#leave henry townshend alone!!!!!
sirfetchd · 8 months
i HATE when a character is quiet and subdued and unemotional and people say they have no personality. You idiots. You fucking buffoons. THOSE ARE PERSONALITY TRAITS.
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tragedyloved · 3 years
Feel I should mention since I did so to Ben last night:
I've left Henry's height and body type canon compliant this whole time cause I didnt even really think about it, but I've always kinda felt like Henry's kind of a big guy. 6'3ish instead of 6'1, around 200lbs. Not heavy, especially not after the Sacraments considering he wasn't eating much and so lost weight, but he's broader. Thick. He likes calisthenics so he's kept relatively in shape, nothing crazy.
It's why his father thought he would be good in sports--like football or baseball-- but Henry hated the former, and the latter was only fun to watch.
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Yammer about Apartment AU
love ur thirst for bloodshed
i have to give credit where it's due and it's due to @twinvictim that Heya, Neighbor! and apt au even exists. apartment/house au is a pretty old concept that's been around for awhile and i love it every single time, and when oliver started telling me his HC i'm like hEH 👀👀👀👀👀👀 👁 ????
so thanks it's your fault, oliver
ok so Apartment AU!!!!
guys i'm not even gonna lie: Apartment AU has maybe 5 different iterations. yeah i'm serious. even actor au has maybe 4 different iterations because of the avenues i can choose, such as transing a character, or if Mary's still alive, how old Heather is (is she living at home with Harry still?), [seinfeld] what's the deal with Henry Townshend and Room 302?, how Douglas is introduced, etc.
bc in these apt au's, fitting in the events of sh1 - 3 is tricky IF they happen/ed at all (which..... they do and can...... amongst others). it's like a fuckin Choose Your Own Adventure and by golly are there are a lot of ways to do it LOL
i really REALLY need to put some focus into drawing environment bc i have GOT to draw Harry's apartment (and at least first floor of his house) bc GOSH i love how he decorated LMAO
i don't see his apartment unit's floor plan like Henry's. at all. like. open the door. living room area front and left. kitchen with a restaurant bar style counter/divide with cabinets right next to it. so when you walk in you have to walk a few steps further to actually see the kitchen bc there's a wall by the door that makes a corner to the right and leads down a hall. pretty much directly across from the kitchen is Heather's room, on the right. on the left, middle of the hall, the bathroom. straight ahead, Harry's bedroom. walk thru that door, and the master bath is also dead ahead.
it's not as big as it might sound lol bUT yeah. Murphy's apartment is sort of set up like that too, there are apts with 2b/2b. James (and/or Mary) are 1b/1b, with a floor plan more alike Henry's.
Murphy isn't even FROM here! he's a southern boy, born n' raised in Tennessee (and the only ten i see! ha ha h). truth be told, HN! Murphy was supposed to be southern but i forgot to mention that :3c kinda like how i forgot to mention his heterochromia eyes :3c oops! later time
but yeah Murphy is a southern boy and his accent is still there by gosh by golly!! he's ehhhhh 37 - 45, about 5'11 - 6'1". always the last to move in lmao. always meets Harry in the hall for the first time. because it's cute. (and honestly :| ok yeah horny on main, there's a version in which The Vibes are there and murphy goes to leave after saying their goodbyes and harry's like hey. wait. .. you wanna fuck? and murphy's like, actually? super glad you asked! and then they do) (not even a smidge sorry i love it. whores)
Alex's presence in apt AU is dependent very largely on Mary's presence, and also Travis's. this kid can't take care of himself - tho it's not like he needs a 24/7 caretaker or anything. he needs someone to drop in and check in on him and make sure he's getting what he needs and going to his appointments, and though other residents at SAH (Murphy, Harry, Eileen, Henry, Frank, Mary (if applicable)) check in on him (all in their own way ofc, everyone's got their different personalities and tactics after all), he's.. kind of a handful and honestly needs someone stable and constant enough to keep him rooted
see: Mary, Travis
now i've indulged in the "Mary's A Shepherd - Yeah, That Shepherd" theory for awhile but it was oliver that introduced the idea that mary and alex might be cousins/that mary and alex know each other/mary's taking care of the idiot in apt au. so i'm like ok. I Will Go With That! borrows ur hc
my Alex is in the range of 24 years old, idk i just struggle with seeing him much older?? asldkf i think i kinda know who to blame for that but Irregardless™️,
Alex tho lives alone. it's been hard for him to keep a job. Homecoming (except by my rules) technically happened already. i'm really not too familiar with Homecoming and Downpour which is why i steer a little further from Alex and Murphy, despite really liking them as characters, but i just don't fully grasp their stories yet. all in good time lmao it's taken me a bit to really dig my hands into SH4 soooooo dw they'll get theirs soon
love deep lore playthroughs tbh
but Alex got slapped with so much mental illness and PTSD has trouble taking his medication/staying rooted to realty/delusions/etc that it's pretty difficult for him to just.. exist sometimes. (he also goes through the "well i feel fine!! i don't need to take my medication anymore :)" moments and bro. bro that's why you feel better alex baby no) so i guess Mary is sort of his "handler". (something also present in HN! but not shown/explored quite yet.)
without Mary there, he's probably out trucking with Travis, or just is hanging out somewhere else entirely and just sitting this one out. i like Alex a lot and i want to develop him and i just dont feel right getting too much into who he is (and Murphy is he same here, again:) because i don't know their stories well enough.
one thing IS for certain tho!! is that Murphy/Harry/James are BESTIES :3
THEY ARE FRIENDS and have ZERO time for toxic masculinity. catch them cuddling on the couch. cuddling on the bed watching TV. playing with hair. holding hands. resting head on shoulder. fuck, even a cheek kiss now and then. your mileage may greatly vary. James is surprisingly less repressed than Murphy, but neither of them are too big on PDA. Harry, on the other hand, fucking loves PDA and is a handsy guy, though knows boundaries and limits and minds them very carefully.
it took some time for Murphy to warm up to everyone, and everyone to warm up to him, but esp those two and their dynamic. it's really just whatever now. Hot Guy Shit. casual intimacy with ur buds. James is actually kinda ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about a lot of things lmfao, Murphy's got the Manly Man stuff going on (understandable) and adjusting to James and Harry is kind of sneak-attack smack in the forehead with a 2x4. (also present in HN!) Harry and James have been friends for a very long time, and have..... Secrets.
it's actually rare that in an apt au that Harry and James are an Official Pair. instead, they DID try a romance after being friends for awhile, but their romantic chemistry is awfully faulty. their sexual chemistry? in-fucking(pun intended)-credible. besties with benefits. (yeah! even when Mary's present. now THAT'S a whole 'nother thing on its own,)
instead, James kinda. well it depends. there's a James/Murphy ending, James/Henry (yeah you read that right i LOVE that rarepair), James/Travis (HELLO AGAIN OLIVER I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN THIS), and maybe now that i think about it? sure. James/Alex. James might get around more than Harry does holy shit, whore
Harry usually gets paired off with Murphy or Douglas. there actually is a wild card version where Harry/Frank and whether or not James knows/is around to know about it is up in the air. CHOOSE UR OWN ADVENTURE, KIDS, U WIN/LOSE EVERY TIME
(bet on 00 i promise it's lucky)
i have no idea where to put this it should be at the top but fuckit this whole thing is a fuckin mess this is my stream of consciousness, lads, hope ur gettin a kick outta it that's all i aim for
i added a fifth floor to SAH. (somewhat non-HN! compliant) so it's like:
FIRST FLOOR: James/Mary (when applicable), Frank
SECOND FLOOR: Richard, Travis (when applicable)
THIRD FLOOR: Eileen, Henry
FOURTH FLOOR: Alex, Douglas (when applicable)
FIFTH FLOOR: Murphy, Harry/Heather
sorry this is all just mega disjointed good LUCK
James and Murphy work at the same auto shop. James helped Murph get the job. Murphy works some serious magic in car guts and James just loves how things work. neither are big car guys per-say; they're mechanical guys. they're the ones who take things apart to see how they work then put them back together (or don't, or try to, and get mad LOL). James actually is starting to move into detailing cars. figured out he's pretty good at it and he's meticulous and it's soothing lmao, disgusting as it is
i mean
c'mon guys
james has a toilet hand, of course he's gonna be stone cold against cockroach horror cars LOL
ah fuck that's a lot ok ok ok HOPE THIS SATISFIES bc as u know i can just bullshit all fuckin day pls n thank CHEERS 💖😭
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twinvictim · 3 years
ooohh "meet me in my dreams and stay for a while" with henry/eileen
Eileen felt that promise grace her mind once more, one she kept whispering to herself much to the chagrin of the nurses and the security that had attended to her and her wounds the past three days. Eileen guessed they thought she was crazy, and at this point she probably was.
That was okay, she held her promise. Eyes closed she could see him clearly. The blood of creatures neither of them could have imagined before staining his shirt and jeans and that panicked delirious exhaustion that hid behind his furrowed brow like he was merely working through a headache. Henry Townshend was even weirder than she had ever imagined him being before, but for this she was grateful, maybe unreasonably attached to him in the insanity they fought through like thick underbrush. Henry had turned to her, the sinew of the dog like beasts splattered along the handle of the ax he held in a white knuckled fist, and he said something she interpreted as a promise.
"We'll be okay, I won't leave you alone again."
She had to believe he was still alive after that, he had to be, he promised he wouldn't leave her alone again, and this hospital room was so lonely, so achingly empty and terrifying. everything cold and unfamiliar and she wanted some comfort in familiarity that wasn't marred by blood. She worried he'd died of his injuries, that he was lying, that he hadn't been able to stop Walter. the thoughts sent her into a spiraling panic and she had to believe he was fine, he wanted to come, he would, he just had to wait to be allowed to.
That night she found herself staring at the ceiling, wishing she could see him if only to know he was okay, the nervousness was gnawing at her insides like a pang of hunger or need, her head throbbing. Eventually, she felt herself dozing off slightly, and felt something hazy slip into her vision.
"Eileen..." she opened her eyes, her vision blurred and soft, like pillows over her eyes (worse than the damaged eye that had barely begun to heal) seeing his face hovering over her. She felt grass under her arms and legs, and the smell of lilac. She sat up slowly and Henry sat next to her, even in these dreams his arms and hands were wrapped up in bandages, but he was alive, for now in some way.
"Henry? Oh god, I thought...I thought you were dead..." Eileen reached her arms around his shoulders and hugged him tightly. Her heart thudded out of her chest, face hot and she almost wanted to cry with relief.
"it's okay Eileen, I'm okay..." Henry murmured when she pulled away. it was beautiful here, but she felt like she had to keep her eyes on him or he would vanish. "I wanted to see you. I didn't want you to be alone but i...I had to leave. But I wanted to come back. I guess for now this was all I could do."
"You did this?" She finally looked around at the field of warm flowers, "How?"
"I think I did...I don't know, I just really wanted it when I fell asleep. I wanted to see you again so bad...sorry."
"Don't be sorry Henry. I wanted to see you too."
They sat in silence, in peace, for a good while. There wasn't any pain here, nothing but this feeling of peace, Eileen never wanted it to end.
"I don't know how long this will be here Eileen. I don't want...I don't want to go, but-"
"Hey, shh, don't worry about that right now." Eileen lay down in the grass and reached for him. Henry hesitated, the soft nervousness in his eyes was endearing and sweet. "When we wake up we'll have to deal with the real world, and I don't want to do that right now. I just want to dream here with you for now. We don't have to be apart here, I know it's just a dream but for now, it's the best dream I've had in a while."
Henry thought for a moment but eventually lay down next to her, reaching over and holding her hand as they stared up at the sky.
"Yeah, I missed you, Eileen."
"I missed you too."
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baronvonriktenstein · 4 years
If you’re a Silent Hill fan but don’t like Henry Townshend and don’t think he’s a worthwhile character, you can leave this blog alone, thanks.
Don’t need that kinda negativity in my life lol
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tragedyloved · 3 years
Henry Townshend's main verse is a lot of headcanon and somewhat crossover with supernatural:
Henry survived Walter Sullivan's otherworlds alone. Therefore, he follows the Eileen Ending, in which Eileen Galvin dies in the final fight, walking into the death machine.
The toll of having been unable to help the five people caught up in that hell and having to witness each of them die really breaks Henry. Henry is taken into custody as a possible suspect of the Walter Sullivan Copy Cat murders, but due to his own injuries and mental state, they assume he was another victim and that The copycat managed to escape.
Henry can barely live in his apartment anymore, afraid that the hauntings will return, that he didn't full exorcise Walter and becomes increasingly paranoid.
He spends a lot of time sleeping in his car, loses his job, and that's not counting the headaches and the visions that have been occurring after everything.
He attempts suicide and narrowly avoids dying because superintendent Frank Sunderland comes to check up on him-- and apologize for not realizing sooner what might have been happening.
Frank helps him out for a while at least until Henry admits he can't live in the building anymore and leaves-- lives out of his car on the road, using his freelance contacts to make money and taking up odd jobs at various towns.
Eventually, he starts hunting because the visions don't get better. And he realizes he can do something about them.
It helps a little. And then it doesn't and after a year or two, he takes a break. Settles down in a city, tries to stabilize himself again at least for a little while.
Henry deals with chronic migraines, depression, PTSD, social anxiety, and has a borderline drinking problem.
He's dealt with the depression since he was young. His father was emotionally and sometimes physically abusive, causing Henry's severely low self-esteem and social anxiety. His mother tried to be supportive, but never really spoke out against his father. It made it seem like she secretly agreed, as the relationship between his parents was close unless they were discussing their son.
He's bisexual, but after falling into an abusive relationship that left him in a very bad place, Henry refused to pursue any interest in men. Even when he really wanted to.
Currently, he is settled in an apartment, though due to his experience with the otherworld, he's hardly in it and has a lot of varying good and bad days. He takes on hunts as his freelancing provides him a lot of flexibility.
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baronvonriktenstein · 4 years
The very idea of someone going up to Henry Townshend and calling him "Hank" stresses me out and also won't leave me alone.
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