banyun-gong · 1 year
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BUNNY LeeHa - A Lady in The Office Series_1
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raven-of-domain-kwaad · 7 months
Leeha narezz!
Thanks for asking @swtorpadawan and sorry it took like a year to get to lol 😅
Ask me about SWTOR NPCs
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In The Kine Legacy, Ryscha (Hero of Tython) rescued Leeha and then never said anything about her relationship with Jomar. So when Leeha returned to Tython, she was never criticized and simply offered all of the help and assistance she needed to begin recovering from her time as the Emperor's thrall.
Though she was considered a warrior that "never knew failure," Leeha's time as the Emperor's slave had been incredibly traumatic and she had little desire to return to combat even as the Galactic War raged on. Instead, she focused both on learning more healing techniques and on her old research of how the Force could impact machines and possibly lead to sentience in droids.
She became a well respected if slightly eccentric healer (few put any real stock into her continued Meedee research) and was one of a select group of Jedi chosen to learn the healing techniques discovered by the Barsen'thor.
While focusing on healing herself and others, Leeha began to feel a deep sorrow for the Hero of Tython, who seemed to be bending and on the verge of breaking under the weight of non-stop combat deployments. But before she could bring her concerns to the Council, Zakuul invaded.
Leeha would join the group of jedi that settled on Ossus and would be responsible for training a new generation of healers. While in isolation from the wider galaxy, she and Jomar began to openly display their love for one another and became one of many relationships that Ossus would see between Jedi and the other non-jedi settlers.
Though she was immensely grateful for being able to have a peaceful existence on Tython and later Ossus, she would always regret not reaching out to the Hero of Tython, feeling that she had failed to help the person that had given her this second chance at life.
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jjjwhovian · 1 year
I know she shows up in the game again, but tell us about Leeha Narezz !
Yay thank you @swtorpadawan for the ask! Now bear in mind I try to keep things as close to canon as possible, and I didn’t even think she would reappear after all this time, so some things are subject to change. But as it stands now…
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As you could tell from her latest appearance on Dantooine the things she went through under Vitiates thrall still had an affect on her. Unfortunately there was more to it.
After Arono Maxir, my Knight, defeated her and she was sent back to Tython to be healed and brought back to the Light. It was a difficult process for her, luckily she had her secret lover, Jomar Chul, to help her though it. She tried to do the same for fellow corrupted master, Warren Sedoru, when he was brought back as well, though the both mourned their lost friend Tol Braga.
Some years later however the Eternal Empire attacked and killed several members of the Order. Leeha, rattled by a previous attack on Tython from the Sith, managed to survive and flee along with a handful of other Jedi.
Unfortunately neither Master Warren or Jomar were among them, they were killed defending Tython.
Leeha and the survivors she escaped with spent the next lot of years hiding underground, simply trying to survive and stay hidden from the Eternal Empire.
When the renewed war between Jedi and Sith started Task Force Nova had managed to find her group and recruit them.
Everything Leeha had suffered through the past decade or so and now being brought back to fight the Empire again has affected her, how this will culminate…only time will tell.
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theshijlegacy · 2 years
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Grayne: "I'm officially making Rusk your problem."
Rusk: "I am honored to be your problem, Master Jedi."
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soubeomies · 3 months
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⤷ PAIRING﹕ ex!leehan x gn!reader
⤷ WARNINGS ﹕mentions of leehan being drunk, and overall leehan is a bitch here LOL, mentions of jaehyun!!
⤷ GENRE﹕angst, no comfort :<
⤷ AUTHOR'S NOTE﹕eermmm idk how to feel abt this? kinda based on the song "why'd you only call me when you're high" (obviously) and leehans line in "but sometimes" japanese ver. because he sounds drunk after crying for 3 days straight wanting you back teehee
⤷ SYNOPSIS ﹕it was another usual lazy saturday night, till' you see your exes name, leehan, on your phone calling you. you picked up, it was his friend, asking you to come pick him up since he was drunk. you were too blinded by love to see that he was just gonna leave you again.
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laying on your bed, scrolling through your socials in your pajamas wrapped in a soft and plush blanket. of course, it was just another lazy saturday night. you were just mindlessly scrolling till’ you lost track of time. 11:42, the time reads.
you yawn gently as you got up to go to your bathroom to get ready for bed, getting rudely interrupted by the sound of your phone getting a phone call. you grab your phone to see who's calling this late at night.. “what?” you mumbled to yourself as you saw those letters appear on your phone. “LEEHAN IS CALLING!” your phone displays. 
you hovered your finger above the decline button.. but you stopped and thought for a while. what if it was something important? what if he really needed you.. all of this was just excuses to pick up the phone, because you were still deeply in love, when you knew you shouldn't.
next thing you know, the call connected. on the other end, you just hear leehans voice in the background.. mumbling what seems to be your name. “y/n!” you hear, it wasn't leehan, it was his friend jaehyun calling for your name. “it's me, jaehyun.. um.. i know its a little weird, but leehan is drunk.” he paused, you thought to yourself.. of course he was drunk. you even wondered, why did he only call you when he was high? 
“he's just been mumbling your name over and over, i think we need you to come and pick him up.. if that's okay with you? if not that's totally fine we can just–” before jaehyun could even finish his sentence, you subconsciously replied to him as if you were on autopilot. “i'm on my way.” you said as you hung up. it took only a few seconds before you put on a jacket and you're out of your house with your car keys in hand.
jaehyun had already sent the location details as you quickly drove to the bar that he sent the details of, so you pull up and park your car infront of the bar, your eyes scanned the area as your eyes landed on the two figures in the dark, subtly illuminated by the dim streetlights. it was jaehyun.. and leehan. you quickly got out of your car as you walked up to them. leehans eyes quickly darted to yours as he hugged you tightly. “baaaby… i miss youuuuuu…” he muttered as you felt his hot breath against your neck. jaehyun couldnt help but chuckle, “yeah uhm, thanks for taking him y/n.” jaehyun said as he smiled. you smiled back as you got leehan off you, “yeah.. thanks for taking care of him i guess. see you around, jae.” you said as you helped leehan into the passenger seat.
you shut the door on his side as you walked over to the driver's seat as you got in the car. the whole ride was silent as leehan had just fallen asleep, the silence was only broken by the sounds of the car and the slow music playing in the background caused by the radio. you arrived back at your apartment as you helped leehan take off his seatbelt and gently woke him up. “y/n…” he mumbled, you rolled your eyes to his pouty tone as you helped him out of your car. you enter your apartment as you set him on your couch. you bring a blanket as you gently lay it on top of him. he fluttered those pretty eyes open and looked up to you, “i love you, y/n.” he slurred all his words. just more proof that he meant nothing he said to you. “you’re drunk, leehan.” you said as you walked off to your room. you finished getting ready for bed as you climbed onto your bed as you fell asleep. the next morning, you checked your phone. it was already 11 in the morning. you pulled your blanket off of you as you folded it on the foot of your bed. you got out of your room, rubbing your eyes as you feel the sleepiness start to fade away. your eyes wandered around your apartment as you looked at where you set leehan to sleep last night.
and of course, all that was left was the blanket messily tossed on the couch as leehan was gone. you couldn't help but feel stupid, you were so stupid for helping him again. you were so stupid to have picked up the call.. you were so stupid to have given him another chance. you knew you couldn't trust him, but you were too deep into all his fake words, all his empty lies. all you wanted is for it all to be real.
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anchanted-one · 1 year
Legend of Lightning Chapter 113. Arrival on Voss
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“So, you’re in orbit around Voss,” Master Satele looked quite uncomfortable. “I hope you won’t have to spend more than a few hours on that world.”
“Why’s that?”
“Voss is a newly discovered world. Its society is dangerously unbalanced. Its people worship a group of Force users who rule with absolute authority. Despite our best efforts, Voss’ government rejects the Jedi Code.”
“I don’t see why that’s a bad thing,” Vajra said slowly. “Our way is not theirs.”
“A noble policy, but sometimes ‘their way’ sounds outright dangerous. These Force users, called ‘Mystics,’ have absolute control over Voss. They are powerful in the Force, but reject the idea that the Force has a Light and Dark. They claim to follow a neutral path, both in their politics and the Force. Despite their claims, I fear the Mystics have more in common with the Sith than the Jedi.”
“I heard a different story,” Jasme countered. “I heard that the Mystics are Healers and Seers. They don’t guide the society, their visions do. Even the Mystics themselves must follow these visions. Everyone in Voss-Ka serves. That’s their capital, by the way. They do follow the Will of the Force.”
Satele turned a light scowl upon her daughter, who piped down. “And what was your source on all this?”
“I… I read up about it while tending to Tiarna Rooks’ library.”
“Well… I’ll allow you to draw your own conclusions. Lord Scourge, do you have any way of tracking Lord Fulminiss?”
“I do know his comm signal, but there’s a good chance he’s turned it off.”
“You’ll have to play it by ear then. Rendezvous with Master Devel, see what Leeha has to say. With luck, you won’t be staying long here.”
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badsithnocookie · 5 months
secrets of the enclave (dantooine fp/story)
Oh Boy another field trip with annoying sith
altho krovos is probably just grumpy she can't be with her gf so i'll let her off. rivix is on thin fucking ice however
with all the saboteur options in this story bit it's actually more frustrating bc i Just Know that nothing willever go anywhere with it
one thing i will say for swtor tho is their environmental artists are top tier.
oh krovos is convinced malgus gives even a single blue fuck about the empire this is adorable. babygirl you are not very smart are you
leeha :D
oh. oh rivix refuses to listen to you if you tell him to play nice. rare elusive bioware character with a spine. god dammit bioware stop making me like your characters
oh okay i guess leeha's in schroedinger's morturary as well now huh.
it's funnier tho than it has any right to be that krovos and malgus have a Force Bond. even if, granted, everything that would be needed for it was retroactively added with this story chunk, but. quality bioware storytelling
im assuming the same is also true of someone who babysits the pc pub side as well. really considering it's the pc who keeps having to spank him it's them he should have that bond with but i guess you have to include for non force users so
(nah im not even commenting on the revan stuff like. yeah i knew it going in and yeah its shit but at this point i cant muster anything much beyond tired disapproval)
i kinda don't. entirely hate the little thing where you're sending companions off on missions across the galaxy? but like. i dont love that it's filler cutscene content. a more involved mechanic along the lines of xiv's squadrons or sto's duty officer system where you can send npc parties out on missions for rewards/alliance xp could have been an interesting addition (kotfetet era mostly) if only bc it would. 1. give the illusion that you're actually Commanding shit and 2. some purpose to these npcs you're otherwise just collecting to take up space in your base, but. that would require like. effort and i don't think bioware broadsword have had the resources to add such a system since before f2p. (then again they're adding this new companion unlock grind with the current patch so idk)
but apparently this was the last real Content before lots which i dont have unlocked and. honestly part of me just wants to just sub for a month so i can gripe about how terrible it will inevitably be
i know that the launch stuff at least is largely considered underwhelming but like. my expectations for this game are somewhere in the gutter so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but. i will revisit that thought in the morning lol
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
27 and 16 for the SWTOR Player Asks
SWTOR Player Asks Thank you @khrushchevs-corn-farm / @legends-chauvinist !
If you could make any current NPC a player companion, who would you pick? Ohhhh… there are a bunch. I definitely wish Hollow Voice from the Jedi Consular story could have been a companion, but that might have seemed redundant game-play wise given you already have Qyzen.
I'll throw out a few others - Thana Vesh, Bengel Morr and Leeha Narezz.
Do you have a favorite Flashpoint or operation? A least favorite?
I'm one of those people who used to grind Hammer Station endlessly to get my gear to 306 back in the day. So on the one hand I hate it - because I've seen it too much - and I like it - because I actually know what I'm doing. (I don't know what I'm doing in most of the Operations / Flashpoints.)
Thanks for the asks!
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jaseenarayees · 2 years
എല്ലാവരും വായോ 📢📢Leeha Builders ന്റെ പുതിയ ഓഫര്‍ വന്നിട്ടുണ്ടേ💃🕺💃🕺
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snehaleeha · 2 years
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dirthara-dalen · 25 days
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Cain was beginning to seriously questioning the so called masters who were involved with this whole mission after actually meeting Leeha. Before leaving the base he pulled his brother aside as he really, really needed to talk with him.
"Brother please, I fear this whole mission of yours is destined for failure. I do not want to lose you to this foolish plan."
"If you were worried about the emperor harming me then boy do i have a surprise for you."
"What is it?"
"His personal wrath has taken an interest in me."
Cain had heard rumors of said wrath before. This greatly concerned him. "Please...please just walk away from this. You don't owe the jedi anything let alone participating in a suicide mission."
Ligastar looked his brother in the eyes. "I know but completing this mission is what grants me my full freedom."
Cain knew better than to argue any further. The two agreed that Cain would head to a nearby imperial base and gather intel then they would meet at the republic base located right before the star ship graveyard...but Cain would never arrive.
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Lol it’s kinda funny how the Jedi Knight can just collect Imperials / Imperial aligned npcs like pokemon
Edit: and as @swtorpadawan pointed out, this doesn’t even take into account temporary enemies like Bengel Morr (not Imp aligned but an enemy), Galen, Warren Sedoru, Leeha Narezz and Tol Braga.
JK out there with all the people that ever tried to kill them lol “Sure they tried to kill me but that was like a whole planet ago. Times and people change, you know?”
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jjjwhovian · 1 year
Leeha Narezz !
You actually asked me about Leeha before, but if you forgot then don’t worry about it, it was a bit since then.
Here’s the post I made on her, kinda sad stuff really. Awesome angsty stuff.
I’m conceived we’re horrible people for doing this shit to these characters.
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theshijlegacy · 2 years
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Dammit, Rusk...
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spectordameron · 2 months
me putting the resistance gang with the swtor gang has resulted in me accidentally possibly making a crack ship of rose/leeha...I just think that they would adore each other...
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anchanted-one · 1 year
Legend of Lightning Chapter 95. After Balmorra
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“That isn’t for you to ponder either. We are Jedi. We only focus on what we can change.”
Satele noticed the glance he shot her way, but said nothing.
“Focus instead, on getting better. If we can succeed in our goal, it won’t matter that the coward, Malgus, escaped. We have our next objective, and I would like you to go there. Today, if possible.”
“It’s not,” Kimble said shortly. “As his doctor, I recommend at least another week of bed rest.”
“He can get some of it en route. It’s a long way to Hoth.”
“Hoth?” Vajra sat up. “I’ve heard of that world. Wasn’t there a major space battle there? One which claimed our Super Dreadnought, the Star of Coruscant?”
“Yes. And indeed, that is the general area you will visit. It’s the opposite of Tatooine, with temperatures well below freezing point.”
“Can I cut him off? No work while in recovery. Doctor’s orders.”
“For once I agree with the walking hormone,” Kira muttered.
“Vajra… do not lose sight of our goal. We cannot afford failure, and every second counts. Leeha cannot do this without help. Remember your guilt at letting Malgus escape… what happens if we lose our opportunity to end the war?”
“Sure, now you tell him to stew in his guilt,” Kira burst out. “You either follow the rules, even when they don’t suit you, or you don’t at all.”
“This mission is the most important thing he will ever undertake in his life.”
“Which is why he needs to recover first. He is still quite weak!”
“You best be careful, Tol. Tardiness might be costly, but haste even more so.”
“Of course. But Leeha is in a bit of a pinch. If he doesn’t get there within the next few days, she could die. And I can’t send anyone else.”
“I have nothing on my schedule,” Satele rose. “I can go. Kira can come with me. I fought beside her against the Kaygiri, and she’s a strong ally to have at my side.”
“Grand Master?” the younger woman’s surprise was evident, as was her delight.
But Master Braga shook his head. “I’m sorry, Satele. But I can’t allow that. You must return to Tython at once. Lose no more time.”
Satele didn’t like the tone of his voice.
“And we have a mission lined up for Kira too. You are needed on Nar Shaddaa.”
“What!? But—”
“This isn’t a request, Kira. You will depart after lunch.”
Everyone stared at the blank screen for a moment.
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