#legion s3
jocia92 · 27 days
Charles Xavier Embraces David
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klaotaku · 7 months
TBB S3 last episode date
If TBB doesn't have a secret 16th episode that means it'll end on May 1st.
May 1st...
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clonememesfrikyeah · 1 year
I love and hate Echoes Scako Minor arc in so many different ways, but the logical part of my brain is like if they did this to one clone how many other pow’s did they have? Did Echo have any prototypes before him? How many suffered for failed experiments? How many were never given back after the war ended because they were literally owned by outside companies? How many were hidden away, either hearing the war was over and hopefully waiting for rescue, or those who were resigned to their fate worse than death? How many were kept and used till the imperial era to slaughter the innocent people and brothers they fought to protect? How many more ‘Echo’ cases are there? A little part of me hopes they broach this in tbb season 3.
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paragonraptors · 2 years
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rewatched the 2006 Legion cartoon again and wanted to try redesigning/designing my faves in the show style
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Omega from Season Three of The Bad Batch & Boba Fett from Attack of the Clones (April 14, 2024) at El Paso Comic Con Modeling by NJ, & Bee (with Finnix in the background), photography by Matt
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ahsomega · 6 months
Clone X? It’s Dogma
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yekokataa · 2 months
fascinating implication in legion that david was born around the time of ww2, making him a boomer
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jimiscribif · 2 years
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some designs for s3 versions of characters I made back in May (which I will hopefully add to soon)
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chaoticgoodcaptain · 1 year
is- is it just me or did we all get kinda fucked by the ragnarok season 3 ending?
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fellshish · 10 months
S3 should be Crowley incapable of losing faith in Aziraphale (because I just don't think he ever could, Aziraphale must be okay, must be salvageable, otherwise, what's the point?). Crowley doing his best to help him, wait for him, which unfortunately means going off with Hell again and trying to prepare for however this plays out (this gives us Duke of Hell, smoking hot, pining Crowley). Crowley, thin dark, devilish Duke, commanding legions and holding sway and a heated moment, well-watched and public, and Aziraphale being the one to threaten losing faith, unsure, and Crowley, devastated, broken just by that, all glassy eyed and executing a perfect final bow of the apology dance, willing Aziraphale to hear him, to understand. To which: Archangel Aziraphale organises some sort of amnesty, the night before the second coming, and descends to earth to meet Crowley half way and and plot and plan and beat this thing, backed by questioning legions of heaven and hell that think there is more than blind following and bureaucracy. And half way through Aziraphale ask him, begs him, to, please, try kissing him again.
Bestie i think you might have a career in fic writing. It’s unpaid but it’s got its benefits
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santacoppelia · 1 year
There is something about Shax! (A loving meta)
I have written it too fast and in Spanish, but I really love what happened with demons and Hell in general this season: while in S1 they were kind of "set dressing" and the only distinctive demons were the higher ups, s2 brought us Shax and Furfur, and gave us more insight into Hell, gave Eric a lot of opportunities to charm us, and we saw a lot of small-scale demons that were all different in their own ways.
From all of these things, most of my notes point to Shax. The character is amazing, partly because Miranda Richardson is a great actress, but also because she has some characteristics that made her pop (I'll use female pronouns because the character is so high femme). I talked about some of them in the meta about angels, but Shax definitely deserves their own post! As I've already covered her particular mix of ingenuity, lets get into their abilities and style!!
When talking about her style I'd divide it into looks and communication. All of her looks are SPECTACULAR. So proper, so high femme, so classy, so glam... She is into projecting a carefully curated image. I respect that in a demon, really. Even when in Hell, her form is only changed by the teeth: lots of them, and quite ferocious. I feel that the mix represents her in full: a prim and proper exterior with a wild interior.
The wild interior can be inferred from her communication style. Shax usually exaggerates Hell menace and power, as we can see with some of her phrases:
"disliked by Heaven, hunted and eliminated by Hell";
"Beelzebub is not happy with you",
"All the forces of Hell will declare war to your friend"
"legions of demons to storm the bookshop, killing everyone",
“we’ll make it in ferocity and dangerosity”,
"we’ll chase you" to Beelzebub…
She has even “formulated a plan”, a very violent, enormous, ridiculous overplayed plan, but she is so excited to see it into fruition. Most of these are empty threats (Beelzebub is never really angry at Crowley, and they downplay the menace of being chased with the fact that they are understaffed...) but it says a lot of things about how Shax sees herself and the role of Hell in all of this.
Shax has an interesting power: she seems to voice the negative talk anyone has to mock them. This was very evident with Maggie:
Don’t embarrass yourself in front of the woman you pathetically love.
You are nothing, you run a shop that nobody visits.
You are nobody.
Unable to pay the rent.
Unloved and unlovable.
You’ll live and die a nobody.
Those are scary! I have a little theory about how each character has different powers (it is a longer text and I'm just writing this because I already had it almost done), and this Shax's power is fantastic. Have we noticed what she says to Aziraphale?
You are not Crowley's type (he confidently dismisses this on their first encounter, with just a raised eyebrow)
You are an outlaw, you have no protection
Crowley’s emotional support angel
The softest touch
The one who went native
you need more huge meals?
Should we send up the sous-chef (not sushi)?
There is a really insightful demonic ability at play in there.
I also found really funny how, without Crowley giving her advice about how to appear, she just appears THREE TIMES in front of Aziraphale and still make the “I’m just a stranded motorist hitchhiking”. She hasn’t still get how Earth works, and that makes her fun AND terrifying.
How will all of this play into S3? Especially now that she will probably be a Grand Duke of Hell (or just a Duke). I'm already enjoying it and it hasn't been written yet! *covers her eyes*
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jocia92 · 1 year
David Fights The Time Eaters
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mewtwoandme · 6 months
Legion situation is feeling like when Zuko first tried to join the Team Avatar in s3 so i'm just imagining him saying this when he's shows up wanting to make amends with everyone lol
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Pffft omg XD
Ya know, he would pull something like that, let's be honest
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nixie-writes-aot · 1 year
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Reactions to S/O with Abusive Family
Warnings: mentions of abuse and trauma, abuse of power/status, mention of murder, threat of bodily harm, hurt/comfort, fluff
Characters: Levi Ackerman, Erwin Smith, Hange Zoe
Author's Note: The third and last part. Honestly these headcanons were so fun so I might do more hurt/comfort in the future!
Levi Ackerman
Levi, like Mikasa, is also not terribly surprised. I don't think any of the veterans would be honestly
They all are too used to what the world is like and how cruel it can be even to those who don't deserve anything like that. Especially Levi
Now there are two different reactions Levi might have depending on which Levi 
If its Levi from the Underground, sorry but your family is dead
Thug Levi has killed for much much less. Hell, he killed a group of thugs just for getting in Isabel's way and upsetting her. So the chances of actual abusers surviving after you told him what they've done? Not bloody likely
Levi will, of course, hold you close and bury his face in the crook of your neck all to comfort you
He's very emotionally repressed so you shouldn't expect much else 
Now Captain Levi?
Much different story. For example, unless they were an active threat, particularly in s3, he wouldn't kill them. But oh boy 
Levi is someone who can easily, and will without hesitation, calmly rip into someone just for wasting his time. After all, Levi is one hell of a composed and stoic motherfucker
Now, the worst he might do for non-threatening is harsh words and maybe his own threat, albeit empty
But an active threat? Much different story. Levi learned from Kenny and the Underground that active threats must be taken out
Now regardless of him killing your family or just making them hate him, he is dragging you into his office. The one time he doesn't sweat the potential filth on your clothes, simply pulling you into bed with him and burying his face in your chest
"I wanted to kill them."
His statement is meant to be reassuring, that it would always be you and never them in his eyes
But also Levi is one very emotionally repressed bitch 
Erwin Smith 
Honestly Erwin probably already knew you had a rough home life, not many parents would just sit by and let their children become Scouts under Keith Shadis
The Scouting Legion is still viewed poorly when he takes over, don't get me wrong, but we're talking about a man who had a mental breakdown in the middle of the street and in front of not only all his men but the public too
Erwin would never
Now Erwin knowing and being told is two different things. Erwin could probably only think about his own childhood when you told him so he pulls you close, into his lap and starts playing with your hair and massaging your scalp. As he does, Erwin tells you about his dream and the will of his own father way back when
Erwin has accepted what happened by the time he's Commander Erwin but he still doesn't feel great about it, obviously, so its a moment of weakness for both of you
And thats exactly what Erwin wanted you to see. That you opening up and being vulnerable didn't have to be so one sided even if he was your commander
Now Erwin has a lot of power to throw around, especially if your family weren't anyone like the merchants or nobles or the Wall Church
So Erwin uses that power, lets you see how beneficial he can really be with that always so polite smile on his face even if he's currently ruining the lives of those who ruined your own life
"There are some that simply do not know how to behave, those should either keep quiet or have every dirty little secret spread among their peers."
Like I love Erwin but dude lowkey manipulates a lot of things into happening. Especially when it was concerning Levi in the No Regrets OVA
Hange Zoe
Hange is probably the only shocked veteran when you open up
They are appalled 
"But why!? Titans should be the concern, not each other!" 
And you even almost hear them swear but when you only shrug, they pull you close and sigh. They are well and truly refusing to let you go for even a minute. Hange is very clingy during the night you tell them and even the following day
Only Levi, Miche, or Erwin would be able to pry them away. Maybe Moblit 
They just want you to feel reassured and comforted by their presence
Hange probably takes you out to train with the ODM gear just to give you a proper outlet. They know they like training when upset
Dear god if they see your family? It is one of the very very few moments you see them angry. Even Levi seems nicer in comparison. Hange storms right up to your parent, decks them and stands over them 
"If you touch them again, I will personally make sure you don't have a hand to do that with again."
You probably have to pull Hange off your parent actually
And afterwards, Hange is clingy all over again. They're wrapping their arms around you, shoving their face into your back and sighing loudly 
Hange probably spends the next week making sure you know how much they love you and how much they would do just for you
Normally, you're an average soldier but Hange keeps dragging you away from your squad to their own squad, doing science stuff with them and Moblit
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aziraphales-lawyer · 10 months
Archangel Michael Changing Sides in s3 (?)
I don't have a whole lot to back this up but I've noticed that there isnt a whole lot of theories about Michael and Uriel—especially Michael since Michael *is* one of the most prominent Archangels alongside Gabriel Raphael, Uriel, etc. And they knew that! Basically appointing themself as Gabriel's unofficial replacement (and its safe to assume that Michael expected to be the official replacement once they find (and then fire) Gabriel. Even AZIRAPHALE knew that, saying "Michael" immediately after the Metatron asked him about who would be the next Supreme Archangel. It seems like everyone is aware of this hierarchy. And the Metatron is very very aware of this hierarchy, needless to say, the bitch does NOT care. The Metatron let Michael play leader for a while and even let them believe that they're the next Supreme Archangel.
That being said, what happens to Michael now?
By the time s2 ends, Michael STILL thinks that they're going to be the next Supreme Archangel!! The Metatron made all the angels (except Aziraphale and Muriel) go back to Heaven. Michael is unaware that they are, in fact, NOT the next Supreme Archangel - but rather the traitor angel who has gone 'native' and, as far as they're concerned, immune to Hellfire.
Michael is also considered a prince of heaven, much like Gabriel. They're considered Chief Prince and would be the one to supposedly lead all the angels to victory against evil in The End Times (this role sounds awfully familiar). But now their role seems to be taken by Aziraphale. (Oof). So it seems like they will either be Aziraphale's right hand like they were Gabriel's (unlikely – and I'll get more into that later), or (the only other option) defy the Metatron's plans.
They know Aziraphale is as much of a traitor as Gabriel (trying to stop Armageddon AND "Fraternizing" with a demon!! – and Michael is aware that Aziraphale did it first anyway!!!) So, the Metatron appointing Aziraphale? It Does Not Make Sense. So either they take Aziraphale being Supreme Archangel at face value or NOT. Which will probably start a small Arc of them questioning Her Plans.
Not that Michael is all-innocent, either. After all, they're the angel who has direct contact - not just to *Hell* but to the *Duke of Hell*. Regardless of whether or not Gabriel knew about this contact.
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Michael seems to be cautious, hiding it from the other angels despite their authority over them. They know they're not supposed to "fraternize" will Hell, yet they do. And this probably won't be the last time they do it! Michael already has one foot in the door, just needs a push to get them through. That being said,
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They also provided Hell with Holy Water and brought it down there themself. Now, regardless of whether this was an agreement between Heaven and Hell to trade Hellfire/Holy Water, it's still striking that it was Michael who brought it Down To Hell, seemingly not even bothered by the fact that they're surrounded by demons. Michael - who, in Christian belief - being the one who led the army of angels who cast down Satan and his army of rebellious angels into Hell. Michael basically waltzed into the teritory of Every Person Who Hates Them Ever and didn't give a fuck. This may be due to their trust of Heaven/Hell's truce to execute two beings. Though I doubt Michael WOULD trust the truce (again, Michael walked into the Michael Hate Club HQ). No, Michael is aware of their power over the situation of their power over the demons because they've done it before. Being around a legion of them doesn't scare Michael, and they're probably prepared to smite any demon who even tries their patience. They were only genuinely worried when Aziraphale (as Crowley) went into the bathtub unscathed. At that point, Michael realizes that they have power against every demon in Hell. Except One. Which brings me to the next point–
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I dont think Michael will play nice with Aziraphale being the next Supreme Archangel. And neither will Aziraphale to Michael. To put it in a parallel (kind of), Aziraphale probably hates Michael as much as Crowley hates Gabriel. Beelzebub may have put Crowley in trial, but it was Michael who personally brought down the Holy Water. Maybe Aziraphale expected something horrible from the demons ("You're The Bad Guys") but Michael? "Archangel Michael?"//"I made Michael miracle me a towel", no, Aziraphale is just as pissed, and I believe he's playing it down like Crowley. Aziraphale was surprised it was even Michael at all, not the Holy Water, the fact that The Archangel brought it down themself for the destruction of his beloved demon. (Ineffable Idiots is a separate post, honestly). And now they're supposed to work together to bring about the Second Coming while Aziraphale just took the Major Role that Michael would have played in it? That doesn't sound like they'd work well together – that's why, I think, they wont.
And here's more things to consider:
(Images via @noneorother )
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In the image– Composition is very important! But guess what- Michael is not just NOT WITH THE OTHER ANGELS but also ISOLATED on the OTHER SIDE! Their body is facing away from the other angels but towards Shax (who is now Duke of Hell by the time s3 rolls around, I suppose???) Which we know Michael has contact to (or knows how to contact). Theyre also facing the same direction as Gabriel, now if that means much – and this is a shot about as long as the Bentley/Aziraphale body swap theory – but the Va Va Voom Yellow paint was something they weren't even expecting people to notice so I'm taking this opportunity anyway!
Anyway, like I said earlier, Michael already works with demons and has been since s1. They obviously know how to access "back channels". With their dispute with Aziraphale, questioning why the Metatron appointed him of all angels– well, Michael has more than enough (albeit, selfish) reasons to do it again. (Sometimes a selfish reason is enough, worked with Gabriel after all) I wouldn't know what their plan would be but all their motives to do so are already spelled out for us.
And as a cherry on top
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On the next image, its pretty easy to see how the character/backgrounds are tilted. Most of them "line up" with their respective backgrounds-except for- you guessed it. Michael. (And I think Saraquel too?) BUT while the angels are tilting one way - a different direction than the rest of the gang - Michael's tilt is the same direction as the rest of them even though their background is tilting another way (like Uriel's). This can either be read as changing sides despite their percieved respective side - OR - they are playing both sides, or will be.
Either way, I don't think Michael will continue to play with the Metatron's games after the Metatron took away their biggest role in The End Times and gave it to Heaven's most notorious traitor.
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kudzushadow · 1 year
I think that, in a lot of ways, Harley Quinn s4 is mirroring the plot of s1 but with Ivy this time.
In season one, Harley was still chasing after Joker. She was so focused on him and what she wanted that she sort of forgot about everyone else. She didn't show up to help Ivy with her plan, she didn't help Clayface and the others out with the Bane thing, and she was just overall a pretty shitty friend until Ivy pointed it out.
Then we've got the statue, which symbolizes the old her, who she thought she was and wanted to be. She destroyed it after seeing the error in her ways and promised to do better, which she did.
This season, we've got Ivy so wrapped up in the Legion of Doom and what SHE thinks she wants that she's doing exactly what Harley did in s1 and forgetting that other people exist. Frank pointed it out! I think that Ivy is so focused on being such a big "villain" because she misses Harley and that part of her. She needs all this approval and validation from everyone else because the one person whose opinion she cared about is gone.
This is sort of where the statue metaphor comes in... she's trying so hard to be someone she's not because she wants approval. She wants validation. She wants what Harley wanted from Joker.
Ivy was the one to save Harley last time, but now it's Harley's turn to save her. Maybe once Harley does Ivy will destroy that statue, destroy the old her. Maybe she'll even become a hero... because honestly, I mean she's hanging out with all of these villains but has she done anything EVIL recently?
As mentioned before, Ivy's taking this route because she misses Harley. When Harley sleepwalks, I don't think it's as much her missing being a villain than it is her missing Ivy. They were so close in s3 and now they've barely exchanged words in s4! I'm a little disappointed in this season so far, but I do hope I'm right and Ivy sees the error in her ways and patches things up with Harley. (Also, let's remember that Ivy never even classified herself as a real villain before this! She's helping the environment!)
anyway this was poorly explained lmk what yall think
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