#learnt that word today
laurenkmyers · 2 months
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hum-suffer · 6 months
People who appreciate my vocabulary don't know that I learn all my fancy douchebag vocabulary from Tom Riddle and Hannibal Lecter and honestly, it's the most amusing inside joke I have with myself
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y-rhywbeth2 · 3 months
'[Myrkulytes] hunt down and take vengeance on anyone who vandalizes a cemetery, so such descecrations are very rare.'
I'm guessing Somebody's 'digging up graves and 'admiring' the corpses' hobby counts as pretty severe vandalising and desecration, so my plans for a post-game Myrkulyte conversion alternate timeline just hit a roadblock.
I also note this down as another potential reason Durge wasn't popular at Moonrise, ego aside. Please stop playing with the corpses, you're offending our Myrkulyte allies.
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folkloregirlfriend · 1 month
it's been so so long since i've had real and constant friendships that everytime someone is even a little bit kind to me i'm like???? people do that??? this is normal to do for people you know???? you'll help me???? what have i done to deserve this
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aintgonnatakethis · 4 months
Find the word tag
Thanks for the tag, @annwayne! 😄 My words are capture, sky, abandon, and sound.
Tagging: @fortunatetragedy @wolgerrswraith @sentfromwolves @etoilesombre @the-golden-comet to find the words option, confine, drain, and attack in your WIPs!
Capture - i am a prisoner just like you 2x04 Pathogen (SGU - Vampire AU)
He backed off quickly. Too quickly as it turned out, his weakened state making him dizzy enough to overbalance, glad for a moment there wasn't actually anyone else here  to see him fall on his ass. There was a chittering from the assembled aliens, but it didn't sound as if they were laughing at him. In fact, one of them stepped forwards and crouched, just like Scott had done to offer the one they'd captured food. Telford couldn't tell if the alien in front of him was the same one - they all looked the same to him. It reached out a hand, feather-floating slow, long spindly fingers extending forwards, though it stopped short of touching him. Feeling as if he was in E.T. - or possibly some fancy religious painting - Telford mirrored the movement. His first impression was that the alien's skin was quite brittle - easy to snap, his mind supplied. His second was an image of himself overlaid in his vision, looking weak and shaky and out of it and he snatched his hand back, berating himself viciously. He'd already decided they communicated telepathically. What the hell was he doing letting one of them touch him?!
Sky - Aliens made them do it (SGU)
A blue sky coalesced in his vision, blurry and too bright by far, causing his eyes to immediately begin to water. In contrast his throat was so dry it hurt to breathe. It took far too much effort to turn his head to the side, a dull pounding permeating his skull as the unconscious form of Colonel Young swam into view. Rush had seen the man in some pretty terrible states - bruised and bloody, exhausted and driven half insane by Destiny's simulations - but he'd never been this pale before, his lips cracked to the point of bleeding from a lack of moisture. "Colonel?" His voice was barely audible, scratchy and cardboard stiff.
Abandon - Skirting The Vague Outline Of A Boundary (SGA)
Sheppard allowed his head to fall backwards until it was cushioned on the edge of the bed, wondering how close he was to losing his sanity for good. "So..." Rodney prodded. "Cuddling?" Pretty damn close, as it turned out. "Why?" he asked, resisting the urge to pull the pillow he was using as an armrest in front of his body to use as a makeshift shield. "Ummm... Why cuddle? Well..." Rodney scratched his chin in the same manner as he did when slaving over the ZPMs. "Warm. Big plus. Nice. If it's with the right person. Comfortable, relaxing, again only if it's with the right person. You can't just start cuddling with random people and expect it to go well, you know? Imagine if one day I just walked into the lab and hugged Zelenka." Sheppard snorted. "He'd think you'd finally lost it." "Or that I was dying... He always thinks I'm dying if I'm nice to him." "That's because you usually are," Sheppard teased. The further they moved away from the Kissing Incident the less panicked he became. Maybe they could just ignore it and pretend it had never happened, like Rodney had said. Sheppard was very good at pretending. "I think he's got some issues in that regard," Rodney announced snippily. "Abandonment maybe. Touch starved."
Sound - Your Own Worst Enemy (SGU)
"Do you ever think about what they did to me?" David asks suddenly. Young is so caught off guard that he answers even though the correct social response is silence, "Yes. All the time." David nods, a single jerk of his head. The man's never brought this subject up before, even though Young knows he must have been grilled about it by the shrinks back home. He wonders if he should have asked - about the Alliance, about being undercover for so long, about why David had been caught, what had happened after - but it's an unwritten military rule that you don't mention those sorts of things - torture, injuries, loss of fellows in battle - unless the person to have suffered through it brings it up first. "I think…" David says slowly, as if the words don't come easy, "It would have been better to kill me." Young inhales sharply. "Don't say that." He means for the words to sound sure and convincing. What he gets instead is pleading, trying to dress itself up as insistence. "It would have been kinder. Instead you left me like this." David sounds very far away. "And now it's happening again."
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dykrophone · 5 months
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octaviasdread · 7 months
being friends with international students is like yes i’m with you so much i’m absorbing your native language but no i can’t talk to your parents with this collection of random nouns and insults we’re pretending you don’t use
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sponge3000 · 1 month
Todays word of the day is
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anthyies · 1 year
computer that hates you call that HATEOAS
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gothupika · 8 months
if plato argued achilles and patroclus’ status as lovers would that make him a fudanshi of his time ? 🤔
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keikalium · 2 years
Why have three genders in the language when you can have five:
Feminine, neuter and three masculines: masculine-humanistic, masculine-animalistic and masculine-materialistic
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I know its not as important as other research paths about the matter but I'd really like to know why a big portion of autistic people from spanish speaking countries prefer and sometimes start speaking english first even if no one from their families speak it.
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another-miracle · 2 years
Had to conduct an ADHD assessment interview with my case’s parents today and oops they came in not knowing how to speak English. Thank God for my supervisor who could field the questions. I kept telling them 我不会讲,会听 (I can’t speak, but I can listen). It was on the spot translation to fill in my interview form.
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an-asuryampasya · 2 years
man one of these days I'll cave and end up making a post that romanticises the heck out of concrete
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steven-au-niverse · 2 years
your au is cool but barney is jewish and drawing a jewish character with horns is extremely antisemitic just so you know o7
Sorry I'm a tad confused. I had no ill intent. The cartoon revolves around demons and angel's and barney has even hung out with demon's, heck he lives with Courtney whomst also has horns and a tail. I don't see Jewish people as demon's if that's what you are assuming. Another fictional Jewish character known as kyle from south Park has gotten a multitude of drawings with horns so im not to sure why I am any different.
If it's just the horns that bother people I can remove them. If you're Jewish and it bothers you I'll take it down. I'm not really catholic or follow any religion so I dont want to offend anyone, I just like the concept of angels and demon's.
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dontwanderoff · 2 years
roasting a whole chicken for the first time and bit rude of every single recipe to do everything so different
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