riisume · 2 months
Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi Tickle Headcanons!
(***DISCLAIMER: I haven’t finished the manga yet- So this’ll be knowing what I know about them from S1 of the anime!✨)
- His armor protects him usually.. But when they’re settling in to rest for the night, bro better not do anything dumb
- Laios WILL get tickled if he’s silly! Especially if he says wants to eat a monster that Marcille and Chilchuck don’t agree with…
- He’s QUICK to plead, beg, and bargain to make the tickles stop
- Part of him enjoys it though, it’s very nostalgic for him (tickle fights with Falin growing up!)
- His tummy’s very soft and squish, making it an easy tickle target for grabby hands!
- Laios will usually follow Marcille’s lead on tickling Chilchuck or vise versa when they’re messing with each other
- He loves discovering other’s tickle spots, whether it be purposeful or on accident
-Bonus points if the area that’s ticklish is part of what makes the races visually distinct (ex. Elf and Half Foots ears)
- Laios is DEFINITELY interested in knowing if monsters are ticklish…
- He tries to tickle Izutsumi but usually gets scratched or bitten… He’ll totally try it again later tho
- Getting this out of the way early… Her ears are very sensitive and ticklish because why not? 👏🏼
- If Marcille sleeps for too long, she’s often the target of wake-up tickles (it’s the most gentle and effective way to wake her up)
- She takes very good care of herself, so her skin is soft… Making it more sensitive
- She’s 100% feather ticklish!
- Marcille’s laughter usually gets high-pitched and frantic, even if you’re not tickling a death spot (she panics)
- She won’t hesitate to bonk, hit, or kick if you tickle her so make sure either you’re out of the way or someone’s pinning her
- She’ll likely complain after for tickling her (and making her mess up her hair)
- Marcille loves to tickle Chilchuck the most to tease him here and there
- Unfortunately for him, if you’re not another Half Foot, it’s REALLY easy to overpower him (he’s small and very light)
- Chilchuck’s another one with horribly ticklish ears (his neck as well) but he’ll deny both or deflect like his life depends on it
- He’s a frequent target for being tickled by the party given his grumpy nature
- Chilchuck swears PROFUSELY when he gets tickled (in different languages as well!)
- Whenever Marcille tickles him, he’ll usually get revenge or fight back (until Laios helps her and pins him)
- Because Senshi mistakes Chilchuck for a kid, he usually falls victim to Senshi’s cheer-up tickles as well whenever Chilchuck’s cranky or on edge
- Unless he’s provoked, Chilchuck normally avoids trying to start tickle fights with anyone else
- Rougher tickles tend to hurt him, especially on more boney areas like his ribs… So gentler tickles are needed to really get him
- Senshi’s not SUPER ticklish like the others in his party
- Rougher tickles would get good reactions out of him, though
- He’s not very susceptible to gentle tickles
- Senshi’s laughter is deep and hearty! Very enjoyable to hear
- Senshi enjoys tickling the others in the party
- He’s DEFINITELY used tickling against Marcille if she’s being fussy about eating
- Senshi’s worst spot is his armpits (which are unfortunately for him easy to reach)
- Yet another party member with VERY ticklish ears
- Laios likely found out about that by accident when he tried petting her there…
- He was fascinated and keeps trying every so often to do it again
- Izutsumi WILL attack or run if you tickle her
- She’s nimble so it’s a bit hard to catch her if she’s expecting it
- Izutsumi has a sharp tongue, so she’ll probably also yell obscenities when she’s tickled and can’t fight back
- Eventually she’ll get curious about tickling the others but she’d likely wait until they try to get her for her to strike back!
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thetickleeraven · 7 days
What's That Under My Armor?
Delicious in Dungeon
Summary: Laios gets a mysteriously ticklish feeling on his abdomen after putting on his armor. [THIS IS A TICKLE FIC]
Laios took another slurp of his soup, happily soothing his rumbling tummy. Yesterday had been another long day in the dungeon and a long time to meal prep, but, as always, the meal at the end was worth it, and lucky them, they had plenty of leftovers for today's breakfast.
They had set up camp near a stone building that was falling apart at the seams. There were no beds inside nor roof overhead, so camping just outside the building, closer to the fountain nearby, was an overall better decision.
Senshi was telling a story near the campfire while everyone ate and listened. Good company, good food, good banter; mealtime was easily Laios' favorite time of the day.
In the middle of Senshi's story, the group was startled by a loud thud from the building they were camped next to. One of the tapestries had fallen. At the noise, Laios jolted and turned towards the sound, sending some of his soup spilling over his shirt and the chestplate of his armor he had sitting next to him.
"Oh, crap." Laios groaned at the mess and, worst of all, waste of food.
"Clumsy as ever." Chilchuck huffed and rolled his eyes.
Laios looked around for any type of napkin to clean himself off, but found none. He picked himself off the floor and jogged over to the torn up tapestry. He ripped some of the cloth and hurried back to his armor.
"You're using a tapestry to clean up your soup?"
"Hey, we don't have anything else and it's already torn up! What's the harm, right?" Laios explained as he began wiping down the inside of breastplate where the soup had fallen. He then took off his shirt, now with a giant stain, and wiped the leftover mess on his chest.
"Agh, this cloth is terrible. It's shedding all over me."
"Shedding?" Marcille asked.
"It's coming apart, I'm covered in little bits of cloth." Laios wiped some of the bits off of him, but most of them stuck to him like glue.
"So you've got some lint on ya, big deal."
"Chilchuck's right. Just put your shirt back on and have another bowl of soup. A little string and and a stain on your shirt isn't gonna ruin your day." Senshi said, pouring him a new bowl of soup.
Laios sighed and nodded before taking a seat closer to the campfire and reaching for the new bowl. The leftover cloth bits were a little itchy, but he's dealt with far worse in the dungeon than a little itch on his abdomen.
The group continued their conversation like nothing happened, aside from Laios' occasional scratching at his midriff. God that fabric was awful.
"Alright, I think it's about time we get going." Senshi said as he began putting away the dishes.
"Sounds good. I'll start putting on my armor." Laios always took the longest to get ready, mostly because heavy armor took like ten minutes to put on. By the time he'd get his armor on, camp would have already been cleaned up. Better start soon.
He turned and began absent-mindedly putting things on. It was a daily routine at this point. As soon as he had his armor in hand, he turned back to keep his eyes on his friends, tuning into their conversation while he went through the motions.
Last of his armor was his chest plate. He had slid it on and was adjusting it to be where it needed to be when he felt something off. He furrowed his brow at the squirming feeling but remembered the stupid tapestry. He rolled his eyes. That was going to be an annoying feeling all day. Maybe he needed to jump in a body of water.
Laios began twitching. Okay, that feeling was definitely different from before, like something was crawling over his shirt.
"You alright, Laios?" Marcille asked, noticing her friends' jerking and twitching. The group now had all eyes on the resident knight who looked very concerned and confused.
Laios' face twisted into alarm as he felt the crawling creep up the shirt, off the fabric, and into his underarms.
"W-Wait!" Laios stuttered out.
"What?!" His three party members asked in unison.
The blonde's face reluctantly contorted into a big goofy grin. "C-Crahap!" He let out a choked giggle. Laios began frantically trying to remove his armor but could barely muster the strength to lift his arms with the sensation marching across his skin.
"Uh, are you gonna tell us what's going on or do we have to guess?" Chilchuck asked, raising an eyebrow.
Laios was starting to panic. Whatever was causing this was HORRENDOUSLY ticklish and, worse, was crawling towards the most ticklish part of his body.
He was biting his cheeks and tensing every muscle in his body, trying desperately not to collapse laughing. Every time he reached up to try and take his armor off that terrible sensation kept his arms glued to his sides. It was a matter of time now before he broke.
Think. What the Hell was going on?
At first he thought it was the tapestry. Something about the cloth? What cloth would do this? Maybe there was a monster involved?
"Are you sick? Did you get food poisoning?" Marcille hurried to Laios' side, at a complete loss for how much concern or alarm she should be showing as she had no idea what was going on.
"Why would he be smiling, though?" Chilchuck pointed out.
It would make sense if it was linked to the cloth, considering bits of it are stuck to the armor and his body.
The cloth can't be alive. Maybe something that eats the cloth?
That's it!
"Spit it out, boy!" Senshi shouted right as the crawling started across Laios' belly.
"DUHUHUNGEON CLEHEHEHEANERS!" Laios exploded in laughter and fell to his side, clutching his middle and helplessly lost to the torturous sensations.
The three other members exchanged confused glances.
"I think you'll have to be more specific." Senshi said with a furrowed brow.
"Yeah what do dungeon cleaners have to do with you laughing your ass off? What, dungeon biology is suddenly a comedy gold mine?" Chilchuck stared at him, completely bewildered.
"Ihihihin my ahahaharmor!" Laios laughed, kicking his legs on the ground in hysterics.
"Oh!" Marcille clapped her hands as everything clicked for her. "The tapestry is seen as damaged dungeon. Some of it was still in your armor. If you put it on without looking, that means you could've missed a bunch of dungeon cleaners doing their job, and now they're all over you."
"And now they're... tickling him?" Chilchuck questioned.
"I don't think they're doing it intentionally. I think their crawling just happens to be ticklish to him." Marcille calmly explained as if there wasn't 200 pounds of armored tall-man cackling like a damn hyena on the floor.
It wasn't just the crawling, Laios realized. They were cleaning the leftover tapestry on his person too, eating the cloth scrap off his bare belly and chest and in the name of all that is holy was it ticklish-
"How long do we have to deal with him like this? Chilchuck sighed.
Marcille winced. "Dungeon cleaners can take a long time to clean. Plus, I don't even know if they can get out of his armor on their own."
"Well, we'll have to pull the armor off Laios and help get the little buggers off him." Senshi huffed, putting down the dishes he was packing away.
"Ugh, fine. Let's rescue Laios from the dungeon cleaners." Chilchuck picked himself up off the floor and the three approached the tall-man who was quite literally rolling on the floor with laughter.
"Ihihihit tihihickles sohohoho BAHAHAD!" Laios squealed the last bit as a few travelled over a particularly sensitive spot.
"Yeah, yeah, big guy. We're here to help."
"I'll grab him and try to hold him steady while you two get the chest plate off of him." Senshi directed. He cracked his knuckles and reached down, grabbing Laios by the waist and holding him up in a steady sitting position.
The other two grabbed his chest plate and tried to lift it up but we're stopped by Laios' arms.
"Laios you have to lift your arms up."
"Ihihihi cahahahan't." Laios was nearly in tears from the tickling. "Ihihihi'm tryihihihing Ihihihi swehehehehear!" He lifted his arms a few inches above his waist but couldn't muster much more than that.
Senshi wordlessly let go of his waist and grabbed his wrists, hoisting them far above his head so the other two could begin working off his armor.
Laios' laughter grew more frantic as he could swear the dungeon cleaners were travelling back up to his now pulled-taut underarms.
"Pull it together, man." Chilchuck sighed as they were just starting to get the damn plate above his elbows.
"Ihihihihit's sohohoho hahahahard!" Laios wheezed in between bouts of cackling, a tear now falling from his right eye. "Ihihihit tihihickles sohoho bahahahad!"
"There!" Marcille shouted as the two got the armor to Laios' wrists. Senshi released Laios' arms so the pair could quickly pull off the plate and throw it aside. There were a few dungeon cleaners still on the plate, but it seemed most of them had ventured down Laios' shirt.
"Now let's see how bad this infestation really is." Senshi let go of Laios' wrist so he could yank up the tall-man's shirt. Sure enough, there were dozens of tiny little dungeon cleaners going to town on his belly and chest.
Marcille shivered. "Ew, that's so creepy."
Laios was finally starting to feel hope this would end soon. He was just starting to let relief flow through him when he felt something that made him stiffen. One started crawling-
-right into his bellybutton.
Instantly Laios began thrashing like his life depended on it, practically screaming in desperate laughter as the little cleaner had apparently found something to clean in his navel of all places.
His party members stepped back as he became a whirlwind of flailing limbs. Just as he was getting help, he had become a danger to everyone around him.
"STAHAHAHAHAP! PLEHEHEHEHEASE GEHEHET THEHEHEM OHOHOHOFF!" Laios cried, tears streaming down his burning face.
"Well stop thrashing and maybe we will!" Chilchuck shouted.
"He can't help being ticklish, boy. He's acting how his body's telling him to act." Senshi lectured Chilchuck as he stretched his arms. "Unfortunately we still gotta help him even with him whipping his arms every which way. I'll grab him and keep him steady, you two get all those little buggers off of him."
The pair nodded and waited for their cue. After a few moments of waiting for an opening, Senshi grabbed both of Laios' arms and pinned them to the ground.
"Just approach from the side so he doesn't kick you." The dwarf advised.
The two did as told and each took a seat next to the tall-man who was still cackling and and wheezing.
Marcille eyed the crawling critters on Laios' belly and cringed. "Do we really have to?"
"We got to get going through the dungeon again and, I don't know about you, I don't want to tug a laughing Laios the whole way through." Senshi said.
Chilchuck got to work plucking each cleaner off the thrashing man while Marcille watched with an uncomfortable expression. He'd scratch at a spot with his fingernail to loosen the thing's grip off Laios' skin, then pluck it off with his finger and thumb to toss it to the side. The process, admittedly, was still ticklish to poor Laios.
"PLEHEHEHEASE! THEHE- THEHEHEHE NAHAHAVEL! GEHEHEHET IHIHIT OHOHOUT PLEHEHEHEHAHAHAHA!" Laios pleaded, begged, cried for relief from that one specific cleaner. The rest he could maybe bear but that one in his bellybutton was driving him to insanity.
Chilchuck groaned reluctantly but acquiesced and stuck his finger in Laios' navel to claw out the cleaner there. As Chilchuck's finger made contact Laios' whole body jolted enough to have Senshi struggling to keep hold. Laios' laughter was growing, causing his core to absolutely ache from strain.
"Sit still, idiot. I'm trying here."
Laios' only response was some hysterical babbling and more tears streaming down his face.
"Got it!" Chilchuck pulled back with the problematic little cleaner sitting on the tip of his finger.
Immediately Laios calmed down. He was still giggling uncontrollably from the rest of the cleaners, mind you, but he was worlds away from where he had been mere seconds earlier.
"Th-Thahahahahank yohohou." Laios laid his head back as his fighting and thrashing finally calmed down. The rest of the cleaner removal went smoother, though still full of laughter.
Finally, the last one was pulled off and thrown aside. Senshi released Laios' arms and the tall-man instantly curled into a tight ball, giggling exhaustedly.
"Well that took forever." Chilchuck said.
"Let's learn to pay more attention to things, huh, Laios?" Senshi patted his back and stood up, heading back to the pile of dishes.
"You okay?" Marcille asked softly, crouched next to his head.
Laios was an absolute wreck. He was panting like he hadn't taken a breath in days. His face was burning red. He had messy tear track stains across his face. His hair was a wild mess. His core ached as if he had planked for a thousand hours. And his abdomen was buzzing, just barely on this side of ticklish.
"I'm," Laios hiccuped. "okay." He sighed with a wobbly tired smile.
"I had no idea you were that ticklish." Marcille sat beside him.
"Oh yeah, really bad."
"You don't say."
They both chuckled. Laios sat up beside Marcille.
"Falin and I used to get in constant tickle fights when we lived together. I had strength on my side, but it doesn't take much to bring me down so Falin usually won." Laios rubbed his neck.
"It's good information to know." Marcille gave him a mischievous smile.
"Please no more tickling." Laios put up hands to guard himself. "I was just tortured."
Marcille put her hands up in a placating gesture. "Oh, I'm not going to."
Laios let out a sigh of relief.
Marcille stood. "Today at least."
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saber-smithy · 8 months
I just had a fucking realization...
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tgoldwalker · 4 months
We need a live action dungeon meshi because I know EXACTLY the man to play Laios
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warryart · 7 months
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
My first thought whenever i see someone headcanoning a character i selfship with as an egg 'Oh sweet,someone else who'll help me help my wife transition.Thanks legend'
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nebmantis · 2 months
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another falin laura lee doodle that I made on the plane ealier haiiiiii
heavily inspired by that one scene in the intro ^^
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rui-drawsbox · 5 months
olba x dumenshi lets goo
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little ramble about the worldbuilding cuz it my favorite thing abt dumenshi jkdsfh
besides Ruri and Cove, everyone meets as adults. Derek meets them when Cove s 16-17, Terri and Randy when he's 19-20 and Baxter comes into picture when he's 23
Yeah i'm using Cove's age as the standard lmao, i also made Ruri a half gnome so they could grow up together like in the game lol (i mean at least that's the case with half elves but i just assumed it was something universal haha)
dwarves aaaare super hairy but i wasnt sure about giving derek a full-beard so lets just say he shaves (?)
since baxter meets the gang once he's an adult, to me he spent half his lifetime with the olnf cast but went to the elves continent with his parents and since he didn't liked how dismissive they were toward others races (specially his parents, istg theyre like peak traditionalists lol) he ran off and joined our little group yay
cove is like laios but the "sea creaures" autism instead of the "all kind of monsters" autism
Ruri (and mom, shes also a gnome to me) teached a little magic to Cove, specifically water and healing spells
since gnome magic and elf magic is different, sometimes Ruri and Baxter teach magic to each other haha
dont ask me about their roles in the dungeon i dont play dnd
to me. baxter was this super classy elf, and he shows that classy-ness with expensive elf-like delicate outfits lol
Ma is a drawf (mabye?) and Mom is a gnome, which makes Lee also a gnome! Liz is still a human/tallman. Intentionally didn't make anyone a halfoot bc of their super short lifespan (mabye shiloh or jeremy)
cove suffers when they have to kill mermaids
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dunmeshistash · 4 months
In the English dub the names are:
Laios: Lie-ose or Lie-oh-s
Marcille: Mar-sill
Falin: Fah- lihn (ah as in apple)
I hope this helped/made sense!!
oooh, thats about how I say the names I think
Minus Marcille I read mar see lee (which is wrong but I think it sounds cute)
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INSANITY (Hellaverse x isekai male reader) Winners (Part 1):
•Saint peter (Darren criss)
•Gabriel (Fnaf/Five nights at Freddy's)
•Jeremy (Fnaf/Five nights at Freddy's)
•Susie (Fnaf/Five nights at Freddy's)
•Fritz (Fnaf/Five nights at Freddy's)
•Charlotte (Fnaf/Five nights at Freddy's)
•Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls/The book of Bill)
•Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls/The book of Bill)
•Hatsune miku/Miku Hatsune (Vocaloid)
•Stanford Pines (Gravity Falls/The book of Bill)
•Stanley Pines (Gravity Falls/The book of Bill)
•Audie (animal crossing/Nintendo)
•Cyd (animal crossing/Nintendo)
•Dom (animal crossing/Nintendo)
•Gregory house (House md)
•Callie (Splatoon/Splatoon 3/Splatfest/Nintendo)
•Marie (Splatoon/Splatoon 3/Splatfest/Nintendo)
•Nina caliente (ts4/ts4cc/Sims 4/Sims4/the Sims 4/Simblr/Sims4cc/s4cc/Sims/The sims 2/The sims)
•Cassandra Goth (ts4/ts4cc/Sims 4/Sims4/the Sims 4/Simblr/Sims4cc/s4cc/Sims/The sims 2/The sims)
•Eddie Riaz (911 abc/Ryan Guzman)
•Evan Buckley (911 abc/ Oliver Stark)
•Aziraphale (Good Omens)
•Hiccup (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Astrid (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Ruffnut (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Tuffnut (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Snotlout (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Fishlegs (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Stoick the Vast (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Valka (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Gobber the Belch (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Luz (Toh/The owl house)
•Amity (Toh/The owl house)
•Izutsumi (Dnd/Dungeon and Dragons)
•Marcille Donato (Dnd/Dungeon and Dragons)
•Laios Touden (Dnd/Dungeon and Dragons)
•Falin Touden (Dnd/Dungeon and Dragons)
•Chilchuck Tims (Dnd/Dungeon and Dragons)
•Senshi (Dnd/Dungeon and Dragons)
•Riddle Rosehearts (Twisted Wonderland)
•The adventurer (Ffxiv)
•Elisabeth Woolridge Grant (Laba del rey)
•Sakura (le sserafim)
•Kim Chaewon (le sserafim)
•Huh Yunjin (le sserafim)
•Kazuha (le sserafim)
•Hong Eunchae (le sserafim)
•Hyunjin (Skz/Stray kids)
•Felix (Skz/Stray kids)
•Bang Chan (Skz/Stray kids)
•Lee know (Skz/Stray kids)
•I.N (Skz/Stray kids)
•Han (Skz/Stray kids)
•Seungmin (Skz/Stray kids)
•Changbin (Skz/Stray kids)
•Kim Woojin (Skz/Stray kids)
•Daniel Howell/Dan howell (Dan and phil/mcr/amazingphil/terrible influence tour)
•Phil Lester (Dan and phil/mcr/amazingphil/terrible influence tour)
•Caitlin Clark (wnba)
•Hello Kitty (Sanrio)
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riisume · 3 months
Chilchuck on sides please!
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How do you make your half-foot friend fork up his lockpicking tools so you can eat crab-like monsters a little easier?
Thank you for the request!! ���
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otomiyaa · 7 months
Masterpost 2.0
Fics written 'post-retirement' cuz I'm a clown
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* = explicit | red = Only AO3
Note: Reblogs of fics and various reuploads from my old blog are not included.
However these can be found in the #otomiya!writes tag.
❥ Update: 26.2.2024
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Boku no Hero Academia
All I Want For Christmas: D&D | Lees!KiriBaku x Ler!Deku
Dungeon Meshi
Tickle Fight | Lee!Kabru x Ler!Laios
Ticklish For You | Switches!Marcille x Falin
Sweet Revenge (collab, reupload) | Lees!Reigisa & Lers!Sourin
Gakuen Babysitters
Second Declaration of Love (collab, reupload) | Switches!Hayaryuu
Genshin Impact:
From 🐺 To 🐶 | Switches!Wrioney
Lyney's Trick | Lee!Gaming & Ler!Lyney
Quality Time | Switches!Wrioney
Terms & Conditions | Lee!Kaveh x Ler!Alhaitham
TGI Tournament | Various Lees & Lers
Traveler's Training | Lee!Sethos & Ler!Aether
Last Christmas: A Festive Breakfast | Lee!Uenoyama x Ler!Mafuyu
Better Setter! (Reupload) | Lees!Kenma, Akaashi x Lers!Bokuto, Kuroo
Jingle Bell Rock: Secret Snack | Lee!Tsukki x Ler!Yama
Snowed In (Reupload) | Lee!Akaashi x Lers!Bokuto, Kuroo, Kenma
Honkai Star Rail
The Foreigner | Lee!Sampo & Lers!JingRen
The Kiss | Lee!Aventurine x Ler!Ratio
Sharing is Caring | Lee!Caelus x Ler!Dan Heng
Small Spoon | Lee!Aventurine x Ler!Ratio
Kaiju No. 8
Kaiju Experiment | Lee!Kafka & Ler!Reno
Love and Deepspace
A Date Worth Remembering (collab) | Switches!Zayne x Reader
Ebb and Flow | Lee!Rafayel x MC
Exclusive Tutorial | Lee!Zayne x MC
Midnight Moment | Lee!Xavier x MC
Nu: Carnival
Wreck The Sun Lord Party | Lee!Dante x Ler!Eiden
Obey Me
Not a Competition | Lee!Reader & Lers!Lucifer, Satan
Super Mario Bros
Luigi Wins (By Doing Absolutely Nothing) | Lee!Luigi x Ler!Bowser
Wind Breaker
Nirei's Discovery | Lee!Sakura & Multiple Lers
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
Love is Hard for a Broke Otaku | Lee!Narumi x Ler!Hirotaka
Yuri On Ice
New Year's Resolutions (collab) | Switches!Victuuri
Remissio (collab, reupload) | Switches!Victuuri
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Tickle headcanons can be found here:
Link to my MDZS/TGCF tickle masterpost:
Tickletober 2023:
X Reader Tickle Drabbles:
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nomgeonmunchie · 3 months
hitmonchan/lee/top from pokemon?
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thebest-medicine · 2 months
what drabbles are coming up next?
well since you asked!!! :) I will share the list of prompts I still have left! I’ve written 32 so far and have about as many prompts left to go!
(I just have the asks themselves copy pasted into a doc and I copied them over here below the readmore, they’re also in the order in which I received them newest at the top) this means they done now / coming in queue
Prompt 78 with Lee!Todoroki and a Ler of your choice maybe?
79 ler Wendy, Lee dipper?
63, lers korra and Asami, lee!mako?
52, lers Sokka and Katara, lee!aang?
Could you do #17 with widomauk?
70 with lee deku and ler bakugou??? bkdk has my heart rn <//3
Number 23 with lee Todoroki and ler Midoriya 😍☺️😍 ?
55 with lee Izuku ler Bakugou!
May I request lee bakugo + bakusquad + midoriya + 92: “Hey are you guys okay? I heard yelling (from the hall / outside) and— oh.”
32 I imagine kacchan saying the DOOM line and while tickling poor izuku to death perhaps?
could u do 37 “wait- no not that! anything but that!” with lee fjord and ler mollymauk -or someone else in the mn?
prompt 102 with hunter pranking willow?
“You wouldn’t take advantage (of that knowledge) when I’m stuck like this, right? …Right?!” Lee! Eda Ler!Raine?
Was that a giggle just now? - Number 1. with lois lane and clark kent
#66 ‘don’t tell me you’re ticklish?!’ with inuyasha and kagome please and thanks!
42, ler!Miss Martian, Lee!robin? “No way, are you begging?”
96, ler!korra, lee!mako? “What are you so scared of? It’s just a brush!”
64, ler!beast boy, lee!robin pleaseeee “Relax, I’m not gonna kill ya, I’m just gonna make you wish you were dead.”
If you're stilling accepting prompts for the Summers sentence fic thing I saw you were willing to write for Young Justice so could we get 43 and 46 for M'Gann and Superboy? I always thought they were a sweet couple “Lighten up, have a laugh!” “I’m not letting you off that easy.”
I love the idea of Lars being super ticklish and the Offcolors never knowing about tickling before they meet him and now he’s forced to explain it because they accidentally tickle him. 💖 I’d love “Why are you so nervous all of the sudden?” with lee Lars and maybe ler or lers Padparadscha and The Rutile Twins. Of course take all the time you need and again congrats! 💖
Hi!! I’d love something with lee Aang and ler Sokka with 8. “I’ll have you know, I was the reigning tickle fight champion in my house growing up.” Also congratulations!! 🥳💖 Loving everything you’ve been writing!
36 with lee shego and ler kim please, the “little birdie” could be one of her brothers
idk if you’ve seen the mcu What if? Show. Doesn’t matter. But #18 for the thunder siblings (What if? Or Movie incarnations), Loki, Thor and Helga, in whichever ler and Lee positions you want. “I swear on my life, I will kill you.”
could you do 24 “Sounds like someone needs a visit from the tickle monster.” with lee!dipper with ler!stan. maybe have it be set after the zombies attacked the shack and dipper is upset about it and stan is trying to cheer him up
oooh how about 5. “I’m just… sensitive” with Percy/Vax 👀👀👀
64 with ler Fjord & either Caleb or Molly? 🥺 dealers choice, but as soon as I saw that one I immediately thought of Fjord being a bully “Relax, I’m not gonna kill ya. But I am gonna make you wish you were dead.”
Pretty pretty please could we get 8 with Laios, Chilchuk & Marcille? (I’d LOVE it if it backfired for Laios) “I’ll have you know, I was the reigning tickle fight champion in my house growing up.”
can u do a KP drabble of #8 with ler!Shego and lee!DrD? Thx sooo much (: “I’ll have you know, I was the reigning tickle fight champion in my house growing up.”
#84 You’d better give up now or this is about to get a lot worse for ler!Sango and Lee!Miroku from Inuyasha please, if you have time?
#27 for TOH blight sibs tickle fight if you’re not too overwhelmed with prompts. “I hope you know this means war.”
yay! I’m so glad you’re doing drabbles. I’ve always lurked but now the sentence starters are here I hope you don’t mind if I send more than a few asks. If it’s too much, just delete. Anyway, love your writing. #103- Let’s make it interesting” for the whole S1 YJ team particularly Robin, and Zatanna. Thanks again! Can’t wait for more of your works.
Prompt 23 with lee Ed and ler Stede “Wait a minute, you’re not ticklish, are you?”
Hi! hello! how’s it going? I was just wondering if your still doing requests for fics and if so can I pretty please have lee!Chilchuck ler!Marcille with the prompt “Big talk for someone so ticklish.”
“Relax, I’m not gonna kill ya. But I am gonna make you wish you were dead.” With Ler!Amity and Lee! Hunter?
Ooo I haven't heard of Danny Phantom in YEARS maybe for the sentence starter could we get 11. “Why are you so nervous all of the sudden?” with lee!Danny and ler!Valerie?
I saw you qrite for Danny Phantom and I was like :o so for the sentence starters number 19 "Wait, are you stuck?" with lee!Danny? I imagine he got stuck a lot while figuring out his intagibility.
ahhh awesome!! how abt 61 with lee!shauna ler!jackie ?? tysm!!! “You’d better keep quiet!”
could you do 104 “What, did you think you were just going to get away with that?” with switch!kaminari and bakugou :)
I’m starved for my adventures with Superman content, don’t think we could get 22 or 35 with Lois & Clark? “Don’t make me make you.” “What? Me? Ticklish? As if!”
“I didn’t think you had it in you.” 83 lee kacchan ler deku tahnks
Lumity (lee amity) and 71 “This isn’t cuddling! This is an attack!” please
Can I request either 12 or 14 (dealers choice) for critical role?? lee!caleb and ler!mollymauk if you would be ever so kind :D “Well, well, well… Look what we have here.” “So, what’s this I hear about you being deathly ticklish?”
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phonyqueen · 5 months
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do you like my dungeon meshi nevermore crossover im joking this was unserious pls dont take it seriously
but if it was srs then theo would probably be laios falin would be lenore and marcille would be annabel lee i think
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
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Collection of autistic flags i requested from @thegenderchannel !!In order:Nerd autism,chaos autism,goth autism and pastel autism!I am literally autistic and so is the creator so these were made purely for fun and i don't care about allistics or autistics who speak over other ones' experiences on it,it ain't that deep and these terms were coined with the approval of my many autistic friends and not meant as serious labels
I'm going to tag characters that inspired these so people who will like these can find them and if that annoys you,i don't care about that either
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