#left 4 dead imagines
phonkscribes · 2 years
Hi! Would you be interested in writing dating headcanons about the L4D2 survivors? Thanks in advance<3 (P.S. I love your work)
Left 4 Dead 2 Survivor dating head-canons!
Hello anon, and I'd be delighted to and thank you for enjoying the work I put out! I don't have a clever quip to throw in this time so without further a-do, here are your head canons.
He's an asshole to everyone, but he's soft when it comes to you. Especially if you don't pick up on sarcasm like everyone else.
He'd never try to yell or raise his voice at you like he would with others too. Nick is patient and holds up on you when you start to lag behind
It's a surprising display of intimacy that has the others making eyes at him and looking smug. 'Didn't think you had it in ya, Nick'.
He smiles a little more, and tries to be romantic in spite of the setting.
It's the little things that make the world go 'round, and he's got a knack for doing them for you, intentionally or not.
Needed pills for something? He's got you covered, even if he thought he needed them more.
Instead of giving you your share of compliments and nick names, he'd point out your habits and say that they're cute and call you other names: 'I think it's really cute how you play with your hair when thinking about something' / 'Alright let's get out of here stinky'
He is the sweetest guy.
He loves telling stories to you, and he always plays them up to try and make you laugh.
Ellis will take you sight seeing around Savannah, or try and take you out to a fancy date he's prepared(beer on the roof top)
He likes to show you off or brag that he has you as his S/O.
"Damn I'm so lucky to have you, y'know"
He will get sad if he's separated from you for too long, and hope that you're okay whenever you two get separated from each other for whatever reason.
He's a hugger, and will often reach his arms around to hug you from behind whenever he has the chance.
Says "I love you" a lot. Do not fight him on this because he'll just keep saying he loves you more or hit you with a "nuh-uh"
Nick gets tired of this whenever it happens.
She's the boss when it comes down to it, stubborn as a mule but if you're really against something she'll hear you out on it.
If Nick says some shit to you, she'll whip something witty right back at him that makes him either scoff or shuts him right up.
Rochelle beams at you whenever you save her from one of the special infected, hyping you up with that gorgeous smile of hers.
"Yep, that's mine right there", as you help her up.
She likes to bring you little gifts here and there, especially when you need them without ever asking for them out loud.
"Here, I thought you might need this", and she presses it into your hands with a small smile as she looks up into your eyes
She is likes to hold your hand as you two travel, or have your pinkies intertwined when you need to break away for a fight
She likes to press her back against yours, feeling safe that you've got hers when it comes down to it.
Rochelle thinks you're a lot cooler than you may let yourself believe
He's right behind you every step of the way, and will lift you up anyway he can. Except for literally, he might hurt his back if he tries to do that.
The two of you eat good, even for the apocalypse, he won't let you eat nothing trashy but also nothing that will put either one of you in a theoretical ER.
Will pull you off to the side if he sees that you're feeling down or are bummed out about something.
He's real good at talking with you about things
Absolutely loves giving you little kisses on the top of your head or your hands, anywhere he can really
His love language is words of affirmation(I am so sure on this)
Likes to praise you, congratulating you on good shots and a bit more lenient with you when you make bad ones.
Coach is endearing though, never the "ooh now personally I wouldn't have done that" kinda comments.
He likes to guide your hands when he steps behind you, "try it like this"
He likes to hold you close in his arms, and letting you listen to his heart as you two rest up.
"Everything's gon' be alright baby, I've got ya"
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me-beef · 17 days
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@strangeravatar made a great point
i was gonna focus on the spike-hotboxing-celestia aspect but i got distracted somewhere along the way and i think i forgot what joke i was trying to make
but dont you think its interesting how many guards of the exact same color/body type she's managed to accrue?? i do
ooohh you want to go look at our stickers so bad
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l4deeznuts · 8 months
francis calling louis “louie” in game is so fucking cute lmfao
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phonification · 1 month
every time i think a bit more about cobs and 3gs i can feel myself losing it a little bit more
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sukipershipper · 6 months
So I decided to muck around with the concept of the Male Witch's/Warlock(?) theme! Essentially it's just the Witches theme but in a bass key. I only really did: - Wandering - Burning - Sitting
in that order, so I still need to do more lol. I feel like if he does give chase the theme would be very different, I reckon it'd feel ten times more harrowing or haunting. I just...don't know how to compose like that yet lmao so not now
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tyrianludaship · 2 months
i want you to know you've piqued my interests in l4d2 because of your coachposting. i must know more about this man.
Ooh good to know! I get to be annoying about him let's gooo ^^
The ultimate thing I know about Coach: he's into this fictional band that's in the game and there's a voiceline where you can hear him sing the lyrics.
also another where you can hear him better:
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tea-kettlezz · 7 months
Hoping for the goth Rochelle uprising soon
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sheepkebby · 2 years
One of Ellis's potential lines when picking up an axe is "I've always wanted to be an axe murderer" and I feel the fandom doesn't acknowledge that enough.
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I like to believe Ellis is a huge horror/slasher movie fan and that's where he got this idea from. I really want him to cut a hole in a door with that axe and yell "HEEEEEEERE'S ELLIE!"
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tiramegtoons · 2 years
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Spoke too soon.
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fayevalcntine · 2 years
Taking aside whether everything we've seen is fully true or not (though I subtly doubt that since the writers have mentioned they will revisit a lot of the previous past scenes in season 2), the way Louis narrates is limiting on its own for both Lestat and Claudia. Omitting entire years' worth of time and only giving Daniel (and us) the barebones information through vital moments still leaves me with a lot of questions regarding Claudia in particular. Because sure, Daniel HAS the diaries, but who's to say they haven't been tampered with more than Louis even lets on? And specifically, when it comes to the 10 years overall after Claudia comes back, we see no diary in Daniel's vicinity. The only time we do see some is at the end of episode 7, of which one contains Lestat's final words, the other is about their trip to Europe after the murder. That leaves us with only Louis as the main source of information for this time period, but Louis isn't above solely giving Daniel scenarios in order to place Claudia or Lestat in specific roles through how he experienced them in the past.
Case in point, episode 6 has no killings from Claudia. We don't see her hunt, not even to go after a man or stalk him, we definitely don't see her kill, despite all episodes before or after that containing some explicit killings with her. I say this because to Louis, Claudia was his nurse/knight/protector/sister during this particular period of time. And even subconsciously, he ends up painting her as such to the point where we also don't even get much information about Claudia and how she even traveled in episode 5? We only get one piece of information about it with the train scene, but we still get absolutely nothing about how: 1) she even came to reading about vampires, 2) how she managed during her 7 years alone, 3) any basic information about her plans beyond her catching a train for going outside of New Orleans, or even about how she learned languages. The only information we even get specifically is regarding her horrible encounter with Bruce, but again, this later ends up serving more as an apparent parallel to Louis' later situation with Lestat than it is even about Claudia, who suffered through an assault.
I would also argue the same thing in regards to the 6 years they spent alone together, as well. Louis wants Daniel to think of Claudia in a better light, he makes her out to be his savior and the only person that seems to want better for him, yet at the same time leaves out any further details about the years they lived with each other (and not with Lestat) in Rue Royale after he recuperated? Why? And this isn't even to argue that Claudia may not have been as perfect, rather that Louis cuts out so much context as to how they were like with each other after she came back that I end up getting only so much information about Claudia solely when it comes to how it affected or was connected to Louis.
Louis is telling the story here, and even with Claudia's diaries (which Daniel now knows Louis has tampered with), we only end up seeing what Louis wants us to see. This is why I hope season 2 changes some of this because I would really like to just know more about Claudia and her own feelings regarding all the later situations with her and Louis.
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lgorstheme · 11 months
ellis being a rock fan is so beautiful to me because i know at least 200 dad rock songs and i can imagine him going apeshit on a horde of zombies to so many of them ahhhh my beautiful mindspace
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phonkscribes · 1 year
Darlings. Please send me requests… I am catastrophically bored atm
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glitzybunny · 1 year
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I am scared by this
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l4deeznuts · 7 months
ok but the japanese l4d survivor blake jordon… we need more fanart and content and head canons and
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sallytwo · 1 year
jonthan (bisseibar) (parousia) has always been a trans guy except i failed to consider the fact he’s named after his dead father. every single possible answer to this dilemma is increasingly hilarious and i refuse to elaborate on what the real backstory is. you get to decide.
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angelwheat · 2 years
Hey, I saw that you wanted L4D askes and that you do angst, so how about this?
The l4d cast have to shoot zombie Bill after he died sacrificing himself.
(Ps hope your having a lovely day❤️)
Left 4 Dead
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(L4D Crew); Zoey, Francis, Louis; Finding Bill As A Zombie
it's been a while since i wrote some serious angst.. thank you for the request dearie ♡
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A quiet moment arose and the hoards had ceased as the last zombie was gunned down. They took a moment to catch their breath and reload their weapons when a sound of heavy boots stumbling across the road caught their attention. Turning in unison, they each went wide eyed when they noticed a once familiar face, a man clad in green attire, a military hat sitting crooked on his head. Bill...
She's distraught. The one thing she never wanted to happen, has happened, and she's witnessing it with her own eyes. She feels tears sting her eyes, both of sadness and rage. Zoey knows what needs to be done, but she just cannot face shooting down the man she once knew, and even grew attached to. She's frozen in place, unable to peel her eyes away from the infected stumbling around in front of her. She just prays that in the moment it doesn't come running straight for her. She doesn't want to be the one to shoot Bill dead, but knows it's wrong to leave him suffering. Zoey turns to her allies, tear trails painting her cheeks, as she tells Francis and Louis that she "can't be the one to do it". She turns away as she hears one of the men beside pull the trigger.
He stops in his tracks once he sees his former team mate, and any thought of optimism he had, has surely faded. Louis feels the same sadness as Zoey, but refrains from letting tears well up in his eyes. Louis comforts Zoey, though she was first to latch onto him for a tight hug. He knows he has to remain strong, but he doesn't know if he's strong enough to kill his friend, even if he is infected. Louis turns to Francis while he cocks his weapon, yet doesn't say a word, as though he's hoping they have the same idea, despite how upsetting it is. Losing Bill had already taken a toll on Louis, but having to kill their (now infected) friend will haunt him forever.
His facial expression is unreadable. Is he angry? Upset? Feeling any emotion at all? He paused, shotgun in hand, watching his ally stumble around for a moment, ignoring that pang of sadness that certainly struck him. He's best at keeping himself composed out of the three, and first to instigate the idea of putting the poor man out of his misery, despite Zoey's immediate protests. But truthfully, he's never been so hesitant about something in his life. While Francis had his shotgun raised, aimed perfectly at the zombie, he couldn't bring himself to pull the trigger so hastily. Even Louis and Zoey sought it out of character for him. Eventually he came to his senses, and without a second thought Francis pulled the trigger. That moment struck him like knife to the heart, not that he'd ever tell.
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