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legendguard · 2 days ago
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I'm doing it! I'm finally doing it! I'm uploading to Tumblr like I said I would fifty-bazillion times but never did! I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm doing it!!
I'm a long time user of DeviantArt, trying to escape its bullshittery and find a new home for my art. If you've ever seen that "Arceus Gospel Form" or "Eowenah Enraged Form", "Shadogaire Omega Form", or "Yinyanro Pondora form", that was me. I'll probably be re-uploading my gallery here, or at least plan on it, along with gradually switching away from DeviantArt for good. For a while at least, I will probably submit to both until I wean myself off.
I do have a lot to learn, though... It's going to be hard because I've been using Deviantart almost exclusively since I first joined back in 2009, so learning an entirely new format is really daunting. Probably why I've been avoiding the switch for so long. But my despise for DeviantArt and its shitty Eclipse update is far greater than my fear of trying something new, so here we are.
Fair warning for all future posts; I am a terrible writer. Be prepared for text that looks like it was written by a middle schooler who just discovered a thesaurus and wants to sound smarter than they actually are
This is the latest iteration of the head and corresponding skull of my long-time sona/Pokesona Eowenah, and the character for which I derive my username (She is the "Legendguard" Pokémon, or Legendary Guardian). Since I'm new here and y'all haven't been exposed to my shenanigans for the last sixteen years, I remake her. A lot. I'm not even sure what "version" this redesign is at this point. I will probably do it again. No I'm not sorry. I will say I am quite happy with this version, at least for now, so maybe it will be a few years before that happens. You can see the previous version here: https://www.deviantart.com/legendguard/art/Anatomy-The-Head-of-Eowenah-2022-905702058
Eowenah is a light/psychic* type legendary Fakemon and the mascot of my fake Pokémon version, Pokémon Celestine. She is a chimeric clone of many, many different Pokémon, created by Mewtwo very early on as a test of how to mix various Pokémon genes more efficiently, who then became "possessed" and enhanced by the legendary Fakemon Haliapio to transform her into the Legendguard to take on the Evil legendary Fakemon Shadogaire. If that sounds like a bunch a' cringe... it is... but goddammit it's my cringe.
*Flying/Psychic if the Light type is repressed by certain attacks
Being a chimera, Eowenah possesses traits from many different Pokémon families, especially from avian, felid, and pterosaurian lines. This can easily be seen in her skull, which looks a bit like a mammal skull with avian parts glued on. But there is a method to the madness. Being arguably one of the most powerful Pokemon ever, and having the best attributes picked out by Mewtwo during her initial creation, all of these parts meld together into a surprisingly cohesive structure, even if it looks a bit odd.
Here we will solely be focusing on Eowenah's head and skull, minus the hyoid apparatus (for now). (Cont in comments(?))
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vixletserenity · 5 months ago
@legendguards: "Hi buddy! What are you- Oh. Oh no. You're not them."
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"Are...you okay?" Celeste asked. The other girl seemed to be really confused about her; which was sometimes a thing with strangers who knew little about her.
What was it that made her act as if they knew each other?
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catadioptrics · 5 months ago
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"Yeah, that's basically it. It's like when someone's talking next to you, you can tune them out if you don't wanna listen in but even then your ears are still picking up sound. Does that make sense?"
So his powers not only make it really hard to have genuine conversations with people, they also cause constant sensory overload. Fun!
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"Can't you just... not read people's minds? Is your psychic ability involuntary or something?"
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routeone · 8 months ago
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ROUTEONE: A Pokemon multimuse written by Merson.
A study in: Life after reaching the top, redemption, the memories shared along the way, discovering your potential, proving your worth.
Rules | Muses | Interest Checker
@sillystrats - Trainer OC with goof tendencies.
@normaldabbler - Normal-type specialist OC.
@legendguards - Legendary-themed magical girls.
@hisexperiment - Colress
@pokennection - Pokemon Gijinka multimuse ft. a Pokeverse of Ilia from RWBY.
@lcveiswar - Dark type Miku, known as Minori.
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chaserainbows · 1 day ago
( @legendguards ) A Hoopa ring opens, dropping off a package at Mindy's doorstep. How does Gianna know some random chick's birthday? Shut up, it's a free present and she shouldn't question it! ...Inside the box is another box. And inside that box is yet another box. Mindy's going to have to keep opening progressively smaller boxes to find the actual present, which is really just a plastic Ekans that jumps out at her.
It's not the first time that Mindy's seen one of those rings. The first time was when Kats fell out of the sky, wasn't it? For some reason, she could sense a strong ghostly energy emanating from them…
What comes out of the portal this time is a box, though. Her instincts as someone familiar with ghostly tricks tell her that there's something afoot, so she shakes the box around, and the rattling sound that comes out of it tells her that, most likely, what's inside is a bunch of smaller boxes.
“Gaspar, be a dear for me and get what's inside, will you?” She asked her trusty Haunter, who reached into the box and phased through multiple layers of consecutively smaller boxes only to pull out… a toy Ekans?
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“Huh. Maybe we should put this in Candice's gym to shake things up!”
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f-nodragonart · 3 years ago
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[IMAGE ID: two screencaps of the titles of two official Deviantart tutorials, released by the official Devianart team. the first reads, “Tutorial: Draw a Dragon with ryky,” and the background shows a step-by-step of a black dragon that is literally shaped like the letter fucking d. the second one reads, “Tutorial: Draw a Creature Wing with AbigailLarson,” and the background shows a few bat-like webbed wings that are broken and flimsy beyond belief, shaped like mere triangles. END ID]
not even gonna bother doing a breakdown, I’ll just link this comment that hit every point on the wing tutorial I would’ve hit, do legendguard a favor and give that comment a like
-Mod Spiral
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vixletserenity · 7 months ago
Echoes of the past - @legendguards, probably Masumi
Echoes of the past -accepting
"Kieran stop! That's enough!"
Celeste had ran over to a boy; with purple hair that peeked out from the main black color being tied back, as he was trying to pull something out from the grand crystal made structure that seemed to surround the whole area.
"Let go of me! You're not taking this away from me Celeste! It's all I have!" The boy hissed as his arm turned; hitting Celeste and causing her to fall onto the ground. Another girl with a similar hair color pattern to the boy but with a red coloring to it helped her up.
All while the only adult in the room telling the boy to continue pulling. The large gem popped right out of the crystals the moment Celeste had fallen.
Moments of silence passed as a light glowed from the gem; showing that it was a Pokemon who had been yawned before starting to make it's way towards Celeste.
"No...!" The boy shouted as he had gotten out a Master Ball from his pocket, "You're MINE!" as the pokeball hit this Pokemon.
1,2,3! And the Pokemon was caught.
But in that moment...Celeste heard a voice, 'You will pay for your crimes greed and ambition for power young one!' Somehow, she could tell that this wasn't directed at her.
It was to the boy demanding a battle with her and this newly caught Pokemon. The friend that even with this drastic change for the worse, Celeste still wanted to save!
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legendguards · 2 days ago
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@legendguards: A multimuse of OCs that are Legendary Pokemon-themed magical girls.
Follows back from @routeone
Most muses are minors, so there's no smut here.
Current legendaries represented include: Mew, Hoopa, Kyurem, Cresselia, Zeraora, (Shadow) Lugia.
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routeone · 7 months ago
Feeling like writing my Legendary-themed magical girls, so I'll be over at @legendguards
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chaserainbows · 8 months ago
Treasure chest acquired! Calem obtained... an arm? Looking closer, the arm is coming from a portal in the chest. What is Gianna even doing? - @legendguards
Send “Treasure Chest Opened! You Acquired _” Along with an Item My Muse would obtain by opening a secrete treasure chest, Make it ANY item you want and see My Muse’s reaction to obtaining said Item.
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"Who the hell left a severed arm here?! Is this a crime scene? Am I gonna be a suspect?"
He quickly shuts down the box and goes to find someone to report this to because he's not ending up as the red herring on a CSI episode, you can be sure of that.
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routeone · 8 months ago
Legendary-themed magical girls (or at least the first three I came up with) are up at @legendguards! Feel free to follow if you want!
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catadioptrics · 5 months ago
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"That's something I like to do now because those powers are fun. With mind reading, though, I just don't think there's anything good that comes out of it."
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"Just do what I do and use your powers for pranks. Use Shadow Force to teleport serialized books out of order or something."
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