid if he got them all organized to play Guess Which Way Leads to Death. He did have—what had Ethan called it? Clear vision? Right?
Something touched his neck—or hadn’t yet?—he saw a flicker of finger movement, felt the caress moments after, and saw the echo of the hand before it vanished. Three transparent white gloves that blurred into one: Hecate.
Always here to give a third option, the helm mused.  
Axel couldn’t respond. His knees had gone weak, but he couldn’t reveal that in front of the other demigods.
Hecate had trace up to his chin, tilting his head up.
There, above them, the roof was glowing with a Greek D.
Axel shook off the phantom sensation, unsure if it had been real. “Excuse me,” he said to Ailiseu, borrowing their pilum. He tapped the symbol.
A retractable ladder popped out of the ceiling, joints groaning as it extended. Demigods exclaimed and ooed. He used the pilum to tug it down within reach, thinking, no matter how badly he wanted to, it might look undignified to jump for the bottom rung. As though constructed by the Fates, the ladder was wide enough to accommodate two people at once. He just hoped it was strong enough.
He felt a hand touch his shoulder. This time, it wasn’t a crazed goddess or his friend’s godly mother. It was Ailiseu, nodding their head gravely. He handed them back the pilum. “Thank you.”
Behind them and behind Ethan, the demigod soldiers had lined up appropriately. They had expressions of scared hopefulness.
Was that a good attitude to take into battle?
Say something.
At times like this, Axel wished they had a better name for themselves. Camp Half-Blood had “campers” or “Greeks.” Camp Jupiter had “legionaries” or “Romans.” Kronians sounded too much like cronies. When Pax had suggested “Tambourines” for Mount Tam, Axel stopped the conversation before it caught on. They were a blend of nationalities and godly ancestry. Axel wasn’t even a demigod: the one thing the rest of them shared. What brought them together?
He cleared his throat, tilted up his chin, and projected the way Uncle Frasco had taught him.
“We were forgotten. We were abandoned. Neglected. Abused,” he glanced down the two columns, hoping each soldier felt seen. “Camp Half-Blood worships our abusers. They pay tribute at every meal to those who tormented us or left us to torment.”
One of the newer demigods raised his sword and shouted, “Fuck those guys!”
There came a cheer.
Axel grinned fiercely. He raised his own sword in salute. “We fight for Camp Othrys! We fight for freedom from tyranny!” Cheers continued between each sentence. “We will defeat those that defend the practice of dictators!” Axel remembered Pax telling him how boring it got when he speechified about tyranny and oppression and how he should keep it simple unless he was speaking with Witch Boy.
So, to finish off, he shouted, “Let’s go kick their asses!”
The tunnel echoed with a roar of approval and agreement.
As Axel and Ethan each placed a foot on the ladder, relieved to find it held their weight and that of the demigods behind them, the Leonis caput added, “I will lead us into battle!”
*Jack crawls from the grave to set this as a tiny offering to its followers’ shrine before crawling back into its grave to seek out a juicier offering for next time*
Thank you for reading! I hope all of you enjoyed! Hopefully, in two weeks, I’ll have the next installment in this segment for Into the Lion’s Maw. Thank all of you so much for your comments, artwork, support and patience! I keep thinking things are going to settle down and they might be soon!
[1] Original draft, for those of you interested: “Everyone hold hands. I don’t want ANYONE going off on their own. Is that clear? I do not want anyone to listen to Mary here without first okaying it with me. Mary, you’re going to be integral in us getting out of here. Can you hold onto my hand.”
Axel offered her the severed bone hand.
She gleefully clenched it, immediately snapping a finger off.
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ratherxintense · 3 months
8 & 9
crucial muse development questions. [[accepting.]]
8. how many friends does your character have?
Vulpes' closest connections stretch the definition of 'friends.' There are some frumentarii and a few legionaries who respect him enough to favor his opinion over any other but Caesar's. Vulpes can rely on them to watch his back in a fight or to take action against his enemies, even ones within the Legion. Altogether, there are about ten people he firmly trusts. But the only person Vulpes seeks out to spend a (rare) idle moment with is Marinus, a praetorian who grew up with him. Marinus is an odd exception to Vulpes' usual rule against trusting anyone too much, but years of shared battles as recruits would have made them brothers, if not for their current duties keeping them almost constantly apart. Maybe once per month, they have a chance to find some secluded cliff away from the fort, share old stories, and fall asleep under the stars.
9. how many friends does your character want?
He doesn't really know. The concept of friends involves vulnerability. He also finds it difficult to extend loyalty beyond anyone but Caesar. Vulpes knows that if Caesar gave him an order, he would carry it out, even if it ran contrary to a friend's interests. Even if it meant killing them, he would act on Caesar's will, and the idea of being put in that situation unsettles him, and drives him to actively avoid forming bonds.
But due to simple human nature, he wants friends. Vulpes is not completely antisocial, despite the best efforts of the Legion to brainwash him from the age of nine; his early experiences with his loving sister allowed him to develop some attachment to people, and part of him still wants to connect with someone. He won't consciously allow himself to do so, but the potential is there.
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dwellerinroots · 2 years
On the Nature of Thalmor Support
Originally, this was reblog commentary, but it evolved into it's own thing! Interesting(?) semi-lore-ish musings below the cut! Not included: my thoughts on Getter Romebo Big Brass Boi the Numidium, which boiled down to 'why does numidium two have bones' and went quite nowhere.
As of my years tending to the garden of words, I have noticed an increasingly insidious kind of thought that invades as a weed, not unlike creeping Netchvine.
This thought, if it is to be called as such, conflates all Altmer with the government of Alinor, and Alinor with the Thalmor. Retired as I am from Legionary life, it would be compelling to simply nod my head, agree, and move on. Nevertheless, when allowed to spread, thoughts - like strong roots - bury themselves deep where they cannot be seen, much less removed...
With their influence reaching far, and wide.
I would be willing to confidently state that the highest echelons of the Thalmor either believe entirely in the cause and an end, or not at all - only being interested in their position for temporal power. This is common amongst all authoritarian power structures.
Given the extreme nature of the Thalmor and their end goal, I would assume the latter outnumber the former but everyone assumes their peers are serious, so - the work continues, even though only a few desire the actual outcome.
Amongst the populace, though?
I imagine there is a degree of fanatical support that has nothing to do with prior wrongs and everything to do with hurting people for no other reason - justified or no - than cruelty being good, and for many, enjoyable. This, too, is common.
Nevertheless, it's always important to remember that even if a plurality or a great majority support the actions of a cruel government or force, there are also those present who do not agree, agree but have forgiven, do not care, or would agree entirely but leave us out of this awful business and are horrified at the outcome of their thoughts put into action; as well as many whose loyalties are conditional, and whose ability to be persuaded are necessary for the dismantling of any force, whether one wishes it were so or not.
Even limiting this to only elves who consider themselves Thalmor, there will be varying degrees of support for the actions of the state, just as there are varying degrees of support for any action. Consider; the family who has deep ties to Imperial culture, and would rather not see blood shed, but believes that a network of client states is necessary to secure the 'purity' of independent peoples. You may have two exceptionally long-lived forebears who see the conflict as regrettable, are deeply aware of Thalmor policy as it is guided by religious doctrine, but do not think the repeated spoken and implied end-states are serious. There may also be a much more devoted child, who enjoys the power and privilege that come with being in ascension, and perhaps another relation who is opposed, but whose opposition ultimately plays into the power of the state - their execution proving that 'Imperial' sympathisers are everywhere. Consider; an Altmer who hates the Empire, or perhaps even just one people outside of Alinor. But, this Altmer has no interest in expansionism, let alone policy rooted in religious dogma. They cannot bring themselves to oppose the state, because that means tacitly aiding (real, or perceived) enemies. Nevertheless, they may spread information to Bosmer or Khajiiti auxiliaries, who then return it to us. Yet - in public - they do much to praise the regime, which does help it gain power, as no state (however ruled by force) rules alone. Perfect absolutism, as the philosophers will remind you, does not exist. Consider; Altmer who have travelled far and married into distant families, Beast, Men, or other Mer. They are content to live in peace alone, but their very existence living independently and detached from Thalmor policy is a repudiation of everything the Thalmor stand for. It is thus of vital importance that the state not only destroy them, but their families and relatives, any who can attest that their way of life existed. To do otherwise would allow for the proof that not only is their policy not universally adored, but that it is not necessary. And - if it is not necessary - then many of those whose loyalties are conditional might ask: Are we fools..? In living content and humble lives, this quiet defiance is in some ways more of a resistance and threat than any one act within Alinor. Thus, it is here we see some of the harshest punishments, including extrajudicial assassinations and massacres on ostensibly sovereign soil. Whether these are refugees[1] to the Empire who were attacked for daring to leave, or simply independent souls, it's very difficult to imagine what people living in Alinor think of them at this juncture. I know that goes without saying, but it can be easy to forget that Mer are as complex as any Men or Beast; one can ascribe a motive to a people no more then one can ascribe a name to the ocean or an end to the stars. People, cruel and kind, do evil things all the time; and, sometimes, those capable of great cruelty or committed to what we find abhorrent do good. Kustified or no, these things happen. Understanding why is important - in stories and in history. [1] This is from an Imperial Legate in Skyrim, whose name I forget, but his story sticks with me, about the 'Night of Green Fire.' Sources, biases, etc, but I tend to accept it as true because it tracks with what we know of all movements that seek ideological and doctrinal purity. - Iulius Ennius
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zacksfairest · 3 months
Lemuel Adelier in ancient Roman legionary armor
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searsage · 1 year
"He's not well Shaxx..I'm under strict orders to keep visiters out..even the vanguard.." Saladin warned
"So it's true.." Shaxx breathed incredulously, there was a dangerous hysterical lilt to the warlord's voice..
"I was told… they were one in the same, the warmind and the Exo I met, is that true..?"
"I don't have those answers for you Shaxx…if your lucky you'll catch Ana before she hits orbit, ask her all you want, put that fire to rest and return to your watchful eye over your newlights…he..he can't answer those question for you.."
"He's in there, isnt he? Why is he hiding.. I want to see the warmind that slayed the iron lords.." The titan snapped impatiently, it was as if only half his words made it through the man's thick helmit, Saladin couldn't understand why the crucible vendor was so kayed up, but also feared it may escalate if he didn't get rid of the titan quickly.
"He's under observation, with strict orders to stay inside, he won't come out to meet you old friend, as I said no one goes in no one comes out.." Saladin grits,
Shaxx remained silent save for a tight sigh bellowing hot steam from the gaps inbetween tense man's helmet, the singular horn on his helmet shift as his gaze drifts back to the keep's doorway.
"I wanted to ask it..the warmind, if it knew his answer to my question, Felwinter…he never-.. No, I need to see it, I need to see him.." Shaxx mused darkly his words only solidifying his manic resolve.
But even then Saladin could feel the thirst for violence exuding from the furious titan, not that he ever had a good read on the impulsive warlord, nor could the Valus comprehend what was upsetting the man so deeply that he'd single handedly fight his way up the mountain to satify his curiosity.
What was lord Felwinter to him…?
Saladin's eyes widened as brief realisation washed over the older titan, but before Saladin could even open his mouth to inquire about the comment the titan starts pushing forward his shoulders squared in defiant determination, solar energy steaming in his bare scar covered palm, the cabal stand idle, knowing better then to interfere.
He'd made quite an impression at the foot of the peak…
"Stand down Shaxx, Your making a mistake.." Saladin warns his eyes nerrowing as he moved to block the men's warpath. His words however were lost on deaf ears, the stubbron warlord never listened, not during twilight gap and certainly not now..
Saladin's teeth grit in frustration..
On the outskirts of the keep's snow dusted grounds the empresse's legionaries watch on with silent intrigue as the last of the iron lords stands against the vanguard's warlord.
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infernal-feminae · 7 months
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Dress my Muse up.
@cast-you-dxwn said: 👚 A suit of legionaries armor (For Sera and Emily)
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Sera sincerely hopes there will not be a time where she is forced to take up arms herself but it's good to know she has armor just in case.
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Meanwhile, Emily has never picked up a sword in her life but that won't stop her from secretly making cool poses in her new armor.
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ABOUT Sceledrus
Character Name: Sceledrus
Pronouns: He/him, it/its
Age: By all means an ancient adult in 40k era. Current age unknown, recruited and genhanced shortly before the Heresy and destruction of Nostramo.
Orientation: Pan, but exclusively towards fellow Space Marines, so not humans, xenos, nor the Neverborn (Possessed Marines not included) for personal reasons
Appearance: A little more than 7' of height and somehow scrawny for a Space Marine, but perfectly standard for a Night Lord. Nostraman born, chin-length black hair (has been cleanly shaven before), pale skin, sharp features, legionary tattoos intact.
Rank: Battle-Brother
Backstories and trivias about Sceledrus will be randomly posted with a tag
Send an ask for more info you're interested in. This character is not fully written out, and designs & settings may change in the future. Interactions always welcome, whether from canon muses or 40k/Heresy era OCs.
(Still needs update)
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thx-lost-yxars · 2 years
RECOVER : for one muse to return the other’s lost belonging. (‘Lost’)
{ Sulking in his cage, Scratch knew escape was impossible. }
{ The Legion has him. After a losing fight, they captured him and brought him here. Cottonwood Cove has the stench of death and misery. Legionaries, slaves and crucified “degenerates”, the foreshadowing of one possible future. }
{ Scratch was lucky enough to escape the cross. Instead, they condemned him to slavery. He wondered why, considering who he was. The slave master made mention that someone interceded on his part. Though he should be thankful, he strangely dread whoever that was. }
{ Wearing slave rags, Scratch rested his head against the chain-linked fence. Hope was a fading dream. He wished he had his cross necklace. A prayer wouldn’t hurt. }
{ Suddenly, the cross necklace was dangling in front of him. Then it dropped. Scratch looked at his necklace, then to whoever returned it. His stomach jerked, along with his nerves. It was Cicero. The smiling Frumentarii stood there, “happy” to see his favorite friend. }
"Come to laugh? Here to see the zoo?"
{ The Fiend's words were bitter and tired. He showed no thanks for Cicero returning his cross. }
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cocaina-kiyori · 1 year
🐼 💌 2107 💌 🐼 par Bénita 🐼 Via Flickr : ✦ SPONSORS ✦ ❥ /V/ Sempiterno - Couple Pose @PosEvent maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Zen%20Soul/170/79/25 ❥• OR LB-X LEGIONARY HIBRIDY CONCEPT SERIES 1.2 @EBENTO EVENT July 11th to 30th 2023 maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/EBENTO/82/136/21 Store maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Monte%20Vista/99/182/3908 ✦ Head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LeLutka/128/128/31 ✦eBODY - REBORN ✦REBORN - Juicy Rolls maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/eBody/191/64/2002 ✦ itGirls & VELOUR x Picasso Babe: Waifu Boobs Cleavage (REBORN) ✦VELOUR: "Love Handles" Add-On for Ipanema & Venus ✦VELOUR: "Juicy" Belly Add-on for Ipanema Body (EBODY REBORN) ✦itGirls & VELOUR x Picasso Babe (Curvy Muse Cleavages) REBORN ✦VELOUR: "Love Handles" Add-On for Ipanema & Venus (EBODY) ✦VELOUR: "Juicy Rolls" Skin Add-on for IPANEMA (EBODY REBORN) maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/VELOUR/93/115/83 🐼 linktr.ee/alessiakiyori
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