#learn about street cats and dogs and how to help them
dollscircus · 2 months
Swing first, ask later. Chapter 1.
(In my defence it’s Gotham and you were breaking in)
chapter 2
Arkham Knight Jason Todd x vet!Reader
Words: 2.5k
Tags: Injury detail, fighting and brief reference to animal cruelty plus general fuckery.
Synopsis: when you found someone breaking into your little veterinary clinic, you didn’t expect to find the Arkham Knight and certainly didn’t expect to find out that he reminds you of a wounded puppy. You’re a fixer, I guess…
I’ve always been a fixer. It’s always been apart of myself, ever since I was a kid. My mother at a young age learned what streets in Gotham to avoid with me because God forbid I’d see a small stray animal and try to sneak it home in my pocket. The animal shelters knew me so well at age 12, commonly bringing them in whatever injured or sick animal I would and wrangled into my arms. Most of your pocket money was used on animals and people in need.
That’s why I became a veterinarian, it felt good being able to help some of the weakest creatures in Gotham, a place that didn’t show many mercy. I liked being able to show that mercy and care. The night I met him, you stayed late in the clinic which was a normal thing. Your apartment was above the clinic, so it made it easy to come down the stairs to check on my patients during the night. That’s what brought my down into the clinic.
I weren’t sure how late it was, yawning as your body protested even being awake. I walked down the steps leading to the back alley, where the back door to the clinic was found. Rubbing the heel of my hand into my tried eyes as the keys jangled in my hand as my fingers worked through the bundle of keys to find the exact one I were looking for.
I mumbled in irritation while pushing the door open, I didn’t notice the blood drops on the floor of the alley as I stepped over it and into the clinic. I reached my hand over to the light switch but paused when I felt the breeze and whistle of the wind. Scanning around the dark clinic, I spotted it; A window was smashed, the curtains blowing softly in the soft breeze. I paused listening to slight movements coming from one of the back rooms. Oh, fuck that.
Another fun fact about myself, I don’t often think my actions through. The sounds were coming from the back room where the animals needing long term care were housed, in that moment I was to worried about whoever was in there harming the animals I didn’t think about calling the cops when I crept through the dark office, grabbing a baseball bat that was leaning against the desk.
I took slow and soft steps while walking through the office, noticing the back door slightly left open ajar. Some small light streaming in through the door, I couldn’t see much of the figure moving around but that small amount of light made I finally notice the blood smears over the ground. I looked down to the ground and scowled at the sight of blood. What?
I stood by the door, peaking my eyes inside and saw the stack of cages. Most of the patients sleeping aside from one of the cats who was clearly watching whoever was in the room who I heard an annoyed curse come from. The voice sounded weird like it came from a filter. I took a deep breath, adrenaline pumping through my blood as I nudged the door open with the bat then with a quick motion kicking the door open and just- swinging the bat at the figure in the room before even taking a solid look at him.
I missed. I never pretended to be athlete; the bat slammed into the metal of the shelf denting it. I gasped while the figured lashed to the side to avoid the blow, the metal bat made a metallic ringing sound in my ears. Turning your head to the figure, I didn’t register who he was; I could see the frantic shuffling back away from the shelf. The frantic gesture caused me to suddenly think about a scared stray dog. That train of thought kept my mind occupied that I gave the man enough time to pull the gun off his belt.
The next few moments were filled with many feelings and realisations. The first was that the man bleeding all over my floor was the Arkham Knight. Next the next was the gun he was now pointing at me. Honestly? Fair enough. There were a few long moments that stretched out, filling with the sound of your unsteady breathing and his own breathing distorted by the helmet. It was tense. He just stared at me; his grip of the gun trembled. I wasn’t sure what was about to happen, expecting to be killed but then- his hand and gun dropped down to the ground with a thud.
“Huh.” I said, my voice sounded a little weird just standing in the dim office. The Arkham Knight was still now, his breathing coming through the helmet with a distorted sound. I stepped closer, still holding the bat up as you creeped closer. Standing above him, I tilted your head to the side before tapping the bat into his foot. No reaction.
I tilted your head to the other side while looking him over, a wound was seeping out blood from his thigh. Ah, that makes sense why he had broken into the clinic. Ok- nice I didn’t get shot. I turned on your heel to walk out of the office to call the police until the memory of the Arkham Knight crawling back away from you flashed in your mind and it stopped you in your tracks. My common sense screamed to call the cops. That would be the smart thing to do but I was never one for common sense. I turned over my shoulder to look at the man on the ground. “Fuck.”
I wasn’t a doctor; I were a veterinarian but hey, I did my best. All I did was cut away from of the fabric from the wound to tend to it, leaving the clunky helmet in place. After I were done stitching his leg up, I left him on the cold table while you sat in a chair nearby just- staring at him.
He would sleep for a freakishly long time, so much so that the sun was creeping over the horizon when he finally did wake up. I didn’t notice it at first, I can my back to him while you were cleaning up the mess he caused, picking up boxes of medicine and supplies to place them back in their rightful spot. Standing in place, I didn’t realise he had woken up until there was suddenly an arm hooked around my throat with the Arkham knight leaning over me. His weight pushing me into the self as I felt the muzzle of the gun pressing into my ribs.
“Whoa- Whoa.” I started, trying to soften my voice. I didn’t really notice I was using the same voice I used with the more- feral animals that come into the clinic. The gun pressed a little harder into my ribs, but I wasn’t as scared as I should’ve been.
“What did you do?” He asked, voice sounding rough and distorted by the helmet. I let out a little sigh while slowly raising my hands to show they were empty.
“I stitched up your leg.” I said calmly, “I didn’t touch the helmet.”
There was a moment of silence, I could tell he was complicating what to do next. I was quiet, looking ahead to avoid any quick moments startling him. The gun was still firmly pressed into my ribs but his grip around my neck seemed to loosen ever so slightly.
“Why?” He asked, some confusion seeping into that rough voice. I really didn’t an answer that didn’t seem insulting. A few moments stretched on until he pressed the gun into my ribs a little more which sparked some mild pain into my ribs. That tiny bit of pain seemed to break my filter.
“You made me think of a stray dog.” I blurted out and instantly regretted it. Welp, he’s going to kill me and honestly. Fair enough, that was a dumbass thing to say. I help my breath, preparing for the pain of the gunshot but it never came. The weight pressed into my back suddenly pulled away and the gun was so longer jabbed into my side. Looking over my shoulder, I watched the knight slowly backing away from me; The gun still raised up and pointing at me. The helmet made his expression impossible to read, I stared at him as he ever so slowly backed away. Limping on his hurt leg.
“I uh- I’m not a doctor so you should get your leg checked by an actual doctor.” I mumbled while looking him up and down. His helmet flicked over to the door to the back room, and he started limping to the back door, the gun trained on me, but a strange sound came out of the helmet. A huff? Was it a huff? A laugh? The sound was distorted by the helmet so I couldn’t really tell.
As with a very quick moment, he slipped out of the office and disappeared into the still dark clinic. Huh. Well, that went much better than I expected. I listened out for the sound of the knight climbing out the window he broke, leaving me standing so very confused in my clinic.
“You made me think of a stray dog.”
Those words repeated in his head over and over. It had been a very long time since someone had shocked him with just some words. He’d been on edge ever since he climbed through the window of the clinic, the sterile smell and look of the place set his nerves on fire. Those memories of the asylum threatening to spill over, that panic only made worst when that bat swung into the shelf making the echoing metal trill. Oh boy. Now that did cause a wave of panic to rush over him. He moved back trying to create as much distance between him and whoever was swinging for him.
Only to be met face to face with you.
You. The memories of his childhood flashed through his mind in a few quick moments. Memories that often haunted him in his time in Arkham. No- they comforted him. No- Well, it was a bit of both honestly. Memories of a much softer times. Not tainted by the joker and batman. A place where Jason could hide away from the pain even if it was just for a moment.
He almost thought he had finally cracked and gone insane as he stared up at you down the barrel of the gun. You’ve really gone up nice, even with the shocked and slightly fearful expression. Jason felt that blinding panic fade from his body and the mere sight of you, along with all of his strength as he fell unconscious.
Jason wouldn’t actually shoot you. Never. Not you but he needed answers. What you knew. A pit in his stomach formed that he wasn’t used to when threatening most with violence, but he didn’t really have time to unpack that when your words shocked his brain into- a reboot.
“You made me think of a stray dog.”
Huh. Ok. That- huh.
You really haven’t change. Jason found himself strangely comforted by that, but your self preservation skills worried him greatly. Jason had to remind himself to push all of those feelings down. Refocus. Remember whats important.
You seemed to be doing good. That’a good. Good.
I had to put a tarp over the broken window, grumbling in irritation the whole while as I had to stand on a stool to reach the very top of the tall ass window. I grumbled while glancing over to the door as Mary unlocked the front door and stepped inside. “Oh, hello” She said while looking me up and down with a raised eyebrow.
“What happened?” She asked cue a very intense train of thought. Do I admit the truth and get scolded for what was an extremely stupid decision or lie? I’m bad at lying.
“Uh.” I said, just staring at Mary. “You’ll yell at me if I’m honest.” She narrowed her tried eyes at me.
“Did you break it yourself?” She asked and I shook my head in response. Mary let out a deep tried sigh before taking a sip of the coffee cup she was holding in her hand. It was a very long sip. I shuffled a little before climbing down from stool.
“I’ll ask again in an hour.” Mary walked past me into the back room. Honestly- not the worst.
“Why is there blood on the floor in here!?” Maru screeched from the backroom. Ah fuck.
It didn’t take to long to explain what happened. Mary was across the table from me pitching the bridge of her nose, face scrunched up. I tapped my shoes on the ground while just watched the older woman scowl.
“You’re an idiot.”
“So. You not only didn’t call the police of the masked man who broke in but stitched up his leg? because the big scary man reminded you of a stray dog?”
“…Yeah. In my defence- he reminded of that grumpy stray pit bull? The one that came to us with his muzzle tapped up?” I tried to defend myself, but I could see Mary’s will to live slowly seeping out of her body.
“You’re going to be the death of me one day.” Mary sighed while standing up, “Just- you don’t have a shift today so just- go home.”
“Really- Mary I don’t mind-” I started to speak before she pointed at me.
“Go home.” She deadpanned.
Like I was told, I made my way up to my apartment. Rubbing a hand over my face while I felt the exhaustion of the night before catching up to me, muscles aching while I came down from the adrenaline rush. Dropping down on the bed, not even bothering to change my clothes as I dropped down on to the bed. Shoving my face into the pillow.
Sleep pretty quickly caught up with me. I wasn’t sure how long I slept for when I finally did wake up, glancing over to my window which had sunlight streaming in through the window. I blinked a few times in the- early afternoon light? Pulling myself up from the bed, rubbing my hands and letting out a tried groan.
After a few moments, I noticed something. My window was left slightly open, there was a small box on the desk by the window that was littered with old pictures and trinkets I collected over the years. I frowned while walking over to the desk before picking up the box. There was a little note on the box, ‘Sorry for the window, thank for the leg.’
The box had a- large amount of cash inside. Did the- Arkham Knight leave money when I was sleeping? A few emotions rushed through me. It was kinda creepy knowing the Arkham Knight was so close and I wasn’t aware that he was so close but- he took the time to leave money for the window? Huh. That’s kinda sweet?
I didn’t know how to feel about this.
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theramseyloft · 17 days
Is a street pigeon potentially as good as a domestic breed when it comes to being friendly?
Street pigeons are domestic birds. They're mixes of stray racers, rollers, and tumblers, mostly, with a few other breeds thrown in depending on what's bred and flown in that region.
But I do know what you mean, and yes.
The pigeon that inspired the therapy bird project was a feral found emaciated in a parking lot.
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That's they day he came in from wildlife rehab with a mourning dove next to him.
He was 5 weeks old in that picture.
Those are fully unsheathed flight feathers.
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It took him 6 months to grow in his full set of adult feathers.
And he, of his own volition, became my medical alert bird.
Initially, he alerted for anxiety attacks, which were debilitatingly severe at the time.
By which I mean that, under a certain degree of stress, I could not understand spoken words any more and may not realize I am being addressed.
Pigeons are hard wired to map patterns, and Ankhou could tell when I was about to shut down when I couldn't.
He would go get my husband if he was home (before he got a job where he could work from home) and lead him back to me.
And he eventually figured out how to use my hands and echolalia to bring me back out of it by himself.
He figured out that I was diabetic before I had any idea and it wasn't until I got my blood sugar back under control that I found out he had developed an alert for blood sugar spikes.
Ferals are hands down the most intelligent domestic pigeons because they have had to survive by it.
They are more willing to cooperate than breeds in human care because they depend on their flock mates to help them ensure one more day of life, be it by looking out for predators or remembering where to find good food and water.
Most of them, especially as adults, are extremely flighty and skittish, because they have learned to be and their lives have depended up to that point on paying attention to lessons learned.
And you can pretty much guarantee they come in sick and full of parasites.
But if you can either adopt one from a rescue after they're cleaned out and healthy or get one you save treated and have the patience to work with them, that keen intelligence makes it easier for them to work through a developed fear.
Just keep in mind that like a feral dog or cat born in an alley or under a shed, that feral pigeon probably has very good reasons for being skittish.
And just like a dog or cat born stray, a feral pigeon can come to trust and rely on you like family.
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ninetailedfoxmanchi · 2 years
Simon 'Ghost' Riley: How You Started Dating (and some little things about Ghost)
Warnings: mentions of cigarettes and smoking, references to PTSD, scars
A/N: Once again, a disclaimer: I base this on Ghost’s backstory according to the comic books as well as the video games but this is just my take so if you imagined him differently, that is totally valid!
* * *
I think Simon would be attracted to someone outside his work; someone in a different profession, because he would see his team members more as family than partners
Besides, he keeps his private life separated from his work, so I don't think it's likely he would fall in love with a co-worker simply because of this 'mental barrier' of how he sees them
His girlfriend could be anything from nurse, veterinarian, café owner, teacher, academic to chef or artist. I don't think Ghost would find a romantic connection with someone working a similar job as him or something in law enforcement
You met in a café where he forgot his wallet on the counter and you were the customer waiting next-in-line who ran after him. Simon most definitely insisted to buy you coffee as a thanks (but in reality he was just taken aback by your looks because he found you very pretty) (full fic: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley: How You Met)
You found it unusual why the bottom half of his face was hidden behind a mask but Simon was a stranger to you at that time so you didn't presume to ask
Because he is so shy and reserved at first, after asking you out for a few coffees, you presumed he was just very grateful and did not know when to stop showing it, or he just wanted to be friends. Your 'dates' were very pleasant but you found yourself doing most of the talking and learning very little of Simon
But when he walked you home that night, an angry car rushed by and Simon pushed you behind him, even though you were both standing on the pavement, as if a tank was coming at you not a car whooshing down the street
"Are you okay?" he asked and took your face into his calloused hands. The caring you saw in his eyes was not one of gratitude nor mere friendship-in-the-making. His heart was racing and his lips were parted and you could hardly imagine a man of his stature and career to be afraid of anything. But apparently, Simon was afraid of you getting hurt
Afterwards, Ghost walked you home and insisted you stay on the inner side of the pavement whilst he held your hand (this is something he did not insist on although his secure grip suggested otherwise)
You suddenly realized as you saw him so deep in thought that Simon was a man of few words but many actions
You smiled to yourself and squeezed his hand as you caressed your thumb across his. Simon woke from his thought, his eyes widened and just a glimpse of blush crept to his unshaven cheeks from behind the mask
Also some little things you would find out about Ghost; he does not like animals much (because of his father) but he does find cats and dogs very therapeutic and if he had the chance, he would adopt both (but he can't because he is away a lot because of work)
You also learned that Simon likes his coffee black with one sugar but he prefers tea
He is also an occasional smoker; it used to help with his anxiety but when he learns you're not a big fan of kissing smokers, Simon keeps his habit to a minimum
He likes Marlboro Reds because they're pretty strong but he also smoked Davidoff Classics for a while
Simon's favourite colours are earthy red (like terra cotta), sage green and pale dark blue
He is a very light sleeper; the smallest unnatural noise wakes him
Simon is also an early birth rather than a night owl; he likes to go to bed pretty early and also wakes up almost with the dawn - he likes quiet mornings with a cigarette and a cup of British tea; the only thing better, in Simon's opinion, is when you're there with him
Bonus: How I personally imagine what Ghost looks like
Simon has a mixture of brown and ginger hair although his beard is entirely the latter. I think his standard hairstyle is a military cut but when he is off duty, he lets it grow a bit longer
His cheeks are unshaven the majority of the time so that the scars are not as visible
Ghost's eyes are pale blue, grey sometimes, although they were nearly aquamarine when he was a baby
Also, I think Ghost has a bit of natural undereye circles which make him look perpetually tired
His left forearm is entirely covered in tattoos reaching even past his elbow. The images are mainly motives of warfare and military but deep down they're a representation of Simon's life
Obviously, Ghost is very tall (about 6'2 or 6'3) and muscular; also a bit of a big boy <3
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super-marvel-dc · 11 months
Jason and Y/N have a total of 14 kids that Y/N adopted off the street (don't worry Y/N will probably find more to take in...). Jason and Y/N ended up having to buy a huge house with lots of bedrooms and a hundred acres of land in case someone *cough* Y/N *cough* decides to take in more kids, then they'll have to add on. At least there's plenty of room! There's plenty of trees and a big pond where the Todds spend their weekends together having a picnic as a big, dysfunctional, happy family. They also own three dogs, three cats, horses (again, thanks to Y/N because Jason is a sucker for them and them only. Whatever Y/N wants Y/N gets), chickens, cows, ducks, fish, koi fish in the pond, and two donkeys named Donkey and Dragon all thanks to one of their daughters who is obsessed with watching Shrek. Like so obsessed she dressed up as Fiona for five Halloweens straight and had multiple Shrek themed birthdays... Don't even think about washing her donkey plushie when she's awake of she will scream... It freaked out Jason for a while. Shopping? Oh, well, that's something itself. Thought it was hard shopping with Jason? Think again. It's much worse with Jason plus 14 kids and they all want McDonald's on the way home. Before you go asking how the Todds get to the store with 14 kids in a normal truck/car, they don't, they drive a school bus Y/N "found" one day while out and about. They still have their sports bikes and vehicles they love so much, but when it's family shopping day it's the bus. Dinner? Everyone is helping out one way or another. It's so chaotic, but Jason and Y/N wouldn't have it any other way. Everyone at their kids school knows not to mess with them because they have crazy—but awesome—parents. Alex is the only one that is deaf so he is homeschooled, and everyone learned sign language just for him. The first time everyone signed the whole happy birthday song he had tears in his eyes and the biggest smile on his face. Not picking favorites or anything but he's definitely a Y/N's little boy. Monday night is movie night and they have to keep track on who's turn it is to pick out a movie or world war III breaks out, and it ain't pretty. Jason stopped buying nice vases after those few times they didn't keep track... Sunday is date night for Jason and Y/N, and nothing will interfere with it because Jason will throw a fit (unless it was an emergency). No doubt you'll find Maggie cuddled between her parents when it's thundering outside, her little Robin teddy bear held tightly in her arms as she snores peacefully. Snow days are perfect, everyone outside playing in the snow (playing a game of snowball fights that tend to get out of hand) and drinking hot chocolate afterwards, wrapped up in blankets while sitting around the fireplace. Jason scolding his kids after they snuck a raccoon in the house without his permission all while Y/N grins sheepishly at Jason as they hold the hands of twins who both have matching smiles on their little faces, both missing a front tooth, and Jason sighing, shaking his head with a small smile on his lips thinking to himself how he got so lucky to have Y/N and his big family he wouldn't give up for the world.
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Please, do not steal my work
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goodnightmemes · 5 months
❛ Nothing shuts my pie hole but pie. ❜
❛ I have a crime scene to break into. ❜
❛ There’s a cat. I want to talk to that cat. ❜
❛ There are over 400 stars in our galaxy. ❜
❛ He can’t die in there. It’s a company car. ❜
❛ The plot, unlike your hair, continues to thicken. ❜
❛ You disgust me. You make me sick to my face. ❜
❛ Tell me again why the cat gets to ride shotgun? ❜
❛ I can’t help it. My body craves buttery goodness. ❜
❛ Baby, all your facial parts, they’re in the right spots. ❜
❛ You know I’m a sympathetic crier. Just leave me be! ❜
❛ Have you heard about Pluto? That’s messed up, right? ❜
❛ I’m a classic. I never go out of style. I’m like pleated pants. ❜
❛ Dude, if you suggest Batman one more time, I will pull out your eardrums. ❜
❛ Tell me you’re wearing that because someone has to spot you from space. ❜
❛ I can’t die! I have 43 twitter followers who depend on me! Oh, and I have a child. ❜
❛ Would you stop with the dalmatians already? They’re not indigenous to firehouses. ❜
❛ Because of you I got my first B, broke my first curfew, accidentally killed the state bird… ❜
❛ A bit of trivia, the human body when drained of most of its blood will oftentimes stop working. ❜
❛ I’m never doing anything blindly with you again. I learned that lesson at the Mexican border. Twice. ❜
❛ Some people are just born evil: the kid from The Omen, The Children of the Corn, Chad Michael Murray. ❜
❛ I can not be trusted. I will tell everyone! Anyone! I was already reaching for my phone to call someone. ❜
❛ How insecure do you think I am? …Seriously. How insecure am I? I need you to tell me. Will you please tell me? ❜
❛ Hey, if I’m going to die, you better be right behind me or I will haunt your kitchen cabinets until the day you die. ❜
❛ “Save me. I’m trapped.” Hmm. I don’t want to jump to conclusions here, but this very well may be a cry for help. ❜
❛ I can’t watch Channel 8 anymore. The newscaster wears a toupee. It’s like every newscast begins with a lie. ❜
❛ People say our intense love of bunnies is creepy at our age but history will prove them to be heartless bastards. ❜
❛ Much like Lady Gaga, I was born this way. And while I don’t have a meat dress, I do have a tie made entirely of beef jerky. ❜
❛ We have a bona fide Scooby-Doo case that has fallen into our laps! Dead guy, haunted house, amusement park. Say zoinks. ❜
❛ Everything’s going to be okay, as long as you didn’t tamper with the crime scene. …You didn’t tamper with the crime scene, did you? ❜
❛ That’d be like posting it on my facebook page. If I had a Facebook page. Or the desire to share intimate life details with people I’d avoid on the street. ❜
❛ Home should be wherever you are. And the dogs we’re going to get relatively soon. So, wherever you and the fleet of pugs are, that’s where I want to be. ❜
❛ I must ask you to brace yourselves. What I’m about to expunge is not for the faint of heart. It is bold with a zesty, salty finish. What we’re up against here is no mere mortal. ❜
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
The gods and humans with a s/o reader that’s like Tatsu, aka used to be a yakuza became a house wife after meeting them. The god/human s/o finding out that she’s gonna fight in ragnarok. Don’t gotta just thought it’d be fun
I had way too much fun with this! XD
-(Love) yawned as he walked into the kitchen, smelling food being cooked and smiled as he saw you, “Morning my love.” Your turned, holding a knife in your hand, a toothpick between your lips as you were trying to stop smoking, your eyes narrowed in a glare before you tilted your cheek up, accepting his kiss, “Good morning.”
-You were regarded as one of the strongest gangsters back on earth, you were powerful, taking on a massive gang by yourself and making it look easy.
-You’ve done that a few times in Valhalla, putting cocky humans and even a few gods in their place, handling them with ease.
-However, after you met your husband, you left that life behind, choosing to never fight again, instead becoming a housewife.
-(Love) learned quickly that old saying was true, just a bit modified for you, ‘you can take the gangster out of the streets, but you can’t take the gangster out of the gangster’…. He wasn’t sure how that worked either but that’s what he went with.
-He was the one who protected you from others, when they would think you were acting like a criminal as you spoke to a grocery, “Those are some real nice prices you’ve got there- nice and low. You’re not selling low quality products to match those low prices are you? No- yeah I can see that- nice colors on the apples here. I’ll take a half dozen.”
-Holding onto your hand with one hand and holding the bag of apples with the other, he smiled down at you as you spoke up, “Who was that you were talking to earlier?” he just grinned softly, “Just someone I had to educate that my wife has a sharp eye for good apples.”
-You puffed up your chest lightly at the praise, before your eyes lit up and you instantly vanished from his side, cuddling a chunky cat that you always seemed to find while out and about, “What a chunky unit of a cat!!”
-(Love) found it amusing that you were so weak with animals, both cats and dogs, always wanting to pet them, but still trying to maintain your tough guy personality.
-When this year’s Ragnarok tournament was announced, as it had become a yearly tournament as it had been so entertaining, with big prizes handed out and was no longer fights to the death, Brunnhilde approached you to fight this time.
-You initially refused, “I left that life behind when I became a housewife.” But it was (Love) who managed to convince you, telling you that it was a good way to blow off some steam.
-It was only when you saw one of the prizes, a years’ worth of free groceries that you agreed to join, cracking your knuckles as you grinned almost evilly.
-When you walked out in your suit with your frilly pink apron on, many thought this was going to be a joke match. You removed your sunglasses as your opponent walked out, cleaning them with a microfiber cloth before putting them back on.
-(Love) couldn’t help but grin softly, love in his eyes as he watched you easily handle business, kicking ass so easily.
-Elation surrounded you as you held the ticket for the free groceries, thinking of all the dishes you could make for (Love) as he hugged you from the side, “Knew you could do it.” you shared a small kiss before you grabbed his hand, dragging him to the grocery store now that you didn’t have to look at coupons for a year!
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fuckyeahpunkflower · 1 year
Guys guys guys its AU time! With older Miles(18) and older Hobie (20). (Also no spider man powers, normal times)
Miles is attending a prestigious University in Northern New York after years of studying and applying for scholarships at Visions. Rio and Jefferson are super proud of him although a bit sadden that their baby boy is now a young man leaving the house.
On the plus side, Miles is SUPER stoke to finally FINALLY have his very own dorm ALL TO HIMSELF! no more cramped spaces, uncomfortable bunk beds or missing shoes (that somehow always made an appearance again when Ganke returned to the room) Miles admits he will miss Ganke but they'll definitely catch up over some games on the PS4 and summer breaks.
But the best part about this university in Mile's opinion is the fact they allow pets on campus and in dorms. Which means he can live his dream of owning a dog. He's always wanted a dog since he was a kid but his parents never thought he was responsible enough to take care of it ( but mainly because Rio and Jefferson didn't want to deal with a toddler and training a puppy at the same time) Now that Miles is grown he's decided its time to make his own decisions. And that decision was to get a dog the moment he moves into his dorm. It took him 2 weeks to get settled in with his belongings and getting familiar with his classes around campus but after that he was heading towards the nearest pet shelter he could find.
And here we enter Hobie Brown! He works at the local pet shelter which houses all sorts of abandoned and neglected pets. From your typical cats and dogs to reptiles, birds, and even fishes, Hobie is there to take care of them all! And on the weekends he playing with his band mates.
Anyway Cue Miles entering the pet shelter and he's immediately greeted with the site of Hobie. They make brief eye contact and Miles freezes in place lost in thought *Damn, I was not expecting to see someone so fucking cool and hot today oh my gosh get it together you're here for a dog you're here for a dog you're here for a-*
"You know usually people tend to rush straight to the pups and ignore me but with the way your staring at me right now I can't say I'm complaining. your face is the same shade as the pups little red rockets back there" Hobie snickers
"Bro WHAT!?" Miles yelled in utter shock. He was NOT prepared for any amount of what was said to him in that moment. "What- I mean- like man- that was the wildest response I've ever-" He stops rambling to gain his composure back. "Look man, I came in here hoping to adopt a dog, can you help me or what?"
Hobie looks at Miles with amusement in his eyes "Sure thing love, straight to the back we go!"
And that was Hobies and Miles first interaction at the pet shelter.
Back to the p o i n t!!!
This is basically a college Miles and pet shop worker Hobie (except its a shelter) AU merged into one. Basically Miles visits the shelter every week looking for a dog to adopt and Hobie shows him around. With each visit Miles begins to learn more about Hobie and his relationship with the animals at the shelter. Like how Hobie absolutely adores this grey African parrot that was left in the cage on the street. Its feathers are sparse and sheds but it loves to mimic Hobies Cockney accent.
Eventually Miles adopts a cute senior black Labrador named Orca due to the white and gray furs around her eyes. Even after getting his dog he still visits the shelter between classes to talk to Hobie.
So like yeah in order to keep this short before I literally write the first fucking chapter of this AU on here.
Miles is in college and develops feelings for Hobie while he helps him adopt a dog. They hang out sometime later and Eventually BOOM they're boyfriends :D
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
can I request some Gigi and Grayson hcs? (Not sure if that’s been done yet!)
gigi and grayson head canons
yesss, i absolutely love them. i hope we get to see them interact in tgg. @catapparently helped me with this one. like i've said in three of my other posts, i'm currently dying bc of my cramps so might be a little crappy, but i hope you like them<3.
gigi thinks grayson should loosen up and wear less suits so she buys him speedos.
they both talk about their favorite romance books bc gigi is clearly a reader and gray is secretly a hopeless romantic.
grayson gave gigi one of his credit cards for plushies and books
gigi regularly drags grayson out to amusement parks, arcades, and stuff. gray wins her stuff and she makes him eat corn dogs.
gigi dared grayson to put on a fluffy pink tutu and bows and twirl around the street
gigi talks shit about her crappy ex-boyfriends/crushes and grayson just sits there wondering why his sister has such horrible taste in men
they are both planning duncan's (sav's shitty bf) take down
gigi buys grayson flowers and takes one out of the bouquet and puts it behind his ear.
gigi, before she met lyra, made grayson a tinder account bc she thought he needed a gf.
gigi teaches grayson how to ride a bike (this dude didn't learn bc he always had someone to drive him places). he fell so many times, that grayson banged his head and ended up getting a concussion.
she takes videos of him and posts them on her tiktok bc her fans eat it up
gigi invited grayson to her prom (i think she's a year younger than avery so that means she hasn't had prom yet) and made him dance to the slow songs with her.
when gigi thinks grayson is overworking himself, she'll jump on him and start tickling him. she won't stop until he promises he's gonna stop.
grayson is the only one gigi feels comfortable venting to. she doesn't like worrying her sister with her problems, so sometimes she'll sneak into gray's room late at night and just talk to him about how much she hates having to pretend to be happy all the time.
although gigi never met emily, she absolutely hates her with a passion. grayson doesn't really like it when she talks shit about her, but knows what she's saying is true.
gigi has an obsession with grayson's baby pictures. she's literally asked everyone she knows if they have any, and has literally stolen phones to look at their camera roles to check for pictures.
gigi loves spying on people for absolutely no reason and will drag grayson along with her.
gigi has tried to cook food for grayson before but she ended up giving him food poisoning instead.
when gigi is feeling down, she'll get grayson to give her a hug bc, according to her, he gives the best hugs.
when she goes out with her friends to the mall, she drags grayson along to carry their bags
grayson only really laughs around her bc he finds her hilarious.
grayson literally hates slate (potential love interest for gigi, might not be one) (or any future boyfriends she might have), and will spy on her dates. he'll head to the restaurant they're eating at and hide behind menus and stuff.
gigi buys him clothes (other than suits) that she thinks would suit him. grayson only wears them bc gigi bought them for him (or that's what he tells himself, he actually kind of likes the clothes)
gigi gets xander to teach her how to hack grayson's insta so she can post cat memes on his account.
gigi has an obsession with iced coffees and milkshakes (overly sweet ones) and always gets grayson to have one when they go out even though he hates it with his entire being.
gigi practices her makeup on him. gigi always makes him keep it on so she can admire her hard work. sometimes grayson will show up at the family dinners with a full face of makeup.
gigi teaches grayson how to knit bc she loves it and wants to have someone to knit with
gigi loves reading romance books out loud. sometimes she'll be hanging out with grayson and just start reading the smut scenes out loud. grayson gets so uncomfortable, he turns red.
when she wants to take grayson out to the mall with her but he says no, she'll grab him by the ear and drag him out despite his protests.
gigi loves basic chocolate chip cookies, so grayson gets libby to teach him how to bake cookies, and he starts surprising her with some every once in a while.
gigi will get up really early and hide in grayson's closet so she can scare him when he gets up to get dressed.
gigi made grayson dress up as a tampon for halloween.
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vivicheri · 1 year
Can I get Toki with a reader who keeps a herd of bunnies as pets?
Yes! I’ll take a prompt! Sorry if it’s not great, but I tried my best! 🫶🏻
“Bunny Love”
Toki Wartooth (Metalocalypse) x Reader
You always loved bunnies. They were soft, cuddly, and something to pet whenever you were watching a horror movie, going through tough times, or just wanted a friend. Dogs and cats were too much to deal with, you quickly learned. From being dragged across the street by a big dog that you were supposed to be walking, to a cat who scratches you whenever you leave yourself vulnerable. In short, you’re definitely a bunny person.
Although Toki loved cats, there was something about bunnies that he definitely enjoyed. Seeing the little puffs of fur munching on carrots, nibbling on fingers, or even just thumping when they’re upset made Toki feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
You were sitting in Toki’s room, a usual part of your daily routine, and you had brought some of your bunnies with you. Toki was sitting beside you, his arm wrapped around your shoulder. His eyes fixated on yours, a bubbly expression on his face.
“Y/n, cans I sees the bunnies nows?” He asks excitedly, trying to maintain his jittery feelings. He gives you his famous puppy dog eyes, and it’s become increasingly difficult to say no to them.
You hum happily and nod your head.
“Yes, but be careful! Not that I have to worry.” You giggle, giving him a reassuring smile. He returns the look and you go get the bunny cage, where three different bunnies were sitting in there.
You could see the guitarists face light up with joy and adoration as he gets a good look at the cute little rabbits.
“Wowee, these ams ones of the cutests animal I have evers seen!” He says, in his sweet yet simple broken English. No matter how many times people corrected his grammar, he was proud of himself that he got himself this far. Toki opens the cage once it’s on the bed, and one of the bunnies hops onto his lap, rubbing its head across his hand.
You and Toki stay perfectly still, but you can tell that the brunette was enjoying every moment. It looked almost as though his heart was swelling to epic proportions, since he just made a new rabbit pal.
“Awww, you’re a natural!” You compliment him, and his cheeks turn red as he beams at you.
“Thanks you!” He whispers, being extra careful to not spook the rabbit. The other two stumble out of the cage, and lucky for you, you always carry treats. You pull out a few small carrots and the bunnies immediately draw to you, sniffing around for the tasty snack. Toki watches as you feed the bunnies, and he wants to try it too.
“Toki, do you wanna try feeding them?”
Toki nods eagerly.
You chuckle, and you move closer to him on the bed. You give him the carrot, and you guide his hand movements using your fingers, it being a rather intimate moment. A tint of pink spreads across both of your faces, and neither of you attempt to hide it. He can’t keep his eyes off of you or the bunnies, his gaze often darting between the two conduits of attraction. He slowly inches his hand towards the bunnies, and they sniff carefully, their noses twitching.
Toki’s hand is shaky without your help, but once they start eating from his hand, it’s like he becomes pure stone. Nothing could ruin this moment, and he would kill anybody who tried. You are very amused and entertained, as the bunnies are waddling all around the blankets, some moving to his lap.
This was one of the best days of Toki’s life, and it’s all thanks to you. After the bunnies are back in the cage, he rewards your patience with a big hug.
“Thanks you for letting mes play with de bunnies! It ams very funs!” You smile back, planting a gentle kiss on his forehead.
“It was worth it.”
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ladyescapism · 1 year
fractured bonds - part 2
summary: Rhys' little sister has always been nothing but loyal to her brother and court. however, the cauldron chooses the most inconvenient male as her mate: Eris Vanserra. will Ryn accept the heir of autumn as her mate? will her family?
a/n: Here is part 2 of my Eris and Rhys' little sister (Ryn) fic. This chapter covers the High Lords meeting in ACOWAR. There isn't any spice or real interaction between the two, yet anyways. my semester is coming to an end, so I will be able to write more, I hope.
part 1 -- part 3
warnings: none, I think
wc: 1,600
It had been weeks since she’d learned Eris was her mate. 
Sometimes hours would pass, and she would not think of him. But the slightest things would set off any memory Ryn had of Eris. 
She was reading a book after lunch, legs tucked beside her, side pressed against the arm of the sofa, when the book she was reading mentioned the “crisp autumn air” and she could no longer focus. It was a common occurrence these days. A fire would crackle, a dog would bark, or a child with red hair would run past her on the street. She was going to cut down the stupid red maple that was planted by her window soon. 
The High Lord’s meeting was all she could think of. Even after battling alongside Cassian in Adraita, she was preoccupied with seeing Eris. 
A war is upon us, she scolded to herself, and all you can think of is Eris of all people. 
He was her mate, she remembered. It was her instincts driving her to think of him, to want to be near him. It was the mate bond that had her dreaming of him. Dreaming of the night at the Court of Nightmares…
Cassian plopping down next to her, barely missing smashing her toes, and shook her out of her trance. He let out a long breath. 
“How have you been, kiddo?” 
Ryn looked into his warm brown eyes. She knew Cassian would listen to her. He was the one she talked to about crushes, friend drama, and he was the only one that knew how she felt about certain things in her life. Despite all that, he would not react well to her mating bond. 
“I’m about as well as I can be, I suppose.” 
“Adratia was tough.” 
“We got through, though,” Cassian said to her. She swung her legs to the floor and repositioned so that Cassian could pull her smaller frame under his arm. “We always get through.” 
He leaned into him, savoring the warmth of him. 
“Has something been up with you lately,” he asked, chest rumbling as he spoke. “Ever since the Court of Nightmares, you’ve been acting weird.” 
“Just the stress of everything going on and about to go on, that’s all.” 
Cassian could always tell when she was lying. But he would have to see her face. He didn’t move to look at her, so he just hummed in response. 
So they laid there, like they had so many times over the years. It would be the last time they would have the time for a while. 
A dog was barking outside. Eris liked dogs, she remembered. He had mythical hounds that were incredible trackers, she heard. She liked dogs, though she had kept the company of more than a few cats over the years, never a dog. 
She let the safety and warmth of Cassian’s embrace lull her to sleep before he could ask any more questions that she could not answer. 
Gods damn, Ryn thought as she looked in the full-length mirror. I look good. 
The dark blue velvet hugged her hips, nipped her waist, and the built-in corseted top accentuated her breasts and lifted them, without showing too much either. Ryn was thankful for her figure. She had full breasts and hips, and a slender waist from training. Thankfully, she was fully supported, with sturdy straps helping keep everything together. The neckline of the dress offset her broad shoulders, an aspect of her physical appearance she didn’t love. 
She paired the dress with matching blue velvet gloves, and a coordinating set of dainty sapphire and diamond jewelry. The earrings were simple in order to give the diamond collar its proper shine. When she saw it in the market, she knew she just had to have it. 
“Ryn, today, please,” Rhys called up the stairs. 
Without dignifying him with a response, she scooped up her shoes and with one last check of her lipstick, she made her way downstairs. 
Everyone was waiting on her, it seemed. 
Mor was in black. Unusual for her, but her nails were still polished red. Nesta was stunning in blue, like herself. And Feyre. 
Feyre was in one of her mother’s dresses. 
She felt a pang of jealousy looking at Feyre in the glittering gown, looking like it was made to fit her. And the diadem across her head, coordinating to Rhys’. From the family collection. 
Ryn didn’t look at her brother as she passed him to sit on the sofa to fix her shoes. 
The conversation passed around her. She couldn’t hear the conversation over the roaring in her ears. A petty jealousy.
 The trousseau was always for Rhys’ wife, she tried to remind herself. Not having one of her mother’s pieces was a point of contention between her and Rhys for centuries. 
She heard Nesta say something, probably to Cassian. She lifted her head in time to catch him say, “Next time, I’ll come say hello, Emissary.” 
Azriel offered her a hand as she stood from the couch, and as she turned to face the rest of the group. 
“You look beautiful, Kathryn,” Azriel told her. 
She gave Azriel a light smack on the shoulder for the use of her full name. 
“Yes, Ryn,” Feyre added. “You look amazing! Is that one of your mother’s dresses?” 
“Thank you, Az, and Feyre,” she glanced at Rhys for a brief second. “No, it is not.” 
After winnowing arrangements were made, they all went to the Dawn Court. 
After a fun few minutes of ribbing Rhys for not having his homes as well decorated as Thesean’s, they all found their way into the meeting room. Mor ran off to talk with Vivienne, and she felt her bother come to her side. 
“Are you mad about the dress?” 
“No,” she said too quickly. 
“Ryn,” Rhys started. 
“No,” she cut him off, turning to look at him. “I’m not mad. It’s fine. She looks great. Let’s get through this meeting with all our heads and we can fight about this again later.” 
“So, you are mad,” Rhys affirmed. 
“It is not important Rhys,” she sighed. “They are just dresses.” 
Just as Rhys was about to argue with her more, Helion came over and distracted him. Ryn fell into her usual position in the court. A quiet observer. 
While Azriel was the spymaster, she was good at watching people. Az and Ryn had a deal on how to handle situations like this. Az was to watch the outside: find the servant lurking in an antechamber, listen to the footsteps in the hall, and spies by the windows. 
Her job was the people in the room. She watches for body language that suggests that they are nervous or lying. That they’re being just a little to cocky. Decern what is real and what is a show to fake her out. Analyze what people say, their word choices so she can tell if they are hiding a second meaning to trick her with later. Not only was this a useful skill in these situations, once she learned a person’s tells, she could bleed them dry at poker. 
Beron arrived with his family. With Eris. 
Ryn could feel the tension in her neck. Every nerve fired, driving her to look at him. Look at his handsome face. 
But she could not, would not, look at him. She willed herself to look at everyone who spoke. But not him. 
She was panting. She could feel her chest shift faster and faster. Partly from the torture of not letting herself look at Eris, but all of that went away as she heard Rhys explain his time under the mountain again. She heard in the foyer. But seeing her bother, her strong, stubborn, proud big brother be forced to tell this story to win allies nearly killed her. 
Eris was a second thought as Beron began to insult Rhys. 
Blue eyes finally met brown. 
For one second, just for him, she let the tears well, let the emotion through.
“Father,” Eris said snapped softly, never daring to scold his own father. 
Beron huffed but shut up. 
Ryn was failing at her job. She could hear when people spoke, but it was as if she were underwater. She turned her attention to the people that spoke, not letting anyone guess at her despondence. 
The blur of a leather-cased body caught her attention as Azriel lunged across the table at Eris. 
Ryn felt her body rise it her seat. Who she would defend, she did not know. Would she stop Azriel, her brother in many ways for centuries to save the callous, cruel male who had just called her cousin a slut? 
She felt the bile rising in her throat. She fact that she no longer knew who she would defend in an instance was incomprehensible. 
The only steading force was Cassian’s hand on her elbow, bringing her back to her seat. And the only thing that took her attention form Azriel trying to strangle Eris was Feyre’s glittering form oh so perfectlydeescalating the situation. 
She no longer reacted to anything. Not the insults being spewed, not Feyre attacking Beron. She was in a trance. 
Ryn questioned everything. Her loyalty to her family, her morals, right done to the very core of her being. How could she be mated to Eris? If he was her equal, then she must be just as bad as him, right? 
She silently followed Rhys and Feyre back to their rooms, ignoring Cassian’s concerned glances her way. She politely greeted Helion, but remined silent. She let Feyre insult and berate him for not defending the Lady of Autumn. She could care less in that moment if she screwed up any alliances. 
Azriel was as quite as ever, watching Helion and Mor get close. She didn’t ask after her cousin when she left with the High Lord. And it wasn’t the sounds of them fucking that kept her up all night. 
Ryn laid awake that night and questioned everything. 
Tag list:
All works:
@feysandzoyalailover @fanfictioniseverything @humanpersonlasttimeichecked @marina468 @singhillada
Fractured bonds:
@a-mexican-waffle @cafe-inaaa @feiwelinchen @theviewfromtheotherside
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Frankenweenie (2012, Tim Burton)
Frankenweenie is a 2012 animated film directed by Tim Burton.
The film is the stop motion adaptation of the short film of the same name made by Burton himself in 1984, clearly inspired by the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.
The film was nominated for the 2013 Academy Awards as best animated film.
In 1971 Victor Frankenstein, a boy passionate about cinematography and science, lives in the monotonous town of New Holland with his parents Edward and Susan and his little dog Sparky. Victor's talents are observed at school by his classmates: the neighbor Elsa Van Helsinge (niece of the sour Mayor Bergermeister), the hunchbacked boy Edgar, the obese and naive Bob, the pretentious Japanese boy Toshiaki, the sinister Nassor and a very strange blonde girl called Weird Girl, who owns a cat called "Mr. Whiskers". Victor, however, has little contact with them, being too busy with Sparky: Victor's father then encourages his son to join the baseball team to make new friends and to practice a sport; at the game, Victor manages to hit a splendid home run but Sparky, chasing the ball down the street, is hit by a car and dies before Victor's eyes.
But then, inspired by the galvanic experiments of the science teacher Mr. Rzykruski, Victor digs up the little dog from the pet cemetery and takes him to his improvised laboratory in the attic; he manages to revive the dog using the electricity of lightning. The following day, however, Sparky leaves the attic to chase Mr. Whiskers, causing some damage in the neighborhood until he is noticed by Edgar, who asks Victor to teach him how to resurrect the dead and threatens him to reveal his secret to everyone if he doesn't. In order to keep Sparly's existence hidden, Victor agrees and the two revive a goldfish, which inexplicably becomes invisible.
Learning about Edgar's invisible fish, Toshiaki and Bob fear that they won't be able to win the science competition at the annual fair, and so Toshiaki tries to make Bob fly with a rudimentary jetpack improvised with bottles of fizzy drink, but fails and Bob falls from the roof, breaking his arm.
The group then decides to carry out resuscitations separately: Edgar prepares to resuscitate a dead rat found in the garbage, Nassor his mummified hamster "Colossus", Toshiaki his dead turtle Shelley, Bob an expired package of Sea Monkeys and Weird Girl a dead bat. After electrocuting the bodies, the kids involuntarily transform the dead animals into monsters due to their feelings of competition: Edgar's rat becomes a wererat, Shelley an enormous Gamera-like monster, Bob's Sea Monkeys become little monsters amphibians similar to Gremlins and Mr Whiskers, who held Weird Girl's bat in his mouth while it was electrified, a monstrous vampire cat.
After finding Sparky near his tombstone in the animal cemetery, Victor sees the monsters attacking the fair and runs to help his companions: the Sea Monkeys explode by eating very salty popcorn, Colossus is crushed by Shelley, while she and the Wererat turns back into a corpse after being electrocuted again. In the general chaos, Elsa's poodle, Persephone, is captured by Mr Whiskers and transported to the city windmill.
The citizens, feeling pity for the dog's death, decide to reward Sparky for his courage by connecting his electrodes to the batteries of their cars to revive him again.
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thelittlewaffle · 11 months
Safe cartoons and channels on YouTube to watch while little <3
(I'm sorry for any trouble with links :( I'm new to tumblr and couldn't get them to be cute and work how i wanted!!)
First cartoons on YouTube!
This is a long playlist. 2 rabbit siblings having fun and learning together! Very cute art and very peaceful.
This is playlist. The backyarigans!! Another classic, neighbor kids get together and imagine wild and fun stories.
This is a whole channel. Blues clues! A cute puppy who has lots of love to share!! He solves mysteries and helps friends.
This is a whole channel.. Sesame street! I'm confident you've probably watched or heard of Sesame street but if you go to the "channels" tab you can find any different languages!. Its an enjoyable show about a little guy hanging out with cool people :DD
This is a long playlist. Kipper the dog!! A wonderful cartoon about a puppy <3 its super cute and simple easy to follow.
♡ Now non-cartoons! ♡
An og minecraft youtuber! She makes wholesome minecraft content my favorite of hers being "dog craft!" :>
Blippy! He's perfect for younger regressers. He's kind and energetic!
And because, I kinda have to, grian! My favorite personality. Great for *ANY* age!
Thats the end of the list! Please give suggestions if you have any <3
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sweet-child · 1 year
a device containing gunpowder and other combustible chemicals that causes a spectacular explosion when ignited, used typically for display or in celebrations
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In which we see what it is like at the L/n house during the Fourth of July
Pairing - N/A
Word Count: 834
A/n - Happy Fourth of July!
"Bon Appétit" · • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
“Hey Dallas, can you light this for me?” 
It was the fourth of July, Y/n’s favorite holiday. Watching fireworks, lighting sparklers, lighting the black-cats in the street and watching them explode, making loud popping sounds and putting black marks in the road. For them, it wasn’t just about the day the United States passed the Declaration of Independence. It was about the memories made by lighting off fireworks with family and friends. Fireworks put a smile on their face, and they were more enthusiastic about the fourth than any other holiday. For them, it was something that they were passionate about, like how some people are with Christmas and Thanksgiving. 
Dallas nodded, and took out his lighter. He lit the punk, to which the friend quickly thanked him for before going over to Ponyboy. The blonde, fourteen year old put a black-cat in the mud, to which Y/n quickly lit and stepped back from. When it exploded, Ponyboy jumped since he wasn't expecting it to go off in the mud, he thought it wouldn’t explode. They laughed, and grabbed the whole pack of black-cats and put them in the street. He steps back as his h/c-haired friend lit them. Getting a few feet away, they watched as the firecrackers exploded with a smile on both of their faces and a gleam in their eyes. Maybe it was the explosions, but for some unfathomable reason they loved the holiday. Quickly, Y/n picked up the trash since there were cars coming around the corner. They waved to the car as the car pulled into the grass to the side of the house. 
Dallas and Steve were standing as they watched from the concrete porch of the L/n house while Johnny sat on the concrete porch. “They really like fireworks, huh?” Steve asked, taking a drag from a cigarette. “Y/n does, that's for sure,” Dallas replied, watching as the two friends started to light a parachute. Johnny nodded in agreement as he got up from sitting on the porch steps. Even though Y/n was about to turn 16, she acted like a child. Always smiling, laughing along to everything, and overly excited about things. The three boys watched as kids ran up and jumped into your arms. You laughed and swung them around before the kids, you, Johnny, and Ponyboy started to light off cherry blossoms. Two-bit then came running down the street, a white bag in his hand. “I brought some more stuff!” 
After a few hours passed, Darrel and D/n had started to try and figure out what they should light first. Of course, Y/n overheard them talking about it so you made your way over to the two. “I got it figured out,” they grinned before explaining, “Fountains, since it's still a bit light out, then artillery shells and cakes. The cakes are the order I want them in. You go from top to bottom, then move over and repeat.” D/n nodded “Thanks kiddo, you’re good at this.” “Learned from the best!” Darry watched as his younger friend walked away, a small smile on his face.
As the kids ran around the yard with sparklers, Y/n watched with a smile on their face. They were at peace. With fountains, and the booms of fireworks going off at other people's houses in the distance. The smell of firework smoke in the air was of comfort, and even though Y/n might get burns due to the punks, they still loved it. Suddenly, they were pushed to the ground by a big, black, and loveable dog. Two more followed behind, also wanting attention. Laughing, Y/n petted their family’s dogs while Sodapop hurriedly walked over to help them up. He extended a hand with a smile, “Here, let me help.” Of course, they weren’t about to deny Soda’s help. They grabbed his hand and he pulled them up. “Thanks, Sodie.” “Yeah no problem,” He paused for a moment “Thanks for inviting me..and the gang, by the way.” Their eyes lit up, more than they have been in the past few hours “Yeah not a big deal! I'm glad you, and the gang, came!” They exclaimed, embracing the boy into a quick hug. “Means alot to me,” Y/n smiled. 
Y/n, the gang, and the 3 dogs were all on a large blanket. It seemed like all of them were staring up at the sky as fireworks of all different colors exploded. All of them watched as the fireworks were launched into the air before exploding, and falling to the ground. Greens, reds, blues, whites, purples, pinks, all sorts of different colors were lighting up the sky and the world around the group. Taking their eyes off the fireworks, Y/n looked to each side of herself with a smile. “Guys?”
The boys turned their attention to their friend, all eager to listen to what their friend had to say. 
“Happy Fourth of July.”
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whumpshaped · 2 years
Chapter 1: Stray dog
Silence Masterlist
tw institutional/normalised pet whump, it/its used as a default for pets, past trauma, defiant whumpee, morally dubious caretaker
It had been days since the first time Rayan had heard the rustling from behind the big, green dumpster. It was in an alley close to his apartment, frequented by many of the strays he'd helped over the years - cats, dogs, you name it. He just loved the little guys, and when he had enough money to spare, he liked to bring them little treats until they trusted him enough that he could bring them to a shelter. He’d even found loving homes for some of them around the neighbourhood, and seeing the scared, sopping wet dogs he had fed from his palm prance around on the streets in a little dog-coat and with a smiling owner… that always warmed his heart.
In that first phase of trying to build trust, he never stuck around to wait and see what came to the bowl, allowing the strays peace and quiet. Some privacy. He knew from experience that was the best way to approach them, especially the cats, and there was a big chance this newest one was a cat. The bowl was always empty by the time he came back, and he was glad to see that his cat-and-dog-safe paste mixture was to the liking of the little critter. It was important to make it into a paste, he’d learned that the hard way. Some of these animals’ teeth were a complete mess, and they couldn’t really eat solids. 
After a week or so, he decided to stay as he presented the mystery animal with yet another bowl full of food and another bowl of clean water. He really hoped it would still come out of hiding despite his presence, at least so he could see what he was dealing with.
"Here, love. I've brought you some food," he said softly, stepping away from the bowl to give it space. He crouched down and waited, eyes surveying the alleyway curiously.
Soon enough, he heard that signature rustling, and something poked its head out from behind the dumpster.
That wasn’t a cat. It wasn’t even a dog.
He watched in astonishment as the thin and dirty little thing crawled out of the shadows and dragged itself over to the bowl, eyeing him warily. Neither of them said a word. Maybe this poor guy hadn't talked to anyone in ages and didn't know what to say. Rayan was simply too stunned to.
It was a pet. An actual pet, the kind that looked awfully similar to people, with a worn, black collar around its neck and an expression that told Rayan it was not happy that he decided to stay.
Rayan had… never seen a pet up close like this before. He had learned about them in school, he had seen some famous, rich people’s pets, he had studied the rules and laws regarding them extensively, wanting to adopt one someday. With all that knowledge neatly tucked into all the crevices in his brain, he should’ve been way more prepared and way less like a kid staring at a monkey in a zoo with their mouth hanging open. 
"Sorry I'm not a dog," it spat, making him snap out of it.
"Oh... no, that's not- If I'd known-"
"You wouldn't have brought me anything. I know."
"No! I would've brought you normal food! On a plate!"
It still seemed full of distrust, probably for good reason. Who knew how other people must've been treating it up until now? Strays were a rare occurrence when it came to pets, and the ones that ran away usually had a damn good reason to. 
Rayan reached towards the bowl, making the other pull it closer protectively, glaring at him. "I'm not trying to- it must be disgusting! Let me bring you real food instead, please."
"Then bring it. I'll finish this by the time you come back."
He sighed and stood up. "Okay. I'll be right back, then."
On his way back to the house, Rayan couldn't help but wonder why the poor pet decided to show itself if it thought a dog would've been more appreciated - to the point where it thought it was risking its only source of food by not being one. It must've heard his voice and knew he was still there, right?
He grabbed a plate and stacked some food onto it from the fridge. He decided to heat up some instant ramen too, hoping the warm soup would help combat the chill. Logically, he should’ve called the Pet Protection Agency to take care of the poor stray. The pet probably knew this. Did it think Rayan was somehow different? If it did, Rayan supposed it was right, because his thoughts were nowhere near the possibility of making that phone call.
The only thing he could think of as a logical explanation was that under all that snark and cynicism, it wanted to be found and cared for. Of course it did. It was a pet, it needed to be cared for. But maybe, because of some odd turn of events, it might’ve wanted to be cared for outside of the system, by someone other than its legal owner. But why? It should’ve been having a blast at its owner’s. The PPA was supposed to ensure a happy life for all pets, right? If it wasn’t having a blast, it should’ve been taken away and given to someone better.
In any case, throwing itself at the mercy of another was most likely easier to bear if it acted like it wasn’t hoping for even a scrap of kindness. Like it already knew it'd be rejected, so there was no way to surprise it.
Rayan was determined to do so anyway. To shock it with just how much he already cared, after days of no-contact and a five-minute encounter.
taglist: @whumpsday @whump-queen @whump-blog @alexkolax @ha-ha-one @hidden-dreamland @looptheloup @batfacedliar-yetagain
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ransprang · 10 months
thank you anon for your ko-fi request <3
if anyone wants a match up like this here is our ko-fi link!
your genshin match up is... AYATO!!!
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How you meet: Ayato had just got out of a stressful meeting with a group of especially corrupt government officials. He had stepped out of the palace, to take a walk on the streets of Inazuma. To walk among the common people, and remind himself what he was fighting for. The world seemed like a dark place after those meetings, when he could see the extent of human cruelty on their faces. Suddenly the shrill wail of a child startled him out of his thoughts. He headed towards the source of the noise and that’s where he found you. You were kneeling by the cutest red-faced little girl trying to calm her down, as she clutched onto your dress sobbing her eyes out. You offered her a handkerchief, trying to understand the source of her worries, your big sister mode activated. Ayato ran over to help, but neither of you could understand much when you realized there was a small scratch on her leg. You pulled out a band-aid and stuck it on, pretending to say a magic spell to drive the pain away. Immediately, the little girl eased her crying. Ayato, enamored by your kindness, perceptiveness and resourcefulness, immediately took a liking to you, his worries for the day receding. You both decided to treat the little girl to some ice cream, and got to know each other better. You learned of his devotion to his people, and his playfulness and couldn’t help but admire him in return. 
Being a very busy man, Ayato likes to find solace in late night conversations with you. He’ll tell you about his duties and the corruption he is fighting, while you crochet. Occasionally he’ll fiddle with the yarn like a cat, as he tells you stories. 
While telling you stories of how commoners are being mistreated by the government, you shed some tears. He gently wipes your tears every time and is moved by the purity of your heart. 
He loves that you would take a bullet for your family and friends since he is regularly going through assassination attempts. Whenever he gets attacked, you both would compete over who would protect who. 
Ayato would be protective of you, he is a family man through and through. Since you are innocent and too nice, he would be worried of bad people taking advantage of your kindness, so he would always keep a close eye on you, through his own presence or his sneaky ninja network. 
You love cats and Ayato loves dogs. Fortunately, neither of you are the type to hate people for pet preferences. You guys would go on cute picnic dates to the dog park, so Ayato can run around with the dogs, while you read with a cat in your lap, enjoying the warm sunshine.
While Ayato can withstand cold temperatures more or less, he still does appreciate it a lot when you give him sweaters or even crochet them for him. More often than not, you end up wearing them when he uses his cryo vision.
When Ayato behaves recklessly you scold and lecture him, he stays calm and patient knowing it comes from a place of love and mommy energy which he respects. 
Ayato loves giving you a role in his big revolution, asking for your help wherever he thinks you can contribute. He likes it when you help him with his cause, and he always makes sure to guide you, and help you whenever you need.
Ayato makes sarcastic jabs and backhand comments on Thoma which always earn a giggle from you, he gives a slight knowing smile from across the room as he continues roast doubling down on the sarcasm.
your cats,
admins sar, san & sav
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cometcrumbss · 1 year
Have an au except I can't write
Okay think about it pjsekai x Infinity Train. Majority of the characters are average passengers or companions maybe except Mafuyu? Idk she COULD be the Amelia but hey, any OTHER character can be her. Also all of them follow VERY similar plotlines to season 2 cause of the whole companion stuff. And Miku is the conductor, I say no other words
- Ichika and Honami can be passengers. I'm not sure about Ichika but Honami is a passenger because she was bullied a lot and didn't know how to deal with it properly. So it's basically her learning how to be brave ig (I NEED to catch up l/n lore)
- Saki and Shiho are their companions. Shiho could be a kinda human but Saki can a cute little dog (or a corgi? hehe) and Shiho is from the school cart
- Maybe some Honasaki or Ichishiho?? Ichisaki, Shihonami and Polyneed works too
-I think Saki and Shiho might go to the real world with Ichika and Honami.
More More Jump!
- Everyone is companion except Haruka.
- Haruka joined the train after ASRUN disbanded
-the rest of the idols, Minori, Airi and Shizuku, are all part of the IDOL cart. They're all humans with some animal like features (Shizuku with cat ears and tail and minori having bunny ears)
- the moment minori saw haruka, she instantly fell in love with her (like in canon) and goes this whole journey of learning everything about her and learning lessons from Haruka about Idol(ing?)
- I think they do say goodbye but idk about Minori.
Vivid Bad Squad
- An and Kohane are passengers while Akito and Toya are companions
- Vbs kinda follows the premise of season 4, except An and Kohane didn't have the same numbers on their hand.
- Akito and Toya are from the street cart. MEIKO and Len are also there. Like in Canon, they both want to surpass RAD WEEKEND except Ken is different ig?
-Akitoya has their plot where they're actually rivals as they both want to surpass alone but they realize that they work really well together and in the end, they become partners
- An and Kohane actually meet from akitoya and similarly realize that work together well too and then pull a Ryan and Min gi thing where, in the real world, they're singing partners who travel across the world!
Wonderland x Showtime
- rui and nene are passengers while emu and tsukasa are companions
- ruinene were never close and actually had a pretty broken relationship
- rui was too insecure of himself and had low self esteem while nene couldn't hold long term friendships and just pushed people away a lot (rui being a victim unfortunately) and now the train brought them together to fix it
- tsukasa and emu are from the theme park cart along with Saki. They join them to bring some positivity and the four may or may not got way to attached to one another
- the four actually do get out of the train and become a theater troupe!
-I've realized that this sounds polysho, I don't ship it personally (I see queerplatonically tho 👀) you can interpret it as that :)
Nightcord at 25:00
- all of them are passengersbut separate and only meet after the train, their companion is kaito (kanamafu) cause that's funny and rin (mizuena)
- I don't really need to explain how they got into the train but Mafuyu has been in the train longer than anybody else and also has the longest number than anybody in project sekai does
- Kanade, despite being a passenger, does everything she can to save her, and unironically, it helps her.
- Mizuena has their own plot. Their relationship is similar to Canon except that Mizuki actually told Ena everything which got her out the train but Ena was still stuck
- Mizuki still stayed, and the two had to struggle with ups and downs of their numbers the most
- thankfully, they both left the train together and altogether, kanamafu and mizuena met through nightcord, creating the music group we know today
Lmao, sorry for rambling all of this, it's just fun merging your two favorite things together, I know the show is cancelled and all but prayers for the movie or season 5 🙏
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