square-panda-india · 1 year
A student-centered classroom incorporates the needs and interests of the students, and helps them take ownership of their learning. Here's a short video to help you make your classroom student-focused. Click to watch!
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archi-tectus · 1 year
How important is the architectural design for Institutional buildings and the impact of the design of buildings on the students' learning
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The link to design as well as education has become widely recognized within the architectural community especially when it comes to the education of children. It is generally accepted that sociology, philosophy and architecture are closely linked. When designing, the issues raised by these fields often function as tools for examining the relationship between space and the person using it. It is important to think beyond ergonomics and consider architecture as a teaching tool when considering ways to instruct children. The space-architecture-user experience triad is therefore considered in conjunction with other areas because children have varied demands and their assimilation and transformation processes occur simultaneously. The process of socialization in the first year is often referred to as infancy is the main reason behind the social and intellectual development behaviors that children acquire in the years between ages 0 to 6 years old, which helps to establish moral, social and behavioral concepts into how they develop their personality.
 The layout of the learning environment is not given the respect it deserves, despite the competitiveness between schools. The school's architecture is usually neglected and, as a result the concepts of "collaborative learning", "interactive learning" and campus experience are considered to be meaningless that have no bearing on how schools actually teach and teach. We've noticed that school administrators often are unable to grasp the importance education institutions put on their master design and plan. Both the private and public sectors have made substantial investments in the field of early education in recent times. To provide children with cognitive capabilities and tools that will help them succeed, companies from the private market have been working to establish businesses with the potential to have a positive social impact. Numerous architects from all over the globe have been commissioned for public use to design schools that focus on the design of learning spaces.
 The conventional method of learningTypically when we think of an educational facility or classroom we instantly envision the traditional layout, which includes desks in rows along with a blackboard, as well as the teacher who is teaching the class. Have you ever considered the reason why schools across the world are structured in this manner? Why do we make environments similar to what that we did back in the nineteenth century? In the years since the design hasn't changed. It could not be the most appropriate choice. The majority of the projects have changed with the shift in methods of teaching. The debate has grown by the introduction of new methods of teaching such as constructivism, the inverted classroom as well as holistic education, Waldorf and others. In allowing spaces that can be reconfigured open layouts and having designs that address on the physical, mental, and psychological system, the design can find an agreement in incorporating the ergonomics of children as well as making them co-authors. 
It is essential to change to more efficient architectural designsEducators are of the opinion that the curriculum and infrastructure of the classroom must be upgraded. Modern technology has created opportunities for faster effective, inclusive, and efficient teaching and learning, but only for students with a modernized concept. The benefit the master planners and design professionals could contribute with their knowledge and creative thinking is huge. Instead of being centered around instructors the learning environment and the educational system must be focused on the needs of students. To achieve the objectives of schools in the 21st century this approach is vital. Numerous studies have been conducted to establish the connection between modern classrooms and academic results. The changes in classroom layout could result in changes in students' behavior and their learning results. Therefore, the design of schools is very important and can have a huge influence in the high quality education as well as learning outcomes.
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drsapnasharma · 5 years
Steps to Help Your Children Score High - Boosters for Learning
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School subjects often become boring and monotonous for the students. The majority who are not interested in academics as a whole or in certain subjects find it very difficult to stand up to the challenges. In addition to this, schools and teachers have one standard way of teaching most of the time. The theory explanation in groups of students and the standard lab work does not do the trick with all students. So many students are left to the rote learning methods to complete their school years.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. A subject that is leant with interest stays with the student for long and its practical applicability is better. More over the reproduction and representation in the examinations is also much better. Unfortunately the schools do not have enough time to go out of way to teach the same subjects using different methods. To cope up with the missing link, the students join various coaching classes in masses. However the coaching classes are again copies of classroom with 30-40 and in some cases 60-70 students in a classroom. This again does not serve the purpose of individual students who cannot learn or understand at the speed of the class or need some other methods to reach to similar level of understanding. These students who generally have a low self esteem owing to repeated low scores cannot bring themselves to raise a question in the class to clarify their doubts either.
The common scenario is that the choice of schools and that of coaching centers is purely based on its popularity. There is a race to join only certain classes taught by certain teachers. No doubt these teachers are good and hence the classes are over booked. However, here the question is not about the teacher. It is about the learning type of the student and his/her speed and way of grasping.
All students are individuals and have a certain personality and learning type.
Not all students in a class are equally interested in the subject, not do they all have the same level of grasping and retaining. Then why do we insist on joining the class by the popularity of the teacher or the status associated in being the student of a particular institute?
How Individual students can be helped?
Whenever a student is not able to score decently repeatedly the following steps are to be taken:
Vedic Mathematics- It is the name given to the ancient system of Indian Mathematics, which was rediscovered from the Vedas between 1911 and 1918 by Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji (1884-1960). In the Vedic system 'difficult' problems or huge sums can often be solved immediately by the Vedic method. The simplicity of Vedic Mathematics means that calculations can be carried out mentally. There are many advantages in using a flexible, mental system. Pupils can invent their own methods, they are not limited to the one 'correct' method. This leads to more creative, interested and intelligent pupils. Here is an example to experience the simplicity of this method
EXAMPLE:  Adding Time
           Here is a nice simple way to add hours and minutes together:
          Let's add 1 hr and 35 minutes and 3 hr 55 minutes together.
          What you do is this:
          make the 1 hr 35 minutes into one number, which will give us 135 and do
          the same for the other number, 3 hours 55 minutes, giving us 355
          Now you want to add these two numbers together:
         So we now have a sub total of 490.
         What you need to do to do this and all sub totals is
         add the time constant of 40.
        No matter what the hours and minutes are,
        just add the 40 time constant to the sub total.
       490 + 40 = 530
      So we can now see our answer is 5 hrs and 30 minutes!
      Go ahead and try with any other numbers!!!
Comic books for improving language and communication skills- For children who do not have the love for reading, language skills can be improved by getting interesting comic books for them. These are available in many Indian languages. The Amar chitra Katha is my personal recommendation as it comes with standard language and also connects the child to our glorious past.
How things work- The interest of children in science subjects can be improved by spending time with them in and around the house. Many principle and fundamental of science that is taught can be seen at work somewhere around us. Simply planting of seeds and observing them stage by stage, involving a child in replacing the electric bulb, replacing a flat tire, taking about the rising water level as the child enters the bath tub, discussing how the soap works can be few of the many ways.
Television shows- Shows like “Deconstructed” on Discovery science is one of the shows that can bring science closer to the everyday life of the student and pique his/her interest. Discovery and National geographic telecasts many such interesting shows.
These are but a few examples. You can device your own methods and take help from teachers and guides to find out ways to get you/your child interested in what he/ she is studying. It may sound like an extra activity but will go a long way in the learning..
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paulkellyiaatpa · 3 years
Learning a New Language? Get Out Your Pencil
New research suggests people learn certain skills significantly better and faster when writing them by hand.
Experimenting With Learning Types
Researchers conducted an experiment in which 42 adults learned the Arabic alphabet. The participants were split into three groups of learners: writers, typists and video watchers.
Everyone learned the letters one at a time by watching videos of them being written along with hearing names and sounds.
The video group then got an onscreen flash of a letter and had to say if it was the same letter they’d just seen. Those typing found the letter on the keyboard. The writers copied the letter with pen and paper.
The Result
After six sessions, all groups could recognize the letters and made few mistakes when tested.
The writing group, however, reached this level of proficiency faster than the other groups. Some were able to repeat this skill after only two sessions.
The researchers said handwriting reinforces the visual and aural lessons. The act of writing by hand provides a perceptual-motor experience that unifies what is being learned about the letters, including their shapes, their sounds and their motor plans.
The researchers then wanted to determine to what extent if at all, the groups could generalize this knowledge and apply it more broadly. For example, could the study participants use the letters to read and spell unfamiliar words? The writing group performed better at these new tasks.
The writing group was the best at every measure and they took less time to get there. This group ended up with more of the skills needed for expert adult-level reading and spelling.
The participants in this study were all adults. Yet researchers said they would expect the same results in children.
The findings were recently published in the journal “Psychological Science.”
What IAA has to Say
Insurance Administrator of America wants you to be aware of what is going on in the world of health. Remember, with IAA one call does it all.
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square-panda-india · 2 years
#ExperientialLearning allows students to apply classroom knowledge to real-world situations while developing problem-solving skills that employers seek. Take a look at this video on how hands-on, immersive learning leads to better #employableskills among students.
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square-panda-india · 2 years
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A 26-year-old man from Odisha, Anil Pradhan, is trying to break stereotypes by creating a school that focuses on solving real-life problems. Click to know more: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7015894321715392512/
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square-panda-india · 2 years
#Education is no longer confined to the #classroom. #Technology has become a potent #learning, teaching, and researching resource. Click to explore the ways technology is revolutionizing education. 💻👩‍🎓
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