#legend of the amazon women
aevykcreates · 2 years
Happy Women’s Day!
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As a female writer, it's really important to me to create female characters who are different, varied and inclusive. Thanks to you, I can still work on Legends of Gingaria, and there are even more female characters coming!
Here's a big hug to all my female readers. Keep on shining!
Aury: Zem
Vitha, Anne y Litxii: Gotxinka
Iokari y Nemestay: Kylkos
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that-house · 5 months
can you tell us more about dronestrike & the campaign theyre from?
just read thhe post about it & immediately became obsessed
(context: Dronestrike is my warrior cats OC, an american imperialist robot cat the size of a horse and equipped with enough firepower to wipe out the clans if it seems like they're at risk of falling to communism. in the oneshot he accidentally fired a nuke at the city of LA and blamed "every other country" in a phone call with Bidenstar to avoid getting in trouble)
it wasn't a campaign, just an 11-person oneshot in the single most chaotic discord voice call I have ever been in. so i haven't played him since then, nor will i ever play him again
i can provide you a variety of facts about him i came up with after the fact though because he's a funny enough character that i can't stop thinking about him:
his brain is composed of three parts with an equal amount of control over his actions: the soul of a vietnam veteran, an AI replica of a cat, and every single super bowl halftime commercial
he comes armed with combat knives for claws, a machine gun in his mouth, a high caliber sniper rifle built into his spine, a pistol that he somehow uses with cat paws, and a douglas air-2 genie air-to-air unguided nuclear missile
transition could not save him because all trans people are godless communists who bully him on twitter
Dronestrike acknowledges every independence movement if only so that America has more countries to eventually colonize
he has read Marx so he can misuse quotes and flex on any marxists who haven't read theory
his greatest wish is for america to have won 'nam
doesn’t really have any physical possessions because he’s a cat who doesn’t have pockets or a permanent residence. he does however have $8.6 million in Shell oil stock
Dronestrike if he played League of Legends: only plays champs who have america-themed skins, but doesn’t actually own the skins because that would be giving money to a chinese company. plays all of them jungle to poor results. iron 4 two thousand games this season
has no mouth but wishes he did so he could taste the burgers that honest Americans have died to defend
Dronestrike's dream world is world war 3, with the stipulation that there is an american flag superimposed over EVERYONE'S vision instead of just his
if he had 24 hours to live he would start a “second american revolution” by attacking England
he isn't a good kisser: no lips, he's a cat, and also george washington famously said that romantic connections weaken your spiritual link with The State
response to being trapped in a maze of mirrors: breaks through the mirrors without noticing, but also can’t recognize his reflection. Thinks he has to fight these teleporting commie clones of himself to save the United States of America
he's on Santa's naughty list
on Halloween he dresses up as George Washington and “trick or disappears” journalists
Dronestrike hates the reds, the brits, women, and most importantly, himself
prefers fundamentals over schmovement
favorite board game is Monopoly because watching people go bankrupt or be imprisoned is one of his hobbies
his happiest memory is his first glimpse of an amazon packaging facility and the horrible conditions of the workers
favorite season is summer: 4th of July babey!!! the holiday where you're allowed to blow shit upppp!!! he also frequently sets off fireworks in the off season to scare dogs and people with anxiety
doesn’t date but he sends tech billionaires unethically farmed flowers sometimes
doesn’t play video games but he has a simulated CoD lobby’s chat going at all times in his head. they call him slurs whenever he misses a shot
relates strongly to Patrick Bateman
he was in ShadowClan. they picked which clan he would be deployed into by having him take the official "which clan are you" quiz
sometimes he doubts that he has the heart of a true warrior
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nanshe-of-nina · 2 months
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Women’s History Meme || Kick-ass Women (6/10) ↬ Tomyris, Queen of the Massagetae (d. c. 520s BCE)
The nomadic Saka-Scythian groups of Central Asia were less familiar with wine, as we can gather from accounts about Queen Tomyris told by Herodotus, Strabo, and Justin. In the sixth century BC, King Cyrus of Persia invaded the land of the Massagetae, a confederation of Saka-Scythian nomads east of the Caspian Sea. Warlike horse people, like their neighbors the Issedonians, the Massagetae were distinguished by gender equality and the sexual freedom of their women. They sacrificed horses to the Sun. Armored in helmets and wide war belts of brass and gold, they fought with bows, lances, and battle-axes. The ruler of the Massagetae at this time was a powerful woman named Tomyris. Like other Scythian tribes, the Massagetae were milk drinkers unused to wine. This fact was exploited by Cyrus. Retreating aſter losing a battle with Tomyris (ca. 530 BC), he resorted to treachery. According to Herodotus’s account, he set out a fancy banquet with large quantities of wine under his Persian tents and withdrew. The pursuing nomads, led by Tomyris’ son, came upon the abandoned feast. They drank the wine and fell into a stupor. The Persians came back and slaughtered the Massagetae; they captured Tomyris’ son, who killed himself as soon as he regained his senses. Enraged, Tomyris sent a message castigating Cyrus. “Glutton for blood! Your weapon was red wine, which you Persians drink until you are so crazy that shameful words float on the liquor’s fumes. This was the poison you used to destroy my army and my son. Leave my land now, or I swear by the Sun I will give you more blood than you can drink.” The mayhem was horrendous in the next battle. Tomyris’ army destroyed the Persians and Cyrus was killed. According to the legend, Tomyris found the king’s corpse, hacked off his head, and plunged it into a wine jug filled with blood drained from Cyrus’ men, crying, “Drink your fill of blood!” — The Amazons: Lives and Legends of Warrior Women across the Ancient World by Adrienne Mayor
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a-gnosis · 11 months
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8: Ares Gynaecothoenas
"In Homer, Ares is both an abstract noun denoting "war" and the deity, blood-stained and bellowing, who personifies the grim and horrific aspects of war. Not surprisingly, Ares enjoyed only a limited worship, concentrated in the Peloponnese and central Greece. Yet he was father to numerous ancestral heroes, and played an important role in the legendary origins of Thebes."
"Cults of Ares were often connected to battle lore, and as the ancestor of the Amazons, Ares was associated with stories of women warriors. In Argos and Tegea, legends told how the women of the city took up arms to battle invading Spartans, and having achieved victory, established cults of Ares from which men were excluded."
Ancient Greek Cults: A Guide by Jennifer Larson.
Gynaecothoenas, "the god feasted by women", was a surname of Ares at Tegea.
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letterful · 6 months
If people know any portion of Herodotus, they almost certainly know the story of Croesus, the immensely rich king of the Lydians, who asked the oracles at Delphi whether he should go to war against the Persians: “The answers both oracles gave to the question were perfectly consistent with each other: they told Croesus that if he made war on the Persians, he would destroy a great empire.” Thus reassured, Croesus attacked and was utterly routed: The empire he would destroy was his own. Herodotus is a treasure chest of such stories and of what he calls thomata, or wonders. He tells us about temple prostitutes in Babylon, the Scythians’ use of cannabis to get high, fathers inadvertently feasting on the flesh of their own sons; he shows us the oases of North Africa (the Ethiopians, he says, “are the tallest and most attractive people in the world”), giant ants that bring up gold from underground, and Amazons who must first kill a man before they can marry; we even glimpse a high-born Persian who cuts off his nose and ears to accomplish a daring undercover military operation, a circumnavigation of Africa, and a foolish king so infatuated with his wife’s beauty that he insists that one of his counselors see her naked. With his usual charm, Herodotus notes that there are so many aromatic spices in Arabia that the entire country “gives off a wonderfully pleasant smell.” His book’s famous second chapter alone, a long excursus on Egypt, describes the use of mosquito netting, how to hunt a crocodile, the legend of Helen in Egypt, the building of pyramids, and three ways to embalm a corpse. After the mortuarial details, he gruesomely adds, “When the wife of an eminent man dies, or any woman who was particularly beautiful or famous, the body is not handed over to the embalmers straight away. They wait three or four days before doing so. The reason for this is to stop the embalmers having sex with the women.”
— MICHAEL DIRDA, from Bound to Please.
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city-of-ladies · 8 months
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“In discussing all these diverse images of armed and actively fighting women of Old Norse literature, and in critically acknowledging that many of the accounts that concern them were created several centuries after the events, it is easy to relegate them all to the sphere of fiction and to regard them as having no basis in historical reality whatsoever. But if we turn to other medieval sources, created independently of Old Norse literary tradition and stemming from different cultural milieus, we will find within them very similar patterns of the occasional female participation in martial activities. The two case studies reviewed above – namely that of Æthelflæd of Mercia and of the women who fought in the siege of Dorostolon – strongly support the idea that there could be some reality behind the stories of armed women that survive in Old Norse literature. Also other historical women of the Viking Age, especially those who stemmed from the highest echelons of society, were occasionally compelled to engage in endeavours associated with warfare and would oversee military operations. For instance, the great Princess Olga, who was the wife of Igor of Kiev, led her army against the Slavic tribe of Derevlians, devised her own impressive strategies and through all these initiatives gained recognition among her companions, regardless of her biological sex.
It thus feels highly unlikely that all these medieval accounts, including the famed descriptions of female warriors in Saxo Grammaticus’ Gesta Danorum, were only inspired by legends of the ancient Amazons and served as curiosa and literary embellishments to entertain the audience. As we shall see in the following chapters of this book, archaeological finds from across Scandinavia provide support for the idea that some Viking Age women did wield weapons and in one way or another found their place in the martial sphere.”
Women and Weapons in the Viking World: Amazons of the North, Leszek Gardela
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davidluongart · 1 year
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Ares and his daughters, the Amazons⚔️🏛️✨
Depictions of Amazonian women were were based on the nomadic Saka/ Scythians who lived in the Eurasian steppes, from Eastern Europe to Central Asia, and southern parts of Siberia (including the Thracians, Cimmerians, and Sarmatians that mentioned by the Greeks were a part of). From left to right of the illustration: Penthesilea, Queen Hippolyte, Melanippe, and Antiope.
The background was based on Giresun Island in the Black Sea, in ancient times called “Aretias” or “island of Ares”; as according to legend, the island was sacred to the Amazons, who had dedicated a temple to Ares here. The Black Sea region was also the setting for various obscure Greek legends/mythologies, too. The stories of Jason & the Argonauts, planned to capture the Golden Fleece & how he fell in love with the Colchian sorcery princess, Medea; Achilles’ temple/final resting place after his mother Thetis retrieved him from the Trojan War, and how Iphigenia was sent by Artemis to the Tauric peninsula.
Even today, fertility rites are performed there every May, usually involving the famed boulder named the Hamza Stone on the east side of the island, which I depicted in the roofless stone temple in the background. (According to archeological indications, it was probably built during the Classical-Hellenistic era) Now often shrouded as a popular practice, it’s a 4,000-year-old celebration dedicated to the native mother goddess of the region-Cybele.
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Does Lara Croft Have a Girlfriend?
A new trailer for Tomb Raider the Legend of Lara Croft came out yesterday and it has some so-called fans upset to put it mildly. Let’s start from the beginning.
Since the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot and the obviously subtextual romantic relationship between Lara and Sam, people have speculated that Lara is gay. The S.S. Endurance ship on here has quite a lot of posts.
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In 2020 The Gamer released an article stating that Lara and Sam were supposed to become canon in a continuation comic, Tomb Raider: Inferno. Comic book writer Gail Simone tweeted "You cannot convince me that Lara and Sam aren’t 10,000% gay for each other. It’s not even subtext." Jackson Lanzing said "Gail, we tried so hard to make it canon, We had an entire issue in TR: INFERNO dedicated to Lara going through a toxic drug trip and finally, fully understanding her feelings for Sam. By the time it went to publishing, their culminating kiss had become a friendly hug.” Comic book artist Phillip Sevy also confirmed that the original ending to the issue featured a kiss between Lara and Sam. "I still have the original pencils/inks for that page before I had to redraw it”.
Since then, Crystal Dynamics or Square Enix, has been trying to bury the gay subtext and they didn’t bring Sam back in either of the sequel games.
However, there’s apparently been leaks about the next Tomb Raider game that suggest Lara is going to have a girlfriend. The Video Game Chronicle article from 2022 says: According to the alleged casting notes for Lara, the project is looking to cast an “authentic British” actress in their mid-30s “in the prototype of Emily Blunt or Rosamund Pike”, and the role will involve “romantic scenes with another female character”.
But since 2022 some changes have happened with Tomb Raider. Crystal Dynamics have partnered with Amazon Games and their official article announcing the game on the new Tomb Raider website doesn’t mention anything about a potential girlfriend. So, the likelihood of Lara having a girlfriend in the next game in unfortunately low.
Now onto the main reason for this post.
Netflix released a trailer for the upcoming Tomb Raider anime on 19th August 2024 and some so-called fans had some negative things to say about the trailer. Two things caught their attention the most.
Lara’s body type and her potential relationship with a blonde woman.
Lara has been drawn to have an average athletic build. She’s slim and her arms and legs are quite muscular. These fans were complaining that she’s been drawn too thicc, too androgenous and her bust isn’t big enough. Of course, the screenshots they use are of Lara at awkward angles to prove their point. Some one even claimed she has a Steven Universe body, whatever that means.
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Lara just a few seconds later has an average sized bust, which isn’t even important, but shows they'll provide false "evidence" to support their claims.
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Lara looks like a strong, athletic woman, which she is considering she climbs cliffs and goes on adventures. Lara needs the arm and leg muscles to get her up those walls.
These fans compared Lara’s body type to rock climbers. But I found way more images of rock climbers with muscular builds.
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Isn’t it a good thing that women of all body types can rock climb if they want to?
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Considering Lara’s profession, her body type is very logical. And she doesn’t look super skinny like her original design.
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This design in anatomically impossible and it looks like she doesn’t have any organs.
Lara shouldn’t be an impossible standard for young girls and women to idolise. She should look like a real person.
Even all these male heroes in today’s media are an impossible standard and it’s bad for young boys and men looking up to them and it’s bad for the actors as they are severely dehydrated.
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Just 20 years ago we didn’t have this impossible standard for men. Since then, instead of it getting better for women, it’s gotten worse for men. This isn’t the equality I wanted.
The second issue they have is a blonde woman, I don’t know her name, taking Lara’s hand in hers.
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This woman is very clearly worried for Lara’s safety and because she looks at Lara like this:
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they think the woman is Lara’s girlfriend.
Because a woman can’t be worried about her friend without being called gay right? That’s the only way they’re allowed to show concern for someone. They also think the blonde woman is gay because of her haircut and her body type. Having broad shoulders, narrow hips and a small bust. Which again doesn’t even seem to be true. They're about the same width from this angle.
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The official website says nothing about this woman and who she is; and I don’t want to get my hopes up thinking she is her girlfriend when she might not be.
So, the questions that every fan seems to have: Is Lara Croft gay? Does Lara Croft have a girlfriend? Are still unanswered. There is nothing definitive to say no or yes. The only thing we can do is wait and see.
We might find out on 10th October 2024 when they release the show and we might not. We'll also see if Lara has a girlfriend in the next game. For now we still have our fanart, fanfic and headcanons to give us what they haven't.
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thevindicativevordan · 7 months
On Grail
Like how PKJ made me see the potential of what Metallo could be thematically, Tom King unlocked Grail as a Wonder Woman villain.
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Issue 6 of Tom King and Daniel Sampere's Wonder Woman run finally made Grail click into place for me. I get her now. I get what she stands for, why she works as an evil Wonder Woman counterpart the way Zod and Bane do for Superman and Batman. It all comes down to the nature of what Wonder Woman is supposed to be, where she draws her strength from, and how DC has constantly dropped the ball with her portrayal.
Wonder Woman is meant to stand in contrast to the world of Men. The legends and myths mankind has told about the Amazons are total lies, at least with regards to what the Amazons are meant to be as created by Marston. Where the legends portray the Amazons as bloodthirsty warriors, the DC Amazons are peace-loving freedom fighters. They have a culture that values the arts and sciences equally to combat. They have advanced medicine and technology as seen with the purple ray. Where the world of men prioritizes fathers and sons, the Amazons show the value of mothers and daughters. Diana is herself the ultimate rebellion against the status quo of Patriarch's World. She has no father. Her creation was an act of love solely undertaken and made possible by her mother Hippolyta and her patron goddesses. Everything about the Amazons and Wonder Woman is supposed to be in defiance to what you'd think they'd "realistically" be.
What then is the thematic conflict between Diana and Grail? Diana is the Liberated Woman, free of the shackles that society places on people via gender roles, and fighting to share that freedom with the rest of the world. Grail meanwhile is her contrast, the Patriarchal Sellout. Where Diana invokes Hippolyta as her source of strength, Grail invokes Darkseid and has abandoned her mother's mission and dreams for her. Where Diana fights against the Patriarchy, as embodied in the Sovereign, Grail joins forces with the very man who has ordered the exile and murder of her sister Amazons.
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She's bloodthirsty and spoiling for a fight, possessed of a curious honor that sees her toss her own weapon aside when she sees Diana has already done likewise. She's proudful and ego-driven, which is why Sovereign has to come recruit her himself rather than send an underling. All she cares about is fighting and proving her own strength on the battlefield or in the bedroom. In other words: Grail is the kind of Amazon that the general audience frequently thinks Wonder Woman is. All of the erroneous beliefs found there are true for her. Grail is the bloodthirsty Amazon of myth, the one who is powerful because her father is the head of a pantheon of gods. The evil dominatrix who gets off on other peoples suffering because they're weak, and thus not worthy unlike herself. Whose empowerment comes at the cost of others' debasement.
Instead of rebelling against stereotypes, she embodies them. All that makes her interesting, because here you have Wonder Woman embodying the Amazon Ideal up against the Amazon Nightmare. You have the strongest woman on the planet - who derives power from other women, up against the strongest woman who derives her power from a man. The Ambassador for Peace vs. the Goddess of War.
In other words? It's Diana up against a character who embodies the worst trends that she has fallen victim to because of DC's treatment of her. Grail is the kind of Amazon who would take heads as battle trophies the way Zack Snyder wanted to portray DCEU Wonder Woman, who'd gleefully leap at the chance to rule the world the way Injustice Wonder Woman does, who'd kill a child and wreck the planet like Flashpoint Wonder Woman, who is a warrior and nothing else. Johns created her as a dark reflection of the New 52 Wonder Woman, who was already a dark deviation from the "traditional" Wonder Woman. Which means now Diana has a Rogue who embodies every terrible misconception of, and direction for, her character. She has someone who she can look straight in the face of, see all those terrible ideas on what Wonder Woman should be, all those trashy takes on what empowerment for women looks like, and go
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blueiscoool · 5 months
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The Hunt: El Dorado, Fabled City of Gold, Remains Hidden in the Amazon
Centuries have seen countless explorers brave hardships to find the fabled city.
An ancient city of gold somewhere in South America is rumored to have been so fabulously opulent that it has become an expression for any place where people can amass great fortunes. But it has been so elusive that it has become synonymous, like the Holy Grail, with a prized object long sought but never found. Countless men have given their lives in the search for its riches as they ran out of supplies and food, were felled by disease, or encountered violent resistance along the way.
The goal of numerous explorers over centuries, from crews with wooden ships and horses to teams with drones and radar, El Dorado is a lost city, reportedly stretching over great distances in the Amazon rainforest and hidden from prying eyes by its remoteness and the warlike peoples in the forest around it. (The region got its name, in fact, from Spanish explorer Francisco Orellana, who compared the fighting women he encountered during his own search with the Amazons of ancient Greece.)
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Tales of El Dorado, its name Spanish for “the golden,” began with the Muisca peoples’ perhaps-mythical account of a tribal chief who, in an initiation rite, coated himself in gold. He then went onto Lake Guatavita, near present-day Bogotá, threw a pile of gold objects into the water, and washed the gold off himself as his attendants also threw an abundance of gold objects into the lake. The 16th-century Spanish referred to him as the Golden Man or the Golden King.
“This is the ceremony that became the famous El Dorado, which has taken so many lives and fortunes,” according to a 1638 letter from writer Juan Rodríguez Freyle. That pile of loot was soon fused in the lore with an account of an entire city made of gold. Others posited that the city was called Manoa and was situated on the shores of a legendary Lake Parima, which has also never been found.
Supposedly one of the first to claim he visited it was the Spanish explorer Juan Martinez, who reported that the locals had brought him there blindfolded in 1531 and allowed him to witness it, and that he traveled an entire day through its streets before reaching the emperor’s palace.
When Francisco Pizarro conquered the gold-rich Inca civilization in Peru in 1532, Spaniards believed all the more firmly in the fabled El Dorado. Francisco de Orellana, a relative of Pizarro, unwittingly traveled the entire length of the Amazon, the world’s longest river, in his search for it.
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Some gold did turn up in a lake, seeming to justify the continued search. After he found Guatavita, a sacred lake in the Andes, in 1537, conquistador Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada partly emptied it using a bucket chain. From its depths emerged a few thousand pesos of gold.
Bogotá entrepreneur Antonio de Sepúlveda, for his part, cut an enormous notch in the bank of the lake in 1580, removing a great deal of water before the notch collapsed and killed many of the workers. For his trouble, he uncovered three times as much gold as Quesada had, and sent it to King Philip II of Spain. Alexander von Humboldt, the 19th-century German explorer, would calculate that there could be as much as $300 million in gold in the lake.
English explorer Sir Walter Raleigh went looking for El Dorado in 1594, followed by the Spanish conquistadores, who scoured modern-day Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana and Brazil in the search. Less well-known expeditions continued over the 17th and 18th centuries, bodies piling up but ultimately turning up nothing.
In findings from a major scientific investigation, Von Humboldt would claim, ca. 1800, to have disproven the existence of the lake El Dorado is meant to have flanked. In the following decades, two other researchers came to the same conclusion.
But the legend did not die. The search was revived a century later, when an English company drained the lake almost entirely. Despite their efforts, they extracted artifacts worth only about £500, some of which went to the British Museum, some of which sold at Sotheby’s London. In 1965, the Colombian government designated the lake as off-limits to further attempts.
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The quest continues with the help of modern technology. A team led by Venezuelan archaeologist-explorer Jose Miguel Perez-Gomez went looking, employing aerial and satellite remote sensing surveys obtained from NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Missions (SRTM), the Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) instrument, and TanDEM-X synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors from the German Aeropsace Center’s Microwave and Radar Institute, according to a 2019 paper. Of all the unlikely results, their findings strongly resembled the outlines of a lake in a map drawn by none other than Sir Walter Raleigh.
The area is not without rich natural resources, so dreams of a city of gold can perhaps be forgiven. Illegal extraction operations are underway to this day, in fact, in what the Venezuelan government in 2016 designated the Orinoco Mining Arc, which covers 12 percent of the country’s territory and is rich not only in gold but also bauxite, coltan, and diamonds, possibly totaling some $2 trillion in value. You can literally see the modern gold mining from space: in 2021, an astronaut passing over eastern Peru in the International Space Station used a Nikon camera to snap a photo that reveals numerous gold prospecting pits.
Over the years, El Dorado has shown up in popular culture countless times, from a 1989 Neil Young record to video games, a board game, and the Cadillac Eldorado. So even as the city has remained stubbornly hidden over centuries, it is, in its way, all around us.
By Brian Boucher.
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olympushit · 2 months
Hey!!!! Do you have any posts about Ares relation with his daughters the Amazons. I would to see your take on it <3!!!!!! Thx!!!
Tbh, I haven't made a post talking exclusively about Ares and the Amazons!
The Myth about the creation of the Amazon nation is thrilling!
Otrera being a married woman, abused by her husband decided to kill him and all the men in her town, alongside other women, and create a nation that belonged to women warriors! Ares was said to admire Otrera's courage, so he descended Olympus and told her to build him a temple and he will honor her and her nation. Otrera did build the temple and honored Ares along with Artemis. She also gave Ares two magnificent daughters, Penthesilea and Hippolyta, both Amazon queens, with terrible lives ahead of them...
Penthesilea killed Hippolyta by accident while hunting and wanted to die for doing something like that. She was a queen and decided to die honorably, and that's why she took part in the Trojan War. And she found the glorious death she wanted by the hands of Achilles, who fell in love with her after he saw her beauty...
Hippolyta's history was a tragedy on its own...
There are many myths and legends surrounding this nation of women, to which I am not going to list now for the sake of a lengthy and tiring answer, but I will focus on the most thrilling ones in my opinion.
The Myth of Otrera and Ares seems romantic to me. Ares took the time to notice a fierce and independent woman, and he bowed to her! He promised to favor her and the next generations after her and he abided by his promise, and also had children with her, bounding forever!
The Myth of Herakles taking Hippolyta's girdle made me focus more on the fact that when Hippolyta was crowned queen of the Amazons, her father Ares gifted her that girdle. Ares shows devotion and support towards his daughter!
Also, the Myth surrounding Penthesilea and Achilles is a thrilling one! He killed her and fell in love with her, amd also killed Thersites for making fun of him falling in love with her. Penthesilea captured Achilles with her skills and beauty, she tamed his anger and made him fall in love again after him losing Patroclus...
And let's not forget the legend implying that they had only one breast! A-mazon(a-mastos: without a breast-mastos-μαστός in greek). It was said that they cut off their rights breast, so that they could use the bow with more ease. To be honest, I find this legend a little too harsh and excruciating, like why would you do that? I don't understand it! There are many versions behind the etymology of the name "Amazon" but this one stood out the most to me.
Personally, I admire Otrera's courage to build such an empire! I associate the Amazons with feminism, women are powerful and can do anything they put their mind to! War is not only for men, because life isn't hard only for men!
The stories behind the Amazons are ones of tragedy and tears mostly, but they teach important lessons and make you admire the inner strength these women had to endure such grief. Maybe Ares knew something more and decided to always be there for them....😔
That was my take for the Amazons! Of course I can write way too much stuff and explanations about them, but I concluded the gist for this one! Ares never left his children alone, and he didn't leave them alone too, despite living in an era where women had no rights whatsoever!
Thanks for the ask! My inbox is always open! Feel free to write anything! 🙂
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Amazons Attack #1 by Josie Campbell and Vasco Georgiev. Cover by Clayton Henry. Variant covers by (2) Taj Tenfold, (3) Mike Deodato Jr, (4) Georgiev and (5) Meghan Hetrick. Out in October.
"After the shocking events in Wonder Woman, the Amazons are now fighting for a world that no longer wants them! Led by their fearless Queen Nubia, a ragtag group of Amazons featuring Wonder Girl and Faruka II frantically searches for answers as their existence and way of life are threatened. Will the tribes survive their new reputation? Find out in this roller coaster of a debut issue! Brought to you by rising stars Josie Campbell (The New Champion of Shazam!) and Vasco Georgiev (Batman: Urban Legends), this series promises to be an action-packed adventure featuring the greatest warrior women in the DCU!"
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bala5 · 4 months
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Camille Monfort, The 1896 Legendary Tale of "The Amazonian Vampire”.
Camille Monfort, The 1896 Legendary Tale of "The Amazonian Vampire”.
In 1896, Belém became rich by selling Amazonian rubber to the world, making the farmers overnight millionaires who built their rich mansions with European materials, while their wives and daughters sent their clothes to be washed in the old continent and imported mineral water from London for their baths.
The "Theatro da Paz" was the center of cultural life in the Amazon, with concerts by European artists. Among them, one especially caught the public's attention, the beautiful French opera singer Camille Monfort (1869-1896), who provoked indescribable desires in the rich gentlemen of the region and atrocious jealousy in their wives due to her great beauty.
Camille Monfort also caused indignation for her behavior, which was free from the social conventions of her time. Legend has it that she was seen half-naked, dancing in the streets of Belém while refreshing herself in the afternoon rain. Her solitary night walks also aroused curiosity when she was seen in her long, black, and vaporous dresses under the full moon, on the banks of the Guajará River, towards the Igarapé das Almas.
Soon, rumors began to circulate around her, and malicious comments were made. It was said that she was the lover of Francisco Bolonha (1872-1938), who had brought her from Europe and that he bathed her with expensive imported champagnes in the bathtub of his mansion.
It was also said that she had been attacked by vampirism in London, due to her paleness and sickly appearance, and that she had brought this great evil to the Amazon, having a mysterious craving for human blood, to the point of hypnotizing young women with her voice in her concerts, making them fall asleep in her dressing room so that the mysterious lady could reach their necks. Curiously, this coincided with reports of fainting in the theater during her concerts, which were simply explained as the effect of the strong emotion that her music produced in the audience's ears.
It was also said that she had the power to communicate with the dead and materialize their spirits into dense ethereal mists of ectoplasmic materials expelled from her own body in mediumistic sessions. These were undoubtedly the first manifestations in the Amazon of what would later be called spiritualism, practiced in mysterious cults in Belém palaces, such as the Palacete Pinho.
At the end of 1896, a terrible cholera outbreak devastated the city of Belém, turning Camille Monfort into one of its victims, who was buried in the Cemetery of Solitude.
Today, her tomb is still there, covered in slime, moss, and dry leaves, under a huge mango tree that makes her grave sink into the darkness of its shadow, only illuminated by rays of sun that penetrate through the green leaves.
It is a neoclassical mausoleum with a door closed by an old rusty lock, from which a white marble female bust can be seen on the wide lid of the abandoned tomb, and attached to the wall, a small framed image of a woman dressed in black.
On her tombstone, you can read the inscription:
"Here lies Camila María Monfort (1869-1896) The voice that captivated the world."
But there are still those who say today that her tomb is empty, that her death and burial were nothing more than an act to cover up her case of vampirism, and that Camille Monfort still lives in Europe, now at the age of 154.
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city-of-ladies · 8 months
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“Women were included in the ranks of this fully mobilized society. Prokopios, aware, of course, of the legends of the Amazons whose origins he traces to the region of the Sabirs, reports that in the aftermath of "Hunnic" (i.e. Sabir) raids into Byzantine territory, the bodies of women warriors were found among the enemy dead. East Roman or Byzantine sources also knew of women rulers among the nomads. Malalas, among others, mentions the Sabir Queen Boa/Boarez/Boareks who ruled some 100,000 people and could field an army of 20,000. In 576 a Byzantine embassy to the Turks went through the territory of 'Akkayai; "which is the name of the woman who rules the Scythians there, having been appointed at that time by Anagai, chief of the tribe of the Utigurs." The involvement of women in governance (and hence in military affairs) was quite old in the steppe and was remarked on by the Classical Greek accounts of the Iranian Sarmatians. It was also much in evidence in the Cinggisid empire. 
These traditions undoubtedly stemmed from the necessities of nomadic life in which the whole of society was mobilized. Ibn al-Faqih, embellishing on tales that probably went back to the Amazons of Herodotos, says of one of the Turkic towns that their "women fight well together with them," adding that the women were very dissolute and even raped the men. Less fanciful evidence is found in the Jiu Tangshu which, s.a. 835, reports that the Uygur Qagan presented the Tang emperor with "seven women archers skillful on horseback.” Anna Komnena tells of a Byzantine soldier who was unhorsed with an iron grapple and captured by one of the women defenders as he charged the circled wagons of the Pecenegs. Women warriors were known among the already Islamized Turkmen tribes of fifteenth century Anatolia and quite possibly among the Ottoman gazfs (cf. the Bacryan-z Rum "sisters of Rum")”.
Golden Peter B., “War and warfare in the pre-cinggissid steppes of Eurasia” in: Di Cosmo Nicola (ed.), War and warfare in Inner Asian History
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ancientstuff · 6 months
Sounds like an interesting documentary. Hope it airs down here.
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industrial-horror · 4 months
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In 1896, Belém became rich by selling Amazonian rubber to the world, making the farmers overnight millionaires who built their rich mansions with European materials, while their wives and daughters sent their clothes to be washed in the old continent and imported mineral water from London for their baths.
The "Theatro da Paz" was the center of cultural life in the Amazon, with concerts by European artists. Among them, one especially caught the public's attention, the beautiful French opera singer Camille Monfort (1869-1896), who provoked indescribable desires in the rich gentlemen of the region and atrocious jealousy in their wives due to her great beauty.
Camille Monfort also caused indignation for her behavior, which was free from the social conventions of her time. Legend has it that she was seen half-naked, dancing in the streets of Belém while refreshing herself in the afternoon rain. Her solitary night walks also aroused curiosity when she was seen in her long, black, and vaporous dresses under the full moon, on the banks of the Guajará River, towards the Igarapé das Almas.
Soon, rumors began to circulate around her, and malicious comments were made. It was said that she was the lover of Francisco Bolonha (1872-1938), who had brought her from Europe and that he bathed her with expensive imported champagnes in the bathtub of his mansion.
It was also said that she had been attacked by vampirism in London, due to her paleness and sickly appearance, and that she had brought this great evil to the Amazon, having a mysterious craving for human blood, to the point of hypnotizing young women with her voice in her concerts, making them fall asleep in her dressing room so that the mysterious lady could reach their necks.
Curiously, this coincided with reports of fainting in the theater during her concerts, which were simply explained as the effect of the strong emotion that her music produced in the audience's ears.
It was also said that she had the power to communicate with the dead and materialize their spirits into dense ethereal mists of ectoplasmic materials expelled from her own body in mediumistic sessions. These were undoubtedly the first manifestations in the Amazon of what would later be called spiritualism, practiced in mysterious cults in Belém palaces, such as the Palacete Pinho.
At the end of 1896, a terrible cholera outbreak devastated the city of Belém, turning Camille Monfort into one of its victims, who was buried in the Cemetery of Solitude.
Today, her tomb is still there, covered in slime, moss, and dry leaves, under a huge mango tree that makes her grave sink into the darkness of its shadow, only illuminated by rays of sun that penetrate through the green leaves.
It is a neoclassical mausoleum with a door closed by an old rusty lock, from which a white marble female bust can be seen on the wide lid of the abandoned tomb, and attached to the wall, a small framed image of a woman dressed in black.
On her tombstone, you can read the inscription:
"Here lies Camila María Monfort (1869-1896) The voice that captivated the world."
She embedded fear and share power to her subordinates by selling rubber to the people of Europe and the world at large but when are in her home she always gave you a new kind of fear
But there are still those who say today that her tomb is empty, that her death and burial were nothing more than an act to cover up her case of vampirism, and that Camille Monfort still lives in Europe, now at the age of 154.
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