#ledher blue
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headlinerportugal · 10 months ago
Novo single de Ledher Blue, "Libertine", em estreia | Exclusivo headLiner
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Os Ledher Blue nasceram em Guimarães, pela mão de Zé e Pedro Duarte – dois amigos que lá se conheceram, na adolescência, e que aí partilharam a luta contra a mocidade. Esta amizade, temperada com alguns destilados, acelerou a passagem do tempo. Alguns anos depois, quando conheciam já de cor a paisagem noturna da sua pequena cidade, decidiram trocar a asfixia das Praças pela liberdade de uma velha garagem. A luta era agora outra e, armados com o material de que dispunham, disparavam à monotonia. Este passatempo foi-se enraizando, começando a ser levado a sério.
Com confinamento, a banda deu o salto e já se conseguia ver uma maçã-de-Adão. Foi desta pré-adolescência que gravaram e lançaram o seu EP de estreia 'Downside Up!'. Não só cativaram a localidade e  as rádios mas principalmente as pessoas.
De forma que foi um ano cheio de superações, cheio de libertação, cheio de abrir o botão, recostar na cadeira e com um tour en l’air manual pedir um palito. A verdade é que aprendemos que o que enche a alma esvazia o estômago e estamos mais esfomeados que nunca. Desta forma, sai Libertine dia 4 de Abril.
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O ano passado foi divertido para a dupla Ledher Blue. A ressaca do lançamento do EP de estreia da banda de Guimarães, já no fim de 2022, não os deixou propriamente a dormir. Zé e Pedro Duarte fizeram-se à estrada e foram abrir os concertos de bandas como Just Mustard e Sorry a Paris; passaram pelo no Westway Lab, serviram Febras em Briteiros e foram comer bem no Courage na sua cidade natal.
"Se aprendemos alguma coisa com isto tudo é que o que enche a alma esvazia o estômago. E estamos cheios de fome. Aqui vai “Libertine”: a história do pirralho que queria ser libertino. Do Barry Lyndon urbano." - palavras da banda que mostram agora em exclusivo o seu novo single - "Libertine":
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perduedansmatete · 11 months ago
dimanche ennui donc liste (certainement pas exhaustive) de moi à moi des artistes que j'ai déjà vu en concert, de ceux que je vois bientôt, de ceux que j'aimerais voir et de ceux que je RÊVE de pouvoir écouter en live un jour:
concerts faits dans un ordre totalement approximatif:
julien doré (petite, j'étais amoureuse de lui et je me souviens d'avoir eu mal au cœur quand il chantait winnipeg)
jeanne cherhal (petite aussi, j'étais absorbée car elle avait chanté quelques chansons suspendue à un cercle en l'air)
olivia ruiz (toute mon enfance)
la grande sophie
the dedicated nothing (ils ont fait un album on en a plus jamais entendu parler et je les avais vu dans une boutique longboard comme c'était des surfeurs mdr)
the dø (dans un festival paumé en vendée, j'étais la plus heureuse)
george ezra
the black lilys
radio elvis 2x
feu! chatterton 3x (j'ai l'impression de faire l'amour quand j'entends arthur teboul chanter en live, un des trois concerts était en plein air vers l'océan c'était beau et poétique)
grand blanc
clarika (toute mon enfance, dans la voiture avec ma mère)
the limiñanas (inattendu, jamais écouté avant de les voir mais si cher à mon cœur maintenant)
girls in hawaii (souvenirs d'adolescence)
genghar (concert avec mon père dernièrement, j'écoutais beaucoup adolescente aussi)
sallie ford 2x
norma 2x (elle fait fondre mon cœur j'aimerais qu'elle perce)
the twilight sad
las aves
prudence (la chanteuse de the dø, on avait gagné un concours avec ma sœur!!)
cate hortl
clara luciani 3x
pomme 2x
franz ferdinand 2x
arctic monkeys 2x (dont une fois catastrophique à rock en seine, des amitiés se sont brisées, des crises d'angoisses, un son merdique)
the strokes (son merdique et problèmes techniques car rock en seine mais j'étais au max)
ledher blue
the cure (que dire de plus??? 3h de the cure en live c'est le paradis)
depeche mode (que des bangers, je m'en remets pas encore)
pi ja ma (choupette, je l'aime depuis la nouvelle star)
delilah bon (à la fin de son concert on a eu droit à tous les chants de manifs de gauchos sans aucune raison pendant 20 minutes et c'était génial)
fontaines dc (je veux les revoir)
ethel cain (c'était thérapeutique)
angel olsen
lucy dacus (très vite)
tamino 4x (je l'adore de tout mon cœur mais je fais une pause je l'ai trop vu)
ko ko mo 7x ou plus?? (découverts dans un festival paumé en vendée, depuis on les voit tous les ans)
jesse jo stark (trop sexy)
clemence violence
jen cloher (lesbiennes australiennes je vous aime)
dynamite shakers
odezenne (j'ai pu chanter je veux te baiser en live c'était fantastique)
georgio (marque le début de la fin d'une amitié mais j'étais tellement heureuse ce soir là)
frank carter and the rattlesnakes (ma sœur qui se fait une entorse dans un pogo)
the mysterines
yeule (premier concert toute seule, il m'a fait du bien)
sorry (chanteuse toute timide toute choupi mais génial et j'ai pu crier les paroles de there's so many people that want to be loved)
alexandra savior (écoutez là c'est un ordre)
sarah maison
sextile (concert génial soirée traumatisante)
wunderhorse (de vrais anglais qui s'en branlent de tout c'était cool)
no elevator
emma peters (j'écoute pas mais sympa)
skip the use (j'y allais en mode souvenirs, j'avais jamais écouté ses récents albums et le gars est trop chaud en live)
agar agar
nada surf (le chanteur est trop gentil <3)
adrien gallo (à défaut d'avoir pu voir les bb brunes... et j'étais aussi amoureuse de lui petite)
therapie taxi
nova twins (un de mes meilleurs concerts elles avaient une énergie trop folle)
la femme (mes meilleurs pogos)
tori amos (concert avec ma mère, icone)
l'impératrice 3x (2 fois sans que je veuille vraiment juste ils étaient dans des festivals et j'en peux plus leur scéno c'est toujours la même et c'est mou)
snail mail (mou)
parcels (j'écoute pas mais en concert c'est fou)
tame impala (l'impression d'avoir pris du lsd pendant 1h30)
gaz coombes (le chanteur de supergrass!!)
idles (de loin mdr)
foals (mouais)
wet leg (absolument génial premier rang à crier toutes les paroles, tellement qu'il a plu et qu'on a fini le concert dans la boue)
yeah yeah yeahs
the murder capital (amoureuse)
suzie stapleton
maddy street (une copine de ma sœur, c’est trop bien)
origine club renommé bonne nuit (à revoir c’est des vendéens et j’adore les vendéens pas fachos)
alice et moi
prochains concerts:
stoned jesus
dionysos (cadeau de noël pour mes parents, ils nous ont bercé avec)
ethel cain (encore)
mannequin pussy
cherry glazerr
lana del rey!!!!!!!!!
ko ko mo (pour la millième fois mdr)
eartheather (j'ai eu une place alors qu'il n'y en avait plus??? yaayyy)
artistes que j'aimerais voir:
the marias (ils avaient annulé la seule date qu'ils faisaient en france alors qu'on avait nos places avec ma meilleure amie, on leur en veut encore)
anna calvi
bar italia
the last dinner party
coco & clair clair
dora jar
king krule (on m'a empêché de prendre une place la dernière fois car apparemment il chante mal en live)
beach house
lebanon hanover
japanese breakfast
sally dige
tove lo (je l'ai raté à rock en seine...)
tv girl
sir chloe
portugal. the man
last train
baxter dury
sophie meier
thao & the get down stay down
fka twigs
yelle (je serai une femme accomplie le jour où je l'aurai vu)
artistes que je rêve de voir dans mes rêves les plus fous:
soko (elle soignerait tous mes maux)
fiona apple (c'est beau de rêver)
the smashing pumpkins
courtney barnett (c'est une nécessité je connais tout par cœur)
siouxsie sioux
björk (ratée en septembre dernier...)
eels (mes parents y sont allés sans moi et sans me le dire????)
alt-j (j'écoute depuis trop longtemps pour ne jamais les avoir vu)
iggy pop (icone, il faut, et je suis amoureuse de lui)
new order
massive attack (si je craque pour rock en seine...)
emiliana torrini
she wants revenge
hope sandoval
sigur rós
arcade fire (je crois que le chanteur est un agresseur sexuel. bon.)
the last shadow puppets
the white stripes mais bon... ou jack white
madonna...... mais je suis pauvre
si une âme charitable a tout lu et veut me fournir de quoi me payer des places de concerts je suis preneuse lol merci
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pacosemnoticias · 2 years ago
Acesso ao festival Rock in Rio Febras vai ser limitado e com reserva
A organização do Rock in Rio Febras anunciou que, apesar do aumento da capacidade inicialmente planeada, vai ser necessário limitar o número de pessoas que poderão ter acesso ao festival, cuja entrada é gratuita e dependerá de reserva.
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O pequeno festival de música, que se realiza em 22 de julho em Briteiros S. Salvador, no concelho de Guimarães, distrito de Braga, referiu a “enorme repercussão e mediatismo” depois de se saber que a empresa responsável pelo Rock in Rio Lisboa notificou o Rock in Rio Febras para mudar de nome, alegando uso indevido da marca e concorrência desleal.
Numa publicação na rede social Facebook, a organização salienta que, apesar de ter sido possível ajustar o espaço e infraestruturas para aumentar a capacidade inicialmente planeada, foi forçada a “limitar o número de pessoas que poderão ter acesso ao festival”.
A entrada estará dependente da reserva de passes de acesso, que serão "brevemente" disponibilizados 'online'.
"É de coração partido que o fazemos, mas não poderemos retribuir, este ano, o carinho imensurável que temos vindo a receber, nem abraçar todos aqueles que acreditamos terem vontade de participar", lamenta a organização.
"Teria sido fácil ceder ao impulso de transformar o Febras num evento de massas (e de marcas), mas não perdemos o Norte", acrescenta.
Na quarta-feira, em declarações à Lusa, o presidente da Casa do Povo de Briteiros, instituição particular de solidariedade social que organiza o evento, deu conta de que o festival “assumiu uma dimensão que está a ultrapassar tudo” o que era expectável.
“Já fomos contactados por grupos de pessoas que gostavam de vir em excursão de Lisboa a perguntar se temos espaço para dormir, para acampar. Não temos. Não dá. Acreditávamos e estávamos a trabalhar para ter, no mínimo, o mesmo número de pessoas do ano passado, mas nada como aparecer nas rádios nacionais, ser contactado por malta de todo o lado a dizer que quer vir, gente da freguesia a dizer que vai anunciar na Internet quartos para arrendar junto ao recinto. Parece surreal”, revelou Vasco Marques.
A 2.ª edição do Rock in Rio Febras, que arranca pelas 16h00 e decorre "até a GNR chegar", conta com bandas como Smartini, Crocky Girls, Ledher Blue, Juanito Caminante, Gaspea, Gordilho, Segundo Minuto, Berto, Pedro Conde e Quarta às Nove.
Na quinta-feira, numa publicação na rede social Instagram, os responsáveis pelo Rock in Rio Lisboa desejaram "o melhor aos amigos do festival de rock que acontece perto do rio Febras" e assumiram que ficaram surpreendidos "pelo alarido causado pela notificação" para que mudassem de nome.
“Amigos do festival de rock que acontece perto do rio Febras, foi com muito humor e boa disposição, mas também com um certo sentimento de satisfação que fomos surpreendidos pelo alarido causado pela notificação que vos foi enviada sobre o uso indevido da nossa marca registada pelo vosso tão engraçado comunicado, que gerou uma onda viral nos meios de comunicação e redes sociais do país, nos últimos dias”, referiu o Rock in Rio Lisboa.
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musicaemdx · 2 years ago
"Sandcastles” é o segundo lançamento de “Downside Up”, EP de estreia dos Ledher Blue
“Sandcastles” é o segundo lançamento de “Downside Up”, EP de estreia dos Ledher Blue
“Sandcastles” é o segundo lançamento de “Downside Up”, EP de estreia dos Ledher Blue. Depois de Jar, que espelha o final da jornada, chegam as justificações. Passamos do resultado ao fundamento – o que deu nome ao projeto. “Sandcastles” é tão pós-rock como é pós-conflito. Um baixo quente temperado com linhas de bateria livre; e guitarras que criam pressão, durante o verso, para explodir, em…
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asarsgyan · 4 years ago
Chapter 9 - Extraditable Tits!
Catalina did not know it, because in her house television was destined for novels and they never watched the evening news, but in one of them and with a scoop quality, the United States Ambassador to Colombia appeared announcing that the DEA, In coordination with the Colombian state security agencies, a rigorous investigation had just completed that resulted in the names of the new drug lords responsible for shipping more than 200 tons of cocaine a year to the United States and Europe.    Among them were Morón, Cardona and "El Titi", in that order of importance.    The next day the newspapers headed their front pages with the names of Pablo Escobar's successors, the Rodríguez Orejuela, Carlos Ledher, Santacruz Londoño, the Ochoa and Gonzalo Rodríguez Gacha, emphasizing that these new bosses belonged to a more intelligent generation, in the sense of not showing off too much, more elusive, with greater capacity for bribery, more educated because some of them even studied at large universities, something that their relatives from whom they inherited the business had not done. In short, they were less visible.    Of course, the news that spread like wildfire and reached the ears of everyone, except Catalina and Yésica, put the members of the new Cartel into disarray.    Some said they were sheltering in guerrilla camps to evade the action of justice. Others said that they were negotiating with the paramilitaries who were negotiating peace with the Government at that time, so that they would pass them off as commanders and thus achieve a political status that could free them from an extradition request that the United States he did not deny any drug trafficker. Other sources claimed to have seen them fly to Venezuela, Panama and Cuba in their private planes. The truth is that when Catalina and Yésica arrived at the building where Cardona lived in order to ask for the money, they only found uniforms from the Police, the Prosecutor's Office, the DEA, the Army, the Interpol, the Sijin, the Dijin and the DAS and , at least a dozen journalists armed to their glasses.    They did not worry, because many characters of national life lived in the building and they thought it was their bodyguards, but they knew that something serious was happening at that moment when they were stopped at the door, by an officer, with the face of an inquisitor, who He asked them where they were going. Neither of them was able to answer and they were expelled from the place without explanation.    Catalina began to suspect that her luck was playing a new trick on her when Yésica asked one of the police officers, who was a friend of hers, about what was happening. The policeman who belonged to the cartel's payroll, told him in a code that the bosses had been taken by the whores and almost the police, so they had to leave before a DEA plane took them to the other side. He was referring to the fact that they were to be extradited to the United States. Catalina once again felt the world collapse at her feet and panicked when she learned that Cardona and his cronies had disappeared in disarray. Yésica marked them several times to their cell phones and found them turned off. Catalina was convinced of what the Policeman had just told her and felt, once again, the same desire to die that she felt the day that "El Titi" rejected her or the night that Albeiro told her that if she had bigger tits it would be the queen of Pereira.    —Parcera, we screwed up! —Yésica told him, very scared and she began to walk from one place to another, scared to death because this new situation was going to kill her with hunger and Catalina with sadness.    -And now? The petrified Catalina only managed to say while, inside, she vanished little by little. Yésica said nothing and went with her to find a list of her Mafia clients, but the only one who answered and with a changed voice was Mariño. Yésica asked him about Cardona, but he was scared, he told her very nervous that he did not know any Cardona and that, surely, she was wrong. Then he hung up on him. They dialed him again but his phone was already off. Without extenuating circumstances and painting the things the color they were, Yésica only managed to express with regret to her pale friend: "    Sister, we screwed up." Those guys left and left us sucking.    To capitalize on the anger she felt at this new disappointment, Catalina looked for Orlando Correa's phone number and made an appointment for him in the central park, under the statue of "Bolívar Desnudo" where "Caballo" had left her planted with the illusion in tow that afternoon rainy that never came. He congratulated him in code for having "made the return" as he was, that is, for having killed "Caballo" without being "caught" and summoned him at four in the afternoon, because he needed to see him to tell him how much he loved him and to ask her for the favor of making love to her.    Immersed in a fairy tale, knowing himself desired by a woman as beautiful as Catalina, Orlando Correa arrived at the meeting place at four o'clock and greeted her with effusiveness and enthusiasm. It was scented and wearing beige denim pants and brown suede shoes. The white shirt with green and brown stripes, which was already worn, looked very clean and neat. Catalina also looked beautiful and made enormous efforts so that the hatred she felt towards him or the sadness she felt for the rout of the drug traffickers, and especially Cardona's, was not noticed.    With anguish, Orlando wanted to finalize Catalina's main proposal during his call and invited her to a motel. The girl told him that she gladly accepted, but, weaving the web of her revenge, she exploited her billy goat weakness and asked if he would like to be with two women at the same time, because she had a friend who was also in need of a man and that she was sorry to leave her alone, in that state, being, as she was, his soul mate. Orlando responded with a lump in his throat that yes, of course, of course, of course, that there was no problem. I could not believe it. He was about to realize his sexual fantasy and even more so with the woman he was beginning to love. They then went to pick up Yésica,    At the generous request of Orlando, they settled in the most luxurious room they found in that place decorated with bad taste and a series of strange architectural expressions that combined columns full of channels and monumental pedestals copied from ancient Babylon, large postmodern windows to gardens with pots hanging from the windows of coffee farms. In the room they found a triple bed whose railing served as a support for two bedside tables without any grace, two lamps anchored to the wall and a car radio embedded in the main drawer of one of the nightclubs. Near the door was a comfortable striped fabric sofa and a table with three chairs and a thick, heavy glass vase. The curtains were red like the rug in the room and a television set against the wall, it projected the usual pornographic images: a woman sucking a man's penis. Before the incredulous and anxious look of the honoree, the two women began to remove their clothes with a high dose of premeditated sensuality, while the naive bodyguard only managed to undress with clumsiness and anguish, without taking his eyes off them.    According to plan, from one moment to the next the women stopped the show and asked Orlando to let himself be tied up to make the moment more exciting. Correa, as his colleagues and bosses called him, accepted the irresistible proposal without objection. The women proceeded to tie him hand and foot to the bed with ropes that they brought in his bag. Emotion did not make him suspect anything. The truth was that as soon as the innocent man was reduced to impotence, the women began to dress to his total amazement and they climbed on him with the desire to make him pay for everything he and his two friends had done and also everything he had not they had done. They beat him ruthlessly, in a kind of summary judgment, while reminding him of his crimes.    He was beaten to death, especially on the genitals, so that it would never occur to him to take advantage of a girl again. Catalina fiercely hit him on the penis and testicles with the vase that adorned the room. Orlando's screams competed with the radio, which Yésica turned the volume to its highest level. The hostage shouted for forgiveness, but his pleas were useless. The women were ready to take away forever the weapon with which he raped the girls and they did. Orlando lost a testicle, the sensitivity of the glans and the possibility of reproducing again.    Before fleeing the place, Catalina forced him to tell her the name of the third man who abused her that night and poor Orlando, beaten as he was and threatened with losing his penis and his remaining testicle forever, had no choice but to tell him that his name was Jorge Molina, while gave his phone number.    Jorge Molina was summoned in the same place. Catalina told him that she remembered him with desire, that of the three he was the one she liked the most, that if he had any problem making love to her and that if she was upset if she brought a friend to her love affair who was in need of a man Well, she was sorry to leave her wanting and even more after telling him that he was the best fuck in the world. Jorge Molina, the most lustful of the three, didn't bother. His omnipotent male ego soared through the roof.    He felt that the sky was not that set of white and gray clouds with blue backgrounds that he saw every morning from his window but rather the fact of making love with two beautiful girls like Catalina and Yésica. He took it so hard that before taking them to the Motel he went to a sex shop and spent a fortune buying Chinese stimulators, perverted thongs, ejaculation retardants and even a waitress apron that made them look more provocative than what they already looked.    On the way to the motel, he had all the illusions in the world. The most important was to propose that they both marry him. He was thinking of telling them that he loved them deeply and that the three of them go to live because wherever they saw him, in a borrowed car and everything, taking care of the bosses' backs, at all times, he was going to turn into a tough one in a short time. That he already knew the business, that he already knew how to make coca, that he already knew the routes by heart, that he already knew where to find the contacts in Mexico, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and Madrid and that, very soon, When he reported his bosses to the DEA, he was going to have a lot of money to put both of them to live as they deserved, as the pair of queens they were.    She also thought that it was not a bad idea to spend the last of the fortnight taking them to a mall after leaving the motel and buying them a nice pint, with shoes included, so that they would become familiar with his broad and disinterested manner. to be. Entering the room he managed to tell them that they were going shopping when they left the motel. They thanked him with a simultaneous kiss on his cheeks and advised him, to calculate how much money he had, not to bother because they were very demanding, which is why the detail could be very expensive. Jorge Molina, who all his life had trachetal airs, told them not to worry because if he promised something it was because he could.    They did so before tying him up on the pretext of wanting more emotions and an hour later, poor Jorge Molina lay on the bed, bloody, about to lose consciousness, with his genitalia in a sorry state, his face bruised from blows and saying the code of the debit card that, along with 300 thousand pesos, was the only thing that supported his gossip. In an ATM in the center of Pereira they took out 860 thousand pesos, which was all that poor Molina had, and they went to get drunk twice. One to celebrate revenge against the three men who prevented him from selling the virgo to Mariño and another for the disbandment of his tracheo friends whom they missed with pain.    Orlando Correa and Jorge Molina found themselves in very similar situations during those days with broken faces and manhood, but they were ashamed to admit that they were in that sorry state thanks to the anger of two women, so one of them invented that a A taxi had run him over when he got out of the boss's truck; and the other, Jorge Molina, the most chicanero of all, that a man tried to kill him, probably because he did not want to pay extortion to the guerrilla group that blackmailed him. He said that because of his appearance, the cars in which he walked and how well dressed he kept, a front of the Farc often confused him with a rich man. Neither of us believed each other, but for the others,    But the drug stampede did not only affect Catalina's ego and dreams for the third time, nor Yésica's pocketbook, nor the occupation of the surgery room of the aesthetic clinic, nor Dr. Bermejo's plans to buy a BMW. It also affected the intra-family relationships of Ximena, Vanessa and Paola, whose mothers, accustomed to receiving large markets and money as a result of their daughters' work, dedicated themselves to singing them, day and night, until they made a desperate and denigrating determination: to work in a whorehouse where, for much less money, they would sleep up to three times a night with strangers of all kinds.    None of this was told to Catalina and Yésica who ended up filming in Bogotá, from aesthetic clinic to aesthetic clinic, and from friends 'houses, whom they bored in a week, at other friends' houses who did not know that they were going to them. to bore in a week.    The formerly listed Paola was assigned as the first client to a public official. Well scented and very well dressed, not so good lover. The bureaucrat agreed to an hour of pleasure with her for 200 thousand pesos. Once the deal was finished, he went to the bathroom, took a box of viagra from his jacket and took a pill with water taken from the sink and held between his juxtaposed hands.    Paola who was waiting for him in a damp room full of bad out of the six energies that the house had, all she did was think and think about "El Titi" and what he was going to say to her when he found out that because of her protective fault she had had to become a whore.    In those, the good-natured man with a corrupt face appeared and began to outline a nervous and stupid smile with which he asked for a kiss. She told him that the kisses were only for the boyfriend and he managed to upset him so much, to the point that, without a word, he got on the bed, got under the sheets, took off his pants and underwear, maniacally folded them, put them on on the nightstand and pulled her with his arms to make love to her later, in complete silence and without taking off his shirt or his black, thin, thin and knee-length stockings. Paola cried with rage, in silence and without perceiving any pleasure.    At that moment he did not feel his dizzying fall into the abyss of misfortune so much as when the smiling man with a corrupt face took out of his wallet two 50 and five 20 thousand bills and threw them at him slyly, on the rolled bed and wet, and then leave without saying goodbye.    It was worse for Ximena because she had to go to bed, the first night, with the owner of the establishment, with all his record of at least 500 women, most of them prostitutes, and without receiving a single peso for their services.    Vanessa didn't fare better than her two friends, either. Beginning because she had to fight with a client who refused to possess her using a condom. She said she didn't want to do it with a condom, that she didn't feel pleasure that way, and that she paid her double the rate if she allowed herself to be penetrated without that disgusting and uncomfortable rubber lining. Vanessa, who needed that money, was tempted to do so, but she began to think that if this guy did the same with all the prostitutes in the city, surely he was already a carrier of AIDS or at least venereal. That is why he resisted the urge to say yes and, in return, he suggested that he let himself do very tasty things without the need for penetration.    The guy reluctantly agreed and reluctantly undressed. He was even tempted to leave the room in search of another woman, but Vanessa asked him not to leave, to let her try something because she did not want him to leave with a bad image of the women of the place. The man who had the face of a serial killer, the look of a madman, bushy eyebrows, raised cheekbones, a pronounced jaw, and thick black-framed glasses, told him he had two minutes to show him why he didn't have to go.    But it only took Vanessa a minute to show that she was the best. In the end, the anonymous character in mourning was so pleased with the versatility and imagination of the little woman that he decided to pay her double for her services anyway. Simple, for meeting the rate and double for having taken it to the stars. He also asked her to become his concubine, but Vanessa, imagining that life next to a depraved like him was not going to be easy, took him out of the box with a very intelligent argument. He told her that he couldn't do that because she had to be very honest with him and she had to confess the reason for her reluctance to do it without a condom. He asked her why and Vanessa had no qualms about inventing that she was infected with the HIV virus.    The strange character laughed and pushed her affectionately and then told her not to worry, that there was no problem with them living together since he also had AIDS. An intense cold ran through Vanessa's body as the madman, dressed in black, explained the new functioning of his short life. He told her that he was infected by a boyfriend she had, without denying his bisexuality, and that when his partner died, he made up his mind to take revenge on the whole world by infecting everyone he could, women and men alike. That already a dozen prostitutes and another dozen youngsters in the city were infected by him and that his goal was to reach the fifty victims before he died.    Vanessa, who was about to become the twenty-fifth victim of the unbalanced, panicked and tried to get rid of him as soon as possible. He told her that all of this was wonderful. That it seemed good to him that others felt firsthand what they were feeling and that from now on he was going to suggest to his clients that they do it without a condom. The mentally deranged man even suggested that if the clients insisted with the condom that she sneakily pinch the end to make them "bitchy." They arranged to meet the next day to go shopping and the murderer disappeared with a happy face.    When she calculated that the depraved man was already far from the room, Vanessa began to tremble with fear, with the certainty that she had been on the verge of death and ran, in disgust, to bathe with a scrubber and then go out to ask everyone world if AIDS could be spread orally.    Vanessa, Paola and Ximena's mothers did better. The three of them did have their souls returned to their bodies, and also the market to the refrigerator. Happy with the return of the money to the house, none asked questions and all three began to scold their siblings for not letting them sleep during the day.    The truth is that with the arrival of the skinny cows, thanks to the rout of the drug traffickers, all the women who derived their livelihood and their ostentation from their unlimited checkbooks had to resort to different strategies so as not to deteriorate their standard of living and income. . Paola, Ximena and Vanessa became sex workers, Catalina and Yésica went to try their luck in Bogotá, many others who did not know, became they got into reigns of one thing and another and, the most beautiful and intelligent, entered television. Some of them, the least talented, slept with directors, librettists and producers to win a role, sparking a wave of outrage among actresses who burned themselves for years studying performing arts to deserve a second-rate role in a novel.
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headlinerportugal · 2 years ago
Westway LAB: A Criatura está viva e desperta consciências… (Festival, dia 2) | Reportagem (parte 3)
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Como habitualmente no Westway LAB, ficou reservado para o último dia a tournée por diversos espaços na cidade, neste passado sábado, 15 de abril. Uma programação apelidada de ‘City Showcases’ levou concertos ao Convívio Associação Cultural, ao Oub’Lá, ao Tribuna e no Ramada 1930. Todos estes locais recebem frequentemente atividades culturais.
Com os ‘City Showcases’ a terem início de 30 em 30 minutos optei, este ano, por seguir um determinado roteiro em vez de percorrer todos os concertos. Tal permitiu assistir tranquilamente às atuações escolhidas. De fora ficaram Isa Leen, Ledher Blue e Yann Cleary. Como já vi os dois primeiros, a escolha tornou-se simples, dei prioridade aquilo que ainda não tinha visto ao vivo.
Sábado à tarde - City Showcases
Beatriz Bronze mais conhecida por Evaya tocou no Convívio Associação Cultural a partir das 15h. Era o primeiro ponto do roteiro vespertino e foi aqui que iniciei a minha caminhada pelo centro de Guimarães. A produtora, compositora e cantora portuguesa teve uma atuação com alguns percalços, devido a dificuldades técnicas, e procurou sempre que tal não a distraísse. Efetivamente tal foi difícil… A artista deu o seu melhor e quando tudo estava a correr suavemente deu para ter um gostinho do seu trabalho. Ritmos eletrónicos experimentais conjugados cuidadosamente com as suas vocalizações. Evaya utilizou os seus sintetizadores e fez ainda questão de manipular as luzes. O seu eletro-pop está em evolução e é um nome a ter em atenção.
Às 16 horas cheguei ao Ramada 1930 para deparar-me com alterações que não estava a contar. Pela primeira vez o palco mudou para a zona descoberta. Embora estivesse encostado ao muro com sombra para os músicos, para o público era menos cómodo. A tarde estava calorenta e solarenga pelo que ficar ao sol e assistir aos Cave Story era uma tarefa desaconselhada. Daí que as pessoas procuraram ficar resguardadas nos sítios que davam sombra.
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Cave Story na tarde de sábado no Ramada [mais fotos clicar aqui] A banda das Caldas da Rainha fez ainda uns ajustes sonoros de última hora e iniciou a sua atuação com um atraso de 10 minutos. 'Punk Academics' de 2017 foi o álbum mais abordado. Naturalmente 'Wide Wall, Tree Tall', lançado bem recentemente, teve devidas referências. Gostei bastante de ouvir os Cave Story, para mais ter a oportunidade para ouvir novos temas, eles que tocaram "Sing Something for Us Now" e "Ice Sandwich" desse último lançamento. Cumprida a missão no Westway LAB a banda de Gonçalo Formiga seguiu para Aveiro para outro concerto no mesmo dia. Ao Convívio Associação Cultural voltei para o momento de maior expetativa da tarde cujo início ocorreu às 17 horas. Aí tocaram os X IT, um projeto com músicos que se conheceram neste mesmo festival no ano passado nas residências artísticas.
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X IT em estreia total [mais fotos clicar aqui] São eles o produtor português Tiago Sampaio (St. James Park), o pianista holandês Daniël Tomàs (Daniël vd Duim) e a vocalista holandesa/alemã Élénie Wagner (Eliën). A atuação foi empolgante e o eletropop que estrearam em Portugal é altamente melódico e dançante. A voz de Élénie é, sem dúvida, a cereja no topo deste bolo musical.
A viagem dos concertos pela cidade terminou, num regresso ao Ramada 1930, às 18 horas para escutar os Ezpalak. Esta banda de rock alternativo chegou à Cidade-Berço vindo de Zestoa, do País Basco espanhol. Este quarteto anda a promover ‘Hortz Aina Hots’, o seu trabalho discográfico mais recente. Juanjo Berasain é o vocalista e possuidor de uma energia bem própria do estilo musical.
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Juanjo Berasain e os Ezpalak em estreia total em Guimarães [mais fotos clicar aqui] Mesmo com letras cantadas em euskara a atuação não deixou ninguém indiferente. O espaço, ao contrário de 2 horas mais cedo, já não estava ao sol. Foi uma performance bem concorrida. Durante os quase 50 minutos de atuação, algumas dos temas mais recentes dos Ezpalak não faltaram à chamada, como por exemplo, Kontran (a 1ª tocada), “Zu Izan” ou “Itzala”. Esta banda entrou, definitivamente, no meu radar musical. Foto-reportagem showcases: clicar aqui
Sábado – Noite 2 do Festival
Nacho Vegas foi o primeiro artista a tocar, a partir das 21:35h, nesta segunda e última noite do Westway LAB em 2023. O cantautor, um nome conhecido da música popular no país de nuestros hermanos atuou a solo. "La Septima Ola" (primeira tocada), "Ser árbol", "Ciudad Vampira" ou "Que te vaya bien, Miss Carrusel" (a última interpretada) foram alguns dos temas que o artista espanhol trouxe a Guimarães. Com letras em espanhol, acompanhado da sua guitarra clássica e da sua voz (sem efeitos) rubricou uma atuação sóbria, porém que nada de novo trouxe, ao Grande Auditório Francisca Abreu.
No cardápio seguiu-se algo radicalmente diferente. Segui as escadas em direção ao Café Concerto do Centro Cultural Vila Flor para La Furia, o projeto de Nerea Loron. Esta rapper, vinda do País Basco, esteve em residência artística no festival e neste último sábado voltou ao palco para apresentar-se em nome próprio.
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La Furia numa atuação bem enérgica [mais fotos clicar aqui] Esteve acompanhada de uma DJ e de duas bailarinas. "Estrellitas en el Cielo de Tu Cama", foi a primeira interpretada sendo que " Que Se Muera la Pena", “Eh!” ou “Ladrido” fizeram parte também da setlist. Numa atuação surpreendente, altamente irreverente e bem animada fez um manifesto em favor do feminismo e de um papel de assunção da mulher na sociedade. Letras apimentadas com mensagens fortes, mensagens essas passadas também nas comunicações em espanhol nas pausas entre temas para uma audiência que preenchia o espaço.
A lusitana Rita Vian, tem vindo a ter mais louvores e reconhecimento desde 2021, ano em que lançou o EP ‘CAOS'A’, e que a levaram a festivais como o NOS Primavera Sound, Bons Sons ou Vodafone Paredes de Coura. Ela foi a seguinte nesta noite de sábado. Pela primeira vez apresentou-se ao vivo em Guimarães, neste Westway LAB 2023. Houve uma belíssima enchente para ouvir esta lusitana e notou-se que esse magote de pessoas estavam curiosas. Rita Vian começou com o tema "Plana", eram já 23h. Início do concerto com muita pouca luz e em tons de azul, algo que ocorreu várias vezes ao longo da atuação. Ela deambulou de um lado ao outro do palco, tal como é-lhe habitual. Fez-se acompanhar por João Pimenta Gomes, responsável pela parte eletrónica. Não faltaram temas bem conhecidos como “Sereia”, “Tudo Vira” ou "Purga".
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Rita Vian num dos momentos mais profundos da sua atuação [mais fotos clicar aqui] Houve até momento para desempenhar uma canção especial, um dueto que os avós costumavam cantar. A mostra original da mistura da modernidade do universo dos sons digitais com a tradição lusitana marcam o som diferenciado de Rita Vian. Além de “picar” a géneros como o R&B, as influências no fado e noutros elementos da música popular portuguesa são claras. A atuação foi sólida e bem construída, ela que foi comunicando entre canções.
Catarina Munhá munida de cavaquinho foi acompanhada por 2 músicos que tocaram violoncelo, piano e percussão. Ela que apresentou canções de 'Animal de Domesticação', o seu álbum de estreia. A artista fez questão de frisar que são “canções para cada divisão da casa”. Com uma presença simples, delicada e atenciosa tocou o seu repertório do qual não faltou "Cópia Pirata", tema que já vai tendo algum airplay nas rádios nacionais.
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A jovem Catarinha Munhá no Café Concerto do CCVF [mais fotos clicar aqui] Fiquei com a sensação de a querer ver e ouvir novamente noutro panorama. Tal como na noite de sexta-feira, aconteceu novamente o ruído de conversas um bocado acima do desejável… O Café Concerto acabou por ser, para alguns, um ponto de passagem para uma bebida e relax entre atuações.
Um dos momentos âncora do Westway LAB em 2023 aconteceu no concerto final com a performance dos Criatura. Foi a minha estreia com este sui generis projeto nacional, felizmente e finalmente, direi eu. A formação desta banda é uma amálgama de muitos músicos, estiveram 10 em palco numa conjugação bem eclética. Todos eles muito competentes. Amálgama quase infindável de instrumentos, muitos deles tradicionais como adufe, bandolim ou gaita-de-foles. Com o tema "Anunciação" a festa foi devidamente aberta e o público esteve correspondeu de forma colaborativa.
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Gil Dionísio, uma força da natureza [mais fotos clicar aqui] Gil Dionísio, foi o mestre das cerimónias, um show dentro do show. Com a sua personalidade irreverente e irresistível levou toda a gente a seguir atentamente as letras bem curiosas das canções. Igualmente a “beber” das suas mensagens de intervenção social. Foi, literalmente, um “bate o pé” coletivo.
Edgar Valente (músico também faz parte dos Bandua) participa com a sua voz e toca também teclados e adufe ajudou igualmente à animação na qual não faltaram canções como “Da Praxe”, “À Mãe” ou “A Noiva”. A formidável atuação terminou com “Tempo” e saí com uma sensação wow deste concerto. Outra das coisas que ficou na memória é a incrível voz de Gil Dionísio.
O Westway LAB teve mais uma edição de sucesso entre os dias 12 e 15 de abril. Alguns concertos incríveis, um ou outro nem por isso, o que importa ressalvar é a alta qualidade geral do evento e da sua organização. Mais uma vez as Residências Artísticas deram resultado a showcases bastantes agradáveis. Após a 10ª edição é preciso assinalar que o festival está cada vez mais a cumprir o seu objetivo e o público geral, ao esgotar o evento, revela que está atento passando uma mensagem bem definida.
Vejam toda a foto-reportagem: clicar aqui
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Criatura com 10 músicos em palco [mais fotos clicar aqui] Texto: Edgar Silva Fotografia: Jorge Nicolau
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musicaemdx · 3 years ago
"Jar" é o single de estreia de Ledher Blue
“Jar” é o single de estreia de Ledher Blue
Os Ledher Blue formaram-se na cidade de Guimarães por Zé e Pedro. Eles conheceram-se em criança tentando ultrapassar a infância com cigarros de alta velocidade e álcool nitroso. Vários anos depois, quando o tédio da vida noturna da pequena cidade começou, foi nessa altura que decidiram trancarem-se numa garagem infestada de CO2, libertando barulho puro através de alto-falantes rascas. Os dois…
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