#lean mass protein powder
proquestnutrition · 10 months
Lean Mass Protein: Your key to building muscle while minimizing fat. Achieve your fitness goals with this high-quality supplement.
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purofitt · 1 year
Mass Gainer
Purofitt Mass Gainer Gold: it is a simple yet effective way to gain weight that also packs and enhance lean get the look you’ve always longed balanced blend of high quality proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins & minerals"
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Healthy Life Nutrition is one of the best online supplement companies in the USA providing high-quality mass gainers. PRO GAINER is a high-protein formula delivering calories that count during recovery. Protein acts as the body's building block and is essential for muscle repair, immune system function, hormone production, skincare, and other body processes. In order to attain If you're looking for a cheap weight gainer powder, then Mass Gainer by Rule 1 is worth a look. We are offering many best mass gainer supplements for you. Visit our official website for more information!
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davenporttf · 11 months
Gaynz: Luke
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Luke was loving the results of the protein powder his best friend, Dillon, gave him. He was working hard at the gym to gain muscle but it was proving to be extremely difficult. Dillon stopped by Luke's place and gave him a new powder he never heard of before called "Gaynz." He said it was the best protein powder out on the market, and it would get him seriously shredded.
Luke prepared his protein shake and headed to the gym. He always saved his shake for after an intense workout to replenish his body with protein. After a killer workout, he slipped out of his gym clothes in the locker room. He chugged the drink and he felt the effects immediately. His veins bulged out of his skin as protein surged through him. His body began to inflate with every pump of blood. Wave after wave, his pecs ballooned with pure muscle. The fat that was giving him such a hard time melted away to reveal an 8-pack. His arms cracked and shifted as his biceps gained mass, and his arms became heavier. His legs became sturdier and his glutes inflated to fill out his boxers.
"Bro! This shit is crazy!" His boy Dillon really came through. He needed to head over to his place to show him. He got into his truck and drove out of the parklot. With his large arms on the wheel driving down the highway, he felt a contraction in his shorts. His boxers were starting to tighten around his ass. "Ughhh, the fuck?!" He felt the material of his boxers began to shift and move up his cheeks. It began to round his dick in the front, and mold into two straps around his ass in the back. With one hand on the wheel, he pulled down his shorts to reveal a hot pink jockstrap where his boxers used to be.
He was dumbfounded, and felt like he was losing grip on reality. He was starting to love the way the jock wrapped around his muscle butt, outlining his best asset when he snapped out of it. "No! This is crazy! I need to find out what Dillon put in this shake." He finally reached Dillon's and pulled into his driveway.
As he turned the car off, he felt a tingle in his dick. He pulled down his shorts to catch sight of his dick shrinking in the jock. He squirmed in his seat from the sensation of his bulge going from a mound to a thimble. He needed to talk to Dillon now. He walked up to his door, the mesh shorts sliding against his bare ass. He knocked on the door, and Dillon answered with a smile on his face.
Luke wasted no time, and pushed Dillon backwards into his house and pinned him against the wall. "The fuck did you give me, bro!!" Dillon chuckled unaffected by Luke's demeanor.
"Let me go and stand at attention." he said calmly. Luke felt himself resisting against his body as he backed away from Dillon. His arms went rigid against his sides and he stood tall in his best friend's living room.
"I see the shake has been working wonders for you, bro. I forgot to tell you that it also makes you super submissive as well."
Luke's guard started to come down as he started liking the idea of being dominated by his best bro. He snapped back again, "No, bro! Wtf! I'm not into dudes!"
The words fell on deaf ears, as Dillon moved closer to Luke. "I want you to be the little bitch I always thought you to be. Take off those shorts, and get on my bed, slut."
Luke's resistance was no match for being called what he truly was. He became filled with lust for such dominating language. He pulled down his shorts, and crawled onto his buddy's bed.
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Dillon pressed himself up against Luke's ass, and started to slap his dick against his cheeks. With every smack of his bro's dick, his thoughts became more and more aligned with that of a pure bottom bitch. His 2" dick didn't needed to be the center of attention anymore, and he only felt the need to be dominated by his best friend.
Dillon dropped a wad of spit onto Luke's revealed hole. The splash against his hole was driving Luke crazy. He leaned further back as Dillon slid his 8" cock into his perfectly round bubble butt. "Ohhhh fuckkkkkk brooo" Luke moaned as Dillon thrusted into him.
"That's right my big slut. You only serve to be my fucktoy." Dillon said in a deep sultry voice while he piledrived Luke's bussy. Luke's reality continued to shift away from his straight fuckboy life to being a perfect muscle stud for his bro to enjoy when he desired.
Luke began to diddle with his tiny cock as Dillon hammered his p-spot over and over again. "Such a good slut. Here comes your reward." Dillon said as he slammed into Luke one final time. Wads of cum shot into Luke filled him with the juices of his master. The sensation sent Luke over the edge and he came into his pink jockstrap.
Luke slowly flipped over onto his back and looked up at Dillon with a small belly bulge from all the cum in his abdomen.
"I'm ready for round 2 when you are, bro." Luke said smiling.
Two stories today for the long wait :)
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Protein Makes the Body Grow Bigger
Suggested by: @bigwishes
The man at the gym promised instant results. The man promised you would grow beyond belief and those promises came true at a cost...
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You used to be a scrawny young man wanting to get big for such a long time. You idolized the strong men you saw on tv.
"I wanna be just like them!" You said thinking it'd be easy.
Quite the contrary it was quite hard. Your entire life had to adapt to the challenge of becoming big and you were not handling it well. That's when HE arrived.
"Hey bro you look like you need help there," It was someone that looked to be a gymbro.
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You politely said no but the gymbro continued to pester you.
"I got the thing just you need bro... Come on...." The gymbro pulled out a container of something called "Big Protein".
"Instant results bro...." The gymbro leaned really close to you and gave a look that almost scared you a bit.
You wanted him to go away so you promptly grabbed the container so he could go away. You opened the container as the smell of protein overcome you. It was quite euphoric, but now's not the time for that. You used the provided scooper to scoop the protein into the bottle you've been using with some milk and shook the contained substance. After a couple seconds you gulped a bit of the protein infused drink ending the experience with an "ah". The gymbro was gone and you were alone in the gym. Then without warning you could feel your body heating up. In seconds you were gaining huge amounts of muscle. The drink worked?!?!?!?
Meaty pecs, large pythons for arms, shredded arms, thick thighs, a manly beard, a hot ass, and thighs to die for along with big hands and feet. You couldn't believe when you lifted your tank top in front of the mirror as a tattoo appeared on your right arm.
You were astounded the drink actually worked. You looked completely different than who you just a minute ago! You looked at the protein container and smirked.
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"You and I are pals now~" Your new deepened voice spoke to the container.
From that day forth you would consume the protein powder at least once a day. You would get mildly bigger and bigger with each consumption. Your clothes were getting hard to fit into, but you managed for now. With that new body you enlisted into bodybuilding competitions to show off to the masses your new physique and you were rocking it just look at you!
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Months passed like this with your new life and your clothes were becoming harder and harder to fit in. An entire pile of ripped clothes began to stockpile all across your living space. The only things that fit were the posers you would use for competitions. That didn't stop you from consuming that entire container of protein was empty and not a crumb was left. At that point it was final the only clothes fitting you were your posers. You looked at the mirror in your room as it set in that this is your wardrobe till the end of your days.
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Even when you tried to stop eating the protein your bulky physique never wavered even when you scarfed down tons of fatty foods if you could even enter any with the strict No shirt no service policy. Competitions were the only place where you felt like you belonged now. This is your life now and there's no going back.
The life you wanted but to an insane degree...
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ashleyloob · 1 year
Hi! Regarding your lifting post, I wanted to ask since I'm a gym newbie. I don't really wanna get 'muscular', just mainly tone up and I've got a lot of weight to lose, but apparently I need a lot of protein (like 190g a day) unless I want my body to consume muscle mass instead of fat. How would you recommend getting close to that protein goal for someone who lives with other people who don't need to eat that much protein and also doesn't have the time to cook two different dishes for each meal? Would protein-high snacks help? Or powder?
Thank you!!!
it's VERY hard to get super muscular unless if you're intentionally working towards that, i.e. pro bodybuilders. don't even worry about it, especially if you're just starting out. that kind of physique takes like 5x a week training with pretty strict diet tracking. saying "i don't wanna lift too hard, I might get too muscular" is like saying "I don't wanna learn piano, I might accidentally compose an entire symphony". it just won't happen unless if it's intentional with the skill & knowledge to do so.
you don't have to absolutely reach your protein goal every day especially if you're just starting out. just focus on increasing the amount of lean healthy protein in your diet, and once you begin to plateau with your gym progress is when you can begin tracking your protein intake more precisely to increase it. I found that hitting only about 80% of my recommended protein goal was still effective for me, so I hover around there. I'm not very strict on my diet since im just a casual.
protein powder is good in smoothies, but it's really not necessary unless if you're struggling with protein intake. it's better to get it in with actual foods. personally I eat a lot of chicken breast/eggs/fish/tofu/various types of beans and lowered my carb intake so that I don't get full as quickly, it gives me more room to eat protein lol. meal prep is also a great option, I reccomend josh cortis on YouTube who specifically makes high protein meals.
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hookedonhuge · 1 year
2Good2B: MASSive MASS Protein Powder
When confronted out the front of the gym by a man offering to sell you a large 2kg bottle of protein powder, you felt stupid forking over the cash. You looked down at the bottle with its ridiculous name: ‘2Good2B: MASSive MASS Protein Powder’. You thought to yourself that there is no chance this will help you at all. But is that really what you thought? You did buy it after all, so you must have thought deep down that there is a small chance this can be the missing ingredient that will finally turn your small, lean body into one bursting with muscle.
The bottle read: ‘Stimulates growth and guaranteed to significantly increase mass within a week’. It read exactly like an overpromising scam, but that didn’t stop you from putting into your protein shake and doing your workout as usual. Your gym session didn’t feel any different, and you didn’t feel any different afterwards either, besides feeling a bit deflated after your questionable purchase.
The next day.
It was hard to get out of bed; your body felt like it was filled with lead. You eventually willed yourself up, as you did every morning, to get ready for your morning jog. Once you were on your feet you noticed the heavy feeling still hadn’t gone away. You must not have slept well last night, you thought. It was when you put on your clothes that you finally realised something was up. Both your shirt and your shorts hugged your body tightly like they ever had before. It couldn’t be, could it?
You were a stud. That’s exactly what you thought as you looked into the mirror, flexing your biceps that now barely fit into your sleeves. It wasn’t just your arms, but your chest, legs and butt were all hugged tightly by your clothes. It felt amazing. You couldn’t wait to test out this new body on your jog, but most of all you couldn’t wait to down more of that protein powder and hit the gym.
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Two days after using the protein powder.
As much as you didn’t want to get your expectations up too high, you were excited to wake up the next morning and see how your body had changed this time. You felt heavy yet again, and this time quite sweaty too. Your first instinct was to reach for your pecs and feel if they had grown bigger. They indeed had grown a little bigger but that wasn’t all. They were hairy! Quite hairy too!
You rushed for the mirror, and what stared back at you was not someone you recognised. You had a beard to go along with your hairy chest. You had hairy arms and legs too; you were hairy all over. You didn’t know what to think, but you weren’t complaining that you felt a little bigger than the day before. If a bit of hair was the only cost for all this mass, then you didn’t mind one bit.
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Three days after using the protein powder.
Hair was not the only side-effect you had to worry about, as when you looked in the mirror that morning you found a soft, hairy belly protruding out in front of you. In a sense, this wasn’t a side-effect as much as it was a part of the main product. You certainly had ‘significantly increased’ your mass overnight. 
This protein powder adventure sure had been a rollercoaster, and you were disappointed it had to end with so much damage having been done to your waistline. 
UUURRRP! Your belch stunk of that dreaded protein powder. Without even thinking you started rubbing that bloated belly of yours. All that gas leaving your stomach made you realise just how hungry you were.
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As you searched your kitchen for something to eat, the cursed bottle of protein powder kept catching your eye. ‘MASSive MASS Protein Powder’. It had truly made you massive. Every time you looked at it your stomach seemed to growl in response. Maybe your protein powder adventure didn’t have to end here. No, what were you thinking, why would you consume anymore of that questionable substance?
However, it was your stomach that won over your mind; you were hungry and it felt like it was the only thing that could truly satisfy your empty stomach. You downed a whole bottle of your protein shake then made another shake for your trip to the gym. You wanted to see if you could find the guy who sold this protein powder and get him to explain himself.
Of course, the man wasn’t there but since you were at the gym it was time to start turning that mass on your belly back into muscle mass.
Four days after using the protein powder.
It seemed that your belly had become your morning alarm, set to wake you up as soon as it felt like it needed to be fed. Boy did it need to be fed too, your stomach felt like a bottomless pit of hunger. You knew you had made a big mistake in continuing to use that protein powder yesterday.
You rolled out of bed, and made your way to assess the latest damage. It was a tough decision to go see your progress over filling up your ravenous belly. Maybe it was pointless to look in the mirror as each loud step gave a clear indicator that the news wasn’t going to be pretty anyway.
Yep, you were even bigger. This time however, instead of the mass going all to your belly, your muscles had exploded with size underneath your soft exterior. You felt the need to capture this moment and snapped a photo of your huge, hairy, beefy body in your tight underwear. No doubt you were going to have to do a complete wardrobe do-over.
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GRROOOOWLL! It was time for your stomach to take over. You stomped off down to the kitchen, this morning determined to end your run with the ‘MASSive MASS Protein Powder’. You filled yourself with as much food as possible to make sure you would have no protein powder cravings. Bacon, eggs, cereal, yoghurt, fruit, more bacon, more eggs; none of it seemed to be enough.
BUUUURRRRPPP! Your roar of a belch made you realise how awful you smelt. With your increasing size you stopped noticing that your body hair was thickening every morning too. Along with it came a permanent, sweaty stink. You lifted up your arm and sniffed your hairy pit in curiosity. Your nasty odour took your breath away. You really had become a giant, smelly beast of a man.
BUUUUUURRRRRRPPPPPP!!! Your burp felt like it completely emptied your stomach and worst of all, it reeked of that horrible protein powder. Now that you had got a whiff of that protein powder again, your mind was hooked on it. Your body knew that only it could end your insatiable hunger.
You gave in. You gave completely. You didn’t stop until the 2kg bottle of protein powder you bought was empty. 
You didn’t know what to do after your feast. Your life had now become nothing but eating and going to the gym, and you had eaten your breakfast already. The only option then seemed to be the gym.
Despite your insecurity about your size and odour, the second you walked into the gym you felt at home. You lifted weights heavier than you had ever dreamed of lifting. Your rank odour soon filled the entire gym but you didn’t care. You just continued lifting weight after weight leaving behind your sticky sweat wherever you went.
After your mammoth workout you hit the showers. As the water rushed over your already soaked body you rested your back against the tiled wall and placed a hand on your belly. You swore you felt your stomach push out against your hand. Then you no longer had to guess, as you could feel your entire body swell up with mass. Belly, chest, arms, legs; they all expanded, encasing the last remnant of your old body in incredible bulk. You had probably at least tripled your old weight by now. 
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You got out of the shower and put on your once baggy shorts, which was the only thing that still fitted you (they didn’t really fit but it was the only clothing left you could manage to wear). 
As you left the gym you caught sight of a familiar man. ‘2Good2B’ it said on his shirt. Huh. You felt like you had something important you wanted to say to this man. Something that felt charged with emotions, yet those emotions weren’t there to harness.
“Wow, look at the size of you!” The man said as he placed his hand on one of your huge arms. “I was going to offer you this ‘MASSive MASS Protein Powder’ but it looks like you might not need it.”
It felt good to have your size recognised and it made you finally feel proud of your humongous body. It feels good to be huge, in fact it’s all you ever dreamt of being. You read the description on the bottle: ‘Stimulates growth and guaranteed to significantly increase mass within a week’. That sounds too good to be true! “I’ll take two!” You said with a beaming smile. “Even big boys like me need to keep growing!” BUUUUUURRRRRPPPPP!
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sushibabe · 1 month
I’m an ex biology major who got bored and did some research about foods that promote fat loss lol. Gonna leave it here in case anyone is interested :)
Foods to Help with Fat Loss:
* Piceatannol: helps stop the growth of immature fat cells; can also help with metabolic disorders.
- Blueberries
- Red and white grapes
- Wine (made from UV irradiated grapes has 1.5% more Piceatannol than other wines)
* Low fat dairy products: high calcium content which is proven to accelerate fat loss/ restrict weight gain. Calcium derived from dairy in particular has a greater effect. Low fat for less calories, but any dairy product works.
- Low fat milk in your Starbucks drinks
- Greek yogurt
- Milk in your eggs, or with breakfast
- Low fat milk in your smoothies
- Etc.
* Whey Protein: reduces lean muscle mass loss during weight loss, but can cause sensitivity in those with lactose intolerance.
- Whey protein shakes
- Whey protein added to a smoothie
- Other whey protein products
- Stay away from high sugar content
* Whole Eggs (add egg whites for higher volume): low in saturated fat; sustainable source of protein when eaten in full rather than just the whites alone, because the yolk takes longer to digest.
- Omelet
- Scrambled
- Air fried on wheat toast
- Boiled with salt and pepper
- Etc.
* Fish Oil: can increase metabolism when taken a few hours before a workout
- Fish oil pills
- Salmon
- Tuna
- Mackerel
- Herring
* Cinnamon: increases metabolism and breakdown of glucose
- On oatmeal
- In your coffee
- On your cereal
- Etc.
* Green Tea: increases metabolism/ glucose breakdown
- Green tea supplements
- Matcha powder
- Hot green tea
- Iced green tea with a tsp of honey
* Chromium: Can improve blood sugar levels; accelerates protein, carbohydrate, and lipid metabolism.
- Broccoli
- Whole wheat products
- Beef
- Apples
- Green beans
*this post is to promote health through food, not starvation. Please do not report. Thank you :)
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proquestnutrition · 1 year
Lean mass gainer
A high-protein, high-calorie supplement to support lean muscle building is Proquest Nutrition's Lean Mass Gainer. The 2:1 ratio of carbohydrates to protein guarantees both more protein per serving and enough energy for intense workouts. Quick post-workout recovery is guaranteed by the 30g of protein per serving from the mix of Whey Protein Isolate and Whey Protein Blend.
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tomboyfriends · 6 months
hey, do you have any advice for women trying to build muscle? I'm specifically looking to build some muscle in my chest.
Ok, so I'm going to be completely honest with you and tell you that I am less than one year into seriously weight training. I am by no means an expert nor am I a health professional. With that in mind, I'll tell you what I know. :) You are free to message me as well if there's anything more you would like to know. It's impossible to cover everything in one post but I will do my best to be helpful. There is quite frankly SO MUCH to learn about growing muscle, but it is doable. If you have a curious and open mind and love to research then those are amazing assets to have because there are always ways to refine your technique and improve diet and rest. These might seem pretty basic so maybe you already know a lot of this (I don't know your experience level so I'm gonna talk as if speaking to a total newbie) but I'll cover what I think is important. Eat lots of protein. Shoot for 0.7-0.8g of protein per pound of lean body mass. If you are already pretty lean you can use your normal weight but if you are obese then you should try to figure out how much of your weight is fat and calculate your lean body mass from there. Protein powders such as whey protein and pea protein are very helpful and can be more affordable than other sources. Some people will say 1g of protein per pound of body weight but honestly it may be a bit overkill. Try to eat your protein not all in one sitting otherwise your body will convert a bunch of it into energy instead of muscle. Have some of your daily protein with each meal instead, you can break it into snacks as well. Train hard, REST HARDER. If you don't rest your body will not be able to create more muscle. Get at least 8 hours nightly, more is probably better. After working out, do not exercise the same muscles you trained for a minimum of 48 hours. Use this time to exercise different muscle groups, or rest. Technique/form >>> lifting heavy. Form is important for safety and to also ensure you are stimulating the targeted muscles instead of inadvertently using other parts of the body to get the work done. Control the eccentric (lengthening the muscle) phase of an exercise by performing it slowly for 1-3 seconds. Concentric (shortening/contracting the muscle) phases can be done explosively and quickly but you must always be in control of the weight and not use momentum to move the weight around. Rest 1-3 minutes (some people say minimum 2 minutes, you can also rest longer if needed) between sets to make both your muscles AND nervous system enough time to recover. STOP THE WORKOUT IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING PAIN/NAUSEA/LIGHTHEADEDNESS/FEELING FAINT/ANYTHING ELSE YOU'RE CONCERNED ABOUT. Some discomfort is okay, but as soon as you feel pain in your muscles or joints or anything else that is serious you have to stop or you may seriously harm yourself. It is important to be in contact with your primary healthcare provider and adapt your workouts to your own specific health needs. BE PATIENT. Women can expect to gain about one pound of muscle per month through weight training. You should not weight train solely for muscle gain, but also for the health benefits in improved cardiovascular health, improved mental health, increased energy and strength, better sleeping habits, and good diet (lots of proteins and veggies). Record the types of exercises you do, how many sets and reps you did, and how much weight you used for those sets and reps. Weight training is built upon the concept of progressive overload, which means increasing training volume (weights * sets * reps) over time, by increasing one (or more) of those variables (so upping the weight, sets, and/or reps). In order to utilize progressive overload effectively, you MUST record your progress so that you are not guessing how much you lifted the last session and end up potentially stunting your progress. When you're putting in this much time and effort you do not want to wing it and waste a workout session. --
Now, you want to build chest muscle. I personally work more on leg and arm muscles but I do work out my entire body. I'm saying this to convey that I am not the most experienced. However, this is what I know. You should try to get around 10 sets of chest exercises weekly to stimulate muscle growth (standard across the board for muscular hypertrophy in any muscle group). You can do more (I do bc I have a lot of free time) but don't burn yourself out, because consistency is arguably the most important factor when it comes to muscle growth. You have to commit for several months and then years. 10 sets of 5-8 reps (repetitions) weekly should cause muscular hypertrophy (muscle growth). You can do all ten sets in one session, or break it down into two sessions where you do five sets each. It all depends on your personal schedule. Start light in order to get accustomed to whichever chest exercises you choose first, and then lift the heaviest you can without breaking form/cheating the rep. It is completely possible to work out your chest muscles without doing bench presses. HOWEVER, in the event that you do bench presses, here are some safety tips. NEVER use clips to secure weights on either side of the barbell when you are performing bench presses without a spotter, otherwise you may become stuck when failing a bench press and will be unable to free yourself because the weights are unable to slide off onto the floor, lightening the bar. Bench pressing without a QUALIFIED spotter (not some gym rando you don't know) is not ideal, however it can be hard to get a spotter so that's why I'm giving you this tip in case you decide to solo bench press anyway. Personally I almost never bench press and opt to use the machines which are much safer to use solo. Personally I use pec/chest fly machines and chest press machines to work out my chest, along with shoulder presses to stimulate part of the upper chest (but of course those are mostly for my shoulders). On youtube there are a bunch of demonstration videos (including by women) so you can look at those if you need more guidance than the instructional stickers on the sides of exercise machines. Remember to get good stretches of the chest muscles under tension on chest fly machines (cable machines are good too) bc that stimulates the muscles a bunch and results in good growth. Incline chest presses are good too. You can use pushups to stimulate muscle growth in the chest, HOWEVER it is not possible to utilize progressive overload using calisthenics (exercises with (little to) no external weights/objects) unless you like... idfk wear a backpack with weight on it or something. So you can use this to grow chest muscle initially, however your growth would end up plateauing after a certain point. If you have any more questions just let me know, again I'm not a pro but I'm glad to help in any way I can. There is so much more I could have added but I hope this post has helped you at least even a little bit. Edit: This ask refused to publish a few times because of how damn long my post was lmao
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healthy444 · 18 days
Can certain foods or supplements help with weight loss?
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Certain foods and supplements can support weight loss, but they aren’t magic solutions. Here’s the scoop:
High-Protein Foods:
Chicken & Fish: Lean meats are great because they provide high-quality protein without too much fat. Fish like salmon also provide omega-3 fatty acids, which can promote fat loss and improve metabolic health.
Tofu & Legumes: These are excellent plant-based protein sources. They help maintain muscle mass during weight loss and keep you full for longer periods.
Fiber-Rich Foods:
Whole Grains: Brown rice, quinoa, and oats are packed with fiber. They take longer to digest, keeping you full and reducing the urge to snack.
Fruits & Veggies: Apples, berries, broccoli, and carrots are low in calories but high in fiber and nutrients. They help maintain steady blood sugar levels, preventing energy crashes and hunger pangs.
Beans: Black beans, lentils, and chickpeas are great for adding bulk to your meals without adding too many calories. They are also high in protein.
Healthy Fats:
Avocados: Rich in monounsaturated fats, they can help regulate appetite hormones.
Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, and pistachios provide a good balance of protein, fiber, and healthy fats, making them perfect for snacks.
Olive Oil: Using olive oil in moderation instead of butter or other fats can support weight loss by providing healthy fats that help with satiety.
Green Tea:
Contains catechins, which may help boost metabolism and increase fat burning, especially during exercise. Drinking a few cups a day can contribute to overall calorie burn.
Water-Rich Foods:
Foods with high water content can help you feel full with fewer calories. They are also generally low in energy density, which means you can eat larger portions without
Green Tea Extract:
This supplement contains concentrated doses of the beneficial compounds in green tea. It’s often used to increase fat oxidation during exercise and enhance metabolic rate.
A natural dietary fiber derived from the root of the konjac plant. It absorbs water and expands in your stomach, making you feel full and reducing calorie intake.
Protein Powder:
Useful for people who struggle to get enough protein through food alone. It helps with muscle repair and growth, which can boost metabolism since muscle tissue burns more calories than fat.
Found in coffee, certain teas, and supplements. It can enhance fat burning and boost metabolic rate in the short term. However, it’s important to consume it in moderation to avoid negative side effects like jitteriness and sleep disturbances.
These beneficial bacteria can improve gut health, which is increasingly recognized as playing a role in weight regulation. Some strains of probiotics may help with weight loss by improving digestion and nutrient absorption.
Key Points to Remember
Balanced Diet: No single food or supplement can replace the benefits of a well-rounded diet. Incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods is essential.
Exercise: Physical activity is crucial for burning calories, building muscle, and improving overall health.
Consistency: Sustainable weight loss comes from long-term changes in diet and lifestyle, not quick fixes.
Medical Advice: Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.
Combining these foods and supplements with a healthy lifestyle can help you achieve and maintain your weight loss goals more effectively.
Note: "Burn Fat 24/7 with This All-Natural Weight Loss Solution!"
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boltnutrition · 2 years
BOLT WHEY PROTEIN ISOLATE is an incredible combination of the isolated protein, PHYCOCYANIN with aid of BCAAs to deliverable 28g of ultra-pure whey protein isolate to help maximize muscle recovery, maintenance, and muscle growth. Zero added sugar in each serving.  
Boosting Muscles Anabolic Performance
Speeds Up Muscle Recovery
Increases Protein Synthesis
Builds Lean Muscles
Help to improve cardiac and immune system
Free from any Amino spiking
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primeweightgain · 2 years
Fast And Simple Weight Gain Tips - Continued Part 2
This article is a continuation of my previous post on weight gain tips. If you missed that here is the link.
Here are 5 more weight gain tips to help you with your weight gain goals.
Weight Gain Tip 6 — Plan Ahead
To see results when gaining weight requires patience. If you are following the correct ways to gain weight healthily then you will see a gradual increase in weight.
You should try eating every 2 to 3 hours. However if you are unsure what to eat for your next meal you may go too long without eating.
So plan and make a list of nutrient and calorie dense foods or meals.
Weight Gain Tip 7 — Gradually Increase Your Calorie Intake
If you don’t eat enough then your body will not be used to eating a lot of food. So take your time as you begin to increase the size of your meals.
Take for example a toast. If you are having one slice for breakfast then try two slices next time.
Eating one egg then try two eggs next time
It’s all about small changes now adding up to huge changes later.
Weight Gain Tip 8 — Eat More Protein-Rich Foods
Productive weight gain comes from increases in muscle mass.
But to do that, you need to supply your body with plenty of protein — the macronutrient which provides you with the building blocks you need for muscle and every other kind of lean tissue in the body
A protein powder supplement is also a convenient way of adding more protein to your diet.
Weight Gain Tip 9 — Eat More Than Your Body Burns
Did you know that every time your body makes any movements, it loses calories? Of course this also depends on the lifestyle you are living and how active you are.
If you are living a busy and hectic lifestyle then your body is burning lots of calories.
For example, if you ate 1,000 calories and, then went to the gym and burnt 1,000 calories then you are back at square one.
Yes that means nothing.
If you are not gaining weight then you might be eating less than your body is burning.
Weight Gain Tip 10 — Exercise
The fundamental thing you need to keep in mind is that if you want to get bigger, you need to get stronger. Some exercises are better suited to help you achieve that than others.
As an underweight individual just starting out at the gym, focus on compound exercises such as:-
Barbell rows Bench press Deadlifts Pull-ups Overhead press Squats
These exercises should make the majority of your training, and your goal should be to get stronger on them progressively
You will be sure to stimulate muscle growth, and, by extension, healthy weight gain
Of course, good nutrition is essential for weight gain, and you can’t disregard it on your journey of getting bigger.
More Fast & Simple Weight Gain Tips & Foods:
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healthadvisor4u · 1 year
Natural Remedies That May Help You Reduce Belly Fat and Lose Weight.
There are many natural remedies that may help you reduce belly fat and lose weight. However, you should also consult your doctor before trying any of them, as they may have side effects or interact with medications. Here are some of the tips that I found from various sources:
Drink lemon juice with warm water every morning on an empty stomach. This may help detoxify your body and boost your metabolism. You can also add some black pepper powder and honey to enhance the fat-burning effect.
2. Eat almonds regularly. They are rich in protein, fiber, vitamin E and healthy fats that may help you feel full, build lean muscle and lower your body mass index (BMI).
3. Drink green tea at least 3-4 times a day. Green tea contains antioxidants and catechins that may increase your energy expenditure and fat oxidation.
4. Include more garlic in your diet. Garlic has anti-obesity properties and may help suppress appetite, regulate blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation.
5. Eat more soluble fiber from fruits, vegetables, legumes, oats and barley. Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel that slows down food digestion and absorption. This may help you reduce belly fat by making you feel satiated and lowering your calorie intake.
6. Avoid trans fats that are found in some margarines, spreads and packaged foods. Trans fats may increase inflammation, insulin resistance and abdominal fat accumulation.
7. Do aerobic exercises like walking, cycling, running, swimming or playing badminton for at least 30 minutes a day. Aerobic exercises may help you burn calories and improve your cardiovascular health.
8. Lift weights or do resistance training at least twice a week. Lifting weights may help you build muscle mass, which in turn may increase your metabolic rate and fat burning.
I hope these tips are helpful for you. Remember to drink plenty of water, get enough sleep and manage your stress levels as well.
Click here to learn more.
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asseweightloss · 1 year
7 Ways to Lose Weight
It’s no secret that obesity rates in America are on the rise. And while there are many factors contributing to this growing problem, one thing is for certain – if you want to lose weight, you need to be proactive about it.
Of course, that’s easier said than done. With work, family, and social obligations, it can be hard to find the time and motivation to hit the gym or cook a healthy meal.
But don’t despair – there are plenty of small changes you can make to your daily routine that will help you shed those unwanted pounds. Here are 7 easy ways to lose weight and get on the path to a healthier you.
1. Cut out processed foods
2. Eat more fruits and vegetables
3. Get enough protein
4. Avoid sugary drinks
5. Avoid refined carbs
6. Get enough sleep
7. Be active
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1. Cut out processed foods
One of the best ways to lose weight is to cut out processed foods. Processed foods are usually high in calories and low in nutrients, so they can contribute to weight gain. They’re also often high in sodium, which can cause water retention and bloating.
To make sure you’re not eating too many processed foods, check the labels when you’re grocery shopping. Avoid anything that has a long list of ingredients, or anything that contains partially hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, or other unhealthy additives.
You should also try to cook more meals at home using fresh ingredients. This can be a bit more time-consuming than buying processed foods, but it’s worth it if you’re trying to lose weight. Homemade meals are usually lower in calories and unhealthy ingredients than their processed counterparts.
If you do eat processed foods, be sure to balance them out with healthy choices. For example, if you have processed food for breakfast, make sure your lunch and dinner are full of fresh, whole foods. And, of course, don’t forget to exercise regularly and stay hydrated!
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2. Eat more fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are not only low in calories, but they are also high in fiber. Fiber helps to keep you feeling full, so you are less likely to overeat. Fruits and vegetables are also high in nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. All of these nutrients are essential for good health.
Eating more fruits and vegetables is one of the best ways to lose weight and improve your health. To make it easy to eat more fruits and vegetables, keep them on hand and make them part of every meal. Add a sliced apple to your oatmeal, top your salad with diced avocado, or eat a side of roasted vegetables with your dinner.
You can also get your fill of fruits and vegetables by drinking them in smoothie form. Add a banana, some berries, and a cup of spinach to your blender and you’ll have a delicious and nutritious smoothie that will help you reach your weight loss goals.
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3. Get enough protein
Getting enough protein can be one of the most effective ways to lose weight. Protein helps to keep you feeling full longer, boosts your metabolism, and helps to build lean muscle mass. All of these factors can lead to weight loss.
How much protein you need depends on your weight, gender, and activity level. The general recommendation is to consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. So, for a 150-pound person that would be about 55 grams of protein per day. Active people or those looking to build muscle may need closer to 1 gram per kilogram of body weight.
You can get protein from a variety of sources, including meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, legumes, nuts, and seeds. It’s important to mix up your sources of protein to get all the essential amino acids your body needs. Aim to include protein at every meal and snack.
If you’re having trouble meeting your protein needs, there are a few supplements you can try. Protein powders, bars, and drinks are convenient and easy ways to increase your intake. Just be sure to choose products that are low in sugar and calories.
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4. Avoid sugary drinks
If you want to lose weight, one of the things you should avoid is sugary drinks. This includes sodas, energy drinks, and even some fruit juices. Though they may seem harmless, these drinks can add a lot of sugar and calories to your diet.
Sugary drinks are often high in calories, but low in nutrients. This means that you can end up taking in a lot of empty calories when you drink them. They can also cause spikes in your blood sugar levels, which can lead to cravings and increased hunger.
If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s best to avoid sugary drinks altogether. You can opt for water, unsweetened tea, or sparkling water instead. These drinks are all low in calories and can help you stay hydrated throughout the day.
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5. Avoid refined carbs
When it comes to weight loss, refined carbs are the enemy. These are the types of carbs that have been processed and stripped of their nutrients, making them essentially worthless in terms of helping your body function.
Refined carbs are found in a lot of processed foods, including white bread, pastries, cakes, and even some healthy-sounding snacks like granola bars. They can also be found in some seemingly healthy foods like fruit juices and sports drinks.
The trouble with refined carbs is that they cause your blood sugar to spike, which leads to sugar cravings and eventually weight gain. They also don’t provide your body with any real nutrition, so you end up feeling hungry soon after eating them.
If you’re serious about losing weight, you need to avoid refined carbs as much as possible. This means making some changes to your diet and being more mindful of the foods you’re eating.
Instead of white bread, opt for whole wheat or grain bread. Choose brown rice over white rice, and steel-cut oats instead of instant oatmeal. If you’re craving something sweet, have a piece of fruit or a small snack that contains natural sugars instead of eating a processed dessert.
It takes a bit of effort to avoid refined carbs, but it’s worth it if you want to lose weight and improve your overall health.
6. Get enough sleep
We all know that defined cheekbones and a slender waistline can make us look fabulous, but what many of us don’t realize is that losing weight can also be beneficial for our health. Getting enough sleep is one way to help boost your metabolism and promote weight loss.
When we’re tired, our bodies tend to make choices that lead to weight gain. For instance, we’re more likely to reach for unhealthy snacks instead of fruits or vegetables, and we’re less likely to have the energy to go for a walk or hit the gym. When we don’t get enough shut-eye, our bodies produce more of the hormone ghrelin, which increases our appetites, and we also have less of the hormone leptin, which tells us when we’re full.
A lack of sleep can also lead to cravings for high-calorie foods. When we’re sleep-deprived, our brains are more likely to crave foods that are high in fat and sugar. This is because these foods give us a quick burst of energy, which is what we need when we’re tired.
So, how much sleep do we need in order to see weight-loss benefits? Experts recommend that adults get seven to eight hours of sleep per night. But, if you’re trying to lose weight, you may need even more. A recent study found that people who slept for nine hours per night and took in fewer calories during the day lost more weight than those who slept for eight hours.
If you’re having trouble sleeping, there are a few things you can do to help yourself fall asleep and stay asleep. First, create a bedtime routine and stick to it. This could include taking a relaxing bath, reading a book, or spending a few minutes writing down your thoughts in a journal. You should also avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed, as these can make it difficult to fall asleep. And, finally, make sure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool—a space that’s conducive to sleep.
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7. Be active
If you want to lose weight, being active is one of the best things you can do. You don’t have to go to the gym to be active; there are tons of other ways to get moving. Here are a few ideas:
• Take a dance class
• Go for a walk or run outside
• Ride your bike
• Do some yard work
• Play with your kids
Being active doesn’t have to be hard work. You can start slow and work your way up. Just remember that the more you move, the more calories you’ll burn, and the more weight you’ll lose.
Losing weight can be a difficult and frustrating process, but it is possible to achieve results by making some simple changes to your lifestyle. By following the tips in this article, you can make a commitment to lose weight and improve your health in the process.
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teacurry733 · 1 year
Justvedic Diabetes Support Drink Mix
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Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that affects millions of people around the world. It can cause numerous health problems, including poor blood sugar control, increased risk of heart disease and stroke, and damage to diabetic protein powder. One of the most important ways to manage diabetes is to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Protein powder is a popular dietary supplement that can diabetes powder their blood sugar levels and stay healthy. But not all protein powders are created equal. Some are made with unhealthy ingredients, while others are specifically protein shakes for diabetics. In this guide, we’ll explain the benefits of diabetic protein powder, discuss the types of protein powder available, and provide tips on choosing the right product for you.Diabetes powder is a dietary supplement made from a blend of natural ingredients that are known to be beneficial for people with diabetes. protein drinks for diabetics to be taken in addition to a balanced diet and exercise program, and is designed to help manage blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of complications from diabetes. The main components of diabetes powder include various vitamins and minerals, such as chromium, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D, as well as herbs like ginseng, fenugreek, and best protein powder for diabetics. It is important to note that some of these ingredients have not been studied extensively, so the effects may vary from person to person. However, the general consensus is that they can help to reduce the impact of diabetes on the body. diabetic milk powder, the body is able to better regulate blood sugar levels and maintain a healthy weight. This helps to reduce the risk of developing diabetes-related complications, such as neuropathy, retinopathy, and sugar free protein powder diabetes. It can also reduce the risk of hypoglycemia, a dangerous condition in which the body has an abnormally low level of sugar in the blood.Protein powder can be a helpful dietary supplement for diabetic patients. Protein helps the body to maintain lean muscle mass, making it an important part of a healthy diet for anyone, but especially for those with diabetes. Protein can help to regulate blood sugar levels and can help to reduce hunger between meals. protein powder for diabetic patients can be a convenient way to increase protein intake, as it can be added to smoothies, shakes, and other drinks. When selecting protein powder, it is important to read the label carefully and make sure that the product is low in sugar, fat and sodium. Diabetics should also be aware that some protein powders are high in carbohydrates, resource diabetic powder consumed should be monitored carefully. Additionally, those with diabetes should be mindful of protinex powder sugar free in the protein powder, as some may contain sugar or artificial sweeteners. In conclusion, protein powders can be a helpful dietary supplement for diabetic patients, but it is important to make sure that it is low in sugar, fat and sodium, and be mindful of the ingredients. It can be a convenient way to increase protein intake and help regulate blood sugar levels.
Diabetic powder is a type of nutritional supplement specifically designed to help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar levels. It is made from a combination of different nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, herbs, and plant extracts. The powder is typically mixed with water or juice and taken once or twice a day.
The main benefit of diabetic protinex sugar free price to stabilize blood sugar levels. People with diabetes often suffer from highs and lows in their blood sugar levels, which can lead to serious health problems. By taking diabetic powder, the levels can be maintained within a normal range.
homemade diabetic powder also helps to improve overall health by providing a balanced mix of nutrients. The vitamins, minerals, and herbs contained in the powder can help to prevent deficiencies and support the immune system. Additionally, the herbs and plant extracts provide antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and may help protect against some forms of cancer.
Finally, diabetic powder can help to reduce cravings for sugary and unhealthy foods, making it easier to stick to a healthy diet. The nutrients in the powder can also help to reduce hunger and make it easier to control portion size.Protinex Sugar Free is available in a variety of sizes and prices depending on where it is purchased. It is available in 200g and 500g pouches for Rs.165 and Rs.340 respectively on Amazon. It is also available in 1kg pouch for Rs.490 on Flipkart. Prices may vary from store to store.
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