#leana cousland
icharchivist · 3 months
I'd definitely love to see the character you create
all my screenshots are on my harddrive so i can really access only to them
and also yeah the designs look similar enough lmao i'll def try to do different things next time. maybe.
Dragon Age: Origins
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Kurai Mahariel, a Warrior Dalish Elf who romanced Alistair. Headstrong but gentle, she took into her new job as the Warden diligently, head standing high as the remembered her people back home.
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Laven Tabris, a Rogue City Elf who romanced Zevran. Cocky and impulsive, her circumstances made her more abrasive and she won't hesitate to intimidate people rather than taking the peaceful route. Punch first ask question later type.
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Lyra Amell, a Circle Mage Human who romanced Leliana. Teasing and calculating, she approaches most situations lightly, going at the beat of her own drums, unless it is about magic where she takes the severity of everything very seriously.
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Ellaria Cousland, a Human Noble Apostate. (i used a mod to make it possible), who romanced Alistair. Ngl i did this specifically because i kept hearing the Cousland and Alistair's romance was so good. And i hated every second of it LDKJFKDLFJ Ellaria came out as extremely ruthless and angry, bloodthirsty in her revenge. She doesn't care much for what is at hand as long as she can screw over the people who screwed HER family over.
They're all about 20yo.
Dragon Age 2
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Mara Hawke, A Human Rogue who romanced Anders, Diplomatic Personality. Trying to do everything to keep her little sister safe, she involved herself with the mage rebellion trying to navigate every situation analysing how much she needs to nudge people in the right direction. However she will be cutthroat and not tolerate it if people try to use her. Let's say one of the final choice of the game didn't go well with her temperament.
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Ariel Hawke, A Human Apostate Mage who romanced Fenris, Charismatic Personality. As the illegal mage, Ariel takes everything lightly in order to lay low. Invested in the Mage Resistance still and really caring for her friends, she still puts her family first even if there's tension with her brother. Personification of "if i make jokes through a bad situation at least this would turn into a joke."
I replayed Ariel many time lmao both are 22 when the plot starts.
Dragon Age: Inquisition
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Leana Trevelyan, Ex-Circle Mage & Human Noble who romanced Cullen. Careful and Anxious, the whole burden of having to lead the Inquisition is just one alarm after the other to her. basically *screaming inside* type of person.
She's 28 at the beginning of the game. I replayed this route a few times.
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Ithena Lavellan, Mage Dalish Elf and Ex Apprentice Keeper, who romanced Solas. As an apprentice to the Keeper she always tried to stay level headed and trying to approach every situation with wisdom and curiosity and also a huge respect for her culture. She wears the Vallaslin of Mythal as a reminder of being understanding but also Just.
She's 30 at the beginning of the game. I keep replaying this route lmao.
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Renan Lavellan, Mage Dalish Elf and Ex Apprentice Keeper, who i was planning to romance either Dorian or Cassandra with, but i didn't go far into this specific playthrough. I don't really know the grasp i have on his personality because of that. Probably teasing and Charismatic considering who i decided he should date but mhmmmmm i'll see if i ever continue this playthrough. IDK his bday but since Dorian is 29 and Cassandra 36 i'll probably have him stand in the middle until i sort my things out
Other Things
And that's my characters for ya 🫡 in term of beliefs i keep choosing my own morality level lmao, so it's still mostly Pro-Mage/Pro-Elves and all sort of things like that.
Also i heavily use mods, esp for the haircuts, so don't worry about it.
My Main Timeline when i go into DAI is Lyra as the Warden and Ariel as the Hawke, but i've planned for my first DA4 playthrough to use as a background Laven, Ariel, and Ithena.
so yeah 🫡 the more u know!
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needlesslycryptic · 4 years
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Leana Cousland, commission for the awesome @debbyalo!
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debinthedas · 3 years
My Dragon Age OCs Aesthetics
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ib-gomes · 6 years
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Two commissions I made for an actual angel on earth @debbyalo! The first one is her Inquisitor Dejanira Lavellan and de second one, her Queen of Ferelden, Leana Cousland! As I’ve already said, thank you so much for commissioning me and for being one of the most wonderful person I’ve had the pleasure to meet and work with.
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roguelioness · 7 years
Roguelioness Writes Masterpost
DAI NPC One-shots
Refugee Hunter
Hyndel Sr.
Widow Maura
One-eyed Jimmy
Redcliffe Storyteller
Scout Liesel
Enchanter Ellendra
Lord Berand
Elven Widower
Farmer’s Market Solas [Solas x Neria Lavellan] [NSFW]
Apples - Fruit has never quite looked so appealing before.
Strawberries - Daydreaming during a dinner date.
Oranges - Breakfast the morning after.
Pomegranate - Reshaping old memories into better ones.
Bananas - A helping hand... in more ways than one.
Grapes - Making things better after some unkind gossip.
Peaches - A vacation at the beach turns to more.
Mangoes - A gift from a friend offers a new shared experience.
Melons - Distraction has never felt better.
Apple Pie - Baking together has its advantages.
Random One-Shots
Clambering [slightly NSFW] - The reader goes rock climbing with Cullem
Still - Lavellan knows why she loves the Dread Wolf.
Bellanaris - He will not settle for ephemeral when he desires eternity.
Epicure - Lavellan doesn’t share food.
Dreaded - she would become the monster he hunted to keep him safe.
Sustenance - His dreams were torture, but they kept him going.
Recall - The Inquisitor keeps notes on all her companions.
Moving On - Lavellan searches for love after Solas breaks her heart.
Deliverance - The growth of Cullen, Templar, Knight-Captain, Commander of the Inquisition.
Perseverance - Lavellan does not shatter when Solas leaves.
Solace Sought - He kept his promise, but he paid too high a price.
Love Still Kept Open - Solas gives Lavellan the strength to keep her promise.
Vengeance - [Dark AU] Solas wants revenge for Lavellan.
Bitter, Sweet [NSFW] - A collab with @tel-abelas-mofo! Solas cannot resist Lavellan, even when he tries.
Moo-ving Shenanigans - Bull is drunk, and thinks Krem is dead [light-hearted!]
Fear - She thought she knew what lurked in the dark, but she was wrong.
Vacillation - Varric debates whether or not the Inquisition needs Hawke.
The Beginning of the End - Solas and Leana deal with the news of Mythal’s death.
The huntress and the enchanter - a non-canon fairy tale AU of Solas and Lavellan.
Once Upon A Dream - Lavellan can’t stop thinking about Solas (a gift for @designfailure56)
Linarel Laimelin
Giving In - Linarel and Minaeve’s escapade is discovered by Solas. [NSFW]
Burn - Solas fights his attraction for the Dalish outcast.
Scars - Linarel tells Solas about her past.
A Rogue’s Finesse [Daniella “Dani” Trevelyan] [Clumsquisitor]
Chapter 1 - Before The Inquisition
Chapter 2 - Haven
Chapter 3 - The Hinterlands
Fictober 2018 Masterpost
Vanessa Cousland x Alistair [canon and non-canon]
Divergence [Post- Landsmeet] - Alistair and Vanessa must live with their decisions.
Break Faith With Me - Vanessa is furious with Anora, and isn’t afraid to let the Queen know.
Not So Sneaky [College AU] - Alistair can’t quite hide his eavesdropping.
Sundered - She thought he loved her. Why would he do this?
Falling [Tower of Ismal] - This was where they would die.
Deirdre Hawke x Fenris [canon and non-canon]
Blame - Why was she held responsible for everything?
Blossom - Deirdre can’t help but think about her siblings.
Sweet Defeat [NSFW] - A sparring session becomes quite heated.
Fen’asha Lavellan x Solas [non-canon]
Forget You Had Memories, Lover Mine - Harsh truths and bitter memories.
Spider’s Web - Who is the real enemy?
Neria Lavellan x Solas [canon and non-canon]
In Your Heart Shall Burn - Fen’harel needs one more thing before he can set his plan in motion.
New Lives (Papa! Solas) - Solas anxiously awaits the arrival of his child.
Tangled In Lies - Solas learns the price of deceit.
The Length Of His Shadow - Even when he is not with her, he watches over her.
Ties That Bind [NSFW] - Lavellan entices Solas with the antaam-saar.
Temptation - Solas does not believe himself to be impulsive.
Dread [canon] - He is the monster her people made him out to be.
The Other Side [canon] - He made his choice, and he must live with it.
Bedtime Stories [canon] - Solavellan fluff. 
Chaos [canon] - Neria encounters Solas at the end of Trespasser.
Till Death Do Us Part - There is but one truth he was certain of, and now she is no longer.
The Villains They Play - He was never her enemy, but he cannot see that.
Distractions and Delays [NSFW] - Neria has a meeting with Josephine, but Solas has other plans.
Remorse - She has no place to go to, not even her sanctuary.
Amaryllis Trevelyan x Cullen Rutherford
 Nightmares - Cullen comforts Amaryllis after a nightmare.
Sniffles - Amaryllis is sick, and doesn’t like it one bit.
The Lion, Her Rock - He keeps her grounded when she feels like she’s falling apart.
Heart and Home - She’s worse for wear, but will not wait to get back to him.
Reminders - Amaryllis is reminded of what’s most important to her.
Danielle [Dani] Trevelyan x Iron Bull
Exquisite - He marvels at what their relationship brings.
Megara Tabris x Zevran Aranai
Puissant - Zevran’s target isn’t as easy as he thought.
Krem x Inquisitor 
Shadows In The Spotlight - Krem watches her from the sidelines.
Realization - He wants her, but she belongs to someone else.
Krem x Maryden
Silver Tongues - Krem is fascinated by the minstrel in Haven’s tavern.
For Her - He needs to keep her safe. He must.
A Whole New World Drabbles [Samarra Bayart]
Indulgence [slightly NSFW?] - Solas’ POV from Chapter 27. Eating cake has never sounded more erotic. 
Unfading Desires [NSFW] - spin-off from Chapter 80; Samarra decides to enjoy Fen’harel’s personal chamber the best she can.
Where She Does Walk - Solas talks to Samarra about the choices she is faced with.
Stained Glass Smiles - A snippet of Samarra’s life on Earth.
The First Thing On Her Mind - When she falls, she calls for him.
Errors And Guilt - Samarra’s decision results in a near-fatal mistake.
Seduction [NSFW] - Samarra teases Solas with stockings.
Maybe - Samarra is faced with a man she knows well, but she has to hide it from him.
Tears - Samarra reminisces about her fiance.
Hawke And Co.
Red Herring - Hawke is up to no good, and Varric is along for the ride.
She Has Both Warmth And Flame - Varric is concerned about Bethany’s insistence to accompany Hawke to the Deep Roads.
Impulsive - Hawke confesses her feelings over a beer bottle.
Cognizance - Carver has some revelations about his sister.
Original Works [random]
Sorcha of Asvor [original work] - done for @designfailure56‘s original character.
Pasta Fever [original work] - Crack! fic as a result of a conversation with @kaoruyogi
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debinthedas · 4 years
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The Warden • The Champion • The Herald
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debinthedas · 4 years
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Made a thing..
Templates by marianchurchland.com
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debinthedas · 4 years
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Leana Cousland, Frida Hawke and Dejanira Lavellan created with Artbreeder (and then a little bit edited to add vallaslin,tattoos,freckles, moles. I’ ve even tried to edit Deja ears to make them a little bit elven, but sadly i’m not really good at it).
I had a lot of fun! Good site.
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debinthedas · 4 years
Thank you @caffeinatedrogue for the tag💕
I will not tag anyone, but if you see mine and want to do this feel free to!
3 ships: oh well, all of my OCs with their LI, but currently i'm into Blake Ryder (OC) x Reyes Vidal, Dejanira Lavellan (OC) x Cullen and Leana Cousland (OC) x Alistair Theirin, with a special mention to Frida Hawke (OC) x Fenris
Last Song: Happier, Marsmellow and Bastille
Last Film: i'm more into series in these days, so The Hunting of Bly Manor
Currently Reading: A Column of Fire, by Ken Follett
Currently Watching: nothing just now, but i want to start watching Suburra soon!
Currently consuming: uhm..idk.. nothing in particular?
Currently craving: omg sushi!!! I need it and i can't have it now 😭
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elevanetheirin · 7 years
For the Warden ask: 3, 4, 6 - SassyLavellen
3. Who does your Warden most struggle to get along with? Elevane has a problem with getting along with Morrigan, not because she’s an Apostate but because she just doesn’t understand her their lives are so different. Leana has issues with Oghren, mostly because he’s crude and a drunk and she’s been sheltered for as long as she can remember.4. What, besides their weapon, does your Warden carry with them at all times? They both carry Alistair’s rose, they even take it to Amaranthine with them. They also carry, bandages, Elevane carries a picture of her parents and a journal Ser Gilmore gave her for her birthday. She had gone back to Cousland Castle to get those things after Howe was killed.  Leana just carries a few letters from some of the kids at Kinloch from after she saved the Circle and the regular stuff, lyrium potions, elfroot etc.
6.What is your Warden’s favourite food? Elevane likes cheeses and breads, preferably together. Leana likes to have meat, but not stew, Alistair’s “stew” pretty much put her off of that. She got so little meat in the Circle that she often begs the others to go hunting for rabbit and deer and things but she won’t eat a nug, she just can’t, especially since Leliana got one as a pet, now that’s all she can see when she looks at one.
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elevanetheirin · 7 years
Do you have an ultimate favorite OC?
Thank you for asking! I have 2 if I am honest. They are both DAO OC’s and I would say Elevane Cousland, and Leana Mahariel. I can’t explain why I prefer the DAO oc’s but I do. When I reply DAO I might make them look different but honestly it’s the same people over and over, hey sometimes a girl needs a makeover (I guess guys do too lol)
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elevanetheirin · 8 years
DADrunkwriting Prompt list
The numbers are not in order. I wanted to write floof tonight so it’s all fluff prompts :D Love is in the air with Valentine’s coming up so Fluff sounds like fun! @dadrunkwriting
Fluff Prompts
26.You smell nice 27.I love you more than I ever thought possible 28.I can’t stop thinking about you 29.I don’t think anyone could ever be as lovely as you. 30.I’m pregnant 31.I want to spend my life with you 32.Marry Me 33.I think we should have another. (children) 34.Let’s have a baby 35.In the garden 36.In bed 37.At dinner 38.Will you go to dinner with me 39.I’ve gained weight 40.I can’t stop thinking about you 41.I think I’m in love. 42.Prompter’s choice
Random prompts
43.Because I love you 44.Don’t cry 45.Nothing means more to me than you 46.Of course I care about you 47.Please, don’t leave me 48.I knew this would be trouble 49.Why are you always getting me into these things 50.Don’t yell at me 51.I need you 52.Have you ever thought about… like… us? 53.Love at first sight 54.Why are we fighting? 55. Aren’t we friends? 56. You’re so romantic 57. You’re my best friend 58. You didn’t just say that did you?
Winter fluff Prompts
1. By the fire 2. Our First Valentine's 3. Love is in the Air 4. I think I love you 5. Asking out on a date for the first time 6. Requester’s choice fluff
My OC’s: Angelique Trevelyan, Davhalla Lavellan, Leana Mahariel and Elevane Cousland. You can read about Leana and Elevane Here Angelique’s backstory can be found here 
*Some prompts were taken from the lists posted on dadrunkwriting because I needed some ideas. Thank you to everyone who wrote them :D*
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elevanetheirin · 8 years
"I love you more than anything" - Alistair and whoever you want!
Thank you @roguelioness for the prompt, I think I’ve actually done Alistair with Leana before with this prompt so let’s go with 
Alistair Theirin X Elevane Couslandfor @dadrunkwriting
 Alistair watched Elevane, the firelight dancing across her face making her sapphire eyes sparkle even brighter. He could watch her for hours, days even if given the chance. He couldn’t believe his luck, he’d have never guessed he’d have found happiness after his childhood and love had seemed completely out of the question.
She glanced at him and he quickly looked away, his face reddening. He was glad to have the fire between them so she couldn’t see how embarrassed he was. She made his mind reel, had since the first moment he’d met her in Ostagar. He’d give anything to have Duncan back, anything that is except what he’d found with Ele. If losing Duncan was the price he’d have to pay to have her in his life then he’d pay it a thousand times over. Guilt flitted through his heart but it didn’t stay long, he knew that thought to be the truth even if he’d never speak it out loud. Elevane had given him a reason to go on, she’d taught him more in the few months they’d known each other than anyone ever had his entire life. She’d stood beside him when Eamon and insisted he should be King, she’d supported that decision. It was only Ele who had made him realize just how good a King he could be, how much he could make Fereldan better.  At the Landsmeet when she’d told all the nobles that she would be his Queen he nearly collapsed, at first he thought he had heard wrong. How could this smart, beautiful and capable woman even think about spending her life with him? He was in utter awe of her.
Alistair was lost in his thoughts, deep in his emotions when he looked up and realized Ele was standing in front of him, looking down and smiling at him. He tugged her hand gently bringing her to sit in his lap. Wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his head in her neck he inhaled deeply. She smelled like campfire, and roses, it was an odd combination but he’d always think of her when he smelled either of those things. 
Sighing contentedly into her neck making her giggle, Alistair smiled. 
“You are,” he sighed happily again, “amazing Ele.” softly kissing her neck and extracting another giggle from her, Maker he loved that sound!
“I love you Ali, you know that don’t you? I will always love you. Together we can do anything and I will be by your side until I can no longer stand.” He couldn’t see them but tears were slowly making their way down her face. Elevane was happier than she’d ever been in her life and she’d had a happy life.
“Ele, my darling, I love you more than anything, I will always love you. I am a very lucky man.” He pulled back to look into her lovely eyes, “You are all I have ever dreamed of an more. No man could ever find someone to love as much as I love you.”
As Elevane kissed him quickly on the lips he blurted out “Marry me.”
She froze and looked at him her eyes full of love.
“I mean, I know what you said at the Landsmeet but I want to formally ask you. Elevane Cousland, will you marry me?”
The smile spread across her face and tears filled her eyes again. “Of course I’ll marry you Alistair. Nothing would make me happier.”
Alistair grinned like a fool, “Maker’s Breath! I love you more than anything, have I said that?”
She sat in his lap for hours as the two of them held each other, content being close and for a night worrying about nothing but each other and their love.
:D Awww fluffy fluff :D
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elevanetheirin · 8 years
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Ok, I don’t have screenshots anymore of my other OC’s but here are
Elevane Cousland I think she looks like Ginnifer Goodwin Leana Mahariel I think looks like Debra Messing Angelique Trevelyan I would say looks like Jodi Foster because when I was younger I got that alot. 
The eye colors don’t necessarily match but I did the faces as close as I could. Thanks for tagging me @wickedwitchofthewilds @gugle1980 @ladydracarysao3 @coolasacousland @leanarutherford @alma-enigmatica If you tagged me and I missed you I am really sorry.
I’ll tag @windysuspirations @thornflo @blue-moon-magic @theblackdomino @inner-muse @steampoweredshine @king-theirin @lizardexposer if you’ve already done it, sorry. I tried to tag people whom I don’t remember seeing their face claims. Also, if you dont’ wanna do it that’s cool too. Ohh and also @roguelioness if you haven’t done it yet. You’re not getting away with that :P
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