#learning Czech language Very Seriously
bangjiazheng · 1 month
Today morning (20.08.2024 18.27 ) I logged into 【tumblr】 in the morning(5th)
Today morning (20.08.2024 18.27 ) I logged into 【tumblr】 in the morning(5th) This is today's my 5th log into 【tumblr】(Nearly this time(almost at the same time),I also login in facebook too.)
Now,I am learning【Lesson 9】in depth Very Seriously,Very Happy!!!! This lesson is about【Man and Woman】,Very Good,Very Interesting,Very Meaningful lesson!!!! I am learning Very Seriously,Very Happily!!!!Very Happy Very Happy!!!!!! I am learning【Declensions】and words and grammar Very Seriously!!!!!!!!!!
This morning,noon,afternoon,I am learning Czech language,Very Happy Very Happy!!!!!! The Happinesses of learning Czech language can't bd described in any words,Because Too Happy!!!!!!!!!!(Note:Happing~ Happing~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…………………………)
I am learning Czech language Very Seriously,Very Happy!!!! Learning Czech Language,The Happiest The Happiest!!!!!!
Today afternoon,Air is hotter. I supplied some sleep in the air-conditioned room………………Althrough I didn't fall in sleep,My physical energy has been recovered. I got up and continue learning Czech language,Happy Happy!!!!
Now,I am learning Czech language Very Seriously,Very Happy!!!! Now,Some time before I eat dinner(This afternoon,Before sleeping,I also made a new delicious food,Learned form net…………I am Very Proud,Very Happy!!!!) After seriously recording(and repost seveal posts,Sharing The Happinesses………………),I continue learning Czech language,Happy Happy!!!!!! The Happinesses of learning Czech language can't be described in any words,Because Too Happy!!!!Too Happy Too Happy!!!!!!
Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy!!!!!!!!!!(Happing~ Happing~!!!!!!!!!!!………………Happy Meowing~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!……………………)
Bangjia Zheng I Learning Czech Language,Very Happy Very Happy!!!!!!!!!!
20.08.2024 18.27
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cienie-isengardu · 8 months
I like to imagine most Outworlders don't speak English if we were being realistic with workdbuilding. The royal family and their advisors would probably interact with Earthrealm officials during visits but regular Outwrolders probably wouldn't.
The only reason they speak English is for our convenience but realistically most probably shouldn't and it'd be funny if the language barrier popped up at times.
Like I imagine Quan Chi didn't speak English initially so he didn't register Titan Shang was talking to him when he was doing his job in the mines. Like Titan Shang thinks Quan Chi is ignoring him...when in reality Quan Chi simply doesn't register he's talking to him at all.
That is exactly my thought - worldbuilding wise, common Outworlders shouldn’t speak English or any other Earthrealm’s dialects, as they do not have a constant contact with totally foreign cultures from Liu Kang’s realm. I don’t think we ever heard of any vital trade between Earthrealm and Outworld and the portal between realms isn’t that easily accessible for people to just snuck in, and it is not just about Outworlders being wary of Earthrealmers but also Liu Kang decided to keep existence of other realms in secret from majority of his people. So the contact is limited and let’s not forget that the same as Earthrealm, Outworld is not culturally homogeneous realm either, as there is many different cultures coexisting there, like Edenians, Shokan, Centaurians, Saurian, Osh-Tekk to name few. So learning additional Earthrealm's dialects may be more difficult to some of those people than to others.
It makes sense for the Royal Family, their palace guard (Umgadi), advisors and for some military officers like General Shao and Reiko to learn English and possibly other earthrealm dialects, as such knowledge is vital to diplomacy and state security. 
It is understandable that the games use English as common language for simplicity, however 
It really is sad how the cultural/language barriers are not exploited as it has such a great potential (the closest things are: Johnny’s references to Alien that Kung Lao misunderstand as Cage calling Tanya a slur and was both offended and confused by the whole thing and Mileena thinking that drone is some kind of magic)
I don’t like the implication in Liu Kang’s timeline that Great Britain again influenced the whole world to the point English is the commonly used language because with that implication comes the question: did some Earthrealmers again suffer under the regime of other countries, be it under colonization or losing their country's independence. I mean, it is Liu Kang’s timeline, why Royal Family don’t speak in his native language as they had the longest contact with the Fire Lord and English is not, logically thinking, Raiden’s native language either?
Let’s just agree I’m very picky about this issue and I would love all the shenanigans coming from characters speaking in different languages and sometimes failing - or on purpose making it difficult to communicate well. Or, as the Lin Kuei faction has the number of native-speakers from different cultures (China, Czech, Botswana), they could utilize other languages as their “secret dialect”. Like Lin Kuei brothers waiting for Liu Kang, instead of speaking English between themselves, they could talk in Tomas’ native language because the chance Kung Lao, Raiden or Liu Kang’s servants would understand Czech is slimmer than them understanding English. 
I’m seriously crying over the untapped language potential Mortal Kombat has for years. 
As for Titan Shang Tsung, I’m gonna trust he was smarter than using English, when Quan Chi was born in mines and spent his whole life there. The mortal Shang Tsung consuming souls for ages most likely knew and could fluently use a vast number of dialects, so I imagine Titan Shang Tsung would figure out pretty quickly that no one in mines used earthrealm language and talked to Quan Chi in a way he could perfectly understand him, especially since “Damashi” needed Quan Chi’s trust to process the great plan of his.
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gremlins-hotel · 2 years
As the resident Alfred authority (imo) what languages do you think he speaks?
Dude I am very flattered you think so, but I would argue that there are way more accurate depictions of this war criminal on Tumblr :sob: But hey! you're giving me an excuse to drag out my headcanon document.
So, to start with a bit of an indirect answer, I think he speaks near-exclusively in idioms, references, baseball metaphors, and aviator slang. I admit I tend to give him a Souther vernacular. It is mostly borne of my own patterns of speech, but also, for some reason, a large number of people claim the southern accent sounds kindly. Personally, I don't understand why. But I think Alfred - all about charisma - tends to code his speech in this manner. Now, it probably doesn't work on others that know him and his tendencies, but it works enough to make others put down their guard. Makes a man more amicable to negotiations or in listening to his demands.
To give you the direct answer: it kinda changes. I have a list, but I don't take it all that seriously. I think most of the Nations are borderline polyglots anyways. However, apart from English, here are some mainstays I play with:
ASL - Alfred subconsciously will sign along to his own words when he gets into a speech. He is already someone to speak with his hands (more like his whole body). ASL is his default in many situations where his voice chances to fail. On a side note, he also occasionally uses bits and pieces of other sign languages that he's picked up over time.
Spanish - Specifically Mexican Spanish and the dialects from his closest neighbor (apart from Mattie), María. Especially in my region, if something is not in English, it will be in Spanish, if not available in both. My view here is biased.
French - It's usually Cajun or Québécois-flavored because of Mathieu. He does not speak French often and it tends to come out rusty. That, or he purposefully mispronounces it to be a dick.
German - People forget he knows (a very standard) German and to be fair, he doesn't whip it out in most settings. But you must remember that there is a long history of Germans in America, just as there is a long history in the Anglosphere.
Russian - I feel like I don't need to explain this one much. Speaks it fine, but let's just say that his Cyrillic handwriting is piss-poor.
Honorable Mentions - These are some of the languages that change when I come back to my headcanons document and beat at it with a bat. There are other vernaculars and dialects of English that he may be familiar with given his family. I like to think he knows a fair bit of Italian, as well as Polish and Czech. Mostly in reference to major demographics of the immigration booms, though certainly, they weren't the only ones. I know many say he's probably learned or currently learning Japanese, which I can see.
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bangjiazhengstories · 1 month
【Nostalgia】Disney animations
【Nostalgia】I know relatively less about Disney animation because there were very few on TV back then. After I have learned Czech B1 level and passed the exam, I will make up classes and watch and study Disney animation stories.
Decades ago,When I was a kid, TV stations didn't show much Disney animation. Around the end of the 1980s, there were very few TV channels where I lived. I watched TV on black and white TVs, but I never saw Disney animation. Around 1990, when I was in elementary school, I watched the animations of 【Tom and Jerry】 and 【Saint Seiya】 on TV. I was Very Happy!!!!
I learned about some 【Disney Animations】 from FC games. At this time, it was the 1990s. I remember around 1994, when I was in the fifth grade of elementary school, the school teacher organized us students to watch a movie in the school auditorium (small cinema). We only watched more than ten minutes of animation clips of (The Little Mermaid) without knowing the content.(Note:????………………Who????What????What the whole story saying??????Meow~??????????………………) During the same period, my mom took me to the cinema to watch Disney animation (The Lion King), which was a movie ticket given to employees by the company. Very Happy!!!! When I was in middle school(Since 1995), around 1996, I got a FC game cartridge, which contained the game 【The Little Mermaid】. Only then did I realize that it was a Disney animation. I only know that a happy story and defeat the big sea monster,But I've never seen it.
At the same time, in 1996, my family already had a color TV set a few years before that. The TV station where I live is broadcasting the animation (Duck Tales). I also have this game in my FC game card and know that it is a Disney animation. But there was no Internet back then, so I could only watch it on TV, and I didn’t know about other Disney animations.
It wasn’t until about 2004, when I was in university(since 2003), that I saw the animation of (The Little Mermaid). Because I studing the creative story and analyzed the story structure of the story, I watched it very carefully. (Also, I learned about several other Disney animations.)
However, because there were very few Disney animations where I lived, I didn’t watch them systematically when I was a child (I only watched part of them). After I grow up,It is impossible for us adults to pay much attention to the animations these children watch. I don't know much about Disney animation.I am not on purpose!!!!Because TV didn‘t had them a lot back then!!!!
As a story creator, I should seriously study the success story of Disney animation. I should study these characters, stories, creative ideas, etc. carefully. I wonder how popular Disney animation was when people were kids in other regions, like the Czech Republic????(Note:????……………………………………)
Disney animations mostly adapt some classic fairy tales and myths. Because the creators have passed away for a long time, the works have become public works of human society and there are no copyright issues. Anyone can adapt.(Saving Money????……………………) For example (The Little Mermaid), (Aladdin)…………………… Because many people know these classic fairy tales and myths, Disney does not need to make too many introductions, saving advertising costs and reducing market risks. And I haven't watched some Disney animations. As a story creator, I will definitely make up for this lesson seriously.
I am studying Czech seriously now, and when I pass the Czech B1 level exam, I will continue to create stories seriously. I will also make up my classes to watch Disney animations and study their creativity and story structure. I should study these characters, stories, creative ideas, etc. carefully.
Bangjia Zheng I am very serious about learning Czech language and I am Very Happy. I use a small amount of time to write a nostalgic short article and briefly talk about the nostalgic content related to Disney animation with you friend.Happy Happy!!!!
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amymbona · 2 months
Hah, I'm slavic too!! And although i'm not from the Czech Republic, i also know krteček, watched this funny cartoon as a child, it's almost on par with 'well, just u wait'.
And i have to agree, sometimes there's a lack of some kind of break from life on the internet. I would love to visit Tuscany. Arthur, take me with u 🙏🙏
Actually, it was incredibly nice to see fan fiction related to the slavs. But omg, I’m just wondering how they would communicate, like Patrick doesn’t know their language and it’s probably awkward? 😅😅 Patrick doesn't bat an eyelid as her grandfather bans him from the hencoop lmao
The one and only good thing that communism gave us were the cartoons, i'm convinced. They were top tier and I love them more than the modern things that I see on the TV nowadays.
On the topic of Tuscany, I'd genuinely love to visit the region! All historically important parts of Italy cause I'm such a sucker for the Etruscan culture and ancient Rome :333 wanna explore everything with Arthur.
I think reader would be the main translator there but Patrick is actually taking the whole visit very seriously. He was aware of the world kurwa before and then actually bought a dictionary to really learn the most important words and phased. He definitely didn't expect her grandparents to learn english for him, but they surprised him with the knowledge of good morning and good night. Also, I'm a firm believer that if you really want to communicate, even without the use of words, there is always a way.
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twotales · 2 years
*tries to think coherently about characters but literally can’t* RADEK ZELENKA! Just!!! RADEK!!!! I mean look at him! I did not expect to watch Atlantis and become obsessed with non-wraith characters but here I am, searching for David Nykl content y’all because of the amazing Dr. Zelenka.
Do you have any fic recs of him getting absolutely destroyed in the best ways possible? I have dived into AO3 and read so many fics with him (and Lorne, and McKay, and also wraith in general). Reading Legacy right now and there’s still not enough Radek even though he’s doing his job and McKay’s.
-Lt-Col-Siren I swear I’m a real person I’m just very busy and can’t make decisions also wanting to learn Czech just to understand what he’s saying when Rodney is being Rodney about things
Thanks @lt-col-siren for the side character request!
Coherence is overrated!!
Dude, DUDE! I KNOW RIGHT!!!! He is amazing. And welcome to being completely normal about Radek Zelenka. COMPLETELY  NORMAL. 
There 100% is not enough Radek.
I literally made this blog because of that! I just couldn't go on in such a Radekless world.
On that note, David Nykl is such a great and underrated actor. He's also very cool and pretty funny imo!
Now! Fic recs for Radek getting destroyed, I got you-
Rodney gets destroyed in this one too!
Summary: Remember when Rodney insisted that he was supposed to be the one figuring out how to rescue the poor trapped bastard (Grace Under Pressure.) We're exploring what it would take to make him eat his words!
Phantom Pains
This dude, this!
Summary: Zelenka is taken to be a Runner by the Wraith. Atlantis presumes him dead and McKay takes that harder than expected. Takes place between "Trio" and "Midway."
Read the tag! But it's good! But sad, but like, bah! So good.
Summary: "We're the ones who do the impossible. We're the ones that find the solution when there is none. We're the ones that fix this."
Mensa!AU Radek (Rod's universe)
Summary: To the day of his death, Radek believed that one of the universe's greatest cosmic jokes was that he would come to Atlantis and fall in love with the city. The city in the middle of an ocean. The city which could fly. (Mensa 'verse)
Mensa!AU (Rod McKay) Radek
This is one of mine - It's more mentally destroyed but anyways
Summary: Radek stayed in the back, twiddling his thumbs and hoping to put off the inevitable. He pushed his glasses up with shaky fingers and sighed. It’s not that he didn’t want to go, quite the opposite in fact. He needed to go more than he needed to breathe.
I hope these are new to you and what you're looking for!!
(Evan and Rodney 💖 both in my top 5 favorite SGA characters!)
Did you know that I started learning Czech because of Radek Zelenka? No? Well I have been going strong since and now my partner is actually applying to a masters program in the Czech Republic (not related to my fandom love) so we are both learning it. 
Mostly it's him cursing Rodney out 😂 wiki has translations! But honestly, learn Czech! It's a fascinating and beautiful language that is not learned enough, just like Radek, not enough and highly underrated. It can be difficult to find ways but it is possible! Duolingo is good for basics, but don't rely on it for pronunciation. 
One day I hope to meet David Nykl and say to him in Czech  "I fell in love with the Czech language and the Czech Republic because of Radek."
So seriously if you commit then I hope to converse with you in Czech one day 💚 (absolutely no pressure)
Thanks for the ask dude!! I appreciate and If you ever want to be completely normal about Radek or have more requests feel free dude, feel free
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natequarter · 1 year
8, 17, 20 for the OC asks <3
8: Does your OC have any notable flaws or activities they're not good at? Why did you give them those flaws? Why do they exist in-universe?
this is a great question, because almost all of my ghosts ocs are designed to have several glaring flaws which make them extremely grating to haunt with, à la canon. i did this because i like arsehole characters who suck. william, for starters, is supposed to be a crusading soldier... and he dies a slow death of tuberculosis before he can achieve any of that. which i suppose makes the other activity he's not good at breathing - you stay how you die, after all. william is a bit like the love child the captain's military outlook and pat's excruciating optimism, as it happens. geoffrey is terrible at handling finances, and horses, and life in general. (he's honestly much happier after death. less responsibility.)
clarence has a bad habit of going along with other people's stupid ideas, most notably george button's idiotic suggestion to skate on the lake in winter. (you can imagine how that went.) elizabeth isn't very good at socialising - she has one (1) ghost she likes, and that's pretty much it. unfortunately for robin, that ghost is humphrey. also, she's exceptionally bad at haunting, which is honestly fair enough, seeing as the only ghost power available to her is a guy who can slash at stuff with his sword (william, at it again). oh, and she holds grudges. i mean, she's dead; it's not like there's much else she can hold. and having died in her sleep, she's frequently feverish and dizzy. in fact, it took robin longer than usual to convince her she was dead, because she wasn't awake to experience it.
17: List/describe up to five tropes that apply to your OC. They could be related to the OC's characterization or their narrative arc.
bad news: despite browsing tvtropes for fun, i have no idea how to answer this - or at least i don't have the energy. i would say that all of my ghost ocs (not bbc ghosts ocs, specifically ocs who are ghosts) are designed to be caricatures, with particular emphasis on some of them being parodies of their era. william is very much a parody of the crusading ideal, of holy war and chivalry, blah blah blah, and also a bit of richard the lionheart. richard the lionheart is way after his era, but he's still obsessed with the guy (and saladin), because he's been a bit... consumed by medieval crusading culture. "back in my day," he'd probably say, referring to a period more than a century after he died...
i also have some french ghosts ocs, and of those, pretty much all of them play off bbc ghosts and tropes surrounding their era, most notably marius (a bit like william, but a roman soldier, and incredibly fucking annoying). there's also estienne, who is a french spin on robin (i say french, but he's not french at all), pierre, who's mostly me messing around with identity and language in the south of france, milada (czech, and the antithesis of julian: very into in 90s/early 2000s culture, but the music and tech in lieu of tory shittiness), giulietta (gay and medieval. i wanted to subvert the "gay people were miserable in the past" narrative), mathieu (messing around with ideas of heroism and how that interacts with the french revolution in popular imagination), and james, a shitty english spy who tries to pass as an incredibly stereotypical frenchman, and only avoids being caught because he's so ineffectual nobody seriously thinks he could be a threat.
20: Share a random piece of trivia about the creation of your OC. Examples: scrapped ideas or changes you didn't expect to make.
the a in au stands for arthur. who is arthur? an oc involved in the long fic i'm working on (read: will probably be writing for the rest of the year, help). he's humphrey and sophie's (eldest) son, in an au where they actually learn to get along. ironically, his original backstory was from what was pretty much just daydreaming, in a world where his parents had been involved in the bone plot and died before he was old enough to remember them. so yeah, i'd say that's a pretty major scrapped idea. also this isn't relevant to the question but for his fourteenth birthday he gets a dog. they're best friends. this isn't relevant to the question, but it's very important to me.
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myalchod · 1 year
14 & 37 please!
Thank you for asking, Karina! 💙
14. 3 professions that you would like to try
I had a period of time where I very much wanted to be a medical examiner; that one would definitely interest me to explore.
While I do not regret my decision to not end up going into theatre tech/costuming/etc., I'd be interested to try it out for something like a major production -- the Met Opera, for example, or something on the West End, or a Takarazuka Revue production. I'm sure there's more to it than just "bigger scale" and it fascinates me.
Can I consider "dilletante" a profession? 😂 Nah, if we're talking actual jobs, I'd love to someday try my hand at interior design, because it's the intersection of a number of things I find pretty interesting but have never really had the time and money to do properly.
37. 3 languages you would love to learn
German is probably top of the list, because there's a decent chunk of my extended family that speaks it and I'd like to be able to do it properly, not just to understand enough to get myself in trouble.
Russian, because that would let me chase down history on my father's side of the family -- or at least I'm pretty sure it would, given what I know. That side of the family has been challenging and it's pretty much all been me, and I'd like to know so much more than I do. (I'd like Czech and Hungarian similarly for more immediate reasons, but if I have to pick one, Russian is probably the most useful of the bunch.)
Honestly, all of them. I love languages and the idea of being able to learn all of them is just 🤩😍 yes please. If I had to pick one randomly, though, Japanese, because there's enough I'd like to understand in it that it's a good start. But seriously: all of them please and thank you.
[ ask me another ] [ all answers ]
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I was tagged by @cha-melodius. Thank you for the tag! I decided to combine the two tag games into one post. I hope that’s not illegal 😅
tea, coffee, or soda? Tea, though I find myself drinking a lot of coffee these days.
dogs or cats? Dogs.
can you play an instrument? I played classical guitar. And the cello. But I haven’t touched the cello for almost 5 years. So I probably can’t play it anymore. I could maybe manage something on the piano.
what’s your sun sign? Scorpio.
first song lyrics that pop into your head? “And the soldiers march behind me” a line from Blossoms by The Amazing Devil, because that’s the last song I listened to.
do you have any tattoos? Nope.
favorite place you’ve traveled? Japan.
what’s the last movie you watched? I rewatched Cars with my mum.
what languages do you speak? English, Slovak, Czech (well, I can understand more than I can speak), Spanish and I know a few sentences in German and Norwegian.
do you have any hobbies? Fanfic reading and writing. Cooking or baking when the mood strikes me (so, very rarely). Watching trains. I might buy an ukulele soon and try to learn to play it a bit.
you can hang out with one fictional character for an hour, who do you choose? Jaskier’s my current obsession, so I’d chat with him.
compliment yourself: Uhm, I hate complimenting myself. I guess I like how my hands look?
1. Are you named after anyone? I don’t think so.
2. When was the last time you cried? Sometime last week when I re-read the first few chapters of Chihayafuru. But I have teared up and shed a tear or two when reading fanfiction a few times since then. Most recently from The Stillness, The Dancing by  giddytf2.
3. Do you have any kids? Nope.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Sometimes. I wouldn’t say it’s a lot.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? No clue. I’ve never noticed that I notice something in particular.
6. What's your eye color? Brown.
7. Scary movie or happy ending? Happy ending.
8. Any special talents? None that I know of.
9. Where were you born? Slovakia.
10. What are your hobbies? See above, lol.
11. Do you have any pets? Nope.
12. What sports do you play/have played? Tennis, football (when I was a small kid), basketball (but that was mostly just in P.E. in high school). I tried archery for a month.
13. How tall are you? Around 164 cm.
14. Favorite subject in school? Biology, languages, literature. I liked history for a few years, because we had a great teacher.
15. Dream job? Changes depending on the last movie/series I’ve watched 😅 Seriously though, I have a lot of jobs I would like to try but nothing that would qualify as a dream job. Maybe working in a bookstore or a library?
I never know who to tag, so anyone can feel free to answer the questions if they want to.
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bangjiazheng · 1 month
Today afternoon (15.08.2024 ) (16.08.2024 00.36) I logged into 【tumblr】 in the afternoon(7th)
Today afternoon (15.08.2024 ) (16.08.2024 00.36) I logged into 【tumblr】 in the afternoon(7th) This is today's my 7th log into 【tumblr】(Nearly this time(almost at the same time),I also login in facebook too.)
Tonight,I ate dinner later.Now,After dinner,I did some houseworks,Now,I continue learning Czech language,Very Happy!!!! And I take a happy shower,Very Happy!!!! I am learning Czech language Very Seriously,Very Happily!!!!!!
Just several minutes ago,My computer system suddenly abnormal,System blue screen,stopped working,I had to restart it……………… May be because the computer overheat in the hot air???? Or other reason????What's happened???? I restarted it,And continue observing it's working stablity. If it is because any viruses or hackers attacked my computer,makes it abnormal,I will certainly report the (abnormal situations and abnormal harddisk datas) to (many antivirus softwares' conpanies all over the world),Let their engineers help me find out the reason. Nothing can hurt my computer or harm my system without (be found and be solved),nothing. Any one who dare attack my computer(If this man exists),I certainly make him held accountable for his bad behavior.
Now,I am learning【Lesson 9】in depth Very Seriously,Very Happy!!!! This lesson is about【Man and Woman】,Very Good,Very Interesting,Very Meaningful lesson!!!! I am learning Very Seriously,Very Happily!!!!Very Happy Very Happy!!!!!!
The 【Declensions】are Very Difficult,I am learning them Very Seriously,Very Happy!!!! I am Very Seriously learning and studying 【Declensions】. This lesson,Many contents that I can understand them,But the 【Declensions】are Very Difficult……………… I am seriously learning 【Declensions】,And trying to find out which words are the 【Declensions】of 【The Same World】,Very Happy Very Happy!!!! I am learning desioncions Very Serious,Very Happy!!!! Very Happy Very Happy!!!!!!()
When I am learning declensions,I am Very Happy!!!!Very Happy Very Happy!!!!!! Learning Czech language,Very Happy!!!!Very Happy Very Happy!!!!!!
Tonight,When I am learning Czech language,I found that I am Very Happy!!!!Very Happy Very Happy!!!!!!(Happing~,Happing~!!!!!!!!!!………………) Why am I so happy learning Czech language???? Because: I Love Life!!!! I Love Czech Language!!!! I Love Learning Czech Language!!!!!!Learning Czech Language,I am Very Happy Very Happy!!!!!!!!!!………………As Happy As Learning The Universe!!!!!!!!!!!………………Happing~ Happing~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…………………………
Learning Czech Language,The Happiest The Happiest!!!!!!!!!! This morning,noon,afternoon and night,I am learning Czech Language,Very Seriously,Very Happily!!!! Happing~,Happing~!!!!!!………………Happy Meowing~!!!!!!!!!!………………………………(Note:As Happy As A Big Good Meow,Always Learning Serious,Always Happy!!!!!!!!!!……………………)
Now,I am using an big electric fan blowing wind,Learning Czech language Very Happily!!!!
I am learning Czech language Very Seriously,Very Happy!!!!Very Happy Very Happy!!!!!! But,I found that I have used up a lot of physical energy,I felt tired…………Not on purpose!!!! Although I want to learn more Czech language tonight,But,I am tired,I am preparing to listen Czech language sleep……………… After Serious Recording,I repost several posts(Sharing the happinesses,Happy Happy!!!!),And lying down on the bed in the air-conditioned room,listening Czech language sleeping Happily,Very Happy!!!!
I set the 2 alarm clocks at 05.45.Tomorrow morning,I will get up.Continued learning Czech language Seriously And Happily!!!! Learning Czech Language,Very Happy Very Happy!!!!!!
Bangjia Zheng I Learning Czech Language,Happy Happy!!!!
16.08.2024 00.36
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Nonverbal Messages
It important to understand as much as possible about the nonverbal language of a particular culture when interacting with people from that culture
It is imperative to understand as much as you can about the way other cultures communicate outside of actually talking before one immerses themselves in said culture. If you don’t understand cultural norms around things like hand gestures, dressing up, touch, facial expressions, and timeliness you could end up seriously offending people in the country that you’re visiting.
What are some potential obstacles to accurately understanding the nonverbal messages of other people?
In todays world there aren’t actually that many barriers around learning the cultural norms of other cultures. With the internet there is so much information available, it’s really quite amazing. Just don’t forget to double check your sources.
Another barrier might be people trying to prank you and get you into trouble by giving you the wrong information. Again always cross check your sources and make sure what you learn actually lines up with reality. If you know someone from that culture, or someone who has visited that culture, they would typically be a lot better source than the internet.
What are some non-verbal messaging people in the Czech Republic use.
This is according to Commiseo.
The Czech are typically a bit more reserved in general. The main form of greeting is a handshake with eye contact, as well as a “good morning”, or “good afternoon”. The Czech are also typically more formal initially, and it’s typically a good idea to use a Mr. or Ms. (insert last name) until you are invited to call them by their first name.
The offer to be less formal is generally given first by the older person, the female, or the person who has more status. Being informal before you are invited to could be considered rude or insulting
Being on time is also important to the Czech. If you are invited to dinner its important to be on time, and to bring some sort of gift. Nice chocolates, a bottle of wine or liquor, or flowers are good options. If you do choose to bring flowers, be cautious to whomp you offer them as they could have romantic connotations.
Some other rules about giving flowers:
Bring an odd number of them, but don’t bring thirteen, since it’s thought of as unlucky
Don’t bring calla lillies since they are typically only brought to funerals
How do people in the Czech Republic View personal space? How comfortable do you think you would be interacting with others using their cultural norms for sitting, standing in line, etc.? 
Like the other aspects of Czech non-verbal language, Czechs are also fairly conservative with their personal space. Typically a hug is only for romantic partners, or a very close friend. Generally the Czech really like their bubble.
I know I personally would probably be okay with this system, I don’t know if I would love it, since I’m a person who loves hugs and showing affection.
How does the Czech organize time? In other words, is it a monochronic or polychronic culture? How important is punctuality?
I would say that the people of Czech are more monochromatic. They typically expect punctuality, and it is considered polite to keep eye contact when someone is speaking, and not being distracted by other things. Showing up late or not giving them your full attention could definitely insult the people you meet in the Czech Republic.
This is a photo of a christmas market in Prague with lots of people interacting.
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prettyoddfever · 3 years
Eric Ronick played a huge part in pre-split Panic at the Disco. My old post about him got really cluttered, so I’m summarizing random stuff this way now:
a tag for some pictures with Eric
He became a touring musician for P!ATD starting with the 2006 summer tour (so he arrived shortly after Jon, and around the same time as Zack). Bartram Nason was the cellist who started touring with P!ATD at the same point as Eric, but he was only around for part of 2006 so he wasn’t as involved overall.
In mid-2006 fans were claiming some wildly different things about Eric, like he was a 14-year-old Jewish prodigy from the Czech Republic who could speak like 6 languages and play 26 instruments lol (the “secrets” that Lucent Dossier shared didn’t help those rumors).
Ryan mentioned in a November 2006 MuchMusic interview that Eric was giving him piano lessons: “He used to be a classical piano teacher. I only started like a week ago, just cause I wanted to learn another instrument since we're getting ready to write this record.” (This was different from how Kara from BNO had given Ryan some very basic lessons a year earlier so he could play the piano part in There’s A Good Reason during late 2005 – May 2006).
Eric didn’t play at the shows in 2007 since that whole year was between albums and the band wasn’t actually touring. 
He was with the band in the studio when they wrote & recorded Mad as Rabbits.
Eric returned for the Pretty. Odd. era in 2008! The Northern Downpour private show was the first show they played before leaving for the European tour, and Eric was there. 
Eric’s band Black Gold opened for PATD on the spring European tour. They also made an appearance during the Honda Civic Tour even though they weren’t an official band in that lineup. Black Gold had also opened for P!ATD during the Nothing Rhymes With Circus tour in November 2006 after Bloc Party dropped out (and before the replacement bands were brought in).
Brendon sang on Plans & Reveries for Black Gold’s album (you can really hear him at 2:53). He also sang that onstage with Eric at some of the shows in 2008 where Black Gold opened for PATD.
Eric seemed like he was really good friends with the Panic guys by 2008. He was the only touring musician and seriously looked like the 5th band member at times. 
Eric was busy with Black Gold after July 2008, so he wasn’t with Panic for the rest of the year. Adrian replaced Eric in August through November (at which point the Pretty. Odd. era ended).
PATD didn’t do much in the first half of 2009 aside from 2 things they had already committed to. Eric joined them for Nest Fest and the Coca Cola Zero Festival.
It sounded like Ryan might have been living with Eric for part of spring 2009 (but I’m not positive about that & didn’t really care to look into anyone’s personal life like that). But the point is that Ryan, Jon, and Eric seemed to be staying together that spring when Eric wasn’t touring with Black Gold.
Jon & Eric created a myspace for their side project Hillside Session in late spring 2009 (here’s one song). I suppose Ryan was kind of involved in a loose sense. I mean, he was hanging around with them a lot and was in the end of this video. But Hillside Session’s myspace only listed Jon & Eric as official members. I think fans were eager to find any label to attach to whatever music Jon & Ryan were working on as it became increasingly clear that it wasn’t the same third PATD album that Brendon & Spencer were working on (there was just a lot of speculation in May/June). Then Ryan & Jon didn’t have a name for their new band immediately after announcing their departure from P!ATD, despite the fact that they were already in the studio recording their first single... so that “Hillside Session” label was all that we had to work with for a short time. But in hindsight it’s pretty clear that Hillside Session was just a side project between Eric & Jon.
Eric played the keyboard for The Young Veins when they recorded their album (his Black Gold bandmate also played the drums). The official band lineup for The Young Veins didn’t include Eric, though. He was working on Black Gold and toured alongside The Young Veins.
Here’s another one of Eric’s projects – they sound kind of like The Young Veins!
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theelfmaiden · 3 years
Idk if you're all that interested in that side of Silm fandom, but I was thinking (...laughing, more like) about this again and had to say something to someone, and you happened to be the first Tolkien-fan whose blog crossed my dash, so you'll have to suffer now.
Anyway, one thing that I find equal amounts amusing and frustrating, is that because Words Mean Things In Languages, my own mental image of Sauron's "Annatar" form is... well, rather feminine (I know everyone draws him as thin and pretty anyway, but that's not what I mean by feminine, I mean like legitimately you'd assume it's a woman, in terms of both body and clothing)
Why? Because my first language is Finnish. And, well, "Anna" is a Finnish woman's name. And "-tar" (or "-tär", depending on vowel harmony) is an ending that words, particularly ones for professions, may take to signify that it's referring to a woman. (Kind of like "-ess" ending in English.) Tbh the "-tar" ending is not really used much these days, it honestly sounds quite old fashioned, but it's still something that any native speaker will recognize.
So while I know what the actual etymology for the name Sauron used is, I can't help it. The sort of Finnish part of my brain is just like, hey, that sounds feminine, and, well. Mostly I find it funny, but it's also slightly frustrating in the sense that otherwise my image of Sauron is... fairly masculine? so it doesn't really fit the rest of the pattern and it's only because of the damn name that I imagine him so. That being said, though, I would not mind a depiction of Annatar that was like, this hot buff lady, appearance-wise
(PS, I'm 99% convinced that the anna -part of the name Annatar does have its roots in Finnish anyway, through a different route. I think in Quenya it has to be related to the verb anta-, "give". In Finnish, the verb for "give" is antaa — which, incidentally, in imperative form becomes anna, but that's beside the point — so the Quenyan word is a little too similar to be a coincidence, when I know that Tolkien knew a few words of Finnish, was interested in the language, and borrowed elements from it when he was creating Quenya.)
Firstly, I've never ever suffered while learning stuff I had no idea about...
Secondly, I'm not Finnish, but Moravian, so I had no idea, but I understand your frustration, at least language-wise. In 'the Silmarillion', there's a character named Magor - that means 'nut-head' in Czech... so I totally feel you, I wish I could take that Magor character seriously but I can't but his name's telling me that he's crazy!
Also, it's a strange coincidence that people portray Annatar as a very feminine person, with now knowing of your interpretation of his name! Strange! Personally, the way I imagine Sauron varies as well, but I don't really care, with that said if anybody suddenly decided to picture him as a buff woman, or as a woman in general, I wouldn't really argue... also don't feel frustrated 'cause of him, there're worse things to be frustrated about...
Anyway thanks for indulging me! Now I won't be able to unsee it!
(Concerning your P.S., iirc, Quenya was actually influenced by Finnish and Latin, so the coincidence isn't very likely a coincidence, as you have correctly presumed...)
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bangjiazhengstories · 2 months
Happy Meowing Christmas
【Friend, share a big happy for you】【Happy Meowing Christmas】 In the residential areawhere I live, the cute residential area cats meowing, as if celebrating Merry Christmas!!!!
In the residential area where I live now, there is a garden where many stray cats live.They are very happy every day. Stray cats come to the residential area from outside. There are many cat lovers in the residential area who prepare small cat rooms for the stray cats in the residential area and feed them cat food. Stray cats settled in the residential area and became 【residential area cats】. They love life and meow all day long.They are good meow good meow!!
In recent days, the temperature in the city where I live has dropped, making it the coldest in 40 years. Today on the evening of 25.12.2023, I was drinking coffee and learning Czech language, and suddenly I heard the cute residential area cats meowing in the evening.Meow Meow Meow!!!!!! There were several cats meowing, and they were meowing happily.
Residential area cats are very cute and very love life.They are all good cats!!Good Cat Good Cat!!!!!! They seem to be using cat language 【cat language】 (Note: Words and Grammars are Meow Meow Meow!!!!) to celebrate Merry Christmas!!!! Cats know 【Merry Christmas】, Lovely cats yearn for the 【kindness】 and 【Love】 of the world and universe, it’s really touching!!!! So Happy!!!! Cats know how to be happy, and we humans know how to be happy even more!!!!!!Happy Happy Happy!!!!!!!!!!……………… Cats know Merry Christmas, and we humans know Merry Christmas even more!!!!!!Very Very Very Happy!!!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas!!!! Happy Life!!!!!!Happy Meowing!!!!!!!!!!Happy Physics Laws!!!!!!!!!!Happy Universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…………………… I study Czech language seriously, I treat others well,I do good things, and I am happy every day!!!! Learning Czech language, I am focused, serious, and happy!!!!!!Big Great Universe Undefeatable Absolutely Happy!!!!!!!!!!……………………
Bangjia Zheng I share with friend the happiness of the meowing cats in the residential area. The cats meow on Christmas night and the 【Christmas Cats】 are happy!!!!Happy Meowing Christmas!!!!!!Happy Ultimate Big Old Cat!!!!!!!Happy All Worlds!!!!!!!!!!Happy Super Universe Worlds!!!!!!!!!!Happy Absolutely Universe!!!!!!!!!!Happy Ultimate Universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!……………………
25.12.2023 21.47 Merry Christmas And Happy Life!!!! Live optimistically and be happy every day!!!!!! Work hard and be so happy!!!!!!Happy Christmas!!!!!!!!!!Happy Universe!!!!!!!!!!…………………………
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wanna-be-bold · 3 years
Country asks: Going with the ones I’ve been to, so Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, France and Italy.
czech republic 🇨🇿: is there a song that never fails to make you cry?
He Stopped Loving Her Today by George Jones always gets me. Seriously give it a listen.
Don't Laugh at Me by Mark Wills is a tear jerker and if you ever wanna just bawl your eyes out: Concrete Angel by Martina McBride, Alyssa Lies by Jason Michael Carroll, and The Baby by Blake Shelton will make that happen.
Half of My Hometown by Kelsea Ballerini and Kenny Chesney, and More Hearts than Mine by Ingrid Andress are honorable mentions.
austria 🇦🇹: do you like chocolate?
Oh I love chocolate. Probably too much.
slovakia 🇸🇰: how many languages can you speak?
Just one sadly. I want to learn more but just haven't done it
france 🇫🇷 : ever drunk alcohol?
italy 🇮🇹 : currently in a relationship?
Nope. Very, very single
European Country Ask!
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brucesterling · 4 years
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N° 3–2021: Call for media: ESA seeks new astronauts - applications open 31 March 2021
8 February 2021
For the first time in 11 years, ESA is looking for new astronauts. These recruits will work alongside ESA’s existing astronauts as Europe enters a new era of space exploration.
Media representatives are invited to a virtual press event on Tuesday, 16 February, to learn more about the vacancies that are intended to initiate a real generational change for ESA.
The starting point for this is 31 March 2021, when the vacancies for new astronauts open. ESA is strongly encouraging women to apply, because we are seeking to expand gender diversity in our ranks.
ESA Director General Jan Wörner says, “Thanks to a strong mandate from ESA Member States at Space19+, our Ministerial Council in 2019, Europe is taking its place at the heart of space exploration. To go farther than we ever have before, we need to look wider than we ever have before. This recruitment process is the first step and I look forward to watching the agency develop across all areas of space exploration and innovation, with our international partners, in the years to come.”
"Representing all parts of our society is a concern that we take very seriously,” says David Parker, ESA Director of Human and Robotic Exploration. “Diversity at ESA should not only address the origin, age, background or gender of our astronauts, but also perhaps physical disabilities. To make this dream a reality, alongside the astronaut recruitment I am launching the Parastronaut Feasibility Project – an innovation whose time has come."
The vacancy runs from 31 March to 28 May 2021 and ESA will only consider applications submitted to the ESA Career website within those eight weeks. After that, the six-stage selection process will start, which is expected to be completed in October 2022.
The press event on 16 February marks the start of the communication campaign for the application phase.
Conference programme per language
English (Tuesday 16 February, 13:00–14:00 CET)
Jan Wörner, ESA Director General
Samantha Cristoforetti, ESA astronaut
Tim Peake, ESA astronaut
David Parker, ESA Director of Human and Robotic Exploration
Frank De Winne, ESA Low Earth Orbit Exploration Group Leader, Head of the European Astronaut Centre
Jennifer Ngo-Anh, ESA Research and Payloads Programme Coordinator, Human and Robotic Exploration
Lucy van der Tas, ESA Head of Talent Acquisition
The press conference will be moderated (in English) by Ninja Menning, Communication Department  
French (Tuesday 16 February, 13:00–14:00 CET)
Claudie Haigneré, ESA astronaut
Luca Parmitano, ESA astronaut
Ersilia Vaudo-Scarpetta, Chief Diversity Officer
Guillaume Weerts, Space Medicine & European Astronaut Centre Management Support Team Lead
Didier Schmitt, Strategy & Coordination Group Lead, Human and Robotic Exploration
Zineb Elomri, Human Resources Officer
The press conference will be moderated (in French) by Jules Grandsire, Communication Department  
German (Tuesday 16 February, 14:30–15:30 CET)
Samantha Cristoforetti, ESA astronaut
Alexander Gerst, ESA astronaut
Josef Aschbacher, future ESA Director General
Chiara Manfletti, Head of Policy and Programme Coordination Department
Rüdiger Seine, Space Training Team Leader
Dagmar Boos, Head of Human Resources Competence & Policy Centre
The press conference will be moderated (in German) by Jules Grandsire, Communication Department  
Dutch (Tuesday 16 February, 14:30–15:30 CET)
André Kuipers, ESA astronaut
Frank De Winne, Low Earth Orbit Exploration Group Leader, Head of the European Astronaut Centre
Angelique Van Ombergen, Science Coordinator for Human Research, Human and Robotic Exploration
Lucy van der Tas, Head of Talent Acquisition
The press conference will be moderated (in Dutch) by Ninja Menning, Communication Department  
Italian (Tuesday 16 February, 15:30–16:30 CET)
Luca Parmitano, ESA astronaut
Ersilia Vaudo-Scarpetta, Chief Diversity Officer
Josef Aschbacher, future ESA Director General
Sara Pastor, I-HAB Team Leader
Antonella Costa, Human Resources Business Partner
The press conference will be moderated (in Italian) by Fabrizio L’Abbate, Communication Department  
Spanish (Tuesday 16 February, 15:30–16:30 CET)
Matthias Maurer, ESA astronaut
Fabio Favata, Head of Strategy, Planning & Coordination Office
Sergi Vaquer Araujo, Senior Flight Surgeon
Rosario Martin-Sanchez, Head of Social Security & Related Policies Unit
The press conference will be moderated (in Spanish) by Emmet Fletcher, Communication Department
Media registration
The press conference will take place online.
Please register online at: https://www.esa.int/Contact/mediaregistration by 15 February 2021.
The press conference will be streamed at esawebtv.esa.int, but only registered media will be able to ask questions.
Upcoming events are posted on the launch calendar and events calendar at www.esa.int/newsroom.
If you have further questions or interview requests, please contact [email protected].
Social media
Follow ESA on
Twitter: @ESA Instagram: Europeanspaceagency Facebook: EuropeanSpaceAgency YouTube: ESA LinkedIn: ESA
Terms and conditions for using ESA images: www.esa.int/spaceinimages/ESA_Multimedia/Copyright_Notice_Images
For questions or more information related to ESA images, please contact directly [email protected].
Terms and conditions for using ESA videos: https://www.esa.int/spaceinvideos/Terms_and_Conditions
For questions or more information related to ESA videos, please contact directly [email protected].
About the European Space Agency
The European Space Agency (ESA) provides Europe’s gateway to space.
ESA is an intergovernmental organisation, created in 1975, with the mission to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space delivers benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world.
ESA has 22 Member States: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Slovenia and Latvia are Associate Members.
ESA has established formal cooperation with six Member States of the EU. Canada takes part in some ESA programmes under a Cooperation Agreement.
By coordinating the financial and intellectual resources of its members, ESA can undertake programmes and activities far beyond the scope of any single European country. It is working in particular with the EU on implementing the Galileo and Copernicus programmes as well as with Eumetsat for the development of meteorological missions.
Learn more about ESA at www.esa.int
For further information:
ESA Newsroom and Media Relations Office – Ninja Menning
Tel: +31 71 565 6409
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