#legend of five rings
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ymbrynae · 11 days ago
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New design of my character Kitsune Hiyori 🥰 Shugenja from Fox clan
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st-just · 2 years ago
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Masked Tortoise by Kris Cooper
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lord-soth-dk · 1 year ago
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premise29 · 1 year ago
Universal experience. I played Legend of the Five Rings with friends, and a previous PC named Yu ended up an important NPC. I hadn't been in the group when he was a PC.
Three guys repeating the same joke. Any time I used the word in character. "I need you to take this artifact." "You should attack that guy."
But Yu's in Bardo Village!
It got to the point I would see it coming, and say it with them.
one of my players in the ttrpg i run is playing a character called yew
and every session
every session without fail
i will address the party and say something like 'okay, you walk into the room-'
and one of those chucklefucks will say 'yeah but what about the rest of us'
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gorgonarcher · 1 year ago
8th Game - Legend of Five Rings 5e
So, from one game that uses the twenty-questions to another. This one uses twenty questions in a bit different way than 7th Sea, in that it uses the questions to serve as the Steps of character creation.
Legend of Five Rings is a fantasy game inspired by a mixture of East Asian mythology and history, though primarily Japanese. The earlier editions were about what you expected from 90s and 00s RPGs based on Japan. 4th edition in particular had a number of essays included that I remember poorly. I picked up the game in the 1st edition and almost dropped it after 4th until I heard that Fantasy-Flight Games picked it up and given my pleasant surprise with how well their Star Wars game worked along with word from people reading the playtests that they fixed a lot of the problems with appropriation in prior editions.
Also, the is a primarily human setting, but there's a couple of options for playing inhuman characters, including a culture called the Shinomen Naga which one of the supplements released rules for.
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Though we only have a single school for them.
Since we are going to be using the Naga, we're going to be using a revised version of the Twenty Questions for dealing with folk outside of the Great Clans of the Rokugan Empire that is the usual focus of the setting.
There are a few supplements that present revisions to the Twenty Questions appropriate to the themes of the supplement.
Part I: Core Identity
The first two questions come in under this section and usually those are:
1: What Clan does your character belong to?
2: What Family does your character belong to?
For the revised version in this supplement we instead of these questions:
1: What region does your character come from? What was your character's upbringing?
2: What is your character's past and how does it affect them?
Question 1: What region does your character come from? What was your character's upbringing?
The region is going to give the character a bonus to a Ring, which are the stats of the game, one Skill, and their starting Glory skill.
There are three regions:
Rural Farmland
The Naga mostly live in a vast forest called Shinomen Mori.
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So, Forest is the likely region, but there are some mountains in the area and on the edges, and while most humans wouldn't recognize it as such, they have their own farmlands. The Naga in setting have been asleep for unknown ages, but they've woken up and started re-establishing their realms.
I'm going to say she's from one of the farming areas, either orchards or fish farms around one of the rivers deeper into the forest.
Rural Farmland:
Earth +1
Fitness +1
Glory 34
Now upbringing will get her one of two possible Ring bonuses, bonuses to two skills, and starting wealth and status.
Status modification is a little bit different from what I'm used to in this game. Usually, you get a starting Status flat, but I'm assuming that's because the standard you're dealing with samurai of the Great Clans and in this case we're dealing with people outside of that status group. Gaijin have a default Status of 0 and the book advises you to decide the character's status in their own culture based on the tables in the main book. I'm going with a Status of 19 in Naga culture, which is the high end of where laborers, artisans, and military conscripts sit.
We have a couple of options:
Hunter or Fisher
I sort of want someone on the periphery of Naga society, more likely to become curious about humans than the core. I'm thinking a farmer, from one of the orchards that used to be deeper in the forest back when the forest was much larger.
Farmer gives her:
A choice of +1 Earth or +1 Water, I think I'm going for Water. Rings are more about personality and the adaptability implied by the Water Ring interests me.
+1 Labor, +1 Fitness
Status Modification +4
Starting Wealth: 2 bu
Everybody starts with 1 in every Ring and 0 in every Skill, so with the bonuses above we have.
Air 1
Earth 2
Fire 1
Water 2
Void 1
Fitness 2
Labor 1
Social Stats
Glory 34
Status 4/19
Now on to Question 2.
Question 2: What is your character's past and how does it affect them?
This is an entirely narrative question, which usually don't show up until later in the 20 questions. This is a backstory that will cause problems for the character whenever it comes up. Most of the sample pasts are very much centric on the culture of the Great and Minor Clans of Rokugan, so we'll have to come up with something unique for our Naga farm-girl here.
I'm going to go with a bit of The Fugitive here.
Soon after our character awoke, she wandered off into human lands, unfortunately for her, this coincided with the appearance of something else snakish, either a yokai or an actual oni. It was vicious but luckily for her not very powerful. She was able to kill it, which left no body. However, she had no witnesses to this fight, so there's a lot of humans that think she is the monster and investigator that had been hired to tracking the monster is seeking her out.
Part II: Role and School
There are two questions to this section.
Question 3: What is your character's school and what roles does that school fall into?
Now, we already know this as the way they define non-human characters is through their school. Now, as a note, we could also say give her a samurai or other human school because there's numerous canonical examples of humans with supernatural heritage. But we are going to go ahead and use the Naga Seer above anyway, as it is the simplest example.
This gives her two Rings, several skills, some starting techniques, starting Honor, a school trait, starting gear, and a list of which techniques the school has open access to.
So, for this case the Shinomen Naga Seer Tradition gives her:
Earth +1
Water +1
Skills: +1 Courtesy, +1 Fitness, +1 Martial Arts (Melee), +1 Martial Arts (Ranged), +1 Meditation, +1 Performance, +1 Survival
Honor: 55
Available Techniques: Kata, Rituals, Shuji
Kata are martial techniques, Rituals are rituals, Shuji are social techniques.
Starting Kata: Striking as Water or Crescent Moon Style
Starting Shuji: Shallow Waters, Stonewall Tactics, Weight of Duty
I'm choosing Striking as Water for the Kata as it can be used with Ranged attacks.
For the Shuji, I'm taking on the Weight of Duty which lets her recognize what sort of obligations a person has.
And then we also have the following:
Bend Perception (School Ability): When you choose this school, determine what illusion your character has perfected with your GM. Your character can seemlessly switch between their true form and this alternate form within a matter of seconds. When using this school ability, you can still use your true form’s features, such as your tail. Any character witnessing you do so sees something narratively appropriate based on your illusion. A character must make a TN 6 Theology or Survival (Void 5) check to see beyond your illusion. Additionally, you increase the damage dealt by your tail by your school rank.
Starting Outfit: Naga armor (Physical 2, Supernatural 1), yumi, quiver, nagi-nata, traveling pack, personal pearl (sacred).
And now we move on.
Question 4: How does your character stand out within their school?
This is a free choice to add another extra dot to a Ring. We can't add to Earth or Water because the max you can gain in character creation is 3 and we've maxed both of those out. So the different Rings imply the following traits:
Air - Grace, eloquence, empathy
Earth - Thoroughness, patience, calm
Fire - Creativity, passion, drive
Water - Adaptability, friendliness, awareness
Void - Self-awareness, insight, mysticism
So, I'm looking for something that pushes towards curiosity, but curiosity can be applied to Air, Fire, and Void. I think I'm going for Air though for the better Empathy.
This makes her final Rings look like the following:
Air 2
Earth 3
Fire 1
Water 3
Void 1
Part III: Honor and Glory
This has two questions designed to discuss what your character's Giri (Duty) and Ninjo (Desire). These are narrative hooks meant to be in conflict with each other.
Question 5: Who is your lord and what is your character's duty to them?
The Naga character doesn't have quite the same relationship with Duty and Desire that the samurai do. The Seer school are Bushi and Courtier, but I don't think she particularly has the duty of a full Naga warrior. I do think her duty to the Naga in general would fill in for her Giri. She'd be trying not to give too much away to the humans that may not immediately consider them trustworhy. So, while she's traveling among humans, she tries hard not to reveal herself, using her illusion to hide herself as human.
Question 6: What does your character long for, and how might their past impact their ninjo?
This is one of the revised questions. The normal one is as follows:
What does your character long for, and how might this impede their duty?
This is similar, though. I think she's intrigued to see how the world has changed since the Naga went to sleep and is wandering about seeing human culture, unfortunately with people pursuing her, she's had to be extra careful to avoid attention where she can.
Question 7: What is your character known for?
This is another revised question where the original is:
What is your character's relationship with their clan?
In this case, the question is whether she is known for something positive or negative. And the answer is that she is mostly known for something negative. People believe she's a monster of some sort.
If she'd had a positive reputation, she'd gain +5 Glory. But with a negative reputation, she gains 1 rank in a skill she has 0 in.
The skills are as follows:
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I'm going to say she's picked up a rank in Culture from observing humans.
Question 8: What does your character think of Bushido?
Because of how the Rokugan Empire claims almost all the land in the area, it is impossible to get through life without having at least some dealing with the tenets of Bushido. I don't have clear memories of what the Naga philosophies are, precisely, but I am aware that they are significantly different in some ways from those of the Samurai. The two cultures have some mutual enemies in the form of the Shadowlands, nor are they expressly enemies themselves, but there's room for them to be enemies or allies in the future.
If her belief aligned with Bushido, I'd give her +10 Honor. But because I am going with the idea that she only knows a little bit about Bushido and is sticking to her own beliefs, I'd get 1 rank in a skill from a list of skills normally associated as "Low" skills.
That said, Honor is supposed to be about your own belief in yourself and is separate from how other people feel about you, I could say that this would be based on her following along with Naga philosophies.
But I still think that the slightly off-normal for the bonus skill would work better. If she was fully in accord with Naga beliefs she likely wouldn't have wandered out into the human controlled lands.
So that is a choice of a rank in one of the following: Commerce, Labor, Medicine, Seafaring, Skulduggery, or Survival.
And because of how she's been using illusions to pass as human and avoiding attention, Skulduggery feels appropriate.
Part IV: Strengths and Weaknesses
This where we introduce the character's Advantages and Disadvantages. And also at this point we've passed all the sections that were revised for the supplement including Naga.
Question 9: What is your character's greatest accomplishment so far?
This is pretty easy as we've already mentioned it. She defeated a monster shortly after waking up and is now mistaken for it. So I'll want an Advantage that represents that fight. These are Distinctions, which are more about physical, supernatural, or social advantages.
These are easily home-brewed, and it is encouraged to do so, but I want to look through the pre-built stuff to see if there's something that works already.
Sixth Sense seems to work for this. Advantages come with a narrative and a mechanical aspect, Sixth Sense looks like this:
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So, basically, it was a creature that depended on ambushes and as she was able to sense it ahead of time, she had an advantage that she used to kill it.
Question 10: What holds your character back the most in life?
This presents a the idea of a Disadvantage, these are similar to Advantages in that they have a narrative and a mechanical aspect to them. This one is the opposite of a Distinction... an Adversity that deals with physical, supernatural, or social limits.
I think what probably holds her back the most is the idea that she's not sure if there are other Naga around or alive. She still feels a duty not to reveal them to the humans, in case there are others, but by the same token she feels so very alone.
However, that sounds more like an Anxiety. So I think I'm going to go back to the Fugitive thing and take Whispers of Cruelty to give mechanics to the rumors she has following her.
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Question 11: What activity most makes your character feel at peace?
Ah aha, here is where we get Curiosity. This is where we pick a Passion which, as with all Advantages, has a narrative and a mechanical aspect, and deals entirely with emotional well-being and Curiosity is one of the pre-built versions.
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Question 12: What concern, fear, or foible troubles your character the most?
And at this point, we can add in Loneliness which is a prebuilt Anxiety, the mirror to Passions dealing with mental health, from the Emerald Empire supplement. She's already wandered far away from the other Naga, so other Naga do not know where to look to find her through the Unity (a telepathic ability the Naga share with each other) and she's not well trained in projecting her thoughts, so she's already moved well past the range at which she can hear the thoughts of her kin. It's made her increasingly fear that she was the only one to wake up.
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Question 13: Who has your character learned the most from during their life?
This would be an elder Naga who taught her much about archery and farming throughout her life. This comes with one Advantage, either a Distinction or a Passion, one Disadvantage, either an Adversity or an Anxiety. And 1 rank in a skill related to the relationship.
In this case I'm going to say that she has Keen Sight to represent how she was trained to find both targets and to see developments in the land and crops. Whether the fruit in the orchards was ripe or blighted.
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However, she is also very clearly Gaijin in both appearance and culture.
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And then I'm giving her 1 rank in Martial Arts (Ranged)
At this points stats look like this:
Air 2
Earth 3
Fire 1
Water 3
Void 1
Courtesy 1
Culture 1
Fitness 3
Martial Arts (Melee) 1
Martial Arts (Ranged) 2
Meditation 1
Performance 1
Labor 1
Skullduggery 1
Survival 1
Part V: Personality and Behavior
Question 14: What do people notice first upon encountering your character?
Well, if her illusion is not up, then the first thing most people would notice about her is that she's a great big snake person. Without that, however, her garb is archaic and also a bit alien. The last time Rokugani and Naga interacted with each other, when they were fighting the Foul (Shadowlands) together, the empire was not yet officially formed. She dresses very much like a culture that has not been seen in living memory (excluding certain gods still around) because she is someone from a culture that has been asleep for ages.
The most distinctive bit of aesthetic gear that she has is a green and gold body wrap, something like an overlong scarf that folds over one shoulder and then wraps around her waist.
Question 15: How does your character react to stressful situations?
This is basically a tell that happens when she does what the game calls "unmasking" one way to clear Strife or stress. It might not be a part of every such event, but it's basically a quirk or mannerism that pops up as stress threatens to overwhelm them. In this case, I think she tries hum to herself to calm down, and perhaps instinctively coils in on herself, which might create a sign people can hear through her illusion and give her away.
Question 16: What are your character's pre-existing relationships with other clans, families, organizations, and traditions?
She has mostly interacted with the peasants as she travels, and her gaijin appearance tends to set them off. She doesn't have much contact with the samurai of the clans, but she's being tracked by a Crab Clan Inquisitor and is not enjoying that at all. She's probably had a couple encounters with other samurai from Crab Clan or other minor clans, aside from those that would be part of the the group they're part of. Think of this through the lens of the Fugitive (or the A-Team) where she'd help the locals and move on before Javert/Zenigata catches up.
Part VI: Ancestry and Family
Question 17: How would your character's parents describe them?
Naga are raised by the community without direct knowledge of who their parents are. She was found to be a bit more inquisitive than most of her people found appropriate. But they couldn't fault her kindness or the efforts she takes to be helpful.
Question 18: Who was your character named to honor?
This isn't really how names are done with the Naga. And sadly, I can't find an easy place where the game talks about Naga names. They don't all even seem to have names or else go by titles with the definitive article in front. In this case, I'm going to say that she just tells people she's a "traveler" and Time Lord style she gets called "The Traveler".
This question is connected to a mechanical benefit usually one rolled. I'm going to look through a bit through some of the alternate charts. Not finding anything designed for Shinomen Naga specifically, I'm going to go ahead and roll on the basic chart. Getting a 1, that's a Famous Deed associated with one of her ancestors, in this case probably one of the many Naga that raised her, or their overall bloodline. And this comes with an heirloom and rolling a one on that is a weapon. So let's say that her yumi (a sort of bow) has the durable quality and someone from a related clutch managed to kill a powerful oni with a bow.
Question 19: What is your character's personal name?
So, yeah, I apparently folded this question in with question 18. Question 18 was more to do with your character's family past and overall family reputation. And then you choose the name at this question. So, that would be The Traveler.
Part VII: Death
Question 20: How should your character die?
This is a purely narrative question and goes into giving something of the theme of what the character is willing to sacrifice or what fatal flaw will lead them to their final end. In this character's case, it's going to be that she will likely get in over her head helping people and either go down in the effort, or be caught up by her pursuers and unable to convince them she means no harm.
So, the end result of this character is as follows:
The Traveler
Rural Farmland, Orchard Farmer, Shinomen Naga Seer
Air 2
Earth 3
Fire 1
Water 3
Void 1
Courtesy 1
Culture 1
Fitness 3
Martial Arts (Melee) 1
Martial Arts (Ranged) 2
Meditation 1
Performance 1
Labor 1
Skullduggery 1
Survival 1
Kata: Striking as water
Shuji: Weight of Duty
Distinctions: Sixth Sense, Keensight
Passion: Curiosity
Adversities: Whispers of Cruelty, Gaijin Culture
Anxieties: Loneliness
School Ability
Bend Perception (School Ability): When you choose this school, determine what illusion your character has perfected with your GM. Your character can seemlessly switch between their true form and this alternate form within a matter of seconds. When using this school ability, you can still use your true form’s features, such as your tail. Any character witnessing you do so sees something narratively appropriate based on your illusion. A character must make a TN 6 Theology or Survival (Void 5) check to see beyond your illusion. Additionally, you increase the damage dealt by your tail by your school rank.
Starting Outfit: Naga armor (Physical 2, Supernatural 1), yumi (durable), quiver, nagi-nata, traveling pack, personal pearl (sacred).
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cultofthewyrm · 6 months ago
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Tomb of Iuchiban (Legend of the Five Rings) by Darren Tan
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simplegenius042 · 3 months ago
Music Monday & OCs as "Patron Saints of..." Quiz
Tagged by the lovely @inafieldofdaisies @voidika and @cloudofbutterflies92
Tagging @imogenkol @josephseedismyfather @direwombat @noodlecupcakes @socially-awkward-skeleton @adelaidedrubman @hollywood-is-bleeding @derelictheretic @cassietrn @aceghosts @icecutioner @shallow-gravy @strangefable @statichvm @carlosoliveiraa @g0dspeeed @wrathfulrook @starsandskies @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @thewanderer-000 @omen-speaker @alypink @shellibisshe @josephslittledeputy @skoll-sun-eater @afarcryfrommymain @strafethesesinners @turbo-virgins @florbelles @minilev @justasmolbard @softtidesworld @yokobai and @seedsplease + anyone else who want to join.
Music Monday for The UnTitledverse, Wings And Horns WIP and A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore, and OC quiz results for OCs from The Silver Chronicles and Life, Despair & Monsters. You can find the Quiz here and enjoy listening/reading below the cut:
Remember how I said Lena would be uncovering skeletons from Fazbear Entertainment's closet in my Five Nights at Freddy's WIP More Than Bargained For?. Well, the corpses of children stuffed in animatronics after being murdered by a serial-killing co-founder isn't the only think she discovers; Lena, with the guidance of one "Mike Schmidt", she also uncovers a history of tragedies surrounding one family feud in a house full of nightmares and a forgotten rental service too. Unbeknownst to the young Elliot woman, she is inadvertently aiding Mike under the company's untold policy of "Paragraph 4", with the intent of bringing all Fazbear-related animatronics back to one ultimate pizzeria. What could possibly go wrong?:
"There is a legend A legend born long ago About a wicked A wicked man no one knows Went and unraveled Six innocent little souls
Those souls found bodies The bodies started to move Some say they still walk Walk the halls, staying from view
I got a secret that I am here to tell you That place is this very place And all the stories are true
This world's a scary place We're not monsters, just changed Bigger hands for grabbing ahold We were lost to foul play But we got an upgrade Lots more teeth for eating you whole
Here comes another chapter Your heart is beating faster Because you're the one we're after Five Nights at Freddy's 4 Thank you for bringing us home
We were just like you Like you, just playing a game That's when the wicked Wicked man lead us astray Without a warning Our lives have been rearranged
As for our story The story's not over yet There's still one secret One secret left to be said
Tonight when you are Safely tucked into your bed Close all the doors that you want We're already in your head
This world's a scary place We're not monsters, just changed Bigger hands for grabbing ahold We were lost to foul play But we got an upgrade Lots more teeth for eating you whole
Here comes another chapter Your heart is beating faster Because you're the one we're after Five Nights at Freddy's 4 Thank you for bringing us home
Thank you for bringing us home
Here comes another chapter Your heart is beating faster Because you're the one we're after Five Nights at Freddy's 4 Thank you for bringing us home
Thank you for bringing us home
Thank you for bringing us home
Thank you for bringing us home!"
Now on one hand, I don't initially believe this song actually fits my Wings And Horns WIP. However, on the other hand, in relation to Jezebel Ba'al's story (and maybe a bit of Cadet Azriel's too, being the implied soul of a particular bearded cult leader's dead daughter and all, plus committing to her service as an Angel of Death just so she can finally reach reincarnation), I think this can fit within the context of a story that's centered around the pros and cons of living in a world where a divine system like the Soulmate System exists, especially when you have two young characters like Azriel and Jezebel, the former hearing nothing but good things about having a Soulmate while the latter (and other's like her) have been directly harmed by the system's flawed structure, and how both are influenced by their well-meaning if extreme father/authority figures:
"Down the rabbit hole, we saw you come in Through the glass of our cages chained up where we live Where we live Please don't be afraid We're a little bent Broken souls looking for a way to start again Start again
How can we ever be free When our prison is skin deep Left to rot* underneath Buried us down below so no one sees Daddy's little monsters
Listen to the voice keeping you alive You need us, we need you, it'll be alright Yeah, it's alright We don't wanna stay under lock and key You can help break the curse, we all wanna live** Wanna live**
How can we ever be free When our prison is skin deep Left to rot* underneath Buried us down below so no one sees Daddy's little monsters!"
[*Given rust is more for metal, rot fits well enough for both physical flesh and the "soul flesh" that Cadet Azriel and Jezebel have both experienced. **I used "live" instead of "leave" because even... well... the latter doesn't really make much sense in this context, while the former can be interpreted as Jezebel saying "we all want to live our lives without being it being predestined for us" especially with out trapping being fated to a soulmate can be (especially for the likes of Jezebel whose experienced a bad fating, and Azriel wants to be reincarnated so she can live again, but not be stuck in a similar fate to Jezebel if she gets the chance of rebirth, so at this point, here is where Azriel's opinion on the Soulmate System begins to shift].
In the unnamed Fallout 2 WIP from my A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore series, Ore returns to California (where last time he was there, his father Arcane Urias had mutilated his face after Ore declined joining him on his quest of human destruction) after exploring the Wastelands a bit more and to say goodbye to a good friend. However, instead he not only meets his friend's granddaughter Finidy Mona, but also finds evidence that his father has returned in the area. He decides to partner up with Finidy to help him track down and kill his father to stop him and his nefarious deeds by retracing his steps from Shady Sands to New Reno. This also relates to how, chronologically timeline-wise, this WIP is the last prequel of sorts and closing the chapter on Ore's story in California plus Urias and Talos' origins before the focus goes onto Ress.
"You set the stage all by yourself You have a job, do it well And play your part to host their final farewell
An event Just like the first time Put to rest Their souls tonight
It's going back, back, back, back They've been through this before It's going back, back, back, back The final page of the lore The sound of cheer, the need for fear The souls of the kids are free Rewind the tears
It's going back, back, back, back Back, back, back, back, back Back, back, back, back, back Back, back, back, back, back It's going-!"
Now for the quiz results for OCs from my The Silver Chronicles and Life, Despair & Monsters series. Most of these will likely be unfamiliar to you guys:
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Pretty accurate given the ending she gets. Unafraid to face what others refused to see, and too stubborn to look away from it. If it's something she could fix, then the Horrors be damned. Is it a shame, though, if it meant she could no longer wake up from such a terrible, horrible dream, if just to get a glimpse of the rising sun?
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How different these two are; the sister transcends to something new and unfamiliar, but here, the brother holds onto what made sense and what was once precious to him, even if holding on stops him from moving forward. And all he has to show for it is a fragment of what he lost.
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No matter how much he boasts about being true to Yahar'gul's ideals, he is still a lesser man than he is a true beast.
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Fucking poetic considering what he does and who comes crawling out of it. While Logan is an unpleasant and selfish person, he himself becomes a vessel for all the good things he'll pass on to his successor; someone that will succeed against the destined odds where he and everyone else failed.
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Staying in Night City (whether it be for the guy you were always at the beck and call of, not just out of loyalty and idealism, but genuine love, even if he didn't necessarily share the same love you felt and eventually became a stranger to you, or for the mentored young woman you see so much life coursing through her veins within a city as horrid as NC, and also see so much of yourself and the other in, yet is cruelly destined for far less than she deserves and spends that little time with others that aren't you, knowing this goodbye is the last goodbye you'll ever make as she leaves behind everything for those final months of something better... or maybe you stay because it's all you've ever known and believe you'll be useful in) does not have much benefits.
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Ever wonder if, in spite of how much you try, you're just destined to be alone? Lora chases after something things that won't ever leave her fulfilled or satisfied. In the end it's this that dooms her to solitude.
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dapperbasil · 11 days ago
OC Kiss Week - Compilation
Though I only did 6/7 days this year due to being sick, I feel like my writing has vastly improved since last year's collection. For the sake of having all the pieces together in one easily accessible place, here's the links to all of them!
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Day 1: Desperate (Valerie Songwatcher and Dark)
Day 2: First (Tulio de Sorrez and Thorne)
Day 4: Reunion (Shosuro Akira and Shosuro Sakurako)
Day 5: Worship (Lorenzo Giovanni)
Day 6: Forbidden (Tammy King and Zacharias Call of Cthulhu AU )
Day 7: Caught (Tammy King and Zacharias)
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polishtem · 5 months ago
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rpgcovers · 17 days ago
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Legend of the Five Rings: The Merchant's Guide to Rokugan ~ AEG (1999)
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silvkey · 4 months ago
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Commission done! OC Legend of the Five Rings. Pretty happy on how this art turned out. While I was working on this piece I even created some new texture brushes for myself
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ymbrynae · 2 years ago
Miss that gal
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My character from legend of five rings, Otaku Katsumi, widow after Otaku Juro. She's from wasp clan.
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balu8 · 1 year ago
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Michael Kaluta
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geekynerfherder · 2 years ago
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Showcasing art from some of my favourite artists, and those that have attracted my attention, in the field of visual arts, including vintage; pulp; pop culture; books and comics; concert posters; fantastical and imaginative realism; classical; contemporary; new contemporary; pop surrealism; conceptual and illustration.
The art of Muju (Ignatius Tan).
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aylen-san · 7 months ago
The Myth of the Starry Dance
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In ancient times, when the world was younger and the Elven realms flourished, elves were known as the Fae, beings who delighted in merriment and mischief. They lived in forests and secluded places of Middle-earth, such as Lothlórien and Rivendell, and their magic was closely tied to the most ancient and mysterious forces of the world. One of their most popular pastimes was hosting mysterious parties under the stars. These gatherings were not just spectacles of dance and music, but real trials for anyone who stumbled into their trap.
According to legend, if the elves invited someone to a party, that person either danced until dawn or vanished, becoming part of the enigmatic world of the Fae. For example, at a party in Lothlórien, surrounded by magical woods, the dances never ceased until morning. Those who fell into this magical circle lost themselves in endless dances, their shoes weaving into mysterious patterns, while the sounds of flutes and harps blended with the whispering of ancient trees. To taste the food at such a party was not only considered impolite but also dangerous, for anyone who sampled the treats became part of the elven revelers, forever losing their connection to the world of men. The ancient Elvish delicacies, like the pies of Lothlórien, were filled with magic that bound their victims to the Fae revelry forever.
Another notable trait of the elves was their cunning. If someone sought their advice, the elves would always respond ambiguously, leaving questions unanswered. This often led to unfortunate travelers finding themselves in strange and awkward situations, not knowing which path to choose. For instance, if someone asked the elves in Rivendell how to get to Gondor, they might answer: "Follow the stars that shine in your heart, and the path will reveal itself." This could lead travelers to get lost in endless forests or wander high mountains.
So, once, during one of these parties, a group of curious individuals decided to see what was really going on. This time, it wasn’t ordinary guests: it was a band of dwarves and one hobbit known for his adventures. They fell under the spell of the dances and became ensnared by the magic of the Fae. So deeply enchanted were they that they wandered through Middle-earth until they reached a solitary mountain. In desperation, they sought help from an ancient dragon living in the area.
However, even the dragon, with all its power and wisdom, could not break the Fae's enchantments. This fact distressed the dragon so much that it lost the will to live and soon perished. The dragon's death caused great upheaval, and its treasure became the cause of a great battle. Around the treasure, the Battle of Five Armies unfolded, as various peoples of Middle-earth clashed over the dragon's hoard.
This myth tells us that if you ever find yourself part of an elven party, be prepared for a fun yet extremely confusing adventure. And remember, never eat food offered by the elves and never ask them important questions if you don’t want to become part of their revelry.
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sir-scarab · 1 year ago
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MOSHIBARU KOREKUTA We're back on the L5R train and my newest hyperfixation is my crab girl, Korekuta.
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