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eunchancorner · 5 months ago
Consequences of your actions
I decided Reggie needed wrecked too
Fuck, fuck, fuck…
“Where are you, Reggie?~”
Reginald held his breath as the metallic clanking drew closer to the bed he was hiding under.
What was I thinking?! I should never have authorized that upgrade!
All Reginald had wanted was to help RHM feel more useful. Having cleaning upgrades seemed like such a natural step, but he’d foolishly forgotten who he was giving these upgrades to, which led to his current predicament.
“I know you’re in here, Reggie, so come out, I just wanna clean up~”
“And I know what you really mean by ‘clean up!’” the brunette blurted, before covering his mouth.
“There you are~”
Reginald yelped as he was suddenly dragged out from under the bed by the collar of his coat, before being held up in RHM’s bionic arm. The eyes staring back at him, one real and one cybernetic, yet both seeming evil, struck fear into his heart worse than any weapon could.
“I’ve been looking for you all over, Reg,” the redhead purred, holding his terrified husband just above the ground, his voice menacingly sweet. “So, why’d you hide, hm? You think you know what I’m going to do?~”
“I know exactly what you’re going to do, and I don’t want any part of it! I know you too well by now, Righty!” the brunette defended, only to be tossed lightly onto the bed and quickly pinned by a hand on his chest.
“Well, it’s too bad that you ‘don’t want any part of it’, but you know you’re the only one here I’d ever do it to. You know I’d much rather just hurt those idiots out there, but when it comes to you, you can say I’m much softer~”
Reg let out a quiet, whiny groan, averting his gaze from his absolutely evil husband.
“Fuck you, always knowing what to say… who even taught you that…?” he grumbled to himself.
“You did, dear,” the redhead reminded him, and Reginald couldn’t help but smile.
“I suppose I did, didn’t I? I see my own actions have returned to bite me in the ass once again…”
“Maybe they did, but for now let’s save the monologue about how easily you dug your own grave, and just skip to the fun part, shall we?~”
“NO! Nonononono, Righty, please, it doesn’t have to be this way! Have mercy on me!” he immediately began to squeal, squirming under RHM’s grasp, fighting down the wobbly smile growing on his face.
“‘Mercy’? I’m not even doing anything, Reg~”
“But you’re going to! A-and I don’t know exactly what it is, but I have a pretty basic understanding!”
“Hm, maybe I could be nice and let you know exactly what’s in store, hm? Just so you know exactly what to expect?~”
“Nono! No! That’s- That’d be worse!”
“Oh no, I think you need to know exactly what I’m going to do. So first, why don’t I get out this helpful little tool that you so graciously approved for me,” Right Hand Man decided before his hand transformed into something so innocent at any other time, yet terrifying in this single moment.
A feather duster.
“Oh shit, oh no no no,” Reginald tried to squirm his way out of his husband’s grip, failing miserably as he attempted to force down nervous giggles. “N-not the feathers!”
“Oh, it ain’t just feathers, Reggie,” RHM chuckled softly to himself, “Although I could just finish you off with this alone. See, you made the mistake of being so vague, that not only did they use real feathers, but…” suddenly the duster began spinning at his wrist, earning a startled squeal from Reginald as his begging renewed.
“NO! Nononono, please! Right Hand Man! Please, no, I-I’ll die! It’ll kill me! You- you can’t!” he rambled, unsure if he was trying to buy time or just talk his way out of it, however it seemed that neither of those plans would work very well, if the look the redhead was giving him was any indication.
“Now you and I both know damn well it’s not going to kill you, I’ll make sure of that. But I wouldn’t be surprised if you can’t even think when I’m done with you. Now, how about you stop trying to stall, and just laugh for me?~”
Reginald couldn’t even come up with a proper response before those feathers were pressed against his belly, pulling high, squealing cackles from his mouth faster than his own brain could comprehend. He tried to grab onto RHM’s arm and pull him away, but the whirring of the inner mechanics created such intense vibrations that it quickly became unbearable to hold, so he settled for merely pushing at his chest. That, too, did little to dissuade his husband from his mission; tickle Reginald until he can’t even think.
Despite the distractions of his chest being pushed at like Reginald was fighting for his life, or the sounds of his legs kicking behind him, RHM could only focus on one thing and one thing only; Reginald’s face. Eyes squeezed shut, blushing cheeks and a smile so wide it practically lit up his whole face, and the sound of laughter mixed with gibberish that the redhead knew was supposed to be some kind of ‘angry’ speech about how he was awful and evil and such a monster. And although he knew that calling himself a tickle monster would quickly shut Reginald up, he was having much more fun listening to him try to string together a single word, let alone the ramble Reginald was trying to put together.
Of course, that didn’t mean he couldn’t tease him at all.
“Awww, poor Reggie, you just can’t stand the tummy tickles, can you?” the redhead purred, chuckling softly. “You are just too cute… and too ticklish, right? Is that why you’re squealing so loud? Such an adorable sound, though, I don’t think I ever want to stop it~”
Despite this, as soon as Reginald’s voice became more hiccup than laughter, he stopped right away, sitting next to him and pulling him carefully into his arms, gently patting his back.
“There you go, breathe in, breathe out,” he encouraged as Reg struggled to stop giggling and get his breathing under control.
“Youhuhu… ehevihihil…” the brunette managed, going limp in his husband's arms, earning another soft chuckle.
“I love you, too, Reg…”
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panelshowsource · 28 days ago
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out of context would i lie to you? (2/∞)
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kungfuwushuworld · 1 year ago
Jaleel White and Reginald VelJohnson Fight with Thugs in Family Matters (TV Series 1989–1998)
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letterboxd-loggd · 6 months ago
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Cat Ballou (1965) Elliot Silverstein
September 21st 2024
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ask-the-blended-au · 4 months ago
[i js came back from the wrong blog ignore that 💗]
how long do you guys think its gonna take for henry and charles to get together? my money's on 102938420101 years 😇
~ lee (@wowhenryiscooked)
Ellie: Oh trust me, we all have bets. Sven and Burt have already lost theirs though!
Sven: Oh, don't remind me...
Burt: Don't blame us, Charles was starting to seem interested in him...
Reginald: Right Hand Man and I have money on... it's about a month now, right, darling?
RHM: I think so.
Ellie: Mine's closer to a week. Sven and Burt's time was up like, two weeks ago.
Henry: I hate all of you.
Ellie: You love ussss!~
Henry: ... shut up.
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imnotadogiswear · 6 months ago
Elemental Kenways AU
What if Edward got elemental powers after running into some POE, and he, his children, and his grandson were each given earth, water, fire, or air powers.
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drilethetoppat · 11 months ago
I don't know how your Reg looks in Terrence's Era, but mine looked like Peg of The Lady and The Tramp.
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good-in-space · 11 months ago
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kwebtv · 1 year ago
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From the Golden Age of Television
An Almanac of Liberty - CBS - November 8, 1954
A presentation of "Westinghouse Studio One" Season 7 Episode 8
Running Time: 60 minutes
Written By Reginald Rose
Directed by Paul Nickell
Narrated by Charles Collingwood
P. J. Kelly as Mr. Neary
Archie Smith as Harmon
Ethel Everett as Mrs. Church
Bruce Marshall a Mikey
Ginger MacManus as Susie
Florence Sundstrom as Ottilie Sweetser
Brandon Peters as Horace Sweetser
Dorothy Patten as Matty Wilkinson
Karl Lukas as Hank
Jack MacGregor as Sam Hunt
Clarice Blackburn as Sybil Hunt
Fred Herrick a Ted Franklin
Gene Sultan as Billy Sweetser
James Winslow as Dr. Slattery
Eli Mintz as Mr. Nathan
Frieda Altman as Mrs. Nathan
Lawrence Fletcher as George Wilkinson
Lee Richardson as Ben Philips
Sandy Kenyon as John Carter
Martin Rudy as Mr. Falion
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hug-kiss-marry-kill · 24 days ago
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eunchancorner · 2 months ago
The Hungry Vampire (LF!Vamp Reg)
This has just been sitting in my google docs for the longest time sorry y'all
“R-Reg, plehease, you- you don’t want toho do this!” Right Hand Man insisted, forcing down giggles as he tried his best to back away. Reginald had managed to corner him on their bed, and RHM could tell from his expression alone that he was hungry. He knew he could fight back, but the thought of even hurting Reginald’s feelings was enough to make that idea completely forbidden to him. He also knew Reg needed to feed, but fuck if how he wanted to wasn’t the most flustering thing.
How Reginald wanted to feed, of course, involved tickling the absolute shit out of Right Hand Man.
“Righty, I don’t just want to, I need to,” the brunette insisted, “Everyone in this damn place is miserable and I can’t feed anywhere. Besides, you know I like your laughter the best, and this is the best way to get it~”
“But- but this is my neck you’re talking about! You know how bad it is!” the redhead argued, covering the side of his neck with one hand. “Everyone’s going to hear!”
“Oh, darling, you know I would never do anything to put your reputation in jeopardy…”
Oh thank god…
“Which is why I had this installed!” Reginald finished before pushing a button on the wall a few inches above RHM’s head. Faint whirring could be heard before a muffled thud from the walls around them.
“What was that..?”
“I had our room fitted with optional soundproofing!” he explained, “That way others can still hear if we need help, but we can make sure they don’t hear what we don’t want them too, including your wonderful laughter~”
“There’s no talking you out of this, is there…?”
“Unless you really don’t want me to do this. Is that the case, dear?” Reginald asked, backing off for a moment. “If you need me to, I’ll stop.”
RHM huffed a sigh as his face reddened even more. He knew he didn’t want Reginald to stop. He tried to tell himself it was because he wanted him to be well-fed, or because he didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but it was impossible to ignore the real reason.
It was because he cherished these moments with him. He loved playing like this. As much as it went against the carefully-built, tough, ruthless image of himself he’d built, he loved letting go of control and just laughing sometimes. Sure, he’d protest before, during and after, but it always left him feeling better, and closer with his beloved husband.
“I… I don’t…” he finally admitted, refusing to make eye contact with Reginald, although he could see that smile return.
“And you promise this is because you want it, not because I do?” the brunette asked, his tone genuine.
“I promise… you lucky bastard…” the redhead mumbled just loud enough for his husband to hear.
“The luckiest…” Reginald drew his attention back with a short kiss. “Ready?”
Despite his nerves, RHM nodded, feeling his anticipatory smile return as Reginald’s face lowered to his neck, forcing down nervous giggles, already knowing what was coming.
“I’m going to warn you now, this is really going to tickle~” he heard Reginald say, the words against his neck already pulling nervous snickers from his throat.
“Ihi- I kn- NAAAAHAHAHAHA! REHEHEHEG!” He was cut off by his own laughter as his husband blew the first raspberry into his neck, clinging to his shirt and trying his hardest not to scrunch his shoulder, despite the electrifying sensations that had his brain screaming for some kind of cover.
“WAHAHAIT! WAITWAITWAITPLEHEHEASE!” he begged, knowing damn well if he had to wait again he would practically explode from anticipation. He just had to focus on something, anything other than the tickles, whether it be his legs kicking out behind Reg, the texture of Reginald’s coat or his own words, which came out as the first thing that entered his mind. “HEHEHEHELP!”
“Now, who’s going to help when I’m the only one who can even hear you?~” the brunette taunted between his ‘attacks’, RHM barely able to hear him over his own laughter.
“IHIT TIHIHIHIHICKLES! PLEHEHEHEASE!” the redhead cackled, unsure of what he was even asking for.
“Oh, I can tell it tickles, dear, your laugh is delicious!” he cooed, once again, between raspberries that kept his poor husband in hysterics. “It must be so awful for you… Oh, but your laugh is still so sweet~”
“Can’t what, dear? Can’t bear the teasing? Can’t think with all the tickles? Do tell, I love listening to you try to talk your way out of this~”
“BREHEHEHEAK!! PLEHEHEHEASE?!” he begged, and suddenly the raspberries stopped, though it took his nerves a few seconds to realize. He managed to look up at Reg, who was sitting up, his good eye filled with tears of mirth. 
It took him a while to get his laughter under control, and when he’d finally gotten it down to giggles at least, he spoke again.
“Chrihihist… whahat the fuhuhuck wahas thahahat…?” he asked the brunette, who shrugged.
“I was hungry,” he said simply, though the smile on his face gave away that it was just as fun for him.
“F-feheels like youhuhu wehere stahaharvihing…”
“Actually, I’m still a bit hungry, if you don’t mind?” Reginald requested, earning a rare giggly whine from his husband.
“I can’t help what it takes to fill me up, but I’ll be alright if you want to stop here.”
The redhead sighed a bit as his giggling finally stopped, trying to find a way to word what he was going to say.
“I… I mean, I only said ‘break’ for a reason…” he finally said, shrugging slightly. He couldn’t help the way his smile grew at the look Reginald gave him, a cross between relief and pure adoration.
“Oh, my darling Righty…” the brunette sighed as he leaned forward, giving RHM a quick kiss on the forehead. “You have no idea how grateful I am to be yours, sometimes…”
“Trust me, you give me enough of an idea already.”
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reppyy · 11 months ago
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fortrivmph · 1 year ago
tag dump 3/?
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perfettamentechic · 2 years ago
21 luglio … ricordiamo …
21 luglio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Taurean Blacque, all’anagrafe Herbert Middleton Jr., attore statunitense. Iniziò la sua carriera nel 1976, interpretando piccoli ruoli in serie televisive. Dal 1981 al 1987 interpretò il detective Neal Washington nella serie televisiva Hill Street giorno e notte. Ha adottando dieci figli, oltre ai suoi due figli da un matrimonio, Shelby, che si è concluso con un divorzio nel 1966.…
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reginaldstroudus · 2 years ago
Missing Ingredient With Martial Artist It's Not About Fight Records
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cockroachesunite · 2 months ago
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I’m so glad you asked :)
First, South’s captions (and this one in particular) were very helpful:
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guy on the left look familiar?
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he might be the only one who wears his naval jacket instead of slops usually, and he also has a very distinctive way of moving once you notice it
Orde-Lees cruising around in the fuck ass car!!!!
(feat. one of the first ever Oop I'm in front of the camera*awkward run out of frame*)
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