#leafpool and her many lovers
egretwing · 4 months
i really want leaf x cody joining tc in my rewrite but also leafcrow needs to happen for plot but also i love leafhawk 😭😭
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bonefall · 1 year
I wanted to ask something queer because it’s pride month but I can’t think of anything… do you have any queer bb rewrite stuff to talk about?
HERE, have a queer jumble of a bunch of the gay changes in BB;
As far back as DOTC, Thunder Storm was transmasc. His childhood best friend is also his lover; Lightning Cry.
There is a third gender in Clan Culture; Meewa. Gray Wing was Meewa and to this day, the role is associated with parenthood and wisdom.
Bumble and Turtle Heart were mates.
The Clanmew parental terms are decoupled from gender; the Mi is the primary parent, a Ba is a secondary.
For an example; Breezepelt is the Mi of his litters, Harestar and Heathertail were both Ba.
In Clanmew, Harestar had so many Ys in his warrior name (Yywayayiaoyyr) that Breezepelt got the kits to call him Yya.
Bluestar was queer. She had strange relationships with almost everything personal, but the only thing that matters is how much she LOVED her friends and how far she would go for them
The entire Forget-me-not friend group was queer in some ways.
And Bluestar’s friend Rosetail, turns out she's aromantic!
She loves romance, matchmaking, but eventually realized she doesn't like being in one. She just likes the idea a lot.
So of course Thistleclaw was PISSED when his sister claimed Queen’s Rights and adamantly refused to name a father.
She matched up her son Redtail with Runningwind, I like to think she was a very "when am i getting grandkits" kind of mom
Redtail was trans, but also gave birth to his children. That was Sandstorm and Longtail.
Redtail's transness was why Bluestar gave Dustpaw to him, she could see that Dust was working something out and hoped that Red would help
Dustpelt is genderqueer! He doesn't conform to the expectations of toms for his society; construction is largely a molly activity.
One-eye was a legendary builder in her time. It was a high honor when she came out of retirement to mentor him, when she was nearly 20 years old no less!
Cinderpelt was a lesbian, but there wasn't really anyone in the Clan she was interested in. Meh.
I do want to write a little scene where she goes to BloodClan to learn about mobility devices to help Wildfur, and has an AWOOGA moment at Cody
Leafpool and Mothwing are in love with each other, and look forward to every meeting. But they serve their Clans above all. The yearning.
I am very partial to Daisy x Squirrelflight, loooong in the future, after Squirrelflight has found fulfillment in her family and mentorships.
Conversely the untapped potential of Spiderleg x Bramblestar is unmatched. Nightmare husbands, this is the funniest thing I've ever heard of
Heartbreaking! the worst people you know have gotten gay married
Brokenstar and Runningnose were so gay I don't even have words for it, there's homosexual and then there's whatever the hell is going on over there
"My childhood best friend is a manifested curse and I would do anything for him, so I dedicated my whole life to becoming a more ruthless and brutal asset to serve his wants and desires, rejecting the stars and walking into the netherworld with glee, and only finding that it is hell because he isn't there. When you look between us, it's impossible to tell which of us was the monster, and which was the man, and yet I have never made a choice that I wouldn't make again."
Blackstar was aromantic! Russetfur was his lifelong best friend and partner, her death devastated him
He had flings and friends with benefits, though. Specifically, he's homosexual/aromantic.
Russetfur was gay too, I'm not sure if she ever had a wife though
I haven't drawn her yet but I see her as butch. Also she had large eyebrows.
Rowanclaw, honor sired for Newtspeck, was transtom
His apprentice, Talonclaw, survived the mauling because Smokefall did not die in the mountain this time around! They had a summer wedding
Irony struck when Rowan's kid Tigerheart also ended up being trans, but transmolly
Funny coincidence that everyone around Rowan ends up being queer
Tigerheart, who later becomes Heartstar, was in love with Dovewing from the moment they were apprentices on the Beaver Quest, before she even hatched
Dovewing dated Bumblestripe, even choosing him and ThunderClan over the instability of running off with Tigerheart
But when she got pregnant she SKEDADDLED
Lightleap and Shadowsight are biologically Bumble's, but Heartstar adopted them immediately
Heartstar is incredibly smug about this. "My wife. My kids. Cry about it"
Ivypool went through something similar, in a pretty bad relationship with Blossomfall and eventually getting with Fernsong
Only Fernsong is NOT smug, he's an ex-kittypet who joined during ThunderClan's Tempest and BOY HOWDY did he not want to make waves
But now he's dating the deputy's grandchild (thru Lionblaze), has an angry Blossomfall on his ass, and.... it's worth it lmao, have you seen his wife? Marvelous
He is the Mi of the children, this is the life for him
Thriftear and Plumstone are gay
Over in RiverClan, Hawkfrost and Reedwhisker were an item and were going to get serious... but then, well. Hawkfrost went through TNP and ended up dead.
In SkyClan, Violetshine, Dragonfly, and Tree are a polycule
I'm not quite sure what's going on with Echosong, Leafstar, and Billystorm. But Leaf and Billy are together, and I think Leaf has a thing with Echo. But Echo and Billy are not together, and Echo isn't involved with the kittens.
This isn't a queer thing but Sharptooth's wife Cherrytail was spayed. I think Hawkwing and co were surrogated by Echosong, but I'm not sure yet
But I do know that Cherry did not birth those kittens
Over in WindClan, I combined Jake and Sparrow into one character. Tallstar’s Collapse is reworked into Talltail traveling around with him and his group, until ultimately, he realizes it's not that easy to leave his Clan behind
I want to approach it as a tragedy, that he couldn't stay somewhere he was truly loved and happy
He was raising kids with Jake, two orphans they found. One of them followed him, even though he tried to tell him to stay with Jake and his sibling
That kid becomes Flytail, and then Flylight as an honor title
Sunstrike and Furzepelt are gay, and Furze is going to be an AVOS save thanks to Brushblaze, Breezepelt, Harestar, Heathertail, Crowfeather, and two more cats I haven't picked yet
Speaking of Brushblaze, Leo is an ex-BloodClan trader who joined WindClan to be with Onewhisker
It fell apart and he's been bitter about it ever since
Onestar is a disaaaaaaaster
He had a fling with Firestar before Fire realized he was aromantic, and it never would have worked anyway since Firestar was leading a clan
He always had an excuse for why he wasn't doing PDA with Brush, but while he was going through apprenticeship (despite being a qualified adult cat, very frustrating) Onewhisker was seeing Smoke
I kinda just want to remove Onewhisker having Whitetail as a mate entirely, I already fixed the apprenticeship thing but I kinda just like him having someone honor dam for him and he raised Heathertail alone
And lastly, Firestar
Firestar is totally aromantic.
He honor sired Sandstorm's kittens and raised them with her, because she is a deeply reliable friend and ally. They're in a QPR!
There's definitely a couple I missed (toadnettlepool, Sedgecreek x Greenflower) but that's enough for now
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carcinogenlc · 5 months
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horizons come and go and eyes pretend . . .
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hello! i am serce, and this blog is dedicated to my creations, exeperiences, and will also include talks about my interests.
currently, i'm primarily working on my flag pixels :]
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pixel requests ﹕ open .ᐟ
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flag pixel masterlist → flag pixel rules
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about me below!
serce, 0282, or ora!
it/its, shi/hir, he/him, or she/her
warrior cats lover and number one rain world lore enthusiast!
i am a c-did system with many parts. as a result, i am very forgetful.
rentry (wip) ﹒ flag hoard ﹒ working on pronouns.cc
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character ﹕ leafpool
artwork ﹕ all official art. post & profile banner are polish, and pfp is russian.
card suit dividers ﹕ @//cafekitsune
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We Should Have Drowned Our Love in the River: A HawkLeaf AU
Summary: Instead of meeting Crowfeather, Leafpool is introduced to Mothwing's brother, Hawkfrost. Even after their love meets a sudden, violent end, the consequences nearly destroy everything ThunderClan's medicine cat loves.
Main relationships: HawkfrostxLeafpool, BrambleclawxSquirrelflight
Tags/Warnings: Unhealthy relationships, emotional manipulation, major character death, graphic description of violence, loss of faith
Link to work on AO3
Chapters: Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Leafpool had played many roles in her life: sister, daughter, mother, apprentice, healer, oracle. They had taken her down more paths than she could count. She had seen far off lands in the mountains; met cats who spoke in lilted voices and blended in with the ice-cold stone to confuse their prey. She spoke to her ancestors, who warned of dire conflict through twisted prophecies and murky visions. She stood beside her sister when the world wanted to forget Squirrelflight’s role in saving the Clans and finding their new home – all because Squirrelflight stood beside her when Leafpool had nowhere else to go. She made her mentor and family proud – and surely disappointed them too. But they loved her and she them just the same. But of all the roles Leafpool fulfilled in her too-short yet somehow too-long life, only one had her creeping through moonlit dew at the edge of StarClan’s hunting grounds, heart pounding in her chest so loudly she was sure Sorreltail could hear it where she left her sleeping. Lover. The young spirit peered out at the meadow, the flowers still and forever in bloom. She tried to appreciate the beauty of the glen, but she couldn’t help but glance over at the yawning darkness in the background. Wilting bracken lined the bottoms of the trees, creating a stark border between the valley and decaying woods. And though the Dark Forest had been silent for several seasons now, part of Leafpool still feared it would spew out the ghosts of vicious, damned warriors, determined to stain StarClan’s silver valleys with red. As she mustered up the courage to step farther into the field, she caught movement coming from the edge of the wood. She froze, tense and ready for a fight, before letting out a sigh. Only Hawkfrost. The tom quickly spotted her, his eyes sparkling like chips of ice. Leafpool watched as he bounded over, purring; as he tried to push his head against hers, she jerked back, only seeing the angry wound in his throat, still scarlet red as if the fatal injury had been dealt just this morning. “I hate that you still have that,” she said simply. Hawkfrost shrugged. “StarClan cats may be able to return to the time they’re happiest, but I don’t have that luxury.”
She swallowed the lump in her throat. “But you could have.”
For a moment, it looked as though Hawkfrost was growing angry, but he sighed, his shoulders sagging. “There’s no point wishing the past could change, Leafpool. We both know that.”
“I know,” she longed to lean against him, and let their tabby-and-white fur blend together, but she remained still. “We shouldn’t be meeting like this.”
“C’mon!” he laughed. “We’re not two starstruck lovers, sneaking out of our camps anymore. There’s no code up here that says we can’t speak.”
“StarClan wouldn’t exactly be thrilled if they saw me here, though.”
“StarClan aren’t exactly thrilled with a lot of things you’ve done, dear.” He laughed again at her glare. “And here I thought my wit was what won you over all those moons ago.”
Leafpool turned away. “That was a different time. Before you- before things changed.”
Hawkfrost fell silent at that, staring at the smaller cat. He sat down next to her, settling in the long grass. “Leafpool,” he dragged out her name, as if saying it too quickly would frighten her away. “Please – let’s not talk about that now. Not here. Your father forgave me.”
Leafpool’s head snapped around, eyes blazing. “He didn’t forgive you, Hawkfrost. He just stopped StarClan from killing you off for good. If you were forgiven, you’d be with me.” Where you promised you’d be, she stopped herself from saying out loud.
She watched as Hawkfrost hung her head and couldn’t stop the pang in her chest at the regret filling his eyes. Suddenly, she blurted out: “Is there something I could have done to stop it?”
Hawkfrost sighed. “No. You did all you could- you almost did stop it, but I told you: by the time I realized, it was too late.” He rubbed a large paw against his forever-wound, wincing. “And trust me, I’ll never forget how much of a fool I was for throwing away the life I could have had with you. The life I could have had with our kits.”
“I wish you could have met them,” she muttered. “Properly, I mean. As their father.”
“Do you think Hollyleaf will ever come with-”
“No,” Leafpool snapped. “I told you, Hawkfrost, she doesn’t want that. And I won’t force her. Our mistakes have harmed her enough. That goes for Lionblaze and Jayfeather when they reach StarClan, too.”
“‘Course,” the tom grunted. “Though I did get to spend some time with Lionblaze. Positive time, I mean.”
Leafpool curled her lip. “You call training our son in bloodlust ‘positive time’?”
“Well I enjoyed it.”
“You’re incorrigible.”
“Sometimes I think that’s what made you fall for me.”
Leafpool stared at the flowers ahead, her face burning with annoyance. Only when you used that stubborn personality for good. Not to rip everything apart in a desperate attempt to please the father he never knew. She blinked back tears as she realized: Hawkfrost had drowned his own future with his children in bloodlust that had grown out of a desperation to bond with a father who had missed out on his life because of his own evil path.
She could only thank every ancestor she knew that Lionblaze had broken the cycle with his children. And Jayfeather, though coarse, was one of the most compassionate healers she knew. But Hollyleaf… the brutal weight of it all had broken her and sent her spiraling dangerously close to the edge. Now the young warrior rested in StarClan, clearly wanting to be with her mother but not knowing how to wade through the misery and resentment to make it to Leafpool’s side.
Just like I am with Hawkfrost.
“What thoughts are racing through that brilliant head of yours?” the tom in question asked, breaking Leafpool out of her trance. She hesitated, not wanting this meeting to yet again end in an argument over things neither of them could do anything about.
“Just… thinking about Hollyleaf,” she said lamely. “She just seems so lonely. I mean, she’ll spend time with me or my parents, but… well, all her friends are still below. And even though there aren’t any borders up here, I think she struggles to trust strangers.”
Hawkfrost nodded. “Well, from what little I saw, she always seemed independent. I mean, it was usually just her brothers she spent her time with.”
“And Cinderheart.”
“Your mentor?” “No – well, yes, technically – not anymore though. Lionblaze’s mate.”
“Mm.” Hawkfrost looked up at the black sky. “She looks so much like Tadpole, you know.”
“I wish I could have met him.” “Me too.” Another stretch of silence settled between them until Hawkfrost gave himself a small shake, as if dispelling the grief Leafpool knew he still held onto over his long-lost brother. “Do you remember when we met?”
Leafpool let out a purr. “Which time? The time you properly introduced yourself or the time you almost tore me apart for having the audacity to speak to Mothwing about medicine cat business in your… magnificent warrior presence?”
“So I’m not known for positive first impressions…”
“That much can be said.” She looked up at him, feeling a flicker of the love that had brought her to the border of RiverClan and ThunderClan so many times.
“But I am good at lasting impressions.”
“Oh, Hawkfrost. That’s quite the understatement.”
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squishy-rocks · 4 years
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Evil Hollyleaf AU
Guess who made another AU?? That's right, this gal
This time it's with one of my favourite characters, Hollyleaf, so lets waste no time and get into it
In this AU everything is normal up until the fire scene, the truth comes out and Holly is beyond crushed. She spent her whole life living by the warrior code to find out not only is her existence against the warrior, but medicine cat code as well. This breaks Holly and after the fire she finds Ashfur and asks to have a talk, and discusses how she wishes to make Squirrelflights a living hell so she can pay to lying to her for so long, Ash happily agrees and so they join together, hatching their plan.
First off they decide they want to tell the truth, so agree on announcing it at the gathering. They decide Ashfur will do it while Holly sits silently. As the truth is being told and chaos ensues, Holly catches Leafpool running away, and she decides to take the next step. Holly sneaks her way into the camp and into the medicine den, and asks Leafpool to eat the berries, when Leafpool gives her speech about living is worse for her Holly informs her she isn't the one who she wants to hurt, and pins Leaf down, forcing the death berries into her mouth, running off as Squirrel enters the den, and the clan decides Leafpool took her own life out of grief. 
Holly and Ash take great pleasure in seeing their chaos they've made. They're next order of business is Firestar, Ash had gotten one of his lives before with fox traps, but Brambleclaw interrupted, but this time they'd make sure Bramble would never know, they decided to use the fox trap again and kill Firestar as many times as it takes, and that Holly will "Find Ash" and they'll get him banished. They're mission is successful, and due to Hollys loyalty, and turning Ash in, Bramble makes her deputy, even if he is still bitter over her not being his. This works perfectly for Holly.
At some point Holly falls ill and is in the medicine den for awhile, and Jayfeather enters her memories, only to find what she's being doing, and plotting. Jayfeather is horrified but Holly points out that she's his sister, they have no real parents, they were lied to. Is he really going to rat her out? This scares Jayfeather into silence, giving Holly a new scene of control and confidence knowing Jay wont speak up in fear of one of his only family leaving.
Ash and Hollys next move is starting war between Thunderclan and Windclan, tensions are high, and now is perfect, they find Crowfeather and convince him Bramble killed his long lost lover, Leafpool, this out rages Crow and he gets in a fight with Bramble, taking one of his lives and Crow loosing his own, not what the two planned but it worked perfect, not only had Squirrels ex mate lost a life, a friend had lost his only life. Holly watched silently as Bramble lost lives, and planned with Ash, only to hear the news of the great battle, and knew her next steps. In the battle Holly had 2 targets, Tawnypelt, Brambles sister and Squirrels friend,and Bramblestar. With the help of Ashfur they take down Tawny, and during the battle, Holly convinces Hawkfrost to kill Bramble with their help. Hawkfrost pretends to go to kill Holly and Bramble steps in, as he's about to attack Hawkfrost Holly and Ash pin him down, as Hawk kills his half brother, taking his last life.
As the battle ends Thunderclan realises Bramblestar is dead, and that Holly is the new leader. Jayfeather reluctantly takes his sister to the moonpool where she gets her 9 lives, and as she returns her 1st act is to rejoin Ashfur into the clan and appoint him deputy, and anyone who disagrees can leave. The clan all stays silent, though not happy. The two finally have Thuderclan, and have made Squirrleflights life a living hell, but Holly isnt done. She catches Squirrel alone at the river, and strikes, telling her how all her friends deaths are her fault, and she deserves it as she kills her. Holly drags her back crying, yowling how she attacked first, and acting broken. As she retreats to her den Ash asks if its true and Holly laughs, saying of course it wasnt, that Holly just killed her, Ash is appalled, he didn't want Squirrel to die!He threatens to tell everyone until Holly steps in front of him, reminding him that he helped her do all this, and that she would kill him next. Ash, in shock, backs down and stays silent, in fear under Hollys control. She has successfully lured her brother and deputy into silence, and no cat is of the wiser, she is the leader, and nothing can change that, and she will punish any rule breaker..
SO yeah thats my long as hell AU lol, just wanted  to make an evil Holly AU where she teams up with Ash, and accidentally turned it into her becoming full evil and scaring cats into silence of her crims
She 100% goes to the dark forest btw and dosent understand why
I really do hope y'all like it! Sorry for the lack of uploads 
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doritopaw101 · 4 years
This was another great chapter and it shows that Icebelly will probably have around 20 mates by the end of the first arc. Also are Leafpool and Squirrelflight still gonna exist in this AU? Also what do you think of them? They're my favourite characters and they deserve the world after what canon did to them. And because i could see Leaf and Squirrel taking after Icebelly in how many cats fall for them. Like Leaf is a she-cat magnet and the she-cats love her but all the toms fall for Squirrel.
Icebelly is a magnet. He’s like me, nb pan and poly. I have a whole list of lovers and flings just for him. He’ll have lovers from every clan and I do mean every clan (I.e. Skyclan when I get to rewriting Firestar’s quest it’s basically going to be Ice tearing Starclan a new asshole with Goosefeather’s help). In the next chapter we see him with Rookslash, Cypressflower, Duststorm, and Nettlesong and maybe some other clan love on the side.
Yes, they will exist in their amazing glory. I love them both so much. I would die for either of them. And you’re right saying canon definitely screwed them both over especially squirrelflight. Squirrelflight’s hope did things to me. The whole trail thing was bullshit and don’t even get me started on the Bramblesquirrel thing cause I will screech tell the cows come home. When I write chapters for them they are getting better goals and relationships.
Leaf and Squirrel are having different designs cause Ice albino and Sandstorm has a slight different design than canon. They might have different names too. Y’all aren’t ready for the design I have for Leafpool. You can guess easily for Squirrelflight’s design.
Leaf will be a disaster bi and Squirrel will be pan as hell. From the amount of ships for each of these mollies alone and the amount of ocs and canon cats their gonna be by the end of this arc, it’s going to be a field day. Y’all can debate who will get with them.
Keep up the questions, I’ve thought too much about this and need to get it out without too much spoilers.
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rorykillmore · 6 years
& who do u see some of ur possible characters falling in with, like what kinda friends, enemies, lovers would you predict etc
me immediately: who all was i thinking of apping again?
mmm to keep it simple i’ll just stick to charlene, jessica, cordelia, irina, and nightcloud
with charlene it honestly kind of depends who ends up showing an interest in her school/coven/suspiria plots in general. fate and i have already talked about her and lee being friends! despite charlene being... a legitimate danger, they’re the right brand of extra to get along and appreciate each other, and i think she’d be very content to kind of just have him in her life and keep that separate from her supernatural identity. whether or not that ever comes to light is a different story, but.......
it’d also be interesting to see her with kira if only because they’re the two characters on denny right now who are both pretending to be natives
i’m trying to think of any more artistically inclined characters she’d seek out... do we have a lot right now??  weirdly i feel like charlene and maeve might get along, although maeve would probably ultimately be one of those people who kinda starts to feel that something’s a bit off about charlene’s situation.
she’d definitely be interested in other magic users to an extent, but she’s more about growing the ranks of her own coven than comparing other brands of it. any like... supernatural hunters or whatnot might qualify as enemies, and as for lovers... honestly i don’t know? charlene is one of those characters who could like. either have a totally normal relationship with someone that’s separate from her witch life (bewitched plot!) or just fall into something with someone totally supernatural. both could be interesting...
jess i haven’t really thought about much outside of her canonmates. although just on principle it’d be fun to throw her at people around her age. maybe like maive (i feel like jessica and maive would be a disaster) or like, people a couple years older (lee) or a couple years younger (the heathers cast)? it might also be interesting to see her with like, some of the beacon heights people if she ends up there (idk she might move to like a college dorm, Living It Up) or with a character who’s a bit older who can serve as a good role model for her or who she could lean on to help her cope with some of her more serious trauma stuff.
if she gets into proper monster hunting stuff someday then it’d be interesting to see her make enemies of a few characters of that nature... ie like, valak if eps were to ever app him, 
and she already has a boyfriend so she wouldn’t be in the market for that!
cordelia, well, it would really depend. if i try her then fate might try david rain, who is a character who used to be her best friend way back on old denny. they went through a LOT together and had a very complicated but close relationship and so the idea would be for them to like?? via vague remaining hints of their old site history, have to work out what the significance of their relationship was and reestablish it anew. i really really like that idea tbh.
the only character she knew who is still on denny, apart from that, is sasuke. which... is bound to be sad, because she wouldn’t remember him, and at the point i’m apping her from like... she’d be a bit different than how she developed on denny. on denny, she got really immersed in akatsuki stuff (kind of the original site vigilante presence) but a post-canon delia would be a little more... less eager to get involved with other people’s affairs. as the supreme she’s really more concerned with her own coven. my point here was that she’d be a little leery of sasuke and of the Previous Her in general, but in general maybe that could stir up a bit of controversy. because supremes have SO much power and influence and delia’s not a bad person, but she has a lot of reasons not to just want to use it heedlessly for people she’s not sworn loyalty to, short of like, stepping in to prevent an apocalypse, 
maybe it’d be interesting to see her with ratchet since like... they’d both be characters who had really famous old site legacies that they now have to contend with and be ??? about
idk who else it’d be interesting to see her with. maybe damien? given that he’s the antichrist. depending on whether i take her from apocalypse, she’d certainly have uh, Opinions on that. i also feel like amaya would remind delia of misty a bit, and in general because she’s so chill and warm, amaya just seems like the kind of person cordelia would really click with
i’d also feel obligated to throw her at peter pan, for old time’s sake,
god i could probably go on because cordelia has a lot of potential but ill just wrap this up by saying it’d be interesting to get her involved in a romance plot! she never really had one on old!denny, in spite of how long i played her, and she deserves something nice after her uh. Terrible canon marriage
irina is so tricky and unpredictable. i genuinely have no idea who she’d bond with or rub up against YET because she’s pretty far back in my list of characters to get to still and because she’s just the kind of character you have to feel things out more naturally with. she can be very. well. unpredictable. but it’d definitely be interesting to see her with denny’s criminal crowd? like fucking. tomy, who she’d have no idea what to make of, but probably be obligated to do business with at some point. or jack, because i feel like irina and jack could be Very dangerous (maybe she’ll let him off easy because he shares a name with her husband!) or some of denny’s more ‘moral’ criminal crowd like daisuke or giorno or even someone who has a past with that kinda stuff like laurel. she can just mom all of them,
i really want to say more because this could be interesting but again it’s hard for me to predict right now who irina would... genuinely take to and who she’d just kinda see as a temporary ally or pawn, and where her allegiance would fall in general
and nightcloud, naturally, would probably be most predominantly concerned with the warrior cats! and maybe some other animal characters too? firstly, it depends on what clan she’d end up with. i was playing with two different ideas, one where she goes to lionclan and ends up a bit of an outcast because she’s... nowhere near as desensitized to this as a lot of them are at this point (and on top of that, most of lionclan is thunderclan... not her favorite clan ever... ). if she did that she’d probably isolate herself a bit. i could see her having a very complicated relationship with hollyleaf, because she’s crowfeather and leafpool’s kid, and that’s still a bit of a sore subject. but part of nightcloud would probably also... reluctantly feel for hollyleaf, who most definitely suffered because of that situation too. her and ivypool could also be interesting because they have kind of suffered through similar feelings of rejection (albeit in different contexts) and self-doubt, and also nightcloud... might be the only one who knows about dark forest stuff at this point? but she’s also inclined to be pretty sympathetic because of how close to was to breezepelt and his situation. as for sunbird and firepaw, i feel like they’d luck out and nightcloud would actually be pretty fond of them without too many complications. firepaw still kind of the Baby of the clan and she’s inherently a Mom and despite the fact that he’s firestar she’d be like “okay shut up about his destiny we have to Protect him”. and sunbird’s a medicine cat apprentice and thus she’s a little less inclined to be initially “grr clan boundaries” about him in the first place
the other option is she goes to tigerclan! either to spy on them or to try to like, dismantle tigerstar’s power from the inside (now isn’t that ironic, tigerstar dealing with a traitor in that context) because she has his number. that relationship would obviously be very... tense and distrusting on her side even if she tried not to show it. also, i feel like foxfire and nightcloud would be a disaster to end all disasters. foxfire can be such an asshole and nightcloud has such a temper. but over time i feel like maybe they’d begrudgingly... grow on each other? which could be really fun to play with. mothpaw is another cat nightcloud would probably take to very quickly and feel pretty maternal about, but that would very much be complicated by how close mothpaw is to tigerstar and how unlikely she is to turn on him. generally the gist here is that nightcloud would go to tigerclan intending to betray them, and become increasingly conflicted when her clanmates themselves earn her loyalty. maybe it’d end in tragedy anyway because she’s found out and banished, idk
she might also be interesting with some other animal characters? as for humans, she’s going to be a bit grumpy about them to start out with, but i think there are a few she’d be able to... relate to, which could be interesting
also give her a better mate than crowfeather pls and thanks,
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bonefall · 2 years
Will hollyleaf have bpd in your rewrite? I personally hced her that way because of how intense her emotions seemed to be and how much i related to her. I personally hc her having both bpd and autism.
I considered Hollyleaf pretty heavily, but ultimately I decided against it because of the role she's playing in my rewrite
Her story is something of a villain arc, turning towards revenge and eschewing diplomacy because of how often it's completely backfired on her. Betrayal and being wronged by people she trusted is a massive part of this story, leading her to nearly maul Sedgepaw (wc equivalent of 13 year old), kill Ashfur, threaten Leafpool and Squirrelflight, and even more things that I'm adding over time
As a writer making narrative decisions, I don't think that's a story I want to tell for a character that has the, "I'm unreasonably afraid that people will betray me" disorder. It seems kind of cruel, especially keeping the 'Evil Scorned Lover' stereotype in mind; it feels too close for comfort to the most harmful BPD trope out there
It's a good suggestion though and I did consider it! The headcanon is also super valid, my rewrite just has too many specific changes that I feel intersect with it badly.
There will be at least 3 characters total with BPD. I'm committed to making sure it's a diverse range.
(Cinderheart is one of them btw very excited about this)
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